HomeMy WebLinkAboutSUB CONTRACTOR AGREEMENTSMayrides Residence PERMIT# I I y O S-- ©l 6 Port St. Lucie the Plumbing (Type of Trade) W. Zanello ISSUE DATE SERVICES Compliance Division AGRIEEWNT RECEIVED JUN 2 5 2019 ST. Lucie County BY St. Lucie Countv have agreed to be for Villadelta Construction Corp LLC (Primary Contractor) For the project located at _9632 Enclave Circle, rax ID #3322 200-0012-000- (Project Street Address rProperty Tax ID #) It is understood that, if there is any change project, the Building and Code Regulation filing of a Change of Sub -contractor notice. RACEOR SIGNATURE (Qualifier) ` 'PRINTNAI%IE regarding our participation with the above mentioned isic n of St. Lucie County will be advised pursuant to the COUNTY CERTIFICATION NUMBER State of Florida, County of Sl . Vut. Q The foregoing instrument has sig�n�eed-befo/re we t�hiisZ sday of 11,E 20�by /7✓/�Ll+n /w }rho is personally Imown _or bas produced a as idcntiGcation.11 /Z/ Prat Name O:Myr n.e •� • Julyi%2019 t_ N0."t 99,82 Revised 11/162016 -"-/t UD, ��iigTF OF OR SIGNATURE (Qualifier) sty W. Zanello PRINCNAME 19739 COUNTY CERTIFICATION NUMBER State of Florida, County of St Lucie The foregoing instrumen ''t nnwas signed befo1re/one thiss F day of 2UJy bb. �ri% W. Zdaell0 , 09,ro a is personally -mown v or has produced a aciddenntificutionn.0uq. STAMP Signature of Notary Public `�or�odi+ + I)aRlelle BI lin JDW115t1% B15/i/t ;wCOMMISSION IFF901199 EXPIRES August 25.2019 Print Name of Notary-btic lyry,(1pnONNOTMY.COM PERMIT # 1 �1 O � � � 1 � ISSUE DATE .ti fib d 's Ed's Electric Inc the Electrical {Type o'Trade) For the projectlocatedat f Building & Name) It is understood that, if there is any change of project, the Building and Code Regulation filing of a Change of Sub -contractor notice. ,"-�7X-11 ORSIG\ATIJRE'[QuaiiTier) i lP TNANIE COUNTY CERTIFICATION NUIBER State of Florida, County or SF Ail C T11e foregoing instrument w• signed before me this 69 day of JIAt .2019.bv kritib who is personnlly known or has produced a M 1A &t D4Q'D as identification f Signaturgjo Diary Public t' &YY Y. trit- _ Print Name of Natsry Public tyre_ MARK RENO CRUZ ?°.F`a�`� Notary Public - State of I n�,v[� Commission. GG 325 jp My Comm. Expires Apr 11 Revised 11!16P-016 Bonded through 8aliona: %ota. JOY t ENT SERVICES Compflance Division s PERMIT OR AGREEI sNT ST. JUN 2 5 2019 BY St. Lucie County I ave agreed to be for \/ t (t�S"ftlkckc \ � �4 (Primary Contractor) ID =) regarding our paiticipation with the above mentioned of St. Lucie County will be advised pursuant to the SUB -CONTRACTOR SIGNATURE tudifier) l Edward June PRINiT NAdiE COUN\'rY CERTIFICATION NUMBEr- State of Florida, County of St Lucie 33 The foregoing instrumentias signed before me tb' �_uavor 20 L b?' i who is person 3,known�or has produced as identification. wamreorNm ryPubic co .... Stacey Garcia Print Name of Notary Public k M —M 0 O� c N n To: Deanna or Aubrey Page 4 of 4 3 41- 3 2019-10-0717:21:41 (GMT) From: Robert P. Dudley Maimides Roldetnee FE>tanr ce IsstsE 6A7E ..n PLANNING &D1 YELOPMENTSERVICES _ = ' Building & k4jW Compliance Mvision s BaijOING PERMIT SUB-CANTf 4CTf3R +IGRFUUENT SCANNED St. Luce County a have agreed ro be ;Cawpany Nutu.�Rndi+9lYutNance) she fit-tfNlt3 r.l�. Sob-calpaactor for ._...Vi1lzde1ta Camtruction Corp LLC (�T&;)(TtPO) e• •.•_ {i'ZtflT3ti'j'tMlrrd+:tOrj For the proj= tocatcd at —9d19. L-nclave Grcle, tax lD $5.X22-20tf-00 t2.400-! WrrajUl'WO Ad Ul t'sN qi PtM)My 73A II) KI it is understood that, if therc ,s any change Of st=q rrSmrding our parritoipatictra with the aboi'e r»entianed project, the ouimrtg arid, Code Rephtion Nrisiop of St Lucie County will be advised prorsuatat to the rilingofa -har:geo£Sub-coatrapxrnotice. r V�rlNr�r�fiY�ti�{t'rti�]{.fy�.�� MIN I < eu+vry tt�xrnrrarui� �e�m>ri �- yamof SSdf-['cxrrit+itT f.NAii7,�ti�euyGrr) 1 gLYr svxti3, roc .v�irr�nr nxr-a`<ttrx �I�:ussx Rlrlcal linaida. r'�ur.q id ":".� G i�� a 1➢r Wryni�i.uimwNxap a'aM btbrrpri➢1, or T➢e � ,.1 ��i' r+TaF'+ioe iarratmrva�tfgpeafHare mr viw"__.by .t r, i w➢a..a prrsm.at hapra cTAmp»11Ycrdn r'�..�r1rY EiA %+ '�J xta 15 rwanarb 14�0=4r has pro*xr .. xt ideA _ rrad.'u,+r YaLPc '- 3ftw*ar:.'Ype `,,1 ,`. Q�4.. YKsf }wweaf4ew WWr € HONDA LAfPEttTY } rl6. FF'fiXf7C- :: �:MYi.06�"1$k,�reL=;eke 3 s fj- ��''*�.°Fi�: OCT 7 2019 Permitting Department St. Lucie County, FL To: SLC Page 2 of 3 2019-12-05 17:26:52 (GMT) From: Robert P. Dudley nRMT# ISSUE QATE PLANNING c& DEVELOPMENT SVRVIC F,,q Building & Code Compliance Division $UILU[NG PER.ktIT MMaYrWes Residence SCANNED BY St. Lucie County (L'vn)pgtq+.A7;irne!ladavidaul e) '� - ..--•-- ..— have agreed to be the — i �---Sub-contzactorfor Villadelta Construction Corp t.CC f7-ypc nf7radc) iPe'itanry C'vuttaatur) For the project located at _ 9632 Enclave Cimle, Tax ID N3322-200,0012-ow-1 (Pnrject Simet fttltlr,cr, or Propr_r(y Jar rn 4) It is understood that, if there is any change of status regarft i our j) cipation with the above )nentioned project, the Building and Code Regulation Division of St. Lucie County will be advised gurauanL to tKe fling of a Change of Sub-contfadw nutice. Cp., [TYsft57tl(RATI+NT. {UaelllSrr) SUI:�iT4't'E1rrtF[t'hTlnA ll�fap(=--'"�—' --- Score ef)TarFda. CegntT efyr�r [��' I �Q . ,fie Pnrvr aas— t'K3ltFV['Y(°F,A'tti'tl'A7'tU\�?�iy;�tF.a--� � '— +ratccrFirim.[lraotFarJ� •� `��' 76r fetx�ot>q;insrranm rxasxi �'ts lr dn.•of ls�- y �.},3i'tslar/�e�/yyt�{r}.�lya�atr�uwea/t}meel roreee/�l):t�f� 7+hv�m' �ivl�i" i— a4ogperrocalli'finursa-,—,vrim p..utarelaL!(t'6 '� w�is a +]jr, Perp�nr'r�emr hur nmdteeed a u Wratfncayo¢ gmh:e Or NeUry �i + � trt \amry re�lk aavi ee wifig01c tent) I s