HomeMy WebLinkAboutREVISION BUILDING PERMITOFFICE USE ONLY: DATE FILEDs�/� r J REVISION FEE: 1. LOCATION/SITE ADDRESS: 2. 91 4. PERMIT # RECEIPT # SCANNED BY PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT SERVICES St. Lucie County BUILDING & CODE REGULATION DMSION 2300 VIRGINIA AVENUE FORT PIERCE, FL 34982-5652 (772) 462-1553 FAX (772) 462-15 Y APPLICATION FOR BUILDING P II PROJECT INFORMAT �n [� CbICI� (mil, DETAILED DESCRIPTION OF PROJECT CONTRACTOR STATE of FL REG./CI BUSINESS NAME: QUALIFIERS NAME, ADDRESS: PHONE (DAYTIME): OWNER/BUILDER INFORMATION: NAME: ITAL ADDRESS: CITY: PHONE: 5. ARCHITECT/EN INS EER INF NAME: ADDRESS: CITY: PHONE (DAYTIME): Revised 07/22/2014 LIQ FAX: STATE: COUNTY CERT. #: FAX: STATE: FAX: ST LUCIE COUNTY BUILDING DIVISION REVIEWED FOR CO CE REVIEWED BY DATE PLANS AND PERMIT MUST BE KEPT ON JOB OR NO INSPECTION WILL BE -MADE — ZIP: ZIP: r2 . i1P r1xlwEs 1 .... . /q.Sp _m Vivel C / sSN_isR :n cw aesux °m � J �j�' q_ v[Cv3 m[mA OOW M mnvn �i1 O V".PCWm O L'S Si6 9 -5� �svmw �rW, Ri.. 6 sr�uan SCANNED BY St. Lucie County iR.1Ol OMOJR.Rx /PI [Y' W N �.' i4t WM9 F. FL .... ME.E.6rtsnx4 YM aBtt.Sxnu au.^amem nnmxmn vnmu .e me /(—�W--yy msawra mm ra ex Um DE Bm .�^s.W y °. �..eme^ ... E=..:IN9/0I94 IOB. M PP6 a W. . OI TIE mm I0.10 0\[ 9010@ /Uw.9.(a MA.. PEP[ C4NIATD YSW4 /.SCE ]-10 nM TIE y�y ^y. .w•�®ten • YWO. /Ero 81T1TN® �/WnWf. 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PLANS AND PERMIT MUST BE KEPT ON JOB OR NO INSPECTION WILL BE MADE ,Oa 1M si-01�-600S Jal mlwm an n'u®zo g. m vo sYwu an n. uw m _ •.sw•a is�•c�•o • a•au.�� _ _ r s run our aaxuNo ays •ns•>^a/ anauwa aovl aeaan - um mws•s wnavn •srs•ma/• vvnnas no OW .mn um vnxn �� m w s wu .w s i .agivNOigsr• Omiv..: Q. 5 5 - . e nr uuz s zr vroa •ews�mwzm .9 m sm i' .. � ,p�2�O dp�$o'-y •:a.�]i ttt�p@p 5p'gg �av[� b:� L wu av p nmo °E ps ip? a .utwarmnsn oN +Zv Ss . •�� 1 2{]p y:-1IL58C80 azp ••O63riiiNS 9d n',, 9� c� n • nnvemms ®w o mm wemnnnn s m116fl p�xxgx uwm a xoi.r amn a wummn. �wm rsau•u ianv • svuaaa w >xvmvnm a .rz.nw-wr sxr,. omY u-s .oxvs m• �asnz >a, •® ..vMo 1 o nawn.rn uvo ..a am .a sewssve a sme an Kmabaa n"vm u swns�n rm-iw:`.r H ri.^n�s --s»nuuama an�smo im as i. 'A .n IWl S@Q iYll .. 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G H S -8'8' 10' 21• 39' ST ]0' - r m• zr 4Y sY - )s' T6' 10' 18' 38' S4' 7Y BY . 8• 10' 21' 39' ST 78' BB' 8'fi' 10' 21' 4Y- 83' 81 84 9'- 10' 18' 36' S4' )2' 911' 400' ' 9'6' 10' 21' 39• 5T ]5 93' 106' - 10 10' 21' 4Y 63• 81' 119' 11Y 108' 10' 21' 42 83` 84' tOS - 118:. it' 10' 21' 39' ST ]6' 93' 111' 124' 11'6' 10' 21' 4Y 83' 81'11T 13D" 12' 10• 21' 42' 83' 14' 10S 123' 136' SnJion VAAh (41.'EJOB)_ PmiO TMB bfnm BNetu�'vi (M®uetl Bvnl� Mai Osgntmtla pllvaal PWitiv9 NeyBm Oi9q.. (PSF) B'0 BIVL'OJk Sumit - 4BO0D 30.] 39J B'0'. HB000'. Y.)' - 3A3 SI2 ShoK OJk Simnt '4Q008 31.0. 3BS' B�2 Laq 49000 31.0 335 Hi4 SM1ot, �k8amnt 50.000' 333 - 3/] B4 lag 53.000 3i3 3)T B8. SOaI,'�k ButvNl 61.000. '. 92) 3]0 B6' .lae 61.000' 92] 3L0 BIB SMrL 09�3umi9 SLgp.' 320. - 383 B�8 lag- 52000 320 363 B110 61'at, 03k Svrvtil ' S3000 31.4 ' B'10 1w 6300D. 31.4 3Sfi 9;0 B ;01k Sannt 54.600 31.0 3ib 9,0' Lvg 54000- 31.0 3S1 ODOR. 3EOTION HEIGHIS� HEIGHT Bim W2 #3 k4 p5 R6 14'0'21'2P21'21'21'@1'13'8'21'21'21'21+21'l8'13'2T21'21'.18'18'�18'tYb"1B'18'-0e'12'0'21'21'21'21'2118'11'6'.2P21'21'18'18'18'.1T0'21'18'18'1B'8'B' M21' 11Y 8' 21' 21' 21' 21' 21' 21' 10'0' 21` 21'. 21' 18' 18: 21' ' 9K' 21' 18' '1B' .18' 18' 21' . 9'0' 18' 18' �tY 18' 18' 18' 8'6' 21' 21'. 21' 78' 29 8'0' 21• 18' 18'. 18' 21' T6' iB' 18' 18' 18' 18' ro' zr zr sr 2r . e' 8' 2i` 18'. 18' 2l' fiOria tkrl &ro-entd Busines,t� Professional Regul3tlofl BCIS Home I Log In I User Registration I Hat Topics Submit Surcharge' Stats&Facts Publications 0,1: �x Product Approval USER: Public User Product Approval Menu> Product or Applicalion Search> Application List Search Criteria Code Version 2010 Application Type ALL Category ALL Application Status ALL Quality Assurance Entity ALL Product Model, Number or Name ALL Approved for use in HVHZ ALL Impact Resistant ALL Other ALL Search Results • Applications 1 FL# Product Manufacturer Subcategory Compliance Method Quality Assurance Entity Contract Expired Product Description Approved for use outside HVHZ SCANNED Design Pressure BY St. Lucie County BCIS Site Map Links Search ALL ALL ALL ALL FL# TWO Manufacturer Validated By Status FL4334-R6 Affirmation Masonite International Category: Exterior Doors National Accreditation & Management Institute, Approved], History Subcategory: Swinging Exterior Door (804) 684-5124 _ Assemblies 'Apprpveo by UbVK. Approvals oy, UBVK shall 0e reviewed and ratified by the HOG and/or the Commission If necessary. Contact Us:: 1940 North Monroe Street: Tallahassee FL 32399 Phone: 850-487-1824 The State of Florida is an AAIEEO employer. Copyright 2007-2013 State of Floritla.:: Privacy Statement ::Accessibility Statement :: Refund Statement under Florida law, email addresses are public records. If you do not want your e-mail address released in response to a public -records request, do not send electronic mail to this entity. Instead, contact the office by phone or by traditional mail. If you have any questions, please contact 850.487.1395. -Pursuant to Section 455.2]5(11, Florida Statutes, effective October 1, 2012, licensees licensed under Chapter 455, F.S. must provide the Department with an email address if they have one. The emails provided may be used for official communication with the licensee. However email addresses are public record. If you do not wish to supply a personal address, please provide the Department with an email address which can be made available to the public. To determine if you are a licensee under Chapter 455, F.S., please click here . Product Approval Accepts: ® d Ma creidiV L ) 1, y, A `IO(IGt2 t[.2pp(fncnirc° BCIS Home Log In User Regiswation Hot Topics Submit Surcharge Busines�� n� Product Approval Professional + 7) USER: Public User Regulation Product Approval Menu> Prorlucl or Aoolimmn Search> APDIIWtlon List> Application Detail ... ^ �) FL # FL4904-R6 +�.."A s i Application Type Editorial ChangryE Code Version 2010 'p Application Status Approved 'Approved by DBPF the POC and/or the Comments Archived Product Manufacturer Masonite Internatior Address/Phone/Email 1955 Powis Road West Chicago, IL 6C (615) 441-4258 sschreiber@mason! Authorized Signature Technical Representative Address/Phone/Email Quality Assurance Representative Address/Phone/Email Category Subcategory Compliance Method Certification Agency Validated By Referenced Standard and Year (of Standard) Equivalence of Product Standards Certified By Steve Schreiber sschreiber@masonite.com Exterior Doors Swinging Exterior Door Assemblies Certification Mark or Listing VA Slits & Facts - Publications ' FBC Staff BCIS SIc Map Links Search SCANNED BY St. Lucie County National Accreditation & Management Institute National Accreditation & Management Institute, Standard TAB 201 TAS 202 TAS 203 Year 1994 1994 1994 Product Approval Method Method 1 Option A Date Submitted 1210812014 Date Validated 1210912014 Date Pending FBC Approval Date Approved 12/10/2014 Summary of Products FL # Model, Number or Name Description 4904.1 Wootl-edge Steel Side -Hinged Door 6'-8" Opaque I/S and O/S Single Door Units Limits of Use Certification Agency Certificate Approved for use in HVHZ: Yes FL4904 R6 C CAC NI006110 01 odf Approved for use outside HVHZ: Yes Quality Assurance Contract Expiration Date Impact Resistant: Yes 12/31/2020 Design Pressure:+76.0/-76.0 Installation Instructions Other: Evaluated for use in locations adhering to the Florida FL4904 R6 II FL0128 odf Building Code including the High Velocity Hurricane Zone, and Verified By: National Accreditation & Management Institute where pressure requirements as determined by ASCE 7, Created by Independent Third Party: Minimum Design Loads for Buildings and Other Structures, does Evaluation Reports not exceed the design pressures listed. T-O" x 6'-8" max FL4904 R6 AE 504A.odl nominal size. When large missile impact resistance is required, Created by Independent Third Party: Yes hurricane protective system is NOT required. See DWG-MA- FLO128-05 for details. 4904.2 Wood -edge Steel Side -Hinged Door 8'-0" Opaque I/S and O/S Single Door Units Limits of Use Certification Agency Certificate Approved for use in HVHZ: Yes FL4904 R6 C CAC N1006110.02.odt Approved for use outside HVHZ: Yes Quality Assurance Contract Expiration Date Impact Resistant: Yes 12/31/2020 Design Pressure:+70.0/-70.0 Installation Instructions Other: Evaluated for use in locations adhering to the Florida FL4904 R6 11 FL0129.odf Building Code including the High Velocity Hurricane Zone, and Verified By: National Accreditation & Management Institute where pressure requirements as determined by ASCE 7, Created by Independent Third Party: Minimum Design Loads for Buildings and Other Structures, does Evaluation Reports not exceed the design pressures listed. T-0" x 8'-0" max FL4904 R6 AE 503A.odf nominal size. When large missile impact resistance is required, Created by Independent Third Party: Yes hurricane protective system is NOT required. See DWG-MA- FLO129-05 for details. 4904.3 Wood -edge Steel Side -Hinged Door 6'-8" Opaque I/S and O/S Door w/ or w/o Sidelites Units Limits of Use Certification Agency Certificate Approved for use in HVHZ: Yes FL4904 R6 C CAC N1006110.01.0df Approved for use outside HVHZ: Yes Quality Assurance Contract Expiration Date Impact Resistant: Yes 12/31/2020 Design Pressure: +55.0/-55.0 Installation Instructions Other: Evaluated for use in locations adhering to the Florida FL4904 R6 II FLO128.odf Building Code including the High Velocity Hurricane Zone, and Verified By: National Accreditation & Management Institute where pressure requirements as determined by ASCE 7, Created by Independent Third Party: Minimum Design Loads for Buildings and Other Structures, does Evaluation Reports not exceed the design pressures listed. 12'-0" x 6'-8" max FL4904 R6 AE 502A.odf nominal size. When large missile impact resistance is required, Created by Independent Third Party: Yes hurricane protective system is NOT required on opaque panels, but is required on glazed panels. See DWG-MA-FLO128-05. 4904.4 Wood -edge Steel Side -Hinged Door 8'-0" Opaque I/S Door w/ or w/o Sitlelites Units Limits of Use Certification Agency Certificate Approved for use in HVHZ: Yes FL4904 R6 C CAC N1006110.02.odf Approved for use outside HVHZ: Yes Quality Assurance Contract Expiration Date Impact Resistant: Yes 12/31/2020 Design Pressure:+45.0/-50.0 Installation Instructions Other: Evaluated for use in locations adhering to the Florida FL4904 R6 II FL0129.odf Building Code including the High Velocity Hurricane Zone, and Verified By: National Accreditation & Management Institute where pressure requirements as determined by ASCE 7, Created by Independent Third Party: Minimum Design Loads for Buildings and Other Structures, does Evaluation Reports not exceed the design pressures listed. 12'-0" x 8'-0" max FL4904 R6 AE 501 A.odf nominal size. When large missile impact resistance is required, Created by Independent Third Party: Yes hurricane protective system is NOT required on opaque panels, but is required on glazed panels. See DWG-MA-FL0129-05. 4904.5 Wood -edge Steel Side -Hinged Door 8'-0" Opaque O/S w/ or w/o Sidelites Units Limits of Use Certification Agency Certificate Approved for use in HVHZ: Yes FL4904 R6 C CAC N1006110 02 odf Approved for use outside HVHZ: Yes Quality Assurance Contract Expiration Date Impact Resistant: Yes 12/31/2020 Design Pressure:+50.0/-45.0 Installation Instructions Other: Evaluated for use in locations adhering to the Florida FL4904 R6 II FL0129.1)df Building Cade including the High Velocity Hurricane Zone, and Verified By: National Accreditation & Management Institute where pressure requirements as determined by ASCE 7, Created by Independent Third Party: Minimum Design Loads for Buildings and Other Structures, does Evaluation Reports not exceed the design pressures listed. 12'-0" x 8'-0" max FL4904 R6 AE 501 A.odf nominal size. When large missile impact resistance is required, Created by Independent Third Party: Yes hurricane protective system is NOT required on opaque panels, but is required on glazed panels. See DWG-MA-FL0129-05. 4904.6 Wood -edge Steel Side -Hinged Door 6'-8" Glazed I/S and CIS Door w/ or w/o Sideliles Units Limits of Use Certification Agency Certificate Approved for use in HVHZ: Yes FL4904 R6 C CAC NI006110.03.odf Approved for use outside HVHZ: Yes Quality Assurance Contract Expiration Date Impact Resistant: No 12/31/2020 Design Pressure:+50.5/-50.5 Installation Instructions Other: Evaluated for use in locations adhering to the Florida FL4904 R6 II FL0130.odf Building Code including the High Velocity Hurricane Zone, and Verified By: National Accreditation & Management Institute where pressure requirements as determined by ASCE 7, Created by Independent Third Party: Minimum Design Loads for Buildings and Other Structures, does Evaluation Reports not exceed the design pressures listed. 12'-0" x 6-8" max FL4904 R6 AE 502A.odf nominal size. When large missile impact resistance is required, Created by Independent Third Party: Yes hurricane protective system is required. See DWG-MA- FL0130-05 for details. 4904.7 Woad -edge Steel Side -Hinged Door 8'-0" Glazed I/S Door w/ or w/o Sitlelites Units Limits of Use Certification Agency Certificate Approved for use in HVHZ: Yes FL4904 R6 C CAC N1006110.04.odf Approved for use outside HVHZ: Yes Quality Assurance Contract Expiration Date Impact Resistant: No 12/31/2020 Design Pressure:+40.0/-45.0 Installation Instructions Other: Evaluated for use in locations adhering to the Florida FL4904 R6 II FL0131.odf Building Code including the High Velocity Hurricane Zone, and Verified By: National Accreditation & Management Institute where pressure requirements as determined by ASCE 7, Created by Independent Third Party: ',. Minimum Design Loads for Buildings and Other Structures, does Evaluation Reports ''. not exceed the design pressures listed. 12'-0" x 8'-0" max FL4904 R6 AE 501A.odf nominal size. When large missile impact resistance is required, Created by Independent Third Party: Yes hurricane protective system is required. See DWG-MA- FL0131-05 for details. 4904.8 1 Wood -edge Steel Side -Hinged Door Units Limits of Use Approved for use in HVHZ: Yes Approved for use outside HVHZ: Yes Impact Resistant: No Design Pressure:+45.0/-40.0 Other: Evaluated for use in locations adhering to the Florida Building Code including the High Velocity Hurricane Zone, and where pressure requirements as determined by ASCE 7, Minimum Design Loads for Buildings and Other Structures, does not exceed the design pressures listed. 12'-0" x 8%0" max nominal size. When large missile impact resistance Is required, hurricane protective system is required. See DWG-MA- FLO131-05 for details. 8'-0" Glazed O/S Door w/ or w/o Sidelites Certification Agency Certificate FL4904 R6 C CAC N1006110.04 pdt Quality Assurance Contract Expiration Date 12/31/2020 Installation Instructions FL4904 R6 II FL0131.pol Verified By: National Accreditation & Management Institute Created by Independent Third Party: Evaluation Reports FL4904 R6 AE 501A.pol Created by Independent Third Party: Yes Book Next Contact Us :: 1940 North Monroe Street, Tallahassee Fl. 32399 Phone: 85tr487-1824 The State of Florida is an AA/EEO employer. Copyright 2007.2013 Stale of Florida.:: Privacy Statement:: Accessibility Statement:: Refund Statement Under Florida law, email addresses are public records. If you do not want your e-mail address released in response to a public -records request, do not send electronic mail to this entity. Instead, contact the office by phone or by traditional mail. If you have any questions, please contact 850.487.1395.'Pursuant to Section 455.275t1), Florida Statutes, effective October 1, 2012, licensees licensed under Chapter 455, F.S. must provide the Department with an email address if they have one. The emalls provided may be used for official communication with the licensee. However email addresses are public record. If you do not wish to supply a personal address, please provide the Department with an email address which can tre made available to the public. To determine if you are a licensee under Chapter 455, F.S., please click here. Product Approval Accepts: eChN ®r. se;curitvr4rnucv 0 on e4r,, - SIDE -HINGED WOOD -EDGE STEEL DOOR UNIT 6'-S" DOUBLE DOOR WITH/WITHOUT SIDELITES GENERAL NOTES I. EVALUATED FOR USE IN LOCATIONS ADHERING TO THE FLORIDA BUILDING CODE AND WHERE PRESSURE REQUIREMENTS AS DETERMINED BY ASCE ], MINIMUM OFSKIN LOADS FOR BUILDINGS AND OTHER STRUCTURES, DOES NOT EXCEED THE DESIGN PRESSURES LISTED. 2. HURRICANE PROTECTIVE SYSTEM (SHUTTERS) IS NOT REQUIRED ON OPAQUE PANELS, BUT IS REQUIRED ON GLAZED SIDELITES. 3. IN TIM HVHZ, FACTORY PRIMED DOORS MUST BE PANTED IN ACCORDANCE WITH SECTION 2220 OF THE FOC. 4. POLYURETHANE CORE FIAME SPREAD INDEX OF 50 AND SMOKE DEVELOPED INDEX OF 60 PER ASTM E64. 5. PLASTICS TESTING OF LITE FRAME MATERIAL: TFRT ORCRIGTION 14CV:ueTbu SELF IGNITION TEMP ASTM D1929 740 'F > 650 'F RATE OF BURNING ASTM 0635 0.77 IN/MIN SMOKE OENSIIY ABIM 02843 13.47 TENSILE STRENGTH• ASTM D63B ].507 DIFF w¢rt wwl�cnwc 4500 HOURS XENON ARC METHOD 1 PWI.14490DR&IT! RFIIP r e - TABLE OF CONTENTS SHEET i! DESCRIPTION 1 TYPICAL ELEVATIONS & GENERAL NOTES 2 ANCHORING LOCATIONS & DETAILS 3 ANCHORING LOCATIONS & DETAILS 149' MAX. OVERALL FRAME WIDTH 21 " MAX 36.375" MAX. D.L.O.- PANEL WIDTH _ 37. 5' MAX. W/ASTRAGA! FRAME WIDTH f �0 SO s o M DOUBLE DOOR UNIT W/SIDELITES [I i mi Vol Vol If SINGLE DOOR UN LT SINGLE DOOR UNIT SINGLE DOOR UNIT WIS'OELITES WITH SIDIP. IT- WITH SIDFI ITF PAJORI IONAA9 Ce1ldxa IIo- 11 q Wleflevimt ,1, DOUBLEOUBLE DOOR UNIT WISDIELITES DESIGN PRESSURE RATING WHERE WATER INFILTRATION PERFORMANCE IS I REQUIRED TO BE 15% OF DESIGN PRESSURE MAX WIDTH NEW NO OUTSWING INSWING OUTSWING 3].5 +76.0 -76.0 +]6.0 -]6.0 +'9.0 -19.0 +55.0 -55.0 ]4 +55.0 -55.0 +55.0 -55.0 +'9.0 -19.0 +55.075 a +SSG -55.0 +55.0 -550 +;9:0 -190 +550112.5' +55. +550 -55.0 +55.0 -550 +19.0 -19.0 149 +SS.0 -55.0I +55.0 -55.0 f +19.0 -19.0 1 +SS.0 Zr .� Ate" Y KURT BALTHAZOR FLORIDA P.E. #56533 Or 00 C> O ¢6�O �J 0 H � z 3ID W OQ zap LC) (J UD OV) Ei LW L Ix .v wI' N.T.S. _ m c Br: SWS MK. BY: Oi SEE DEIAIL "C' SHT. 2 ATTACHMENT DETAIL 1. ANCHOR ANALYSIS FOR LOADING CONDITIONS PREPARED, SIGNED AND SEALED BY LUIS R. LOAAS, PE (FLORIDA #6251L) WITH THE LOWEST (LEAST) FASTENER RATING FROM THE DIFFERENT FASTENERS BEING CONSIDERED FOR USE. JAMB, HEAD, AND THRESHOLD FASTENERS ANALYZED FOR THIS UNIT INCLUDE #10 WOOD SCREWS OR 3/16" TAPCONS. A PHYSICAL SHIM MUST BE PLACED IN SHIM SPACE AT EACH ANCHOR LOCATION. TAPCON EDGE DISTANCE MIN 2-1/2". 2. MULLIONS TO BE 2-1/2" X 4-3/8" STRUCTURAL GRADE FJ PINE ON CONTINUOUS HEAD AND SILL UNITS. BACK TO BACK JAMB UNITS JOINED WITH 1" X 1/2" LONG CORRUGATED FASTENERS LOCATED 3" FROM EACH END AND MAXIMUM 7" O.C. OR #10 X 2" FLAT HEAD WOOD SCREWS LOCATED 6' FROM EACH END AND MAXIMUM 12" O.C. 3. THE WOOD SCREW SINGLE SHEAR DESIGN VALUES COME FROM ANSI/AF&PA NDA FOR SOUTHERN PINE LUMBER AND ACHEIVEMENT OF 1-1/2" MINIMUM EMBEDMENT. THE TAPCON MUST ACHIEVE MINIMUM EMBEDMENT OF 1-1/4". 4. WOOD BUCKS BY OTHERS MUST BE ANCHORED PRODERLY TO ,TRANSFER LOADS TO STRUCTURE. 5. MINIMUM DESIGN VAIUE STRENGTH OF ANCHORS 171 LES. a SEE DET "D" SHT. v 0 0 a l4 e 3' I �E 6..� r— 3" & 6• -1 I --I I —A a•6.. HARDWARE SCHEDULE 1. �KWIKSET SERIES 400 GRADE 3 CYLINDRICAL LATCH AND SERIES 980 GRADE 1 DEADLOCK HARDWARE TO BE INSTALLED AT 5-1/2" CENTERLINE. 2. 4" X 4" FULL MORTISE BUTT HINGES 1.510" I v — MA% SHIM CL — I— TYPICAL WOOD BUCK ANCHOR INSTALLATION 1.25" MIN MAX" SHIM CL TYPICAL MASONRY ANCHOR INSTALLATION WndoloWAI Ce logolNo�,�1 Dxe P.el1pw _ ,i,.� a 10 o00 U � QUA IY J ti Q V1 ¢ 3 ,0n v H n O � Lu ISLE: N.T.S.' I or 3 c 6..3 I— 3•SEE DETAIL 3 3 13 6 3". SEE DETAIL "D- I IIIIr6" 6"� 6 6_I��III "I--IIIII II 3 w a _ A _w 6 a a A 6 E 6" r 6" 3' 6' 3 63�1 r 3• 'E J I 3'. E I_ 3,.1 3" —I SEE DUAL 6 F" DETAIL "D" 0 u a SEE #8 x 2-7/2" il0 x 2" #8 x 2-1/2" (/10 x 5/8, /f8 x 2-1/2"*#To xI"/E10 x 5/8"(10 x 3/4 #10 x 2ASTRAGAL FRAME / DOOR ATTACH ASTRAGAL RETAINER BOLT I 1.375 INSWING THRESHOLD DETAIL "C„ STRIKE PLATE TO FRAME AS SHOWN. TYPICAL MderNmloNAIA 0.962"� Catifirapn N9.: ,VrooL lla-,YV Per¢xld Br '� OUTSWING 'THRESHOLD mIlip EE DETAIL 6" ASTRAGAL RETAINER BOLT HOLE iaMUST BE DRILLED THROUGH ° THE THRESHOLD & INTO THE --- STRUCTURE DEEP ENOUGH FOR A 1.375" THROW DETAIL "F" ASTRAGAL 1C (1/8' TWz. g S) ooW 996� W/ LEPARAINSERT UA1. S STEOL ALS1EEL OR fiUtYl PACACFA Vz' 6rre d6 % 1-1/2' PHS r A y`;: Do. 995� E%¢giPa N11OR TYPICAL GLAZING DETAIL a In O Do U C, Q 0 p fY J Q 0 z12 Luis R. Lomas P. E- 1432 Woodiord Rd. Lewisville, NO 27023 Manufacturer: Masonite Report #: 504A 336-945-9695 Date: 12/29/09 product: Single Door 3'x6'8" scope: This analysis provides calculations, quantities, and spacing requirements for installing product to substrate, and it applies only to the product described herein. These calculations comply with requirements of the Florida Building Code. Drawings verification: This analysis verifies anchoring for the following drawings: DWG-MA-FLO120-05 DWG-MA-FLO130-05 DWG-MA-FLO153-06 DWG-MA-FLO168-07 DWG-MA-FLO122-05 DWG-MA-FLO132-05 DWG-MA-FLO155-06 DWG-MA-FLO170-07 DWG-MA-FLO124-05 DWG-MA-FLO134-05 DWG-MA-FLO156-06 DWG-MA-FLO172-07 DWG-MA-FLO126-05 DWG-MA-FLO140-05 DWG-MA-FLO160-07 DWG-MA-FLO174-07 DWG-MA-FLO128-65 DWG-MA-FLO151-06 DWG-MA-FLO162-07 DWG-MA-FLO175-07 Anchors to be qualified: 1. #10 Wood screw, for installation in wood frame substrates. 2. 3/16" ITW Tapcon, for masonry installation Anchor capacity in shear condition: Fastener type: #10 wood screw (NOS 2005,11.3) Side member: Douglas Fir -Larch Main member: Spruce -Pine -Fir Side member thickness: t.= 1.000 in Main member thickness: t.= 1.500 in Side member dowel bearing strength: F. = 4,650 psi Main member dowel bearing strength: F_ = 3,350 psi Minimum required penetration: 1.330 in Screw bending yield strength: Frb = 80,000 psi Duration Factor: Ca = 1.6 Tabulated lateral design value: Z= 107.0 Ibs Allowable Design Value: Z.= 171 Ibs/anchor Mode IV Fastener type: 3/16" ITW Tapcon N.O.A. 07-1126.10 Substrate: Hollow black Minimum embedment: 1.25 in Minimum edge distance: 1.13 in Minimum C to C spacing: 2.25 in Tabulated shear design value: Z c 112 Ibs Actual C To C spacing: 3.00 in Minimum edge distance: 2.63 in C to C spacing factor: 1.00 Tabulated shear design value: Z = 197 Ibs Actual edge distance: 2.50 in Design value per interpolation: Z = 189 Ibs Allowable Design Value: Z'= 189 Ibs/anchor Minimum anchor capacity: 171 Ibs/anchor Note: Anchors with the feast capacity is used for carculations to qualify anchors with higher capacity. Anchor calculations, minimum required anchors Pressure against stops with bump threshold: 36.38 79.25 Single. Pressure away from stops: 36.38 • f Al Al 79.25 1 of 2 Design pressure: 85.0 psf MaX' Anchor Area Load Ind. Lap. Q� Load Zone z (ft) (Ibs) (in) O.C. Result (in) (Ibs) (Ibs) A, 2.3 195 N/A N/A 171 2 98 OK Az 7.7 656 6.00 I8.00 171 5 131 OK Design pressure: 85.0 psf Zone Area z (fi) Load (Ibs) Ind. (in) Max' O.L. Anchor Result Cap. Q� Load (in) (Ibs) (Ibs) A, 10.0 851 6.00 18.00 171 5 170 OK \�\\\111111////// J`s R. L \�v••�\CENSFgtP • _ iA • , TAT OF . [fit` Luis R. Lomas P.E. %�'P•':c�10P• \'���\ FLNo.:62514 OR /FS - • . • • G �� 1/7/2010 Luis R. Lomas P. E. 1432 Woodford Rd. Manufacturer: Masonite LewisWhe, NC 27023 Report #: 504A 336-945-9695 Date: 12/29/09 Single. Pressure against stops with saddle threshold: 36.38 Design pressure: 65.0 psf �A1 A Y� 79.25 Anchor Locations: 79.25 36.38 18.t9 6.00 TYP. 6.00 TYR 6.00 —I- 13.45 MAX. O.C. I 1 6.00 Area Load Ind. Max. I Anchor Cap. Q� Load Zone i (ft) (Ibs) (in) O.L. Result (in) (Ibs) (Ibs) A7 2.3 195 NIA N/A 171 2 98 OK Az 8.9 753 6.00 18.00 171 5 151 OK Note: Anchor locations indicated in this document are the minimum required for the described product exposed at the design pressure indicated herein. 2 of 0�/�j�i `� fir, •��G E N S� "9s, �� -A , TATE OF 0F'.'c.� OR%a) • ��'\�� ss/�NAL1EaG`�\ Luis R. Lomas P.E. FL No.: 62514 1/7/2010