May 1, 2019
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Saint Lucie County Building Department
Attn: Roof Permit Plan Review ��(`j SCANNED
2300 Virginia Avenue BY
Ft. Pierce, FL 34982 5T. Lucie County, PQrmIEEln St. Lucie County
Re: Roofing specification prepared for the St. Lucie County Building Dept. for the structure
located at 7106 Lorraine Court, Saint Lucie County, Florida
Boral Roofing, LLC
Saxony 900 Slate, Estate S, Flat Concrete Tiles FL #28328.3
FBC 2017; Section R 905.10
Wind Speed:
160 MPH; Ultimate Design Wind Speeds
Mean Roof Height:
30' Maximum
Required Design Pressure:
Zonel: -29.04 Zone 2: -48.4 Zone3: -72.6
Maximum Uplift Pressure:
Zone 1 & 2 -58.7, Zone 3 -117.7 psf
Zone 1 & 2 (2) 8-gram paddies of DAP Foam Inc. Touch-n-Seal Storm
Bond, (2) two component adhesive, Zone 3 (2) #8 wood screws & (2)
8- gram paddies of DAP Foam Inc. Touch-n-Seal Storm Bond (2) two -
component adhesive
Polyglass Roof Underlayments, FL# 5259-R28
Roof Decking:
Existing 5/8" plywood sheathing to be nailed w 8d x 2" ring shank nails
@ 6" O.C. thru out Zone 1, 4" O.C. perimeter & 6" O.C. field Zone 2,
and 4" O.C. thru out Zone 3.
Flat Roof
Polyglass USA
Modified Bitumen Roof System, FL#1654.1, System W-140
FBC 2017; Section R 905:10
Wind Speed:
160 MPH; Ultimate Design Wind Speeds
Mean Roof Height:
30' Maximum
Required Design Pressure:
Zonal: -31.46 Zone 2: -49.61 Zone3: -68.97
Maximum Uplift Pressure:
-75 psf
Base Sheet:
Polyglass G2 Base, Elastobase, Elastobase P, Dekfast Hex (aka, Dekfast
PLT-H-2-7/8) with Dekfast #14, OMG 3: Round Metal Plate with OMG
HD, OMG Flat Bottom Plate (Accutrac) with Roofgrip #14 or Trufast 3"
Metal Insulation Plate with Trufast HD. 10-inch o.c. at min. 4-inch lap
and 30-inch o.c. at three (3) equally spaced, staggered center rows
806 Delaware Avenue
Tel: 772 460 7751 www.architectonicinc.com
Fort Pierce, Florida 34950
Fax: 772 460 4244 FL Reg #AA26003348 1 of 2
Architectonic Inc
Roof Decking: Existing 5/8" plywood sheathing to be nailed w 8d x 2" ring shank nails
@ 6" O.C. thru out Zone 1, 4" O.C. perimeter & 6" O.C. field Zone 2,
and 4" O.C. thru out Zone 3.
The above approved, as per Florida Building Code Compliance acceptances, 2017 Florida Building Code,
and the Manufacturer's recommendations.
806 Delaware Avenue Tel: 772 460 7751 www.architectonicinc.com
Fort Pierce, Florida 34950 Fax: 772 460 4244 FL Reg #AA26003348 2 of 2
Sheffield Makfutunv-ralycdttonaPe�gOme _
----;------- -
Clear/Clear (CC)
89eo }e"`�'9`0
1.02 (ASHRAE)
Clear/Gray (CG)
0.7 (ASHRAE)
Bronze/Bronze (BB)
0.49 (ASHRAE)
Clear/White (CW)
0.71 (ASHRAE)
Insulated Glass Performance
LoE.366 (Low E Cubed)/Argon Gas: 0.27 0.24 R IV.ED 66
Bronze Tint/ Argon Gas: 0.63 0.31 0.52 61
Gmy'Cinr/Argon Gas: 0.63 0.31 M�152QgZQ�9 61
FRAME FINISHES ST. Lucie CouncY, Permitting
Mill Finish White Powdercear Bronze Anodized Custom Color Powdercoar
Custom Color Powdercoat
Approvals include multiple Miami -Dade County Product Control NOA's; Florida Building Commission, FBC 2418-R3 (2010);
Texas Department of Insurance, TDI Report(s) SK-13 & SK-18
All Maxim Skylights are tested and conform to AAMA/WDMA/CSA 101/I.S.2/A440-05 and all, or part, of the following
standards: ASTM E283, ASTM E330, ASTM E331, ASTM E547, ASTM E1886, Missile Level C as specified in ASTM
E1996-99, TAS 201-94, TAS 202-94, TAS 203-94, and ASTM E1300-02/03.
All Maxim Skylights are third parry certified to performance compliance and quality assurance by the National Accreditation
Management Institute (NAMI).
Available in any size or shape up to'25 square feet, the largest impact resistant insulated glass skylight available.
Insulated Glass for maximum energy efficiency available as Tempered, Laminated and DuPont- SentryGlas• Plus Impact resistant.
Unlimited configurations to meet any conditions.
Optional curb assembly w/ prefinished white interior, solid wood curb and aluminum counterflashing.
Insulated glass is tested to-200psf negative pressure for a +/-100psf Design Pressure.
All Maxim insulated glass comes with YL Edge° technology providing the lowest failure rate in the industry. Developed in part
from our suppliers 45 years of experience. in manufacturing dual -seal silicone insulated glass.
Mill Finish, Bronze Anodized, Clear Anodized or an unlimited number of powdercoat colors are also available.
All insulated glass is covered by the manufacturer for 20 years
• Curb Mount available up to 36 square feet & Self Flashing up to 32 square feet in any size or shape.
Polycarbonate domes are tested to-120psf & +180psf for a +/-60psf Design Pressure.
• Sheffield Plastics Makrolon SL UV enhanced polycarbonate outer domes for the ultimate in ultraviolet light protection.
• Virtually unbreakable polycarbonate domes meet large & small missile impact rating.
Sealed double domes prevent moisture from occurring between the domes.
• Polyearbonate glazing meets UL 972 forced entry protection.
• Stainless steel fasteners eliminate rust and corrosion.
'Any type of cleaning performed on the roof, including removal of mold, mildew, fungus, or dirt, by pressure ofany kind with water or chemical means will damage polycarbonmc domes and
void any rvamnq%A detailed insulated glass warranty is available upon request. WARNING: SKYLIGHTS MAYNOT SUPPORT LIVE IAADS! While these skylights It. passed testing for
large and small missile impact resistance, 1000 Fdibs fall protection resonance and up to 200psf. positive pnssurc resting, they arc nor imm�ded f rany live load! Do no: sand, si:. Icn, or res
on any pan of,he skylight.
Corporate Florida
1630 Terre Colony Court • Dallas, Texas 75212.6221 1818 71' Avenue North, Suite 2 ° lake Worth, Florida 33461
Toll Free 888-222-4898 • Fax 214-905-2024 Toll Free 800-367-8168 ° Fax 561-588-9283