HomeMy WebLinkAboutPVC TRIM - FASCIA - SHEET_ (2©VemndaHP Trim /Fasda/She J419S F-9P HIGH PERF®RMAItMCE .S / Sealed edge Veranda outstanding for exterior 1 interior use Size Available: 8',12',16' long for 1" Trim / 8' long for 112" 2" 3" 4" 5" 6" 8" 10" 12" 24" 48" 1" 121t in 0 0 iI in ® El 1/2" 111 m Note: All saes are nominal and availability varies by market location Lifetime limited warranty S4S/Sealed edge to prevent dirt i Will not rot, crack, splinter, or split 1@ Resistant to mold and mildew. SC ANYNED St. Lucie County Impervious to moisture, insects and termites 2 Does not require painting, but accepts paints very well. 57. Rigid, but flexible enough to coldiheat bend E Perfect replacement for wood 0 Solid board. No fingerjoints. 0 No special tools needed, install with standard woodworking tools Mold resistant Termite resistant (.I- Moisture resistant UZI'.4'y,. Flame retardant t �j Won't rot, crack, splinter, or split 'v Ultra low maintenance Unique Technology Applied Veranda HP'" TRIM can easily be heated and bent into a variety of shapes. It is the only brand on the wood grain pattern under bending tempature. •-r VERANDA (p CUTTING a Use standard woodworking equipmentfor cutting. s Carbide tipped blades are recommended. ® Avoid using fine tooth metal cutting blades. -- ra Rough edge from cutting maybe caused by excessive fric- tion, poor board support, or improper tooling. FASTENING o Use standard nail guns or woodworking tools. s Stainless steel or hot -dipped galvanized nails are recom- mended. o Do not use brads, staples, wire nails, ring -shank nails or fine -threaded wood screws. ra Place nails and screws on center of board and keep ap- proximately3/efrom each edge. Fasteners should penetrate into flat, solid wood substrate or framing member minimum of 1-1/4" u Always use 2 fasteners per every framing member for trim board applications. if 12" or wider, Veranda HPTRIM will require additional fasteners. * Veranda HP TRIM should be fastened into a flat, solid sub- strate. It can damage the board if fastened Veranda HP TRIM into hollow or uneven areas. Shutter application is not recommended. o If nailing product at 320F or below, pre -drilling is required. Pre -drilling and/or counter -sink are typically not required unless a larger fastener is used. PAINTING ra Clean surface prior to painting. The surface must be clean„ dry, and void of any foreign article and material such as dirt, oil, grease or other contaminates. m Veranda HPTRIM does not require painting for protection like wood. Veranda HPTRIM accepts paints and stains well. o Both oil base and latex paints are desirable. Follow paint manufacturer's recommendations. 13 Avoid painting dark colors in area of direct sunlight. o Acrylic or urethane based latex exterior or interior paints. are recommended. General brands such as Sherwin Wil- liams, Behr Glide, etc. are all suitable. ai Always use paint with Light Reflective Value (LRV) of 55 or - higher. m If paint darker color (LRV of 54 or lower), Vinyl safe paint or paints specifically designed for such application must - be used. GLUING m Standard PVC cements or cellular cements provide a strong Veranda HPTRIM to Veranda HPTRIM bond. Q For the best result, glue all joints between trim pieces such as long fascia runs, window surrounds, etc., to prevent joint separation. o Various adhesives, such as epoxy or polyurethane adhe- 0 _ ?C' ®VemndaHP Trim I Fascia I Sheet-T419S sives may be used to bond Veranda HP TRIM to other sub- strates. Consult adhesive labeling to determine suitability. °Glue joints should be secured with fasteners on each side of the joint. oFor best results, surfaces to be glued should be smooth, clean and in complete contact with each other. TOUCH UP n Recommend non -solvent base fillers. oVerygood with All Purpose Painter's Puttyand High Perfor- mance Wood Filler. z2Good with Fill-N-Finish Light Wood Filler and Shrink Free Spackling. mClean with a damp cloth with soap and water. DRILLING AND ROUTING e Use standard wood working drills and routers. ®Care should be taken to avoid frictional heat build-up. Periodic removal of shaving from the drill hole may nec- essary. oCarbide tipped router bits are recommended. MOISTURE 'Veranda HP TRIM does not absorb moisture, it can be in- stalled at or below grade. ®It is perfect for use in moisture prone applications such as ground contact, masonry contact, hot tub surrounds, freeze boards, rooflines and garage door jambs, etc. EXPANSION & CONTRACTION a Allow 1 /8"space per 18 foot for expansion and contraction, Veranda HP TRIM expands and contracts with changes in temperature. Joints between pieces should be glued to eliminatejoint separation — see "gluing"section. 0 Properly fastening Veranda HPTRIM along its entire length will minimize expansion and contraction. often gaps are glued on a long run of the board, allow suit- able expansion and contraction space at ends of the run. 'a Scarf joints are recommended to minimize seams and al- low expansion & contraction. SPANNING 0Never span Veranda HPTRIM more than 24". 'Must not be used in load bearing applications, but maybe used in spanned applications such as soffits and ceilings, with suitable thickness. 'Proper fastening will help reduce the possibility of exces- sive movement from expansion and contraction. STORAGE AND HANDLING 'aStore on a flat and level surface. '=Should be handled in a fashion as pine, because it has a density comparable to pine with more flexibility. °Keep product free of dirt and debris at job site. If product gets dirty, clean after installation. =Always store Veranda HPTRIM with manufacturer cover.