HomeMy WebLinkAboutD O H PAPERWORKSTATE OF FLORIDA DEPARTMENT OF I]EALTH ONSITE SEWAGE TREATMENT AND DISPOSAL SYSTEM PERMIT #:56SF-1944584 APPLICATION #:AP1411081 DATE PAID: FEE PAID: RECEIPT #: DOCUMENT #: PR1225107 CONSTRUCTION PERMIT FOR: OSTDS New FILE COPY SCANNEDID APPLICANT: Hector & Angelica Luna �� [if By 'noe- PROPERTY ADDRESS: 1233 S Brocksmith Rd Fort Pierce. FL 34945 LOT: BLOCK: SUBDIVISION: PROPERTY ID #: 2317-214-0004-000-4 [SECTION, TOWNSHIP, RANGE, PARCEL NUMBER] [OR TAX ID NUMBER] SYSTEM MOST BE CONSTRUCTED IN ACCORDANCE WITH SPECIFICATIONS AND STANDARDS OF SECTION 381.0065, F.S., AND CHAPTER 64E-6, F.A.C. DEPARTMENT APPROVAL OF SYSTEM DOES NOT GUARANTEE SATISFACTORY PERFORMANCE FOR ANY SPECIFIC PERIOD OF TIME. ANY CHANGE IN MATERIAL FACTS, WHICH SERVED AS A BASIS FOR ISSUANCE OF THIS PERMIT, REQUIRE THE APPLICANT TO MODIFY THE PERMIT APPLICATION. SUCH MODIFICATIONS MAY RESULT IN THIS PERNIT BEING MADE NULL AND VOID'. ISSUANCE OF THIS PERMIT DOES NOT EAST "THE APPLICANT FROM COMPLIANCE WITH OTHER FEDERAL, STATE, OR LOCAL PERMITTING REQUIRED FOR DEVELOPMENT OF THIS PROPERTY. SYSTEM DESIGN AND SPECIFICATIONS T [ 1,050 ] GALLONS / GPD ' Septic new CAPACITY A [ ] GALLONS / GPD NIA CAPACITY N I ] GALLONS GREASE INTERCEPTOR CAPACITY [MAXIMUM CAPACITY SINGLE TANK:1250 GALLONS] K [ ] GALLONS DOSING TANK CAPACITY I ]GALLONS @[ ]DOSES PER 24 Has #Pumps [ ] D [ 500 ] SQUARE FEET Drainfield new SYSTEM R [ ] SQUARE FEET NIA SYSTEM A TYPE SYSTEM: [ ] STANDARD [ ] FILLED pc] MOUND I I I CONFIGURATION: [x] TRENCH [ ] BED I ] N F LOCATION OF BENCHMARK: orange painted nail in fence post N of system I ELEVATION OF PROPOSED SYSTEM SITE E BOTTOM OF DRAINFIELD TO BE L D O T H E R [ 20.00 ] 11 INCHES ET ] [ ABOVE BELOW BENCHMARK/REFERENCE POINT [ 12.00][ INCHES FT ][ABOVE EELOW BENCHMARK/REFERENCE POINT system is sized for 4 bedrooms with a maximum occupancy of 8 persons (2 per bedroom), for a total estimated flow of gpd• SPECIFICATIONS BY: - Brian J Iagrpfn TITLE' Environmental Specialist II APPROVED BY: ITLE: Environmental.Specialist II St. Lucie Cao Hrian J Zngra DATE ISSUED: 05/06/2019 EXPIRATION DATE: 11/06/2020 DE 4016, 08/09 (Obsolates all previous editions which may not be used) Incorporated: 64E-6.003, FAC Page 1 of 3 v 1.1.4 A21411081 SE1174606 NOTICE OF RIGHTS A party whose substantial interest is affected by this order may petition for an administrative hearing pursuant to sections 120.569 and 120.57, Florida Statutes. Such proceedings are governed by Rule 28-106, Florida Administrative Code. A petition for administrative hearing must be in writing and must be received by the Agency Clerk for the Department, within twenty-one (21) days from the receipt of this order. The address of the Agency Clerk is 4052 Bald Cypress Way, BIN A-02, Tallahassee, Florida 32399. The Agency Clerk's facsimile number is 850-413-8743. Mediation is not available as an alternative remedy. Your failure to submit a petition for hearing within 21 days from receipt of this order will constitute a waiver of your right to an administrative hearing, and this order shall become a 'final order'. Should this order become a final order, a party who is adversely affected by it is entitled to judicial review pursuant to Section 120.68, Florida Statutes. Review proceedings are governed by the Florida Rules of Appellate Procedure. Such proceedings may be commenced by filing one copy of a Notice of Appeal with the Agency Clerk of the Department of Health and a second copy, accompanied by the filing fees required by law, with the Court of Appeal in the appropriate District Court. The notice must be filed within 30 days of rendition of the final order. r St. Lucie County Health Department F Of IN HEALTH 5150 NW Milner Dr Port Saint Lucie, FL 34983 PAYING ON: #:56-SF-1944584 BILL Doc #:56-BID-4152146 CONSTRUCTION APPLICATION #: AP1411081 RECEIVED FROM: Hector & Angelica Luna AMOUNT PAID: $ 515.00 PAYMENT FORM: CREDIT CARD PAYMENT DATE: 04/26/2019 MAIL TO: Hector & Angelica Luna FACILITY NAME PROPERTY LOCATION: 1233 S Brocksmith Rd Fort Pierce, FL 34945 -Block:-- Property ID: 2317-214-0004-000-4 EXPLANATION or DESCRIPTION: 128 - OSTDS Construction System Inspection Research Fee -1 - Surcharge (All) -1 - OSTDS New Permit Surcharge -1 - OSTDS Construction Application and Plan Review,New 123 - OSTDS, Construction Site Evaluation 126 - OSTDS Construction Permit (New or Mod, Amendment) 127 - OSTDS Construction System Inspection 133 - OSTDS Construction Reinspection QUANTITY FEE 1 $ 5.00 1 $ 15.00 1 $ 100.00 1 $ 100.00 1 $ 115.00 1 $ 55.00 1 $ 75.00 1 $ 50.00 RECEIVED BY: MontanezNM AUDIT CONTROL NO. 56-PID-3913949 i STATE OF FLORIDA ' DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH Y'p ONSITE SEWAGE TREATMENT AND DISPOSAL SYSTEM APPLICATION FOR CONSTRUCTION PERMIT APPLICATION FOR: New System [ j Repair APPLICANT: AGENT: MAILING ADDRESS: C ] Existing system [ ] Abandonment 5r L In-n 5q-aALI('DIA -� wsu- pcamir'n Wo .yy5`1-aA�LI((��LDs PERMIT N0.5W- - Lq4%Sq DATE PAID: FEE PAID: RECEIPT #: [ ] Holding Tank C I Innovative [ ] Temporary [ 7 ME TELEPHONE: 7Z 2I lSi S� TO BE COMPLETED BY APPLICANT OR APPLICANT'S AUTHORIZED AGENT. SYSTEMS MUST BE CONSTRUCTED BY A PERSON LICENSED PURSUANT TO 489.105(3)(m) OR 489.552, FLORIDA STATUTES. IT IS THE APPLICANT'S RESPONSIBILITY TO PROVIDE DOCUMENTATION OF THE DATE THE LOT WAS CREATED OR PLATTED (MM/DD/YY) IF REQUESTING CONSIDERATION OF STATUTORY GRANDFATHER PROVISIONS. PROPERTY INFORMATION LOT: BLOCK: SUBDIVISION: PLATTED: -- PROPERTY ID #: , I -L`L -(Ji�� ^ ZONING:E) I/M OR EQUIVALENT: C Y/ J ] PROPERTY SIZE. ? ACRES WATER SUPPLY: .[k] PRIVATE PUBLIC [ j<=20000PD [ 1>2000GPD IS SEWER AVAILABLE ``AS PER 381.0`065, FS? [ Y& ] 7'�C DISTANCE TOO ,rSEWER: *a- FT PROPERTY ADDRESS: 1233 S. aroGK�x n(- 'h I V�j 1 • T U' �'(' (F I 3'CI DIRECTIONS TO -PROPERTY: BUILDING INFORMATION Unit Type of No Establishment J. Sl 2 3 4 [-.� RESIDENTIAL [ 7 COMMERCIAL No. of Building Commercial/Institutional System Design Bedrooms ��( A,rea� SSgft Table 1, Chapter 64E-6, FAC *— " [ ] Floor/Equipment Drains [ ] Other (Specify) RVCe Fi1YIFi[{ DATE: A— 2'(0 9 DH 4015, 08109 (Obsoletes previous editions which may not be used) Incorporated 64E-6.001, FAC Page 1 of 4 STATE OF FLORIDA APPLICATION # AP1411081 DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH PERMIT # 56-SF-1944584 ONSITE SEWAGE TREATMENT AND DISPOSAL SYSTEM SITE EVALUATION AND SYSTEM SPECIFICATION DOCUMENT # SE1174606 APPLICANT: Hector & Angelica Luna CONTRACTOR / AGENT: LOT: BLOCK: SUBDIVISION: ID#: 2317-214-0004-OOD-4 TO BE COMPLETED BY ENGINEER, HEALTH DEPARTMENT EMPLOYEE, OR OTHER QUALIFIED PERSON. ENGINEERS MUST PROVIDE REGISTRATION NUMBER AND SIGN AND SEAL EACH PAGE OF SUBMITTAL. COMPLETE ALL ITEMS. PROPERTY SIZE CONFORMS TO SITE PLAN: IX]YES [ ]NO NET USABLE AREA AVAILABLE: 4.75 ACRES TOTAL ESTIMATED SEWAGE FLOW: 400 GALLONS PER DAY [ RESIDENCES-TABLEI / OTHER -TABLE 2 ] AUTHORIZED SEWAGE FLOW: UNOBSTRUCTED AREA AVAILABLE: BENCHMARK/REFERENCE POINT LOCATION: 7126.00 GALLONS PER DAY [ 1500 GPD/ACRE OR •. 2500 GPD/ACRE I 2000.00 SQFT UNOBSTRUCTED AREA REQUIRED: 1000.00 SQET ELEVATION OF PROPOSED SYSTEM SITE 20.00 fence past N of cyst / FT ] [ ABOVE / BENCHMARK/REFERENCE POINT THE MINIMUM SETBACK WHICH CAN BE MAINTAINED FROM THE PROPOSED SYSTEM TO THE FOLLOWING FEATURES -SURFACE-WATER: -- 100—_FT_— ---- - — DITCHES/SWALES-:- -100 FT- - -NORMALLY-WET:—[---]YES— -I-X]NO-- WELLS: .PUBLIC: FT LIMITED USE: FT PRIVATE: 75 PT NON -POTABLE: 75 FT BUILDING FOUNDATIONS: 5 FT PROPERTY LINES: 5 FT POTABLE WATER LINES: 70 FT SITE SUBJECT TO FREQUENT FLOODING? [ ]YES Ex ]NO 10 YEAR FLOODING? I ]YES [X]NO] 10 YEAR FLOOD ELEVATION FOR SITE: FT MSL / NGVD ] SITE ELEVATION: FT I MSL / NGVD ROTT. PROFTLE INFORMATTON RTW.. 1 SOIL PROFILE INFORMATION SITE 2 ' USDA SOIL SERIES:Pineda sand Munsell #/Color Texture Depth 1 OYR 4Y2 Sand OTo 10 1OYR 5/3 Sand 10To 18 1 OYR 6/2 Sand 18 To 29 1 OYR 5/8 CMN/PRM RF 18 To 28 1 OYR 6/3 Sand 29 To 39 1 OYR 5/1 Sandy Clay Loam 39 To 51 1 OYR 42 Sand 51 To 72 USDA SOIL SERIES:Pineda send Munsell #/Color Texture Depth 1 OYR 4/3 Fine Sand 0 To 9 1 OYR 513 Fine Sand 9 TO 15 1 OYR 612 Fine Sand 15 To 25 7.5YR 518 CMN/PRM RF 16 To 25 1 OYR 6/4 Sand 25 To 37 1 OYR 4/1 Sandy Clay Loam 37 To 52 I OYR 42 Sand 52 To 72 OBSERVED WATER TABLE: 59.00 INCHES [ ABOVE / BELOW ] EXISTING GRADE TYPE: [ PERCHED / APPARENT ] ESTIMATED WET SEASON WATER TARIM ELEVATION: 16' INCHES [ ABOVE / BELOW I EXISTING GRADE HIGH WATER TABLE VEGETATION: [ ]YES [X]NO MOTTLING: IX]YES I ]NO DEPTH: 16.00 INCHES SOIL TEXTURE/LOADING RATE FOR SYSTEM SIZING: Sand/0.80 DEPTH OF EXCAVATION: INCHES DRAINFIELD CONFIGURATION: [X ] TRENCH [ 1 BED I ] OTHER (SPECIFY) REMARKS/ADDITIONAL CRITERIA WSWT determined using USDA WSS and soil borings. 7.5YR518 CMN PROM RF mottling in 10YR6/2 matrix: >2%starting at 16" in S132. SH1 18" below BM. SH2 20" below SM. SITE EVALUATED BY: DATE. 05/02/2019 Ingram, Brian e: Environmental Specialist 11) (ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH) DR 4015, 06/09 (Obsoletes previous editions 'ch may not be used) Incorporated: 64E-6.001, FAC Page 3 of 4 AP1411081 EID1944584 v 1.0.2 Property Card tiySBy Page 1 of 1 5y-z9 ��q 5g ag u(,,5 Michelle Franklin, CFA —Saint Lucie County Property Appraiser — All rights reserved. Property Identification Site Address: 1233 S Parcel ID: 2317-214-0004- Account #: 13868 Sec/Town/Range: BROCKSMITH RID 000-4 17/35S/39E Map ID: 23/I7N Zoning: AG-5 Use Type: 9900 Jurisdiction: Saint Lucie County Ownership Legal Description Hector Luna 17 35 39 N 1/2 OF SE I/4 OF NE 114 OF NW 1/4-LESS RD Angelica Luna AND CANAL RS/W- (4.75 AC) (OR I702-1626) 5735 Briargate Ln Fort Pierce, FL 34981 Current Values Historical Values 3-year Just/Market: $60,900 Assessed: $60,900 Year Just/Market Assessed Exemptions Taxable Exemptions: $0 Taxable: $60,900 2018 $60,900 $60,900 $0 $60,900 2017 $77,900 $72,618 $0 $72,618 2016 $72,200 $66,017 - $0 $66,017 Sale History Date Book/Page Sale Code Deed Grantor Price 04-25-2003 1702/1626 XX00 WD Vickers Lawrence $50,000' — _ _05-01-1985 — _0464 /-0668---XX00— --CV- — - - $36,000— -- 02-01-1984 0424/0958 XX01 CV $0 Primary Building Information Finished Area of this building: 0 SF Gross Sketched Area: 0 SF -- Exterior Data View: Roof Cover: Roof Structure: Building Type: Year Built: N/A Frame: Grade: Effective Year: 2014 Primary Wall: Story Height: No. Units: 0 Secondary Wall: Interior Data Bedrooms: 0 A/C %: 0% Electric: Primary Int Wall: Full Baths: 0 Heated %: N/A°/u Heat Type: Avg Hgt/Floor: 0 Half Baths: 0 Sprinkled %: 0% Heat Fuel: Primary Floors: Type Total Areas .: Finished/UnderAir 0 %ih'Lt Gross Sketched Area 0 VC': (SF): Land Size (acres): 4.75 Land Size (SF): 206,910 Total Building Count: I Special Features and Yard Items Qty Units Year Bit All information is believed to be correct at this time, but is subject to change and is provided without any warranty. ® Copyright 2019 Saint Lucie County Property Appraiser. All rights reserved. ttps://paslc-dev.org/RECard/ 4/26/2019 ---------- - - ........... ;zl u... T- 4 WE K@p [UQW gDa ND Wdod alk Ago mnga I Custom Soil Resource Report St. Lucie County, Florida 32—Pineda sand, 0 to 2 percent slopes Map Unit Setting National map unit symbol. 2x1 nb Elevation: 0 to 100 feet Mean annual precipitation: 47 to 58 inches Mean annual air temperature: 70 to 77 degrees F Frost -free period. 355 to 365 days Farmland classification: Farmland of unique importance Map Unit Composition Pineda and similar soils: 85 percent Minor components: 15 percent Estimates are based on observations, descriptions, and transacts of the mapunit. Description of Pineda Setting Landform: Drainageways on marine terraces, flats on marine terraces Landfonnposition (three -dime_ nsi_onal) Tread, dip, tall _ __ Down -slope shape: Linear Across -slope shape: Concave, linear Parent material. Sandy and loamy marine deposits Typical profile A - 0 to 5 inches: sand E- 5 to 19 inches: sand Bw- 19 to 35inches: sand Btg/E - 35 to 38 inches: sandy loam Btg - 36 to 60 inches., sandy loam Cg - 60 to 80 inches. loamy sand Properties and qualities Slope: 0 to 2 percent Depth to restrictive feature: More than 80 inches Watural drainage class: Poorly drained Runoff class., Very high Capacity of the most limiting layer to transmit water (Ksat): Moderately low to moderately high (0.06 to 0.20 in/hr) Depth to water table: About 3 to 18 inches Frequency of flooding: None Frequency of ponding. None Calcium carbonate, maximum in profile: 4 percent Salinity, maximum in profile: Nonsaline to very slightly saline (0.0 to 2.0 mmhos/cm) Sodium adsorption ratio, maximum in profile: 4.0 Available water storage in profile: Low (about 4.6 inches) Interpretive groups Land capability classification (irrigated): None specified Land capability classification (nonirrigated): 3w Hydrologic Soil Group: C/D 10 Custom Soil Resource Report Forage suitability group: Sandy over loamy soils on flats of hydric or mesic lowlands (G155XB241 FL) Other vegetative classification: Slough (R155XY011 FL) Hydric soil rating: Yes Minor Components Malabar Percent of map unit., 6 percent Landform: — error in exists on — Landform position (three-dimensional): Tread, dip, tall Down -slope shape: Linear, concave Across -slope shape: Linear, concave Ecological site: Slough (R155XY011 FL) Other vegetative classification: Slough (R155XY011 FL) Hydric soil rating: Yes Wabasso Percent of map unit., 5 percent Landform: Flatwoods on marine terraces Landform position (three-dimensional): Tread, tall Down -slope shape: Linear Across -slope shape: Linear - Other vegetative classification' South Florida Flatwoods (R155XY003FL) Hydric soil rating: No Valkaria Percent of map unit.- 2 percent Landform: Drainageways on flatwoods on marine terraces Landform position (three-dimensional): Tread, dip, talf Down -slope shape: Linear Across -slope shape: Concave, linear Other vegetative classification: Slough(R155XY011FL) Hydric soil rating: Yes Hallandale Percent of map unit. 2 percent Landform: Flatwoods on marine terraces Landform position (three-dimensional): Tread, talf Down -slope shape: Linear Across -slope shape: Linear Other vegetative classfcation: South Florida Flatwoods (R155XY003FL) Hydric soil rating: Yes 11 Mission: To protect promote 8 improve the health of all. people in Florida throughiniegrated state, iounty 8 community efforts. 14 HEALTH Vision: To be the Healthiest State h the Nation Florida Department of Health in St. Lucie County Conditions for Issuance of Water Well Permits Effective July 24. 2017 Ron DeSantis Governor • Contact the Florida Department of Health in Saint Lucie County (FDOH —St. Lucie) prior to constructing or abandoning tiny well. a. Call the FDOH —St. Lucie Well Line at 772-873-4936 or email SLCDOH-WELLSCa)FLHEALTH.GOV b, Provide the following'information: -- i.—Permit-nu mber -- -- --- _- - - - ii. Driller name iii. Address iv. Date and time to begin construction/abandonment • A minimum. of 24 flours' notice is required, before constructing any public water supply wells. Please call our main office. at 772-873-4931 and speak with Environmental Health Staff or notification by email to SLCDOH-WELLS@FLHEALTH.GOV • Submit revisions to permit and/or site map and associated fee within 48 hours of well construction orabandonment. Florida Department'ofHealth St Lucie County! Division of Disease Control and Health Protection Bureau, of Environmental Health 5150 NIN MilnecDrfve Port St. Lucie, FL 34983 PHONE:.7.721873.4931 FlorldaHealth.gov FAX: 772/595-1306 Accredited Health Department Public Health Accreditation Board 1, Hector & No . 6U-SF-komgbs4 STATE OF FLORIDA PERMIT APPLICATION TO CONSTRUCT, REPAIR, MODIFY, OR ABANDON A WELL Permit No. 59-29465 ❑ Southwes4 P'Denol ILL OUT ALL APPLICABLE FIELDS ❑ Northwest ('Denotes Required Fields Where Applicable) Florida Unique ID Parma Stipulations Required (see Attached) 0 St Johns River SYC^ef'outh Florida Thevaterwelicontmagdsrespan9hleforcompleting thiffofm andforwarding iheppmarappDmflan to the 62-524 Quad No. Delineation No. []Suwannee River appmptioredelegotedouthodfywhereap➢lleable . ❑ DEP CUPANUP AppllcationNo. 0 Delegated Authority (If Applicable) Luna or Number, City 3: L311-414-UUU4-Liuy 4 'Parcel ID No. (PIN) or Alternate Key (Clicks One) Lot Block Unit 4.17 35S 39E St Lucie Check if 62-524:0 Yes 21 No 'Section or Land Grant -township 'Range 'County Subdivision 6, James Paul Tyson 11352 954-8184269 downthehole@att.net 'Water Well Contractor - 'License Number `Telephone Number E-mail Address 6. PO BOX 881496 Port St, Lucie FI 34988 `Water Well Contractor's Address -- City State ZIP 7. 'Type of Work: ❑V Construction ❑ Repair ❑ Modification❑ Abandonment 8. 'Number of Proposed Wells 'Reeaan for Repak, Modlf�cellon ar Ale an = 9.,'Specify Intended Use(s !13\1� FD Landscape Irrigation I��- I H Agricultural Irrigation Site Investigations Bottled Water SupplyRecreation Area ingation 1Jvestock Monitoring Public Water Supply.(Limited Use/DOH) ❑ Nursery Irrigation Test - MAY 6 Public Water Supply. (Community or Non-Community/DEP)nr� CommerclaUlndustrlal Earth -Coupled Geothermal Class I Injection u Golf Course Irrigation HVAC Supply HVAC Return Gass V Injection: El Recharge ❑, Commercialllndustrial Disposal ❑ Aquifer Storage and Recovery ❑ Drainage ,DOH In St Lu iemedlatlon: ❑ Recovery ❑ Air Sparge, ❑ Other loosened) _ r_ 4 Other (Describe). 'Distance from Septic System if 5 200 ft. J .11. Facility Description Residence 12. Estimated Start Date no,tir 'Estimated Well Depth.(aO ft. 'Estimated Casing. Depth / i008. PdmaryCasing Diameter 2 In. Open Hole: From ---To —ft. 4. Estimated Screen Interval: From I Q.Q To Q0 ft. •- y 5:•Primary Casing Material: Black Steel Galvanized - Stainless Steel Not Cased Other: _ 6. Secondary Casing: Telescope Casing Liner Surface Casing Diameter In, 17: Sewnda y Casing Material: Black Steel Galvanized PVC Stainless Steel Other 18,'Mekhod of Construction, Repair, or Abandonment: Auger Cable Tool Jetted ''Rote Sonic Combination (Two or More Methods) Hand Driven (Well Point, Sand Point) Hydraulic Point (Direct Push) Horizontal Drilling Plugged by Approved Method Other cesodbe) 19. Proposed Grouting Interval for the Primary, Secondary, and AdditionaWasiDS: From A To Seal Material ( Bentonite eat Came Other ) From - To Seal Material ( Bentonite - Be ement Other ) From To Seal Material ( Bentonite Neat Cement Other ) From To, Seal Material( Bentonite Neal Cement Other - 1 20. Indicate total number of existing wells on site List number of existing unused wells on site 21.1s thus well or arty existingg well or water w{ awe n the owners contiguous property covered under a ConsumptiveM/ater Use Permit (CUPMNP) or CUPANUP Apprication7 Yes C ,/ No If yes, complete the following: CUPNW P No. District Well ID No. 22. Latitude. Leingltu`de, 23. Data Obtained From: GPS Map -Survey Datum: NAD 27NAD 83 _WGS 84 Inudr=rMen slit complyde Me appendorwas arvdG 4e. Floods AGmweVaae code, and Nat s Mae pemNp eoedd,edmpe pame, If needed, hap been a, A 1. abdn[d pd., M mmmenpsmenl dfwe0 Icooler Ott me l am mma of Me p,opeM. eat Me lnfameden ro pdcaded le.me. Mid M[, r am awn. elm Ie[ppneMStln umfo, paper a». Models as ot., to meNleln a, GmpedPbeMon eat neM and nRly eel Cam oano`O,1 ,INrMcecardry Met a Wermadm pp m Wded In Weoppxadan u..It dNa, I v chino ury serve from *Met foamed,vote. Metal baaemmenu, It applicable. I apes h pavtdo a wall Psapan,1.,Neo+m,,. eat Me Wormed..Woddeduawnu, and Mal l Bove Mrxm<d ea...Id al, neponsBadn es eLeaebwo. ew'Itch weanle,a aaowinppenorv,dolMiaVlMa are[IapaW Pr,Mnityaueea carlpcWn npade Ns p'SWCW.Mn]O Np aNr nmpletloh cal MenmWNen,npalr: mdm[ceWn. er to Me vrtpelM1 NonBMenmNepon. npaL,moNRepon. arabmdonmmi vuewfRdb/04 pemdL W vdmmenl iUMWaeEby Mlapa,nu't a Ne permR 0ep4atlan, idew, a[aee Ns, '•./�fi+^✓'\ �✓r,d�i..._,C_ 1.1352. •Slgrlatore of Contractor /7 'License No. 'Signature of Owner or Agent 'Date Approval Greeted By Issue Dal ( ( Expiration Dale,( 7 L—tiydrolaglst Approval NNdv Fee Received S Receipt No, Check No. THIS PERMIT IS NOT VALID UNTIL PROPERLY SI NED BY AN AUTHORIZED OFFICER OR REPRESENTATIVE OF THE vVMD OR DELEGATED AUTHORITY, THE PERMIT SHALL BE AVAILABLE AT THE WELL SITE DURING ALL CONSTRUCTION, REPAIR, MODIFICATION, OR ABANDONMENT ACTIVITIES. NR=GW4RS TOB+) BOUNDARY & TOPOGRAPHIC SURVEY - CQi1vILD LgelRx R[Cp10 !]PL91a �__ Nm•aras-w LOCATED IN SAINT LUCIE COUNTY, FLORIDA wSi l-3]-N r- DASE 6EPRINC N, v! C{' niL Ycnp IIRC N09VYa5-E MDtLY ILf MD S/B ML P+I :xB LI„0B m ! atOB $IL 11 III a5x Nzoz xn.)xn_S o_S1FA S3 .`sIIi'IIl a aG A=S Ml +a. S I D4'W W41FA RnL a SFPDTCW Di nlULc .¢°�.< Op � Ipl 1� ODgx<-O, �f EJ10W!!nf I MD 5/e'.WC -B lB y <IOB � • S'9 / B K -, % / �- � I' B •.AJ , L MOTOR LVN{ x 202 2IIT 128 1/.C4Y1 uw-off+N[ IL x 206 - mw WN.RxI Y447L OYO a sT9a - zv)-xn-mlD-DCD-n acwRRD -� c ,rt-nm I \ a rziL x 5vnc mrr m MNLE _. __ xxss 1 2 nB V z�• . zoo g ' xm 9sn)c OF _•_•_ xl xrto ___"�tO-♦ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _.�''L"i6-._'. f}W!TFN(R_��__PY��.xPl=, 3j ML 5/B"IRC-"<'iz1'-`- NB'S•U34'E- _E$1f' MOa%a^w �a �Ltem iIlW ic'CE N010 EL6� I�IIII222E2E CwMD NMOR 1])] S ®IOOLFOM POwD. vx,SL o svnc qIT a R.WLE _ GLOBALPOSMONMG SYSTEM IGPSI NOTES 13M S. 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Property Identification Site Address: 1233 S Parcel ID: 2317-214-0004- Account #:13368 Sec/Town/Range: 17/35S/39E BROCKSMrrH RD 0004 Map ID: 23/17N Zoning: AG-5 Use Type: 9900 • Jurisdiction: Saint Lucie County Ownership Legal Description Hector Luna 17 35 39 N I/2 OF SE 1/4 OF NE 1/4 OF NW 1/4-LESS RD AND Angelica. Luna CANAL RS/W- (4.75.AC) (OR 1702-1626) 5735 Briargate Ln Fort Pierce, FL 34981 Current Values Historical Values 3-year JustlMarket: $60,900 'Assessed: $60,900 Year Just/Market Assessed Exemptions Taxable Exemptions: $0 Taxable: $60,900 2018 $60,900 $60,900 $0 $60,900 $0 $72,618 ••2017 $17,900 $72,618 2016 $72,200 $66,017 $0 $66,017 Sale History Date Book/Page SaleCodeDeed Grantor Price 04-25-2003 170211626 'XX00- WD Vickers Lawrence - $50,000 05-01-1985 0464/0668 XX00 CV $36,000 02-01-1984 0424/0958 7CC01 Cv so Primary Building Information Finished Area of this building: 0 SF Gross Sketched Area: 0 SF Exterior Data View: Roof Cover: Roof Structure: Building Type: Year Built: N/A Frame: Grade: Effective Year: 2014 Primary Wall: Story Height: No. Units: 0 SecondaryWall: Interior Data. Bedrooms: 0 A/C W 0% Electric: Primary Int Wall: Full Baths: 0 Heated % N/A% Heat Type: Avg Hgt/Floor. 0 Half Baths: 0 Sprinkled %:.0% Heat Fuel: Primary Floors: Type Total Areas Finished/Under Air 0 (SF): Gross Sketched Area 0 (SF): Land Size (acres): 4.75 Land Size (SF): 206,910 Total Building Count: 1 Special Features and Yard Items Qly units Year Blt All information is believed to be correct at this time, but is subject to change and is provided without any warranty. ,0 Copyright 2019 Saint Lucie County Property Appraiser. All rights reserved.