HomeMy WebLinkAboutTHE PORCH FACTORY INSTALLATIONDesign Parameters 1. Building Occupancy Category, Paragraph 1604.5 and Table 1604.5: Risk Category I. 2. Basic Wind Speed, Table 1609C, State o1 Florida Debris Region & Basic Wind Speed, Paragraph 1609.3.1 and Table 1609.3.1 Equivalent Basic Wind Speed, VuLT=160 MPH Exposure Category, Paragraph 1609.4.3: C Applicable Codes. Regulation and Standards 1. The 6th Edition (2017) Florida Building Code, specifically Chapter 16 Structural Design, Chapter 20 Aluminum, and Chapter 23 Wood. 2. AA ASM 35 and Specifications for Aluminum Structure, Part 1-A of the Aluminum Design Manual prepared by The Aluminum Association, Inc. Washington, D.C., 2010 Edition 3. ASCE7-10 General Notes 1. The contractor shall verify all dimensions prior to construction 2. All work shall comply with all local and regional ordinances. 3. Any deviation from this plan shall be reviewed by the engineer of record and is subject to approval. Specifications The following specifications are applicable to this projects 1. Where concrete specification are required, whether in the screen enclosure scope or not, by one or more regulatory agency, the following specifications are applicable. 1.1. Concrete shall confarn to ASTM C94 for following components: 1.1.1. Portland Cement Type 1, -ASTM C 15o 1.1.2. Aggregate - Large Aggregate 3/4" max - ASTM C 33 1.1.3. Air entraining +/-1 % _ ASTM C 260 1.1.4. Water reducing agent- ASTM C 494 1.1.5. Clean Potable water 1.1.6. Other admixture not permitted 1.2. Metal accessories shall conform to: 1.2.1. Reinforcing Bars-ASTM A615, grade 60 1.2.2. Welded wire fabric -ASTM At 85 1.3. Concrete slump at discharge per chute not less then 3" or more than 5". Water added after botching is not permitted. 1.4. Prepare and place concrete per American Concrete Institute Manual of Standard Practice, Parts 1, 2 and 3 including hotweather recommendation: I.S. Moist cure or polyethylene curing required. 1.6. Prior to placing concrete, treat the entire subsurface area for termites in compliance with the FBC. 1.7. Concrete shall be placed over polyethylene vapor barrier. 1.8. All aluminum components embedded within concrete shall be coated with E bituminous paint or epoxy. 2. Aluminum extrusions shall be 6005 T5 Alloy. 3. Fasteners are required to be corrosion resistant, minimum SAE Grade 2 or better zinc plate to ASTM 8633. or stainless steel series'300". 4. All Self Mating Beam Sections are to be stitched with either #14 screws 6" from end 24" on center or #12 screws 6" from end 12" on center. 5. Screened enclosures containing swimming pools shall comply with the applicable requirements of FBC R4501.17 Residential Swimming Barrier requirements. 6. Door location shall be determined by contractor In the field. 7. When Installing pavers over concrete slab or footing which are supporting aluminum members, such as continuous screen backs or upright, the pavers mus be bonded to the concrete with an epoxy, thinset, or 3,000 PSI grout to ensure ful positive contact with concrete. 8. All flashing and waterproofing shall be provided by the contractor. 9. Use of these plans acknowledges and accepts a limit of liability not to exceed design and engineering fee. 10. Vinyl and acrylic panels shall be removed when wind speeds exceed 75mph Foundation Design: Existing a"xB" Thickend Edge 4" Slab on Grade Existing concrete. No additional concrete roofing Is required to resist the loads imposed by the proposed construction if the existing footing is in sound condition, free from structural cracking, spelling, or other deterioration. Roof Type Screen Size Half Mansard 18/14 HOLLOWSECTIONa SELF-`nNG BE" rSMB1 PORCH FACTOF 2xT r.r.DUi6' 2x<6MB: tx<'x B.ON'x0.10P 19, PFB; Z•x3.TS 2x1 T.3'[AP]P 3x66M& TxIT MIMI^x0.1PP 5]S PFB: 2'[SAS 2.4'Sd'.MGST 2.66M& Tx6•x0.O5Px0.$R COLUMNS 2.6: Tx Sx0A5P 2x76MB: Tx T[O.p5T x0.12P 3k3. Yx3'x0.12r OPEN BACK SECTIONS 2xBSMB: Tx0•x0.0]Yv0.134 4x4: 4•z C• 0.12r ._>............. 2x9SM0: zxe_[O.on_x0.12a^ axe T. Cx 0.ur MINIMUM FASTENER EDGE DIBTMCE: IT KB: KNEE BRACE MINIMUM FASTENER SPACMO: LP AMFIEGCHANNE CONCRETESCREWANCHOR: SHEET MATEL SCREWS RMS1' SIMPSONTRENHDOREOUWA RW BURDIX OR EQUIVXENT NOTE: THIS DRAWING IS FOR ILLUSTRATIVE PURPOSES. DRAWING NOT TO SCALE. USE DIMENSIONS GIVEN. CABLE BRACING MAY TERMINATE AT SLAB IN DIFFERENT LOCATION. MAINTAIN ANGLE PER DETAIL. T a o 2xx Iv 1 p>s FB SIB J 6]5 PFB T ]ate-rrd 1VV M 5� e _HOST Flu GuMER Damp) �1i G1 2. m m m m m a % G m m m m m m m m m � pk pY m> pm Cm `'ti G W!"M au• I e'e• I ea• I ea• �a� I e'a' { eaI 5•a I sr a m m m m m m m m m Il($m]9I �eaI aa• er t ea• j e�s I Ma• l er 5•a• l ea• 0 ;v mB 4 a n 5.T5 pFB k � 4 r g PF5 B i OOOpppO �00p0 N®�pOpO O W ° Ae LIL t SCANNED i BY C St. Lucie County 0. r W W N J Jr d J > a N d to O ° ° = R. ° O ° Lt. = r°e D) (7m� to 2 d inn. r 9 LL Q d 0 IL SHEET 1 —NOTE -NOT ALL DETAILS ARE USED F IW BRACKET CVT FROM 1-x S ANGLE. CONNECT WITH (9) 014 X 314' SMS 0 0 0 0 0 O O O -- O UPRIGHT DOUBLE COMPRESSION SLEEVES BRICK PAVERS MAY NOT BEPRESENT.ENSURE MIN. REQUIRED ANCHOR EMBEOMENTINTO CONCRETE FOUNDATION PER PLAN BR-1 CABLE BRACING A-2 SCALE:NTS 2'M VW ANGLE EA SIDE (1) WV DIA CONCRETE SCREWANCHORS INTO EACH LEG EVE RAIL EYE BOLT FOR CABLE TENSION 1RI' S.S. CABLE 1-1/4'x6 'x 1M'ALUM. FLAT BAR. WITH (2) M' DIA. CONCRETE ANCHORS. MIN. 2-3/4' EMBEDMENT — (1)11S DIA THRU BOLTMTH NYLOCKJAM NUT (JAM NUTWITH THREADLOCKER MAY BE USED. IN UEU). DO NOT OVER TIGHTEN. TIGHTEN ONLY UNTIL CONTACT. FOR 2X2 AND 2X3 UPRIGHTS, USE (4)$14 x W/ SMS INTO POST — BRICK PAVERS. MAY NOT BE PRESENT. ENSURE MINIMUMCONCRETE EMBEDMENT. no, --W nwz � TOP VIEW AT INTERMEDIATE FOUNDATION PER PLAN UPRIGHT PER PLAN 1X2 O.B. ANCHORED TO CONCRETE WITH VP DIA. CONCRETE SCREW ANCHOR ®2P O.C. MAX (4)014xX/ SMS INTO POST FOR CORNER CONNECTION FASTEN 1X2 WITH 012 x L4'''T SMS 924' O.C. 1 01X2I 0 W W' I (4)014x2'1SMSTHRU IX2- INTOPOST TOPVIEW FRONT VIEW AT CORNER 9A-2 UPRIGHT TO FOUNDATION CONNECTION SCALE:NTS Note - Orientation may be different. WIS-GUSSET PURUNS ATTACHED TO BEAM WITH (4) 010 x 1-IW SMS WITH WASHE INTO SCREW BOSSES. 014 X X4'SMS 01-1/4'O.C. NOTES: 1. SEE THE NOTE BELOW FOR SCREWS SPACING. THE NUMBER OF SCREWS SHOWN ME FOR ILLUSTRATIVE PURPOSES. DO NOT COUNT SCREWS ON DRAWING. 2. GUSSET DIMENSIONS AREA MINIMUM (2) REO'D-(1) EA SIDE OF BEAM -MAY BE INTERNAL OR EXTERNAL 3. AS BEAM SIZE CHANGES. ADD OR SUBTRACTSCRENS TO MAINTAIN 1114-CIC SPACING. 4. GUSSET LENGTHS REMAIN CONSTANTLWDTHS CHANGE TO MATCH BEAMSIZE. G-1 TYPICAL INTERNAL/E)tTERAL GUSSET CONNECTION A-2 SCALE:NTS 116'x2'xYANGLE WITH (4) 014 x Wr SMS INTO POST BRICK PAVERS MY NOT BE PRESENT. FOLLOW ANCHOR MINIMUM CONCRETE EMBEDMENT z z em ' s PER PLAN 2O.B.ANCHOREDTO NCRETE WITH 1/4' DI A. CHOR (MIN.1.114- U BED) (M 2V O.C. 014xVVSMSINTO ST m I)318'DIA CONC. °A ANCHOR EMBED MIN. 2-12' 4 DOTING. SEE PLAN FOR FRONTVIEW DETAILS DJ-1 DOORJAMB CONNECTION A-2 SCALE:NTS IW BACKING PLATE WITH (41010 x 1-1W SMS INTO SCREW BOSSES RYPI SI I SELF-MATINGG SSEEAMAM ONLY vM 610 x 3' WOOD 6CREW3 ®B" FROFROM EN0981C O.C. CREW ONCa 1/O DIA.3' x CONCRETE SCREW ANCHOR 0 6-FROM ENDS B 24' O.C. 2' x Tx I/9' ANGLE WITH (2) 010, x W/ SMS IN EACH FLANGE, EACH SIDE (TYP) 1—PURUN / GIRT/ CHAIR RAIL _ M-1 PURLIN/GIRT/ O.B TO HOST CONNECTION A-2 SCALE:NTS GUSSETPLATE PER ESERIES DETAIL *2 UtIAILA1 13R-3 ROOF BRACING A-2 SCALE:NTS BEAM PER PLAN (2) 014 X 2-SMS THRU SPACE INTO SEAM THRU GUSSET PLATE -. JW THRU BOLT WITH NYLON WASHER 6 STAINLESS STEEL NUT m ppppL�0000pppp�poo p 000 oo D� oO �6� o 00 �oz age ffi �/�0.0 @ ®o°° G%o %0 P000000. 00 p ® O��000 O� v �p4o44 � �ppPp�`p��00� eai TO N SHEET 2 LAGS 1 NOTE: MS"X3" (2 WDIAx4"LAGSCREWSFOR 24-0.C. SPANS GREATER THAN 30'-0° 1• X 2. OPEN BACK IS NOT NEEDED IF GUTTER HAS SPLINE GROOVE OTHERWISE, CONNECT 1X2 TO BEAWPURUN WITH (2) i10 x 2-10 SMS THRU BEAMVPURLIN INTO SCREW BOSSES. CONNECT1X TOGUTTER WITH (1) 910 v 1-1/2• SMS ® 6• FROM ENDBAND29'O.C. 2'x2°x1/B"z2'ANGt WITH(I —CONTRACTOR TO VERIFY FASCIA IS MINIMUM OF 2'x 4'.IF LESS, 2' X 4' i19 x 314• SMS INFO BFAMPURLIN PT SUB FASCIA SHALL BE PLACED AND (9) [(2) IF 1X21S SCREWEDTO BEHIND EXISTING AND LAG LAG BEAMUSINGSCREWBOBBTTR) SUPER GUTTER SCREWSSHALLBELENGTHENED X 3l4' SMS INTO N O (OR GUTTERF TO FULLY PENETRATE SUB FASCIA. REPEAT ON OTHER SIDE OF IF NO FASCIA IS EXISTING, ADD 2• x BE4M/PURMN 9°PTFASCIAWITHIGZ DIA.LAG WHEN BEAM IS LARGER THAN GUTTER, .062• BACKING PLATE BOLTS, EMBEDDING I-W-IN1O 2 L0' x 11/S" x 0.062'(MIN.) ALUM ON INSIDE OF GUTTER TRUSS TAILS. PREDRILL WITHW RECEIVING CHANNEL W/ MIN. (2)912 x DIA BITTO PREVENT SPLITTING WV SMS RH-1 BEAMIPURLIN TO GUTTER CONNECTION A-2 SCALE:NTS MEMBERSIZE EDGEY7 2X4 M. 2X6 2X6-2X10 11w FLASHING EAVE RAILINTERNALLY SCREW THRU BEAM INTO SCREW BOSSEB WITH (3) i10 x 1-IZ SMS ATTACH 1X2 TO EAVE RAIL WITH i10x 1-1R° SMS 06" FROM ENDS & 24' O.C. (1)112. DIA. x 2-12 THRU BOLT WITH NYLOCK JAM NUT, THREADLOCKER MAY BE USED ON NUT IN UEU OF NYLOCK JAM NUT. DO NOT OVERTIGHTEN. RC-1 UPRIGHT TO BEAM CONNECTION A-2 SCALE: NTS NOTCH BOTTOM FLANGE 0' PURUN TO OVERIAP UPRIGH EAVERAILINTERNALLY SCREW THRU BEAM INTO SCREW BOSSED WTTH (3) i10 x 1-V2• SMS ATTACH 1X2 TO SAVE RAIL WTTHCIOX 1-12- SMS ®6• FROM ENOS 62A• O.C. 2' x T° x VS° PLATE NTH (2) 01 X 8/4° SMS EACH SIDE OF BEAT UPRIGHT PER PLAI C-2 UPRIGHTTOPURLIN CONNECTION A-2 SCALE: NTS E'� o Cd,B0AY y oM000co0 0 ���oo oo°°o °p°°ou00000 . T M i J O fd d rn V J a V d � W LL O O 9 O s O O LL O �g L IL aNi is A, r W V LL � a 0~1 i W �O Tr IL SHEET 3