HomeMy WebLinkAboutTHE PORCH FACTORY PROPOSAL - CONTRACTMAY 10 2919 ST. LUr:le Email die .., " : _"" yt L L C ammo_-5e .h :fin. Yoaa Can U150.7T BILE Copy LIC,ENS _D/1NSURED SCANNED 705 North 391h Sireat y Fort Pierce, FL 34947 � BY 772 a Fax: 772-465-3252 a tarwrw. T hePorchFactory.corn = CBC 2584a9 BY County i Z Date Address Job Name Le I �b_Q1 Address YVW c`ovl�uy Phone City State ZIP City - State Zip Job Phone JOB DESCRIPTION: POOL ENCL. SCREEN PORCH POLY ROOF ROOF: Mansard A -Frame Flat WALLS: COLOR: Bronze White SCREEN MES 4 20/20 Other . KICKPLATE: Yes/No Height _ GUTTER: Super 5" 7" DOWNSPOUT: _._.-.. 3x4 .-4x5 CHAIR RAIL:, 18" 24" 36" Other. DOORS: KIP NOTES ❑ Built to Code 0 Permits & Engineering Included Approximate Completion Date: TOTAL CONTRACT PRICE $_ 1 �, gCka Payment due on final day of installation. ' Total Contract Price is for Cash/Checks. Credit Card Fee is 3.95%. N CVSTOPj1)=RSIds1ATURE DATE- COMPANY REPRESENTATIVE DATE Cei TERMS AND CONDITIONS 1. The Sell rexpressly reserves all contractors, mechanics and material man's lien rights • which maybe asserted under any provision or law to secure payment of the contract price and mayassertand ra the some lien upon the real propedyupon which installation Is made. 2. In the evantpaymentof this cnmractls enforced through aftomsycrby suit orin bankruptcy orprobate proceedings, the seller may recovar2ndthe purohaserhareby agrees to pay 3. As an inducement forThe Porch Factory to enter into this contract, the signer carIfiesthat the above legal owner and address are correct It is also understood thatlhere are no verbal agreamanls and all items discussed are covered by this written contract - this is a proposal until signed by an officer orthe corporation atwhich time it becomes an executed contract. Any additions to this contract shall be covered by a change order. Additional costs of change orders shall be due and payable upon acceptance by the customer. Acceptance by the ownermust be within 14 days orlhe pro_posaljrafg oral the pplipn pt(he;oiler, Theybuyer (customer) may cancel this contractwllhln three (3) working days after signing. Any change orders muslbe in writing and received prior to final measurement. 4. Afull hm year guarantee against defect in purchased assemblies, materials and workmanship goes into effactat completion of this contracted work covered by this contract and any change orders in affect. Anyaarrantywork necessary however, shall notbe done until such llnIe a�Loaymew hasboenmaSLdlo hes le 3. in the event That any wort: performed by the contractor is wholly or partially destroyed or damaged due to fire. water. vandalism, or any other cause not under the control of the contractor, Ihs loss she-3 be sustolred by Lho owner. and shall not be the responsibility of the contractor. The undersigned acknowledges receipt or a We copy ofthis contract and ackoovdadaes that halshe he; read and understnnd the contan�, 6rprpof and accents the same on the terms and conditions as stated heroin. This contract shall ba bindina upon