HomeMy WebLinkAboutSUBMITTED DOCUMENTSPermit Number: St. Lucie County Building & Zoning Department 2300 Virginia Avenue SCANNED Fort Pierce, FL 34982 �� 772-462-1553 St, Lucie County APPLICATION FOR STORM SHUTTER PERMIT SEE REVERSE SIDE FOR INSTRUCTIONS DATE: " I 1. LOCATIONISITE ADDRESS: O 2 ACJ(ffUh IN aAA, 2. 3. PARCEL ID NUMBER: Iw a.31 '0 a i1 tgoc)(o v SECT TWP RNG MAP ZNG LU INIT DESCRIPTION OF PROJECT OR WORK ACTIVITY: 0UnA1AkM %n4L C 4. TYPE OF STRUCTURE: SFR Addition OTHER �O 5. OWNERS INFORMATION 6. CONTRACTORS INFORMATION Name: I n n�l ,r FLREG/CERT#: ,. Address: COUNTY CERT #: may. City' %^'/ t/fState I -A Business Name: Phone: Zi Type of Surface attachment: Wood Frame _ Concrete _ Masonry _ Other oduct Minimum Design Pressure Product Compliance Report # Method of Attachment Asper 1707.4.4.1 FBC pe Icmecordion 120 mph 130 mph 140 mph 140 Exp. C SBCCI Dade Other Anchor Type Anchor Spacing act Glazinmovable Panels oll U o!121s wnin ^a. rnUV V LA a SHALL BE LABLED SECC1 OR DAVE COUNTY FOR DETERMINING IMPACT RESISTANCE FROM WIND BORNE DEBRIS. **SEE FINAL INSPECTION PROCEDURE FOR EXISTING RESIDENTIAL STRUCTURES ON BACK 00 7. VALUE OF CONSTRUCTION: $ U —� FEES DUE: RECEIPT: PN1W 'XV IWAVIT: I certify that all of the information contained in this application is correct and that all work will be done in U: jk t se compliance with all applicable laws regulating construction and zoning. k��m»E e0°oP� we e zc PRIN I QUALIFIERS/OWNERS NAME SIGNATURE OF QUALIFIER/OWNERS ai4 me$T4TE OF FLORIDA, COUNTY OF �IAALIfe� ACKNOWLEDGED BEFORE ME THIS DAYOF TO ME O WHO HAS PRODUCED AS IDENTIFICATION. VRE OF r40TARY — TYPE OR PRINT NAME OF NOTARY NOTARY PUBS COMMISSION NUMBER Code Compliance Division 2300 Virginia Avenue Ft Pierce, Fl- 34982 Phone: (772) 462-1553 Fax: (772) 462-1148 Date: 07 March 2006 Job Address: 902 JACKSON WAY Received By: counselb Paid With: CK Paid By: PRO-TEC SHUTTERS INC Building Receipt BY St. Lucie COunty Receipt#: 0000034548 'ermit Number: SLC- 0603-0191 Amount: $77.00 ZmAit Card Number: Check Number: 1022 Sign: EDWIN M. FRY, Jr., CLERK OF THE CIRCUIT COURT - SAINT LUCIE COUNTY FILE # 2809033 OR BO( ''t501 PAGE 2974, Recorded 03/- '2006 at 09:28 AM SCANNED St Lucile County ,'rrJ' C NOTICE OF CONIINENCEMENT i'T`3 • cep Z' d 0 0' 000(� Permit No. Property Ta:ID No. State of Florida County of /if - W l'k The Undersigned hereby gives notice that improvement will be made to certain real property, and in accordance with Chapter 713, Florida Statutes, the following information is provided in this Notice of Commencement (:V&OJ C 04 UAi f l L s General description of hn°Ytmea.is .idly K M oz ,� ...�� Owner l.(! ._� ''' V ` Owner's interest in site of improvement Fee Simple 11deholder (ifotierthan owner) 'ff•� - jb. Address. ��a10 si Coatraetor Addresa3SO n Q t[ Fas# S- 3O!7 Q- Sarcty lam. Phone# )C rn o r- Addrearx} -j AmmomaterBood _�--.Le@deP__.�c....._.:. _—__. _ _ ' • �- H.C.? jC __ijaaL�. .iC• Address Fasts C S %¢ CM .Persons within the State ofFlorida ` designated byOsrner upon wham aofic�sororierdaaso•embmuybe served d provided by Sectlon 713.13 (a) Z,Florida Shtan: Name PMx# Address Fa:# In addition to himself, owner desfgnatea �C ".. _ of -- }� Phone#' .� Fas#' to receive a copy of the Meooes Notice as provided is Section 713.13 (1) (d)6FloridaStntmtcL Expiration date of noticeof commencement is one year from the date of recording maim a different date h specified. OwaerSiganfirre ' State of Florida, County o[ - Acknowledged before we this i day ofa(f JCk 20U2,by d Q a 1 a Q (- 1jGL-., who h mkwntome or wbo ins produ as identification.r ature of Notary Type or Print Nave of Notary DAMEIlEMATTEO Mile: Notary Public Commission Number « WCOMMEi MID04470 EXPIHES:Jdy4,2009 md,amusamAcread.rsa Property Appraiser - St.Lucie County, FL Page 1 of 1 PROPERTY RECORD CARD Dale V Colean Record: 1 of 1 <<Prev Next» Spec.Assmnt Taxes Exemptions Permits Home Print Property Identification �11CIE C Site Address: 902 JACKSON WAY PafcellD: 1423-802-0017-000-6 Sec/Town/Range: 23 :34S :40E Account #: 8614 Map ID: 14/23S SCANNED Land Use: SF Res Zoning: By City/Cnty: ST. LUCIE COUNTY Ownership and Mailing St Lucie County Legal Description Owner: Dale V Colean Marlene Colean COASTAL COVES -UNIT 1- LOT 15-(OR394-969) Address: 10870 S US Highway 1 Port St Lucie FL 34952-6405 Sales Information Assessment FV Total Land and Building Date Price Code Deed Book/Page 2005 Val: 789000 Land Value: 685900 Acres: 0.42 2/1/1983 22500 01 CV 0394 /0969 Assessed: 182814 Building Value: 103100 10/1/1978 12000 00 CV 0295 / 2606 Ag.Credit: 0 Finished Area: 1816 SgFt 3/1/1978 0 01 CV 0283 / 1637 Exempt: 25000 Taxable: 157814 TotalTax: 3344.29 BUILDING INFORMATION Exterior Features View: - RoofCover: CS - Conc Shingle E#Type: HC - HC YearBlt: 1983 Grade: C - C EffYrBlt: 1983 StoryHght: 0010-1 Story No.Units: 1 Interior Features BedRooms: 3 Electric: MX- MAXIMUM FullBath: 2 HeatType: FHA - FrcdHotAir 1/213alh: HeatFuel: ELEC - Electric %A/C: 100 %Heated: 100 Special Features and Yard Items Land Information Type Y/S Qty. Units Qual. Cond. YrBlt. No. Land Use DOK2 - WOOD DOCK Y 1 144 AV AV 1983 1 0100-SF Res SWOD - SEAWALL WOOD Y 1 180 FR FR 1983 SDSF - SITE DEV S-F Y 1 1 AV AV 2001 RoofStruct: HP - Hip Frame: PrimeWall: CB - Cedar Bd/Btn SecWall: PrminfWall: DW- Drywall AvgHUFI: STD Prm.Flors: CU- Carpet %Sprinkled: 0 Type Measure Depth COUA-Front Ft 125.92 146 THIS INFORMATION IS BELIEVED TO BE CORRECT AT THIS TIME BUT IT IS SUBJECT TO CHANGE AND IS NOT WARRANTED: http://www.pasle.org/prc.asp?prclid=142380200170006 3/7/2006 Property Appraiser - St.Lucie Count:, 7, Pagel of 2 PROPERTY RECORD CARD "5 l Dale V Colean Record: 1 of 1 <<Prev Next >> Spec.Assmnt Taxes Exemptions Permits Hop(t` "Orint Property Identification "" " cite Address: 902 JACKSON WAY ParcellD 1423-802-0017-000-6 �ucir Sec/Town/Range: 23:34S:40E Account #: 8614Map ID: 14/23S Land Use: SF ResZoning: 601 City/Cnty: ST. LUCIE COUNTY ' Ownership and Mailing Legal Description Owner: Dale V Colean Marlene Colean COASTAL COVES -UNIT 1- LOT 15 (OR394-969) Address: 10870 S US Highway 1 SCANNED St Lucie FL 34952-6405 BY St. Lucie County Sales Information Assessment FV Total Land and Building Date Price Code Deed Book/Page 2/1/1983 22500 01 CV 0394 / 0969 10/1/1978 12000 00 CV 0295 / 2606 3/1/1978 0 01 CV 0283 / 1637 2005 Val: 789000 Land Value: 685900 Acres: 0.42 Assessed: 182814 Building Value: 103100 Ag.Credit: 0 Finished Area: 1816 SgFt Exempt: 25000 Taxable: 157814 TotalTax: 3344.29 BUILDING INFORMATION a � Exterior Features ExtType: �hlf4Qlfaci�� . kip HC - HC YearBlt: C - C EffYrB,h. afatypgilt: 0010-1 1983 PrimeVtia??: Story No.Unsts: 1 ®d/®fnOd®P 'nte,lor Feafurea p ?Gif'i211, a 2edRoom&: 3 rull8ath: 1/28ath: 2 Electric: MAXIMUM %A/C: HeatType: HeatFuei: Prr !rrynJ`it FHA- FrcdHotAir Uw' QtyWell 100 o/uHeated: /iyOH Fl; ELEC Electric Prm.Flon; $TD httpl/www,paslc.or = 100 %Sprinkled: CU - Carpet 0 ? g/prc.aspprclid=142380200170006 2/16/06 3:05 pM NAME LAYOUT SHEET BELOW AREAPPRWHATE FOR Vs=lATvN9 PURPOSES ONLY SCABYNNED St. Lucie County Tx t -31 IX �l 1 'S T. 5 5 3isZ %JO ALP; fT On A During Installation we must have access In and Out Of Property for good Installation. Owner, or someone with authority. must be A present during Installation to Inspect and pay balance due. CUMMOMSOMATIM I Ism in TM 4 I'- NO MING CUBTCNMM'?'FID Vol, -� OPMFWATU, -1 A DO, NO 1=10CM, ELLATIMM OR 0 SOLD TO -TEC SHUTTERS, INC. 3802 Crossroads Parkway Fort Pierce, FL 34945 (772) 335-3000�- 1-800-442-2502 ADDRESS Vl p;W}S- PHONE t . CITY JOB # DATE } { v • r. APPROX. DEL. DATE iCJ — a t" 'g t ? Completion date subject to material shortage or other eireumstanees beyond our control. CONDO BUILDING �( is a`6- ZIP, FLOOR: 1st( APT. # 2nd fk) Other ( ) OPG. QUAN WIDTH HEIGHT ADDITIONAL INFORMATION PRODUCT COLOR 2 ? All Optional Features Must Be Noted on Contract s 7 e Z r if°,z ti 1jj.. 10 } ) S 12 If During installation we must have access in and out of property for good installation. Owner, or someone with authority, must be present during TOTAL PRICE installation to inspect and pay balance due. In owner's absence, measurements, installation and final payment to be made through:-• ;- sv ;h 4r ew, e® 6 ' d DEPOSIT 1/2 t ' BALANCE DUE UPON INSTALL. (.=C' NAME PHONE TERMS AND CONDITIONS OF SALE YO # 3 e'A I- \'AL; ` Q 5 i. PRO-TEC SHUTTERS, INC. and the Purchaser agree to the sale of installation for the above specified price upon the terms and conditions hereinafter set forth and continued on the reverse side of this contract, including the description and limitations of all warranties and guarantees that are incorporated into this contract as is fully set on this page. 2. This agreement shall be binding upon the parties hereto, their Heirs, Successors, and Assigns, where signed by the parties hereto or their Officers or Agents, except as otherwise provided. Execution by any person as Purchaser shall bind the person so executing this agreement and the Owner as said person represents that he is the Owner or his lawful Agent with actual authority to bind the Owner. 3. PURCHASER'S RIGHT TO CANCEL * * * This is a home solicitation sale and if you do not want the goods or services, you may cancel this agreement by mailing a notice to the Seller. This notice must indicate that you do not want the goods or services and must be postmarked before midnight of the third business day after you sign this agreement. I HAVE READ THE FOREGOR I TERMS AND CONDITIONS OF SALE SET FORTH ON BOTH SIDES HEREIN AND AGREE WITH THEM. SALES REPRESENTATIVE PURCHASER The Flrtrrde tlepertrtlertt rrf Crrnlrrtlrrtity �4ffalrs ` M U ' > ' In M111017 fr a15f:�ak.. .asp .,s r •r it err O✓ervlcsv ProductSearch O(gae¢aaon Pradud User. Public User -Not Associated with Organization - Application #. Date Submitted: Code Version Product Mamtfacturer: Address/Phone/email: Category: Subcategory: E Evaluation Method Nerd. I IAp FLt19-RI 09/15/2005 2004 Eastern Metal Supply 4268 Westroads Drive West Palm Beacb, FL 33407 (561) 841-5480 �,' Panels Evaluation Report from a Florida Registered Arebitmt or Florida Professional Engineer Referenced Standardsfrom the Florida Buildmg Code: Section Standard Year 1606.1.4 SSTD 12-99 2001 Florida Engineer orArchitect Name: Florida License. Quality Assurance Entity: Validation Entity: Authorized Signature: Walter A. Taut, Jr. PE-44167 , National Acoreditation and Management Institute JWm Henry Rampmann Jr. Bill Feeley Neeley@easter ametaLcom Evaluationfrest Reports Uploaded- PT:In -119 Rl T_Cgni!ieluiollof indcpc;iidL CC.P"ll' PTID 4b9 Rl T_Driming i`IuD5-�71,hdt_ hOJ/www.floridabuiIcingmg(pr/pr 4el.asp?IPT=419&RV=I&fn=ROSrch I0n212005 Installation Documents Uploaded: Product Approval Method: Application Status: Date Validated: Date Approved: Date Certified to the 2004 Code: N—JILK IvIaPs- PTID --119 RI 7 Product Evalpation No. Oc_I)9U7 04 p, Y 111,115 dl9 RI T Produri l;vnluation,i2 o907.03.pol I' lIU419 RI r Report No n - to -76I.pol' Method 1 Option D Approved 09/23/2005 10/11/2005 Page 111 pp/Seq Product Model # or Model # Name Descri " n Limits of Use Product to be installed 0.050 Bertha my wtthtn NON HIGH 19.1 270 uminum Storm OCITY HURRICANE Panel NES as defined on on 16192 of the Ida Bulldfrig Code. Product to be installed 249a. only within NON HIGH 192 271 3alvanlzad ELOCITY HURRICANE rtha Steel ONES as defined on anel on 16192 of the fonds Bondi Code. Product to be installed sn . my within NON HIGH 19.3 5-276 Clear Bertha LOCITY HURRICANE St-ffn Panel ONES as defined on cdon 16192 of the rida Bulkring Code. Ned . b:inr':`r....„,?-`s`.'-�..w �...wb.>._,...�,.v'.r,:..i^'arty..�'?ia�`..:4`^,..t:'•�i,P :�.i�..,6�.,tu?�.. +r a ,. sewrad yri�lri a-,dC_rsclai.°rrr;62000 The Side of Florift M rights reserved, ♦L/��'.S:.z1,«rc3'.nY.r"e_x11''cis^'.-,f'".`wM1'}�w'.`.l°k� .� [. ,a-k ... ._. ° �.,.�. ...a, `� .P'a r.^• yurJ,it ys�:,;^s sq;.*?A{'E.Ebi.:ha �.., air-. fir. fiYS httpJ/www.floiidabuilding.o&pr/pr 0d.asp71P1�19&RV-1i&fm=ROSrch 10/12/2005