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PERMIT# ISSUE DATE SCANNED PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT SERVICES St. Lucie County Building & Code Compliance BUILDING PERMIT SUB -CONTRACTOR AGREEMENT MAY 13 ?019 ST. Lucie County, Perm a:,,, have agreed to be the .&/efil'!L/rG�/ Sub -contractor for NVR, INC. dba RYAN HOMES (Type of Trade) (Primary Contractor) For the project located at 5Q39 ©aY-AarteA La_U C,r rde 1 R AJ kiz.- 1 FL 3 or It is understood that, if there is any change of status regarding our participation with the above mentioned project, the Buildjep and Code Regulation Division of St. Lucie County will be Advised pursuant to the filing of of Sub Spntractor notice. ROBERT SMITHWICK PRINT NAME 28917 COUNTY CERTIFICATION NUMBER State ofFlortda, County of PALM BEACH olrh The foregoing instrument was signed before me this day of 1A" _ 2o_t,by ROBERTSMITHWICK who is is personally Ima mit r lua produced n (/as�iJdenlificnflao�1 � ,�fp� j(_�•A �W �M STAMP Signatw•c of Notary Public Print Name ol'Notary Public REi ate of Flonda rt GG1a4517 022 Revised 11/16201 -CONTRACTOR SIGNATURE( aliner) _.Te w PRINT NAME 3o9a 3 COUNTY CERTIFICATION NUMBER State of Florida, County of ASJ2 (_)0 SA The foregoing instrument iras signed` before me this,fn dayof lanuar520ta,by, e1L�I1p-Acm.s Wl'� who is personally lmonm -,Z.r bas produced a 4a. as ideulincatlon. STAMP Signatul•e oFNotary Publie g�li!?nn 1� po.la.;( Prbrt Name of Notary Public YCJ14r$Y/yli, Junan K. OrClair Commission A GG151707 ni Expires: October 15, 2021 ' Ao�' Bonded tbru Aaron NOW PERMIT # the For the project located ISSUE DATE PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT SERVICES Building & Code Compliance Division E BUILDINGPERMIT SCANNED SUB -CONTRACTOR AGREEMENT BY St Lucie County IV, / e-704f Zj&M&°l have agreed to be Sub -contractor for NVR, INC. dba RYAN HOMES (Prlmnt'y Contractor) It is understood that, if there is any change of status regarding our participation with the above mentioned project, the Buildiegand Code Regulation Division of St. Lucie County will be Advised pursuant to the filing of n CbsAgg:ofSub-writractor notice AW Co! IVkLr0FIs/� )"B(Quarter) -FV mimes Tab e-r IQ CIIrsli am ,Tid 3fa�E5 COUNTY CERIMCATrONNf1MBER Stntaofltfwlaa,Couutyof PALM BEACH {{� Tha fongoiaglastrumoialw9signad Was me this aIqy of � rV2d by C lrho is personally lmanu or has Produced a denalicaaon, STAMP gnntmro ofNotaryPnblle �4 Notary Public State of Florida Andrea Lambert g� My Commisslon GG1e4517 '�V Fxplrea 07/2012022 Robed 111162016 COUNTY CERTIFICATION NUMBER State ofFlorlda, County ofPl lei ch_VLXi Can The tbngoingInstrument was olgned bcffi•n me this tiny of a hplICtcr5__20i3by s 1php aWto Is petxonnnylmmrn-1z" has pmdured aqe:z. asldeuNtlenflon. 1, L E�•}�L �` STAMP �Ignntureof olnryPohlle 'FP,, Junan K. O'Clair Commisslon 9 80161707 r EXPires; Weber 16, 2021 ,.° Bonded lhluAaron Nolaly PERMIT # y~. C1ltIT:� ' PetersenDean (Company' ISSUE DATE I SCANNED PLAN-NING & gDEVEI OPMEW SERVICES Builditag & Code Compliance Divisio r RECEIVED BUILDING PERMIT MAY 1 3 2019 SUB -CONTRACTOR AGREEMENT ST. Lucie County, Permitting And Solar Systems Inc. have agreed to be the Roofing Sub -contractor for NVR, INC, dha RYAN HOMES (Type of Trade) (Primary Contractor) For the project located at Sa q 0 y—kcnd l�Of (Project Street Address or Property Tay ID #) It is understood that, if there is any change of status regarding our participation Frith the above mentioned project, the Building,,V Code Regulation Division of St. Lucie County will be advised pursuant to the filing of a C Sub -cod actor notice. ROBERT SMITHWICK 1'121i\"C A•AML 28917 COUNTY CLRI'IFIC'A'I'fOX NU\IR6R State of Florida, Coumy or PALM BEACH � The foregoing instrument was signed before me this 13 h d:q' of 20A by .SMITH _WQK _ who is personnlly known _or has produced a a5 id CpiifyeAllpp, ---- STAMP Q.g"L,ture otlolary Public Print Name of Notary Public Notary Public Stale of Florida fyA Mdrea Lamb ert My eommissl1 GG 194677 "•ava� F.P.ms 02720/2022 Roviscl 11/16/2016 IntoN PlkCrOR SICNA'I'UR6 (Qualifier) Byron Keith M_cStoots PRINT NAME _ ---- 29024 COUNTY CERTIFI6t7•loS, N:5111ER stateoff•Iorida,cm,alyof Palm Beach The foreLoin_ instrument was signed before me this 22 _ day of _February_, 2oJI5 b . Byron Keith McStoots who is personally known or has produced a is identification. 'lei v sr�YMP 8i�natnrc of\oLmy Public Beth Werner Print lame of NotaryPublic rA.Eo 'v 111H WAGNER � s MY commis51GNSGG 0811121 =.�.) 'a EXPIRES: April 13, 2B27 '•,o •oe° BmdedThm Notary PubNcUMD2 v1 to PERMIT# A i �ii�NTY•�=k � +� PetersenDean Ro ISSUE DATE PLANNING & DD)GV ELOPl ENT SERVICES Buildiasg & Code Compliance Division BUILDING PERMIT SUB -CONTRACTOR AGREEMENT SCANNED BY St. Lucie County And Solar Systems Inc, (Company Warindin—crlyidual Name) nave agreeci to be the Roofing Sub -contractor for NVR, INC. dba RYAN HOMES (Typo of Trade) (Primary Contractor) For the project located at J o .3q on or Property Tax ID �f 51 It is understood that, if there is any change of status regarding our participation with the above mentioned project, the Buildinglin-4 Code Regulation Division of St. Lucie County will be advised pursuant to the ailing of a Charge of Sub -contractor notice, f COI,Fn[ C-10R N I'I�J MMNAME _aA�"�,:,R�ls�(Qua110er) 31 2)1�'S CO111�11�'(.'t;j[TIRICA'1'10:1 iVli If3r.R state ofPlartda, County of AL EACH t, The foregoing Instrument loos Signed before Meer this �a-VI &p of • `"^'SJ�,, 204 by�,gn��1.LSIIdYYIPS Qher who Is Personally known —or ties produced a a"ptivp. L4 Mllot lure 01'Nolary, Pnhlle SS\17P Print!)aute prNotary P( ,.v" Notary Public State of Flodda r Andrea Lambert My COmmiaslon GG 184517 tadif EKPlras 02/20n022 Rovised 11/16)2016 l - OWl')tACrOR SIC\,\Tlftt4 (Qunlifier) 6�rron Kelth McStoots PRI I A'AMg ` 29024 COON1'S' CERTIPI "VrION N IAIUR starenrriorldo,Cnmdyor Palm Beach The rore(winginstrument nvssigned before me this 22 _ day or P rug i0 _ $ by Byron Keith M_ cStoots who is personally known �or has Produced a ns ldeltifeatio, S1A31P Flgnnturc of itiotaq' Public ��[P,Va�, sERi WAGNER tits,'t MYCGMMISSIGN#GGU810T/ �; FJ(PIRE&ppr013,?D21 .8 49•` BrndaiThm NolmYhu6lb UndanffiIale PERMIT# ISSUE DATE SCANNED BY �. uble ounly PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT SERVICES Building & Code Compliance Division RECEIVED MAY 13 2019 ST. Lucie County, Permitting BUILDING PERMIT SUBCONTRACTOR AGREEMENT One Stop Cooling and Heating, LLC have agreed to be (Company Name/Individual Name) the MechaNCeI/HVAC Sub -contractor for NVR, INC. dba RYAN HOMES (Type of Trade) (Primary Contractor) For the project located at Address or Property Tax It is understood that, if there is any change of status regarding our project, t=Cof Code Regulation Division of St. Lucie filing of -co/ractor notice. ROBERT SMITHWICK PRINT NAME 28917 COUNTY CERTIFICATION NUMBER Stale of Florida, County of PALM BEACH 3 ' The ^[orc,,gdi.n6. instrument was signed before me Ibis • ld"ay of �� {-201%b ROBERT SMITHWICK ivlliioo is personally known or has produced a ns ideyrtiBcatioonn.. 0, . A t �'t'.1. A.�Y _ STAMP ignalure of Notary Public reG 4)'Vyl be C (- Print Name ofNofary Publ ow N=MV201202201 f Florida $ A 184517 E as Revised 111162016 KEVIN STINE PRINT NAME 29939 with the above mentioned be advised pursuant to the COUNTY CERTIFICATION NUMBER Slate of Florida, County of ORANGE The foregoing instrument was signed before me this 23 day of FEBRUARY ,2olu�Qby KEVIN STINE who is personally known Kul, has produced a is Identification 4�o— � STAMP Signature of Notary Pultl 10a KELLY WEBSTER Public - Slate of Florida mission # FF 978034 mm. Expires Apr 4, 2020 EEI ISSUE DATE I - __. ____j PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT SERVICES Building & Code Compliance Division BUILDING PERMIT SCANNED SUB -CONTRACTOR AGREEMENT BY St. Lucie County One Stop Cooling and Heating, LLC have agreed to be (CompAny Name/individual Name) the MBCtianIcaNk1VAC Sub -contractor for NVR, INC. dba RYAN HOMES (Type of Trade) (Primary Contmolor) For the project located at 5 a 3i (Doxiond lDll< O rcle , El Pk rCe, Fi_34°I . (Project Street Address or Property Tax ID H) It is Understood that, if there is any change df status regarding our p rticipation with the above inentioned project, the Buildingdad Code Regulation Division of St, Lucie Coi my il] be advised pursuant to the filing of a Chaugeot Sub -contractor notice. / 3-I a L+5 COUNTY CERTIFICATION NUMBER State of Florida, County of PALM BEACH The foregehtg Instrument was signed before me Ihls s!s 'y of Who is personally lmorvn� ar has prodraeda Idepflgeadon. STAMP Signnlureo 'otaq•Publlc Print Namcb Nalnry Publ Revised II/IM016. �voa'r Notary Public State of Flodda Andrea Lambert -0.. My Commisalon GG 184517 e0M1,dP Expires 0212012022 KEVIN STINE PRINT NAME COUNTY CERTIFICATION NUMBER Sinioorylorldn,Counryof ORANGE The foregoing instrument was signed before me obis 23 day of FEBRUARY .2ol by KEVIN STINE .who is personally lmornl Kar has pro date a a ns Ideplmeation. n� STAMP Signature of Notary Pull 'none KELLY WEBSTER Notary Publlo - State of Florida commission # FF 976034 My cbmm. Expires Apr 4, 2020 PERMIT# ISSUE DATE SCANNED V St. Lurfin rni Inhi PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT SERVICES Building & Code Compliance Division RECEIVED BUILDING PERMIT MAY 1 3 2019 SUB -CONTRACTOR AGREEMENT ST. Lucie County, Permitting RIDGEWAY PLUMBING (Com any Name/lndividual Name) the PLUING (Type of Trade) For the project located at have agreed to be Sub -contractor for � q �— Ah�k- Roan 7 r&t'-S (Primary Contractor) or L_ 3'{q s I It is understood that, if there is any change of status regarding our participation with the above mentioned project, the Building and Code Regulation Division of St. Lucie County will be advised pursuant to the filing of a Change of-conVetor notice. Rabe. smlthwia PRINT NAME a89II COUNTY CERTIFICATION NUMBER State of Florida, County of 41 e)e4G.h The foregoing instrument was signed before me this 11 day of �,20l�by Ro%rf Smi�kLACK who is personally known _or has produced a as identification. Signature of Notary Public Print Namc of Notary Public SUB -CON 17. SIGNATURE (Qualifier) GARY KOZAN PRINT NAME 17-6826 COUNTY CERTIFICATION NUMBER State of Florida, County of FLORIDA The foregoing instrument was signed before me this_ day of , 20_, by GARY KOZAN who is personally known X or has produced a as identification. �� �//�Q STAMP / 1 Signature of Notary Public f1.0 Notary Public State of Florida i t , Andrea Lambert 1+• My Commission GG 184517 Revised 11/162016 �y�d* Expires 02/20/2022 Print Name of Notary Public I<ATHLEEN M. HALL Notary Public - Slate 0! Florida • o ryrfibit °n = My Comm. Expires Jun 17, 2010 i..�.1 Commission N FF 133566 E' ""•" Bcndzd l'nrougil National l4niary Assn.lf Ir STAMP PERMIT# I I ISSUE DATE PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT SERVICES Building & Code Compliance Division BUILDING PERMIT SCANNED SUB-CONTRACTORAGREEMENT BY St. Lucie County RIDGEWAY PLUMBING have agreed to be (CD any Namr/IndividualName) the PLUMING Sub -contractor for P, 34�,C.Cibq Rgan lh->� (Type of Trade) (Primary Contractor) For the project located at 5 Z) or Property Tax ID It is understood that, if there is any change of status regarding our participation with the above mentioned project, the Building and Code Regulation Division of St. Lucie County will be advised pursuant to the filing of a Change of $uy-contractor notice. UZ CONTR0. r N (Qualifier) ScJCl-�3arncs Taber PRINT NAME COUNTY CERTIFICATION NUMBER State of Florida, County of—f VYI tr/y� gm-k The foregoing Instrument was signed before me this;12 day of J20by%w4j : oWPa12t who Is personally known —or has produced a as Identification. '), 9" STAMP —Signature of Notary Public $40% Notary Public Slate o1 Florida Andrea Lambert %WMy commission GG 184517 71 axPite802@0/2022 Revised I1/162016 SUB•CONTRAIGNATURE (Qualifier) GARY KOZ(�AN PRINT NAME I •._i COUNTY CERTIFICATION NUMBER State of Florida, County of FLORIDA ,L The foregoing lastramentwas signed heron me this D.0 a y or J �� by GARY KOZAN who is personally (mown X or has produced a nsidentification, 66au/ ivYYfX�I STAMP Signature of Notary Public C+e nn.4�A :::'L-:�'aut..4.Val'.Ai.�aY?: frL CdaS3u/• KATHLEEN M. BALL }, !r, e• gad, Notary Public - Stale of Florida 'u, •, a My Comm. Explms Jun 1 y, 2010 Commisslon N FF 133506 II Banded Through NatlonalNotary Assn. i�