HomeMy WebLinkAbout30 DAY TEMPORARY POWER RELEASE02-04-' 20 11:01 FROM- 7728787656 T-478 P0001/OOO�F-486 Project Addre= t24. 6 RIX772-462-6443 Icr5-035q r' Y MMber:\ QS— S� THE UNDERSIGNED HEREBY REQUEST' RELEASE OF ELECrMCAL POWER TO THE A60UE DESCRIBED PROPERTY, FOR A PERIOD NOT i0 EXC. m T+mTy 0 pi DAY$, FOR THE PURPOSE OFTESTlNfi SYSTEMS AM EQUIPMENT IN PREPARATION FOR A FINAL M!tN ESN. 'IN E7DNSIDERATION OF APPRavAL OF THE l�iii�`1:VE•TBYACKCgOt�u7.E!).GE••A�lf3At}LS;:OtiO'w'3: . 'lb% tervoray PMW release is requested fortheabum d plilipm only, WW teewM be no �P0M deny h23e. Othdr tilen tftat permitted by oonstrucuon during this ffine period. 2. '.As'v't SS-brO �f9,natrn@s, wR herM ry e'.iti aTiida by all terms and coridltfons of this agreameriti, Tncdeiding: Building DIvigon P.`olicy,. Which is inoprpiirated ha :eln Dy reference. 3. ' All con0brls;and re w*fte'r& fished in.the attZOed doer rent wMed "Requiremerrts for So Day Power for'Tng Tiave beam fu aed grid the piarrise is ready for compliant- Inspection. 4. All requests for,ah eX�on beyond 30 days must. be'made In writing @o the Brnlding D cial stating the r:aSon fur th8 request Power rr y be reritovedYrpm the writing andfjor a Snip Work Order ke,%w 8F the 5 p Wthe Fm ��� on % not been approved WMIn 30'days A f� oP $ 00.0b wig be required to !tit e rti a I M � I• aE COUNTY, AND THEIR EMPLQYEE9 FROM MAY ARISE NOW OR IN THE FUTURE OUr BE INWU ivED t).UE r) 'THE ELATION OFTH7514GMEMT. YATE . IATE