HomeMy WebLinkAboutFILLED LAND AFFIDAVITSCANNED I'tho W'ldar8ign8d, am tlie Owmef Of the following describedprcperty:\-k Partof34 26 tghib 36j*&, (TaxID/Lesmi daqCon� .awh .Fowh Range 40E Al . for which I have applied. to St. Lucia County for a Final this Find Development. Development Permit, In accepting Permit, BP Number I ackaowle4e that as.owner'of the above described propertn and in accordance with Section 7.04.01(D), St. fuCie CountyLand Development Code, I sbalt be responsible for assuring ade(lai.te diainage to that the immediate c6mmuaitY WILL 3Y6T be adversely f9riber acknowledge ghat in grainting tbisPet(nit for tb6 cleveloptibni oftbjj-'pt.oper.t nor liable to lyx& y, 3L Lucie Countyis neither obliged Weft or. tidequiaw'drainage Off My will not adversely affect the c, oinihiihity. peopecty which Property Owner Name Property Owner ftddture Date STATE OF FtoaVA.,c0UNTrbFAL-_LU_'bI_*e . ACXM0WL6DCEDB3PORXtMM-TWs_ DA-i0E--&--A=�_2-oL7 eyviat�thev LVIA Wynne . WgbnpliisqNktLymqoWdLo'MORW90.-MASPROCrUCCO �AS TbVqTMCA7TON. /JWW &kgA�r A) SI0NAiT=-OFN0YARY TYPE OR ifMT NAME OF NOTARY (MAL) .NORARYPUSLiC ;_TITLE' DOROTHYAN BA=KN • MYCOMMISSION#GG 03 • 01 45 EAPIRESottober2,2 20 9,JdT�ruNo,,yPbjUd,,mta,,