HomeMy WebLinkAboutDEPARTMENT OF ENVIORNMENTAL PROCTECTION PAPERWORKOn _' T Q_ffi'tion for )E eitesaT Arttti rizatioil fbr. SPGP �'-RI SCANNED
St. Luce County
I TW trine ftmt foreompleting the work authorized ends. e I 117T`
oir mustmarntaru the actxtnt autlriinzed bythrs pemnt m goolscondrt%oii and,ii
c9A ormatice'wzthtbe tenrgs rtd contfr gns gf tb pemit You are not reireved ofth�s
reguuemeit rfyoti abandon the pernuttedgttvtt, aTtlaough you may' make a;gagda
tiansfQr to> a Hnrd-.party m Omphance tenth (`reneral Condition 4 ljexaw. Shoizl l a wisht,
cease to manntam tie authorized actn ify orshould you desire bo aUandoii.it "' o a
t�tthfransfeft JoumusTo�taia.mgdifreatuntrotfiis.permtfrom.tiiis'offiee,` cTrmag:+
Yegtnre restoration ofthe area
3. IfyaricTiscoveranypzevibuslpuuim'ownlusfortcorarcliealogzcalremarn 've 'Ie
accgmpirshmg tItenctrvtty autfiorrzed b thts}pemut, youmtut tmmettra#eTy n fy e office
ofwhatyo[r have -found Vie a t�l arirtiate ttie Feclecai and Sta#e caorcjnat►on k4
determute if the remains warrant a iecoyery effort or rf the s rs eligible"for,listmg
Natmnal;l2egisfer d1 istodc'Places,
`t. Ifyou sell the property assgcrated tu#h tirrspemu m " thg signature ofthe new"
owner on the-encidsed form and'forward a� opg of t7ie " it#. th gffice.to vatiilafe tiie
sfer otlu
trhtis ant'honzation -
5:- Ff�-eomhhoited-wate _ _ __
rquairty�rfafiga on has; e r ut ro ou
—� y wi. a can ons spe ed ' th c "' cra qn 4itous to�this.,pertnif.
You must allow representahv om s o e to inspe antlized acfroi
irnxe deeinednece ty'atany
scary to, ensure rt is be o beeq a e lisheii iu accordance with
t_le teims�and conditions of your ge > :_ ' _
1. Limits ofthis a ti ri.
a_ this"peri iit o_ n t obviate;' e d t obtain other Fed State; grloeai
auffionzatio' q y law.
b, Thrspe does n,, tarry property rights or exclusive privileges.
o- t `oes not a o; ;e any injury to the property:ornghis ofothers,
d ' This pe "'t ot, rize "interference with any existing orproposed
Fe eral prod s;
2. L' f Federal is i%, In issuing;this permit, the Federal Government doesnot
as any`LOili fo a following:
#o the permitted projector uses thereof as aresOlt ofother. permitted:or
activities of from naiuraT_eauses.
b airage's_fo the permitted project or uses thereof as a resuTt'of current 4r future
vibes undertaken by or on behalf ofthe United States in the publicinteresG.
unpermitted actiisities'or
?rwor1r,au, omen dy'tlus permit are still in existence at the time: c
ie terms d itdttton4 of this peri it will, continue to tie binding of,
aldafe tfie,,ttfer of this permit and the assaciated
m li ce with itOerms and conditions, have the transferee sign
ndsand;agrees that,,if future operations by the United States
cation, or. other alteration o£ thestmctures or work herein,
iiiAiWt of tfib Secretary 4'ihe .Army or his authorized
[ure or work'shap cause unreasonable obstmefion to the free
ale wafers, the,Permrtteewsll be,required, upon due notice fzom.the
meeis to rertto e,le ocate, o'r' alter' -the strueforai wort or
by, withoutexpense to the United States. No claim shall be made
on: account ofangsuWremoval, relocation or alteration
new awiner�§) a�`fhe F
=Department=`af the�Ar
"To,yaTs�ai� th�irar
_ �omplraucewit6,itsfe
'140q=0 tt--- lubinlgly with the. folloWipgOoAditim iQtePdedtDprd
teettfidnitee di qct
4netedaboutthe, f
'k speed 'ib"
APO I, -a�
collisions an
-pernuttee,shall 'advise all "construction pem- el thA, TO are
mv. a pepqlke$S
Jbi,Ly. ha,rasmng '6r
b. A�l;vesseIs•asi
6. Ap�j
or, Until 30
;aCemiI-1s'inanAtde!s §h,all be posted prior to and d all *-water
1� - _17
are to be t6nio-ftd by the permitte�e upon d6nipI'dtion of the
;igris� that have idready-bedn approved for this use, by the Fdrida'Fish
"nation Commission (iwO niustbe used (seeMyFWJ 1.. I . , Cl.comAnanatce!).
§6ution.- Bwaters must,be posted. A I -
second sign tpqk
. n - Ithe te treasuring least
9- . qifthopts for �Tdje� Sgeed/No Wake W the shutdown of
must- be posted 'ih a location pfq isibi "tcj, all personnel yj e�-
fated aptiVitie8. Questions concerning those signs can. be sent to , the
d: ,
turtle or;sn
�0nonproject shall operate at "-no wake/idle" speeds
ct rt i. a @0 while'in water depths where the -draft offl e
bur -foot clearance flopthe bottom. All vessels will
r routes .(eg:, marked. channels) whenever possible.
sawfish -is seen within 160 yards of the active daily
i or, vessel_movemeht; all appropriate precautions shall be
Rectioti. These precautions shalt include. cessation of
tentelosertl an 50:feet of a sea twtle`orsinalltobtlt sawfish:
nstructiou:equipmentshall cease immediately if a.sea turtle
ithin a Si)1 r"adios of the equipmenf. Activities may not
es has.departarea bf its bwn volition.
n .,
Y to'a=sea "turtle or snaalltootC sawfish shall be reported.
Uri -e Fisheries Service's Protected Resources Division
itliorized sea turtle strandingh'eseue organization.
I1fA' ,
Or;y -view V EM
S >� 11:
T$e faridre:to Flea petition within the a'� ptopriate time period shall constitute a waiver of that
pertott`s right to request an administrative deteiraination (hearing) under Sections 120.569and
i20 5,
- �xten
�, MecUa
'RE -pp
_ Fp`* p
o£tEusao6on "
knot availablein tlis proceeding
deinew .. _
with the desipAed Department C- Clerk;
5_Prpj-ddts within I
PPOT approval from
6" Notiftcati6ns. to
` day-i8
National:Marine Sanctuary requ
AP.14 and-A1.6),,,
atichs,under this SPGP V-RI, including Self-
owin tifi OL
. & no cations, to.,1hp Corps:
hin 10' AaYS WOW the date of initiating the work
6 phase lofthe authorized
,Project, the Permittee
of the date of commencement, of authorized work
L Statement of Compliance, form. Within 60 days of
authorized by this permik7tliePermittee,-shalLcotopi6to the
9-44"'qu uy- 'ms PeMM Ma the work as Wb�stt4ctod on the "Self-�Certifieatitln
Statement -of Compliance" form. The description of any deviations on the "Self
Ggrt do moiconsthutd approval of any
jcation$tatgjTj0A0f,C JiMice?'form,
deviations by -the7corps.
c. Permit Transfer. Whenthe, structures Or Work 4uthorizedby this permit.arecstill in
exiStence'at the -time the property is transferred, the terms and conditions . ions . ofthis
brty fir V*al:i datLI
the, transfer of this-pprmit.and
wWtsi,tqrps and conditio4
necessaryTo. mtmm.ize P(h
on all
J?fi.or toothe-
0 diatutbih H ee, -tY,.i
ties, and 0QPSthIcdOn'WbrL there are
ate als e� 0"(WhicbstMincludeb Ut not be linifted to:
shell, ED k.-JNuuum terralhisi ceramics, qtqkpe tools qrmeW
canoes other physical remains that could be as
sociated with
tares colonial or American -settlement), the kerrawde shall`
aly sto a , I wd the Vicinity and notify the Compliance and ReviewI Staff of
I _
Fwon, - eservation Office at_WQ-*-831 and the Corps Regulator
16 as'-- A Si8nificanc o the di
e:, f , the
And dDyise 4ppropriate action
SAO, e operations. Bas
ed: on the, eifcum�Stahces of the discOvety equity to all
c ons of thepublic,16tdiest. the Corps modify, &Uspbud,� or
.-eraii ru�q.
, nqmkin accordance
cor, de with 33 C-F.R. § 325,7.
kely,event that human remains , are identified, the remains will be treated in
e with Section 872-
.05 fida - all work, in the vicinity shall,
,,FlO Statutes;
IY nease and ft local law.,authcgity, and theMate (&50-245-
the Corps Regulatory Project Manager shall immediately be notified. Such
911 not resume unless Specifically authorized by the State Ari, _T --A L
Og - tine
'taker permits required nnder the U.S�`Fi$h
Aiance with these laws. The Peimittee°should
and Wildlife Service to determine if such
S eciaLt~ondtbons fbhlJocks r r�csoc� a ,. acdi es -and other AfinorTilin -
Sti'., Ported**`.
1 For temporary struetu s a , ociated w , e bvents_ Upon completion of the event, these
sttuciures must be veil da' .the,tttax extent practical,.the site mustbe restored to
pte;co Wuction el e ti ns. War the iti tiie�atea of marine events mustbe;deep enough -to
ortat leas 5 ft o ter.deptb the kdel."a vessel and between thbkeel ofa vessel and
,Or .:.. ecies ,, rat a onies,,if present; when transiting to the inaonng areas.
(rr arunnn-rA'VUn lLi
al Signs. _ o commercial multi family or public facilities, and marine events;
sign bepos fe as scribed below (Reference; These replicate JAXBQ PDCs A 2.Z,ani
to A2.2.., i iusive, withYn the table•PDCs Specifie#o Aefivity2 - Pile:Suppotied
lures and oredBuoys;. stariirig;Qn page 1,12.):
a F commercial, multi family, or public facilities, and,marme events, signs rlJust
bepes d re a Sisible Iocafran(s ,'aleifirigusers o usted species in the aiea suscephtlIe to
v "el;stnkes and hook -and -line captures_ The most current version of the signs that most
•be downloaded and sign installation guidance a"te•.auailable: at:
igtn.s m ex.html). The signsrequired-to be posted by area are stated below:
(1 ' (A2.2.1.) All projects in Florida shalt use the Save Sea Tunfle, Sawfish; and Dolphin
sign These signs shall include contact in fbrmation,tp.the seatuitle,attd,maXine
ma'inmaCstraadu3g networks and smalltooth sawfish encounter database.
n visible distance of ocean beaches. If Lighting is necessary,
installed. Turtle -friendly lighting is explained and examples
and W ldlife Conse%vationCommission websitc:
is/managedfsea-turtlestliah (Reference: Jt13WO PDC
Proiect constructionshall take place from uplands oz from floating
OF or heelWaslung isprahibited' CROfesence 1AXR0 PDC 12
Ind. emergent aquatic vegetation, the design and construction of a
a. ,A pile supported structure (i) that is located on a natural waterbody (i.e., outside an
aitificial waterway that was excavated for boating access and is bordered by residential
criteria in
non asPxesenf (including sengtas§;_tidal
4emeiigent vegetation), THEN must
Aecti6n than, the protective criteria in the
ial Marine Fisheries Service's
for Piling -Supported Structures
Vegetation (SAV), Marsh or Mangrove
UV U,_tr rue proposed gocKor proposed structure is within
s seagrass (the range of Johnson's seagrass is defined as Turkey
youth"to central Biscayne Bay in the lagoon systems on the east coast
r the proposed .dock, tir'Prop osed structure falls within the: following
the design and Construction shall comply with, in some cases, the
quirementsWithin paragraph 8,cjelow. (Reference:'f}xefollowing
io-B" as defined Within A2.17., PDCs forpocks or Other Minor
NAi) llock replacement in the exact footprint (i.e., same location/configuration/size) as
the previous dock, and:.
(a) within Johnson's seagrass critical habitat with No current seagrass survey
(completed no earlier than 1 yearbefore submitting the application); or,
Johnson's seagrass under the. dock; or, Native seagrass, other than Johnson's
seagrass, under the dock; or,
.::: (b� w�thtnthe°liange9f;:i:6bnson's>seae
current seagrasssurvey or,Johnson's,seagrms under the dock,
(u� New docks or daek expansions arid:
ia) a1thtn Iofuiso-&seagrass tiedt babitar or;
fb n eIFungeofJo%son-A $ea rass�oufsideo€criticalhal
current seagi surve (co�pl f no earlier tT?an I year befo
pphcatron} ur, Tohnson's seagrss within property limit,
c fhe followmg addrttonal iesinctions apply, when regufredby paragz plus
abodeeferenee Thy fQllowmg replrcates the £`DocicPLlGs £o€ Seem
-- - �i,/a aava.�uuna UG a il(:e(k a.mmlmnm Or �t. -
. _,- _ "m ea a _ ntains,Johnson's
- seagrass to•mmrmtze drre ac
installed pilings:
wateiward of
on the walkway andgrated
ions aid described beiaw_
(al He tw4lirokrrt: The s e tithe structure; including the dock walkway
C o wa i ow portion connecting the terminal platform to the shore
an over
g�equired- or access) and the dock, rr ustbe a
a ft ab e M W when constructed with grated decking:
ous ' e•dock walkway is limited to a width.of-4 f%. Theterminal
plat, is limited to,a total,area of 16()fl Marginaldoeks are. limited to -a
will 0 5 ft. The S 0 width restriction is measured from wet side of the
seaw orexample; it a seawall cap is 3 feet overwater then the dock would
led t63 feet.
terial description: Deciaugmaterials shaped in the form ofgtids, grates;
atttces, etc., to allow the passage of light -through the open,,
spaces_ These;
materials must':pr64ide a`miniz;iurn of 43% open space.
(a) > leight requirement: The surface of the structure, including the. dock walkway
(the over-Ywater narrow portion connecting the terminal platform to the shone
ind any over. -water tamp required: for access}' and the dock, must be a
mimmum of 5 ft above Mmw when constructed of plank decking.