HomeMy WebLinkAboutSUBCONTRACTOR AGREEMENTSPERMIT# ISSUE DATE PLANNWG & DEVELOPN[ENT SERVICES SCANNai Building & Code Compliance Division ' BY St. Lucie County BUILDING PERMIT RECEIVED SUB -CONTRACTOR AGREEMENT MAY 15 2019 FsTWriw c�...,..,,...;.,,,...:.... eC ?r l have agreed to be (Co panyNamallndividualName) the :: Sub -contractor for (itJ =� ,� n Dc (Type of Trade)yi: 10-og^ P.�t/�e>� r \ (prim Contractor) For the project located at� "y ���4 S��\ q (Project Street Address or Pronertv Tax m #) It is understood that, if there is any change of status regarding our participation with the above mentioned project, the Building and Code Regulation Division of St. Lucie County will be advised pursuant to the filing of a Change of Sub -contractor notice. CONTRACTORSIGNATURE(QuaWer) 5� <e_�'R`2� COUNTY CERTIFICATIONNUMBER StateofFlorida, County ``� The foregoing i isnvme�ntt was�siAgn�edd before me tbiseday of - 2c— t by l_ � rn^ who is personally kuown-y—or bw prodoced a as identifieatioo. 1 QA ear' E 16 4( VS�k.: STAMP ailpature of Notary public IC E32,rL i E. 6 Prmtmwe ofNomry public �NolaN PuWejs a s ax 6kxida Kenl6udka My Commisslotl.FF 97e643 Revised111162D16 (ak Explrea90 O RA ORSIGNAT (QuaB6er) PRINTNAME COUNTY CERTIFICATION NUMBER State of Florida, County of•��, \\ The foregoing ioslrumeutwas signed before we tbis��day of a--�2abrJAwyty co ES bas who is personally ]mown V-or has produced a as ideatscation. STAMP `S,gonatureofNotaryPohtic t1- d�.`r� Print Name ofNomry Pumic ��"„"- IAURARCU68EDf?E _.?.;l;ommtsston# GG C22076 '•''tpr;�:R°+�'�Boo�dlAraTioy Fahl7o'urrMaf�036S7019 0 F91 . Folviprojat IgGW4 t4t MmAl "NOW, Of . omwojlt04vf asew RECEIVED MAY 1 6 nig ST. Lucie Countv, Portl mal Per. WynnaftyplopmW MOWN Root Wdlum, U-7-2 St WO In Tim bf*p Jju jotmooffm §b w #*O. m �b)edla\y Of . owity . Awqwiwbq§, prodaw a . ..... . W*499i 11W, —Pmo dlgfx-y FAW Rbgnds Lafty DOR HYANIIBASKII mye6mMISSIQN#GG030,145 NOMA.. UW�FENTi. EXPIRES: Octobdr2,2020 BDndsd -ThW4dt8JYPibDUndeWtem PERMIT* ISSUE DATE 7�9� 07 ��. PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT SERVICES Building & Code. Compliance 13T71LDTNG PERMIT SUN-CONTRAGTORAGREEMENT MAY 15 2019 Comfort Control of St. Lucie County, Inc. have amved'tobe (Company Name/Individual Name) the HVAC Sub -contractor for Wynne Development Corp. (Type ofTmde) ` \\ ('Primary Commortor) For the project located atS (Project Street Addressor Property It is understood that, if there is any change of status regarding our participation with the above mentioned,. fm project, the Building and Code Regulation Division of St. Lucie County will be advised pursuantto the filing of a Change of Sub -contractor notice. CONTRACTOR $= ATURE (Qa0fier)I, Matthew Lyle Wynne PRAT NAME 08898 COUNTY CERTIFICATION NUMER State ofMori)[a. County\`Q`,�,, The foregoing iestruntbhf waa signed before me tbi �v `day of mac A _,20�Sby�M4 V .fit. who is personsay known �or has produud a 8288 COUNTY C=TWCATION NUMBER Ste of Morm. Couwy o6c \�V G �'40— The torcgviag instrument was signed before me thi;\"A a y of Z, who is persouagy known ✓r has produced a County ae idreatioa as identfaestion. &01 STAMP (Q RM a, 3AC u STAMP Signature ofNota ablic Sigkature ofNotary Pnbl ,p , I�Ro� y rJ/JN 4�/1SKreJ �0.20-T1dy �/✓NJAi.,� Prmf Name ofNota Pob is Print Name ofNotary Puhae , DOROTHYANN BASKIN MY COMMISSION#GG 030145 �hdr6,: DOROTHYANN BASKIN .. ''•';,<,'•::.c�`',0MY COMMISION#GG03145EPIRES:October2,2020 00Bonded ThnNorary Public Undervmters ': EXPIRES: October 2, 22g" '%?y..�q"••`•` Bonded Thru Notary Public UnderwMers Revised 11116=16 L66-J Z000/Z000d tLO-1 999L8L8ZLL dao0 Buip[ing auuAM -WOad 9L,-3L 9L,-60-ZL BY St. Lucie Cou* RECEIVED j .tic -W MAY 152G19 ST. Lucie County, Permitting NiAo aoft - tvi the Ab eA' 5'R :fi ? 0g aftOmalof CgIA Y'U i4Piox?SuiQaiuslF�o}¢hi:Ratslgp€?5eF4Sealg his .... 16 by- �plftl'r 6149M saw Un"Z21m Ole 4aw'Mlifib ur DOROT'yMN BASKIN ORODTHYANNBASKIN MY COMMISSION #GG 030145 EXPIRES: Odtober2,2020 YCOMMISSI N# G 030745 PIRES: be S. Nata