HomeMy WebLinkAbout30 DAY TEMPORARY POWER RELEASE01-15-'20 14:00 FROM- 7738787656 T-384 P0004/0004 F-370 Seth's is Ave .trL 3� 6S Fayr772�-462- 43 SGAI NED BY St. Lucie COUntt RECEIVED ]AN 15 2020 Permitting Department St. Lucie County R*169t,rot 30-Qa.Y`'Femlyjoi TypdwerReiftse C D 5 Pefmtt Nfirriber, Nall THE UNDERSIGNED HEREBY REQUEST RELEASE OF EL EcMCAL POWER TO THE ABOVE DESCRIBED PROPERTY, FOR A PERIOD NOT TU 17aM THIRTY ,(,0) DAYS, FOR THE PURPOSE OF'TFSITNG SYS`rWS ANi) EQUIPMENTIN PREPARATI010 FORAFIlgAL.MSP�ON. IN CONSIDERATION OFAPPROVAL OFTHE REQUE"aT WE HEREBY ACiMWLEDGE AND A6Rt:E'AS FaLOWS: 2. This temporary power release is rftiesied for the aiiove statl?d Pik Onfy, arlii there w$l be no acarlrancy of any Ww, other than that permitted byconshiction doming this time period: 2. Aswitness by our $rlaturPs, we her9by agr�.tb abide by all terms' and coridlions of this agreement; including Building Division Poky, which is incorporated herein by refererim 3. All conditions: and requirements iMW in the attadred dolaurlettt entitled "ReArmernents for 30 Day Power fnr'7eatingp treys bean fiilfilled and the premise is mady for compliante.inspedtori. a Ail requests fur an elite don beyond 30 days must fie made in ViMng tO the Brblding Vidal stattng the reasod far the request. Power may, be ramoved from the sb awfo r a Stop Wcrk0rder homed -if the fTinal Ltspection has not been aPProved within 30'days, A fbe' of $loo.00 wall be required th lift the StoP Work Order. WE HEREBY RELEASE AND AGREE TO HOLE) HAkMLESb, ST. LUCIE COUNTY, AND THEIR EMPLOYEES FROM ALL IiABII IflES AND..CI.AIMS OF ANY TYPE OF..'NATURE rill ICI MAY ARISE NOW OR IN THE FUTURE OUT OF THIS TRAN$AGTlQN, MCI-UD. M. ANY DAMAG7 �V(FEiiCTi• MAY BE INC wam DUE To THE DISCJ6NNEC77pN OF 6.EcT'RICAL POVttffi IN THE' EVEN'FOF ft Anom OF THIS AGGREEMsu,