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SCANNEL) 'professional Insul4604 BY - _ -,: Xnsplaton Tnstallahon CerrfiCate St. Lucie Coam To: StLucie'Goun-® —V ;Date: Janu to 2o22-- Re:- Address: 13958 Gum - ' = - = - _ . M I - 1•,ExteriucCBStivalls'haveheen'iusulatedwifh:! - Sprayonreltulos Fibeiglasg BlanW4 FMilj ._ _ __ __ Rock Wool Blankets._--- --- :; 'X AlumtnumeFotl: R-Valne` R41;r _ 1 RigidBoad' Polystyrene.____ I Other _ gs i �_ . -... -.. -.. 2:-CeiUn lave have tieeu �¢sulatgd:wiih} � _-___.___ __ �; Spray-ori:.CellulosC• Thickness fu inches:;, 11C1"-`----__-_ _ " :X Fiberglass Blown Manufacturer:.."'" "._."-.'_-- - - " -`- Cbmat4pro RockWooi:Btenkets ,R-Value: _ ' - _-_ -_ " W30 _ --- .__._ -__ `!'7 Potyurethane,_._ _uCeUSPF--!L.— _J ..Spray=ou gs.(lnaccessible) insulawd with: = -- -.... Cellulose -'...._-I -XFibergtass:BlanketsT" l._ Manufacturer:. ---.--- _ _ Johns Manville_ _.. -.. ,..{ it' Ignttion:Barrier ------- .'...:: '.t li6ergls'ss$toivn, `WValuei' _ _ R-30,, _ CelluloseL•ooselffl _. . Ce11;SFF "��Frberglass;Blaukets'._ 3.`InteriarkneewailshaYebeenmsulatedwithz - - _ _ �. !. Iliclwess.ininehes:, - - Fiberglall' ss, Loose Fill' Manufacturer Wi ., Rock, oo ty" i': '" " ;�'• Er'tiergtusS:Blow¢' 1 �1, Cellulose.LooseFiO;`._,_---' - -- ----- - 11, Open Cell"SPF t 4.--Garagepa tiuonwatls`ofAIC-H- gareahave - ----- X Frherglass;Blankefs been insulated with: "-' -- tj ... i i, Rock Wool' "gWdmess in inches: — . a 3 5 - - Po - - -- - Iyurethaue "..-.'MandfacCurer.__-__..,_______.__.__-._t _._ _vt.JPhns'Ma¢ville spray=tinCeBnlose-�_.,�.: _.- ;:' `._Density:r -' . -" Open Cell:SPF,.__---:..�_'. ;R-Value V, ._.-_ _ ; R-11. _ 5..The tOBOwin bave'been insulated:- 5•.• Rom. . I _... - - . - - r ----.VVYNNFSUBAn1G'CORP, General.COutractlBniider --'CGC1527092`" _--. _�-professiooe lnsdistioriall --- —Insulation Contractor - � __ EVr