HomeMy WebLinkAboutNOCJOSEPH E. SMITH, CLERK OF THE CIRCUIT COURT — SAINT LUCIE COUNTY FILE IN 4576334 OR BOOK 427B PAGE 683, ROOOxrderl 06/04/2019 12:58:45 PM AR RECOR I SLHIiI Q}l� St. Lucie l untl � B� TILtA1NW bR5lTW IYr IPWrdlpg lalp NOTICE OF COMMENCEMENT - The undersigned hereby given nod. that improvement will be nude to ccna(n mal property, and in ricamdanse with Chaptar 713, Flodda smmto the following information Is provided In the Nudes oftemmeocemrst. 1. DFSCRP'TTO,' OF PpOPFH;,ry %eIpd description and street address) TAX FOLIO INUMBERA 301-11I-0001-000-$ pun r 39E OF IMPROVEMENT: 3. OWNER INFORMATION:•.• a. Name_{q "�ri74'i.ai o.0 y c. as suer. - - 't402 ng Co 5 ra.f•ico b. Adaw_8000 S_ OSls Su ite 402 FSL FL 3495 o. interest in properry d. Name and address of fee simple titleholder of other than owner) 4. CONTRACTOR'S NAME, ADDRESS AND PHONE NUMBER: Wynne Development Corporatlon 8000 S_ US-1S it0 402, PSL, T. 4 7 777 R7R SRIR S. SUREPY•S NAME, ADDRESS AND PHONE MIMES. AND ROND AMOUNT: 6. LENDER'S NAME, ADDRESS AND PHONE NUMBER• 7. Persons within Me Slate of Plena. designated by Owner upon whom notieu or other documents may be served ea pmvi tied by Seedon 713.13(1)(a) 7., Florida Statdms: John Brennan NAME, ADDREaa AND PRONE hn unER, .-Fa p' 466 j,$$3 11. In addition M himself or herself,Owner designates thefollowing to receive a copy of the Lienoes Notice as provided in Section •• 713.I3 Wild. Florida Stamens: _ NAME, ADDRESS AND PRONE NUMBER: 9. Expiration date of nodes, of commencement (the expiration date (s I year from the date of r izons ing urd•es a different date is specified) ._:20- `z -��—�- Matthew L le Wynnant Signature of Owner or Print Nome and Provide Signatory's Titte/O(Dee Owner'a Authorized OfficerMirecmr/Partner/Manager State ofFlorida Couotyof At-_ r.11eje. The foregoing Instmencnt was acknawlcdged before me this 3 O day of ✓!Q"s'( . 20 1 9 ey MatCh@w Lyle Wv ,es t! 1GF 1'�R [T}BFNT (Name ofpetson) crypt of auNod[y...ag, Owner, officer, trustes, anomey In fact) For Wynne Building Corporation (Name of party on behalf of whom instrument was executed) personally Known— or produced the following type of ID: s }:•ei OORO7NYANNBASKIN ��//�1 MYCOMMISSIONPGOWD145 ObROTH-f /ai-0 Jc7/3SA'4 ra Aiz-11:1 F EXPIRES:OeloW2.2020 (Printed Nameof Notary Public) (Signal.. of &tery Public) ...u•• Bpnaenliw Noary Wnovumerxmm� Under penaldes of Pujury. I declare that I have it the foregoing and that the facts I. it am true to the best of my knowledge and belief (section 92.525, Florida Statutes). Slgnature(s) or Owner(a) or Owncr(s)' Authorized O(Ccer/Dlrartor/Partner/Manager who signed above: areaoanmlw<maed .. in �j.a Digitally signed by The Honorable Joseph E. Smith van imvs//snuaaurme,/ vusrzu cv noonnn Date: 2019.06.04 13 : 01:54 -04:00 'Reason: Electronically Certified Copy Location: 201 South Indian River Dr, Fort Pierce, FL 34950