HomeMy WebLinkAboutEMAIL - RE-OPEN PERMITMelissa Harnage From: Permits [Permits@stlucieco.org] Sent: Wednesday, April 10, 2019 1:33 PM To: Melissa Harnage �� I J V Subject: RE: Permit Lookup Web Question; Permit 22050855 �— Z The permit will need to be re -opened and a Design Professional will be required to address all open inspections, with an original signgd/sealed letter. The letter will be reviewed by one of our Plans Examiners to insure all inspections are covered. Than a Final Inspection will be scheduled for the Permit to be closed. From: Melissa Harnage Imailto:melissaPstlucietitle.coml Sent: Wednesday, April 10, 2019 10:05 AM �SCANNED To: Permits <Permitsna stlucieco.ore> Subject: Permit Lookup Web Question; Permit 22050855 St. Lucie Countv Hi, I am going to guess the below is not an actual Void. Permit 22050855 Looks like a lof was going on there. Is this something that can be closed? �J�aaorrri�i •n�<ao.-a3tarlJoaotowo subtWabir ate; Jujsd'rlbn,'.C7Y .Metiaaa Rawaye Escrow Closing Officer St. Lucie Title Services, Inc. 800 Virginia Ave.,Suite 47 Fort Pierce, FL 34982 (V)772-466-5238 (F)772-466-5294 Melissa Harnage -FL License ID-E117208 To send me a secure email use this link: https://securecontact.me/melissa%40stiucietitle.com Visit our website for online fee calculations: htta://www.stlucietitle.com Please note all funds for closing need to be in the form of a wire. Wire instructions will be provided at the same time that you are provided with closing figures. OUR WIRE INSTRUCTIONS RARELY CHANGE, 50 IF YOU ARE PROVIDED WITH AN EMAIL THAT APPEARS TO COME FROM OUR OFFICE CHANGING THE WIRE INSTRUCTIONS, PLEASE CALL OUR OFFICE AT A KNOWN PHONE NUMBER TO VERIFY! Please Noteii Florida has very broad public records laws. Most written communications to or from County officials regarding County business are public records available to the public and media upon request. It is the policy of St. Lucie County that all County records shall be open for personal inspection, examination and / or copying. Your e-mail communications will be subject to public disclosure unless an exemption applies to the communication. If you received this email in error, please notify the sender by reply e-mail and delete all materials from all computers. SLC_Inspections http://code;---ectionpublic.stlucieco.gov/Pennit—Status.aspx Permit Status Lookup luck he-rq to retum to the main Permits page. Print Paee Please Enter Permit III: 22osoas5 (And Press Enter) OR Enter ParceRd or Tax Id: (And Press Enter) (without special characters) Use this search feature to obtain building permit information You may also contact the Permitting division at (772) 462-1553 or nermits(astlucieco.om PERMIT APPLICATION INFORMATION PARCEL DATA Address: 6439 PETERSON RD, FORT PIERCE, FL Permit Number. 22050855 ! 34945 Permit Type: BUILDING I• N spepMa.�q (MISC Us) rm.sw2.uma2wmmm Job Desorption: CONSTRUCT FRONT COVERED a Units: 1 PORCH & ADD LAUNDRY ROOM ON REAR 0 HOUSE Status: Void e�x. Zoning: RES ENTIAL, SINGLE un.mm'o<cry FAMILY plied: 5/302002 PERMIT RENEW INFORMATION Reviewed By Date Started Date Sent Department Date Completed Review Type Review Status 6152002 6/52002 PLANS EXAMINER REVIEW COMPLETE 1/1/1900 6152002 PRY COMPLETE 6152002 6/102002 PLANS EXAMINER REVIEW COMPLETE 1/1/1900 6/10)2002 PRY COMPLETE louiseb 1/1/1900 61172002 NOTIFIED FOR PICKUP - REVISIONS COMPLETE PERMIT RENEW COMMENTS INFORMATION No DataAvailable INSPECTION INFORMATION Inspector Inspection Date Date Inspection Dateof Scheduled Permit Inspector Comments Name Type Updated Scheduled Status Inspection By Number .1. ALL OPENINGS MUST HAVE LINTEL AT TOP PER OPLAN 2. ALL HORIZONTAL REBAR MUST OVERLAP 'BONDBEAM 8282002 Disapproved 8282002 22050855 AT OLEAST 25" 3. ALL VERTICAL STEEL MUST END IN OTHE BOND BEAM WITH A 10"HOOK 5. PLAN OREVISION -WINDOW SIZES HAVE CHANGED FROM S4 OTO 63 (LEGACY INSPECTION) FORM BOARD SURVEY - 7125/2002 Approved 7252002 22050855 JO.ANN (LEGACY INSPECTION) OFFICE Disapproved. PLUMBING: WASHING MACHINE NOT VENTED OR BILLY PLUMBING 7262002 Reinspect Fee 7262002 220500E UTRAPPED ONEED: 2" VENT AND TRAP FOR HATCHER ROUGH Required WASHING MACHINE OAUTOMATED RESULT 10:38:34 26 JUL 2002 (LEGACY INSPECTION) SLAB 7l312002 Disapproved 7l312002 22p,50B urr AUTOMATED RESULT 0821:5331 JUL 2002(LEGACY INSPECTION) TERMITE 7/31/2002 Disapproved 7M/2002 22050855 AUTOMATED RESULT 08:22:2331 JUL 2002 (LEGACY SPRAY INSPECTION) 1. IMPROPER TERMITE STICKER FORM NOT FILLED GOUT 2. STEEL TOO CLOSE TO DIRT 3. MISSING ODOWELS INTO EXISTING SLABS DRILLED S PLUMBING 7/31/2002 Disapproved 71312D02 22050855 EPOSIED 048" O.C. 4. WASH MACHINE WASTE ARM ROUGH HAS BACK OPIICH 5. USED A SANITARY TEE ON ITS BACK MUST OBE COMBINATION 6. SIDING CANNOT BE INTO UCONCRETE OAUTOMATED RESULT 08:22:53 31 JUL 2002 (LEGACY INSPECTION) RCVD FAXED TERMITE CERT FOR LAUNDRY ROOM TERMITE 818f2002 Approved 8/82002 22050855 OLAID ON GEORGE BELLER'S DESK OREO DUE TO SPRAY FAILED INSP 08:22:2331 JUL 2002 (LEGACY INSPECTION) PLUMBING e/82002 Approved 802D02 22050855 RED DUE TO FAILED INSP 08:22:5331 JUL 2002 ROUGH (LEGACY INSPECTION) Disapproved- DOWELS STILL NOT EXPDXIED INTO EXISTING SLAB OIN LAUNDRY ROOM AS PER DETAIL ORED DUE TO SLAB 8/82002 Reinspect Fee 8/8/2002 22050855 FAILED INSP OB:21:53 31 JUL 2002 (LEGACY Required INSPECTION) SCOTT SLAB 8/142002 Approved 8H42002 22050855 AUTOMATED RESULT 10:44:3614 AUG 2002 (LEGACY ATTEY INSPECTION) 1234 1 of 1 4/11/2019, 11:41 AM SLC_Inspections http://codr; ^e^ectionpublic. stlucieco.gov/Perinit_Status.aspx Pertnit Status Lookup iClick here to return to the main Permits page. Print Pee. Please Enter Permit N: 22051 (And Press Enter) OR Enter Parcelld or Tax Id: (And Press Enter) (without special characters) Use this search feature to obtain building permit information You may also contact the Permitting division at (772) 462-1553 or permits(o,slluctece.ore PERMIT APPLICATION INFORMATION PARCELDATA Address: 6439 PETERSON RD, FORT PIERCE, FL Permit Number: 22050855 34945 Permit Type: BUILDING Jw.�wymin (MISCELLANEOUS) wR.00: zasrzzoowowo Job Description: CONSTRUCT FRONT COVERED Number Units: 1 PORCH & ADD LAUNDRY ROOM ON REAR OF HOUSE Status: Voidx. Zoning: RESIDENTIAL, SINGLE ,rm'aaxcrr FAMILY - 2 Date Applied: 5/30/2002 PERMIT REVIEW INFORMATION Reviewed By Data Started Date Sent Department Date Completed Review Type Review Status 6/5/2002 6152002 PLANS EXAMINER REVIEW COMPLETE 11111900 6162002 PRV COMPLETE WS/2002 6/1012002 PLANS EXAMINER REVIEW COMPLETE 111/1900 6/102002 PRV COMPLETE louiseb 1/1/1900 6/112002 NOTIFIED FOR PICKUP - REVISIONS COMPLETE PERMIT RENEW COMMENTS INFORMATION No Data Available INSPECTION INFORMATION Inspector Inspemianrype Date Date Inspection Date of Scheduled Permit Inspector Comments Name Updated Scheduled Status Inspection By Number COLUMN 8282002 Not Requited 82a2002 22050855 LEITHA 461-3928(LEGACY INSPECTION) LEITHA 461-3928 0RED ADDED DUE TO 'BOND BEAM 9WO02 Approved 91t2002 22050855 FAILED INSP 0a45:5228 AUG 2002 (LEGACY INSPECTION) PLAN REVISION 12/52002 Approved 12/52002 22050855 (LEGACY INSPECTION) PLUMBING TOP 22050855 RED DUE TO FAILED INSP 08:09:3418 SEP OUT 2002 (LEGACY INSPECTION) ELECTRIC ROUGH 22050855 REO DUE TO FAILED INSP 08:09:14 18 SEP 2002 (LEGACY INSPECTION) WINDOW/DOOR 22050855 RED DUE TO FAILED INSP 08:08:6618 SEP ATTACHMENT 2002 (LEGACY INSPECTION) RED ADDED DUE TO A STRAPPING 22050855 CANCEL,ROLLOVER,OR PARTIAL 14:15:43 19 SEP 2002 (LEGACY INSPECTION) WALL SHEATHING 22050855 RED DUE TO FAILED INSP 08:07:5418 SEP 2002 (LEGACY INSPECTION) SCOTT ROOF DRY-INMN 9/182002 Disapproved 9/182002 22050855 AUTOMATED RESULT o8:081418 SEP 2002 ATTEY TAB (LEGACY INSPECTION) SCOTT WALL SHEATHING 9/1S2002 Disapproved 9/182002 2.2050855 AUTOMATED RESULT 08:07:5418 SEP 20D2 ATTEY (LEGACY INSPECTION) 1234 loft 4/11/2019, 11:42 AM SLC_Inspections http://coder--ectionpublic.stlucieco.gov/Permit_Status.aspx Permit Status Lookup liG ck here to return to the main Permits page. Print Pave Please Enter Permit 0: 22050855 (And Press Enter) OR Enter ParcelId or Tax Id: _ _ (And Press Enter) (without special characters) Use this search feature to obtain building permit information You may also contact the Permitting division at (772) 462-1553 or permilsnn.stluciew.mig PERMIT APPLICATION INFORMATION PARCEL DATA "'U"" LLANCUUSJ ..vo vfarzzow.amo Description: CONSTRUCT FRONT COVERED Number Units: 1 iCH & ADD LAUNDRY ROOM ON REAR OF s'edn°"T USE Sm[m: Void ae fe: Doing: RESIDENTIAL, SINGLE FAMILY.2 PERMIT REVIEW INFORMATION Reviewed By Date Started Data Sent Department Date Completed Review Type Review Statue 6/5/2002 61512002 PLANS EXAMINER REVIEW COMPLETE 1/1/1900 6152002 PRV COMPLETE 6/52002 6/10/2002 PLANS EXAMINER REVIEW COMPLETE V1/1900 8/102D02 PRV COMPLETE louiseb 1/1/1900 6H12OD2 NOTIFIED FOR PICKUP - REVISIONS COMPLETE PERMIT RENEW COMMENTS INFORMATION No Data Available INSPECTION INFORMATION Inspector Ins a Type Inspection P Date Data Inspection Data of Scheduled Permit Inspector Comments Name Updated Scheduled Status Inspection By Number SCOTT ROOF SHEATHING 9/182002 Disapproved 9/182002 22050855 AUTOMATED RESULT 08:07:3018 SEP ATTEY 2002 (LEGACY INSPECTION) SCOTT PLUMBINGTOP 9/182002 Disapproved 9/182002 AUTOMATED RESULT 08:09:3418 SEP 2205085u ATTEY OUT 2002 (LEGACY INSPECTION) SCOTT ATTEY ELECTRIC ROUGH 9/182002 Disapproved 9/182002 22050855 AUTOMATED RESULT 08:09:1418 SEP 2002 (LEGACY INSPECTION) SCOTT ATTEY STRAPPING 91la2002 Disapproved 911812002 220508SS AUTOMATED RESULT 08:08:3318 SEP 2002(LEGACY INSPECTION) SCOTT WINDOW/DOOR 9/182002 Disapproved 9/1812002 22050855 AUTOMATED RESULT 08:08:5618 SEP ATTEY ATTACHMENT 2002 (LEGACY INSPECTION) SCOTT ROOF SHEATHING 9/192002 Approved 9/192002 22050855 RED DUE TO FAILED INSP 08:07:3018 ATTEY SEP 2002 (LEGACY INSPECTION) FRONT PORCH ONLY ORED DUE TO ATTE� STRAPPING 9/192002 Approval 9/192002 22050855 FAILED INSP 08:08:3318 SEP 2002 (LEGACY INSPECTION) SCOTT ROOF DRY-INRIN 1W8/2002 Approved 10/82002 AUTOMATED RESULT 12:39:1208 OCT 22050855 ATTEY TAB 2002 (LEGACY INSPECTION) HEALTH DEPT - RCVD LETTER FROM JODVHEALTH DEPT 1213/2002 Approved 12/32002 22050855 STATING OEXISTING SEPTIC SYSTEM SEPTIC OKAY (LEGACY INSPECTION) ROOF FINAL 12/62002 Approved 12/62002 22050855 AUTOMATED RESULT 10:07:37 D6 DEC 2002 (LEGACY INSPECTION) 1234 I of 1 4/11/2019, 11:43 AM SLC_Inspections http://code^°^ectionpublic.stlucieco.gov/Permit_Status.aspx Permit Status Lookup Cl ekhere to return to the main Permits page. Print Paee Please Enter Permit R: 22050855 - (And Press Enter) OR Enter Parcelld or Tax Id: _ (And Press Enter) (without special characters) Use this search feature to obtain building permit information You may also contact the Permitting division at (772) 462-1553 or permils(a stlucieco.orn PERMIT APPLICATION INFORMATION PARCEL DATA Address: 6439 PETERSON RD, FORT PIERCE, FL Permit Number: 22050855t7 34945 Permit Type: BUILDING 2� o,°,p„p°menl (MISCELLANEOUS) p.m0e: r919f9MC01WCO Job Description: CONSTRUCT FRONT COVERED Number Units: I PORCH & ADD LAUNDRY ROOM ON REAR OF 5itl61"sbn' HOUSE Status: void ripe Zoning: RESIDENTIAL, SINGLE iwmn cW FAMILY - 2 Date Applied: 5/302002 PERMIT REVIEW INFORMATION Reviewed By Date Started Data Sent Department Data Completed Review Type Review Status 6/52002 6152002 PLANS EXAMINER REVIEW COMPLETE 1/1119D0 61WO02 PRV COMPLETE 6152002 6/102002 PLANS EXAMINER REVIEW COMPLETE 1/1/1900 6/102002 PRV COMPLETE louiseb 1/1/1900 6/112002 NOTIFIED FOR PICKUP - REVISIONS COMPLETE PERMIT REVIEW COMMENTS INFORMATION No Data Available INSPECTION INFORMATION Inspector Inspection Date Date Inspection Data of Scheduled Permit Inspector Comments Name Type Updated Scheduled Status Inspection By Number 00%COMPLETED NEED BILLY TO LOOK SCOTT STATUS 3222004 Approved 3/=004 22050855 OVER OLETHA 461-3928(LEGACY ATTEY INSPECTION) INSULATION 220508 (LEGACY INSPECTION) FINAL 22050855 EGACYINSP INSPECTION 1234 1 of 1 4/11/2019, 11:43 AN