HomeMy WebLinkAboutPRODUCT APPROVALHonda Building Code Online Bti3 Hgap ;i ta0 hi � LlglaeaiyraNn; I swagFaaa 1 Pw PretluMApprovol, SY St. Lucie County 9�uct&Unr?i�'v__a h+:ivii>fsd .._ >nmar�cem��ikn> AppveevanOda ` FL* 'Application Type. Code Version Applicattoii Stwus Comments:. Archived Product Manufacturer Addre&3ftone1Email F1.1854463. Rdvlsion ST. 2017 Approved EA P] MAY 2 2 2,019 •'PCLYGLASSUSA'. ' 1111 W. Newport Canter Drive: Deeftld 8&%lh FL 33442' ,.(954) 233-1330' EA 242 ` malpeit@poWass:oom 112M9,4:28 PM REVI EWED' FO R CODE COMPLIANCE ST. LUCIE COU TY BOCCG� .Autfiodzed tide, a�Y ptr , ' 'malperttmpotygtasscom Technical Representative ,�ilaury AlptiA .; :. Addtass7PttonetEmall i117 W.�NawpOtt Center Drive -- '-Oooitiedd Beaaii;_FL33442'• . i912i 42a-8370 -; . ,.MAlpart(�potyglass.com , Quality Assurance. nopro sentativa: 'AddresstPh ejEmm7 Category ' Roofm9.. Subcategory _ tftdirred Bitumen Hoot System Campiiarxa P,nalhad Evaluation Repert from a Florida_ negistnred luchd t or a Licensed Florida lessional Ergineer - - `:Evaluatico Report - Hardcopyt3te3ved" -.. Florida Engine6 or Aichitoot Nam _Mid davalopadth '}tpbart Nieminen Evaluation Report, Florida License ;PE38168 Quality Assurance Enfily' .{jL LLC {Qualty Assura'We Contract E>piradon.Date 097, , L Validated By iJohn W. Kne2evkh; PE Cedircato at Independence Varudation cttei kriiat-,Hardcopy Received - i 4r I ♦ 1 \ � httPs:/Avv fforidabuiic'ngarg(prjpl opp-dti,asDz?ParamuvaEVXQWIDgvgquZW%2bnFgUPv2PW6pKkAh3MV,Ct6SQtTKEtZbUa5VhZA%3di 3dPa0c 1013 Florida Building Cade Online ReforOriced Stanc ,-;tied Year (of Standanl) - U20/19, 4tY$PM Equivalence of Product Standards Cedified By Seotiooafrom 0re dodo Product Approve) Me iod Palo Subtidded Date Validated Date. Pending FBC:Approvaf Data Approved Su '.ot Produets ASTM D6162 MS ASTM.D6163 -'2008. ASTMDs189-. .2011 ASTM 06222 2011 ASTM D66t10 2009' FM 4470 2012 FM 4474 2011 U68,97 2Ut2 4s0>pii y Option D tOi082018 �111tt3r2o1S; 101212018 :1211U2018 Model, Number or Name Dcecrlpiion POlyglass SHS and APR, sb*S and APPmodified bitumen roof systems Modified Bitumen Rooftl�useMa#aOalloninstucdona PAPproved for use In HVHZNo -FI"1654-{ for use outside HVHZ: Yes, Impact Resista dt WA .'. -Verifiedd Sy: Ro0ed Nlenunen PE-54166 . Design pr0esufe:4N/A/•622.5., Created bylndopondent7bird Party:.Yed ,Other: t:}_TAe design lcessuro in this apolicittm, Evaluation Reports .. relate9to Orlepad'[G1 essemblyoVercaflGBte .. H..Y65d_ 2 At' 2O1R 10 FINAL �mPGt:YGLAS.9'MOD$R FLi654 - - de&. Refer to the ERApoendb for other systems R22M : '- • . : - - -, and dear typed. 2.j Pieter to ER, Section s torother .Cteated,by tndependerit TNr4 Party: Yes Umits of use.. - - +�@a16Ki�1;:9Eilt Riaistems (Ip�,7�k:M.^im FL 9T�tYA Anotp-9 A]I8?A nttpa:l/www.iloridnbui2ding.prgjpr/pr_app tl[f.aspz?parem=wG6VXOwIDgvggO2w%2CnFgUPv?pvsupKrAh9MWCt88OtTx6tZbDa5V6ZA;&3d°l.';d Page 2of3 APPrNMX I: A$TACtIM�TRtil�4:4hltFgAWiqoUPLitI RLUsIA*t ,APP _ApP App APR CAThON 4 7� I) Bs M b W-11 A Banded insulation, Bedded Rool`Cocr 1� I Wood �Novorlteroof Var-O A,2 'MeOLAUNIChe d Arena; Sheet, Sanded hIMUNItIOn, Ocenclod Roof Cover 5-9 �,Bc- Wood, New, Reroof (tear -OM or Recover! A-Z, Meth.AttathedAnchaiSti6e4ecodediniufation,aondedRoofcaviir- In-11 10 hwood B MecL Attached Raw Insulation, Banded Top IrMulation, Bonded RoodConner %Veod Naw`L ftr -M"Rappyerl- C" Ir Meek Attached insulation, $ended good Cover 12-14 TV Wood lW66d 0. It &tA4fMech.AtWhthedR ddiiexsfcowe�� ase Street, IS-17 IG E NoA4nsuhd#dMecKAHzthee�d Oat CAAHS),� Banded Roof Cover 38.22 1 JR Wood New, FCo0of (Tear,041) or Recover E Non-helulated. Much. Attached Base Sheet (scraiv% states); Banded Roof Cover 21.26 11, Wood Nevrotileroof(Tear-OH) F 1,NOMMUliteg, Bonded RoofCoverr. 26 NeW.K0409(tear-OfOorRecover, , W " Mech.AttaChed Do[Watfoo, Bonded Ton imadation. BondedRcofG over 27-29 New, C. r'�, - - - '! - 30-34 2C steel or Structural concrete - D ledUllegel, Won, Attached Ram Shoe� Deeded def a R CW i 35-37 3A, -Structurafooncrete - ' - Nevv"Reroafftear-CM A-1 38-46 38 StrV Neeworfterodjfaat-CM, F,, t4onmsolatedoondedRodfave, •45 04 R. A-1 needed fhanutatlad, Banded Roof Cover,, 40 Ugluveeight concrete ELM A-Z Attached Anther sheet; Bonded Insulatlonv8p Meted RoodfCoeer, 51) 4C Lighavvelghloonerate N"OrRodof FTearZff—J, .� -..,'..E'. Norv4nSulatedMectLAtthdmdDlsaSh4WOwdedgodCma,, 51,53 SA' Cemormiria Uj Wood fiber rRerooffrear New 0 -Cffj:, Al - Bonded Insillatmn, Boded RoofCover, So Cenneutithous wood fiber' -tetl —9trOd (Taar-CM Gi RMOVef mecb:Anat"dAnOorShm,ftrdedimulaUa"mdedRwfCuver,, SC, Cementitioutmod fibu::, NewlReMOf (Teer-Off) w Recover, a" Mkh,AttacnedD3SOInSUlatlon,80ndedTtioln"tion.BandodRodCover S6 5D Ctme"fificus mod fiber, .. - Nm. Retool lTeaf-CM V FICCOvPf C Meth.AUKhedimlitinil;80nd�RodCo"r Se SE. I Xemonfitiocrivaosof fiber- MeW.Flef6dorear-Offlarsler E Non4MufatedMecfi:AU:khad BageSheat, Bonded RoofCover- 56 6A Existing gypsum 'Rerod M, A-L �tfondedfmlatior�gondedRoofcoaer 97-59 Go eo , —,A-Z'- MWII�Autsthod Anchor Sheet; Boosted Insulation, Bonded Roof Cdvej` 59 6C•fXjltjVgBfMUm C NWch:AtMChkin$tgatIMBor6-JedRvofCover 60 150 "Istinggymm RM04(rearof) or Recohre,r Won. Attached Rafe She ?A Various BorldnU ongandled AcdCover various I.Recover Banded BaseSheat Bonded goofCavvy, fis 1119 MITOWMEA "IN 909N 10 the Rl" Otliftril heralm, L The roof $Marn evaluated hareWpedofni to atwva-d 4. 1. Insulation but sheet fasteners Shelf be Wo4d; MinintunnW, kiev : 'Minimum w Structural concrete: "wohie o V Nrmonc,tic Cerkicate of Authorization inlies he in jec: , dvdance wlth FSE requirements Dlthe 5atisl4alon, of the Authority Having judsdactim =6,,EDUT ION (2017)IOCNON41NNUVALUATION RpIlyglosi filkidtfiedUtigapf Systems , - Shme . , '. - 1(151�41 MIMI Enindon R,;ponP92SOM2,08-R21f"FtISS44U3 Revision 21:20108/2010 Appendix 2, Page i of SS 3;. VOldssottr'ertviseabted,fnwtaNOif ma'yrbeatyona Of FA:C Rule 61G20.3 and It dbcmnented as meet when IUEMb ' j etc. orminerat-Vaal fool board that memo the Ii i requhements imdchaNeallyaftached base sheet bonded roof ewer), iyherebyrise base sheet conrigurar;on in the steel andcom dst dock Lacings.Roofdirtksand9huctuml ' roof deck than be documonfed through proper cod,dhxj amf/m F6L Approval PreliminarylnsOUtion avadvdent(ersystersi Type 6:Unless ot(m`rviae noleE, mrer to5tttion Y.2.30.13Of FM Less prevention Data Sheet 149(lanuaryZOtSj<. " tw' UntrssothsrnHe oared; insulation adhesive application raNs'areasfor vs:6(6bonorbeadWidth i atthe t[n�'ofapp0cadonithe'db0on5%beads shal7egtan'3as rrotedin the manufaWererti;publshcsf Mstructtonsi `r HotratpfUlt (HAI:' ' .Full coverage at 2S-9) fa/square,, DOW INSTASTIK Clink Set insulation Adt"it(04S), Continuous 0.75 to 1•Insh wide Oblsore, 121nth o.e i Millennium One Step FOamableAdheswe(M-05FA1: 6irctnuOUSU,25toO.54mhwlderibbo4;l2rincho.e M(Ifenniutn P+GiPumpGrada Adh4ive(M.PG3);' Condmin is0.25 to 054ndawide ribbam,124nmuc ". +OMG OWnond sad (ORStao): � [OOUnuaus 0.75M1-Inch wFde imbons, i2-inchoc'(PaetCaR orSppfS,ltot):Abtr<,'Ph+golA3GreCrimoybduted wA2rrOtY8dnd5tkfila`Mfertnted. "r 0(yBnMl Classfti09 glssk){ Pots cdvetage at l gal/square.. _ 'r ICP Adhesive &Seafann PoNset C9.20: Continuous 25-3.54ndswide ribbons, when tnutNp/e 36pars(s) dfmsdditan arWat 0verboinimefnstat7adinrtbWn:opptieQWAesis�.6�rdJoMaShaUtititoQpered: -L Note: The mailroom edge distotueJrom the oQdesrmrrbbon ro Needgeof the 7rdWooarrbrxailsbaslbendtlesi Than oned/tAesptrieddbbons attng;. UMess`oNtfWalinatad,a0 lisutadont am Rat-smckortaperboardbf the minimum thrcMess noteU:'TiparcdpolyisoCyanumtt at the following thickness 10nhationa"may.t»wtstituted withime following Maximum Design pressure (MDP)pmitations. In no iaseshatthese values to used to metease-the MOP fiitin0s in theiabfeS, retrofit MOP luting berow from Or exceeds Nat rated for a panicv9rs`ysteat In the tabl0 thanthe thinner board listed below may be used as a drop(n forthe equtvalmttleckar material listed inNthetabte;( - - - +Mlljenniam0im5tep Faamablr Adheskd.(M-D$FA): MOP-357Spf. (Min. (A54mh NiNf.; ')0 MillenniumP64 Pump Grade Adhesive(M•PG1jr MOP 4Si5pst;, •(M1n.05drtrhth"j. . ➢BMG OIyBond 502(ODSOO), -''- MOP '-45.0 psf'[Min. ",Inch RINk Mufti -Max FA-31''• DMG 01y5ond500(06500)> 'MOP •1975 flat (Min. 05-Inch thick ISO 95s Go 'v'OMG OIt'0ond5O8 (O&SCOy:- MOP -31SZO (Min. 0.5.1ndtthick ENHGY.3) > OMG 0h0Ond SOO(OBSCO)(.MOP.-d9�5 psf (hsln.0.5•inch Ni�;ACpaallN ICPAdheslves&Sealants iady,.ttcC: R•20: ,MOP--1175pa( (Min: 1-0-inch trtky 8, Bonded polyta comorate lrs"lonboards Shall bemaximum6xSfr. - 9. F-or'inechanically, attached components ar partianyrbonded fnsulatiors the maximum deslpps pressure for the sefedad Awr;b p shaft meet or exceed the 2ato,1 design pressuPddetermirtetl (n ac[ordaMe whh FBC Chgpter 16, and iddet2 and3xhaRempfoy an attachment density des�rrod br`a qualified desige{pipfdsstonal to reilsithkelevased pressure cdtefia.' Gbmmanly used ntotnoM are AHSiySPRI Will, FM bills PrevintlOn Data Sheet 14% Flooring Application SwndW RAS 117 and RooMg Application Standard RAS 147. Assembues marked sWth in asterlsk- Carty the limitid6a; set fort to Srcunin of AM loss Preirtntion Data Sheet 1.29(lanuaty 2016) for2one;i3"enhamomenta. a0.-For fully bonded assesrbsl0s the maximum design p<tssure for thdteletted amartalyshelf alem" exceed Ditical design presture.deterrathed In accordancewl FOCihapierl6. and no ntlonafinalySahpermitted. Fdrmedranicxlly eforChed componegts overexisting delta, f3tttnenshali be tested In the witting dackforerfthtlrawal rmatanco. Aqualified design professional shall mviesvirb data forcomparsorftOthemir'dmum -- requbemeets(Of th'e fYstem•Tesfing and analysis Shall be in accordance with ANSI/SPR(FK.Ior.Teso"ng Appilp®onStaadard TASIDS., Far existing tubiviutlnatscnded recover or m-rootlmtatladon; the ousting roof surface or extsdne raafded: shall be examined forcompatibilltyaad bond Performance with the selected adhesive, and the eidzting coo! aysreln'(for reeaadr) shun be Capable Of n aisdng project design Pressures on of own Printer: to the iahstadion,of the Audgrhy Haying Furisdic{IOn, as duamtnmd through fieSf uplift cesGngin arsoMarKe with AN5I=,(141,ASTM F907, FM LoeT PrevernlorfDataSheet 142 OrTestingAppirmlionStandard TA51Z4.yy - L3, "For RewverpppliratUns usingSyrtem Type D; the irnutatton is optiona4• howevti, thaexizring rtiaf systamshall be soiUMetofa'la�rer appl4atson. NEMO ETC. LLC'Hrahmtlon Report P9290,DZMR21forFLl6SO-Rt-i Cft1WcamofAuthaNati6n O3Z455- 6`"WMON(20L7) IIBC NON4fyHZ EVALUATION Revision 2h 30/CWZ01S Prepared by. Robert Memhen, PE-59166., ' P#gfiap Mddmed Bitumen Rod Swahili. (95i) 233.1330 '-Apperitlht l' NfPl2 df 65 14. 14 use or mere slsmlgs in nevrmminramn oa in TOE inotion 1917 to the sallsfaddon of the Authority Howl, is othets noted-, for systems where spcdk LWC kinit refie 1!a0etOFBCSK60n1II7,4.1,Potnti. For-pri"Xistoar"M kSTM CWJ; with no propAWtary adciltlo 'fnaomMance ymh dns is at the disvetlon of the Desilsryor or Record and At4h6yitr ONEMOWC. is referencad, safer io agent LVIC �W- APPLICATION BP -AA Base Fly, One or mare es POWA PCIVRIA G2 Base, FRC Agm_Ned ASTM D4601, Type 11, Iftaso and Ply &hisms, MY One or more poes Pal Iris Ply IV, Petition Ply W, WAaamftd ASMI WITH, Type IV or VI HwAsphaltat2040 ftreE' ILHO Ply One *Elant base (sand/511WIL EfJ1t0flj!xV. WSW% SO, Elastoflex$6 TM U, PtIVRIm HT Base ISSO — "'c . Elasm""MEIRAId VGFP,�tfIex$rEIUtofIMSG S6 G, kla.t.flez SS G FR; ElOiloshiald TS-GiElastZhIC14 I= PG35*at1.WX TS.G,Fk P6wraskilell-sos 6and-wakecn, Ptilyfeisko (;$SS111a I'll I 1 11 gallsquarai" Base Ply Line W 94MMSe [Sand/sand), Elastaflinx V, Mstoflem SO, Etartoffesi VG, Elasufflex VG Fit, Type"'Ejasnaflex G.ElastoffftSISMEALtosh sogWeld Polyplm 35 at IS�2.0 MG FR. PuNfmsko G 585 Nand=-141,1011 FR fts �Iflra- nil,tilkItill" .ZaVsquor I a Base Fly or Ply ------ One present Flies Etoti;basia jond(und or poly/sand), Vagobase R (gand/sand orpoly/sandtFlastoiflexV, EtssloffuS6; E!astoffax KT* _ell PolvomHTFUne'15SO _6,_ ,585-AAI ESP P�- '�Elastocax V, Elastoflft VG, Elastaflu VG FR, claitoftex $6, Elmoftex S=E']=�SO qi ClainoLiM SO OFF, Elastosloold TSA� "of Asphalt at 2040 , ' x- MaStiistfted TS�G Fkpjlj!�esiucs Polytteslay 0 -'SRS lbs/squatti" i, Abte: r/ m Ply or Ply6yD �10'claswbaseipolytpolsr Elastvflex V. Clastallex SO, EIMOff" "Pe 11, POYSIMS HT Rase SBS;tA.Ti:(SRS,-TGTct�AppIIed) "-App"od taD Pry.'CLELIStathleld.TS-IS FR; Polftlo, 6 SOS (pqjfilm bitkedi, I :ked) • One Of More Plift WSW" SA V Hase, ElaStan" $A V FR fl;te, IlWtofi" SA V Plj%, ElaStaflex SA V Pros FR % Can PIV ClastoflerSA P. Elialtafflet SA P PR; Polyreect 1'. . - '+' I I , " I I � , . " (sas,, Self-mbering) , Unless Ot&VbVhe MW POMWNe 013447111WIM A&SUM f"SM-SA cone knifed to the SRS4"Is bereirt, 4 Base Ply OR Selwliieilng i pvt P63SOatIS-2,0 �App CAI Pofifexr FR,• " ware APP-TA Base of One or more 2!ieS POMIMS APP Base, Polyfl%Poi ybond (APP,jorch-Apti TorcMApplied 1 Cap Ply, (APP, Self -Adhering) Not& u UA1=tWr*M'4e P=&c warnbr=,m ffclknh)cd to ilkeSOS-S4 ftse ppyopthow hereby, Self -Adhering : 1: §f, on forF11654-1141 Cerfikuite cilAuthoilimlon #32455 FMON (2017) ME NON4PMZ EVALUATION, Rewislom 21: 10/09 1 /2013 Pmpared by. Robert Marriinet, PE39166 - Piltyalass MoMad 8111homen Reif Systems; (954i 233-1336' Appmdlx 1, Page 3 or 6S 19 Emal etc. TABLE It; WOOON OR REROOFjTEAfl,OFF) SYSTEM TYPEF: NON4NSULATED, WNDED ROOF COVER AW.". Page j weit(Notal dead, Pig, W-170 WnL 15132� none N- o SBSSA (0pvWajSOS-SASW, �50��AFNSWkWhPJLend OW r: , T&APNTA TAAPp-TA �j (optonal)P6200 PolytkxllAllaja JOpv-&QAMTA 'APP-TA 42,0 uk" min, MA4.1 Inth plynt*1 PGWO N one, v SOVA (OPQ**all 585sk slas" 1PP -sk'sav, -- TAAPPITA TAA�TA 19715 %I173 met. IS132- wwftd %4114-IRch wiftstrPs OfflasiolleaSAV Plug, rolled Into ftetJoRmSAVAmor (0 $MSAAPP-SkSRS� i"bpfwwmd. VWQfIft3AVFR8aee' TNAPNTA TA. APNIA -27.s P01rdWE745 ...... RPlywoodome• SiSiA lOgationai) sls�v' so, SRS&SA, APP'A sm TXAMTA.' . , r TA, APXTA lost Y-173-Nu flaSteffamSAW10or . (J;AW)S9S,&kSPLj. SBSSAAPP-SA.S6S- I j'0AA 91) O11exSAVRfW' .TAAPKA, '�TA APPITA L35,0 W.r;G FiMmdloi�3ro.WftredvAth,4-InChmdistdpofEl�,(TSAVPIUCWM Poole mate mminum tow. - APP7A Certificate ofAuthcrization 032455 '6�EDFrIOlf(M7)fS(:NON.HMLVAWATiON EValUellogrl RepoftP.929022.08-1121 for FLI[6544123 Prepared by: Robert Meminin, PE-5914 RiNIS16h 21! WIDS12018' Appendix 1, Page 26 of 65 3/25/2019 Florida Building Code Online ';.. BCIS Home I Log In I User Reglstrauon I Hot TGPIM I Submit S.¢harge i I� SCANNED '(`') V Product Approval BY USER: Public User Sf Lucie Count/ a Product Approval Menu > ApPiiratlon D¢Wil FL # Application Type Code Version Application Status Comments Archived Product Manufacturer Address/Phone/Email Authorized Signature Technical Representative Address/Phone/Email Quality Assurance Representative Address/Phone/Email Category Subcategory Compliance Method - r' Suns &Facts I PubGgnons I ContaR Us I BCIS Site Map I Links I`searN I FL18355-R4 Revision 2017 Approved RECEIVED MAY 2 2 2019 ST. I.uclq county, Permitting 0 FILE C®PY TAMKO Building Products, Inc. l ( (/ 6-6�0 PO Box 1404 REVIEWED FOR Joplin, MO 64802 (ern) den@t4e Ext CODE COMPLIANCE kerri_eden @tam ko. coin Kerd Eden kerri_eden@tamko.com Kerri Eden PO Box 1404 Joplin, MO 64802 (417) 624-6644 Ext 2305 kerri_eden@tamko.com Roofing Asphalt Shingles ST. LUCIE COUNTY BOCC 021 Evaluation Report from a Florida Registered Architect or a Licensed Florida Professional Engineer G Evaluation Report - Hardcopy Received Florida Engineer or Architect Name who developed the Zachary R. Priest Evaluation Report Florida License PE-74021 Quality Assurance Entity UL LLC Quality Assurance Contract Expiration Date 10/18/2021 Validated By Locke Bowden P.E. Certificate of Independence R) Validation Checklist - Hardcopy Received f,YSiIr7.7.Yi�KaIOf;] YrA7lCilriYl7S4�F•1I:277-ilditR1[-�iiG, -- Referenced Standard and Year (of Standard) Standard ASTM D 3161 ASTM D 3462 ASTMD D 7158 TAS 100 Equivalence of Product Standards Certified By year 2016 2010 2011 1995 Approved Testing Lab FL18355 R4 Equiv UL letter for standards for FBC 2017.p 1Of http://www.floridabuilding.org/pr/pr_app_dtlaspx?pamm=wGEVXQwtDquvosrHazGXQW83MP73uotKzDI M2Xu9wuWmY6PQI11ukQ%3d%3d 1/2 3/25/2019 Florida Building Code Online Sections from the Code Product Approval Method Method 1 Option D Date Submitted 09/25/2017 Date Validated 09/27/2017 Date Pending FBC Approval 10/08/2017 Date Approved 12/12/2017 Summary of Products FL # Model, Number or Name Description 18355.1 Glass -Seal, Elite Glass -Seal, ASTM D 3462 asphalt shingles and hip and ridge shingles Heritage, Heritage Premium, Heritage Woodgate, Heritage Vintage, Hip and Ridge, and Vintage Hip and Ridge Shingles Limits of Use Installation Instructions Approved for use in HVHZ: Yes FL38355 R4 II TBP35001.4 2017 FBC Eval Report ShingllU Approved for use outside HVHZ: Yes final.piff Impact Resistant: N/A Verified By: Zachary R. Priest PE-74021 Design Pressure: N/A Created by Independent Third Party: Yes Other: See evaluation report for limits of use. Evaluation Reports FL38355 R4 AE TBP15001.4 2017 FBC Eval Report ShingLu n I.pQ Created by Independent Third Party: Yes eack Next Conrad Us :: 2601 Blair stone Road. Tallahassee FL 32399 Phone: 850-487-1824 The state of Florida is as AVEW employer. ❑oovnoht 2007-2013 State of Florida.:: Prmac. Statement :: Act,ibilily Statement Under nonda law, email addresses are public records. If you do not want your e-mail address released in response to a public -records request, do not send electronic mall to this entity. Instead, contact the office by phone or by traditional mail. If you have any questions, please contact 850.487.1395. *Nnsuant to Section 455.275(1), Florida statutes, effective October 1, 2012, licensees licensed under Chapter 455, F.S. must provide the Department with an email address if they have one. The minis provided may be used for official communication with the licensee. However email addresses are public record. If you do not wish to supply personal address, please provide the Department with an email address which can be made available to the public To determine If you are a licensee under Chapter 455, F.S., please click here . Product Approval Accepts: ® in ® RE 23 sct,urit% i_TRic4 http://www.floridabuilding.org/pr/pr_app_dtl.aspz?param=wGEVXQwtDquvosrHuGXQW83MPr3uofKzDIM2Xu9wuWmY6PQUIukQ%3d%3d 212