HomeMy WebLinkAboutCERTIFICATE OF PRODUCT RATINGi "nipCERTIFIED' AlissanmoU >t _ a _k 1 _. >.. r., �l ;ter_ =,_-ems r.;�:__ __ _- St. LuciecounYv AHRI Certified Reference Number[201 B46945 Dale: D5-07.2019A Model Status*=Adlve AHRI Type: RCU:A-C&O Outdoor Unit Brand Name:CARRIER - r - - Outdoor Unit Model Number: 38MHRBCIZAA3 i tndoorType: - - fvliniSpAts Indoor Model Nlmrber(s) :40MHHCl2-3 Rejed as follows in accordance with the latest edition of ANSVAHRI 2101240 with Addenda 1 and 2, Performance -Rating of Unitary ,Ak-Condilbnln8.8 Air.Source Fleet Pump Equipment and subject to rating accuracy by AHRFsponsared, Independant: Wrd party testing:. Cooling Capacity (951c) F11500 ,EER (95F) ; 11.Z0 `SEE4:19,00 Sdtl in7 ;USA; CanaAa.-_—, _,.- .�.._,-__ ___,�: •. -, _ __ ___. _� d+y k M1 Y _ f 1 E' v"T 5 d it 2;,y {,i�ts�tl'Iy� ll V,�L Von V - YAdive Model Stalua am Ihwe that sit AHRI CaMlcetlm Program Participate Is Curently producing AND ee6ng or offering for sale; OR new models thud am being maskeled buliraiwt Yet being produmd: Production SloppoC Modd Slaws em those that an AHRI Ceratcatim Program Participant Is rro longer producing BUT Is Blip aeAuq ar offarirp- Raminoa In, am eoxnmeked by WAS In6nte The now pu lu e l retina la ahaen alone wah the Pnn ioea ae. WAS) mum. DISCLAIMER _ AHRI does not endorse the product(s) listed an this Certificate and makes no representations• warranties at guarantees as to. and assumes no responsI&Idy for, the producgs) listed an this Certificate. AHRI expressly dUfaims all liability for damages of any kind arising out of the Must or performance of the produd(sl, or me end Whorued abcrotion of data listed on this Certificate. Certified ratings we nild only for models and conaguratian; listed In the duectory 2t-.W.2hdd1roccary.arg. TERMS AND CONDITIONS j This Cerdficato and its contents are piapNetay, products of AHRI, This Cerdficate shall only be used far Individual. personal and csnncadential refelenpurposes The contents of this Ceri fleatti may not. In whole or In part. be reproduced; eopled; disseminated; entered Into a computer database; or otherwise utni ed, In any farm or monMr or by any means, except let the "or's IndlNduak go rseral and cdnadential mfemnce. AIlk aN0inaNIfa: NEARNO.', CERTIFICATE VERIFICATION A REFRIOERATICN INSTIrOTE The tofumleke, for the model cites on the cenmcatecan be verlaed atwww.ehaldlroelaryorg, dhkon-Verify Certificate' link we note bfvbrnrr and enter the AHRlcertined Refarenca Number aniline data an which the certificate ems issued•. - - which Is Wed above: and the Certificate, No., which N listed at bottom right - '©A1BAI-r-Condifioning, Heating, and Refrigeration Institute CERTIFICATEiNO : - to2o177iexipl7eies;;.