HomeMy WebLinkAboutPRODUCT APPROVALrnuuua -- i/2312018 ,_._..___—._ T-•Z9�� dun ' c CQProid BY St. Lucie C0110y cL c • — A-pulicction"VIP Code version APPIlmdon Status Comments Archived Pmdu tt 1•ianufacturer Address/Phone/Email :.uthor ad Signatura Tzchni¢I RePrz=-zntativz Add1aS1/Phons/Em8)i OualitV ASSUMn¢ REPraeantath'- Addr-,�IPhone/Email Category Subcategory Compliance Method Florida Engineer" ."hi:act fdena ullo daveloped the Evaluation Repo Florida License Duailty Assurance Entity Quality Assurance Contel EXPiredon Da' e Validated By Cer�riate of independence Rep=renced Standard and Year (a Standard) cg-S a Fa[s p'gi¢tiors� EaC Srah aC1S S._ H2C UaL S__ cT FL337— Ro Afnmadon sILE ' REVIEWEDPY ' FOR CODE COMPLEANCE ST. LUCIfE CO TY Approvedp�/'� B®CC East Coast Metals, Inc 2301 LMst 8 Lane •4ialeah, FL 33010 (305)SB5-9991 acasi811anosl aB5tCgaai natals.com Tom Castellanos a¢5elianos@easicoast-metals.com Tom Castellanos 2301 West 8 Lane Hialah, FL 33010 (305) 895-9991 Mastallanos@ eastmast-metals.Cotn Honsrd Callender 3r. 2301 vgest 6 Lane Hlal=_ah, FI 33010 (305) 885-9991 ircepende: aeastcoas: ne.'als.con Roofing Roofing Accassorias that are an integral Par= of the Roofing System' Evaluation Repot' iron a Florida Registered Archttact or a License" Florida Pmsassional Engineer R'Calve_d cvaluaaon Report- HardcopY Rc6=_rt flieminen PE-59166 Architactural Testing, Inc 12131/2018 )ohn 8°:'. ICne-e-telch, PE iialidation CheC1'Jist- Hardmoy peceived r 5374 R5 COI 2015 0l [ i itli=_mine .ndr Year Si='ne3Td 2012 FR50.�R3 APri120-2 (OA-� �) 1995 RAS 118 1995 RAS 119 1005 2A5 :20 1997 SBCCI SSTO ,AS 101 1/2312018 lorda idumm�g mope Viume '_ouivalencs_ of Product Standards Certified By Sections from the Code Docum=_ntation from approved Evaluation or Validation Entity 2roducc Appro'!ai blethOd 'Date Submitted pat-: Validated Date Pending FBC Approval Date approved 1 affirm that them are no changes in the new Florida Building Code.ehich affect my product(s) and my product(s) are in comnliance with the new Florida Building Code. yes h!o - N/A 337d RS COC 2017 09 AFF:Rbi T!Did ECM PS374 Sth'cditioi f2017i odf Method 1 Option D 09/06/2017 09/05/2017 09/10P2017 t9odel, A!umber or Name I Description i 5c74,1 Ea'-t Coast di=_?l5 Channel F•te�—ls ' Praftirrn, ed metal channels designed for use as a hip & ridge ! base to crhich roof tiles are bonded. Limps c Use i lnsiallation I'tzruc ions i ER EGA Tdm Lack r7�74- I 1 FI-3- R5 -r 20• - 03 HINAI _ • pvcd far •sse in iit't?G:Yes Approved pr appr6B2G :a: a52 Oet51dC- F!i 2L: Yes -Z od" a I - i:mpa.-t Rrsiatant: NIP, 1 Verified Bv:. obert i1m'een Created by independdent Thlb?arty: Yes � Design -ressure:=N/A/-178 Dtha.-: 1J Ref. to Evaluation R=_aor[ Sections 52 and 5.3 for ; Evai3 xti Pn Reports O"- 03 =fN'L ER EC7d im Lotic R_5374- I "` Limit- OfUse in Hv4z and nor,- S•H= jurisdictions, ra5,o=_ctivaly. 2.j The design pr-_ssur=herein parLains to use in ' odf Created by independent Third Parity- Yes non-?vHZ=uriSdicdpn5 in cenjuncdon 'with Table -!A of ` FRSA%IRi A:pril'012 (04= 2la'- ). Ref_r 0 Ta 2A and 2B in the E' cluadon Report for all Options and associated allot•!'cbla ' design pressures. o us: eves-sm�x 3oze �znzhxe;ca �t 33c_ 85u-.:--+-'sz� Cvn[a --" xe:i::[c•Sta•^-•-::' `..a _r#xoan; -t�wxmr:•,- Tro Sate cf gcida u aP i:/—�7 a�nime.--: Untler natlda =-,, e.�tp eGLr�ses as Putler. acn: Gr. a Vcu M1 ,ic de rot-w..[ leer e-mee aazress rdieGad ir. ruF i¢u b[PP3ff 65J ti8 1556 uzvzr.: toeGi± �±a m [n:. enliv.:n:aed, snas:ne unc dY Pena a- ey ^udnra nS.:[yce cave ansGn?S p�+de Ne oePaamen:.:iN zo roes tO sins if LM1_Y ha33 Sa is$-?'7511). nccdz <_tztu_, esecavd Dacca ±. _o1z, i erase-s Lcenzed weer Cilapar �55, _ !.oz a FnnOI emdus Paevided r.Iay De uv. fd±ifi� ! c•-�-:mt:a::nr. r..N Ne lmraec neee•+s emzu eeLbeseo' e�� rir sa =( a lirersee ued'-:� nu of aS. F5.1 ri add.eaa. r::Sse Prcvida tee pepenraeni::G' a. z Zal 2df[ve �'.IiYi :2.1 ve 12N_ at'L:Ia�1a to NC? pin_e tlict PruduC Approval Accepts: C�Ed!i Card 8-e hHpJ!:,Para..gafidabuOding-orgforIpr apo_dli.aspx?paam,C-EV::Gtv.•tDctVSv8n70DFXrTAaVBC-NIEbUQp5eBY8tv7vh°63d 1I1612016 Florida Building Code Online �x F 4-..`t w€ �. ° atYe ils'y X`�. '�.✓j N : �Y SCANNED 4±-�Th vy ✓,- Y '.2t1 i�.t,,? ice`, )Ri,Z ft�s 1 ]�/ �'° s,LrN .� '� �,s.•�1.:. '.+ `t �4.t lax 'w- �s"�. ht� i7 T ''r�-t''t' ,.y } i P.'• St. Lucie County 4^35 aut.-.raj«�>ua4.�.-- aCls Hame ing In I User RegatraUon { Hot Topicsi Submit suni,arge scats&Facts publiotiens MC Stall acts Site Map Unks I Search d-b a SCANNED Iq®y1� Product Approval BY i:j tlUSER: public User /t` St. Lucie County Qt� proeuct Apnra, Meru > prM"a or Aoolicafon Se=_¢h > Ao licatton Ust > Application Detail .....a.._ —,::ram=^': Application Type Code Version Application Status Comments Archived Product Manufacturer Address/Phone/Email Authorized Signature Technical Representative Address/Phone/Email Quality Assurance Representative Address/Phone/Email Category Subcategory Compliance Method Florida Engineer or Architect Name who developed the Evaluation Report Florida License Quality Assurance Entity Quality Assurance Contract Expiration Date Validated By Certificate of Independence Referenced Standard and Year (of Standard) FL7804-RIO Revision REVIEWED FOR 2017 Approved CODE COMPLIANCE ST. LUCIE C®UNIrY B®CC b- Entegra Roof Tile, LLC 1289 NE 9th Avenue Okeechobee, FL 34972 (602) 515-6933 thomas.jemmett@boml.com Thomas Jemmett thomas.jemmett@boral.com Roofing Roofing Tiles Evaluation Report from a Florida Registered Architect or a Licensed Florida Professional Engineer Evaluation Report - Hardcopy Received Robert Nieminen PE-59166 PRI Construction Materials Technologies, LLC 11/02/2018 John W. Knezevich, PE �: Validation Checklist- Hardcepy Received FL7804 RIO COI 2016 01 COI Nleminen otlf Standard year 2003 ASTM C1492 FRSAJTRI April 2012 2012 1997 SSTD 11 1995 TAS 100 1995 TAS 101 1995 TAS 102 TAS 102(A) 1995 1995 TAS 112 Equivalence of Product Standards Certified By httpJ/www.Flaridabuilding.orglpr/pr app_d0.aspx7param=wGEVXQ`MDquovOjOHI%2bAMgsl79a/o2bkb9MWULRpAyR%2fQOg31x7gHM6LOA%3d%3d 112