HomeMy WebLinkAboutSURVEYS131 C 10 C:) In C) U) Q) C11 CD n 4: L 0 F T L" L 6 MAR 3 12008 ;WI�P118ED) =,,P.... a: LUCIE CCUN�ry b 6t,imAED BY I i Ide 000W I Z M F=9 " 14.2' b 3._ P rLOT 185 LOT 184 (VACANT) LEGAL DESCRIPTIff: All of LOT 105, MON1 LOIJOUNTRY LUB.�s recorded in Plot Back 23, at Page 25 U c (W through "B"), of th public ords of SAcia ounty Florida. LOT AREA: 18750 Sq. FIL; 0.43 Acresek SURVEYORS' NOTES- 1. Survey of description as furnished by client 2. Lands sham hereon were not abstracted or researched by this office for easennents and/or rights —of —way record. 3. Them am no above ground encroachments, unless otherwise sham. 4. No undergroung improvements were [mated. 5. Bearings sham hereon am based an the centerfine of Conifer Drive as platted and becris N 29M5'52' E. 6. Property lies in Flood Zone "X' as scitlad from the National Flood Insurance Program Rate Map. Community Panel Number 12111CO175 F. with an effective date of August 19, 1991. Revised June 30, 1999. 7. No search of the public records was performed for encumbminces of other matters of title. 8. Elevation sham hereon ere ASSUMED. 9. This survey Is not covered by professional liability Insurance. 10. This document, together with the concepts and designs presented herein, as an Instrument of service. Is intended only far the specific purpose and client for which it was prepared. Reuft of and/or improper relicince on this document without written authorization and adaptation by Christopher D. Golding. shall be without liability to Christopher D. Golding. 11. Adcritions or deletions to this map or report by other than the signing party is prohibited without written consent of the signing party. 12. Unless a comparison Is she" oil bearings and distances are the same as plot volue& CERTIFIED TO. COASTAL CONSTRUCTION FORMBOARD TIE—IN PERWT#_ 0-111 - 0 kI I I I LAE EN D 0 (L 19 Z OUE- DRAINAGE & UTILITY EASEMENT FND - FOUND RRC - FOUND 5/8 IRON ROD & CAP a. - CENTERUNE OHE - OVERHEAD UTIUTY LINES EP - EDGE OF PAVEMENT IR 5/8 [RON ROO D - DELTA ANGLE SIRC SET 5/8 IRON ROD & CAP L : ARC UENTH R/W FaGHT--OF—WAY R RADIUS UE UTILITY EASEMENT 0 ,0: FND 5/8"IRON REBAR DE DRAINAGE EASEMENT SPOT ELEVA71ON CERTIFICATION I hereby certify that the survey represented hereon was performed under my supervision and it complies with the minimum technical standards, as set forth by the Florida Board of Surveyors & Mappers in Chapter 61G17-6 of the Florida Administrative Code. pursuant to Section 472.027, Florida Statutes, and further that there ere no visible. above ground encroachments unless shown or noted. CHRISTOPHER D. GOLDING Professional Surve,yor & Mapper Florida Certificate No. 6090 :Ile Number T 185 HUGHES & ASSOCIATES SURVEYING, INC. Date: 03.31.2008 782 N.W. AVENS ST. PORT SAINT LUCIE, FL 34983 Elam By: PHONE 772.528.2557 ALH US 7447 FAX 772 339 28041 LOT 186 (OCCUPIED) FFE=101.8 00�, 41* S 60*54'08" E 0.00 V 9 j �C- L Fi 5.1' opy -- ----- 44.4 -------------- --- Uri 2 C4 u� 10.7' 6 '12 23.4' M Ld ci n 0>-,a x ci MMUT =; Li N wf?3� a: CS 2. 11 0'a -0.- ev, IN - 0- 1 .2' 1 -0 PROPOSED LKM 'c' g in 0 h C4 0 W PAVER C; 6.3 DRIVEWAY un z �i W - 0 LO LOT 185 111- 1. Im 9.01 u, 16 (VACANT) QC . �; 0i 04 z b z 3. (n 0 16.4�` 2 NED e SCAN BY 0 I LU t St. Lucie Go 11 C) V'(1- J; ----- N 60"54'08" W 150.00' LOT 184 a C:) (VACANT) L �A LEGAL DESCRIPTION, All of LOT 185, MONIiIE CARLO �OUINTRY LUB, NIT TWO. as recorded in Plot Book 23, at Page 26 (*A" through "B"). of the public relords oftt. Lucie County. Florida. I LEG LOT AREA: 187,90 Sq. Ft.; 0.43 Acresi* DUE DRAIN GE & JTIUTY ASEM P FND FOU D FIRC FOUN 5/Fl. ROD MAP� a-- M N SURVEYORS' NOTES: ONE 0 UTIU E" Q�-- EOM off-P ENT 1. Survey of description as furnished by client. IN 5/8 1 ROD r- A AN Site - SET IRON CA?. L-,- PARCT r THI 2. Lands shown hereon were not abstracted or researched by this office for easements and/or R/W - NIGHT OF-WAYiii iL) R RADIUS 'rights -of -way record. UE - UTIU N REBAR 3. Them cre no above ground encroachments, unless otherwise she=. DE - DRAINAGE _5 SON 4. No undergroung improvements were located. 5. Becrings she" hereon am based on the centerline of Conifer Drive as platted and beam N CERTIFICATION .?9'DV52- E. , I hereby certify that the survey represented hereon was 6. Property lies in Flood Zone 'X" as scaled from the National Flood Insurance Program Rate Map. performed under my supervision and it complies with the Community Panel Number 12111CO175 F. with an effective date of August 19, 1991. Revised June minimum technical standards, as set forth by the Florida 30, iggg. Board of Surveyors & Mappers in Chapter 61G17-6 of the 7. No search of the public records was performed for encumbrances of other matters of title. Florida. Administrative Code, pursuant to Section 472.027. 8. Elevarion shown hereon cre ASSUMED. Florida Statutes, and further that there are no visible, above 9. This survey is not covered by professional liability Insurance. ground encroachments unless shown or noted. 10. This document. together with the concepts and designs presented herein, as an Instrument of service, Is Intended only few the specific purpose and client for which It was prepared. Reuse of and/or improper reliance on this document without written authorization and adaptation by 4'9. Christopher D. Golding. shall be without liability to Christopher D. Golding. CHRISTOPHER D. GOLDING L-11 11. Additions or deletions to this map or report by other than the signing party is prohibited Professional Surveyor & Mapper -without written consent of the signing party. Florida Certificate No. 6090 12- Unless a comparison Is shown all hearings end distances ore the same as plot values. I /" File IN CERTIFIED TO: Tu.mober HUGHES & ASSOCIATES 1 COASTAL CONSTRUCT10N BOUNDARY S RVEY L(O ate: 1 SURVEYING, INC. 11.12.2007 782 N.W. AVENS ST. SM FlUN PORT SAINT LUCIE, FL 34983 Drawn By: PHONE 772.528.2557 I%- - I ALH LB 7447 FAX 772 321fi 28M ki 0 I") I LU 19 0 "Cow 7E 0 0 LEGAL DESCRIP71ON: 6 Ali of LOT 185, MONTE CARL( ('A' through 'B), of the public W cc !2 LOT 186 (OCCUPIED) FFE=101.8 BY St. Lucie County XN'11�1 CD ci LOT 185 (VACANT) SCANNED Is BY St. Lucie County 1-7--m�� -' tat LOT 184 (VACANT) TRY (�IIUIS. )a recorded in Plot Back 23. at Page 25 of St. cle early. Florida. LOT AREA. 18750 Sq. FIL; 0.43 Acre,* SURVEYORS' NOTES: 1. Survey of description as furnished by client 2. Lands shown hereon were not abstracted or researched by this office for easements and/" -rights—of—way record. 3. There ans, no above ground encrocclarmts. unless otherwise shown. 4. No undergroung Improvements were locatedL & Bearings shown hereon ar's towd an the CenterUne of Conifer Drive as platted and bears N 29'05'52" E. -6. Property line In Flood Zone, "X' an acded Inew the Nations] Flood Insurance Program Rate Map, Community Panel Number 1211100175 F. with an effective date of August 19. 1991. Revised June 30, 1999. 7. No search Of the Public records was performed far encumbrances of other matters of title. 8. Elevation she= hereon cre ASSUMED. 9. This survey Is not covered by professional liability insurance. 10- This document. together with the concepts and designs presented herein. as an instrument of service. is intended Only far the specific purpose and client far which It was prepared. Reuse of and/w improper reliance an this document without written authorization, and adaptation by Christopher 0. Golding, shall be without liability to Christopher D. Golding. 11. Additions or delations to this map or report by other than the signing party is prohibited I without Witten COMWIlt Of the signing party. 2- Unions a comparison Es she= off bearings and distancen, can the name an plot vaus,, LOT 185 b zz 0 0 z DUE : DRAINAGE &RQ%,EA:E3XT Fr � FOUND FIRC FOUND 5/a . CENTERL94E ONE - OVERHEAD UTIUTY LINES EP - EDGE OF PAVEMENT IR 5/8 [RON ROD D - DELTA ANGLE SRC, SEr 5 IRON ROD st CAP L - ARC LENTH R/W RIGHT !F_W" R — RADIUS UE UTILITY EASEMENT 0 - PRO 5/9' IRON REBAR DE - DRAINAGE EASEMENT SPOT ELEVATION CERTIFICATION I hereby certify that the survey represented hereon was performed under my supervision and it complies With the minimum technical standards, as set forth by the Florida Board Of Surveyors & Mappem in Chapter 61G17-6 of the Florida Administrative Code, Pursuant to Section 472.027. Florida Statutes. and further that there are no visible. above ground encroachments unless shown or noted. CHRISTOPHER D. GOLDING Professional Surveyor & Mapper Florida Certificate No. 6090 CERTIFIED TO- File Number HUGHES & ASS COASTAL CONSTRUCTION LOT 185 BOUNDARY SURVEY Date: SURVEYING, INC. 11.12.2007 782 N.W. AVENS ST. MDm=wnBy: PORT SAINT LUCIE, Fl. 34983 AUH LB 7447 PHONE 772 5282557 FAY 1ArA