HomeMy WebLinkAboutTERMITE TREATMENT CERTIFICATESTERMITE PRETIREATING DILIGENT E J�, j�?-Yolo-5'77 (I nvironmenial se"ices Notice of Preventative Treatment for Termite! (as required by Flormat Building Code (FBC) 104.2.6 and Broward %-ounty Umpter rn� xvj.4.4) 1-866-PRE-TREAT State License JB94495 N E[) Project General Contractor BY Service Date—q!A�Time Builder St. Lucie Coupty '�? 1P Lot Block —Section SheliSubcontractor ro r--L�a Treatment Type Development Structure Address Floating L) Monotithicl�' Patio Ll Ci —Cn Garage Ll Driveway L1 Stem Wall El Addition El Cutouts El Treatment/Product Detail lype T�reatment: Initial Under slab�" Retreat Final Product: Dursban T4 Chlorpyrifos Q Dragnet U Demon TC C) Other Concentration: % Gallons Applied: fl�tso Square.Footage Linear Foota Asper 104.2.6 FBC- If suit chemical baTriernualaod for barniteprevention is used, flaudexterioutreannent shall be completed prim to final building approval. Certificate of Compliance: This building has been treated in accordance with die rules and laws established by the Florida Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services. Further, the treatment complies with the Florida Building Code. If this notice is for the final exterior treatmem� initial and date this line. �0 0,\ pd-c� r r,., Applicator (print) 3100 Northwest Boca Raton Boulevard Suite 106 - Boca Raton, FL 33431 - - FAX 561- 394-3760 0, GUIT10 S ... � NMB 02/23/2005 01:03 561393r," DILIGENT ENVIRDF-_ __ PAGE 05 ff� LP St Lude County JnspectiojR.3-)ig(_gLPf U D 2300 Vir ' 'a Aver. glul Ft Pierce, FL 34982 8 20% (772) 462-2172 PUB UdontIG CERTMCATE OF-TERMTE TREATMENT SCANNED CONSTRUCTION SOIL TREATMqU BY Sthwlp rniintv p-E�MT# j0E BUILDER - PEST CONTROL CONTR&CTOR DTLTGENT- ENVIP,09MENTAL SERVICES, - INC - PEST CONTROL LICENSE # n 94495 We, the underaigned, hereby certify that we have pretreated the above -described construction for subterranean ternrites in accordance with the standards of the National rest Control Associatio)i Square feet of area treated: 140 ' Chemicals used: "S .- , Percentage of solution: Vate of! treatment - Footing U istTrewmett -xi- ­­ . .. .. ... .. ..... � I . - 'biraf E3 Sla,b U IstTreatnent 0 Re -treat U Driveway' 13 1stT=traent P Re -treat U Pools C3 Ist Treatzeut 0 Re -treat L3 Other Total gallonsusech — �:20 Time of '16atment: 9-:100alff I FBC104.2.6 Caftf=de qf Protective TreatutentforpraPen6on of ternutes. A weather ra4stantjobsiteposting board shall be pruviiiedtormcrive- - --- -duplicate Treafi��t Cxrt�acates as each requiredprotective treatment is completeA pivv� a copy for the p erson the pemit is issued to and another cqpyjbrdtd buadingpermirfda. The 7�=bnw Certilcou sW provide the pro$= =eA identity of the appliLtor, titne and data q1thg rrea=cn4 site location, area vwteA chendoal usaA percent cor;centration and nuwb� ofga:Mnt =4 to, arablith a vertlable mxord ofprateaffvc treat= A -if Ag soil cheided barrier radhodfir tennke prevmzdon is used, W cirlor trearment shall be completed p rior t0j1hal building approval. SL Lucia Cotoaty requires for the find inspection for CO, a Permnent Sticker to be pincea on tba electrical partelbox cover, Ilettag all ibe treatmeats and dates of appH�atfons.. U IstTreatment El Re -treat 15�erimeter for Final JlSpeetibn NOTE. Am'. &�� -, Signature of exterminator There must he a compldedformfor each required treatment or re-freatment and this form must be on thejob site to bepicked up PY the inspectO attiaze of each inspection or the scheduled inspection will fiail and a re-inspeofill'n fee oharvcg. 02/23/2005 01:03 56139:f� '_ 1. 1 , DILIGENT ENVIRF -'—, 4L PAGE 06 St Lucie Com 2300 Virguld'a Ft Pierce, FL (77:2) 462-2172 CERTMCATE OF SOM FORWYM 9?-_Z0ZLiZ7_JOB I venue 286 [982 -FEB PATON, rddms'��%4 E TREATmLENT BY St. Lucie County MST CONTROL CONTRACTOR--alLIERNT -ENVIRONMENTAL SERV1Cj2.S,- INC. PEST CONTROL LICENSE # JB 94495 We, the undersigned, hereby certify that we have pretreate I theabove-described coustructiou for subterranean termites in accordance with the standards of the NatiWal Pest Contral.Aasocktion. Square feet of area treated: Chemical; used. Percentage of solution- Total gallons used: :22 ])�ate� of treatment: 14L"A104Z' Time of Treatment: Ll Foofmg ofProtective 2reatmentfOPPMentiaA Of temites- Ej istTreAtment FBC104.2.6 QrATxa,& duplicate Dva6neai Cej L1816 completrA pioviding a Ocatar as each reqzdredprotective treatment is copyfor the person the permit is Lrsued to and mwtUr ccpyjbr,4w bui Ll ist Treatu=t Wing permitfiles. The Treabnent CeroftcatgxhaU provide tLa product ujej 4 identify of the appUiator, time and date of die 0 Re -treat frenimenA sire Z�vcmdaww�4 treated, Chemical wed, percent concentration Ll Driveway and number of gallon: x tre� Ifthesoil cUmical srA to artaNish a ven"le rward ofprotecrive barrier medwdj�r termite pr4rvention is used LJ ist Tzeatmeat W caerfor treatment, �hall be complatedprior tofinal budding approvat L ' 3 St Lude County reqah -as for the rwal bupection for Co' a Permanent El Pools sticker to be placed on the electrical panel box cover, Wag All ihe freatamats and aates 0 IstTreatmeat ftppll�ations.. Re -treat 13 Other ' - U ist Tre Re -treat Wenglater for Final Inspection tignature of exterminator NOTE. Mre must be a complEtedformfor each required fre�trnent or re -treatment and Misform must be on thejob site to bepicked rip by the inspectoi at time of each inspection or the scheduled inspection will fall and a ra-insvratifin fpp Aarged. 02/23/2005 01:03 DILIGENT ENVIRC,"'7'11_ PAGE e4 St Lucie County IfisfM 2300 Virguna Avenue Ft Pierce, FL 34982 (772) 46,22172 CERTIFICATE OF � CONSTRUCTION SOIL 0 S,7 7 joB MwfrwAll' WIN TREATMENT nST CONTROL CONMCTOR nILIGENT ENVIRONDMNTAL SERVICES INC. PEST CONTROL LICENSE # J33 94495 I 66ANNED BY Lucie County We�, the undersigned, hereby cerffy that we have pretreated the above -described construction for subterranean termites in accordance with the standards of the National Pest Control Agsociatioli. Square feet of area treated- Chemicals used: Percentagge of solution: 5 Date of trest twent: 4 -A 9 El Footing El Ist T=tMMt LYSI�b Ist Treatment Re -treat LJ Driveway Q Ist T=at=t E3 Re -treat LJ Pools 0 lstTreatment 13 Re -treat El Other El IstTreatment Total gallons used: :22 Time of Treatment- f—im—ewL, FBC104.2.6 Certiflwa�_- of Proteadye 7)�e&mentjbrprrPen*n qf termites. A we=her re.AstanrjobRireposring board xhalZ-beprvYidedt7 rwdm,,* - - - duplicate Traariidnt Con*UWw as each required protective reaftentis couqld4 providing a copyfor fix person the permit is issued to and another copyfor-the building perm itfilm, nj Treatment Catiffcate sh4 prov idL the product =4 idettlity of the applicator, time and date of the trewm= z*e kca*rh area tmteA chemical wed, pevgntooncewadan and number of gallbns used, to- establish a veriftable record qfprotective treatment. If dw sail chemical &arrier mothodAr termite pravention is used, final aacior treatmerit shall be compLetedprior tofmal building approval, St Lucie County requires for the flual inspecdon for CO, a -Permanent Sticker to be placeil on the detWcal pamelbox cover, listing all ihe tpeatinenfs and dates of applkations.. *6, Re-troat Zjraeter for Final Lispection NOTE: Signature of exterminator There must be a completedform for each required treatment or re-freaftnent and thisform in;ist be on thejoh site to bepicked up by the inspecW atfte of each inspection or the schedukdinspecdon wia 02/23/2005 01:03 56139T�DRO I , DILIGEKT ENVIRCKMcNL PAGE 03 St Lude County InsP( 2300 Virginia Avenue Ft Pierce, IFL 3498 (772) 46.2-2172 PO r ----------- [D31 CERTMCATE OF -TEMYRTE TRFATMYNT BY CONSTRUCTION SOIL TREATNIENT St. �Ucie countv MT CONTROL CONTRACTO T)T T 'ENVIRONKFWTAL SERVIrta' -rwo PEST CONTROL LICENSE# -JFB .94495 We�, the undersigned, hereby certify that we have pretreated the above -described construction for subterranean termites in accordance with the standards of the National Fest Control Association. Sqoare feet of area treated: AW Chemicals used: Percentage of solution: Date of treatment: El Fooling U 1St Ueat]33=t Q ist Trratment Ll Re -treat E) Driveway Q IstT=tment 1 3 Re -treat Ll Pools U istTreafment 11 Re-t:eat U Other 'Ll istTreatment 13 Re -treat Total gallons used; 7,� - --- Time of T�reatment: FBC1042.6 Cwtyk= duplicate T=64ent Cengc�tez = =h requiredprotedive sreabnantis compiem4 pjov� a ccipyfor the perxim die pennit is issued to and mz&hercopyforb�ebugdingpm7nitjUe2. provide the product useA idaaity of the appl!Laur, time and dau: of the treannmr, *a tocador; area treaM-4 chmical ujeA percent Concentration and number ofgallow used. to exablish a verifiable record qfprotactipe treatment. Jf the aoil chemical barrier nwftdfar rennite prevention Ly =4 W czerto r trea ment shall 6 a cc n p Le te d jo rio r to final b w7di ag app m val. St Lucia County requires for the final inspection for CO, a Permanent Sticker to be placed on the electrical panel -box cover, Usting all ibe treatments and dates of applications.. KPerimeter for Final Inspection 1-zen, A4ot' - V Signature of exterminator NOTE. There must be a completedformfor each required treatment or re -treatment and thisform must be on thejob site to bepicked tip by the inspectoi at time of each inspection or this scheduled inspection will 02/23/2005 01:03 56139.0�;C�1?12 DILIGENT ENVIRnklmrNL St Lucie County luspection5 2300 V' A epe Ir .1 1 1 'E_ 9 Ft Pierce%W34 VOST[ (772) 462-2172 CERTMCATE OF-TERAU17E TREA: CONSTRUMON $01L TRE-AThUNT ,7 j033 PFST CONTROL CONTRACTO PEST CONTROL MCCEME # JE 94.495 PAGE 07 Bw SCA'NNL:b BY St. Lucie Comb We;, the undersigaeds hereby certify that we have pretreated thaftbove-described construction for subterranean termites.in accordance vith the standards of the NA onalP . Control Association- sq'aam feet of area treated: 16 0Y Chemicals used: Percentage of solution: Date of treatment: U Foo�mg E3 IstTreanneut 12 Ist Treatment E3 Re -treat U Driveway El Ist Treatrrmnt E3 Re -treat Q P0018 IstTreatment Re-trest El Other Total gallons used;' Time of Treatment: FBC1041.6 Cardylcate of Protective Tredmeatforpmendon of ichnVeS. duplicate Treati�ins Ccn$ixw as each requiradprotective rreatmenris completv4 pioviding a copyfor the person tic permit is issued to and another copyjbr-the buadingpernz . itfles. The Treabnant CenVlaak shall provide the prod=t useA identiry of * appliLor, time and date of the treatm=4 sire locatio?; area treatpA cA�jcal uja4 percent concentration andnumberofgallonzuse4 towtablish a verifiable record oftrutective treatment Ifthesoil chemical barrier merhodfir wmite prevewton 0 we4 final caarior treatimnt shall be campletedprior tofinal building approval. St Lucie Comity reqnires for the Emal hwpecdon for CO, a Fermaneut Sticker to be pLued on the electrieW panabox cover, listing all ihe treatruentg and dates of applicatiow. I 1 st Treannent 2Kerlimeter for Final luspection ,_4 Signature of exterminator NOTE. I There must be a completedformfor each required treatment or re-freatment and aisform Must be on thejob, site to be picked up by the �nspectoi at time of each inspection or the scheduled inspection will F-;7 -4- 02/23/2005 01:03 56139T,---- I . DILIGENT ENVIR(��`-,IL St Lucie County Ins 230OVir ' 'a Avew 9M1 Ft Pierce, FL 34982 (772) 462-2172 CERTIFICATE OF-TEMOTE TREA' CONSTRUCVON SOIL TRFATM[ENT PEST CONTROL CONTIUCTO T- ENVT'ROMMENTAL rEST CONTROL LICENSE # TB 94495 PAGE 02 <f. , 0 L E W M LIEI J:� P112 S-V. LU z e 2005 We�tbe uader;aigjied� hereby certify that we have pretreated the above -described construction for, subterranean termites in accordance with the stanitards of the National Pest Control Association'. Square feet of area treated: //0? Chemicalsus-ed- Ferewtage of soludon: Date of trea tment- U Footing a ist Tnetment U 816 El Ist Treatment 13 Re-trast Q DTiveway .0 isareatinent LJ Re -treat Q Pools ' Ll istTreatimnt El Re -treat 13 Other , Q I St Treatment A VULA g�UM US Time of Treatmmt: A7/ nC104,2.6 OrWIcate of rraective Zraalmeatforprependan of MMW, A-wea*erreevantjobsifap=inghDards&UbaprbvbfadtDrrEceim,-', — duplicate 7raab�zx CartWxej as each required iototeclive treatment.is corplm4 providing a copyjbr thepmon thapemir is jigued to and another copyfor the building pernutfilm. M Treament CerhVicald she provide A- product =4 Ucu*y of the appli�aror, fine and date of the traatff� sue zo=tio% �Ma ft&64 chemical used, percent Concentration and zaanher of gallow =eA to establish a vcr&ble record ofprof active pmonean If the soil chendcal barrier inerhadfir tennite prevention is used, final azzm-ior imahnant &hall be conpleredprior roffhal building approvaL St Lucie County requires for the nual juspecdon for CO) a Permauent Sticlor to be placed on the electricalpand-box cover, listing all ilia ft-eaticaeuts and dates of applications, ��U Ro-treat Meter for Final Inspection : I NOTE: jAignature of exterminator There mustbe a complittedformfor each required treatment or re-treatmentand thisform miist be an thejob site to be picked Tzp by the lnspecW at time of each inspection or the scheduled inspection wX C-41 �,l � �— .7--F __W St Lucie County Inspections 2300 Virginia Avenue Ft Pierce, YL 34982 (772) 462-2172 st CERTM CATE OF TERNUTE TREA' CONSTRUCTION SOIL TREATMENT rERMITQ1 �_E% �VT, JOB rEST CONTROL CONTRACTOR.-D',_�'G'E"NT ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES, INC. FEST CONTROL LICENSE# jB 94495 10 2005 BY Je County W%, the undersigned, hereby ceriify that we have pretreated the above -described construction for subterranean termites in accordance with the standards of the National Past Control Association. Square feet of area treated; Ilact Chemicals used: Percentage of solution. Total gallons used: Date, of treatment- Time of T�reahnent: 13 Footing U Sl�b IstT#atment Re -treat U Driveway E3 Ist Treatment El Re -treat U Pools IstTyeaunent, Re-tieat 13 Other FBC1 04.2.6 Cer4flca�e ofProtedive 7)vatmentforprePeation of fermites, A weather ret1stantjobsiteposting board-sWbapruvizL-d-turweivr--�- duplicate Treatinent Certiftiaresas each requiredprotectivg1matmentis completed,providIng a copyfartheperson rhapaymit irixsuedto and ano.tlkrcopyfDrtlzcbuiLAngpermitfLIes. Th� Treatment CenV`Fcafe shall pruvgcthe product ujed, idend.7 of the applicator time =d date of the trdatMen4 . S he locatton� area h-eated, chemical u=4 percent concentration zmd number ofgallbw used, to establish a yer#!able record ofprorecetvc treatment. W&e soil chemical bw7ler merhodfir termire prevention is use4 final shall be completed prior tofinal building approval. St Lucle County requires for the final inspection for CO, a Permanent Sticker to be placed on the electrical panel'box cover, listing P2 �he treat.3nents and dates of applkation&. El IstTreatment ��L3 Re-troat 'rneter for Final Inspection 2VOTE. �AMFN?!q' Ile ............ 4.. 10, 4F C., 4 SE 2 0 % exterminator nere must be a completedformfoT each t-equiredi�-eatme7,ivo,1j�h!Veai7nent and thisforwt mzest be on thejob site to be picked up by the inspecto� at time of each inspection or the scheduled inspection will St Lucie County Insp( 2300 Vir ' 'a Avenue 91111 Ft Pierce, FL 34982 (772) 462-2172 MAR 10 2005 I St. LuCie COU( C-ERTM4 CATE0F.TEPJVHTETREATMM'NT , -A, CONSMUCTION SOIL TRFATN= st, FE11MM # JOB PEST CONTROL CONTRACTT PAST CONTROL LICENSE # JB 94495 County We, the uudersigu4 hereby certify that we have pretreated the above -described construction for subterranean termites.in accordance with the standards of the National Pest Contrel issociatioiL 7�4 Square feet of area treated:, Chemicals used: / N—j Percentage of solution: Date, of treatment: El Footing Q lstTreatmmt e�treat Ll Slab - U ist Tteatment Q Re -treat Q 1kiveway C3 1st Treatment 0 Rc-treat U Pools Q isareatment LJ Re -treat Q Other * Ist'Treatment Re -treat TotaI gallons iased: Z� - - Time of Treatment., !?I- �VL� MINIX Cer#flca.tc of Protective Treabnentfirpreyeadin; of fermUes. A -weather resWantjobsUe posting bDardslzall be pruvided-tu*rereipe ... .. .... -duplicate Treafinew Cariblantes ox each reoredprotective �rgatment U complete4 providing a copyfor thz person aepennit is issued to and another copyfor the building pErm itfiles. 77te Treatment CartzTkats AaU provide die product us&4 idenfity of the appliLfar, tiine and date of the trc=ent' sitc locatio?; area treated, chezniml used, percent concentration and nranber of gaU6ns useA ro e=blfsh a veriftable record ofp rorecdve ftarmant. If zhesoi7 chw*al barrier methodfir tennite prevention is u=4 final exterior treanzentshall be complatedprior tofmal buiU!?zg approvaZ St Lucie Coualy requires for the final hospection,for CO, a Permanent Sticker to be placed on the electrical ponal'box cover, listing an ihe treatments and dates of aimlic'atlons.. qPerimeter for Final Inspection NOTE: "f Ir- N'NN 01-1--.1-.44 N 0 j C r A L 00. rn Z - Z'A r4fiat%& exterminator There must be a completedform for each required treatment or re -treatment and this fonn must be on thejob s*e to be picked rip PY the ilzspecfo� at time of each inspection or the scheduled inopection will fait'"tInd. n Vfl�i".MPPHA" fOd ®R, St Lucie County Inspections 2300 Vir " 'a Avenue .1 � 91M C2 Ft Pierce, FL 34982 (772) 462-2172 MAR 10 2005 R L I PLjblc CERTIFICATE OF -TERARTE T"ATMNT ' BY ' CONSTRUCTION SOIL TREATM3NT St.LucjeCounty WOMAN ��M PEST CONTROL CONTRACTOR MST CONTROL LICHMSE # J13 94495 We� the -undersigned, hereby certify that we have pretreated the above -described construction for subterranean termites in accordance with the standards of the National Pest Control Associatiori. Square feet of area treated: Chemicals used:., Percentage of solution: 5 Date of treatment: Q Footing 13 Istneatmett 0 Slab IstTreatment Retreat Q Driveway Ist Treatment Re -treat J Pools D Ist Treatment ri Total gallons used: Time of T XZC104.2.6 Cerfiflaqe of Protective Z�-eatmentfurprevention of tannites. Awcath&raf=wjob�*ep=tbzgbom.&.7Uibapmvdedwrrccfm...- - -duplicate Treatiiant CergRiativas cach complated, proviAV a copyfortheperson t7wparmit Lr issuadto and i=orh45rcopyfor-thebui7eUmpemirflley. 7hq7reabnentCmtYic&eshaU provide the product used, idmt* of tIL- apph�tuvr, am and date of the tmarin=4 Site location, area treated, chemical used, pervant concentration and number Dfgallons =4 to cstabliyh a ver#Eable record ofprotective treatment �f the aroil chemical barrIer mcrlwdf�r tennize pr6enson is used, ftnal everior treatment shall be completed prior toftnal building approval, St Lucia Courity requires for the Bnal inspection for CO, a Permanent sticker to he Placed on the electrical panel*box cover, Rating all . the treatments and dates of applications, Q Other 0\ x Re -treat meter for Final Inspection 214Z �c NOTE: There must be a completedfonn for eachrequired t�re e eatment and thisjorm vWst be on thejob site to be picked up by the inspecto� at tirne of each inspection or the scheduled inspection will St Lucie County Jusp i 2300 Virgh'u'a Avejaue Ft Pierce, FL 34982 (772) 462-2172 C/MAR 1. 0 2005 �t. L'ic:,e C ___1 _.o�.:ntv Pcjb!,� SGANNFD CERTIFICATE OF TERAUTE TREATMENT BY. I. ,HATNMNT t Lucie countv CONSTRUCTION SOIL TP S W FFST CONTROL CONTRACTOR--nlLuENT ENviROUMENTAL SERVI US, INC - PEST CONTROL LICENSE#— JB 94495 L/I - We, the iradersigned, hereby certify that we have pretreated the above -described construction for subterranean termites in accordance witla the standards of the National Pest Control AssociatioiL Square feet of area treated: Chemicals used.-, Fercentagge of solution: Date of treatment: Q Footing Q Ist Treatmeiit Q-R'eAreat U Slab U ist Treatment 13 Re -treat E2 Driveway Q ist Treatment I ' 3 Re -treat Q Pools Q lstTjxatment Ll Re -treat Total gallons bsed: 0 Time Of Treatment: FBC104.2.6 Cardfica;e of Protective Treatmentforprevention of ternzaes. A'w,cath,!rre,ristantioba*cpcytingboard-shabaprov&adio=eive- -- - - � 'duplicate Treatinent Cert�ej as each requiredprotective Treatment,4Y complete4 providing a capyfor the person thepermit Is issued to and i=othi!rcopyfor-thebuil&ngpo7�itjUej. The Treatment Certificatexhall provide the product wed, identity of the appli�ator, thm and date of the trearmem, site Zocatioj�, arm treated cheinical used, perce7a concmtraritm and number ofgallons =4 to emzblish a var#labla record ofprotecrive trearMAM 11the soil chemical barrier merhodfir termite prevention is used, final e;aerior rmalment shall be complaredprior toftnal bulldipg approva7, St Lucie Cour# requires for the flnal inspection for CO, a Permanent Sticker to be placed on the electxical panel box cover, listing an ihe treatments md dates of applications., 0 Other �AMFNr .11,f .1 lo�, .Z' 0 ........ lstTreatment -*' ro 09, - .13 C3 Re -treat S P-P <r1meter for Final Inspection -Z Tppref exterminator OR NOTE: 01 % Mere 77zust be a comp7etedform for each required e' �P� rilWhnent and thisform must be on thejob site to bepicked up by the inspecto III . r at dine 0 e 'I'Vection or the scheduled inspection will fail and (I 4� St Lucie County 230OVir ' 'a A, 91M Ft Pierce, FL 34 (772) 462-2172 MAR 10 St- Lucie CcuntV Public URTIFICATE OF TERA41TE TREATMIENT .' —.-- B__ CONSTRUCTION SOIL TREATMENT St. Lurie County PERMT Are JOB PEST CONTROL CONTRACTOR' SERVICES; INC. PEST CONTROL LICENSE *__� �B94495 /L We�_ the undersigned, hereby certify -that we have pretreated the abo ve-described construction for subterranean termites in accordance Vdth the standards of the Nad al Pest Control Associatiori. Square feet of area treated: Chemicals used. 7z.!S Percentage of solution: Total galllons used: Vateof treatment:—, � Zc)- Time of T . reatmeut; 0 Footing - I . . U istTreatmeRt FBC104.2.6 CiarWflca�pa of h%ecave Treatmentforprepention of termites. Aw�therrerkranrjobsitepon*ingZward-shaZIbeprov&4diareoeivL,.- L) Slab 'duPlzc&g Treatment Cert&atex as each requiredprotective treatment is compler4 providing a copyfor thep=von thepermir U Limed to and E3 Ist Treatment another comfor-the building permitfiles. 27zcTreatm=tCenVkateshaU provide theproduef used, identay of the app6afor, fte and elate of the traramera; j*e location, area rrgateA 07XeMi=l Used, percent =nCentilatiOn LJ DAveway and member ofgafforu =4 to-evablish a vertWle record ofproreclive treatmer:4 If the soil chemical barrier merhodf�r termite prevendon is used, IstTreatment flnalexle?iorlreatmevshaUbeconWL-tedpriortofinalbuildi#gappmvaL Re -treat El Pools St Lucie Coutity requires for the fmal In . spection for CO, a Permanent Sticker to be placed on the electrical pand'110X Cover, listizig all ihe Ll istTreatment treatments and daW N !�appliiatlon.s.. Ll Rc-treat L3 Other 0 ........ 5esipo -N L Q lsirTreatment SEAL Re -treat 2000 7-0" co ' L,Afenmater for Final Inspection % NOTE: a tLIre nF 87te ture of exterminator 10wk I There m ust be a co mpletedform fol- each required tr6atm ent or re -treatment and this form nzzist b e on thejob site to be picked up bY the ' insPecto� at dine of each inspection or thee schedaled inspection will 51 MAR 10 2005, I St Lucie County Public CERTIEFICATE OF TERABTE TRETTM= CONSTRUCTION SOIL TREATMENT PERMIT # JOB A - REST CONTROL C014TRACTCIR FEST CONTROL LICENSE #__ � JB 94495 21�1� - BY - - st. Lucie Gountv We, the undersigu4 hereby certify that we have pretreated the above -described construction for subterranean termites.in accordance with the standards of the Nft�'onal Pest Control Association. 16 op . , ---?V Square feet of area treated; ­7 -1 Chemicals used; s wzw_�/ Percentage of solution: Vate of treatment: El Footing ist Treatment Re4rezt L1 S16 L) ist Treatment Q Re -treat Q Ddveway L) Ist Treatment 'Z) Re -treat Q Pools El IstTreatment 0 Re -treat D other * Total gallons used: Z� - - Timeoffreatment: FEC104.2.6 Ced�lca�.- ofpmtecave Ti-eaftentforprepezWon oftermiti2s. 'duplicate Traat�:umt CanWares as each requiredprotactive Treatmentis COMplateA providing a capyfor the person the permit is Lwuad to and another copyfor-the buildingpermirffles, MTreatm=tCeri&atevW provide the product used, idotilY o?the applicator, dme and dad of the treatment site Zocartort, area treatg chemical us&4 percent concentration and number ofgall&ns aged, to arablish a ve7i .flabZa record ofprotective treatmellt If the Boil chemical barrier merhodf�r rennire prevenlion is usg fina t =Crkr treatment shall b a compLera prior to final b uiZD.7w approval. St Lucia COUotY reqt&es for the final inspection for CO, a Permanent Sticker to be placed on the electrical pauel'box cover, listing all ihe freatments and dates of applications.. CKD eliMF� ,te or.Final Inspection I If fill, 0 ....... o?. NOTE:Z, There Must be a CoWletedfOrInJ47- ea ch required tl-e rIwt0&)&enf and thisform nuist be on the jo b site to be picked up by the inep ectoi at time of each insp ectio n or the scheduled inspe cdon w ill