HomeMy WebLinkAboutTERMITE TREATMENT CERTIFICATESTERMITE PRETREATING DILIGEN . 2904 Environmental AP Notice of Preventative Treatment W Termitep"'Pulift Works (as required by Florida Building Code (FBC) 104.2.6 and Br dourtt5-6hapgi2�. � 1-866-PP.E-TREAT State License JB94495 .11 QvANNED Project General Contractor BY Service Date :0 Builder St. Lucie County —1-10ATime LotAq —Block—Section_SheliSubcontractor P M T)reatment T�pe Development Structure Addres - Floating 0 Monolithic Patio Ll city_--�� L J c.ty 5 L — Garage L3 Driveway LJ Stem Wall 0 Owner Addition El Cutouts Ll /0 5� Ireatment/Product Detail Type 1�reatment: Initial Under slab k Retreat Final Product: Dursban TC Isk Chlorpyrifos C) Dragnet C) Demon TC LJ Other Concentration: '/o Gallons Applied: �klo Square Footage �'( Linear Footage As per 104.2.6 FBC - ff'soil chemical barrier rodhod for termite prevention is =d, local exterior matment shall be completad prior to final building approval, Certificate of Compliance: This building has been treated in accordance with the rules and laws established by the Florida Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services. Further, the treatment complies with the Florida Building Code. If this notice is for the final exterior treatment, initial and date this line. Applicaitor (�rint) 3100 Northwest Boca Raton Boulevard Suite 106 - Boca Raton, Fl, 33431 - j6 T J it FAX 561- 394-3760 r r-12� 0 02/11/2005 06:31 DILIGENT E11VIR* PAGE 05 U U 2300 Virginia A FD St Lucie COuntyluspec venue Ft Pierce, FL 34982 FEBM 05 (77.2) 462.ZI72 pucu�' pc �"g CF,RTIFICATE OFTERMITE TREATMENT St. hirip Countv MT CONTROL CONTRACTOR—=UBI—'T—tNV-IIIQIIIIENTAL SlIRVICES, :[N(!. PEST CONTROL LICENSE # n 94495 We�, the undersigned, hereby certify that we have pretreated the above -described constrac6on for SubtManeau termites, in accordance with the standards of the National Pest Control Association. Square feet of area treated: Chemicals used. Percentage of solution: Total gallons use& Diate of treatment: Time of T . reatmexit: d!L3J 6�< Fbotiag Re�trvat U Slab Q Ist Treatment El Re-tceat El DriVeway El 1stTreatmew P Re -treat Pools L1 istTreatmnt El Re -treat Other FBC104.2.6 Cafij7aaeofprotedypeTreatnentforpreveiLtonoftcmfteg, A wenaher board shall beprovidedio-receiva duPlk4tc 2Lr9awU7nt Cerf#kataw as each requIredprotective trwhnaals completed, prvvidmg a copyfor the person the pennit4x issued to and awthercopyfor,thebuLfdingpe=irftlo. The 7�eaftaat Cert$catashall provide the product =4 idensiV of the a;pl6ator, tine and date of the tredwuwA sue Zocarl0n, area treUt64 cheinical used, Percent concentration and number of gallow useA to establish a wcr#W7-- record ofproteadve treatumt -Iftlw soil chemioal barrier mcrhodfi�r fannite prevention U used, W a&rio r treatm ent SkU be coMp L-ted p do r tojUal buiOng approvaL St Lucie County requires for thermal inspection for Co, a permanent Sticker to be Placed on the electricAlpqnal-box cover, listing allihe treatments and dates,of applications, El IsrTzeatmet ,�IzrU Re -treat pedmetez for Final InSpectibn I I I I I I 1"J AEN�� NOTE. .nL'remlistbeacomPletedformforea ch required treatment or mu�t be on dlejob site to be picked up bY the inspectO at time of each inspection or the scheduled inspection will Revised.013102 ermg fail and a re-IftYpectionfee charged 02/11/2005 OG:31 561393ft DILIGENT ENVIRD " St Lucie County 1rispections 2300 Virginia Avenue Ft Pierce, FL 34,982 (772) 462-2.172 If i CERTIRCATE OFTEP3HTF, CONSTRUCTTON SO JOB ADDRESS - Mq" PAGE 04 JOSTED rn A FQ FEB;2 �3OW(S � P U 11 —U-1 U.; D L M F'7. Lmr�­ couryrv. a FEST CONTROL CONTRACr' OP_ATU_qEl1T -ENVM011111311TAL SERVIMSt 111C. PEST CONTROL LICENSE #. J3.94495 We,. the undersigxed, hereby certify that we have pretreated theabove-described construction for subterranean termites in accordance with the standards of the National Pest Control Associatior*6 Square feiet of area treated: Chemicals used; Pereentap of solution: Total gAllons used; Date of treatmeatz Time of Treatment: El Footing ist T=tn=t .. . . 1". 13'Slib ... - _... Ll Ist Treat=ht 13 Re-tr-at Q Diiveway I st Treatmeat Re-tmat Q Pools Q Ist Treatment EJ Re -treat Q Other FBC104.2.6 Cert&qe 7fprorgcdpc Treatmg1gforprevengan of t&M&S. A w0athcF b=dsW bepruvidedroraceive dWicatO Treatment Certifloalej as each req%dredprofective treatmenriz another copyfort�e building pemjjtfij=. 77zeTrc=tmentCerr&ateyhaH Pr�idc daProdUct uspA idem* of the qppli�ator, time and date 01the ftaft�4 J*e locadon, area rreate:4 chemical med, pervent concentration and num b er of gaacta useA to' astab Ush a verz)Table record ofprateedve rreai�nmr. 1f the joil chemical barrier mathodf�r rermits prevention it wed, ftnat clerior treatmentrhall be completadprior tofumd build4ng op'Proval St Lucb C0111itY re'Ejurres for the final impection for CO, a Pertngumt sticker to beplaced on the electrical paiael b ox cover, 11sang all ihe treatn3ents Md dates of appli�ations. Q 1ZrTreatM=t k Q P'e-teat Kpezimeter for.Final Inspection NOTH: %%"�AMENr` .-SEAL Mr There must be 9 cOmPletedforMfor each requ�rgd treafte'nt or re -treatment zw"eorm must be on thejob site to bepicked up by the ins pecro� at time of each inspection or M6 scheduled inspection wid Revised,61134;1 fail and a re-inspectionfee charged 02/11/2005 06:31 56139771�7 �- PERMT # -�— DILIGENT ENVIR0j%N1,, St Lucie County 2300 Virginia Avenue Ft Pierce, FL 3498.2 (772) 462-2172 CERTIFICATE OF -TERMITE TREAr1WMNT-- CONSTRUCTION SOIL TREATNONT PEST CONTROL CONTRACTOR PEST CONTROL LICENSE -TB FE.B 2 3 2005 We, the lmdersigned, hereby cerffY that we have pretreated the above -described constraction for subterranean termites in accordance with the standards of the National Pest Control Association. Square feet of area treated: Chemicals used &'O� jd�j Percentage of solution- Total gallons used: Efate of treatmeAt. Time of 7�reatmeat--A! El Footing 0 Ist Treatn=t El Re-tceat Ll Slab E) Ist Txea=mt Q Re -treat U Driveway U Ist Treatiment Ll Re -treat Pools U Ist Treatment Ll Re -treat "C104,2.6 Cergrware qf rporective Y�uatmntjorprevagon of teymues. A 11'earher resirtanrjobsite posting board shall he provided to receive duPlicale Treatment CdrOcatax as each reoredprotative treatinenris 001VIA404 PrOvOing a copyfnr thepersm theloarmft is issued to and another cDpyjbr-1hB buittlingperndtfilay. The 2'?mt'7=r Certiftcate shall Provide theproduct =ed; ideraity of the 4ppll�aror, Ww and date of the. trcalm=4 site location, area rrexe4 chemical =4 percent concentration =2 number Of gallons =rA go' aStablish a veriftab le mco rd ofprotactive Pvaftn t � If the -roil ch amical barrier merhodfir rannite prevention is usc4 W eXeri or treavnent shall be cotnplated prior to ftnal bwUfng approve L St Lucle County requires for the noW inspection for CO, a Permanent SticLur to be placed on the electrical paml-box cover, ngftg OLU the treatment and dates of al)p1leations., M ED Other El Ist Treatment fe, Re -treat meter for Final Inspection SfgnafiaSjqf 2- NOTE. There must be a cOmPletedformfor each requLmd treatment or re-treaiom mdytbe on thejob site to be picked up bY the insPect0 at time of each in k. speDdon will Rci*ed 6113A2 dmg fail and a re-inspectionfee charged. I 02/11/2005 06:31 561393" DILIGENT ENVIRO" -1 PAGE 02 LFE"05_j PULIJ..r -1 V1jrX:tM c(II.MSM, rrL CERTMCATEORTERWTETREAnIENT StLudeC6untt, CONSTRUCTIONSOImTAM7 I St Lucie County Jusp 2300 Virginia Avenue Ft Pierce, FL 34982 OR (772) 46.2-2172 PMT CONTROL CONTRACTbR_aruGmT -BNvigomx�AL spnyjcEs,..jNc. M.ST CONTROL LICENSE C J'B. 9 44.9 5 We, the undersign4- hereby certif�' -that we have pretreated. the above -described construction for snbterranean termites m' . accordap9e with the standards of the NatlonA Fe�t Control AssociatiorL Square feet of area treated: Chemicals used. Percentage of solution: Total gallons used: lfat� 6f treatment.. Time of T . reatment- 0 Footini IstTreatment Re -treat Q 'Slab Ll istaeatmet Q Re-ueat 0 Driveway ist 7�eatment Re -treat 0 Pools Re-trrat Q Other - FBC104.2.6 Awei2Merre4;t4ntjcbsit�postineboard.yhabeprclqdedtcr=efve d11Plfcatq 7)vaVfiq& Certgearar as e=h requiredprouto6ve rreamzMtk motlzercopyfor,thebuilftpeyniitftlej. ne Treamant Centicaie shall Pr0Vjd91h9Rr0dUCt =4 Wez4fty of the appZi�awr, t&= =ddaa q lf t)j�- frdal�nM A*c locm!lm4 area traateA chmnical Yje4 pammzt conoantraaon Old n=ber of galldns =4 to- mablish a verifiabli mcord ofprot=*e Mwam= .1fThe soiZ chcnfcal barrtar merhodAr tamft prevention is zueA fmal exterLo r In . afm eni shall be cm;pleredp rior to jb�d b uilAng aqv'provaL St Lucie Conjity requires for the fboal iuspection for Co, a Fermaner t Sticker to be placed on the decfr1cRlpaj34,b.ox cover, listibug an ihe treatments and tintes of appli�ations., Re -treat /dpeLmeter for Final Inspcction NOTM. Tr %, There must be a complatedformfor each required treaftent or re-freatment ffff4tYMW inust be on thejob site to big picked up by the insP6ct0i at time Of each inspection or the scheduled inspection will AMSOd.6113162 dMg fail and a P-1- inspection fee charged 02/11/2005 06:31 56139?�DP7, , DILIGENT ENVIRO#,,"- PAGE 09 PEST CONTROL ons-TE gn '\_E St Lucie COUXAY Inspect! 2300 Virginia Avenue (C�21 I ED Ft Pierce, FL 34982 ' [FEB (772)462-2172 P!, CERTIFICATE OF-TERWTE CONSTRUCTION SOIL rM PEST CONTROL LIUNSE # '.TB 94495 Lucie INC. Wer the undersign4 herebY certifY that we ha've Pretreated the above-describe'd' 'construction for 8ubtermeftn termites in accordane-ewith the standar& of ffie National pest Contml Association. Square feet of area treated: AV P Chemicals used, Percentage of solution: TOW galloas used:_ ZJ 02te of treatment: !44�: Time of Treatment ------- Z-6 —(()b Ao� Q Footing Ist Tieatmet Re -treat §1ab U Ist Treatment. 13 Re -treat Ll Driveway U Ist Treaftent U Re -treat El Pools ZI IstTreatnant U Re-trmt Ll other lstTreatmmt FBC'04'2'6 C�rkfwaPe Of Pk`oftiiv9 TM1401CMforprevendon qf terraites. A weather board shall beprovided to receive - - duPlicdta Rcawmt CerWwata = each r04zdraPr0tECfiYd fmaimentis a0mPZeTe4 PrmVjV a copyforthaperson MaPermit is issued to and mwdwrcoPYfor-Mebuildingper7?�tfzles. 7he 2,reanng, t Cerffftcate shall Provide theProduct wed, 'dam'&Y Of the aPPU�=n thne anddive of the treatMW4 4*d location, area t=Q chen%faal iced, pei-cent concentration and man b eT of galibno weg W'ostablish a v cr#1ab le- re co rd ofp rotecev, trLatrUnt 1f the Bog cheneical barrier nicthodf�p tcyrnft prevenfian is 04 final Everipr treannent za shall be CoMletcdPrfor toftnal budding approval, St Lncfe Coulity requires for the cmal hwectiGn fbr co, a Permanent sticker to be placed on the electrical pamel,box cover, liffft an ibe treatments and dates Of appiciatlow.. Re -treat FT.edrncter for Final Inspection 2VOTE. Sigaat%N There must be a comp IftedfOrm for each required treatm i%ejob site to be picked up by the insp ent treatmen; acto' at ame Of 84ch insPection or the Rev4td Q13M dmg fall and a re-hup ection fe e chargez 111fill F N op'.. d' 1�p % ji f be on on will 02/11/2005 06:31 DILIGENT ENVIRONMENI 0 St Lucie County Imp 2300 VirgiWa Avenue Ft Pierce, FL 34982 (772) 462-2172 CERTIFICATE OFTERNUTE' CONSTRTJCJ'JON SOIL TREA PAGE 06 -LIE1 Z 3305 MEL!- trmulf8i —M.. Lucl-caumv, . �- I �-- FFST CONTROL CONTRACTOR_-ajkT�auT ENVIRON SERVICESP INC. PEST CONTROL LYCENSE 4 M3. 94495 0 We,, the undersigned, hereby certify that we have pretreated the above�described construction for subterraae= termites. in accordance with the standards of the National FpA Cqutrol AssociatiolL Square feet of area treated; Chemicals 7E Perceatagge of solution.. Total gallons used; Date of treatment. Time of 'freatmeut:__ alw7 U Footing L] Ist Treatment Re -treat C3 Ist Treatment Re -treat El Driveway Ll Ist Treatment P Re -treat L1 Pools Q Ist Treatment 13 Re -treat C] Odier at Treatment FB C104.2-6 anVkqe qf Ppatective rreai�mentfbrpreyewlon of t4rmUas. A w9a'her '-ed=UtjobSiWP03t&9 board shall Uprovidedro-receive d"Plfcate 7M"ament Ceriffloatwas each requiredprotactipe treatment.is coMPICZ9 pimdding a copyfor the person the pern* is issuedio and awthercopyjbr-thchuadingpgrviitfd�. Provide ne PrOdua US84 &=11Y of the qppl6ror, fte andfat�qf the trealmenA Me Zocati,,4 area ftuat&4 chemical wed, perognt concentratim and nwnbor ofgaZlans uxe4 to a=bjjxh a veLflable record ofProtecave treatment, If the soil chemical banier mathodAr tarmlx Prevention is use4 fwal cverlDr treatment shall be c0MP?&94P7i11 toJDW building approvaL st Lucie CouritY requires for the final inspection for Co, a Perroment Sticker to be placed oil the electrical petual'box cover, Usftg an jha trLatmetits and dates of applijatigns., Re-traat Perimeter for Final Inspection EIVr "fe, .......... .00;tPO4i\ 14Z SEAL V ^ - NOTE: 0xgnAW0r7MF!M Mr There must be a completedform for each required treatment or re�treattizent aizd Ais forin Inzist bh on thejob sire to be picked up by the in-120ct& at time of each Laspection or the scheduZed inspection wX Rayired.61Z3102 &ng fail and a re�Wpection fee charged I 02/11/2005 06:31 DILIGENT ENVIRONUEWOk PAGE 07 S.t Lucie CouUtY 1nsP6V6wa']--7-17TF-9 2300 Virgh'A'a Avenue Ft Merce, FL 34982 F'FE;T2005 (772)462,2172 CERTIFICATE OF TERMTE TREATMENIf CONSTRUCTioN.Qnyr. TPV A q'XTVW� PEST CONTROL CONTRACTOR-11-1�EIIT �ENVIRQII�MENTAL �SERVIQBS �,INC �. PEST CONTROL LICFMF # JB 94493 WP,y the. Undersigmed, hereby certify that we have pretreated the above -described construction for subterranean termites -in accordance with the standards of the National pest Control Association. Square feet of area treated. Chenzie-* used: Fereentgge of solution. Oz' Z Total gallow used: 7e9 Date of treatment: Time Of Treatment:,. It'41 0 ad!�el La Pootiug 0 Ist Treatment Q Re -treat Ll Slab Ist Treatrwnt Re-treit 13 Driveway "t istTmatm' Re -treat El Pools Ist Treatrm-.t Re-tmat Li Other FBC104.L6 Ccrdf=crgofP�vtecgveTrea*nentforproventknofformikr. AwewhcrresW=job'siteposfingbo�dshaUbaproWedto-7=civc 4ficate D'eatwent CenWatm w each r2qUiredPrOf4dive trearmant.is c0l*064 RiMiding a copyfir thaperson the penna is Issued to and authercopyfor-thebuLEftp,rmitfd,!2. 7hqneabncnrCcrWwares7=U Provide theprodua u=4 idcn* of the appjj��r, fte and dm 01the treat'� 4*6 70a4ti^ area frezteA chemical use4 percent wncentratiolz old =nber ofgallons use4 to emblish a vdr�gable record oftrotdcavg treaftent Ifthe xofl chentical barrier =*odf�r temdic prevention is use4 Plat 'w4rfor Zrawmentshall be co"WIctedprior tofirud building approvaL St Lneic County raqWres for the flnal hupec&n for CO3 a Permanent Sticker to be placed On the clectriCnIpanal'box mver, listing all jhe treatments and dates of applicatlojm.. 1stTreatment Re-tre'at 4erlmeter for Final hispection 2VOTE. Dignaturv, On 00--l'O There M�st be a Comp74tedform.for each required rrea,�neftt or re-freatmen] Mejoh site to bepicked up bY the inxpectO attime of each inspection or rh� izerlsed el�3102 dMg fail and a re-inspectionfee charge4 SEAL it PM rnzW be on inepection wal 02/11/2005 06:31 5613935�z, " � DILIGENT ENVIRONMat , - -, PAGE 08 x��A �W11L�MV,1,�,VINAXAVA' UK PEST CONTROL LICENSE # JB 94495 We, the undersiP4 hereby cer"Y that we have pretreated the above -described construction for subterranean termites in Accordance with the standards of the National es.t ontro AsFociatiom Square fee t of area treated. Chemicals uied: 76 Percentage of solution: Total gallons used: Date of treatment: Time of 1�eatmentl M09 i" E3.poofmg 0 Ist T�awment Ll lzet=t Ll *Slab . 0 1 st Treatment El Re-tmat U DriveWay U ist Tmatment Q Re -treat Pools El Ist Treata=t D Re -treat El Other --- - FBC1042.6 Ciar;Vkaes of FMfec*e 7rea*Wntforpropendon of ferm&s. Aw=hcrresLvt=jobsaepozvbDarifithaUbaproWedtorecdve dupZL-4te TrealMent Certrfcaf� as each requiredprolective rrcatnww.jj COMPLO44 Providing a copyfor the person the pennit is Usued to a4d Mlother copyfor-6c budding pennitfdo. T7021reaunentConVicateshall Provide the product used, identdy of the qpplf�=r, time and date of 1h, frerfteg site- location, arm trearg chamicri useA pawent concenvadon and number of gallom used w e4fgbash a vrrifja&jc record ofProtecdve tyeatftwm If the soil 6�emical baniar. nwMudf�r lenrdtz prevention is used final Werior rrcatnanr.rhall he conyletapr4or toju:4 buading opprovu4 St Lurie Cou,4 requires for the Onal inspection for �0, a perxnanent sticker to be placed on the ejmtrical panel -box cover, Hsft all ihe treatments and dates of applications., IstTreatment Re -treat WFer-imeter for Final Inspection N NOTE. There Must U a com pktadformfop each required treatme thejob ir& to hepickedup bY the inspectaiattime of each R-imd 6/1.V02 dMK fail and a re-inspectionfee c1targed. 111110, 1, AENr 'If f Alro" EAL i MA 'I �;O.Np 0.40� ra ad inspection will