HomeMy WebLinkAboutTERMITE TREATMENT CERTIFICATESFort plarms FL 34982 772462-2172 Fox 772-462-6.443 CjERjrjFjCATr: OF TERMWE TREATMENT C-ONSTRucr,ION SOIL TkAlrMENT 3J� 30B ADDRESS: PERMIT O� BUILDER/CONTRACTOR' PEST CONTROL CONTRACTOR: PEST CONTROL LICENSE #:_2!Lk��l a SCANNED BY St. Lude Countv M hereby cpz* that we have Pretreated the above described construction for We, the un0ersignedt AM subterranean termtffi In accordance with the standards of the National pest Control clation. e q C�_-q -1 Chemicals used: square feet if area treated: I Percentage of solLffion, " f T Merit; M:FDoiling Treatment -Re-Treat .Driveway hL Treatment _WTMat . ----Mer 1ATreatment _WTreat Total gallons used: _ZL� -nme of Treatmemnto. �/! () LS!!�;�Treatment --ge-Treat -I?eat requIred uwtmant or r&_jreDbNWt and this fOrin Ma 40 01? the Job Note., 7,hare mt& he a oompha ad ffirM Or ffl' the srhedUed,)?speW0n Kff1t�11andafe-InWecU017 site to be pAl�d up by the hvpe�at dMe of each InspeeffOn Or me rhaiged. . UW Trotmenr rorprevenaw of tenrrOx. A Weaffir-r mMntfvb5lA0 Pas#ng lm� F13C3."2.6 rarbykate of Prorec;, .Wt CejWrAtes as each requfred pm&MD*e OmOrrenl " compidw, - shall be pmwd9d to mceW duPM py for the bylldft perMit flar- Me Treament PM44109 a Cqpy for the peam the pfirMit & Isgued to a.7d anoffiera ai0dabeofb�eimatmentsfte)612170nama C,afflwte stw1jpmvMe the pra&ja used, Identify of Me OPPA&gtor, time esublM a verfflbbk 10Md Of vwmd, chanftt &mdj perEent c0nwflft8&p and number ofgalbw aW -to exteryor truaiment shall P.0fect"treament. rf the softchemAMIAIVAHOr method for 19nnfle PmvenffOn I's useel "na' be CVMo&WdP#0r 10 ffMI bUllef'09 apFMV01 cod unt.y Mquises fbr the final Inq)&cdon for CO,, a PaM80ent Sticker tO be Pla on St Lude Cis vr-m-. is map tmustmesift and data OfAMIkad-6-0--� „102/19/2008 06:01 r 7723 M PAULLUGARA11:1 PAGE 08/09 2-306vieginia-Ave - Fort Pierce, FL 34982 772�462-2172 Pax 772-462- 6 44 3 . - (I CERTIM-CATE OF TERMITSTU"MENT CONSTRUCTION. SOIL Tk9AT_M&4T,, PERMIT #. V� V, A9j_J OB BUILDER/CONTRACTOR:. PESt CONTROL CONTRACrOR,� N5V, PEST CONTROL LICENSE #; -M � SCANNED BY St. Lucie CountV we, the unoersignW, hereby certfY that we have pretreated the above described construction for s0terranean termites in accordance with the standards of the Nationaf Pest Control Assbcl�tion, Square feet X area treated: ZI-Ar Chemicals used� _605-pe 1,A)-e _J r Percentage Of Solution: Date of Treaftnent. 1"Treatment —Re-Treat —Driveway —1” Treatment —RL-Treat —Other __3n �Treatment ___Re -Treat Alo,,_� 7hmgmasthe a 4VMpJeWJoM for - Ja be pided Vp h), the hspgdoi at JY6 0�alyvd, Total galfOnS used: ea_�5 1"ime of Treatment:. 2- 1 _Slab —IstTreatment .Re -Treat �pools - �1` Treatment fbr Final VOM11 and a re-1114P&Wan ""C104,Z6 CL*rtsc�?je of $Ad/ ftfECVY2 Ttedtmel7t f0f JOE Pmvldsd to rftVA1e d4fp11C3i!8 ftatment P"0"L'17*n Of tdrmft, A Weeffier resistantjobsfie pasung boany C61WCUIRS as eao� requj�Wpmji�CbVr 4,WiOnent is ompleted Pro vd"79 a cOPY Jbr ME Person the pen"It is issv&d to af1d ErAgMar COPY 1�*eltlftte ShE#,Vr0V1de Me PA7021Ct JVSOC� ldenW of Me.aPoln0t, rOr Me '5121107ng Pemk Me& 7he 7�va �He& Or B770 aOd datE ofthe ftWtMe44 /=tjL?p, ar&E //j slb� PtVt6CffW&Ea6ent jrtj7ejw1,jn�&n1r �&/ OR On.,ir to estehl&h a Veryflable rewrd of be COMplatedprjar to* ffhal buildlh papproval, St Lucie County requires for the final . the eLegmr lnsPectiDn for CO, a PerinanientStj WY to beplaced on w:panpl,,b xcoVerAjgtjn0:a,,+h,, C