HomeMy WebLinkAboutSUBMITTED DOCUMENTSST LUCIE COUNTY FIRE DISTRICT s(;ANNED BUREAU OF FIRE PREVENTION BY PLAN REVIEW �;t. Lucie CoUntY 2400 Rhode Island Avenue Telephone: 772-462-8306 Ft Pierce, FL 34950 FAX: 772-462-8466 ( /ew Construction ( )Tenant'improvement )Addition )Renovation/alterations ( )Shefl Only Jurisdiction: SLC F.P.B.: B-04-138 Occupancy: Castle Pines Building Dept: 24010584 Address: 8105-8115 Camoustie Place Number of stories: 2 Contractor Kolter Signature Homes Phone# 772-468-4703 Contractor's Address: 2160 NW Reserve Park Trace City: PSL State: Florida Zip Code: 34986 ArchitectlEngineer: Turner Architects & Planners Phone 9 407-658-4151 Building Owner: Review Date: 3/30/2004 Occupancy Type: Apartments Automatic sprinklers: Gross sq ft: 12,704 Net sq ft: Occupant Load: Based On: Construction Type: SBCCI Type: Vlunp NOTE -1. AJI revisions must be in compliance before the final inspection. 2. The Fire Marshal requires 24 hour notice on all inspections. 3. The respective Building Department shall schedule all final inspections through the Fire Marshal's Office. 4. Permit fees are required to b a paid -in full prior to any inspections. 5. Failed inspections require payment of fee prior to rescheduling of further inspections. 6. A copy of the required revision/s have been transmitted to the Architect Contractor 7. Penetrations through rated assemblie's shall be of proper UL design. 8. UL design criteria shall be submitted with the construction plans. 9. Fire AJamn Panels shall be located indoors. - THE FLORIDA FIRE PREVENTION CODE, 2001 EDITION IS CURRENTLY ENFORCED. REVISIONS REQUIRED ACCESS BOX IS REQUIRED ( ) ACCESS KEY SWITCH REQUIRED 1. Model "E" Den/Bedroom #3: Provide an egress window. Plans do not indicate this. 2. Model "E" Master Bedroom: Smoke detectors are required both inside and outside of the sleeping area. Plans do not indicate this. 3. Model "D" Loft/Bedroom: Smoke detectors are required both inside and outside of the sleeping area. Plans do not indicate this. Reviewed by: —7744e�� Date: 3/30/2004 0. - *- PROPOSED LOTS 109,110,111,112,113 AND 114 A PROPOSED PLAT OF POD 20C AT THE RESERVE, P.U.D. 11 - CASTLE PINES DESCRIPTION: A PARCEL OF LAND LYING IN SECTION 27, TOWNSHIP 36 SOUTH, RANGE 39 EAST, ST. LUCIE COUNTY, FLORIDA, BEING MORE PARTICULARLY DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: COMMENCE AT THE SOUTHEAST CORNER OF TRACT 1, AS SHOWN ON THE PLAT OF POD 20B AT THE RESERVE, P.U.D. 11 - CASTLE PINES, AS RECORDED IN PLAT BOOK 39, PAGES 3 AND 3A, PUBLIC RECORDS OF ST. LUCIE COUNTY, FLORIDA: THENCE NORTHERLY, TRAVERSE THE EASTERLY BOUNDARY OF SAID TRACT BY THE FOLLOWING TWO COURSES: 1. NORTH 06044'40" WEST, A DISTANCE OF 346.61 FEET 2. NORTH 37030'45" WEST, A DISTANCE OF 293.15 FEET THENCE NORTH 52029'15" EAST, DEPARTING SAID EAST LINE, A DISTANCE OF 181.45 FEET TO THE POINT OF BEGINNING; THENGE NORTH 63022'20" EAST, A DISTANCE OF 66.93 FEET; THENCE SOUTH 26'37'40" EAST, A DISTANCE OF 168.00 FEET; THENCE SOUTH 63*22'20" WEST, A-bISfANCE OF 66.93 FEET; THENCE NORTH 26037'40" WEST, A DISTANCE OF 16.8.00 FEET -TO THE POINT OF BEGINNING. SHEET 1 OF 2 ,�i. I_UCIC (_oUnIN :2 i(ill1a anti Zorting Dep2riment U. 2.3()o Virainiz A venue Fort Pieme, FL 34982 So 1 4 6 2 - 155 3 SCANNED BY St. Lucie Countv Design Certification for Wind Load Cornpance This Ccrtirtcatiop is to be completed by the pmj= design architect or tnptnccr. Tnis C---ti.mation musi b= submirlaj -i--' Z11 applications for building pumits involving the construction of new rcsidcncc (single or multi- f2miiy)..rcsidcnuzd 2dditiom. any accessory structurc requiring a building perrnit, and any nonrcsidcntial struciurc. Ilis C=rtificztion shall -not zpply to in' --nor renovations (provided that no suuctural walls. columns crothcr similar comPoncru is b=ng effected) and czcnain other minor, buildin.g pennits. For further assistance, picase contact the Build, P9 Inspection Office at 462-1553 or 462-2172. Offacc Use Ont Sered Address Perak Nftmbcr OccupincyTypc Construction Typc Certification Statement: I certify that, to the best of my knowledge and belief, these plans and specifications have been designcd to ,comply with the applicable structural portion of the Building Codes currently adopted and enforced by St. Lucie County. I also certify that structural elemeniLs dcpicEcd on these plans provide adequate resistance to the wind IC7,�ds- and forces spccified by current code provisions. I Design Panmeters and Assumptions Used- (Please check orcomplcte the appropriate box.) 1. Florida Building Code 2001 Edition K ASCE 7-98 1 2- Building Design is (check one) Enrlosed X Partially Enclosed — OpenBuilding- 3. Building Height: 4. Wind Speed Used in Building Design: (2-CI 3 second gust 5- INrind Exposure Classification (referto exposure tables.in Building Code identified in Line 6. Average INrind Velocity Pressure on Exterior Faces of Structure 3"1 PSF 7- Peak Wind Velocity PressUre on Exterior Faces of Structure 21� PSF 8. ImportancelOsc Fadt6r'(obt.;n from Building Code): 1-0 9. Loads: Floor _Z�OSF Roofldcad -1�7E PSF Roofflive &E—_PSF 10., Were Shear Walls Considered for Structure (check oae): Yes X No —Of No, attach explartatikon) 11 - Is a Continuous Load Path Provided (check one)- Yes No _ (if No, attAch, explanation) 17- Are Component alid Cladding Detail Provided (check one): Yes No _(if No, attach explanixtioW 13. Minimum Soil Bearing Pressure: a&6,0 FSF As witnessed by my seat, I hereby certify that the InCormatton included witbL this certificPtion 15 laze-iind- correct, to the best of my knowledge and belief Name: Certification 11 I-M V Design Ptrm:GLF,' Date- 7�0 y gl (A 020-00 C-4 m z 0 z (n N N CN r- cr) EquIpment Sdiedule "*-e SEER/2' WF774;"� Ow4UnItMod.#/Z#.-',0-34C AtH MOCUF�e MOCL �O�Oxwv zw 000 coo RAd Ocd M �2-/-23/2003 00:06 7722133722-3 NISAIR AIR CONDITION PAGE 19 k 'rested sealed ducts must be certified in this house. ENERGY PERFORMAME LEUVEL (EP lL) DISPLAY CARD �60M'* 83.6 The higher the score, the more eMcient the home KOLTER SIGNATURE HOMES. INC., , PORT ST. LUCIE, FL, I. New construction or mdgibig Wew — 12. Cooling systems 2. Single fiuj)y m inuftifanjily M-1ti-suaily — a. Ccat'W unit Cer. 36.0 kBhdhr 3. Nuniber of niM ifmuit�-fxinily 8 4. Number of Bcdroow 3 b, W/A SEER, ji00 5. Is this a Worst cam? Yes 6. Condifioacd floor am (ft�) 1683 R2 c. NIA 7. Glaaa ar" & typo Single Paw Double Pone P. a" -$ingle Pace 010 fi2 0.0 112 — 13. Heating 3ystems b. Clear- double pane 325.8 ft* 0.0 W — a. Mectric Heat Pump Cap: 36.0 kgmiir C. TinVother SHGC - ainSic p= 0.0 11. 0.4) fta — HMP.- 7.50 d, Tinvother sr%C - double pane b. NZA a. Floor r)pes a. Slab-OrGtadn FAga IwWa*n R-OA 114.0(p)ft a. W/A b. PAW Wood, Stem Wall R=0.0,00.0flz r. MIA 14. Not water *,atenas 9. WalltmW a. Meetric Resikfnec CW 40.0 gallons a. Concrete, lot lnsut Extuior R-4.1.22ii.o W EV: 0.94 b. Ftwe. Wood, Adjacent 11=11.0, 141.0 W b. NIA c. NIA d, 14/A c. Conaervagou croditn a. WA (UR-14cat Yccqvcty, Solar ID. Ccilingtypes J)HP-Dedloated heat putep) a. Under Artic R-19.0, 1000.0 fk3 IS. HVAC crdh PTI b. NIA (CF-Coffing faA CV -Cross ventiletion, o. N/A 19-wholebacacain, 11. DucXl4akF—) PT-FrogranunablaThenromea4 & Sup'.Unc. PetUnc. AN-Atti, Sup. R�6.0, W.0 ft MZ-CMuWzcnc cooling, b. NIA M&H-Muldwacbeating) I certify that this home has complied with the Florida Energy Efficiency Code For Building -Construction through the above energy saving features which will be installed (or exceeded) -in this home befl final * iy6ode on. Otherwise; a new EPL Display Card Will be completed based on instal tures. Builder Signature: Date: WS Address of New Home: CXR-Nhyu� D_ PL_ City/FLZIP: PL_ *NOTE. 7he home's estimated energyperformance score is only available through the FLA= computerprogram. 77ds is not a Building Energy Rating. Jfyour score is 80 or greater (or 86for a USEPAIDOEEnergl,&P designation), your home may qualifyfor energy efficiency mortgage (EMW incentives ifyou obtain a F7orida Energy Gauge Rating. Contact the Energy Gauge Hotline at 3211638-1492 or seethe Energy Gauge web site at www.fsec.uc du r fe fo information and a list of cerlifiedRaters. For information ahoutF7orldn's Energy Efficiency Code For Building Construction, contact the Department of CommunityAffaKqn3LQM9QV&rsion: FLRCSB v3.30) 12423/2003 00:05 7722837229 NISAIR AIR CONDITION PAGE 03 The Toffey Model C HVAC Load Calculations for Kofter Signature Homm Inc. 2180 NW Reserve Park Trace Part St Lucie, F1 34986 offift 12 a RMIDINK71" KrIVAC HvAc L*Avs Prepared By., Jose N1ssIr Air Conditioning 1501 De0ar Ave. - D404 Stwit F1 34994 772-283-0904 Tuesday, December 23, 2003 r,,G -i�pjq 9 p I �;!R "'fir Fl ,,,7 - it: I 12/23/2003 00:05 7722837229 NISAIR AIR CONDITION PAGE 04 ClientNeme-- Client Address: client City; Client Phone: Company, Name - Company Representative: Company Address: Company ClIT. Company Phone: Koller Signiture Homes, Inc. 2160 NW Reserve Park Trace Port St Lucie, Ff 34986 772-468-4703 Nisair Air Conditioning Jose 1501 Ncker Ave. - D404 Stuart, FI 34994 71FZ283-004 Temperature Range: Medium d a., 27 D"rees flon: 25 ft. felftactol-, 04999 Von Sensible Adj.factor.: 1.660 116n total Adj. Factor. 1.000 96n-HeatIng Adj, Factor 1.0013 tion Heating Adj. Factor 1.000 Outdoor Ouwoor Indoor Indoor Grains E)rvBulb WdBulb Rol -Hum Dw-Bulb Diffarance Winter: 42 0 0 72 a Summer, so 78 50 75 61 wlwwa���Mff FIVI: -Total Building Supply WMEW" -Wer'Square ft.:' 1,363 (5-I'AC/hr) CIF 0.810 .quare t of Room Area: 104. Square fL Per Ton; '565 IMNM��97 St 61' 970 �MBH�� Ub 0� % 9 1 tuh Wh '6 T te "H ' -b Go n! 5. 81 0 B 9 7wl ng Stub 98 ons I e I I �,n Do Ing R Wr8d With Outside Air: 35, 2 (Based On Senelble 4, Lateno All. computed results are estimates as,building use and weather may vary. Be sure to select a untt,that meets both sensible and latent loads. 4 12/23/2003 00:05 7722837229 NISAIR AIR CONDITION PAGE 05 Summer., Calculate: Use Schedule: Roughness Factor Yes 0.00300 0.1000 in.wgJIOO ft. 650 ftJmjn 900 UMIn 0 h o in. so 78 50 MINIMUM= I yes yes 0.01000 0.1000 in.wgJ100 fL 460 Urnin 750 Umin 0 in. 0 In. '75 61.09 InfiWation: 0.700 AC/hr 0.400 AC/hr Volume of Conditioned Space! 16072 CuA X 18072 CuA 11,250 Cu'.fL/hr 6,429 Cu.ftJhr X 0,0187 - X 0.0167 Total 136111cling, Infiltration: 188 CFM 107 CFM Tftl'Biliftng Ventilation: 0 CrM 0 CFM —system I— Infiliration & Ventilation Sensible Gain Multiplier, 16AQ = (1-10 X 0.999 X 15.00 Summer Temp. Differenre) Infittralion & Ventilation Latent Gain Multiplier 41.60 = (0.68 X 0.999 X 61.09 Grains'Difference) lnfi1Kmd6nA Ventilation Sensible Loss Multiplier 32.97 = (1.10 X 0.969 X 30.00 Winter Temp. Difference) CO Ln P: no ID I IF R� A o co ;0; ccooc LO 4r) C) C3 gv 0 in cNr f (613i, Cff C6 t,: OEL 4) 000? F � I OSD 2 I r 12/23/2003 00:05 7722837229 NISAIR AIR CONDITION PAGE 07 absorbing, Metal frame With break, ground reflectance = 0.32, outdoor Irmect screen with 50% coverage, dark color drapes %%th loose weave Wth 26% coverage 1A-hb-o: Glazlng-Sfngle pane, operable window, beat- 40 1,296 0 1,268 1,258 absorbing, metal frame with break, ground reflectance = 0.32, outdoor Insect screen with 50% coverage, I�ght color drapes with medium weave wft 25% coverage IA-h.b-d: Glazing -Single one, sliding glass door, beat- 21818 7,092 0 7,082 7.082 absorbing, metal frame with break, ground -reflectance 0.32, outdoor insed screen with 50% coverage, dark color drapes wfth loose weave WM 75% coverage 11 D: Door -solid Core 41 480 0 415 416 AA2-Vapor Shield: Wall_81ock, , R-4.1 reflective insulation and vapor barrier Stucco open core p1psinterlorfinigh 1878 11,324 D 6,795 5,-/96 12EI-Obw: Woll�Frame, R=1 I insulatlon In 2 x 4 stud cavity, 124 361 0 110 1,10 no board Inisulation, brick fin6h, woud studs 168-19. Roaf/Celling-Under attic or knee wall Vented 1683 2,474 0 4,123 4,123 Attic, No Radiant Barrier, Dark Asphalt S�Ingles or Dark Metal, Tor and Gravel or Membrane, R-11 9 insulation 2,0R-0c: Floor -Over. open cfawl!Space or garage, Passive, 1107.5 12,792 0 4265 4,265 ,no insulation carpet'or hardwood 22A-pm: Floor-Siab on gradel! Pio edge insulation, no 119 4,212 0 0 0 Insulation balow floor, oily floor cover, passive, heavy dry or light vvet soll Subtotals for structure: 42�202 0 25,228 25,M People: 4 Boo 020 1,720 '0' 1) Lighting: 0 0 Ductwork: 3,585 563 2,056 2;619 Infiftration: Winter CFM.- 188, Summer CFM; 107 0,163 4,441 1,765 6.212 Venglation: Winter CFM: o, Summer CFM:.O 0 0 0 0 Total Building Load Totals. $1,970 5,310 2%966 36;779 51(5F?1AC!/f1hrH)W TotaWuildli Suppl.y.cFM: 1,35 CFMPerSquareft. 0.310 Square o RoomArea- 1,684 Squ . arwill. Per Ton: 565 I U131 Ueftwofe Gain: 2%969 Btuh 84 % Total Laterd Gain: 6,810 5tuh 16' 614 Total Cooling, Required vtfib) outside Air: 35,779 Stub 2.98 Tons (Based On Sensible + Laterd) Calculadons afe,Dased:onZWodr6on of ACC A Manuel-J. All Computed results are sellmates as building use and weather may vary. Be sure to select a unit that meets both sensible and talent loads. j:Zj Zell Cc V3 i0s 1-2/23/2003 00:05 7722BS7229 NISAIR AIR CONDITION PAGE 08 NNOWN11 mm., X, W-1 , � 'n —T�ff O� '�MMar a YL� ja� I t). 4n� a pane, opera mh �,G , ng ble window, absorbing, metal frame with break, ground reflectance - 0.32, outdoor insect screen with 500/a coverage, dark color, draper, with looft weave with 26% coverage I A-hb-0: Glazing -Single pane, operable window, heat- 40 1,296 0 1,268 1,208 absorbing, metal frame with break, ground reflectance = 0.32, outdoor Insed screen with 60% coverage, light color drapeswith medium weave with 25%,coverage IA-Wd: GlazlngwSlngla pane, silding glow door, hest- 21g-8 7,092 0 7,082 7,082 abWrbing, metal frame with break, ground reflectance n 6.32, outdoor insect screen wim 50% coverage, dark color drapeii whh loose weave willn 25% coverage 110: Door -Solid Core 41 480 0 416 415 AA2-Vapor Shield: Wall -Block, . R-4.1 reflective insulation and vapor barrier Stucco open core plUs,interiorfirlsh 1878 11,324 0 5,795 6,796 12R4bvk Wall-Frarne, R-1 I insulation in 2 x 4 itud,caft, 124 361 0 110 110 n6,1buard insuiallon, brick finish, wood studs 16B49':Rdd0CeMng-Under atfic or knee wall, Vented 1683 2,474 0 4,123 4,123 Atdo, No Radiant Barrier, Dark Asphalt Shingles or Dark Mataijar and Gravel or Membrane, R-19 1111901allOrl 2OP-0.6: F.160r��er open crawl space or garags,.Passive, 1107.5 12j792 0 4,265 4,265 no ' inbulationj carpet or hardwood 22A-pm: 1766rwSlOb on grade, No�edge Insuladon, no 119 4912 0 0 0 insulationbelow floor, spy floor coveri'passive, heavy dry�6r-l!ghtwetsoll.-' -, —.- Subtotals for structure, 42,202 0 25,228 25,228 Peopl6� 4 goo 920 1,720 -0 -lY .0 0 0 0 Dudtwork: 3,686 583 2,058 2,619 'nfiltiatipi Wii't r CFM! 188, Summer CFM: 107 6,183 4,447 11,7&� 6,212 Venfil nz WnterCFM: 0, Summer CFM: 0 0 0 0 0 Systk�l Torrey Mod. C Load Toijils: 51,976 6,810 20,:969 35,779 Supipl�,,C.Fft 1,363 ($Lj AC/hr) CFM PerSquarelft., 0111 a Square,.ft 6(koom Area; 1,04 Square fL Oer, Torr. 101 111side =,gred Air: 51,,,970, fth 51.970 MsFf, TQt6l:S0nq-'16f6 Gain: 29;"9 Btuh 84 % Total.Lateft Gain; 5,810 Btuh is % T-01101,66-olin'll Required With Outside Ain 36j7n fth 2.98 Tons (B.ased On Sensible + Laterri) Calculations arebaw on otmedition:of ACCAN25 J. MH$omputed,results are estimates as building use and -weather may vary. Be sure to seled a u0that meets both sensible and fatent loads. 12/23/2003 00:05 7722837229 NISAIR AIR CONDITION PAGE 09 -Adoor insect screen with 50 % covem ge, d ark 0.32, ot color drapes with 10CS8 weave With 26% coverage IA-hb-o: Glazing -Single pone, operable window, beat - absorbing, metal frame with break, ground reflectance � 0.32, outdoor insect screen with 50% coverage, light color drapes with medium weave with 25% coverage 1A-bb-d: GIFuzing-SinglB pane, sliding glass'door, heat� absorbing, metal frame with break, ground reflectance = 032; outdoor insect screen with so% coverage, dark color drapes with loose weave with 26% coverage 11 D: Door -Solid Core AA2-Vapor Shield; Wall -Block, , R-4. i reflective insulation and vapor barrier Stucco open core Plus interior finish- 128-bbio-, Wiwitraim6, R-1 1 Insulation in 2�x 4 shid cavity, fib board lft6kidon, brick finish, wood stude 160-19- Roof/Cdling�Under attle or knee wall, Vented Attic, No Radiant Barrier, Dark Asphalt Shingles or Dark Metal; Tar and Graval or Mernbra ne, R-1 9 insulation 20P-0c: Floor -Over open crawl space or garage, Pas*e, no insulation; OF14MA or hardwood 22A-Pm: FloorwSleib on grade, No edge insulation, no insulalkin,below floor any floor cover, passive, heavy dryor!�htwetsojf System 1. Zon6l Load Totals: 40 1,298 218.0 7,092 41 480 1878 11,324 124 361 1683 2,474 1107.5 12,792 119 4,212 42,202 4 .0 6,183 61,970 0 1,288 1,268 0 7,032 7,082 a 415 415 0 6,795 0 11,6 0 4,123 0 4126P 0 5,795 110 4,123 4265 0 0 25;228 25,228 800 920 1.720 0 0 563 2,055 2,619 4,447 _1,765 6,212 5,81,0 29.969 35,779 %2aftim 29;9N Bttih :84 % Total Latent Gain: SAID Btuh 16 0/6 Total Cooling Required: 35,770 Eltuh 2.96 Tons (Based On Sensible + LatenQ Calculations qrbb� on8theditlo ofACCAManuati. AJI computed resuft are eStimates as building use'and weather may vary Be sure to select a unit that meeis both sensible and latent loads. 1-2/23/2003 00:05 7722837229 NISAIR AIR CONDITION PAGE 10 KOOM Length; 10.0 It. System Number. I Room MM: 9,5 ft. Zone Number: I Area: 95,0 sq.ft. SupplyAlr - 85 CFM Calling HeWht 9.4 It Supply Air Changes: 5.7 AC/hr Volume: 893.0 cufL Required Vent.: 0 OFM Number of Registers: I Actual Winter Vent: 0 OFM RanoutAlr: 85 OFM Percent of Supply.: 0 % Runout Duct Size: 5 in. Actual SummerVent; 0 CFM RunautAkVejoW. 623 "In. Percent of Su'poy: 0 % D"gh Loss: m - —, - 0.100 ln.wgJI 00 It. Actual Wintirr irrm: 12 CFM N -Wall-AA2-Vapor Shield,6 X 9.4 31A 0.�01 so 189 2.6 0 82 N -GIs-IA-hb-o shg".52 I 00%S 25 1.080 32-4 810 32A 0 8179 UP-Cejl7I ' 61 3719 10 x 9.6 95 0.049 11�5 140 2.5 0 231 Floorr2op7od o 95 u85 11.6 1;067 3;6 0 J60. Subtota�,for'Strudture. �j 0 1;6�8 Infil.: Wff.: 1;§, Sum.: e.a ISO 2-813 393 0.745 2 . 82 112 Room Tatak- 3,433 314 1 12/23/2003 00:05 7722837229 NISAIR AIR CONDITION PAGE 11 muum Lengm: 19.0 ft. System Number: I Room Vvidth: 13.6 ft. Zone Number. 1 Area: 257,0 sq.ft. Supply Air. 176 CFM Ceiling Height 9.4 ft. Supply Air Changes: 4.4 AC/hr Volume: 2,411.0 ou.ft. Required Vent: 0 CFM Number of Regislers: 2 Actual Writer Vent.: 0 CFM Runout Air., 88 CFM Percent of Supply.: 0 % Runout Duct Size: 5 in. Actual Summer Vent.: 0 CFM Runout Air Veiodty: 644 Vmin. Percent of Supply: 0 % Design Less: 0.100 in.wUJ1 00 fl. Actual Winter Infil.: 22 CFM Actual:Loss: 0.341 ln.wgJ10D ft. Actual Summer Infil.; 12 CFM E -Wail-AA2-vapor Shield 9 X 2-4 84.0 0.201 6.0 510 1 A a 122 N -GIs-1A-hb-o shgo-0,52 1 00%S 40 1.080 32.4 1,296 31.7 0 1AS (2) UP-Ceil-168-19�%X 13.6 �6-6:5 0.04§ 1.5 377 2.5 0 628 01 0-440pmuc 1 9 256.5 0.3a5 11.8 2,963 3.9 0 '986 SUbtotals fo r r Structure: 6,038 6 3,393 Infit: Win.: �1,6, Sum.: 12.3 273 2.608 711 0.745 512 203 Ducwmrk: 0.074 bob U74 .1% 26� Room Totalw. 7,249 $98 3,881 12/23/2083 00:05 7722837229 NISAIR AIR CONDITION PAGE 12 Room Mill: Area: Ceiling Height Volume: Number of Registers: Runout Air Runout.Duot size: Runout Aj r veiodV. __ - - Mo _ t —1 .... .. . .... .... . Zone Number, 338.0 sq.ft. Supply Air. 238 CFM 9.4 1 Supply Alr Changes& 4.6 AC/hr 3,1580 cuft Required Vent.: 0 CFM 3 Actual Winter Vent.: 0 CFM 79 CFM Percent of Supply-: 0 % 5 In. Actual Summer Vent.: 0 CFM 5132 Urnin. Percent of -supply. 0 % 0.100 hi.wg.11 00 fL Actual Winter Infil.: 28 CFM 0.278 ifixg./I 00 fL Actual Summer Infil.: 16 CFM S -wall-M-vapor Shield 14 X 9,4 a 8.6 0.201 6.0 414 1.8 0 123 P -�MS-Mrhb-o ghgo-0.52 I DO%S 16 1,080 32.4 486 32A 0 486 8 -M-TA-hb-d shgo-0.62 100%S 48 1.000 32A 1,556 MA 0 1,654 UP�CSIM 813-19 24X 14 338 U49 1.5 494 2.6 0 823 904r��OP-00 14,X 24 336 0-385 11.6 _1,881 0 1294. SUbtotals for Structure: 8,191 0 4,608 lnffl,: %Mn.: 28.3, Sum.: 18.2 367 2,609 932 0,745 671 266 Ductworiv. 0.074 676 0.Q74 112 2.4_4 Room Totals: 9,799 783 5,231 Li 12/23/2003 oo:@5 7722837229 NISAIR AIR CONDITION PAGE 13 RoomlNidth: Area: Cefling Height volume: Number of Registers: RunoutA!r Runout Duct Size: RunoutfidrVelocity: De W'n Loss: Actual LoAV 12.0 ft. Z;n--e --- Nun�r.-­ 420.0 sq.ft. Supplypir 10.0 fL Supply Air Changes: 4,200.0 cu.ft. Required Vent.: 3 Actual Wlnter Vent: 122 CFM Percent of Supply.: 7 in, Actual Summer Vent: 458 Urnin. Percent of Supply: 0-100 invjgJl 00 t Actual Winter Infll.: 0-108 in.WgJ100fL Actual Summer Infil.. 1 366 CFM 5.2 AC/hr 0 CFM 0, CFM 0 % 0 OFM o -Y' 37 CFM 21 CFM vv -vvw1,-4,,4-vaporonwa 4* A ju U201 0.0 2,111 5.4 0 1,885 6 -WallAA2-V000r Shield 12 X 10 57 0201 6.0 344 1.8 0 102 S -GIs-1A-hb-0 shgc-0.52 I 00%S 15 1.080 32.4 32.4 0 ilas 3 -G1s-1A-hb-d'rhgo4.62 ID00168 48 1.090 32A 1 i '556 32.4 0 1,664 UP-Ceii,16B-19:35,X 12 420 0.04g 1.5 617 2.5 0 1;0�9 Floor-�()N'66,12 X 35 i 420 0,386 11.6 1 —A�qt 3,6 o"'. lAn - Sublotals fbr Structure,, 9,986 0 6,673 3t2, Surn.: 212 470 2,611 1,227 0,746 882 350 Duchvohc 0.074 an 0,074 146 SM PeOple: 2DO latfper, 230.§gjpe!� 2 400 460 ROOMT.otaig! 12,021 1-�422 8,034, 12/23/2003 00:05 7722837229 NISAIR AIR CONDITIDN PAGE 14 MINE-, Ppo"Om Loads - Room 5 - LandlHafl, Meth6q) URIGUIStion mods: Mg. & 019. Occurrences' Room Length: 10.0 ft. System NO . mber Room Width: 11.5 ft. Zone Number Area: 184.0 sq.ft. Sup WIAhr- 109 CFM Ceiling HeIght 9.4 fL Supply Air Changes: 3.8 AC/hr Volume: 1,730,0 cu.ft. Required Vent.: 0 orm Number of Registers: 1 Actual Winter Vent.: 0 CFM Runcut Air: 109 CFM Percent of Supply.: 0 % Runout Duct Size: 0 In. Actual, Summer Vent.: 0 CFM Runout Air Velocity: 555 UMIn. Paircerit of SUP*. 0 Design Low: 0.100 1n.mVJl 00 fL Actual-Wryter Infil.: 25 CFM ActualLoss: 0.197 in.M.11 00 fL ActOatSunimer Infil.' 14 CFM Mal= 11 - 'V or h�ld 94 aPP0 1034 0 2001 624 1.4 0 160 Va r Id1110XX 4 Shie i. 6 4 0.'2 1 6.0 56 7 6.4 0 SM N Mall -I 28-0bw 6 X 9-4 39.4 0.097 2.'Q 115 0.9 35 N *alI-AA2NaporShIeldS X SA 2.0.4 0.20,1 Q�o 123 2.6 0 463 N -D6brAlD,2-.5 k,&8 17 0.390t 11.7 i§9 10"! 6 1'72 N-Ddor-llD�3x8'- 24 0.300 1.1.7 281 loll 0 Z43 N-,P- -1Ahbw-csfil;i".52l0o%S 12 l.o8o 32.4 389 32A 0 369 UpLcefl-1 65LI q'i e X-1 1.5 184 0:049 U 270 2.� 0 4M Floor:42A-prn 33 fL.Per. 1.180 35A 068 o;o 0 0 Subtows for Structure: 3,736 0 1,990 Infil.: Wn.: 24.6; Sum.: 14;0 310 2.611 810 '0.746 682 24l 0:674 337 6.074 62 164 Room Totals: 4,883 m4 2j394 12/.23/2003 00:05 7722837229 NISAIR AIR CONDITION PAGE 15 -M MUM MMOR ..... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .... M!" �-e �8#ed Room Loads - Room 6 - 13drm #3 (Peak Meiffiiidf- Ualculmon'Mode: Hw. & c1g. Occurrences: I Room Length: 13.5 ft. System Number I Room Wift: i10 ft. Zone Number I Area: 170.0 sq.ft. Supply Pit., 125 OFM Ceiling Height: 9.4 ft Supply Pit Changes: 4.6 AC/hr Volume: 1,650.0 cu.fL Requited Vent.: 0 CFM Number of Registers: 2 Actual Winter Vent.: 0 OFM RuhoutA!r 63 CFM Percent of Supply.: 0 % Runout Duct Size.- 6 in. Actual Summer Vent: 0 CFM RutioutAlrVelocity. 404 Urnin. Percent of Supply; 0 % Design Low: 0.100 in.wgJ1OO ft Actual Vilinter Infil.: 23 CFM Actual Loss: 0.178 in.wgJ1010 It Actual Summer Infil.: 13 OFM MIN NIB EM1811 h AZ -Vapor Shield 18 X 9.4 169.2 0.201 6,0 1,020 1.4 0 245 S -Wall-W-Vapor Shield 13 X 9.4 81.4 0.201 6.0 491 1.8 0 148 S -GIs-lXhb-d shgc-0.52 I 00%S 40.8 1.080 32A 1,322 32-4 a 1,320 1 (2j, UP�Cell-1 WAS 115 X 13 17U 0.049 11.5 258 2.6 0 436 Floor,-,12&-Pm 31 IL.Per, 31 1.18c) 35A 1,097 0;0 0 0 Subt6tals for Structure: 4,188 0 2,1141 16fi , h, Wln-: 23.1, Surn.: 13.2 291 2.612 761 0.745 547 217 Ductwork: 0.074 367 0.074 69 191 Pbdgle�. 200 lat(per, 230 sen/per 1 200 230 Room Totals: 1 5,316 8D6 2,779 12/.23/2003 00-05 7722837229 NISAIR AIR CONDITION PAGE 16 Room Length: Room Width: Area: Ceiling Height Volume: Number of Registem: Runout Air,. Runout Duct Size; Runout Air Velocity: De$Ign Lots: Actual Loss.. F N Shield 13 X 9.4 Shield 6 X SA X 9.4 04,62 1 00M �-M62 100%$ X 12 Per. Ire; r.: 23.4 18.0 ff. System Number 12;0 ft. Zone Number. 218.0 sq.ft. Supp]yA!t-. 9.4 ft. Supply Air Changes, 2,030.0 cu.4. Required Vent.; � 2 Actual Writer Vent: 132 CFM Percent of Supply.: 7 in. Actual Summer Vent: 494 ft1min. Percent of supply: 0.100 ln.wgJ1 00 ft. Actual Winter Infif.: 0.127 in.wgjioofL Actual Summer Infil.: 742 0.201 8.0 22.4 0.201 6.0 84.0 0.097 2.'9 48. 1'.080 32.4 34 1.060 32.4 216 0.049 1.5 55 1.180 35.4 2.609 0.074 447 1.8 135 1A 246 0;9 1,556 32.4 1,102 32A 318 2.5 1,947 u 1'w 0,747 8�9: 0.074 0,269 264 OFM 7.8 AC/hr 0 CFM 0 CFM 0 % 0 CFM 0 0/0 41 CFM �3 GFM 111 111 1,20 32 75 1,554 1,100 529 0 4,790 386 395 230 JUJI 12/23/260.3 "00:.015 7722637229 -NISAIR AIR CONDITION -PAGE 17 1 Foyer 95 3,433- 45 1-5 2 KrVBrk 257 7,249 94 2-5 3 uvibin 33e 9,199 127 3-5 4 M*l8b)MnC 420 12,021 ise 3-7 5 Land/Hau 184 4,883 63 1-6 6 Bdrm 03 176 5,M6 69 2-5 7 Bdrm #2/Bth 120 2-7 jy�l total ----§Yste 1,684 51,970 678 Systern I Main Trunk Size: 1SX17 in. velmo. 772 ft/mill Lo!��perj DO it: 0.063 in.wg 623 l,WB 314 85 85 644 3,861 696 178 176 582 5,231 783 238 238 456 a,o34 1,422 386 366 555 2,394 644 109 109 454 2,M 8os 128 126 494 5.804 1_24� 2pi 2R4 n/a 0 atuh n/a 0 Btufi 1.363 1 12/,23/2003 00,.05 7722837229 NISAIR AIR CONDITION PAGE 22 FORM 60OA-2001 Tested sealed ducts must be certified in this house. WINTER CALCULATIONS Residential Whole Building Performance Method A - Details I ADDRESS:, PORT ST. LUCIE, FL, PERMIT 9: 1 BASE AS -BUILT GLASS TYPES .18 X Conditioned X F3VVPM Points Overhang FloorArea TypeISO Ornt Len Mgt Area X WPM X WOF Point .19 169316 $A 177L2 single, �rint E In 6.0 120 13.04 1 o3l M.2 Single, Tint E zo 6.0 40.0 1S.04 1.03 S372 single, -rflt E 9.0 60 25.0 13,04 11.24 40Z9 Single. T-at s 13.0 6.5 34,0 10.88 2.22 M.8 single, Tint W 6.0 9.0 144.0 13,80 1.08 2110.1, Single. Th W 13.D 8.0 40.0 13.80 1.10 6=0 Single, -rint W 20 6.0 30.0 13.80 1,02 422.7, ASIBUMT!": 396A 6120.9 WALL TYPES Area X SWOM Points Type R-Value Area X VVPM Points, Adjeoeni 141.0 1:81) Z3.8 c4norm, ln6nqw, 0�mft 4.1 2211.0 a3t 7307.4 E%de� Milo 2-01) 44MO' Park Wow, Acqiwnt 11.0 141.0 cao 253.8' BageTdW- 236LO 4sx& As�ai', DOOR TYPES Area X 13VVPM Points Typdl AW X WPM�' ?61rrL§' �'-I?A 4.00 6B.0 1 24.0' 19", 12 2A Ueew 24.0 5.10 =4' 17.0 It 68.0 COILING fYPESArea X BWPM Poirits-Typ R-Value Area'XwpM;*wbMr= Points � Under Aiiie 1000.0 0.64 W.0' UrxlerAtti�� 19,0 ... �' #�' 4 1000.0 n.87XI:OD 60.0 low.0 640.0 FLOOR TYPES Area x Bwpm Points Type R-Value Ar'ea- X WPM Points Slab 114,0(p) 4-9 -216.6 Stab-064rade Edge lr=Wjm 0.0 114Ap 2.66. M.0 Rabod 683.0 -02D -136.6 1191964 %IVOK ' 3 L tam Wall 19.10 683.0 Asaft TOW, 797,0 40.9, INFILTRATION Area X BWPM points Area X VOM Points 16M.0 -0.28 4712.1 15M.0 Lo.w 471.2 ewMfC-aW9 DCA Ftwn 600A-200i EMWGMV&5%Rr:ff2D(" FI-RGS;B V3.30 12/2p/2003 00:05 7722637229 NISAIR AIR CONDITION PAGE 23 FORM SOOA-2001 Tested sealed ducts must be certified in this house - WINTER CALCULATIONS Residential Whole Building Performance Method A - Details I ADDRESS:, PORT ST. LUCIE, FL, PERMIT#-, I BASE AS -BUILT Winter Base Points: "57.0 Winter As -Built Points: 13761.1 _F�i'R_)�WjnterX Sys-tem= Hea-ting ------ Total X Cap X Duct X System X Credit = Heating Points Multiplier Points Component Ratio Multiplier Multiplier Multiplier points (D?Jx0SMxAHu) 6457.0 0.6274 as .1 13761.1 13701.1 1.000 1.00 (1.078x1.W0x1.11) 0.465 1497 0,465 0.95D 0.950 7118A FWaYCO.W� DCA ForM eMA-2001 Erff9YG8LqWFJQRE32001 FUMSS V3.3D 12/-23/2003 00:05 7722837229 NISAIR AIR CONDITION PAGE 24 FORM 60OA-2001 Tested sealed ducts must be certified in this house. WATER HEATING & CODE COMPLIANCE STATUS Residential Whole Building Performance Method A - Details I ADDRESS:, PORT ST. LUCIE, K, PERMIT 9: 1 13ASE A&BUILT WATER HEATING Number of X Multiplier Total Tank EF Number of X Tank X Multiplier X Credit = Total Bedrooms Volume Bedrooms Ratio Multilpfler 256490 769ZD 40.0 0.94 3 1.00 2400.34 I.DD 7201.0 As -Own Tow: Y201;0 CODE COMPLIANCE STATUS BASE AS IWILT Cooling + Heating + Hat Water total -Points Points Points Points Cooling HeatIN + Hai Water Total Points Points Points points 13863 4051 7092 259 1 07 11233 7110 _tiol En9F9YGa090- DCA Form MA-2001 Enw7jCQ0geVF1aRES'2D01 FLRCSS v310 I22f23/2003 00:05 7722837229 NISAIR AIR CONDITION PAGE 18 I FORM 60OA-2001 Tested sealed ducts must be certified in. this house. Florida Department of Community Affairs Residential Whole Building Performance Method A Project Name* THE TORREY Mon. C Address: City. State: PORT ST. LUCIE, FL Owner KOLTER SIONATURE HOMES. INC. Climate Zone: Central Builder Permitting Office: Permit Number Jurisdiction Number. KOLTER 1. New construction. or exiating Now 12. Cooling systmns 2. Single family or muld-family watti-fimily 4L. central Unk Cap: 36.0 klim/by 3. Number of unit�, if multi -family 9 SEEPU 12.00 4. Numbcr of BWrooma 3 b. IVA 5. Is this a worst tam? yes 6. C;onditiottocl floar area (fl?) 16S3 ft2 a. N/A 7. Glass am & " Singlapune Doublepane a. Clear gl�% de&ult Ti-factor 010 fr o-o fV 13. Hcating systems b. DdMt tint 325,8 fe 0.0 ap a. Electric Hod punnp Cw 36,0 kBwkr c, 1,abelodUor SUGC 0.0 R? 0.0 ir HM: 7.30 8. Roortypes b, NIA a. Slab-on-cinufn Edge Insulation ".0, 114.0(p) A b. Raised Wood, Stem Wall IV c. NIA c. WIA 9. Wail t)rm 14. Hot wow oystema & Concrete, Int Insul. Exterior 11=41, 22; 1.0 fFt IL Electric RcHisdanco Cap: 40.0 galleon b. Frnmc� WoocL Adjacent R-1 1.0, 141.0 ft- U; 0.94 � WA b. N/A d. N/A c. N/A a. Conservatun emclits lo. coiliq8typos (HR-Hmtrocovery, Solar & UndorAtto R=19.0, 1000.0 fp DIP-13cclicabod heat pump) b. N/A 15. HVAC credits PTI c. X/A (CF-Ccifii; fan, CV -Cross ventilatim; It. Du-b�Jx*kFree) TW-Wbolc house * a- Sup'. Unc., Rot Une. AR: AtHe Sup. R-6.0,125.0 ft PT -Programmable Thermostat b. NIA M&r'Vtjtl?'0no woling, W'K-Mulfoofto inissing) Glass/Floor Area: 0.19 Total as -built points: 25563 Total base points: 25607 PASS I hereby cerCrfy that by this calcula!Wa Energy C q�' DATE: I hereby cerUfy that this compliance with the Flo OWNER/APENT: DATE: and specifloirtions covered Aiance with 0 Florida / /Z- 23— 20 as designed, Is In Review orf the pl@D.$ and specificaflons covered by MIA Calculation Indicates compliance with the- Flod( �i :IiE6�rgyCode. - Beforli constructIon is- completed-' this bulldIng-vAll�&jInspected for - compliance witqj6dictlon.653,908 Florida Sfattrtes: BUILDING OFFICIAL: DATE: EnargyGaugeS (Version: 12/23/2003 00:05 7722837229 NISAIR AIR CONDITION PAGE 20 FORM 60OA-2col Tested sealed ducts must be certified in this house. SUMMER CALCULATIONS Residential Whole Building Performance Method A - Details ADDRESS:, PORT ST. LIJ101E, FLY PIEIRMIT# BASE AS -BUILT GLASS TYPES .18 X Conditioned X 8SPM Points Overhang FloorAirea Typelso Ornt Len Hgt Area X SPM X SOF Points 2&78 7MS ShMse, TIM E 13.0 5.0 120 6327 0.37 M8.5 Singla, Th E 2.0 5.0 40,0 53Z 0.65 1021.5 1 shop, Tint r; 0.0 6.0 25.0 W27 0.44 5M.6 siwje� Tint S 13,0 6.5 - 34,0 39.04 0.50 671.6 eirlaie. Tint W So 9.o i4o 47'm 0.65 4485,6 m-GIA, rxt w 13.0 5.0 40.8 47.90 0.45 880.0 .5"ie, Thl W 2.0 6,0 30.0 47.90 0.85 1227D WALL TYPES Area X BSPM Fbift TyW -'a k-VaIU Area X SPMI Points AdoNnt 141.0 0.76 98.7 'emmm, w Inw, Bhft 1.6 Mel -0 269. 221 ID 1.00 42Dog Frahne� Wood, Aq*ml I i.0- 141;6 0.70 23W, 2 1 M7.7 DOOR TYPES Area X ZSPM Points,: Type Area X SPIVI pot 11�60 27.2 'Edxiw Ingfiated M0 4.8D. liis�z 24.0 4,81) 152 �ONM in%"�d 17.0 '27.2 -14u- ..... . CEIWNG TYPES Area X BSPm- Nirft Type R-Value, Area X,SPIVIXSCIVI'� pointS Under Aft 1 0D0,0 z13 21300 'Under Attio 19.0 10110b 2.82Ktoo 2i2D.0 Base Tawk 1!4.0 21*C L 2=0; FLOOR TYPES Area X SSPM 1-7 poffift, Type R-Valui Amb X SPM Points 114.6�p) -31 A 11M.2 Sfa"m&ade Efte ftw9aft 0.0 114.4' .3 I So Robed efto -3A3 -M42 7,- R�wd Wwd, stern Wag 19.0 1383.0 4.60 4220A L SM TOW: -Gw.9 As4kWTvhd: r�:i�NFILTRATIOV Area X Bspm Points Area X SPM Polht§ 16821-0 14.3i 24=,7 INU 1 14.31 ErargyGm" DcA Fann WW2001 BftYGaugaW1aRE370W 121-RC890.3D 12/23/2003 00:05 7722837229 NISAIR AIR CONDITION PAGE 21 FORM 60DA-2ool Tested sealed ducts must be certified in this house. SUMMER CALCULATIONS Residential Whole Building Perforrnance Method A - Details JADDRESS:, ORT;�ILUCIE,FL, PERMIT #: BASE AS -BUILT Summer Base Points: 32497.6 Summer As -Built Points: 34778 Total Summer X system Cooling —Tot"al _XCap 'X —Duc(X SystO'—"— fn X Credit = Cooling Points Multiplier Points Component Ratio Multiplier Multiplier Multiplier Points (DMxDSMxAHU) 32497.6 0.42s6 13863.5 34799.8 347".8 I -OW 1.00 V-0s7x1-000X1.10) 0.254 1.196 0.284 O.M 0.950 11,2nO 11233,0 EnwgyG6jKe— DCA Form MOA-2001 ErwWGauaeVMsRSS"2o01 FLResB vz-3o 4 4w br to 4110 tr Z 41 Equipment Sdtedule urdtip�� SEER a-,, HSPOf-.2F mcjwZ6V.A-WXTons 3 .......... corxi"ModO AM OWMOCE#25f�- 9600 Ldentcookv 094D Totd,COOIM w LO D 0 M CV M 12/23/2003 01:41 7722837229 WbAIR AIR CONDITION PAGE 21 ENER��GY'D-'vt�Rl,,,i,Fi���..�0--,.�R,M,,,A-N ELE-i"TE DISP LAY CARD ESTIAUTE6 The b SCORE* = 83.6 KOLTER SIGNA-nJRE HOMES, INC., Lot:, Sub:, Plat, PORT ST. LUCIE, FL, 1. Now consuuttion or esistifig Now 12. C001W systcuvq 2. SMSle fn* or mut&fhmRy M'W�ftjjly a. Coalral unit Cqr. 36.0.k13hAr 3. Number of ucits� if muld4raily R SEM- 12.OD 4. NumbervCBodrocrus 3 h N/A 5. Is this a worst cose? YCH 6. CortM000d Ebor � (fle) 1841 W c, NIA 7. GIs,& am & " SirWePace DoubluFam a. acar - stogic P� 0.0 fF o.o fe 13. Tleaties wistem b. Cloor -double porm 227.0 ft' 010 jp e. Electric 144t P�p Cap-, 36.0 kBM'hr D. 711wother SWC � sic& pow 0.0 *4 0.0 ftl NSPY: 7.50 d. 11affolher SHGC - double pme b. NIA a. Foortypes s. Slab -On -Grade Edge Inmdfftkm R-0.0, 165.0(p) ft o, W/A b. NIA c. W/A 14. Hotwatargyfflem 9. wan types s- Zlectio Resistanco Cmp;Ao,0,pl1ans � concreer, lot lusu% Extedor R-4.1,1440.0 ft2 EF.' 0.94 b. Fmcsc� Wood. AJ[jacmt R=mxl, 170.0 W b. NIA c. NIA 4. NIA a. Conservation credits e. N/A (HR-Huairccavery, 9dar 10. Ceilingrim 012-Dediouted had purnp) e. UnderAttio P=19.%1093.0ft2 15. TIVAC credits PTI b. NIA (CF-Wing fim, CV -Cron vefffiktim c. NIA BE -whole house fuL 11. Ducts PT-Propmmablo The nucrast; , Sut, Um Rt Una. Alk Aldo �Vpl ".01 15010 fk M&C-Mulumee cooling, b. W/A M&N-Mulfimn hcafine) I certify that this home has complied with the Florida Energy Efficiency Code For Building Constniction through the above energy saving features which will be installed (or exceeded) in this home before filialpspRction. Otherwise, a new EPL Display Card will be completed based on installed Code entures. Builder Signature: 1::� Date: 1,4-6 L( 12;1- Lu'-_t'r� Address of New Home: CityR�Zip: V-L �swi Sb *NOTE: Yhe home's estimated energyperformance score is only available through the K-41RES computerprogram. Yhis is not a Building Energy Rating. Ifyour score is 80 or greater (or 86for a USEPAIDOE Energy&P designation), your home may qualifyfor energy efficiency m�ortgqge (MO incentives ifyou obtain a Fzorida Energy Gauge Rating. Contact the Energy Gauge Hotline at 3211638-1492 or see the Energy Gauge web site at wwwfisec. ucf.edufor information and a list of cerfifiedRaters. For information about Korida's Energy Efficiency Code For Building Construction, contact the Departmentof CommunityAffaK%TW2M9QffArsion: FJRCSB v3.30) 12/'�3/2003 01:41 7722837229 NISAIR AIR CONDITION PAGE 03 The Torrey Mod D2 HVAC Load Calculations for Kolter ftnature Homes, Inc. 21 So Reserve Park Trace Putt St. Lucia, F1 34986 Prepared 13y: Jose NisairAirConriffloning 1501 Decker Ave. - D404 ftark, F1 34994 M-283-09M Tuesday, December 23, 2003 a 7722837229 NISAIR AIR CONDITION PAGE 04 'en Client City: Client Phone: Company Name: Company Representative: CompanyAddress: Company W- Company Phone: The Torrey Mod D2 Monday, June 02,2003 Kolter,Tgnature Homes, Inc. 2160 Reserve Park Trace Port St Lucie, F1 34986 772-468-4703 Nisair Air Conditioning Jose 1601 Decker Ave. - D404 Stuart, FI 34994 772-26UQ(g Daily Temperature Range. Medium Latitude: 27 Degrees Eilevallon: 25 ft. AftdbFactor 0:699 El6vaion,Sensible Adj. Factor: I.doo Elm''Moon Total Adj. Factor. I i000 b n'H6udng Adj. Factor 1.000 Elevation Heating Adj. Factor I.D01) Outdoor Outdoor Indoor D!XBvlb Wet Bulb ReLl-lum Writer: 42 0 0 Summer 90 78 50 Indoor Grains Drv;Bulb DWrenve 72 0 75 61 Total; , Sensible Gain: 27,089 Btuh 78 0/0 Tota[L.stbrit Gain: 7,578 Stub 22 % Total.CoblIng Required WM Outside Air. 34,667 Btuh 2.89 Tons (Based On SenslWe + Latent) Calculaitions are based:dn edition 1011 ACCA Manual J. All computed,resutts are estimates as building use and weather may vary� Be sure to select a unit that rneets "sensible and latent loads. 15-1 1 o fu -5, �;,Z -- - --. .--- --., -k-- , !-- . I-- ..- -- - - - - - . - - - 12h3/2003 01:41 7722837229 NISAIR AIR CONDITION PAGE 05 Calculate: Use Schedule: Roughness Factor Pressure Drop: minimum Velocity: Ma0mum velodw. all Yes 0.00300 0.100.0 ln.vMJ100fL 650 ft./min 900 ftjmln 0 in. 0 in. Infiltration: 0.700 A01hr Volume of Conditioned Space: X 22289 Cu.fL ls�pg Cu.ftjhr x oxiv Total'Buildin0rifiltration: 280 OFM Total Buildin-g- Ventilation: 0 CFM 78 50 75 61.09 Yes Yes 0.01000 0.1000 ln.vvgJ100fL 450 f1Jmln 750 IUM!n 0 in. 0 in, 0.400 AC/hr X 22269 CUA 6,908 CuffAr X 0.0167 M CFM 0 OFM --systern I— hifiltrationA Ventilation Sonsibla Gain Multiplier: 16.49 - (1.10 X 0,999X 15.00ZUmmer Temp. DMrence) Infiltration &Ventilation Latent Gain Multiplier 41.50 = (O.SBXO.99OX61'.09'Grains�Differenc�?) InfillrationA Ventilation Sensible1osO Multiplier 3Z97 = (1.10 X-0."9X MAD Winter Tf)mp; Difference), roi. P dulet St Lucia.Count . -P Code-JCQ -Pl.. D� Chc follo�ving products will be insta-Ued in the;stru Pture: looat�,41'a 3uliding Permit # )Wn8ri�\Tajn�P Reserve Homes LTD Owne�r's Addres�s �ontxactor Kottpt Signature -Homes _COntrabtor's AddreSS, 216_'O.-z'i�,Wi�'*;� ili'3 Product Design Manufactu rb! - -777R== odel'.INurnI,Or.:, atkj O'n&tta mn "chi"'t Pressures Windows 435/43-6 Ist choice Ngandex 4�37/438 tAPII0E)N.-�'-U'rLt,-thru b to 2nd Choice, L-A-\,U _u�nk -7, maso :��`embedmsnhemiln.. Fixed Glass Ist Choice 3 TAS, 000-,uri-it,' thru bu 2nd -Choice I mas, d' '�Tass _(other) Buit Glass D Glass Block See- �Plan. Detail 311di g Glass�Doors I t Choice . ..... JA? zno?q un1f: lhi,,ic 2nd Choice 4,iT, LI t 7,1 _-.6 coo thru me., '30rxry Ik embedmei:L-t minl,. )wing Type Doors, Prem.*D'oor� + IWIO 7"- aa Oc 2nd Choice Gen. Produati. Benchmark (2) #10 7" ea, and+24!'- cc )Yerhead Garage Doors I a t C�ho` i c 8' 2nd T) a I t o n 0 am c o r a____17 16xl 5/5 Lag Screws a t each Bracket, �oofirig Material Aspha'JUFiberglass Meto'l - - Other qutters. choice -t- I have reviewed the above 6ornponents and -claddfri kogW�Rvmf- (I.R. bm treto . Mm ,rovide adequate resistance to the wind loads and I a-M C: -TC5 Hfg 'C ),s i gn Firm Cert, [AM PRODUCT CONTROL NOTICE OFACCEPTANCE Eastern Metal Supply, Inc. 3600 23rd Ave., South Lake Worth,FL 33461 MIAlyn-DADE COUNTY, FLORMA h-iETRO-DADE FLAGLER 13UILDINr, BUILDING CODE COLQLIANCE oFFIcF hSTRO-DADE FLAGLER BUILDING 140 WEST FLAGLER STREET, SUITE 1603 &M�� FLORIDA 33130-1563 (305) 375-2901 PAX (305) 375-2908 CONTRACTOR LICENS . ING-SEMON (305)375127 FAX(305)37S-2558 CONTRAC TOR ENFORCEraNT DrMION �305)375-2966FAx(305)375-2908 PRODUCr CONTROLDIVISIoN Your application for Notice - of Acceptaric"e (NOA) of. (305) 375-2902 FAX (30-5) 372-6339 0.030" Galvanized Steel Sf.orm. Panels S . butter under'Chapter 8 of the Codepf Miami -Dade Coimty governing the use of Alternate Materials d Construction, and co i an TV mpletely described herein, has be , pes of .en iecoinmended for acceptance by the h6jami-Dade County Building Code Compliance Office (BCCO) undei the conditions specified herein, This NOA shall.not be validi", after the expiration date stated below. BC.CO reserves the, right to secur6 this product or material at any time from a jobsite or mijufactur ers plaut'for quality control testing. If this product or material falls.to perform in. -the approved'manner, BCCO may revoke, modify; or suspend the use'of -sixh- productz or mat�rial immediately.- BC -CO res6rves- thoright-to. mvoke� this approval, if it is �detcrmibcd by .13CCO that product or materialfaiis, to: meet -th' Buirdirig Code. e� requirement of the South Florida The ek�eus6 of s*uch testing_'A'�ffloe incurred by the rnanufaotu rer. Z/ ACCEPTANCE No.: 00-09119.10 la EXPMS: 06/07/2004 Raul Rodriguez Chief Product Control Division THIS IS TJIF COVERSHEET, SEE ADDITIONA 1, PAGES FOR SPECIFIC AND GENF CONDITIONS ___ RAL BUILDING CODE & PRODUCT REVIEW COhTMITTEE This application for Product Approval has been reviewed by the BCCO and approved by the Building Code and Produ�t Review Committee to be used in Miami-Dad6 County, Florida under the forth above, conditions set Francisco J. Quintana, R.A. Director Miami -Dade County APPROVEM: 06/07/2001 Building Code Compliance Office V\511�SOOO I\Pc2000XVemplIte-s�nDOC6 2=epm�ce �ver page.dot Inter'net mail address: postmaster@buildinacodeonliae.cc)ra r2 -Mama Easterja Metal SuppIyjnc. ACCEPTANCE No. : 00-0919.10 A-PPROVED 06/07/2001 06/07/2004 I. SCOPE This approves 0.030" Galvanized Steel StDrIa Panels Shutter, as described in Section 2 of th Notice of Acceptarice, designed to comply With the South Florida Building qode, 1994 Edition f( lviiami-Dade County, for the locations where the pressure requirements, as determined by SFB, Chapter 23, do notexceed the Design P=surt Rating value 's indicated i . n the approved drawings. 2. PRODUCT DESCRIPTION This*0.030" Galvanized Steel St- rm anels Sh er and its GOMPDneatS shall be constructed in stric compliance with the followling.documents: Drawing No. 00-252, titled "24 Gage Galvanized Berth. Steel Storm Panels", prepared by Tilteco, Inc., dated JnIY-10, 2000, last revision%#1 dated*April 3 2001, sheets I through 9 of 9, signed and sealed by Walter A. Tillit Jr., PIE., -bearing the MaEai ...... t.-Dade�,.CQU�-�-Produot-Caatrol-apprQvaI stamp�y6th-'l-he-Natice of Acceptance ?Lpprov-a datet.�.y..t4ej arm -Dade County -Product Control Division. These. documen� shall�.herq�inafter b( vfi -number and referred to as the approved drawings. 3. MIETATIONS I All permanent set components, included but not limited to embedded anchor b'olts,* threaded cones, metal shields, haafts and sills, must be protected ag i " all times. amst corrosion, contamination and damage at 4. INsm�_LLATION 1� This 0.030" Galvanized Steel Storm Panels Shutter and its components shall be installed in strict compliance %ith the"approved drawings. I -1 N LABELING Each panel shall bear a permanent label with the manufacturer's name or logo, city, state and the following statelnent:;; "Nfiami-Dade County Product Control Approved". BUILDING PM11T REQUMMENTS 6.1 Application for. building permit shall be accompanied b ropicsofthefoho 6.1.1 This NdItice of Acceptance. . y wing: 6.1.2 Duplicate copies of the approved drawings, as identified in Section 2 of this NOtiCe of' It Acceptance, clearly' marked to show the-,compontnts selected for the proposed installation. 6.1.3 Any other documents required by the Building'Official or the South Flon"da Building Code (MC) in order to properly evaluate the installation of this system. Hchny A. Trvf akar, -Product Control Examiner Product Control Divisi' oil — Lj L4 Ll rll t4 Easterm Metal Supply, Inc. AccEPTANcE No. 00-0919.10 APPROVED 06/07/2001 06/07/2004 NOTICE OFACCEPTANCE: -STANDARD CONDITIONS; L Renewal of this Acceptance (approval) shall be considered after a ren Original submitted documents, ewal application has been filed an6 including test -supporting data, eng eering documents, are no older than e years. in g 2. . Any and all approvq'd products shall be permanently labeled with the maauf�cturejs name, city, state, and following statement: "bliaimi-DadeCo'un'tY'l�i�du'ct'CoiitrolApproy'a'I specific' conditions .6'f this Acceptance. e , Or as specifically stated in 3. ..Renewals of Acceptance will not be considered if- .. .. ... a.. There ha-s beTn a change. in the South Florida Building Code affecting the evaluation Of this 'prod and the prodti6flfs not in compliance with the code changes. I b. The product isi no longer the-samc product (identical) as the one. originally approved. P----,-lf%the AQ.cep:t6.w.eAolderjbas not Pomp_W�.I_vzith all the rAquiremonts of this.44�ceptajjce, inQlAding - correct installation of the produet,.. d... The. engmeDr, ivI10*0riginally pre-pareif signed and sealed th� required documentation I' submitted, is no longer practicing the engineering profession. lut.. 4. Any revision or change in the materials, use, and/or manufacture of the product or process shall automatica be 6ause for termination of this Acceptance, unless prior written approval has been requested (through I filing of a revision application with appropriate fee) and granted by this office. 5- Any of the following shall also be grounds for removal of this Acceptance: a. URsa-tisfactOrY performance of this product or process. b. IvEsuse of this Acceptance as an endorsement of any product for sales, advertising or any . oth purposes. 6. The Notice of Acceptance number preceded by the words Miam�Dade County, Florida, and followed by tj expiration date may. be displayed in advertising literature. If any portion of the o f Ace pt display�d, then it shall be done in its entirety. N fice 0 e ance. 7. A copy of this Aced 'ptanco as well as approved drawings and other documents, where it applies, shall I provided to the user by the manufacturer or its distributors and shall be available f6r inspection at thejob si atalltime. The engin'eer needs not reseal the copies. 8. Failure to comply With any section of this Acceptance shall be cause for termination and removal c Acceptance. 9. This Notice of Acceptance consists of pages 1, 2 and this last pag� 3. END OF THIS ACCEPTANCF Helmy A.M'akar, P.E. -Product Control Examine. Product Control Divisi6 . n w w -4 9 1p -1� 14 " k-WbRR,Pgt 2$Aa WO R min C> Eon -4 a -4 ai rn b 64 cg:�j N W W, ca CA -tL w W:N b - Q -4 4� C�_� W C� (M �4 �-4-9 " W -4 0 46 (A:� 43. (a (A -4 CD 0 4CO L".V 00 w -j z Ln C) 0 z 0 z �.4 12M/M03 e1:41 7722837229 NISAIR AIR CONDITION PAGE 07 Total Buitding 4Wmmary Loads IA-11": Glaang-Single One, operable window, heat- 100 3,240- 0 3,546 3,545 absorbl�g, metal frame with br " eak, ground reflectance = 0.32, outdoor insect screen with 50% coverage, dark color draper with loose weaveyft 25% coverage 1A-hb-d: Gla;bng-Single pane, sliding glass door, heat- 144-8 4,6M D 4,688 4,688 absorbing, metal frame with break, ground reflectance = 0.32, outdoor insect screen with 50% coverage, dark color drapes with loose weave with 25% coverage 11 D' Door�Solid Core 20 234 0 203 203 AA�2VApor Shield: Wall-Slock, , R4.1 reffecthre insulation and vapor border Stucco open core plus interior finish 2432.4 14,689 0 8,454 8,*464 1 6B-1 9: Roof/Celling-Under attic or knee wall, Vented 1845 2,711 0 4,520 4,620 Affic, No Radiant Border, Dark Asphalt Shingles or Dark Metal, Tar and Gravel or.Membrane, R-19 insulation 22A-pffi; Floor-Slab.on grade, No pdga insulation, no 139 4-,921 0 0 0 in'suligoti below floor, any floor cover, pas", heavy dry or light wet soll 20P-19: Floo ce or garage, Passive, 752 1,129 0 377 377 R-19 bl a Subtotals for structure: 31,596 0 21,787 21,707 People: 4 Boo 920 1,720; Nuipment 0 0 6 Lighfing: 0 0 a DuctWork; 13,�59 816. 1,93.5 2,551 I , ird nfl on: Winter CFM 260. Summer CFM: 148 biw 6,102 2,447, 8;669 Ventilation: Winte PFM:,R, Summer CFM. 0 0 0 0. 0 9 Tolp! Puildin Load Totals: 4;�4ZI 7,578 27;089 34,667 0;W 636 Total: Latent Gain: 7,578 Btuh 22 % Total Q001ing Required With Outside Air 34,667 Efth 2.89 Tom (Based On Sensible+ Laten!) Calbulabofis'! Ed on%30niof ACCA Manual'J. AlFcomputted results are estimates as building use and weather may vary. Be sure tozelect a, unit that meeliboth sensible and latent loads. 12/-23/2003 01:41 7722837229 NISAIR AIR CONDITION PAGE 08 System I TgLey D2 Summary Loads (Peak Me th od) Z­ ... .... .... 1""k'Glazln§�Single pane,operable Wifidoik best- 100 3240 a 3,545 3,545 abso_rbingi metal frame with break, ground, reflectance = 0.32, outdoor insect screen with 50% coverage, dark color drapes with loose weave with 25% coverage IA-hb-d: Glazin"Ingle pane, sliding glass,door, heat- 144.8 4,692 a 4,688 4,688 absorbing, metal frame with break, ground reftectance = 0.32,-outdoor insect screen with 50% coverage, dark color drapes with loose weave with 28% coverage I I D: DoorL§olki core 20 234 0 203 203 AA2-Vapor Shield: Wall -Block, , R-4.1 reflective insulation and vaor barrier Stucco open core plus interior finish 2432.4 14,669 0 8,454 8,454 168-1 Q., RoofiCelling-Under attic or knee wall, Vented 1845 2,711 0 4,520 4,620 Attic, No Radiant Border, Dark Asphalt Shingles or Dark Metal, Ter and Gravel or Membranoi R-I 9 �insula* _1�0s'F[6d r-Slabbn grade, No edge Insulation, no 139 4,921 0 0 0 in-suialt6n below floor, any floor ddier, P'8'5'=* e, heavy dr"y ro r I ig' ht wet ad I 20P-1 9: Moor -over open crawl space orgarage, Passive, 752 1,129 0 377 377 R49.blanket insulation, any cover Subtotal$ for structure: 31,596 .0 21,787 21,707 4 8DO 920 1.7go E*ipmenr 0 0 0 Ligh ling: 0 0 6 Du6twok 3259, SIB Iq35 21551 InIff6flon: Vifinter CFM: 250, Summer CF� 148 8,6W GA62 2,"7 i ;609 VOAJEFfion': Winter Oft 0, Summer �M. 6 0 0. Pystam I -Torrey D2 Load Totals. 43,421 7,6�rfl 27,089 34,667 -SupplylpFivi, 1 (3.3 Mitt) CFM Per Square ft.: '0.663 Square IL of Room Area: 1,845 Square fL Par ton' 639 T-polft-61in �RequiredkWfthp - 9 '0 ,­43i MFVMBWW�'X� �C_11�o -1 - .4 Total,SenslbleLGaln: 27X9 Stun 78 % Totilialent Gain- 7,678 Stuh 22 % Total cooling kpquired vvfth outside Air: 34,687 Stub 2-89 -Tons (Based,on Sensible Latent) IsMouletWas IMe.beeneWd on Wthediflt n Of ACCAMbnJual J.' Ali�c o­rnk�d iesuni are esimates asbuffdlng�us�e and*eather mayvart- Besdre to select a unit thatimeats bath le andlatent loads. I J��4 Agog:, A,,! 100 :Usf .7% 4*P, fSacau IW INV: w S? pv5qpA 5*.� fjLj! A�2 S-,I! -'I'� c- 1 1.4 17 at 7c rowu Q;>;Q" CLIO, cop q, -n - ql I.' so�n �i , ; � " -"' B � - .7. K-P -'4, J;.'C5 -,:-, iii 12423/2003 01:41 7722837229 NISAIR AIR CONDITION PAGE 09 tem 1, Zdn6a I Summa Loads (Peak Method) IN IA-Wo.'Glaft-Sihgle Parie. operable An&Z h;at- 100 3,240 0 3,545 3,W absorbing, rheisl1rame with break, ground reflectance = 0.32, outdoorinsect sman with 50% coverage, dark color drapes with I oose weave with 25% coverage lArhb-d: Gla;6ing-Sin-git pane, sliding glass doorUatr 144.8 4,692 0 4,688 4,688 absorbing, metal -frame with break, ground refleclance = 0.32, outdoor insect screen with 50% coverage, dark ,color drapes with loose weave with 250A coverage 11 D: doar�Solkl Core 20 234 0 203 203 AA2-Vapor Shield- Wall -Block, , R-4.1 reflective insulation vapor barHer stucco open core plus interibr finish 2432A 14,669 0 8,454 8,454 16B-19: Roof/Celling-Under attic or knee wall, Vented 1845 2,711 0 4,620 4,520 Affic, No Radiant Barder, Dark Asphalt Shingles or Mrk-Metal, Tar and Graval or Membrane, R-1 9 tkulation zik;on: �twr-slab'on g!ade, No edge insulation,no 139 , 4,921 0 0 I i N s uldilloribblidw floor, any floor cover, pas&6,]hdavy -citybrilght wetsoll. 20P-19: Floor-Overopen crawl space,orgarage;Passive, 762 1,129 0 317 377 R411 0, blaaW:Inst M1 q�n,jny cover Stibtctals- for structure: 31,696 0 211,7�7 21,7§7 People; 4 Boo wo 1-,720 Eqiilbrhent 0 _0 �0 Lighting: 0 '0 10 D'uql*9HC 3gso 616 1,936 Z�511 InfiHijitIO: Winter CFM: 260, Summer CFM: 148 8;566 6,10 2.44i 6;6�09_ 1 Zo ne I Load Totals: 43,421 7,578 27;689 34, -7 60'' JA2 UDNM)n GFOOMPeoriqlareftL: S4 —RbornrA.rea: 1 I Ms Square 1L Per Ton: 639 T HeafinglRequired- 43;421, Btub" 43.421 MBH 7;578 Bt6h 22 No T tooling Req— Lared: U,68� ffth 2.86 Tons (Based On Sensible + Latent) EC415141JIbm are 10FUSHoIng =11 Won of ACGNManuat 1 I I 'its Ajl��6jfipLft ed, re su are,esfi mfite s as building use andmeather may vary. ' 'Jecto Be sur , old se ung that meets both sensible and,latent [dads. 12/23/2003 .01:41 7722837229 NISAIR AIR�CONDITION PAGE 10 Room Length: 13.0 ft. ROOM WKKh: 5.0 ft- Area; 65.0 Sqft. Ceiling Haight 8.0 fl. Volume: 520.0 DUA. Number of Regiders: 1 Runout Air 22 CFM Runout Duct Size; 4 in. RiinoutAlrValoft 253 ftJmin. Design Low-_ 0.100 in.wgJI GO fL Actual Loss: 0.074 ln.vvgJIOOft. N -Door-I I Of 2.6 X 6 U P-Cefl-I Ob-11 9 13 X 5 Floar-22AAwn, 5,111-Per. Subtotalsidr:Structure: inA;: Win.: 1.,g"SUM.: 2_� DuftNork: Room Totals: 20 0.390 es M049 5 1.1 ab 40 S06M Number I Zone Number: 1 Supply Air 22 CFM Supply Air Changes: 2.5 AC/hr Requimc!Vk.: 0 CFM Actual Winter Vent.: 0 OFM Percent of Supply.: 0 % Actual Summer Vent: 0 CFM Percent of SupW. 0 % ArluelWinterInfik: 4 CFM AdWal 86mrer Infil.: 2 CFM 1.? 234 10.1 1.5 go 2.5 M 6 127 UDO 91 � 611 007 22 816 113 159 486 12/23/2003 01:41 7722837229 NISAIR AIR CDNDITION PAGE 11 0 M4 90 &IM Detailed Room Loads - Room 2 - LendlStrs (Peok Methoo) REMO= Calculation Modo; Hig. & c1g. Ciorurrences: �oorn Length: 12.0 ft. System Number: Room Width: 7.0 ft. Zone Number Area: 84.0 sq.fL Supply Air 25 CFM Coiling Haight- 20.0 ft Supply Air Changes: 0.9 AUhr Volume: 1,650.0 cu.fL Required Vent.: 0 CFM Number of Registers: 1 Actual Winter Vent.: 0 OFM ,Runout Air: 26 OFM Peroent of Supply-: 0 % Runout Duct Size: 61. Acbual.SummerVeryt.: 0 CFM. u ri out Aj r ve 301 fUrnin. Percent of Supply. 0 % Design Loss: 0.1 DO ln.wg�100% Actual Winter Infil.: 13 CFM Actual Loss. 9.104 ln.wgjlooft. Actual Summer Infil.; 8 CFM E -Wall-AA2-Vapor Shield 7 X 20 140 0.201 gligmi 1 6;0 844 1.4 203 UP-Ceil-11 6B-1 9 12 X 7 84 0,049 1.5 123 25 0 206 Flbor-2ZOv-pM 7 ft-Per. 7 1.180 36.4 248, 0.0 0 0 SuWtiiils for Structure: - 1,215 0 40 'IkL, Win.: 13A Sum.: 7.7 140 3;119 445 0.907 320 liT Dudwork: 0,081 135 01077 ift .41, Room Totalsp 1,795 348 577 -. j L ', " ' I 12/23/2003 01:41 7722837229 NISAIR AIR CONDITION PAGE 12 SMEN—M I M ft.*-, NMI WWailed Room Loads - Room 3 - K&Brk (Peak ' 11 MWOMM �GM MEM1 M EI'K',tll I I jj I I ra&v�&' Calculation Mods. Htg. & c1g. Occurrences; Room Leop: 20.0 ft. Wem Number Room Width: 10.0 fL Zone Number. 1 Area: 200.0 sq.fL supply Air: 155 CFM Calling Haight 8.0 ft Supply Air Changes: 5.8 AC/hr Volume: 1,600.D cu.ft. Required Vent.: 0 CFM Number of Registers. 2 Actual Winter Vent: 0 CFM RU - nout Alr: 78 CFM Percent of Supply-, 0 % Runout Duct Size: 5 in. Actual §ummerVent: 0 CFM RunoutArVeloft, 670 ftjm1n. Percent of Supply; 0 % D'e- � sign Loss: 0.100 la.wgJ100ft. Actual Winter InfiL: 29 CFM Actual Loss: 0287 ln.w Actual Summer Infil.: 17 CFM W .0141 . . . . . . . . . . . . . N -MAIVAQ-Vapor SHeld 10 X 8 60 0.201 6. 362 2.6 0 157 F -WalkW-Vapor Shield 7 X 8 40 0.201 6,0 277 11A 0 67 W -Wall-AA2-Vapor Shield 21 X 8 163 OL201 6.0 1,013 5.4 0 9136 N�Wlghb-o shg".52 100%8 11080 32A 648 32A 0 643. �GlaIAwhbno shg".62 02%8 16 1.080 324 �24 6zq 0 6 1 29- Umbdil-168-1920X10 I 200 0;049 1.6 294 2.5 0 406 Fl �02A:Orn.38 fLPer. �q 36 1.180 MA 1,345 AD Sublb(als for Structure: 4.,w 0 2,806 Infil.:Wn.: 29.3, Sum.: 16.7 304 3.174 965 0;908 694 2�6 Du6wo&. 0,081 424 0,077 67 244 Room -Totals: SA1152 78i 3,416 12/23/2003 01:41 7722837229 NISAIR AIR CONDITION PAGE 13 Room Width: Area; Ceiling Height Volume: Number of Registers: Runout Air. Runout Duct S�ze: Runout Air Velocity. Design Loss: AchFal Losi; 24,0 fL 15.0 ft. 360.0 sq.ft 21.0 fL 7,560.0 cu.ft. 3 110 CFM 6 in. 561 fUrnin. 0.100 KvigJ100 fL 0201 in.vW1 00 ft. System Number. Zone Number Supply Air: Supply Air Changes: Re4ulrecl Vent.: Actual Winter Vent: Percent of Supply.: Actual Summer Vent: Percent:of Supply-. Actual Winter Infil.: Actual SiLimmer Infil.: 331 CFM 2.6 ACJbr 0 CFM 0 CFM 0 % 0 CFM 0 % 75 CFM 43 CFM 8 Mall-M-Vaporthleld 13 X 21 209 0.201 6.0 IMo 1.8 6 - 374 S -G1s-1Xhb-d shgG462 100%8 64 1,080 32.4 2;074 32,4 0 2,072 UP-CdH46B-!9-'-24 X 15 360 0.049 1-6 529 2-6 0 862 Floor:22A-wn 37ft.Per. 37, 1.180 36A .1'310 0.0 01 0 Subtotals for Structure: 8212 0 1 6,043 Ifillf.; Win..f 74.8, Surn.: 42.8 777 3.176 2,468 U.907 1,T75 705 DuctWok ..867 1120� 519 Room Totals: 11,647 1,895 7,267 12123/2003 01:41 7722837229 NISAIR AIR CONDITION PAGE 14 Room WdM: 13.0 ft. Zone Number: 1 Area: 182.0 sq.fL Supply Alt-. IGO CrM Ceiling Hebht 9.4 ft. Supply Adr Changes: 3.5 AC/hr volume: 1,711.0 cu.fl. Required Vent.- 0 CFM Number of Registem: I Actual Winter Vent.: 0 CFM Runout:Ajr: 100 CFM Percent of Supply.: a % Runcut Duct Size. 6 in, Actual,Summer Vent: 0 CFM RuriofAAlrVeJo,c*. 611 Varin. Percent of SupW a 0/0 Design Loss: 0.100 inxjgJ100fL Aotuql Winter Infil.: 23 CFM Actual Loss: 0.167 in.wg,11 00 ft ActualZurrimerinfil.: 11 COM N -Wall-AA2-Vapor Shield 12 X 9,4 92.a 0101 6.0 500 2.6 0 N -GJs-1A-hb-o shgo-0,62 100%S 20 32.4 648 32-4 0 U?�Cell-161!1-19 14X 13 '182 .1.080 0.049 1.6 268 2.5 0 Flbor-200;'-19 .13;X'14 182 6.050 !1.5, 273 0.67 0 Subtoials for Struicturia: 2,406 0 Infil.: Wn..-,22.6, SUrh;: 12.9 235 3.1,74 746 0.906 537 DuctworlL 0-081 262 0.077 61 People:200 lWper,,230 sen/per. I - 200 Room Totals: 3,494 7as I au I M1 k N 12./23/2003 01:41 7722637229 NISAIR AIR CONDITION PAGE 15 Room Wdth: Area: Coiling Helght Volume: Number of Registers: Runoulft Runout Duct Size: RunoutA1rVblocfty: Deslign Loss: Actual Losw.. -1 - 6- 21.0 it System Number 13.0 ft Zone Number: 273.0 sq.ft. Supply Air. 9.4 fl. Supply Air Changes: 2,666.0 cu.fL Required Vent: 2 Actual Winter Vent: 82 CFM Pement of Supply.: 5 in, Actual SurnmerVent.: 000 fUmin. Percent of Supply. 0.100 1n-wgJ1 00 fL Actual Writer Infil.:- 0290 in.YMJ1 UO ft. Actual Summer Infil.: 164 CFM 3-8 AC/hr a crm 0 CFM 0 % 0 CFM 0 % 32 CFM 18 CFM N -Wall-AA2-Vapor Shield 14 X 9.4 111.6 0.201 6.0 2.6 0 292 w-Gis-i".0-0 shgc-0.52 1006AS 20 1,080 32.4 so 32A 0 UPzCel1AeB-1921,X13 273 o.o49 1.5 4w 2-5 01 669, Flbbi��00-1913X211 0.050 1.6 416 M Q 1147 ftliiicleiis f6irstructure; 202 - 2 - 4661 in' K,:- Win'.: 31.7, Surn., 18.1 329 3-176 1,046 0�909 762 �6-9- riupwrk:, 0.031 355 O�077 91 7�7 People:200.Md"r,,230 sen/per 200 2�b Ro6m T�otqis: 4,722 1,043 3,495- 12/23/2003 01:41 7722837229 NISAIR AIR CONDITION PAGE 16 Room Length: 13.0 It Rdorn Wft: 11,0 % Area: 143.0 sqft Calling Haight, .9.4 ft. Volume: 1,344.0 ru-ft. Number of Registers: I RuhoutAJr. 130 CFM Runout Duct Size: 7 in- lkun6utAJrVGlo-CftY.- 488 ft./rAln. System Number. I Zone Number I supply Air: 130 CFM Supply Air Changes: 5.8 AC/hr Required Vent: 0 OFM Actual Winter Vent: 0 CFM Percent of Supply.: 0 % Actual -Summer Vent: 0 CFM Percent of Supply: 0 % Actual.Writerinft: 22 OFM Aaliiial Summer irift; 12 CFM S Mall-AA24apor Shfeld 13 X 9A 81.4 0.201 6.0 491 1.8 0 146 S -Gli-1A-hb-d SNC-0.52 I 00%S 40,8 1.08D 32A 1,322 31A 0 1,320 MOS-19 13X11 I 4� 0;049 Is 210 Z5 0 �60 opm 9.,l I x 13 1�3 0;650 1.5 216. As a 72 666kels for Sliucturd: - 2,602 0 2,"5 Irift'; Wn.: 21.7, Surn.: 12.4 22B 3.174 716 0�909 516 205 &��rk U81 20 U.&t 48 gb4 Room Totals: 3i88B 603 2,8�4 E In 12123/2003 01:41 7722837229 NISAIR AIR CONDITION PAGE 17 Room, Loads - Room_8 - Loft Calculation Mode: ft, & c1g. Oiccurrencep: 1 Room Le�gth: 14.0 fL S ystem Number I Room Width: 11.0 ft. Zone Number 1 Area: 164.0 sq-ft. Supply Air 63 CFM Ceiling Height 9A fL Supply Air Changes: 2.6 AC/hr Volume: 1,448.0 cu.ft. Required Vent: 0 CFM Number of Registers: I Actual Winter Vent: 0 CFM Runout AM 63 CFM Percent of Supply.: 0 % Runout buct Size: 5 in_ Actual Summer Vent: 0 CFM Runout Ali , Velocity: 461 ftlmin. Percent of Supply: 0 % Design:Loss: 0.100 ln.wgJ1 00 fL ActualMinter lhfil.-. 13 QFM Actual Loss: 0.176 in.vygj10DfL Actual Summer UAL: 7 GFM W -Wall-AA2-Vapor Shield 14 X 9A 131.6 0201 6.0 794 5A 0 709 UP-Coll-10B-1 9 '14 X 11 154 O.D49 1.6 226 2.5 0 377 Floor-261P719 11 X 14 154 o.050 1.5 231 0.5 0 77 §ub"Ilf- for Structure: 1,251 1,10 Infil"Win.: 127, Surn.: 7.2 132 3.176 418 6-04 .0 M 119i Ductwork,. 0;081 m 0.01 "M W Room Totals, 1,804 352 1,381 3 12./23/2003 01:41 7722837229 NISAIR AIR CONDITION PAGE 18 Room Lenaft 32.0 t Systern,Number I Room Wdth: 110 t Zone Number. I Area: 384.0 sq.ft. SupplyAlr; 242 CFM Ceiling Height. 1 O.D fL Supply Air Changes: 3.8 AC/hr Volume: 3,840.0 cu.fL Required Vent: 0 CFM Number of Registers: 3 Actual Winter Vent, 0 CFM Runout Air 81 CFM Percent of Supply.; a % Runout Duct Size: 5 In. Actual Summer Vent: 0 OFM RunbutArVelocity. 591 Umin. Percent of SuOW. 0 % Design Loss: 0.101) ln.wgJ1 00 VL Actual Writer Ififfl.; 50 CFM Actual Loss: 0287 ln..wVJ100ft. Actual Suniffiet Infil.: 28 CFM MO =1-4==�3 t -VY0111- d 10 apor Shp 32 =-VVaMpor 32 0 0201 3 1'9 0 0, 46� S Mal Shield 12.XEX 11 5 95 .2 01 0 573 1.8 0 0 70 170 10 W Miill-AQ-Vapor Shield 7 X 10 30 D201 6.0 181 5.4 0 IG2 S,dlb�IA-hb�o �harD.52 106%S 30 1.080 32-4 VA 6 67� (2), �672 40 1.080 32.4 32A 0 1,2§6 UP�Cell-161!1-1 9:32 X 12 384 U49 1.5 M4 2.5 .0, 941 Flo00?kprnL62ft.. Per, 52 1.180 35.4 1 i4i o.o 0, Sq*Wls'for Siructure; 7,367 0 4,004 lnfil.,,, Win.: 49.6. SUM: 2$,3 515 3.1717 I'm 0207 1,177 Dul L etwork! 0!081 730 0;077 128 379 People: 200 laYper, 230 sen/per 2 460 460. Room Taos: 9,723 1,706 5,310 . Co).O ca m w K,--1 CL go -SO m MZ �W� CL CL CD w 0 m gig ;r, 0 co w -1, w CA t i� M En 0 41 wo"Wcww� & . � � " 9 9 � � 44 & IL -�- 8 8 2 4 -4 CA Ww 0 NAN 0 A cc CA co 0 �4 0 4.- (A Q -4 0 !.W -4 W C" 00 -Q Ed — 0 (M 9� (D (m !?j w 0 2 0 1 Cil 13 w z n 0 z 0 z -u 1> G) M LO 4,�� OU al j �lo ?TV 12J23/2003 01:41 . FORM 60OA-2001 7722837229 NISAIR AIR CONDITION PAGE 211 Resldenbal,W.110.10r BuildingMerfer mxk�nceft - od A Project Name: THE TOWNHOME MOD. 02 Builder KOLTER Address; Lot., Sub: Y plat PermittlnqOffloe: City, State: PORT ST. LUCIE, FIL Permit Number: Owner KOILTER SIGNATURE HOMES, INC. Jurisdictlion Number Climate Zone: Central 1. New conAmcdon or cxi,"ng Ncw 12. Cooling sysmns 2. Siu*ftilyarmulti­fmmly M.1twhatily a. Central Unit C.P. 36.0 kuftAr - 3. Wumber of units, if multi -family 8 SEER: 12.00 - 4. Nwnl� of Roctradma 3 b. N/A 5. Is this a Worst cue? Yes 6. Conditioned floor ama (Jal) 1947 W o. NIA 7, Glass am & r)pc SinglePane Doublollwo ClW slnss, &RAL V-hctor 0.0 112 0.0 fF 13. Hoating syffbams, b. Deftittiat 227.0 fid 0.0 W a. Flectric Hm Pump Cap; 36.0 kBtAr _ . Ubdod U or SHOC 0.0 W 010 W HSPF., 730 - S. Floorrypes b. WA � Slab4krclrado Edge h%suladoft R-0.0, 165.0(p) ft b, NIA c. W/A c. W/A 9. wan ripts 14. I -Tot waw qstsms � Conmrtc' Int lasul, Ext�dor R-4-1,1480.0 112 a. EleddaRanintanch rap. 40.0 gallons b. FmmN Wo4 AdjaoffA R-1. IA 170.0 fi% FF. 0.94 o. N/A b. W/A d. W/A o. N/A Q. consmation creditn 10, cciliumvpes (HR�Hogt rocowry, S014r a. Uuda Atic R=19.0,1093.Oft2 I)HP-Dedicated heat pump) b. 14/A 15. RVAC crodils - c. NIA (CF-Cciling fin� W-Cross vmaofim; 11. Dom BF-Wholo hou-46 inn, a. Sup; Unc. Rat Um AM Atfi* Sup..R=6.01 150.0 ft F'r-Programmablo nermaAlt b. NIA W'-r'MWftWM cooft M&H-Muldmllo besting) Glass/Floor Area: 0.12 Total as -built points: 25591 P ASS Total base points: 25987 Review of the plqM and I hereby certify that the plans and speolfica tions covered by this calculat ral compliancewith EnergyCodl.9 �arel $9 Florida Specifications co ' Ygred by this calculaon.1ndloates compliance So, 'th "Yr PREPARE . - th -Cod wr a Florlda'�ItArgy 8: .; � � ­ 8 More consftucticA�ls'oompl�te-d-'� . DATE: 200.3 this bulldln'.wlll��e 9 _,.iinspected for: compllanc*�wftqj*�.eictlon 563.908 I hereby certify that this hi�,Oldlft(g asdesigned,isin compliance with the Flo.. a E y a Florids.SlaMes.' OWNERIAPENT: BUILDING OFFICIAL: DATE., DATE: EnergyGauge(D (Version! SLRCSB v3.30) 12/23/2003 01:41 7722837229 NISAIR AIR CONDITION PAGE 22 FORM GOOA-2001 SUMMER CALCULATIONS Residential Whole Building Performance Method A - Details I ADDRESS: Lot, , Sub: , PIRL- , PORT ST. LUCIE, FL, PERMIT#. I BASE AS -BUILT GLASS TYPES .18 X Conditioned X BSPM points Overhang Floor Area Type/SC Omt Len Hgt Area X SPM X SOP Points .11; 1847.0 25.'M 41170.9 Single, Tint W ZO 7.0 $4.0 47M om =1A singie, Tint S 13.0 7.0 36.0 39.04 0.50 710.8 single, Tint E 5.0 AD 9.0 5327 0.47 227.3 sing)a� rot E ZO 5.0 24.0 5321 0.01 1030.2 single, Tim E 7.0 9.0 64.0 5327 0.60 2=7 sirde,11-int E 7.0 8.0 40.0 5327 0.49 1039.1 As4kMToW: W.0 7MA, ,-WALLTYPES Area X BSPM Points �Type R-Value Area I K SPM Points 170.0 0.70 119.0. ConorftInt Insul, Exterior 4A 144D.0 , 1.18 1748.4 EXWW 1480.6 1.90 2512.0 From. Wood, Adjacent 11.0 Ma 0.70 119.0 SAM Total: 160.0 201.0 AsMmlt Total: ISO" POOR TYPES Area X 8SPM Points T 'Ypa Ai-ei, _X SPM Polft Ad*erg 20,0 1.00 320 -E)dmior Ididated mo 440 as.a 20.0 4.80 aa0 Adjacent Insdute'd 2D.0 I..so 3zo laaft Total:, 40.0 1 1 2U 'AsaulltTatEM 49.0. 12LO CE!1_11�91-TYPElkArea X BSPM Points i -Type. R-Value Area-,X. 00MIX" -49M Points UrKler Aft 1093.0 2.13 2=1.1 Un�OAV16 19.0 100.0 2.82X 1.00 1.31101w BmeTvlal: 1093.0 2329.1 A9430ilt Total: 1093A 3092.3, Ad R43fui �48i' k "SOM Points" r stab 165,0(p) -31.8 -524F.0 '66b-On4rade Edip IWA901" 0.0 . 165. 1 0 . (p -31.90 .5� 1 M.6 0.0 0.011 0,0 Rose ToM, �W7.0 Aq_&djtToW.' 166.0 .5W3.6 ANFILTRATION Ama X BSPM Points Area X SPM Points 1W.0 14.31 _ 25M,8'1' 1M7.0 14.31 26MS EnergyGaugeO DCA Forrn SMA-2001 En"VG4hJg0VF]hRF3200l FLRCSBV3.30 12123/2003 01:41 7722837229 NISAIR AIR CONDITION PAGE 23 FORM 60OA-2001 SUMMER CALCULATIONS Residential Whole Building Performance Method A - Details I ADDRESS- Lot:, Sub:, Pl&., PORTST. LUCIE, F1, PERMITiW. I BASE AS -BUILT Summer Base Points. 35141.6 Summer As -Built Points, 338116.2 Total Summer X System CQuIlngg Total X cap Duct x system x credit = coolino Points Multiplier Points Component Ratio Multiplier Multiplier Multiplier POW (DM)(DSMxAHU) 335W.2 1.0M (1.QVx1.150X1.10) 0.234 0.060 1 36141.5 0.4266 14911.4 33586.2 1.00 1.375 0,284 0.950 1 EraViCougam 100A Foun 6DDA.2VM En@MVQugeVF1aRE.T=M Ft.RCS13v3.30 12/23/2003 01:41 7722837229 NISAIR AIR CONDITION PAGE 24 FORM 60OA-200i WINTER CALCULATIONS Residential Whole Building Performance Method A - Details I ADDRESS: Lft , Sub:. Pft PORT ST. LUCIE, FL, PERMITM I BASE AS -BUILT GLASS TYPES -18 X Conditioned X BVJPM Points overhang Floor Area Type/SC ornt 'Len ft Am X WPM X WOF POW .12 1647.6 528 INU Sinw"T" w 2-0 7.0 SU 760 1.02 756.2 Soo, Tint 6 13.0- 7.0 36,0 10.88 220 663.6 Aftle, *nnf E 5.0 4.0 9.0 13.04 1 z 141A ski&. rim E 2.0 5.0 24.0 13.04 I.D4 3�28.0 siffg1&,,rrd E 7.0 9.0 64;0 13.04 1.12 9310 sk4o"rud E 7.0 SM 40.0 13.04 1.19 6=6 .1 WALL TYPES Area X 8WPM Points Type 'kiiA' X, �Aom Polit§ 170.0 1 M �66.6 Cow JrA lroW, Ex*W 480.0 3.31 4891.4 j Eidxft 1480.0 200 2960.0 FMK Wwd, Adjawd 11.0 lio.0 1.80 3DO.0 9aftTowl.- .16W.0 3266.0, -As�Wrl ToW. �.R"!IlTYPES, Armt- X -BWPMI TO& x WPM", Pol AOK�rd 210 4100 80.0, Bdww IFTSUMM SJO 1 020 E.48rlor 2P.0 6.10 IQZO-� �,dlawnk 1�hftd 2D.0 4.00 No to 1%� A*�Ilt Tom 49A LGIIrFl� N BVVPM� ��pblntp. Joe R-LValUe. Are pwnts� 109&0 0.64 '699.61 UfKW Ark 19.0 om �1 0.67X-006 950*1 18=8 TolaL 1093.0 699.5.' -AS41UlltTCftI- "O.R. _P x l9wP whW"'T" 0 .,-! , �ype WPM Slab -1.9 L�13.6- �b6-0n-Gmda EdO IrmWon b.6 165.0(p, zs - 0 41i5' He"d 0.0 0.00 Ao .313,5,' -As4?aRtTcW; 16LQ -41 j fLTRAt!O� Area X BWPM Points Area X WPM 0olints, 1847.0 .0,28 -611�21 189.0 429 -517.2 ErwgyGaLwO [)CkForm =A-2o0i EnVWGaU9u8fFbRE3707l FLROSOV3.30 12/23/2003 01:41 7722837229 NISAIR AIR CONDITION PAGE 25 FORM 60OA-2001 WINTER CALCULATIONS Residenfial Whole Building Performance Method A - Details I ADDR69S: Ut , Sub: . Plat: , PORT ST. LUCIE, FL, PERMIT * I BASE. AS -BUILT Winter Bass Points. 6265.1 Winter Asatiolt Points: 9869.9 Total Wlii&r" X System Heating Total X Cap X Duct X "am' X Credit = He . Oting 'Points MuKfpiier Points Component Ratio Multiplier Multiplier Multiplier Points (DMxDSMxAHU) _7 1.000 (1.078xi.iffixt.11) 0.44 D.M M22 6 5265.1 OX274 3303.3 1.00 1.388. 0.45�5 � 0.9aO 6921.6 ErRMyG9vg0m DGA Fun 600A.001 EneWC-a�RW=1 FLROSSY3.30 12423/2003 01:41 7722837229 NISAIR AIR CONDITION PAGE 26 FORM 60OA-2001 WATER HEATING & CODE COMPLIANCE STATUS Residential Whole Building Performance Method A - Details ADDRESS: Lot, SO:, Plat:, PORT ST. LUCIE, FL. ni;��V. BASE AS -BUILT WATER HEATING Number of X Multiplier Total Tank EF Number of X Tank X Muftiplier X Credit Total Bedrooms Volume Bedrooms Ratio Multiplier 3 2564.00 789ZO 4D.0 0.94 3 1.00 2403.34 1.00 7201.6 7201.0 CODE COMPLIANCE STATUS BASE AS -BUILT Cooling + Heafing + HetWitter Total points Points Points Points Cooling + Heating + HotWaler 'total PojY6 Points points Points 1 14991 3303 7692 25987 12467 5923 7201 PASS 9 Era%'ftVVm DM Fon =A.=I EnffVGWaQMftRE-%=1 FLRMS v$= I . � , � i� , V�h I "AA!" can 0; alj 12123/2003 01:41 7722B37229 NISAIR AIR CONDITION PAGE 27 FORM 60OA-2001 Code Compliance Checklist Residential Whole Building Performance Method A - Details I ADDRESS: Lat., Sub:. Plait:, PORT ST. LUCIE, FL, PERMIT V. I GA-21 INFILTRATION REDUC7nON COMPLIANCE CHECKLIST GECTKIN AEOREMEITM FCjt PRACTWE .MqH CROCK ExterforWrKlaws & Doom WSAA130.1.1 - - - Mw6mutm.3 C"WA. WNW atepa; S A. dowarea. Edular a Ad*wt waft SWAABC.1.2.1 CauK ges1rut, wedherstrip or seal bftsen: windmWdom & frames, stirmundim VV4 forundaflan & vM We or SM pW,)Olft b&vasn odL41M wall panels at carrmec, uliffly pendrations; balween wall parels & lb� plates; bdween Vrift and ftor EXCFPtION:Fromewalbvftmaow&nnml,-fCbaUo bairreriginStellatiffl9ndReft Floes GWAASG.12.2 Peapti2mcbpentings �-mr sealed unleas bacload by hups or;JM qwnb�� EXCEPTION: Fearrar fWs where a mftuum Inilbstran bamer Is lnftkd Orat is sealed to on verwo0owff. mmmahz5brza seems. Ceaw GWAABC.12.3 qdftmh,vaft a capnog; ponginWers of ceAV plane of top 5oor; around shaft, wbinets awled to oonflnums & bealer. 9aps In gyp board & top Pwa; sM access EXCEPTION: Frame cellinils where a cantimon Mhft barrier Is Installed -":lvs6ffwatthePeW—wW R6:esvadWbtln'gFbAvvs 606.11AM12-4 qealad;'QrTA*lC0 r 6 1 onwlCrFj6d,' ft"Ved haide Q "iW!WxW,,1rZ dearamea 3- ftm ftft6a% orTypelO isixid vft -c2.0 ft from em I *Ukmed svkb.�ftisled. AcIftnalint bars, dampers; wrhb�spa*lwlm cwi*wfth,NFPA, 7 8&�22,dTWFR.PRr-scRiPTPji; MFARHk9k--&i"f-,h& mat nr PvcaaAadlMr all ram- l&vi66q1 - COMPONCIM SECTION. CHECK, water he�r= 612.1 0=0 &DOUICY rewromenis ki Table 6.12. swfth ard"*11rai cirad �Y� br2� P*ft a spa 612.1 mug have owens (W�ept solar hesfecl)� No A po* rm# ham a:pirqptlm@r. Gas spa & pad hasten; must hm wirmuffitommal eftwerwoUn%. ShWAVr has& 312.1 w6bW6iwft%wt be restricted to no more than 2.5 millmisjjE minuli art EP PSIG. Distribulion Systems 6 10.1 =,Mngs, rowherwal "upmeni and,plammi elvanbe-M shall be. Tedmnicially dAlr seala irmlated. and irmialled in a= wb the CMAIWO Section 610. uC!Rft.n,=xftrNW R-8 mh irmlaftri. HVAC Cdnbuls 1,wr-i 66ji-Mill., 64. Cominm walls -Frame Rtl 1 or-CBSRO balb sides. 6D4.1,LV&1 EramGauaaw DCA Formi SOM 2001 EmWGauqAVFlaRES=I FLRCSBv$.3D ul Equipment Sdmdute "4�� SER 12 WF P- -'� maw 1A VAIMT= 3 Ccr4tW Mod# -04 AM Hect�w iiod#jg n,62f fV §w4ble coam 000 Lalatcoo" (0� 0 0 I'm co N3 z C3 z m m �3 I . -.12/23/2oe3 o3:eg 7722637229 NISAIR AIR CONDITION PAGE 03 The TorTey Pines Mod. E HVAC Load Calculations for Kotter Signature Homes, Inc. 2160 Reserve Park Trace Port St Lucie, 01 34988 ftSWOMAX. RHVA C'MAO'Lome Prepared By. Jose Nisair Air Conditioning 1 $01 Decker Ave. - D404 Stuart FI. 34904 772-283-0904 Tuesday, December 23, 20D3 ,12/23/2003 03:05 7722837229 NISAIR AIR CONDITION PAGE 04 Vroject'l me: The Tormy Phes Mod. E Pwject Date. Thursday, May 08, 2003 Client Name: Kofter Signature Homes, Inc. Client Address. 2160 Reserve Park Trace client city. Port SL Lude, F1 U986 ClIerit Phone: 772-4664703 Company Name: Nisair Air Conditioning Company Represeritaljye: jose Company Address: 150IDecker Ave. - D404 Company City: ftarl� Ff. 34094 Company Phoner- 772-283-0904 R e r n:" �ra Fort pl� T e Rongo. High 7� L 27 D grees E� 25 it d� F�clor 099. 9 able a r on 1.00() j -Z vatloi n I ota Mj !'Fa , 1.000 I b64�-nflekfl U� . Factor Elevation Heating Adj.; Factor ujob Outdoor Outdoor Indoor Indoor Grains My1ful lNet Bulb Rel.Hum Dry Bulb Merence Winter. 42 0 0 72 0 Suffirriec ob J6 so 75 al. 3ensible Gitin: Qpi�w. 29,173 Owl] Btiih 40;;Mu ftqVM JMterrt ' i3ain.: 5,424 Btuh 44 Is 'ooling, Kequired Wth outside Ajr: 34;697 Bt4h 2.88 Tons (Based OnZensible * Latent) may vary. 12/23/2003 03:09 7722837229 NISAIR AIR CONDITION PAGE 05 Calculate: Use Schedule: Roughness Factor: Pressure Drop; Minimum Velocity: modmum Velocity - Minimum Height MaAmurn-Height yes 0.00300 0.1000 inmg.1100 fL 650 ftimin 900 fL/min 0 in. 0 in_ yes 0.01000 0-1000 in.wgil Do ft. 456 ft/min 760 Urnin 0 in- 0 in. 0-700 AC/hr DA00 AC/hr Volume of Conditioned Space: X- 15109 CUM. X 15109 CUL 10,576 CuJL1hr 0.044 Cu.fL/hr X 0.0167 X 0.0167 Total Building infiltration: 176 CFM 101 CFM total Building Ventilation: 0 CN 0 CFM --System I — infiltration & Ventilation Sensible Gain Multiplier. 16-49 = (1-10 X M96a X 15.00 Summer Temp. Difference) Infiltration & Ventilation Latent Gain Mutdplier 41.50 = (0-68 X 0.999 X 61.09 Grains Difference) Inifitraflon & Ventilation Sensible Lon Multiplier 32.97 = (1.10 X U99 X 30.00 Writer Temp. Difference) I I I ty, A( AL V<1 12/23/2003 03:09 7722837229 NISAIR AIR CONDITION PAGE OG .12/23/2003 03:09 7722837229 NISAIR AIR CONDITION PAGE 07 �J M. W, IntlVdi FIVIT10 VVIM DrBeK, grOU110 retlectenre . 0.34 outdoor iftSeUt Screen vft 5DO/a coverage, dark color drapes with loose weave with 26% coverage IA-hb-d-, Gleding-Single pane. sliding glass door, hast- 104 3,370 0 3,368 3'%8 absorbing, metal frame with break, ground reflectance =,().32, outdoor insect screen with 50% coverage, dark color drapes willi loose, weave with 25% coverage 11IMboor-Solid.Core 37.6 440 0 308 308 AA2-Vapor Shield: Wall -Block, , R-4.1 r43flec;We insulation end vapor barrier Stucco open core plus interior finish 1303 7,868 0 2,333 2,333 12MbW. MlWrame, R-1 1 insulation in 2 x 4 stud cavity, 227A 662 0 30 30 no board insulation, brick finish, wood studs 11613-119: Roof/Celling-Under attic or knee wall, Vented 1531 2,251 0 3,376 3,378 Atfici NoRadiant Barder, Dark Asphalt Shingles or D#k Metal, Tar and Gravel or Membrane; ik�i 9 insulation 22Xpm: FloormS . lab on grade, No edge insulation, no 188 6,655 0 0 0 insulation below floor, any floor covet, passive, heavy _Amir �ht WELM-1 Subtotals 11br strucUire: 26,322 0 21,M0 21,960 people: 3 600 690 1,290 Equioment: 0 0 0 Lighing: 0 0 0 Ductwbrk: 6,427 6" 4.862 5,600 lnfilirsi6n: Winter CFM: 176, Summer CFM: 101 5,81:1 4,186, I'm 6�8411 Ventilation: Winter CFM: Oi-Summer GFM: 0 0 0 0 0 1 Tcftl�Bulkfing, Load Totals: 38,660 5.424 29,173 34597 OquiEffe U.'011KOOM Arse: 1,511 Square fl. Per Toh: 531 Calbul#t6fis'are;bas�.6 . �'Wftn_0_-t_AC__CA_iQG All cc M_'p`U'w?resulti7ar e, estimates, as bUildiP9,,u0'and,wbathi9r may vary. Se'6ure to selects unit that meets both sensible and Went ln;id!a .12/23/2003 03:09 7722637229 NISAIR AIR CONDITION PAGE OB absorbing, metal frarneVl1ih1brO3k. ground reflectance � 0-32, Outdoor Insect screen with 60% coverage, dark color drapes with loose weave with 26% coverage IA-hb-d: Gla2ft-Single pane, sliding glass door, heat - absorbing, metal frame with break, ground reflectance � 0.32, outdoor Insect screen with 50% coverage, dark Color drapes with loose weave with 25% coverage I I D: Door�Sojjd Core AA2-VaPor Shield: Wall --Block, , R-4.1 reflective insulation and vaporbarder Slucco, open Core plus intaylor finM 12B-OW. Wall -Frame, R-1 I Insulation in 2 x 4 stud cavity, no board insulation, brick finish, wood studs 1613-19: Roof/Ceilln6-Under aWC Or knee wall. Vented AtkAolkadlant Barrier, Dark AsphaftShirVles or Dark -Metal, Ter and:GraviIj or Membrane, R-1 9 insulation 22ATpm: Floor�Slab on grade, No edge insulation, no insulation below floor, any floor cover, passive, heavy dry or.11 I nhtwetsoil -� — People: Equipment Lighting: Ductwork: Infiltration: Wirtter CFM: 176, Summer C;FM: 101 Ventiliffion:wntir CpM. 0, Summer CFM: 0 System 1 TOfreY�Plnes Mod. E Load Totals: Area: 1 Otal Q0011ng�Ra.qulrecl With OuMe Air. 34, g1g; Cabuladofioaie1m,sid 6ii I I � I! WeERANCIANOMent All bohikeibesuftare. - —d islllmat�i as building use a Be -sure to seled m6nil: that m9ft both sensible and 104 3,370 0 3,365 3,363 37.6 440 0 308 308 IIS03 7,M 0 2,M 2,333 227.4 662 0 30 30 1531 2,251 0 3,376 3,378 188 6,655 0 0 0 26,322 0 21,WO 21,980 3 Wo 690 1 �290 0 0 0 0 0 0 6,427 41862 5j508 6,811 4,180 1,661 6.841 0 0 a, 0 may very, 38,560 6,424 29 1 - 11,73 34,697 84 %1 16 % On Sensible I it ICA, Ail jwl" .12/23/2003 03:09 7722837229 NISAIR AIR CONDITION PAGE 09 absorbing, metal frame wlth�'break ground I reflectance � 0-32, Outdoor inseet screen with 60% coverage, dark color drapes with loose weave with 25% coverage IA-hb-d: GloAng-Single pane, sliding glass door, heat - absorbing, metal frame with break, ground reflectance - 0.32, outdoor insect screen with 50% coverage, dark color drapes with loose weave with 25% coverage 11 D: Door-Solid,core AA2-Vapor Shield. Wall -Block, , R-4.1 reflective insulation and Vapor barrier Stucco open care plus interior finish 12F"bw-'Wall-Frame, R-1 I Insulation in 2 x 4 stud cavity, no board insulation, brick finish, wood studs I 6B-1 9: ROOf/Celling-Under 8Mc or knee wall, Vented Attic. NoRadiant Border, Dark AsphattShl�gles or Dark Metal, tor andl Gravelsor Mornbria' ft, FRA 9 insulation 22A-Pm: Fl6or-Slob on grade, Noedge insulation, no insulation below floor, any floor cover, passive, heavy —YY Or�w! Ltwet soil Subtotals for structure: People: equipment Lighting: Ductwork: Infiltration. Y� kntq CM 170, §�ummer CFM-. 101 SWern 1, Zone I Load Totals: ft. -Blluh� Btuh Stub 104 3,370 0 3,368 3,368 37-6 440 0 308 308 1303 7,858 0 2,333 2,333 227A 662 0 30 30 1631 2,251 0 3,376 3,376 188 6,655 0 0 0 20,322 0 21,900 211,960 3 600 690 tg90 0 0 0 0 0 0 38,560 6,424 29,173 34,'597 FM PbrSqUare, ft.- OMT quare ft. Per Ton: sn 38.560 MOH 16* % 2.88 Tons (Based On Sensible + Laterd) ^11 wl"Puu--u Fesurm 2re Mrnates as building us# andweather may very. Be, sure to select'� �unt that meaft:both s6daIll"and latent ligMs. a .,12/23/2003 03:09 7722837229 NISAIR AIR CONDITION PAGE 10 Area: Celling Heil)ht. Volume: Number of Registers: RunaufAir: E -W S-W Shield 18 x 9 Shield 2 X 9 x 9 ".52 2%S ".52;2%S (2) X 14 21,11 19.0 % Systenri Number; 1 14.0 ft. Zone Number: 1 266,0 sq.fL Supply Air 401 CFM 9.0 ft. Supply Air Changes: 10.1 AC/hr 2,394.0 cu.fk. Required VenL: 0 CFM 3 Actual Winter Vent,: 0 OFM 134 CFM Percent of Supply.: 0 % 7 in. Actual Summer Vent: 0 CFM 500 ftimin. Percent of suppiy. 0 % 0.100 in.wg.11 00 ft Actual Winter Infil.: 38 CFM 0-130 lfi.w9J1 00 it. Actual Summer Infil.; M CFM 92 0.201 18 0.201 81 0.097 2's 1.080 26 1.080 2W OM9 396 6.0 556 0.4 6.0 109 oia 2.9 236 oh 32.4 842 112A 32.4 842 112.8 1-5 �91 2L� 35.4 11558 6.6 6,456 3-177 1,268 OMQ 0.200 1,343 0.200 A 3,057 0 41 0 14 0 4 0 2,933- 0 2,932 0 661r 0 0 0 6,757 '905 360 161 1,469 200 230 1,2M 8,816 -.12/23/2003 03:09 7722837229 NISAIR AIR CONDITION PAGE I I 'U." W��t`dth: Ztp.0 M System,Number 1 Area: 17.0 ft. Zone Number: 1 Ceiling Height: 425.0 sqft 11.0 ft. —Supply-Mr:- Supply Air Changes: 101 2.1 CFM AC/hr Volume: Number of Registers: 4,675.0 cu.ft- 2 Required Vent: 0 CFM Runout Air, 80 CFM Actual Winter Vent.; Percent of Supply--- 0 0 CFM % Runout Duct Size: 5 in. Actual Summer Vent.; 0 C.FM Runout Air Velockf- 690 ft./min. percent of Supply. 0 % Design Lois: 0-100 1n-vvqJ100ft. Actual Writer Infil.: 40 CFM Actual Loss: 0.287 in-wg./100ft. Actual Summer lnffl.: 23 OFM S -WQll-AA2-Vapor Shield 13 X 11 143 0,201 5.0 862 0.8 0 112 N -Glr-1 "-b-o shgC-0.52 100%8 15 1.080 32.4 486 32.4 0 486 N -018-11A-Wo Shgc�l) 52 1 00%S I- 7 20 i.bad 32.4 w 32.4 643 UP-CQ-im 17 1§26rX 425 0.049 1.5 6-�5- 22 9V �1010r-2-2"A4'ffi 36fL.Per. 36 1.46 35A 0.0 0 Subt6tals for Structure': 6,413 0 2;569 Infil.: Wn.: 4 0.3, Sum-- 23.0 418 3-177 1,3�13 0.907 gs� �79 Ductwork 0200 1,348 0.200 161L 590 Room Totals: 1,116 3;535 12/23/2003 03:09 7722837229 NISAIR AIR CONDITION PAGE 12 Room Width: Area: Ceiling Height: Volume: Number of Re&cftm: RunoutAlr Runout Duct Ske: Runout Air Ve". Design Loss: ZU.0 M System Number 13-0 ft. Zone Number 360-0 sq.ft, Supply Air: 9.0 fL Supply Air Changes; 3,24D.0 cu.fL Required Vent.: 3 Actual Winter Vent: 163 CFM Percent of Supply.: a in. Actual Summer vent: 467 flAnin, Percent of Supply: 0.10D in.wgil Go fL Actual Winter Infil.: 0.095 in-w9J100 ft. Actual Summer Infil,: 489 CFM 9,1 AC/hr 0 CFM 0 CFM 0 % 0 01FM 0 % 39 CFM 22 CFM W-WHII-AA2-VaPor Shield 18 X 9 122 0.201 6.0 735 R.V 4.4 v 0 ZI f 535 8 -WalkW-Vapor Shield 8 X 9 14 0.201 6,0 84 0.8 0 11 N -Door-1 I D 3 X 8 N �Gfa-IA-hb-o sbj".s2 I 00%S 24 30 0.390 11.7 281 62 0 197 (2) I'M 32.4 972 32A 0 912 W-G18-11k,lib�0 shgo-0.52 3%S (2) 40 1.080 32.4 1,296 114A' 6 4,574 8 419AA-hb-d sh�oZiZ- 2 100%S 40 1.080 32.4 1,296 32A 0 f;M 0 UP-Ceil-JSE�-Jq 20 X 18 360 0.049 1.6 S29 22 0 794 Flool-:?�f�L,Per- -- 45 1.180 35.4 1,593, 0.0 0 0 SUMD101S for SIFUCtUre: 7,601 infil.-.,W- in.: 3:9;0, Sum.: 22.3 Duchvdrk: 405 3.1,78 1,287 0.909 0, 926 8,596 �68 0260 181 1,7.93 Room Totals: 1,087 10j757 12/23/2003 03:09 7722837229 NISAIR AIR CONDITION PAGE 13 Roorntano: Room Wtft: Area: Ceiling Height Volume: Number of Registers: Runout Air. Runout Duct Slzw. Runout Air Velocity: Design Loss: Actual �Qss: 32.0 ft, System Number ISM fl. ZoneNumber 480,0 sq.ft. Supply Air: 10.0 ft. Sopply Air Changes: 4,800.0 cuft Required Vent-: 3 Actual Writer Vent: 92 CFM Percent of Supply-: 6 in. Actual Summer Verd 463 ftfmln. Percent of 1§upplr- OADO jn.vrgjl 00 ft. Actual Writer Irrill.: 0.141 in.WgJl 00 fl. Actual Summ e*r infil.: 276 CFM 3.4 AC/hr 0 OFM 0 CFM 0 % 0 CFM 0 % 59 CFM 34 CFM W -WalkW�Vapor Shield 13X10 130 0-201 6.0 I" ?84 4A w 0 AV[ 570 E-Wall-12s-obw lax lo 146.4 0.097 2.9 428 0.2 .0 26 E -[)Qor-1 1 D 2X 6.8 -Gli-IA-h" 090-0.52 1 000/aS 13A 0.390 11.7 159 82 0 All . M 64 1,080 32-4 2,074 32.4 0 2.02 UP-Cell-1 M4 9 32 X 15 480 0.040 1-5 706 2.2 0 1;058' Floor-22A-pm-�i �..Per- 61 1.180 35A 2159 0.0 0 0 Subtatals for Snature: 7,852 0 4,038 lnfil�: Mr.: 68.8, SUM.: 33.6 , 610 IM 1,936 0.908 1,394 654 buO.Mric People., 2004 at, 230 se2"r. I 2 0.2GO 1,958 0200 161 1.010 400 460 Room Totals: 11,748 1,956 81062 12/23/2003 03:09 7722837229 NISAIR AIR CONDITION PAGE 14 I Bdrrn #21M 2 Din RmM 266 8.057 106 3-7 500 8,816 1,266 401 401 3 Liv RM 425 360 8,089 10,6W 105 139 2-5 3-8 690 467 3,W 16,767 1,116 1,087 101 489 161 489 4 Mstr BdrmABth/Laund 480 11,748 153 3-6 468 6,082 l,g55 276 Z76 S 1 tOtal Y—EftM�1,531 38,560 501 29,173 5424 1,327 1,327 System I Marn Trunk size: 16X17 in- ve": 161 Un-tin Loss per 100 ft.: 0-060 in.wg Type: --- Model' Brand: Efficiency: Sound: Capacity: Sensible Capacity: "fa 0�stuh, Latent Capacity. n1a 0 Btuh �. 12/23/2003 03:09 FORM 60OA-2001 .7722837229 NISAIR AIR CGOITION PAGE 15 Florlop: Qe!P�Etrtment of.Comrnunl fly A. ffjhirs Residential Wh ole Building Perfbr im, ance Method A roject Name: THE TORREY PINES,MOD E Address: city, state: PORT ST� LUCIE, FIL Owner. K6LTEFt SIGNATURE HOMES, INC. Climate Zone: Central Permitting Office: Permit Number Jurisdiction Number. I. New conabuction or existing New 12. cooling *.Acrn., 2. Single farally or� multi-fturrily - W16-ramily - a. Central Unit Cap: 36.0 kBm/br 3. Number of unit& if multi -family 9 - BEER: 12.00 4. Number ofBedfoom 3 b. N/A 5. is thiR a Wom cm? Yen 6. conditioned floor area (W) 1590 fft c. NIA 7. Ginn -= & type Single Pano Double Pane - ri� Clear glass, deflault U-factor 0.0 fi- 0.0 A4 - 13. Nesting RY.Rb=s b. DefAWt tint 209.5 ft2 0.0 W - a. Electric Haut Pump Cap: 36.0 Obithr c. 1.4bolod U or SHOC 0.0 a- 0.0 f12 74SPF. 7.50 8. Floor *P_3 b. NIA a. Slab -On -Grade Fdge inmr1ation R=0.0, 195.0(p) ft b. NjA c. N/A c. IVA 9. Wall types 14. Hotwatorsysturns � 00flarate, JAt loftu� Extftior R-4.1, 1491.0 fL2 Cap: 40.0 olom b. rramq� Wco4. Adjacent R=11.0, 270.0 11- YR 0.94 c, N/A b. N/A d. X/A o, N/A c. conservation cr*Mg 10. c4iiins typen (Int-Hent rewycry, Se1w a. Un&-TAttio R-19.0,1530.0 fi� I)HP-Declicated bed pump) b. VA 15. TIVAC crodits a. W/A (CF-calling hr� cv-cron Ventilation. 11. Ducts HF-Wholc house fm k Sup: Unc. Rat: Con. AH: Interior Sup, R=6.0, 125.0 FT -Programmable TbcrmrAruL h, N/A T47-r-Multizonc C00ft M&H-Multizone heftfing) Glass/Floor Area: 0.14 Total as -built polft: 21852 PASS Total base points: 23465 I hereby certify by this calculat Energy Codq/ DATE: I hereby certify that this compliance with the Flo OWNER/AQENT, DATE: lans and specifications covered Compliance wfth: Florida )Oldk% as designed, is In RevIW of the plEln§ and specifications covered by N9 caloulatlon.lndlo�tes compliance with ndi:.�6rgy-Codo.' .r -the-Flo' Before wnstruc�oh . -is complem-1 .this bulldlng.YAII " 64 , ilrispected-for compliance Wit4piction 583.908 Florida Statutes., BUILDING OFFICIAL: DATE. EnargyGauget (Version: Fl_RCS9 v3.30) -12/23/2003 03:09 7722837229 NISAIR AIR CONDITION PAGE 16 WXY ENE"'C' PERFORMANCIELEVEL (E-PT) DISPLAY CA-RD KOLTER SIGNATURE HOMES, INC., , PORT ST. LUCIE, FL, 1. New construction Or apdoting NOW 12. Clooling systcrus 2- Single finally or multi -family — muld.ftm* — & Central Unit Cap.36.0 Wtuffir 3� Number of units, ifmtd&fbxnlly a — SEM 12.00 4. Nnmb� of Bedrooms 3 b. NIA 5. Is this a wors �? yes 6. cooditiolsed fluor am (fe) 1530 ft� c. N/A 7. Glan amis & tw Single Pane Double Pane L CleAr-zimSlcpaqc 0.0 11? 0.0 ftZ 13. Hentinguystana b. Clar -double pme 209.5 ft- 0.0 fF a. Mootdc Heat Pump Cap: 36.0 kl3mhr a. MmObtbw SHOO - single pane 0.010 0.0 IV HSPF. 7.30 d. Tiraleffier simc - double pmo b. NIA Floortypea ILSIA�43radc Edge Insulation R-0.0, J95,0(p) R a. NIA b, NIA c. WA 14. HotwaterrAtcma 9. Wattype, — a. Electric PCSI�dnoco Cap. 40.0 gallong M Concrete 14t IftRA Exterior R-4.1, 148J.0 ftQ _ FM 0.94 b. Fra=6 WoW, Adjacent RA1.0,270.00F b. W/A c. NIA d. W/A c. Coascrmtlosscmdits v. X/A (HR-Heat recavefy, Soldr 10. Cawing bjX2 DIV-Dedicated hent pump) � undcrAltic R-19.0,1530.0 W 15. UVAC credits b. WA (CF-Cains An' cv-c� VCWXdon, c� NIA HF-whole boom fus, 11, Dom PT-Nogrammable Theftmid.4 ;- $up: Unc. Ret Cum AH. Interior sup. R�.6.0. W.0 ft WKMultizosic cooling, b. WA ME-H-Multimonc bunting) i certify that this home has complied with the Florida Energy EfEciency Code For Building Construction through the above energy saving features which will be installed (or exceeded) m this home befl r final on. Otherwise, a new EPL Display Card will be completed based on insta]MeM pc�-�—�-%=tures. Builder Signature: Date: Address of New Home: CANIWS11. F_ EL City/FI� Zip: FL� 84 *NOTE. ne home's estimated energy performance score is only available through the FZAIR ES computerprograns. nis is not a Building Energy Rating. Ifyour score is 80 or greater (or 86for a USEPAIDOE Energy&g designation) your home may qualifyfor energy efficiency mortgage (Emd) incentives ifyou obtain a Norida Energy Gauge Rating. Contact the Energy Gauge Hotline at 3211638-1492 or see the Energy Gauge web site at www.jsec.uqjkedujbr information and a list of certified Raters. For infonnation about 177orida's Energy Efficiency Code For Building Construction, contact the Department of Community AffaFNj9YJ2RVg9QV&rsion: FLRCSB v3.30) � 12/23/2003 o3:eq 7722837229 NISAIR AIR CONDITION PAGE 17 FORM 60OA-20ol SUMMER CALCULATIONS Residential Whole Building Performance Method A - Details I ADDREM, PORT ST. LUCIE, FL, PERmrr#7 I BASE AS-860 GLASS TYPEs .18 X Conditioned X BSPM Points Overhang FloorArea Type/SC Orrit Lan Hgt Area X SPM: X SOF POW '12 IsS0.0 2L711 7M.9 single, mnt w TO 10.0 27.0 4720 0.99 1286.4 Single. Tint w 1; 10.0 46.0 47M 0, M' 2143-gi Singlo, Tint W 1.0 7.6 M.0 47.90 6.ts 1151.6 Single, Tint N 1.0 9.5 275 24,45 0.09 us'e Single, Tint N 1.0 3.0 8.0 24.48 0.90 132.5 Single, Tint 8 10.0 6.0 20.0 119,94 D,51 404.4 Slngk% TWO S 8.0 9.0 KO 39.84 Q,5131 1481.9 A%4kftToW-. 209A 71 , -B WALL TYPES Area X 8SPM points Type R-Value Area X SPM Points Ad*W 2M.0 D.M 189.0 Cwwft lit inza, efte" 4.1 1481.0 US 1 1 747.0, 1451.0 1.90 2913.9 Frarne. Wood, Ad)joaa 11.0 270.0 Q,m 1$9.0' 301129 Asaullt Town OOOR TYPES Area X BSPM Points Type Area X SPM: Points': AcUment 6.0 (100 0-0 Mbrior Wood 1710 72D 'Im-4 Bftdar 17.0 4.80 81.8 Om Totep 17.0 lH.9 Asl-p!w 122A CEILING TYPE4 Area X BSPM Poirb -type R-Y�Iue, "4� X SPM SCM P -oiriti UnderAft Iskil 213 32509 Undu AM 16.0 - 115�1.0 Z8 - 2X , 11.0 - 0 1; 43 1 1 4 FLOOR TYPES AnElp X BSPM Points Type R-Value Area X Spm Poirft'� slab .8 -M.0 Slab-On4ra* Edge Irmlation o.0 f9s.o(p _31 .90 Ralsecl 0.0 0.00 0.0 BawTow. �112(11.0 A%43uilt Total- 195.0 4=1 17,NFILTRATICIN Aniia X espM Points Area X SPM 16M.0 1421 21894.3 1530 14.3t FneMOSU909 DCA Fan WDA.Mol EneMYGW9eWl&RES2D01 FLRCaBv3M 12/23/2003 03:09 7722837229 NISAIR AIR CONDITION PAGE 19 Room Width: Area: Ceillng,Helght: Volume: Number,of Registers: RunoutAlr Runout Duct Size: Runout Air VelocV. Pogn Loss: Loads - Room 4 - 32.0 ft, System Number: 15.0 a. Zone Number! 480.0 sq.fL Supply Air 10,0 fL Supply Air Changes: 4,80D.0 cu.fL Required Vent.: 3 Actual Winter Vent, 92 OFM Percent of Supply.: 6 in, Actual SummerVent: 468 Wmin. Percent of Supply: 0.100 ln.wqJl00 Ift, Actual Winter Inill.; 0.141 in.wgJ100 ft. Actual Summer Infil.: 276 CFM 3.4 AC/hr 0 CFM 0 CFM a % 0 OFM 0 md 59 CFM 34 CFM W -Wall-AA�2 Vapor Shield 13 X 10 130 0.201 8.0 784 4.4 0 570 E-Wall-128-Obw1SX10 146A 0;097 2.0 426 0.2 0 26 E -Dot)r-14 D,2 X 6;8 13.6 0.390 11.7 159 8.2 0 ill '6,'GN,l'A-fib-d shge-0.52 1000/aS 64 1-.D80 32A 2�074 32A 0 2,072 (2) UP-Ceil-'Il 613-19 32 X 18 480 0.049 1.5 706 22 01 1,058 Lloor-2�A 61 1.180 35A 2,159 0.0 0 0 Sublotb6for Structure: 7,852 0 4,038 InAl.: Wn.: .58.6, Sum.; 33.6 610 3,177 1,938 0.908 1,394 554 Ductworic 0.200 1,958 0200 161 1,010 PaGple:40��r_?30 sen/per 2 �06 460 Room Totals, 11,748 1,666 6,062 . .12/2312003 03:09 7722837229 NISAIR AIR CONDITION PAGE 20 TORM 60OA-2001 WINTER CALCULATIONS Residential Whole Building Performance Method A - Details I ADDRESS., PORT ST. LUCIE, FL, PERMiT * I BASE AS-BUIN GLASS TYPES .18 X COnditioned X BWPM Polnis Overhang Floor A rea TYWSC Ornt. Len Hgt,Ares X WPM X WOF =point 1530.0 an Isla's SIngle, Tint w 1.0 16.0 Z7.0 13,80 1.00 372.2' single, Tint w 1.0 10.0 45.0 13.BD 1.00 5WA single, Tint W 1.0 7.5 25.13 13.80 1.00 344.9 Single, TM N 1.0 9:5 22.6 15.38 1.01) M.6 Single, Tint N 1.0 3.0 SM 15,38 1.00 qi�q Singla, Tint 8 10.0 5.0 2D.0 JO.BS Z17 4r2 0 Single, Tint S 6.0 9.0 84.0 10.88 1.75 1217.8, 34N�9 WALL TYPES Area X 13Wpm pojrjj� IWO.' 0-- R-Valub Ar6a X witim- Points 2M.0 1.80 485.0 Cononff�, Int llwA Ext6ei; if 1 4 81.0 3131 4894.7 Exterior 1401r.O 2.60 2DW-0 Fhnoo , Wood. Adjacent 11.0 270.0 1.80 488.0 Room Tobl, 1151A MR& A84WM TOW: 1791.0 DOOR TYPES Arear X BWPM PointS Type Area X WPM pointS 0.0 0.00 0.0 Exterior Wood 17.0 7.50 11292 17,0 5. 1 10 W.7 Aaft Net: IYA 17.0 129.2 CEILING TYPESArea X BWPM Points TYP rea X R-Value A VOM X WC , M Poln I t6 UnderAftio 46M.O. 0.64 919.2- UnderAttic 19.6 I$Mo 0. 67 X 1.00 1331.1 '-A9-4MT0tld- -3.0, �FLOOFii TYP E-S Area X BWPM ppl!its Type 114alue 'Area X - WPM! points Slab 195.CO) -1.9 rS?9&0n--GroftEdgalnsLda1jw 0.0 1�6: 14 4U7.5 ob 0.00 U.0 AoSufft'not2l; 196.0 INFILTRATION Area X 13WPM Points Area X WO M raints 4)28 Z4 -02B 4M4 EnwgyGwga DCA Fam WUA.20M EW6YC18U90VFbRES=I FLRCSBv3.30 A I . .12/23/2003 03:09 7722837229 NISAIR AIR CONDITION PAGE 21 FORM 60OA-2001 WINTER CALCULATIONS Residential Whole Building Performance Method A - Details r ST. LUCIE, Fl, PERMrrV. BASE AS -BUILT Mrinter Base Points., 6328.8 WinterAs-Built Points. 10365.0 Total,Winter X System Iie—atin-9 —Tota-1 x —Cap X D_u*c_t"_"X system X Credi . t Healind Points Multiplier Points Component Ratio Multiplier Multiplier Multiplier Points (P1V1xDSMxAHU) 1 $328.8 0.6274 10366.0 - 1.00 (1'ois8x1.16x0_CV) 0.455 1.140 OASS 1.000 1.000. 5376.0 5376.0 tnw9YGaU9*- DCA Fem WQA-2DO1 EDa9YGaUPVFJ8RES`"01 FLRCS13v3.3D a ,-12/23/2603 03:09 1722837229 NISAIR AIR CONDITION PAGE 22 FORM 60DA-2001 WATER HEATING & CODE COMPLIANCE STATUS Residential Whole Building Performance Method A - Details I ADDRESS:, PORT ST. LUCIE, FL, PERMIT 9: 1 BASE AS-8UILT WATER HEATING Number of X Multiplier = Total Tank EF Number of X Tank X Multiplier X Credit = Total Bedrooms Volume Bedrooms Ntio Multiplier 3 2564.00 7692.0 40.0 0.94 3 1.00 2400.34 1.00 7201.0 1 AS43ulft Too[! 7201.0 CODE COMPLIANCE STATUS BASE AS -BUILT Cooling + i4eating + Points Points Hat Water Points Total Points Cooling Heating + klot Water Total Points points points Points 1 124301- 3343 7692 23466 9V5 53n 7201 21862 F'PASS EmwCat�p�!)CA FwM 600A.2WJ EnergYGaugeWlaREZZ01 FLRG$Bv3.3() I i-.412/23/2003 03:09 7722837229 NISAIR AIR CONDITION PAGE 23 FORM 60OA-2ool Code Compliance Checklist Residential Whole Building Performance Method A - Details I IRESS: , PORT ST. LUCIE, FL, INFILTRAT16N REDUCTION COMPLIANCE CHECKLIST COMPONENTB; SECTION LCn PRACTICE CHECK BdWW d& SNA.ABC-1-1 UffW&ACj3MntWda GWAMCA.Zl Caulk, gasket, weatirprabrip a seal berwm. wln�dssrs & frxm, suneurKnnp Yvall: louidatiern & vall we or sill Ww. Jointa between wdwW wall pa"qL at csmers� uillity pa—MMM11s;,between wall pafiels & topUttom plutoK,betwoen w,a% and Floor. ExeLptiON:Or�an)-evmllswhefeaoontinuoilsinfitraUmbanw. ­_ Is installed ffat aftnels from; and 19 �0010d to thprbundaft Is! the top plate, Peneirsti6Wopwinp Itr waled mgm basked by 6tss onjow meir� Flom 6W.IABC.122 E5(cson6w, F-row Hom whom a oontinmrs hilitrabon barrier to ln�alled fti 1, waled SWAABCA.Z3 'B&VAI�n wall$ & Mlftg; or ceift Plane of top 0 . oor, dr6imd dmft dram. atilft chimwys, cabinets cooled to continuous air bardw, 9*s in gylo board & top p1dw 0**eia, OttPTION: Frame celilngs where a cofiftion inirmijon bwW is is 66&18�dm�afthe� am, 'i��If6niliavi&no kid@w lrwe a ReO03681111911" PbMxm 606.1, ssakdb6x',"112� Wirs imibft;.or_t* I i I a -v* -6 tir- With 4-2. D clim f rum - 9 mapp—w WOW. ABC I �zs -8 ATr barrier M b0d��r�flf AdMIN101 111libitIM recite 608.1ABC.11.3 tift'd to mgd6ji darrpejj� comWftn t*W heaters-with FPA' ZO, EMPA F3GRIFTIVE;MEASUR ' jjff'be� or, Wltffi jT16t SECTION CHECK 61zi c6m*%0; effic64 requftrh�_lrw Table 612- qv" rked Circuit OrCE110fflo0i'milst lie provided. RA�_ OjtralO�Qtftd. Role mant ttava coi�s (ei6iipt 8dw Swimming Fo* 4& sp�oa BIZI ni0hiim i PJMP . qhler. Gkm rpe pool heaftra M*4� n�j�4 tormal _9 Shwderhands plan 2.6 Im L-banagLctedtonowem" ln=5PSIG. Law*- Ak Distrikillon System 610.1 AliftAm I . , -I- , eqwpywd and Ploil�rm chambers, be moclhailcally ;,WOW, im�htad,irtdinslzlled h2aboixtenoewtth 11recri"'­'of Sidlon 010. Qm6in.lincondItioned afts., R-5 mh inaw". 10VAq C4)rftlB WM —se rwrtualorautonvoti6t i, ft_l fl- 66ZI 1-9. C*nmw vOli-Froma 11, or CBS . =fig & floors Rill. EftMYGaUg0- DCA ForM =A-2001 E60�Ll_FQ"RES`=I FLRCBBV3.30