HomeMy WebLinkAboutSUBCONTRACTOR AGREEMENTSthe of Trade) For the project located at ISSUE DATE PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT SERVICES Building & Code Compliance Division 6UANNED BUILDING PERMIT BY SUB -CONTRACTOR AGREEMENT St. Lucie Countv IV, X_700�� Aq!�X�� have agreed to be Sub -contractor for NVR, INC, dba RYAN HOMES (Primary Contractor) Address orProperty Tax ID 9) It is understood that, if there is any change of status regarding our participation with the. above mentioned project, the filing of ROSERTSMITHWICK 28917 Code Regulation Division of St. Lucie County will be advised pursuant to the notice. COUNTY CERTWICATION NUMER. smitcofFioridn, county of PALM BEACH The foregoing histrurnaut was signed before me tlds — day 0 20nbY ROBERTSMITHWICK _F__ who Is personnily lotown ____flr bees; produced n nIdentiricAtion. 'aA a '�a STAMP Sigunture of--- NotaryPublic Pnd (e-A.- �o m h" PrintName of NotoryPuldle to"' �",N.Wryy =blm Stt. 0 =1..d. 4 Andrea Lamb 4� 1M517 q mycominissil GG1M5J17 J� 0 4 �4.di?_ Expires 02120/2eO22 Revised 11116120161e�z�� CTOR SIGNATURE (Wiliffer) Aou �Ar PRINTNAME COUNTY CERTIFICATION NUMBER State of n0rillft, County Of i I J.S 1) L(OU Ct The foregoing instrument ims signed before me this -La day of j,_hOLJaLLJ 2043 by j�k r0,5��rl� who Ls personally linown -lZor ties produced a n/ asidenlification. liqni .4� r:loAaLi_ STAMP gnRtuie of Notary Public , V� hea a 4 ry IF)ulb'l I c16-i I Junan K. =Eilr Corrinisslon#GG151707 Explier. WOW 15,2021 Bonded tbyu Aaron NotatY I PERMIT# I ISSUE DATE I PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT SERVICES Building & Code Compliance Division RIDGEWAY PLUMBING P (COW I ly Name/Individual Name) the LU ING (Type of Trade) For the project located at BUILDING PERMIT SUB -CONTRACTOR AGREEMENT SCANNED BY St. Lucie County have agreed to be Sub -contractor for N\) R- tnv7 Hu(n� 7—rimary Contractor) or It is understood that, if there is any change of status regarding our participation with the above mentioned project, the Building and Code Regulation Division of St. Lucie County will be advised pursuant to the A filing of a Change of,,*&-conVetor notice. -Rci-Eemmlthlaa PRINT NAME .Q%911 COUNTY CERTIFICATION NUMBER State of Florida, County of -?-1::d1nJ, The foregoing instrumen t was signed before me this �w day of M CLA� 120A_� by ROber+ Snl'IA 1-4JC—r, who is personally known _or has produced a as identification. STAMP Signature of Notary Public pv-�C�vg,� � C�lrv­\\GK4 Print Name of Notary Public Nota y P-b". son. of Floras A drrea mbe [�q:, =n La it MV Ciuma's"'im GG 18451 7 of 6.P".. J at 0 Revis . ed 11/16/2016 022 2 22 SUB-CONTRAC URE (Qualifier) GARY KOZAN PRINTNAME 17-6826 COUNTY CERTIFICATION NUMBER State of Florida, County of FLORIDA The foregoing instrument was signed before me this _ day of 20_, by GARY KOZAN who is personally known X or has produced a as identification. W— Signature of Notary Public Print Name of Notary Public KATHLEEN IN' HAL' I L M-w,'!- ' fttafy Public - S-ta�le of nofida MY GIMM Expires Jul) 17 20191 AT ";,n COMMission # FF 133�8� STAMP FP�ERMIT#T I ISSUE DATE PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT SERVICES Building & Code Compliance Division One Stop Cooling and Heating, LLC (Company Name/Individual Name) tile Mechanical/HVAC (Type of Trade) For the project located at 5(3 Lku (Project BUILDING PERMIT SUB -CONTRACTOR AGREEMENT z)utAiN1I1Iz—Lj BY St. Lucie COUVItIv have agreed to be Sub -contractor for NVR� INC. dba RYAN HOMES (Primary Contractor) or Property Tax ID It is understood that, if there is any change of status regarding our project, the Buildin;4p� Code Regulation Division of St. Lucie filing ofaghaggk,of Sub -co ractornotice. ,pd ROBERT SMITHWICK PRINT NAME 28917 COUNTY CERTIFICATION NUMBER State ofFlorldn, County of PALM BEACH The foregoing Instrument was signed before ine thig �endk of P—C—"4-0— A-1 by ROBERT SMITHWICK wko is personally known _or has produced a — =a efffication, oc�k� STAMP Signature ol'Notary Public AMy--e� LqmWce(-A- Print Natue of Notary Paid ti�j.,y publiC State of r1oricla 40 .40 dre3 Lambert An commisslo, GG I B45V My o2J2o120 74 EXPIms Revised 11/1612016 KEVIN STINE PRINT NAME 29939 with the above mentioned be advised pursuant to the COUNTY CERTIFICATION NUMBER State of Florida, County of ORANGE The foregoing instrument was signed before rue this 23 day of FEBRUARY 20ff by KEVIN STINE who is personally known Kor has produced a isidenfirication STAMP Signature of NotaryPult! Print 'in ry Public KELLYWESSIER P St 0 �Pj - -.1 - Notary Public - State of Florida n Commission # FF 978034 .v M Imm. Xidres Afir 4 . 2020 yCbmm.EXplIesAqr4.2020 PERMIT# �Jft 7-, 1. ISSUE DATE PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT SERVICES Buildifig & Code Compliance Division PetersenDean Roofing And Solar BUILDING PERMIT SUB -CONTRACTOR AGREEMENT Inc. SCANNED BY St. Lucie County have agreed to be the Roofing Sub -contractor for -NVR, INC. dba RYAN HOMES Cl'ype of Trade) (Primary Contractor) For the project located at 5 -D 14 co (Project Street Address or Property Tax ID 4) It is understood that, if there is any change of status regarding our participation NAth the above mentioned project, the Buildin Code Regulation Division of St. Lucie County Nvill be advised pursuant to the filing of :Vsul -coAactor notice. ROBERT SMITHWICK 11fl-IFFINIUSIL '__ 28917 T('A-`N_FY CO �11FICATJON NF-%iB—rR State of Florida, County of-EA—LMBEACH The Foregoing instrument wassigned before me thiszAmdayor . �A Lk� 20Aft, by ROI3ERTLMaH_WLQK_ who is personally known —or has produced a aSideuiReatiop. STAMP nod �=�LcAmbO44 Print Name of Notary Public Revised 111161-1016 *ONTRkCTOR SIGNATURE (Qualifier) PION-1 Byron Keith McStoots PRINTNIANIIE 29024 COUNTY Palm Beach 'rlieforL%�v.Llingiii.striimeiitwa,�sigoied before me this 22 -dayof _E�bl­Uar�_. 20 1 § b. Byron Ke th Mcstoots who ii personally known _3Lor has produced a_ as idcatification. STANIP !-nature ofNotary Public Beth Waqner Pri"t.Nome of Notary Public BETH WAGNER 08 WCOMMISSION#GG 1027 EXPIRES: April 13,2D21 Boaw PLRMIT# )r t�e projec is u ! n4ersto( ' i : - : oject,'the inaio'f'a CW INT NA ME T for I cilbing instr S ture o , fNotaq' ,.Inn PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT SERVICES Building �& Code Compliance Division IBUILDI]�G - PFRMIT SCANNED SUB -CONTRACTOR AGREE51ENT BY StLudeCount/ li LLQ have,agreed-to-be---- lual Name) Sub-�ontractor for NVR, INC. dba RYAN HOMES (Primary Contractor) Inna LOVp ;�Ikq5l (P , ect Street Address or Property Tax ID 10 is-a�y change of Status regarding our le Regulation Division of St. Lucie C *actor notice. i T I I . , SUB? Dn with the above i-nentioned be advised pursuant to the 7CA be r KEVIN STINE PRINTNAME 29939 IBER COUNTY CERTIFICATION NUMBER IEACH ORANGE Sfaic of Florida, County of W befuN me thig day of The foregoing!nstroment uns signed before me this 23 day of .F70 KEVIN STINE FEBRUARY by Wit SOLVY;-� 20LO, s produced's who is personally known Kor has produced a as identification,, STAMP STAMP Signiturcof.NotariPuV, NO; "fy Pubi c; Stateof Flofidar 7 Andrea Lambert Jul arj,&qnQytry Public KELLY WEBSTER sq MyCommissionGG 64517 . ,-- —#e." Expties 02J2012022 POWIX Notary Mile -- State of Florida Commission # FF 978034 My 6mm. Expires Apr 4. 2020 it The who TE PERMIT, ISSUE Q.� L: PiPANNING & DEVEL'OPMENT SERVICES Buildin ;& Code Compliance Division 9 BUILDING -PERMIT SUB-(ONTRAC.T.OR AGREEMENT 8tLUCieQ)L1r'1t,- RIDGEW I-AY;PiUMBING -haveagreedtobe­-----i CoWT-N /Ndividuat anie Fj40 J�G Sub -contractor for A:v\,e- &3;;1, P�n HD�YU5 I I (Type of I rad (Primary Contractor) 4 - -- ------ helpr�cjec'l 1:)Cated 5-Dqu 0. a �tovld 1Dkc_UFd47, Ff - T le6ce, EL349S] (Project Street Address or Property Tax ID ff) indell'stoo, that,lif I here is any- change of status regarding our participation with the -above nbcntidhed'� the B�'ildiriglar d Code'R�gulation Division of St. Lucie County will be advised pursuant to the r o a Chapge pf yb�contracthr notice. X I A IN UR7 (Oualifier) I SUB-CONTfIA URE(Qualifier) 7' . 11 rni� : . 3 4�!s 1'rt—c" h GARY KOZAN NAME PRINT NAME 17-6826 PY ERTIFICATIOMINUMBER I. COUNTY CERTIFICATION NUMBER ridi, Coerfiltyl of State of Florida, County ofFLORIQA egoling Instrume I at wal si;ed-befor.e a I this day of The foregoing instrument was signed before me this Of GARY KCZA1T_ ay X�-R 20 b W44 M 1::70 b t Y" 7L-" �` 2011, by I ; I I bi I I Personally knd,V�r -as produced ai who is personally known X orhasproduceda_ as identification. STIAMP STAMP re a I IN I otary Public, Signature of Notary Public ime. df,Notaryi Public Prlht Nami: of Notary Public Notary Oublic �tate of Florida Andrea Lambert My C6mmiwPon GG 18451.7 "r Expires 02120/2022 KATHL11`1 1'1'. HA___ State 01 I Is u ro ryp b Florida t 11/16)2016 MY COMM. Ex plies Jun 17 2010 COP Commission # FF 133�86 Bonded Th;o -------- - -- t he Cr�P6 'qf Wao �01 the projocalt 10 elate' at thed If S,iQq C OUNTY cuRT: S late offlorldn, TAciell golughd ,mature dfNata ISSUE DATE PLANNINGI& DEVELOPMENT SERVICES hAdl�g & Code Compliance Division BUTLI)WG FERMU SCANNED' SUB -,CONTRACTOR AGIMMENT -9t- Lucie Co ky I —A Sulb-contractor:Cor NVR, INC. dba RYAN HOMES -'(Prinnalycontractor) at, if there is any �hftilge of status regarding our participation with th� above mentioned: ftqand Code kegulation Division of St. Lucia County wiff be advised pursuant to the ::of uti-Qontrictor notice. Lei). X�-�Ci&WXUCTORSIG TM( ltiffid) PRINT NAME ON NURSER COUNTY CrItTIVICATION NUMmM Strife of Horian, County -irpilubDfou tyof signed before me this The foregoinginstrumentivas signed before rue this dawyof. h13I)a.,5�201-5by.A [Ohl) r has produced a who Is persormfly Imown —JeL'ar has produced a a az asidenfifficafflon. STAMP 10 lj� STAMP Vote k ol.Notaryl-uhile I -rill Notary Public State of Florida e 110K I I Lb b idrea ambed My CommiWi6n GG 184517 n.a a 1 0 2 24& ixpireu 0212012022 V Junan K. aClair VV.. A,L,F,% Commission ill GG151707 Expires: October 15, 2021 Bonded thm Aaron Many I 4 PE�MIIT# 'PLANNING DEVELOPMENT SERVICES ]B�Hflding & (Code Compliance Division loom BUILDING PERMIT SQB-CON.TRACTORAGREEMENT --SCANNED I. - BY t St. Lucie Countv is 'LIYP9 Or I :Projedt 1( ct;tl-le )ofa 11 1016M16 at Wm�flnc. haV-,_aggwed-A&_be___ Sub -contractor f6r NVR, INC. dba RYAN HOMES (Priniary Cootractory Wand Lobe- Oft!? R.Pie-f-i(P rL34a5l il (PrOJf!ct Street Address or Froperty3m liqr6 is any �change-6f statusregarding out-partibipation with the ab6__ Ve mentioned Code'Regulation Division of St. Lucie County will be advised pursuant to the: )-Cdnfra'ctor notice. LM —BEACH md before , th- me Is III, or hai pradu� _1F'0_ Lo e I - ced'a NotarlPutam tateofFloride Andiea Laritbert ' OT,-',tjon,�,G 18451i S IL - OWRA MOR SIGNATURE I() alfifier) BY= Keith Mcstoots PRiNFRX,mr 29024 cOTINI-V CrjjT1F_1ZIVrO.VN_UR_13ER StIlteOrrharlda,Coulifyof Palm Beach 'rile ficrore tie thig 22 d'ay'ttf _E_ebruar�.__.;!cL1§hy.BYron eith McStoots _!�_Ilr has pradTiecd a as idtaltifleathla. nitlBre OrNotaly Public 7 B -VV ��th hir.Nante Uf Notal%y Publie-777— BETHWAGNER My COMMISSION# GG 091027 EXPIRES: AP111 13,2021 Banded n�- wl�— m,k�