HomeMy WebLinkAboutSUBCONTRACTOR AGREEMENTS19os- ol5a PERMIT # ISSUE DATE PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT SERVICES Building & Code Compliance Division (Company Nam It 'vidual Name) the-ns (Type of Trade) For the project located at I BUILDING PERMIT SUB -CONTRACTOR AGREEMENT (Project Street Address or for WJH LLC (Primary Contractor) ID #) SCANNED BY St. Lucie County have agreed to be It is understood that, if there is any change of status regarding our participation with the above mentioned project, the Building and Code Regulation Division of St. Lucie County will be advised pursuant to the filing of a Change of Sub -contractor notice. 3o�4B COUNTY R ICATION NUNIBER state or Florida, County The foregoing Instrument was signed before me this day of ft' 2aby who Is personally known _)car has produced a as identification, 1 t - ignatureo awry Pu t�\I\v�V .1i1 Print Name of Notary Public S _ OR�oaliaer) PRINT NAME 3 t kL( k3 COUNTY CERTIFICATION NIUMBER State of Florida, County of QRANC F The foregoing Instrument was signed before me this day of C)r-%- k , 2of & Jason James who is personally known _for has produced a dentificanon. STANIP Signature Not: y ublic 1N&al WE Wilt) llt. S Tint Name of Notary Public KARENVONOFRIO MYCOMMISSION#GG2375% 9'•bc E(PIRES:Algust5,2822 �••'ioin°s`' Bonded „u. tlotaly.YYIC UndM'nleR Revised 11116/2016 STAMP Angelique Matthews NOTARY PUBLIC Q STATE OF FLORIOA r Comm# FF958412 svNCE �0 Expires 218l2020 i5 IT-5L COUNTY r i o n 1 D A =h PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT SERVICES Building & Code Compliunee Division BUILDING POWT SUB -CONTRACTOR AGREEWNT / 9 bS - 6)7.S__) St. Lucie County Zachary Boera for One Stop Cooling & Heating (Compui y Name/indlvldual Nt ma) " have agreed to be the MECHANICAL Sub -contractor for WJHLLC (Type oPTmde) (PraunrY Conhtptor) For the project lobsted at ALL A`.1'P L/ It is understood that; if there is Any change of status regarding our patticipation with the above mentioned project; the Drdlding and Coda Regulation ljivisien of St, Lucie County -rill be advised pursuant to the filing of a Change of Sub-cootittctor notice, WoNmCrO,il7i Wade Jurney Pn1NT NAME M 25,7700 COUNTYCERTm1CATioNNUMBER State of HorMa, pourrlyof St. Lucie 'ttraforegoing lnstromont was signed peroro me M 8th day or August ;pJ by Wade Jurney arha N pmonddly known �ar baa ¢radncwl ■ ar Idmifa RUM. 1 STAMP gnataretofNotary Pabli/ I Karen D'Onofrlo I�/I Print Noma amotary Buhll 81:+s KAREND'ONOFRIO :.: wS .• MYCOMMISSIONgGG237558 a' EXPIRES:Atgust5,2022 "`°ofd o,"••: Sanded Ran Notary Pub&UMrnrUera [Wised IU10016 SUB-C �1RA�'`TOR ti1GN.1TU]n*(Qualltler)----.-- Zachary Boera PRtNr NAME--- CAC1817652 COUNTY CEITIPICATION NUMBER 6tateufttlur14,Countyaf ORANCF TLo foingadug Instmmont xnpdgncdho[ora mp thls,�drp•pf 204by Zachary Boera rwhd is pamnalty6npa6n Xor has Produced identingtlan, S!.Fatur No - ■bUn STAMP >ttt1gp11gt12 t�IL u�S Ainl Nomeamatory rublic WlxNOTARY Angeilque Matthews PUBLIC aSTATEOFFLORIDA OZP Comm#FF958412 .s% a d� Expires 21812020 PERMIT # ISSUE DATE `�t��kC Fly COUNTY 11 0 R I D A AQUA DIMENSIONS Pi the For the project located at PLAN"NLNG & DEVELOPMI ENT SERVIC Building & Code Compliance Division BUILDING PFAWIT SUB -CONTRACTOR AGNEEbIEeNT SERVICES Sub-contractorfor W1H_LLQ (Primary Contractpr) or MAY 31 ?oo ST. Lucie County, Perrino, SCANNED BY �I. Lucie Q®Uflty have agreed to be It is understood that, if there is any change of status regarding our participation with the above mentioned project, the Building and Code Regulation Division of St. Lucie County will be advised pursuant to the filing of a Change of,*, -contractor notice. � 6s-awo COUNTY CERTIFICATION NttAIBF.R Stated Florida, County or t' (— /SL'B-CON�RAC OR CNATM' (Quaafter) ROBERT LUDLUM PRIM" r NAtl$ 18628 COUNTY CERTIFICATION NUMBER State of Florida, County of The foregoing toMment was signed before me this —a—day of The foregoing Instrument was signed before me thii � day of + ` 30A by �l')o.Cl�� _ S�Q` J "o 30J5 by3Q_� C! \ _L\J ( who Is persoasay known,9r has produced a . ____.. _ .. \ whd is personally known,�,ar has produced a as Identification. C—): � C.( i. STAMP — Jignati (e of Notary \public c�G SP,j� y Pu Ptint Namc of NotarPu y blc v ItpREND'ONOFRtO' '"�t��;: MYCOMMISSIONtiGG207558 `y'•,i,; EXPIRES: Augusl5.20?2 �'�?ore;?."•`�� BO�dedThNRotatYP�lO UadxMnlers Rcva2!d 11,10016 Ry�01H'OA t.A'" ����..rr >+1f CgMl'vu5340;�t@CCa453i'?0 STANiP PERMIT# I I ISSUE DATE I _ BY PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT SERVICES 0 Building & Code Compliance DivisionFRECEIV5D - - BUILDING PERMIT 312019SUB-CONTRACTOR AGREEMENT unty, Perry Sf4AaA �L£G%�C !G have agreed to be (company Name/Individual Name) the Sub -contractor for WJH LLC (Type of Trade) (Prnnary Contractor) For the project located at It is understood that, if there is any change of status regarding our participation with the above mentioned project, the Building and Code Regulation Division of St. Lucie County will be advised pursuant to the filing of a Change of Sub -contractor notice. Qom_ \3S�1`100 COUNTY CERTIFICATION NUMBER State of Florida, County of \� The foregoing instrument was signed before `m`e this � day of 201 Q70.Q� � CA,L���•Q who is personalty known N or has produced as Idenssisrntion. STAMP Sign—yalJt�fireai66jry Print Name afNotary Public i( MYCOMMISSIONgGG237558 kt••Y• •y F.XPIRESAugust5,2022 ?t j;r Tt;?c' Bonded Thnl Notary Pubfsc Undetw'I'm Raised II/10016 a I G SUR- .TRACCORSIGNATURE(Quallaer) _J OQ �/ L, CiVCt PRINT NAME €G t-3 o0 3`11s— COUNTY CERTIFICATION NUNI(BER State of Florida, County of The foregoing instrument ins signed before me this O dayof S`S\%LA \ .ail who Is personally (mown _�ur has produced a _�.., AMY R. MORRIS :l Notary Public - State of Florida Commission: GG 185209 ')=7 My Comic Expires Mar 10. 2022 Bonded through National Notary Assn. STAMP 57 PERMIT# I I ISSUE DATE I tSf ff ul lu c C01471V PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT SERVICES Building & Code Compliance Division BUILDING PERMIT SUB -CONTRACTOR AGREEMENT RECEIVED MAY 31 2019 ST. Lucie County, Permitting Kevin Stine and One Stop Cooling & Heating LLC have agreed to be (Company Name/Individual Name) the Mechanical Sub -contractor for W1H LLC (Type of Trade) (Primary Contractor) (� C For the project located at `Ch� l� 9. � �_' -� • \ �'e lC� �'� • /S J fPrniecl Street Addmee nr Prnne Tnv In a1 It is understood that, if there is any change of status regarding our participation with the above mentioned project, the Building.and Code Regulation Division of St. Lucie County -will be advised pursuant to the filing of a"Change of Sub -contractor notice.- _ C— \ 1(DO COUNTY CE RTTFICATION N11UNIBER State of Florida, Countyor SC- The foregoing Instrument was signed before me this day of mct-14 .20]:5`b�y U—_ CAQ ��Q•.\.V� who is personally lmowa hoc has produceda uid Nacaaon. 1 STAMP �tgcat of Notary Pabac �CC'i�`2V1 L�It�C�I.LV Print Name of Notary Public +'�'°�' I(AREN D'ONOFRIO 1���;, MY COMMISSION#GG237558 �,.,.' .,. FXPIRES:Au9us15,2072 k %�'e fUbl'�cUndersdters RevisedllllG (IY Op p'e� gelded Ttw Notary CAC032444 COUNTY CERTIFICATION NUMBER State of Florida, County of- l \3•LL� The fforyyreyeggoiing,, lastrumeotms signed before me this-S-day of who B persona lly known�r, orlus produced a Angeliquo MaNhews e o NOTARY PUBLIC SSTATE OF FLORIDA y rCom 9FF95a4r2 �s�NCE ls0 Fires 21812020 SCAMP Qt:6q PERMIT# I I ISSUE DATE For the project located at PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT SERVICES Building & Code Compliance Division BUILDING PERMIT SUB -CONTRACTOR AGREEMENT (Primary Contractor) or Property Tax ITI ff) RECEIVED MAY 31 2019 ST. Lucie County, Permitting have agreed to be It is understood that, if there is any change of stains regarding our participation with the above mentioned project, the Building and Code Regulation Division of St. Lucie County will be advised pursuant to the filing of a Change of Sub -contractor notice. Q3bc- k � -1 `10 0 COUNTY CERTIFICATION NUMBER SmteofFlorida, County of The foregoing instrument was signed bcerr cee m' ee this V day of CA 20�by LU t�C_ c "Vl � who is personally, known _)�._or has produced a as identification. `\\ L SfA.NIP 'ignoture of Notary Public Cw,,O�rLsO Print Name ofNotary Public �.; KIRENDONOFRlO MYCOMMISSIONCGG237558 FXPIRES:fdFNs15,202P egtded pu Nolaty PubficUndeMllers Revised I U16PU16 t�"'"•:•••::• SUB -CO, GRSIGNATURE(QaaUrier) BUT, tL. MC,S�o YRINT ' ,51E 29024 / License # CCC1329081 COUNTY CERTIPICA I LUN NUMBER State ofFlar3da, County of Florida The foregoing instrument was signed before we this 18th day of April , Zo 19 by Byron Keith MoStoots wbo is personally known_,�Lar bar produced a asidentlficatron. i--. Beth Wagner M Cos02155101110G OBt MI r:xniae .kodltozort fI