HomeMy WebLinkAboutCERTIFICATE OF TITLESSATISFACTORYPROOF OF OWNERSHIP HAVING BEEN SUBMITTED UNDER SECTION 319.23, FLORIDA STATUTES,TITLE TO THE MOTOR VEHICLE DESCRIBED BELOW IS VESTED IN THE OWNER(S) NAMED HEREIN, THIS OFFICIAL CERTIFICATE OF TITLE IS ISSUED FOR SAID MOTOR VEHICLE. IDENTIFICATION NUMBER FLHMBSP31230767A YR 90 MAKE N.ERI MODEL BODY NS WT:L-BHP. 36 TITLE NUMBER 49934007 ODOMETER-DATEREAD PkYF' COLOR TYPE USE ODOMETER - EXEMPT Fi. PVT REMARKS - DMV PREV. ISSUE DATE I 12/19/90 REGISTERED OWNER (LAST NAME FIRST) DATE OF ISSUE C5/18/95 SUANNED BY Sf. Lucie County Illnli�11��1�111�1�1111'�1�11'll��lll ��111�1�11I11111I�I�I'I II � �� �� ■�y' MASON SHIRLEY J OR DAVID P uR 14091 CISNE CIR _ FT PIERCE FL 34951-4332 DIVISION OF MOTOR VEHICLES TALLAHASSEE FLORIDA DEPARTMENT OF HIGHWAY SAFETY 5 AND MOTOR VEHICLES FR DIRECTOR J BflANTLEY CONTROLNUMSER B 3 7 0 02 718 EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR TRANSFER OF TITLE BY SELLER ODOMETER CERTIFICATION — Federal and state laws repuire that you state the mileage in connection with the transfer of .ownership. Failure to complete or providing a false statement may result In fines and/or imprisonment This tide is warranted and certified to be free from may dens except as noted an the face of this cerfficate and the motor vehicle described is hereby transferred to: Purchaser. nrati nn Addre R LS 1 4a 407 T?�rt Ch T1 rig FT I/We state lhatNe odomelernavreads .�(noTenihs) Selling Price. - =Date Sold: 34952 ^^•^ �l,lhereby certify that to the best of my knavledge the odometer reading reflects the amount of mileage In excess of its mechanical limits. '❑2.1 hereby certify that the odometer reading is not the actual mileage. WARNING -ODOMETER DISCREPANCY. hinteda Name of tinl R T�x Drngir'*:it* Mnled ;o-Purchaser Beller (When Apgii 1.) Selkng Dealer's License Number. Tax No., Auction HSMV8n51E EV. 10194)3 MAY 31 2019 S �� ;,���5{� � "---L\4�'.�i��.�, u1. �°4`"-�L�V....... ter.-._�Y .r. �V. e�':�3.�7�th f v•r SAIISFACTORYPROOF OFOWNERSHIP HAVING BEEN SUBMITTED UNDER SECTION 319.23, FLORIDASTATUTES,TfRETO THEMOTOR VEHICLE �� DESCRIBED BELOW ISVESTED INTHEOWNERISI NAMED HEREIN, THIS OFFICIALCERRFICATE OFTITLEIS ISSUED FOR SAID MOTORVEHICLE. — IDENTIFICATION NUMBER YR MAKE MODEL BODY WT.-L-BHP. TITLE NUMBER FLHMBSP312307678 90 MERI HS 36 14S910216 ODOMETER -DATE READ f y..ABi COLOR TYPE USE \. �v ODOMETER - EXEMPT FL PVT _ � REMARKS DMV PflEV.ISSUE DATE 12/19/90 REGISTERED OWNER (LAST NAME FIRST) GATE OF ISSUE 05/1E/95 SCANNED ' BY St. Lucie courAy a . h �I1 �'11�it�'t�Itl'II11[1�'1'It't 1111111111 11111111 1l lift'11111 . i yo MASON SHIRLEY J OR DAVID P 14091'CISNE CIR Ri FT PIERCE FL 34951-4332 DMSIONOFMOTORVEHICLES' TALLAHASSEE �. FLORIDA DEPARTMENT OF HIGHWAY SAFETY AND MOTOR VEHICLES CHARLDIRECT SJ. BRANTLEY FRED T1VE KRECTOIII DIRECTOR CONTROLNUMBEA B 3 % O O Y. % 1 % IXECIJTNE DIRECTOR t ® ` " I TRANSFER OF TITLE BY SELLER - ODOMETERCERTIPICATION— Federal and state laws require that you state the mileage in connection with the transfer of ownership: Failure to complete or providing a false statement may result In fines and/or Imprisonment This title is warranted and certified to be free from any liens emept as noted on the face of this certificate and the motor vehicle described is hereby transferred to: Purchaser. Wynne B Ad&s 8QM S TR 1 SFp 4119 j�t�2p f St- Tt ' IAVsstatelhatlheodometer.reads , .xxltno Tenths) Selling Price:S old: i✓ CAUTION: 1. l hereby certify that to the best of my knowledge Me odometer reading dmaread e rWes, aidWthe CestolmygmvkNAe NatA DO NOT CHECK reflects the amount of mileage in excess of its mechanical limits =ish dual mle2re of the vehicle described hereby immune of No BOX IF ACTUAL ❑2. I hereby certify that the odometer reading is not the actual mileage. odometer sWement blacks is checked: MILEAGE WARNING- ODOMETER DISCREPANCY. 3��`• �y" Signature Prime r aotnee .ToeI F W 1 Pr ,jAnnt Purchaser. _ Co-Purchas r. Co-Purohaser L6- �i seller. w✓ Seller. I' ,1 ' ZR,ler: CoSeller { �n �l (When Appfcable) — Selling Dealer's License Number Tau No.• -Tax Collected: S p,�yT � Auction Name: - License Number. - HSlN9a851(REV.. I DM4)S