HomeMy WebLinkAboutPRODUCT APPROVALS67312019 Florida Building Code Online SCANNED RegulationBusiness & Professional St. Lucie County BCIS Home I Log In I User Registration I Hot Topics I Submit Surcharge I Stats a Facts I Publications Fl rida On pr Product Approval USER: Public User Product Approval Menu > Product or Ayplica[ion Search > Application List Search Criteria Code Version Application Type Category Application Status Quality Assurance Entity Product Model, Number or Name Approved for use in HVHZ Impact Resistant Other Cnacr6 Rocflte - AnnIL-aFinne RECEIVED JUN 0 3 2019 Permitting Department St. Lucie County 2017 FL# ALL Product Manufacturer Roofing Subcategory ALL Compliance Method ALL Quality Assurance Entity Contract Expired ALL Product Description ALL Approved for use outside HVHZ ALL Design Pressure ALL Refine Search ALL POLYGLASS USA Modified Bitumen Roof System ALL ALL ALL ALL ALL FL# Inn Manufacturer Validated By Status FL1654-R23 Revision POLYGLASS USA Category: Roofing , Subcategory: Modified Bitumen Roof System John W. Knezevich, PE (954) 772-6224 Approved History. FL1654-R24 Revision POLYGLASS USA Category: Roofing Subcategory: Modified Bitumen Roof System John W. Knezevich, PE (954)772-6224 Pending FBC Approval FL16429-R8 Revision POLYGLASS USA Category: Roofing Subcategory: Modified Bitumen Roof System John W. Knezevich, PE (954) 772-6224 Approved History FL36429-R9 Revision POLYGLASS USA Category: Roofing Subcategory: Modified Bitumen Roof System John W. Knezevich, PE (954)772-6224 Pending FBC Approval FL16717-R6 Revision POLYGLASS USA Category: Roofing Subcategory: Modified Bitumen Roof System John W. Knezevich, PE (954) 772-6224 Approved History- FL36TL7•R7 Revision v LYGLASS USA Category:�� Roofing Subcategory7W%aitie. __Lt�Ltmen.Roo$System John W. Knezevich, PE (954) 772-6224 Pending FBC Approval FL16718-RS Revision POLYGLASS USA Category: Roofing Subcategory: Modified Bitumen Roof System John W. Knezevich, PE (954) 772-6224 Approved History- FL36718-R6 Revision POLYGLASS USA Category: Roofing Subcategory: Modified Bitumen Roof System John W. Knezevich, PE (954) 772-6224 Pending FBC Approval "Approved by UnvK. Approvals by Uli snail be reviewed and rarlrlea oy me roc and/or me LommISSlbn IT necessary. Contact Us :: 2601 Blair Stone Road Tallahassee FL 32399 Phone: 850-487-1824 The State of Florida is an AA/EEO employer. Copyright 2007-2013 State of Florida.:: Privacy Statement :: Accessiblllty Statement :: Refund Statement Under Florida law, email addresses are public records. If you do not want your e-mail address released in response to a public -records request, do not send electronic mall to this entity. Instead, contact the office by phone or by traditional mall. If you have any questions, please contact 850.487.1395. *Pursuant to Section 455.275(1), Florida Statutes, effective October 1, 2012, licensees licensed under Chapter 455, F.S. must provide the Department with an email address if they have one. The emalls provided may be used for official communication win the licensee. However emall addresses are public rerord. If you do not wish to supply a personal address, please provide the Department with an email address which can be made available to the public. To determine if you are a licensee under Chapter 455, F.S., please click here . Product Approval Accepts: ® 0 ® �® M .p s securih'AltTitics https://www.floddabuilding.org/pr/pr_app_Ist.aspx 1/2 ONEMOletic. ....REROOF (TEAR -OFF) S-YSTEM.TYPEE: NON -INSULATED, MECHANICALLY ATTACHED BASE SHEET (NAILS), BONDED ROOF COVER System Base Sheet Roof Cover (Note 151 MOP No. Deck (Note 1) Type Fasten Attach Base Ply Cap Ply (PS9 No BASE PLY: W-74. Min. 15/32-inch plywood Elastobase, Elastobase P Simplex MAXX Cap 9-Inch o.c. at 2-inch lap and 18-inch o.c. in two None SBS-AA, SBS-TA, APP- -45.0- (2), equally spaced, staggered center rows TA W-75. Min. 15/32-inch plywood Elastobase, Elastobase P Simplex MAXX Cap 9-inch o.c. at 2-inch lap and 12-inch o.c. in two None SBS-AA, SB5-TA, APP- -52.5 (2), equally spaced, staggered center rows TA Min. 15/32-Inch (existing) 8-Inch o.c. at min. 3-inch lap and 8-inch o.c. at W-76. or min. 19/32-inch (new) Elastobase (sanded top) Simplex MAXX Cap three (3), equally spaced, staggered center None SB5-AA, SBS-TA, APP- -60.0 APA rated plywood rows TA Min. 15/32-inch (existing) 8-Inch o.c. at min. 3-inch lap and 8-inch o.c. at W-77. or min. 19/32-inch (new) Elastobase (poly -film top) Simplex MAXX Cap three (3), equally spaced, staggered center None SBS-TA, APP-TA -60.0 APA rated plywood rows Min. 15/32-inch (existing) 8-inch o.c. at min. 3-inch lap and 8-inch o.c. at W-78. or min. 19/32-inch (new) Polyglass Base Simplex MAXX Cap three (3), equally spaced, staggered center None APP-TA -60.0 APA rated plywood rows Min. 15/32-inch (existing) Simplex MAXX Cap 8-inch o.c. at min. 3-inch lap and 8-inch o.c. at W-79. or min. 19/32-inch (new) Elastobase (poly -film top) Nate: MAXX Caps are to he primed with three (3), equally spaced, staggered center None SBS-SA, APP-SA -60.0 APA rated plywood PG100 orASTM D41 primer rows Elastobase, Elastobase P, Min. Min. 19/32-inch plywood Polyglass G2 Base, CertainTeed Glasbase, Firestone MB Base, 32 ga., 1-5/8-inch diameter tin caps with 11 8-Inch o.c. in 4-inch lap and 6-inch o.c. in three None SBS-AA, 585-TA, APP- -60.0 1M Perma-Ply 28, Tamko Glass a annular ringshank nails g' (3), equally spaced, staggered center rows TA Base or GAFGLAS 975 W-81. Min. 19/32-inch plywood Elastobase, Elastobase P (poly- 32 ga., 1-5/8-inch diameter tin caps with 11 8-inch o.c, in 4-Inch lap and 8-inch o.c. In three None SBS-SA, APP-SA -60.0 film top) ga. annular ring shank nails (3), equally spaced, staggered center rows W-82. Min. 15/32-inch plywood Polyglass G2 Base, Elastobase, 32 ga., 1-5/8-inch diameter tin caps with 11 8-Inch o.c. in 4-Inch lap and B-inch o.c. In four None SBS-AA, SBS-TA, APP- -67.5 Elastobase P ga. annular ring shank nails (4), equally spaced, staggered center rows TA W-83. Min. 15/32-inch plywood Polyglass Base 32 ga., 1-5/8-Inch diameter tin caps with 11 8-inch o.c. in 4-inch lap and 8-inch o.c, in four None APP-TA -67.5 ga. annular ring shank nails (4), equally spaced, staggered center rows Polyglass G2 Base, Elastobase, 30-inch o.c. in 4-inch lap and 10-inch o.c. in SBS-AA, SB5-TA, APP- W-84. Min. 15/32-inch plywood Elastobase P Simplex MAXX Cap three (3), equally spaced, staggered center None TA -75.0 rows 10-inch o.c. in 4-inch lap and 10-Inch o.c. in W-85. Min. 15/32-inch plywood Polyglass Base Simplex MAXX Cap three (3), equally spaced, staggered center None APP-TA -75.0 rows W-86. Min. 15/32-Inch I pywood Polyglass G2 Base, Elastobase, Simplex MAXX Cap 9-inch o.c. in 4-inch lap and 9-inch o.c. in four None SB5-AA, SBS-TA, APP- -90.0 ElastobaseP (4), equally spaced, staggered center rows TA W87. Min. 15/32-inch plywood Polyglass Base Simplex MAXX Cap 9-Inch o,c. in 4-inch lap and 9-inch o.c. i four None ! APP=TtAs -90.0 ws (4), equally spaced, staggered center ron NEMO ETC, LLC Evaluation Report P40690.12.13-1-R8 for FL16717-R7 Certificate of Authorization #32455 6- EDITION (2017) FBC HVHZ EVALUATION Revision 8: 04/11/2019 Prepared by: Robert Nieminen, PE-59166 Polyglass Modified Bitumen Roof Systems; (954) 233.1330 Appendix 1, Page 18 of 64 Bcls- 1 EMM I UsWWgoWm I HMTJPIa I 6uax9nmapm I Stasaraes 1 ndiadmv Pubac User — EY St. Lucie County d>AVPdc� Data RECEIVED ApAppr�tlon-type we„isionCode version-/ JUN 0 3 1019 � �1 ed Per prvved St. L cle coun vent Application Comments 06/18/2017v:date reapply 0%W17 ' Archived O' ' Product Manufacturer E(b'errie Metal Fabricators, UL Address/Ptone/E'mag 2160-SW Roma Drive Palm Cay, FL 34990 REVIEWED FOR (7723 in-8034 +tral.com CODE COMPLIANCE ST. LUCIE COUNTY . AuthorizedSl�antre Rkivard MtlNf�er+ ®OCC®® /� //'�� fNabdaDDn@yahoo-corm Techni al nepreserdauve Richard McKuhen AddreaWK one/Emali 2.160 SW Poma Drive Palm Gty, FL 34990 . tl ard@emFab-Twt Quality Assurance Repre9artattve c R 6 —o o f Address/PImne/6naU Compliance Me4hod Florida Fsgmeer or Architect Name who developed the Evaloa on Report Florida Ucense . Quality Assurance Entity Quality Am Cordrdct Expiration Date . Validated E* Certificate of Independence Refereri Standard and Year (Of Standard) Evahk ti Report frnrn a Florida Registered Architect or a Licensed Florida PmfemOrai auguueer . 3 Evaluation Report - HankM Recerved F 170 o R7 COI Ft, 17022.1 5 V CRIMP sx udf Standard year TAS 125 2003 UL 1897 2012 capsiiw - tldatuuldnj- Wpripr_app_dtl.asporlpar WGEVXQwtDgv2aSQPHpCQe6rMZMkOEOR%2bGxHGxFeSQRCHzEWOGveeg%3d%Sd pw UL 580 r ry:. 1/24/18. 220 PM r EPuwalahoe of Product SMadards CmW%ed By Sections from Tile Code Product Appmval Method Method 1 Option D Date Submitted 08/18/2017 Date Validated 08/25/ZO17 Date Pendlg.FHGAppiwai .. 08/28/2017 .. D Approved 10/10/ZO17 of Products PL S Model, Number or Name Deseripaiwn 17022.1 1-'SV Crimp- (R6) 26 Gauge steel, W rib height 24' Wide lapped root panel ' mechanically attached to 15/32' plywood w Wood Deck with fas>erhers Leads at Use sosmtpfion lustre_ Approvedfor use in HVHZ: No II 2 » Y CRIMP .odf 2022 Apprwrdfor use outside HVHZr Yes Verified W. Lode Bowden, RE 49704 Impact Rat No D®9n Preama +WA/ Table 'A Cmated by IkkleA?nde++CTh'vd Pa- _ Yes Eratmatton Reports Od er. Refer to evaluation report fof eooudijjcrs_ Install the FLI,7022 R7 R 17022_ 5 Y rrtp ssrodf assembly in cmWk nor wnh the isstallanon method fisted in Created by DWepe dentThird Party: Yes this report and applicable code sections of FBRefer to manura�ars installation insC trumws. . 17022-2 2 - -5V Crimp- CR6) 0.032' Aluminum, 3/8' Rib height 21' wide 1R7ped roof parr d, ' meeehantcagy atiadhed to IV328 Plywood or Wood Deck with eteposed'fasb0ners . I.imig of Use 7nctaftation b cats Approved fur use 6n HVIZ: No R17072 R7 II R 17022.2 S V CRAMP. 0,032 ALUM =DW - Approved forme outside HVHZ Yes Varified By- Locke Bowden, RE 49704 LiMaG Perdue NO Design PrCSSUM +WA/Tahte A Created by Indepeadent7hird Party: Yes Evaluation' Repo O»kea: Refer to evalation report for.mnditots.Dsta11 the assembly cDnVHW= with the rnethod Refertsted in s" report ndand applicable rode se ncbon marwffae4neY5 li5>2llettion Insarctlore. ELIM22 R7 AE FL 17_�_2 S V CRIMP O O» ALUM Created by Dhdepend rt Third Party: Y . es ' 170223 3 -'1.5' Mechanical Seam- (RS) . 1-V rib height 16' wide, 24 gauge steel, starling se aM roof • p mechanically allmtsed to 15/32' plywood or wood deck with cleps and ftsb� Lfinam of Use I Approved for use in HVHZ. No ApprovedR outside HVNZeshburb : Yes _ • FLIM22 R7 II FL 17027 3 t S H_L N Nrrah seem 24oa «:edfXmpact . No Dis;iigD PteshstDc+N/A/Table A Otto: Refer to evaluation report for conditions and limitations; of use. InSWU the assemW in compliance with the I stailatron method listed Wthis report and applicable rode sections of FOC Refer to manutocturees'vstaliation instructions. - VaHed Bf/- Locke Bowden, RE 49704 Created by Independent Third Party: Yes EwtwadOn Reports . 2 R7 AE FL 170 + tLEQJ MCC Sam Wea _ _.ek8 created by Independent Third Party: Yes 17022.4 4 - -1.5- Mexhanteal Seam- (M 1-Y db height, 16'vride, 0.032' aluminum, standing seam roof panel rimclu t ica0y attached to 15/32' Plywood or Wood Deekwith dips and fasteners. Lim of use Ins>aQat = Insbucdons Approved for use in HYNZ: No FL17D 7 R7 It Fl. 770 4 MEfHAMMI SEAM httP-IA w.HotidabuUm9•orb pripC.appdtl-aspx!parwm GMQwtDgv2aeQWpQQe6rMZMWEORS2bGxHM^ - _aWpweea d Page 2ot4 ya„ �4 W V iTe Approved for use Outside HVIRr Yes IorWd Redstalib NO AI h MNLFM Ssr.L-,. " VerTled By: Loch: Bowden, P.E 49704 pressum +N/A/ Table A G®Led by Independent Thud Pally: Yes Other. Refer to evaluation report for conditions and Evaluation Reports Imitations of use. Instag the aSSOM y in compliance with the 7A i = R7 � FL 1=4 MECkIaNrrAL S5M irstaBabOn method listed M ids report and appi=ble code An UIONL@r sr.0df serums of FW- Refer to MMUdadnret'S Ostallatim histructiorm Created by Independent Third Party: Yes 17022 5 5 -'1 tn. Nail Strip' (RS) . 1' rib height, 16' wide, 26 gauge shed, St NWM seam roof parcel mecranjc* aMKhed to 15/32' plywood Or wood der k within itime5. Limits of use I�Hation IrAtrucEors Fl R7 II R IM 1.0 An STRIP sm Oaf Approved for use is HVHr No Approved far use outside HVIM Yes 2M - Verified By: Lode Bowden, P.E 49704 Inquict 1 NO created by IrdependentThird Party: Yes Design P,es=,Rm +waTab'e A otaer: Refwto emigatioe report for canditiois.and y 1 7 17O2ZS_ I._O NAD STRIP SSCDdf Created by Inndepe}dMTlthd Party: Yes r d use. I,> W me assembly � witlh the motion vretnd MW h tits rePdrt ad aPpfrcabse code SKbOM of FBC. Refer to mamdachner'smsmllatron Instrucam. 17022.6 6 -'1 in. Nall Strip' (Rh) 1' rib height, 160.wide, 0.032' aluminum, sWdM Seam roof - Panel met tkinically attadced'to attadfed in IV32'plywood w Wood Deck with.hsbeners, Limits of use Approved for use in HVIrM No Installation instructions _ Fl �7072 R7 II 17022 6 1-0 NAIL STRIP 0.03Z Approved for use outside WJW-- Yes ALUM RrndF Verified By: Lodre-Bovden, P.E.49704 IospaCL ROSiStanC No Design Prey +N/A/7bbie A can Ref& W evauation report fur oo throne and Onsated by independent Third Party: Yes EvaluationReports R limitations Of use, install the assembly $t Compliance with the amtatiabon method lstad in this report and appNcable rode FU77 17022 6 1.9 NATL STILro 0.032 aM 129 sectims of Mr— Refer to martidad>1R'r5 hdA3113 oir i1RbVdJbrs. by hhdependentThird Party: Yes 17022-7 7 -'1.5 in. Nail Strip' (Rsr) 1S' cab height, IV wide, 26 gauge sled, s andmg seam roof � ch mechamcally attaed to 15/92' plywood or wood deck Limits of is Approved for use to HVIM No lostanalkin 17 II FL coon 7 IS NO SnaiO'-^• ssr oaf Verified BY: LOCIR Bowden, RF- 49704 Approved for use outside HVHZ- Yes impact Resistant; no by IndeposWehtThird Party: Yes Design Pry +N/A/ Table A Rita to report for conditions and Evaluation Reports q 17022 R7 AE R t.70Z 7 'h 5 MaILSbrip 26GA Ssr oaf Otlru: evaluation ttr statims ofuse. 7rsm0 the assembly to comptianoa with the Crated by IndependentThsrd Party: Yes ustaBabon method listed in this report and applicable code sextons of FM ReW to manufacturers instateton hstrucuo s. 17022-8 8 - - MM Rib' (R5) 29 gauge Steel, tapped roof parml med7anidly attached to 15/32' plywood or wood deck w3h exposed fast eifers_ Lmits of else Approved for use in HVHM No for use outside HVFIZ Yes qInstallation 8 EKM Rib Off %WTmd W. Lode Bowden, RE 497" IApproved rk Created by Independent Third Party: Yes Design prey +N/AfTable A Others Refikirtoevainationreportforconditionsand Evahmna" Reports t70FL 72_R7 AE FI-177022.8 EMM Rat ssr odf limitations of use. Install the assembly in Compliance with the creaked by independent Third Party: Yes installation method fated t n this report and app@cable code .. sections of FM Reba to mamdaMurars installation instructions. 17022-9 9 -' PBR MW (PS) 26 gauge steel, tapped roof panel mechanically attached to Is/82' plywood or wood deck with exposed fasteners - of Use Approved for use in HVIM No IRitanadon instructions Ft 17n27 R7 II FL 17022.9 PBR Rffi sscodf Approved for am outside HVHU Yes Verified By: Locke Bowden, PM 49704 7SIpaC! Runt NO Ousted by IIk Ww4errtThud Party: Yes nttp=ltwwwAoddabuddb*-aWpripr-apRduaspx*.Varin =w EVXQWWgv2aBQpkipQQe6rMZMkUEDR%2bGMGXFieSQkCNZEgvOQveeg%SdX3d Page 3 of 4 t/24118, 2aO PM De9p PICSSUM +WA/ -me .e A a Oftcr-- Reterto evakmbm report for cmWftW 6 and MIZ � R7 J o off lirnitatbr19 of use. 7nsta9 the assembly in iomphance with the Qeated by TndMmdad Third Party_ Yes motion mabod Wed in this report and appikable code S of FBC Refer to itmnWff MrW; histataton Irmbuctions. ® m ys!/wwwfluidabuitditAf /PriPr,aP0.dtl.as _ BQPHPQQe6rt42MkUEOPa62bGxHGxFesQkCHZEgv4Qveeg%ad%3d Page 4 of 4 l:K+. K i .il+r•t,eew-ram Win Im. �. ,•. r��.i 1„ - - LZ OWL- �_: ^p-_ - ,_..+ 3-ms .;ems-trr`°"%': ..: ;.'•� s-., � �ra.-S.; '-: i fF 3a�'.T`.. __� i�;�µi� ij' y�_t��(Lg�'. ..�z4w 'i:ii ��a'e:fn `:f�C�•:�.•.v - :.� 4_ _ .. a y v _ ... - .. o-' � 'tttiLr•' -� T 'x�i.�':r'y,',,�"��L'., -�J - ram' ::•%� - •:�= ice`"_-.. _ =:::b=.xC..: ,..G _ _ _ "_ 6 i� fix. a'yi Ear . I run .1 -.Underlayment to be allMOmm with current Florida Budding Code (FBQ2017 6th ed. 2. Winiurn slope to be W00antwith Florida Budding CDde2D176ded, and per with Manufacknesinstallation refemnoe; 3. ducts are mp[iantbrState of Flonda product approval •fl ==l al� - - - - •✓Per Rule .•flu• !• > •i _ -"� '.1.1 5. Fire classification is not part of this acceptance- Shear crophragm values are outside this reporL 6. Support ftffdng in compliance w/FBC 2017 bm ad., Chapter 22 for Steel, Chapter 23 for VVbod and Chapter 16 for Structural d 7. This report does not imply warranty, installation, recommended product use outside of this report - Nominal 12' Non*W 12" o_a Fasten x 1- 2" Mh or #10 x 1-10 Wm. per 'rable A HexVfther Head Screw Spaced 1r o.a acrossthe Panel Wdlh Referto Table'A'for SpadngAbng Panel Lert9fh 2- MWIMM MOM bD be wffPBM with Fbfida Buffft Code 2017 6m ed, and per with Manutackaws hmgWbtion reference. Chapter4- Engkmft 5- Fre dwmTxxdm is not paft of this ameptance- Shear diaptragm vakm are ouwde this report 6: PuPPOrt ftmrwQ in c0ffVmw WIFBC 2017 69- ed., Chapter 22 for Steel, Chapter 23 for Wood arid Smictural Loading. 7- This mportI* WaMnty,I S M c - use ouWd_ of this report. - �flRi�lY.SiflR Panelps O-G - r Fasferl r x'I-1PL• Mom. or #'10 x 1-42' A�tL per Table •A• Hexer H� Serew Farrel Spacetl 12" o.t. acaossthe nand Wc6h Referto Table'A• far Sp�gA{arg Panel Length' Ely