HomeMy WebLinkAboutROOF INSPECTION AFFIDAVIT_ PlanningA biwelopmentr$ervlces " � _ - _ Biiiltling.& Coilexeg"ula`tiori Dnnsian g00 Virginia AtYenue ;F;prt=Pfn°rae,;FLJ092 772 462 2Idg or772.461.41il' fi _ Fax 772 462 6d4'3„ (. ROOFi1NSPECTION AOWAVIT SCANNED BY St. LuciaCounty `Y f�f hr,ARTHUR'FRANK,;ilcensed'san)CohCrackot/Engneect, , S' [Please print name FSg68 Bo�ding Inspector- I Fiteneral, BmldjRB Residenfidfof,RoojinB-Ca * acforot,din y�adlviddaEte�edivnder 468F&,taMaM, suth�drilrfspectibir.- - On or abput, 4did;pecsonallyiins_pect the.roof decknafiina= d - iDatei' work at 2603 JUNIPER CT: (tobYsite ad pss`) Based uponsthat,exammation (have Mermfnedthgmsbllation was'dori'Es actordinglo the current (; edition 'thei'Horida Ewsttng'BuiId!rig`tode Secttan 708 or<[liesproduct appro�aI'submltted'k hf havgr t ismgst -pi)-_ CCQM554a u Signature and Seal license: t IAT pl FII311 4 rC0UNT1' OP= PAkMzi3EACFl �+ Swor to and'subscnbed beforeme by .�i'tW rc1OnL— YRotary Public, State of ride Signatu�e,of Notary 6rnfnL5 [Grf NU En *� taw tomm'a-0GGIML�d34 .EXplres_�ry13 2DP2' _ (se --Now