HomeMy WebLinkAboutENGINEERING PAPERWORK - TRUSS249 Maitland Ave, Suite 3000 Altamonte Springs„ FL 32701 P:(321)972-04911F:(321)972-04841E:info@fdseng.com M,6 L '` Website: www.fdseng.com CA#9161 ENGINEERING ASSOCIATES April 29, 2019 Building Department Ref: Adams Homes — St. Lucie County Model/Elevation: 1820 CR RE Lot/Block: Lot 9 B15 Sec 34 Subdivision: Waterstone Wind Speed: 160 Exposure: C BFS# 1755748 KA # 19-2902 To whom it may concern, SCANNED St. Lucie County We have reviewed the truss design package for the project referenced above. This truss package complies with the original design intent and the underlying structure will accommodate all indicated loads. We approve the truss package without comment based upon the truss layout and truss profiles supplied to us by the Truss Company with truss profiles sealed by the Truss Engineer. Please note, this review is only for general conformance with the design concept of the project. Contractor or sub -contractor is responsible for matching all structural components and details shown in the construction documents. Contractor or sub -contractor is also responsible for confirming all quantities and dimensions; selecting appropriate fabrication processes and techniques; and coordinating work with all other trades. Note: Truss ID's may vary. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to call. Sincerely, 4/29/2019 Carl A. Brown, P.E. FL. # 56126 fee `0 " S plo g2126 * 4/29/20F�' S-fA'fE FL'. ....... ° 1 "Doing Business with a Service Mindset and an Eye for Detail" I. 13-00-00 L 5� 0C-00 , 20-00A0 39-08-00 File Copy ----_- .. _. A AelkWED U REVISE AND RESUBIAII ❑ REVIEWED WITH NOTATIONS ❑ NOT REVIEWED (See Explanation) Corrections or comments made on equipment submittals or shop drawings during this review do'not relieve cot tractor from compliance With requirements of the crav- ings and specifications. This check is only for review of general conformance with the design concept of the project and general compliance with the information given in the contract documents. The contractor is responsible for confirming and correlating all quantities and dimen- sions; selecting fabrication processes and techniques cr. construction; coordinating his work with that of all other trades and performing his work in a safe and satisfactory manner. FLORIDA DESIGN SOLUTIONS, INC. Date 'I - 2 c( - 1 Q -By Submittal No. Project No. Project Eno, ,oleo! Nam, suuxu mu Fn�ucw..m."arw�Fa1dO''n ronwxvvu .—FOR ax'. rN OY6IEFVK NYNII7 M'MtlC£1.10 ROOF LOADING TCLL: 20 PSF TCOL' 07 PSF BCOL: 10 PSF TOTAL' 27 PSF DURATION: 1.25 SCANNED BY St. Lucie Count% FLOOR LOADING TCIL: do PSF TCOL 10 PSF MOO. 5 PSF TOTAL' 55 PSF DURATION: 1.00 Of plan. :•TM DO NOT ATTEMPT TO ERECT TRUSSES WITHOUT REFERRING TO THE ENGINEERING DRAWINGS AND BSCId1 SUMMARY SHEETS. ALL PERMANENT BRACING MUST BE IN PLACE PRIOR TO LOADING TRUSSES. (ie. SHEATHING, SHINGLES, ETC.) ALL INTERIOR BEARING WALLS MUST BE W PLACE PRIOR TO INSTALLING TRUSSES. REFER TO FINAL ENGINEERING SHEETS FOR THE FOLLOWING. 1) NUMBEROFGIRDER PLIES AND NAILING SCHEDULE 2) BEARING BLOCK REQUIREMENTS. 3) SCAB DETAILS OF REQUIRED) 01 UPLIFT AND GRAVITY REACTIONS. WARRING Backchargas Will Not Be Accepted Ra,p nDe"a of Fault without Prior Notification By Customer WiNiR all Hours And lav stigadon By Builders First Sours.. NO EXECPTIONS. [• —In And ROOF P=H: 6112 CEILING PITCH: 3112 TOPCHORDSIM' 2x4 BOTTOM CHORD SIZE 2 X d OVERHANG LENGTH: IV END CUT: Plumb CANnLEVER: — MUSS SPACING: 2d- BUILDING CODE: FBC2017 BEARING HEIGHT SCHEDULE Hatch Legend ®B' to 10' KNEE WALL F7MO" BRG WALL Adams Homes PROJECT] Single Family MODFl: 1820 CR ADDReSS:J 5333 SAN BENDETTO PL LOT/BLOCK: 1 9/Sl34 'PIERCE KTEUBE PLAN DATE 2019 REVISIONS: 1. 2. 3. l L, RstSoLime {doB Ah Port Read Plant City, FL 33663 Ph.!H3) 305-1360 Fax (813) 3DS4301