HomeMy WebLinkAboutSUBCONTRACTOR AGREEMENTSPERMrr# ISSUE DATE the For the project located PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT SERVICES Building & Code Compliance Division BUILDING PERMIT SCANNED SUB-CONTRACTORAGREEMENT BY St. Lucie County C have agreed to be Sub -contractor for NtomONpneadNoNNronFbddgUG (Primary Contractor) It is understood that, ifthere is any change of status regarding our participation with the above mentioned project, the Building and Code Regulation Division of St. Lucie County will be advised pursuant to the filing of a Change of Sub -contractor notice. (V 1GIUA ua 1 er) AdantoNtA+roeaf NoMwest Fbrid� 1nG PRIM NAME COUNTY TNMAM NUM State of larida, County0% The forsaolad lotrrm alw aldned before= IWLA— day of -aAY)P— 2a1/biy William Bryan Aamsi who lr personally know'a_orhu produeed n u ldmtlatatl STAMP Sipnablre otNOtary Pohile SHELLEYA SEPULVEDA Prlat Nam of Notery Public aNEILEYA.SEPUWEDA CQMMIBS ►IyIDNBGt;2B20r4 ib EWIR1W.JWAM2-%2W '''h, �' EaOdfdllwt4ohaY PbdcNdaralrtra Revised I I/16/2a16 Mil SUR�C"CTOR SIGNATURE (Quaaaer) Geol��e. �_ C�°ruick�anlL PRINT lam �Gr)99 COUNTYCERTHITCATIONNUMISER State of Florida, County of_TV. U-A GE Thefornolnj leetrumeat was treed before me this! dry of L.UM6.I011byGeO!C�g R_iYS.IifLShtN1lG who b petaocalty Im" zor hoe predated ■ as ide0aaotbs STAMP Slaaamro orNotary Pabtle R1CG1"fira L�ca.eales �ohv.sr,,-, Pta1 Name of NotaryPah RICHAMDOUGLASJOHNSON NotaryPuFc-Stalea(Flmida -_ GwnnSSMOGG084821 J My Comm. Expires Mar 20,2021 " A. 11 PERMIT # F ISSUE DATE PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT SERVICES Building & Code Compliance Division = - - --- --- --- -- BUILDING PERMIT ow SUB -CONTRACTOR AGREEMENT the - yqk/-AcC Sub -contractor for (Type of Trade) For the project located at Street Address or Property Tax ID P) SCANNED BY St. Lucie County have agreed to be Adams Homes of Nodhwest Flotilla, hio. Contractor) It is understood that, if there is any change of status regarding our participation with the above mentioned project, the Building and Code Regulation Division of St. Lucie County will be advised pursuant to the filing of a Change of Sub -contractor notice. CONTRACTOR SIGNATURE (Qualifier) Adams Homes of Nordiwast Florida, Lot - PRINT NAME COUNTY CERTIFICATION B ED State of Florida, County oSA The foregoing Instrument was signed before me this day of TILA :r01q by William BryanA ams uqurt who Is personally known _or has produced a as idenlifi �) STAMP ` Signature of Notary Public SHELLEY A. SEPULVEDA Print Name of Note ern ,;•.; SHELLEYASEPULVEDA ' t,�A, •�' my comMISSIGN 4 GG 202074 •;E'•i+: EXPIRES: January25,2023 r.R., Bonded Thru Notary Pubtle UrrkNvrtga Revised 11/162016 COUNTY CERTIFICATI N 2MBER State of Florida, County of I L C Ifl 11 11 The foregoing instrument was signed before me ibis -1 dayof 7zJ iY--y2, .2019 by &3 ,fy r who is personally known Zor has produced a as Identification. U�jS/ STAMP Si g nature ofNotary Public —•� t�I4�s1xRd F�O�alb} VOFNfd,r Print Name of Notary Pbblie ••''wv e(; ••.,• RICHARD DOUGLAS JOHNSON Notary Pubfc-Stale of Florida commission A GG 084621 ';� �""%�• •'or ��?e�,• My Comm. Expires Mar 20,2021 amen Wwgh Natiwa Nsnry Aim. PERMIT # COUNTY w . %u ISSUE DATE PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT SERVICES Building & Code Compliance Division D 2J_--w 5 BUILDING PERMIT SUB -CONTRACTOR AGREEMENT SCANNED B,F St. Lucie County have agreed to be (Company Narue/Individual Name) the eI u mbi No) Sub -contractor for Adams Hanesdtta0nvest PgtWa t w (Type of Trade) (Primary Contractor) tN sawiccs For the project located at 5313 5CLn (Project Street Address or Property Tax ID It is understood that, if there is any change of status regarding our participation with the above mentioned project, the Building and Code Regulation Division of St. Lucie County will be advised pursuant to the filing of a Change of Sub -contractor notice. C ONTRACTOR SIGNATURE (Qualifier) Matra Homn CC NorBnrest Fodda. bra. PRINT NAME COUNTY CERTIFICATION NUMBER State of Florida, County witr The foregoing instrument was signed before me this -!A- day of yuY-,P_.201 f by William Bryan Adams who is personally known _--or bas produced a as identification. Q STAMP L3igaalm a of PdohtyPsthNi SHELLEY A. SEPULVEDA Print Name of Notary Public SHELLEYA SEPULVEDA MY COMMISSION # GG 262074 S?oe's EXPIRES: January 25,2023 ''ra%�°•:' Bonded Thru Notary Pubtic Undenritars Revised 1111620 SU&CONTKAtTUR SIGNATURE (Qualifier) I PRINT NAME aG cD,5 t0 COUNTY CERTIFICATION NUMBER State or Florida, County or 13'rt_ tae. The Foregoing Instrument was signed before me this `I day of r /\.fY'e� 20&byZW� esMln ��✓Yt2NeZ who is personally known ✓ or has produced a as IIddentifii�cation. ,,pp/I-- .�:Ml`�QtJ (Ili'rL"'v`C�+J STAMP Signalure or Notary Public Kir.Vrird VC.&A (fas ucshnsc'q Print Name of NotaryPbblic RICHARD DOUGLAS JOHNSON Nolan Public - Stale of Florida �•: commission #GG 084821 _': a'= ornd;.: My Comm. Espues Mar 20.2021 BWWftQ*NaWWNonryrum PERMIT # ISSUE DATE PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT SERVICES Building & Code Compliance Division BUILDING PERMIT SUB -CONTRACTOR AGREEMENT ✓r �Q s. rLc 6, S\- 2.c,'a f (Company Name/Individual Name) the (Type ofTrade) For the project located at s 3� 3 (Project Street SCANNED BY St Lucie Couniv have agreed to be Sub -contractor for AAeatsHomesatNorthwesiFlalda.11tC (Primary Contractor) or Property Tax ID #) It is understood that, if there is any change of status regarding our participation with the above mentioned project, the Building and Code Regulation Division of St. Lucie County will be advised pursuant to the filing of a Change of Sub -contractor notice. CONTRACTOR SIGNATURE (Qualifier) Adams Hanes of NorOtwest Florida Ina PRINT NAME COUNTY CERTIFICATIYJNNUMBEER Slate of Florida, County of 7dM absp The foregoing instrument was signed before before me this Li day of ZYUYI P 20L, by William Bryan Adams who is personally known ✓ or has produced a as identification. U STAMP Signature of Notary Public ------- SHELLEYA. SEPULVEDA Print Name of No "✓"?�'••. SHELLEYA.SEPULVEDA MY COMMISSION # GG 262074 `+r EXPIRES: January 25,2023 •,''•r.°!;W Bonded Thm Notary Public Underwriters Revised 11462016 SUB-CONTRACWRSIGer) e/ PRINT NAME COUNTY CERTIFICATION NUMBER State of Florida, County of r ugr_1 E The foregoing instrument was signed before me this day of ,:a19 by Pxtava J. tylCalovtem who is personally known ✓or has produced a as identification. ems'" k.L -nA ].rl, ".O(12ihdLs•t/ STAMP Signature of Notary Public i�'chQY'6 _0g2 Lq cTohnSon Print Name of Notary P tic ,..••N;4°` Y*. aICHMD CUUGLAS JOW40N � i} P, %tary Wblic-State of Florida :Ac : •I ' Commission#GG084821 .••ttO'W: My Comm. Expires Nlar20,2021 F.,: etlllvougx Wt'oulNobyAsm.