HomeMy WebLinkAboutSPECIALTY PERMIT APPLICATION - SIDINGPlanning & Development Services Building & Code Regulations Division SCANNED 2300 Virginia Ave. �� Fort Pierce, FL 34982 (772)462-1553 St. Lucie County SPECIALTY PERMIT APPLICATION ❑ Electrical ❑ Plumbing ❑ HVAC ❑ Fence \O ❑ Shed ❑ Demolition ❑ Gas g Siding Seepage 2 for iinsiructious and adaionalppapenvork reguiredfor specialty permits 1. Location/Site Address:��,�'�✓ji2I J P.(CQ,t FL 34 95/ 2. Parcel In Number: I �' O (! i C)OOCI - 000' Office Use Section Township Raoge Afap Page Inning Land Use Inldah Only P1 ISci S 3. Complete Description of Project or Work: 4. Owners InformadonS�PlV,,-,,e- 5. Contractors Information tun r0WjeC FLReg/Cert#: Gb° 1�� 19 Name: & Address: SHOO C- ql eP v r City: r'f. Ple�� State: I �. p ZZZ �b�L Zip: 4 I � . Phone• ' 6. Value of Construction: , oco P J SC- County Cert#: Business Name: '2 �f�G.J(I�JICiSSmp�(� �fS�l'(YALYIc (�.� Phone•71J'l{%J-LfIIFax:17;.'779-05�YQ Cl OWNERS AFFIDAvrr: 1 certify_, that all of the information contained in this application is co and that all work will be done in compliance with all applicable laws regulatln 1 n an PRINT OWNER OR CONTRACTOR NAME, _ TURE OF OWNER OR C TRACTOR STATE OF FLORIDA. COUNTY OF .iC�f//� (`�1 _ ACKNOWLEDGED BEFORE METHIS I2v DAYOF 20 Z /. BY�y N/] WHO IS PERSONALLY KNOWN TO ME_ OR WHO HAS PRODUCED J"L S�IJ �VI IFICATION. _ L 4, rYl �Q� Q SIG OF NOTARY COMMISSION NUMBER TYPE OR PRINT NAME OF NOTARY NOTICE TO OWNER: FAILURE TO RECORD A NOTICE OF COMMENCEMENT MAY RESUL7 IMPROVEMENTS TO YOUR PROPERTY. IF YOU INTEND TO OBTAIN FI LENDER OR AN ATTORNEY BEFORE RECORDINGYOUR NOTICE OF COMM EXEMPT: A!C-HEAT REPLACEMENT WITH CONTRACT UNDER $7500.00 Revised 04/26/2010