HomeMy WebLinkAboutSUBMITTED DOCUMENTSCUSTOMER'S DEPOSIT RECEIPT & SERVICE AGREEMENT . LUCIE COUNTY UTILITIES Received from Street Address Mail Address . Soc. Sec. M 7 4 - W6 -&(, -3 Water Deposit $ Driver's Lic. a 40 3 sv 3 6 7 a 7 %( Sewer Deposit $ Account No. — /, 7 - 3 ,1 Gas Deposit $ f �f5 - 4/0/ 9-Total Deposit SCANNED BY Date / -_ l O C! '�S o D This payment is to guarantee any and all indebtedness for water and/or sewer and/or gas service which may, be or become due to ST. LUCIE COUNTY UTILITIES, (hereinafter called "Utility") by said Customer. Customer agrees that this Deposit or any portion thereof, may be applied in discharge of any indebtedness of Customer to Utility. Upon discontinuance of service covered by this Deposit and the presentation of this Receipt and proper identification, Utility agrees to refund to Customer the Deposit, less any amounts due Utility. This Deposit shall not preclude Utility from discontinuing for nonpayment the service covered by this Deposit regardless of the sufficiency of said Deposit to cover any indebtedness for such service. By, signing of this Customer's Deposit Receipt & Service Agreement, Customer recognizes and agrees to abide by all existing reasonable rules and regulations of Utility and any amendments thereto, copies of said rules and regulations and amendments thereto being available for inspection at the billing office of Utility. Customer agrees that Utility, Its agents or employees shall at all times have access to Utility's lines, meters and Suburbanaer (pressure sewer system) and the areas where such facilities are located will be kept free of shrubbery, trees, fences, interference from pets, and other obstructions. Customer agrees that it shall hold Utility, its agents or employees harmless and Utility shall not be liable for any damage or injury alleged to have occurred through Utility, its agents or employees conducting inspections and repairs to Utility's lines, meters and Suburbanaer (pressure seer system), whether such damage shall have occurred through negligence or otherwise, and whether such damage or injury shall occur to real property, persons or pets. Customer further agrees that all bills for water and / or sewage and / or gas charges will be paid within twenty, (20) days of mailing bills and after five (5) days written notice if not so paid. Utilitywill havethe right to disconnect service and charge a reasonable fee for reconnecting. It is further understood and agreed that the sale of water and / or gas to Customer occurs at the meter, and Utility has no responsibility relative to service or supplying water and / or gas after said water and / or gas passes through the meter. It is the customers responsibility to insure that all plumbing past the meter is shut off priorto the water service being activated. Utility's responsibility relative to gravity sewer service ceases at Customer's property line, and Utility's responsibility relative to Suburbanaer (pressure sewersystem) ceases at the point at which the house lateral enters the Suburbanaer unit. After.a residential customer has established asatisfactory payment record and has had continuous service for a period of 25 months, the Utility will apply the customer's deposit provided the customer has not, in the preceding 12 months, (a) made more than one late payment of the bill (afterthe expi ration of 20 days from the date of mailing or delivery by the.Utility'), (b) paid with a check refused by a bank, (c) been disconnected for nonpayment, or at anytime, (d) tampered with the meter, or (e) used service in a fraudulent or unauthorized manner., ST. LUCIE COUNTY UTILITIES FLORIDA ENERGY EFFICIENCY CODE FOR BUILDING CONSTRUCTION FORM 60OC-93 Residential Limited Applications Prescriptive Method C CENTRAL 4 5 6 Small Additions and Renovations Department of Community Affairs Compliance with Method C of Chapter 6 of the Florida Energy Efficiency Code may be demonstrated by the use of Form 60OC-93 for additions of 600 square feet or less, site- installed components efmnn,JaAiradhmm.e Akemntive methafs are provided for additions m, use of Form 60OB-93 or6004-93. PROJECT NAME: / rt BUILDER: AND ADDRESS: I PERMITTING OFFICE: CLIMATE ZONE: 4 ❑, 5 h�6 ❑ • OWNER: ;STM��� 1. PERMIT NO.J JURISDICTION NO.: SMALL ADDITIONS TO EXISTING RESIDENCES (600 Square feet or less ofconditioned area). Prescriptiverequirements in f ables tic-L ti0-z an tic-s apply ony to t components of the addition, not to the existing. building. Space heating, cooling, and water heating equipment efficiency levels must be met only when equipment is Installed specifically to serve the addition or is being installed in conjunction with the addition construction. Components separating unconditioned spaces from conditioned spaces must meet the prescribed minimum insulation levels. RENOVATIONS (Residential buildings undergoing renovations costing more than 30%of the assessed value of the building). Prescriptive requirements in Tables 6C-1 and 6C-2 apply only to the components and equipment being renovated or replaced. MANUFACTURED HOMES AND BUILDINGS. Only site ­ installed components and features are covered by this corm. Please Print CK 1. Renovation, Addition or Manufactured Home 2. Single family detached or Multifamily attached 3. If Multifamily -No. of units covered by this submission 4. Conditioned floor area (sq. ft.) 5. Predominant eave overhang (ft.) 6. Porch overhang length (ft.) 7. Glass area and type: a. Clear glass b. Tint, film or solar screen 8. Percentage of glass to floor area 9. Floor type and insulation: a. Slab on grade (R-value) b. Wood, raised (R-value) c. Wood, common (R-value) d. Concrete, raised (R-value) e. Concrete, common (R-value) 10. Wall type and insulation: a. Exterior: 1. Masonry (Insulation R-value) 2. Wood frame (Insulation R-value) b. Adjacent: C 1. Masonry (Insulation R-value) \) 2. Wood frame (insulation R-value) c. Marriage Walls of Multiple Units* (Yes/No) 11. fling type and insulation: 7 Under attic (Insulation R-value) b. Single assembly (Insulation R-value) 12. Cooling system* (Types: central, room unit, package terminal A.C., none) 13. Heating system*: (Types: heat pump, elec. strip, natural gas, L.P. gas, room orPTAC, none) 14. Air Distribution System*: a. Backflow damper or single package systems* (Yes/No) b. Ducts on marriage walls adequately sealed* (Yes/No) 15. Hot water system: (Types: elec., natural gas, other, none) ' Pertains to manufactured homes with site installed components. 1. �d0-4i776 z. 5F SUM 3. - E 4. AA 7 o St LUCil 5. 7- 6. i7' Single Pane Double Pane 7a. 77 sq.ft. sq. 7b. -sq. ft. sq. 8. /Y % 9a. 9b. Sc. 9d. 9e. R=0 R= R= R= R= sq. ft. sq. ft. sq. ft. sq. ft. sq. ft. 10a-1 R=�T_ -,�5'77 sq. ft. 10a-2 R= sq.ft. 10b-1 R= sq. ft. 10b-2 R- sq. ft. 10c 11 a. R='� 0 sq. ft 11b. R= sq. ft. 12. Type: SEER/EER: r /r 13. Type: HSPF/COP/AFUE-. 14a. 14b. 15. Type: 17- EF: «y ✓ I herebycertifv that the tans and specificationscovered by thecalculation are in Review of plans and specifications covered by this calcWatiohindicates compliance compliance wittfih t Idn E rgy C with the Flodda Energy Code. Before construction is completed, this building will be PREPARED BY: DATE: inspected for compliance in accordance with Section 553.908, F.S. I hereby certify at this build, m compliance with the Florida Energy e. BUILDING OFFICIAL: OWNERAGENT: I DATE: DATE: -I - Climate Zones 4 5 6 ij TABLE 6C_1 : PRESCRIPTIVE REQUIREMENTS FOR SMALL ADDITIONS (600 Su. FL and Less), RENOVATIONS TO EXISTING BUILDINGS AND SITEdNSTALLED COMPONENTS OFMnNUFecnllitn Nnaps MINIMUM INSULATION MINIMUM INSTALLED COMPONENT INSULATION .INSTALLED EQUIPMENT EFFICIENCY EFFICIENCY Concrete R-5 5 Central A/C - Split SEER = 10.0 SEER -I'1 tie J Frame, 2' x 4" R-11 o -Single Pkg. SEER = 9.7 SEER Q 3 Frame, 2',x 6" Common, Frame R-19 R-11 $ Room unit or PTAC EER = 8.5' EER _i Electric Resistance Heat pump -SpIR ANY HSPF = 6.8 II1 fl HSPF Common, Masonry R-3 Under Attic Ft-30 __3z z 7 Single Assembly; enclosed R-19 a -Single Pkg. HSPF = 6.6 HSPF = i1i Single Assembly; Opened R-10. i Room unit or PTHP COP = 2.7' HSPF/ �'I Common, Frame R-11 w a COP j }I t_� m Slab -on -grade No Minimum O O Raised Wood i R-11 N Gas, natural or propane AFUE = .78 AFUE _ - - O Raised Concrete R-5 Fuel Oil AFUE = .78 AFUE LL Common, Frame R-11 w Electric Resistance EF = .88 EF In unconditioned space R-6 (41 _ Gas; Natural or L.P. EF = .54 EF ❑ In conditioned space No minimum Fuel Oil EF = .54 EF I= TABLE 60-2: PRESCRIPTIVE REQUIREMENTS FOR GLASS AREAS IN ADDITIONS ONLY ' See Table6.3, 6-7 11 Maximum percentage glass to floor area allowed is selected by type, overhang length, and shading coefficient. Maximum %= 7i0 Installed % ' GLASS TYPE, OVERHANG, AND SHADING COEFFICIENT REQUIRED FOR GLASS PERCENTAGE ALLOWED UP TO 20% UPTO30% UP TO 40% UP TO 50% �f Single Double Single Double Single Double Single Doutile OH -SC OH -SC OH -SC OH -SC OH -SC OH -SC OH -SC OH!.SC 1 `- 1.0 0'- .86 O'- .90 2'- 1.0 1'- .66 0'- .65 1'-1.90 0'- .70 3'- 1.0 2'- .86 1'- .65 0"-.45 2'- .90 1'- .70 O'- .50 4'- 1.0 3'- .86 2'- .65 1'-.45 0'- .35 32190 2'11.70 1'; ,.50 04.40 a Shading coefficients (SC) maybe obtained from the manufacturer. Single clear SC= 1.0,double clear SC =_90, and single tint SC,� .86. TABLE 6C3 I MINIMUM REQUIREMENTS FOR ALL PACKAGES rq u. COMPONENTS SECTION REQUIREMENTS i' CHECK Exterior Joints & Cracks 606.1 To be caulked, gasketed, weather-stripped or otherwise sealed. Interior Joints & Cracks 606.1 All openings in interior surfaces of ceilings and exterior walls must be sealed. a Sole & Top Plates 666.1 Sole plates and penetrations through top plates of -exterior walls must be sealed. p( Infiltration Barrier 606.1 Infiltration barrier must be installed in exterior walls &raised wood floors. It f/ Fireplaces 606.1 Fireplaces must have flue dampers, glass doors and outside combustion air intakes. i. v Exhaust Fans 606.1 Exhaust fans vented to unconditioned space shall have dampers, .except for combustion +ii devices with integral exhaust ductwork. 11 f/ Combustion Heating 606.1 Combustion space and water heating systems must be provided with outside combustion air, I � I except for direct vent appliances. 1;1 Water Heaters 612.1 Comply with efficiency requirements in Table 6-11. Switch or clearly marked circuit breaker (electric) or cutoff (gas) must be provided. External or built-in heat trap required. i v Swimming Pools & Spas 612.1 Spas & heated pools must have covers (except solar heated). Non-commercial pools must have a pump timer. Gas spa & pool heaters must have minimum thermal efficiency of 78%. °� I v Hot Water Pipes 612.1 Insulation is required for hot water circulating systems, (including heat recovery units) and the 'fir st 8' of piping from the water heater (or until piping enters an insulated wall or slab). t/ Shower Heads 612.1 Water flow must be restricted to no more than.3 gallons per minute at 60 PSIG. ( r� HVAC Duct Construction, Insulation & Installation 610.1 All ducts, fittings, mechanical equipment and plenum chambers shall be mechanically attached, sealed; insulated and installed in accordance with the criteria of Section 610.1. Ducts in attics must be insulated to a minimum of R-6. Air handlers shall not be installed in attics unless in mechanical closets. HVAC Controls 607.1 1 Separate readily accessible manual or automatic thermostat for each. system. 1. On Table 6G1 blditatethe R-value ofthe Insulation being added to each component and the efficiency levels ofthe equipment being installed. Ali R-values andefed listed. components and equipment neither being added nor renovated may be left blank. 2. ADDITONS ONLY. Determine the percentage of new, glass to conditioned ftwr area in the addition as follows. Total the areas of all glass windows, sliding glass vedical roof glass and add itto the previous total. When glass in wds61g exterior wags is being removed or enclosed by the addition, amount equal to the total area and overhang, must meettne requmnumtha one of the options in the glass percentage categoryyou in6cated. Theoverhang (OH) distance is measured perpendaladyfrom theface of the glass to a you of the overhang. 3. RENOVATIONS ONLY. Replacement glass needs to meet the following requirements. Anyglass Wand midig coefficient maybe used for glass areas which are underatleast at edge does not mend fuMerthan a feet from the overhang. Glass areas being renovated that do not meet this orders must be either single -pane rimed, double -pane dear or double -pane 4. Complete the i4oma5on requested on the tap half of page 1: 5. 'Read'Minimum Requirements for Small Additions and Renovations', Table 6C-3, and check all applicable items. 6. Read; sign and date the-Ovmer/Agem'arbficadon slatement an page 1. and whose lowest 1WM 4. V, ji� ...... 40�-IW . N� WW4 "­7 DESIGN ' CERTIFICATION FOR VYIND'LOAD COMPLIANCE -to be wf' by the ngirmw,r. This In -be withallThis d,e !s. project dew9n far imaccis, applicAcins Im-Ad'm perrm. 604r6j; the of or n • lihdic'meskw" me- rW ws renwartim ll�q" f(Pfvwxw that no zonsottzral wets, cohmm or, ether Wmilar component is other meror'busaimp pernfeL For hnvmr e go nspection ss�"rk9e.l Plan wn= ."J 'Offsceat'4132'-i' *i," PROJECT NAME 1"J IIISE ONLY STREET ADDRESS 0 _Fj L L 4 PR Nums" t F::6, PERL111T NUAISIER 9 4.q cpq', OCCPTYPE . SGANNED CSr.TwPE I I in;, CERTIFICATION •STATEMENT: I CERTIFYES , THAT, TO THE BEST OF MY KNOWLEDGE AND BELIEF, THESE AND SPECIFICATIONS P HAVE BEEN DESIGNED TO COMPLY WITH THE APPLICABLE STRUCTURAL PORTION OF THE BUILDING CODES CURRENTLY ADOPTED 'AND `ENFORCED BY ST. LUCIE COUNTY. I ALSO CERTIFY THAT STRUCTURAL ELEMENTS DEPICTED ON THESE PLANS PROVIDE ADEQUATE RESISTANCE TO THE WIND LOADS AND FORCES SPECIFIED BY CURRENT CODE PROVISIONS. DESIGN PARAMETERS AND ASSUMPTIONS USED: (plane chm* or ommiete the soomprifte bm) 1 BUILDING CODE EDITION USED (fE4M 21a— SBCCI ASCE 748 OTHER (SPECIFY) 2. BUILDING DESIGN pe= am scumm PAmuLLY Emmmm OPEN BUILDING BUILDING HEIGHT: FT —'4. WIND SPEED USED IN BUILDING DESIGN: 110 MPH 1 WIND EXPOSURE CLASSIFICATION MEFER 70 DWOMM TABLES IN RAMM OWE WOITFD Ot UNE *IV e .2- 6. AVERAGE WIND VELOCITY PRESSURE ON EXTERIOR FACES OF STRUCTURE. PSF 7. PEAK WIND VELOCITY, PRESSURE ON EXTERIOR FACES OF STRUCTURE.* PSF a. IMPOITTANCEAJSE FACTOR (OBTAIN FROM AmLonG Ccoe: 2. LOADS: FLOOR 46) PSF ROOFIDEAD. 12 PSF ROOFILIVE. s PSF Ia. WERE SHEAR WALLS CONSIDERED FOR STRUCTURE (OEM CM YES NO If NO, why? IBmot 7 63wwnzbm) 11. IS A CONTINUOUS LOAD PATH PROVIDED PC= 014M YES NO N NO. why? (SWth wxftnnm) 12. ARE compoNFNT�AND CLADDING DETAILS PROVIDED 6ecx om YES NO If NO, Why? jlloi� 13. MINIMUM! SOIL BEARING PRESSURE: PSF I As WrmEsseD BY MY SEAL, I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THE INFORMATION INCLUDED WITH THIS CERTIFICATION IS TRUE AND CORRECT, TO THE BEST OF MY KNOWLEDGE AND BELIE:F 7/ NAME: &J D, JELL CERTIFICATION NO: 1 DESIGN FIRM DATE: —7-1 �7 HE S ST. LUCIE COUNTY HEALTH DEPARTMENT WFL0RMMjDAZD;UARTMENT OFLAWTON CHILES LT JAMES T. HOWELL, M.D., M.P.H. Governor Secretary May 5, 1997 James Datema 2611 Flotilla Terrace Fort Pierce, FL 34946 SCANNED BY St. Lucie County 2611 Flotilla Terrace Fort Pierce, Florida _.�_.� a Lot: 1, Block: 3, Section;:`Be ;Cove cri'>#1 RE: Existing System"Approva,,.1,1-'� Dear Mr. Datema An inspection made :on'fthe abo pr-oper)ty on.%May 5, 1997, found the existing septic t systems abpeared'j�to-=bye operating in a satisfactory manner.?' -No- 'sanitaryL-nul-lance or sign of septic system failure or$�yy stress was no,te'dt This office has Vno obj'bctY;on I to, ',the, proposed addition of a family room, porch' with bAtljand\tl,aundry room to the existing structure. Plans which .are-.s,'tamped ,. ated. and initialed by the St. Lucie Health Departmet- nt mus,accompany"this approval. This approval does not guarantee the future performance of the septic system and is valid fora"period not to exceed thirty (30) days from the date of this letter. This approval valid with original health department stamped floor plan. If you have any questions, please contact this office at (561) 462-3939. Sincerely, Mildred Boucher Environmental Specialist I xc: file MB/vb ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH 714 Avenue C • P.O. Box 580 Fort Pierce, FL 34954 (561) 462-3939 • SC 259-3939 • Fax (561) 462-3948 ffJ VUVVC.LJ IIV t/lIJIIIVI1 VVHLL 6" EPDXIY IN & WIRE TO VERTICAL BARS AS SHOW) EXISTING DOOR 2 • _6 • 8' SUDING GLASS 5 #5 DOWELS IN EXISTING WALL 6" EPDXIY IN & WfRE TO VERTICAL BARS AS SHOWN PZNE �ff H 8' SLIDING GLASS POCKET DOOR u J N 1� TO - FAMILY ROOM F.0. ro F.O. PADDLE FAN o, PADDLE FAN OUTLET (TYP.) .7 OUTLET (TYP.) n s' suDING GLASS T SCREEN PORCH POCKET DOOR T . V VP/GF I _. 4WF/GFI 51 > _ G1r MP/GFIq -FL0O RVt EW St. Lucie County Health Unit 30,0 Environmental Health . 61�6 �O Septic System Appears Adequate For Froposed Construction. l5/97 This Approval Does Not Guarantee Performance Of The System SCAgNVNE® St. Lucie County KINGFISHER �^ WATERWAY 5' W000 SCALE: 1" = 30' FND. X-CUT DOCK IN SEAWALL (0.11'S,0.06'W) 1' GONC. SEAWALL FND. X-CUT SET IR&C IN SEAWALL (0.10'S,0.09'E) LB4286 1�18' (10' OFFSET) C1AP I I L i �FND. 4"x4" 0.07' N. & 0.06'W. LEGEND LOT 2 BLOCK 3 4'x4' LOT 2 BLOCK 3 A = 45'08'04" R = 25.00' L = 19.69' / 0 = 46'39'39" R =%4.3' I ; iea2se L = ; L = (10' OFFSET) I 35^ o o 64.6' I #2611 > 16' 6' 12' DRAINAGE 1 STORY .� EASEMENT RESIDENCE I I 43.3' coNc. w w LOT 50 N m BLOCK 4 x ? o 3 x ro 07 SET N RLLS2391 U ^o J (009RC. S00'17'58"W 139.14' SET IR&C To PI 165.17' (P) 165.29' (C) L94286 EDGE OF PAVEMENT CORAL AVENUE N00'17'58"E 390.39' (P) 390.64' (C) EDGE OF IR&C IRON ROD AND CAP CM CONCRETE MONUMENT j CENTERLINE CONC. CONCRETE FND. FOUND A/C AIR CONDITIONING PRM PERMANENT REFERENCE MONUMENT ® WATER METER p CURVE ANGLE R RADIUS L ARC LENGTH W MIO V4- T BEARINGS BASED ON CENTERLINE OF CORAL AVENUE, AS SHOWN. HAVING A BEARING OF N 00'17'58" E PER PLAT. DESCRIPTION LOT 1, BLOCK 3 OF CORAL COVE BEACH SECTION 1 ACCORDING TO THE PLAT THEREOF AS RECORDED IN PLAT BOOK 11, PAGES 30A AND 30B, OF THE PUBLIC RECORDS OF ST. LUCIE COUNTY, FLORIDA. FLOOD ZONE "X" PER F.I.R.M. MAP NUMBER 12111CO181G EFFECTIVE DATE: NOV. 4, 1992 LANDS SHOWN HEREON WERE NOT ABSTRACTED FOR RIGHT OF WAY, RESERVATIONS, AGREEMENTS, AND/OR EASEMENTS OF RECORD SUCH INFORMATION, IF DESIRED, SHOULD BE OBTAINED AND CONFIRMED BY OTHERS THROUGH APPROPRIATE TITLE VERIFICATION. I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THE PLAT SHOWN HEREON IS A TRUE AND CORRECT REPRESENTATION OF A SURVEY MADE UNDER MY RESPONSIBLE CHARGE AND WAS COMPLETED ON _ 6=9-95 __ AND THAT SAID SURVEY IS ACCURATE TO THE BEST OF MY KNOWLEDGE AND BELIEF. THAT THERE ARE NO VISIBLE ENCROACHMENTS PeERi AS SHOWN AND THAT THIS SURVEY COMPLIES WITH THE MINIMUM TECHNICAL STANDARDS AS SET FORTH BY THE FLORIDAAPGARD OF PROFESSIONAL URVEYORS IN CHAPTER 61G17-6, FLORIDA ADMINISTRATIVE CODE, PURSUANT TO SECTION 47 .27, STA711T,�: /= . BY: / LESLIE A. GIDDINGS, P.L.S. LORIDA CE.T7 ICATE NO. 4712 NOT VALID UNLESS 9GNED. DATED Alm EMBOSSED N1TH SEAL OF 9GMNG SURVEYOR SCANNED CULPEPPER(;fc d TERPENING, INC. CONSULTING ENGINEERS & LAND SURVEYORS 2980 SOUTH FLORIDASTREET FORT PIERCE, LORI34982 407-464-3537 BOUNDARY SURVEY nt�he Estate Of WILENE M. SIPPEL REF. JOB N0. DRAWN BY DATE SURVEY N0. RWL 6-13-95 2120 F.B.,PG. CALCULATED BY SCALE SHEET NO. 9522101 LAG 1"=40' 1 OF 1 KINGFISHER WATERWAY 5' WOOD SCALES 1n = 30• FND. X-CUT DOCK IN SEAWALL (0.11'5,0.06'W) 1' CONC. SEAWALL FND. %-CUT IN SEAWALL SET IR&C (0.10'S,0.09'E) L64286 (10' OFFSET) 18" CMP A = 4639'390 LOT 2 `G1 R = 55.00' SET IR&C Z BLOCK 3 9'L" L1 L= 44.79' �C; N I I (1102OFFSET) 1 51.5' PROPOSED ADDITION o I I m `Q1 6d4.6' .(4 L, n2611 o 16 6 12' DRAINAGE 1 STORY ^ �� 4'x4' GONG. `+ RESIDENCE V I EASEMENT A/C PAD SET IR&C 84286 FND. IRC, LS2391,k7'� 43.3' CONC. 7'8 W I W LOT 50 (0.27'S 0.36'W) '7 LOT 1 r 'co BLOCK 4 BLOCK 3 21.4' � R � '04. x U pqp j 4 L 19.609 N H o < o I SET IR&C LB4286 I FND. IRC, RLS2391 (0.09' S) ta S00'17'56"W 139.14' ¢ I FND. 4'14- CM SET IR&C To PI 165.17' (P) 165.29' (C) 0.07' N. & LB4286 {�J 0.06'W. > EDGE OF PAVEMENT I 'DO` I CL CORAL AVENUE - T N00'17'58"E 390.39(P) 390.64' (C) EDGE OF PAVEMENT V, 0 LEGEND IR&C IRON ROD AND CAP CM CONCRETE MONUMENT BEARINGS BASED ON CENTERLINE OF CORAL AVENUE, AS CENTERLINE SHOWN, HAVING A BEARING OF N 00'17'58" E PER PLAT. CONC. CONCRETE FND. FOUND DESCRIPTION A/C AIR CONDITIONING LOT 1, BLOCK 3 OF CORAL COVE BEACH SECTION 1 PRM PERMANENT REFERENCE MONUMENT ACCORDING TO THE PLAT THEREOF AS RECORDED IN PLAT BOOK 11, PAGES 30A AND 308, OF THE ® WATER METER PUBLIC RECORDS OF ST. LUCIE COUNTY, FLORIDA. 0 CURVE ANGLE R RADIUS FLOOD ZONE "X" PER F.I.R.M. L ARC LENGTH MAP NUMBER 12111CO18IG EFFECTIVE DATE: NOV. 4, 1992 LANDS SHOWN HEREON WERE NOT ABSTRACTED FOR RIGHT OF WAY, RESERVATIONS, AGREEMENTS, AND/OR EASEMENTS OF RECORD SUCH INFORMATION, IF DESIRED, SHOULD BE OBTAINED AND CONFIRMED BY OTHERS THROUGH APPROPRIATE TITLE VERIFICATION. C�' momin SITE PLAN SCANNEQT D PRSP®itLD FOR JIIVI DATEMA St. Lucie Coun CULPEPPER & TERPENING, INC. REF. JOB N0. DRAWN BY DATE SURVEY N0. CONSULTING ENGINEERS &LAND SURVEYORS 2980 SOUTH 25th STREET FORT PIERCE, FLORIDA 34982 RWL 5-8-97 2120 F.B .,PG. ALCULATED B SCALE SHEET NO. 9522/01 LAG 1"=30' 1 OF 1 561-464-3537