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t1fo�� I• Plant: - Begin Loading: Td Job: Arrive Job: Start Unload:' Finish Unloatl: Leave Job: Return Plant:' Customer Code: Customer Name: 3107EAE, MEL°-RY CONSTRUCTION Project Code: PmjeGName: Ticket Datic DelweryAddress: 07✓29/11 1072.5 SOU1'hl OCEAN DRIVE-jjEj',;"* ` Delivery Instructions: LOT- .57, HOLIDAY OUT Customer Job Number:, Order Code / Date: 5615 07/29/11 Pmject P.O. Number: Order P.O. Number., NO PO bV916!" SCANNED Map Page: Map/Row/Column: BY Dispatcher: St. Lucie County GlFrm i n }. Ticket NumUer��,. ` r � i 'Due On Job: - Slump: Track Number. Diner Number. Driver Name: - End Use:. !. i. i :Ot7 5. Dn 1.0o23483 143901:3 BILL STRAUSS I',i_DIAa WO r LOAD CUMULATIVE ORDEMATERIAL CODE. P�10DUCTION.DEscrtmnoN-- ii•UOM LNITPRICE A MOUNT QUANTITY QUANTITY QUANERTITD Y _ IOC 00 1(;. e)0 10. pit i356,9F;G 3060 PRF-qVS' LEND Y`03 1 00 1247318 FUEL SURCHARGE 1. 0o 12 tl�, 749 ENV I RONm-11TAL. CHARGE 1 LJ Cash Check #/Auth Code: Signature of Driver Receiving Cash:: rceived: Total COD Order Amount to Collect Check Wi[houl Standby Charges: Charge � Comments: +f WATERADDED GAL YARDS. IN DRUM: WHEN ADDED. .SIGNATURE y CURB LINE CROSSED AT OWNER'S/AG€NTS REQUEST: J ^ \\ °✓GJ,J \ 'SIGNATURE ❑ LOAD WAS TESTED BY: Notice: Our drivers will make every effort to place materials where the customer designates! but the SPECIAL TERMS:. Any water added is at customers own nsk. IN ter is a e n job, conciele strength Company assumes no responsibility for damages inside curb or, property line. Customer agrees to the Is no longer guaranteed. WARNING: Product may cause skin an%r,'ye 1 do CA ION-9 "al terms of sale and delivery and accepts concrete as is. Due to Important factors which are out of our may be hazardous to your safety and health.. Please refer to the backskI . thl %ket for impodan control after delivery, this Company Will not accept any responsibility for She finished results. . Nocreditfor safety handling in�a nd to the matedI e a heels for. addfi al in at returned, concrete. Buyers exception and claims shall be deemed waived unless made to us in writing AUTHORIZEDIGNATURE: Within one business day after the receipt of materials. © / 68UNIVEflSAI }?R[t; -j'j�}iT ' LOA_ Ni.,l:''i" 1 / CUSTOMER This Delivery Ticket incorporates here-- 1-f reference Buyer's previously executed C-PditApplication, if any. Seller's Sta &-tt Temrs and Conditions, Seller's Quotaiii any, and Seller`s Order Confirmation (i 9ing limitations of warranties), 1s i set forth on this Delivery Ticket ("Agteernetrt'). Seller will provide the Standard Tent... ,,..d Conditions upon request. Buyer a that, artless otherwise noted on the front hereof, all quantiticetrad iL-ms were delivered as indicated and further expressly a ens to pay in accordance with the Agreement. AGGREGATE / CEMENT / CONCRETE PRODU_ CTS Aggregate products are naturally occurring materials including limestone, dolomite, granite, volcanic rock, sand, gravel, a other siliceous materials. Cement products include Portland cement, masonry, pozzolan (Type IP), roof tile, and stuc u " Concrete products include Portland cement and aggregate products including limestone, dolomite, granite, volcanic rock, sin gravel, and other siliceous materials. These products may contain more than 0.1 %crysttIDne silica. Tl . Hazards: Freshly mixed wet cement can cause eye irritation, skin and eye burns and allergic skin reactions. Dry concrete and aggregate dust may 'cause irritation to eyes, skin, and/or respiratory tract. Dust from handling, crushing, x grinding, cutting and/or drilling may contain crystalline silica, which may cause silicosis and cancer if inhaled. Health risk depends on duration and level of exposure. Safety: Avoid contact with eves and prolonged contact with skin. ` car gloves, eye protection, and appropriate Protective clothing. Rinse hands thoroughly after handling. Avoid breathing dust. if exposed to dust above recommended limits (see MSDS), wean suitable. NIOSH-approved respiratory protection. First Aid: in case of eye contact, immediately fltuh eyes with wateiIf dust is inhaled, remove to fresh air. If wet cement contacts, skin, rinse thoroughly with water-. Get proper medical attention if irritation persists. CEMEX 920 Memorial City Way, Ste. 100 Houston. Texas'770'24 For further information please visit www.cemexusa.coul. { v.i c,,inllined t t. Este ticket' de cn v asume aquf per referenria, que el compel ' n teviant nt cs,:nf r r t. ztU l-is trdU`o_ de existir, los terinioOS y condicones estandar del vendedor, el presupues dc, . t- udedor, si e que c,xis,e, . con la codfirrnaei(in d: i pedido del vcndedo7 ('incluyendo linntaciones de garainfas), come se c td:51 rc l,,,i completo on este ' i_et ie enni. -a.(` el Acuerdo")" E_ vendedor .r-inrstrara Ins t6rminos y condiciones estandar de': ci soltctta,Se. El comprad ,- , .a de acu,2' i que salvo qu, especifique al t ,,ote clel presente,'todas las cantidades y articulos Iran side enueaados ;.,_ se mdi,c: dermas ,e acuer-a expresamerte abciwr :..r,orme al acueido. AR1D0S / CEMENT0 / PL,0DUC'TGS DE C OM R, E t t Los productos a idol son materiales de ocm-rencia natural quc incluyen calizt c ;„ !ta gran, o, uucl arcua % .ry y otros rwiteriales siliceous. Los productos de cemento mcluven cemento po a.,. tmpos :rfa pazottra (Tt, 0 1P), � I y estueo Lcs productos de concreto incluyen cemento p6rtland y productos a ,uyenttrr calrza doromita, granite, ,oca olcamca, arenr. grava y otros materiales vinculados a la siliceous Estos pro podr i , csntci= mas del 0.l%4 de silice �stat na. Peligros:, la cemento fresco hiimedo meaclado puede p_ra scar itritacitin en to enradm an nc aiCx, aSi Como re.icciorres alergicas en la piel. El concreto see , y el polvo de mateiia;. - los podria i prove ai t r llatci )n en los ojos, piel y/o tracto respiratorio. El polvo del manejo, tritruado, Jo, cortado y/o ,l erforado podria contener silice; cristalina, que podria causar silicosis y cnztcer de set inhat t. Los riesgos a la salud dap<;nden de In duracibn y del trivet de ]a exposici6n. geguridad: Evite el contacto can los ojos y el contacto prolongado con la piel. tisc; guarrtes, protecci6n ocular y topa protectooa apropiada. Enjuaguese bier has manes luego del manipolado F% ne respirar poh c ' i se expone al polvo per encima de los lorries recomendados anteriopirepte,4 ',,i "0S por so st ., ,ii i-16s), nse la apropiada protecti6n respiratoria aprobada per NIOSH. Primeros auxilios: En case de contacto con tos ojos, iMnediatatnente ealuague,: I,r an asua. Si se ha inhalado polvo, col6quese al aire libre. Si el cemento luntic�ir) entra en contacto eon In _1. enjuaguela con abutrdante aqua. Obtenga In atencion inedica apropiada si la irritaci6n persiste. CENIEX . 920 Memorial City Way, Sit. 100 Houston, Texas 77024 v3 combinado Para mayor informacic n, pot: favor visite wti%ry ctmexu,a.c_orn. it/09 ^ 7.Fl - � _ 4 4.3 Plant: " Begin Loading: To, Job: Arrive Job:: -'Start Unload:. Finish Unload: " - Leave Job: Return �t 'Customer Cade: Customer Name. ,1 S17g,OG Piojec Code: 14E! --RY CONSTRUCTION Prolse Name: Ticket Date: Delivery Address:: >. 1 Delivery Instructions 10725 s OCEgN DR i 'LOT 257 HOLTDf-IY-,0UT Customer Job Number, Order Code / Date: 7 07,'1I21 Project P.O. Number: Order .O. Number. MORiDA • /t A� Map Page: Map/Row/Column: SCANNED Dispatcher: i�? 1'''u�" 4_.` 1 i_ �Y${ Lucie pMPET \7(. ucie co{,,1rgylck tN mber.'�kl ii L_ i • 317451yt1 Due On Job: - Slump: Truck Number:, Driver Number, Driver Name: - End Use: t:-,=c-- :; f}i}. 1r}ft`.--•Ft.,.t ri. tr}Sa -•iY'7 L<trtlhl`f hrI` i<.kf' r11 Ylh.if'—, C"I ptD. pUA TDITY I COUANTITTVE 1 QUANTITY MATERIAL CODE '" PRODUCTION DESCRIPTION UOM I UNIT PRICE I AMOUNT 2:00_ ice: C7# 14 00 1.1 253 `34_ 300 RFA 7 I. Tp - _.4 _ 1.,.00 1.24781.9 i't_EL SLIRC14ARGE 1.00 12027.49 ENVIRONMENTAL CHARGE E Cash Check#/Auth Code: Signature of Driver Receiving Cash: Cash.Received: ', Total COD Order Amount to Collect Without Standby Charges: Check Charge > `. Comments: y WATERADDED: - GAL YARDS IN DRUM: WHENADDEID\ - - i _ SIGNATURE CURB LINE CROSSED AT OWNER'S/AGENT'S REQUEST: ' SIGNATURE. ❑ LOAD WAS TESTED � r ' Notice: Our drivers will make every effort to place materials where the customer designates, bu`t i1a SPECIAL TERMS A ywater add is at customers own risk Ifwateris added cnjob, concrete strength Company. assumes no responsibility for damages inside cory_or property line. Customer agrees trade is no long a need. WARNIyG Product may cause skin and/or eye irritation. CAUTION: Material terms of sale and delivery and accepts concrete as is. Due to important factors which are out of o'r may be,hazmdous•,to your safety "a(!d heafh. Please refer to the backside of this ticket for important control agar delivery, this Company will not accept any responsibility for the finished results No credit f safety handling mforination, an to tre orateral safety dam sheets for additionalinf6anatior, returned concrete. Buyers exceptions and claims shall be deemed waived unless made to us is will AUTHORIZED SIGNATURE: ^/) �= /�..-•�'�" s within one business day after the receipt of materials. - x ^ I f 68UNIVERSAL PREY TRK- 10026408 CUS -17 MIER. LQA) NUM. •s `f" This Delivery Ticket incorporates herein by reference Buyer's p-eviously executed Credit Application, if any. Seller's Standard Terms and Conditions, Seller's Quotatic any, and Sellers Ortier Confirmation (it ing limitations of warranties), as if fully set forth on this Delivery Ticket ("Agree "). Selter will provide the Standard Tent d Conditions upon request. Buyer agrees that, unless otherwise noted on the front hereof, all quantities',oid ityms were delivered as indicated anti further expressly agrees to pay in accordance wA the Agreement. AUUKLUAIL / l;r:iYll:';\i•1 / l.;ONUR1;TE PRODUUIS Aggregate products are naturally occuning materials including limeslune, dolomite. granite, volcanic rock sand, gravel, and other Siliceous materials. Cement products include Portland centent..masonry, poz7olan ('Type IP), roof tile, and stucco. Concrete products include Portland cement and aggregate products inGifidmn limestone. dolomite, granite• volcanic rock. sand, gravel, and other siliceous materials. These products may contair t}tvt} than 0.14 crystalline silica. Hazards: Freshly mixed wet cement can cause eye irritation, skin and eye burns and allergic skin reactions. Dry concrete and aggregate dust may cause irritation to eyes, skin, and/or respuatory tract. Dust from handling. crushing, grinding, cutting and/or drilling may contain crystalline silica, which may cause silicosis and cancer if inhaled. Health risk depends on duration and level of expasure. Safety: Avoid contact with eyes and prolonged contact with skin. Wear gloves, eye protection, and appropriate protective clothing. Rinse ]Hands thoroughly aft-r handling. Avoid breathing dust. if exposed to dust above recommended limits (see MSDS), wear suitable IV'IOSII-app�ode"ii-iapiratory protection. �n First Aid: In case of eye contact, immediately t7ush eyes wry,wr <r. tt utui t'is inhaled, remoxe to fresh air. If wet cement contacts skin, rinse thoroughly with water. Get l.r mec;c-:.a ention if irritation persists. CEMEX + 920 Memoral'City W y, S,' 100.. Houston, Tt :as 7702 For further information, please visit }awnvc2mzxusa.com. V3 combined r' I1/09 ------�'` - "f!. Este ticket de entrega asunte aqui por referenda, guc:cccompraiic.r ha prev,',meruc cumplido con In solicihtd de credito, de existir. Ins terminos y condiciones estindar del vendedor, el presupue,t� idel venuraet. si cs Clue eXiSte, y con la confirniaci6n del pedido del vendedor (incluyendo lintitaciones de garantias), como se cs'tblece po co;rooleto en este ticket de entrega ("el Acuerdo"). El vendedor suministraru los t@rminos y condiciones estindar de a f solicitarsi�. El con prador csta de acucrdo en que salvo que se especifique al frente del presence, Codas has cantidades y aria'.OS han side entr:;tados como se indica, y ademas se acucrda expresamente abonar confonme al acuerdo. ; ARIDOS / CEMEN'TO / PR ODUCTOS DE CONCRETO Los productos aridos son materiales de ocurrencia natural que-:r:hrycn caliza, dolomita, granite, coca volcanica. arena, giaSa, y otros materiales siliceous- Los productos de cemento mclaya cemento pordand, m:unposterfa, puzolana• (Tipo 1P), teja y estuco. Los productos de concreto incluyen cemento p6rii'irr& productos aridos incluveodo caliza. dolomita, granito, rota volcnnica, arena, grava y otros materiales vineulados a la silfce, ts. Estos productos podrfan contener nuts del 0.1% de s0ice cristalina. Peligros: El cemento fresco hitmedo mczclado puede prow . t u ritar Ion c 1 i ojos, queutaduras de piel y ojos, asi como reacciones aldrgicas en la piel. FI concreto seco I polo dr , 66rates dridos podrian provocar irritation en los ojos, piel y/o tracto respiratorio. El polvo -1--1 nan-io 1 .1, air, ntolido, cortado y/o perforado podria contener silice cristalina, que podria causattsilia .is y4cuo.-. `: r i4hatada. Los riesgos a la salud dependen de la duraci6n y del nivel de, lei exposition. Seguridad: Evite el contacto con log i)jns } .rl , ntat;o }r lnr+_aa., co ;;,4.rniel. Use guantes, proteccion ocular y ropa protectora apropiada. EniuiL:a so �) et_ las tt iu;t raan dcl maiil;,tdado. Evite respirar polvo. Si se expone al polvo por encima de ids lun c s t comend o,` t'.ribmtente (vease MSDS por su sight en inglcs), use la apropiada proteccion respiratoria aprobadn p_,r D Primeros auxilios: Ln caso de contacto con los ojos, inured t at tcnie enju igueselos con agua. Si se ha inhalAdo polvo, coloqucse al airy libre. Si el cemento htimedo e ,c ; n contacto con la piel, enjuaguela con abundance agua. Obtenga la atencion mediea apropiada si la irita_tcn persiste. C.ENIEX 92Q Memotijal City Way, Ste. 100 Houston, TlIiii; as 77024 V3 combinado Para mayor information, per fa V r %:site «ww.cemexusa.com. ° cGmcx 53174611 1 � 7 Plant: Begin Loading: To Job: I,Arrive:Job ,,, -:$tart Unload; I FinishUnload Leave Job: Return Plant:,, ' 9171/11090 R' ' Customer Code: Customer Name:- ' :107606 MEL.—R`rr coNL=TRUCTION Project Code: Project Name: Ticket Dater .Delivery Address: 10111 lo725 C OCEAN DRIVE. LOT '257 . Delivery Instmcfions: H01-1MY OUT Customer Job Number: Project P.O. Number. SCANNED BY St. Lucie Coun4Y Order Code / Date: 3115 08/10l11 Order P.O. Number: NO PlO Map Page: MaplRow/Column:. Dispatcher. Ticket Number. , 317E.3444 .'e Due On Job: Slump: Truck Number. Dnvei Number, briver Namei End Use: ' pt325318 11)9006 TOM PICKS BL.mtTit EXT SHEL LOAD CUMULATIVE I ORDERED MATERIAL LODE PRODUCTION DESCRIPTION UOM UNIT PRICE AMOUNT QUANTITY QUANTITY QUANTITY 7.i1. Lip ^fT. Clr) GU. U1 11G3497 000 RE E4 1'D3 I.<:7ff Cash. Check Check Comments: 1247818 FUEL SURD iARGE iZ0.r27'j9 ENV IRQfidi+lf=f*TAL CHARGE WATER YARDS IN DRUM: WHEN ADDED.: to SIGNATURE' CURB LINE CROSSED AT OWNER'S/AGENTS REQUEST: 'SIGNATURE O LOAD WAS TESTED BY: 'Notice: Our drivers will makeevery effort to place materials where thecustomer designates, but the SPECIAL TERMS: Any water added is at customers own risk. Ifwater is added on job, concrete strength Company assumes no responsibility for damages inside curb or property tine Customer agrees to the is no longer guaranteed.. WARNING: Product may cause skin and/or eye siltation.CAUTION: Material terms of Is and delivery and accepts concrete as is. Due to Important factors which are out of our may be hazardous to your safety and health. Please refer to the backside, of this ticket for Important control after delivery, this Company will not accept ariy-responsibility for me finished results. No credit for safety handling information, and to the material safety data sheets for additional Information. returned concrete.. Buyers exceptionsand claims shall be deemed waived unless made to us In writing, AUTHORIZED SIGNATURE: within one business day after the receipt of materials. O 68UNIVERSAL PRE'J '1 RK: 10025318. LOAD NUM: CUSTOMER This Delivery Ticket incorporates her, y reference Buyer's previously execute{' 'dit Application, if any. Seller's Standard Terms and Conditions, Seller's Quotat, if any, and Seller's Order Confirmation ( ding limitations of warranties), as if fully set forth on this Delivery Ticket ("Agreement"). Seller witl provide the Standard'fenns and Conditions upon request. Buyer agrees that, unless otherwise noted on the front hereof, ail quantities and items were delivered as indicated and further expressly agrees to pay in accordance with the. Agreement. AGGREGATE / CEMENT / CONCRETE PRODUCTS Aggregate products are naturally occurring materials including limestone, dolomite, granite, volcanic rock, sand, gravel, and other siliceous materials. Cement products include Portland cement, masonry, pozzolan ('Type 1P), roof tile, and surcco. Concrete, products include Portland cement and aggregate products including limestone, dolomite, granite, volcanic rock, sand, gravel, and other siliceous materials. Those products may contain more than0.1 1/c crystalline silica. Hazards: Freshly mixed wet cement can cause eye irrita' ` n, skin and eye burns and allergic skin reactions. Dry concrete and aggregate dust may cause irritation tot skin, and/or respiratory tract. Dust from handling, crushing, grinding, cutting and/or drilling may contain crystalline silica, which may cause Silicosis and cancer if inhaled. Health risk depends on duration and level of exposure. Safety: Avoid contact with eves and prolonged contact with skin. Wear gloves. eye protection, and appropriate protective clothing. Rinse hands thoroughly after handling. Avoid breathing dust. If exposed to dust above recommended limits (see MSDS). wear suitable NIOSH-approved respiratory protection. First Aid: In case of eve contact, immediately Hush eyes with water. if dust is inhaled, remove to fresh air. if wet cement contacts skin, rinse thoroughly with water. Get proper medical attenrion if irritation persists. CE,MEX 920 Memorial City Way, Ste. 100 Houston. Texas 77024 For further information, please visit www.CerrrexiISa.COM. V3 combined 11 /09 Este ticket de entrega asunie aquf pot referencia, quo el comprador ha previarrtente cumplido con Ia Soli�itud de credito, de existir; los tertninos y conr�iciotres ectandar del vendedor, el presupuesto del vendedor, si es que existe, y con la confirnaci6n del pedido del vendedor (incluyendo linutaciones de garkntfas), come se establece pot completo on este ticket de entrega ("cl Acuerclo"), El vendedor suministrara los terminus y condiciones estandar de asf solicitarse. El comprador e-sui de acuerdo en que salvo quo se especiftque a] frente del presente, todas las cantidades y artfculos ban sido entregados comp so indica, y ademas se acuerda expresamente abonar conforme al acuerdo. AR Ma» / ULIV11HiNT0 / PRODUCTOS DE CONCRETO Loss productos aridos son materiales de ocurrencia natural que incluyen caliza, dolomita. granite, roca volc.inica, arena, Brava, y otros materiales siliceous. Los productos de cemento incluyen cemento p6rtland, mamposterfa, puzolana. (Tipo 1P), tejai y estuco. Los productos de concreto incluyen cemento p6rtland y productos driclos incluyendo caliza. dolomita, granito, roca volcaruca, arena, grava y otros materiales vinctrlados a la siliceous. Estes productos podrfan contener mas del 0.1% de slice cristalina. Peligros: El cemento fresco hpmcdo mezelado puede provocar irritaci6n on los ojos, quemaduras de piel y ojos, asf como. reacciones alergicas on In piel. El concreto .seco y cl polvo de materiales aridos podrfan provocar irritaci611 on los ojos, piel y/o tracto respiratorio. El polvo del manejo, triturado, ntolido, cortado y/o perforado podrfa contener sflice cristalina, que podrfa causar silicosis y cancer de ser inhalada.'Los riesgos it la salud dependen de la duraci6n y del nivel de la exposicicju. Seguridad: Evite el contacto con los ojos y el contacto prolongado con la Piet. Use guautCS. protecci6n ocular y ropa protectors apropiada. Enjuaguese bier las manes lueQo del manipulado. Evite respirar polvo. Si se expose al polvo por encima de los Ifmites recomendados ameriornmente (veasc NiSDS por su sight on ingles), use la apropiada protecci6n respiratoria aprobada per NIOSH. Primeros auxilios: En caso de contacto con los ojos, inmediatamente onju3gueselos con agua. Si se ha inhalado polvo. col6quese al aire libre. Si el cemento h6medo entra of contacto con la piel, enjuaguela con abundante agua. Obtenga la atenci6n medica apropiada si la irritaci6n persiste. CEMEX 920 Memorial City Way,, Ste. t00 Houston, Texas 77024 V3comb nado Para mayor informaci6n, per favor visite www CemeXUSa.00M. 11/09 02/23/2012 10:15 FAX 17724896160 CEMEX r Delivery Ticket(s) _ -. •' 191 .to I���_ �� 1 4if,v.4nr 4.htiNr. 3107WG MEL-RY CONSTRUCTION rqq Wt, fV�awri mr0.r uuromrz 09/17/11 10725 B OCEAN DRIVE c."e..am; HOLIDAY OUT LOT 257 zzoznc-x o✓1eO�mNrTA' wpvn.n-w, 1@ 001 /002 Page I of I �i—mf `�(tQfv 53174689 SCANNEb BY St. Lucie Count Orecw.rosQ 5" Oa/17/11 P FA.NY MORMI LOT 237 4o" "Ob- . oFanning TII NMIC 31771634 110E45 1 5.00 1100239B.3 1109013 JBILL STRRUSB BLDRai EXT SHED awm LGA R I wu�rR➢aPmmr au,rnrr 7MR; wITEMMA PRNKTI9MMPMW Wo. IIIR.�! !®Ullr 10.00 10.00 10.00 1509993,3000 RLEN➢EWRRM Y03 1.D0 MOM IW YQQ Old you old You OldIM Old You 7,847518 FUEL SURCHARGE 1202749 EMYIRONMENTRIL CHIME ® EC F If FEB 2 3 2012 p��p;- tr;orks S1. yrpT, FL WA7M ADDW. " CAL WMI IN SY m WHENADDED. 9PA} CURS LINE CR01MUA71nwN0rSAGE4IS RAUM11. naNWFo1s I S f7 LOAD WAS TESTED SY. MUNIVMASAL AR£Y TRH: ORIGINAL LORD NUM: 1 You are viewing ticket 91 of 1 ticket(s) on-line. If you require further delivery information, please contact your C! MEX representative. http://prdmycustomerslegibinlhsnm,lise/PRD_LOCAL/DiSplayDelTickets/DisplayDelTielL.. 2/23/2012 02/23/2012 10:15 FAX 17724888180 Delivery Ticket(s) CEMEX IM 002/002 Page I of I 1fpr;;31 '9112'25 zzcemex z-Nd Ti- 4 �' 53623936 St. Flom: lawn LOC Lw TOJOk Md"im: aartunmaa: F"ihu Wwk Aa Jah: Refum MrrL• C�.ad• aw.rw�. ��Ofi Y CONSTRLH:TSON rnao+o u.f.nb..w 6� 107L.3 a OCEi1N DRIUF LGT 257 HOLIDAY OUT aapwJSMvrEd eemreraeiny:. n,�ra.,.��pgpy�r.r�AB/30J 11 anomvu.. e��P1np 33787998 m �ib2 �.na 'Tn�WIaY. OMrlanpE anrf,ma emus tom PNnTR muuerv. ,oaM1.11R ar*e° a111naR M41Ge°°oOaG .�aYGQ1CCj.O/IICY l� vurRiC arwar 8.00 8.00 8.00 1509995 WOO BLFWDEOPRPM r»3 i' 1.00 1247818 FUEL SURCHARGE 1.00 1202749 ENVIRgNMENTAL CHARGE �^®�g REl`,.�fi�E B 2 3 2012 v� M01MAaft, aynti..ma..��rn.cr,: crrn..n am.• meur°rY $; r M'a' Pu rD ;r C?LMLy, F warQyACUEO: d/yW {h Yt1YT,dR id �„ WHENA➢DEM / CURB LINE CROMEDAT DVMEr'ygOEW6MUE8i: L UUMUw4STESTED W. MPNE AL PREY TRK: oR1nNA'. ell~ LORD Nun- I You are viewing ticket #1 of 1 ticket(s) on-line. If you require further delivery information, please contact your CEMEX representative. http://prdmycustomers/cgibin/hsrun.hse/PRD_LOCALIDisplayDelTickets/DisplayDelTiek... 2/23/2012