HomeMy WebLinkAboutENGINEERING TESTING - FIELD DENSITY TESTCORPORATE OFFICE www.federalengineeringandtesting.com 250 SW 13" Avenue CMEC & FDOT ACCREDITED Phone: (954) 784-2941 Pompano Beach, FL 33069 1(800) 848-1919 Fax:(954) 784-7875 FIELD DENSITY TESTS OF COMPACTED SOILS DATE: 8/3/11 ORDERNO: 11-1476 PERMIT NO CLIENT: ADDRESS: 10967 S. OCEAN DRIVE, JENSEN BEACH, FLORIDA 34957 St. Lucie County PROJECT: PROPOSED RESIDENCE FOOTINGS LOT 257 ADDRESS: 10725 S. OCEAN DRIVE, JENSEN BEACH, FLORIDA MATERIAL DESCRIPTION: LIGHT BROWN SAND W/SHELL LOCATION: NE CORNER OF PAD LOCATION: CENTER OF PAD LOCATION: SW CORNER OF PAD LOCATION: LOCATION: LOCATION: FIELD DENSITY METHOD A.S.T.M. D-6938 DRY DENSITY P.C.F. IN THE FIELD 106.9 105.6 106.0 % MOISTURE - 8.6 7.3 7.9 % COMPACTION IN THE FIELD 97.7 96.5 96.9 % COMPACTION REQUIREMENT 95% PROCTOR VALUE, P.C.F. 109.4 OPTIMUM MOISTURE, % 11.8 LABORATORY NO. P-1336 DEPTH IN INCHES 12 PROCTOR A.S.T.M D-1557 METHOD REMARKS: SOIL NOT TESTED BELOW FOOTINGS TESTEDBY.. sf Respectfully sub it[ed ClU!CK CHECKED BY: IGA KETCH LEBLANC, P.R./y/ After laying dormant for a period of90 days or heavy raidstorms, retesting of this work must be performed. FEDERAL ENGINEERING&TESTING l FLORIDA REG. p59394 A density test determines the degree of compaction of the tested layer of material only. CERTRICATE OF AUTHORIZATION N 5471 A density does not replace a soil bearing capacity determination. - As a mutual protection to clients, the public and ourselves, all reports Are submitted as the confidential property of clients, and authorization For publication of statements, conclusions or extracts from or regarding 0ur reports is reserved pending our written approval. 08/08/2011 05:39 9547847--,, FEDERAL ENG PAGE 01/01 CORPORATE OFFICE www.fe4emlengineefingandtesting.com 250 SW 13th Avcnvc CIVEC & RDOT ACCREDITED Phone: (954) 784-2941 Pompano Beach, FL33069 1(860) 8,1&1919 FIELD DFNSTTX TESTS OF COMPACTED SOBS Fax: (954) 784.7675 DATE: 7/22/11 ORDER NO: 11-1406 PERMiTNO._ 1106009Z__. CLIENT: MEL-Ry CONSTRUCTION ADDRESS; ] 0967 S. OCEAN DRIVE iENSEN BEACH FLORIDA 34957 iya�r PROJECT: —PROPOSED RESIDENCE FOOTINGS L01' 257 ADDRESS: 10725 S. OCEAN DRIVE, JENSEN BEACH, FLORIDA MATERIAL DESCRIPTION: BROWN SAND LOCATION: NW CORNER OF POOTINGS LOCATION: SW CORNER OF FOOTINGS LocnTtorr: _ _SE CORNER OF FOOTINGS FIELD DENSITY METHOD A.S.T.M. 134938 f'ut REMARKS; SOn- NOT TESTED nrgaw FOOTINGS St. aF,57yp BY; �j __ _ RB$� Ct ilY 3U >.tte r c12exF,q By�Ictd dCEITH LEBLANC, P.E- After Inying dnrmnnt for d period of90 days or heavy rnlnictorms, rettming of ttdc work mat be perfarmed. ,FEDEIU&ENGrlBEFUNG&TESTING A dereity test dctutminet the detlrer. of compaction of the tceed layer of material only. '17 ORMA It! -i #59394 Adcndydnepnotrcpinlenxnttbeadogdpndtydetermlandom CL•RTIFIC)fD•©Fx%Tfp(ORI?9TtONI5471 Ax n mntnal protection to dichts, tire public and ouraalvcs, all reports Are anbmitted a the eongdcntlN property Mdirnts. and nothoriration '^ s - FhrPublientlan ofotatementc, onnclndanx or oxlrne[e from or regarding 0ur mportx it roomed pending mnrwdffen approval. VGMERING &'TESTING CORPORATE OFFICE 250 SW 13t1 Avenue pompano Beach, FL 33069 CMEC & FDOT ACCREDITED www.federalengineeringandtes6ng.cow ?bone: (954) 784-2941 1(800)848-1919 Fax: (954) 784-7875 FIELD DENSITY TESTS OF COMPACTED SOILS DATE: 7/22/11 ORDERNO: 11-1406 PERMIT NO. 110 0097 CLIENT: ADDRESS: 10907 S. OCEAN D JENSEN BEACH FLORIDA 34 57 St. w6eftwflty PROJECT: PROPOSED RESIDENCE FOOTINGS LOT 257 ADDRESS: 10725 S OCEAN DRI�� JENSEN BEACH FLORIDA MATERIAL DESCRIPTION: BROWN SANA LOCATION: NW CORNER OF FOOTINGS LOCATION:, SW CORNER OF FOOTDNn LOCATION: SE CORNER OF FOOTINGS LOCATION:. LOCATION: LOCATION: F1ELD DENSr1Y MEIIIOI7 A.S.T,M. D-6938 DRY DENSrrY P.C.F. IN THE FIELD 104.4 105.1 106.3 • MOISTURE 9.3 10.1 9.7 % COMPACTION IN THE FIELD 96.9 97.8 98.2 n/e COMPACTION UQUJREMENT 95% y' ,UL 2 9 2011 public Worlts St. Lucia Gounty, FL ..;, .,. PROCTOR VALUE, P.C.F. .108.2 OPTIMUM MOISTURE, % 11.9 LABORATORY NO. P-1322 DEPTH IN INCHES 12 PROCTOR A.S.T.M D-1557 METHOD nsmD BY.. 5r CHE=BY: Q After layiog dormant for a period of Yd days or heavyrnin/stmms, retesting ofthts wurk must bo performed. A dually teat determines the degree of compaction of the tested layer of matcdat only. A dmulty does not mplace a OR bearing wpud(y determletatlon. Asa mutual proteedon to d(tnt9, the pubne and oarselre,%all reports Are submitted as the mandentisl property of clients, and autheuzadon Forpublim6oa of statements, wadmioas or ¢:tracts from or reprding Our reports is rere d pending our writtensppwr'al. ' ' '•�FEDfiRtX7�_ENGTI:T7iFlitit•(G S';'FFSTMG 'FP,ORMAREG. #59394,:":, GrRTjPJ(;? I'E OF' AITTHORItATION N 5471