HomeMy WebLinkAboutNOCJOSEPH E. SMITH, CLERK 9HE CIRCUIT COURT — SAINT LUCIE COUNTY__ FILE N 3598543 OR EOONf ,`9 PAGE 329, Recorded 06/07/2011 at' >22 AM NOTICE OF COMMENCEMENT The undersigned hereby given notice that improvement will be made to certain «al property, and in accordance with Chapter 713, Honda statutes the following information is provided in the Notice of announcement. rrrs_ra,+ p_j and street eldrwl TAXFOLIO NUMBER: 2. GENERAL DFSCRD'FION d. Name and address of fee simple thicholder (if other than 4. CONTRACTOR'S NAME, ADDRESS AND PHONE N' —o/ yq-47 ✓>. o 0 V4101 interest in property_ 5. SURETY'S NAME, ADDRESS AND PHONE NUMBER AND BOND AMUr11Nl': 6.LENDER'S NAME, ADDRESS AND PHONE NUMBER: ^-)'9 7. Persons within the State ofFWonda designated by Owner upon whom notices ormher documents may be served as provided by Section713.13 (Ills) 7., FloddaSmmws: NAIAKAD➢RESS AND PHONE NUMBER: 8.1a addifice to hieselfar brrself, Ownerdaignnas the following to receive a copy, of the Lienaf s Notice as Provided in Section 713.13 (l)(b), Florida Seems: 9. Expiration date of notice ofcommencement (the expiration date is 1 year from the date of recording unless a different date is spadfied) 20_. C. M6V'Ll l Signature of Owner or Print Nome and Provide Signatory's TiUdOffire Owner's Authorized Olilcer/Director/Partner/Manager Sme ofFlorida � �"� County of Sk QtV lti. AOy.,� s.\ 20 The foregoing ias \nst_n:_men[srwa�s ackoowl ged before me this day of 1 t IQ.� BY S�11-�\ ` ' `CnS..�_ , C u3t%rfJC' (Nece of person) (type of authority... e.g. Owner, officer, trustee, attorney in fact) For (Name ofparty on behalf ofwhom instrument was executed) Personally Known_ mpmdumd the following type oflD:_ DAMDN.IT Elul Go"mi,sem DD895578 Kn l.0 J ` Expires Fopb,,b,25,2014s (Pdn¢d Name o(Notary Pu i) (Signature of Nomry Publi mmmarxr.,mr.r.Nssas Under penalties of perjury, I declare the I have read the foregoing and that the facts in it are me to the best of my knowledge and belief (seedon 92.525. Florida Smmms). po Slgnature(s)ef Ownerl(s)or Owner(s)' Authorized OlBcerMiredodPartuer/Ma�mgerwhossig)ned above: By:Ale z �. BYE """`-^ el)7. ✓/l<l_r—�'--� r...aaanom:r,m,wU �I RAW V AONIDA V.. twit MuNry WS IS TO GE ATIFYTHATTHIS ISA TRUEANOre R TCOPYOFTHE V, Iraq( Date: SCANNED, MT St, Lucie Cu-linty