HomeMy WebLinkAboutNOCM IqW -oa e Art;.Fcc tn0.y:liL69iN_l0: 7 � JOSEPH E. SMITH, CLERK OF THE CIRCUIT COURT �`ooLS 3f G,n_E i;,,i c, `l1, SAINT LUCIE COUNTY FILE % 3927332 0212112014 at 02:04 PM OR BOOK 0606 PAGE 202-202 Doc Type: NC RECORDING: $IO.00 SLRNNED NOTICE OF COhIIt ENCFtYtEPdT BY St. Lucie County The undersigned hereby given notice that improvement will be made to certain zeal property, and in accordance with Chapter 713, Florida statutes the following information is provided in the Notice -£commencement 1. DESCRIPTION OF PROPERTY (Legal description and street, address) TAX FOLIO NUMBER- 70�.3 - 3 ai 3 SUBDIVISION _BLOCK TRACT LOT BLDG UNIT73L yl N y ass 61s 33.E:AeWe- s DF 774et, s�C �- LESS i�C3-isAd�""7 2.GENERAL DESCRIPTION OF Ln4PROVEIVIEN T:/AfSl/rl 3: (dWNAR INFORMATION: h,ndArt�sri,!1rz�.Q,� �• .L1�Dirpn tQt�t r-Qgi1Li.�c�'—`>� d. Netne and rddruss of fee simple titleholder (if other dtan owner) 4. CONTRACTOR'S NAME, ADDRESS AND PHONE NUMBER: 7VooG S ;3ir 5. UR}TY'SNAME, ADDR/ES'SAND PHONNUM ER AND BOND AMOUNT: 6. LEND?R'S NAME, ADDRESS AND PHONE NUMBER, a interest in property 7. Persons within the State of Florida designated by Owner upon whom notices or other documents may be served as provided by Section 713.13 (1)(a) 7., Florida Statutes: NAME, ADDRESS AND PHONE NUMBER; S. In addition to himsel£or herself, Owner designates the following to receive a copy of the Lienor's Notice as provided in Section 713.13 (1)(b), Florida Statutes: NAME, ADDRESS AND PHONE NUMBER. 9. Expiration dote of= lice of commencement (the expiration date is I year from the date of recording unless a different date is specified) Signature of Owner or Print Name and Provide Signatory's Title/Office Owner's Authorized Offacer/Dlrectar/Partnerfi6:aasger State of Florida County of .3T' bXjE— "l:'he foregoing insnument was acknowledged before me this - By day of FPl7?./!ap/r 20 (Name Orperson) as For (Type of authority_.. e.g. Owncr,-flicer, trustee, attorney in fact ) (Name of party on behalf of whom instrument was executed) Personally Known o ,produced the following type of ID: MARIE E. ECKERT Notary Public -Slate of Florida (Pnmed Name of -Notary Public) M t ( gnn[ure of Notarypublic) t;, tits, d, Y Comm. Ex Aires Dec 15, 2016 „oF fd,":•' Commission # EE 666F59 Under penalties of perjury, I declare that I have read the foregoing and that the facts in it belief (section 92525, Florida Statutes). t to u o m' bwledgti and-...-. Signatare(s) of Owner(s) or Owner(s)' Authorized Officer/Dtrector/Partner/N ..get. who signed above: By: By /t41XA) b/da 0t/ a,..osnurzrnmGas.,;t (Signature) (Priutcd Name)