HomeMy WebLinkAboutENERGY PAPERWORK-5-- `,-;ZO03 ih.oD� �-" E. . go (--nEw- Equipment Schedule Unit# Y SEER � 0 HSPF 2 Make �i AJO)CTons 3 Cond.Unit Mod.# D Q�34 A/H Unit Mod.# C Lgz�ivi- Heater Mod.#,eC'/v Sensible Cooling Latent Cooling u l eo 0 Total Cool BTU's �, D id � LU r ENERGY PERFORMANCE LEVEL (EPL) DISPLAY CARD ESTIMATED ENERGY PERFORMANCE SCORE* = 83.6 The higher the score, the more efficient the home. KOLTER SIGNATURE HOMES, INC.,, PORT ST. LUCIE, FL, 1. New construction or existing New _ 12. Cooling systems 2. Single family or multi -family Single family _ a. Central Unit Cap: 36.0 kBtu/hr 3. Number of units, if multi -family 1 _ SEER: 10.00 _ 4. Number ofBedmoms 3 _ b. N/A _ 5. Is this a worst case? Yes 6. Conditioned floor area (fF) 1530 fF c. N/A _ 7. Glass area & type a. Clear - single pane 0.0 ft' 13. Heating systems b. Clear - double pane 0.0 fF _ a. Electric Heat Pump Cap: 36.0 kBtu/hr _ c. Tintlother SHGC - single pane 213.5 W _ HSPF: 7.00 _ d. Tint/other SHGC - double pane 0.0 fP b. N/A _ 9. Floor types a. Slab -On -Grade Edge Insulation R-0.0, 195.0(p) ft - c. N/A b. N/A - c. N/A 14. Hot water systems 9. Wall types _ a. Electric Resistance Cap: 40.0 gallons _ a. Concrete, Int Insu4 Exterior R=4.2, 1134.0 R' _ ER 0.94 _ b. Concrete, Int Insul, Adjacent R442, 347.0 & _ b. N/A _ c. Frame, Wood, Adjacent R=11.0, 270.0 112 d. NIA _ c. Conservation credits _ e. N/A (HR-Heat recovery, Solar 10. Ceilingtypes _ DHP-Dedicated heat pump) a. Under Attic R=19.0, 1530.0 fF _ 15. HVAC credits b. N/A _ (CF-Ceiling fan, CV -Cross ventilation, c. N/A HF-Whole house fan, 11. Ducts _ PT -Programmable Thermostat, a. Sup: Unc. Ret Con. AH: Interior Sup. Rfi.0, 125.0 ft _ RB-Attic radiant barrier, b. N/A MZJ Multizone cooling, MZ-H-Multizone heating) I certify that this home has complied with the Florida Energy Efficiency Code For Building Construction through the above energy saving features which will be installed (or exceeded) in this home before final ' r Otherwise, a new EPL Display Card will be completed based on installed Code co plian f Builder Signatn= -. Date: FoR7' I-C, L4�ct� Address of New Home: City/FL Zip: F-i_ 34-a 8 (1 *NOTE.- The home's estimated energy performance score is only available through the FLARES computer program. This is not a Building Energy Rating. Ifyour score is 80 or greater (or 86for a USEPAIDOE EnergyStzby designation), your home may qualify for energy efficiency mortgage (EEW incentives ifyou obtain a Florida Energy Gauge Rating. Contact the Energy Gauge Hotline at 3211638-1492 or see the Energy Gauge web site at www.fsec. ucf edu for information and a list of certified Raters. For information about Florida's Energy Efficiency Code For Building Construction, contact the Department of Comm un ity Affairs at 85 0148 7-1824. ,ram,. en rtr."4; ,,- rr wren .,z 1 t 1 The Torrey Pines Mod. E HVAC Load Calculations for Kolter Signature Homes, Inc. 2160 Reserve Park Trace Port St. Lucie, FI 34986 Prepared By: Jose Nisair Air Conditioning 1501 Decker Ave.- D404 Stuart, FI. 34994 772-283-0904 Friday, May 09, 2003 Project Report H Title: Client Name: Client Address: Client City: Client Phone: Company Name: Company Representative: Company Address: Company City: Company Phone: The Torrey Pines Mod. E Thursday, May 08, 2003. Koller Signature Homes, Inc. 2160 Reserve Park Trace Port St. Lucie, FI 34986 772-468-4703 Nisair Air Conditioning Jose 1501 Decker Ave. -D404 Stuart, Fl. 34994 772-283-0904 Daily Temperature Range: High Latitude: 27 Degrees Elevation: 25 ft. Altitude Factor: 0.999 ' Elevation Sensible Adj. Factor: 1.000 Elevation Total Adj. Factor: 1.000 Elevation Heating Adj. Factor: 1.000 Elevation Heating Adj. Factor: 1.000 Outdoor Outdoor Indoor Indoor Grains Dry Bulb Wet Bulb Rel.Hum Dry Bulb Difference Winter: 42 0 0 72 0 Summer: 90 78 50 75 61 Square ft. of Room Area: 1,531 Square ft. Per Ton: 527 Total Heating Required With Outside Air: 36,260 Btuh 36.260 MBH Total Sensible Gain: 26,117 Btuh 75 % Total Latent Gain: 8,764 Btuh 25 % Total Cooling Required With Outside Air: 34,881 Btuh 2.91 Tons (Based On Sensible + Latent) Calculations are based on 8th edition of ACCA Manual J. All computed results are estimates as building use and weather may vary. Be sure to select a unit that meets both sensible and latent loads. Miscellaneous Report Summer:-- 90 78 50 75 61.09 Calculate: Use Schedule: Roughness Factor: Pressure Drop: Minimum Velocity: Maximum Velocity: Minimum Height: Maximum Height: Yes 0.00300 0.1000 in.wg./100 ft. 650 ftJmin 900 ftJmin 0 in. 0 in. Infiltration: Volume of Conditioned Space: Total Building Infiltration: Total Building Ventilation: 0.700 AC/hr X 15109 Cu.ft. 10,576 Cu.ft./hr X 0.0167 176 CFM 0 CFM —System 1— Infiltration & Ventilation Sensible Gain Multiplier: Infiltration & Ventilation Latent Gain Multiplier: Infiltration & Ventilation Sensible Loss Multiplier: Yes Yes 0.01000 0.1000 in.wgJ100 ft. 450 ft./min 750 ft./min 0 in. 0 in. Summer 0.400 AC/hr X 15109 Cu.ft. 6,044 Cu.ft./hr X 0.0167 101 CFM . 0 CFM 16.49 = (1.10 X 0.999 X 15.00 Summer Temp. Difference) 41.50 = (0.68 X 0.999 X 61.09 Grains Difference) 32.97 = (1.10 X 0.999 X 30.00 Winter Temp. Difference) s Load Preview Report ,188 System 1 1,531 26,117 8,764 34,881 36,260 471 1,188 1,188 16 Zone 1 1,531 26,117 8,764 34,881 36,260 471 1,188 1,188 1-Bdrm #2/Bth 266 7,735 2,451 10,186 7,592 99 352 352 3-6 2-Din Rm/Kit 425 3,799 2,301 6,100 7,414 96 173 173 2-5 3-LivRm 360 8,164 1,072 9,236 10,188 132 371 371 3-7 4-MstrBdrm/Bth/Laund 480 6,419 2,940 9,359 11,066 144 292 292 3-6 Rhvac i2e5fdeptiafBL�ghkCommerciaLkltCACtaads � ; �tite�aftwars#1eveCopmenf.tn� Pereronalreed 5ennee Ine Y > Fx The T"e�rrey pines iJtod >_; Total Building Summary Loads 0e�C- � [Wt.:'".ca:.:,,,.,5:;` 1A-rb-o: Glazing -Single pane, operable window, reflective, 157 5,086 0 9,106 9,106 metal frame with break, ground reflectance = 0.32, outdoor insect screen with 50% coverage, white or reflective color drapes with tight weave with 25% coverage 1A-cb-d: Glazing -Single pane, sliding glass door, clear, 104 3,370 0 3,864 3,864 metal frame with break, ground reflectance = 0.32, outdoor insect screen with 50% coverage, white or reflective color drapes with tight weave with 25% coverage 11 D: Door -Solid Core 37.6 440 0 308 308 14E-4-8c: Wall -two courses brick, brick on concrete or 8 1303 5,942 0 799 799 inches concrete, 8 inches of 140# concrete with R-4 board insulation 12B-Obw: Wall -Frame, R-11 insulation in 2 x 4 stud cavity, 227.4 662 0 30 30 no board insulation, brick finish, wood studs 16D-19: Roof/Ceiling-Under attic or knee wall, Vented 1531 2,251 0 1,876 1,876 Attic, No Radiant Barrier, Dark Tile, Slate or Concrete, R-19 insulation 22A-pm: Floor -Slab on grade, No edge insulation, no. 188 6,655 0 0 0 insulation below floor, any floor cover, passive, heavy dry or light wet soil Subtotals for structure: 24,406 0 15,983 15,983 People: 4 800 920 1,720 Equipment: 3,200 3,200 6,400 Lighting: 0 0 0 Ductwork: 6,043 584 4,353 4,937 Infiltration: Winter CFM: 176, Summer CFM: 101 5,811 4,180 1,661 5,841 Ventilation: Winter CFM: 0, Summer CFM: 0 0 0 0 0 Total Building Load Totals: 36,260 8,764 26,117 34,881 Total Building Supply CFM: 1,188 (4.7 AC/hr) CFM Per Square It.: 0.776 Square ft. of Room Area: 1,531 Square ft. Per Ton: 527 PRO tfir"iiadS d 4 Total Heating Required With Outside Air: 36,260 Btuh 36.260 MBH Total Sensible Gain: 26,117 Btuh 75 % Total Latent Gain: 8,764 Btuh 25 % Total Cooling Required With Outside Air: 34,881 Btuh 2.91 Tons (Based On Sensible + Latent) Calculations are based on 8th edition ofACCA Manual J. All computed results are estimates as building use and weather may vary. Be -sure to select a unit that meets both sensible and latent loads. Rlvae i2esliteatlallG tlghtCommerceat HiCAG faa� £Me 3athvare DkveleFmenf.iriii Persanal¢xN Service Inc ae ' e �'y: ihe"Ysirrey F�inea fGocL i=: System 1 Torrey Pines Mod. E Summary Loads (Peak Method) �tp>tnrK�r3elnfy � a �; ,�fi S,en� at ;Area z �'�i�rRrV�T�^ial` (AA :;VTPtit:: 1A-rb-o: Glazing -Single pane, operable window, reflective, 157 5,086 0 9,106 9,106 metal frame with break, ground reflectance = 0.32, outdoor insect screen with 50% coverage, white or reflective color drapes with tight weave with 25% coverage 1A-cb-d: Glazing -Single pane, sliding glass door, clear, 104 3,370 0 3,864 3,864 metal frame with break, ground reflectance = 0.32, outdoor insect screen with 50% coverage, white or reflective color drapes with tight weave with 25% coverage 11D: Door -Solid Core 37.6 440 0 308 308 14E-4-8c: Wall -two courses brick, brick on concrete or 8 1303 5,942 0 799 799 inches concrete, 8 inches of 140# concrete with R-4 board insulation 12B-Obw: Wall -Frame, RA 1 insulation in 2 x 4 stud cavity, 227.4 662 0 30 30 no board insulation, brick finish, wood studs 16D-19: Roof/Ceiling-Under attic or knee wall, Vented 1531 2,251 0 1,876 1,876 Attic, No Radiant Barrier, Dark Tile, Slate or Concrete, R-19 insulation _22A-pm: Floor -Slab on grade, No edge insulation, no 188 6,655 0 0 0 insulation below floor, any floor cover, passive, heavy - dry or light wet soil Subtotals for structure: 24,406 0 15,983 15,983 People: 4 800 920 1,720 Equipment: 3,200 3,200 6,400 Lighting: 0 0 0 Ductwork: 6,043 584 4,353 4,937 Infiltration: Winter CFM: 176, Summer CFM: 101 5,811 4,180 1,661 5,841 Ventilation: Winter CFM: 0, Summer CFM: 0 0 0 0 0 System 1 Torrey Pines Mod. E Load Totals: 36,260 8,764 26,117 34,881 . e9d�' :L....>w .....ry :'f.33R:L:::L.,,.. �. ):i.: >.'ay:.oN ...._ ... ... ........ .. ... .. .:n' Supply CFM: 1,188 (4.7 AC/hr) _,. ✓...._.., .. ...,, ....�... R'<'.: CFM Per Square ft.: 0.776 Square ft. of Room Area: 1,531 Square ft Per Ton: 527 Total Heating Required With Outside Air: 36,260 Btuh 36.260 MBH Total Sensible Gain: 26,117 Btuh 75 % Total Latent Gain: 8,764 Btuh 25 % Total Cooling Required With Outside Air: 34,881 Btuh 2.91 Tons (Based On Sensible + Latent) Calculations are based on 8th edition of ACCA Manual J. All computed results are estimates as building use and weather may vary. Be sure to select a unit that meets both sensible and latent loads. Rlivae Rast�kr�ial�i�"giitGommerciatklti,A�Cvads EGtst;4iiwarel3evefopmeof;inc�^ l'�stmel¢zd �'iEIV18e GIG ' . t r; FlreTx�trey l'�tnea i l= System 1, Zone 1 Summary Loads (Peak Method) 1A-rb-o: Glazing -Single pane, operable window, reflective, 157 5,086 0 9,106 9,106 metal -frame with break, ground reflectance= 0.32, outdoor insect screen with 50% coverage, white or reflective color drapes with tight weave with 25% coverage 1A-cb-d: Glazing -Single pane, sliding glass door, clear, 104 3,370 0 3,864 3,864 metal frame with break, ground reflectance = 0.32, outdoor insect screen with 50% coverage, white or reflective color drapes with tight weave with 25% coverage 11 D: Door -Solid Core 37.6 440 0 308 308 14E-4-8c: Wall -two courses brick, brick on concrete or 8 1303 5,942 0 799 799 inches concrete, 8 inches of 140# concrete with R-4 board insulation 12B-Obw: Wall -Frame, R-11 insulation in 2 x 4 stud cavity, 227.4 662 0 30 30 no board insulation, brick finish, wood studs -16D-19: Roof/Ceiling-Under attic or knee wall, Vented 1531 2,251 0 1,876 1,876 Attic, No Radiant Barrier, Dark Tile, Slate or Concrete, R-19 insulation 22A-pm: Floor -Slab on grade, No edge insulation, no 188 6,655 0 0 0 insulation below floor, any floor cover, passive, heavy dry or light wet soil Subtotals for structure: 24,406 0 15,983 15,983 People: 4 800 920 1,720 Equipment: 3,200 3,200 6,400 Lighting: 0 0 0 Ductwork: 6,043 584 4,353 4,937 Infiltration: Winter CFM: 176, Summer CFM: 101 5,811 4,180 1,661 5,841 System 1, Zone 1 Load Totals: 36,260 8,764 26,117 34,881 i' Lob, Ir �e Supply CFM: 1,188 (4.7 AC/hr) CFM Per Square ft.: 0.776 Square ft,�..fpof Room Area: 1,531 Square fL Per Ton: 527 Total Heating Required: 36,260 Btuh 36.260 MBH Total Sensible Gain: 26,117 Btuh 75 % Total Latent Gain: 8,764 Btuh 25 % Total Cooling Required: 34,881 Btuh 2.91 Tons (Based On Sensible + Latent) EM Calculations are based on 8th edition ofACCA Manual J. All computed results are estimates as building use and weather may vary. Be sure to select a unit that meets both sensible and latent loads. s'. to Detailed Room Loads - Room 9 - Bdrm #2/Bth (Peak Method) Room Length: 19.0 ft. System Number: 1 Room Width: 14.0 ft. Zone Number: 1 Area: 266.0 sq.ft. Supply Air: 352 CFM Ceiling Height: 9.0 ft. Supply Air Changes: 8.8 AC/hr Volume: 2,394.0 cu.ft. Required Vent.: 0 CFM Number of Registers: 3 Actual Winter Vent.: 0 CFM Runout Air: 117 CFM Percent of Supply.: 0 % Runout Duct Size: 6 in. Actual Summer Vent.: 0 CFM Runout Air Velocity: 597 ft./min. Percent of Supply: 0 % Design Loss: 0.100 in.wg./100 ft. Actual Winter Infil.: 38 CFM Actual Loss: 0.228 in.wg./100 ft. Actual Summer Infil.: 22 CFM E -Wall-14E-4-8c 16 X 9 92 0.152 4.6 420 0.3 0 25 S-Wall-14E-4-8c 2 X 9 18 0.152 4.6 82 0.1 0 1 S-Wall-12B-Obw 9 X 9 81 0.097 2.9 236 0.0 0 4 E -GIs-IA-rb-o shgc-0.35 2%S 26 1.080 32.4 842 80.3 0 2,087 E -GIs-1A-rb-o shgc-0.35 2%S (2) 26 1.080 32.4 842 80.3 0 2,088 UP-Ceil-1613-1919 X 14 266 0.049 1.5. 391 1.2 0 326 Fl6or-22A-pm 44 ft..Per. 44 1.180 35.4 1,558 0.0 0 0 Subtotals for Structure: 5,069 0 4,626 Infil.: Win.: 38.2, Sum.:21.8 396 3.177 1,258 0.909 905 360 Ductwork: 0,200 1,265 0.200 146 1,289 People: 200 lat/per, 230 sen/per: 2 400, 460 Equipment: 1,000 1,000 Room Totals: 7,592 2,451 7,735 #1liirao i2eside�fal&1.i@IitGommeraia1H11ACLoads :x �titsSait�xareTieueCopment,inc Pesgrtal¢xr7�emezfnc -: � � e ihsTwre pdnes;ivtud i=< Detailed Room Loads - Room 2 - Din Rm/Kit (Peak Method) Calculation Mode: Htg. & clg. Occurrences: 1 Room Length: 25.0 ft. System Number: 1 Room Width: 17.0 ft. Zone Number: 1 Area: 425.0 sq.ft. Supply Air: 173 CFM Ceiling Height: 11.0 ft. Supply Air Changes: 2.2 AC/hr Volume: 4,675:0 cu.ft. Required Vent.: 0 CFM Number of Registers: 2 Actual Winter Vent.: 0 CFM Runout Air: 86 CFM Percent of Supply.: 0 % Runout Duct Size: 5 in. Actual Summer Vent.: 0 CFM Runout Air Velocity: 634 ft./min. Percent of Supply: 0 % Design Loss: 0.100 in.wg./100 ft. Actual Winter Infil.: 40 CFM Acyytyuyal Loss: 0.330 in.wg./100 ft. Actual Summer Infil.: 23 jT i\9lita vi. ` , ... f'31ea .�.♦ 11 �5'�. �. ai' Y i hCFM 66 A/'ayRft a ��,,jj i hN4F+ F�yYit�? ....... .....: N -Wall-14E-4-8c 25 X 11 240 0.152 4.6 1,094 0.6 0 150 S -Wall-14E-4-8c 13 X 11 143 0.152 4.6 652 0.1 0 11 N -GIs-1A-rb-o shgc-0.35 100%S 15 1.080 32.4 486 25.9 0 388 -N -GIs-IA-rb-o shgc-0.35 100%S 20 1.080 32.4 648 25.9 0 517 UP-Ceil-1613-19 25 X 17 425 0.049 1.5 625 1.2 0 521 Floor-22A-pm 38 ft..Per. 38 1.180 35.4 1,345 0.0 0 0 Subtotals for Structure: 4,850 0 1,587 . Infil.: Win.: 40.3, Sum.: 23.0 418 3.177 1,328 0.907 955 379 Ductwork: 0.200 1,236 0.200 146 633 Equipment: _ 1,200 1,200 Room Totals: 7,414 2,301 3,799 Detailed Room Loads - Room 3 - Liv Rm (Peak Method) Room Length: 20.0 ft. System Number: 1 Room Width: 18.0 ft. Zone Number: 1 Area: 360.0 sq.ft. Supply Air: 371 CFM Ceiling Height: 9.0 ft. Supply Air Changes: 6.9 AC/hr Volume: 3,240.0 cu.ft. Required Vent.: 0 CFM Number of Registers: 3 Actual Winter Vent.: 0 CFM RunoutAir: 124 CFM Percent of Supply.: 0 % Runout Duct Size: 7 in. Actual Summer Vent.: 0 CFM Runout Air Velocity: 463 ft./min. Percent of Supply: 0 % Design Loss: 0.100 in.wg./100 ft. Actual Winter Infil.: 39 CFM Actual Loss: 0.112 in.wg./100 ft. Actual Summer Infil.: 22 CFM W -Wall-14E-4-8c 18 X 9 122 0.152 4.6 556 1.6 0 200 S-Wall-14E-4-8c 6 X 9 14 0.152 4.6 64 0.1 0 1 -N -Door-11 D 3 X 8 24 0.390 11.7 281 8.2 0 197 N -GIs-1A-rb-o shgc-0.35 1 00%S 30 1.080 32.4 972 25.9 0 776 (2) 'W -GIs-1A-rb-o shgc-0.35 3%S (2) . 40 1.080 32.4 1,296 81.3 0 3,250 S -GIs-1A-cb-d shgc-0.75 1 00%S 40 1.080 32.4 1,296 37.2 0 1,486 (2) UP-Ceil-16D-19 20 X 18 360 0.049 1.5 529 1.2 0 441 Floor-22A-pm 45 ft..Per. 45 1.180 35.4 1,593 0.0 0 0 Subtotals for Structure: 7,203 0 6,435 Infil.: Win.: 39.0, Sum.: 22.3 405 3.178 1,287 0.909 926 368 Ductwork: 0.200 1,698 0.200 146 1,361 Room Totals: 10,188 1,072 8,164 Rhuac Resadeedial�tigiik�nrrimkrM:ia)Ht/ACGaxCs � � Efite�atbvaret7euefupmentrinc Peisorrellzetl 6emee the -: 4 � :' t iheTurrey Pines I�ad �: Detailed Room Loads - Room 4 - Mstr Bdrm/Bth/Laund (Peak Method) ,tie tea ». .. .............:.............................. »,., ..., ,.,,._.. .... ,.:... �>....... Calculation Mode: Htg. & clg. Occurrences: 1 Room Length: 32.0 ft. System Number. 1 —Room-Width: 15.0 ft. Zone Number: 1 Area: 480.0 sq.ft. Supply Air: 292 CFM Ceiling Height: 10.0 ft. Supply Air Changes: 3.7 AC/hr Volume: 4,800.0 cu.ft. Required Vent.: 0 CFM Number of Registers: 3 Actual Winter Vent.: 0 CFM Runout Air: 97 CFM Percent of Supply.: 0 % Runout Duct Size: 6 in. Actual Summer Vent.: 0 CFM RunoutAir Velocity: 496 ft./min. Percent of Supply: 0 % Design Loss: 0.100 in.wg./100 ft. Actual Winter Infil.: 59 CFM Loss: 0.158 in.wg./100 ft. Actual Summer Infil.: 34 CFM jActual � Fw \ixix� ta.� M ... . �) � Y 3Y� S y+�{ y� �•ai S S o��!t.�'S�%yy}T: ``J; ii� �,yYC9 S -Wall-14E-4-8c 32 X 10 256 0.152 4.6 1,167 0.1 0 19 W -Wall-14E-4-8c 13 X 10 130 0.152 4.6 593 1.6 0 213 E -Wall-12B-Obw 16 X 10 146.4 0.097 2.9 426 0.2 0 26 E -Door-11 D 2 X 6.8 13.6 0.390 11.7 159 8.2 0 111 S-GIs 1A-cb-d shgc-0.75 100%S 64 1.080 32.4 2,074 37.2 0 2,378 (2) UP-Ceil-1613-19 32 X 15 480 0.049 1.5 706 1.2 0 588 Flo6r-22A-pm 61 ft..Per. 61 1.180 35.4 2,159 0.0 0 0 Subtotals for Structure: 7,284 0 3,335 Infil.: Win.: 58.8, Sum.: 33.6 610 3.177 1,938 0.908 1,394 554 Ductwork: 0.200 1,844 0.200 146 1,070 People: 200 lat/per, 230 sen/per: 2 400 460 Equipment: 1,000 1,000 Room Totals: 11,066 2,940 6,419 Rtiyac Resfderdial�3.ightCammarciatHStACLoads x ��- F�its�ceThraz�(3s*reCaPment,In�:. PeEsarrelrzed i3ermee Inc ' m �' , TheTzxre+� pinea iv�cd 1: System 1 Room Load Summary --Zone-1- 1 Bdrm #2/Bth 266 7,592 99 3-6 597 7,735 2,451 352 352 2 Din Rm/K'd 425 7,414 96 2-5 634 3,799 2,301 173 173 3 Liv Rm 360 10,188 132 3-7 463 8,164 1,072 371 371 4 Mstr 480 11,066 144 3-6 496 6,419 2,940 292 292 Bdrm/Bth/Laund System 1 total 1,531 36,260 471 26,117 8,764 1,188 1,188 System 1 Main Trunk Size: 16 in. Velocity: 851 ft./min Loss per 100 ft.: 0.089 in.wg l ,., :.. .ti?::. �n K t CibU�rM u�etieA.rt[ 5�tt�5fe .. ..F v4>W...M v:....vv:::.:..n..v:.,.:: n,,.:::.. .::, ': ..n.\n..i.:.;J•J .nH,...a.v.. ...::. <n»4.:i:<T:.. 9 na..... n.n..:...>......n:..w:.............>.v..>y:.o.a. .P.:: ux: ... >.<:x .:.aYt:2:' ::P£N• c::: $<> Net Required: 2.91 75% / 25% 26,117 8,764 34,881 .....::....:. ........:............n..n>... .xn>:.>:fi::c>';'.:9::>,:>.:>\:x:>:.>'.:>:.:'x.:..........o>:S>:£:<9.>:£,.:::i;.:�::�£::�:.x::>::>::2>•^vx\cl:`x::[>':6.[::�>'><:s±>`.:c`oi:,'ck:c:?'::'.x::,'> Heating System Cooling System Type: Model: Brand: Efficiency: Sound: Capacity: Sensible Capacity: n/a 0 Btuh Latent Capacity: n/a 0 Btuh FORM 60OA-2001 FLORIDA ENERGY EFFICIENCY CODE FOR BUILDING CONSTRUCTION Florida Department of Community Affairs Residential Whole Building Performance Method A Project Name: THE TORREY PINES MOD E Builder. KOLTER Address: Permitting Office: City, State: PORT ST. LUCIE, FL Permit Number: Owner: KOLTER SIGNATURE HOMES, INC. Jurisdiction Number. Climate Zone: Central 1. New construction or existing New _ 12. Cooling systems 2. Single family or multi -family Single family _ a. Central Unit Cap: 36.0 kBw&r _ 3. Number of units, if multi -family 1 _ SEER: 10.00 _ 4. Number of Bedrooms 3 _ b. N/A _ 5. Is this a worst case? Yes 6. Conditioned floor area (ft2) 1530 112 c. N/A - 7. Glass area & Type a. Clear - single pane 0.0 ft2 _ 13. Heating systems b. Clear -double pane 0.0 ft2 _ a. Electric Heat Pump Cap: 36.0 kBtu/hr c. Tint/other SHGC - single pane 213.5 ft2 _ HSPF: 7.00 _ d. Tindother SHGC - double pane ... 0.0 ft2 b. N/A 8. Floor types _ a. Slab-0n-Grade Edge Insulation R=0.0, 195.0(p) It _ c. N/A _ b. N/A c. N/A 14. Hot water systems 9. Wall types _ a. Electric Resistance Cap: 40.0 gallons _ a. Concrete, Int Insul, Exterior ._- R=4.2, 1134.0 ft2 _ EF: 0.94 _ b. Concrete, Int Insul, Adjacent R=42, 347.0 ft2 _ b. N/A c. Frame, Wood, Adjacent R=11.0, 270.0 ft2 d. N/A _ c. Conservation credits _ e. N/A (HR-Heat recovery, Solar 10. Ceiling types _ DHP-Dedicated heat pump) a. Under Attic R=19.0,1530.0 ft2 _ 15. HVAC credits _ b. N/A _ (CF-Ceiling fan, CV -Cross ventilation, c. N/A HF-Whole house fan, 11. Ducts _ PT -Programmable Thermostat, a. Sup: Unc. Ret Con. AH: Interior Sup. R=6.0, 125.0 ft _ MZ-C-Multizone cooling, b. N/A MZ-H-Multizone heating) Glass/Floor Area: 0.14 Total as -built points: 23103 PASS Total base points: 23244 I hereby certify that the plans and specifications covered by this calculation are in compliance with the Florida Energy Code. PREPARED BY: o1c3 DATE: I hereby certify that this building, as designed, is in compliance with the Florida Energy Code. OWNER/AGENT: DATE: Review of the plans and specifications covered by this calculation indicates compliance with the Florida Energy Code. Before construction is completed this building will be inspected for compliance with Section 553.908 Florida Statutes. BUILDING OFFICIAL: DATE: FORM 60OA-2001 SUMMER CALCULATIONS Residential Whole Building Performance Method A - Details ADDRESS:, PORT ST. LUCIE, FL, PERMIT #: BASE AS -BUILT GLASS TYPES .18 X Conditioned X BSPM = Points Overhang Floor Area Type/SC Omt Len Hgt Area X SPM X SOF = Points .18 1530.0 25.78 7099.8 Single, Tint W 1.0 1.0 27.0 44.87 0.54 660.0 Single, Tint W 1.0 10.0 45.0 44.87 0.99 2008.2 Single, Tint W 1.0 7.5 25.0 44.87 0.99 1107.0 Single, Tint -N 1-.0 2.5 22.5 22.93 0.88- 451.5- Single, Tint N 1.0 1.0 6.0 22.93 0.72 99.6 Single, Tint S 10.0 1.0 20.0 37.29 0.48 354.4 Single, Tint S 8.0 1.0 68.0 3729 0.48 1205.0 As43uilt Total: 213.5 5885.6 WALL TYPES Area X BSPM = Points Type . R-Value Area X SPM = Points Adjacent 617.0 0.70 431.9 Concrete, Int Insul, Exterior 4.2 1134.0 1.16 1315.4 Exterior 1134.0 1.90 2154.6 Concrete, Int Insul, Adjacent 4.2 347.0 0.64 222.1 Frame, Wood, Adjacent 11.0 270.0 0.70 189.0 Base Total: 1751.0 2586.6 As43uilt Total: 1751.0 1726.6 DOOR TYPES Area X BSPM = Points Type Area X SPM = Points Adjacent 0.0 0.00 0.0 Exterior Wood 17.0 7.20 MA Exterior 17.0 4.80 81.6 Base Total: 17.0 81.6 As -Built Total: 17.0 122.4 CEILING TYPES Area X BSPM = Points Type R-Value Area X SPM X SCM = Points Under Attic 1530.0 2.13 3258.9 Under Attic 19.0 1530.0 2.82 X 1.00 4314.6 Base Total: 1530.0 3258.9 As -Built Total: 1530.0 4314.6 FLOOR TYPES Area X BSPM = Points Type R-Value Area X SPM = Points Slab 195.0(p) -31.8 -6201.0 Slab -On -Grade Edge Insulation 0.0 195.0(p 31.90 -6220.5 Raised 0.0 0.00 0.0 Base Total: -6201.0 . As -Built Total: 195.0 .6220.6 INFILTRATION Area X BSPM = Points Area X SPM = Points 1530.0 14.31 21894.3 1530.0 14.31 21894.3 FORM 60OA-2001 SUMMER CALCULATIONS Residential Whole Building Performance Method A - Details ADDRESS:, PORT ST. LUCIE, FL, PERMIT #: BASE AS -BUILT Summer Base Points: 28720.1 Summer As -Built Points: 27723.0 Total Summer X System = Cooling Total X Cap X Duct X System X Credit = Cooling Points Multiplier Points Component Ratio Multiplier Multiplier Multiplier Points (DM x DSM x AHU) 27723.0 1.000 (1.079 x 1.150 x 0.90) 0.341 1.000 10557.4 28720.1 0.4266- 72252.0 - 27723-.0- 1:00 1.117 - -0.341 - 1.000- 10557:4- FORM 60OA-2001 WINTER CALCULATIONS Residential Whole Building Performance Method A - Details ADDRESS:, PORT ST. LUCIE, FL, PERMIT* BASE AS -BUILT GLASS TYPES .18 X Conditioned X BWPM = Points Overhang Floor Area Type/SC Omt Len Hgt Area X WPM X WOF=Point .18 1530.0 5.86 1613.8 Single, Tint W 1.0 1.0 27.0 11.21 1.08 328.5 Single, Tint W 1.0 10.0 45.0 11.21 1.00 504.3 Single, Tint W 1.0 7.5 25.0 11.21 1.00 280.4 - - Single, -Tint --N- - 1.0 2.5 -22.5 -12:59 0.99 281.7- Single, Tint N 1.0 1.0 6.0 12.59 0.99 74.7 Single, Tint S 10.0 1.0 20.0 8.59 2.29 393.5 Single, Tint S 8.0 1.0 68.0 8.59 2.29 1338.0 As -Built Total: 213.5 3201.0 WALL TYPES Area X BWPM. = Points Type R-Value Area X .WPM = Points Adjacent 617.0 1.80. 1110.6 Concrete, Int Insul, Exterior 4.2 1134.0 3.26 3696.8: Exterior 1134.0 2.00= 2268.0 Concrete, Int Insul, Adjacent 4.2 347.0 2.06 714.8 Frame, Wood, Adjacent 11.0 270.0 1.80 486.0 Base Total: 1761.0 3378.6 As -Built Total: 1751.0 4897.7 DOOR TYPES Area X BWPM = Points Type Area X WPM = Points Adjacent 0.0 0.00 0.0 Exterior Wood 17.0 7.60 129.2 Exterior 17.0 5.10 86.7 Base Total: 17.0 86.7 As -Built Total: 17.0 129.2 CEILING TYPESArea X BWPM = Points Type R-Value Area X WPM X WCM = Points Under Attic 1530.0 0.64 979.2 Under Attic 19.0 1530.0 0.87X 1.00 1331.1 Base Total: 1630.0 979.2 As -Built Total: 1630.0 1331.1 FLOOR TYPES Area X BWPM = Points Type R-Value Area X WPM = Points Slab 195.0(p) -1.9 -370.5 Slab -On -Grade Edge Insulation 0.0 195.0(p 2.50 487.5 Raised 0.0 0.00 0.0 Base Total: -370.6 As -Built Total: 195.0 487.6 INFILTRATION Area X BWPM = Points Area X WPM = Points 1530.0 -0.28 -428.4 1530.0 -0.28 -428.4 9 FORM 60OA-2001 WINTER CALCULATIONS Residential Whole Building Performance Method A - Details I ADDRESS:, PORT ST. LUCIE, FL, PERMIT* I BASE AS -BUILT Winter Base Points: 5259.4 Winter As -Built Points: 9618.1 Total Winter X System = Heating Total X Cap X Duct X System X Credit = Heating Points Multiplier Points Component Ratio Multiplier Multiplier Multiplier Points (DM x DSM x AHU) 9618.1 1.000 (1.068 x 1.160 x 0.92) 0.488 1.000 5345.0 3259.4- 0.6274- 3299:8 A- -9618A 1.00 1-.140-- ---0.488-- - 1.000 5345.0 FORM 60OA-2001 WATER HEATING & CODE COMPLIANCE STATUS Residential Whole Building Performance Method A - Details ADDRESS:, PORT ST. LUCIE, FL, PERMIT #: BASE AS -BUILT WATER HEATING Number of X Multiplier = Total Tank EF Number of X Tank X Multiplier X Credit = Total Bedrooms Volume Bedrooms Ratio Multiplier 3 2564.00 7692.0 40.0 0.94 3 1.00 2400.34 1.00 7201.0 As -Built Total: 7201.0 CODE COMPLIANCE STATUS BASE AS -BUILT Cooling + Heating + Points Points Hot Water Points . _' Total Points Cooling Points + . Heating + Hot Water = Total Points Points Points 12252 3300 7692 23244 10557 5345 7201 23103 PASS FORM 60OA-2001 Code Compliance Checklist Residential Whole Building Performance Method A - Details ADDRESS:, PORT ST. LUCIE, FL, PERMIT #: 6A-21 INFILTRATION REDUCTION COMPLIANCE CHECKLIST COMPONENTS SECTION REQUIREMENTS FOR EACH PRACTICE CHECK Exterior Windows & Doors 606.1 ABC.1.1 Maximum:.3 cfmfsq.ft. window area; .5 cfm/s .ft. door area. Exterior & Adjacent Walls 606.1.ABC.1.2.1 Caulk, gasket, weatherstrip or seal between: windows/doors & frames, surrounding wall; foundation & wall sole or sill plate; joints between exterior wall panels at comers; utility penetrations; between wall panels & top/bottom plates; between walls and floor. EXCEPTION: Frame walls where a continuous infiltration barrier is installed that extends from and is sealed to the foundation to the top plate. Floors 606.1.ABC.1.2.2 Penetrations/openings >1/8" sealed unless backed by truss or joint members. EXCEPTION: Frame floors where a continuous infiltration barrier is installed that is sealed to the Derimeter. Penetrations and seams. Ceilings 606.1 ABC.1.23 Between walls & ceilings; penetrations of ceiling plane of top floor, around shafts, chases, soffits, chimneys, cabinets sealed to continuous air barrier, gaps in gyp board & top plate; attic access. EXCEPTION: Frame ceilings where a continuous infiltration barrier is installed that Is sealed at the perimeter, at penetrations and seams. Recessed Ughting Fixtures 606.1 ABC.1.2.4 Type IC rated with no penetrations, sealed; or Type IC or non -IC rated, installed inside a sealed box with 1/2' clearance & V' from insulation; or Type IC rated with < 2.0 cfm from conditioned space, tested.' Multi -story Houses 606.1 ABC.1.2.5 Air barrier on perimeter of floor cavity between floors. Additional Infiltration reqts 606.1.ABC.1.3 Exhaust fans vented to outdoors, dampers; combustion space heaters comply with NFPA, have combustion air. 6A-22 OTHER PRESCRIPTIVE MEASURES must be met or exceeded by all residences COMPONENTS SECTION REQUIREMENTS CHECK Water Heaters 612.1 Comply with efficiency requirements in Table 6-12. Switch or clearly marked circuit breaker electric or cutoff as must be provided. External or built-in heat trap required. Swimming Pools & Spas 612.1 Spas & heated pools must have covers (except solar heated). Non-commercial pools must have a pump timer. Gas spa & pool heaters must have a minimum thermal efficien of 78%. Shower heads 6121 Water flow must be restricted to no more than 2.5 gallons Der minute at 80 PSIG. Air Distribution Systems 610.1 All ducts, fittings, mechanical equipment and plenum chambers shall be mechanically attached, sealed, insulated, and installed in accordance with the criteria of Section 610. Duds in unconditioned attics: R-6 min. insulation. HVAC Controls 607.1 Separate readily accessible manual or automatic thermostat for each system. Insulation 604.1, 602.1 Ceilings -Min. R-19. Common walls -Frame R-11 or CBS R-3 both sides. Common ceiling & Floors R-11. e C 0 i i OML5 Mob. ECo TER Equipment Schedule Unit# SEERZ HSPF 7- S Make,4WA)DX Toro 3 cond.unU Mod.#12 PB3�; NH Unit Mad.#d Heater Mod.# 6i'g (F-48 Sergi Cooing o a' LatentCoofing 1. zoo Total Cool BTUs 0� Co c C m'Wz oC.) �� ENERGY PERFORMANCE LEVEL (EPL) DISPLAY CARD ESTIMATED ENERGY PEREORIVIANCE SCORE* = 83.9 The higher the score, the more efficient the home. KOLTER SIGNATURE HOMES, INC., , , , 1. New construction or existing New _ 12. Cooling systems 2. Single family or multi -family Single family _ a. Central Unit Cap: 36.0 kBtuibr _ 3. Number of units, if multi -family I _ SEER: 12.00 4. Number of Bedrooms 3 _ b. NIA 5. Is this a worst case? Yes 6. -Conditioned-floor- area (R2.) _ 1847.fl? c. N/A -----------. -- - _ _ 7. Glass area @ type _ a. Clear - single pane 0.0 fF _ 13. Heating systems b. Clear - double pane 0.0 fF _ a. Electric Heat Pump Cap: 36.0 kBtwhr c. Tindother SHGC - single pane 244.8 ft- _ HSPF: 7.50 _ d. Tint/other SHGC - double pane 0.0 ft2 b. NIA _ 8. Floor types a. Slab -On -Grade Edge Insulation R=0.0, 165.0(p) ft _ - c, N/A _ b. NIA c. N/A 14. Hot water systems 9. Wall types _ a. Electric Resistance Cap: 40.0 gallons _ a. Concrete, Int Insul, Exterior R=4.2, 630.0. W _ ER 0.94 b. Concrete, Int Insul, Adjacent R=42, 850.0 ft- _ b. N/A _ c. Frame, Wood, Adjacent R=11.0, 170.0. ft' d. N/A _ c. Conservation credits _ e. NIA (HR-Heat recovery, Solar 10. Ceiling types _ DHP-Dedicated heat pump) a. Under Attic R=19.0, 1093.0 R2 _ 15. HVAC credits b. N/A _ (CF-Ceiling fan, CV -Cross ventilation, c. N/A BF -Whole house fan, 11. Ducts _ PT -Programmable Thermostat, a. Sup: Unc. Ret: Unc. AH: Attic Sup. R=6.0, 150.0 R _ RB-Attic radiant barrier, b. NIA MZ-C-Multizone cooling, MZ-H-Multizone heating) I certify that this home has complied with the Florida Energy Efficiency Code For Building Construction through the above energy saving features which will be installed (or exceeded) in this home before final 'u1spDctiQn. Otherwise, a new EPL Display Card will be completed based on installed Code co plianatact . Builder. Date: L� Date: ?olzT- Z-c- Ludo Address of New HoCity/ Zip: P L 34�1 S *NOTE: The home's estimated energy performance score is only available through the FLAIRES computer program. This is not a Building Energy Rating. -Ifyour score is 80 or greater (or 86 for a US EPA/DOE EnergyStd?' designation), your home may qualify for energy efficiency mortgage (EEAO incentives ifyou obtain a Florida Energy Gauge Rating. Contact the Energy Gauge Hotline at 3211638-1492 or see the Energy Gauge web site at ww v.fsec. ucf edu for information and a list of certified Raters. For information about Florida's Energy Efficiency Code For Building Construction, contact the Department of CommunityAffairs at 8501487--1824. t: r n rcn ..z 11 t The Torrey Mod D2 HVAC Load Calculations for Kolter Signature Homes, Inc. 2160 Reserve Park Trace Port St. Lucie, FI 34986 Prepared By: Jose Nisair Air Conditioning 1501 Decker Ave. - D404 Stuart, FI 34994 772-283-0904 Tuesday, June 03, 2003 Project Report Project Title: Project Date: Client Name: Cliertt Address: Client City: Client Phone: Company Name: Company Representative: Company Address: Company City: Company Phone: The Torrey Mod D Monday, June 02, 2003 Kolter Signature Homes, Inc. 2160 Reserve Park Trace Port St. Lucie, FI 34986 772-468-4703 Nisair Air Conditioning Jose 1501 Decker Ave. - D404 Stuart, FI 34994 772-283-0904 Daily Temperature Range: Medium Latitude: 27 Degrees Elevation: 25 ft. Altitude Factor: 0.999 Elevation Sensible Adj. Factor: 1.000 Elevation Total Adj. Factor: 1.000 Elevation Heating Adj. Factor: 1.000 Elevation Heating Adj. Factor: 1.000 Outdoor Outdoor Indoor Dry Bulb Wet Bulb Rel.Hum Winter: 42 0 0 Summer: 90 78 50 Square ft. of Room Area: 1,845 Total Heating Required With Outside Air: 44,037 Btuh Total Sensible Gain: 24,616 Btuh Total Latent Gain: 11,124 Btuh Total Cooling Required With Outside Air: 35,740 Btuh Indoor Dry Bulb 72 75 Grains Difference 0 61 CFM Per Square ft.: Square ft. Per Ton: 619 69 % 31 % 2.98 Tons (Based On Sensible + Latent) . . Calculations are based on 8th edition ofACCA Manual J. All computed results are estimates as building use and weather may vary. Be sure to select a unit that meets both sensible and latent loads. Miscellaneous Report Winter: 42 0 30 72 3.44 Summer: 90 78 50 75 61-.09- Use Schedule: Yes Yes Roughness Factor: 0.00300 0.01000 Pressure Drop: 0.1000 in.wg./100 ft. 0.1000 in.wgl100 ft. Minimum Velocity: 650 ft./min 450 ft./min Maximum Velocity: 900 ft./min 750 ft./min Minimum Height: 0 in. 0 in. Mapmum Height: 0 in. 0 in. Infiltration: Volume of Conditioned Space: Total Building Infiltration: Total Building Ventilation: 0.700 AC/hr X 22269 Cu.ft. 15,588 Cu.ftlhr X 0.0167 260 CFM 0 CFM Summer 0.400 AC/hr X 22269 Cu.ft. 8,908 Cu.ft./hr X 0.0167 148 CFM 0 CFM. —System 1— Infiltration & Ventilation Sensible Gain Multiplier: 16.49 = (1.10 X 0.999 X 15.00 Summer Temp. Difference) Infiltration & Ventilation Latent Gain Multiplier: 41.50 = (0.68 X 0.999 X 61.09 Grains Difference) Infiltration & Ventilation Sensible Loss Multiplier: 32.97 = (1.10 X 0.999 X 30.00 Winter Temp. Difference) Load Preview Report 35,740 44,037 572 1,120 1, System 1 1,845 24,616 11,124 35,740 44,037 572 1,120 1,120 16 Zone 1 1,845 24,616 11,124 35,740 44,037 572 1,120 1,120 1-Hall 65 424 209 633 874 11 19 19 1-4 2-Land/Strs 84 460 438 898 1,752 23 21 21 1-4 3-Kit/Brk 200 3,979 2,012 5,991 5,806 75 181 181 2-6 4-Din/Liv 360 5,166 1,893 7,059 11,585 151 235 235 2-6 5-Bdrm #3 182 2,162 1,055 3,217 3,510 46 98 98 1-6 6-Bdrm #2/Bth/Hall 273 3,815 2,020 5,835 4,716 61 174 174 2-5 7-Office/Den 143 2,269 633 2,902 3,978 52 103 103 1-6 8-L-oft-- ---- 154 -859 419 1,278- -7,782- - - 23-- 39 39 1-4 9-Mstr BdrmBth 384 5,482 2,445 7,927 10,034 130 249 249 3-5 Total Building Summary Loads IA-rb-o: Glazing -Single pane, operable window, reflective, 100 3,240 0 2,941 2,941 metal frame with break, ground reflectance = 0.32, - outdoor insect screen with 50% coverage, dark color drapes with loose weave with 25% coverage 1A-rb-d: Glazing -Single pane, sliding glass door, 144.8 4,692 0 3,932 3,932 reflective, metal frame with break, ground reflectance = 0.32, outdoor insect screen with 50% coverage, dark color drapes with loose weave with 25% coverage 11 D: Door -Solid Core 20 234 0 203 203 14E-4-8c: Wall -two courses brick, brick on concrete or 8 2432.4 11,091 0 4,088 4,088 inches concrete, 8 inches of 140# concrete with R-4 board insulation 18A-19: Roof/Ceiling-Below roof joists, Dark or Bold -Color 1845 2,824 0 2,445 2,445 Asphalt Shingle, Dark Metal, Dark Membrane, Dark -- - - Tar and Gravel, R-19 blanket or loose fill 22A-pm: Floor -Slab on grade, No edge insulation, no 139 4,921 0 0 0 insulation below floor, any floor cover, passive, heavy dry or light wet soil 20P-19: Floor -Over open crawl space or garage, Passive, 752 1,129 0 377 377 R-19 blanket insulation, any cover Subtotals for structure: 28,131 0 13,986 13,986 People: 6 1,200 1,380 2,580 Equipment: 2,700 2,700 5,400 Lighting: 0 0 0 Ductwork: 7,340 1,062 4,103 5,165 Infiltration: Winter CFM: 260, Summer CFM:148 8,566 6,162 2,447 8,609 Ventilation: Winter CFM: 0, Summer CFM: 0 0 0 0' 0 Total Building Load Totals: 44,037 11,124 24,616 35,740 Total Building Supply CFM: 1,120 (3.0 AC/hr) CFM Per Square ft.: 0.607 Square ft. of Room Area: 1,845 Square ft. Per Ton: 619 Total Heating Required With Outside Air: 44,037 Btuh 44.037 MBH Total Sensible Gain: 24,616 Btuh 69 % Total Latent Gain: 11,124 Btuh 31 % Total Cooling Required With Outside Air: 35,740 Btuh 2.98 Tons (Based On Sensible + Latent) :::..:: Calculations are based on 8th edition of ACCA Manual J. All computed results are estimates as building use and weather may vary Be sure to select a unit that meets both sensible and latent loads. System 1 Torrey 8 Summary Loads (Peak Method) metal frame with break, ground reflectance = 0 32, outdoor insect screen with 50% coverage, dark color drapes with loose weave with 25% coverage 1A-rb-d: Glazing -Single pane, sliding glass door, 144.8 4,692 0 3,932 3,932 reflective, metal frame with break, ground reflectance = 0.32, outdoor insect screen with 50% coverage, dark color drapes with loose weave with 25% coverage 11 D: Door -Solid Core 20 234 0 203 203 14E-4-8c: Wall -two courses brick, brick on concrete or 8 2432.4 11,091 0 4,088 4,088 inches concrete, 8 inches of 140# concrete with R-4 board insulation 1_8_A-19: Roof/Ceiling-Below roof joists, Dark or Bold -Color 18_45_ 2,824_ 0 2,445 2,4.4.5 Asphalt Shingle, Dark Metal, Dark Membrane, Dark Tar and Gravel, R-19 blanket or loose fill 22A-pm: Floor -Slab on grade, No edge insulation, no 139 4,921 0 0 0 insulation below floor, any floor cover, passive, heavy dry or light wet soil 20P-19: Floor -Over open crawl space or garage, Passive, 752 1,129 0 377 377 R-19 blanket insulation, any cover Subtotals for structure: 28,131 0 13,986 13,986 People: 6 1,200 1,380 2,580 Equipment: 2,700 2,700 5,400 Lighting: 0 0 0 Ductwork: 7,340 1,062 4,103 5,165 Infiltration: Winter CFM: 260, Summer CFM: 148 8,566 6,162 2,447 8,609 Ventilation: Winter CFM: 0, Summer CFM: 0 0 0 0 0 System 1 Torrey B Load Totals: 44,037 11,124 24,616 35,740 ""YY9 - .... k-.-wl m I vyumc u.. v.wi Square ft. of Room Area: 1,845 Square fL Per Ton: 619 Total Sensible Gain: - 24,616 Btuh 69 % Total Latent Gain: 11,124 Btuh 31 % Total Cooling Required With Outside Air: 35,740 Btuh 2.98 Tons (Based On Sensible + Latent) >: Calculations are based on� 8th edition of ACC A Manual J. " All computed results are estimates as building use and weather may vary. Be sure to select a unit that meets both sensible and latent loads. 1A-rb-0: Glazing -Single pane, operable window, reflective, 100 3,240 0 2,941 2,941 metal frame with break, ground reflectance= 0.32, - outdoorinsectscreen with 50% coverage, dark color drapes with loose weave with 25% coverage 1A-rb-d: Glazing -Single pane, sliding glass door, 144.8 4,692 0 3,932 3,932 reflective, metal frame with break, ground reflectance = 0.32, outdoor insect screen with 50% coverage, dark color drapes with loose weave with 25% coverage 11D: Door -Solid Core 20 234 0 203 203 14E-4-8c: Wall -two courses brick, brick on concrete or 8 2432.4 11,091 0 4,088 4,088 inches concrete, 8 inches of 140# concrete with R-4 board insulation 18A-19: Roof/Ceiling-Below roof joists, Dark or Bold -Color 1845 2,824 0 2,445 2,445 -- Asp�IfkSfiingle, DarMetal-Dark Membrane, Dark - --- - - - - Tar and Gravel, R-19 blanket or loose fill 22A-pm: Floor -Slab on grade, No edge insulation, no 139 4,921 0 0 0 insulation below floor, any floor cover, passive, heavy dry or light wet soil 20P-19: Floor -Over open crawl space or garage, Passive, 752 1,129 0 377 377 R-19 blanket insulation, any cover Subtotals for structure' 28,131 0 13,986 13,986 People: 6 1,200 1,380 2,580 Equipment: 2,700 2,700 5,400 Lighting: 0 0 0 Ductwork: 7,340 1,062 4,103 5,165 Infiltration: Winter CFM: 260, Summer CFM: 148 8,566 6,162 2,447 8,609 System 1, Zone 1 Load Totals: 44,037 11,124 24,616 35,740 Supply CFM: 1,120 (3.0 AC/hr) CFM Per Square ft.: 0.607 Square ft. of Room Area: 1,845 Square ft. Per Ton: 619 I otal Heating Required: 44,037 Btuh 44.037 MBH Total Sensible Gain: 24,616 Btuh 69 % Total Latent Gain: 11,124 Btuh 31 % Total Cooling Required: 35,740 Btuh 2.98 Tons (Based On Sensible + Latent) 'fiat@s= Calculations are based on 8th edition ofACCA Manual J. All computed results are estimates as building use and weather may vary Be sure to select a unit that meets both sensible and latent loads. Detailed Room Loads - Room 1- Hall (Peak Method) Calculation Mode: Htg. & clg. Occurrences: 1 Room Length: 13.0 ft. System Number: 1 Room Width: 5.0 ft. Zone Number: 1 Area: 65.0 sq.ft. Supply Air: 19 CFM Ceiling Height: 8.0 ft. Supply Air Changes: 2.2 AC/hr Volume: 520.0 cu.ft. Required Vent.: 0 CFM Number of Registers: 1 Actual Winter Vent.: 0 CFM RunoutAir: 19 CFM Percent of Supply.: 0 % Runout Duct Size: 4 in. Actual Summer Vent.: 0 CFM Runout Air Velocity: 221 ft./min. Percent of Supply: 0 % Design Loss: 0.100 in.wg./100 ft. Actual Winter Infil.: 4 CFM Actual Loss: 0.057 in.wgJ100 ft. Actual Summer Infil.: 2 CFM N -Wall-14E-4-8c 5 X 8 20 0.152 4.6 91 1.4 0 28 N -Door-I1 D 2.5 X 8 20 0.390 11.7 234 10.1 0 203 UP-Roof-18A-19 13 X 5 65 0.051 1.5 99 1.3 0 86 Floor-22A-pm 5 ft..Per. 5 1.180 35.4 177 0.0 0 0 Subtotals for Structure: 601 0 317 Infil.: Win.: 3.9, Sum.: 2.2 40 3.175 127 0.900 91 36 Ductwork: 0.200 146 0.200 118 71 Room Totals: 874 209 424 Detailed Room Loads - Room 2 - Land/Strs (Peak Method) Room Length: 12.0 ft. System Number: 1 Room Width: 7.0 ft. Zone Number: 1 Area: 84.0 sq.ft. Supply Air: 21 CFM Ceiling Height: 20.0 ft. Supply Air Changes: 0.7 AC/hr Volume: 1,680.0 cu.ft. Required Vent.: 0 CFM Number of Registers: 1 Actual Winter Vent.: 0 CFM Runout Air: 21 CFM Percent of Supply.: 0 % Runout Duct Size: 4 in. Actual Summer Vent.: 0 CFM Runout Air Velocity: 240 ft./min. Percent of Supply: 0 % Design Loss: 0.100 in.wg./100 ft. Actual Winter Infil.: 13 CFM Actual Loss: 0.067 in.wg./100 ft. Actual Summer Infil.: 8 CFM UP-Roof-18A-19 12 X 7 84 0.051 1.5 129 1.3 0 111 Floor-22A-pm 7 ft..Per. 7 1.180 35.4 248 0.0 0 0 Subtotals for Structure: 1,015 0 256 Infil.: Win.: 13.5, Sum.: 7.7 140 3.179 445 0.907 320 127 Ductwork: 0.200 292 0.200 118 77 Room Totals: 1,752 438 460 ;1#ryae tieSldeediaf$t.fghtCorbmee�taiHYACLhads E>iteSotttivar$3evetopmsnt�lriC� _ Pefsoraaylyiz�'Sec�neqe�ln�e " <' '#'he7orreyh7odl'S Detailed Room Loads - Room 3 - Kit/Brk (Peak Method) X'F> Calculation Mode: Htg. & clg. Occurrences: 1 Room Length: 20.0 ft. System Number: 1 Room Width: 10.0 ft. Zone Number: 1 Area: 200.0 sq.ft. Supply Air: 181 CFM Ceiling Height: 8.0 ft. Supply Air Changes: 6.8 AC/hr Volume: 1,600.0 cu.ft. Required Vent: 0 CFM Number of Registers: 2 Actual Winter Vent.: 0 CFM Runout Air: 91 CFM Percent of Supply.: 0 % Runout Duct Size: 6 in. Actual Summer Vent.: 0 CFM Runout Air Velocity: 461 ft./min. Percent of Supply: 0 % Design Loss: 0.100 in.wg./100 ft. Actual Winter Infil.: 29 CFM Actual Loss: 0.137 in.wgJ100 ft. Actual Summer Infil.: 17 CFM ..,... ....•G:x[[?: .. a.4................................n.n.....:.,,....-... , is u..,n..a..,.... :: ;..<.:' ..0...n.[4,.,n..NnaP ..v.. n,...rc ..nn ,... n,, .....:. i' . .. .. .. .:. .. ,. ..>...a .. a..x...................:,.>.d:.v::.u:...�:::............a....an..afvP.:>:.i:«.:v>:!,:>�::?:"v.:,..n n.. .: .>.�.. _ N -Wall-14E-4-8c 10 X 8 60 0.152 4.6 274 1.4 0 83 E -Wall-14E-4-8c 7 X 8 46 0.152 4.6 210 1.0 0 48 W -Wall-14E-4-8c 21 X 8 168 0.152 4.6 766 2.4 0 403 _N -GIs-1A-rb-o shgc-0.35 100%S 20 1.080 32.4 648 27.2 0 543 E -GIs-1A-rb-o shgc-0.35 62%S 10 1.080 32.4 324 49.8 0 498 UP-Roof-IBA-1 9 20 X 10 200 0.051 1.5 306 1.3 0 265 Floor-22A-pm 38 ft..Per. 38 1.180 35.4 1,345 0.0 0 0. Subtotals for Structure: 3,873 0 1,840 Infil.: Win.: 29.3, Sum.:16.7 304 3.174 965 0.908 694 276 Ductwork: 0.200 968 0.200 118 663 Equipment: 1,200 1,200 Room Totals: 5,806 2,012 3,979 Detailed Room Loads - Room 4 - Din/Liv (Peak Method) c;aicuianon Mode: Htg. & clg. Occurrences: 1 Room Length: 24.0 ft. System Number: 1 Room Width: 15.0 ft. Zone Number: 1 Area: 360.0 sq.ft. Supply Air: 235 CFM Ceiling Height: 21.0 ft. Supply Air Changes: 1.9 AC/hr Volume: 7,560.0 cu.ft. Required Vent.: 0 CFM Number of Registers: 2 Actual Winter Vent.: 0 CFM Runout Air: 118 CFM Percent of Supply.: 0 % Runout Duct Size: 6 in. Actual Summer Vent.: 0 CFM Runout Air Velocity: 599 ft./min. Percent of Supply: 0 % Design Loss: 0.100 in.wg./100 ft. Actual Winter Infil.: 75 CFM Actual Loss: 0.229 in.wg./100 ft. Actual Summer Infil.: 43 CFM S -Wall-14E4-8c 13 X 21 209 0.152 4.6 953 0.8 0 175 S-GIs-1A-rb-dshgc-0.35100%S 64 1.080 32.4 2,074 27.2 0 1,738 (2) U P-Roof-1 8A-1 9 24 X 15 360 0.051 1.5 551 1.3 0 477 Floor-22A-pm 37 ft..Per. 37 1.180 35.4 1,310 0.0 0 0 Subtotals for Structure: 7,186 _ 0- _ 3,600 Infil.: Win.:74.8, Sum.:42.8 777 3.176 2,468 0.907 1,775 705' Ductwork: 0.200 1,931 0.200 118 861 Room Totals: 11,585 1,893 5,166 I Detailed Room Loads - Room 6 - Bdrm #2/Bth/Hall (Peak Method) . . I calculation Mode: Htg. & clg.. Occurrences: 1 Room Length: 21.0 ft. System Number. 1 Room Width: 13.0 ft. Zone Number: 1 Area: 273.0 sq.ft. Supply Air: 174 CFM Ceiling Height: 9.4 ft. Supply Air Changes: 4.1 AC/hr Volume: 2,566.0 cu.ft. Required Vent.: 0 CFM Number of Registers: ,' 2 Actual Winter Vent.: 0 CFM Runout Air: 87 CFM Percent of Supply.: 0 % Runout Duct Size: S in. Actual Summer Vent.: 0 CFM Runout Air Velocity: 636 Umin. Percent of Supply: 0 % Design Loss: 0.100 in.wgJ100 ft. Actual Winter Infil.: 32 CFM Actual Loss: 0.333 in.wgJ100 ft. Actual Summer Infil.: 18 CFM N -Wall-14E-4-Sc 14 X 9.4 111.6 0.152 4.6 509 1.4 0 154 N -GIs-1A-rb-o shgc-0.35 100%S 20 1.080 32.4 648 27.2 0 543 UP-Roof-I8A-19 21 X 13 273 0.051 1.5 418 1.3 0 362 Floor-20P-I9 13 X 21 273 0.050 1.5 410 0.5 0 137 Subtotals for Structure: 2,885 0 1,670 Infil.: Win.: 31.7, Sum.:18.1 329 3.176 1,045 0.909 752 299 Ductwork: 0.200 786 0.200 118 636 People: 200 Iat/per, 230 sen/per: 2 400 460 Equipment: 750 750 Room Totals: 4,716 2,020 3,815 Rftuac ResldOattatY,,LiglitG�mmarcwtkftl.A,CLoads �• � ', EGtau�ott�raretYevet4prrrenf;inc:: ! Detailed Room Loads - Room 7 - Office/Den (Peak Method) ..a. ,......r..._....,.,,.:>: o-:. V ._..:::.:.nu .... .:.........._........>...,.::,..,. <�3erserai.>.>.,.........:,..,..�,:.,:,...,..a.........:...x Calculation Mode: Htg. & clg. Occurrences: 1 Room Length: 13.0 ft. System Number: 1 Room Width: 11.0 ft. Zone Number: 1 Area: 143.0 sq.ft. Supply Air: 103 CFM Ceiling Height: 9.4 ft. Supply Air Changes: 4.6 AC/hr Volume: 1,344.0 cu.ft. Required Vent.: 0 CFM Number of Registers: 1 Actual Winter Vent.: 0 CFM Runout Air: 103 CFM Percent of Supply.: 0 % Runout Duct Size: 6 in. Actual Summer Vent.: 0 CFM Runout Air Velocity: 526 ft./min. Percent of Supply: 0 % Design Loss: 0.100 in.wgJ100 ft. Actual Winter Infil.: 22 CFM Loss: 0.177 in.wgJ100 ft. Actual Summer Infil.: 12 CFM �Actual �t yxt W-WaII-14E-4-8c 11 X 9.4 103.4 0.152 4.6 472 2.4 0 248 S -Wall-14E-4-8c 13 X 9.4 81.4 0.152 4.6 371 0.8 0 68 8-GIs-1A-rb-dshgo-0.35100%S 40.8 1.080 32.4 1,322 27.2 0 1,108 (2) -UP-Roof-I8A-19 13 X 11 143 0.051 1.5 219 1.3 0 190 Floor-20P-19 11 X 13 143 0.050 1.5 215 0.5 0 72 -Subtotals for Structure: 2,599 0 1,686 Infil.: Win.: 21.7, Sum.: 12.4 226 3.174 716 0.909 515 205 Ductwork: 0.200 663 0.200 118 378 Room Totals: 3,978 633 2,269 Detailed Room Loads - Room 8 - Loft (Peak Method) caicuiauon moae: Hig. & clg. Occurrences: 1 Room Length: 14.0 ft. System Number: 1 Room Width: 11.0 ft. Zone Number: 1 Area: 154.0 sq.ft. Supply Air. 39 CFM Ceiling Height: 9.4 ft. Supply Air Changes: 1.6 AC/hr Volume: 1,448.0 cu.ft. Required Vent.: 0 CFM Number of Registers: 1 Actual Winter Vent.: 0 CFM Runout Air: 39 CFM Percent of Supply.: 0 % Runout Duct Size: 4 in. Actual Summer Vent.: 0 CFM Runout Air Velocity: 448 ft./min. Percent of Supply: 0 % Design Loss: 0.100 in.wg./100 ft. Actual Winter Infil.: 13 CFM Actual Loss: 0.227 in.wg./100 ft. Actual Summer Infil.: 7 CFM UP-Roof-18A-19 14 X 11 154 0.051 1.5 236 1.3 0 204 Floor-20P-119 11 X 14 154 0.050 1.5 231 0.5 0 77 Subtotals for Structure: 1,067 0 597 Infil.: Win.: 12.7, Sum.: 7.2 132 3.176 418 0.904 301 119 Ductwork: 0.200 297 0.200 118 143 Room Totals: 1,782 1 '419 859 Rhuac Residentla7RLigh�tCnmmarcia[kAlttClcaads ' t � �teSaftwaret7euetapma�nF,iir�' Persoorrel¢ed'SemeetncF,. � £ �, �''fhetcrreyMoriT� .� Detailed Room Loads - Room 9 - Mstr Bdrm/Bth (Peak Method) Calculation Mode: Htg. & clg. Occurrences: 1 Room Length: 32.0 ft. System Number: 1 Room Width: 12.0 ft. Zone Number: 1 Area: 384.0 sq.ft. Supply Air: 249 CFM Ceiling Height: 10.0 ft. Supply Air Changes: 3.9 AC/hr Volume: 3,840.0 cu.ft. Required Vent.: 0 CFM Number of Registers: 3 Actual Winter Vent.: 0 CFM Runout Air: 83 CFM Percent of Supply.: 0 % Runout Duct Size: 5 in. Actual Summer Vent.: 0 CFM Runout Air Velocity: 610 ft./min. Percent of Supply: 0 % Design Loss: 0.100 in.wg./100 ft. Actual Winter Infil.: 50 CFM Actual Loss: 0.306 in.wg./100 ft. Actual Summer Infil.: 28 CFM ..n:,:.:.<..•x::>:»>'::::.:<na... a:<;..„;>:a?>..>v:.c»:.,.:,.,�<aaacn.,,».:.,,a„:Bl:E::.a:'..,::,:..;,.._n.,n E -Wall-14E-4-8c 32 X 10 320 0.152 4.6 1,459 1.0 0 331 S -Wall-14E-4-8c 12.5 X 10 95 0.152 4.6 433 0.8 0 79 W -Wall-14E-4-8c 7 X 10 30 0.152 4.6 137 2.4 0 72 S -GIs-1 A-rb-o shgc-0.35 100%S 30 1.080 32.4 972 27.1 0 814 (2) W -GIs-1A-rb-d shge-0.35 100%S 40 1.080 32.4 1,296 27.2 0 1,086 (2) UP-Roof-I8A-19 32 X 12 3M 0.051 1.5 588 1.3 0 509 Floor-22A-pm 52 ft..Per. 52 1.180 35.4 1,841 0.0 0 0. Subtotals for Structure: 6,726 0 2,891 Infil.: Win.: 49.6, Sum.:28.3 515 3.177 1,636 0.907 1,177 467 Ductwork: 0.200 1,672 0.200 118 914 People: 200 lat/per, 230 sen/per: 2 400 460 Equipment: 750 750 Room Totals: 10,034 2,445 5,482 System 1 Room Load Summary 1 Hall 65 874 11 1-4 221 424 209 19 19 2 Land/Strs 84 1,752 23 1-4 240 460 438 21 21 3 Kit/Brk 200 5,806 75 2-6 461 3,979 2,012 181 181 4 Din/Liv 360 11,585 151 2-6 599 5,166 1,893 235 235 5 Bdrm #3 182 3,510 46 1-6 501 2,162 1,055 98 98 6 Bdrm #2/Bth/Hall 273 4,716 61 2-5 636 3,815 2,020 174 174 7 Office/Den 143 3,978 52 1-6 526 2,269 633 103 103 8 Loft 154 1,782 23 1-4 448 859 419 39 39 9 Mstr BdrmBth 384 10,034 130 3-5 610 5,482 2,445 249 249 System 1 total 1,845 44,037 572 24616 11,124 1,120 1,120 -System 1-Main Trunk -Size: - 16—in-- --- - -- -- -- -- Velocity: 802 ft./min Loss per 100 ft.: 0.079 in.wg ,124 Type: Model: Brand: Efficiency: Sound: Capacity: Sensible Capacity: n/a 0 Btuh Latent Capacity: n/a 0 Btuh FORM 60OA-2001 FLORIDA ENERGY EFFICIENCY CODE FOR BUILDING CONSTRUCTION Florida Department of Community Affairs Residential Whole Building Performance Method A Project Name: THE TOWNHOME MOD. D2 Builder. KOLTER Address: Permitting Office: City, State: Permit Number: Owner: KOLTER SIGNATURE HOMES, INC. Jurisdiction Number: Climate Zone: Central 1. New construction or existing 2. Single family or multi -family 3. Number of units, if multi -family 4. Number of Bedrooms 5. Is this a worst case? 6- Conditioned floor ares.(fl3)_ 7. Glass area & type a. Clear - single pane b. Clear -double pane c. Tintlother SHGC - single pane d. Tintlother SHGC - double pane 8. Floor types a. Slab -On -Grade Edge Insulation b. N/A c. N/A 9. Wall types a. Concrete, Int Insul, Exterior b. Concrete, Int Insul, Adjacent c. Frame, Wood, Adjacent d. N/A e. N/A 10. Ceiling types a. Under Attic b. N/A c. N/A 11. Ducts a. Sup: Unc. Ret: Unc. AH: Attic b. N/A New _ 12. Cooling systems Single family _ a. Central Unit I _ 3 _ b. N/A Yes _ _1847 ft'_ c. N/A_ 0.0 ft' _ 13. Heating systems 0.0 ft' _ a. Electric Heat Pump 244.8 fF _ 0.0 ft' b. N/A R=0.0, 165.0(p) ft _ c. N/A 14. Hot water systems _ a. Electric Resistance - 11=42, 630.0 fi' _ R�4.2, 850.0 R2 _ b. N/A R=11.0, 170.0 fP _ _ c. Conservation credits (HR-Heat recovery, Solar _ DHP-Dedicated beat pump) R=19.0, 1093.0 ft' _ 15. HVAC credits _ (CF-Ceiling fan, CV -Cross ventilation, HF-Whole house fan, PT -Programmable Thermostat, Sup. R=6.0, 150.011 _ MZr6Multizone cooling, MZ-H-Multizone heating) Glass/Floor Area: 0.13 Total as -built points: 24769 PASS Total base points: 25445 I hereby certify that the plans and specifications covered by -this calculation are in compliance with the Florida Energy Code. PREPARED BY: 4 t7S,5' DATE: G _.z - 2y03 I hereby certify that this building, as designed, is in compliance with the Florida Energy Code. OWNER/AGENT: DATE: Review of the plans and specifications covered by this calculation indicates compliance with the Florida Energy Code. Before construction is completed this building will be inspected for compliance with Section 553.908 Florida Statutes. BUILDING OFFICIAL: DATE: Cap: 36.0 kBtu/hr _ SEER: 12.00 Cap: 36.0 kBtu/hr _ HSPF: 7.50 Cap: 40.0 gallons _ EF: 0.94 FORM 60OA-2001 SUMMER CALCULATIONS Residential Whole Building Performance Method A - Details I ADDRESS:,,, PERMIT #: I BASE AS -BUILT GLASS TYPES .18 X Conditioned X BSPM = Points Overhang Floor Area Type/SC Omt Len Hgt Area X SPM X SOF = Points .18 1847.0 25.78 8670.8 Single, Tint NW 2.0 1.0 60.0 31.34 0.56 1052.1 Single, Tint SW 13.0 1.0 40.0 44.31 0.40 701.3 Single, Tint SE 5.0 1.0 10.0 47.60 0.41 193.6 ____ $mgle, Tnt_ _ __SE_._ 2.0_ 300-_. _ _47.60 _ _ 043_ _ 61]_Z Single, Tint SE 7.0 1.0 64.0 47.60 0.41 1239.1 Single, Tint SE 7.0 1.0 40.8 47.60 0.41 789.9 As43uilt Total: 244.8 4587.7 WALL TYPES Area X BSPM- = Points Type R-Value Area X SPM- = Points Adjacent 1020.0 . ' 0.70 714.0 Concrete, Int Insul, Exterior 4.2 630.0 1.16 730.8 E)derior 630.0 1.90 1197.0 Concrete, Int Insul, Adjacent 4.2 850.0 0.64 544.6 Frame, Wood, Adjacent 11.0 170.0 0.70 119.0 Base Total: 1650.0 = _ 1911.0 As -Built Total: 1650.0 1393.8 DOOR TYPES Area X BSPM = Points Type Area X SPM '= = Points Adjacent 20.0 1.60 32.0 Exterior Insulated 20.0 4.80 96.0 Exterior 20.0 4.80 96.0 Adjacent Insulated 20.0 1.60 32.0 Base Total: 40.0 128.0 As -Built Total: 40.0 128.0 CEILING TYPES Area X BSPM = Points Type R-Value Area X SPM X SCM = Points Under Attic 1093.0 2.13 2328.1 Under Attic 19.0 1093.0 2.82 X 1.00 3082.3 Base Total: 1093.0 2328.1 As -Built Total: 1093.0 3082.3 FLOOR TYPES Area X BSPM = Points Type R-Value Area X SPM = Points Slab 165.0(p) -31.8 5247.0 Slab -On -Grade Edge Insulation 0.0 165.0(p -31.90 5263.5 Raised 0.0 0.00 0.0 Base Total: -5247.0 . As48uilt Total: 165.0 -5263.6 INFILTRATION Area X BSPM = Points Area X SPM = Points 1847.0 14.31 26430.6 1847.0 14.31 26430.6 FORM 60OA-2001 SUMMER CALCULATIONS Residential Whole Building Performance Method A - Details I ADDRESS:... PERMIT #: I BASE AS -BUILT Summer Base Points: 34121.5 Summer As -Built Points: 30358.9 Total Summer X System = Cooling Total X Cap X Duct X System X Credit = Cooling Points Multiplier Points Component Ratio Multiplier Multiplier Multiplier Points (DM x DSM xAHU) -30358.9 1.000 (1.087 x 1.150 x 1.10) 0.284 1.000 11862.6 __ _3.4121_5_ __ _0.4266 _14556.2_ —.30358.9__ 1..00__ 1.375— __0.284.- - 1-.000--11.862.6 FORM 60OA-2001 WINTER CALCULATIONS Residential Whole Building Performance Method A - Details I ADDRESS: , , , PERMIT #: I BASE AS -BUILT GLASS TYPES .18 X Conditioned X BWPM = Points Overhang Floor Area Type/SC Omt Len Hgt Area X WPM X WOF = Point .18 1847.0 5.86 1948.2 Single, Tint NW 2.0 1.0 60.0 12.51 0.99 742.7 Single, Tint SW 13.0 1.0 40.0 9.88 1.57 622.0 Single, Tint SE 5.0 1.0 10.0 9.12 1.94 176.8 Single, Tint_ _ _SE___.2.0_ _ 1.0 . . _30.0- .-9.12 _1..82. _499.2 Single, Tint SE 7.0 1.0 64.0 9.12 1.94 1131.5 Single, Tint SE 7.0 1.0 40.8 9.12 1.94 721.3 As -Built Total: 244.8 3893.5 WALL TYPES Area X BWPM = Points Type R-Value Area X WPM = Points Adjacent 1020:0 1.80 1836.0 Concrete, Int Insul, Exterior 4.2 ' 630.0 3.26 2053.8 Exterior 630.0 2.00 1260.0 Concrete, Int Insul, Adjacent 4.2 850.0 2.06 1761.0 Frame, Wood, Adjacent 11.0 170.0 1.80 306,0 Base Total: 1660.0 3096.0 As -Built Total: 1650.0 4110.8 DOOR TYPES Area X BWPM = Points Type Area X WPM = Points Adjacent 20.0 4.00 80.0 Exterior Insulated 20.0 5.10 102.0 Exterior 20.0 5.10 102.0 Adjacent Insulated 20.0 4.00 80.0 Base Total: 40.0 182.0 As -Built Total: 40.0 182.0 CEILING TYPESArea X BWPM = Points Type R-Value Area X WPM X WCM = Points Under Attic 1093.0 0.64 699.5 Under Attic 19.0 1093.0 0.87X 1.00 950.9 Base Total: 1093.0 699.6 As -Built Total: 1093.0 960.9 FLOOR TYPES Area X BWPM = Points Type R-Value Area X WPM = Points Slab 165.0(p) -1.9 -313.5 Slab -On -Grade Edge Insulation 0.0 165.0(p 2.50 412.5 Raised 0.0 0.00 0.0 Base Total: -313.6 As -Built Total: 166.0 412.6 INFILTRATION Area X BWPM = Points Area X WPM = Points ' 1847.0 -0.28 -517.2 1847.0 -0.28 517.2 FORM 60OA-2001 WINTER CALCULATIONS Residential Whole Building Performance Method A - Details I ADDRESS:... PERMIT #: I BASE AS -BUILT Winter Base Points: 5095.1 Winter As -Built Points: 9032.5 Total Winter X System = Heating Total X Cap X Duct X System X Credit = Heating Points Multiplier Points Component Ratio Multiplier Multiplier Multiplier Points (DM x DSM x AHU) 9032.5 1.000 (1.078 x 1.160 x 1.11) 0.455 1.000 5705.4 ----5095.1 - 0.627-------3196.7--- --9032.5---1-.00-- 1-.388---0.455 - - 11000- -5705.4— FORM 60OA-2001 WATER HEATING & CODE COMPLIANCE STATUS Residential Whole Building Performance Method A - Details ADDRESS: , , . PERMIT #: BASE AS -BUILT WATER HEATING Number of X Multiplier = Total Tank EF Number of X Tank X Multiplier X Credit = Total Bedrooms Volume Bedrooms Ratio Multiplier 3 2564.00 7692.0 40.0 0.94 3 1.00 2400.34 1.00 7201.0 As -Built Total: 7201.0 CODE COMPLIANCE STATUS BASE AS -BUILT Cooling + Heating .+ Points Points Hot Water Points = Total Points Cooling Points + Heating + Hot Water = Total Points Points Points 14556 3197 7692 26445 11863 5706 7201 24769 PASS FORM 60OA-2001 Code Compliance Checklist Residential Whole Building Performance Method A - Details ADDRESS: , , , PERMIT #: I 6A-21 INFILTRATION REDUCTION COMPLIANCE CHECKLIST COMPONENTS SECTION REQUIREMENTS FOR EACH PRACTICE CHECK Exterior Windows & Doors 606.1.ABC.1.1 Maxtmum:.3 cfm/s .ft. window area .5 cfm/s .ft. door area. Exterior & Adjacent Walls 606.1.ABC.1.2.1 Caulk, gasket, weatherstrip or seal between: windows/doors & frames, surrounding wall; foundation & wall sole or sill plate; joints between exterior wall panels at comers; utility penetrations; between wall panels & top/bottom plates; between walls and floor. EXCEPTION: Frame walls where a continuous infiltration barrier is installed that extends from and is sealed to the foundation to the top plate. Floors 606.1.ABC.1.2.2 Penetrations/openings>1/8" sealed unless backed by truss or joint members. EXCEPTION: Frame floors where a continuous infiltration barrier is installed that is sealed --- - - - - - -tothe- erimeter-penetrations-and seam s-- --- ------ - -- -- - Ceilings 606.1.ABC.1.2.3 Between walls & ceilings; penetrations of ceiling plane of top floor, around shafts, chases, soffits, chimneys, cabinets sealed to continuous air barrier, gaps in gyp board & top plate; attic access. EXCEPTION: Frame ceilings where a continuous infiltration barrier is installed that is sealed at the perimeter, at penetrations and seams. Recessed Lighting Fixtures 606.1.ABC.1.2.4 Type IC rated with no penetrations, sealed; or Type IC or non -IC rated, installed inside a sealed box with 1/2' clearance & 3" from insulation; or Type IC rated with < 2.0 cfm from conditioned-space,tested. Mufti -story Houses W6.1.ABC.1.2.5 Air barrier on Derimeter of floor cavity between floors. Additional Infiltration regts 606.1.ABC.1.3 Exhaust fans vented to outdoors, dampers; combustion space heaters cempty wlth NFPA, have combustion air. GA-22 OTHFR PRFSCRIPTIVF MFASIIRFS fmtrc4 ha mat nr avraarlarl her .II rac:rlanrac COMPONENTS SECTION REQUIREMENTS CHECK Water Heaters 612.1 Comply with efficiency requirements in Table 6.12. Switch or clearly marked circuit breaker electric or cutoff as must be provided. External or built-in heat trap required. Swimming Pools & Spas 612.1 Spas & heated pools must have covers (except solar heated). Non-commercial pools must have a pump timer. Gas spa & pool heaters must have a minimum thermal efficiency of 78%. Shower heads 612.1 Water flow must be restricted to no more than 2.5 gallons per minute at 80 PSIG. Air Distribution Systems 610.1 All duds, fittings, mechanical equipment and plenum chambers shall be mechanically attached, sealed, insulated, and installed in accordance with the criteria of Section 610. Ducts in unconditioned attics: R-6 min. insulation. HVAC Controls 607,1 Se arate readily accessible manual or automatic thermostat for each system. Insulation 604.1, 602.1 Ceilings -Min. R-19. Common wallsFrame R-11 or CBS R3 both sides. Common ceiling & floors R-11. F U M I> L) L.1 . 6-(- Equipment Schedule Unfl,# Y S EE'R /X HSPF make 26mojoy- Tors 3 concLuna mod# -3 AIH Lkvt Mccl.#667104- If// Heatef Mod.#?gneZ -09 .1 e-- seble ;26 �900 COC)U, Latent Coang SDO Told cool BRft CDR The Torrey Model C HVAC Load Calculations for Kolter Signature Homes, Inc. 2160 NW Reserve Park Trace Port St. Lucie, FI 34986 RHVACREsiAemnA,i., HVAC LoADs Prepared By: Jose Nisair Air Conditioning 1501 Decker Ave. - D404 Stuart, FI 34994 772-283-0904 Wednesday, June 04, 2003 I Project Report I PjuotTitle: Project Date: Client Name: Client Address: Client City: Client Phone: Company Name: Company Representative: CunnpanyAddnmsn: Company City: Company Phone: The Torrey Model C VVedne0day, JunaO4.2003 KukarSignature Homes, Inc. 21GDNVVReserve Park Trace Port St. Lucie, F| 34986 772-468-4703 NisuirAir Conditioning Jose 1501 Decker Ave. -D4O4 Gtuart.F| 34894 772-283'0804 RetenoncmUKy: Fort -Pier Daily Temperature Range: Medium Latitude: 27 Degrees Elevation: 25fL Altitude Factor: 0.998 Elevation Sensible Adj. Factor: 1.000 Elevation Total Adj. Factor: 1.000 Elevation Heating Adj. Factor: 1.000. Elevation Heating Adj. Factor: 1.O6O (}uhtnor [)ukduur Dry Bulb Wet Bulb Winter: 42 0 Summer: 80 78 Indoor Indoor Erukxs Rel.Mum Dry Bulb Difference O 72 U 50 75 61 Square ft. ofRoom Area: 1,684 Square ftPer Ton: 577 Total Heating Required With Outside Air: 54,872 Btuh 54.872 MBH Total Sensible Gain: 25,853 8tuh 74 % Total Latent Gain: 9,199Bbuh 28% Tuta|Coo|ingFloquivodVQtb(]utaido/gr 35,052Bbuh 2.S2 Tons (Based {}nSensible +Latent) Calculations are based on 8th edition of ACCA Manual J. All computed results are estimates as building use and weather may vary. Miscellaneous Report Summer: 90 78 50 75 61.09 Calculate: Yes Yes Use Schedule: Yes Yes Roughness Factor: 0.00300 0.01000 Pressure Drop: 0.1000 in.wgJ100 ft. 0.1000 in.wgJ100 ft. Minimum Velocity: 650 ft./min 450 ftJmin Mabmum Velocity: 900 ft./min 750 ft./min Minimum Height: 0 in. 0 in. Mabmum Height: 0 in. 0 in. Infiltration: 0.700 AC/hr 0.400 AC/hr Volume of Conditioned Space: X 16072 Cu.ft. X 16072 Cu.ft. 11,256 Cu.ft./hr 6,429 Cu.ft./hr X 0.0167 X 0.0167 Total Building Infiltration: 188 CFM 107 CFM Total Building Ventilation: . 0 CFM 0 CFM —System 1— InfiltrationA Ventilation Sensible Gain Multiplier: 16.49 = (1.10 X 0.999 X 15.00 Summer Temp. Difference) Infiltration & Ventilation Latent Gain Multiplier: 41.50 = (0.68 X 0.999 X 61.09 Grains Difference) Infiltration & Ventilation Sensible Loss Multiplier: 32.97 = (1.10 X 0.999 X 30.00 Winter Temp. Difference) Load Preview Report System 1 1,684 25,853 9,199 35,052 54,872 713 1,176 1,176 16 Zone 1 1,684 25,853 9,199 35,052 54,872 713 1,176 1,176 1-Foyer 95 1,736 368 2,104 3,620 47 79 79 1-5 2-Kit/Brk 257 3,413 1,798 5,211 7,708 100 155 155 2-5 3-Liv/Din 336 4,705 757 5,462 10,453 136 214 214 2-6 4-MstrBth/WIC 420 6,572 2,368 8,940 12,743 166 299 299 3-6 5-Land/Hall 184 1,878 668 2,546 5,086 66 85 85 1-5 6-Bdrm#3 176 2,659 1,033 3,692 5,510 72 121 121 2-4 7-Bdrm #2/Bth 216 4,890 2,207 7,097 9,752 127 222 222 2-6 Ism rt Total Building Summary Loads ;�kttan �.Q99 Gin , . ,..,,... :; .>*�ain, ,..,.. n , , . _:..:Gate•: 1A-rb -o: Glazing -Single pane, operable window, reflective, 25 810 0 727 727 metal frame with break 1A-rb o: Glazing -Single pane, operable window, reflective, 82 2,657 0 2,226 2,226 metal frame with break, ground reflectance = 0.32, outdoor insect screen with 50% coverage, dark color drapes with loose weave with 25% coverage 1A-rb-d: Glazing -Single pane, sliding glass door, 218.8 7,092 0 5,944 5,944 reflective, metal frame with break, ground reflectance = 0.32, outdoor insect screen with 50% coverage, dark color drapes with loose weave with 25% coverage 11D: Door -Solid Core 41 480 0 415 415 14E-4-8c: Wall -two courses brick, brick on concrete or 8 1878 8,565 0 2,910 2,910 inches concrete, 8 inches of 140# concrete with R-4 board insulation 12B-Obw: Wall -Frame, R-11 insulation in 2 x 4 stud cavity, 124 361 0 110 110 no board insulation, brick finish, wood studs 18B-19: Roof/Ceiling-Below roof joists, White or Light 1683 2,575 0 1,803 1,803 Color Asphalt Shingle, Any Wood Shake, Dark or Medium Color Tile, Slate or Concrete, Light or Unpainted Metal, Light or Silver Membrane, Light Tar and Gravel, R-19 blanket or loose fill 20P-0c: Floor -Over open crawl space or garage, Passive, 1107.5 12,792 0 4,265 - • 4,265 no insulation, carpet or hardwood 22A-pm: Floor -Slab on grade, No edge insulation, no 119 4,212 0 0 0 insulation below floor, any floor cover, passive, heavy dry or light wet soil Subtotals for structure: 39,544 0 18,400 18,400,, People: 6 1,200 1,380 2,580- Equipment: 2,950 0 2,950 Lighting: 0 0 0 Ductwork: 9,145 602 4,308 4,910 Infiltration: Winter CFM: 188, Summer CFM: 107 6,183 4,447 1,765 6,212 Ventilation: Winter CFM: 0, Summer CFM: 0 0 0 0 0 Total Building Load Totals: 54,872 9,199 25,853 35,052 Total Building Supply CFM: 1,176 (4.4 AC/hr) CFM Per Square ft.: 0.698 Square ft. of Room Area: 1,684 Square ft. Per Ton: 577 _...- '....._._. ........ ..... .., .,n`xn. :...Frio...:..... '.... . .,.ea.. :,`.. -..:. 'y. Total Heating Required With Outside Air: 54,872 Btuh 54.872 MBH Total Sensible Gain: 25,853 Btuh 74 % Total Latent Gain: 9,199 Btuh 26 % -Total Cooling Required Wdh Outside Air: 35,052 Btuh 2.92 Tons (Based On Sensible + Latent) Calculations are based on 8th edition of ACCA Manual J. ' All computed results are estimates as building use and weather may vary. Be sure to select a unit that meets both sensible and latent loads. F�,raoltasiuenkralki.,Qht��n8mfatEtilACcoads �C>te�«attwa,reoavQw�meritrin Persona1iz� 8etvi¢e tnc i � ; ' _ F,^ ':. � 'fite'Cnrrey Modet � � System 1 Torrey Mod. C Summary Loads (Peak Method) Gum �ti•�,:.;a:�:��:�::"°�:�,:...�;...,���,:A _:,�;�. �A�a �Se s � �.aE:r;>,N�:,x�:�en �'iiiak. 1A-rb-o: Glazing -Single pane, operable window, reflective, 25 810 0 727 727 metal frame with break - 1A-rb-o: Glazing -Single pane, operable window, reflective, 82 2,657 0 2,226 2,226 metal frame with break, ground reflectance = 0.32, outdoor insect screen with 50% coverage, dark color drapes with loose weave with 25% coverage 1A-rb-d: Glazing -Single pane, sliding glass door, 218.8 7,092 0 5,944 5,944 reflective, metal frame with break, ground reflectance = 0.32, outdoor insect screen with 50% coverage, dark color drapes with loose weave with 25% coverage 11D: Door -Solid Core 41 480 0 415 415 14E-4-8c: Wall -two courses brick, brick on concrete or 8 1878 8,565 0 2,910 2,910 inches concrete, 8 inches of 140# concrete with R4 boardlnsulation 12B-Obw: Wall -Frame, R-11 insulation in 2 x 4 stud cavity, 124 361 0 110 110 no board insulation, brick finish, wood studs 18B-19: Roof/Ceiling-Below roof joists, White or Light 1683 2,575 0 1,803 1,803 Color Asphalt Shingle, Any Wood Shake, Dark or Medium Color Tile, Slate or Concrete, Light or Unpainted Metal, Light or Silver Membrane, Light Tar and Gravel, R-19 blanket -or loose fill. 20P-0c: Floor -Over open crawl space or garage, Passive, 1107.5 12,792 0 4,265 4,265 no insulation, carpet or hardwood 22A-pm: Floor -Slab on grade, No edge insulation, no 119 4,212 0 0 0 insulation below floor, any floor cover, passive, heavy dry or light wet soil Subtotals for structure: 39,544 0 18,400 18,400 People: 6 1,200 1,380 2,580 Equipment: 2,950 0 2,950 Lighting: 0 0 0 Ductwork: 9,145 602 4,308 4,910 Infiltration: Winter CFM: 188, Summer CFM: 107 6,183 4,447 1,765 6,212 Ventilation: Winter CFM: 0, Summer CFM: 0 0 0 0 0 System 1 Torrey Mod. C Load Totals: 54,872 9,199 25,853 35,052 :....:..:....:..........::.:.,..J<!<.n.;.V.<')..:»•>.vn::. ,. ............... .. ._..:..Y.yY..>':.:'n:R:sisli'."<Y<1:isl:isn:.:.:ii>":>isG:Gi:i>::v[vi:i>,:[`:vil::>::>:\:.::>:n:.r:.>:,vi9.%:i::._[ ..t.a._•...,.c:: n.T[:.:....<,>.».. o,.a :..f... .. n.:.�.... ::..w....:.n...>........::•.;rrc..:.,.:w,...........>.....«u..,.: :,rc:.:u.....c.w.:;.. i. Supply CFM: 1,176 (4.4 AC/hr) CFM Per Square ft.: 0.698 Square ft. of Room Area: 1,684 Square ft. Per Ton: 577 ............ Total Heating Required With Outside Air: 54,872 Btuh 54.872 MBH Total Sensible Gain: 25,853 Btuh 74 % Total Latent Gain: 9,199 Btuh 26 % Total Cooling Required With Outside Air: 35,052 Btuh 2.92 Tons (Based On Sensible + Latent) ■� .firtte ..v.>:. .: 3:>. ...Y K...:.,:::._y.:., ::..... .::::. .... .... .[.. .......:... .... .........................:...a.:.:...'.y.�>'.a�>x. Calculations are based on 8th edition of ACCA Manual J. -All computed results are estimates as building use and weather may vary. Be sure to select a unit that meets both sensible and latent loads. System 1, Zone I Summary Loads (Peak Method) 1A-rb-o: Glazing -Single pane, operable window, reflective, 25 810 0 727 727 metal frame with break .lA-rb-o: Glazing -Single pane, operable window, reflective, 82 2,657 0 2,226 2,226 metal frame with break, ground reflectance = 0.32, outdoor insect screen with 50% coverage, dark color drapes with loose weave with 25% coverage 1 A-rb-d: Glazing -Single pane, sliding glass door, 218.8 7,092 0 5,944 5,944 refiective, metal frame with break, ground reflectance = 0.32, outdoor insect screen with 50% coverage, dark color drapes with loose weave with 25% coverage 11 D: Door -Solid Core 41 480 0 415 415 14E-4-8c: Wall -two courses brick, brick on concrete or 8 1878 8,565 0 2,910 2,910 inches concrete, 8 inches of 140# concrete With R-4 board insulation 12B-Obw: Wall -Frame, R-I I insulation in 2 x 4 stud cavity, 124 361 0 110 110 no board insulation, brick finish, wood studs 18B-1 9: Roof/Ceiling-Below roof joists, White or Light 1683 2,575 0 1,803 1,803 Color Asphalt Shingle, Any Wood Shake, Dark or Medium Color Tile, Slate or Concrete, Light or Unpainted Metal, Light or Silver Membrane, Light Tar and Gravel, R-19 blanket or loose fill 20P-0c: Floor -Over open crawl space or garage, Passive, 1107.5 12,792 0 4,265 4,265 no insulation, carpet or hardwood 22A-pm: Floor -Slab on grade, No edge insulation, no 119 4,212 0 0 0 insulation below floor, any floor cover, passive, heavy dry or light wet soil Subtotals for structure: 39,544 0 18,400 18,400 People: 6 1,200 1,380 2,580 Equipment: 2,950 0 2,950 Lighting: 0 0 0 Ductwork: 9,145 602 4,308 4,910 Infiltration: Winter CFM: 188, Summer CFM: 107 6,183 4,447 1,765 6,212 System 1, Zone I Load Totals: 54,872 9,199 25,853 35,052 kp�� 09 _Q��*� Supply CFM: 1,176 (4.4 AC/hr) CFM Per Square ft.: 0.698 Square ft. of Room Area: 1,684 Square ft. Per Ton: 577 mm Total Heating Required: 54,872 Btuh 54.872 MBH Total Sensible Gain: 25,853 Btuh 74 % Total Latent Gain: 9,199 Btuh 26 % Total Cooling Required: 35,052 Btuh 2.92 Tons (Based On Sensible + Latent) Calculations are based on 8th edition of ACCA Manual J. All computed results are estimates as building use and weather may vary. Be sure to select a unit that meets both sensible and latent loads. Aiivac Rss�tlwdial &#:igfitCarmnemiat ti11lAC Laads Personai¢�Seme�lnc <� - t ....^tr�t��aitvraref3uiretotamenF.tcr�. ,� "E'heT rxrey Mride}�` , Detailed Room Loads - Room 1- Foyer (Peak Method) its.............,.>.�,.>:_.,.,:..>r,.:oa:.>.::::.:.. ,>:,,.a.....__.......::..::.......u,:._:..::.:..:..:.:.... \:::.....:....... ., ....... ..,.,. �.z: Calculation Mode: Htg. & clg. Occurrences: 1 Room Length: 10.0 ft. System Number. 1 Room Width: 9.5 ft. Zone Number: 1 Area: 95.0 sq.ft. Supply Air: 79 CFM Ceiling Height: 9.4 ft. Supply Air Changes: 5.3 AC/hr Volume: 893.0 cu.ft. Required Vent.: 0 CFM Number of Registers: 1 Actual Winter Vent.: 0 CFM RunoutAir: 79 CFM Percent of Supply.: 0 % Runout Duct Size: 5 in. Actual Summer Vent.: 0 CFM Runout Air Velocity: 579 Umin. Percent of Supply: 0 % Design Loss: 0.100 in.wg./100 ft. Actual Winter Infil.: 12 CFM Actual Loss: 0.276 in.wgJ100 ft. Actual Summer Infil.: 7 CFM E -Wall-14E-4-8c 10 X 9.4 94 0.152 4.6 429 1.0 0 97 N -Wall-14E-4-8c 6 X 9A 31.4 0.152 4.6 143 1.4 0 43 N -GIs-1A-rb-o shgc-0.35 100%S 25 1.080 32.4 810 29.1 0 727 UP-Roof-1813-19 10 X 9.5 95 0.051 1.5 145 1.1 0 102 Floor-2013-0c 9.5 X 10 95 0.385 11.6 1,097 3.9 0 366 Subtotals for Structure: 2,624 0 1,335 Infil.: Win.: 11.9, Sum.: 6.8 150 2.613 393 0.745 282 112 Ductwork: 0.200 603 0.200 86 289 Room Totals: 3,620 368 1,736 Detailed Room Loads - Room 2 - MlBrk (Peak Method) Room Length: 19.0 ft. System Number: 1 Room Width: 13.5 ft. Zone Number: 1 Area: 257.0 sq.ft. Supply Air: 155 CFM Ceiling Height: 9.4 ft. Supply Air Changes: 3.9 AC/hr Volume: 2,411.0 cu.ft. Required Vent.: 0 CFM Number of Registers: 2 Actual Winter Vent.: 0 CFM Runout Air: 78 CFM Percent of Supply.: 0 % Runout Duct Size: 5 in. Actual Summer Vent.: 0 CFM Runout Air Velocity: 569 ft./min. Percent of Supply: 0 % Design Loss: 0.100 in.wgJ100 ft. Actual Winter Infil.: 22 CFM Actual Loss: 0.267 in.wg./100 ft. Actual Summer Infil.: 12 CFM E -Wall-14E-4-8c 9 X 9.4 84.6 0.152 4.6 386 1.0 0 87 N -GIs-1A-rb-o shgo-0.35 100%S 40 1.080 32.4 1,296 27.2 0 1,086 (2) UP-Roof-18B-19 19 X 13.5 256.5 0.051 1.5 392 1.1 0 275 Floor-20P-Oc 13.5 X 19 256.5 0.385 11.6 2,963 3.9 0 988 Subtotals for Structure: 5,712 0 2,641 Infil.: Win.: 21.6, Sum.: 12.3 273 2.608 711 0.745 512 203 Ductwork: 0.200 1,285 0.200 86 569 Equipment: _ 1,200 0 Room Totals: 7,708 1,798 3,413 Rfivao i2asldent1a184.1ytitCanxnerciaECiStAGfaads .� t 1:Mk'itsSofbvazefi7avetaR�gr��.lia�; 8q'''eyme�e.�inyc.. ' `� , - ` .:_ : � .:" • _-1'he"1'arr�hllarfieE �Persanatizztl Detailed Room Loads - Room 3 - Liv/Din (Peak Method) Calculation Mode: Htg. & clg. Occurrences: 1 Room Length: 24.0 ft. System Number: 1 Room Width: 14.0 ft. Zone Number: 1 Area: 336.0 sq.ft. Supply Air: 214 CFM Ceiling Height: 9.4 ft. Supply Air Changes: 4.1 AC/hr Volume: 3,158.0 cu.ft. Required Vent: 0 CFM Number of Registers: 2 Actual Winter Vent.: 0 CFM RunoutAir: 107 CFM Percent of Supply.: 0 % Runout Duct Size: 6 in. Actual Summer Vent.: 0 CFM Runout Air Velocity: 545 ft./min. Percent of Supply: 0 % Design Loss: 0.100 in.wgJ100 ft. Actual Winter Infil.: 28 CFM Loss: 0.190 in.wg./100 ft''.`` Actual Summer Infil.: 16 CFM }Actual y� ,• E E -Wall-I4E-4-8c 24 X 9.4 225.6 0.152 4.6 1,029 1.0 0 233 S -Wall-I4E-4-8c 14 X 9.4 68.6 0.152 4.6 313 0.8 0 57 S -GIs-IA-rb-o shgc-0.35 100%S 15 1.080 32.4 486 27.1 0 407 S-GIs-1A-rb-dshgc-0.35100%S 48 1.080 32.4 1,556 27.2 0 1,304 (2) UP-Roof-18B-19 24 X 14 336 0.051 1.5 514 1.1 0 360 Floor-20P-Oc 14 X 24 336 0.385 11.6 3,881 3.9 0 1,294 Subtotals for Structure: 7,779 0 3,655 Infil.: Win.: 28.3, Sum.:16.2 357 2.609 932 0.745 671 266 Ductwork: 0.200 1,742 0.200 86 784 Room Totals: 10,453 757 4,705 Detailed Room Loads - Room 4 - Mstr/Bth/WIC (Peak Method) Calculation Mode: Htg. & clg. Occurrences: 1 Room Length: 35.0 ft. System Number: 1 Room Width: 12.0 ft. Zone Number: 1 Area: 420.0 sq.ft. Supply Air: 299 CFM Ceiling Height: 10.0 ft. Supply Air Changes: 4.3 AC/hr Volume: 4,200.0 cu.ft. Required Vent.: 0 CFM Number of Registers: 3 Actual Winter Vent.: 0 CFM Runout Air: 100 CFM Percent of Supply.: 0 % Runout Duct Size: 6 in. Actual Summer Vent.: 0 CFM Runout Air Velocity: 508 ft./min. Percent of Supply: 0 % Design Loss: 0.100 in.wg./100 ft. Actual Winter Infil.: 37 CFM Actual Loss: 0.165 in.wg./100 ft. Actual Summer Infil.: 21 CFM S -Wall-I4E-4-8c 12 X 10 57 0.152 4.6 260 0.8 0 48 S -GIs-1A-rb-o shgc-0.35 1 00%S 15 1.080 32.4 486 27.1 0 407 S -GIs-1A-rb-d shgc-0.35 1 00%S 48 1.080 32.4 1,556 27.2 0 1,304 (2) UP-Roof-I8B-19 35 X 12 420 0.051 1.5 643 1.1 0 450 Floor-20P-0c 12 X 35 420 0.385 11.6 4,851 3.9 0 1,617 Subtotals for Structure: 9,392 0 4,667. Infil.: Win.: 37.2, Sum.:21.3 470 2.611 1,227 0.745 882 350 Ductwork: 0.200 2,124 0.200 86 1,095 People: 200 lat/per, 230 sen/per: 2 400 460 Equipment: 1000 0 Room Totals: 12,743 2,368 6,572 itliudc Rsstder�Ria4�4:iyiiCCommescia[[1if`toads �: t t'. y< - - tGGteSofM*a[st3evet4priiani;trtc. P�ue.rsonaliz�d:Semncetnc-�" `, �` " r �`-''fhe"CorreyMntlet`�_ Detailed Room Loads - Room 5 - Land/Hall (Peak Method) -OOi[MI:Npp'�{ Calculation Mode: Htg. & clg. Occurrences: 1 Room Length: 16.0 ft. System Number: 1 Room Width: 11.5 ft. Zone Number: 1 Area: 184.0 sq.ft. Supply Air: 85 CFM Ceiling Height: 9.4 ft. Supply Air Changes: 3.0 AC/hr Volume: 1,730.0 cu.ft. Required Vent.: 0 CFM Number of Registers: 1 Actual Winter Vent.: 0 CFM Runout Air: 85 CFM Percent of Supply.: 0 % Runout Duct Size: 5 in. Actual Summer Vent.: 0 CFM Runout Air Veloc'dy: 627 ft./min. Percent of Supply: 0 % Design Loss: 0.100 in.wg./100 ft. Actual Winter Infil.: 25 CFM Actual Loss: 0.322 in.wg./100 ft. Actual Summer Infil.: 14 CFM E -Wall-I4E-4-8c 11 X 9.4 103.4 0.152 4.6 472 1.0 0 107 W -Wall-14E-4-8c 10 X 9.4 94 0.152 4.6 429 2.4 0 226 N -Wall-12B-Obw 6 X 9.4 39.4 0.097 2.9 115 0.9 0 35 N -Wall-14E-4-8c 6 X 9.4 20.4 0.152 4.6 93 1.4 0 28 N -Door-11 D 2.5 X 6.8 17 0.390 11.7 199 10.1 0 172 N-Door-11 D 3 X 8 24 0.390 11.7 281 10.1 0 243 N -GIs-1A-rb-o shgc-0.35 100%S 12 1.080 32.4 389 27.2 0 326 UP-Roof-18B-1916 X 11.5 184 0.051 1.5 282 1.1 0' 197 Floor-22A-pm 33 ft..Per. 33 1.180 35.4 1,168 0.0 0 0 Subtotals for Structure: 3,428 0 1,334 Infil.: Win.: 24.6, Sum.: 14.0 310 2.611 810 0.745 582 231 Ductwork: 0.200 848 0.200 86 313 Room Totals: 5,086 668 1,878 Detailed Room Loads - Room 6 - Bdrm #3 (Peak Method) Room Length: 13.5 ft. System Number: 1 Room Width: 13.0 ft. Zone Number: 1 Area: 176.0 sq.ft. Supply Air: 121 CFM Ceiling Height: 9.4 ft. Supply Air Changes: 4.4 AC/hr Volume: 1,650.0 cu.ft. Required Vent.: 0 CFM Number of Registers: 2 Actual Winter Vent.: 0 CFM Runout Air: 60 CFM Percent of Supply.: 0 % Runout Duct Size: 4 in. Actual Summer Vent.: 0 CFM Runout Air Velocity: 693 ft./min. Percent of Supply: 0 % Design Loss: 0.100 in.wgJ100 ft. Actual Winter Infil.: 23 CFM Actual Loss: 0.539 in.wgA 00 ft. Actual Summer Infil.: 13 CFM ...._.....+uu.nw[.s..,.....,..,k,no.....v.,.....v..v.[b.,..,.....,. v......:..:....:....3:<:.Y�:.':x.>::.:>..>:. e.:.»>x[. >.::kx):....,..:.♦i;e:,V"'Su'e';'.:6>:'....,............. ..n..o:......«o::o:<.:<n:.o:[o:<.>.:«[.>a,>aoqu:.«[.:<.:«[.:o>:cxp'.:5.>:0»>.....,....•.. .......<.>: e:'>.:: �'<.` ���"""��p «a:vb ::S3r^a E -Wall-I4E-4-8c 18 X 9.4 169.2::_ 0.152 4.6 772 1.0 0> 175 S -Wall-14E-4-8c 13 X 9.4 81.4 0.152 4.6 371 0.8 0 68 S-GIs-1A-rb-dshge-0.35100%S 40.8 1.080 32.4 1,322 27.2 0 1,108 (2) UP-Roof-1813-19 13.5 X 13 175.5 0.051 1.5 269 1.1 0 188 Floor-22A-pm 31 ft..Per. 31 1.180 35.4 1,097 0.0 0 0 Subtotals for Structure: 3,831 0 1,539 Infil.: Win.:23.1, Sum.: 13.2 291 2.612 761 0.745 547 217 Ductwork: 0.200 918 0.200 86 443 People: 200 lat/per, 230 sen/per: 2 400 460 Room Totals: 5,510 1,033 2,659 1#tivae Residetttia}$�gfitCommerraaiHf/AC1;oads 8Gt6baft�reDauetopn[e�.iriC� i?ecsor�at¢ed$ernceine. : ` ' The'1'arr�yModr�� Detailed Room Loads - Room 7 - Bdrm #2/Bth (Peak Method) Calculation Mode: Htg. & clg. Occurrences: 1 Room Length: 18.0 ft. System Number. 1 Room Width: 12.0 ft. Zone Number: 1 Area: 216.0 sq.ft. Supply Air: 222 CFM Ceiling Height: 9.4 ft. Supply Air Changes: 6.6 AC/hr Volume: 2,030.0 cu.ft. Required Vent.: 0 CFM Number of Registers: 2 Actual Winter Vent.: 0 CFM Runout Air: 111 CFM Percent of Supply.: 0 % Runout Duct Size: 6 in. Actual Summer Vent.: 0 CFM Runout Air Velocity: 567 ft./min. Percent of Supply: 0 % Design Loss: 0.100 in.wg./100 ft. Actual Winter Infil.: 41 CFM Loss: 0.205 in.wg./100 ft.p ActualSummer Infil.:jjy,,yyyy 23]] CFM jActual innf pHH l<FF, r!. W -Wall-14E-4-8c 27 X 9.4 253.8 0.152 4.6 1,157 2.4 0 610 S -Wall-14E-4-8c 13 X 9.4 74.2 0.152 4.6 338 0.8 0 62 E -Wall-14E-4-8c 6 X 9.4 22.4 0.152 4.6 102 1.0 0 23 N -Wall-12B-Obw 9 X 9.4 84.6 0.097 2.9 246 0.9 0 75 S-GIs-1A-rb-dshgc-0.35100%S 48 1.080 32.4 1,556 27.2 0 1,304 (2) E-GIs-1A-rb-dshgc-0.35100%S 34 1.080 32.4 1,102 27.2 0 924 (2) LIP-Roof-1813-19 18 X 12 216 0.051- 1.5 330 1.1 0 231; Floor-22A-pm 55 ft..Per. 55 1.180 35.4 1,947 0.0 0 0' Subtotals for Structure: 6,778 0 3,229 Infil.: Win.: 40.9, Sum.:23.4 517 2.609 1,349 0.747 971 386 Ductwork: 0.200 1,625 0.200 86- 815 People: 200 lattper, 230 sen/per: 2 400 460 Equipment: 750 0 Room Totals: 9,752 2,207 4,890 System 1 Room Load Summary I Foyer 95 3,620 47 1-5 579 1,736 368 79 79 2 KitBrk 257 7,708 100 2-5 569 3,413 1,798 155 155 3 Liv/Din 336 10,453 136 2-6 545 4,705 757 214 214 4 MstrBth/WIC 420 12,743 166 3-6 508 6,572 2,368 299 299 5 Land/Hall 184 5,086 66 1-5 627 1,878 668 85 85 6 Bdrm #3 176 5,510 72 2-4 693 2,659 1,033 121 121 7 Bdrm #2Bth 216 9,752 127 2-6 567 4,890 2,207 222 222 System 1 total 1,684 54,872 713 25,853 9,199 1,176 1,176 System 1 Main Trunk Size: 16 in. Velocity: 842 ft./min Loss_per_100_ft.: _ _ 0.08Z_in.wg___ _ __ • ll{I ..!3!... •i+YTI•a lit#�' ; ..:5 ..�naS(:. :`.::::s c'.�` � ,,.p (j' F"' Type: . Model: Brand: Efficiency: Sound: Capacity: Sensible Capacity: n/a 0 Btuh Latent Capacity: n/a 0 Btuh FORM 60OA-2001 Tested sealed ducts must be certified in this house. FLORIDA ENERGY EFFICIENCY CODE FOR BUILDING CONSTRUCTION Florida Department of Community Affairs Residential Whole Building Performance Method A Project Name: THE TORREY MOD. C Builder: KOLTER Address: Permitting Office: City, State: PORT ST. LUCIE, FL Permit Number: Owner: KOLTER SIGNATURE HOMES. INC. Jurisdiction Number. Climate Zone: Central 1. New construction or existing 2. Single family or multi -family 3. Number of units, if multi -family 4. Number of Bedrooms 5. Is this a worst case? 6. Conditioned floor area _UP) 7. Glass area r& type a. Clear -single pane b. Clear - double pane c. Timtother SHGC - single pane d. Tint/other SHGC - double pane 8. Floor types a. Slab -On -Grade Edge Insulation b. Raised Wood, Stem Wall c. N/A 9. Wall types a. Concrete, Int Insul, Exterior b. Concrete, Int Insul, Adjacent c. Frame, Wood, Adjacent d. N/A e. N/A 10. Ceiling types a. Under Attic b. N/A c. N/A 11. Ducts(Leak Free) a. Sup: Unc. Ret: Unc. AH: Attic b. N/A New _ 12. Cooling systems Single family _ a. Central Unit 1 _ 3 _ b. N/A Yes _ 1683 R' c. N/A 0.0 R' _ 13. Heating systems 0.0 ft' _ a. Electric Heat Pump 325.8 ft' _ 0.0 ft' b. N/A R=0.0, 114.0(p) ft _ c. N/A R=19.0, 683.Oft' _ 14. Hot water systems a. Electric Resistance R=4.2, 1645.0 ft' _ R=4.2, 566.0 ft' _ b. N/A R=11.0, 141.0 ft' _ _ c. Conservation credits (HR-Heat recovery, Solar _ DHP-Dedicated heat pump) R=19.0, 1000.0 ft' _ 15. HVAC credits _ (CF-Ceiling fan, CV -Cross ventilation, HF-Whole house fan, PT -Programmable Thermostat, Sup. R=6.0, 125.0 ft _ M&C-Multizone cooling MZ-H-Multizone heating) Glass/Floor Area: 0.19 Total as -built points: 24777 PASS Total base points: 25246 I hereby certify that the plans and specifications covered by this calculation are in compliance with the Florida Energy Code. PREPARED BY: 04 DATE: & Z/ -2-00 3 I hereby certify that this building, as designed, is in compliance with the Florida Energy Code. OWNERIAGENT: DATE: Review of the plans and specifications covered by this calculation indicates compliance with the Florida Energy Code. Before construction is completed this building will be inspected for compliance with Section 553.908 Florida Statutes. BUILDING OFFICIAL: DATE: Cap: 36.0 kBtu/hr _ SEER: 12.00 Cap: 36.0 kBtu/itr _ HSPF: 7.50 Cap: 40.0 gallons" _ EF: 0.94 FORM 60OA-2001 Tested sealed ducts must be certified in this house. SUMMER CALCULATIONS Residential Whole Building Performance Method A - Details ADDRESS:, PORT ST. LUCIE, FL, PERMIT #: BASE AS -BUILT GLASS TYPES .18 X Conditioned X BSPM = Points Overhang Floor Area Type/SC Omt Len Hgt Area X SPM X SOF = Points .18 1683.0 25.78 7809.8 Single, Tint N 13.0 1.0 120 22.93 0.61 168.1 Single, Tint N 2.0 1.0 40.0 22.93 0.64 586.9 Single, Tint N 9.0 1.0 25.0 22.93 0.61 350.2 Single, Tint. E 13.Q _ 1.0_ 34.0_ 49.89. 0.36 615.6_ Single, Tint S 6.0 1.0 144.0 37.29 0.48 2551.8 Single, Tint S 13.0 1.0 40.8 37.29 0.48 723.0 Single, Tint S 2.0 1.0 30.0 37.29 0.50 554.6 As -Built Total: 325.8 5650A WALL TYPES Area X BSPM = Points Type R-Value Area X SPM =. Points Adjacent 707.0 0.70 494.9 Concrete, Int Insul, Exterior 4.2 1645.0 1.16 1908.2. Exterior 1645.0 1.90 3125.5 Concrete, Int Insul, Adjacent 4.2 566.0 0.64 362.2 Frame, Wood, Adjacent 11.0 141.0 0.70 98.7 Base Total: 2362.0 3620A As -Built Total: 2352.0 2369.1 DOOR TYPES Area X BSPM = Points Type Area X SPM = Points Adjacent 17.0 1.60 27.2 Exterior Insulated 24.0 4.80 115.2 Exterior 24.0 4.80 115.2 Adjacent Insulated 17.0 1.60 27.2 Base Total: 41.0 142.4 As -Built Total: 41.0 142A CEILING TYPES Area X BSPM = Points Type R-Value Area X SPM X SCM = Points Under Attic 1000.0 2.13 2130.0 Under Attic 19.0 1000.0 2.82 X 1.00 2820.0 Base Total: 1000.0 2130.0 As -Built Total: 1000.0 2820.0 FLOOR TYPES Area X BSPM = Points Type R-Value Area X SPM = Points Slab 114.0(p) -31.8 -3625.2 Slab -On -Grade Edge Insulation 0.0 114.0(p -31.90 -3636.6 Raised 683.0 -3.43 -2342.7 Raised Wood, Stem Wall 19.0 683.0 -1.80 -1229.4 Base Total: 5967.9 As -Built Total: 797.0 .4866.0 INFILTRATION Area X BSPM = Points Area X SPM = Points 1683.0 14.31 24083.7 1683.0 14.31 24083.7 FORM 60OA-2001 Tested sealed ducts must be certified in this house. SUMMER CALCULATIONS Residential Whole Building Performance Method A - Details ADDRESS:, PORT ST. LUCIE, FL, PERMIT #: BASE AS -BUILT Summer Base Points: 31818.4 Summer As -Built Points: 30099.6 Total Summer X System = Cooling Total X Cap X Duct X System X Credit = Cooling Points Multiplier Points Component Ratio Multiplier Multiplier Multiplier Points (DM x DSM x AHU) 30099.6 1.000 (1.087 x 1.000 x 1.10) 0.284 1.000 10227.2 31818.4 0.4266- 13573.7- 30099.6 1_00. ---1.1.96- 0.284 1..000_ 10227.2_ FORM 60OA-2001 Tested sealed ducts must be certified in this house. WINTER CALCULATIONS Residential Whole Building Performance Method A - Details ADDRESS:, PORT ST. LUCIE, FL, PERMIT #: BASE AS -BUILT GLASS TYPES .18 X Conditioned X BWPM = Points Overhang Floor Area Type/SC Omt Len Hgt Area X WPM X WOF = Point .18 1683.0 5.86 1775.2 Single, Tint N 13.0 1.0 12.0 12.59 0.98 148.6 Single, Tint N 2.0 1.0 40.0 12.59 0.99 496.1 Single, Tint N 9.0 1.0 25.0 12.59 0.98 309.5 _Single, Tint E 13_0 1.0 34.0 10T54 1.32 472.7 Single, Tint S 6.0 1.0 144.0 8.59 2.29 2833.4 Single, Tint S 13.0 1.0 40.8 8.59 2.29 802.8 Single, Tint S 2.0 1.0 30.0 8.59 2.22 571.7 As -Built Total: 325.8 5634.8 WALL TYPES Area X BWPM = Points Type R-Value Area X WPM = Points . Adjacent 707.0 1.80 1272.6 Concrete, Int Insul, Exterior 4.2 1645.0 3.26 5362T Exterior 1645.0 2.00 3290.0 Concrete, Int Insul, Adjacent 4.2 566.0 2.06 1166.0 Frame, Wood, Adjacent 11.0 141.0 1.80 253.8 Base Total: 2362.0 4662.6 As -Built Total: 2352.0 6782.6 DOOR TYPES Area X BWPM = Points Type Area X WPM = Points Adjacent 17.0 4.00 68.0 Exterior Insulated 24.0 5.10 122.4 Exterior 24.0 5.10 122A Adjacent Insulated 17.0 4.00 68.0 Base Total: 41.0 190A As -Built Total: 41.0 190A CEILING TYPESArea X BWPM = Points Type R-Value Area X WPM X WCM = Points Under Attic 1000.0 0.64 640.0 Under Attic 19.0 1000.0 0.87 X 1.00 870.0 Base Total: 1000.0 640.0 As -Built Total: 1000.0 870.0 FLOOR TYPES Area X BWPM = Points Type R-Value Area X WPM = Points Slab 114.0(p) -1.9 -216.6 Slab -On -Grade Edge Insulation 0.0 114.0(p 2.50 285.0 Raised 683.0 -0.20 -136.6 Raised Wood, Stem Wall 19.0 683.0 0.30 204.9 Base Total: -363.2 As -Built Total: 797.0 489.9 INFILTRATION Area X BWPM = Points Area X WPM = Points 1683.0 -0.28 -471.2 1683.0 -0.28 -471.2 FORM.600A-2001 Tested sealed ducts must be certified in this house. WINTER CALCULATIONS Residential Whole Building Performance Method A - Details ADDRESS:, PORT ST. LUCIE, FL, PERMIT #: BASE AS -BUILT Winter Base Points: 6343.8 Winter As -Built Points: 13496.3 Total Winter X System = Heating Total X Cap X Duct X System X Credit = Heating Points Multiplier Points Component Ratio Multiplier Multiplier Multiplier Points (DM x DSM x AHU) 13496.3 1.000 (1.078 x 1.000 x 1.11) 0.455 1.000 7349.1 6.343.8 __ 0.6274 3980.1__ _ 13496.3 _ _1.0.0___ 1.19.7__ _0.455 1.000_ 7349.1 FORM 60OA-2001 Tested sealed ducts must be certified in this house. WATER HEATING & CODE COMPLIANCE STATUS Residential Whole Building Performance Method A - Details ADDRESS:, PORT ST. LUCIE, FL, PERMIT #: BASE AS -BUILT WATER HEATING Number of X Multiplier = Total Tank EF Number of X Tank X Multiplier X Credit = Total Bedrooms Volume Bedrooms Ratio Multiplier 3 2564.00 7692.0 40.0 0.94 3 1.00 2400.34 1.00 7201.0 As -Built Total: 7201.0 CODE COMPLIANCE STATUS BASE AS -BUILT Cooling + Heating. + Points Points Hot Water Points = . Total Points Cooling Points + Heating + Hot Water Total - Points Points Points 13674 3980 7692 26246 10227 7349 7201 24777 PASS FORM 60OA-2001 Code Compliance Checklist Residential Whole Building Performance Method A - Details ADDRESS:, PORT ST. LUCIE, FL, PERMIT #: 6A-21 INFILTRATION REDUCTION COMPLIANCE CHECKLIST COMPONENTS SECTION REQUIREMENTS FOR EACH PRACTICE CHECK Exterior Windows & Doors 606.1.ABC.1.1 Maximum:.3 cfm/s .ft. window area; .5 cfm/s .ft. door area. Exterior & Adjacent Walls 606.1 ABC.1.2.1 Caulk, gasket, weatherstrip or seal between: windows/doors & frames, surrounding wall; foundation & wall sole or sill plate; joints between exterior wall panels at comers; utility penetrations; between wall panels & top/bottom plates; between walls and Floor. EXCEPTION: Frame walls where a continuous infiltration barrier is installed that extends from and is sealed to the foundation to the top plate. Floors 606.1 ABC.1.2.2 Penetrations/openings >119' sealed unless backed by truss or joint members. EXCEPTION: Frame Floors where a continuous infiltration barrier is installed that is sealed - -to the-PerimeterTpenetrations and seams. — Ceilings 606.1.ABC.1.2.3 Between walls & ceilings; penetrations of ceiling plane of top Floor; around shafts, chases, soffits, chimneys, cabinets sealed to continuous air barrier, gaps in gyp board & top plate; attic access. EXCEPTION: Frame ceilings where a continuous infiltration barrier is installed that is sealed at the perimeter, at penetrations and seams. Recessed Lighting Fbdures 606.1.ABC.1.2.4 Type IC rated with no penetrations, sealed; or Type IC or non -IC rated, installed inside a sealed box with 1 /2' clearance & 3" from insulation; or Type IC rated with < 2.0 cfm from conditioned space, tested. Mufti-storyHouses 606.1.ABC.1.2.5 Air barrier on perimeter of Floor cavity between floors. - Additional Infiltration reqts 606.1.ABC.1.3 Exhaust fans vented to outdoors, dampers; combustion space heaters comply with NFPA, ' have combustion air. 6A-22 OTHER PRESCRIPTIVE MEASURES fmuwt he met nr eYceeded by all mcidenene 1 COMPONENTS SECTION REQUIREMENTS CHECK Water Heaters 612.1 Comply with efficiency requirements in Table 6-12. Switch or clearly marked circuit breaker electric or cutoff as must be provided. External or built-in heat trap required. Swimming Pools & Spas 612.1 Spas & heated pools must have covers (except solar heated). Noncommercial pools must have a pump timer. Gas spa & pool heaters must have a minimum thermal efficient of 78%. Shower heads 612.1 Water Flow must be restricted to no more than 2.5 gallons per minute at 80 PSIG. Air Distribution Systems 610.1 All ducts, fittings, mechanical equipment and plenum chambers shall be mechanically attached, sealed, insulated, and installed in accordance with the criteria of Section 610. Dun u cts inconditloned attics: R-6 min. insulation. HVAC Controls 607.1 Se orate readil accessible manual or automatic thermostat for each system. Insulation 604.1, 602.1 Ceilings -Min. R-19. Common walls -Frame R-11 or CBS R-3 both sides. Common ceiling & Floors R-11. Energy Code Compliance Duct System Performance Report Project Name: THE TORREY MOD. C Builder: KOLTER Address: Permitting Office: City, State: PORT ST. LUCIE, FL Permit Number. Owner. KOLTER SIGNATURE HOMES. INC. Jurisdiction Number. Climate Zone: Central Total Duct System Leakage Test Results'! CFM25 Total Duct Leakage Test Values Line System Duct Leakage Rated Air Handler Flows 1 Systeml cfm25 cfm 2 System2 cfm25 cfm 3 System3 cfm25 cfm 4 System4 cfm25 cfm 5 Total House Duct System Leakage / - House Duct Leakage cfm25 House Air Handler Flow Total House (Sum lines 1-4) (Sum lines 1-4) Duct System Leakage 1 Total duct system leakage refers to all components of the duct system, including air handler, all returns and all supply ductwork regardless of location. Test must be done after all air handlers, ducts, registers and grills are installed. Total Leakage includes all duct leakage of air to or from inside, outside and surrounding non -conditioned zones. Leakage to outdoor tests and/or pressure pan tests may not be used for energy code credit. If there are more than four systems, include results of other systems on back. Sum all cfm25 and rated air handler flows and show on line five above. Total duct system leakage for the house calculated on line five must be equal to or less than 0.05 to receive airtight duct credit. I hereby certify that the above duct testing performance results demonstrate compliance with the Florida Energy Code requirements in accordance with Section 610.1.A.1,. Florida Building Code, Building Volume, Chapter 13 for leak free duct system credit. Signature: Printed Name: Florida Approval #: _ Florida Approval Type: DATE: Florida Building Code requires that testing to confirm leak free duct systems be performed by a person specifically approved by the state to perform these tests. BUILDING OFFICIAL: DATE: /�t off• ,q �DLTE2 Equipment Schedule Unit# J� SEERL HSPF Make i4�NOJt9XTons �J Cond.UnitMod.#/O /g-36c A/H Unit Mod. #C.�Z 19- 9`1 Heater Mod.# ,49'CB Z % - d g Sensible Cooling Latent Cooling 0??0.0 Total Cool BTU's D co 5- 9- zoo3= r- CO C) CD W o <� ENERGY PERFORMANCE LEVEL (EPL) DISPLAY CARD ESTIMATED ENERGY PERFORMANCE SCORE* = 83.7 The higher the score, the more efficient the home. KOLTER SIGNATURE HOMES, INC.,, PORT ST. LUCIE, FL, 1. New construction or existing New _ 12. Cooling systems 2. Single family or multi -family Single family _ a. Central Unit Cap: 36.0 kBuilhr _ 3. Number of units, if multi -family I _ SEER: 10.00 4. Number of Bedrooms 2 b. N/A _ 5. Is this a worst case? _ Yes _ 6. Conditioned floor area (ft-) 1488 R2 c. NIA 7. Glass arcs & type a. Clear - single pane _ 0.0 ft. _ 13. Heating systems b. Clear - double pane 0.0 ft' _ a. Electric Heat Pump Cap: 36.0 kBtu/hr _ c. Tint/other SHGC - single pane 249.0 ft' _ HSPF: 7.00 d. Tint/other SHGC - double pane 0.0 fF b. N/A _ 8. Floor types _ a. SlabOn-Grade Edge Insulation _ R=0.0, 177.0(p) ft _ c. N/A b. N/A _ c. N/A _ 14. Hot water systems 9. Wall types _ a. Electric Resistance Cap: 40.0 gallons _ a. Concrete, Int Insul, Exterior R-4.2, 1080.0 ft' _ EF: 0.94 b. Concrete, Int Insul, Adjacent R=4.2, 320.0 ft _ b. N/A _ c. Frame, Wood, Adjacent R-11.0, 358.0 fN _ d. NIA _ c. Conservation credits e. NIA - (HR-Heat recovery, Solar _ 10. Ceiling types _ DIIP-Dedicated heat pump) a. Under Attic R=19.0, 1488.0ft- _ 15. HVAC credits b. NIA _ CF-Ceiling ( g fen, CV -Cross ventilation, _ c. N/A HF-Whole house fan, 11. Ducts _ PT -programmable Thermostat, a. Sup: Unc. Ret: Con. AH: Interior Sup. R=6.0, 125.0 R _ RB-Attic radiant barrier, b. N/A MZ-C-Multizone cooling, MZ-H-Multizone heating) I certify that this home has complied with the Florida Energy Efficiency Code For Building Construction through the above energy saving features which will be installed (or exceeded) in this home before final ' n. Otherwise, a new EPL Display Card will be completed based on installed Code co plian gatmes. Builder Signature- L� Date: PoRr Z-c Luct� Address of New Home: City/ Zip: P 1- $4ci *NOTE: The home's estimated energy performance score is only available through the FLAIRES computer program. This is not a Building Energy Rating. Ifyour score is 80 or greater (or 86 for a US EPAIDOE Energy&dT designation), your home may qualify for energy efficiency mortgage (RENO incentives ifyou obtain a Florida Energy Gauge Rating. Contact the Energy Gauge Hotline at 3211638-1492 or see the Energy Gauge web site at www.fsec.ucfedu for information and a list ofcertified Raters. For information about Florida's Energy Efficiency Code For Building Construction, contact the Department of CommunityAfjairs at 8501487-1824. FnormT�a.. n'A'l /t/ rcinn• FT D('CA.A 111 The Torrey Pines - Mod. A HVAC Load Calculations for Kolter Signature Homes, Inc. 2160 Reserve Park Trace Port St. Lucie, FI 34986 Prepared By: Jose Nisair Air Conditioning 1501 Decker Ave. - D404 Stuart, FI. 34994 772-283-0904 Friday, May 09, 2003 Project Title: Project Date: Client Name: Client Address: Client City: Client Phone: Company Name: Company Representative: Company Address: Company City: Company Phone: Daily Temperature Range: The Torrey Pines - Mod. A Thursday, May 08, 2003 Kolter Signature Homes, Inc. 2160 Reserve Park Trace Port St. Lucie, FI 34986 772-468-4703 Nisair Air Conditioning Jose 1501 Decker Ave. - D404 Stuart, Ft. 34994 772-283-0904 Latitude: 27 Elevation: 25 Altitude Factor: 0.999 Elevation Sensible Adj. Factor: 1.000 Elevation Total Adj. Factor: 1.000 Elevation Heating Adj. Factor: 1.000 Elevation Heating Adj. Factor: 1.000 Winter: Summer: Square ft. of Room Outdoor Outdoor Dry Bulb Wet Bulb 42 0 90 78 Total Sensible Gain: Total Latent Gain: Total Cooling Required With Outside Air: High Degrees ft. Indoor Rel.Hum 0 50 Indoor Grains Dry Bulb Difference 72 0 75 61 1,489 Square ft. Per Ton: 516 <A)X'%:o<zre�s�yg�:3kv3;'i°i>�U:S:j>:.;rsk?s»:a;�•v?��: 35,998 Btuh 35.998 MBH 26,001 Btuh 75 % 8,652 Btuh 25 % 34,653 Btuh 2.89 Tons (Based On Sensible + Latent) .:. .- ..,....::.: :.; <c,..:.:.. :.;;L`:«.:<o:e»r Calculations are based on 8th edition of ACCA Manual J. All computed results are estimates as building use and weather may vary. Be sure to select a unit that meets both sensible and latent loads. Summer: 90 78 50 75 61.09 Calculate: Use Schedule: Roughness Factor: Pressure Drop: Minimum Velocity: Mabmum Velocity: Minimum Height: Mabmum Height: Yes Yes 0.00300 0.1000 in.wg./100 ft. 650 ft./min 900 ft./min 0 in. 0 in. Infiltration: Volume of Conditioned Space: Total Building Infiltration: Total Building Ventilation: Yes Yes 0.01000 0.1000 in.wgJ100 ft. 450 ft./min 750 ft./min 0 in. 0 in. 0.700 AC/hr 0.400 AC/hr X 14699 Cu.ft. X 14699 Cu.ft. 10,289 Cu.ft./hr 5,880 Cu.ft./hr X 0.0167 X 0.0167 171 CFM 98 CFM 0 CFM 0 CFM —System 1— Infiltration & Ventilation Sensible Gain Multiplier. 16.49 = (1.10 X 0.999 X 15.00 Summer Temp. Difference) Infiltration & Ventilation Latent Gain Multiplier: 41.50 = (0.68 X 0.999 X 61.09 Grains Difference) Infiltration & Ventilation Sensible Loss Multiplier: 32.97 = (1.10 X 0.999 X 30.00 Winter Temp. Difference) �hnac ,,`: 2 ECdc$afiwarsifaualapmenfeliia� tResida�ial�tiigfiiCAnrtneiciat#ttCACl�aa�is �i2rSafi4i¢� $BIVICE 1714"' .. : n s _. ' a ' - s r ss 5 '#'118'�QYr2jf i�kiCS - i4ia[�.sA s Load Preview Report 8wlrii �:89 Ni t3uii , 2 ecn �1ei> ded TAEIS : S15 fk..17 v 9t}>MBF1 ifea o , _ : Building11,489 26,001 8,,652 35,998y� 468 1,183 1,183 }}j34,653 e (/ `1,183 "16 System 1 1,489 26,001 8,652 34,653 35,998 468 1,183 Zone 1 1,489 26,001 8,652 34,653 35,998 468 1,183 1,183 1-Bdrm#2Bth 266 7,723 2,427 10,150 7,552 98 351 351 3-6 2-Din RmAQ 425 3,787 2,276 6,063 7,370 96 172 172 2-5 3-LivRm 350 8,137 1,047 9,184 10,128 132 370 370 3-7 4-Mstr BdrmBth/Laund 448 6,354 2,902 9,256 10,948 142 289 289 3-6 metal frame with break, ground reflectance = 0.32, outdoor insect screen with 50% coverage, white or reflective color drapes with tight weave with 25% coverage - 1A-cb-d: Glazing -Single pane, sliding glass door, clear, 104 3,370 0 3,864 3,864 metal frame with break, ground reflectance = 0.32, outdoor insect screen with 50% coverage, white or reflective color drapes with tight weave with 25% coverage 11 D: Door -Solid Core 37.6 440 0 308 308 14E-4-8c: Wall -two courses brick, brick on concrete or 8 1303 5,942 0 799 799 inches concrete, 8 inches of 140# concrete with R-4 board insulation 12B-Obw: Wall -Frame, R-11 insulation in 2 x 4 stud cavity, 227.4 662 0 30 30 no board insulation, brick finish, wood studs 16D-19: Roof/Ceiling-Under attic or knee wall, Vented 1489 2,189 0 1,825 1,825 Attic, No Radiant Barrier, Dark Tile, Slate or Concrete, R-19 insulation 22A-pm: Floor -Slab on grade, No edge insulation, no 188 6,655 0 0 0 insulation below floor, any floor cover, passive, heavy Subtotals for structure: 24,344 0 15,932 15,932 People: 4 800 920 1,720 Equipment: 3,200 3,200 6,400 Lighting: 0 0 0 Ductwork: 6,000 584 4,333 4,917 Infiltration: Winter CFM: 171, Summer CFM: 98 5,654 4,068 1,616 5,684 Ventilation: Winter CFM: 0, Summer CFM: 0 0 0 0 0 Total Building Load Totals: 35,998 8,652 26,001 34,653 Total Building Supply CFM: 1,183 (4.8 AC/hr) CFM Per Square ft.: 0.794 Square ft. of Room Area: 1,489 Square ft Per Ton: 516 Total Sensible Gain: 26,001 Btuh 75 % Total Latent Gain: 8,652 Btuh 25 % Total Cooling Required With Outside Air: 34,653 Btuh 2.89 Tons (Based On Sensible + Latent) Calculations are based on 8th edition of ACCA Manual J. All computed results are estimates as building use and weather may vary Be sure to select a unit that meets both sensible and latent loads. System 9 Torrey Pines Mod. A Summary Loads (Peak Method) 1A-rb-o: Glazing -Single pane, operable window, reflective, metal frame with break, ground reflectance = 0.32, outdoor insect screen with 50% coverage, white or reflective color drapes with tight weave with 25% coverage IA-cb-d: Glazing -Single pane, sliding glass door, clear, metal frame with break, ground reflectance = 0.32, outdoor insect screen with 50% coverage, white or reflective color drapes with tight weave with 25% coverage 11D: Door -Solid Core 14E-4-8c: Wall -two courses brick, brick on concrete or 8 inches concrete, 8 inches of 140# concrete with R-4 board insulation 12B-Obw: Wall -Frame, R-11 insulation in 2 x 4 stud cavity, no board insulation, brick finish, wood studs 16D-19: Roof/Ceiling-Under attic or knee wall, Vented Attic, No Radiant Barrier, Dark Tile, Slate or Concrete, R-19 insulation 22A-pm: Floor -Slab on grade, No edge insulation, no insulation below floor, any floor cover, passive, heavy dry or liaht wet soil a 104 3,370 0 3,864 3,864 37.6 440 0 308 308 1303 5,942 0 799 799 227.4 662 0 30 30 1489 2,189 0 1,825 1,825 188 6,655 0 0 0 Subtotals for structure: 24,344 0 15,932 15,932 People: 4 800 920 1,720 Equipment: 3,200 3,200 6,400 Lighting: 0 0 0 Ductwork: 6,000 584 4,333 4,917 Infiltration: Winter CFM: 171, Summer CFM: 98 5,654 4,068 1,616 5,684 Ventilation: Winter CFM: 0, Summer CFM: 0 0 _ 0 0 0 System 1 Torrey Pines Mod. A Load Totals: 35,998 8,652 26,001 34,653 Square ft. of Room Area: 1,489 Square ft. Per Ton: 516 Total Sensible Gain: 26,001 Btuh 75 % Total Latent Gain: 8,652 Btuh 25 % Total Cooling Required With Outside Air: 34,653 Btuh 2.89 Tons (Based On Sensible + Latent) .13!tWt y=_miv v>Ql:tiRew Calculations are based on 8th edition of ACCA Manual J. All computed results are estimates as building use and weather may vary. Be sure to select a unit that meets both sensible and latent loads. metal frame with break, ground reflectance = 0.32, outdoor insect screen with 50% coverage, white or reflective color drapes with tight weave with 25% coverage 1A-cb-d: Glazing -Single pane, sliding glass door, clear, 104 3,370 0 3,864 3,864 metal frame with break, ground reflectance = 0.32, outdoor insect screen with 50% coverage, white or reflective color drapes with tight weave with 25% coverage 11 D: Door -Solid Core 37.6 440 0 308 308 14E-4-8c: Wall -two courses brick, brick on concrete or 8 1303 5,942 0 799 799 inches concrete, 8 inches of 140# concrete with R-4 board insulation 12B-Obw: Wall -Frame, R-11 insulation in 2 x 4 stud cavity, 227.4 662 0 30 30 no board insulation, brick finish, wood studs 16D-19: Roof/Ceiling-Under attic or knee wall, Vented 1489 2,189 0 1,825 1,825 Attic, No Radiant Barrier, Dark Tile, Slate or Concrete, R-19 insulation 22A-pm: Floor -Slab on grade, No edge insulation, no 188 6,655 0 0 0 insulation below floor, any floor cover, passive, heavy dry or liaht wet soil Subtotals for structure: 24,344 0 15,932 15,932 People: 4 800 920 1,720 Equipment: 3,200 3,200 6,400 Lighting: 0 .0 0 Ductwork: 6,000 584 4,333 4,917 Infiltration: WiinterCFM:171,Summer CFM:98 5,654 4,068 1,616 5,684 System 1, Zone 1 Load Totals: 35,998 8,652 26,001 34,653 Square ft. of Room Area: 1,489 Square ft. Per Ton: 516 Total Sensible Gain:- 26-,001 Btuh 75 % Total Latent Gain: 8,652 Btuh 25 % Total Cooling Required: 34,653 Btuh 2.89 Tons (Based On Sensible + Latent) Calculations are based on 8th edition of ACCA Manual J. All computed results are estimates as building use and weather may vary. Be sure to select a unit that meets both sensible and latent loads. Room Length: 19.0 ft. System Number: 1 Room Width: 14.0 ft. Zone Number: 1 Area: 266.0 sq.ft. Supply Air: 351 CFM Ceiling Height: 9.0 ft. Supply Air Changes: 8.8 AC/hr Volume: 2,394.0 cu.ft. Required Vent:: 0 CFM Number of Registers: 3 Actual Winter Vent.: 0 CFM Runout Air: 117 CFM Percent of Supply.: 0 % Runout Duct Size: 6 in. Actual Summer Vent.: 0 CFM Runout Air Velocity: 597 ft./min. Percent of Supply: 0 % Design Loss: 0.100 in.wg./100 ft. Actual Winter Infil.: 37 CFM Actual Loss: 0.227 in.wg./100 ft. Actual Summer Infil.: 21 CFM IINMf�'�:�:1 E -Wall-14E-4-8c 16 X 9 92 0.152 4.6 420 0.3 0 25 S-Wall-14E4-8c 2 X 9 18 0.152 4.6 82 0.1 0 1 S-Wall-12B-Obw 9 X 9 81 0.097 2.9 236 0.0 0 4 E -GIs-1A-rb-o shge-0.35 2%S 26 1.080 32.4 842 80.3 0 2,087 E -GIs-IA-rb-o shgc-0.35 2%S (2) 26 1.080 32.4 842 80.3 11 2,088 UP-Ceil-16D-19 19 X 14 266 0.049 1.5 391 1.2 0 326 Floor-22A-pm 44 fL.Per. 44 1.180 35.4 1,558 0.0 0 0 Subtotals for Structure: 5,069 0 4,626 Infil.: Win.:37.1, Sum.:21.2 396 3.091 1,224 0.884 881 350 Ductwork: 0.200 1,259 0.200 146 1,287 People: 200 Iat(per, 230 sen/per: 2 400 460 Equipment: 1,000 1,000 Room Totals: 7,552 2,427 7,723 I Detailed Room Loads - Room 2 - Din Rm/Kit (Peak Method) I calculation Mode: . Htg. & clg. Occurrences: 1 Room Length: ;' -- 25.0 ft. _ System Number: 1 Room Width: 17.0 ft. Zone Number: 1 Area: 425.0 sq.ft. Supply Air: 172 CFM Ceiling Height: 11.0 ft. Supply Air Changes: 2.2 AC/hr Volume: 4,675.0 cu.ft. - Required Vent.: 0 CFM Number of Registers: 2 Actual Winter Vent.: 0 CFM Runout Air: 86 CFM Percent of Supply.: 0 % Runout Duct Size: 5 in. Actual Summer Vent.: 0 CFM Runout Air Velocity: 632 ft./min. Percent of Supply: 0 % Design Loss: 0.100 in.wg./100 ft. Actual Winter Infil.: 39 CFM Actual Loss: 0.328 in.wgJ100 ft. Actual Summer Infil.: 22 CFM S -Wall-14E-4-8c 13 X 11 143 0.152 4.6 652 0.1 0 11 N-GIs-1A-rb-oshgc-0.35100%S 15 1.080 32.4 486 25.9 0 388 N -GIs-1A-rb-o shgc-0.35 I00%S 20 1.080 32.4 648 25.9 0 517 UP-Ceil-1613-19 25 X 17 425 0.049 1.5 625 1.2 0 521 Floor-22A-pm 38 ft..Per. 38 1.180 35.4 1,345 0.0 0 0 Subtotals for Structure: 4,850 0 1,587 Infil.: Win.: 39.2, Sum.:22.4 418 3.091 1,292 0.883 930 369 Ductwork: 0.200 1,228 0.200 146 631 Equipment: 1,200 1,200 Room Totals: 7,370 2,276 3,787 ommerciatHRrAClaads trliteaihvaeeDevef4pmenhirsc uac ELesrdeot�alRLightrOEM Detailed Room Loads - Room 4 - Mstr Bdrm/Bthkaund (Peak Method) eral. >u Calculation Mode: Htg. & clg. Occurrences: 1 Room Length: 32.0 ft. System Number: 1 Room Width: 14.0 ft. Zone Number: 1 Area: 448.0 sq.ft. Supply Air: 289 CFM Ceiling Height: 10.0 ft. Supply Air Changes: 3.9 AC/hr Volume: 4,480.0 cu.ft. Required Vent.: 0 CFM Number of Registers: 3 Actual Winter Vent.: 0 CFM Runout Air: 96 CFM Percent of Supply.: 0 % Runout Duct Size: 6 in. Actual Summer Vent.: 0 CFM Runout Air Velocity: 491 ft./min. Percent of Supply: 0 % Design Loss: 0.100 in.wg./100 ft. Actual Winter Infil.: 57 CFM Actual Loss: 0.154 in.wgJ100 ft. Actual Summer Infil.: 33 CFM y S -Wall-14E-4-8c 32 X 10 256 0.152 4.6 1,167 0.1 0 19 W -Wall-14E-4-8c 13 X 10 130 0.152 4.6 593 1.6 0 213 E -Wall-12B-0bw 16 X 10 146.4 0.097 2.9 426 0.2 0 26 E -Door-11 D 2 X 6.8 13.6 0.390 11.7 159 8.2 0 111 S -GIs-1A-cb-d shgc-0.75 100%S 64 1.080 32.4 2,074 37.2 0 2,378 (2) UP-Ceil-1613-19 32 X 14 448 0.049 1.5 659 1.2 0 549 Floor-22A-pm 61 ft..Per. 61 1.180 35.4 2,159 0.0 0 0 Subtotals for Structure: 7,237 0 3,296 Infil.: Win.: 57.2, Sum.: 32.7 610 3.092 1,886 0.884 1,356 539 Ductwork: 0.200 1,825 0.200 146 1,059 People: 200 lat/per, 230 sen/per: 2 400 460 Equipment: 1,000 1,000 Room Totals: 10,948 2,902 6,354 1 Bdrm #2/Bth 266 7,552 98 3-6 597 7,723 2,427 351 351 2 Din Rm/Kit 425 7,370 96 2-5 632 3,787 2,276 172 172 3 LivRm 350 10,128 132 3-7 462 8,137 1,047 370 370__ 4 Mstr 448 10,948 142 3-6 491 6,354 2,902 289 289 System 1 total 1,489 35,998 468 26,001 8,652 1,183 1,183 System 1 Main Trunk Size: 16 in. Velocity: 847 ft./min Loss per 100 It.: 0.088 in.wg Type: Model: Brand: Efficiency: Sound: Capacity: Sensible Capacity: n/a 0 Btuh Latent Capacity: n/a 0 Btuh FORM 60OA-2001 FLORIDA ENERGY EFFICIENCY CODE FOR BUILDING CONSTRUCTION Florida Department of Community Affairs Residential Whole Building Performance Method A Project Name: THE TORREY PINES MOD. A Builder: KOLTER Address: Permitting Office: City, State: PORT ST. LUCIE, FL Permit Number: Owner: KOLTER SIGNATURE HOMES, INC. Jurisdiction Number: Climate Zone: Central 1. New construction or existing 2. Single family or multi -family 3. Number of units, if multi -family 4. NumberofBedrooms 5. Is this a worst case? 6. Conditioned floor area (ft-) 7. Glass area & type a. Clear- single pane b. Clear- double pane c. Tint/other SHGC - single pane d. Tint/other SHGC - double pane 8. Floor types a. SlabOn-Grade Edge Insulation b. N/A c. N/A 9. Wall types a. Concrete, Int Insul, Exterior b. Concrete, Int Insul, Adjacent c. Frame, Wood, Adjacent d. N/A e. N/A 10. Ceiling types a. Under Attic b. N/A c. N/A 11. Ducts a. Sup: Unc. Ret. Con. AH: Interior b. N/A New _ 12. Cooling systems Single family _ a. Central Unit Cap: 36.0 kBttAr 1 _ SEER: 10.00 _ 2 _ b. N/A _ Yes 1488 ft' c. N/A 0.0 ft' _ 13. Heating systems 0.0 ft' _ a. Electric Heat Pump Cap: 36.0 kBtu/hr _ 249.0 fN _ HSPF: 7.00 _ 0.0 IF b. N/A R�0.0, 177.0(p) It _ c. N/A _ _ 14. Hot water systems _ a. Electric Resistance Cap: 40.0 gallons _ R=42, 1080.0 ft' _ EF: 0.94 _ R=42, 320.0 ft= _ b. N/A _ R=11.0, 398.0 ft' _ c. Conservation credits _ (HR-Heat recovery, Solar _ DHP-Dedicated heat pump) R=19.0, 1488.0 fN _ 15. HVAC credits _ _ (CF-Ceiling fan, CV -Cross ventilation, BF -Whole house fan, _ PT -Programmable Thermostat, Sup. R=6.0, 125.0 ft _ MU6Multizone cooling, MZ-H-Multizone heating) Glass/Floor Area: 0.17 Total as -built points: 20535 PASS Total base points: 20586 I hereby certify that the plans and specifications covered by this calculation are in compliance with the Florida Energy Code. PREPARED BY:SE DATE: I hereby certify that this building, as designed, is in compliance with the Florida Energy Code. OWNER/AGENT: DATE: Review of the plans and specifications covered by this calculation indicates compliance with the Florida Energy Code. Before constriction is completed this building will be inspected for compliance with Section 553.908 Florida Statutes. BUILDING OFFICIAL: DATE: FORM 60OA-2001 SUMMER CALCULATIONS Residential Whole Building Performance Method A - Details ADDRESS:, PORT ST. LUCIE, FL, PERMIT #: BASE AS -BUILT GLASS TYPES .18 X Conditioned X BSPM = Points Overhang Floor Area Type/SC Omt Len Hgt Area X SPM X SOF = Points .18 1488.0 26.78 6904.9 Single, Tint S 3.0 1.5 45.0 37.29 0.50 831.9 Single, Tint S 3.0 1.5 20.0 37.29 0.50 369.8 Single, Tint W 1.5 1.5 40.0 44.87 0.54 977.8 Single, Tint E 8.0 1.5 64.0 49.89 0.36 1158.8 Single, Tint E 1.5 1.5 40.0 49.89 0.53 1057.6 Single, Tint N 13.0 1.5 40.0 22.93 0.61 560.4 As -Built Total: 249.0 4956.3 WALL TYPES Area X BSPM = Points Type R-Value Area X SPM = Points Adjacent 678.0 0.70 474.6 Concrete, Int Insui, Exterior 4.2 1080.0 1.16 1252.8 Exterior 1080.0 1.90 2052.0 Concrete, Int Insul, Adjacent 4.2 320.0 0.64 204.8 Frame, Wood, Adjacent 11.0 358.0 0.70 250.6 Base Total: 1758.0 2526.6 As -Built Total: 1758.0 1708.2 DOOR TYPES Area X BSPM = Points Type Area X SPM = Points Adjacent 13.6 1.60 21.8 Exterior Wood 24.0 7.20 172.8 Exterior 24.0 4.80 115.2 Adjacent Wood .. 13.6 2.40 32.6 Base Total: 37.6 137.0 As -Built Total: 37.6 205A CEILING TYPES Area X BSPM = Points Type R-Value Area X SPM X SCM = Points Under Attic 1488.0 2.13 3169.4 Under Attic 19.0 1488.0 2.82X 1.00 4196.2 'Base Total: 1488.0 3169A - As -Built Total: 1488.0- 4196.2 FLOOR TYPES Area X BSPM = Points Type R-Value Area X SPM = Points Slab s 177.0(p) 31.8 -5628.6 Slab -On -Grade Edge Insulation 0.0 177.0(p -31.90 -5646.3 Raised 0.0 0.00 0.0 Base Total: 5628.6 As43uilt Total: 177.0 4646.3 INFILTRATION Area X BSPM = Points Area X SPM = Points 1488.0 14.31 21293.3 1488.0 14.31 21293.3 FORM 60OA-2001 SUMMER CALCULATIONS Residential Whole Building Performance Method A - Details ADDRESS:, PORT ST. LUCIE, FL, PERMIT #: BASE AS -BUILT Summer Base Points: 28402.E Summer As -Built Points: 26713.1 Total Summer X System = Cooling Total X Cap X Duct X System X Credit = Cooling Points Multiplier Points Component Ratio Multiplier Multiplier Multiplier Points (DM x DSM x AHU) 26713.1 1.000 (1.079 x 1.150 x 0.90) 0.341 1.000 10172.8 28402.6 0.4266 12116.5 26713.1 1.00 1.117 0.341 1.000 10172.8 FORM 60OA-2001 WINTER CALCULATIONS Residential Whole Building Performance Method A - Details ADDRESS:, PORT ST. LUCIE, FL, PERMIT #: BASE AS -BUILT GLASS TYPES .18 X Conditioned X BWPM = Points Overhang Floor Area Type/SC Omt Len Hgt Area X WPM X WOF = Point .18 1488.0 5.86 1669.5 Single, Tint S 3.0 1.5 45.0 8.59 2.22 857.5 ' Single, Tint S 3.0 1.5 20.0 8.59 2.22 381.1 Single, Tint W 1.5 1.5 40.0 11.21 1.08 486.6 Single, Tint E 8.0 1.5 64.0 10.54 1.32 889.9 Single, Tint E 1.5 1.5 40.0 10.54 1.16 490.1 Single, Tint N 13.0 1.5 40.0 12.59 0.98 495.3 As -Built Total: 249.0 3600.6 WALL TYPES Area X BWPM = Points Type R-Value Area X WPM = Points Adjacent 678.0 1.80 1220A Concrete, Int Insul, Exterior 4.2 1080.0 3.26 3520.8 Exterior 1080.0 2.00 2160.0 Concrete, Int Insul, Adjacent 4.2 320.0 Z06 659.2 Frame, Wood, Adjacent 11.0 358.0 1.80 644.4 Base Total: 1758.0 3380.4 As$uilt Total: 1758.0 4824A DOOR TYPES Area X BWPM = Points Type Area X WPM = Points Adjacent 13.6 4.00 54.4 Exterior Wood 24.0 7.60 182.4 Exterior 24.0 5.10 122.4 Adjacent Wood 13.6 5.90 80.2 Base Total: 37.6 176.8 As -Built Total: 37.6 262.6 CEILING TYPESArea X BWPM = Points Type R-Value Area X WPM X WCM = Points Under Attic 1488.0 0.64 952.3 Under Attic 19.0 1488.0 0.87X 1.00 1294.6 -Base-Total: - 1488.0 - - - 962.3 -As-Built Total: - - 1488.0 1294.6 FLOOR TYPES Area X BWPM = Points Type R-Value Area X WPM = Points Slab 177.0(p) -1.9 -336.3 Slab -On -Grade Edge Insulation 0.0 177.0(p 2.50 442.5 Raised 0.0 0.00 0.0 Base Total: .336.3 As -Built Total: 177.0 442.5 INFILTRATION Area X BWPM = Points Area X WPM = Points 1488.0 -0.28 -416.6 1488.0 -0.28 -416.6 FORM 60OA-2001 WINTER CALCULATIONS Residential Whole Building Performance Method A - Details ADDRESS:, PORT ST. LUCIE, FL, PERMIT #: BASE, AS -BUILT Winter Base Points: 6326.1 Winter As -Built Points: 10007.9 Total Winter X System = Heating Total X Cap X Duct X System X Credit = Heating Points Multiplier Points Component Ratio Multiplier Multiplier Multiplier Points (DM x DSM x AHU) 10007.9 1.000 (1.068 x 1.160 x 0.92) 0.488 1.000 5561.6 5326.1 0.6274 3341.6 10007.9 1.00 1.140 0.488 1.000 5561.6 FORM 60OA-2001 Code Compliance Checklist Residential Whole Building Performance Method A - Details ADDRESS:, PORT ST. LUCIE, FL, PERMIT #: 6A-21 INFILTRATION REDUCTION COMPLIANCE CHECKLIST COMPONENTS SECTION REQUIREMENTS FOR EACH PRACTICE CHECK Exterior Windows & Doors 606.1.ABC.1.1 - Maximum:.3 cfrrVsq.ft. window area:.5 cfm/s .ft. door area. Exterior & Adjacent Walls 606.1 ABC.1.2.1 Caulk, gasket, weatherstrip or seal between: windows/doors & frames, surrounding wall; foundation & wall sole or sill plate; joints between exterior wall panels at comers; utility penetrations; between wall panels & top/bottom plates; between walls and Floor. EXCEPTION: Frame walls where a continuous infiltration barrier is installed that extends from and is sealed to the foundation to the top plate. Floors 606.1.ABC.1.2.2 Penetrations/openings>10 sealed unless backed by truss or joint members. EXCEPTION: Frame Floors where a continuous infiltration barrier is installed that is sealed to the perimeter, penetrations and seams. Ceilings 606.1.ABC.1.2.3 Between walls & ceilings; penetrations of ceiling plane of top floor, around shafts, chases, soffits, chimneys, cabinets sealed to continuous air barrier, gaps in gyp board & top plate; attic access. EXCEPTION: Frame ceilings where a continuous infiltration barrier is installed that is sealed at the perimeter, at penetrations and seams. Recessed Lighting Fixtures 606.1.ABC.1.2.4 Type IC rated with no penetrations, sealed; or Type IC or non -IC rated, installed inside a sealed box with V2" clearance & V' from insulation; or Type IC rated with < 2.0 cfm from cendiioned s cetested. Mufti -story Houses 606.1 ABC.1.2.5 Air barrier on oedmeterof floorcavity between floors. Additional Infiltration regts 606.1.ABC.1.3 Exhaust fans vented to outdoors, dampers; combustion space heaters comply with NFPA, have cembustion air. 6A-22 OTHER PRESCRIPTIVE MEASURES (must be met or exceeded by all residences.) COMPONENTS SECTION REQUIREMENTS CHECK Water Heaters 612.1 Comply with efficiency requirements in Table 6-12. Switch or clearly marked circuit breaker electric or cutoff as must be provided. External or built-in heat trap required. Swimming Pools & Spas 612.1 Spas & heated pools must have covers (except solar heated). Non-commercial pools must have a pump timer. Gas spa & pool heaters must have a minimum thermal efficien of 78%. Shower heads 612.1 Water flow must be restricted to no more than 2.5 gallons pel minute at 80 PSIG. Air Distribution Systems 610.1 All ducts, fittings, mechanical equipment and plenum chambers shall be mechanically attached, sealed, Insulated, and installed in accordance with the criteria of Section 610. _Ducts in unconditioned attics: R-6.min. insulation.. HVAC Controls 607.1 Se rate readily accessible manual or automatic thermostat for each system. Insulation 604.1, 602.1 Ceilings -Min. R-19. Common walls -Frame R-11 or CBS R-3 both sides. Common ceiling & floors R-11.