HomeMy WebLinkAboutNOASCANNED BY St. Lucie Cout PRODUCT CONTROL NOTICE OF ACCEPTANCE Eastern Metal Supply, Inc. 3600 23rd Ave., South . Lake Worth ,FL 33461 MIAMI-DADE COUNTY, FLOP.IDA METRO-DADE FLAGLER BUILDING BUILDING CODE COMPLIANCE OFFICE METRO-DADE FLAGLER BUILDING 140 WEST FLAGLER STREET, SUITE 1603 MIAMI, FLORIDA 33130-1563 (305) 375-2901 FAX (305) 375-2909 CONTRACTOR. LICENSING SECTION (305) 375-2527 FAX (305) 375-255g CONTRACTOR ENFORCEMENT DIVISION (305) 375-2966 FAX (305) 375-2905 PRODUCT CONTROL DIVISION Your application for Notice of Acceptance (NOA) of. (305)375-2902FAX (3m3372-6339 0.030" Galvanized Steel Storm Panels Shutter under'Chapter 8 of the Codeof Miami -Dade County governing the use of Alternate Materials and Types of Construction, and completely described herein, has been recommended for acceptance by the Miami -Dade County Building Code Compliance Office (BCCO) under the conditions specified herein. This NOA shall not be valid; after the expiration date stated below. BCCO reserves the right to secure this product or material at any time from a jobsite or manufacturer's plani for quality control testing. If this Product or material fails to perform in the approved manner, BCCO may revoke, modify*.or usen r spd the useof such product or material immediately. BCCO res6rvesthe Tight -to• revoke this approval,. if it is determined by.'.BCCO that this product or material -fails- to, meet.the requirement's of the South Florida Building Code. — The expense of such testing will be incurred by the manufacturer. - ACCEPTANCE NO.: 00-0919.10 EXPIRES: 06/07/2004 Raul Rodriguez Chief Product Control Division THIS IS THE COVERSHEET SEE ADDITIONAL PAGES FOR SPECIFIC AND GENERAL CONDITIONS BUILDING CODE & PRODUCT REVIEW COMMA TEE This application for Product Approval Code and Product Review Committee t forth above. APPROVED: 06/07/2001 i o has been reviewed by the BCCO and approved by the Building be used in Miami -Dade County, Florida under the conditions set Francisco J. Quintana, R.A. ,r Director Miami -Dade County Building Code Compliance Office \\s0550001\Pc2000\\templace,\notice accepenc6 mve, pamdoc IOternet Mail addrecs• nnctmocfer(nlhnilAi Eastern Metal Supply Inc ACCEPTANCE No. ; 00-0919.10 APPROVED 06/07/200I EXPIRES 06/07/2004 I. SCOPE This approves 0.030" Galvanized Steel Storm Panels Shutter, as described in Section 2 of t1 Notice of Acceptance, designed to comply with the South Florida Building Code, 1994 Edition f Miami -Dade County, for the locations where the pressure requirements, as determined by SFB Chapter 23, do not exceed the Design Pressure Rating values indicated in the approved drawings. 2. PRODUCT DESCRIPTION This'0.030" Galvanized Steel Storm Panels shutter and its components shall be constructed in stri, compliance with the following documents: Drawing No. 00`252, titled "24 Gage Galvanized Berth Steel Storm Panels", prepared by Tilteco, Inc., dated July-10, 2000, last revision #1 dated April 2001, sheets I .through 9 of 9, signed and sealed by Walter A. Tillit .Jr.; P.E., .bearing the Miami ..-.:,.Dade:,County.Product.Control-approval stamp..with;_the. Notice. of Acceptance_number,and appromi date.by..the,Miami-Dade County.Product Control Division. These.. documents shall.hereina$er b referred to as the approved drawings. 3• LMUTATIoNS All permanent set components, included but not limited to embedded anchor bolts, threaded cones. metal shields, headers and sills, must be protected against corrosion, contamination and damage at all times. 4. INSTALLATION This 0.03D" Galvanized Steel Storm Panels Shutter and its components shall be installed in strict compliance with thelapproved drawings. S. 13 LABELING Each panel shall bear a permanent label with the manufacturer's name or logo, city, state and the following statement:i."Miami-Dade County Product Control Approved", BUILDING PERMIT REQUIREMENTS 6.1 Application for. building permit shall be accompanied by copies of the following: 6.1.1 This Notice of Acceptance. 6.1.2 Duplicate copies of the approved drawings, as identified in Section 2 of this Notice of Acceptance, clearly marked to show the -.,components selected for the proposed installation. 6.1.3 Any other documents required by the Building Official or the South Florida Building Code (SFBC) in order to properly evaluate the installation of this system. _2_ Helmy A. vlakar, P.E. -Product Control Examiner Product Control Division Eastern Metal SuppIv Inc ACCEPTA NCE No.: 00-09i9.10 APPROVED NOTICE OF ACCEPTANCE: STANDARD CONDITIONS 06/07/2001 06/07/2004 I. Renewal of this Acceptance (approval) shall be considered after a renewal application has been filed anc original submitted documents, including test -supporting data, engineering documents, are no older than e (8) years. 2. . Any and all approved products shall be permanently labeled with the manufacturer's nami Mi following statement: "ami-Dade CounProduct ty, state, and Control Approved", or ae, cs specifically stated in specific conditions of this Acceptance. ty 3. Renewals of Acceptance will not be considered if " - a. There has been a change in the South Florida Building Code affecting the evaluation of this'prod and the producf is not in compliance with the code changes. b. The product is no longer the same product (identical) as the one. originally approved. c...:.--Jf.:the Acceptance holder. has not pompjjged _with all the requirements of this. acceptance,, including correct installation of the product... d... The. engineer, .who originally prepared; signed and sealed the required documentation iriitia submitted, is no longer practicing the engineering profession. 4. Any revision or change in the materials, use, and/or manufacture of the product or process shall automatica be cause for termination of this Acceptance, unless prior written approval has been requested (through i filing of a revision application with appropriate fee) and granted by this office. 5. Any of the following shall also be grounds for removal of this Acceptance: a. Unsatisfactory performance of this product or process. b. Misuse of this Acceptance as an endorsement of any product, for sales, advertising or any oth purposes. 6. The Notice of Acceptance number preceded by the words Miami -Dade County, Florida, and followed by tl expiration date maybe displayed in advertising literature. If any portion of the Notice of Acceptance displayed, then it shall be done in its entirety. 7. A copy of this Acceptance as well as approved drawings and other documents, where it applies, shall t provided to the user by the manufacturer or its distributors and shall be available for inspection at the job si' at all time. The engineer needs not reseal the copies. 8. Failure to comply with any section of this Acceptance shall be cause for termination and removal < Acceptance. 9. This Notice of Acceptance consists of pages 1, 2 and this last page 3. END OF THIS ACCEPTANCE Helmy A.MaJcar, P.E. -Product Control Examine Product Control Division -3-