HomeMy WebLinkAboutSUBCONTACTOR AGREEMENTS• Sr. L'UCIE ZOUIr'TY DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT BUILDING PERMIT SUB -CONTRACTOR AGREE,�N'T SL Lucie County Contractor Certifcaion Number. State of Florida Certification Number (n appw.w.): SCANNED BY j St. Lucie County EC 000 3 o 7J, Au.mATE -Y-, Cii-IEAL cot1TIzAcTIt�1CT )�C has agreed to be (cnp+wnfudMduai Anna) the sub -con ractor for A" of omuCumen dada) puma of the prima ooimaeW for the project located at ��, ��,3s, 34 (ZLu13S`3bC—�' . it is understood that, pman Kwor pmpany fax m e) if there is any change of status regarding our participation with the above mentioned project. I will immediately advise the Community Development. Department (Growth Management Division) of St. Lucie County by personally filing a Change of Contractor Form (s=Dv FORM No. oD4-M. BUSIN QUALIFIER (aiginr aio =um n wArw* za Ilel"I - aie . tm A�ziI R Ia1e:i r,-,LhAAIJ4 prim name &--6—a -�-- 0 m A. LUdE COUNTY PUBLIC X, _,?21KS BUILDING & ZONING DEPARTMENT BUILDING PERM" SUB.coNTRAC ORAGRE MENT SCANNED. BY S%Lude County St. Ludy County Contractor Certification Number. State of Florida Certification Number of amriieable): RP 0 fed LS'f CCc o58oa liM�R(—��Gl� Y[ t¢MSllu� i xw-- has agreed to be (gonsnyrmcrMdual nerM) thesub-contractor for L b-'�FK 6(Kt-3 kw of aombud an Fade) (noma of Ma prime 0w=Ct** for the project located C4-al!�S-'bsa . It is understood that, (Street addreu or properly in ID F) if there is any change of status regarding our participation with the above mentioned project, I will immediately advise the Building and Zoning Department of St. Lucie County by petsonally filing a Change of Contractor Form (SLCCDV FORM NO. 00400). rcq IrK: Print name Data business names Amap't-» addreaw.S�nl t��rt.noR S etty,statex1p: PbRT 'b-r r1(Gti. 9L. q-1-0 Lt phonet �" S a7-S F r_ C?. , CEEUSt t)N!a .. --I SLCCDV FORM NO: oGa-M PERMrr/ 19911E DATE ST. LUCIE COUNTY DEPARIT4ENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT BUILDING PER= SUB -CONTRACTOR AGREEMENT St. Lucie County Contractor Certification Number. State of Florida Cardficatlon Number (ff applicabiay SCANNED By 0 3(03 St. Lucie County I `C,R-Co k4 t t 9 01 IS1� 1�12Cot���lotJ tt1JC� has agreed to be (comp,anyAndNldual nano) the N\jA•G sub -contractor for Kot.--V-'aez q0"At�-' (type of construction trade) (name of the prime contractor) for the project located at�,�6r $3.3`� C4 `e�s,�� It is understood that, (street address or property tax ID it) if there Is any change of status regarding our participation with the above mentioned project, I•will immediately advise the Community Development Department (Growth Management Division) of St. Lucie County by personally filing a Change of Contractor Form (SLCCDV FORM NO.004-00). ii...MMM...iN..�...I+N..t..MM.w.M..'.'.'.....M�N.'�.�.��MM...M BUSINESS UALIFIER (original signatures required): 40 W4 - 1�I4\u P k, Nis se & sign ffe print name date business name: address: city,state,zip: phone: ONING - SLCCDV FORM NO.: 002-00 PERMrr Y IssuE DATE ' 11/29F2001 11:11 56146E�-- `I PAGE 02/02 ST_ LUCIE COUNTY PUBLIC WORM; BUILDING & ZONING DEPARTNIEN'C BUILDING PERMIT SUB -CONTRACTOR AGREEMENT St Lucie County Contractor Certification Number. State of Florida Certification Number (if applicable): SCANNED BY St. Lucie County c�--cep �tz8x'-E �GaSF L�' SI tPo�iST5 - QA,,M C_- (Ti has agreed to be . (COmpany(ndividuat name) the" R ru6 sub -contractor for a% --MR )4M e�-s _ (type of construdron trade) ' (name of the prime contracW, for the project located at 37,-Sb,�;3L1 CtJAgS0t�,ra . It is understood that, (etfeet addraaa or property tax ID d) if there is any change of status regarding out participation with the above Mentioned project, I will immediately advise the Building and Zoning Department of St. Luce County by personally filing a Change of Contractor Form (SLCCDV FORM NO. 004-00). JBIS A10AILIFIER (odpinatatgn■turea required): �a(wq-S M ( eIL-\ signature Print name business name: address: city.state,zip: phone: &-6-03 Date . a OFFICEVSE ONW.f• SLCCDV FORA NO.: 0112-K PERMR0 ISsuE DATE