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OFF �ICEIU JSp 1� _WILY BP #: ,�f6 <?/,/, f� OFFIGE USE ONLY .. .. .. . SECTION: RANGE: MAP NO.: ZONING: LAND USE: LOT CVG %: TAZ NO.: FLOOD ZONE: FIRM MAP #: 1ST FUR ELV: MAX HGT. CST TYPE: OCCP TYPE: MAX. OCCP: # OF FLRS: WATER: SEWER: SPRINKLERS STORMWATE R LOT OF REC (befir 1/90) LOT OF REC (aft LOT SPLIT LOT SPLIT REaD APPRVC DECAL NUMBER LIBRARY IMPACT FEE PARKS O PERMIT 3z P,, IMPACT FEE FEE REPORT CODE PUBLIC BLDG IMPACT FEE HABITABALE AREA RADON FEE 105 (RADON) Y N I ROAD GROSS ROAD: CREDIT TOTAL ROAD IMPACTZONE IRPACTffE, IMPACTFEE1_ DUE' I SCHOOL CREDIT TOTAL IMPACT FEE -SCHOOL .. . .... . .... . . ... IMPACT FEE POLICE FEE FIRE FEE MISC FEES: TOTAL POLICE/FIRE/ MISC. FEES Y N ADDITIONAL SPECIFY. TOTALALL PERMITS FEES READ REVIEWS iZONING ZONING PLANS LVEGETATIONo SEA MANGROVE] REVIEWED BY EXAMINING TURTLE DATE ...... .. ... ... ... COMPLETE .......... ..... ....... .... ...... INITIALS _ DATE FILED: PLAN REVIEW FEE: RECEIPT NO.: PERMIT NUMBER: ALL INFO MUST BE COMPLETE 8i FILLED IN TO BE ACCEPTED' ST. LUCIE COUNTY PUBLIC WORKS BUILDING &ZQNING1jEPARTM9NT 2300 VIRGINIA AVENUE . � FORT PIERCE, FL34982-5652' 561-462-1 553 SCANNED BY APPLICATION for BUILDING PERMIT St. Lucie County CERTIFICATE of CAPACITY/ZONING COMPLIANCE PROJECT INFORMATION PS L l LOCATION/SITE ADDRESS: V30>C— 84 Mau-kc-#tm ckvzt� 31+99(,o 2. S/D NAME: 111L'LA�IE SITE PLAN NAME: Sol 40,0v 3. PROPERTY TAXID#: -1(,41 4- 4. LEGAL DESCRIPTION'(attachextra shleets if necessary): SEIM SLR V;,\jV%N 5.,PLAT 6: PAGE 7. 8 LOT BOOK NO NO. 9. PARCEL SIZE Q FT. LOT DIMENSIONS >e 10. DESCRIPTION OF CONSTRUCTION PROJECT OR WORK ACTIVIT.,Y_'., LAL unt 11. SETBACKS (ACTUAL) FRONT: BACK: RIGHT- LEFT SIDE -SIDE: 12. TYPE OF CONSTRUCTION (Check all appropriate boxes) P4- NEW CONSTRUCTION EXPANSION/ADDITION INTERIOR RENOVATION RESIDENTIAL COMMERCIAL INDUSTRIAL OTHER (SPECIFY)- - 13. DESCRIPTION OF PROPOSED USE: 14. Sq. Ft./CONSTRUCTION. 15 Sq. Ft. 1st Floor: 16. VALUE OF CONSTRUCTION: $ S.700010 The value of construction is used to determine the amount of permit fees to be assqss�- St. Lucie County reserves the right to quastIon and/or modify the indicated value of construction if it is demonstrated that the submitted figures are not consistent with similar types of construction activities. If the value Is $2500 or more, a RECORDED Notice of Commencement must be submitted with this application. SLCCDV Form No.: 001-02 OWNER INFORMATION: NAME: ADDRESS: cn r: rtV�sT- , \ rturl t;SaAGkF STATE: L ZIP 33�46'l PHONE (DAYTIME): 11`722I ''Elora (2.4197 IF THE FEE SIMPLE TITLEHOLDER (PROPERTY OWNER) IS DIFFERENT FROM THE OWNER LISTED ABOVE, PLEASE FILL IN NAME AND ADDRESS BELOW. FEE SIMPLE TITLEHOLDER: N/A ADDRESS: CITY: STATE: ZIP PHONE (DAYTIME): CONTRACTOR INFORMATION. ' , ST. of FL REGJCERT S: G.BC- ONUS (d ST. LUCIE COUNTY CERT BUSINESS NAME:_ f/ Y\CLi`E; LZ 5I61-(A-PLp,-k>- Irz i QUALIFIERS NAME: - �C,BH-RT cJ- VpIL r ADDRESS: Z �(.W �_ W RA SaRN .Pdt-RyC�aGE?_ - CITY: Po►{'r ST LaA--tim: . ' ._ STATE: Zip 3448e PHONE (DAYTIME): (_� IZl �'L'�o/�^ �{%O�J �'1FL - ' FIAX NO. yEaD.� } ARCHITIENGINEER: ADDRESS: CITY: dRt-AtCV-" ..... `' STATE: � '�(- ._. . - 'ZIP PHONE (DAYTIME): L'il St BONDING COMPANY: ADDRESS: CITY: MORTGAGE LENDER: WDRESS: :ITY: STATE: STATE: ZIP IMPORTANT NOTICE: When a permit is issued and it is not picked up within 60 days after notification it will be voided and refurried to you by mail. CERTIFICATION: This application is hereby made to obtain a permit to do the work and installations as indicated, and to obtain a certificate of capacity, if applicable, for the permitted work. I certifythat no work or installation has commenced prior to the issuance of a permit and that all work will be performed to meet the standards of all laws regulating construction in this jurisdiction. -1 understand that. _ separate permits may be required for ELECTRICAL, PLUMBING, SIGNS, WELLS, POOLS, FURNACES, BOILERS, HEATERS, TANKS, AND AIR CONDITIONERS, ETC., not otherwise included with this building permit application. The following building permit applications are exempt from undergoing a full concurrency review: room additions; accessory _ structures (all. types), swimming pools, fences, walls, signs, screen rooms, utility substations & accessory uses to another non- residential use. NOTICE TO OWNER: FAILURE TO RECORD A NOTICE OF COMMENCEMENT MAY RESULT 114 YOUR PAYING TWICE FOR IMPROVEMENTS TO YOUR PROPERTY. IF YOU INTEND TO OBTAIN FINANCING, CONSULT WITH YOUR LENDER OR AN ATTORNEY BEFORE. RECORDING- YOUR,NOTICE OF COMMENCEMENT. NOTICE TO APPLICANT: AS THE APPLICANT FOR -THIS BUILDING PERMIT, IF IT IS NOT YOUR RIGHT, TITLE: AND INTEREST THAT IS SUBJECT TO ATTACHMENT; AS A CONDITION OF THIS PERMIT YOU PROMISE IN GOOD FAITH TO DELIVER A.COPY OF THE ATTACHED'CONSTRUCTIOM LIEN LAW NOTICE TO THE PERSON WHOSE PROPERTY IS SUBJECT?O ATTACHMENT;;:-,' OWNER'S AFFIDAVIT: I certify that all the foregoing information,is accurate and'that all work will be -done -In -compliance With all applicable laws regulating construction and zoning. OWNER/C NT ?SIGNATURE " COCO TN�RACAG S ATURE- STATE OF FLORIDA STATE OF FLORIDA COUNTY OF sT IE COUNTY OF ST Luccii . The foregoing instrument" as acknowledged The foregoing instrument es cknowledged before me this3�dtday of 2003, by before.me this ��day of 20'03 , b w o is a e r who o Is ersonnIIv known o m has prod ^ as identification. for w�f e�las produced - as identfcation. '--�gig6ature of Notary gnature of Notary 1-YVA)e /A-(oWZAZ- L-ylu/1LS Mo02tr Type or Print Name of, Notary Type of Print Name of Notary Notary Public Title Notary Public Title Commissioi►.mumbea ...... Corgni NN lie .... •••. lop, um 1r°ODDozazase LYNNE MOORE zaVyxa4j Comm#DD0232958 , Xe E*res9r4Q007 -. (seal) _�� Em;reaerz3rzoo7 (seal) ="� � Bonded .0eu(800)432625d Bonded tl u (90D)4323254• ............................Ficddo NomryAsm. ........................................... Fbdda NoAssn., In u:d NOTE: TWO (2) SIGNATURES ARE REQUIRED. EACH SIGNATURE MUST BE NOTARIZED. IF APPLYING FOR THIS BUILDING PERMIT AS AN OWNER/BUILDER, THE OWNER MUST PERSONALLY APPEAR TO SIGN THIS APPLICATION IN THE OFFICE LISTED ON THE FRONT OF THIS APPLICATION. H- I t A PROPOSED'LyO b, 86, 87, 88 AND 89 PROPOSED PLAOF POD 20C AT THE RESERVE, P.U.D. II - CASTLE PINES DESCRIPTION: A PARCEL OF LAND LYING IN SECTION 27, TOWNSHIP 36 SOUTH, RANGE 39 EAST, ST. LUCIE COUNTY, FLORIDA, BEING MORE PARTICULARLY DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: COMMENCE AT THE SOUTHEAST CORNER OF TRACT 1, AS SHOWN ON THE PLAT OF POD 20B AT THE RESERVE, P.U.D. II - CASTLE PINES, AS RECORDED IN PLAT BOOK.39, PAGES 3 AND 3A, PUBLIC RECORDS OF ST. LUCIE COUNTY, FLORIDA: THENCE NORTH 06044'40" WEST ALONG THE EAST LINE OF SAID TRACT 1, A DISTANCE OF 46.66 FEET; THENCE NORTH 88009'55" EAST, DEPARTING SAID EAST LINE, A DISTANCE OF 37.60 FEET TO THE POINT OF BEGINNING; THENCE CONTINUE NORTH 88009'55" EAST, A DISTANCE OF 168.00 FEET; THENCE SOUTH 01050'05" EAST, A DISTANCE OF 66.93 FEET; THENCE SOUTH 88009'55" WEST, A DISTANCE OF 168.06 FEET; THENCE NORTH 01 050'05" WEST, A. DISTANCE OF 66.93 FEEVTO THE POINT OF BEGINNING. Jr• y SHEET 1 OF 2 �, y 4"t• I Lf LEGEND: j. A = DELTA ANGLE L = ARC LENGTH CATV - CABLE TV C.B. = CATCH BASIN C.B.S. - CONCRETE BLOCK & STUCCO CL = CENTERLINE CONC. = CONCRETE COV. - COVERED D.E. = DRAINAGE EASEMENT ELEV. = ELEVATION E.O.P. = EDGE OF PAVEMENT E.O.W. = EDGE OF WATER F.F. = FINISHED FLOOR FND. -FOUND F.P.E. = FLOOD PLAIN EASEMENT F.P.L. = FLORIDA POWER & LIGHT I.E.E. = INGRESS/EGRESS EASEMENT L.S.S. = LANDSCAPE AND SIGNAGE EASEMENT M.H. = MANHOLE MON. = MONUMENT N.G.V.D. = NATIONAL GEODETIC VERTICAL DATUM TRACT 1 POD 20B AT THE RESERVE P.U.D. II -CASTLE PINES P.B. 39, PAGES 3 & 3A R/W = RIGHT-OF-WAY SAN. = SANITARY S.B.T. = SOUTHERN BELL TELEPHONE S.F. - SQUARE FEET T.O.B. = TOP OF BANK ' TYP. TYPICAL U.E. = UTILITY EASEMENT U.L.P. = UPLAND PRESERVATION 0 = SET 5/8" IRON ROD WITH CAP NO. LB 6674 O = FOUND 5/8" IRON ROD WITH CAP No. LB 6674 [� = FOUND PERMANENT CONTROL POINT 0 = SET P-K NAIL WITH DISK NO. LB 6674 ♦ = FOUND.P-K NAIL No. LB 6674 0 = WATER SERVICES DG = WATER VALVE = SANITARY SERVICE ❑ = FOUND PERMANENT REFERENCE MONUMENT 6674 000 = EXISTING ELEVATION IN FEET 0.00 > = PROPOSED ELEVATIONS IN FEET .A+ = DRAINAGE FLOW INDICATOR .. PROP. O.S.T. NO. 3 PROP. UPLAND PRESERVATION EASEMENT N0. 4 P.O.B. N88"09'55"E " N88009'55"E 168.00' 17.3' PROP. -1 13.3' PROP. PROP. '� 30.a PROP. T PROP' PAT10 C P PATIO PATIO Q PATIO 1i„ , Iq PA710 y _-- ---- N.R. - NOT RADIAL O.E. = OVERHANG EASEMENT O.M.E. = OVERHANG MAINTENANCE EASEMENT O.R.B. = OFFICIAL RECORD BOOK O/S - OFFSET O.S. = OPEN SPACE TRACT P.B. = PLAT BOOK P.C. - POINT OF CURVATURE P.C.P. = PERMANENT CONTROL POINT P.D.E. = PRIVATE DRAINAGE EASEMENT P.G.E. - PRIVATE GAS EASEMENT P.K. = PARKER KALON NAIL P.O.B. = POINT OF BEGINNING P.O.C. = POINT OF COMMENCEMENT P.P. - POWER POLE P.R.M. = PERMANENT REFERENCE MONUMENT PROP. = PROPOSED P.T. = POINT OF TANGENCY P.U.E. = PRIVATE UTILITY EASEMENT R = RADIUS RAD. = RADIAL = SET 5/8" IRON ROD WITH CAP WITNESS - CORNER LB #6674 • 1.0' OFFSET 0 = ELECTRIC SERVICE 0 = CAT.V * = LIGHT POST 10 - 11" PINE TO BE REMOVED (TYP) 11F = 10" PINE (TYP) TO REMAIN (TYP) z aD' PROP• PROP. I PAI5A' O O.S.T. NO. 3 J�\ O y LOT 84 PROP. PROP. PROP. PROP. PROP. O LOT 85 LOT 86 LOT 8 r LOT 88 LOT 89 53' 01 u S3' > FORMBOARDS FORMBOARDS FORMBOARDS FORMBOARDS FORMBOARDS FORM80ARDS a Qi (JI L! FF. O.EV.. 30.09 FF. ELEV.. W.09 FF. ELEV.. 30.09 FF. ELEV. - 30.09 FF. ELEV.. 30.09 FF. ELEV.. 1.09 ate. WIT 1E• WIT •O• WIT V UTAT •L' UNIT v WIT •E• P.O.w_ CJI 5.3. 5.4' S.E. COR- " TRACTPROP. `2 4.S ± r.l' rory O.S.T. NO. 3 NO BOARD 7'I -b NO BOARD' �L� O — — — _ NO BOARD G q NO BOARD BOAR R.3' '(n 1T3' - - S 8009, „ 168. o / x DRIVE PROP. PROP. PROP. PROP. DRIVE i DRIVE DRIVE DRIVE DRIVE M R � dig _.. P.R.C. /r i PROP T 'IlS ASPHA T — — _ NPAVEMEN 1 SAN. M.H. i R=314.00' ' ` PROP. 2' CONC. GpTTER 0=3019'29" C.B.(TYP) PR_ — PROP. L=18.22' — — c PROP MULLIGAN CIRCLE 24' I.E.E., D.E. & U.E. u u Di PROP. DEC U3 O.S.T. N0, 2 u1 le Counitir Public Works a SURVEYOR'S REPORT: 1. THIS SURVEY IS PREPARED FOR RESERVE HOMES, LTD. AND IS NOT ASSIGNABLE. 2. THE LANDS SHOWN HEREON WERE NOT ABSTRACTED FOR EASEMENTS AND/OR RIGHTS -OF -WAY OF RECORD BY THIS OFFICE. 3. VISIBLE ENCROACHMENTS ARE AS SHOWN. 4. DESCRIPTION FURNISHED BY CLIENT. 5. NOTICE: THERE MAY BE ADDITIONAL RESTRICTIONS THAT ARE NOT RECORDED ON THIS SURVEY THAT MAY BE FOUND IN THE PUBLIC RECORDS OF THIS COUNTY. 6. THIS SKETCH IS THE PROPERTY OF LAWSON, NOBLE & WEBB, INC. AND SHALL NOT BE REPRODUCED IN WHOLE OR PART WITHOUT THE PERMISSION OF LAWSON, NOBLE .& WEBB, INC. IN WRITING. 1 ' ' 1 ",)). 7. BEARINGS SHOWN HEREON ARE BASED ON ,THEI WEST/:j LINE OF LOT 84 WHICH BEARS N 01"50'05" W . AND.ALL BEARINGS' E. RELATIVE TO PLAT. B. BOUNDARY DIMENSIONS SHOWN ARE PER'PLAT AND -FIELD MEASUREMENT UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED. - , ' J-. _ 9. ELEVATIONS SHOWN HEREON ARE BASED ON N.G.V.D. ADJUSTMENT OF 1929. 10. LANDS SHOWN HEREON LIE'WITHIN ZONE X ACCORDING TO THE FLOOD INSURANCE RATE MAP PANEL NO. 120285-0275F , DATED AUGUST 19,.1991 It. IMPROVEMENTS IF ANY ARE AS SHOWN. 12 DATE OF FIELD SURVEY: SEPTEMBER 24, 2003 _ r CERTIFICATION: IMPROVEMENTS, IF ANY, ARE AS LOCATED. NOT VALID WITHOUT THE SIGNATURE AND THE ORIGINAL RAISED SEAL OF A FLORIDA LICENSED SURVEYOR AND MAPPER. NOTE: * = MEASURED TO END OF BOARD SHEET 2 OF 2 P�\600-699\B652\CAD\LOT SURVEYS\B652Is B4.dvrD 12/16/2003 011OR133 PM EST MAP OF BOUNDARY SURVEY CLIENT: RESERVE HOMES, LTD.. sC9 LB # 6674 `N W • • • • • • • • • • • •••11N1� Lawson, Noble & Webb, Inc. ENGINEERS PLANNERS SURVEYORS (.• 32 % 590 NW Peacock Boulevard, Suite 9, Port St. Lucie,. Florida 34986 (772) 878-1700 • tax: (772) 878-1802• email: Inw=pslakRw—Nacom West Palm Beach Port St. Lucie REVISION' I FB/PG I DATE I BY I CK'D DATE: 9-24-03 FORMBOARD TIE-IN I SURVEY [12-15-031 JDM I I BY:JDM V ►,1� 1-L I -0 3 iRRIS, PROFESSIONAL SURVEYOR AND MAPPER REGISTRATION NO. 4731 CK'D: MTK F.B.: PG: JOB NO.: B652 I - ' LEGEND: 0 = DELTA ANGLE N.R. = NOT RADIAL L = ARC LENGTH O.E. , = OVERHANG EASEMENT CATV - CABLE -TV O.M.E. ' = OVERHANG MAINTENANCE EASEMENT C.B. =CATCH BASIN O.R.B.' = OFFICIAL RECORD BOOK - C.B.S. = CONCRETE BLOCK & STUCCO O/S = OFFSET (L = CENTERLINE O.S. = OPEN SPACE TRACT CONC. = CONCRETE' P.B. = PLAT BOOK COV. = COVERED P.C. = POINT OF CURVATURE D.E. = DRAINAGE EASEMENT P.C.P. = PERMANENT CONTROL POINT ELEV, = ELEVATION P.D.E. = PRIVATE DRAINAGE EASEMENT E.b.P. = EDGE OF PAVEMENT P.G.E. = PRIVATE GAS EASEMENT E.O.W. = EDGE OF WATER P.K. = PARKER KALON NAIL F.F. _. FINISHED FLOOR P.O.B. - POINT OF BEGINNING FND. .. , _. FOUND 'P.O.C. = POINT OF COMMENCEMENT F.P.E. =FLOOD PLAIN EASEMENT P.P. = POWER POLE F.P.L. =,FLORIDA POWER & LIGHT P.R.M. = PERMANENT REFERENCE MONUMENT I.E.E. - INGRESS/EGRESS EASEMENT PROP. = PROPOSED " L.S.S. = LANDSCAPE AND SIGNAGE EASEMENT P.T. = POINT OF TANGENCY M.H. = MANHOLE P.U.E. = PRIVATE UTILITY EASEMENT MON. = MONUMENT R = RADIUS N.G.V.D. = NATIONAL GEODETIC VERTICAL DATUM RAD. = RADIAL TRACT 1 POD 20B AT THE RESERVE P.U.D. II -CASTLE PINES P.B'. 39, PAGES 3 & 3A R/W = RIGHT-OF-WAY SAN. = SANITARY S.B.T. = SOUTHERN BELL TELEPHONE S.F. = SQUARE FEET T.O.B. - TOP OF BANK TYP. = TYPICAL U.E. = UTILITY EASEMENT U.L.P. = UPLAND PRESERVATION O = SET 5/8" IRON ROD WITH CAP NO. LB 6674 O = FOUND 5/6" IRON ROD WITH CAP No. LB 6674 = FOUND PERMANENT CONTROL POINT = SET P-K NAIL WITH DISK NO, LB 6674 = FOUND P-K NAIL No. LB 6674 O = WATER SERVICES D4 =WATER VALVE = SANITARY SERVICE ` ❑ - FOUND PERMANENT REFERENCE MONUMENT 6674 0\\ = EXISTING ELEVATION IN FEET 0.00 > —PROPOSED ELEVATIONS IN FEET ,h • = DRAINAGE FLOW INDICATOR / PROP. O.S.T. NO. 3 I PROP, UPLANDPRESERVATION EASEMENT N0. 4 P.O.B. 6 3009'55"E q' N88009'55:E 29. 168.00' PROP. 37.60' 0.00' Mae PROP. PATia ppq p PAT O ,-, PATIO PATIO �.�L�--� P.O.C. S.E- CORNER TRACT 1 PROP. O.S.T. NO. 3 R=314.Do, A=3°19'29" L=18.22' PROP. LOT 84 VACANT PROP. RESIDENCE FF. ELEV. - 30.00 MIT E• PROP. DRIVE PROP. PROP. LOT 85 LOT 86 VACANT VACANT P9 6.00' PROP. PROP. 7ESIDENCE RESIDENCE ELEV. - MOD FF. ELEV. - 30.00 MIT'C• MIT'D' PROP. DRIVE PROP. PATIO O = SET 5/8" IRON ROD WITH CAP WITNESS - CORNER LB #6674 .;., • 1.0' OFFSET 0 = ELECTRIC SERVICE p• = CATV * = LIGHT POST Q = 11" PINE TO BE REMOVED (TYP) • F = 10" PINE (TYP) TO REMAIN (TYP) PROP. MOP. 87 LOT 88 VACANT VACANT 09 264ELEV. 26.00' PROP. PROF• RESIDENCE I, LOT 69 F.F. Ff. ELEV; • 30.00 o VACANT MIT v' PROP.RESIDENCEFF. ELEV. - 30.0MIT E'168. o PROP. DRIVE — — 4- — WII E ORIVE-/ -- PROP. 0 O.S.T. NO. 3 6.36_ PROP. pAVEMENT SAAN•M.H. i ., PROP. 2, COW GUT'!ER / C.B. (TYP) o PROP. ------------- m PROP. / — MULLIGAN CIRCLE 24' I.E.E., D.E. & U.E. PROP. O.S.T. NO. 2 I SURVEYOR'S REPORT: 1, THIS SURVEY IS PREPARED FOR RESERVE HOMES, LTD. AND IS NOT ASSIGNABLE. 2. THE LANDS SHOWN HEREON WERE NOT ABSTRACTED FOR EASEMENTS AND/OR RIGHTS -OF -WAY OF RECORD BY THIS OFFICE. 3. VISIBLE ENCROACHMENTS ARE AS SHOWN. 4. DESCRIPTION FURNISHED BY CLIENT. 5. NOTICE: THERE MAY BE ADDITIONAL RESTRICTIONS THAT ARE NOT RECORDED ON THIS SURVEY THAT MAY BE FOUND IN THE PUBLIC RECORDS OF THIS COUNTY. 6. THIS SKETCH IS THE PROPERTY OF LAWSON, NOBLE & WEBB, INC. AND SHALL NOT BE REPRODUCED IN WHOLE OR PART WITHOUT THE PERMISSION OF LAWSON, NOBLE & WEBB, INC. IN WRITING. T BEARINGS SHOWN HEREON ARE BASED ON THE WEST LINE OF LOT 84 WHICH BEARS N 01°50'05", W AND ALL BEARINGS.ARE_RELATIVE TO PLAT. B. BOUNDARY DIMENSIONS SHOWN ARE,PER PLAT AND FIELD MEASUREMENT UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED.' - 9. ELEVATIONS SHMYN t; EREON ARE BASED ON N.G.V.D. ADJUSTMENT OF 1929. 10, LANDS SUOWN'HEREON LIE WITHIN ZONE X ACCORDING TO THE FLOOD INSURANCE RATE NO. 126285-02,75F , DATED AUGUST 19, 1991 11. IMPROVSMgFNT3, IF ANY AFF AS SHOWN. 12 DATE'-jSURVEY: 24, 2003 - 1 CE TI —�1��A'1_IDN: IMPROVEMENTS; iF ANY, ARE AS LOCATED. NOT VALID WITHOUT THE SIGNATURE AND THE ORIGINAL RAISED SEAL OF A FLORIDA LI�L�.VEYOR.ANCMAPPER: MHAEL TOLODZIEJCZY OFESSIONAL - SURVEYOR AND MAPPER FLORIDA REGISTRATION NO. 3864 MIN. SETBACK REQ. FRONT CNR SIDES REAR ZNG. -b TECH. SURVEYS\B6521584.dwg 09/24/2003 01,22�39 PM EDT MAP OF BOUNDARY SURVEY CLIENT: RESERVE HOMES, LTD. is LB # 6674 L N W Lawson, Noble &..Webb, Inc. ENGINEERS PLANNERS SURVEYORS 590 NW Peacock Boulevard, Suiie.9, Port St, Lucie, Florida 34986 (772) 878-1700 • lax: (772) 878-1802• email: Inw-pslolnw-ine.com West PGIm Beech Port St. Lucia REVISION FB/PG I QA1W1j,j3Y I CK'D I DATE:9-24-03 t BY: JDM sti I I1Z_I' CK'D: MTK F.B.: PG' JOB NO.:6652 2125' I 3875' I Z (25' PA I ' o_ © - -b a HEADER x : J/a' - r' Q 30 Afg& `U` 6i11 D OL? SL --jv6" _ r' MAK CONCRETE ANCHORS (SEE 5 NEOEEQ . 3' MIANK. W M I • o LONCREIE ANCHORS STORAf PANEL TYPICAL ELEVb170ff KrS � 1/4- Mve C4.P t/4' Mae CAP PA7E]S Y/ r/�Y /YSSL' S • UMAPSV 1. Z000' 2125' ` ` fTBEF PANEL ® OU- HEADER SYNE:.A/6' - I• o REYERS6D rp' re . f/4' 0 Vi SERE; S. S S AYCTTD TO ANa-1 ft SPACNGS L—1 SHOWN ON SECT0a n h `1 3" ANGLE' ®U1L.D OUT 9RACKEr SCALE. 4/8• _ I' ALTESCA7L LEC LOCO is SO-'F:.ye•_ T• I. STORM PANEL H4S BEEN OEE0 W ACCORDANCE M11H THE ALIANN D4 E CO W7 1994 EOTEa'N O< THE SORH FLORILIA BUILDING CODE. �"4 L040S SNALL BE BETERWEV AS pER SECt10N 6 OF AA:E 7-DQ WTW flo m.Plh 84SIC NTND STOW JbDR IMkT MD FATWE SECBIXS PANEL I5 --SANCE HAS BEt JFKV W ACCORnANC, MIII 01-EEC1NRr OF TEC ABOVE MENT;CNED C'00.0 AS PLR AMOTNCW TLTT U'9 REpORT'r 2 ALL STEEL SHEET mETAL PANELS SHALL HAVE S(RUCRITAL OV41Rr AST( A65J SO. CRAG: 40, WDH 0 Bo rA VANIZFD STEEL DEWM77GR t FJ= 523 AaZ (AFTER ROLLED) .Y ALL ALUMINUM OCIRUVONS STALL fr CaaS-T6 ALLOY UNLESS ONf,9*RSE NOTED. [- ALL SC!?,Wy TO BE STAINLESS .STEM J04 OR 316 S T ES S B XI3 TO BE -=4-14 ALUMNOM Miar. OALYA M ON STNNLESS SfW_ MTM 36 W MWI W rIETD PoINT. 6- ANCNOW TO WALL 594U BE AS FOLDgS (UMEA oWaN E NJTFD). (AI TO E USTM POURED CONCRETE 1/4' 0 TAPCONS It MAX -SET IAPCQ S AS 144YUFACNRED Br LT.Y../BW(DE/. 1/4' 0 CRETE-FLEX Sf ANCHORS AS MWUFACrUM D BY am TDrTRQY 1/f' 0. 7/B CALK-N NQfQ1LZ f/4 s ELCo .1, E f—k 'PANELM7E.' 07 f/4' Y ELCO mak PA"CLUATE PLUS' AS UWf.K'ACTI.fiY-q Or POWER FASii?{WGS� M AND ELCO MTROL RESpEC17VdC - 3/0- $ RED HEAD DY114S Lr SLEE{f AkjNRs AS AANf.WACIVRED Br{iW. BUCMA: norm - A' T) Ta&=U aooMENf M40 POTRO CONCRETE OF 14P= ANCWR OT CR{W- fs t Jl[: foB LLCD PANELNATES 15 2, FOR RED H:AD DMABOLr IS / I/2, MR LLCO mak E-nZ7WIELf S5 FLILS•'LS 2: 42) 7/6" GLK-M AHCR045 BILLET EMYifZr L'M BITD Tri PORED CONCRETE NO EMBW#aVT WT0 5Nn2AXO BALL BE !'E%dVBT7ED. 1/f' 0-20 STNEMS USED SULL BE r 1/Y LONG MVUW ,NfIL[O S(IJL�D EXIST .MA I' MMSM Fa? WALLS MW NO S7CCLD. - OR FLUOR ANQYQJS SHALL BE LONG CVKRETL E'ANErS OR PA4ERS. BE fDfRN'GY:7NE WSTRY` W'1Lr SHALL Tar AS WONTED ON NOTES A I TO ROACH 77C U41N STRUCNTE 60M SUCH PANELS, ANCHOlUcE AZ) ABOVE (9) 70 DZ7WO CONCRETE BUXX WALL rVOONS t WX--S'ET IAFMT AS RANUFACNRLD Br LT-W/BEEDD: 0 CikW-FLEX SS{ ANCHORS AS AANUFACTURED BY ELCD rpaRm - 1/40 z 7/5' C4LK-IN ANCHORS CR I/4' / ELCO , t Tv..k PANV-W7E- OR 114' L ELCO' mak P.wElAA7E PLUS" AS 16ANC'F, MA Ev Or POAD? FASIDNWCS INC AHD tLro - 5/8 ' 0 RED !HEAD O"BOLr SIEEVE ANJfORS As JzwwALTUR2l BY Lr.K BMLfiEC)EXr7NF{ RE;F£CTrVQY. HOTEr SL TD1TI4 UMMUM OF r���+ORs: fLCO PA'ELMQIE ELCO mak PAWJt4TF PEM-. RED wv B.2) 7/B' C AtX-7N Ah�ORS SSW L BC �r RM D� 9E r 1141. LWT NO DGEIM(ENT IM0 57V=0 SHILL W PERMT77EA, r i" I- CONCAvr Y-DCX VW . U'V#" SHOULD =XO &7ST• AND I-JAVUUM FOR YDYLS TWIN NO SIO= CREWS U.SEO SWL R 1 1/2' LONG BSALL BE LONG AENOU REACH DIE UQN IWR I WNa BE FDV(JO ON THE EXIAA'O WA ANC/IORS MC47W ON NOTES W B.I) t &V ABOVE=, SlT7CC1(A7E W SUCAY PANELS ANCHORAGE SWL BE AS (NNCHC R'S MRNUFAmRFR FD��NNG ALL CF THE REOYtl A00.4710NS AND SPELT.9CATloNS OF THE 7. mas MAY ALSO BE WSTALEED HOdY7Cmmur. FG:LOYr1HC pSTALEATTON T.Lms SHOWN ON S_EcD T 6 (SHEET 2 t 3 OF 9) EXCUT IMF 1IFALFRS Z 3 t 4 SHALL NOT BE USED. THRU M IS 70 BE ATTACHED COMRACNR ]D {�JNEr THE SWTdW¢S 0� WE S7P.LMIZE WHERE CONCRE7F; BLOCK OR WOOD FRU E E ER AAt7IO44LL TFPS SA?7fR MV GNLr SE ArTACHEO 717' 9-SHU7TER AKNUFACIVRES LABEL SHALL BE PLACED Ar BO7T01L OF EACH PANEL LABEL SHALL READ AS FVUOMS . E6TETW METAL SUPPLr• WC 1ACE WORM FL09101 RAW LNDE COLNfR' PROD (K7 CONTROL APPROY[D. ® STUDDED ANGLE 3 - ® t = win. _KEY HOLE A T PA%rEL PST l�ti STUD Q/ DIE Carr ZINC �F KEY HOLE WASHER NICKEL PLATED YriNC Nur- alas urx Nam. x Fsf25• :314'- r' LE F/ 0 > - `�0�a4ETh4t APPROVED AS COMPLYING WITH THE SOUTH FLOR DA BUILDING CODE DATEO(0 ZOp I j BY P /N 'PRODUCTORTROL DMSION BUILDING CODE COMPLIANCE OFFICE ACCEPTANCENO.00 I • O 24 CAGE C.4LVAIVIZED BERTHA STEEL STORM PMELS h8WI DADE COUNrr ASTERK METAL SUPPLY. lAft' AS SHOWN SCAL 7/10/OD O N7 CONCRETE ANCHORS (SEE SCHEDULE) POURED coNCRETE REaurRED� r (S'F SCH FOR Un PnuRED�''� CMCRETE OR CONCRE7£: BLOCK IY,1(1.+... REOU(Rm CONCRETE•�ANCFR7RS / (SEE SCHmULL% CONCRETE OR. CONCRETE BLOCK WALL REWIRED CONCRETE ANCHOR,? B Con[ (SEE SCHEDUW -1 POURED f CONCRETE f REWIRED f I i .f 2 caut I (SEE SCIVE1X.b:E) I I I i FORSEPIWWM f TO cuss > C N I IT/4 > 0 -20 x T�1' I w a/ Vdl I In'� •': ✓✓Ni� f I f I J%4- BOLTS, x J/X 1IINC O f POURED f I t Y a.. C a CONCRETE I OR CONCRETE BLOCK WALL REWIRED SEESECOULEJ TE ANCHORS CE) E o � CONCRETE ANCHORS 9 can[ (� SOr4EDULE) I fi Cant , �a�E�E :vraraYzr LE1 SEC77ON 0 ANCHOR WALL MOUNTING INS)rA. hLATl©Its =N ___ J 0 T171�54 LTS J2T/Jp 12 z a n SECDN a SMD lk��L C1UI�7IIvIG INSTkLLARom SECT - SCALE : J/B' = T. (SEE scrYmuLE aN ST4EET5 B ,6 t 7 DE e NOTE FOR COMBlNAnON OF SECnOFS S'AW-¢DOR/cEruNc rtrour4nNc. s��cnonrs cvt ErE [roetBiNEv rN ANr war m su,7 ,w4r wsrALLanoN _ 6CALE: 3/B'a T- T, P 1/4" 120 xx RJ''//x_�4.. J/WlBOLTS W 1z' Q C 7 7E YCRETE WAIL cant � T/4' /-ZOrT/Z- S•S-KS. CONCRETE W/ NUT P 72- O. C. (SEE sLY$DULf] i cant RU1W--()UE lAlS-TAL'L-4TIDR .SECTION � SWE . J/B' F I- _... _ APPROVED AS COMPLY04G WITH THE SOUTH FLORIDA BUILDING CODE DATP io BY PRODUCiC� `ITROL DMSION BUII NG CODE CO,MPLIHNCE OFFICE ACCEPTANCENOOD - 919.1(, MWMt DAOE COUA?Y 24 GAGE GALl7ANIZEU BERTIPA As . MAWN STEEL STORM PANELS 524ar C�SFl2aT hsscTGT-[rn.r.- 7/To/oo CONCRETE ANCHORS (SEF SCHEDULE) POU Cal R!-0EC RED UlRED —\ o FOR M1M6lUM SEPIAXIiON r O .. ..— . . I DOLTS a/12- . LEG POURED•--x CONCRETE OR CONCRETE BLOCK WALL REODU?ED x Coat -20 S S. ACACHINE NOT & WASHER G CONCRETE ANCHORS (SEE SCHEDULE) POURED CONCRETE REOUIRED r tl I 4 Can 4&;WTIIiI 1 Cont 20 I �hJ I I I Gti R (SEE =U4At Q ' I BTU S i r1�4'4• 0 2O X 9/BOLTS f f f I f 1NNG 6 I y 12• D.. a f Cont f f f CONCRETE ANCHORS `• (SEE SCHEDULE) CONCRETE ANCHORS E. D.— POURED l l E ��CONLREIE LI i (SEE SCHEDULE) FOR M MfUN SEPAPATTON 15' TO GLASS -20 x I/.f VOLTS WING NUf � 172^0- G r ;/ //�f y r/4' 0, z0 S & A(gp{LNE ' - t—E: II,I LEG LOL 90Li W/NUTaWASNEJi PoUREO CONA7ETE E R L ETEDULE) S�VIEo n•D. c. kEourRm (� sarmucq//prCanL POURED CONCRETE) D. -f3UILfl OU/ INSTit;Il6+TIoN REQUIRED __...._.. CEILING :�'[3aR IoUNr11JG.::.., - SECTION ,..... . .. .......:.. ... _.,. _- . �.. Y..._• _ ...�....� FOR E�_ O(�ldr�N(; � � • Ste: J/8 = T BSTALLAROM - SECTION s INSTI4LLA ION - SECTION 7 SCALE : 3/8' t �• SCALE : 3/e' EDGE DISTANCE (SEE SCIHEDUL.E ON SHEET 5, 6 7 OF 9) -, Fco;al OOAIBIM• 77ON OF SECPONSOOEfCQLtNG ATOUNNNC SEGTTONS 61l1 BEEO TN AP1Y WAY TO SUI ANY I.KSTaUROK APPROYEDAS COMPLYING MTHE -- SOUTH FLORIDA BUILDING CODE DATECA Zp PRODUCT OrCINTROL DIVISION BUILDING CODE COMPLIANCE OFFICE ACCEPTANCE NO. `W - O9 f 9 , f r TACK-1N OR ELCO malelt,j/ PANELU4TE OR more PANELAlATE PLUS V-4 0-20 SIDEWALK BOrr LR /C� W7EN/SSHEYJ BOLT (SEE SCHEDULE FOR SPACING) -IN OR ELCO malo/f mokI" ! MTE OR male PANELM4TE PLUS 7/40 20 STDEWN 80LT OR O n w+T/1/40-20 TRUSSAso 80LT • . SCHEDULE Fm SPACING) ' WALL WOUNTIA lKTILLATION. &Q..-:' 7W- - SECTION 8 SCALE : s/e' = 1- t SIDE WALK BOLTS ARE' V�4 OxJ/J27ftL�, HEAD CHINE SCREW H'/LEN MA AS PER NOTES 42 & 19.2 (SHEET f) P TRUSS HEAD BOLTS AREI T0K1/BV=K HEAD MACHINE SCREW WjLENC1(i AS PER NOTES A2 & 82 (SHEET 1) MLAWI aWE COUNTY 24 G4GE GALVANIZED BERTHA AS SHOWN STEEL STOP,B( PANELS srALE 7110100 EASTERK METAL SUPPLE°, ING p.Tr CU7 PANEL 2' z 4' x . T25' 3L05-H14 OR 6063-T6 ALLOY 'Coot. Alum, ANCYE .. — CASE A (Plan) SCALE 1/4' = 1. 2" x 3" x .035' 3i15 H-I f OR - 606J-T6 ALLOY Cone Alum. AMLE ww ANC1i0RS ®T2' 0. C. POURED CONCRETE CONCRETE BLOCK )KtL rr REQUIRED CONCRETE ANCHORS / 0 12' 0. a .T o CASE D (Plan) SCALE: 1/4 • = F POURED CONCRETE OR CONCRETE BLOCK RECUREO W\ VARIES A h 2 OR OR 2`TAoz �\ iiEE OROOOOROR V4, 0 Bar 4' z 4' z .072' 24` 3f0524. OR 6063-T6 ALLOY W/.Y.C701UT ConL Alum. ANCYE CASE B (Plan) SGQ-E- 1/4- = I' fV RED CONCRETE CONCRE7E BLOCK W� REQUIRED r2-500, CONCRETE ANCHORS O 12"0. C.--� h 2" z 2' z .455' TO AL7ERN4TE LEG LOCAi70N 2' z 5' x .055' Cont. Num. ANCfF OR .080, 3105-H154 SHEET MET& Alum. BEM' PL4TE CASE C (Plan) SCALE- 1/4' = 1' END CLOSURES DETAILS MMMUM DESIGN PRESSURE RATING "W l (p.s.f.) A -ND CORRESPONDING MAHMUY t PARM LENGTH '.'L" SCHEDULE ONCRETE BLOCK WALL 'R(AXTMUAI DESIGN PRESSURE PA71NO t66.0, -76.0 +60.0. -70.0 +66.0. -76.0 +60.0. -70.0 Nox. PANEi LEFlCI1! L (ft) uT UM SEPAR477ON (SEE SECRONS). _ _ _ •. 7D C[/L�3„ . . 7'-617�- 3' >7'-6 3` 7'-6' 3 3/4' >7'-6 3 3/4" / 5�1 -:L�EE: ��Coc —Npse. .-TT . N APPLICABLE TO SECTIONS g AV_C M7K3Y...........� _:._... OF war i,23,4.5 k e 1,Z3,4,5 & 8 6 & 7 6 & 7 APPROVED AS COMPLYING WITTME SOUTH FLORIDA BUILDING CODE DATE (o O BY If PRODUCTCMROLDIVISION BUILDING CODE COMPLIANCE OFFICE ACCEPTANCE NO.LYj -02 I R• ID AMAL4 WE COUNTY 24 GAGE GALVANIZED BERTHA AS SHOWN STEEL STORA� PANELS scALE cASTERM METAL SUPPLY, IMC -7-OAr a4.. • [010 (T.r, aMfD':.! .<A -TPtvlc fDR c O. — S r 0-r.) /�cw-scr urccrs ¢rn rF. ,m m E m m SitLIF Oiflf-ffEY SY4-E/RxvE M1£Wlif rG1IF RWnIpg/'L14 Pops-rASlENM m . awrMxr ro m Te m uasmrrr ro crnar<rr m cw--x sr r AK a" rAn¢t 12- N/A 12• WA 12' WA rz' W m 1Y 6 m uaraf;r m '7r 11 14111, LDCN i' (a) f2' l2' f2' 12• r2- 12' tz. 12• WA I (7DP) 12' WA rT' I N/A rZ" 12' 12' WA rz' WA 1Z• 1' rz' r (ic Ra9 12' r2- 12' rY r1• r1' iz' WA TZ• WA z fYa°l rz rz- WA tz• WA TZ' WA rz' WA T. - 12• rz• z (earrtvD rz' tz. WA'Y2' . WA 12" WA rz• WA I2' 12' T2" IZA 12• 12 3 ( nuo WA_ [.2.- r2' f1' r2' r2' 12" 12' T2' WA 12" N/A 4 (70p) 6' U-Oi LESS • i2• WA i2' MIA 12' W12" A 1T" WA IZ' 12' 72" 4 (B077pf() 12' 12 r2• 12, 1T" /2' 72' N/A 12' WA .5 (top) 72• : WA I2' WA 12' N/A 12" _ i7" 72' 12" 12 f2• .5 (60nmg 72" WA f2• WA f2• WA 12 WA l2' WA IZ' WA 6 (MP) 12" WA 1Z• WA 12' WA IZ" WA f 2' WA 12, WA 6 (s0rr V WA WA WA WAWA WA 12• W; 12 WA 12' WA 7 (Mp1Wrj W) LG 12' r2• 12• Iz" a (ILP/solim) f�' Lfaw LLIC 1KNA.TJ AAOi yS .fflldl6 fR4 E A. J ..-- rciJ[a.. erar�cl .. 'AO's�+a-gr uv:a+a tta w smE am ice'' . CNE7c-iLEx .W ME roxtRs m ro CYB"- m taxurETr ro wsa m- ro erne m Hamrn;r1' ro aveverr �vcnxm (ure R'"u.oc pLtu � ! .. 1z- WA rz• x/A 12• WA 12' Wy'scr`"• ro fowasre ro7r ro rF m 1u�r+r avr� Ir>tinr 1 7f' 12' rz• rz' rz' . rz T2 WA rz WA r fm% 71 WA 12. x/A rz• WA rT• iz' Iz• rz• rz' r (ooTrrz�;r 12 I I' 12•' 12• 12, 12' 72• WA fY WA 12• WA 2 (%�) 12- WA 72" 7Z" lY WA 12' WA 7T• 72". 1T' TZ' 2 (90T10.'i ' 12- 11' l2' 12 12' WA I2' WA r2• 72• 12' 12' WA r1 WA 12' WA rz r1' r2 rz' a (solra r2' rr• WA i2• WA . 12" Tz• 12rY fi' 72' r2 WA 4 (71X). 6-o' OR bm ..,i; 12' WA r2' WA J2" WA IZ• TZ' r2' IZ' 72' 4 (OprfC • •12' 8' 12- 12' IZ' T2' N/A t2• WA !2' }{/A 5 (r0p% r2• f2' 12' WA 12• WA 12' WA 12" i' 7i• 5 (Boncm) _ _ _ WA IT" WA 12• WA 12" WA 12. WA '6 -. 72' WA 12' WA f2' WA .12: WA _ 12' : = C WA._..... 6. (sOrlLyd .. WA WA WA NIA WA WA IT' WA 1Z" WA 12' WA 7 (fop/6omv) tz' r2• 12 r fa.�.rJ lLWNIr •qat sNscrN T2 aRlLWD LLK surx r7RC A - Jw - iroP/s01.'LS''f) .. rA°crra s1a 1D'°a' fYK1r-glX.ss4 rox:as m �wvrNar ro uuzrmP m ¢ ro uua� 1n m W^ wr Iwrzllwrr UVX AwarcTr rros rALx ! i +nuxte7 nsvLf. TZ• WA !2 WA f2' Mun`mY TO =NnyTr m IHS'q,QPr ro �'LPNOE m fstSg7Lf ro r vF2 ro 1Ct5g1Wr .IMY /9dIRC![ Ulm v W WA rz r ff 1A I2• 12 rz' rz' WA r2 WA r2 WA f (rop) rz' I2' Z' WA 1Y WA 12• WA r2 12' I2 rT• 11• r2' r (&or=) 12 10• f2' _ rY 12• rz' NIA 12• N/A 12 NI" z-(rop) WA tz• 1Z- NIA 12' WA T2' IA 12' 12' 12' 170 2 (Dorj ) 12' -6(J f2' WA 12' WA 12' K2A r2- WR rT' 12A J --.i 1Z' IO' f2• 12• 12' f2' Q. MIAT2' WA 17' NIA 4 (top) 6'-0' 7D Y-6 12- 7' r2' WA TZ• WA 12' WA 12 12" 12' 12 4 (s0nou). 12• WA 12' H/A 72- 1L. t2' 12' f2" rz fz N/A 5 ) - ra- WA (z; r✓A r2- WA r2• WA z• 6 rz' rs- s ao+law) WA 11/A r2- WA T2• WA rr WA .6 (r0..2 i2- I .. ,. N/A f2" ✓NA r2' " IWA • 12 WA eor)f2i i< , . . `AWIAIUM ANCHOR SPACINGS ARE VALID FOR 3 1/2' EDGE DiSTANc FOR E D. LESS TIiW 3112 . REDUCE ANCHOR SPACING AiUL77PLYING SPACING SHOWN ON SCHEDULE BYBY THE FOLLOWING FACTORS (NOTE : A(in_ E D. FOR CALK—iN ANCHORS 2 1I NG �R MS DPER477ON TO BE N ACTOR SHALL NOT 8E 0REDUCED SPACING OBTAINED 1NDiCAlED FOR EACH ANCHOR TYPE AT AN HORS LE PC'NG FACTOR CTUAL E D. T APCOIY/ RETE—FLEX SS4 CALK —IN RED HD: -.SLEEK `. PANELAU{7ES — 3" .86 .75 2 1/2' F.00 71 .50 2' f.00 .50 _ Y ANCHOR-- S LEGEND ANCHORS ANCHOR TYPE AfIN. SPACING. E A = EDG£ OlSTANCE � '� TAPCONIPANELU47ESI CRETE FLEX SS4 3.0CALK �/8 � RED 7yD.••__ .. , 'SEE NOTES ON SHEETS 3 & 9 OF 9 2ING FOR ALIATIONS INTOR-ANCHORSEWOODAFWE BUILDINGS ' APPROVEDASCOMPLYINGM LATHE SOUT7I FLORIDA BUILDING CODE DATE / 8Y ' PRODUCTC TROLDIVIgION BUILDING CODE COMpLIA77CE OFMCE • ACCEPTANCENO.0c) - 11 MI DARE COUNTY 24 GAGE rAALlrANlZED BEP,THA STEEL STORAf PA/VELS � �'� 7/70/00 • 1 @+ P H! P EAST ?At ME Tzt c;.,Dz r M ri�6-x! YA9N.N AXIIpP$ SPACH6 FA4 E 4 J V/ - « . ' °�'�1� A`�wa/uty-.rLt crx: euu� uKaa iRD w �£ Ew im1Kw ro ro r(4SOY.4( ro rW ro uemnar ro LMSAEF ro 41 � rtlfCfHY AvLa / FEWP011E]S FA C A^FLG ro SLAX116: 12- WA 71' N/A ro CONpTLiW iU xCttM'RY rT' ro rtt.YWL]E To W4KHRt TO NA(iW LA(X-H ro 14rs1ix"Yil' k �^'�'� 12- '9' f2' WA f2" N/A IT' WA 71• Dal . 12' !2" 1T' 11' 72' WA t (rap)/ it WA 72' WA 11' WA T2. to. 12' iY T (B0T7DtQ 12' 9' 72' 12' WA f2•WA 12' (T' WA Z (>u') 12' WA 12' WA iZ" 12' WA f2' IZ" 72' . r2• 1Y z (BOTrw) r2' 2' IZ' 12' WA 12- 12' t2' t7' WA 12, WA__ 5 (TO-) - +66.0, -72.0 12" WA 1T• 12• 12• to' 12' N/A 12- WA f2' WA 12' J (gOrrmo 11- - r1• 72• rz- f2' 12• WA 72' NIA 4 (%OP) 6=0• To7=6' _ 12- WA r1• WA 12• WA 72' r2" 10' (T' _ 12- 4 (90RU/) 72` 5• 12' 71, A W TZ• 10' 12' IZ" WA 12' N/A 5 (lop) f2- WA 12' NIA 7' _12- WA 12• r2' S Y2.r 5 (BOTTOM) . 71- WA 12' N/A NIA 12" WA fz' WA r2- .. IAA 6 {fcp) WA 11' WA lZ" A W tZ' WA 12' 12' WA !T' WA 6 (B07rON) WAWA WA WA NIA WA WA 11' 11' WA rl' WA ) (io.�/BOc70,f) .. 12' iKIDM1f( AlAF'.VLS SkLYIC foR E on 12' B' IT' rY d (lOP/B01rW) LzSmrmw '- --- Lrc eurrtz ta�,wa . _ am iAiiw Jr(aQ ra0 b s¢ cf+Lrr-+r1x ssr n' cmaw�cmr m iruwrfr ro c'�rc impiccsaNBr ro rJrxr¢rW rvBE � FLW C To rs WA ro xuirtrr ro arc ro rwiw�r ro7N(E 12• 70 dn' m JteIA� % 4 kwwue Metz Avr m mcm 1• (N.r ... 12' N/A fT' WA i2• VA 1 WA TW m rxtpawy 9• 12' 12' 1r fT' rY I 12• WA i() 12' WA f2' WA 12' WA IZ' NIA 12" 10' 12. }2' 1 (or7p. f2• 12' 12• r2• f2' A WA lZ' WA 2 (�) WA 12' WA 1Z. WA 7z' f2' 12' 72' 12' 12- 't2- 2 (BOTMU ) �5 ,. i2- 8' 12- 12' 12' 12- f2- WA 12' WA 12• WA J arp) +60.0, _ saw;12, .r12' WA tT. WA WA 12` to. fY !2• , J4 .. ,. t2- 9" !1' 12.A 11 WA f2' W12' 12, WA (Top) -.,. - 7-6" 1D 8' r1 '� 12' WA t2' N/A f2' WA 72' 12• 12- to' 12, 12• 4 (BWoM). '. . - ','7Z' g• t2' 72' 12' it- WA fr WA 12" WA iZ• WA t2' WA 12' WA u- J2' r 6' 12• 7- ___s Morrow WA fY x, 12" A 11' x .WA T2' r�r/A 1 f' WA - 1T' WA WA.. f2. .—i1: -f{�A fT•- WA WA WA WA WA it i(/q it. WA; WA WA I2' 12- 1Y /BDITw!) KWYu(AhVi�'6 SgICNG fDR G 0. . J i/1• « 6' f2' xY 6 MR/80770N) . � LGD LT.Y. 0U/AX M %x.(� ro C ,76 SET rA°0.Y6 ip f4150ygr BCD M 'us£ CREW-W SS4 t2LV 7IXf/L1Y rrufjFp(yp hvau c PoAM FAMM A"cAmt m it ro LYN]'#7W m r Y ro cana(W ro fxtttr70- m L'01NRLjW m IrtttNifY fLJF HIRCU(EW /LBS ro Lb'ME7E ro rr+siTHr q!x-H SMAW f e c A"r� f(/A rT` Wa 12• WA ro WAG27[ m /r45LH8Y BM r rIMrB 12' B- 12' 11' iZ" f1" 12' WA 12' WA 71' WA f crop) WA 12' N/A I2' WA r2' r0" T 2 B' r2• i7• f (Bp7Tgy) .. 72' i1" 6' 12' I2• f2' 12' 12• MIA / 12' WA 12' N/A 2 (top) t2' rr/A 12• WA 12' - WA 12' 10" 1T' to, tz• tl' 2 (BJr10K) IT" g• t2" 12- f1' 11' !1' WA 12' WA 12' 9 (!pP) 12- WA 12• N/A IT• .,WA f2' to' 12' 9- II' _ iT' J (B017ON) IT' e' t2' 12' f2• 12' 12' 12' WA i2' WA 72' WA 4 (COP) 7_6 to 6=6 12• WA 72' N/A 12' WA 72" !0' f2- f (' 4 (Bprlpyi) 12' 4' 12' o• f2' S. WA i2• WA 12- WA 5 (70P) .. 12' fVA 72' N/A f2' WA 1T- I IV 4. 12, 6• 5 (g0710L!) fi` WA 12' N/A . lz- r{iA 12- N14— _ f2• WA 12' NIA - 6 (r0.q 1 WA 17' WA i2• I I r 1/2 r✓ A I 1Z WA i 1 • WA _ E (BOTrpA� it "AWIMUM ANCHOR SR4CiNGS ARE VALID FOR 3 t/2" EDGE DISTA(yCE. FOR E D. LESS 77WN 3 t/2• REDUCE ANCHOR SPACING BY FACTORS. ( SPACING SHOWN ON SCHEDULE BY 7-HE FOLLOWINGG FACTORS (NOTE ; Min. E D. FOR CAUL iN ANCHORS iS 2 1/2' . FOR 7HIS OPER477ON TO BE POSIBLE, REDUCED SPACING OBTAINED USING FACTOR SHALL NOT BE LESS I'M MINIMUA( SPACING I1VOiC47E0 FOR EACH ANCHOR TIDE AT ANCHORS LEGEND. FACTOR ACTUAL E. D. TAPCON/ P4hlELA4A7ES41 CALK—IK RED HD... SLEEVE J. .66 - 75 2 i/2" T.00 77 .50' 2> t.00 .50 _ - 0.86 ANCHORS LEGEND ANCHORS ANCHOR TYPE • MIN. SPACING TAPCON/PANELMATES/ CRE7E FLEX SS4' 3.0' CALK —IN ZS" . 3/8.�f RED HD, -. DYNABOLT-SLEEVE'' °SEE N07ES ON SHMIS 6 k 9 OF 9 FOR ANCHORS TYPE & SPACING FOR INSTALLATIONS INTO WOOD TRWME BUILDINGS APPRDVEDAg COMPLYING WRm 8qUTH FLORIDA BUILDING THE CODE DAZE / BY 2 PRODUCTIN'GCPF?101LDIV15ryDN ,� - BUILDINGCODc'COMPLIANCE OFFICE rA�EPTANCEAlO. 6(LAAI( DADE COUNTY 24 Cv9GE GALVANIZED BERTHA � strop S7FEL STORM P,g1dELS sccte 4--T=C = ' EAS6'E(1M (fir' 7/70/Oo is c.. EiRE SfAPPL Tit(C cwrg LEK 9Ldl N (w-rJ/uw-ser urr-u's 0 12" WA 12' N/A 12' 12' r0' 12' f2' 12' 12` WA' 12' . N/A 12' 12' 10, f2' rz` Tz' 12. WA 1z. WA 12' 12' 10" 12, !2' IZ' 466.0. -76.0 Y2- - WA f2• WA f2' f2' 10' f2' tz' tz' 12• WA 12' K/R iZ' 11' 7- 12, IZ" 12' 12- WA 12' N/A 12" 12' WA 12-WA f2' 12, '.WA !z, WA f2' WA WA WA WA WA u4b" tt3Tur rao am Maj& r-rttt �t HWflX41c WfE m cror�€Tc ro E[15Vym• roam WA T2, WA Tz- f2' 12. 12" 12' N/A 12 N/A 12" 12, TZ' 12" 12" WA 12, WA rz' T2' 1Z• 12' 12` WA f2' WA 12' t2 12' 12- 12' WA 12" N/A 12- f2' rZ, R. TZ, WA y 12- WA 121' WA f2" WA 12- WA 12. WA 12' WA 12' 12. (Y SA1L'fr: fM L El - .1 flr .. ELM 1EYT;. TZ' WA 12' N /A fz• - - --.... .. .•xmtr ro "a rz' r WA /Z" WA 12, ' Lti 72. T2" 12• 1z' IT' 10' i2' a. !: WA 1y WA Iz• WA 42' WA 12. T2' r 12' - TY 12- !0' 12. WA f2' WA tz' WA 1Y +640 7R'(}"a'f2' rz' r - rT" f2' f2' 12' 12' 10• 12' WA 12' WA i2' - WA 12' WA i2' r 12" T2• 12' -i1' T2" 12' ; !Z' WA (2' MIA IZ" WA 10• 12" !z p f2' WA 11' 12 12• 12' WA J2' WA 12" WA II' WA f1' 10 'e. WA -WA 12. N/A_ 12• WA !2' WA 12, WA WA N/A N/A WA WA _ !2• 6, fY RT6 PEW D roam WA 72, f2' 12' WA T2' TI' .12• WA 7T- Tz' - W WA 12" 12. 12- WA 12' U. 12, WA 12. WA r2• WA 12, 12. 12. r. RM To uv4w WA 6, WA t0' 8A• WA WA 4• WA WA WA 6' AP"JciL E 70 m m pmusmi6 �va)Ty WA I (TOP) t2` f (a0T70EQ _ N/A 2 (70P) 12` 2 (B0r1LW) WR J (Tpo) WR .f1` 4 (TOP) 6--0• OR LESS 4 (vanes, N/A 5 (TOP) . T0' S (6077DN) WA 6 (Mp) it WA 5 (@07TW1) WA 17 Ow/aODV4 12' 1 6 hrw/mn�mn POMM EAaorev:- - - ._........ .. . - - - AfYlYABCE �_ C"--PE SSOP':f f E : XMIM PAIn 10 WAVEM roE[WNgA• Aq�IIM4= UMN L-(,V 12' WA 1 POP) ; 1Z` TO'' J (90TTCMt1 r2' WA 2 (t0P) 12' 10- 2 (a0nmo lY WA J (TOP) 12. 10` .WA J. ponv4, 12, 4 (TOP) 7•-f' To 6=6 72-' 10, 4 (eonvl '12• WA 5 (70P) 5 (8orl" 12' WA 6 (>f?P) -it" .: .'WA 6' WA 7~(rOP/aOTTr`..0, 12' 6, 6 (70P/anr "I `MAXIMUM ANCHOR SPACINGS ARE VALID FOR 3 1/2' EDGE DISTANCE FOR E. D. LESS TMM 3 1/2' REDUCE ANCHOR SPACING BY MULTIPLYING SPACING SHOWN ON SCHEDULE BY THE FOLLOWING. FACTORS (NOTE : M/17. E D. FOR CALK —IN ANCHOR IS 2 f/Z?. USING FACTOR SH4LL NOT FOR 7HIS OPERATION TO BE POSIBLE; REDUCED SPACING OBTAINED INDICATED FOR EACH ANCHOR TYPE AT CHOR MUM FACTOR ACTUAL E D. TAPcON/ PANEZMATESME 4K—!N RID HDyE . SLEE ` .86 2 1/2- 71 - .75 1.00. 2- 50 1.00 0.88 Y`? ANCHO0 n . ANCHORS ANCHOR TYPE SPASPA CING ` TAPCON/PANELMATES/ CREE FUD( SS4 .3• 0' CALK —Ind 3/8`0 RED. HD. _ DYNABOLT SLEEVE `SEE N07ES ON SHEE(S 8 & 9 OF 9 FOR ANCHORS TIPS & SPACING FOR INSTALLA77ONS IN70 WOOD MWE BUILDINGS APPROVED AS COMPLYING WITH THE SOUTH FLORIDA BUILDING CODE DATE & O 7 / BY fZ PRODUCT OL DMSION BUILDING CODE COMPLIANCE OFFICE 'ACCEPTANCE NO.OU -Oq l g -d o P, AIM DARE COUNTY 24 GAGE GALVANIZED BERTHA AS MYOWM STEEL STORM PANELS LIVE _ scaef- r c 0 ! � r—� c. EASTERN' METAL ,Sf1PPLY ��c 7/�100 IS.I 10' Crow MDM) 1 r2.0Dp (ECTCCTNr MmrN) ALWm F—Z 125- 1J.b7SI-2'125� 0. PANEL J/r _ ,_ . i 0 3" Max. "U" BUILD OUT STALL: ANCHORS (SEE SCHEDULE) I I�YA r CONCRETE NKMRS (SEE scHEDLA.Q I r I I ASF. STORM PANEL TYPICAL ELEVATION xTi rT„- lhr. GAP r/f IAor. GP� SECTION A -A x1.L 9.rf9- ODTAL MOTH) ��6.L10p- (EFFCCTIrE MDTH)—y II{—Y.30� 4-47X -{I I_ I � �I� I Z 12.S---t ® HALF PANEL scar: J/d _ r ® "U" HEADER © -F" TRACK 07 REVERSED "f ' ANGLE TRACK SYl'L : J/r - f SG Z : J/r - I- Q9 STUDDED !ANGLE aoa7-n AW.0 .V srxEr: J/r•- sT{ `R300' I Ij�/(9r CENCRAL NOTES; r. STOW PAMn HAS A2N DCSIGLD N ALW46V.CC IRr1I r.0 0�a MU T,. I,,, LMAk, or RE SCUM lIMM DUSJx.0 Lyme LYSW OIS.0 YXp vIr40 LOADS SHALL BC ttTFldu1.{D As PCR StrrpM 6 d' ASCC 7- j. KM 1,0 V ap' STCQV PmaL AccccR 7' MR 1 ACr Nd) lATIC E RESaTANCE HAS &aZ l vo&_" N wrT/, SLLTRNS 2315 3 Zv, RLSPCC7A[Lr tr T>T,m Ayr I�m� CWC PW AW7ZY rg LAe pcPu4r / Ion.O,-yK }- z ALL KUAavUI! SCET LCrAL AV SHALL M,, SA 2,2 ALL,, OR _,M4_ I, ALIq: �2SC a ALL MLA w CMusoms S+WL ac 6MJ-T6 Hlm u/Q 6s OrKRhS[ AVTLD. J h ALL SCRCRS IV LIE STNxLCSS.sTEa Jot OR J16 SMCS S 8X7S m Lr. 7011-T, KL3INVN NLOT: G'LWAZCD CN STNMLSS SML MM JQ kd A*W r H Pu.+T. 6 .(IV 7VS ro " XA OC AS rALLOx'Y (UMLSS OTTCMttSC hORD) W ro LXbTAC rvcAxn WASRnM LAP= AACH IZS AS IAA Xnhgm Or LT.K AAL.AT OR nW +.V SImtx f/! / CY TAP-fJL^ AYG} n (,,,, sruD�ON). As A~ACM CD DY M-rAST 114 + RAM LI WX" AMY,OgS AS UN AC1 Co BI' T1iC pMK PLCG CLAP LTY4FgpA AyL I/r P • 71d' RML CHX-N A\CM3W aq LLCO me s r mel, 'PN$MST ATE BY mr RAM PLLAT CTi,PAMr AND LLm LLOVSTRCS RrSM IcLr. ,•yN'LTKNpm NOTE: A 1) � L ` LO NFCLIL'D CCTC tr T/U.A1AC1 MJ/r,' aFANCLIAA= a fW aRrMH-CP All nT151 J/I; ARAY[ 7Ar C A]) 7/d ARYL '-ANchcSHaL L r CYOLDD ND TCxRLDCuNcLr.AD pJR 1�70 SncCOc PCR�r/.: 1/4' P-20 SCRLNS UM SAU A 1 112' La%C LWWW SM7LLD STWW DTST, AM I' WRO.VW FOR YKLS MM 1m SnAcco. AJ) X CAW RNr AWCAST STAY,[ PRLCAsr C( CRCM CN INCPANCLS, RL�IW.4A DUS7MG MU 04 FLCQ% AAO�OgS &,L, RC CW PAWNS BCLCN4 LAy1LA], m AWNS R.f D WW SMUCTW A 80" MCH PVL-CNQVCC MALL SC AS NLICATLO W hVUS AI) A AJ). (8) TO D7SMG CAYMET SLOW MALL P rAACL A%040W AS LMS.rACnNtM Dr LI:N. RALaCT A4 LLW A91aDP I -R 125' - I/! P LY PP-.;A>o AAOKSgS' (OWRN STVD- CanWCD TJN.ME A A4m Dr neu-rAs7"`CD?RgwrX.1V _ - N - 1/r , R 71 RM 1CgX- M]AAgs AS Lr4`Lu.1CIliRCO BY THE /UM PLGC COAR%rf,; LAC h -7/d P r 7/r -V aCo AoUSrR T' RW maN t tWn --PAYEW4iC AS NoT mAM ttcc Co.m .vm n W ,mVSTRtfS; RCSPEcmvr. . 1LJp- NOTES fl/1 M'MUW LLL4EDLD'rL TAOCll AAO4AgS pAAL LSVAC NLL DRP, NrO 7NE WNaiClE iXCCX wr SHALL 8E I 1/r. lL ClCO 7WUWIL3:::Np Cr U^- 112) U> � CL�O,T SM� GC CMCICLYNG LQgm Xm OK Myow C BOCK uw.. !/i P-JD STRUMS Usm SILL 8" FO�ATJCO. AIICAyy, FAR WLLS WrN r,Tl STLCLmr La` LNLUAI s, L S][x °'IYST, AND r i flJ) III L.A RNT PR PC(L C Lo OR 10,HppECAST CMCR FAhUS ar FC(PDI(y1! iri. Q7SLIx MALL, AACh SJLALL dt' CDAC OmU'.,, m 'WADI,:THC AWN 37RUCpAp[ Bl• �p-:-SIA7/ . SQ 3" ANGLE BUILD OUT BRACKET F AAo ntwE s+,vL � As WrATCD Q'L°W7 a M at) r (C) BC.MTNLLD 7IX10MYA' ALc lY 7EQ"RlLlYnLC7,AA1JCrLSSMp'rtA Krmm7C — LLT LOCAnAN -4 T-.ra7s DETAIL 1: 5UD W1 n7Nr NUT rol YYCNX7LxL4 -; - .. AO'a 7 I� C (s4iZT.S�As d F)7CARZTNAW KT O*M: Ma7KLAWN DCTAW S IN GN,SECImFlS .. 0. R S84U..00 TW - SN111 AD7 fY LSL72 , rr V7p'RC SM iw's ID trTD y m wjwy RLC SIXMD!,�.fNi'OC S11iGCJLRC A77ACHED 70 Cp,CR[J[ ROCK.LR � ? SNUTnw4' iALL"l1YL1'+-OC to RWp FPIW 9WIDIIIGS" 1 SMMU 6NM.fACWRV?:T LA&n SHALL OC PLACID AT 90rmY CF L1CJT-PNrII_" ry LAB2 SfCALL RfAO AS roac%2 I I LM r WORD( SLPPLY. K ., LM£ WTmL %LOROI �" 1'R PRODUCTRENIELY]ED COX ACCFrrANCEx C)O— 6 7 "F" TRACK ANGLE scat: J/rr - r A=— - /F T10NDATE O O7 2003 APPI:07ED1S COtdPIYItIG VT'TII TqE -1f-. 12.s gy SOUTH FLORIDA UU!LD;Nr. COIF -(- PR�CON7'ROL DIVISION DIVISION DA7F�}(J(��_�-�,/Q,�7j�� ,lpQ� EUIIDING CODE COMPI-LANCE OFI.7CE UY -!I 1�+�'<`^yAL- Pn0!11;c cOiiT(6(L D n I L DuLLULILc CODE Cpompi ,6CL UI'TIC� ACCEPIANCE NO.9-O_'013 5.000, i ® 2- x 5' (Max.) x 125"" ANGLE SCALl:.yr - f EL EC'mi INc, WAL7ER A MOT Jr. P. E. DADE COUNTY 0.050" BERTHA STORM PANEL A` V POW SCALE 717196 :EASTERN METAL SUPPLY, INC DATE J6GO r)t -j LACL wgrAL n .zr,ar-J7,7 98 - 172 noomo+ r,r w e�la., wrt O?ANTNO 1!0 "F" TRACK ANGLE scat: J/rr - r A=— - /F T10NDATE O O7 2003 APPI:07ED1S COtdPIYItIG VT'TII TqE -1f-. 12.s gy SOUTH FLORIDA UU!LD;Nr. COIF -(- PR�CON7'ROL DIVISION DIVISION DA7F�}(J(��_�-�,/Q,�7j�� ,lpQ� EUIIDING CODE COMPI-LANCE OFI.7CE UY -!I 1�+�'<`^yAL- Pn0!11;c cOiiT(6(L D n I L DuLLULILc CODE Cpompi ,6CL UI'TIC� ACCEPIANCE NO.9-O_'013 5.000, i ® 2- x 5' (Max.) x 125"" ANGLE SCALl:.yr - f EL EC'mi INc, WAL7ER A MOT Jr. P. E. DADE COUNTY 0.050" BERTHA STORM PANEL A` V POW SCALE 717196 :EASTERN METAL SUPPLY, INC DATE J6GO r)t -j LACL wgrAL n .zr,ar-J7,7 98 - 172 noomo+ r,r w e�la., wrt O?ANTNO 1!0 COHCRLTE NICIIORS (SEE SCHECULE) URED CONCRE f CEF ROVOUIRCRED � 6 W r-(SEE SCHEDULE)- FOR MINIDUL} SEPARATION -s- TO CLASS OF WINDOW ORS G.A O :POURED ,.; :OR CONCRETE "BLOCK.:WAP.i LE--. REOUIRE PI CONCRETE ANCHORS (SEE SCIiEOfILE) POURED J CONCRETE OR CONCRETE BLOCK WALL REOUIREO I I S£C77ON 9 ANCHOR w E w a CONCRETE ,ANCHORS (SEE SCHEDULE) POURED CONCRETE RfOu/RE0 � \ o tl Cmt. FOR MINLUUD SEFARAROJ "S- TO GLASS OF WNDOW OR S G D. 1/f 0-20 r J/f BOLTS W/ 7/8' r J/JY wrc NUT O IYO. C- O POURED Q CONCRETE OR CONCRETE I BLOCK WALL RECUMED CONCRETE ANCHORS (SEE SCHEDULE) CmL Cont. WALL MOUNTING INSTALLATION CONCRETE ANCHORS (scc sar[ouLq\ l` I{ LYX.GWC7E X,GTpRSN. (SEC SCIfCDUt C) N $ \ T—E— �10) ConL POURED CONCRETE POLREO REWIRED a k CO CRE7E REWRED p W N3 w I 1 W of W (SEE 5CF/ED(R,E1 FOR YTn. SEPARATION 5'.To v (SEE SCHEDULED GLASS OF %7NDOW OR S. G. 0. I FOR 4Gn. SEPARATON r ro 1 GOSS OF WINDOW OR S. G Y 1/� t A-20 x J 4' XC� I I 1 1- 0-20 x J {- r 1B/OYL O. I < � W 7 �O 12' 0. C 2 9 CmL CONCRETE RED O O POURED u OR CONCRETE BLOCK WALL —� +: I CONCRETE OR CONCRETE RFORREV - rI BLOCK WALL REDURED 5 cMt I / CONCRETE ANCHtiHS' (SEE SCHEDULE) CONCR£7E ANCHORS - (SEE SCHEDULE) SECTION 2 SCALE-: J/B- _ ,. BUILD OUT INSTALLATION -T SECTION 3 scA : J/e- _ T LM Yi' a 2O r ' ea 7s w/ 7/�r x J/JY A. WWG NUT o 12" 0. C. W SECTION B STUD WALL MOUNTING INSTALLATION SECTION 1 .SCALE -: J/e• L+9ff : DETAIL OF SEC77ON O STUB VALID ALSO FOR WALL MOUNRNG INSTALLATION - SECTUN 2 (TOP) E D. - EDGE DSTANCE (SEE SCHEDULE ON SHEETS 5 t B OF B) NOTE FOR COM&NARON OF SEC77ONS WALL/FLOOVCEILING MOUNTING SEC77ONS GIN BE COMBINED IN ANY WAY TO SUIT ANY INSTALLA770M BUILD OUT INSTALLATION SECTION 4 PRODUCT RENEWED ACCEPTANCE Na OO _ O 6 O Z •• U�- E)CPIRATION DATE O 8 0 'j-oo 13Y BLRE.DING CODE COMMANCE OF77CE TTLLTT TLYTTNG t QHarr[rlesr0 Opyi m>! KI. JOvi SL !4 1l). IANu LVCp6 A. XALTFR A TXUT Jr P. E. SOLE : J/B" - T' Cont. 0-20 M. S. UTO TY O. C. APPROVED AS COMPLYING WMI TiIE SOUTH FLORIDA BUILDING CODE BY>�Yi-r�:� PRODUCT COitT O WYON BUILDING CODE COMPUAKCL O(FI�E ACCEPTAI-XI NO.q L=OE)Lq. LADE COUNTY 0.050" BERTHA STORM PANEL AS SADW SCALE 7/7/9H EASTERN METAL SUPPLY, INK DATr JLW 23A Sb IA'Q roar/ Ti Js I-.nn 98 - 172 _._ DRAWINO No 2- r 4' JIOS-H14 OR 606J-T6 ALLOY Cont. Alum. ANCLE — CASE A (Plan SCALE. 114' = I - POURED CONCRETE OR CONCRETE BLOCK WALL REOURED 1" Nin. CONCRETE ANCHORS O li 0. C_ A 2'x J" x .093" 3105 H-14 OR 606J-T6 ALLOY Cont. Alum. ,WCL£ WIN ANCHORS O 12' 0. C. 1/4, CASE D (Plan SCALE.- 1/4- = 1- 1 OPOU'ZFD CONCRETE JnIY 4 CONCRETE BLOCK WALL AWES 5 RCOUIR£D Nox. � Y 9Q C ~2 OR OOR® \ _4 gB OR OJ OR OR ORO l�f i BOLT 4- r 4- , .072" O 2! 0. C. J105-H14 OR 6043-T6 ALLOY W/.µCJWUT Cont. Num. ANGLE CASE R (Plan SCALE: 114' = I- END CLOSURES DETAI POURED CONCRE7F OR )m; CWTE. EiOCX z R£OLARED 1 —2.5� CONCRETE ANCHORS- a IT O. C � 2" x 2" x .055- TO 2" r 5- r .055- Cont. Num. ANGLE OR .060' JfO5-HI54 SHEZ7 147AL Akm. BEM PLATE ALT£RN47£ LEO LOCAnON CASE C (Plan SCALE 1/4- = I - MAXIMUM DESIGN PRESSURE RATING "W ' CORRESPONDING MAXIMUM PANEL LENGTH "L" SCED kPRESSURE IGN Llox. PANEL LEWTH 72NG(sa- SECTIONS) .0 8=1Y ORLESS p TD 9'-0"POURED CONCRETE 3 >9•_0• TO 10'-O" /CONCRETE BLOCK WALL REOOWm 1 PRODUCT RENEiWED ACCEPTANCE N -a p= EXPIRATION DATE. Og O 2po3 _ BY PRO CONTROL DIVISION BUILDING CODE COMPLIANCE OFFICE IL ECojNc. Jr TISTIHO + Ehlov NG CON, W'ALTER A 77U/Y Jr. P. E APPLrABLE To. NWyJUN SEPARAIKW SECHAYS / S TO E2AS7 ANY LYNRB/NAT10N of nrEN 2 1/4- 1 THRU 6 1V16— :1 1 THRu e J 7/6' 2, 6, 7 & e APPROVED AS COMPLYING %'rill THE SOUTH FL RIDA BU!LDIPIG CODE DAT DY ---- -`-/--Ivy — PROBUCT COH IiO: DN:S 011 BURNI'r CODE COiSPL:AF.CE OFFICE AT.P.TP TATICL rm.48_OBl -f_/ 4 0.050" BERTHA STORM PANEL EASTERN METAL SUPPLY, INC JLW }JN. A . SOU, IAK Y w.. rL JJMI-J>I> ULE DADE COUNTY AS SHOWN SC4LC 7/7/x6 L 7e 9- 172 D rt RAWTNO No MAAWUhf DESIGN PRESSURE RATING -Jr' (P.S.f_): AND CORRESPONDING MAXfMUM ANCHOR SPACING SCHEDULE FOR INSTALLATIONS INTO CONCRETE AND C-B.S. STRUCTURES E D. = EDGE DISTANCE MAXWUM DESIGN LOAD W (p.s.cJ MAXIMUM ANCHORS SPACING FOR E. D. - ,7 ICY •. APPL/CABIi TO S£CTJONS ,+ d- OF TTIDAT MY co"011,14IGHLE1rC1N MAXIMUM PANEL L (K.) TAPCONS To CgYOT7ETf TO MASONRY R4WL ZAMAC TO CONCRETE NATUN i0 MASONRY RA151 TO CONCRETE CALK-W TO-IAS0W)' CF TAP TO CONCRETE- -GRIP -TO"MASONRY pANFLMgTES -TO CONURE7F TO MASONRy +55.0, -65.0 8 12; N/A 4" 12' N/A 10" 8' 12" N/A 12" 5' 12' N/A 6" J 1/2" 11' N/A 11' 1 (TOP) 1 (BOTTOM) 9'-0' OR LESS 12- JY N/A 8' 72" 12' N/A 10" 72" 12" N/A 12' 72' 72' N/A 6' 11- 11 3//A 17" 2 (TOP) 2 (BOTTOM) 12- N/A 12' N/A 12' N/A 12 N/A 71" N/A J (TOP) ) 12' 8" 12' 10' 12' 12" 12- 8' 17" I1" J (BOTTOM) 12" N/A 12- N/A 12' N/A 12" N/A 11' NIA / 4 (TOP) 12" a' 12' 70- 12' 12" 12' 8' 11' 11" 4 (BOTTOM) 12" N/A 12" N/A 12' N/A 72' N/A T1' N/A 5 (TOP) 12' 8" 72' 70" 12' 12" 12- 8' 17" 11" 5 (BO7TOAf) 11 J/2" N/A 7 1/2" N/A 12" N/A 8 1/2 N/A 6" N/A 6 (TOP/.EIOTTOM) _10 N/A N/A N/A 6 1/2' N/A N/A N/A 70 1/Y 12' MIA 12' 7" 12 p1/A 6- 5- 6" 6" -N/A 6" 7 (TOP/BOTTOM) 8 (TOP/80TTOM) +55.0, -65.0 6" N/A 6 N/A 6' N/A 6' N/A NIA / 2 (TOP) g'-0' TO 10'-0' 6 6 6 6" 6' 2(BOTTOM) 6" N/A 6' N/A 6- N/A 6' N A / 5 1 r / N/A N/A 6 (TOP/BOTTOM) 6" N/A 5 1/2' N/A 6' N/A 6" N/A 4 1/2 7 (TOP/BOTTOM) N/A N/A N/A N/A 6" 6' 6" 6" 6' 6" 8 (TOP/BOTTOM) 'F SEE SHEET 7 & 8 OF a FOR MICHORS TYPE & SPACING FOR INSTALLA77ONS INTO WOO FRAME BUILDINGS. MAXIMUM ANCHOR SPACINGS ARE LAUD FOR 3 1/2" EDGE DISTANCE FOR E. D. LESS THAN D 112'. REDUCE ANCHOR SPACING BY MUL7IPLYINC SPACINGS SHOWN ON SCHEDULE BY THE FOLLOWNG FACTORS. (Min. E D. FOR RAWL CNX-114 ANGiORS & E1C0 PANELMATE 15 2 1/2"). ACIUAC E. O. FACTOR TAFGIJNIZM�ANLLWT M4NM/ PANRE5 RAM CVX-1N CF LW-CPoP 3 .86 .75 1.00 2 7/2- -71 .50 .80 2" .50 _ PRODUCT RENEN)VED ACCEPTANCE Zia 0 0 — O 6 OZ- - O u— EXPMA77ON DATE 08/0 % /2oo3 �J PROD CO:17POLDIl7510N BUILDING CODE COMPLIANCE OFFICE 1L, EOO INC. APPROVED AS COMMING WITH TIIE SDUTH Fl RIDA GUILORIG CDDF. DATE.. -'2 � q PRDDIIC) COA'IR . DIV:S'GR OU.: 1) Fi= COf)l pCO,1ill-AKCE GFF CE ar.T.�rir:r. f.: - 98_ 891 0.050- BERTHA STORM PANEL EASTERN METAL SUPPLY, INC : ].M Aw. Sp/nf v.�¢ yusnc n .x7.c,-,v4> DADE COUNTY' As .sMarN SGLL DArz WV TFR A n!,? it P r 98 — 172 MAXIMUM DESIGN PRESSURE RATING ",W, (P.S.f.) AND CORRESPONDING MAXIMUM ANCHOR SPACING SCHEDULE FOR INSTALLATIONS INTO CONCRETE AND CB.S. STRUCTURES r E 0. = EDGE OISTANCE MAXIlTUM DESIGN LOAD ` +65.0, -77.0 VKXLNUM ANCHORS SPACNG FOR E. O. - J Af'PCICABLE TO SEC770NS / d ANY OF THOd�FI 7 (TOP) 1 (BOTTOM) 2 (TOP) MAXIMUM PANFL LENGTH L" (R.) 9'-0" OR LESS TAPCONS TO CONCRETE 6 12;,. 12- TO MASONRY N/A T N/A RAWL Z4&AC TO CONCRETE J 71" nVUN TO MASONRY N/A N/A RAW[ TO CONCRETE 6� 12 11- GLX-w TO MASONRY N/A 10' N/A Cr TAP TO CONCRETE J 1/2- 12- 72 -GRIP TO NA$X)/JgY N/A 6 1/2 N/A PAya7E5 TO CONCRETE 2 1/2- 9 1/2" 9 1/2- 9 1/ 2- 9 1/2" i0 M450NRY N A / 9 1/2 T'i�A 12" 7" 17, 8" 12' 10 12 6 1/ 2- 9 1 1- / 2 (BOTTOM) 12- N/A li" N/A 12- N/A 12 N/A N/A J (TOP) 12- 7- 11- 8- 12- 10' 12- 6 1/2" 9 7/2- 9 1/2- 9 1/2- J (BOTTOM) 12' N/A it- N/A 11- N/A 12- N/A NIA / 4 (TOP) 12- 7" 11' 6' 12- 10- 12 6 1/2- 9 1/2" 9 1/2 4 (BOTTOM) 12- N/A IT- N/A 12- N/A 72- N/A 9 1/7" N/A 5 (TOP) 72- 5 1/2" 9 1/2- 6 1/1 12- a- To- S 7 1/2- 7 1/2 5 (BOTTOM) 9 1/2- N/A 6 1/2- N/A 10- N/A 7- NIA / 5" N/A 6 (TOP/BOTTOM) _ 8 1/2 N/A 5 7/2 N/A 8 7/2" N/A 6' /.1/A 4 1/2' N/A 7 (TOP/BOTTOM) H/A N/A N/A N/A 12' 6" 12 6" 6" 6- 8 (TOP/BOTTOM) +62.0, -7J.3 6- N/A 6- N/A 6- N/A 6' N/A 6' MIA / 2 (TOP) 9'-0" TO 1 D'-0' . 6 6' 6 6- 6- 6- 6- 6- 6: 6- 2 (BOTTON) 6" N/A 6 N/A 6- N/A 6" N/A 5 N A / 6 (TOP/BOTTOM) _ 6 N/A 5 T`'/A 6 N/A 5 7/2 N/A 4- N/A 7 (TOP/BOTTOM) N/A N/A N/A N/A 6- 6" 6' 6' 6' 6' 8 (TOP/807TOM) * SEE SHEET 7 & 8 OF e FOR ANCHORS TYPE & SPACING FOR INSTALLAT70NS INTO Ri700 FRAME BU2DRJG5. MAXIMUM ANCHOR SPACINGS ARE VALID FOR J I/Y EDGE DISTANCE. FOR E. D. LESS THAN J 1/2". REDUCE ANCHOR SPACING BY MULDPCYTNG SPACINGS SHOWN ON SCHEDULE BY THE FOLLOWING FACTORS. (Min. E 0. FOR RAWL CALK -IN ANCHORS & ELCO PANFIMATE IS 2 1/2"). ACTUAL E. D. FACTOR TAFCDN/LIN.AG lLWH/ PAMELW7ES RAM CALK -IN Cr TAP-rRfP J- .86 .75 1.00 2 1/1" .71 .50 .80 2- .50 _ a-,97t� PRODUCT RENEWED ACCEPTANCE Na DO�F, EXPIRATION DATE 0 0 Z 03 BY PRO C ;v'TROL DIVISION BUIL-DING CODE COUPLIAMCE OFFCE i LFE'CO I N c. r =T7HG d Do c2ERWo COYi APP3UVEo AS COMPLYInG NIT11 TIIE SOUTII FLgqJIL4 OUILDUIG CODE DATE�toat/o6e_o % 9 11 S/ PfIODUGT GUn11Wo;V S 0, OUILDiRG COD( Tl7All'I,,iKCf 0i11Cf ACCEPTANCE flo.9 BA Q13 7_T DADE' COUNTY" 0.050" BERTHA STORM PANEL AS S"OwN srALE 96 EASTERN METAL SUPPLY, INC 7DATr LurE �.S� l.Hi vp4n/ FL 1H6r-.un 98 — 17 AUG-0§-200 ME) ll:fi HUSTREAM fiffi UM � SHUTTER 'Afl" 'M3Uj6ul Wn vubnlAGAA ALUNIAVA 8 �AUIIGi Jan 15 03 06:1ea u �J b:P'IL.I\ML 14V I CJ: r=nSLW N wCMWAAn*jr now i(OL " am X 7R: M tl7riMlPv WM Molm ,ts G4 GILYIM� l7Li1 SipRl/ P;: OELIMlIq ( ")La1914U 5015804790 I TFICAL ELEVATION WAA krc 4m coanw 1 y PL.AN VIEW TYPICAL FLn /) Pan�rr+ EGRESS rANCL paaxa r I'NWH:'' mc2¢ CAGE GALK STCEL STORM PANEL o2--OBoeo t & / JK 0 10 ST LUCIE COUNTY ROAD IMPACT FEE CALCULATION FORM DATE: NAME OF FEE PAYER: ADDRESS: PERMIT #: ROAD IMPACT ZONE: SCANNED BY St. Lucie County THE IMPACT FEE CALCULATED HEREIN HAS BEEN DETERMINED BASED ON THE FEE SCHEDULE ADOPTED, EFFECTIVE 10-01-03. IMPACT FEE CALCULATIONS TYPE: (# SQ FT (PER 1000 FEE ROAD: ><:: PUBLIC BLDGS: FIRE E MUL-TI-,FAME#UNITS) X FEE RO SCHOOL�aLIB� - x RARYY/3 (f PUBLIC BLDGS: POLICE: FIRE/EMS:/,//, eserve \ Community Development District St, Lucie County Building Department 2300 Virginia Ave. Ft. Pierce, FL 34982 Reference: Multi -Family Construction To Whom It May Concern: SCANNED BY St. Lucie County Address; MGtLL1G A N CIRCLE Concerning the above referenced project, this letter will serve to notify all interested parties that water & sewer service has been reserved & will be provided upon request by the Builder. Payment for reservation charges, hook-up fees, and any necessarymetering equipment is required at time of service. Sincer o sapo, airman serve D elopment District 2140 N.W, Reserve Park Trace + Port St. Lucie, FL 34986 + Telephone; (772) 468-4604 + (772) 467-157 wvlvlru,Ll�lrl,l. Ll V tNtON '�:� R►oP• R- .>IDEN'I'IAL PLAN RTIEW FORM Job Address Permit # C� ATTACHMENTS. Wind Borne Debris Protection FBC1606.1.4 Sealed Drawings -Name, etc. FBC 104.2 Wind Load Design Lot Survey FBC 104.2 FB_ 104.2 urvey Matches Structural Plans FBC 104.2 Manual "]" Room by Room Cat E COd nergy e Product review or affidavit FBC 1606.2.2.1 FOUNDATION Footing Details FBC 1804.1 Change in Elevations FBC 1804 Area Tabulation FBC 104.2 STRUCTURAL ,pnergy Evaluation FL Energy Code Design wind pressures for openings FBC 1606 / 1707.4 Ater'or Bearing Walls (detail) FBC 1804 lumnPads FBC 1804 Dimensions FBC 104.2 Wall Section -CBS Interior Bearing Walls FBC 104.2 / 2101 FBC 104.2 / 2308 Wall Section -Frame FBC 104.2 / 2308 Frame to Block Details FBC 104.2 / 23095 Bay Window Detail FBC 104.2 / 2308 in ow Seat Detail FBC 104._ / 2308 Gable End Detail Porches - Exterior Ceilings FBC 104.2 CH-16 FBC 104.2 CH 16 F nt Entry Details - Ext. Ceilings Knee Walls FSC l04.2 % 2308 FBC 104.2 / 2308 Butt Glass Detail FBC 104.2 / 2405 Bearing Wall Header FBC 104.2 / 2308.3 Fire Place / Chimney. Detail FBC 104.2 CH 28 17q, indow / Door Buck Details FBC 104.2 / 1606 Tie Beam Change in Heights FBC 104.2 / ACI eam Block -Poured Tie Beam FBC Ch 1,16.21 Lintel Detail FBC Ch 1.16,21 Glass Block Detail. FBC 104.2 /2112 va.<,Y gV1rIiL I Truss Plan FBC Ch-1/ 16 7iuss Connector Chart FBC Ch-l/ 16 Sheathing Sizes & Nailing Detail FBC Ch-23 / APA 9bnventional Framing FBC Ch-23 Electrical Plan u.nd. M.uma,m pm� -Q 0(.II bCdlpppp FBC 104.2 / NEC ectrical Calculations, Riser, etc. FBC 104.2 /NEC AC Duct Plan FBC 104.2/ FMC ake-Model & BTU's being used FL Energy Code Plumbing Riser FPC 104.2 Balance Return Air FMC Ch-6 1N'1'ERIOR Egress Windows FBC 105.4 ront Door Size (36" x 6'8") FBC T-1004 Bath &Bedroom Door FBC T-1004 _�rtioke Detectors FBC / NFPA 72 Attic Access (22"x 36" min.) FBC 2309.E S r & Handrail / Guardrail Detail FBC Ch-1 11007 Dryer Vent Exhaust FMC 501.3 / 509.3 Exhaust Fan Venting FMC 510.3 / 506.1 1st Review Date LO l�/ ( 2nd Review Date / / Final Review _/ Plans Examiner Name _)�1%i )/%(1YY1 / r,l�p Y Signature / SCANNED 4 BY St. Lucie Counp 0 4a7 9 ge( ?0 Ell ZI z� �J ST. LUCIE COUNTY ti BUILDING &ZONING �.L FORT P ER CE. FL AVENUE •'R� FORT PIERCE.-134982-5652 C�i�/\n'n'ED •F�O�1OP.• 561162-0553 -. 'SCANNED St.Lucie•Counf -- - FILLED LANDS AFFIDAVIT i•I, the undersigned, am the owner of the following described property: K(ALLic—,A ( (Tax ID/Regal descriptlon/Address) - - - - ' - -for which I have applied to St. Lucie County for a Final Development Permit. In accepting. 1:_+ .this Final Development Permit, BP Number,-�-7&'�/�o U I acknowledge that as' pwner of the above described property, and in accordance with Section.7.04.01(D), St. --------=-.-laicie County Land Development Code, I shall be responsible. for assuring adequate ' drainage so that the immediate community WILL NOT be adversely affected. I #urther „•;; ,_ a 'hbwledge that in granting this permit for the development of this property, St.'. Lucie _— County is neither obliged nor liable to provide for, or maintain in any form, adequate. off my property which will not adversely affect the immediate community.. Property Owner Name Property Own ignature Date -, .. _STATE -OF FLORIDA, COUNTY OF ACKNOWLEDGED BEFORE IME THIS �/� DAY OF .2�3 "'"' BY-(I�J�S�J) L-i ' V �� WHO IS PERSONALLY KNOWN TO ME WHO HAS PRODUCED .11 AS IDENTIFICATION. SIGMA RE OF NOTARY TYPE OR PRINT NAME OF NOTARY (SEAL) NOTARY PUBLIC TITLE COMMISSION NUMBER - ............ .............NE�MOORE •• �,Pp OD0232858 0 ,a69232007 . '� BoOCaa Bw (SW)432�254� a--26-2000 S . 1 8AM FROM r- i ST. LUCIE COUNTY PUBLIC WORKS BUILDING & ZONING DEPARTMENT BUILDING PERMIT . SUB -CONTRACTOR AGREEMENT St Lucie County Contractor Certification Number. State of Florida Certification Number (If appucaob): SCANNED BY (� St. Lucie County CCCO58246 �LIR QL� t�caPw� GuTC Rs has aigreed to be - _,��.: (Watpirryrindivldudl name) _ •. the R�>�IV, Am,-. sub -contractor for (type of mnsmrc lm trade) - . _ .(nanm, of the pm� contradp for the project located at IKULL -44 C.tkaL-m It is understood that, (street address ar propeny tax ID ►) if there is any change of status regarding our participation "with the above 'nef •ioned project, I will immediately advise the Building and Zoning 17eparti»ent or, St. Lucie I'ounty • by personally filing a Change of Contractor — - -- Tor f (SLCCDV FORM NO. 004-00). .. '�. - •-�-- it // -, business name: address: city,state zip: phone: (oriq� ies nepuired): ERIC LEVINE . Print name Date Reliable Roofinv_ 5 Gutters .Inc 1= Wabagso Dr Ste/5 West Palm Bench. P1 99409 561-h�4�h 1�•i USE ONLY: s�ccevrrnntN::• a�2-oo PERMIT! ISSUE I . II r 06/19/2003 00:51 772-4F;19.9505 KOLTER HOMES - PAGE 02 ", U�..1,ui ... of a0i4a- is rim= OZI uc ST. LUCIE COUNTY PUBLIC WORKS BUILDING & ZONING DEPARTMENT BUILDING PERMIT SUB-CONTRACTORAGREEMENT SCANNED BY St. Lucie County St. Lucie County Contractor tlertlAoadon Number. 03�v3 State of Florida Certification Number (if appacabre): CA CO 4 --------------------------- has agreed to be rrame) the 4.t4C sub-contractorfor Kof-TP-tz ws_ (type of conswedon trade) j�Lbc. " (mme of the prime mntratior) for the project located at t4u4 «AbA cLR'-0 . it is understood that, (street address or property tax ID *) if there is any change of status regarding our participation with the above mentioned Project, I will immediately advise the Building and Zoning Department of St. Lucie County by personally filing a Change of Contractor Form (SLCCDV FORM NO. 004-00). BUSINESS Q04LIFIER (onyirau t4nataras raquuad): NluPA. i 0-&- 9 zs-os sign r Pdnt name pate business name: NISAIR AIR C0 NUITIONING address: city.state,zip: cTt IsttT.FL 34994 phone: )FFICE12SIVONLYC OLCCOV FORM No.: MY PERMrr g Issue OA7E Do- 09/17/2003 04:21 772-462-9505 KOLTER HOMES PAGE 02 R ST. LUCIE COUNTY PUBLIC WORKS BUILDING & ZONING DEPARTMENT It 11�i--�11�3�}C7t�1Y SUB -CONTRACTOR AGREEMENT SCANNED BY p 9 76� : ; St; Lucie County St Lucie County Contractor Certification Number"' State of Florida Certification Number (if applicable): ------------- �Mi�Rt -ct� t�cena8/. i I a has agreed to be (companyrrndividual name) the 1��c�LNi�3(>s6 sub -contractor for (typeaf eonstrur:bon trade) (name of the prime contractor) CSL1>*__ TS'i for the project located at Mut LtC.Ac" CtP-cL.F It is understood that, ' (street address or property tax ID 9) if there is any change of status regarding our participation, with the above mentioned project, I will immediately advise the Building and Zoning Department of St. Lucie County :. by personally filing a Change of Contractor Form (SLCCDV FORM NO.00"0). BUS S)UA signatures required): �tfrRrc �, wtbt�. �-25 -03 signature Print name Date _... business name:@I�1-1rt+unhL31�6 l address: —1-7 5Z 'S vej L61L'-rM0 R Sr aity,state,Zip: ?4::7l7T a;r utcL�L Fzt -64'F8'} Phone: CS 1S 4 )FEICEUSFADNEY- SLCCDV FORM NO.: 00 PEtiMITft ISSUE DATE 5 ST. LUCIE COUNTY DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT BUILDING PERMIT c� l g� SUB -CONTRACTOR AGREEMENT - St. Lucie County Contractor Certification Number: 2_3esg I �aa SCANNED EtY 20894 at, Lucie County State of Florida Certification Number: (if applicable) RF11067182 ANGLER PLUMBING INC. (company/individual name) has agreed to be;. the PLUMBING sub -Contractor for RESERVE HOMES (type of construction work) (name of prime contractor) for the project at 8101-8111 MULLIGAN CIRCLE It is understood that, (street address or property tax ID #) if there is any change of status regarding our participation with the above mentioned project, I will immediately advise the Community Development Department (Growth Management Division) of St. Lucie County by personally filing a Change of. Contractor Form (Slccdv form no 004-00). BUSINESS QUALIFIER (original signature required):- _'g') ��F, Siqnature Raymond J. Waske Jr. 6—//(/a Print Name date business name:, ANGLER PLUMBING INC. address 1698 SE SOUTH NIEMEYER CIRCLE city, state , zip: PORT ST. LUCIE, FLORIDA 34952 phone:. 772-335-5470 OFFICE USE ONLY: SLCCDV FORM NO.002-00 permit# 0 U d4 �5 issue date SCANNED To: St Lucie County Building Dept. BY S$. LUde County From: Robert J. Vail Kolter Signature Homes CBC040810 Re: Permit # Z t�d'j 12,98 -•-P>1ol —Sl�i n�tt�l..Ll�-2�i �.tt��t� -::. ',;�'':..•.. Please be advised the plumbing subcontractor for the � above referenced residence has been changed from � M W: 11 z� to /ASLEF V1W tB UJa Rob rt J. it tlb/ Lbl .4UU j tl0: tltl / /Z-4bb-'j0tl0 KUL H-K HU -mb `054W2001 11t54 'T14664M PAGE ©2 PAGE IV ST. LU'aM COUNTY PUBLIC WORKS BUELDING & ZOMNG.I) E,PAR'TMENr ' •StJ1z.DINC� PERA7Ti' , SUB -CONTRACTOR AGREEbCM i .. f, SC :, i ai Umb County CaMnasor CeAdlobA NumEer etata of FWda CW M=Wn NUMBW Ofmfmbrl: A NNLD St. Lucie County 1 Isa8�5 y K►•m ZLRr. Cat�R$ has spread to Be tWmmmm�aran�awl boon) the E16%=rRlv&t.. tub-contmctorfor a Fla pyAm a aomtnem.n 0f°mI I3r—taG 8 �l (am a w Pm aaromo» far the project located st Mute tc.Ak G'r{eiF B is understood that,:' amnusdsmmmarplmpugmitld) If there Is any change of status regarding our pertiapavon wRh the above mentioned: project, I wili immediately advise the Building and Zoning Depertment of St. Lucie County by personally firing a Change of Contractor Form (SLC= FORM No, 00440). BUSIN988 QUALIFIER tmtvwsbiwwmmwoWedy GSM, Ka�t�l4} 9 Z� -a 3 to Print nouns t=at! btahon name: lwl. F t«,r� CCUT. eddrete: MXX mWirs I I ISSUE DATE M F�OR10P'• St. ucie County Building & Zoning BUILDING PERMIT SUB -CONTRACTOR SUMMARY SCAN t I Si. Luca Co D will be using the following sub -contractors for the linty (Company/Individual Name) project located at Bt-ba gy MWLtGRN (Street address or Property Tax ID #) It is understood that if there is any change of status regarding the participation of any of the sub -contractors listed below, I will immediately advise the Building and Zoning Department of St. Lucie County. Trade Name of Company/Contractor St. Lucie County/ State of Florida License Number Electrical Pi Tubing HVAC/ Mechanical I CoMFcR GoNTRoL gZa� c,4c c52_QS`7`t Roofing OGI Z R�t_1,48L� R�o�l�6 Guns ►�gs� c Gt= o Z9 SS`I Gas 3FFICE USE ONLY: PERMIT ISSUE DATE: NUMBER: .VE 9 � II061I&' 70ANNE HOLMAN; CLERK OF THE CIELT COURT — SAINT LUCIE COUNTY File Number: 2280994 OR BOOK. n31 PAGE 1031 Recorded:10/01/03 15:21 S�NiV�E� NOTICE OF COMMENCEMENT gt �UC13y Permit No. ,> 35 R Tax ID No.33z7_ cacti-�oo_��Qunpy State of Florida County of St. Lucie THE UNDERSIGNED hereby gives notice that -improvement will be jnade to certain real property, and in accordance wi$:Chapter 713, Florida Statutes, the following informa4on is provided -in this Notice of Commencement. Y Description of property and street address, if available L nrrS 8°( ,SS_ 86. 817. 89 Owner Reserve Homes LTD, LP. Address 9200 Reserve Blvd., Port St. Lucie FL 34986 Owner's interest.in site of improvement 100% Fee Simple Title holder (if other that owner) N/A Address Contractor Address 21E Surety Amount of Bond e 772-468-4703 772-468-4603 e Lender N/A Phone Address Persons within the State of Florida designated by Owner upon whom notices or other documents may be served as provided by Section 713.13 (1) (a) 7., Florida Statutes: In addition to himself, owner designates of (Phone Fax ) to receive.a cc.oy'of the Lienor's Notice as provided in Section 713.13 (1) (b), Florida Statutes. Expiration date of notice of commencement is one year from the date of repordingjanless a different date is specified. 0 GNATURE STATE OF FLORIDA, COUNTY OF ST. LU IE Sworn,to and subscribed before me this c11.dayof -' V.,,WN , as bent 01. UJUIL COMTY THIS TO Wi FIFY THAT THIS IS A GTRUE A1LOOli3EC1' COPY OF THE NIGiIYAL. NE LMAN, CLERK BYLL OATENH4Dept C, k �3 FL, 2003 has produced '510ATURE OF NOTARY LYAIrJLr 1TO VXLG q'YPE OR PRINT NAME OF NOTARY ®� Bonaetl 0w (800YM-4254 fw CDDIu.i`(. m M.8 FW&a Note Aasn., lne :.. . M..w.............M.......................� A.M. ENGINEERING AN'- -'ESTING, hs ► 3504.INDUSTRIAL �33a STREET FT. PIERCE, FLORIDA'34946 LOCAL; OFFICE: (772) 461-7908 ; FAX:. (77h JAN 12 .. REPORT OF FOUNDATION PAD. Client: Dickerson of Florida, Inc. Site: Unit 84-89 Castle Pines Pod 20C, The Reserve, St. Lucie County Report Date: 12/9/03 Project No: Report No: 111 Permit No: 230 v6 eg Foundation Pad SCANNED tr BY Density tests and Hand Cone Penetrometer (HCP) readings were made at a minimum optli grioi attiighm the building pad. Density tests were performed in the upper one foot of fill. HCP readings were taken in hand auger boreholes at one foot intervals from slab grade through the depth of fill. The density tests were performed in general compliance with ASTM D 2922. The HCP test, in conjunction with information about the soil type, is empirically correlated to the relative density of subsurface soils. Density Test No. Date Tested Location Elevation (feet) Dry Density (cf) Percent I Compaction In Placel Proctor Ill 12/2/03 SW Corner 0-1 110.9 113.9 97.4 SE Corner 0-1 111.2 113.9 97.6 Center 0-1 111.4 113.9 97.8 NW Comer 0-1 111.3 113.9 97.7 NE Comer 0 - 1 111.8 113.9 98.2 * All elevations are below slab grade. The depth of the fill was approximately two feet. The fill should extend at least five feet beyond the building perimeter. At the time of our testing no information was available regarding the foundation pad setbacks. In the locations and depths that were tested, the fill has been compacted to a minimum of 95 percent of the modified Proctor maximum dry density (ASTM D 1557). Distribution: Client — 1 Kolter Homes — 2 Attn: Shane, Signed & Sealed Submitted by: A. M. ENGINEERING AND TESTING, INC. C�-�� rZ Re ecca Grant Ascoli, P.E`. Florida Registration No. 51863 F:b[M DATAWickerson of Florida, InMavde PinesV ll-Loi 84-89.doc, SL n3o9 Soil Tr ,-ea 0 t SCANNED at, Lucien Cou* Property Treated City YL Lot# S'41 Block Subdivision lhs�/c`P,ncs Technician f1/l Time 136 Product Used % of Concentration # of Gallons Used Sid e One Under Slab lab Abutments Perimeter Treatment Comments: HULE'TT environmental services 1-800-285-7378 • Pest Control • Lawn Spraying • Termite Control TERMITE PROOFED "Pest Control's Finest" TERMITE PRETREATING Environmental DILIGENT Services Notice of Preventative Treatment for Ter (as required by Florida Building Code (FBC) 104.2.6 and Broward County 1-866-PRE-TREAT Project Service Date 4 2 Time Builder. APR L 6 20L State License JB94495 General Contractor Lot Black Section ShellSubcontractor 40 Vff_ar—E Treatment Type M NELa Development Name cllrx 4 A. P 114K Si. Lucie Co Structure Address Floating ❑ Monolithic ❑,.: Patio City 5 LW Cnty I%L Garage ❑ Driveway ❑ Stem Wall ❑ Addition ❑ Cutouts ❑ Treatment/Product Detail Type Treatment: Initial Under slab Retreat ❑ Final ❑ Product: Dursban TC r7V Chlorpyrifos ❑ Dragnet ❑ Demon TC ❑ Other Concentration: % Gallons Applied: `W) Square Footage (am Linear Footage As per 104.2.6 FBC - Used chemical barrier method for termite prevention is used, final exterior treatment shall be completed prior to final building approval. Certificate of Compliance: This building has been treated in accordance with the rules and laws established by the Florida Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services. Further, the treatment complies with the Florida Building Code. If this notice is for th�(eJ�final exterior treatment, initial and date this line. Applicator (print) n ?J�.•' e o e �•• F`p •: 3100 Northwest Boca Raton Boulevard Suite 106 • Boca Raton, FL 33431 •561-394-4111 dll6ree 866-P$ AT 0 FAX 561- 394-3760 -------------- c MAY 18 St. Lucie County �Artie. insulation a MASCO Company BY SCANNED St. Luce County CERTIFICATION OF INSULATION R- INSULATION INSTALLED ON EXTERIOR WALLS R-50 INSULATION INSTALLED IN FLAT CEILING AREA LEGAL: LOT: 85 BLOCK: SUB DIV: CaDRLPrrA - PERMIT#: A3Cq 1498 ADDRESS:. $103 mut1isrt, (2ircl& BUILDER: GALE JOB # n51 09 ATTESTED BY: Ali Date: s I Ir► log 3601-A CROSSROADS PARKWAY F: PIERCE, FL34M FT. PIERCE (772) 465-919.1 • VERO BEACH (772) 589-1514 • STUART (772) 283-3151 • FAX (772) 489-s758 J AUG 1 y. . � r I#� KOLTER St Lucie County pin Works] To Saint lucie County Building Dept. From Jim Mautz Reference Building Permit—23091688 8101-8111 Mulligan cir. To Whom It May Concern: SCANNED BY St. Lucie Couny, Due to circumstances beyond the control of Kolter Signature Homes, We are not able to have all final plumbing connections complete prior to the 30-day power for testing inspection. These connections will however be completed before the final inspection. Kolter Signature Homes will assume any and all liability this condition generates at this time. Thank you for your cooperation in this matter. Kolter Signature Homes manager KOLTER SIGNATURE HOMES, INC 2160 NW Reserve Park Trace Port St. Lucie, Florida USA 34986 T 772.468.4703 F 772.468.4603 REQUEST FOR 30 DAY TEMPORARY IMATe: m PERKrr NUMBER: PROPERTY AooRess: SL Lude coumry Comm. s+uvc,. --- Code Compliance Division 2300 Virginia Avenue Fort Pierce, FL 34982-062 Ph. (581) 462- 2186 Fax 15811482.1735 e�l g SCAgY ED St, Lucie Counri I SIo3 81os8i��,a4 8(ll w-��ll�o`oc-.� �.Lv-. �'SL: THE UNDERSIGNED HEREBY REQUEST RELEASE OF ELECTRICAL POWER TO THE ABOVE DESCRIBED PROPERTY, FOR A PERIOD NOTTO EXCEED THIRTY (30) DAYS, FOR THE PURPOSE OFTESTING SYSTEMS AND EQUIPMENT IN PREPARA- TION FOR FINAL INSPECTION. IN CONSIDERATION. OF APPROVAL OF THIS REQUEST WE HEREBY ACKNOWLEDGE AND AGREE AS FOLLOWS: 1. This temporary power release Is requeated for the above stated purpose only, and there will be no occupancy of any type, other than that permitted by construction during this time period. 2. As witness by our signatures, we hereby agree to abide by all terms and conditions of this agreement, Including Building Division Policy, which is Incorporated herein by reference. 3. All conditions and requirements listed In the attached document entitled "Requirements for 30 Day Pawer for Testing' have been fulfilled and the premises Is ready for compliance Inspection. We hereby release and agree to hold harmless, St Lucie County, and their employees from all liabilities and claims of any type or nature which may arise now or In the future out of this transaction. Including any damages which may he Incurred. due to the disc nnection of electrical power In the event of vlolation of this agreement AUG-23-21KI4 I t' 36 THIS FORM 18 TO BE FILLED OUT aY P ONTROL COMPANY wNa W =w E wL� W L E L FM Certificate of Compliar (This is a partial treatment only and not a.guarantee or PERMrf NUMBER: 13309 1 [pg1 LOCATION OF PROPERTY: 8101 Mull' a>a Cilr, Port Saint Lucie 1±L 34986-pq LEGAL DESCRIPTION: SECTIONCO�� P�.nstSBLOCK: LOT: PEST CDNTROLCOMPANY Timothy M. Hulett ,COMPANY OWNER - PLEASE PRINT SIGNATURE 08/23/04 pg SWENT DATE TITLE SOIL TREATMENT COMPANY INFORMATION Hulett &tvironmental Services SOIL TREATMENT COMPANY NAME 7670 Okeeebobee Blvd ADDRESS JF0001886 SOIL TREATMEN I IDACS LICENSE # All work was done in accordance with the manufacturer's specifications and in accordance with all State and federal laws governing pesticide application. A second treatment was done on [Date] 08/23/04 as per manufacturer's specification. if the,seoon tre t ent is not =gi!ad.�py of the�_rodugt abet shalll 62 jDcluded Wlm this Ce Ificate 23 woks TRFATMENT INFORMATION 01/05/04 SCANNED DATE_ OF TREATMENT BY ChImpyrdos Sflude County CHEMICAL USED .50% CONCENTRATION 896 9-T.1. NS USED Power Spray METHOD OF APPLICATION [nodded, Soil Mixed, ETC.1 8958- LINEAR FOOTAGE OF AREA TREATeD SECOND TREATMENT INFORMATION 08/2-3/04 DATE OF TREATMENT Chlorpyrit'os CHEMICAL USED CONCENTRATION 46 GALLONS U ED Power Spray METHOO OF APPLICATION [RoddW. Soil Mixed, ETC.] 458 LINEAR FOOTAGE OF AREA TREATED please Not®: The City of Port St. Lucie does not guarantee or warranty the preconstruction soil reatment attested to In the above. The purpose of this document is to show that to the best of this )epartment's knowledge, the builder has satisfied the requirements of the Standard Building Code Ind the One and Two Family Dwelling Code for protection against termites This form must be returned to the Building Department before your final inspection Is scheduled TOTAL P.02 S`-_ L U C I E - C O U N T Y 2300 Virginia Avenue SCANNED Ft. Pierce, Florida 34982 BY Growth Management Division PERMIT St, Lucie County Page 9 Permit #: 23091688 Type: MULTI -FAMILY RESIDENTIAL Insp Area Issued: 12/09/03 Master Nbr. 23091688 Job Location: 8101-8111 MULLIGAN CIR / PORT ST LUCIE Jurisdiction: ST LUCIE COUNTY Lot: 84 Blk: Subdiv: Parcel: 3327-801-0000-000/2 Owner's Name: RESERVE HOMES LTD, Flood: X Elev: Project: Job Description: *MULTI -FAMILY BUILDING - 2 STORIES - 6 UNITS (2) 3/2 & (4) 3/2.5 INSPECTIONS - For Requests, Call: (561) 462-1261 REINSPECTION FEES REQUIRED: 2 REINSPECTION FEES PAID: 2 Req Description Pr Date Res Description 996 (ST) FINAL TERMITE 12 08/23/04 81 DISAPPROVED COMMENTS: NO CERTIFICATE ON JOBSITE 996 (ST) FINAL TERMITE 12 08/23/04 90 APPROVED COMMENTS: RECV'D CERTIFICATE IN OUR OFFICE REQ ADDED DUE TO FAILED INSP 11:49:32 700 (FM) FIRE DEPARTME 12 08/24/04 90 COMMENTS: CALLED LINDA 261 (EL) 30 DAY EXPIRE 14 09/20/04 90 ";• APPROVED Insp Date BLDO5 08/23/04 BLD05 08/23/04 23 AUG 2004 FRM12 08/24/04 BLDO5 08/24/04 999 (*) FINAL INSPECTI 14 08/24/04 99 FINAL APPROVAL BLDO5 08/24/04 S ''= _ L U C I E ' C O U N T Y 2300 Virginia Avenue Ft. Pierce, Florida 34982 Growth Management Division PERMIT Permit #: 23091688 Type: MULTI -FAMILY RESIDENTIAL Insp Area Issued: 12/09/03 Master Nbr Job Location: 8101-8111 MULLIGAN CIR / PORT ST LUCIE Jurisdiction: ST LUCIE COUNTY Lot: 84 Blk: Subdiv: Parcel: 3327-801-0000-000/2 Owner's Name: RESERVE HOMES LTD, Flood: X Project: Job Description: *MULTI -FAMILY BUILDING - 2 STORIES - 6 UNITS (2) 3/2 & (4) 3/2.5 Page 8 23091688 Elev: INSPECTIONS - For Requests, Call: (561) 462-1261 REINSPECTION FEES REQUIRED: 2 REINSPECTION FEES PAID: 2 Req Description Pr Date Res Description Insp Date ,:.s' 425 (PL) SEWER CONNECT 0 07/09/04 90 APPROVED BLD39 07/09/04 COMMENTS: UNIT # 8111 REQ ADDED DUE TO A CANCEL,ROLLOVER,OR PARTIAL 14:34:34 425 (PL) SEWER CONNECT 0 07/09/04 91 PARTIAL, APPROVED ,.;BLD39`.'-07/09/04 COMMENTS:,UNIT # 8101 AUTOMATED REQUEST 15:37:11 08 JUL 2004 259 (EL) POWER RELEASE 11 08/16/04 90 APPROVED BLD41 08%1'6/04 260 (EL) 30 DAY FOR TE 11 08/18/04 90 APPROVED BLb28.,0.8/_18./04-..__. - COMMENTS: REC'D LETTER FROM KOLTER THAT ALL PLUMBING CONNECTIONS WILL BE COMPLETED BEFORE FINAL INSPECTION 123 (ST) STAIRS (CONCR 0 08/23/04 90 APPROVED BLD05 08/23/04_. COMMENTS: REQ ADDED DUE TO A CANCEL,ROLLOVER,OR PARTIAL 15:19:39 167 (ST) ROOF FINAL 12 08/23/04 90 APPROVED 172 (ST) HURRICANE PAN 180 (ST) BUILDING FINA 280 (EL) ELECTRIC FINA 380 (ME) MECHANICAL FI 480 (PL) PLUMBING FINA 800 (ZC) ADDRESS FINAL 808 (ZC) LANDSCAPING/T 12 08/23/04 90 12 08/23/04 90 12 08/23/04 90 12 08/23/04 90 12 08/23/04 90 12 08/23/04 90 12 08/23/04 90 APPROVED APPROVED APPROVED APPROVED APPROVED APPROVED APPROVED BLDO5 08/23/04 BLDO5 08/23/04 BLD05 08/23/04 BLD05 08/23/04 BLDO5 08/23/04 BLDO5 08/23/04 BLD05 08/23/04 BLDO5 08/23/04 S L U C 1 E •C O U N T Y 2300 Virginia Avenue Ft. Pierce, Florida 34982 Growth Management Division PERMIT Permit #: 23091688 Type: MULTI -FAMILY RESIDENTIAL Insp Area Issued: 12/09/03 Master Nbr Job Location: 8101-8111 MULLIGAN CIR / PORT ST LUCIE Jurisdiction: ST LUCIE COUNTY Lot: 84 Elk: Subdiv: Parcel,: 3327-801-0000-000/2 Owner's Name: RESERVE HOMES LTD, Flood: X Project: Job Description: *MULTI -FAMILY BUILDING - 2 STORIES-'6'UNITS , (2) 3/2 & (4) 3/2.5 Page 7 23091688 Elev-. INSPECTIONS - For Requests, Call: (561) 462-1261 REINSPECTION FEES REQUIRED: 2 REINSPECTION FEES PAID: 2 Req Description Pr Date Res Description Insp Date 423 (PL) PLUMBING TOP 9 05/07/04 91 PARTIAL,APPROVED - �-ELD39 05/07/04 COMMENTS: UNIT # 8103 REQ ADDED DUE TO A CANCEL,ROLLOVER,OR PARTIAL 14:16:08 423 (PL) PLUMBING TOP 9 05/07/04 91 PARTIAL,APPROVED ELD39 05/07/04 COMMENTS: UNIT # 8101 AUTOMATED REQUEST 16:39:27 06 MAY 2004 238 (EL) ELECTRIC ROUG 9 05/11/04 90 APPROVED BLD18 05/11/04 COMMENTS: AUTOMATED REQUEST 16:04:37 10 MAY 2004 141 (ST) INSULATION 10 05/12/04 91 PARTIAL,APPROVED BLD18 05/12/04 COMMENTS: END UNIT REQ ADDED DUE TO A CANCEL,ROLLOVER,OR PARTIAL 11:40:18 141 (ST) INSULATION 10 05/12/04 91 PARTIAL,APPROVED BLD18 05/12/04 COMMENTS: END UNIT DAVE REQUEST PARTIAL 141 (ST) INSULATION 10 05/13/04 75 CANC.INSP.PERMITEE BLD35 05/13/04 COMMENTS: dave 201-9776 AUTOMATED REQUEST 14:52:08 12 MAY 2004 141 (ST) INSULATION 10 05/14/04 82 DISAPVD/REINSP FEE R BLD18 05/14/04 COMMENTS: NOT READY AUTOMATED REQUEST 16:13:27 13 MAY 2004 141 (ST) INSULATION 10 05/18/04 90 APPROVED BLDO5 05/18/04 COMMENTS: AUTOMATED REQUEST 15:37:39 17 MAY 2004 153 (ST) INSUL CERT 10 05/18/04 90 APPROVED BLD35 05/18/04 COMMENTS: UNIT 8103 S L U C I E � C O U N T Y 2300 Virginia Avenue Ft. Pierce, Florida 34982 Growth Management Division PERMIT Page 6 Permit #: 23091688 Type: MULTI -FAMILY RESIDENTIAL Insp Area Issued: 12/09/03 Master Nbr. 23091688 Job Location: 8101-8111 MULLIGAN CIR / PORT ST LUCIE Jurisdiction: ST LUCIE COUNTY Lot: 84 Blk: Subdiv: Parcel: 3327-801-0000-000/2 'Owner's Name: RESERVE HOMES LTD, Flood: X Elev: Project: Job Description: *MULTI -FAMILY BUILDING - 2 STORIES - 6 UNITS (2) 3/2 & (4) 3/2.5 INSPECTIONS - For Requests, Call: (561) 462-1261 REINSPECTION FEES REQUIRED: 2 REINSPECTION FEES PAID: 2 Req'Description Pr Date Res Description Insp Date ,140 (ST) CONR/FRAMING 9 05/07/04 90 APPROVED "BLD18-0*5/07/04 COMMENTS: AUTOMATED REQUEST 16:38:41 06 MAY 2004 148 (ST) DO/WIN ATTACH 9 05/07/04 90 APPROVED BLD18 05/07/04 179 (ST) FIREWALL 9 05/07/04 90 APPROVED BLD18•,05,/07/04 238 (EL) ELECTRIC ROUG 9 05/07/04 82 DISAPVD/REINSP FEE R BLD28,05/07/04 COMMENTS: LOW VOLTAGE PANELS MISSING IN 86,87,88 & 89 ELECTRIC CANNOT BE FINISHED UNTIL PANELS INSTALLED UNIT 85 & 89 LOW VOLTAGE PANELS ARE INSTALLED BUT ELEC. ROUGH NOT FINISHED AUTOMATED REQUEST 16:38:57 06 MAY 2004 351 (ME) MECHANICAL RO 9 05/07/04 90 APPROVED BLD28 05/07/04 COMMENTS: AUTOMATED REQUEST 16:39:12 06 MAY 2004 423 (PL) PLUMBING TOP 9 05/07/04 90 APPROVED BLD39 05/07/04 COMMENTS: UNIT # 8111 REQ ADDED DUE TO A CANCEL,ROLLOVER,OR PARTIAL 14:17:31 423 (PL)"PLUMBING TOP 9 .05/07/04 91 PARTIAL,APPROVED BLD39 05/07/04 COMMENTS: UNIT # 8109 REQ ADDED DUE TO A CANCEL;ROLLOVER,OR PARTIAL 14:17:07 423 (PL)''PLUMBING TOP 9 05/07/04 91 PARTIAL,APPROVED BLD39 05/07/04 COMMENTS: UNIT # 8107 REQ ADDED DUE TO A CANCEL,ROLLOVER,OR PARTIAL 14:16:45 423 (PL) PLUMBING TOP 9 05/07/04 91 PARTIAL,APPROVED BLD39 05/07/04 COMMENTS: UNIT # 8105 REQ ADDED DUE TO A CANCEL,ROLLOVER,OR PARTIAL 14:16:29 S' LUCIE -COUNTY 2300 Virginia Avenue Ft. Pierce, Florida 34982 Growth Management Division PERMIT Page 5 Permit #: 23091688 Type: MULTI -FAMILY RESIDENTIAL Insp Area Issued: 12/09/03 Master Nbr. 23091688 Job Location: 8101-8111 MULLIGAN CIR / PORT ST LUCIE Jurisdiction: ST LUCIE COUNTY Lot: 84 Blk: Subdiv: Parcel: 3327-801-0000-000/2 Owner's Name: RESERVE HOMES LTD, Flood: X Elev: Project: Job Description: *MULTI -FAMILY BUILDING - 2 STORIES -6 UNITS;,• (2) 3/2 & (4) 3/2.5 INSPECTIONS - For Requests, Call: (561) 462-12b1:�- REINSPECTION FEES REQUIRED: 2 REINSPECTION FEES PAID:.,. 2 iZeq Description Pr Date Res Description -Insp--•.Date 137„(ST)..STRAPPING 8 04/13/04 91 PARTIAL, APPROVED `- ;, BLp2,7-b4/13•/04;.; .COMMENTS: REQ ADDED DUE TO A CANCEL,ROLLOVER,OR PARTIAL '16':,35:34 137 (ST)'STRAPPING 8 04/13/04 91 PARTIAL,APPROVED BLD27 04/13/04 COMMENTS: REQ ADDED DUE TO A CANCEL,ROLLOVER,OR PARTIAL 16:35:14 137 (ST) STRAPPING 8 04/13/04 91 PARTIAL,APPROVED BLD27 04/13/04 COMMENTS: AUTOMATED REQUEST 13:53:29 12 APR 2004 145 (*)- TRUSS DRWG 8 04/13/04 90 APPROVED 13LD27 04/13/04, COMMENTS: REQ ADDED DUE TO A CANCEL,ROLLOVER,OR PARTIAL 16:39:29 145 (*). TRUSS DRWG 8 04/13/04 91 PARTIAL,APPROVED BLD27 04/13/04 COMMENTS: REQ ADDED DUE TO A CANCEL,ROLLOVER,OR PARTIAL 16:39:16 145 (*) TRUSS DRWG 8 04/13/04 91 PARTIAL,APPROVED BLD27 04/13/04 COMMENTS: REQ ADDED DUE TO A CANCEL,ROLLOVER,OR PARTIAL 16:38:48 145 (*) TRUSS DRWG 8 04/13/04 91 PARTIAL,APPROVED BLD27 04/13/04 COMMENTS: REQ ADDED DUE TO A CANCEL,ROLLOVER,OR PARTIAL 16:38:29 145 (*) TRUSS DRWG 8 04/13/04 91 PARTIAL,APPROVED BLD27 04/13/04 COMMENTS: REQ ADDED DUE TO A CANCEL,ROLLOVER,OR PARTIAL 16:36:19 145 (*).TRUSS DRWG 8 04/13/04 91 PARTIAL,APPROVED BLD27 04/13/04 COMMENTS: AUTOMATED REQUEST 13:53:53 12 APR 2004 136-(ST),:DRY-IN/FLASHI 9 04/23/04 90 APPROVED BLD18 04/23/04 COMMENTS: AUTOMATED REQUEST 16:14:42 22 APR 2004 115 (ST) SLAB 1 04/26/04 90 APPROVED BLD18 04/26/04 121 (ST) TERMITE SPRAY 1 04/26/04 90 APPROVED BLD18 04/26/04 COMMENTS: RECV'D CERTIFICATE IN OUR OFFICE S L U C I E -C O U N T Y 2300 Virginia Avenue Ft. Pierce, Florida 34982 Growth Management Division PERMIT Page 4 Permit #: 23091688 Type: MULTI -FAMILY RESIDENTIAL Insp Area Issued: 12/09/03 Master Nbr. 23091688 Job,Location: 8101-8111 MULLIGAN CIR / PORT ST LUCIE Jurisdiction: ST LUCIE COUNTY Lot: 84 Blk: Subdiv: Parcel: 3327-801-0000-000/2 Owner's Name: RESERVE HOMES LTD, Floodo-�'X. Elev: -Project: ...Job Description: *MULTI -FAMILY BUILDING - 2 STORIES - 6 UNITS (2) 3/2 & (4) 3/2.5 INSPECTIONS - For Requests, Call: (561) 462-1261 REINSPECTION FEES REQUIRED: 2 REINSPECTION FEES -PAID: 2 ' R'eq' Description Pr Date Res Description ^ i,Insp;,,Date 1 33 (ST) WIN/DOOR BUCK 8 04/13/04 91 PARTIAL,APPROVED BLD27 04/13/04 COMMENTS: .REQ ADDED DUE TO A CANCEL,ROLLOVER,OR PARTIAL 16i'32:40 133 (ST) WIN/DOOR BUCK 8 04/13/04 91 PARTIAL,APPROVED BLD27 04/13/04 COMMENTS: REQ ADDED DUE TO A CANCEL,ROLLOVER,OR PARTIAL 16c32-:33. 133 (ST) WIN/DOOR BUCK 8 04/13/04 91 PARTIAL,APPROVED BLD27 04/13/04 COMMENTS: AUTOMATED REQUEST 13:53:09 12 APR 2004 135 (ST) WALL SHEATHIN 8 04/13/04 91 PARTIAL,APPROVED BLD27 04/13/04 COMMENTS: REQ ADDED DUE TO A CANCEL,ROLLOVER,OR PARTIAL 16':33_:30 135 (ST) WALL SHEATHIN 8 04/13/04 91 PARTIAL,APPROVED BLD27 04/13/04 135 (ST) WALL SHEATHIN 8 04/13/04 91 PARTIAL,APPROVED BLD27 04/13/04 135 (ST) WALL SHEATHIN 8 04/13/04 91 PARTIAL,APPROVED BLD27 04/13/04 COMMENTS: REQ ADDED DUE TO A CANCEL,ROLLOVER,OR PARTIAL 16:41:19 135 (ST) WALL SHEATHIN 8 04/13/04 91 PARTIAL,APPROVED BLD27 04/13/04 COMMENTS: REQ ADDED DUE TO A CANCEL,ROLLOVER,OR PARTIAL 16:41:42 135 (ST) WALL SHEATHIN 8 04/13/04 90 APPROVED BLD27 04/13/04 COMMENTS: REQ ADDED DUE TO A CANCEL,ROLLOVER,OR PARTIAL 16:41:49 137 (ST) STRAPPING 8 04/13/04 90 APPROVED BLD27 04/13/04 COMMENTS: REQ ADDED DUE TO A CANCEL,ROLLOVER,OR PARTIAL 16:35:53 137 (ST) STRAPPING 8 04/13/04 91 PARTIAL,APPROVED BLD27 04/13/04 COMMENTS: REQ ADDED DUE TO A CANCEL,ROLLOVER,OR PARTIAL 16:35:43 137 (ST) STRAPPING 8 04/13/04 91 PARTIAL,APPROVED BLD27 04/13/04 COMMENTS: REQ ADDED DUE TO A CANCEL,ROLLOVER,OR PARTIAL 16:35:39 S "_ LUCLE •C O U N T Y 2300 Virginia Avenue Ft. Pierce, Florida 34982 Growth Management Division PERMIT Page 3 Permit #: 23091688 Type: MULTI -FAMILY RESIDENTIAL Insp Area Issued: 12/09/03 Master Nbr. 23091688 Job Location: 8101-8111 MULLIGAN CIR / PORT ST LUCIE Jurisdiction: ST LUCIE COUNTY Lot: 84 Blk: Subdiv: Parcel: 3327-801-0000-000/2 Owners Name: RESERVE HOMES LTD, Flood: X -`' Elev: Project: Job Description: *MULTI -FAMILY BUILDING - 2 STORIES. '-'_ ¢, ;,UNITS .. '_, _ (2) 3/2 & (4) 3/2.5 INSPECTIONS - For Requests, Call: (561) 462-1261,;.!-:,r REINSPECTI'ON FEES REQUIRED: 2 REINSPECTION FEES'PAD' ,;2.,, Req Description Pr Date Res Description 115 (ST)., SLAB 3 01/14/04 90 APPROVED ,BLD43-01/,114/Q4 COMMENTS: AUTOMATED REQUEST 16:51:34 13 JAN 2004 123 (ST) STAIRS (CONCR 0 02/18/04 91 PARTIAL,APPROVED BLD43 02/18/04.. COMMENTS: 1ST LIFTS "' AUTOMATED REQUEST 15:45:41 17 FEB 2004 125 '('ST) TIE -BEAM 4 02/18/04 91 PARTIAL,APPROVED, BLD43 02/18/04' COMMENTS: 1ST LIFTS AUTOMATED REQUEST 15:45:55 17 FEB 2004 118 (ST) COLUMN 4 03/10/04 91 PARTIAL,APPROVED BLD05 03/10/04 COMMENTS: AUTOMATED RESULT 09:23:27 10 MAR 2004 125 (ST) TIE -BEAM 4 03/10/04 91 PARTIAL,APPROVED BLD05 03/10/04 COMMENTS: AUTOMATED RESULT 09:22:43 10 MAR 2004 118 (ST) COLUMN 4 03/17/04 90 APPROVED BLD43 03,/17/04' COMMENTS: REQ ADDED DUE TO A CANCEL,ROLLOVER,OR PARTIAL 09:23:27 125 (ST) TIE -BEAM 4 03/17/04 90 APPROVED BLD43 03/17/04 COMMENTS: AUTOMATED REQUEST 15:43:49 16 MAR 2004 134 (ST) ROOF SHEATHIN 7 03/26/04 91 PARTIAL,APPROVED BLD18 03/26/04 COMMENTS: TWO END WALL UNITS ONLY KRIS 489-5664 134 .(ST) ROOF SHEATHIN 7 04/06/04 90 APPROVED BLD27 04/06/04 COMMENTS: AUTOMATED REQUEST 12:21:07 05 APR 2004 133 (ST) WIN/DOOR BUCK 8 04/13/04 90 APPROVED BLD27 04/13/04 COMMENTS: REQ ADDED DUE TO A CANCEL,ROLLOVER,OR PARTIAL 16:32:51 S,. L U C I E 'C O U N T Y 2300 Virginia Avenue Ft. Pierce, Florida 34982 Growth Management Division PERMIT Page 2 Permit #: 23091688 Type: MULTI -FAMILY RESIDENTIAL Insp Area Issued: 12/09/03 Master Nbr. 23091688 . Job.Location: 8101-8111 MULLIGAN CIR / PORT ST LUCIE Jurisdiction: ST LUCIE COUNTY Lot: 84 'Blk: Subdiv: ;P.ar661:. 3327-801=0000-000/2 ' •Owher'•s Name:, RESERVE HOMES LTD, Flood: X Elev: Project: -Job-Description: *MULTI -FAMILY BUILDING - 2 STORIES - 6,UNITS (2) 3/2 & (4) 3/2.5 7- INSPECTIONS - For Requests, Call: (561) 4.62-1261',` REI•NSPEOTION FEES REQUIRED: 2 REINSPECTION FEES -PAID;: .,2,., Req Description Pr Date Res Description Insp:.Date.. 420 (PL) PLUMBING ROUG 1 12/29/03 91 PARTIAL,APPROVED BLD39'12/29/03 COMMENTS: UNIT # 8101 AUTOMATED REQUEST 11:47:36 26 DEC 2003 420 (PL) PLUMBING ROUG 1 12/29/03 91 PARTIAL,APPROVED BLD39 12/29/03 COMMENTS: UNIT # 8103 REQ ADDED DUE TO A CANCEL,ROLLOVER,OR PARTIAL 14:26:25"' 420 (PL) PLUMBING ROUG 1 12/29/03 91 PARTIAL,APPROVED BLD39 12/29/03 COMMENTS: UNIT # 8105 REQ ADDED DUE TO A CANCEL,ROLLOVER,OR PARTIAL 14:26:43 420 (PL) PLUMBING ROUG 1 12/29/03 91 PARTIAL,APPROVED BLD39 12/29/03 COMMENTS: UNIT # 8107 REQ ADDED DUE TO A CANCEL,ROLLOVER,OR PARTIAL 14:26:57 420 (PL) PLUMBING ROUG 1 12/29/03 91 PARTIAL,APPROVED BLD39 12/29/03 COMMENTS: UNIT # 8109 REQ ADDED DUE TO A CANCEL,ROLLOVER,OR PARTIAL 14:27:12 42.0 (PL) PLUMBING ROUG 1 12/29/03 90 APPROVED BLD39 12/29/03 'COMMENTS: UNIT # 8111 REQ ADDED DUE TO A CANCEL,ROLLOVER,OR PARTIAL 14:27:24 104 (ST) COMPACTION TE 2 01/12/04 90 APPROVED BLD41 01/12/04 103 (EL) EUFFER GROUND 3 01/13/04 90 APPROVED BLD43 01/13/04 115 (ST) SLAB 3 01/13/04 81 DISAPPROVED BLD43 01/13/04 COMMENTS: MISSING DOWEL WHERE HIGHLIGHTED ON SHEET A-1 121 (ST) TERMITE SPRAY 3 01/13/04 90 APPROVED BLD43 01/13/04 COMMENTS: RECV'D CERTIFICATE IN OUR OFFICE S '_ - L U C I. E •C O U N T Y 2300 Virginia Avenue Ft. Pierce, Florida 34982 Growth Management Division PERMIT Page 1 Permit #: 23091688 Type: MULTI -FAMILY RESIDENTIAL Insp Area Issued: 12/09/03 Master Nbr. 23091688 Job Location:.8101-8111 MULLIGAN CIR / PORT ST LUCIE Jurisdiction: ST.LUCIE COUNTY Lot :-„84 Blk Subdiv: Parcel.: 3327-801-0000-000/2 Owner's Name: RESERVE HOMES LTD, Flood: X' - Elev: Project: id _Job Description-: *MULTI -FAMILY BUILDING - 2 STORIES;:: 6-UNITS - (2) 3/2 & (4) 3/2.5 Applicant Name:,ROBERT JOSEPH VAIL Type-:- CONTRACTOR Contact Phone: (561) 468-4703 Double Fee: N .Contractor Name: VAIL, ROBERT JOSEPH Cert Nbr:: 17686 Business'Name: KOLTER SIGNATURE HOMES INC Setbacks Left: Right: Front: .93 Rear: 1.00 Fire Marsh Nbr: Stub Out: T-Pole: Utility COs: CENTRAL Addl Information: DUPLICATE INSPECTIONS FOR FLOORS 1 & 2. WH SUB -PERMITS PERMIT # STATUS PT CERT # DBA JOB DESCRIPTION 23091688 FINL MF 17686 KOLTER SIGNATURE HOMES IN *MULTI -FAMILY BUILDI s 23091689 FINL EP 16865 CAREY & KNUTH ELECTRICAL ELECTRIC FOR MULTI F 2309I69,0" VOID PP 19769 AMERI-TECH PLUMBING INC PLUMBING FOR MULTI F z 23.0-9169.1 FINL ME 8288 COMFORT CONTROL OF ST LUC MECHANICAL/HVAC FOR 23091692. FINL RP 16856 RELIABLE ROOFING & GUTTER ROOF FOR MULTI FAMIL 2408042.5 FINL PP 20894 ANGLER PLUMBING INC PLUMBING SUB, REPL. INSPECTIONS - For Requests, Call: (561) 462-1261 REINSPECTION FEES REQUIRED: 2 REINSPECTION FEES PAID: 2 R'eq Description Pr Date Res Description Insp Date 105 (ST) FORM BOARD SU 1 12/18/03 90 APPROVED GTM33 12/18/03 COMMENTS: DIDI 420 (PL) PLUMBING ROUG 1 12/23/03 81 DISAPPROVED BLD39 12/23/03 COMMENTS: SLEEVING ON SANITARY THRU OR BELOW FOOTERS MISSING.. 1st UNIT RIGHT SIDE OF BLDG. SLEEVING ON COPPER (BLUE) NEEDS TO BE RE -DONE 2nd UNIT FROM RIGHT WATER TEST LOW MUST HAVE LEAK ON PVC. AUTOMATED REQUEST 17:48:47 22 DEC 2003 427 (PL) TEMP.TOILET 1 12/23/03 90 APPROVED BLD39 12/23/03 }r LUC,IE^ COUNT 2300 Virginia Avenue Ft. Pierce, Florida 34982 Growth Management Division This is a Final Certificate of Occupancy This Certificate is issued pursuant to the requirements of the Standard Building Code certifying that at the time of issuance this structure was in with the various ordinances of St. Lucie County regulating building construction or use. For the following:._ Certificate of Occupancy No. 23091688-001 Building Permit No. 23'091688 ---------------- ___________----------- Lot: '84 , Block: Parcel/Folio Nbr: 3327-80i'-0,0,6,0,,-000/2 Subdivision: '... :. ,,' •:.: 9 . Occupancy:LR2 MULTI -FAMILY Maximum Nbr of Persons: Maximum Floor Load: , Building Address: 8101-8111 MULLIGAN CIR Legal Description: 27 36 39 ALL THAT PART LYG ELY Permit Job Description: *MULTI -FAMILY BUILDING - 2 STORIES - 6 UNITS - (2) 3/2 & (4) 3/2.5 Contractor:. VAIL, ROBERT JOSEPH C.O. Description: MULTI -FAMILY RESIDENCE 2 STORY / 6 UNITS Permit Finale'd: August 24, 2004 Conditions Owner of Building: RESERVE HOMES LTD, 1601 FORUM PL STE 805 DENNIS M GRIiVI, Cs0 W PALM BEACH FL 33401 BUILDING OFFICIAL 24 AUG 2004 Building Official NOTE: DATE PRINTED This Certificate of Occupancy is issued to the above named, for building at the above named location only upon the express provision that the applicant will abide by and comply with all the conditions of the Zoning Ordinances and all Ordinances or Building Codes of St. Lucie County pertaining to the erection, construction or remodeling of buildings or structures. This also certifies that the electrical wiring and or equipment, and the plumbing work have been inspected and approved. The issuance of this Certificate grants permission to occupy and use the property described herein only for the use indicated. Any change in use will require a new Certificate of Occupancy. POST IN A CONSPICUOUS PLACE 09/17/2003 00:11 7722837229 NISAIR AIR CONDITION PAGE 09 FORM 60OA-2001 Code ,Compliance Checklist SCANNED BY Residential Whole Building Perfofmance Method A -%�tgffCounty I ADDRESS;, PORT ST. LUCIE, FI,, CA-21 INFILTRATION REDUCTION COMPLIANCE PERMIT P. COMPONWS.CHECK —. Mat6luni3"cf Is.ft. ",davmee;;6chn/sg.Rdoorarea. Caulk at seal behveen wlndmtrNdoora $ (faftes, 4lr BDoms 8U6.1;A13C.1.1 Exterior 8 Adjacent Walla -606.1 ABC,1.2.1 gasket, P,., euRounding wmA; _ . fpurrdatros 9 Nall sole or Wdp1aM: Jeir114 between extarf0� well peels d canners; dAty . penebatlons; fselvneen wall pane§ & topb mm plate's; between walls end floor. EXCEPTION: From Malls whare a coritmurns infittialfon bander is lrmtalled tW m tends ._... �. frm , A�W la oealend to roll fna n dedah to the topprate. Flom 606.1.ABCA 2.2 Pe�etraWre/opettmga }tl8' Sealed unless backed byfiuss ar joint members. EXCEPTION; Frame fbOrsvrltera a eorrtiniious Infibaton banter Is Installed tt�t Is seaiad m1M 'a Ceidrgs .. t08.1.ABC.1211 BMe�eerf walb cellitrgs, petahatiarts of ceiiing plaria of lap near; arwrtd eNafta, obsess, WWI Chinmeys cabinets sealed to condnuous alr imel6r; gaps in gyp board & top'Plate- altlo access. PJCCEPTION Frame ceiling4 H11e1e a 6O ivi uara InfiltieUm barrier Is li>sladed Msaaled the a<" endsgmro..�--. -... _ .. _. Type IC rated wpll Ira penebaomro sealed; or Typa IC a nmflC rated ;fr A¢d Indde a Raa+ssed LJghdng FixWres 808.1 ABC.124 aemed !»x Widl 1/2- cieeieiice $ i tin risuradon• or Type IC ra .. 20o .c. rt from AU barter.o ` tinxter of�llooLcavfty,b®tuuamt nods.'„,.. E>dmust fans 7eMed [o outdoors, dampem: comMrbdon'gmce tjeatera cmepry with NFPA, mutti-stary Houses _IpDq I ABC 1.25 608.1 ABC.1 3 Add clonal IMfRredon regls Have w buspdn av - :'.: •: _ IAA-27 OTHER -.PRESCRIPT MEASURES,. muse be' met dr exceeded b •-alUresldences. ' ... COMPONENI8 - S .REt11AREMENTS ' rti CHECK Water Healers eml comply wdh"rfficiency requiremems in Tat a &12 Switch or clearlymerited churl m -._ )m�tbe provided., ExterrW er built 6wlmming Paola $ Spae 812"1 .Spas 8 ballad poem moat fieve coves (eseepl solar heated) Nan-cnitinxd21 Pools must have d pump Omer. Gas spa $ Pool Heaters must have a minimum themtal' Shower heads 612.7 ., Water flow eat Efd p m*kted to no more than 2.6 cedorts cer mintp 80 P31G. Air Distribution Systems 610.1- All duds, filflngs; n4clu.nIcal equipmant and plenum chambers shall be mechanically attached, sealed, InsuMM, and installed in acconlanca wdh Ere gtfleta of Section 610. Duds In u"ncondA ;eii" Nos: R-6 min. Irrstrlaflolt. HVAC Canhols 807,1 _ Siiijgmte 6pacilly abasar marmal or aybomatlo themroetat roreach system. Insulation $04.1, 602.1 Cellhrga-Min, R49. Common wails -Frame R-11 or CBS R3 both sides. Coma mi caling & f ems R-11. EneWGmpm DCA Form 600A-2001 ErrergyG UQe9/FIeRES'2001 FLRCSS V3.30 09/17/2003 00:11 7722837229 NISAIR AIR CONDITION PAGE 08 FORM 60OA-2001 WATER HEATING & CODE COMPLIANCE STATUS Residential Whole Building Performance Method A - Details I ADDRESS:. PORT ST. LUCK, FL, PERMIT M F-00Ti EASE AS -BUILT St, Lucie Coun WATER HEATING Number of . X Multiplier = Total Tank EF Number of X Tank X Multiplier X Credit = Total Bedrooms Volume Bedrooms Ratio Multiplier 3 2564,00 769ZO 40.0 0.94 3 1.00 2400.34 1.60 7201.0 As8w7t7otel: 7201A CODE COMPLIANCE STATUS BASE AS -BUILT Cooling + Heating + Hot Water = Total , Points Points Points Polots Cooling + Heating + Hot Water = Total Points Points Points Points 12252 3300 76k 23244 8814 6402 72o1 21528 PASS EneVG2U20- OCA Farm 600AM01 ErwgyGauV-WlaRE52001 FLRCSB J3.30 09/17/2003 00:11 7722937229 NISAIR AIR CONDITION PAGE 07 FORM 60OA-2001 WINTER CALCULATIONS Residential Whole Building Performance Method A - Details I ADDRESS:, PORT ST. LUCIE, FL, PERMIT#: 0f%AK wICn I hU'I BASE __ AS -BUILT .. _ ule o IiTV Winter Rase Points: , --5259.4 Winter As -Built Points: 10415.9 Total Winter X,Systern = Heating Total X Cap X Duct X System X Credit = Heating Points Multiplier Points Component Ratio - Multiplier Multiplier Multiplier Points (DM x DSM x AHU) 10416.9 1.000 (1.0e8x1.160x0.e2) OA65. 1.000 SQ2.4 5259.4 0.6274 3299.8 1 10415,9 1.00 1.140 0.455 1.000. 5402.4 EnMGOW-DCA Form S00A-2001 EneWGQprW0REVM01 FLRCS014.30 09/17/2003 00:11 7722837229 NISAIR AIR CONDITION PAGE 06 FORM 60OA-2001 SCANNED WINTER CALCULATIONS BY St. Lucie County Residential Whole Building Performance Method A - Details ADDRESS:, PORT ST. LUCIE, Ff., PERMIT #: BASE AS -BUILT 'GLASS TYPES AS X Conditioned X BWPM = Points Overhang Floor Area Type/SC Omt Len Hgt Area X WPM X WOF = Point .18 1630.0 620 1613.9 Shvie, Tint W 1.0 1.0 27.0 13.60 ., ..1.08 404.1 Single, Tint W 1.0 10.0 45.0 13.80 1.00 e20.4 Singie, Thit W 1.0 7.5 no 13.60 1.00 344.9 Single, Tint N .1.0 25 275 15.38 0.99 344.3 Single, Tint N 1.0 1.0 6.0 16.38 0.99 91.3 9Uigla.lint S 10.0 1.0 20.0 10.88 229 498.E $tngle, Tint a 8.0 1.0 88.0 10.08 229 16952 As Buil[Totel: .._. .., „. 2136r. - 3818.8 WALL TYPES Area X BWPM = Points Type R-Value Area X WPM = Points Adjacent, 817.9 1.60 1110E Oorrim IntinsiA,EMetlor 42 11a4.0 3.7,E 38BB.6 Extedm 1134.0 200 22090• Concrete, Int liw. Adjacent 42 347.0 . 2.60 714.8 Frame, Wdod, Adjacent 11.0 270.01.80 486.0 Sm Total: 1751.0 3378.E Ap Bui(t Total: ' 1781 a 4897.7 DOOR TYPES Area X BWPM = Points Type Area X WPM = Points Adjacent 010 0.00 0.0 EaterldrWood 17.0 7.60 1292 Eatchr 17.0 5.10 86.7 Base Total: 17.0 66,7 A0.0ult Total:. . _ _ . 17.0 1Q93 CEILING TYPESArea X SWPM = Points Type R Value Area X WPM X WCM = Points Under Attle 1630.0 0.64 979.2 Under Attic 19.0 1630.0 0.87X 1.00 1331.1 Base Total: 4630.0 976.2 AS -Built Total: 1930.0 1331.1 FLOOR TYPES Area X BWPM = Points Type R-Value Area X WPM = Points Slab 195.0(p) -1.9 370.5 Slab-On4rade Edge Insulation 0.0 195.0(p 250 467.6 Raised 0.0 0.00 0.0 Base Total: 470.E A9.601 Total: 105.0 487.E INFILTRATION Area X BWPM = Points Area X WPM = Points 163010 .025 -428.4 1630.0 .�0.28 -428,4 ErAW(2auge0100A Form 600A-2001 Ener9YG,4g9e61F13RES'2001 FLRCSB V3.30 09/17/2003 00:11 7722837229 NISAIR AIR CONDITION PAGE 05 FORM 60OA-2001 SCANNED SUMMER CALCULATIONS t.L p i Bynfy Residential Whole Building Performance Method - °C�etaiis ADDRESS;, PORT ST. LUCIE, FL, PERMIT #: BASE AS -BUILT Summer Base Points: 28720.1 Summer As -Built Points: 28121.9 Total Summer X System Cooling Total X Cap X Dud X System X Credit = Cooling Points Multiplier Points Component 'Ratio Multiplier Multiplier Multiplier Points` (UMxoSMxAHU) 28121,9 1.000 QM4 1.000 8924.4 28720.1 0.4266 12252.0 1 28121.9 1.00 1.117 0.284 1.0010 8924.4 Enelg GQU9ew DCA Form BMA-2MI FwgyGaugeVFbRFs=1 FI.RCSO 13.30 09/17/2003 00:11 7722837229 NISAIR AIR CONDITION PAGE 04 FORM 60OA-2001 SCANNED SUMMER CALCULATIONS,,,, By Residential Whole Building Performance Methoc=��)ei90Y I ADDRESS:, PORT ST. LUCIE, FL, PERMIT #: BASE AS-BUIhT GLASS TYPES .18 X Conditioned X BSPM' = Points Overhang Floor Area Type= Omt Len Hgt Area X SPM X SOF = Points .10 1630.D 25.78 7090.0 Single, Tint W 1.0 1.0 27.0 47.90 0.64 704.7 Single, Tint W 1.0 10'0 45.0. 47.90 0.99 2143.9 Single, Tint W 1.0 7.6 25.0 47.90 0.99 Iloilo Single, Tint N 1.0 25 225 24.48 0.86 481.8 Single, Tint N 1.0, 1.0 S.O. 24A8 012 100.2 ,single, Tint S 10.0 1.0 20.0 39.84 OAS 378.7 Single, Tint S 3.0 1.0 65.0 39.84 OAS 1237.5 As�uBt TofaL• 210.6 6�.g, WALL TYPES Area X BSPM = Points Type R-Value Area X SPM = Points Adjacent 617.0 0.70 431.9 Cencrcle, Int Insul, Exterior 4.2 1134.0 1.16 1315A Ededor 1134.0 1.90 21CAS concrete, Int Irises, Adjacent 4.2 347.0 0.64 222.1 - Frame, Wood, Adjacent 11,0 210.0 0.70 189.0 Beg! Total: 1751.0 26965 . As43ulit Total.. 1761A,., ._ _ 1720 DOOR TYPES Area X BSPM = Points ,Type Area. X SPM = Points Adjacent 0.0 0.00 0.0 Exerior Wood 17.0 7,20 122.4 E)bft 17.0 4.80 81.6 Base Total: 17.0 31.6 As Built Total: 17.0 122A CEILING TYPES Area X BSPM = Points Type R-Value Area X SPM X SCM = Points UnderAft 1530,0 213 3258.9 UnderAOic 19.0 1530.0 292X 1.00 4314.6 Baas Total: 1630.0 325U As$utm Total: 1520.0 4314.E FLOOR TYPES Area X BSPM = Points Type R-Value Area X SPM = Points Sleb 195.0(P) 31.8 -8201A SlayOnGrade Edge Insulation 0.0 195.0(p 31.90 -FM.S Raved 0.0 0.00 0.0 Bese Total: 42014 A&BulO Total: 195.0 42205 INFILTRATION Area X BSPM = Points Area X SPM ra Points 15M.0 14.31 21894,3 1530.0 14.31 21894.3 EnergyGaLwo DCA Fans 000A-2001 Ener9yGeu9e&FlaREV2001 FLRCS9 Y4.30 FORM 60OA-2001 FLOR'IDA EN��� GY --F` s1l—J�EN CODE FOR BUILDING .CON'.,STRU'CTI"ON Florida Department of Cornmugity Affairs Residential Whole Building Peribrmance Method A Project Name: THE TORREY PINES MODE - Builder. KOLTER Address: permitting Office: City, State. PORT ST. LUCIE, Fl, Permit Number. SCANNED Owner. KOLTER SIGNATURE HOMES, INC. Jurisdiction Number RY Climate Zone: Central St. Lucie Cour I. New coastruedoo or mdsdng New 12. CoolIns systems ' — 2. $inglefamily:ormuhl•fem0y Muld-faintly — s.Central Unit Cap:36.QkBbybr 3. 'Number of units, iflnuhi-1amily 8 _ _ SM.12.00 4. Numberof$edmamn 3 _ b. N/A — 5. " Is this a worst case? ye — 6. Conditioned flop? am (fF) 1530 (N ..- o, WA 7. Glass area & r)pe Singla Dana Doublo Pane — — a. Clear glesa, tiaras_ k t7 rsalor 0.0 So.o n- — 13, Hwiina systems — .b. Dafaui tint 2135IP 0.0 fN — e. Eleutrio HeatNtap Cap: 36.0 kBtu/hr p. l.abalal U or SHGC 0.0 ft' 0,0 $= _ HS)iF: 7.50 8. Flaar types b. NIA . -- — w Slab -On -Grade Edge insulation R- S b. N/A s, N/A _ P. NIA — 9, well typra _ 14. Hot wpter systems _... a. Conarat%Intlnsul,EMerior R- 11134.0fN — e. EledtioResistaam Cap 40.0gallons ' b, Concrete. Bd Meal, Adjacent R-4.2, 347.0 fit _ BIT: 0y4 a. V—% Wood, Adjacent R-11.0, 270.0 W _ b. N/A d. NIA — — a. N/A o. Conservation credits 10. Celling types _ (HP Neat reeuvay, Solar a. Under Attic R-19.0.1530,0ftT — DIV-Dedirstedheat pump) b. N/A — 15, HVAC credits a. NIA (CF-Ceiiing fan, CV-0rW9 vrnn7atiM, — 11. Duets — BF -Whole housefnn, a. Sup: Une. Ret Con. AM interior Sup. R-6.0, 125.0 ft — FT-lkogrammabla Thermoset, b, NIA M$ .Ninxizono cooling, M,H-Muldzona hwdng) Glass/Floor Area: 0.14 Total as -built points. 21528 PASS Total base points: 23244 I hereby certify that the plans and Specifications covered by this calculation a compliancewittl t Florida Energy Code. PREPARED DATE -- I hereby certify that this build g, esigned, is in compliance with the Floridl, Ene o e OWNER/AGENT: DATE: Review-ofthe,pians and specifications covered by this calculatlorl,tndioates compliance with the: Fjodda Energy Code. Befb*go',ljstruotlori lsoompleted• this bulitlingwilf be inspected for' compiiance:wlth'Sedlon 553.908 Florida Statutes. BUILDING OFFICIAL: _ DATE: EnergyGauge® (Version: KRQ68:v3:30) System 9 Room Load Summary 1 Bdrm #2/Bth 266 7,592 99 3-6 597 7,735 2,451 352 352 2 Din Rm/Kit 425 7,414 96 2-5 634 3,799 2,301 173 173 3 LivRm 360 10,188 132 3-7 463 8,164 1,072 371 371 4 Mstr 480 11,066 144 3-6 496 6,419 2,940 292 292 BdrmBth/Laund 'SystemI total. 1,531 _ 36,260 471 26117 8764 1 188 1188 System 1 Main Trunk Size: 16 in. Velocity: _ 851 tUmin Loss per 100 ft.: _ 0.089 in.wg Type: Model: Brand: Efficiency: Sound: Capacity: Sensible Capacity: n/a 0 Btuh Latent Capacity: n/a 0 Btuh Detailed Room Loads - Room 4 - Mstr Bdrm/Bth/Laund (Peak Method) Room Length: 32.0 ft. System Number: 1 Room Width: 15.0 ft. Zone Number: 1 Area: 480.0 sq.ft. Supply Air: 292 CFM Ceiling Height: 10.0 ft. Supply Air. Changes: 3.7 AC/hr Volume: 4,800.0 cu.ft. Required Vent.: 0 CFM Number of Registers: 3 Actual Winter Vent.: 0 .CFM Runout Air: 97 CFM Percent of Supply.: 0 % Runout Duct Size: 6 in. Actual Summer Vent.: 0 CFM Runout Air Velocity: 496 ft./min. Percent of Supply: 0 % Design Loss: 0.100 in.wg./100 ft. Actual Winter Infil.: 59 CFM Actual Loss: 0.158 in.wp./100 ft. Actual Summer Infil.: 34 `CFM W -Wall-I4E-4-8c 13 X 10 130 0.152 4.6 593 1.6 0 213 E -Wall-12B-Obw 16 X 10 146.4 0.097 2.9 426 0.2 0 26 E -Door-11 D 2 X 6.8 13.6 0.390 11.7 159 8.2 0 111 S -GIs-1A-cb-d shgc-0.75 100%S 64 1.080 32.4 2,074 37.2 0 2,378 (2) UP-Ceil-16D-19 32 X 15 480 0.049 1.5 706 1.2 0 588 Floor-22A-pm 61 ft..Per. 61 1.180 35.4 2,159 0.0 0 0 Subtotals for Structure: 7,284 0 3;335 Infil.: Win.: 58.8, Sum.:33.6 610 3.177 1,938 0.908 1,394 554 Ductwork: 0.200 1,844 0.200 146 1,070 People: 200 lat/per, 230 sen/per: 2 400 460 Room Totals: 11,066 2,940 6,419 Detailed Room Loads - Room 3 - Liv Rm (Peak Method) Room Length: 20.0 ft. System Number: 1 Room Width: 18.0 ft. Zone Number: 1 Area: 360.0 sq.ft. Supply Air: 371 CFM Ceiling Height: 9.0 ft. Supply Air Changes: 6.9 AC/hr Volume: 3,240.0 cu.ft. Required Vent.: 0 CFM Number of Registers: 3 Actual Winter Vent.: 0 CFM Runout Air: 124 CFM Percent of Supply.: 0 % Runout Duct Size: 7 in. Actual Summer Vent.: 0 CFM Runout Air Velocity: ' 463 Umin. Percent of Supply: 0 % Design.Loss: • 0.100 in.wg./100 ft. Actual Winter Infil.: 39 CFM Actual Loss: 0.112 in.wg./100 ft. Actual Summer Infil.: 22 ,CFM W -Wall-14E-4-8c 18 X 9 122 0.152 4.6 556 ` 1.6 0 200 S-Wall-14E-4-8c 6 X 9 14 0.152 4.6 64 0.1 0 1 N-Door-11 D 3 X 8 24 0.390 11.7 281 8.2 0 197 N-GIs-1A-rb-oshgo-0.35,100%S 30 1.080 32.4 972 25.9 ' 0 776 W-Gls-1A-rb-o shgc-0.35 3%S (2) 40 1.080 32.4 1,296 81.3 0 3,250 S-GIs=1A-cb-dshgc-0.75100%S 40 1.080 32.4 1,296 37.2 Q; 1,486 (2) UP-Cell-1613-19 20 X 18 360 0.049 1.5 529 1.2 0 441 Floor-22A-pm 45 ft Per 45 1.180 35.4 1,593 0.0 0 0 Subtotals for Structure: 7,203 0 6,435 Infil.: Win.: 39.0, Sum.:22.3 405 3.178 1,287 0.909 926 368 Ductwork: 0.200 1,698 0.200 146 1,361 Room Totals: 10,188 1,072, 8,164 Detailed Room Loads - Room 9 - Bdrm #2/Bth (Peak Method) Room Length: 19.0 ft. System Number. 1 Room Width: 14.0 ft. Zone Number: 1 Area: 266.0 sq.ft. Supply Air: 352 CFM Ceiling Height: 9.0 ft. Supply Air Changes: 8.8 AC/hr Volume: 2,394.0 cu.ft. Required Vent.: 0 CFM Number of Registers: 3 Actual Winter Vent.: 0 CFM Runout Air. 117 CFM Percent of Supply.: 0 % Runout Duct Size: 6 in. Actual Summer Vent.: 0 CFM Runout Air Velocity: 597 ft./min. Percent of Supply: 0 . % Design Loss: 0.100 in.wg./100 ft. Actual Winter Infil.: 38 CFM Actual Loss: 0.228 in.wg./l00 ft. Actual Summer Infil.: 22 CFM E -Wall-14E-4-8c 16 X 9 92 0.152 4.6 420 0.3 b 25 S-Wall-14E-4-8c 2 X 9 18 0.152 4.6 82 0.1 0 1 S -Wall-12B-Obw 9 X 9 81 0.097 2.9 236 0.0 0 4 E -GIs-IA-rb-o shgc-0.35 2%S 26 1.080 32.4 842 80.3 0 2,087 E -GIs-IA-rb-o shgc-0.35 2%S (2) 26 1.080 32.4 842 80.3 0 2,088' UP-Ceil-16D-19 19 X 14 266 0.049 1.5 391 1.2 0 326 Floor-22A-pm 44 ft..Per. 44 1.180 35.4 1,558 0.0 0 0: Subtotals for Structure: 5,069 0 4,626 Infil.: Win.: 38.2, Sum.:21.8 396 3.177 .1,258 0.909 905 360 Ductwork: 0.200 1,265 0.200 146 1,289 People: 200 lat/per, 230 sen/per: 2 400 460 Equipment: 1,000 1,00w Room Totals: 7,592 2,451 7,735 ;fthl�8a[2etitlOrrtla1819gfltC4mutrercE�kftit,�;+w4aacf�, �. , ` : `< .", , SotEs�ar� iiktiSprnent;lrzG.' Persenelizecf'3erviee lnt ' � " � k ` � �.' ;;, "l "'1 heTatteyl'�nes�isAad. tr System 1, Zone 1 Summary Loads (Peak Method) . .... .. ...3. .. :.. r. ...s,...:g....i: a:;:a'3?.......�.,.;>:.... �s�.;.,.c:i. .z<y;.....<::?r.<.. :.: .z✓�<;;F.>z; a^'xi FT;:<N..c,. • <2:, .:Mr::;g ..<•�.::,<a."`':n:;&�e<I&-"e'',ias>::'I.l9 .; . <Y"a,.p .... `:3'''• 'a>.a3n..a.,. �.: <xsF<::..:a.>.: ::: xa' Y :.. ^?L.'.3.Y.. <&. a. S.e.Gxp?;. IA-rb-o: Glazing -Single pane, operable window, reflective, 157 5,086 0 9,106 9,106 metal frame with break, ground reflectance = 0.32, outdoor insect screen with 50% coverage, white or reflective color drapes with tight weave with 25% :coverage 1A-cb-d: Glazing -Single pane, sliding glass door, clear, 104 3,370 0 3,864 3,664 metal frame with break, ground reflectance = 0.32, outdoor insect screen with 50% coverage, white or reflective color drapes with tight weave with 25% coverage, 11 D: Door -Solid Core " 37.6 440 0 .,, 308 308 14E 4-8c: Wall -two courses brick, brick on concrete or 8 1303 5,942 0.- 799 799 inches concrete, 8 inches of 140# concrete with R-4 board insulation - 12B-Obw: Wall -Frame, R-11 insulation in 2 x 4 stud cavity, 227.4 662 0 30 30 no board insulation, brick finish, wood studs 16D-19: Roof/Ceiling-Under attic or knee wall, Vented 1531 2,251 0 1,816 1,876 . Attic, No Radiant Barrier, Dark Tile, Slate or Concrete, R-1 9 insulation 22A-pm: Floor -Slab on grade, No edge insulation, no 188 6,655 0 0 ' 0. insulation below floor, any floor cover, passive, heavy dry or light wet sail Subtotals for structure: 24,406 0 15,983 15,983 People: 4 800 920 1,720 Equipment: 3,200 3,200 6,400 Lighting: 0 0 0 Ductwork: 6,043 584 4,353 4,937 Infiltration: Winter CFM: 176, Summer CFM:101 5,811 4,180 1,661 5,841 System 1, Zone 1 Load Totals: 36,260 8,764 26,117 34,881 Supply CFM: 1,188 (4.7 AC/hr) CFM Per Square ft.: 0.776 Square ft. of Room Area: 1,531 Square ft. Per Ton: 527 ,a ,:;::kxn:. <xaz:ex e.n::s:. 4 . >.:.:: S.:R3:':' ..4::Exr:EN%ouxi`!'FY:x.'xFa. sx' ::;:3:�::x ....... ....:.:.. A. `.`fin:<o <.::>:. :..'G2V:.>. ♦.f :`J?� A..o..o.J.`aC;:n<x:` xyf[:: rt`4fi...... .. x..e .;.x.. .. 4.�. .?..,,.».c.:>.'a v�::rc ...>\a: >;a.xx� .a'aac:ii.<. .:.�.. .'O''<::�. .:xw ........_._..........:..:.,.,>..a.....n....,...::>.. � >..;......... ..;.....,.>... <.h:o:nnn.n ..... C:..,. l' rxis<x...>�'>.o>:�».>i>v<.:>a;..;...,...e:w..><oa.'°a::. Total Heating Required: 36,260 Btuh 36.260 MBH Total Sensible Gain: 26,117 Btuh 75 % Total Latent Gain: 8,764 Btuh 25 % Total Cooling Required: 34,881 Btuh 2.91 Tons (Based On Sensible + Latent) :'r„..:>vioiti'a...va'::4y;RlR.'..' .c..:.:. p.:.Y .< ♦ �... �\'x:. ,..4.S:q<.'ti:<.4i....::.!So.:>' <.'lif'� x < 4$`Y... Q` . .A...T.a2F ...w ..;.., .� �4xS.b"a ..t:.. .a�<� ......... ......1.4.. •<;.,.....e:.,:;,?«:<«;::,,.,.,..:rz»:s::..�;.,,;:.;,.;......4.>ssxaa:?;;xa:z,............_...n:,:u:a:<«...: ,..�.:a.:o...\Ye: ...&`.n:��.....ul>:>s'a:<a:;. Calculations are based on 8th edition of ACCA Manual J. All computed results are estimates as building use and weather may vary. Be sure to select a unit that meets both sensible and latent loads. System 9 Torrey Pines Mod. E Summary Loads (Peak Method) iH-rb-o: Glazing -Single pane, operable window, reflective, 157 5,086 0 9,106 9,106 metal frame with break, ground reflectance = 0.32, outdoor insect screen with 50% coverage, white or reflective color drapes with tight weave with 25% coverage IA-cb-d: Glazing -Single, pane, sliding glass door, clear, 104 3,370 0 3,864 3,864 metal frame with break, ground reflectance = 0.32, outdoor insect screen with 50% coverage, white or reflective color drapes with tight weave with 25% coverage 11 D: Door -Solid Core 37.6 440 0 308 308 14E-4-8c: Wall -two courses brick, brick on concrete or 8 1303 5,942 0 799 799 inches concrete, 8 inches of 140# concrete with R-4 board insulation 12B-Obw: Wall -Frame, R-11 insulation in 2 x 4 stud cavity, 227.4 662 0 30 30 no board insulation, brick finish, wood studs 16D-19: Roof/Ceiling-Under attic or knee wall, Vented 1531 2,251 0 1,876 1,876 Attic, No Radiant Barrier, Dark Tile, Slate or Concrete, R-19 insulation 22A-pm: Floor -Slab on grade, No edge insulation, no 188 6,655 0 0 0 insulation below floor, any floor cover, passive, heavy dry or liqht wet soil Subtotals for structure: 24,406 0 15,983 15,983 People: 4 800 920 1,720 Equipment: 3,200 3,200 6,400 Lighting: 0 0 0 Ductwork: 6,043 584 4,353 4,937 Infiltration: Winter CFM: 176, Summer CFM: 101 5,811 4,180 1,661 5,841 Ventilation: Winter CFM: 0, Summer CFM: 0 0 0 0 0 System 1 Torrey Pines Mod. E Load Totals: 36,260 8,764 26,117 34,881 Square ft. of Room Area: 1,531 Square ft. Per Ton: 527 .<:.:;.4..::..^<vn<::.`<ii5x::i:xC;':>: <:`:::.`<:x.. .. h': v ....... ...:.....:..¢.:...,:<.:'.:: n:J;.'<::o:Jy::.'.nw..v:.v.. p.4e:..o .�� �:..L..: F.N...J ..�:. .. i <.rk..e.: L ... \: a::...� q:yy...:.:;...�,.... .� .. 5. tem.. nad ..:5: , :: aJ .', ::. 4...:<..::.. � . �` 4 LJ. :... ............ :. ....!T...::.]�.. $:.: ` ..�'.:�: \:. g:\>..'.$. Cite. vi\: ' ,�. JY`.Y\<�.. ,y<<r..'>.J 4R:��$'q"�,'��:. QC:�:,. �:..LC J �"Y" :. n:Vi...., u. :nn.� .".:aJ:::::D�:J:. T. .:. J:� P. f.. V' " 3� \i ..;n\<.L\ Total Heating Required With Outside Air: 36,260 Btuh 36.260 MBH Total Sensible Gain: 26,117 Btuh 75 % Total Latent Gain: 8,764 Btuh 25 % Total Cooling Required With Outside Air: 34,881 Btuh 2.91 Tons (Based On Sensible + Latent) Loaicuiauons are based on Hth edition of ACCA Manual J. All computed results are estimates as building use and weather may vary. Be sure to select a unit that meets both sensible and latent loads. Total Building Summary Loads metal frame with break, ground reflectance = 0.32, outdoor insect screen with 50% coverage, white or reflective color drapes with tight weave with 25% coverage. IA-cb-d: Glazing -Single pane, sliding glass door, clear, .metal frame with'break, ground reflectance = 0.32, outdoor insect screen with 50% coverage, white or reflective color drapes with tight weave with 25% coverage 11D: Door -Solid Core 14E-4-8c: Wall -two courses brick, brick on concrete or 8 inches concrete, 8 inches of 140# concrete with R-4 board insulation 12B-6bw: Wall -Frame, R-11 insulation in 2 x 4 stud cavity, no board insulation, brick firrish, wood studs 16D-19: Roof/Ceiling-Under attic or knee wall, Vented Attic, No Radiant Barrier, Dark Tile, Slate or Concrete, R-19 insulation 22A-pm: Floor -Slab on grade, No edge insulation, no insulation below floor, any floor cover, passive, heavy dry or lisrht wet soil 104 3,370 37.6 440 1303 5,942 227.4 662 1531 2,251 188 6,655 3,864 3,864 308 308 799 : 799 30 30 1,876 1,876 Subtotals for structure: 24,406 0 15,983 15,983 People: 4 800 920 1,720 Equipment: 3,200 3,200 6,400 Lighting: 0 0 0 Ductwork: 6,043 584 4,353 4,937 Infiltration: Winter CFM: 176, Summer CFM: 101 5,811 4,180 1,661 5,841 Ventilation: Winter CFM: 0, Summer CFM: 0 0 0 0 0 Total Building Load Totals: 36,260 8,764 26,117 34,881 Square ft. of Room 1,531 CFM Per Square ft.: Square ft Per Ton: 527 Total Sensible Gain: 26,117 Btuh 75 % Total Latent Gain: 8,764 Btuh 25 % Total Cooling Required With Outside Air: 34,881 Btuh 2.91 Tons (Based On Sensible + Latent) c:aicwations are based on 8th edition of ACCA Manual J. All computed results are estimates as building use and weather may vary. Be sure to select a unit that meets both sensible and latent loads. Zone 1 1,531 26,117 8,764 34,881 36,260 471 1,188 1,188 1-Bdrm #2/Bth 266 7,735 2,451 10,186 7,592 99 352 352 3-8 2-Din Rm/Kit 425 3,799 2,301 6,100 7,414 96 173 173 2-5 3-Liv Rm. 360 8,164 1,072 9,236 10,188 132 371 371 3-7 4-Mstr Bdrm/Bth/Laund 480 6,419 2,940 9,359 11,066 144 292 292 3-6 Miscellaneous Report Summer: 90 78 50 75 61.09 Calculate: . UseSchedule: . Roughness Factor: Pressure Drop:• Minimum Velocity: Ma)amum Velocity: Minimum Height: Maximum Height: Yes Yes 0.00300 0.1000 in.wgJ100 ft. 650 Umin 900 ftJmin 0 in. 0 in. winter Infiltration: 0.700 AC/hr Volume of Conditioned Space: X 15109 Cu.ft. 10,576 Cu.ftJhr X 0.0167 Total Building Infiltration: 176 CFM Total Building Ventilation: 0 CFM —System 1— Infiltration & Ventilation Sensible Gain Multiplier: Infiltration & Ventilation Latent Gain Multiplier: Infiltration & Ventilation Sensible Loss Multiplier: Munams - - Yes . Yes 0.01000 0.1000 in.wgJ100 ft. 450 Umin - 750 ftJmin 0 in. 0 in. 0.400 AC/hr X 15109 Cu.ft. 6,044 Cu.ft./hr X 0.0167 101 CFM 0 CFM 16.49 = (1.10 X 0.999 X 15.00 Summer Temp. Difference) 41.50 = (0.68 X 0.999 X 61.09 Grains Difference) 32.97 = (I AO X 0.999 X 30.00 Winter Temp. Difference) Project Report Project Tale: Project Date: Client Name: Client Address: Client City: Client Phone: Company Name: Company Representative: Company Address:' Company City: Company Phone:, Daily Temperature Range: Latitude: Elevation: Altitude Factor: Elevation Sensible Adj. Factor: Elevation Total Adj. Factor: Elevation Heating Adj. Factor: Elevation Heating Adj. Factor: Winter: Summer: Square ft. of Room The Torrey Pines Mod. E Thursday, May 08, 2003 Kolter Signature Homes, Inc. 2160 Reserve Park Trace Port St. Lucie, FI 34986 772-468-4703 Nisair Air Conditioning Jose 1501 Decker Ave.- D404 Stuart, FI.34994 772-283-0904 27 25 0.999 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 Outdoor Outdoor Dry Bulb Wet Bulb 42 0 90 78 High -- Degrees ft. Indoor Indoor Grains Rel.Hum Dry Bulb Difference 0 72 0 50 75 61 Square ft Per Ton: 527 Total Sensible Gain: 26,117 Btuh 75 % Total Latent Gain: 8,764 Btuh 25 % Total Cooling Required VVith Outside Air: 34,881 Btuh 2.91 Tons (Based On Sensible + Latent) uaicwanons are based on 8th edition of ACCA Manual J. All computed results are estimates as building use and weather may vary. -Be sure to select a unit that meets both sensible and latent loads. The Torrey Pines Mod. E HVAC Load Calculations for Kolter Signature Homes, Inc. 2160 Reserve Park Trace Port St. Lucie, FI 34986 Prepared By: Jose Nisair Air Conditioning 1501 Decker Ave. - D404 Stuart, FI. 34994 772-283-0904 Friday, May 09, 2003 ENERGY PERFORMANCE LEVEL (EPL) DISPLAY CARD ESTIIVIAT)✓A ENERGY PTRFO •1�CE SCORE'' = 85,1. The higberthe xom.the:more e�rj t:fhe-hmmi. KOLTER SIGNATURE HOMES, INC.,, PORT ST. LUCIE, FL, I. New mnnhuction or mdsdng New 2. Single femilyormuffi-family _ _ Multi-ihmily 3. Number ofunib. i£mulN-fam0y. - _ S 4. Number oflWrooma 3 - .5. Is two a wand case? -' Yee 6, Conditioned floor am (1r) _ 1530 8' 1. CAass area & hype Singh Pane Double Pano .. a. Clear- sin& pone _ 0.0 ft' 0.0 fly _. b. Clear- double pane 213.5 A' 0,03' _ o: Ti Vvther SHOC - alnj6 pane 0.0 A° 0.0 fro d. ThWother SHCC - double pane r• S. Floor types a. Slab -Oa -Grade Edge Tusulatim R-O.O, 195.0(p) ft b.'N/A a. N/A 9. Well types a Conot K Int Insul, Rxkdor R--4.% 1134.0 8' b. Conereto, Tat Tnool, Adjacent _— R-4,2. 347.0 fl' a.'F1Mw, Wood, Adjaoem _ R=11.0, 270.0 A? d. N/A a.'N/A 10. Gelling types a. UnderAftio _ R-1 9.0.1530.0 8' b. NIA o. N/A 11. Ducts a. Sup: Uno. Rat: Con. AH: latctior Sup. R-6,0,125.0 S b. N/A _ 12. Cooling systems - 'a. Central unit b. NIA a N/A 13. Hratingsystmw a meettle Heat Pump b. N/A o. N/A 14. Horwatersymen; a Eleatrio Rea emdo b. N/A a Conaenation crodils (HA Hoat r000vory, Solar DEP Dediaded heat pump) 15. HVACmodiM (CF-Cang fen, cV-cmw venhlatioq BF Whole house fan, PT Pmgmmmoble Thermostat; M2,•40-Muhimnocooling, M&H-Muhhane heating) I cer* that this home bas eoatplied with the Florida Energy Ef 6gncy.Co&,Fcr. Buildhtg,' Constructlma through the ati0we energy haulms foattiroa which will tie stalled: (crexoWed)' in this home before S on. Odwtw)se, a mew EPL Display CW will be complated based on installedFL! features. ..Builtkr8ignatura: pie; `t-Zs-OIBS'EAddress ofNcwIiome:t§m cIR -LM City/mzip: Cap: 36.0 kBtuAr _ SPF,Ri 12.00 Cap:36.OkHtu/hr HSPF:7,50 Cap: 40.0 gellona _ FA 0.94 *NOTE., The home's estimated energy performancescore is only available through the FLrVW computer program, This isB-ot a Building l iergy Rahng. lfyour score is 8o or ater or 86' or a U5EPA/DOE Ener tBf des! $re (. ,% 81aS gnatian), your home may qual0 for energy efficiency mortgage (EEW incentives.. fyati• obtain:a Florida aergy Gauge Rating. Contact the Energy Gauge Hotline at 3211638-1492 or see the Energy Gauge web site at www.fsecucf edu for information and a list of certified Raters, For information about Florida's-R7ergy Efflciency.Code For Building Construction, contact the Department of ComraunityAffa fi�VgM.gy4rsion: FLRCSB v330). Equipment Schedule Unit# I SEER / O HSPF_�r Make 146NitJO)a= 3 Cond.Unit Mod.# 0 �1�3b A/H Unit Mod.# e,B.27rLi- / Heater Mod.#,c;'C/�� g D� Sensible Cooling 96L Zd 0 Latent Cooling u l �D Total Cool BTUs j 6�, 0 D 0 -5 `� � �c ST LUCIE COUNTY FIRE DISTRICT &tZ BUREAU OF FIRE PREVENTION 06�+� PLAN REVIEW un�y 2400 Rhode Island Avenue Telephone: 772-462-8306 ii Ft Pierce, FL 34950 FAX: 772-462-8466 )New Construction ( )Tenant Improvement ( )Addition ( )Renovation/alterations ( )Shell Only Jurisdiction: SLC F.P.B.: B-03-341 Occupancy: Castle Pines Bldg. 84 Building Dept: 23091688 Address: 8101-8111 Mulligan Circle Number of stories: 2 Contractor Koller Signature Homes Phone # 772-468-4703 Contractor's Address: 2160 NW Reserve Park Trace City: PSL State: Florida Zip Code: 34986 Architect/Engineer: • Turner Architects & Planners Phone # 407-658-4151 Building`Owner.' Review Date:, 10/8/2003; Occupancy Type:' . 'Apartments Automatic sprinklers: . Gross sq It: 12,704 Net sq ft: Occupant Load: Based Oh: "Construction Type: SBCCI Type: V unp NOTE 1. All revisions must be in compliance before the final inspection. ' 2. The Fire Marshal requires 24 hour notice on all inspections. 3. The respective Building Department shall schedule all final inspections through the Fire Marshal's Office. 4. Permit fees are required to be paid in full prior to any inspections. 5. Failed inspections require payment of fee prior to rescheduling of further inspections. 6. A copy of the required revision/s have been transmitted to the Architect () Contractor ( ). 7. Penetrations through rated assemblies shall be of proper UL design. 8. UL design criteria shall be submitted with the construction plans. 9. Fire Alarm Panels shall be located indoors. THE FLORIDA FIRE PREVENTION CODE, 2001 EDITION IS CURRENTLY ENFORCED. REVISIONS REQUIRED e - ACCESS BOX IS REQUIRED ( ) ACCESS KEY SWITCH REQUIRED ( ) 1. Model "E" floor plan (end units): Egress windows are required although not indicated for bedroom # 3. Install egress windows. Provide a revision. 2. Model "E" Electrical plan (end units): Smoke detectors are required both inside and outside of the sleeping rooms. The master bedrooms do not indicate this. Provide a revision. 3. Model "D" floor plan: Smoke detectors are required both inside and outside of the sleeping room. Bedroom # 3 does not indicate this. Provide a revision. Reviewed by: Date: 10/8/2003 89/16/2003 23:17 7722837229 NISAIR AIR CONDITION PAGE 10 FORM 600A 2001 .Tested -sealed -ducts ITlustbe certified in this house. ;S.0 M M ER� lCALC U LATI O N S 7. Residential°WhOle Bulldiog:Pertormande Method A - Details ADDRESS: ,-PORT ST:.LUCIE, FL, PERMIT P. ".BASE: AS -BUILT `GLASS TYPES ; .18 X Conditioned X BSPW = Points Overhang Floor Area Type/SC Ornt- ten Hgt Area X SPM X SOF = Points .1a' ` 162%0 25.76= 79a9A`' ° Single, Tlid ` " N' _ 13.0 1.0 12.0 24.46 0161 179.4 S1mK Tint N 2,0 1.0 40.0 24.46 0.64 620.3 Slogle, Tint N 9.0 1.0 25.0 24.46 0.61 373.7 .. . '. Si -runt E 13.0 1.0 34.0 63.27 0.38 657.4 .. - simic, Tint S 6.0 1.0 144.0 39.84 0.48 2729.6 Simla, 7l , S 13,0 1.0 40.8 39.84 0.48 772.5 . - _ ..'.. aftle; Tk - a 2.0 1.0 30.0 39.84 0.50 592.6 .. .. .. __ A943alltTotal 3252 6928A WALL:TYPES. Area *BSPM Pontts Type R-Value Area X SPM = Points Ad*ant WK0 030 494.9 Corlaalel 1rtt liraul Exn?Aor 42 1645.0 1.16 1906.2 l3detfer 7645.0 1:90 312$ 5 Corxxate;=lnt Insul; Anjent 42 566.0 O.fi4 3tt22 • " .. _ �. Frarm; Wood,:Adjece�t- 11,0 141.0 0.70 98.7 Ba"Totalt -25920 5670 a As43u1nSotal: _:. 43C2A 2369.1 DOOR -TYPES Area X,BSPM = Polnis Type Area X SPM = Points AdJaCzrfl -- 17.0 1,00- : 272 • Exfedor lisWafed . -� " -" " 24.0 4.80 116.2 Emrw 24.0 :4:80 116.2, AdJacerd lnwlated 17.0 1.60 27.2 Base Total: - _ 41.0 - 142:4 'As4rJuiR Total ' _ 41.0 142.4 CEILINGITYPES sAree X BSPM points Type a R-Value Area X SPM X SCM = Points Under AtOc -1000.0 " 203 2130.0 UntlerA@o '" `---" 19.0 1000.0 2.U2X IX 2820.0 Base Total _.. AMC _ , _ .. -.21�0.0 -'As'n3uBtTohlo--::•- .. 1000.0 2620.0 FLOOR TYPES Area X:BspM Points Type. R-Value Area X SPM Points Slab�sfs?0,"raft EdSp Iisdabon :-- 0.0 114.0(p .31.90 4636.6 Raised .683.0 4.43 -23427 f�lsad,)Nood Stem 11Van ` - 19.0 683.0 -1.80 -1229.4 Base Total:_ - - ,.Mds -A0&idkTofaL•,.. 797.0 _4888.0 'INFILTRATION Area X BSPM = points ^ Area X SPM = Points 1683.0 ,14.31 .24083.7_--- "" - _ 1688,0 14.31 24083.7 ErlEWOatWO OCA=ram 800A-2001 Erff§yCaugiWFIaREV_ 2001 FLRCSB V3.30 09/16/2003 23:17 7722837229 NISAIR AIR CONDITION PAGE 09 "En.ergy Cod0, ompliance Duct -system -Pe, Report ProjectlName%., . THE-TORREYMOD. C Builder. KOLTER Address: Permitting Office: City, State: PORT ST.'LUCIE,:FL, Permit Number Owner.., KOLTER'SIGNATURE HOMES. INC. Jurisdiction Number. Climate Zone: Central Total .Duct $y C MST otal,D► Line System' 1 System1 2 System2 3 System3 4 Svstem4 Handier Flows .. dtri25out._ _ Cfm . cfm25out Cfm Cfln25out . Cfm Cfm25out . Cfm 5 -Total House -Duct System l . Leaka& 'tdouse Duct tie efm26o(e; House Air HmWW Row Rerihre rrem if 5 o.os (sum Mee tom Total duct -system, leakage test results, as,descnbed q the code,-fnciudes :all duct -leakage of air to or from nun conditioned space:. Energy rateis are treliied that this IS odud`leakage 0 Putside." The test must, be done after'all arr handler;, ducts, registers ar>d;gnlls are installed Tlie testis to:indude all components of the ;duct system, indudillg air handler, and all tetum andsupply,dud% work; regardless of location: Pressure pan tests may,notbe.used forrene(gy code credd If there'are more;fharufaursystems, include results of othersystemson back y5um allyctrtiZS and rated atr haridler flows;and;show,on fine five above. Tile total duct system,leakage;for{he house;;palculated5ori Irne.fivcmust;be _equal to'or less than 0.05 to receive Signature: Pritrted Name: Florida Rater. -:Certification #: DATE - requires that f mduct by:aclass t at. ING:OFFICIAL: vaao� 09/16/2003 23:17 7722837229 NISAIR AIR CONDITION PAGE 08 FORM 60OA-2001 Cods:Co pliance Checklist Residential Whole B'U1ldmg-Performance Method A - Details EroVr ."g DCA-Form 6DDA-2W1 Kr&Vr-ALq@MKS=tFLRCSB V3;30 09/16/2003 23:17 7722837229 NISAIR AIR CONDITION PAGE 07 FORM 600A-2001 Tested sealed ducts must be certified in this house. WATtER-KA-r- DE-COMPLIANCE STATUS Residential Whole"S.U11009 -Rer.fdrmance Method A - Details I'ADDRESS:,PORT ST. LUCIE, FL, PERMIT BASE AS -BUILT WATER HEATING Ntimber of X Multiplier -Total Tank: '.EF Number.of X Tank X Multiplier X Credit = Total Bedroom volue rn ::Bedrooms Ratio Multiplier 2554.00 7694.0 40.0 0.94 3 1.00 2400.34 1.00 7201.0 7201.0. CODE-PPIWRLIANCESTATUS AS -BUILT Cooling + Heating + Points Points ,Hot Water = Total Points poi - Ints- -.Cbblirig + Heating + Hot Water = Total Points Points Points points 113574 3980 7692- 59838 7730 7201 24769 'PA EnergyGauqeTM DGA Form 60DA-2D01 _EnergyGaugeV/F.1nRES7X1 FLRCSR v3.30 09/16/2003 23:17 7722837229 NISAIR AIR CONDITION PAGE 06 y r r FORM BOOR 2001 Tested sealed ducts must ba:certified in this house. WINTER CALCULATIONS Residential Whole3Bulldmg>P.60 rmance Method A - Details ADORESS: , PORT'ST. LUCIE,.FL, PERMIT #. BASE AS -BUILT Winter Base Points 8143 8 ,Winter As -Built Total X ;component . . Points: ,Cap X Duct X System X .'•RatiD= Multiplier Multiplier - (DM)c.D8MxAHU) Credit Multiplier 14943.7 = Heating Points Total tinter X ,System =.. Heating :. >:Points. -Multiplier P,oirtts= F 63!{3e8 0:8274 39801 . 14993.7 149d3 7 .160W (1.078xj.000x1.11) DA55 100_ 1.197 OASS 0.950 OA50 7130.3 7730.3 u Energy " TM DCAfmm 00DA-2001 --2neVjCAVV9 {p1it3 rM1. FLRC95 K1.30 w a a T 2 0 O ~ O t U N C Ee r+ Q C_ le H N Z y �yE V 'O C1+ N N r m p m a1 N N p� r O1 r sLL a U. d 'o ggg a�ayyim�a� �N�ii mffi�iui. ��` o rogm�.e y�}} ao .t a 4 yr� u�o aZ aggy N LL IT n n IT X � isBED aiN .; viv X Nc 4 x x ooggotoo 0 cc 0 0 C,W o x o iA 000gOoo 7 CV, a 7 .qo Q £..f FiNa�mFN Fv m O'g . 'z Z 2 W w 4J co �. y d IC pg s ClN N 1 �Q(j 5 a o. iv If In W m X Im N x x „ oo a no � X �, o 4 K w 8q W toILI Q a IL sol 8 m U m 0 H 0 H a M z N N 1- Cl) m N N r r .7Z ►� y Ir 0 a dR t? 1n V N N 0 PI�� N ry t` N N q o q w C O r a°c n f a n p ��m�i� 11 u n a It CO 0 0 0 0 6 0 6 x �a map - a $8 [ten 8 a $S a �? moo y v.= x X y � EQ N x a x x Qx opo o�0 Qpm po aq N V (r) L a ooa a � co ¢� oo � ! y, W Qq 9 Q oo q co D o 1 zi 'E o 0 0 o a o o ? Clry o o o 0 00) Q ,E� a G D g C O O N W > OE ZZZLUWMCD T -1`FHIi .gti m gf v 8m 'U) 5 5 _n.� F.,i86 Gp FT IL o o IL 0 7[ 11 11" it '�S m X t�uC e -o 0o d m o o W o gog W a s W y oyb� O � O QQ g yy yy � • W � yy r QyQLU,v to 3 n 'a a ,J " IL tWi 09/16/2003 23:17 7722837229 NISAIR AIR CONDITION PAGE 01 f 7 03 `To T A;, •iG /d �PAP�.'t .lNCL , 'THlS' �RFrE . FORM 600A-2001 FLORIDA ENERGY E 01#'G�IIENrC. ° C'I FOR BUILDING C�D`NSTR CTI'O Florida Department of.Community.Affalrs Residential Whole Building Performance Method A Project Name: THE TORREY MOD, C Address: City, State: PORT ST. LUCIE, Fl- Owner. KOLTER SIGNATURE HOMES. INC. Climate Zone: Central Builder. Permitting Office: Permit Number. Jurisdiction Number, KOLTER 1, Nawconctrcctionoremsdng New — 12. Coolinssystems.. 2.• • Single family or multi -tinnily Multi-f ardly — a. Cmtmlunit `.. cap: 36.0 I Bhdhr 3. Nmnberofunits, ifmuRi-family 8 _ SEER:112.00 — 4, Number of Bedrooms 3 _ b. NIA — 5; . In this a worst cosa7 Yta 6.:- Conditioned Eoor ii=a 0e) 1683 f1 c, N/A — 7. lilacs airs dt type" Single Pane Double Panc _ — a.peatgins.dcfmltu-factor 0.0 fly 0.0w ,^ Is. Hoating.rystaine 'b. Default tim 325.8 An 0.0 fly — A FJectrIcHeat Pomp Cap: 36.0 kBtullar — c.IAbcicdUorSH(1C 0.0 fe 0.011' HSPF: 7.50 .... a. Floortypes _ b, NIA — a.S1ab-OrKlradeEdgotnsolation R-0_0, 114.0(p)ft _ ^. b. Raised Wood, Stem Wall AQ — a. N/A — c. N/A — 9. Wall types u 14, Hotwehrsystcros a. Concrete,7at Instil, Exterior R=4A 1645.0 fly a Elac ie Resistmop Cep: 40,0 gallon b. Concretc, lot Inset. Adjacent R d.2. 566,0IF _ EF:0.94 — o. Framq Wood, Adjacent R 11.0, 141.0 ft' _ b. NIA d, NIA — — a. N/A c. Consarnadon credit _ 10. c6lin8 typea _ (HR-Heat recovery, Soler a. Under Attic R-19.0. 1000,0&9 — DHP-Dcdicatcd heat ptimp) b. NIA — 15. HVAC credit PT, — a. N/A (OF-Coil(ng'faa. CV -Cross vemildon, 1). D=bg-a]t Free) _ IN-Wholehoumbin, a. Sup: Una. Rat: Una. AM Attic Sup. R-6.0, 125.0 a — PT -Programmable Tbormce ta; b. N/A M$-C-Multimm cooling, M&H-MPUbpno hosting) Glass/FloorArea: 0.19 Total as -built points::24769 PASS Total base points: 25246 I hereby certify that -the plans and speciFcations.covered by this calculation are In compliance with ft Florida Energy PREPARED DATE, ? I hereby certify that is buil Ing, as designed, is in compliance with the e. OWNERIAGENT: ra) d DATE: Review,cf:.the-plans and BUILDING OFFICIAL: DATE: KnergyGnugdli FLRC$13 v3.30)' System 1 Room Load Summary I Foyer —_ 95 3,620 47 1-5 579 1,736 368 79 79 _ 2 Kit/Brk 257 7,708 100 2-5 569 3,413 1,798 155 155 3 Liv/Din 336 10,453 136 2-6 545 4,705 757 214 214 4 MstrBth/WIC 420 12,743 166 3-6 508 6,572 2,368 299 299 5 Land/Hall 184 5,086 66 1-5 627 1,878 668 85 85 6 Bdrm #3 •: 176 5,510 72 2-4 693 2,659 1,033 121 121 7 Bdrm #2Bth 216 9,752 127 2-6 567 : 4,890 2,207 222 222 System 1 total 1,684 54,872 713 25,853 9,199 '1 176 1,176 System 1 Main Trunk Size: 16 in. Velocity: 842 Umin Loss per 100 ft.: 0.087 in.wg . ...... >. Type: Model: Brand: Efficiency: Sound: Capacity: Sensible Capacity: n/a 0 Btuh Latent Capacity: n/a 0 Btuh Loads - Room 7 - Room Length: 18.0 ft. System Number: 1 Room Width: 12.0 ft. Zone Number: 1 Area: 216.0 sq.ft. Supply Air: 222 CFM Ceiling Height: 9.4 ft. Supply Air Changes: 6.6 AC/hr Volume: 2,030.0 cu.ft. Required Vent.: 0 CFM Number of Registers: 2 Actual Winter Vent.: 0 CFM Runout Air: 111 CFM Percent of Supply.: 0 % Runout Dua Siie:-- 6 in. Actual Summer Vent.: 0 CFM Runout Air Velocity: 567 Umin. Percent of Supply: 0 % Design Loss: 0.100 in.wg./100 ft. Actual Winter Infil.: 41 CFM Actual Loss: 0.205 in.wg./100 ft. Actual Summer Infil.: 23 CFM S -Wall-I4E-4-8c 13 X 9.4 74.2 0.152 4.6 338 0.8 0 62 E -Wall-14E-4-8c 6 X 9.4 22.4 0.152 4.6 102 1.0 0 23 N -Wall-12B-Obw 9 X 9.4 84.6 0.097 2.9 246 0.9 0 75 S-GIs-1A-rb-dshgo-0.35100%S 48 1.080 32.4 1,556 27.2 0 1,304 (2) E -GIs-IA-rb-d shgc-0.35 100%S 34 1.080 32.4 1,102 27.2 0 924 (2) UP-Roof-I813-19 18 X 12 216 0.051 1.5 330 1.1 0 231 Floor-22A-pm 55 ft..Per. 55 1.180 35.4 1,947 0.0 0 0 Subtotals for Structure: 6,778 0 3,229 Infil.: Win.: 40.9, Sum.: 23.4 517 2.609 1,349 0.747 971 386 Ductwork: 0.200 1,625 0.200 86 815 People: 200 lat/per, 230 sen/per: 2 400 460 Equipment: 750 0 Room Totals: 9,752 2,207 4,890 Detailed Room Loads - Room 6 - Bdrm #3. (Peak Method) R� � I �� Calculation Mode: Htg. & c1g. Occurrences: 1 Room Length: 13.5 ft. System Number: 1 Room Width: 13.0 ft. Zone Number: 1 Area: 176.0 sq.ft. Supply Air: 121 CFM Ceiling Height: 9.4 ft. Supply Air Changes: 4.4 AC/hr Volume: 1,650.0 cu.ft. Required Vent.: 0 CFM Number of Registers: 2 Actual Winter Vent.: 0 CFM Runout Air:. 60 CFM Percent of Supply.: 0 % Runout Duct Size: 4 in. Actual Summer Vent.: 0 CFM Runout Air Velocity,, 693 ft./min. Percent of Supply: 0 % Design Loss: 0.100 ln.wgJ1 00 ft. Actual Winter Infil.: 23 CFM Actual Loss- 0.539 ln.wgJ1 00 ft. Actual Summer Infil:: 13 CFM -Wall-14E 7 4-8c -Wall-14r=-4_8c S.-Gls-IA-rb-d,shgc-0.35100%S 40.8 1.080 32.4 1,322 27,2 0 1,108 UP -Roof -I 8B-1 9 13.5 X 13 175.5 0.051 1.5 269 1.1 0 188 Floor-22A-pm 31 ft..Per. 31 1.180 35.4 1,097 0.01, 0 0 Subtotals for Structure: 3,831 0 1,539 Infil.: Wn.: 23.1, Sum.: 13.2 291 2.612 761 0.745 547' 217 Ductwork: 0.200 918 0.200 86 443 People: 200 latfper, 230 sen/per, 2 400 460 Room Totals: 5,510 1,033 2,659 Calculation Mode:-. Htg. & clg. Occurrences: 1 Room Length:, " 16.0 ft. System Number: 1 - Room. Width:' 11.5 ft. Zone Number: 1 Area: , " -. 184.0 sq.ft. Supply Air: 85 CFM Ceiling Height: 9.4 ft. Supply Air Changes: 3.0 AC/hr Volume.: 1,730.0 cu.ft. Required Vent.: 0 CFM Number of Registers: 1 Actual Winter Vent.: 0 CFM Runout Air: 85 CFM Percent of Supply.: 0 % Runout Duct Size: 5 in. Actual Summer Vent.: 0 CFM Runout Air Velocity: 627 ftJmin. Percent of Supply: 0 % Design Loss: 0.100 in.wgJ100 ft. Actual Winter Infil.: 25 CFM Actual Loss: 0.322 in.wg./100 ft. Actual Summer Infil.: 14 CFM W -Wall-14E-4-8c 10 X 9.4 94 0.152 4.6 429 2.4 0 226 N -Wall-12B-Obw 6 X 9.4 39.4 0.097 2.9 115 0.9 0 35 N -Wall-14E-4-8c 6 X 9.4 20.4 0.152 4.6 93 1.4 0 28 N -Door-I1 D 2.5 X 6.8 17 0.390 11.7 199 10.1 0 172 N-Door-11 D 3 X 8 24 0.390 11.7 281 10.1 0 243 N -GIs-IA-rb-o shgc-0.35 100%S 12 1.080 32.4 389 27.2 0 326 UP-Roof-18B-19 16 X 11.5 184 0.051 1.5 282 1.1 0 197 Floor-22A-pm 33 ft..Per. 33 1.180 35.4 1,168 0.0 0 0 Subtotals for Structure: 3,428 0 1,334 Infil.: Win.: 24.6, Sum.: 14.0 310 2.611 810 0.745 582 231 Ductwork: 0.200 848 0.200 86 313 Room Totals: 5,086 668 1,878 Detailed Room Loads - Room 4 - MstdBth/WIC (Peak Method) Room Length: 35.0 ft. System Number: 1 Room Width: 12.0 ft. Zone Number: 1 Area: 420.0 sq.ft. Supply Air: 299 Ceiling Height: 10.0 ft. Supply Air Changes: 4.3 Volume: 4,200.0 cu.ft. Required Vent.: 0 Number of Registers: 3 Actual Winter Vent.: 0 Runout Air: 100 CFM Percent of Supply.: 0 Runout Duct Size: 6 in. Actual Summer Vent.: 0 Runout Air Velocity: 508 Umin. Percent of Supply: 0 Design Loss: 0.100 in.wgJ100 ft. Actual Winter Infil.: 37 Actual Loss: 0.165 in.wg./100 ft. Actual Summer Infil.: 21 CFM AC/hr CFM CFM CFM CFM CFM S -Wall-14E-4-8c 12 X 10 57 0.152 4.6 260 0.8 0 -48 S -GIs-IA-rb-o shgc-0.35 100%S 15 1.080 32.4 486 27.1 0 407 S-GIs-lA-rb-dshgc-0.35.100%S 48 1.080 32.4 1,556 27.2 0 1,304 (2) UP-Roof-188-19 35-X 12 420 0.051 1.5 643 1.1 0 450 Floor-20P4c.12X35'.`°:.,.: 420 0.385 11.6 4851 3.9 0 1,617 Subtotals forStructure;. 9,392 0 4,667 Infil...•Wrn.:37.2, Sum'.;:21.3 ; 470 2.611 1,227. 0.745 882 350 Duciwoik: Pegple: 200 lat/per, 230 sen/per: 2 0.200 2,124 0.200 86 1,095 Equipment: .. 400 460 1000 0 Room Totals: 12,743 2,368. ,, 6,572 uaor sldeuitaTBl.�yfrtCcanmeicwtllV;4GLa�is � z,� ;:;=.:<,a:.;�: �:x�t�8oft�9a[$Dana%prnerihinc.-: �x �iry>-_- Nuce3aY me •c ✓a•••c - xk sc. � E attcfr - rxf h .> w "' 'r' - a '('jta'iarf�'�{ipiCid�ir Detailed Room Loads - Room 3 - Liv/Din (Peak Method) . ...... .. ........�, � : o>:,,<a:.. ... \...�..... ...... .. aa�..,,@.a.:...��,.:.:a ,..�.tc,..:a \:...Z. ..ae> � ....,....>:..::. .K..:... ..:a•>::>:¢Y.. y:.>,....:,::�f ..:.e R'':I`@33?.x.�.:';.'ifi::S:�i$�s!�.':;aYi£:�'x> Calculation Mode: Htg. & clg. Occurrences: 1 Room Length: 24.0 ft. System Number. 1 Room Width: 14.0 ft. Zone Number: 1 Area: 336.0 sq.ft. Supply Air: 214 CFM Ceiling Height: 9.4 ft. Supply Air Changes: 4.1 AC/hr Volume: 3,158.0 cu.ft. Required Vent.: 0 CFM Number of Registers: 2 Actual Winter Vent.: 0 CFM Runout Air: 107 CFM Percent of Supply.: 0 % Runout Duct Size: 6 in. Actual Summer Vent.: 0 CFM Runout Air Velocity: 545 ft./min. Percent of Supply: 0 % Design Loss: 0.100 in.wgJ100 ft. Actual Winter Infil.: 28 CFM Actual Loss: ! 0.190 in.wgJ100 ft. Actual Summer Infil.: 16 CFM ,... \xa �\,\ `. \....,.... Via\ n.,'�.a 4,., .... \•.`. o`:: Rbc .: aa..e :'ac`...:...,i:.. �yyg{���� 4 a.:;.. eY ., ka, f. C�� ...... :.o:. mo ,) .���`1i,,, �. •ie�'i:\ .i...>a�w �.>tu:. F\:.. a �:n.;•: <`�'a� :o-M.. �� ar. aaa, nJ}...: � : ��Zf .w`.,.�.: , u� ` ♦ > <s M§ �.a � �.•. . 4':5.;. r.> .3�<><LRrv>£.: ... ... E -Wall-14E 4 8c 24 X 9.4:: -, 225.E 0.152 4.6 1,029 . 1.0 0 233 S -Wall-14E�t 8c .14 X 9.4'" `" 68.6 0.152 4.6 313 0.8 0 57 S -GIs-1A-rb o sflge 0.35 100%S 15 1.080 32.4 486 27.1 0 407 S=GIs 1A-rb�i shgc D:35'100%°S 48 1.080 32.4 1,556 27.2 0 1,304 UPaRoof-18&T924-X'14 336 0.051 1.5 514 1.1 0 360 Floor- 20P-Oc 14 X 24' -. - 336 0.385 11.6 3 881 3.9 0 1,294 Subtotals for Structure: 7,779 0. 3,655 Infil;:.Wn.:.28.3, Sum.: 16.2 ' 357 2.609 932 0.745 671 266 Ductwork: - - _ - 0.200 1,742 0.200 86 784 Rdom Totals:. 10,453 757 4,705 Detailed Room Loads - Room 2 - MlBrk (Peak Method) Room Length: 19.0 ft. Room Width: 13.5 ft. Area:, 257.0 sq.ft. Ceiling Height: 9.4 ft. Volume: 2,411.0 cu.ft. Number of Registers:, 2 RunoutAir: 78 CFM Runout Duct Site: 5 in. Runout Air.Velocity:: - = _: "' ' `' 569.. Umin. Design Lossi ; `. ' " 0.100 in.wg./100 ft. Actual L'oss; 0.267 in.wgJ100 ft. N-vvau-141= 4-UCZU A 9.4 "' 148 0.152 E -Wall-141E=4--8c:9.X 9.4 84.6 0.152 N-GlsAkir -o shgc -0:35 100%S 40 1.080 System Number. 1 Zone Number: 1 Supply Air: 155 CFM Supply Air Changes: 3.9 AC/hr Required Vent.: 0 CFM Actual Winter Vent.: 0 CFM Percent of Supply.: 0 % Actual Summer Vent.:,-.. '- 0 CFM Percent of Supply: ., 0 % Actual Winter Infil.: 22 CFM Actual Summer Infil.: 12 ' CFM Y.V VIJ I.Y' "V .. LVV 4.6 386 1.0 " 0 87 32.4 1,296 27.2 .0 1,086 (2) UP-Roof-18B-19 19 X 13.6 256.5 0.051 1.5 392 1.1 0 275 Floor 20P-Oc 13.5 X 19 256.5 0.385 11.6 2,963 3.9 0 988 Subtotals for Structure: 5,712 0 2,641 Infil.: Win.: 21.6, Sum.: 12.3 273 2.608 711 0.745 512 203 Ductwork: 0.200 1,285 0.200 86 569 Equipment: 1,200 0 Room Totals: 7,708 1,798 3,413 Detailed Room Loads - Room 9 - Foyer (Peak Method) Room Length: 10.0 ft. System Number. 1 Room Width: 9.5 ft. Zone Number: 1 Area: 95.0 sq.ft. Supply Air 79 CFM Ceiling Height: 9.4 ft. Supply Air Changes: 5.3 AC/hr Volume: 893.0 cu.ft. Required Vent.: 0 CFM Number of Registers: 1 Actual Winter Vent.: 0 CFM ,Runout Air: 79 CFM Percent of Supply.: 0 % Runout Duct Size: 5 in. Actual Summer Vent.: 0 CFM Runout Air Velocity: - 579 Urnin. Percent of Supply: 0 % Design Loss:. 0.100 in.wgJ100 ft. Actual Winter lnfil.: 12 CFM Actual Coss: 0.276 in.wgJ100 ft. Actual Summer Infil.:.. , 7 CFM �-rr011-14c--UU-rVAWA''. -, - N-Wall-14&4=-&AXSA;:-" . U4 u.1:)Z 4.6 429 1.0 ,'0 97 - 31.4 0.152 4.6 143 1.4 0. 43 N -GIs-lA-rb-o shgc-0:35 100°hS - 25 1.080 32.4 810 29.1 ' * '0.-.::;., ..- 727 - UP-Roof=.18B 1910 X 9 5 95 0.051 1.5 145 1.1 0 d 02• Floor-20P-01j'9:SX:10,:: ' '.. ' 95 0.385 11.6 1,097 3.9 0`' 366• Subfdtils for Structure: 2,624 0 •1,335 Infil.: Win.: 11.9; Sum.:6.8 150 2.613 393 0.745 28Z. 112 Ductwork: 0.200 603 0.200 86 289 Room Totals: 3,620 368 1,736 ;RttVdPi, Residential �%Lrpfii`�nminem�ai'N1IA:'aa� - � z � - .. �iteSoffvxar _ at4spfnent,;lns �. `l�'scnailzeitSer�cei[!L' n vAs .: $�Kwm� �s2E' � Xv � �s ��c •> s v it s-carf"� �i1rCEyRiIOBeIL System 1, Zone 1 Summary Loads (Peak Method) :.......:.. a..a;:;;;<'.:. v ,..a..e.,,:.. .x\a..,:.\..... a .tea , �\..o . �.. vw.....a ..e 2,...axo:. .,...[ .a,�o�.�.uaw.�..n>^.a as>. e¢:..aa \o`: ,,. �.:.>aa..\\. ,..». � \:i¢:<t'#:<:<.:h S>ti;,•. ,.: 1A-rb-o: Glazing -Single pane, operable window, reflective, 25 810 0 727 727 metal frame with break 1A-rb-o: Glazing -Single pane, operable window, reflective, 82 2,657 0 2,226 2,226 -metal frame with break, ground reflectance = 0.32, outdoor insect screen with 50% coverage, dark color ,W- drapes with loose weave with 25% coverage 1A-rb=d: Glazirig Singlepane, sliding glass door, 218.8 7,092 0 5,944 5,944 reflective; metal frame with break, ground reflectance = 0:32,' outdoorinsect screen with 50% coverage, dark .color drapes with loose weave with 25% coverage fiD:Door-Solid.Core,... , c 41 480 0 415 415 14E-4e8c:•WaIIAWo courses brick, brick on concrete or 8 1878 8,565 0 2,910 2,910 -inches;concrete( 8_inches of 140# concrete with R-4 �,�board.insulation . 12B-Obw: Wall -Frame, R-11 insulation in 2 x 4 stud cavity, 124 361 0 110 110 no board 'insulation, brick finish, wood studs 18B-19:Roof/Ceiling-Below roof joists, White or Light 1683 2,575 0 1,863 1,803 Color Asphalt Shingle, Any Wood Shake, Dark or Medium Color Tile, Slate or Concrete, Light or Unpainted Metal, Light or Silver Membrane, Light Tar and Gravel, R-19 blanket or loose fill 20P-0c: Floor -Over open crawl space or garage, Passive, 1107.5 12,792 0 4,265 4,265 no insulation, carpet or hardwood 22A-pm: Floor -Slab on grade, No edge insulation, no 119 4,212 0 0 0 insulation below floor, any floor cover, passive, heavy dry or light wet soil Subtotals for structure: 39,544 0 18,400 18,400 People: 6 1,200 1,380 2,580 Equipment: 2,950 0 2,950 Lighting 0 0 0 Ductwork: 9,145 602 4,308 4,910 Infiltration: Winter CFM: 188, Summer CFM: 107 6,183 4,447 1,765 6,212 System 1, Zone1 Load Totals: 54,872 9,199 25,853 35,052 Supply CFM: 1,176 (4.4 AC/hr) CFM Per Square ft.: 0.698 Square ft. of Room Area: 1,684 Square ft Per Ton: 577 >e<¢o "2~w.:. ;\" a..�ati...a ... . c ..ao:;;<'.? em;<<a<ii xa`sn; _J:: a..>:. :u.¢•::.¢.;; y.. . ..:._. Y.. ... ..... .\\_..� ,,. ......uL� ,.;.::..e>:'. .. ... ... ..:.. ..:.ryhx«<.: kpL.o.; .. `:>;Rw `2aio�:$:9,.�i.:',m 9:,.�`J:<�:.:`3:;3•:?ii: . a\,, .... u��i.,\, .._ .......♦ .><.Tv,>.mn\Unwa,. v..:.�..:¢� „ 4o<.�,att<F..uw4w``k`..;.::.>•.p.`,�'Jn ztx'Rx"`k�>n:.:':;:<:ae.�.:.>...>.. k4iiy'C<.....;,.<,:i;::,: nu:>.:: Total Heating Required: 54,872 Btuh 54.872 MBH Total Sensible Gain: 25,853 Btuh 74 % Total Latent Gain: 9,199 Btuh 26 % Total Cooling Required: 35,052 Btuh 2.92 Tons (Based On Sensible + Latent) ....o:,.n:...................n..k.n.r..,........x..Y:>,o>^,•,Qo;:nyn<:eiovw\kit:CkR'eusa:Q6¢Ja:<.::<.:>:.::::::.:<.0 <.i i:. Calculations are based on 8th edition ofACCA Manual J. All computed results are estimates as building use and weather may vary. Be sure to select a unit that meets both sensible and latent loads. ifhxa%.'-<t28s]rfeataai:$u`lii frts4a�aeilereT[iYAfl`::fxn�ds:,'...;.:^.i^;:::':::>::g:;:�:::;y..,�.:#:>:iH<:i:,:.'.�:1=rlit�'8uftvidi&:i7e..,..�......�r�::irscL:: y-.. ......�a' �•z 4�s f<.. •£r � n .StEler[ <+�i.-..,a.,,.:s: � 5 x<t's ra _ b -- e:✓,:�:'s.,,=n.,n....... n:-.:s .s � r..? �?„' .. :w.:.;a.. n :.: n`>::-..-;..,....,.:,,....-?'4. n...: System 1 Torrey Mod. C Summary Loads (Peak Method) II��''rtrt i , C„ .erJ.:ynV...ti. _anexiva.,yD.... ..<vy:.Vvoa i`o..«.[.n?N. "r.�.a ex. ... .<�: ..r as <.::.7u"a`.«v4 3::y..e. Ek er:�Y�•`::1>...:: a... ..:.:...x ......i�+<.'�><... :o \xQ.::>'\;nV\ ). vun.. Fv'\J1\'h: M.n V>„ w.::\v w .nxV\. .a. vq.. aa,.: ,nil, ..,\0. :� i`. S • ,.. ...:5' i':at,;.0 tht%:vv ..y.C>..:.: � .. IA-rb-o: Glazing -Single pane, operable window, reflective, 25 810 0 727 727 metal frame with break IA-rb-o: Glazing -Single pane, operable window, reflective, 82 2,657 0 2,226 2,226 metal frame with break, ground reflectance = 0.32, outdoor insect screen with 50% coverage, dark color drapes.with loose weave with 25% coverage 1i4-rb-d: Glazing -Single pane, sliding glass door, 218.8 7,092 0 5,944 5,944 reflective, metal.frame with break, ground reflectance _ 0:32, outdoor insect screen with 50% coverage, dark color drapes with.loose weave with 25% coverage 11 Di Door -Solid Core 41 480 0 415 .415 14E 8c:'VNall-two courses brick, brick on concrete or 8 1878 8,565 0 2,910 2,910 inches concrete, 8 inches of 140# concrete with R-4 board insulation -12B-0bw: Wall -Frame, R-11 insulation in 2 x 4 stud cavity, 124 361 0 1101. ° 110 no board insulation, brick finish, wood studs 18B-19: Roof/Ceiling-Below roof joists, White or Light 1683 2,575 0 1,803 1,803 Color Asphalt Shingle, Any Wood Shake, Dark or Medium Color Tile, Slate or Concrete, Light or Unpainted Metal, Light or Silver Membrane, Light Tar and Gravel, R-19 blanket or loose fill 20P-0c: Floor -Over open crawl space or garage, Passive, 1107.5 12,792 0 4,265 4,265 no insulation, carpet or hardwood 22A-pm: Floor -Slab on grade, No edge insulation, no 119 4,212 0 0 0 insulation below floor, any floor cover, passive, heavy dry or light wet soil Subtotals for structure: 39,544 0 18,400 18,400 People: 6 1,200 1,380 2,580 Equipment: 2,950 0 2,950 Lighting: 0 0 0 Ductwork: 9,145 602 4,308 4,910 Infiltration: Winter CFM: 188, Summer CFM: 107 6,183 4,447 1,765 6,212 Ventilation: Winter CFM: 0, Summer CFM: 0 0 0 0 0 System 1 Torrey Mod. C Load Totals: 54,872 9,199 25,853 35,052 .. ,ve,,.,......:..,..>,,:e:;::;:::.x,:\•ac:r<<ce.<>�::,..a:a:.au,:a.::..:.+•:.:.:„a:<.:«.>:e:',,.�<.>:.,:..:..:.a:.>..,.e.<n...:<:...-:.>:...>,a:.>.:.<e.,>..,.. .......:.. '. ::. -.r�`'isa>,>e>y.>.VJ:..�>vr..ipVaa..V.wv.V\..h\\.`h<za Vu`.vC:C:«SxS,p'JC.Yi:a..��. .. .... •.\.<iF.ar3'. a <':." ..tt.V..:..;p....:.:.w.,y.. .ti �*.i•.. .. c. ... .. ...>:.c.a.:.:\axa Vvnh.ua, n„ u.s cexna, ,..a :, .y.J.)�.>.,:. ,. a>•\aa ::VS.,`aa��nl�? Supply CFM: 1,176 (4.4 AC/hr) CFM Per Square ft.: 0.698 Square ft. of Room Area: 1,684 Square ft Per Ton: 577 ,..:.anaa,, i>„>,,.„ii.:.n,....aa.,rii:..:,:>.<»>..�,:,..,>,:,a».•>.J.,,.,vt..:.>,....:.w....._..'J. .>:. x a.n tea. .i�aae:ia c�tia• ,sa,.>�... ..ice....'• a.: _._ �\ an„u.., .. .. .;<. ., ... iA» ...\ > .ni>. ,.•.5. ,, bn jf $� >. r:F. e:aJ.V ... �a.a .4. ♦ . v, „ \ . a: _\ . nma.n...;. ,. ...\ "soyw,<.`..y> .. a' c 2w, »i.:d .. ._,a �. ._. a...aa,..\.\.\r .n.,..\V .b .....`Z...V... ni, ?a\......,. V,.,a. n, a>,>:-J. G:J`.•:«..r..a.: :.2,:�5„ Total Heating Required With Outside Air: 54,872 Btuh 54.872«`MBIiTz` Total Sensible Gain: 25,853 Btuh 74 % Total Latent Gain: 9,199 Btuh 26 % Total Cooling Required With Outside Air: 35,052 Btuh 2.92 Tons (Based On Sensible + Latent) /..V ,. .\eS.,.. unJ. »:i;yo„;>. �e:.,yVoua,:>.`:4;:':�tii•.,><::o:Fa.:<:at:`GS3z3i:Y�<.yo:..:£yo: .,,..,...iawV„ J 34' �> .aw V nt•S ..,.:. ,. ...a. kh:e::'S., <:«:r.:ab:.>3\a;::. ee,.o:.i . •°§ o .•sos•i::a.�iaY. .._... .._. ....a«n•:.: =. a,,,,,..,,,.na. nw n...n�a,�1 hax..ao>.a x..'a�.a ...:.vnuw�•. v 2>,,: •.n ,...,.. .4.�. 4.a a-c:�Z oo.va>>x.t<;.a-. >.oc`\vn.,ia; o`: Calculations are based on am edition of ACCA Manual J. All computed results are estimates as building use and weather may vary. Be sure to select a unit that meets both sensible and latent loads. Total Building Summary Loads IA-rb-o: Glazing -Single pane, operable window, reflective, 25 810 0 727 727 metal frame with break IA-rb-o: Glazing -Single pane, operable window, reflective, 82 2,657 0 2,226 2,226 metal frame with break, ground reflectance = 0.32, outdoor insect screen with 50% coverage, dark color drapes with loose weave with 25% coverage 1A-rb-d: Glazing -Single pane, sliding glass door, 218.8 7,092 0 5,944 5,944 reflective, m'etal.frame with break, ground reflectance = 0.32, outdoor insect screen with 50% coverage, dark colorAta(pes withilbose weave with 25% coverage 11D: Door -Solid -Core :: 41 480 0 415 415 14E4=8c: Wall -two courses brick, brick on concrete or 8 1878 8,565 0 2,910 2,910 inches concrete, 8 inches of 140# concrete with R-4 - board insufation- 12B-obw: Wall -Frame, R-11 insulation in 2 x 4 stud cavity, 124 361 0 110 - 110 no board insulation, brick finish, wood studs 18B-19: Roof/Ceiling-Below roof joists, White or Light 1683 2,575 0 1,803- 1,803 Color Asphalt Shingle, Any Wood Shake, Dark or Medium Color Tile, Slate or Concrete, Light or Unpainted Metal, Light or Silver Membrane, Light Tar and Gravel, R-19 blanket or loose fill 20P-0c: Floor -Over open crawl space or garage, Passive, 1107.5 12,792 0 4,265 4,265 no insulation, carpet or hardwood 22A-pm: Floor -Slab on grade, No edge insulation, no 119 4,212 0 0 0 insulation below floor, any floor cover, passive, heavy dry or liaht wet soil Subtotals for structure: 39,544 0 18,400 18,400 People: 6 1,200 1,380 2,580 Equipment: 2,950 0 2,950 Lighting: 0 0 0 Ductwork: 9,145 602 4,308 4,910 Infiltration: Winter CFM: 188, Summer CFM: 107 6,183 4,447 1,765 6,212 Ventilation: Winter CFM: 0, Summer CFM: 0 0 0 0 0 Total Building Load Totals: 54,872 9,199 25,853 35,052 ULm.ounumy oupp y %,nvc 1,110 (4.4 AG/nr) CFM Per Square It.: 0.698 Square ft. of Room Area: 1,684 Square ft Per Ton: 577 .... .. __.,.� ._<,.,,....,.,�..,...�..,...va.>:<,a.,,>„�.,x<,.nws:.�>yo,>.»�.n.:.,..w�:«."�.�,`•,�\,::<:,::.4..,>w.fia,..;.,.:>;r...:�;:.^<<i.;.:�,.�.>:>,..o.....<.��.,....<>..F£3sa'r<..«<.;:.x.::>.:>».c:.,.,:.<.,:.,�'.'`. Total Heating Required With Outside Air: 54,872 Btuh 54.872 MBH Total Sensible Gain: 25,853 Btuh 74 % Total Latent Gain: 9,199 Btuh 26 % Total Cooling Required With Outside Air: 35,052 Btuh 2.92 Tons (Based On Sensible + Latent) Calculations are based on 8th edition of ACCA Manual J. All computed results are estimates as building use and weather may vary. Be sure to select a unit that meets both sensible and latent loads. 9-Z ZZZ - ZZZ ZZL ZSL'6 L60'L LOZ'Z 069'4 4l9/Z#Wip8-L t-Z LZC " LZL :. ZL" OLS'S Z69'£ £EO'L 699'Z 9LL ,:. `- E#.LWPB-9 S-L 49 • S9 99 9909 96S'Z_ - 999 9L9'L ' vn IIeN/PueTS 9-E 66Z 66Z 99L E4L'ZL 046'9 99E'Z ZL9'9 .. OZ4'.:. 31AAMEMSIN-4 9-Z 4LZ IF 9EL ESY'OL Z9ti'S LSL SOL`t, WE u!O/M-£ S-Z 99L 99L 00L 90L'L LLZ'S 96L'L ELVE. LSZ AJSM-y S-L 6L 6L L4 OWE 40L'Z 99E 9£L'L 96 JaRoZI-L 9LL'L 9LV: ELL ZL9'4S Z90'SE 66L'6 E99'9Z t499'L LauOZ pode& A4einajd peo-7 Miscellaneous Report Summer: 90 78 50 75 61.09 Calculate: Yes Yes Use Schedule: Yes Yes -Roughness Factor: 0.00300 0.01000 Pressure Drop: 0.1000 in.wgJ100 ft. 0.1000 in.wgJ100 ft. Minimum Velocity: 650 ftJmin 450 ftJmin -Maximum Velocity: 900 ftJmin 750 ftJmin Minimum Heights 0 in. 0 in. Maximum Height:_. 0 in. 0 in. winter Summer .. Infiltrations 0.700 AC/hr 0.400 AC/hr Volume of Conditioned. Space: X 16072 Cu.ft. X 16072 Cu.ft:' 11,250 Cu.ftJhr 6,429 Cuk/hr. -•. X 0.0167 X 0.0167 Total Building,Infiltration: 188 CFM 107 ' CFM Totatabilding Ventilation: 0 CFM 0 CFM —System 1— Infiltration 8 Ventilation Sensible Gain Multiplier: 16.49 = 0.10 X 0.999 X 15.00 Summer Temp. Difference) Infiltration & Ventilation Latent Gain Multiplier: 41.50 = (0.68 X 0.999 X 61.09 Grains Difference) Infiltration & Ventilation Sensible Loss Multiplier. 32.97 = (1.10 X 0.999 X 30.00 Winter Temp. Difference) OWAIbte -------- �U-.'WAa.L M Project Report Flo, Project Filename: C,.\Elfte\Rhvacw\Projects\TorreyC.rhv Project Title: The Torrey Model C Project Date: Wednesday, June 04,2003 Client Name: Kolter Signature Homes, Inc. ClientAddreis:, 2160 NW Reserve Park Trace Client City: Port St. Lucia, FI 34986 Client Phone: 772-468-4703 -Company Name: Nisair Air Conditioning jpqmpqLny Repr�es6rftative: Jose Company?kddress: .1501 Decker Ave. - D404 CompanyCity.- Stuart, FI 34994 4 . Company one, 772-283-0904 'Reference City-- Fort Pierce, Florida balliTempe!� Medium -Latitude:-'.. 27 Degrees 25 ft. 0.999 Elevation Sensible Adj. Factor: 1.000 Elevation Total Adj. Factor: 1.000 Elevation Heating -Adj. Factor: 1.000 Elevation Heating Adj. Factor: 1.000 Outdoor Outdoor Indoor Indoor Grains Dry Bulb Wet Bulb Rel.Hum Dry Bulb Difference Winter: 42 a 0 72 0 Summer: 90 78 so 75 61 Total Building Supply CFM: 1,176 (4.4 AC/hr) CFM Per Square ft.: 0.698 Square ft. of Room Area: 1,684 Square fL Per Ton: - 577 'nX Total=Heating Required With Outside Air: 54,872 Btuh 54.872 MBH Total Sensible Gain: 25,853 Btuh 74 % Total Latent Gain: 9,199 Btuh 26 % Total Cooling Required With Outside Air. 35,052 Btuh 2.92 Tons (Based On Sensible Latent) Calculations are based on 8th edition of ACCA Manual J. All computed results are estimates as building use and weather may vary. Be sure to select a unit that meets both sensible and latent loads. The Torrey Model C HVAC Load Calculations for Kolter Signature Homes, Inc. 2160 NW Reserve Park Trace Port St. Lucie, FI 34986 girt K ■ " - t Prepared By: Jose Nisair Air Conditioning 1501 Decker Ave. - D404 Stuart, FI 34994 772-283-0904 Wednesday, June 04, 2003 It 1 Teste ENERGY -DISPLA .:CAJ.M,. ESTTHATBD 941 KOLTER SIGNATURE HOMES, INC-,,.POF;rr ST..LUCIE, FL, Z Single faimly or muld.fitially 3. Number of imita, ifmatti-fimifly 4. Number ofBedmoms 5. in this a , wom case? ,Cohdiqoncd flow 4;5a'(M a. Cl nor sffislcpoalq b. Clear. dqbIv We Tirifin S1jGC _ alosli pop ;d. Tint/other. SHOO m double parts Slab-On-GradeMiainsulation .1fib: Raiscd Wood, Shan Wall c.'WA 91' 'wan i Pcai LL Cover* Ni,lns@, Adjacent *'Forme. wood. Adjacent cl. -XIA c. N/A 10. 'Quing qPw a. UndcrAftia b. N/A a. WA 11, Dmb(U*F=) (L SUP: Unc. got t1ho. AM Me b. N/A New Multi -family 3 YES 1683 fft ShiSloPme UkoubloPoho 0.0 *L 0.0 fla 325.8 P 0.011. 0.0 ftL 12; Coaling sy*=.o a. Ceatra.Lualt - b. WA 0. MA b. NIX X-OA 114.0(p) It a. NIA R-719.0,683.0H3 14. Hot water system a. Electric Resistance R-42, 1645.0 Am R=41 566.0 02 b. N/A R-11.0, 141.0 ft- a. Conservatficincradits (H114icatromnery, Solar DIV-Dedicaled heat porap) R7-19.0. 1000.0 9 .. 15, HVAC moffits (CF-Cowns film. CV -Cron Ventilation, BF -whole house for, PT-Frogrammuibl. ThizrmtY14 Sup. R-6.0,125.0 fk ...... NZ.CM6ftkoav I cmtifY that this home has complied with the Florida H=gyMciwiL7, CodwFor Building - Construction through the above c=U mvmg fiatum which wal� be MsWled,(or ==tied) W this home before final Oftrwfio, a nw M Display--CardmM W wrripleted, based on in Code li Builder *a=; Dik: ---S7 -n3 Address of NewHome: M(-%Lj-lllt-k Cr-tat.-m City/FL Zip:r-S2- 1 FLU Cap: 36.0 Uku&r SUP-!12.00 Cop: 36.0 kBtwbr HWL. 7.50 Cap: 40.0 gallons EF; 0,94 *NOTE.' The home's estimated energy performance morels only available through: the PTAIREScomputer program. This isff.Ot aBzdldi"g &7mV Raft. Yyour.wore*Lv 80 orgrffater.(br Fnergy& designation), your home may qualify for energy effictemy mortMe a noridd,)D70W Gmige Rating. Coniact the Energy Gauge .11olfthe at 32iloa-1492 or We- 111d*&etgy-Gqu&e:websUe at www,1kc. ucf e4ifor Information and a list of certified Raters, For information about Florida's Energy Efficiency Code PorRuilding consIM0116M, contact the DePaFfmcmtaf Community-4ffa&&M,q4Z(gotk; FLF-CS11v330) PT, — I ; I Equipment Schedule Unit# Y SEER IX HSPF Make 26iVJO OX Tons .3 Cond.Unff Mocl.#IM�P-3,4, A/H Urgt Mod. #ee2-66 7-f 04 - J,( Heater lvlod.#I'tCA92 - 09 Sensbie Cooflng- 02 -6, 00- .0 Latent Cooling 96-00 1 1 y Total Cool BTUs '22 0L9/16/2003 23:50 7722037229 NISAIR AIR CONDITION PAGE 00 FORM BOOA-2001 Code Compliance Checklist Residential, Whole. Building Performance Method A - Details RA.21 IIHFII'TRATWIN REDACTION COMPLIANCE CHECKI ,CyOMPONENTS SECj}ON REQUIREMENTS FOR_PJIOW PRACTICE, Meodmum 3 chnlsO R N1rWaw sr ,P¢ SOW R do6 orm. ., CFIECK ..... Etw # Wlndoxta a Doors'_— BOB. ,ABC 1 1 ,,, E:Qedor 8 Adpok Walk '. 606.1 Aer 1 2.1 Cau1c garlaef, wea6rerSlnP or seal bai�veerr: Wnldewsldoors 6 fremaa, surrourxl(ng wall; fountle}pn A waA sole 6tsrll plate Jdnl befYleeR exterlorwdl perlela at comers; ubT4 pem;traborta °peliveen ya111 paneka& topl6Wiurn platen liehwrrjvalk and Moor. EXCEPTION Frame wdk where a conflnuous lrvr a Harrier is installed that extende �.: u,... to lha`touriEaOon to tlts,tQp Wets. Flails' -. 606.1,ABC12.2 lmembers. P,eixtlrehOnsfopeelgs?1/B"sealed unless bathed by tnm orJand .. .. - - ,, . DfCEP'fION Frame floors where a canNmious trdldaflaitbarrter is lrrM'A' ed that Is sealed to the meter: r>ei etrattorrs end seams ::... _ 9ehaeen we is B cellinga perietratbns Of 6mihrg pkne of tvp floor ardaM slmfts, chases, CeSings 808.5 J19C.1 2 3 aofflls, dilmrx:ys, cetii111 . seam to confutuoUa atr bsriler, gaps in gyp board B top plate; • '. •. attloaCceas.'P�(CEPT'I0N FwecellingswtrcM0 onenu6ualn6tb�'d Wtbart)erls In9tdiktl Ora! la seayW at the parlmetar at penrbabons aiutscam, ... , Recessed Lighting Plxhires 666,1.ABC 124 Type IC reMd wNlt no'pe�w.tmtioire saalad or Type IC Or,, Ic rand; installed inside a sealed tiox wlllr112" clearance, 8, 3' from li+`suistion� ot'tjlpa IC mtsd im a 2.6 ofm from .... MUIt Hdises BOBA,ABC 128 cba - .�O ° meterofflodk,ceyny.belween Moors. - Adtldknal IMlltratlon regk 6081 ABC 1.3F�d aust�idr5 Vented'to o'iddows "*frWa combustion apace heatera coihplyw�Th NFPA, EnmgyGoW- DCA Form BOOA-2001 EnmWG-raugeWFIaRES'2001 FLRCSBY3.30 09/16/2003 23:50 7722837229 NISAIR AIR CONDITION PAGE 07 FORM.600A:2001 WATER-HEATINQ, & CODE COMPLIANCE STATUS Residential Whole Building Performance Method A - Details BASE .: A WATER HEATING, 11 Number of X '-Multiplier = . Total Tank ' EF Number of X Bedivooms ; Volume Bedrooms, 3 ' 2564.60 7692.0 _ 40.0 0.84 3 As8uIlt,ToteL•,•" , CODE CONIOLIMCE STD -BASE , Cooling + Heating +' Flot Water. = Total Cooling + I - Points: - Points POiMs Points Points 14556; 3197 , 7160�2 y x5445 . 1184�3 Ene WGQUP- DCA Form 600A 2001 ErWgyGaVVffMRES'2001 FLRCSB V3.30 Tank XX Multiplier X" Credit_ = Total Ratio" Multiplier , 1.00 24il0.34 1.00 .._ - 7201.0 M i.B rus + Hot Wal Points Total Points 25157 0546/2003 23:50 7722837229 NISAIR AIR CONDITION PAGE 06 FORM 600A-2001 WINTER CALCULATIONS Residential Whole, Building Performance Method A - Details ADDRESS: , , , PERMIT #: As -BUILT WinterBase Points: 6096.1 . Winter AS Built Points: , 9675.9 Total Winter X System = Heating Total X 'Cap X Duct . X System X Credit = Heating Pointe Multiplier ':Points Component Ratio Multiplier Multiplier Multiplier Points (DM x DSM x AHU) - ~.. 96759 (1,0'78%11BO x1.11) 0.455 1.000 6111,8 50951 0.6274, 3796.7: 8675.9 ,1.0a0 1388, . OA55 1.000 6111.8 ErwgyC augeTM QCA Form 600A 20U1 EW9YGaU9eVFIeRES2001 FLRCSB 13.30 09/16/2003 23:50 7722837229 NISAIR AIR CONDITION PAGE 05 FORM 600A 2001 WINTER CALCULATIONS Residential ;yVhole ,Building Performance Method A - Details ADDRESS. ; , , PERMIT #; BASE AS -BUILT GLASS -TYPES A8 X -6644, nail X BWPM = Points Overhang Floor Area _ rype/sc Oro1 Len 'Ho Area X WPM X WOF = Point 19 ` 184L0 6.80 18149.2 Bingle;Tnit NW ' 20 1.0 54.0 : 15.30 0.99 619.0 • - - Single, Tint SW 13.0 1.0 36.0 12.38 1.57 699.9 -: - Singla'; Tlnt SE 5.0 1.0 ..9.0 11.49 ..: .-1.94 20D,4 Single, Tint BE 2.0 1.0 24.0 11.49 1.82 ,' : 602.0 - Tint BE 7.0 �1.0 84.0 11.49 1194 - 1425.1 Smglg, `Shl'gle,Thd BE 7.0 1.0 40.0 11.49 1.94 no.? ,. AsBallt TalaL•, 2i7A �6a6A WALL TYPES Area X BWPM = Poiri{s Type R-Value Area X WPM = Points Atljeent 1020,0 1,80 1swo Concrete; Int Irsul, Exterior 4.2 830.0 326 2063.0 Exterior 00.9 zoo 12B0'.0 Concrete'Int Instil, Adjeoent 4.2 850.0 206 1751.0 Frame; Wood, Aokant 11.0 170.0 1.80 306.0 a098:0 vAs-BulB Total ..:'.._ ....,. •., ..• 1060.0 41102 DOOR TLY Area X BWPM =„Points Type, ,' Area X = Paints, .. -, .. .WPM .,�... - - ... Adjacent 20.0 400 800 fE�tterlor hisulabed ZOb_ 5.10 102.0. 1 EAelfor ,5.10 20.` 0 102.0 A4 centli�suieled �, � 20.D 4.00 80.0 - 'a_ aae TotpL' 182.0 4s-Bui1C-Totalp ,. 10.0, 182A CEILING TYPESArea X BWRM =Points Type :' R-Value Area X WPM X WCM = Points , , VnderAaio 1093.0 8. UndeiAilo - '. 19.0 1093.0 0.87X1,00 950.9 Base Total. - 1098.0. 6985 Ai ftltt Total: Im.0 966.9 FLOOR TYPES Area X 8WPM Points Type R-Value Area X WPM = Points Blab '- 165.0(p) ` -0.9 .913.5 Blatron=0lada Edge Insulation 0.0 465.0(p ' 2.50 412.5 Raised .0.0 0.0D 0.0 .. '.-. Base Tdal:. .313.6 "lltTotal: 106.0 412.5 INFILTRATION Area X BWPM = Points Alga X WPM = Points .517:2 , �...,,`-:o-;� ,.0 ,.. :�.:. �.. , a; t1847.0 -0.28 -617.2 EmugyGauge® DCA Form 600A-2001 EfteWGaUgMMBRE8'2001 RRCSB Y3.30 g9/16/2003 23:5.0 7722837229 NISAIR AIR CONDITION PAGE 04 FORM 600A 2001 SUMMER CALCULATIONS Residential Whole Building Performance Method A - Details ADDRESS: , , , PERMIT #: BASE AS�i3UILT Summer Base Points. 34121.5 Summer As -Built Points: 30312.1 Total,5ummer X System, = Cooling , Tot al, X Cap X DuctX System X Credit= Cooling points Multiplier Points Component Ratio . Multiplier Multiplier Multiplier Points (OMx DSMxAHU) ' 41. 30312.1 1.000 (1.087x1160.X 1,10) D,264 1.000 118".3 341Z7.5 0.4266 :. 14551i.2. 30312,1 1,00. t;7¢ „ 0,284 1.000 11844.3 EnergyGaugeTM DCA Farm 600A-2001 En"WGauge®1FlaRE6'2001 FLRCSB v3.30 0 H F- H Z U a H Z m N N m m m N N r r CO lfl N N Q to m p m O tD w O m LL W O on aco U -.,0 W Qa V tm W gm • aD CSS Qi CD w N O w N C! It C 0 1pi c00 yO O Cj 00 O, 0) fft IA aq d Irj wj a d 4. 1p IL II to-sRe O �_ V 11 R 11. IE 11 N o0 o o`00 X a m a$ a v N' 0 0 X N to aai 848999 X X a 644 x x o N - X lmm0 0 W 10 o O X" O O w p O 0, rpm �p a oi991 e ¢ ¢ J Ig -O' o o a a o Nv o _', om w o m 2 ,� CD,.: Qc c o00000 0' u,. RS w w ,w w .w "W; w Z a AT m� W SN. N :Vj"'N .. C Q t9� �- ate . :O O -Q 0q. OVq p a m - IL c N T o CL lu - xR. x e; x x x o X o Au PO c 0 :NXu. F Z: co cl, Ix 11 I FORM 600A-2001 FOR BUILDING CON`TRUCTION Florida Department OCCornmunity,Affairs. Residential Whole Sutld ng Rertormnance Method A -- „ Prgjeot Name: THE;Fd y HOME MOD; Dx 13ullder_ (COLTER Address: Permitting Office; - City, state:` . Permit Number: Owner':..KOLTER SIGNATURE HOMES, INC. Jurisdletlon Number. Climate Zone:. Central ' 11. NewametrucllonorexiWng .- New .: 1Z ' Conlingsystcros' .. _-' -•--1 2, single family nr multi laotity muto-fesni[y _ a: Cenft.M Unit Cap. 36.0 kBtulhr -3. Nomberofu-4- Irmulti-(bmily 4.. Number ofBcdroome - 5. Is Obis a worst cast? 6., ConditionedtlooraRB(fe) . 7.Ohm am & typo a. Clear gloat, defeulti)-rse{or b. Dcrautt tint g. Labeled U or SHOC R. Flom typos a Slab -On -Graft Edge Insulation b. N/A o, N/A 9. wall typen a. Concrett; Tat lnsuk F.xwdor b. Concrete, Int Tnw4 Adjacent o. Fmma Wood,Aciaoem d, N/A a. N/A 10..0e111ng *T= a tlnc! rAttlo b. N/A e. N/A 11. )hrob a. Sup: Una. Rat lino. AH; Me b. N/A 1'. 8 _ 3 _ Ya _ 18478' ainglc Pane Double Pant _ 0.0 fe 0.0 ft. _ 227.0 fts 0,010 _ 0.0 v 0.01t' Glass/Floor Area: 0.12 R-0.0,165.0(p) ft _ R--4A 630.0 na R-4A R50.0 na _ R-11.0. 170.0 d' R 19.0,1093.0 fe _ sap. R-4.0, 150.o 8 _ b. N/A' a. N/A' 13. Heating systems a Elcebie Heat Pump b. N/A o. N/A 14. lint water ayntmna ,a lilactriaReslstance b. N/A m Conw7fion credits (HR-Hedmowry, Solar JAW DcdloaUd hem pump) ..15. HVACmeditr (CP1c11Ltg fiA.CV-Cross venblstion, BF-Wfmla hmua$n, PT-Pmgrswinable Thermostat, MZ.GMoldzone eoolitg, M7 14 MuldmAe bating) Total.as-built points„ 25157 Total'base points:2544E 1 hereby: certify that.the plans and speoiffcations.covered 'by this calculation are in compliance with the' Florida' Energy Code. .PREPARE DATE: ( - 2r90 I hereby certify that this bull i , aS designed, is in compliance with the Florida OWNER/AGENT: e, DATE. PASS B.,UILDIN.G OFFICIAL: DATE: EnergyGapgeO (Vemlon .F.LRCSB O.30) SERi12.o0 Cap: 36.0 k&u/hr _ Ksm. 7.50 Cap: 40.0 galbns _ Ifi: 0.94 FORM 60OA-2001 Code Compliance Checklist Residential Whole Building Performance Method A - Details I ADDRESS: , , , . PERMIT* 6A-21 INFILTRATION REDUCTION COMPLIANCE CHECKLIST COMPONENTS SECTION REQUIREMENTS FOR EACH PRACTICE CHECK Exterior Windows & Doors 606.1.ABC.1.1 Maxtmum:.3 cirm/sci.ft. window area• .5 cfm/sq.ft. door areas Exterior & Adjacent Walls 606.1.ABC.1.2.1 Caulk, gasket, weatherstrip or seal between: windows/doors & frames, surrounding wall;. foundation & wall sole or sill plate; joints between exterior wall panels at comers; utility • _ penetrations; between wall panels & top/bottom plates; between walls and floor. _ - EXCEPTION: Frame walls where a continuous Infiltration barrier is installed that extends from and Is sealed to the foundation to the top plate. ' Floors 606.1.ABC.1.2.2 Penetrations/openings>1/&'sealed unless backed by truss or joint members. EXCEPTION: Frame floors where a continuous Infiltration barrier Is Installed that is sealed to the perimeter, penetrations and seams. Ceilings 606.1.ABC.1.2.3 Between walls & ceilings; penetrations of ceiling plane of top floor; around shafts, chases, soffits, chimneys, cabinets sealed to continuous air barrier; gaps In gyp board & top plate; attic access. EXCEPTION: Frame callings where a continuous Infiltration barrier Is installed that Is sealed at the perimeter, at penetrations and seams. Recessed Lighting Fixtures 606.1.ABC.1.2.4 Type IC rated with no penetratlons, sealed; or Type IC or non -IC rated, Installed inside a sealed box with 10 clearance & &' from Insulation; or Type IC rated with < 2.0 cfm from conditioned space, tested. Mufti -story Houses 606.1.ABC.1.2.5 Air barrier on perimeter of floor cavity between floors. Additional Infiltration regts 606.1.ABC.1.3 Faust fans vented to outdoors, dampers; combustion space heaters comply with NFPA, have combustion air. 6A-22 OTHER PRESCRIPTIVE MEASURES fmust be met or exceeded by all residenres-1 COMPONENTS SECTION REQUIREMENTS CHECK Water Healers 612.1 Comply with efficiency requirements In Table 6-12. Switch or clearly marked circuit breaker electric or cutoff as must be Drovided. External or bullt-In heat trap required. Swimming Pools & Spas 612.1 Spas & heated pools must have covers (except solar heated). Non-commercial pools must have a pump timer. Gas spa & pool heaters must have a minimum thermal efficient of 78%. Shower heads 612.1 Water flow must be restricted to no more than 2.5 gallons per minute at 80 PSIG. Air Distribution Systems 610.1 All ducts, fittings, mechanical equipment and plenum chambers shall be mechanically attached, sealed, Insulated, and Installed in accordance with the criteria of Section 610. Ducts In uncondltioned attics: R-6 min. Insulation. HVAC Controls 607.1 Se ante readll accessible manual or automatic thermostat for each sYstem. Insulation 604.1. 602.1 Ceilings -Min. R-19. Common walls -Frame R-11 or CBS R3 both sides. Common telling & floors R-11. FORN160OA-2001 WATER HEATING & CODE COMPLIANCE STATUS Residential Whole Building Performance Method A - Details ADDRESS:. , . PERMIT #: BASE AS -BUILT WATER HEATING Number of.. _ X Multiplier = Total Tank EF Number of X Tank X MultiplierX Credit = Total Bedrooms. Volume Bedrooms Ratio Multiplier ` 3- 2564.0D 7692.0 40.0 0.94 3 1.00 2400.34 1.00 7201.0 M413ultt Total: 7201.0 CODE COMPLIANCE STATUS BASE AS -BUILT Cooling + Heating + Points Points Hot Water Points = Total Points Cooling Points + Heating + Hot Water = Total Points Points Points 14556 3197 7692 26445 - 11863 5705 7201 24769 PASS FORM 60OA-2001 WINTER CALCULATIONS Residential Whole Building Performance Method A - Details I ADDRESS: , , , PERMIT #: BASE AS -BUILT -Winter Base=Points: 5095.1 Winter As -Built Points:- _ . _ . 9032.5 Total Winter X:System = Heating Total X Cap X Duct X, System X_ Credit = Heating Poirits, _ Multiplier Points Component Ratio Multiplier Multiplier . Multiplier. Points (DMx DSM) AHU) - _ 90325 1.000 (1.078 x 1.160 x 1.11) ..0:455 1.000 5705.4 5095.:1.. '.: 0.6274 3196.7 9032.5 1.00 1.388 - - 0.455 • - : 1.000 5705.4 FORM 60OA-2001 WINTER CALCULATIONS Residential Whole Building Performance Method A - Details ADDRESS: , , , PERMIT* BASE AS -BUILT GLASS TYPES .18 X Conditioned X BWPM = Points Overhang Floor Area Type/SC Omt Len Hgt Area X WPM X WOF = Point .18 1847.0 - us 1948.2 Single, Tint NW 2.0 1.0 60.0 12.51 0.99 742.7 Single, Tint SW 13.0 1.0 40.0 9.88 1.57 622.0 Single, Tint BE 5.0 ' 1.0 10.0 9.12 1.94' A76.8 Single, Tint BE 2.0 1.0 30.0 9-.12 -- 1.82 499.2 Single, Tint BE 7.0 1.0 64.0 9.12 1.94 1131.5 Single, Tint BE 7.0 1.0 40.8 9.12. 1.94 , 721.3 As -Built Total: 244.8 3i93.6_ WALL TYPES Area X BWPM = Points Type R-Value Area X WPM = Points Adjacent 1020.0 1.80 1836.0 Concrete, Int Insul, Exterior 4.2 630.0 3.26 2053.8 Exterior 630.0 2.00 1260.0 Concrete, Int Insul, Adjacent 4.2 850.0 2.06 1751.0 Frame, Wood, Adjacent 11.0 170.0 1.80 306.0 Base Total: 1660.0 .. 3096.0 As -Built Total: 1660.0 4110.8 DOOR TYPES Area X BWPM = Points Type Area X WPM = Points Adjacent 20.0 4.00 80.0 Exterior Insulated 20.0 5.10 102.0 Exterior 20.0 5.10 102.0 Adjacent Insulated - 20.0 4.00 80.0 Base Total: 40.0 182.0 As -Built Total: 40.0 182.0 CEILING TYPESArea X BWPM = Points Type R-Value Area X WPM X WCM = Points Under Attic 1093.0 0.64 699.5 Under AtBc 19.0 1093.0 0.87X 1.00 950.9 Base Total: 1093.0 699.6 As -Built Total: 1093.0 960.9 FLOOR TYPES Area X BWPM = Points Type R-Value Area X WPM = Points Slab 165.0(p) -1.9 -313.5 Slab -On -Grads Edge Insulation 0.0 165.0(p 2.50 412.5 .Raised 0.0 0.00 0.0 Base Total: .313.6 As -Built Total: 165.0 412.6 INFILTRATION Area X BWPM = Points Area X WPM = Points 1847.0 -0.28 -517.2 1 1847.0 -0.28 -517.2 FORM 600A-2001 SUMMER CALCULATIONS Residential Whole Building Performance Method A - Details I ADDRESS:.. , PERMIT #: I BASE AS -BUILT Summer Base Points: 34121.5 Summer As -Built Points: 30368.9 Total Summer ..X, System = Cooling Total X Cap X Duct X System X Credit = Cooling Points ..:-..:.,..Multiplier Points Component Ratio Multiplier Multiplier Multiplier Points - (DMxDSMxAHU) -,` 34121.5.9 ',� .4266 14656.2 30358.9 30358.9 1.000 1.00 (1.087x1.150x1.10) 0.284 �'.1..000 1.375 0.284 ,, 1:000 ' 11862.6 11862.6 ' FOf214/160OA-2001 SUMMER CALCULATIONS Residential Whole Building Performance Method A - Details ADDRESS: , , , PERMIT #: BASE AS -BUILT GLASS TYPES .18 X Conditioned X BSPM = Points Overhang Floor Area Type/SC Omt Len Hgt Area X SPM X SOF = Points .18. 1847.0 25.78_ 8670.8 Single, Tint NW 2.0 1.0 60.0,, 31.34 . 0.56 1052.1 Single, Tint SW 13.0 1.0 40.0. 44.31 .> 0.40 701.3 Single, Tint SE 5.0 1.0 10.0.., 47.60 0.41 193.6 - Single, Tint SE 2.0 1.0 30.0 47.60....,-„ .0.43 611..7 . - Single, Tint SE 7.0 1.0 64.0; 47.60_ 0.41 . 1239.1 Single, Tint SE 7.0 1.0 40.8 47.60 0.41 � 789.9 - As -Built Total: 244.8 4687.7 WALL TYPES Area X -BSPM = Points Type R-Value Area X SPM %_ . • Points Adjacent 1020.0 0.70 714.0 Concrete, Int Insul, Exterior 4.2 630.0 1.16 730.8 Exterior 630.0 1.90 1197.0 Concrete, Int Insul, Adjacent 4.2 850.0 0.64 544.0 Frame, Wood, Adjacent 11.0 170.0 0.70 119.0 Base Total: 1650.0 1911.0 As -Built Total: 1660.0 1393.8 DOOR TYPES Area X BSPM = Points Type Area X SPM = Points Adjacent 20.0 1.60 32.0 Exterior Insulated 20.0 4.80 96.0 Exterior 20.0 4.80 96.0 Adjacent Insulated 20.0 1.60 32.0 Base Total: 40.0 128.0 As -Built Total: 40.0 128.0 CEILING TYPES Area X BSPM = Points Type R-Value Area X SPM X SCM = Points Under Attic 1093.0 2.13 2328.1 Under Attic 19.0 1093.0 2.82X 1.00 3082.3 Base Total: 1093.0 2328.1 As -Built Total: 1093.0 3082.3 FLOOR TYPES Area X BSPM = Points Type R-Value Area X SPM = Points Slab 165.0(p) -31.8 -5247.0 Slab -On -Grade Edge Insulation 0.0 165.0(p -31.90 5263.5 Raised 0.0 0.00 0.0 Base Total: -6247.0 As -Built Total: 166.0 5263.6 INFILTRATION Area X BSPM = Points Area X SPM = Points 1847.0 14.31 26430.6 1847.0 14.31 26430.6 FORM 60OA-2001 FLORIDA ENERGY EFFICIENCY CODE FOR BUILDING CONSTRUCTION Florida Department of Community Affairs Residential Whole Building Performance Method A Project Name: THE TOWNHOME MOD. D2 Builder: KOLTER Address: Permitting Office: City, State: Permit Number: Owner. KOLTER SIGNATURE HOMES, INC. Jurisdiction Number. Climate Zone: Central 1. New construction or.ezisting New _ 2. Single family or multi -family Single family _ 3. Number of units, if multi -family 1 4. Number of Bedrooms - 3 _ 5. Is this.a worst case?,, --s. _ Yes _ 6. Conditioned floor area (W) 1847 ft' 7. Glass area & type a. Clear -- single pane _ 0.0 ft' _ b. Clear - double pane': "� 0.0 ft' _ c. Tmt/other SHGC - single pane 244.8 W _ d. Tint/other SHGC - double pane 0.0 ft= 8. Floor types v.,_ a. Slab -On -Grade Edge Insulation R=0.0, 165.0(p) ft b. N/A c. N/A 9. Wag types a. Concrete, Int Insul, Ezterior _ R=4.2, 630.0 f1_ b. Concrete, Int Insul, Adjacent R=4.2, 850.0 & _ c. Frame, Wood, Adjacent R=11.0, 170.0 fN d. N/A e. N/A _ 10. Ceiling types _ a. Under Attic R=19.0, 1093.0 f%' _ b. N/A c. N/A _ 11. Ducts a. Sup: Unc. Ret: Unc. AH: Attic _ Sup. R=6.0, 150.0 ft b. N/A 12. Cooling systems - a. Central Unit Cap: 36.0 k&u/hr SEER: 12.0.0 _ b. N/A c. N/A 13. Heating systems _ a. Electric Heat Pump :. Cap: 36.0 kBw/hr - - .._HSPF:.7:50 ,7 b. N/A c. N/A 14. Hot water systems a. Electric Resistance b. N/A c. Conservation credits (HR-Heat recovery, Solar DHP-Dedicated heat pump) 15. HVAC credits (CF-Ceiling fan, CV -Cross ventilation, HF-Whole house fan, PT -Programmable Thermostat, MZ-C-Multizone cooling, MZ-H-Multizone heating) Glass/Floor Area: 0.13 Total as -built points: 24709 PASS Total base points: 25445 I hereby certify that the plans and specifications covered by this calculation are in compliance with the Florida Energy Code. �f PREPARED BY: ,L1OS&_� DATE: G .Z-2003 1 hereby certify that this building, as designed, is in compliance with the Florida Energy Code., OWNERIAGENT: DATE: Review of the plans and specifications covered by this calculation indicates compliance with the Florida Energy Code. Before construction is completed this building will be inspected for compliance with Section 553.908 Florida Statutes. BUILDING OFFICIAL: DATE: Cap: 40.0 gallons _ EF: 0.94 _ ,13tryzlG .. ., ^.. "'s�:'bs`;<?:.•:'�::.try::�:ixc2':,;3;iHa7>£^:%9s:><�i, :.a: _ Rpsidemla7:R ilght0�rrnrier FliraClvads E�taswliwarei'33evef�pr�rentrlRa Pe�rrrelCzzrfSern�eln�� t �A� tr r3 �9 � a y i# a4 n # 9 93z $ � � s "ihe�oxrey'tdlodn_ n�tU62t,ii��'..:, �:: x., ,%. ,xr 3... ,,.4:�, cs n:.:,.:;.. :�. n,..�:":n �"...""..i....:w •; ..a:...:..4 ::.k.`n,.:::,:h �. .:..":r� n.:: °�.:.. �.: �.: System 1 Room Load Summary t4:4> ...?. ...X>:krJ:<<. .C.\.b,,.:\.:4hb....b..£x 'b.:;.0 ",:•bTe,..'. ��++4Pwr.:i.. }i't yyr�Jty:4 ,�'��k,y� .?r�� ::b1t �a:'a::i 1 .. .._:... ...._... .. ... "v ...:.... ..., v:.9 .C\�;`....3. .i. .>. v,. .. h.,., ,n,.r.....:..:::.v..C:.4:?:ba.,r.:,YGw`+.h�•o- ..:R'¢::`<kL"[. C,�.a �w^�t4 r, :J...;.i?.:n.o.[:J::4.:ab<.:>:..ao..• s'3b,..) ..o< . , o. J...., „b. „ay..., :....::.. a:3.:?4. k[,:n.k. .4�4:�.sa>F .: .:?g..<,::3:3..:+.t�'4:.: �:<;4�kSRP.. S. ..A :.9C. n�l:-"v..:.,[... .vk:vS.,, t• :!i:i\F, �`: i`: —Zone 1- 1 Hall 65 874 11 1-4 _ 221 424 209 19 19 2 Land/Strs 84 1,752 '23 1-4 240 460 438 21 21 3 Kit/Brk 200.- 5,806 .75 2-6 461 3,979 2,012 181 181 4 Din/Liv 360 11,585 151 _ 2-6 599 5,166 '°-1,893 235 235 5 Bdrm#3 182 3'510 46 1-6 501 2;162 1,055 .. 98. 98 6 ' Bdrrri #2/Bth/Hall 273 4,716 - 61 2=5 636 : 3,8.15 2,020 174 174 T Office/Den 143 3,978 52 1-6 526 ' 2,269., - _ ; "'633 103 103 8 Loft 154 1,782 23 1-4 448 859 " "_' . 419 39 39 9 MstiBdfmBth 384 10,034 130 3-5 610 5,482 - 2,445 249249 System 1 total 1,845 44,037 572 24,616 11 124' 9 120 - - 1,120 System 1, Main Trunk Size: 16 in. Velocity: 802 ft./min Lgss"per 100 ft.: - 0.079 in.wg <. .A$ /Y4>wJ: [. ,A.::..,:n r.9:ta. .. .,..R.:Th. 4•AAib.. .. .. .b. .....<..:ii.'iRE.c°�':'i::!k3<:7£:`:fl :: b;+`4F°kta%`:: >.. G'ha.... .. C: A. ':b. A:u.. <!<a .,C'6 r' ...:n,:.4 ...4 .<:• h 4:. a. .l.L... `A J, .9tF:..., `::o&w•:•b<o:YR4aiv4%F: :[::9": ";:YbkiJi£pyo •>Y•S !':,53:,. k3Jn•G""r `R..9 :A>.45.. V,:.. .. .a<Cn.a y��y j' <.. F..o.<S%::>: n")J:� ::x'1>%Il . .w:`9b< :.R<n <:: o... .� ..5.: ..CL...:. Y•4:. .:.:?i,.o.<:� •..nFh'.£� ."I,,. x:" :�.t<i9: bap,:<:,::9'q:•oRn4ki:.>».9:,n .iu...:..": .. P... ..<�:. .:..R'S: �.R. .: .4`.:.,!.4y�: n'?»: »�9'C•%ty`'s` .,:Y.R.. ...�<....n. S ".; uY9 ::bb•`Ea:.a..v :.8�r.. 6nma ..An. JA. h., .n i::9>:� .... ..:Y:.vs, :'::a.;..9.:4:.::.< ,..:Y.4 •.3,: vo" J, E.: .. g:4.[;R:.'. n.•.,c: e.� :::.. <;[.f:.... o`.z:;.o`.'F a>.:.•.an.:.. .n2n .4.<[4:• :< ,:Cb k... 4•.. gi:"ki:2.[ 0:3 <a Net Required: 2.98 69% / 31 % 24,616 11,124 35,740 [, .,v r„o ,o.<r.x<o` :':. ..<n .5n...h .a .•Xdb :ik:�'> n•,3,e. .:. ..' ... r...:n.:.. ... .....J...:4.e.,rr:<: ...<r.J.....3.3.,b .:b •<4,::k;:' [ �µ .aF... .:.a'Y... R♦ .A .>4st::<.C.i,p. .<:<:.;hy,.aapt.Q!:7:<Si'Y.su9!35i3;S.;iJ:):.q::.y::.o..:J.H<,</,: . �r ��� 4•..;4: n:Rn:AT£:d3:u n: � .:a.6:.4 E>:R4:::[:?R' .. ntij,.g.',y 'itaN: :;&.AQC bi:g.,: °'.:3:<x•�ia2:3.. £��%'':;C vx.R. ;d.R.Rn:;;:k;;AR:> 3:Ri:3<k:R.SR.�')..R.k. Heating System Cooling System Type: Model: Brand: Efficiency: Sound: Capacity: Sensible Capacity: n/a 0 Btuh Latent Capacity: n/a 0 Btuh Detailed Room Loads - Room 9 - Mstr Bdrm/Bth (Peak Method) Room Length: 32.0 ft. System Number: 1 Room Width: 12.0 ft. Zone Number: 1 Area: 384.0 sq.ft. Supply Air: 249 CFM Ceiling Height: 10.0 ft. Supply Air Changes: 3.9 AC/hr Volume: 3,840.0 cu.ft. Required Vent.- 0 CFM Number of Registers: 3 Actual Winter Vent.:... 0 CFM Runout-Air: 83 CFM Percent of Supply.: 0, % Runout Duct Size: 5 in. Actual Summer Vent.'. A' CFM :Runout Air Velocity: 610 ft./min. Percent of Supply: 0. % Design Loss: 0.100 in.wg./100 ft. Actual Winter Infil..- ":50 -CFM Actual Loss: 0.306 in.wg./100 ft. Actual Summer Infil.: 28. CFM S -IIV lk'i 4E-4-8c 12.5 X 10 95 0.152 T.V 4.6 I,�JJ 433 I.V 0.8 'V 0. - JJI 79 W -Wall-14E-{ Sc 7 X 10 30 0.152 4.6 137 2.4 0 72 S -GIs-1A-rb-o shgc-0.35 100%S 30 1.080 32.4 972 27.1 0 814 (2) W -GIs-IA-rb-d shgc-0.35 100%S 40 1.080 32.4 1,296 27.2 0 1,086 (2) UP-Roof-18A-19 32 X 12 384 0.051 1.5 588 1.3 0 509 Floor-22A-pm 52 ft..Per. 52 1.180 35.4 1,841 0.0 0 0 Subtotals for Structure: 6,726 0 2,891 Infil.: Win.: 49.6, Sum.:28.3 515 3.177 1,636 0.907 1,177 467 Ductwork: 0.200 1,672 0.200 118 914 People: 200 lat/per, 230 sen/per: 2 400 460 Equipment: 750 750 Room Totals: 10,034 2,445 5,482 Detailed Room Loads - Room 8 - Loft (Peak Method) Room Length: 14.0 ft. System Number: 1 Room Width: 11.0 ft. Zone Number: 1 Area: 154.0 sq.ft. Supply Air: 39. CFM Ceiling Height:. 9.4 ft. Supply Air Changes: 1.6 AC/hr Volume- - 1,448.0 cu.ft. Required Vent.: 0 CFM Number of Registers: 1 Actual Winter Vent.: 0 CFM Runo6t' ir.- _ 39 CFM Percent of Supply.: 0 % ' Runout Duct Size: 4 in. Actual Summer Vent.: 0 CFM Runout Air Velocity:... 448 ft./min. Percent of Supply: 0 - % besign,Loss: 0.100 in.wgJ100 ft. Actual Winter Infil.: 13 .CFM. Actual Loss: 0.227 in.wg./100 ft. Actual Summer Infil.: 7 CFM UP-Roof-1 8A-1 9 14 X 11 154 0.051 1.5 236 1.3 0 204 Floor-20P-19 11 X 14 154 0.050 1.5 231 0.5 0 77 Subtotals for Structure: 1,067 0 597 Infil.: Win.: 12.7, Sum.: 7.2 132 3.176 418 0.904 301 119 Ductwork: 0.200 297 0.200 118 143 Room Totals: 1,782 419 859 Room Length: 13.0 ft. System Number: 1 Room Width: 11.0 ft. Zone Number: 1 Area: 143.0 sq.ft. Supply Air: 103 CFM Ceiling Height:. 9.4 ft. Supply Air Changes: 4.6 AC/hr Volume: 1,344.0 cu.ft. Required Vent.: 0 CFM Number of Registers: 1 Actual Winter Vent.: 0 CFM •Runout Air: '-. ' ". 103 CFM Percent of Supply.: 0 % Runout Duct Size: ., .. 6 in. Actual Summer Vent.: 0 CFM Runout Air Velocity; 526 ft./min. Percent of Supply: 0 . Designtoi ss:: ;, - - .. 0.100 in.wg./100 ft. Actual Winter Infil.: 22 CFM Actual Loss:': 0.177 in.w-aJ100 ft. Actual Summer Infil.: 12 CFM S -Wall-14E4-8c 13 X 9.4 81.4 0.152 4.6 371 0.8 0 68 S-GIs-1A-rb-dshgc-0.35100%S 40.8 1.080 32.4 1,322 27.2 0 1,108 (2) UP-Roof-1 8A-1 9 13 X 11 143 0.051 1.5 219 1.3 0 190 Floor-20P-19 11 X 13 143 0.050 1.5 215 0.5 0 72 Subtotals for Structure: 2,599 0 1,686 Infil.: Win.: 21.7, Sum.:12.4 226 3.174 716 0.909 515 205. Ductwork: 0.200 663 0.200 118 378 Room Totals: 3,978 633 2,269 Detailed Room Loads - Room 6 - Bdrm #2lBthIHafl (Peak Method) P*IMlffiffl_1111_1 WEIIII I OWN" WN INNEM115751 Calculation Mode: Htg. & c1g. Occurrences, 1 Room Length: 21.0 ft. System Number:, 1 Room Width: 13.0 ft. Zone Number: 1 Area: 273.0 sq.ft. Supply Air: 174 CFM Ceiling Height: 9.4 ft. Supply Air Changes: 4.1 AC/hr Volume: 2,566.0 cu.ft. Required Vent.: " - 0 CFM Number of Registers: 2 Actual Winter Vent.: 0 CFM -RunoutAlr: 87 CFM Percent of Supply.: 0 % Run6ut.Duct Size: 5 in. Actual Summer Vent.: 0 CFM Runo6tAir Velocity: 636 ft./min. Percent of Supply: 0 , m, -Design Loss,, 0.100 in.wg./l 00 ft. Actual Winter Infil.: 32 CFM Actual Loss: 0.333 ln.wg./l 00 ft. Actual Summer Infil.: 18 CFM .0 W -Wall-1 4E-4-8c 21 X 9.4 197.4 0.152 4.6 900 2.4 0 474 N -Wail"14E-4-8c 14 X 9.4 111.6 0.152 4.6 509 1.4 0 154 N -GIs-lA-rb-o shgc-0.35 100%S 20 1.080 32.4 648 27.2 0 543 UP -Roof -I 8A-1 9 21 X 13 273 0.051 1.5 418 1.3 0 362 Floor-20P-1 9 13 X 21 273 0.050 1.5 410 0.5 a 137 Subtotals for Structure: 2,885 0 1,670 Infil.: Win.: 31.7, Sum.: 18.1 329 3.176 1,045 0.909 752 299 Ductwork: 0.200 786 0.200 118 636 People: 200 lattper, 230 sen/per: 2 400 460 Equipment: 750 750 Room Totals: 4,716 2,020 3,815 Detailed Room Loads - Room 5 - Bdrm #3 (Peak Method). Room Length: 14.0 ft. System Number: 1 Room Width: 13.0 ft. Zone Number: 1 Area: 182.0 sq.ft. Supply Air: 98 CFM Ceiling,Height: 9.4 ft. Supply Air Changes: 3.4 AC/hr Volume:- 1,711.0 cu.ft. Required Vent.: 0 CFM Number of Registers: 1 Actual Winter Vent.: 0 CFM RunoutAir:- - - 98 CFM Percent of Supply.: 0 % Ruhout Duct Size: 6 in. Actual Summer Vent.: 0 CFM Runout AIr Velocdy: 501 ftJmin. Percent of Supply: 0 % Design Loss: 0.100 in.wgJ100 ft. Actual Winter Infil.: 23 CFM Actual Loss: 0.161 in.wg./100 ft. Actual Summer Infil.: 13 CFM N -Wall-14E-4-8c 12 X 9.4 92.8 0.152 4.6 423 1.4 0 128 N -GIs-IA-rb-o shgc-0.35 100%S 20 1.080 32.4 648 27.2 0 543 UP-Roof-1 BA-1914 X 13 182 0.051 1.5 278 1.3 0 241 Floor-20P-I9 13 X 14 182 0.050 1.5 273 0.5 0 91 Subtotals for Structure: 2,179 0 1,129 Infil.: Win.: 22.6, Sum.: 12.9 235 3.174 746 0.906 537 213 Ductwork: 0.200 585 0.200 118 360 People: 200 lat/per, 230 sen/per: 2 400 460 Room Totals: 3,510 1,055 2,162 sRhvac,t'testil �1 i:1glitRars�rte�aili3f ' fha�':, , < .<''�:°�.<,zHa<<.;:;:Ys ' �Ot�Soff+vaiisl7e*retapmenlriiis_ •> 4 .a<;, YS 3 S t, P 3'a% T S 3: :etsn....ize¢:8�, ce:lne...>•.:<:>,.,:•<........,>n.,�.:.<.....,..•....:k.�.n>.:::.,:d:.::M�••::•.,...,..._:,..,:n..::.n,:.:.,n.::.:.::no.w .... .. tr,. 's....:«<scxtr�:x..,.,.:.n .i :t.:.. �<. '�:';..a >^' 3: .•;..,.n •n..�s.._..:n..:. .:.:' i1.1p<. OTLB <! . ........ .. ... ... .. .. ..Sa.:a.a..np.:.........v.�.n....:,:•......,5....:•:,.n..::iii.a:!fl;'L£�: ..y,,,... ..... .... ...... .. ... .... .. .. ...<..:.„....,....�.........n..:3..n.n.:::::,:.t..,,.:.„.,x;':.::.,.,...x•^.?.::::n.,.,:.:s..,..<is..�,.._::..n:,�n..:•n....:.::.. :.,.,n.: .......•n,e«::;..:.. �tU61't�,CL•,..�.� <.a ;:� ��:+:.:C :...xaG..>.a«.>. n�>•'.<E>,: sn.>.:r..;n:.:nt..............:....:..<..,:..... :.:.:. �.::....:..:.:»:..:i<x.:....::.,.:.an:•.::<:.n.:..:.n..n:..n<s.:......::.•..:.n.::.:.n.n:.:,n:.:.:.•.,•.>...:.y.::..;:.> .,:..?.:,.: .„......,....:•..:.•:.._._..c..,xa:a...>,..••....•.�._..._.n.:.,cz✓..xa>,:.,...:a::..n..rxrs....i.,n.....:•n..n..,......••.....:ra:n....•••a......n:..,.n..n.<..n..•:.,.�.......a.....:..n.„•.:..:,.f .......::.:......... Detailed Room Loads - Room 4 - Dinkiv (Peak Method) .a vYF<'. .. ..: w�a;<..A ......<"K.o. >.:. ....? ..<;..... u.3<.a.Y<ab'3:<......:�n.i^r??a3>y.3�n?5..::aak::3a: >: .���1;41L<Ctkn,.... S. h,>:. \�..4�.:.... a%ta.,:.onkk:... ...,::>. >. ..• .. ..,>�...>.�..a. ....... ..:... ....o .... ..... ...... n�. ..._..:..N;.:...:..�::c:.�...n..,..�a..:....>aa:o.o.x.,os:..o.<o...x<>F:u^`<�C:;..:c>:v<3>x.;�,<:;:�.a.3:q.:\:'��o...a:o,.a>:;x:S>.g•.Y>.: Calculation Mode: Htg. & clg. Occurrences:. <.::�n>:.?_... 1 Room Length: 24.0 ft.. System Number. ' 1 Room Width: 15.0 ft. Zone Number: 1 Area: 360.0 sq.ft. Supply Air. 235 CFM Ceiling Height: 21.0 ft. Supply Air Changes: 1.9 AC/hr -Volume: 7,560.0 cu.ft. Required Vent.: 0 CFM Number of Registers: 2 Actual Winter Vent: 0 CFM Runout Air: 118 CFM Percent of Supply.: 0.;%� Runoui Duct Size: 6 in. Actual Summer Vent.: 0 CFM Runout Air Velocity:_ 599 ft./min. Percent of Supply: 0 % Design Loss: 0.100 in.wg./100 ft. Actual Winter Infil.: 75 CFM Actual Loss: 0.229 in.wg./100 ft. Actual Summer Infil.: 43 CFM 43. .: ..:<. .a oa.>aa's y} �:�::? &a <: <..:. ut.z A:: tl ip:,/<.: >'�,;.:':i:v''f ^ .. d n:.. •5::>::v:833:i':S.:F:... . :>.. ? >y'yu.:oxri•...ii� K. y; y :.ax.,...>a:.. p . '7 `h 1:G i!;i „'':i`3ir:i '> �ti �"<: ::::$::. °', -.. x"<4.Ra::a .. ). ^.c:5:o<.:> : 5 i ..w.... l'.. . i.. $.. 3i' Ga3: .orooa nG2.: F:'<o';u ..,nR •: :4k . 4 E..oa<;<?:y4.. �..:. .e�.,, , 4nah::.; f7�$:.>.,E..,.....<.:....:;..:,E??o.;.:.,......�lg..F::?d.?za:?i:.''."d n }ts W -Wall-14E-4-8c 24 X 21 504 0.152 4.6 2,298 2.4 0 1,210 S -Wall-14E-4-8c 13 X 21 209 0.152 4.6 953 0.8 0 175 S-GIs-1A-rb-dshgo-0.35100%S 64 1.080 32.4 2,074 27.2 0 1,738 (2) UP-Roof-1 8A-1 9 24 X 15 360 0.051 1.5 551 1.3 0 477 Floor-22A-pm 37 ft..Per. 37 1.180 35.4 1,310 0.0 0 0 Subtotals for Structure: 7,186 0 3,600 Infil.: Win.: 74.8, Sum.:42.8 777 3.176 2,468 0.907 1,775 705 Ductwork: 0.200 1,931 0.200 118 861 Room Totals: 11,585 1,893 5,166 sRhuac KyesJiderrtlaT�3.1gf)CGAni�rt� 1.c#a4�, 3 3 F Y�FM{R�W1RVrg'YmO4�a101i��iS�_��1{�1Mw � �4iit#tt; . x. `i y _ y h: ;�T $�; 91 �(dn�W Qclvilii4x X "4 'u 4 S3 4 vy k Yf r "R' S 5' CTvzrayMt3. Detailed Room Loads - Room 3 - Kit/Brk (Peak Method) Calculation Mode: Htg. & clg. Occurrences: 1 Room Length: 20.0 ft. System Number: 1 Room Width: 10.0 ft. Zone Number: 1 Area: 200.0 sq.ft. Supply Air: 181 CFM Ceiling Height: 8.0 ft. Supply Air Changes: 6.8 AC/hr Volume: 1,600.0 cu.fL Required Vent.: 0 CFM Number of Registers: 2 Actual Winter Vent.: 0, CFM .RunoutAir. 91 CFM Percent of Supply.: 0 °/a Runout Duct Size: 6 in. Actual Summer Vent.: 0 OFM Runout Air Velocity: 461 ft./min. Percent of Supply: 0 % Design Loss-. 0.100 in.wg./100 ft. Actual Winter Infil.: 29 CFM Actual Loss: - 0.137 in.wg./100 ft. Actual Summer Infil.: 17 CFM .;,:k5. k M ahp\ry`:e:S f:.� .<n?':� .. .. :"Yi.. A T.:. e..>.:.:.:... u.k ,.� .`L: (� .SL`u.�Nq>• ��yyiyy:!i:.a7e:.\:.: :..Rv CC Y�wuxttttNb':E:<.'§x.a .•.\R7.G�.:3'xo'::::..�,a:..� . ..Fa. ..k. .. \'.:4. bk ;.. �`N!,'.<.. <:::.::!<E"a,!k .> ..(... bL.. C`t<Y. .5' u.:x4?:a....S . ,. k, .<g` �`!.>. . kzY.: .:..4.:.m:�.Ttf, :C4'..::3..�•#::`.. : :ae:3:m.w" by < 4nb.`•'�: S3 S:a:. <:.R. :'.'.5'N:I:.kR.ya..«;<4.6.:n3.<e<:<ro:<V: :hi:,..: )) ,�.Y.. :k»:W:m;<„E;. v .ecwk3'45•,k,6y'> v:$n: y:b'�' `q , tt.:.: i . `::E�.. '^u.,:......•�TN4F. ��'�f(k;EFp.:e:�Yjw��S:'i. <i::C .. £3.'� N -Wall-14E-4-8c 10 X 8 .54:�tR ...,,k;E.< 60 0.152 4.6 274 1.4 0 83 E -Wall-14E-4-8c 7 X 8 46 0.152 4.6 210 1.0 0 48 W -Wall-14E-4-8c 21 X 8 168 0.152 4.6 766 2.4 0 403 N -GIs-1A-rb-o shgc-0.35100%S 20 1.080 32.4 648 27.2 0 543 E -GIs-1A-rb-o shgo-0.35 62%S 10 1.080 32.4 324 49.8 0 498 UP-Roof-18A-19 20 X 10 200 0.051 1.5 306 1.3 0 265 Floor-22A-pm 38 ft..Per. 38 1.180 35.4 1,345 0.0 0 0 Subtotals for Structure: 3,873 0 1,840 Infil.: Win.: 29.3, Sum.: 16.7 304 3.174 965 0.908 694 276 Ductwork: 0.200 968 0.200 118 663 Equipment: 1,200 1,200 Room Totals: 5,806 2,012 3,979 ihtr�c 3Caestdegtial&Iigi�tomnlerGiatHAirfds' £3 . r3 > _ i< t GteSufivzarAeuelciar�nent,l i�,{E,K��Stlytl9yiFi>�.i3/E�L�VIi'.L Ir1�G"�,m3, � .�3 ,3 3 .. t .3,"s' ,i✓ : t � 3 . �ri t ,,, . �> � '4 :' '� k . , { a 3 '�')]B �CTYE�'t1�Ot1•::i). Detailed Room Loads - Room 2 - LandlStrs (Peak Method) ..b\..:::n:\L.ok:`.53fi:<F'C•G�ii)id".:a..:. �'<u..`nvc::�:!'ME• ..tl. ...� .. ;x?5. � .. a., .>.�:. ",.;. a'�s ... i<,.:. :.:s. ss:::�t<cs .. >� erai• §. a k..... i:<�.. ... .. £!o,.a:S.:e�R,t•aiaSF::.k;:4yc.:.;F,........:Nrn.....:.........n..n.0':>v....��: ,:9.,xavCak`n'kkk:Ab. Calculation Mode: Htg. & clg. Occurrences: 1 Room Length: 12.0 ft. System Number: 1 Room Width: 7.0 ft. Zone Number: 1 Area: 84.0 sq.ft. ._ Supply Air: 21 CFM Ceiling Height: 20.0 ft. Supply Air Changes: 0.7 AC/hr Volume: .' 1,680.0 cu.ft. Required Vent.: 0 CFM Number of Registers: 1 Actual Winter Vent.: 0 CFM -Runout Air: 21 CFM Percent of Supply.: 0 % Runout'Duct Size: 4 in. Actual Summer Vent.: 0 CFM RunoufAi Velocity, 240 ftJmin. Percent of Supply: 0 % .Design Loss: 0.100 in.wg./100 ft. Actual Winter Infil.: 13 CFM Actual Loss-, 0.067 in.wg./100 ft. Actual Summer Infil.: 8 CFM .:b'atk:. <k.RkC '.:3.;ik"3 Cfi:R:<..5od::: {<:{:.t .:b'kkEk:. . R.. `1a`:4...,.:?<ik..., ..>,. 'E..k'f�'3'k•.ki':... P. 'i^:. ..:< :<E?c : �. Y..... .cS. wc,�,,,, n i.. « .:. kG: ..a �..l.k. ..i... r a.'S:;:c. ':n: '.0:'na., ..a: �n: u'.4+< '::.3k': .;..;:.::J••vdy'. >.RL:N =\.n��>>. .. :.�..::.�.:., 4. . , .343'. 5t< kk?p k: 5,. :<. Pa .a.:,vha';:... iN! R a�'<:.,NEW . C:.r....bk.,:..R.. ,. 10 ,All ..R.oin. :.:,ao....>.:,.,J x:''"i11kR :Ri.: n..Sf.:�lYfy.... ....'!.�E �.,..: E -Wall-14E-4-8c 7 X 20 140 0.152 4.6 638 1.0 0 145 UP-Roof-18A-19 12 X 7 84 0.051 1.5 129 1.3 0 111 Floor-22A-pm 7 ft..Per. 7 1.180 35.4 248 0.0 0 0 Subtotals for Structure: 1,015 0 256 Infil.: Win.: 13.5, Sum.: 7.7 140 3.179 445 0.907 320 127 Ductwork: 0.200 292 0.200 118 77 Room Totals: 1,752 438 460 .P6FSfllkil,�tLll'$EN1C2y�11CWa's� s3a sr-x �. �„�,. ^,� .s �s ' ' :F' 4 .' s., rEa .. Y. �Ite'iOriE-�10[�•t3 Detailed Room Loads - Room 1- Hall (Peak Method) v Yx. .e.S.U. <.e...:.y:5:: e>.Jw....,.'<\>"F'E:ai`^',��:'u,>'•<�s<h\:::a'•:•3 vi'<C :'x;W::;F;;�C... ,:M > vt ��SQ:!v:<J::: f .'oye,>. vvx<. u::::."<ia':n�>R. `(<.a,i :"w..>ix::<<ex::h Qi a':<. eQVNn ICW. ��Fi:3:'E,Q ♦.'.', ....na.e:,>,v. <}<>..,,..n ,Y"6n�,`v,>.�.<aC..... .. .\s,.,.... ,. nj`x;.>, ,� 3..},.,. ,�.y.'e x£ :..Y. � ., \,..�oF.., .S . ,\, o..>.. ,'t> '<a: 3&.,c.3, C,4. <', ..`ie, rc• <.»nie°. ,..,��''Six<:e.`<, >.sr'F3,<.:. w..Z1..;: Calculation Mode: Htg. & clg. Occurrences: 1 Room Length: 13.0 ft. System Number: 1 Room Width: 5.0 ft. Zone Number: 1 Area:. 65.0 sq.ft. Supply Air: 19 CFM Ceiling Height: 8.0 ft. Supply Air Changes: 2.2 AC/hr Volume: 520.0 cu.ft. Required Vent.: 0 CFM Number of Registers: 1 Actual Winter Vent.: 0 CFM .Runout Air: 19 CFM Percent of Supply.: 0 % Runout Duct Size: 4 in. Actual Summer Vent.: 0 CFM Runout Air Velocity: 224 ft./min. Percent of Supply: 0 % Design'Ldss: , 0.100 in.wg./100 ft. Actual Winter Infil.: 4 CFM Actnal,Loss: 0.057 in.wg./100 ft. Actual Summer Infil.: 2 CFM rc.dov�Cx<„'<°:exe:<C'.C: ,>.:,\bo:<ro..•>,. �..r< .. i$:Fx .. ..:'FSSSikii:S:EZti!:.... .ehS.krcC..:,w 4uSa?.S.S�".ii:3 `: .:>..>...<.;;3,.....,. :.,. ., }..}, ?..,�IN�Fi!E3<uffii::`.nt::i 3: �i:�:;:,.c",a!`:k:p:..>'fnV.>n,aiEti:�elry.^>iw<��:: <n.p<..eY.. n,M• h{I�kd: a....._.:..�Q�fi�: N -Wall-14E-4-8c 5 X 8 20} 0.152 4.6 91 1.4 0 28 N -Door-11 D 2.5 X 8 20 0.390 11.7 234 10.1 0 203 UP-Roof-18A-19 13 X 5 65 0.051 1.5 99 1.3 0 86 Floor-22A-pm 5 ft..Per. 5 1.180 35.4 177 0.0 0 0 Subtotals for Structure: 601 0 317 Infil.: Win.: 3.9, Sum.: 2.2 40 3.175 127 0.900 91 36 Ductwork: 0.200 146 0.200 118 71 Room Totals: 874 209 424 :RlivaerRaslrtafltiat��.iyht�AmmmardG�E1StA�1.ir � L s £ s te8aftwateDauatoprirenf,.iec;' System 9, Zone 1 Summary Loads (Peak Method) <\4 .... �:.<..r.<[o:0x:�[<<.::.[%�fn.,,•:Y'„ua::'}.'�p.Y[.L^YS F, o;.`:£.x<A?h'c: h�- .a.>,^ ..._::, .,.huY£'[:'i .e: \ .,:` , ...,..,.. [.,.,Y :....�:. ... ..z. 's<,;£. ]]..�,•,u:.:. '�,T.Pt:'> 'otali i"' . w:,,.[�>„ ,.:.... £ .. R .a_,........,... .....:.a. ...... �.�i...'.\a....a,, ,, !�l aae>:<:<.>'. ,.. .w,>.ec. o.w ..�.: >. .. ,.... 3. x '3a.v.Q o. bi c >. ♦ .�. ..><yia. K,.LA?; 3Lv .•?..,} >:�\:,L.>.#yd ...>.....�[..........\:�..o 1A-rb-o: Glazing -Single pane, operable window, reflective, 100 3,240 0 2,941 2,941 metal frame with break, ground reflectance = 0.32, outdoor insect screen with 50% coverage, dark color drapes with loose weave with 25% coverage 1A-rb-d: Glazing -Single pane, sliding glass door, 144.8 4,692 0 3,932 3,932 reflective, metal frame with break, ground reflectance = 0.32, outdoor insect screen with 50% coverage, dark color drapes.with loose weave with 25% coverage 11D: Door,. Solid Core 20 234 0 203 203 14E-4-8c: Wall -two courses brick, brick on concrete or 8 2432.4 11,091 0 4,088 4,088 inches concrete, 8 inches of 140# concrete with R-4 board insulation 18A-19: Roof/Ceiling-Below roof joists, Dark or Bold -Color 1845 2,824 0 2,445 2,445 Asphalt Shingle, Dark Metal, Dark Membrane, Dark Tar and Gravel, R-19 blanket or loose fill 22A-pm: Floor -Slab on'grade, No edge insulation, no 139 4,921 0 0 0 insulation below floor, any floor cover, passive, heavy dry or light wet soil 20P-19: Floor -Over open crawl space or garage, Passive, 752 1,129 0 377 377 R-19 blanket insulation, any cover Subtotals for structure: 28,131 0 13,986 13,986 People: 6 1,200 1,380 2,580 Equipment: 2,700 2,700 5,400 Lighting: 0 0 0 Ductwork: 7,340 1,062 4,103 5,165 Infiltration: Winter CFM: 260, Summer CFM: 148 8,566 6,162 2,447 8,609 System 1, Zone 1 Load Totals: 44,037 11,124 24,616 35,740 i„A......... n.:L:[..,.,....n..<..,...w....;.>i:L}.:n:9. .O.P.. Cin....RRR..,<.:,U.. R:' Supply CFM: 1,120 (3.0 AC/hr) CFM Per Square ft.: 0.607 Square ft. of Room Area: 1,845 Square ft. Per Ton: 619 a..\.. n,.5.5,. ..Y.:3..,.[£[.,. d... 5 . .R.Y<:,<..:£ y.A...: #..a ..N.,o Y.:. ...L,... :<?k .:S::R. ..[6. �3: Y ..3 k.fi..: •iliie'[:..iti�t�:, ,{[.:Fa:z:�yoa'} n•;,, .,.J[[<: q' a ..x.l:.. 'fa'.F ft. :.......�............n.pi......vA......:........tt.S.[..O>,:,,.:...:i<i.k n,O,.O,i:£>b:<.)YK.:n `/.. ::.o}.:[ni:.1/. F. C..T::<}i:n ,x0.....: ..Fl:... }.vin... ,..........L, ! Total Heating Required: 44,037 Btuh 44.037 MBH Total Sensible Gain: 24,616 Btuh 69 % Total Latent Gain: 11,124 Btuh 31 % Total Cooling Required: 35,740 Btuh 2.98 Tons (Based On Sensible + Latent) [ .:£:a!L,:[iF...9,:.....x ;[£pn3u:,•�..: ...:.,.:.}:n.,.:. Calculations are based on 8th edition of ACCA Manual J. All computed results are estimates as building use and weather may vary. Be sure to select a unit that meets both sensible and latent loads. Loads metal frame with break, ground reflectance = 0.32, outdoor insect screen with 50% coverage, dark color drapes with loose weave with 25% coverage 1A-rb-d: Glazing -Single pane, sliding glass door, 144.8 4,692 0 3,932 3,932 reflective, metal frame with break, ground reflectance =.0.32, outdoor insect screen with 50% coverage, dark color drapes with loose weave with 25% coverage 11 D: Door -Solid Core 20 234 0 203 203 14E-4-8c: Wall -two courses brick, brick on concrete or 8 2432.4 11,091 0 4,088 4,088 inches concrete, 8 inches of 140# concrete with R-4 board insulation ' 18A-19: Roof/Ceiling-Below roof joists, Dark or Bold -Color 1845 2,824 0 2,445 2,445 Asphalt Shingle, Dark Metal, Dark Membrane, Dark Tar and Gravel, R-19 blanket or loose fill 22A-pm: Floor -Slab on grade, No edge insulation, no 139 4,921 0 0 0 insulation below floor, any floor cover, passive, heavy dry or light wet soil 20P-19: Floor -Over open crawl space or garage, Passive, 752 1,129 0 377 377 R-19 blanket insulation, any cover Subtotals for structure: 28,131 0 13,986 13,986 People: 6 1,200 1,380 2,580 Equipment: 2,700 2,700 5,400 Lighting: 0 0 0 Ductwork: 7,340 1,062 4,103 5,165 Infiltration: Winter CFM: 260, Summer CFM: 148 8,566 6,162 2,447 8,609 Ventilation: Winter CFM: 0, Summer CFM: 0 0 0 0 0 System 1 Torrey B Load Totals: 44,037 11,124 24,616 35,740 -Iry -• •^• ".c. v, ,n ro, V4UGI0 IL.. V.VUr Square ft. of Room Area: 1,845 Square ft. Per Ton: 619 Total Sensible Gain: 24,616 Btuh 69 % Total Latent Gain: 11,124 Btuh 31 % Total Cooling Required With Outside Air: 35,740 Btuh 2.98 Tons (Based On Sensible + Latent) ��yy�ry��,$>::::<::r iEy#V ....k...�.....w:S%::k;.x,:on �b... v.S%'D � k3�<'22�6i''t'k:v.� <'i!ki a&:.. �"iE'i:'x'n^..!.'.i:,..�': �?;'g•�:::.::.c(o..n Calculations are based on 8th edition of ACCA Manual J. All computed results are estimates as building use and weather may vary. Be sure to select a unit that meets both sensible and latent loads. 3ltwaclt2eslderikiaT& gliC rimademaaiklStAG& ads « :..:.:,.':.:. ..:....:. :..;.i)i::-:..:.,n;: n ::;:.x:••):: <-f: ta8aft+RaieOevels�pmenfKlnc ....: .:..r�el'i::<< :.: :..,.........<a::........:......n.aR':.'..v.:;fH:^;•C'.,[:nx.L>):a:.f.'fi):.. :..::.,,.......::.. .....,:.:... n..n...Jn:..:.,..xn..:. hzztl.l�nnee>1ne:,k�:5„:,:'n.•Yrn..-..<. , . .a.3':,L:•.<.:...<.n.. •nf n...Jf..»i<..�.::.i.....,.:..:,...:...n.:...n.:.y...64:a.4......x4.n.n..f.Yr..,:..:.�:.::.. »...»,Y:::.: .. .yY^..<. .2-n ..»...;•Y•:•rf,<.:'.YF;���:f:fY^.f,�:::FF),--%f.:...»:. nk:ff<:f,4-::�•ii-•:kf<kk:-::,:n..:.-...:.:n..::.:.n.:....,.:...�...�..:.�.:•.x.....n.. :. .... ......�:::".. G:: n.. n>..:k:.. f.. iR'i'he;Fsrre JMod.iY.: .«..<:':J:[<.......n,:..<..:y:.<n.<:.<........�.......... .......: a..n... <.C.:.a Y,:.n�:........n.x.:,{."Y.,...f..,:............::n..:::...3..T.........:.�: .:.::...:..., :,n.:.:....: .:...:.b......n.......... ........n:.....:......Y:..[. .. yy, y�y �y �y.Y>f'.ffiiftft...::3.../.k.D.v....�....n.a;an..f....R<.....:..:.:..:.<..:...�Y:...3....i.:.n....ni..::.... ..+... v5f:fi........n.%....:a.�.k.a..ff..y.:.::n.n...:....::...: ».e.n.:: ...<f::%R;<: Total Building Summary Loads '.:' ha....o^`.k... ....:. .: n,... .<v .. ..x. .. ... 0... _.........:..\..<.J::.,. •. ...x'F.:<« .,.J.>..f.......\»>,,..,r..:: , ... .« Js?. ... .a. va�>3;f6: E::&::o \:3R,S;4R?:>. ......... ., ..ti'�o-\c.: .. .,. EL a..3"YR. ia;2',y; \£..... .a R . .;b.io, \n k° .>,:..S,a:y .•. ..: S4k. 4 \...,\J�::.:.:) F�..... .. E. f:. ....2:`i?i'k`:'!i�i::...,� Qes�:' D7)>.......Y„..::\,nYa\:.<a<4.&4.a.>nR...<"�a`[nb.x.<J..F..�aJ.��e3R:w.Y.R.n:>c?'mar.,::i>a..aJ.�id�Ik\...>:•n..,..:�,:QS&ka:zi,Znv$?'�;�##<4,>.E:,JY>k.„.:. �llEu!Ssk:ai;';r:��'�AIFI> 1A-rb-o: Glazing -Single pane, operable window, reflective, 100 3,240 0 2,941 2,941 metal frame with break, ground reflectance = 0.32, outdoor insect screen with 50% coverage, dark color drapes with loose weave with 25% coverage . 1A-r": Glazing -Single pane, sliding glass door, 144.8 4,692 0 3,932 3,932 reflective; metal frame with break, ground reflectance = 032; outdoor insect screen with 50% coverage, dark color drapes with loose weave with 25% coverage 11 D:; Door -Solid Core 20 234 0 203 203 94E-4-8c: Wall -two courses brick, brick on concrete or 8 2432.4 11,091 0 4,088 4,088 inches concrete, 8 inches of 140# concrete with R-4 board insulation ' 18A-19: Roof/Ceiling-Below roof joists, Dark or Bold -Color 1845 2,824 0 2,445 2,445 Asphalt Shingle, Dark Metal, Dark Membrane, Dark Tar and Gravel, R-19 blanket or loose fill 22A-pm: Floor -Slab on grade, No edge insulation, no 139 4,921 0 0 0 insulation below floor, any floor cover, passive, heavy dry or light wet soil 20P-19: Floor -Over open crawl space or garage, Passive, 752 1,129 0 377 377 R-19 blanket insulation, any cover Subtotals for structure: 28,131 0 13,986 13,986 People: 6 1,200 1,380 2,580 Equipment: 2,700 2,700 5,400 Lighting: 0 0 0 Ductwork: 7,340 1,052 4,103 5,165 Infiltration: Winter CFM: 260, Summer CFM: 148 8,565 6,162 2,447 8,609 Ventilation: Winter CFM: 0, Summer CFM: 0 0 0 0 0 Total Building Load Totals: 44,037 11,124 24,616 35,740 . ):,?,...: ,R'.f4nc:i;n,..a.. .�. yA ..Ra4:J,:«<b>:..?,o,,..;.C..>Y3...J.:..<«v..>:"ti!LOS'r•'';' ./.,r,„.. .: C...n.:.n... J.. f.Y...v[<.„... JLQ',ki: y >.k<' .a.< .Rn. R; ).TI Total Building Supply CFM: 1,120 (3.0 AC/hr) CFM Per Square ft.: 0.607 Square ft. of Room Area: 1,845 Square ft. Per Ton: 619 :k)aLJ.. R;E.:..'5..S.:.�L..%...«....EE.;.:..E.:a.:.:?k,.....\Fi.£.<:..L<.Rn:.::F.:N,...:.....,<.,:£<:.C......n.:.sQ.:.:..t..5L.:..l...:...a.:.:Jv.:..R...£.::.:�:..'R,Y�. RL.:....:a...i......R.\..F.....R.•.. .n,.:..:;.�. <: R<a:<::3wb.a:...f.a>: ::.5.... 6Y.<.3xO:..5....:.;R«..ki.'rR.FN.).' R:."<..':i.kL..:,:,L£:i:5<':<k'Y:4E.:RkY»tl<y..4.i.::%..:.:.5.:R:.:..4F.Y:.E:n..:.S�:.:':a«J.Rk.Y.kRk.:<:.Yu.:RE.):: .�.;.:.ncs..a.>n..k,.b.Y,v.. ...q.::.<..JLY. Total Heating Required With Outside Air: 44,037 Btuh 44.037 MBH k<.:::.:.i."k!.A:.�.::S'..FY:"a....:.�E:.: Total Sensible Gain: 24,616 Btuh 69 % Total Latent Gain: 11,124 Btuh 31 % Total Cooling Required With Outside Air: 35,740 Btuh 2.98 Tons (Based On Sensible + Latent) •n.«NN116a>:au:.a<gby:<J#U;'EN�n� R..: #M mrik!N""a'a„..<^4.")Sy::✓Y. ;S.% Txk EgMia <aii "Fia#a'tn4A ....�....... ..:....k....tY.<:..J,:... .cn..,...::.. : o, ....f. u.R.,.:.. :..nao.....a.<d:.o:.'. .'S.t.:.k.....t. .J.R:...:.a......«. ..wr..::..,.. ::.):.F. R). .n..n:.R..'.... ..n. ...o..(... Cn..Y.:.n:...u..0S.m<.Y:..:u,.,.n...n..l.,n.„.:...:..<..>... nM%YGE4: Calculations are based on 8th edition of ACCA Manual J. All computed results are estimates as building use and weather may vary. Ere sure to select a unit that meets both sensible and latent loads. Zone 1 1,845 24,616 11,124 35,740 44,037 572 1,120 1,120 1-Hall 65 424 209 633 874 11 19 19 1-4 "2-Land/Strs. 84 460" 438 898 1,752 23 21 21 1-4 3=Kit/Brk 200 3,979 2,012 5,991 5,806 75 181 181 2-6 4-Din/Liv_ 360 5,166 1,893 7,059 11,585 151 235 235 2-6 '5-Bdrm #3*- 182 2,162 1,055 3,217 3,510 46 98 98 1-6 6-Bdrm #2/Bth/Hall. 273 3,815 2,020 5,835 4,716 61 174 174 2-5 `7=0fficeYDen. 143 2,269 633 2,902 3,978 52 103 103 1-6 -8-L-oft',-. ; 154 859 419 1,278 1,782 23 39 39 1-4 -9-Wr-SdtmBth - 384 5,482 2,445 7,927 10,034 130 249 249 3-5 Summer: 90 78 50 75 61.09 Calculate: Use Schedule: -Roughness Factor: Pressure Drop:' Minimum Velocity: -Mabmu'm Velocity: Minimum Height! Maximum. Height: Yes Yes 0.00300 0.1000 in.wg✓100 ft. 650 ft./min 900 ft./min 0 in. 0 in. Infiltration: 0.700 AC/hr Volume of Conditioned Space: X 22269 Cu.ft. 15,588 Cu.ft./hr X 0.0167 Total Building Infiltration: 260 CFM Total Building Ventilation: 0 CFM Yes 0.01000 0.1000 in.wgJ100ft. 450 ft./min 750 ft./min 0 in. 0 in. 0.400 AC/hr X 22269 Cu.ft. 8,908 Cu.ft./hr X 0.0167 148 CFM 0 CFM —System 1— Infiltration & Ventilation Sensible Gain Multiplier: 16.49 = (1.10 X 0.999 X 15.00 Summer Temp. Difference) Infiltration & Ventilation Latent Gain Multiplier: 41.50 = (0.68 X 0.999 X 61.09 Grains Difference) Infiltration & Ventilation Sensible Loss Multiplier: 32.97 = (1.10 X 0.999 X 30.00 Winter Temp. Difference) Project Title: Project Date: Client Name: Client Address: Client City: Client Phone: -Company Name: Company Representative: Company Address: _Company City: . Company Phone: ]re Range: Elevation: Altitude Factor: Elevation Sensible Adj. Factor: Elevation Total Adj. Factor: Elevation Heating Adj. Factor: Elevation Heating Adj. Factor: The Torrey Mod D Monday, June 02, 2003 Kolter Signature Homes, Inc. 2160 Reserve Park Trace Port St. Lucie, FI 34986 772-468-4703 Nisair Air Conditioning Jose . 1501 "Decker Ave. - D404 Stuart, FI 34994 772-283-0904 Medium 27 Degrees 25 ft. 0.999 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 Outdoor Outdoor Indoor .Dry Bulb Wet Bulb Rel.Hum Winter: 42 0 0 Summer: 90 78 50 Square ft. of Room Area: 1,845 Indoor Grains Dry Bulb Difference 72 0 75 61 CFM Per Square ft.: Square ft. Per Ton: A9 Total Sensible Gain: 24,616 Btuh 69 % Total Latent Gain: 11,124 Btuh 31 % Total Cooling Required With Outside Air: 35,740 Btuh 2.98 Tons (Based On Sensible + Latent) caicwauons are oasea on tttn eamon of ALGA Manual J. All computed results are estimates as building use and weather may vary. Be sure to select a unit that meets both sensible and latent loads. The Torrey Mod D2 HVAC Load Calculations for Kolter Signature Homes, Inc. 2160 Reserve Park Trace Port St. Lucie, FI 34986 s Prepared By: Jose Nisair Air Conditioning 1501 Decker Ave. - D404 Stuart, FI 34994 772-283-0904 Tuesday, June 03, 2003 If ENERGY PERFO ,-ANiCrE LEVEL; (EPL) DISPLA:Y CARD ESTIMATED 1, Now constrauionoralsdng 2. Single family ormuld-Osmily 3. Number of units, if multi-femlly • 4. -Number of Bedrooms 5. Is this a worst ceso7 6. Conditioned floor am (ft� 7.'. Glassares&type a. Cie" -aleale pane b. Clear_ double pans o. TlaUotherSHCC-single pane d. TiWother S14GC - double pans S. Floortypcs a. SlabOn['aadc Edge inaelation b. N/A a, wA 9. Walitypes a. Coneret% let Inaul, Etdnrlor b, Conwe6e, let Insul, Adjacent o. Fmme, Wood, Adjacent d.N/A e. N/A 10. CelliagtAvs a. Under Attic b. IVA e- N/A ll. Ducts a. Sup: Una. Reti Una AM. Attic b. N/A KOLTER New Multi -family _ 8 _ 3 _ Yes _ 184712 SingloPanc Double Pane. _ 0.0 R- " 0.081 _ 227.0 fP O.O W : 0.0ffi 0.0 R' _ R-0.0,165.0(p) R E�HOMES INC., 12. Cooling systeme. . . _ a. Central Unit:- ' ' b. N/A a. N/A 13.' Heating systems . a. Ele9trio.H-ft; Pump ..: b, WA a. N/A 14. Hot water systems _ a E VWc Resistance R-^4A-63a.0 re _ R=4.2; 850.0 R' _ b, WA R-11.0, 170.0 W _ _ o. Couserwflon cradim MR-Hr-ttrocrvory, Solar _ DRP-Dcdls4W beat pump) •A-19.0,1093.0 fp _ 15, HVAC crWitf w (CRCoiling flua, CV[hcna ventilation, BF-Wholo house fan, _ PI' -programmable Thmmmtat, Sup. R 6.01150A a _ .. MZ.C.Mohizome cooling.::* . M4-If Mull norm heating) l certi[y that this home has complied with the Florida^EnctgyEtfidcpop Coeic'.For Building.:;:. .- Conmhucdon tbiongh the abwa'eoc a saying fntuneg'.which=will!ie,install6&(oriexcmded)r in IN harem before flnal inspectio mwise, anew EPLDisplay:Ceid+wllkbe completed ` based on installed Code comp 'ant EkWder Sigaattue: Date: $L-AG �4 Address ofNew HOCMPL% City/FL Zip: T Sl— . R— tnO: l Mi.Lil *.NOTE.: The home's estimated energy performance :score is only. ovaflabkArtough=the Ais few a Building PhergyRating, .(fyour score:(s;80argreater. (qi.8 F; fot}`rt.fASE'p. Your home may qualify for energy efficiency mortgage (EM incentives: fyowobtal)rr Contact the E.nerg)y Gauge Hotline at 321/638-1492 or see'the�Energy:Gauge l b:Bite: Information and a last ofcertiftedRatersForirlformattonaboutFloddo'i&e'*rgyEffie Construction, contact the Deportment of CommanityAJfo,tt�r#$'�rgiotLFI RCSB'x3.30) Cap; 36,0 kBta/hr _ SEER:42.00 Cap: 36.0 kBtu/hr _ HSpP:7.50 _ Cap: 40.0 gallons _ U. 0.94 _ Gauge L(ating. neyCodeForBuilding 3 zz� Mob-b-z Equipment Schedule UnM Z -SCERZ.Z Wl_7-6' Make z6LAWVK T.. Cond.Unit mocL#/2U,863( AIH ura mo.d#2 Heater Mod.# Sen . sible Coolinggl, �OO Lotenrt Cooling11,20 Totcl Cool BTUs M Eastern Metal Supply, Inc. 3600 23rd Ave., South Lake Worth ,I+L 33461 MIAMI-DADE COUNTY, FLORIDf METRO-DADE FLAGLER AT rrr „� ,, :r the expiration date stated below. BCCO reserves the right to from a jobsite or manufacturer's plant fosecure this r quality control testing. If this orm in'the approved manner, BCCO may revoke, modify; .or suspend the immediately. B000 res6rves-the right^to• revoke this approval, if it is product or material faits to; meet the requirements of. the South Florida The dapense of such testing Millie incurred by the manufacturer. ACCEPTANCE NO.: 00-0919.I0 EXPIRES: 06/07/2004 BUILDING CODE COMPLIANCE OFFICE Iv1ETRO-DADE FLAGLER 13UILDINC 140 WEST FLAGLER STREET, SUITE 1603 130-1563 PTANCE (305) 375 9 1 FFLORIDA (305) 375-2908 - CONTRACTOR LICENSING SECTION (305) 375-2527 FAX (305) 375-2558 (�'`p�p�L((�� CONTRACTOR ENFORCEMENT DrMION S(;ANNF—D -. (305)175-2966 FAX(305) 375-2908 Your application for Notice of Acceptance (NOA) of: BYC p " PRODUCT coN FAX p05) 372-SION St. Lucile CoUPIYV �. - (305) 375-2902 FAX (305) 372-6339 0.030" Galvanized Steel Storm Panels Shutter under Chapter 8-of the Code:of Miami -Dade County governing the use of Alte' mate Mate"als and T;�pes of Construction, and completely described herein, has been recommended for acceptance by the Miami -Dade County Building;Code Compliance Office (BCCO) under the conditions specified herein. This NOA shall not be vali product or material at any Product or material fails to use of such product or ma determined by .BCCO that Building Code. - ' Raul Rodriguez [/ Chief Product Control Division CONDITIONS "" �rrivi tt gl� BUILDING CODE & PRODUCT REVIEW COMMITTEE This application for Product Approval has been reviewed by the BCCO and approved by the Building Code and Product Review Committee to be used in Miami -Dade County, Florida under the conditions set forth above. APPROVED: 06/07/2ooi t i I Francisco I Quintana, R.A. ,r Director Miami -Dade County Building Code Compliance Office 1\5645D0D 11oc2D00(\,empi, tez\nouce amepnpce cover page.det Internet mail address: postmaster@buildinpcodeonlinc•.com ,,S HOmepaoe: htiD://v%nsm, h... ia:---- .,___.:� Eastern Metal Supply Inc ACCEPTANCE No. ; 00-0919.10 APPROVED I. SCOPE 06/07/2001 06/07/2004 This approves 0.030" Galvanized Steel Storm Panels Shutter, as described iii Section 2 of th Notice of Acceptance, designed to comply with the South Florida Building Code, 1994 Edition fc Miami -Dade County, for the locations where the pressure requirements, as determined by SFB- Chapter 23, do not exceed the Design Pressure Rating values indicated in the approved drawings. 2. PRODUCT DESCRIPTION This'0.030" Galvanized Steel Storm Panels shutter and its components shall be, constructed in stric compliance with the following documents: Drawing No. 00=252, titled "24 Gage Galvanized Berth Steel Storm Panels", prepared by Tilteco, Inc., dated July-10, 2000, last revision #I dated Bee g 2001, sheets I -through 9 of 9, signed and sealed by Walter A. Tillit Jr., P.E., -bearing the Miami - Dade,,County.Product.ControI-appraval stamp,with.:the.Notice.ofAcceptance_numbei.�d aPProva date.by..the Miami -Dade County -Product Control Division. These..documents shaIl.hereinafter a referred to as the approved drawings. 3. LDVETA•TIONS All permanent set components, included but not limited to embedded anchor .bolts, threaded cones, - - -metal shields, headers and sills, must be protected against corrosion, contamination and damage at 4. INSTALLATION This 0.030" Galvanized Steel Storm Panels Shutter and its components shall be installed in strict compliance with thetapproved drawings. S. LABELING Each panel shall bear a permanent label with the manufacturer's name or logo, city, state and the following statement:;"Miami-Dade County Product Control Approved". 6. BUILDING PERMIT REQUIREMENTS 6.1 Application for -building permit shall be accompanied by copies of the following: 6.1.1 This Notice of Acceptance. 6.1.2 Duplicate copies of the approved drawings, as identified in Section 2 of this Notice of Acceptance, clearly marked to show the-Jeomponents selected for the proposed installation. 6.1.3 Any other documents required by the Building Official or the South Florida Building Code (SFBC) in order to properly evaluate the installation of this system. fi y{ Helmy A. vlak-ar, P.E. _Product Control Examiner Product Control Division - - �_ Eastern Metal SuupIv Inc ACCEPTANCE No.: 00-09I9.10 APPROVED 06/07/2001 EMPIRES 06/07/2004 L Renewal of this Acceptance (approval) shall be considered after a renewal application has been filed anc original submitted documents, including test -supporting data, engineering documents, are no older than e (8) years. 2. Any and all approved products shall be permanently labeled with the manufacturer's name, city, state, and following statement: "Miami -Dade County•Product Control Approved", or as specifi Speckle conditions of this Acceptance. cally stated in 3. -.Renewals of Acceptance will not be considered if: a. • -There has been a change in the South Florida Building Code affecting the evaluation of this'prod and the prodticfis not in compliance with the code changes, b• The.product is no longer the'same product {identical) as the one, originally approved, c •::If._the Aeceptaiice border -has not cpgip]1ad.?tith all the requirements of this. a.�ceptance,, including correct installation of the produdt...... ; - d-• .The. engineer, who originally prepared; signed and sealed the required documentation iriitia submitted, is no longer practicing the engineering Profession- 4. Any revision or change in the materials, use, and/or manufacture of the product or process shall automatica be cause for termination of this Acceptance, unless.. prior. written approval has been requested (through t filing of a i evision application with appropriate fee) and granted by this office. 6. Any of the following shall also be grounds for removal of this Acceptance: a. Unsatisfactory performance of this product or process. b• Misuse of this Acceptance as an endorsement of any product, for sales, advertising or any otb purposes. 6. The Notice of Acceptance number preceded by the words Miami, -Dade County, Florida, and followed by tl expiration date maybe -displayed in advertising literature. If any portion of the Notice of Acceptance displayed, then it shall be done in its entirety. 7. A copy of this Acceptance as well as approved drawings and other documents, where it applies, shall t Provided to the user by the manufacturer or its distributors and shall be available for inspection at the job si' at all time. The engineer needs not reseal the copies. 8. Failure to Acceptance. comply with any section of this Acceptance shall be cause for termination and removal c 9. This Notice of Acceptance consists of pages 1, 2 and this last page 3. END OF TBIS ACCEPTANCE Helm; A.dkfakar, p.E -Product Control Examine Product Control Division G '� Pro,:du'ct Re:vie y St Lucie.County, Public V ' Opo Code Compliance Che .following products will be installed in the structure,. 3uilding Permit # Dwners Name Reserve Homes LTD Ownerrs-' contractor Kotter Signature -,Homes COntractgr'.S .A.dd•] Product Design Man-ufacEure, Model Number NIe'thod''of A4t`tach'ment. ". Pressures_ -. ;. Windows 435 /43.6 1st Choice _ Nora _. 437/438 TAP CON ,unit thru •b.uck to. 2ndChoicenru�n c4t,3 - .- m880i1r 1 "embedment min; y .: , Fixed Glass 435 .436 1st Choiceorand x 371438 TAP CON unit>thru buck to 2nd Choice.nr 98 SG„ /H ;.0.sc LEl} embedmenjt min' I,-L. masonry Slass (otter) . .Butt Glass kloa _6p Arch ;; , ,x 34h rnxo S+Mrtr `: �15a1 �5 o' 14563: sir Fxeo1 c�ttsBRS ,eir.� Glass Block Pittebur h-' - 8 Ar us See. E-1an De"tail illding Glass Doors 1st Choice ` ' 2nd Choice irw �+n q,� —Lit oon masonry, 1 j' "embedment min.:' awing Type Doors - ... . 1st Choice — 1 `^� 3 �� - _ a . Doo _ Enter• 2 •l�l-0 7" ea, end+24°. oc .' 2ndChoice or,*..btn t�� �� Gen.,:l3roduct?.Benchmark. (2^)if10-•7"-,ea, end+24!' oc )verhead Garage Doors 1st Choice 4--f ^ag' ,,_ r 2ndChoice _ am c o e: aScrews. - each-Bracket 7 .00fing,Materia] Asphalt/Fiberglass „ Metal OtherG6hl�lfC- RkT$bt�j� S itrtters. Choice have reviewed meabove components, rovide adequate resistance to the w- nc lame )esign 5'+1`arminre` :, + N�'' •� M J St. Lucie County SCANNED Building and Zoning Department BY 2300 Virginia Avenue St. Lucie County Fort Pierce, FL 34082 561-462-1553 Design Certification for Wind Load Compliance This Certification is to be completed by the project design architect or engineer. This Certification must be submitted with all applications for building permits involving the construction of new residence (single or multi- family)..residcntial addition, any accessory structure requiring a building per, and any nonresidential structure. This Certification shall not apply to interior permit, renovations (provided that no structural walls, columns or other similar component is being effected) and certain other minor building 1553 of 462-2172. nermits. For further assistance, please contact. the Building Inspection Office at 462- Certification Statement: I certify that, to the best of my knowledge and belief, these plans and specifications have been designed to comply with the applicable structural portion of the Building Codes currently adopted and enforced by St. Lucie County. I.also certify that structural elements depicted on these plans provide adequate resistance to the wind loads and forces specified by current code provisions. Desist Parameters and Assumptions Used: (Please check or complete the appropriate box.) 1. Florida Building Code 2001 Edition X . ASCE 7.98 2. Building Design is (check one) Enclosed X Partially Enclosed— Opeu Building 3. Building Height: 2-14" % 4. Wind Speed Used in Building Design: 13 second gust 5. Wind Exposure Classification (refer to exposure tables in Building Code identified in line #1): 6. Average Wind Velocity Pressure on Exterior Faces of Structure 3"1 PSF 7. Peak Wind Velocity Pressure on Exterior Faces of Structure PSF 8.Importanee/Use Factor (obtain from Building Code): I.n 9. Loads: Floor NSF hoof/dead —W PSF Roofilive 5__PSF 10. Were Shear Walls Considered for Structure (check one): Yes X No —(if No, attach explanation) i1. Is a Continuous Load Path Provided (check one): Yes. X No — (if No, attach explanation) 12. Are Component and Cladding Detail Provided (check one): Yes No —fif No, attach explanstioltl 13. Minimum Soil Bearing Pressure: 2 S 6o PSF As witnessed by my seal, I hereby certify that the information included "14'47e .di correct, to the best of my knowledge and belief. Name: R. Q(At 14N D-UlTURk Certification #:e e] DesignFirm: Gl� A yssoeth S Date: % SLCCDV Form # 020-00