HomeMy WebLinkAboutSUBMITTED DOCUMENTSI Z 125' W"5. 2 12.5' PA CONCR�Ex ANNiC110,15 VAX AIN no I No 'vim IEQLV�, PARE1 UPICAL ELEVATIOM 114, N= CAP— I F .10 max, Oux oymo OUT- S�C: 4&' - V 'E"AA smc;w-r,- , RAAW F/ 11.4o Wa a y a x J".ilr )w UKV� V 493- Rr OEM I I Zvor —OU w HFA Y.T Ig- ovr� MGM) ST. al —�-, � 0 MR 1 SIORW FANEL H45 BEEN DEW�W by bR, WE SWM FlORQ4 BW�INC CODE !4� LADC VWW. 7994 EormA. OF WE SDM� *M La� S"ALL D" D"'ER"'NED AS PER SEC770M 6 Or ASLZ 7-BA KW 110 �p Fiza B4!WC *M SECTIONS ZJi-5S PEZSrANCE HAS IN ACCORnWC, MR, A"EL Sr� p MENTIONED CODE AS PD? ALVUOW Tr5r L,, p Mr 'EPO Z All STEEL M= METAL PANEIS 5�WL HAVE STRUCTURAL Q, CALVAWED STEEL DEMM770M & Fy- 5Z3 1, (A-7ER 4UTr ASDW A651 SO CPADE 40 MITI, A ALL AWAIWM DaR=oN, MALL &E 06J-71T A-Lor WLEW OWERWLSE NOTED 4. ALL SCREn TO De STAINIES, STEEL 0, OR J16 SMW, Z125' a Dous To w 2cv-r4 &uuww ILLor. c&vAwm OR SrmLm srEEI mw 3, lmw uLvmjxe MW POINT. 6 'WCHOW TO WALL 914U BE AS FMLagl, (U'XM Oalum'E. hvnv). k5 -HALE FA NTv oasum POURED cowRETE- ulx-srr a-coets.-s mwfAmj?Ev ar I.Er aago-afx .1BuLEc ANCWORS AS AMLrAcWj?ED By ELCO 7116' C4LK-W AKWM 114-,, a,, I TEXTRON. 'FA&ELIZATE PLUs'.As U4NwAcTvw37 by 'RUIUM4717m ON 114- 0 ELco mk. INC. AM El -CO TaTRM 14MpEn�ar. -214, 117146MT SLEEW AKWPS AS MIN(I-ACMEO 1,r Lr.W. IU.. norm- t 1) WWWM Eyao"IENT WW PaW CaNaEff OF ElPCQM AMCJW CR CRETF-FLIX SS; IS f 314-, MR ELCO PAAnW7ES IS 2' , FOR RED W40 DMWDrX IS r A 2) 7 -N AICRORS MALL BE VJMr a49mDw WD, VL -PANELMATE FEW Ll 2'. IA' FDR ELCO "k "'LK + POURED ccNaL�M m Ew�� WTO �� B-� PMWTTM 114- ffl-2aSCRE)M USED spat BE t A, LONC NMW SW� STUCCO COST. AND I' WNWW FUR WAUS MW no M= Ay my cuc nmr PAG5T mouz pRmtsT cajaEx PAma, aw'. OR PAmm Be Fmw.om.nc DasTm WMLM F'oM A&V"S -PiALL IlE LOW 00= To REACH TIE UAIV STRU=,E COW SUCH PA&fLS. KVL BE AS XUrAMD ON NOTES A f) & A2) AaOW ANaXIT,4cc (By TV D257M CONCRETE BW= WqLL. _j .3ae RW--SEr WCONT AS WATFAM&W ar Lrw/)3uwa ELCO nmRm o ELCO Md. 'PAVELWX' OR 1/,r' , ELCO 3 ow, M= - 114- 0 , 716' C4LK-N ANCIMRS OR T14 ACTERED Dr T14 0 QiLW-fUX S54 AMaMRS Ag A"WF r-W� IPANaAW.- PLUS',, U4KFACTLOED BY PO rATR7VN Q% INC AND aW YMRM RESpECTT�ay. -5 ANGLE- HUll,o oyE 9RA -T/r 0 RED READ M�O(r SLME7AW-UoqS AS UANUFACTURW ar Lr.W. BUW,� .;CAf Homy - 'I') ""UIAV a9r0UENF OF WMY A%*� a= FANaU47F ELCO M-1- 'PA PLC DMABOLTANO aVE-RIX SSj, MD E, WM7E' al RW H&W ,C MNOMIE 9, OCK DWr OC I 114. .374' `2) 7/8' c4LK-N ANCMDRs mmu Bc mwar Ex&wom INTO yw CONREIr &;m WT - No ELOEWOZ MD ST=O SFML BC PERATTM. l/'r' 0-20 SCRE)tS IMP qWL &E 1 112- LONC UMT WMW SM= CaST AND f- AMkVk FOR WNJS Ww No SZUCCa B.3) N ctw mr nwc45T 5mvE 09 noxv mmRar PAmas sc rmw ON w Ix,,RNG NQ _L Ayr MIALL BLE LONG DMQj To REAM DH "M STELCTIME &WIN, JIOR$ MCATED ON nOTES AN 17. 1) SUCH PANEIS ANaiaWE SnjLL RE' AS lk a2) AD%E CC) MaIOR� &tI4U. RE ANSMU-0 FMLOW07 ALL CF 7W ANCHCR'S U�NUIACURM RE=a4MDKTVtC AND W�E�AWN, OF THE- 7. pANas m4r &So BE Mr LEO LorAncwm .093- AUED HmzwvzLr. FDLLOMG fiUrWHOM DEVXS SHOW ON 5=0M 6 (ShEET 2 & J OF S) ercEPT 7n4r mvos A 3 & 4 f THRd IZIALL Nor BE USEDL Tr SHALL 11 k Zoo- -ON"a"ITr Cr 77C CONTRACTOR W 'VdFr 7W SOUNDNESS OF THE S7RUCn w�, -'qfUT7ER IS TO`6&E"fAErrfiAECRSED To kyaW ppo btli, .1 ---*.- 17RS VNLr VC ATrAcqo To Ck. Akl ... . . ...... Q) REYERSED SCALE. 4r .9-=T'W?UWUFAC7URE�;LWaMWLarPL4COArBouwwrAcHp,,mEL A LAVEL SU4LL PZ40 AS' FVUO*M- =W. W - EASTERN UEM 5UPPLr YJC J25' Li .093-- �v KET HOLE A 7- PA DETAIL fr' SWD Vl/ DIE C4ST ZVVC NfCWa PLATED WING NUZ- LAKE WaW4 fLaW" R'W WDE COLWTY PRODUCT CUTFROL A-mVED f = Min. .085' �EY �S��WA- SCVZ: 31" S f%A NEI) CAN BY Lucie coun"', EY APPROVED AS COMPLYING YM THE SOUTH FLOR DA BUILDING CODE "L D 0 0 AATTE (40 ZOC) BY - �PRODUCT NT MSJON NTROL DrvisioN - BUILDING CODE COMPLIANCE OFFICE AGCEPTANCENO..g�j �() 24 CAGE GALVANIZED—B—ER7-HA STEEL STOW PANELS WWI DADE couNTy AS Slion, SCA Lr EkSTEW—MEI-At SUPPLy I— — . - � lAfC 17/10/0 DA TZ., CONCRETE ANcTyOR5 (SZE SCHEDULE) (Tr . z Povam --/ CONCRETE OR. CONCRETE I? LL SEC77ON 0 ANCHOR CONCRETE ANaAaW (SEFSCHEWZo POURED CONCRETE REOUIRED cba FOR AGNM ,19'APAWN To aAss a (W/ STL=) 1 4' or 20 4- Dom 3/ra NW TZ, 0. r OWCFM.7F ANaioU (-qEE ScHamv MR &MVM S&-/MWN -$- 'm CL&Z � -20 x 112-- -s� W/ 7/5'Xi/ Aw a Eva?r �P 0 AW-'W�W T14- 0-20 &OLTY L 5 coa, C.,t (Sir SCHEOUL0 WALL MOUNTING INST-A.hLA 0 RUILD 'OUT INS-rALLAT-10M SCVE QN, T'3 4- M2' J'7�': - ji MUG Nvl a Wo. a SECTION 0 S7UD INErALLAT-loy Sc4is E; D. - EWE USMCE (SEE SUEDUL., ON SHEETS rl 5 6 -&- 7 0 1 F No iYA Co cmi. cant. -20 . W vr I 0 a 1/4 f-20 x sxTs W/ J/�2, *m NOT 12- a a POURED CONCRETE OR CONCRETE BLOCK W&L .REDURED. kh COACRETE 0. r (SEE I cont E A L& -L 770 N -SECT70ty SCALE : J/a' /I �01 F�C-t 5-7n- APPROVED AS COMPLYING WM TUE SOUTH FLORIDA BUILDING CODE DATECKo / I OY! C�o 0 0ou DUCT 4TROL DMSION �Tlzr,l �,,— 'U'PIG CODE COMPLIANCE OFFICE AC&EPTANGE MIAMI DADE COUNry 24 G4GE GALVANIZED BER-IFA EElt STOW PANEL, - SCALE EAETFA'Ar MF-rAf cw�n, 11 CnL CONCRETE ANCHORS (SEE SCHEDUW 11114' 0'-20 S. S. U4CHINE Bo�r NOT & WASHER a lz I' MJRED CONCRETE REOULRED cant (SEE SCHEDULE) L9 FOR UlI4AfUA( SEPAPAWN -S- TO QASS Luj :Z: 1/'(' 0-20 x I &S. . . r 3/-T2' a OWIVAP 0 F- T14, f 20 x DOLTS W1 7 Z' ,WNO1 ALTERAMTE' LEG LCC4nQN ZE cm PDUFTED.-/J�w CONME7F OR CONCRETE BLOCK WALL REOULaTED #.�20 S. a MCHINE IF & CmcRETcANC WASHE? ETE -^ / "(sff SCRED 0 121VO. C. CONCRETE ANCHORS (SEE SCHMXXE) POURED CONCRETE REQUIRED \ r 10 CLASS I Cont T CONCREM ANCHORS (sw sa"VLE) CONCRETE ANCHORS E. NBE SCHEDULE) POURED CONCRETE REQUIRED \ I IF FOR AAMAW SEPAR477ON 'S�' to Guss Ec ay-/ t2- a a I — rl CONCRETE ANCHORS, - (SEE SCHEVU4 POURED CONCRE7r-1 V' RMURED E D. Our INSTALLA ob, A - -1 & A-00g, �SECTION ffl—SrALLAT-10M - sECrjok 0 MTALLAFloL- SEC770y Z SCALE : 3/8" SCALE t S/a* . I- F- D. - EDGE DISTANCE UL.E ON 7 OF 9) rY7 -, -c� APPROVED AS COMPLYING VVITHTHE SOUTH FLORIDA BUILDING CODE DATE (Yo --o BY PRODUCT WNTROL DIVISION BUILDING CODE COMPLIANCE OFFICE ACCEPTANCE NO �� - �O9 19 �.j () a —Irm r i -IN OR aco '0-20 SIDEWALK Bar OR LWTE OR M-I� PANELWTE PLUS 0114'Pf-20 TRUSSH&W BoLro* SCHEDULE FOR &PACING) WAL L WO UN r7ff& 'jR. TA I p —T SECTIOM SCALE IS ARE ir -MW As PER NOTES A2 & 6.2 (SHEET 1) TMIRD ,'ypa?S - SCR&E WpLOW7igX AS PER NOTI!S A2 &- 9.2 (Sta� 1) 24 G4GE (ALVANo — STEEL S ED 13ERFH4 — PANELS C4LK-lN OR ELCO matolfo=j, PANELU47E OR �/, PANEL,414-rE PLUS &)qIIKI�4'0-20 SIDEWALK emr OR a TRUSSHEAD BOLT (SEE SOVEDULE FOR SPACING) =2473M OR CONCRETE - BLOCK WALL REWIRED-\ (SEE' SCHEUX0 FOR AaWof 57PARATIM I.S- TO CLASS 114'o 1 WINI OffiVIP 0 AMSPAN POURED —/ CONCRETE OR CONCRETE ZQWALL OURED WWI WE COUNTr AS .5FfO9W r,fj 7/10/00 PL rp lmc� CUT PANEL T, Arm 2' x -f - x .125- 31105-H14 OR 6063-T6 ALLOy Colhi. All� ANGLE " — CASE A (Plan) Sa4LF-- 114" POURED CQNQ,4�, OR CONCRETE BLOCK WALL REWRED POURED CONCRETE POURED CONCRETE' OR OR CONCRETE BLWK )ML CONCRETE ff-OCK W REWIRED REQUIRED CONCRETE cu F-2-500' fxm CONCqE�E ANCHORS 72-0. z5vo f a f2 0. C. OR OR 1.000 Nt J A -K At W LL 0 y R 1-000' OR 2' M= 2" x 2- .0--,5' To ALTEPJMMTE LE-C LoXC4M77OVN 2' x 5' .0,5' c,,L OR w� ANGLE OR @) -060'-3105-HI54 ShaT I METAL Akm RENT PIATE 4' r 4" r 072' G. 3105-1114-01? 6063-T6 ALLor W/J;Ctaalr Ct,4L Arum ANGLE CASE B (Plan) CASE C (Plan) SCALE- 114' ENO CLOSURES DETAILS K4�U�VTX D-OS-TGAF PRESSURE R`4T'NG 'V (P-1-f A.ArD CORRESPONDING MAXTVuy, pAA7EL LENGTH .Iyl SCHEDULE' 2' x -�r x -Oyj' 31(15 H-T4 OR 6063-TC ALLOr Cmt Atum ANGLE XW ANCHORS 9 W 0. C. >, f14' POURED CONCRETE OR CONCRETE BLOCK WALL REOURED CASE 0 6P.11117) SCALE. 114 1' 1p -UJXWUM DEMON PRESVRT R477NG +&6.0, -76.0 +60-0. -7o.o +66.0, -76.0 r�60.0 --�70.*O max PANEL LENGTH L (/L) MW" SEP46AWN (5EE SECTIONS). TO GL.A-SS,..', . 7'-6' OR LESS >7�-6' TO 8�-60 7'-6- OR LESS —6- —06'- --T i J14 - 7>- 1 6 3 —J14 - Z � - I �-LTE �—CG c —w�c T APPLIC4ME To S=ws f & AW_QW&MTO. OF THEy. - I,ZJ,4,5 & 6 6 & 7 6 & 7 APPROVED AS COMPOING lWH-THE SOUTH FLORIDA BUILDING CODE DATE� (o �O�� PRODUCT C6NTROL DIVISION BUILDING CODE COMPLIANCE OFRCE ACCEPTANCE NO.Cy) - C�q I q - I .1 MWI DADE COUN7-r- 24 GAGE GALVANIZED BERTpA AS 5801m STEEL S710R)� PANELE SC4ff 7110100 843FERN METAL SUPPL Y, [Arc I LTW. 8� co,",7c �-rLzx &tm� IV 12 t2' MIA rz, NIA 12- NIA 12- lz* iz- f2- rz- r2' T2- rz- Iz NIA lz MIA lz NIA 12' 12, ix 12' I(IA 12- 12- rz, IVA T2- f2' 12 12- 12- 12' I(IA 72. I(VIA Tz- +60.0. -6f.5 '12' WA r2l 12- 12. f2' NIA rz. 12- f2- t2' T2- 12' 72. WA 12' 12 F2. T2- 'f2- WA 12. 12, 12' 12- 12, rz 12' 12" MIA 12- WA 12- JVIA 12- NIA Iz- NIA tz- WA 12. MIA f2. zz- WA rz. MIA f2- NIA 1z, W. rvA WA WA f(IA 12' WI NIA WA I(IA Tz. 12 D-S?M LOID i F/Z- LEE autpa RM M StE� ro cw-mv 10 xt�w aCX-R� =4 75CTRM MaU� JX MIX PA 4MAM nWaAM TWO MOM*= 1p YV TZ, WA CDAM�X M 12' 11, RIA 12- WA rz. A(I T2- 12- 12- 12- WA 12 IVA 72- 12" it' 12., [2. rz, NIA NIA I(IA 12' MIA 12- 12* T. W 12 ... zz- 12' fVA rz. WA IVA �j I(IA 12- 12' f2' r2. 12- Y2- Y2- ACIA 12- WA 1z. AVA t2' WA TZ 12 12- 12' 1z, 72- 4/A Tz- I(IA 12- --'12- I(IA lz- 12' 12 12' 12' 11- s. 12' WA tz, VA 12. WA tVA lZ I(IA 12- IVIA IVA 12, MIA 1z, t(IA muwm D= AIV3" Md� SPACAW LT.X PW.Da 14-cew W SU:nE- 7Damm cqmor 7v mtqw, MEW-1= su ,.w m U�� tMaMIL MILE PAVa-WX allS )v T2' rVA ml�w 70 wLmw TO "INCREIr IV � rz. WA 12' f(IA 12* hl'A 12' 12' ru, rz. 12- 12- 12' zz- W FIA T2. WA U. NIA tilA 12, 12' r2- 72, 10' MIA 12' NIA 12, 12' 12' 12' r2' 12' 12 - 12- WA 12' WA F2' 12- 12' lo* 12, f2' PIA r2- VA -61z �12' - IVA - 12' 12, . 12- 12' TZ - 12, rz, YIA 12' WA F2- MIA 12- k1A 10, rz, 12' 11' 12' 12- 12- t2- r2' MIA rz" fv/I t(IA rz, 12' Tz, 7* 12* 12' MIA 12- 10A 12' AJIA 2. 12' ;z f2' f2- f2- fVA t2' NIA rz, AIM 12. ?(1A WA F2- 111A 12' NIA 12' NIA 12- rp. WA Ll, ACIA VA f I 111A 12- ax 70 - I - uv� F� VA w- I (rcr) MAXT MUM QESTGN LRESS RA VING -ff �PESPO URE 12' 1 (50n, Nar-Nc AD LN ALLAijuaS YA 12, NIA 2 (Iyyv 0- "F"04R"�lUEUM ANCHOR SPACINGS ARE 6�u" VALID FOR IT 112- EDGE DISTANCE. D' L6�S 771AN -7 112' REDUCE ANCHOR spACIArG By "ULTPL�7NG SPACING SHOWN bN SCHEDULE By THE FOLLOWING FACTORS- (NOTE : Mj,, E D. FOR 'TO I(IA 5 (TOP) FOR THIS OPEPA77ON -IN ANCHORS IS 2 BE PvsiBLC&A-RREOUc;l-O -, L,7A uslNG FACTOR SH4LL NOT '11YED 12. 2- -5 (BO� BE LE�S THW V,,VIUUU SPACING INDICATED FOR E4CH ANCHOR TYPE AT ANCHORS LEC�Nq. 12" AVA 6 (/UP) 12. VA 6 12, FIA 7 FACTOR y2l ACTUAL E. 0. Pli - SS4 CALK -IN LES RED HD�.aavt- .86 .75 1.00 2 712- .71 2- .50 1.00 .50 Tw O.8B 12- JY14 2 (to.-) Yz. 12- 2 (sanwA -ANCHOR'S LE-GEN,vlo rz. i ANCHORS ANCHOR 12. NIA 4 0-0. OR 'o kf1m. rf PE SPACING t2* r.(soT7r;;o TAPCONIPANELUATESI f2- 5 (fvp). cRE7E FLEx ss4 3.00 r2- 5 12- WA (mp) Z,.. 12- DYNABOLT -sLEEV�- 'SEE NOIES ON SHEET OF 9 q a & FOR- ANCHORS TypE & ScACyNG FOR mx-n ARMw fwa INSTAM17ONS INTO WOOD FRWE 6UXLINGS 7v 7v cr Thu (2- tz. MIA I (top) APPROVEDAS COMPLY'% WMiTHE . - I - �OVTR FLORIDA l3VtLDjqC; COD M. NIA 2 L 12' 1z, 2 (Borr94 12' NIA 3 (top) DUcTC OL DJWSION LDING CODE 1'. 12, COMPIJANcE A CCFPTANCE No.00) 12' RIA - 09 1 1 C) 12, 12, rz. WA (rp,) . UbWf OADE COUNTY [2. 10' 5 Norrui).- 2-f G4GE CALVA NIZED RERRM AS, STEEL T2- MIA STORld PANEL 3 f2- -- I IVIA L e � E 6-0 �rm c EASrERN hSTAt vippt Y fAll '/"0/00 TL LLK lu� U�w WA t2- Tv MIA A 12- 712- '9' 12- r2 f2' 12. PIA 12, g/A MIA s. Tz. t2 12' 12, - WA --- 12- WA r2. 9: Ez. 12, M.D. -72. 1.2' WA MIA 12' 9. 1z" 12' 12' r2' MIA 12' T2' T1, t2- W NIA W A 2WA NIA it, IC/ A 2_ NIA NIA A RIA --- LEK � V� F� M SEEnf I TP Agyawr 7v ca,�r 1p I(IA 12' MIA 9. -12- TZ, 2 WA r2l RIA IV t2- 12- NIA 12' NIA T2w 12. 12' +60.0 12" WA r2. NIA 12- 9. 12' 12w 12W MIA (2. MIA 12" 5. 12' r2, 12' I(IA i 12- MIA 12, IVA A it, MIA 12' MIA XXVIA WA MIA J,=LEK 3lQv t Rao, r u-ccm RED JWD to cwcmr 7D m4mw ,nzr w U"m, 12- J(IA 12- - I(1A 12- a, 12- t2- 12' I(IA 12, MIA 12' 12- f2 t2' HIA 12- MIA r2, 12' -;,o.o NIA 12' AVA T2' a' 12- 12- 12' WA 12' MIA i2. 4. 12" 12' IVA 12- NIA it, ICIA r2' t4lA WA 12' IVA TD m CON,,, u,"m 12- MIA 1z, MIA 12. f2' t2- r2. 12' 12' WA T2- NIA 12. 12- 12, 12- r2- Tz. 12' WA f2" WA fz- 12. 12- 12' 12" 12, 12' tj1A tzl NIA f2- 72- 12- t2- 12- 12' 12, WA 12- NIA 12- !-2 12. 12- .12 WA 12, MIA 12- 12- I(IA 12' NIA 12' 12. WA 72. MIA 12' I(IA I(IA 12- 1'. 12' W=m Amu Smcfvc-i F CL �-J YA2- . TV uty0wr rp 12. ArIA [2' N,�A 12- 12- Yz. TZ, rz, TZ . 12- WA 12. MIA 12' 12- 72. f2. JVIA 12" MIA 12- f2, 12- 12- 12. T2. 12- - IVA f2. NIA 12. 12- F2- .12. 12- f2' MIA 12' NIA 12. 12' 11, 12 7'- 12. 12, WA .12 MIA 12' T2' NA i2' VIA 12' JVIA MIA WA f2' 12- utv� wcrig aw mawm DKIE-W ssf �MW &Aumtr cdvm To mismer To =httM W U4SQrfflr 12' IIIA 12* F NIA 12- 12- tz, to_ to, 12-141A 12' MIA A T2. 12' 12" 70 to' 12. I(VIA 12' N11A 12, tz, t2- 10' 12' 'iVA f2' AfIA f2' 12' t2, ml 10, t 12, IVA f2' IVA 1z, 12' S. 12, 1A t2' 12' rVA T2' WA 12' VIA tr 112- p A -1A 12- 12- 12- 12" 12- 12' 12" 72- 12' 12" rz, NIA to, WA F2' --�IA 7 10' MIA 10' NIA HIA WA 1(1A 6. �KA To' �LA 12- 12- 12' 12- - 12' 12' f2' 12' T2, 12' 12' it' 72. 120 12" 12. 12- to, t2" W WA 12" 0 A E2 '2 to' 12- NIA f2' 6. 12' A 1z, I A IA t2' NA P(IA to, MIA AVA 4. AVA KIA Y-MSTE� I APXAV-S�E IV �,/ & CM8194am uv� �a cr nzv MIA t (top) YZI I ('907mo AVA 2 �) TZ, (Fanw) WA i On-) 12- J (80TW . (vp) -0, 71) 2--G, I 2- 4 (Bouwo MIA 71 6� (BMW) JK/A WA AVA 7 (r0.-/B0TW, ZZ, 5 (Imp/270771m) AFNrAXE 10 fA xW" PAVEL m mq�w cw&'w= w Mw LEww v (tv AVA I (top) rz- (90TW.. f(IA 2 ([VP) 12- 2 (BOT7W) IVA 3 00p) Tz" 1 (607704 NIA 4 00P) 7' -6- to e-.6 72. 4 (BOT7W) ICIA 5 (ilop) 71 FIA (rDp) R/A 7 (r0P1VoTjpp 12' a (loplaottou" po rAMM A*Ftr4a[r a " am" PAAEL To AV�l � 7f�, LDJ;TH 12' RIA f (TDP) 12- it' 120 MIA 2 (v') IV W 2 (Borrw) F2. MIA j (Top) f2- fl, 5 (BMW) r2. ?(IA 4 POP) 7�6' To E�6- 12' 11, 4 (BOrtW) 12' 5 (top) 5 (SOTIU) 6 (-top). C' (&OqOAI) ��A'VIUUV ANCHOR SPACINGS ARE VAUD FOR 3 112- EDGE DIZAN� IR 1- 0- LESS TMN 3 112 - REDUCE ANCHOR SPACING By AlUL77PL)'ING SPACING SHOWN 'ON SCHEDULE By THE FOLLOWINIZ FACTORS- (NO7F : Min E. D. FOR CAKLIN'ANCHORS IS 2 112�. FOR THIS OPERA77ON 7'0 BE P0578LE, REDUCED SPACING Os7AINED USING FAC7'OR SHILL NOT BE LEES TV4N UINIUUU SPACING INDICATED FOR EACH ANCHOR TYPE AT ANCHORS LEGEVD. AC:E. D. j::74PfllM:/ 2 112- 2- .66 .77 .50 MC -HORS LEGEND ANCHORS ANCHOR ANCHORS 7ME UIN. A U N 'N C HOR SPACING 0 APCONIPANELM4 77f-ES/ tl CRErE FLD( ss4- J.00 Q"-t/NV 2.5' J18.0e RED HD, DYNAROLp SLEEVC'. *SEE- N07ES ON SHEEIS a & 9 OF9 FOR ANCHORS 7YPE & SpACING FOR INSTALLA77ONS IN710 WOOD FRWE BUILDINGS. C4LK-IN RED tjjD SLEEVE. S .75 1.00 5L .50' 1.00 Q88 APPROVEI)A'S SoLrrlj FLOINDCOM"N"WTH7HE DATE A BUiLj)jtM CODE .7 2 .7 2 ar BUILDING L DilivISION ACCEPTANCODa COMPLIANCE CE Naon OFPICE ULWI DADE- GOUNTI, 24 GAGE C4LIMIZCD BIERTIH:1:1�TAAS smft STEEL Z_ STORM FAAE SCAX 7110100 EA,5rERN METAL SUPPI r fAtC -j PAFr 0. - i I/r-vo UV44Z� CDNQ�m m u4saw III cav� m PANaUAT Iv cc� " uk�&m �m VA ;z- NIA 12. WA 72' MIA 12- in" Tz- f2' f2- f2' [2. rz, 12- FIA t2' MIA ?Z' NIA 12 . IV 12' Iz 72' 12- 12. 12. - WA 12, IIIA 12' 4/A - T2. 12' r2. 12' 12 12' 0 1'2' IV dX/A f2" 41A f2' MIA r2' to- 12. T2' 12' 12- 12 . T2' 12. WA fz' NIA 12- WA 72 . MIA 12' 7' 12" 12 12 12 HIA Iz* MIA 12 12, tvA f2' NIA Q 12' PVA 12' fW11A *WA IVA CEME-FLIX bW-C4ZLPZE PAV14UC WA 12- KIA IJIA 12' NIA T2- 12- 12 - 12, MIA 12. IVA 12. IV- 12' Iz- 12' f2- f2. 12- WA 56-0. - WA 12' WA 12, To" w- Iz NIA 72" 12' f2' 12- Tiv to' 12- WA r2. ArIA tz" A(IA �A 12' zz- a 17 12* WA 12- NIA W t(IA Q. NIA to, WA Izo NIA 12" AIA 12 . �IA S. IVA 12' NIA 12, WA 17' I(IA M/A WA WA IVA 12. 61, PAAUREM PEW 70 f * Zr "V�= M CMCRnE W UL�W 71, mAeftr" � PARa U�m v (n) JVIA 2 (Top) f2' I (HOT* FIA MIA 2 (,Xp) 12- 2 (POUMO t(IA 12. WA i (mo) 1z" 12' 12' 12- 1 (earlmr, f2m VA 12- NIA 4 (1-0.-) 6'-U- OR LESS TZ, Iz. f2' 1.. 12' 4 (8077 1 Mo 12w I(IA 120 NIA 5 (top) 12. E. 12' To, 5. 12" J VIA 121 MIA 6 (mp) 1z' NIA f2w XIA 5 (OOTMO 12, P(IA rz. AVA 7 (MP/V017MO tz' t2. tz" c"-*1 APFL� Tj S&"XMJF-t-- ANr VMaXQ= UW;MPAIL IlEr LMM I- pQ 12, AVA 12 VA I (BOTWO 12' 1 VIA 12' 12. fl. 2 . (Bo7w 12� 12, )CIA i (top) f2' rz. Ia- 12. 7�r To e-6 12' NIA NIA 5 p0p) 12- 4' .2' C. . 12- IJIA r2' AVA 6 fry�) it, 12' FIA NIA 7 (MPIspTT4 1, F2' 8 ftp"Rn�:&) **Al0XlUUU ANCHOR SPACINGS ARE VALID FOR .5 FOR E D. LEss TMM .3 112" 112" EDGE MSIAN� , REDUCE ANCHOR SPACING MUL77PLWNG SPACING SHOWN ON SCHEDULE By THE F BY FACTORS- (NOTE : hfiR E: D. FOR CALk-flV ANCHORS OLLOWING. FOR 7HIS OPERATION 7'-0 8E POSIBLE; REDUCED STACII IS 2 112 �. VG 087AINED USING FACTOR ShALL NOT BE LEss MW AfjjVjMUM SpACIIVC INDICATED FOR EACH ANCHOR TYPE AT ANCHORS LEGENO. FACTOR ACTUAL I- D. TAPCONI RE7F-FLEX CALK -IN REWD HD. SLE� -FANELIWFS�4 3' .86 7_ 2 112- 71, .75 1.00 2. -50 LOD 0.88 ?S LEGEND ANCHORS rrpE` IPAIVELUATESI 7APCON CREIE FLEX SS4 CALK-1k - .9 'LWF0 RED.HD. DYN4E?OLT SLEEVE 4,50- 'SEE nXES ON SHa7S 8 9 OF 9 FOR ANCHORS TYPE & spACING FOR NSZALIA710AS /= WOOD FRAME BUILDINCS APPROVED AS COMPLYING VM THE SOUTH FLORIDA BUILDING C0br DATEr(�6 ' Q74qqj By PRD6UCTc6mfROLDPASION BUILDING CODE COMPLIANCE OFFICE -WCEPTANCENO0(.) -0cLLq-j 1) ASM? CONCRETE -ANCROR5 ISCr SCHECULC) POURED CONCRETE REOVRED --\ Li (SEE SCHEDULE) - rOR MINIMUM SEPAR4770H -S' TO GLASS OF WINDOW OR S. G. I). Cs POURED, -L7/ L) CONCRE,Tf,,;,l OR C RgE BLOCIMA REOLAREOLI, T CONCRETE)ANCHORS (SEE SapuLE) I I SEC77ON 0 ANCHOR CO"CRCTr ANCHORS (SEE SCHEDULE) POURED CONCRETE REOUff?ED n2 Cwt. �- (Sa- ScroEDULE)- FOR mf4vull SEPARA170M 'S' TO CLASS OF WINDOW Of? S_ G. D. I11-r F­20 x 4' DOLTS W1 71,5yx 3137' wyc Nur o 12' 0. C. — d POU8EO tj CONCRETE' OR CONCRETE BLOCK WALL L 'b v REOWED CONCRETE'AICH0,1M (SEE SafmuLlr) C�L I CONCRE7C ANCHORS (SE-C SCIfCDULQ POURED CONCRETE REOLaRED - Cs \ tj POURED �/ CONCRETE OR CONICRE7E BLOCK WALL REOUIRED Cont. WALL MOUNTING INSTALLATION SECTION 2 xW �14: �2O 14 Ci 71ff' y .3/aZ' WING Hur 0 12r' 0. POURED I I—T CONCRETE OR CONCRETE BLOCK WALL REOUIRED /k SEC77ON 0 STUD WALL MOUNTING INSTALLATION SEC TION I -SCALE : 3/8' = I' b9ff : DETAIL OF SEC770H 0 STUD VAUD ALSO FOR WALL MOUNTING INSTALLATION - SCCWN 2 (TOP) SCAI-I . -3/8- = I" F_ 0. - EDGE DZ7.,WCE (SEE SCHEDULE ON &Lms 5 & 6 OF a) CONCRETE' ANCHORS (SEE SCHEXICILE) I --(SEE ST=q— rOR U;n. SEPARA S�. TO GLASS OF WkNWW OR S_ C. 20 , J,14' LQ-731- 7 61' x JIJ2_ % / W NUT 0 17" 0. C. — BUILD OUT INSTALLATION .�ECTION 3 K07F FOR COMBINATION Of' SEC77ONS : WAfVFLOOVCElL1JVG MOUIM)VC SECWAS C4N BE COMBINED IN AMY WAY TO SUIT AMY WSTALLA17ON I CoaL CO%CRC7r �JCHORS (SCE SClfCDULf) POLREO CONCRE-Ir REQUIRED Is \ '. I pcv.nEv _/ COAVRE717 OR CONCRETE BLOCK &ALL REOUR70 COVW,RETE ANC;fORS (SEE SCtiEDULE) I f-_— (SEE SrHWMC2 — FOR W- SEPARAWH S' To GLASS OF www OR s. a 20 N 314- W 718' x C NUT J�X; VITN r Co�(..;., BUILD OUT INSTALLATION SECTION 4 SCQE: J/5' PRODUCT RENEWED ACCEYrANCE NmOo—o 6o7-.o q, EXPIRA77ON DATE 0 o 7-00 1' 0 '94, ;w� 4241-003 Rol UN OLDIVISION BLIELDING "DF COMPUANCE OFF7CE Z TLTE c o ,c. TXUT TES7*�G J, 04G"M� cow 217. n WALTD? A 7xUr J'. P. r Cont. T_ 0-20 Al. & ur 0 12' 0. C. APPROVED AS COMPLYING V6711 ME SOUTU FLORIDA BUILDING CODE BY PRODUCT CORMI. DIV!S'ON BUILDING CODE COMPL.ANCL OrFIgE ACCEPTJ'%I.IICF NO q L_ Q E)j I - _1,o DADE COUN7y 0.050" BERTHA STORY pANEL AS SHOWN 'L S SCALE 714112 6 'o EASTERN METAL SUPPLY, INC DA rr Jw 23� som 'm , 8 L4Xr WDMC a �)-�47 _q8 172 D D R4JOHO N� I POURED CONCRETE OR R CD�CJRET BLOCK WALL 4USIRES 5jj COURED POURED COmCl?EyE CUFTPANEL OR CONCROr BLOCK WALL REOURE0 COHCR[Tr AMC14ORS 0. C. Z 90' < L 5� 135' OR 3 OR .725- -H14 OR 606J-T6 ALLOy J 105 CM1. AI�M. ANGLE -T 2r' OR OR OR Lzi/ OR T BOLT 4' x 4' x .072- 0 2-r 0. C. 3105-H14 OR 6063-76 ALLOY W/jAcmw Cont. V�. A&QX CASE A (Plan) SCALE: 114'= I- CASE 9 (Plon) SCALE. 114' 606. WTI, CASE D (Iolon, SCALE. 114' = r END CLOSURES DETAILS POURED CONcREIF OR Ca\CRE7E' &-Ocx %Z: REOUIRED 2.600, CONCRETE ANCHORS a rr 0. a � F Z' x 2- x .055- TV - Z' x 5- , .055- C.�j. Alo-. ANGLE OR .080' JID5-H154 S�,EET METAL Abm. BViT PLATE I I "LTMWE LEG LOCA)70N CA SE C (ID/(7 SCALE- 114- = I- MAXIMUm DESIGN PRESSURE RATING "ir' ( S.f ) T CORRESPONDING MAXYMUM PANEL LENG H "Ll, w MAXAlU114 DRSIGN LDC7N NG RAWNG L (M) W (P. r.) EE W (Sir srC77CNs) -a] kPRESSURE +65.0, -77.0 EE tXb-�CPANa 8�� OR + 65.0, - 77.0 ELIEESS _r >8,-Lr To _9�0- POURED CONCRETE OR +62.0, -7J-3 _0 >9�0- TO lo,-Lr CONCRETE BLOCK WALL REOURED PRODUCT MNF,)47FD ACCEPTANCE Nmja���o Z - �o 4- EXPI�ATIONDATF 6& 0 0 7 /Zo oy FRODWr CONTROL DI VISION BUILDING CODE COMPLIANCE OFFICE I :: —T, 77 C �1� I- m -c 1011A)fY HAI MR A 77LU7 J, P. r AP 6 To ,W"MUAl SID-ARAI ION III aASS Ah, C=BMTav W� 4y 0 r IWAI F ' 4 Al 2 11E4' I THRU a I I -HRU .9 I V16-- I THRU 8 H 8 J 7/Lr 2. 6. 7 & & APPROWD AS COMPLYMIG lVillf 711E DAT By PRO BUILD;'%'r COX CMIPLANCE OFTICE 0.050" BERTHA sToRy pAHEL EASTERN METAL SUPPLY, INc IX 2J� �. �W LAX WOMN. rX 33�1-.1247 ULE DADE COUNTY 717139a DA7r 98 - 172 DRA)t?Ho N. WAA71dUAf DESIGN pRESSURE RATING "W" (P-S-f-). AND CoRRESpONDhV9 )dAXJMuM ANCHOR SPACING SCHEDULE FOR lJVSTALL4TjOX.S INTO CONCRETE AND C-B.S. STRUCTURES E- D- = EDGE DISFANCE MAXI.WUM DESIGN LOAD W (P.S.I.) VAXJAJU;l ANCHORS SPACING FOR E. 0. - 3 1/,- APPLICABLE TO SECT?ONS MY COMBINAT)ON OF THEM UVIMUM PANEZ. Locw -c (f(.) TAPCONS TO COf�CI?ErE _i0 VASONRr RAK 2AVAC XvUm lio CONCRETE to vAsOvRy RAin cALK-lw to co�N TO -MASONRY CF TAP -GRIP TO -CONCRETE TO PA14a�U47ES TO CONCRETE TO UASPHRY NIA NIA NIA 5� NIA 3 112- MIA I (TOP) 12- to- 12- 12- 12- it' it" I (BOTTOki) 12' MIA 12' NIA 12- NIA 72- NIA it- k/A 2 (TOP) 12- 8- 12" to- 72- 12' 12- r It- 17 2 (BOTTOM) 12- MIA lz NIA 12' NIA 12' NIA 71, NIA J (Top) 12- 12' to- 12- 12, 12- 61 It' it' J (BOTTOM) +550 -650 12' NIA 12' NIA 12- MIA 12- NIA it- NIA 4 (TOP) 9'-0- OR LESS 12' 8' 12' to- 12" 12' 12- 8- it- 11' 4 (BOTTOM) 12- NIA 12" NIA 12- MIA 72- MIA NIA 5 (TOP) 72- 12' to- 12^ 12" 12- 81 it- 11' 5 (GOTTOM) MIA 7 112- NIA 12- MIA 8 112- NIA 6- NIA 6 CrOPIB0770Ao to- NIA 6 712' NIA 70 112- V/A 7- NIA 5- NIA 7 (TOPIROTTOM) NIA NIA NIA NIA 12" Iz, 12- 6- 6- 6- (Top 1BO" a CTOPIBOTTou) 6- NIA 6- NIA 6- NIA 6' NIA 2 (TOP) 6- 6' 6- 6' 6r- 6- 61 6- 2 (BOTTOM) 455.0, -55X MIA 5- N/A 6- INIA MIA F6' NIA 5 I/Z- NIA 6 (TOPIBOTTOV) 9�0- To lo.-o- -0 MIA 5 112- NIA 6� MIA 4 112- MIA 7 poplBOTTOM) NIA IVIA NIA MIA 6- 6' 5. 5' 1 HNIA 6 6- 6- op 8 (TOP1807TOU) /0,0,) SEE SHEET 7 & a OF 8 FOR ANCHORS TYPE & SPACING f-OR INSTALLA17ONS INTO WOOD fRAME BUILDING.S. WXIAIUM ANCHOR SPACINGS ARE VALID FOR J 11Z' EDGE DISTANCE FOR E. D. LESS THAN J 1/2-. REDUCE ANCHOR SPACING By MU07PL)ING SPACINGS SHOYN ON SCHEDULE By THE FOLLOWNG P FACTORS. (";n. E. D. FOR RAjft cALK-z1v ANCHORS & aco ANEWATE IS 2 112-). - ACTUAL E, 0. FACTOR TAF��H_IbV4WMIUMI Pma�ms RAXI CIV-K-IN CF TAP-CMP .75 1.00 2 712' .71 .50 .80 .50 PRODUCT RENENVED ACCEPTANCE Nm 0 0 - 0 6 0 o Ll- EumAnOND.Ul OSLO 71'LP03' D, PRODCeT CONTP OL DIVISION BUIL.DING CODE COMPLIANCE Op�nCE Z TO E C 0 INT TXLLIT =7*� & D�CrRWG COM -IJ kK M. 211. nlIff I � I APPrioqo AS COMPLYIr4C, 1111711 TilE "I'll IL11111A 61,LojpG rODF. pof coh,,.t 'ANCE OrF 2:2 WE COUNTY 0.050" BERTHA STORY PANEL AS SHOW SCALE 717126 EASTERN METAL SUPPLY, INC DA77 .mw 2im �. �w a M�I-J247 98 - 172 DP-4MNO I MAX7MUM DESIGN PRESSURE RATING "W' (P.S.f.) AND CORRESPONDING JdAXIMUM ANCHOR SPACING SCHEDULE FOR INSTALLATjojVS INTO CONCRETE AND C.B.S. STRUCTURES [F-::D- :=EWDGE- 7015TANCE MAXILiuk? DESIGN LaAD W (P.S.I.) llty"J?V ANCHORS SPACING FOR C. D. APPLICA9EE To SECIZINS ANY CouablAPON or THEu MAXI)VU1W PANEL L&,�CTH -L- (it.) TApmms TO'COtdCRETE TO VASONRY RAK ZA�Ac "Lw To CONCRETE To AlkSONRY PAK CALK-Dwq To CONCRETE TO A4450tW CF W-CRIP To CONCREIE To AlAsONRY PANCLUATES' To CONCRETE To u4soNw 6- NIA MIA 6' 141A 1 112- NIA 2 112- JVIA I (TOP) 12". 7 7- 12 10, 12- 6 112- 9 112- 9 112- 1 (BOTTOM) 12- ---- MIA 17' NIA j2- MIA 12- NIA 9 112- MIA 2 (TOP) 12' -- 77' -- 8- 12' 10" 72' 6 112- 9 112- .9 lIr 2 (BOTTOM) 12- NIA 71, NIA 12" NIA 12- NIA 9 1/2- N/A i (TOP) 7- 11- 12' 10' 12- 6 112- 9 112- 9 1/7- 1 (BOTTOA4) +65.0, -77.0 12- MIA it- HIA 12- MIA 12- NIA 9 712, NIA 4 (TOP) 9--0- OR LESS 12- 7- 11' 81 12- 10- 12- 6 112- 9 1/2' 9 112- 4 (BOTTOAf) 12- N/A it- MIA 12- HIA 12- NIA 9 112' MIA 5 (TOP) 72- 5 112- 9 712- 6 112- 12- 5- 10- 5' 7 112- 7 112' 5 (BOTTOA4) .9 112- - NIA 6 112- NIA 10' MIA 7- NIA 5- N/A 6 (TOPIBOTTOM) 8 112- NIA 5 112- MIA 8 712- N/A r NIA 4 1/27' m1A 7 (TOPIBOTTOM) NIA NIA NIA NIA 12" 6" 12- 6- 6- 61 8 (ToP/BoTrOM) 6" MIA 6" NIA N/A 6- NIA 61 NIA 2 (TOP) 6- 6' 6- 6- 6- 5- 61 6' 2 (BOTTON) ,,62.0, -7J.3 6- HIA 6' NIA MIA 6- NIA 5- MIA 6 (TOPIBOTTOU) 9�0' To jo,-O- -0 0 10 0 6- NIA 5' NIA 6- NIA 5 112' MIA 4- NIA 7 (TOPIBOTTom) - NIA NIA NIA 1A 5' 6' 6' 6- 6- 6- 8 (TOPIBOTTOU) SEE SHEET 7 & 8 OF a FOR ANCHORS ME jc SpACINC FOR IMSTALLAnCINS MID WOOD FRAME BUILD9,1GS AdAVULIM ANCHOR SPACINGS ARE VALID FOR J IIZ- EDGE DIS7-ANCE FOR E. D. LESS THAN .3 1/2', REDUCE ANCHOR SPACING By munawmq SPACINGS SHOWN ON SCHEOUIE UY THE fOLLOY17NG FACTORS. (Alin. E D. FOR RAWL CALK -IN ANCHORS & ELCO PANELAIATE 15 2 112'). ACWAL E. D. FACTOR TAF� �IVAVZ )�U�Nl PmIlwrES RAn CALK-W Cr W-CRIP .86 .75 1.00 2 112- .71 .50 .80 Z' .50 PRODUCT RENEWED AOCEPTANCE Na 0 — 0 6 0 Z. .0 E)G`MA-n0N DATE 0 0 183Y PRO�cN- BUILDING VTROLDIVISION CODE COMPLLQJCF oFF;CE 11LIECO INC. IT TrSTO?G D4,c� cow APr.ROVCD AS COMPLYIrIC, W;TlI ME SOUTII WrODA BUILultiC Cof)E I PRODUCT CON71K o:v s 0.. GUIL[iiNG CaDE cohjj,j,,,lhCF n ICCEPTANCE llo.qB:- Ql�-' 7-1 Di4DE couNry 0.050" BERTHA STORY PANEL Sr�Lr SC4Lr 7 7 9 71,7196 EA S TERM METAL SUPPLY, lHC DJATr LA< 17 PROPOSED LOTS 95, 96, 97 AND 98 �PROPOSED PLAT OF POD 20C AT THE RESERVE, P.U.D. 11 - CASTLE P . INES BE S -RIPTION'' suANNED BY baclecOo t LA NddWSECTION 27, TOWNSHIP 36 S A:PARCEL-OF, -Mb�Ly-i UTH:-RANA EA$f'. LU-61E�COUNTY.,�,FLORIDA--,,-�BEING,MOkE PARTICULARLY- DE§� R'IBED COMMENCEAT ' THE SQUTHEASTCORNER OF TRACT 1, AS-SHOWN--dN-THE, PLAT OF POQ'20B ATT-H*E RESERVL� P.U.D. 11 - CASTLE'PINLS,'AS-RECORD'*ED, IN!PLAT BOOK-3911 PAGES 3 AND 3A, PUBLIC RECORDS OF ST. LUCIE-COUNTY, FLORIDA: THENCE NORTH 06044'40" WEST ALONG THE EAST LINE OF SAID TR,�C'T),A DISTANCE OF 198.48 FEET; THENCE NORTH 83015'20" EAST, DEPARTING SAID EAST LINE, A DISTANCE OF 205.35 FEET TO THE POINT OF BEGINNING; . TH 0 ENCE NORTH 47043'38" EAST, A DISTANCE OF 66.93 FEET; THENCE- SQUTH 42 ' 16'22" EAST, A DISTANCE OF 116.00 FEET; THENCE SOUTH 47-43'3'8;'.WEST, A DISTANCE OF 66.93 FEET; THENCE NORTH 42'16'22" WEST, A DISTANCE OF 116.00 FEET TO THE POINT OF BEGINNING. I SHEET 1 OF -2 ' 4 LEGEND: A - DELTA ANGLE L - ARC LENGTH CATV = CABLE TV C.B. = CATCH BASIN C.B.S. = CONCRETE BLOCK & STUCCO G- = CENTERLINE CONC. = CONCRETE' COV. - COVERED D.E, = DRAINAGE EASEMENT ELEV., = ELEVATION E.O.P. = EDGE OF PAVEMENT E.O.W. = EDGE OF WATER F.F. - FINISHED, FLOOR FND. = FOUND F.P.E. =,,FLOOD PLAIN EASEMENT F.P.L. = FLORIDA POWER & LIGHT I.E.E. = INGRESS/EGRESS EASEMENT L.S.S. = LANDSCAPE AND SIGNAGE EASEMENT M.H.. - MANHOLE MON. =.MONUMENT N-G.V.D. = NATIONAL GEODETIC VERTICAL DATUM k*? kd,� opio N.R. = NOT RADIAL O.E. = OVERHANG EASEMENT O.M.E. = OVERHANG MAINTENANCE EASEMENT O.R.S. = OFFICIAL RECORD BOOK O/S - OFFSET O.S. = OPEN SPACE TRACT P.B. - PLAT BOOK P.C. = POINT OF CURVATURE P.C.P. = PERMANENT CONTRbl- POINT P.D.E. = PRIVATE DRAINAGE EASEMENT P.G.E. = PRIVATE GAS EASEMENT P.K. = PARKER KALON NAIL P.O.B. = POINT OF BEGINNING P.O.C. = POINT OF COMMENCEMENT P.P. = POWER POLE I P.R.M. = PERMANENT REFERENCE MONUMENT PROP. =PROPOSED P.T. = POINT OF TANGENCY P.U.E. - PRIVATE UTILITY EASEMENT R = RADIUS RAD. = RADIAL . N P.T. C.B. \�PROP. \ �4 PROP. 0 T. NO. 3 S. P.O.B. 27.6 N83'1 O"E 2.05.35'\ ID CD 57� X� cq 6, -0' 9.4 Ali D, PROP. nC7 hin Ix P.O.C. S.E. CORNER TRACT I — TRACT 1 POD 20B AT THE RESERVE P.U.D. II -CASTLE PINES P.B. 39, PAGES 3 & 3A PROP. UPLAND PRESER EASEMENT N �U4,IEYOR'S REPORT: 1. THIS SURVEY IS PREPARED FOR RESERVE HOMES, LTD. AND IS NOT ASSIGNABLE. 2. THE LANDS SHOWN HEREON WERE NOT ABSTRACTED FOR EASEMENTS AND/OR . RIGHTS -OF -WAY OF RECORD BY THIS OFFICE. 3. VISIBLE ENCROACHMENTS ARE AS SHOWN. 4. DESCRIPTION FURNISHED BY CLIENT. 5. NOTICE: THERE MAY BE ADDITIONAL RESTRICTIONS THAT ARE NOT RECORDED'ON THIS SURVEY THAT MAY BE FOUND IN THE PUBLIC RECORDS OF THIS COUNTY. , 6. THIS SKETCH ISTHE PROPERTY OF LAWSON, NOBLE & WEBB, INC. AND SHALL NOT BE REPRODUCED IN WHOLE OR PART WITHOUT THE PERMISSION OF LAWSON, NOBLE & WEBB,jNC. IN WRITING. I T. BEARINGS SHOWN KEREON,ARE BASED ON THE NORTH LINE OF LOT 98 WHICH BEARS N 47*43-38'� AND ALL BEARINGS ARE RELATIVE TO PLAT. 8. BOUNDARY[". — ) IWN 'ARE PER PLAT AND FIELD MEASUREMENT UNLESS OTHFRW!SF,M0TFf) -), , �� 9. ELEVATIONS,SHOWN HEREON -ARE -BASED ON-N.G.V.D. ADJUSTMENT OF 1929. 10. LANDS SHOWN HEREON LIE WITHIN ZONE X ACCORDING TO THE FLOOD INSURANCE RATE MAP'PANEL NO.'126285-0275F. , DATED AUGUST 19,1991 11. IMPRO�EMENTS IF ANY ARE AS SHOWN. 12 DATE FIELDSUAVEY: SEPTEMBER 24, 2003 CERTIFICATj0jh IMPROVEMENTS, IF ANY, ARE AS LOCATED. NOT VAl,10 WITHOUT THE SIGNATURE AND THE ORIGINAL RAISED SEAL OF A FLORIDA qD MAPPER Z - I MRCHAEL T. KOLODZIEJCZYK, PROFESSIONAL SURVEYOR AND MAPPER FLORIDA REGISTRATION NO. 3864 R/W RIGHT-OF-WAY 0 = SET 5/8" [RON ROD SAN. SANITARY WITH CAP WITNESS S.B.T. SOUTHERN BELL TELEPHONE CORNER LB #6674 S.F. SQUARE FEET 0 1.0' OFFSET T.O.B. TOP OF BANK 0 = ELECTRIC SERVICE TYP. = TYPICAL A = CATV U.E. = UTILITY EASEMENT = LIGHT POST U.L.P. = UPLAND PRESERVATION 0 - SET 5/8" IRON ROD WITH CAP NO. L13 6�74 = 11" PINE TO 13E 0 - FOUND 5/8" IRON ROD WITH CAP No. LB 6674 REMOVED-(TYP) 0 FOUND PERMANENT CONTROL POINT = 10" PINE ITYP) SET P-K NAIL WITH DISK NO. LB 6674 TO REMAIN (TYP) FOUND P-K NAIL No. LB 6674 C) WATER SERVICES >< WATER VALVE SANITARY SERVICE FOUND PERMANENT REFERENCE MONUMENT 6674 00 EXISTING ELEVATION IN FEET 0.00 > PROPOSED ELEVATIONS IN FEET DRAINAGE FLOW INDICATOR Lii 0 G) C.B� PROP. 42 22 rrs A0, 28.7 p<0 am 61 <0 9.5 ')�p Lb 0.1,71, loot, 10: P,\60o7W\BG52\CAD\L0T SURVEYS\B65PLs95,dmtg 09/21/2003 0D51,09 PM EDT MAP OF BOUNDARY SURVEY CLIENT: RESERVE HOMES, LTD. LB # 6674 LNW Lav;se 0 ease on, Noble & Webb, Inc. ENGINEERS - PLANNERS - SU'R'VEYORS 590 NW Peacock Boulevard, Sulte 9, Port St. Lucle, Floridd34989' (772) 878-1700 - fax: (772) 878-1802- email: hiw-ps1olmw-(n6:i:offi West Palm Beach Port St. Lucle I REVISION I FB/PG I DATE I BY I CK'D., LDATE; 9--24-03 1 .B.i PG: DB NO.; B652 i, � _- -'a LEGEND: A = DELTA ANGLE L = ARC L�NdfH CATV = CABLE TV C.B. = CATCH BASIN C.B.S. = CONCRETE BLOCK & STUCCO (I. -i CENTERLINE CONC. CONCR(jTE Cov. COVERED D.E. D�AINA , GE EASEMENT ELEV. ELEVATION E.O.P. EDGE OF PAVEMENT E.O.W. = EDGE OF WATER F.F. = FINISHED . FLOOR' FND. = FOUND F.P.E. -FLOOD PLAIN EASEMENT F.P.L. - FLORIDA POWER & LIGHT I.E.E. = INGRESS�EGRESS EASEMENT L.S.S. - LANDSCAPE AND SIGNAGE EASEMENT M.H. = MANHOLE MON. = MONUMENT N.G.V.D. = NATIONAL GEODETIC VERTICAL DATUM VC) qp&l \Y �0'1 b,3 N.R. - NOT RADIAL I O.E. --'OVERHANG EASEMENT O.U. -i O�ERHANG�M41NTENANCE EASEMENT d.R.B. �QFFICIAL'R[FtOkb BOOK �O/S OFFSE1" O-S- OPEN SPACE. TRACT P.B. =,,PLAT book "' ' P,C. .- POINT OF.CURVATURE 1.0P.C.P. '-6;PERMANENT CONTROL POINT P.D.L PRIVATE DRAINAGE EASEMENT P.G.E. PRIVATE GAS EASEMENT P.K. �!�PARKER kALON NAIL 1P.0-M ;i*POINT OF BEGINNING 0.6.C. POINT. OF:COMMENCEMENT P.P. POWER POLE P.R.M. PERMANENT REFERENCE MONUMENT .PROP. '=,PROPOSED P., T. - POINT OF TANGENCY P.U.E. - PRIVATE UTILITY EASEMENT R - RADIUS RAD. = RADIAL PROP. \,,,,�O-S- T . NO. 3 P.O.B. .6; 205 ff. <'o � NO PROP. O.S,T. NO_3 — P.O.C. S.E. CORNER TRACT 1 PROP. UPLAND PRESERVAT EASEMENT NO. 4 TRACT, 1, POQ;2OB AT-r THE�RESERVL-:'� P.U.D.: 117CASTLE PINES,_ P.B. 39, PAGES 3 & 3A, - ZZ T. C.B. \�PROP. SURVEYOR'S REPORT: 1. THIS SURVEY IS PREPARED FOR RESERVE HOMES, LTD. AND IS NOT ASSIGNABLE. 2, THE LANDS SHOWN HEREON WERE NOT ABSTRACTED FOR EASEMENTS AND/OR RIGHTS -OF -WAY OF RECORD BY THIS OFFICE. 3. VISIBLE ENCROACHMENTS ARE AS SHOWN. 4. DESCRIPTION FURNISHED BY CLIENT. 5. NOTICE: THERE MAY BE ADDITIONAL RESTRICTIONS THAT ARE NOT RECORDED ON THIS SURVEY THAT MAY BE FOUND IN THE PUBLIC RECORDS OF THIS COUNTY. 6. THIS SKETCH IS THE PROPERTY OF LAWSON, NOBLE & WEBB, INC. AND SHALL NOT BE REPRODUCED IN WHOLE OR PART WITHOUT THE PERMISSION OF LAWSON, NOBLE & WEBB, INC. IN WRITING. T. BEARINGS, SHOWN HEREON ARE BASED ON, THE NORTH LINE OF LOT 98 WHiCH,@E�116. N, 4,7-43'38" E 11 AND ALL BEARINGS ARE RELATIVE TO PLAT. B. BOUNDARY DIMENSIONS SiiOWN ARE P�RPLAVAND FIELD MEASUREMENT UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED 9...,, ELEVATIONS SHOWNqEPEON-ARE BASED ON N.G.V.D. ADJUSTMENT OF 1929. 10. LANDS SHOWN HEREON tIE. WITHIN ZONE- X ACCORDING TO THE FLOOD INSURANCE RATE MA?,.PANEL NO. �20285-10275F` . DATED.AUGUST 19. 1991 11. , IMPROVEMENTS IF_ -ANY ARE AS SHOWN. 12., DATEQF FIELD SURVEY: SEPTEMBER 24, 21003 CERTIFICATION: IMPROVEMENTS, IF ANY, ARE AS LOCATED. NOT VALID WITHOUT THE SIGNATURE AND THE ORIGINAL RAISED SEAL OF A FLORIDA LIPENSED SURVEYOR AND MAPPER. JULIAN.P. MORRIS, PROFESSIONAL SURVEYOR AND MAPPER FLORIDA REGISTRATION NO. 4731 R/W - RIGHT-OF-WAY 0 =SET 5/8" IRON ROD SAN. -',SANITARY WITH CAP WITNESS S.B.T.- = SOUTHERN BELL TELEPHONE CORNER LB #6674 SIF. = SQUARE FEET a 1.0' OFFSET P_ = TOP OF BANK 0 = ELECTRIC SERVICE _ TY . ?.ICAL A - CATV U.E. UTILITY EASEMENT = LIGHT POST UL?.� UPLAND PRESERVATION 0 SET 5/8" IRON ROD WITH CAP NO. 1_8 6674 13 = I I" PINE To BE -.0 FOUND 5/8" IRON ROD:WITH CAP No. LB 6674 REMOVED(TYP) 0 ='FOUND PERMANENT CONTROL POINT 4F = 10" PINE ITYP) A ---SET P-K NAIL WITH DISK NO. LB 6674 TO REMAIN (TYP) A = FOUND P-K NAIL No. LB 6674 0 = WATER SERVICES X = WATER VALVE' 0 = SANITARY SERVICE El = FOUND PERMANENT REFERENCE MONUMENT 6674 00 - EXISTING ELEVATION IN FEET 0.00 > = PROPOSED ELEVATIONS IN FEET .4 = DRAINAGE FLOW INDICATOR ID C.B. PROP . NOTE: MEASURED TO END OF BOARD BAZ <v TO, 3.7' .16 46 .10 N. HAS L) < %�O;% N§z e 04 0% \0 57 \ /, '0 .9d: . '�P -22' rd v PROP. O.&T. NO. 3 SCARE BY t. Lu6ie COUntY L.kQ� St. Lucie County Public Works SHEET2 OF 7 ------------- — P,\600-699\B652\CAI)\LOT SURVEYS\R652Ls95.dwq 12/16/io63 02,36,11 PM EST MAP OF BOUNDARY SURVEY CLIENT: RESERVE HOMES, LTD. LB # 6674 LNW 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 9 0 0 00 Lawson, Noble.& Webb, Inc. ENGINEERS .- PLANNERS - SURVEYORS 590 NW Peacock Boulevard. Suite 9. Port St. Lucie, Florida 34986 (772) 878-ITOO - fax: (772) 878-1802. emck Inw-psloInw-inc.corn West Palm Beach Part St. Luele DATE BY I CK-D DATE: .9-24-03 2-15-03 BY: JDM CK'D: MTK F.B.; PG: JOB NO.: B652 B P #: SECTION: �7 TOWNSHIP: RANGE: MAP NO.: ZONING: 42) LAND USE: LOT CVG %: TAZ NO.: FLOODZONE: FIRM MAP #.' IST FLR ELV: MAX HGT: CST TYPE: OCCP TYPE: MAX. OCCP: # OF FLRS: WATER: SEWER: SPRINKLERS STORMWATE R LOT OF REC (befr 1/90) LOT OF REC (aftr 1/90) LOT SPLIT LOT SPLIT REaD APPRV`D DECAL: LIBRARY -PARKS . PERMIT NUMBER IMPACTFEE IMPAC T FEE FEE REPORT PUBLIC.BLDG . HABITABALE RADONFEE CODE IM AREA 0 (RADON) Y N ROAD GROSS ROAD CREDIT TOTA LROAD , IMPACTZONE 'M P -T FEE IMPACTIFEEI SCHOOL CREDIT TOTAL IMPACTFEE SCHOOL IMPACT FEE POLICE FEE -FIREIXE !AISC FEES:; TOTAL 'ol �5 AJC ETFIREf MISC. FEES ADDITIONAL SPECIFY: TOTALAILL PERMITS FEES REQ'D -jr) REVIEWS,` ZONING PLANS - C_ SEA MANG REVIEWED BY EXAMINING -T URTLE_ DATE A Y1410 . ...... .. .. COMPLETE 5 INITIALS DATE FILED: 6q3oqxj6tfj PLAN REVIEW FEE; RECEIPT NO.: PERNHT NUM13ER:' CONCURRENCYFEE: RECEIPT NO.: CIERT. CAP. NO.: ALL I.N.FO MUST BECOMPLETE at FILLED IN TO BE ACCEPTED ST. LUCIE-COUNTYPUBLI,C.WORKS AG !9 . 1�64 BUILDING& ZONING DEPARTMENT 2300 VIRGINIA AVENUE FORT PIERCE. FL 34982-5652 sil.;AWED 561-462-1553 BY st. Lude CountY APPLICATION for BUILDING PERMIT CERTIFICATE of CAPACITY/ZONING COMPLIANCE PROJECT INFORMATION 195 L 1 . LOCATION/SITE ADDRESS: sLbr. 9S CA4;_-mwx%-rks Z�LA3tm Zq7F6� 2. SID NAME: 'PC --A- WLI-Ar�11M SITE PLAN NAME: (=Avs- ME: 3. PROPERTY TAXID #: f 4. LEGAL DESCRIPTION (atta-c'fi'-e�trd sheets if necessary)' 5. PLAT 6. PAGE- 7. B OOK .- i 4 YC K, LOT NO >P.C. NO. h., X 9. PARCEL SIZE: Q FT. LOT DIMENSIONS 10. DESCRIPTION 9f CONS7YCTION PROJECT OR WORK ACTIVITY: , � I ""; .1 1 1. � I I- 1_1 _1� Ij ­ M 14 itaw `11. SETBACKS(ACTUAL) FRONT. BACK: RIGHT EFt 0.19M SIDE SIDE: T57 12. TYPE OF CONSTRUCTION (Check all appropriate boxes) X� NEW CONSTRUCTION EXPANSION/ADDITION INTERIOR RENOVATION Dd RESIDENTIAL ],,.-COMMERCIAL INDUSTRIAL H -OTHER(SPECIFY)- 13. DESCRIPTION OF PROPOSED USE: S� _,C.EL�A� 14. Sq. Ft./CONSTRUCTION: 'f5. Sq. Ft. 1 st Flbor: 16. VALUE OF CONSTRUCTION: S _3 R'R 0-7-9, do The value of construction is used to determine lhe-2m�64 bf permit fees to be assessed. SL'Lucie County reserves the right to question and/or modify the Indicated value of cDnsbucbon if it Is demonstrated, that the submitted *fi�unis are not cz�hsistent wdth similar types of construction activities., If the value Is $2500 or more, a RECORDED Notice of dommenbe�rnent mustbe submitted vAth this application. Ark SLCCDV Form No.: 001 -0i OWNER INFORMATION: NAME: ADDRESS: CITY: WASir 4i�kLJ-1 'BWe_A4 STATE: "ZIO -5,�.46 k PHONE (DAYTIME): (j'12) '*V? I 2_11 IF THE FEE SIMPLE TITLEHOLDER (PROPERTY OWNER) IS DIFFERENT FROM THE OWNER LISTED ABOVE, PLEASE FILL IN NAME AND ADDRESS BELOW. FEE SIMPLE TITLEHOLDER: N /A ADDRESS: CITY: STATE: MP PHONE (DAYTIME): CONTRACTOR INFORMATION ST. of FL REGJCERT M ST. LUCIE COUNTY CERT M BUSINESS NAME: t-(A--r Lp.-k>- G_� RC�X�_ a QUALIFIERS NAME: V41-L ADDRESS: N W �?frsagNa Vkr-,-K' CITY: G_r Lut,--tv- S I TATE: VL ZIP PHONE (DAYTIME): FAX NO. qee L4 6b,3 ARCHITIENGINEER: M M P, A-1--cA AiDDRESS: CITY: 2%KL".bp, STATE: ZIP PHONE (DAYTIME): fq4ti 6S8 BONDING COMPANY: IUDDRESS: 'ITY: STATE: ZIP 61ORTGAGE LENDER: N/A kDDRESS: 'ITY: STATE: ZIP IMPORTANT NOTICE: When a permit is issued and it is not picked up within 60 days ifter notification it will be voided and returned to you by mail. CERTIFICATION:--" This application is hereby made to obtain a,'perrnit to. do the work and installations as indicated, and to obtain a certificate of capacity, if applicable, for the permitt6a w'orik.'.J pertify that no work or Installation has commenced prior to the issuance of a permit and that all work will be performed to meet We standards of all laws regulating construction in this jurisdiction. lunderstandthat separate permits may be required for ELECTRICAL, PLUMBING, SIGNS, WELLS, POOLS, FURNACES, BOILERS, HEATERS, TANKS, AND AIR CONDITIONERS, ETC. --,.:hot otherwise included with this building permit application. The following building permit applications are exempt from undergoing a full concurrency review: room additions, accessory structures (all types), swimming p ools, fences, walls, signs, screen rooms, utility substations & accessory uses to another non- residential use. NOTICE TO OWNER: FAILURE TO RECORD A NOTICE OF COMMENCEMENT MAY RESULT IN YOUR PAYING TWICE FOR IMPROVEMENTS TO YOUR PROPERTY. IF YOU'INTEND TO OBTAIN FINANCING, CONSULT WITH YOUR LENDER OR AN ATTORNEY BEFORE RECORDING YOUR NOTICEOF COMMENCEMENT. NOTICE TO APPLICANT: AS THE APPLICANT FOR THIS BUILDING PERMIT, IF IT IS NOT YOUR RIGHT- TITLE, AND INTEREST -THAT IS SUBJECT TO ATTACHMENI; AS A CONDITION-bF THIS PERMIT YOU PROMISE i IN GOOD FAITH TO DELIVER A COPY OF THE ATTACHED CONSTRUCTION LIEN LAW NOTICE�TOYJHE OERSON WHOSE PROPERTY IS SUBJECT TO ATTACHMENT. OW, NER'S AFFIPAVIT: 1,certify that-allj6e fb�dgoing4r&formatiowls accurate and that*all work will bia done in compliance with all applicable laws regulating construction and zoni NTRA"O SIGNATURE CONTRACTO"S NATURE�, 7-. P, STATE OP FLORIDA"! STATE OF FLORIDA" COUNTYOF 4%-r LJAC­%IK COUNTY OF 'S-r.-LVr—t r, The foregoing instrument Was ackri'o-w"le"dged"'' The foreaoina;: instrument was nrknnwIarInari rsonally ka-p-w—nTo me-bir who as Identification. as icientiricat 11grIature of*Notlary �f otary Ignatu7e L�YAA)L-, H a Type or Print Name o Notary Type of Print Name of Notary - Nota[y Public Title Nota[yPubl!G —Tifle.. —Comm iss! on- kumber�'"'-!� ..... . . LYNNE COmMi0iod N . ....... AMC%4� C-fMn4 DDM32M (seal E)PIM M12W? B nft op" 06 (SW"-42U. ... ............ Plonda N?�Z Amn., Inc .......... ... 4 ............. ............. NOTE: TWO (2) SIGNATURES ARE REQUIRED. EACH SIGNATURE MUST BE NOTARIZED. a IF APPLYING FOR THIS BUILDING PERMIT AS AN OWNE FVBUILDER, THE - OWNER MUST PERSONALLY APPEAR TO SIGN THIS APPLICATION IN THE OFFICE LISTED ON THE FRONT OF THIS APPLICATION. I ST LUCIE COUNTY ROAD IM[PACT FEE CALCULATION FORM DATE: NAME OF FEE PAYER: ADDRESS: PERMIT #: ROAD IMPACT ZONE: SCANNED BY StludeCounty THE IMPACT FEE CALCULATED HEREIN HAS BEEN DETERMINED BASED ON THE FEE SCHEDULE ADOPTED, EFFECTIVE 10-01-03. IMPACT FEE CALCULATIONS LA�USE TYPE: (# SQ FT (PER X FEE ROAD: lo�� PUBLIC BLDGS: IT &MTI-FAM(#UNITS -"-X FEE ROAD: SCHOOL: LIBRARY'-. 1 //-5 PUB LI C B LD GS PARKS: POLICE: FIRE/EMS: 1"TF ML4-T?TI-DA,DE COUN-1y, FLOPIDA 111F-TRO-DADE FLAGLEP, BUILDNC3 EUILDING CODE COrTLUNCE OFFICE Ivffi-TRO-DADF FLAGLER BUMD]Nr, 140 WEST FLAGLER STREET SLUTE 1603 hCAM, FLORM� 33130-1563 PRODUCT CONTROL NOTICE OF ACCEPTANCE (305)375-2901 Eastern Metal Supply, Inc. PAX (305) 375-2908 3600 23rd Ave., South CONTRACTOR LICENjINC; SEMON LakeWortbL,FL 33461' (305)371-2527 EA)C(305)375-2558 Uri L'V CONTRAC�ORENFORCEraNTDTMION 0 BY. 6. (305)375-2966FA)C(305)375-2908 L. LUcje Courny PRODTJCr cbNTROL DIVISION Your application for Notice of Acceptance (NOA) of. (305) 375-2902 PAX (3o5) 372.6339 0.030 11 Galvanized Steel Sf.orru Panels Shutter under -Chapter 8 of the Code: Of lyfiami-Dade County gov eming the use of AlterAate Materials and Ty , pes of Construction, and completely described herein, has been recommended for acceptance by the Miami -Dade County Building Code Compliance 0fi ce (BCCO) under the -conditions specified herein, This NOA shall * not be validafter the expiration date stated below. BCCO reserves the right to securd this product or material at any #me from ajobsite orm*a_n_u*facturer's plaiii for q*uality corr�oj testing. Ifthis product or material fails to �erform in -the approved manner B cCO May revoke, modify; pr suspend the &f -Such -product or mat�rial immediately. - B QC.o _' *' resdrves- thoright-to. Mvokff this approval, if, it is detarmihed by.BCCO. that Lis product or mabeaal -fails- to: met -th' BuildirigCode. e ..e requirement of tbj2: south Florida The 6k�*ehS6 of Such testing *M be incu, rred �y the radnufacturer. ACCEPTANCE No.. 00-09 1 19.10 EXPIRES- 06/07/2004 Raul Rodriguez Chief Product Control Division TMS is THE COVERSEEET, SEE ADD MONAI, PA6ES -FOR SPE LONDITIONS . CIFIC AND GENERA 1, BUILDING CODE& PRODUCT RE WcoMMTTEE This application for Product Approval has been reviewed by the kbO and approved by the Building Code and Produ�t Review Committee to be used in 1YEami-Dad Co forth above. e untY, Florida under the conditions set APPROVED: 06/07/2001 Francisco J. Quintana� R.A. Director Miami -Dade County Building Code Compliance Off -ice W('�SODG I �Dc20001%temphtes\noEice 2ccepmnc� cwe, pamd,, Internet mail address: postmastcr@buildin�-codeonline.com R% Hfomeoaue: h—Ltn:/A��,,, k_aA: ---------- *____ Eastern Metal Supply,�Inc. ACCEPTANCE No. 00-0919.10 APPRO-�E D 06/07/2001 06/07/2004 SCOPE This approves 0'030" Galvanized Steel Storm Panels Shu r, as describtd in Section 2 of th Notice of Acceptaalce, designed to comply With the Sou Ftte th lorida Building qode, 1994 Edition fc Miami -Dade County, for the, loCations where the pressure requirements, as determined by SFB. Chapter 23, do notexceed the Design P=sure Rating values indicated in the approved drawings. 2. PRODUCT DESCRIPTION This *0.030" Galvanized Steel Storm Panels shutter and its compone shall b o e in tri compliance with the foll - Rts e c n�lruct d s c owing.documents: Drawing No. 001252, titled "24 Gagge� Berth i .' -10, 2.000, last revisio f - Steel Stbim Panels", prepared by Tilteco, Inc., dated JWY Galvanize.d .U, #1 dated April 3-1- 200 1, sheets I through 9 of 9, signed and scaled �y Walter A. Tillit ' ariqg ' 1. .4--Dad Jr., P.E.,& the Miami e�Co)j�ty 'Product' Control- approval Stamp,vYith,the-Nolice. of Acceptance number-aiad pprova date�.�_y..f4ejvB i - g anu-Dadc County -Product Control Division. - ese. docume sh 11. referred to as the �pproved drawings. Th nl�s, a .4ereiaaftpr bt 3- LUMTATTONS All Permanent set components, included but not limited to embedded metal shields, hoad�rs and sills, must be o ed -all againstcorrosiou, anchor bolts, threaded cones, contamination and danaa-ge'at 4. INSST.,,�LLATION This 0.030" Galvan�zed Stef-I StOnn Panels Shutter and its components shall be, installed in strict compliance with the !approved drawings. S. LABELING Each panel shall bear a permanent label with the manufacturer,s name or logo, city, state and the following statement:; "Miami -Dade County Product Control Approved". 6. BUILDING pEpMT REQUMMENTS 6.1 Application for- building Permit shall be accompanied by copies of the foll o 6.1.1 This Nitice: of Acceptance. wing-, 6.1.2 Duplicate copies of the approved drawings, as identified in Section 2 of this Notice of Acceptance, clearly' marked to show tbC-.P0n1pDnCntS selected for th P installation. e rDposed 6.1.3 Azy other documents required by the: Buildiiag'Official or the South Florida Building Code. (SFBC) in order to Properly evaluate the installation of this system. lvav_� kielmy A. Majar, P.E. -Product Conti ol Examiner PToduct Control Divisi* On — r St. Lucie Coanty Building and Zoning Department 23oo Virginia Avenue Fort Pierce, FL 34982 . 561-462-1553 SCANNED BY. St Lucie rru in ly 'cation for Wind Load Compliance Design Certifi This Certification is to be completed by Elie project design architect or engineer. This Certification must be submitted with all applications for building permits involving the construction of new residence (single or multi- family), residential addition. any accessory st111CtUTC requiring a building permit, and any nonicsidcritial struciure. This Certification shall not apply to interior renovations (provided that no structural walls. columns or other similar component is being effccted) and certain other minor buildin." permits. For further assistance, please contact the . Building Inspection Office at 462-1553 or 462-2172. Fro�cct Name e=Ars—MIL I St. Lucie Coanty Building and Zoning Department 23oo Virginia Avenue Fort Pierce, FL 34982 . 561-462-1553 SCANNED BY. St Lucie rru in ly 'cation for Wind Load Compliance Design Certifi This Certification is to be completed by Elie project design architect or engineer. This Certification must be submitted with all applications for building permits involving the construction of new residence (single or multi- family), residential addition. any accessory st111CtUTC requiring a building permit, and any nonicsidcritial struciure. This Certification shall not apply to interior renovations (provided that no structural walls. columns or other similar component is being effccted) and certain other minor buildin." permits. For further assistance, please contact the . Building Inspection Office at 462-1553 or 462-2172. Fro�cct Name e=Ars—MIL I ---------------- I MS TOWO 94 mw�l Offlocc U C Onl e ""'= UIC street Address I Permit Number occupancy T c Construction Type Certification Statement: n ec f, aEi av es e I certify that, to the best of my knowledge and belief, these plans a d sp i ic ons h e been d ign d to comply with the applicable structural portion of the Building Codes currently adopted and enforced by St. Lucie County. I also certify that structural elements depicted on these plans provide adequate resistance to the wind loa&- and forces specified by current code provisions. Design Parameteri and Assurnl)tions Used: (Please check or complete the appropriate box.) 1. Florida Building Code 2001 Edition X . . ASCE 7-98 — 2. Building Design is (check one) Enclosed X Partially Enclosed— OpenBuilding- 3. Building Height: 704—) 4. Wind Speed Used in Building Design: 3 second gust 5. Wind Exposure Classification (refer to exposure tables in Building Code identified in Line. #1): 6. Average Wind Velocity Pressure on Exterior Faces of Structure 311 PSF 7� Peak Wind Velocity -Pressure on Exterior Faces of Structure PSF 8. ImportanceftJsc Factor (obtain from Building Code); 9. Loads: Floor _:�PSF Roofflive Roof/dead 2�PSF 10, Were Shear Walls Considered for Structure (check one)- Yes X No —(if No, attach explartation) 11. is a Continuous Lead Path Provided (check one): Yes No — (it No, attach explanation) 12. Am Component and Cladding Detail Provided (check one): Yes No —Of No, attach explanntlos,) 13. Minimum Soil Beafing Pressure: 60 PSF A As witnessed by my seal, I hereby certify that the information included with this certification'!s !tme I and correct, to the best of my knowledge and belief. _119q7 Name: R. C�LXINLN —1 URA%IiZ Certification e SEP 2 4 2003 Design Firm:G LF, Date: SLCCf)V FoTm#020.00 St. Lucie County Building & Zoning BUILDING PERMIT SUB -CONTRACTOR SUMMARY SCANNED BY St. Lucie CountY 1401'AWS will be using the following sub -contractors for the (Company/Individual Name) project located at 15LbG (Street address or Property Tax ID It is understood that if there is any change of status regarding the participation of any of the sub -contractors listed below, I will immediately advise the Building and Zoning Department of St. Lucie County. Trade I Name of Company/Contractor St. Lucie County/ State of Florida License Number Electrical [< b UT4 �_i L Rj:f _L, C,6 &5r- Plumbing RFz j/1 HVAC/ Mechanical cAc— Roofing A3091 (aK' TaL_lXTSL_z_: Gas OFFICF USF ONLY: ISSUE DATE: 06126/ 20.03. 05: 03 772-468-9505 05LM2091 11ift 0714684603 KOLTER HDIES PAGE 02 FAW Uld ST. LUCM COUNTY puBLIC WORKS BuILDINp & ZOMG DEPARTMENT 1JMDINGPEW= SVI3-00NTR.ACT0RAGRSEb=4T SCANNED BY St Lucie County I Wei& Cou* Caftnew aWfflastfaii WNW atre of Fbddu CWHMOcn Num6w Or 0' Ar. KMLL-nj tm�-7R= N*W-�6 hasagreedtobs 6L the &L SUbcontroolcirfor Om of wravacomr: nw) Cis It Is unds"nocci that' for the project located mtC��'Ftb4O I (wm omvn or mpny tu n)#) If there Is my change of atom regarding oijr participation wfth tf4m abme mentioned project, I will kruned1maly zd*A the Building and Zoning DapaftKd of St. Lucie County by pamonally filing a Change of Contractor Form ($Lc= FORM NO, 00440). BUSINESS QUALIFIER (av�rwsbmdm mwm* T C�J- >-.g-z> � Cmfs MWIT 0 1 1 tsam VATC 09/17/2003 04:21 772-468- 9505 KOLTER HOMES PAGE 02 ST. LUCIE COUNTY PUBLIC WORKS BUILDING & ZONING DEPARTMENT BMDING PERNM suB-coNTRAcTOR AGREEMENT SCANNED BY St. Lucie Couniy SL Lucie County Contractor Certification Number State of Florida Certification Number (if applicable): 'F�Kaw�6 , has agreed to be (comparryfindividual narne) the �'Latqkzuz:"�- sub -contractor for f46tARZI (type of construction trade) (n2nne of the ptinne contractor) SQ>r. C�s for the project located atC-&;kM0U!CT (% . It is understood that. (street address or property tax rD #) if there is any change of status regarding our participation with the above mentioned project, I will immediRtely advise the Building and Zoning Department of St. Lucie County by personally filing a Change of Contractor Form (SLCCDV FORM NO. 00"0). BUSINES AILIFI original signatures required): MPrRK !b, VLX�I-M- Print name Date business name: wpap'�--I—%C4--� address: I -?�z 1� W city,state,zip: P0 �LT 'Z� L-L(C-- t V:L phone: 5'7a 4�S`4 V W E 06/19/2003 00:51 772-46�-;�R%S KOLTER HOMES PAGE 02 W.1u.,l.ul A..Vt �014b' rm= rj�i u4 ST. LUCIE COUNTY PU13LIC WORKS BUILDING & ZONING DE17ARTMENT BUILDING FERMT ' SUB -CONTRACTOR . AGREEMENT St. Lucle. County Contmator GertIftflon Numbw, State of Florida Certification Number-otawcafe): W-M-) BY o-!; (P'i st. cie CoulItY CA cc 4 1 Lqq� agreed to be the 4 V.Arc- sub-coniractor for ftpe of eaAaww" "do) (narno at the pritno contmvW) for the project located 8tCAkt161-k%-rt'1L It is understood that, Obeet address or Prepony hx ID V) if there. is any change of status regarding our participation with the above mentioned project, I will Immediately advise the Building and Zoning Department of St. Lucie County by personally filing a Change of Contractor Form (SLCCDV FOFtM NO. 004-00). (Or4him Signatures faquirsco; N[W ek�lsx:si sign Print name NISAIP, Alik CONU1110NING-- business name: irkoirn-Am address: cfty.state'4p: phone: )FIFICEMSEfONLY, OLCCOV FORM NO.: MY PaRmrr a L�-J A­2G-2000 8.18AM FROM ST. LUCIE COUNTY PUBLIC WORK5 BUILDING & ZONING DEPAIMM-ENT � BUILDING PERMIT . SUB -CONTRACTOR . AGREJ8GPN%F_D BY St. Lurie COUnty - - St- Lucie County Contractor Certification -Number. I eo 9� Z�>O& State of Florida Certification Number pf apocatiio); CCC058246 M <E�aTMKS name) has agreod to be the Fpovz IM4, sub -contractor for 401v\_.US- (tym of consiracHan b-aclo) 9's' (na" of the pnrrto coruraddr, for the project located a 4RA0a%-T1.&L It is Undersiood that, (strmt aftre= or prOperty t3X ID 0) if there is any change of status regarding our participation with the tabove nef -ioned projectJ will immediaitely advise the Building and Zoning Department of St. Lucie i'ounty by person2lly filing a Change of Contractor Form (SLCCDV FORM NO. D"�00)_ 131-191 business name: address: city.state.zip: phone: mqiired): ERIC LEVINE Print n2rne Date Reliable Rooflnpr & Gutters.Inc 1332 WabgUo Dr Ste#5 West Palm 11pnen- El 13409 961-694-6212 - . - H USE ONLY: a SLCCVVMRMPwi:� m-00 PEM rr 0 I '� eserve S.,Community Development District St. Lucie County Building Department 2300 Virginia Ave. Ft. Pierce, FL 34982 Reference: Multi -Family Construction To Whom It May Concern: Address: SCANNED BY st. Lude CountY tL')�.Q Gus - Concerning the above referenced project, this letter will serve to notify all interested parties that water & sewer service has been reserved & will be provided upon request by the Builder. Payment for reservation charges, hook-up fees, and any necessary metering equipment is required at time of service. Since r 0 sapo, airman rrr elopl rve Do Pelopment District p s s e e D ne 2140 N.W. Reserve Park Trace + Port St. Lucie, FL 34986 + Telephone: (772) 468-4604 + (772) 467-157 ST. LUCIE COUNTY BUILDING &ZONING 23DO VIRGINIA AVENUE FORT PIERCE. FL U982-S652 561462-1553 FILLED LANDS AFFIDAVIT SCANNED BY St. Lucie Couptj, 1, the undersigned, am the owner of the following described property: for which I have applied to St. Lucie County for a Final DE've!]qpment Permit. In accepting this Final Development Permit, BP Number,,;��Q?z�z/ , I acknowledge that as owner of the above described property, and in accordance'with Section 7.04.01 (D), St. Lucie County Land Development Code, I shall be responsible for assuring adequate drainage so that the immediate community WILL NOT be adversely affected. I further acknowledge that in granting this permit for the development of this property, St. Lucie County is neither obliged nor liable to provide for, or maintain in any form, adequate drainage off my property which will not adversely affect the immediate community. �ROBFRV<7 J VAkL_ Property Owner Name Property Ownei ature Date STATE OF FLORIDA. COUNTY OF S-k— LAelkl�� ACKNOWLEDGED BEFORE c3j taQ AY OF Z_V_t_ 20 BY WHO HAS PRODUCED —AS IDENTIFICATION. SIGNA REOFNOTARY TYPE OR PRINT NAME OF NOTARY (SEAL) NOTARYPUBLIC ITLE COMMISSION NUMBER .................. .......................... LYNNE MOORE Commig DD0232868 S E*= SMW Bonded Vane (800)4324254: Florida Noian,Assn.. Inc ..... . ..... Job Address "IVINION L -SIDENTIAL PLAN R,,--;,VEEW FORM SCANNED Pernfit # '9.c? 19 q ) Z a I ATTACWqENTS OLLUVAI Scaled DraWings-Name, etc. FBC 104.2 Lot Survey FBC 104.2 mmul + Room by �RoomCaj FL Energy Code Product review or affidavit FBC 1606.2.2.1 FOU NDATION Footing Details FBC 1804.1 Change in Elevations FBC 1804 Area Tabulation FBC 104.2 STRUCTURAL Wall Section -CBS FBC 104.2 / 2 101 Interior Bearing Walls FBC 104.2/2308 Bay Window Detail FBC 104.2 / 2308 Gable End Detail FBC 104.2 CH- 16 Porches - Exterior Ceilings FBC 104.2 CH 16 Butt Glass Detail FBC 104.2/2405 Fire Place / Chimney Detail FBC 104.2 CH 28 Tie Beam Lhange in Heights FBC 104.2 / ACI Lintel Detail FBCCh 1,16,21 SEOTIONAL Truss Plan FBC Ch-11 16 Sheathing Sizes& Nailing Detail FBCCh-23/APA Electrical Plan tkw.,,.fk w-A-r for FBC 104.2 /NEC �wa of Q bWm AC Duct Plan FBC 104.21 FMC Plumbing miser FPC 104.2 INTERIOR Wind Borne Debris Protection FBC 1606-1.4 Wind Load Design FBC 104.2 Survey Matches Structural Plans FBC 104.2 Knergy Evaluation FL Energy Code Design Wind pressures for openin �fite�or Bearing Walls (detail) FBC 1804 qAlumn Pads FBC 1804 Dimensions FBC 104.2 Wall Section -Frame Frame to Block Details *inoow Seat �Detail �ro`nt Entry Details - Ext. Ceil Knee Walls Bearing Wall Header ,Window / Door Buck Details )Yeam Block -Poured Tie Beaj Glass Block Detail Connector Chart :ntional Framing ical Calculations, Riser, �fak odel & BTU's beinj Balance Return Air FBC Q/2308 FBC 104.2 / 2309 5 FBC 104.2 / 2308 ings FBC 104.212308 FBC 104.2 / 2308 FBC 104.2 / 2308.3 L// FBC104.2/1606 n FBCChl.16,21 FBC 104.2 / 2112 �_L FBC Ch-l/ 16 FBC Ch-23 etc. used FBC 104.2 / NEC FL Energy Code FMC Ch-6 Egress Windows gath & Bedr oom Door FBC 105.4 FBC T-1004 V Xront Door Size (36" x 6'8") ��oke Detectors FBCT-1004 FBC/NFPA72 bl Attic Access (22"X 36" min.) FBC 2309.6 __Z S /$iir & andrail / Guardrail Detail FBC Ch- I / 1 oo7 L/ Dryer Vent E�xhaust FMC501.31509.3 L/ Exhaust Fan Ven_dng�-7 FMC 5 10.3 / 506.1 i st Keview Vate Lal 6 2nd Review Date Final Review Z Plans Examiner Name �6 Signature I BY St. LucieCdd 7tk ,9- IY7 -2-33 Z/- 9,6- — 0 -P- 23P -7 72y- 44 10 j2- -- ----- 90 0 -zr �109- - / 3 LUC I E C 0 U N T 2300 Virginia Avenue Ft. Pierce, Florida 34982 Growth Management Division SCANNED This is a Final Certificate of Occupancy BY St Lugie unty This Certificate is issued pursuant to the requirements of the Stan a Building Code certifying that at the time of issuance this structure was in compliance with the various ordinances of St. Lucie County regulating building construction or use. For the following: Certificate of Occupancy No. 23091681-001 Building Permit No. 23091681 Lot: 95 Block: Subdivision: : Parcel/Folio Nbr: 3327-801-0000-000/2 Occupancy: R2 : MULTI -FAMILY Maximum Nbr of Persons: Maximum Floor Load: Building Address: 8149-8155 CARNOUSTIE PL Legal Description: 27 36 39 ALL THAT PART LYG ELY Permit Job Description: * CONSTRUCT MULTI -FAMILY BUILDING- 2 STORIES - 4 UNITS - (2)3/2 & (2)3/2.5 Contractor: VAIL, ROBERT JOSEPH C.O. Description: MULTI -FAMILY RESIDENCE 2 STORY / 4 UNITS Permit Finaled: October 26, 2004 Conditions owner of Building: RESERVE HOMES LTD, 1601 FORUM PL STE 805 DENNIS M GRIM, CBO W PALM BEACH FL 33401 BUILDING OFFICX 26 OCT 2004 Building Official DATE PRINTED NOTE: This Certificate of Occupancy is issued to the above named, for building at the above named location only upon the express provision that the applicant will abide by and comply with all the conditions of the Zoning Ordinances and all Ordinances or Building Codes of St. Lucie County pertaining to the erection, construction or remodeling of buildings or structures. This also certifies that the electrical wiring and or equipment, and the plumbing work have been inspected and approved. The issuance of this Certificate grants permission to occupy and use the property described herein only for the use indicated. Any change in use will require a new Certificate of Occupancy. POST IN A CONSPICUOUS PLACE S L U C I E C 0 U N T Y 2300 Virginia Avenue Ft. Pierce, Florida 34982 Growth Management Division PERMIT Page 1 Permit #: 23091681 Type: MULTI -FAMILY RESIDENTIAL Insp Area ST : VOX Issued: 12/09/03 Master Nbr. 23091681 Job Location: 8149-8155 CARNOUSTIE PL / PORT ST LUCIE Jurisdiction: ST LUCIE COUNTY Lot: 95 Blk: Subdiv: Parcel: 3327-801-0000-000/2 Owner's Name: RESERVE HOMES LTD, Flood: X Elev: Project: Job Description: * CONSTRUCT MULTI -FAMILY BUILDING- 2 STORIES 4 UNITS - (2)3/2 & (2)3/2.5 Applicant Name: ROBERT JOSEPH VAIL Type: CONTRACTOR Contact Phone: (561) 468-4703 Double Fee: N Contractor Name: VAIL, ROBERT JOSEPH Cert Nbr: 17686 Business Name: KOLTER SIGNATURE HOMES INC Setbacks Left: Right: Front: .93 Rear: 1.00 Fire Marsh Nbr: Stub Out: T-Pole: Utility COs: CENTRAL Addl Information: DUPLICATE INSPECTIONS FOR I & 2 FLOORS. WH PERMIT # STATUS PT CERT # DBA JOB DESCRIPTION 23091681 FINL MF 17686 KOLTER SIGNATURE HOMES IN * CONSTRUCT MULTI -FA 23091682 FINL EP 16865 CAREY & KNUTH ELECTRICAL ELECTRIC FOR MULTI F 23091683 FINL PP 19769 AMERI-TECH PLUMBING INC PLUMBING FOR MULTI F 23091684 FINL ME 8288 COMFORT CONTROL OF ST LUC MECHANICAL/HVAC FOR 23091685 FINL RP 16856 RELIABLE ROOFING & GUTTER ROOF FOR MULTI FAMIL INSPECTIONS - For Requests, Call: (561) 462-1261 REINSPECTION FEES REQUIRED: 2 REINSPECTION FEES PAID: 2 Req Description Pr Date Res Description Insp Date 105 (ST) FORM BOARD SU 1 12/29/03 90 APPROVED GTM33 12/29/03 COMMENTS: DIDI 104 (ST) COMPACTION TE 1 01/12/04 90 APPROVED BLD41 01/12/04 420 (PL) PLUMBING ROUG 1 01/15/04 90 APPROVED BLD39 01/15/04 COMMENTS: UNIT # 8155 REQ ADDED DUE TO A CANCEL,ROLLOVER,OR PARTIAL 11:33:39 420 (PL) PLUMBING ROUG 1 01/15/04 91 PARTIAL,APPROVED BLD39 01/15/04 COMMENTS: UNIT # 8153 REQ ADDED DUE TO A CANCEL,ROLLOVER,OR PARTIAL 11:33:21 S L. L U C I E C 0 U N T Y 2300 Virginia Avenue Ft. Pierce, Florida 34982 Growth Management Division PERMIT Page 2 Permit #: 23091681 Type: MULTI -FAMILY RESIDENTIAL Insp Area ST : VOX Issued: 12/09/03 Master Nbr. 23091681 Job Location: 8149-8155 CARNOUSTIE PL / PORT ST LUCIE Jurisdiction: ST LUCIE COUNTY Lot: 95 Blk: Subdiv: Parcel: 3327-801-0000-000/2 Owner's Name: RESERVE HOMES LTD, Flood: X Elev: Project: Job Description: * CONSTRUCT MULTI -FAMILY BUILDING- 2 STORIES 4 UNITS - (2)3/2 & (2)3/2.5 INSPECTIONS - For Requests, Call: (561) 462-1261 REINSPECTION FEES REQUIRED: 2 REINSPECTION FEES PAID: 2 Req Description Pr Date Res Description Insp Date 420 (PL) PLUMBING ROUG 1 01/15/04 91 PARTIAL,APPROVED BLD39 01/15/04 COMMENTS: UNIT # 8151 REQ ADDED DUE TO A CANCEL,ROLLOVER,OR PARTIAL 11:32:52 420 (PL) PLUMBING ROUG 1 01/15/04 91 PARTIAL,APPROVED BLD39 01/15/04 COMMENTS: UNIT # 8149 AUTOMATED REQUEST 16:51:40 14 JAN 2004 427 (PL) TEMP.TOILET 1 01/15/04 90 APPROVED BLD39 01/15/04 103 (EL) EUFFER GROUND 3 01/21/04 90 APPROVED BLD18 01/21/04 COMMENTS: AUTOMATED REQUEST 16:49:13 20 JAN 2004 115 (ST) SLAB 3 01/21/04 90 APPROVED BLD18 01/21/04 COMMENTS: AUTOMATED REQUEST 16:49:30 20 JAN 2004 121 (ST) TERMITE SPRAY 3 01/21/04 90 APPROVED BLD18 01/21/04 COMMENTS: RECV'D CERTIFICATE IN OUR OFFICE AUTOMATED REQUEST 16:49:46 20 JAN 2004 123 (ST) STAIRS (CONCR 0 02/27/04 81 DISAPPROVED 13LD27 02/27/04 COMMENTS: NOT READY ..MISSING VERT STEEL MISSING 45 DEGREE WALL AT BACK OF STAIRS IN MODEL AUTOMATED REQUEST 15:52:42 26 FEB 2004 118 (ST) COLUMN 4 02/27/04 81 DISAPPROVED BLD27 02/27/04 125 (ST) TIE -BEAM 4 02/27/04 81 DISAPPROVED BLD27 02/27/04 123 (ST) STAIRS (CONCR 0 03/01/04 90 APPROVED BLD18 03/01/04 COMMENTS: REQ ADDED DUE TO FAILED INSP 15:28:57 27 FEB 2004 S I- L U C I E C 0 U N T Y 2300 Virginia Avenue Ft. Pierce, Florida 34982 Growth Management Division PERMIT Page 3 Permit #: 23091681 Type: MULTI -FAMILY RESIDENTIAL Insp Area ST : VOX Issued: 12/09/03 Master Nbr. 23091681 Job Location: 8149-8155 CARNOUSTIE PL / PORT ST LUCIE Jurisdiction: ST LUCIE COUNTY Lot: 95 Blk: Subdiv: Parcel: 3327-801-0000-000/2 Owner's Name: RESERVE HOMES LTD, Flood: X Elev: Project: Job Description: * CONSTRUCT MULTI -FAMILY BUILDING- 2 STORIES 4 UNITS - (2)3/2 & (2)3/2.5 INSPECTIONS - For Requests, Call: (561) 462-1261 REINSPECTION FEES REQUIRED: 2 REINSPECTION FEES PAID: 2 Req Description Pr Date Res Description Insp Date 118 (ST) COLUMN 4 03/01/04 90 APPROVED BLD18 03/01/04 COMMENTS: REQ ADDED DUE TO FAILED INSP 15:29:02 27 FEB 2004 125 (ST) TIE -BEAM 4 03/01/04 90 APPROVED BLD18 03/01/04 COMMENTS: recd letter for deleting dowels AUTOMATED REQUEST 17:09:43 27 FEB 2004 118 (ST) COLUMN 6 03/23/04 91 PARTIAL,APPROVED BLD18 03/23/04 COMMENTS: STILL NEED RAKEBEAM 125 (ST) TIE -BEAM G 03/23/04 91 PARTIAL,APPROVED ELD18 03/23/04 COMMENTS: AUTOMATED REQUEST 16:04:25 22 MAR 2004 134 (ST) ROOF SHEATHIN 5 03/26/04 91 PARTIAL,APPROVED BLD18 03/26/04 COMMENTS: TWO END WALL UNITS ONLY KRIS 118 (ST) COLUMN 6 04/02/04 90 APPROVED ELD27 04/02/04 COMMENTS: REQ ADDED DUE TO A CANCEL,ROLLOVER,OR PARTIAL 10:00:13 125 (ST) TIE -BEAM 6 04/02/04 90 APPROVED BLD27 04/02/04 COMMENTS: RAKE BEAM (CHRIS 772-528-5263) REQ ADDED DUE TO A CANCEL,ROLLOVER,OR PARTIAL 10:00:35 134 (ST) ROOF SHEATHIN 6 04/13/04 91 PARTIAL,APPROVED BLD27 04/13/04 COMMENTS: AUTOMATED REQUEST 13:54:56 12 APR 2004 134 (ST) ROOF SHEATHIN 6 04/13/04 91 PARTIAL,APPROVED BLD27 04/13/04 COMMENTS: REQ ADDED DUE TO A CANCEL,ROLLOVER,OR PARTIAL 16:30:29 134 (ST) ROOF SHEATHIN 6 04/13/04 91 PARTIAL,APPROVED BLD27 04/13/04 COMMENTS: REQ ADDED DUE TO A CANCEL,ROLLOVER,OR PARTIAL 16:30:48 I S L U C I E C 0 U N T Y 2300 Virginia Avenue Ft. Pierce, Florida 34982 Growth Management Division PERMIT Page 4 Permit #: 23091681 Type: MULTI -FAMILY RESIDENTIAL Insp Area ST : VOX Issued: 12/09/03 Master Nbr. 23091681 Job Location: 8149-8155 CARNOUSTIE PL / PORT ST LUCIE Jurisdiction: ST LUCIE COUNTY Lot: 95 Blk: Subdiv: Parcel: 3327-801-0000-000/2 Owner's Name: RESERVE HOMES LTD, Flood: X Elev: Project: Job Description: * CONSTRUCT MULTI -FAMILY BUILDING- 2 STORIES 4 UNITS - (2)3/2 & (2)3/2.5 INSPECTIONS - For Requests, Call: (561) 462-1261 REINSPECTION FEES REQUIRED: 2 REINSPECTION FEES PAID: 2 Req Description Pr Date Res Description Insp Date 134 (ST) ROOF SHEATHIN 6 04/13/04 91 PARTIAL,APPROVED BLD27 04/13/04 COMMENTS: REQ ADDED DUE TO A CANCEL,ROLLOVER,OR PARTIAL 16:31:25 134 (ST) ROOF SHEATHIN 6 04/13/04 91 PARTIAL,APPROVED BLD27 04/13/04 COMMENTS: REQ ADDED DUE TO A CA.NCEL,ROLLOVER,OR PARTIAL 16:31:39 134 (ST) ROOF SHEATHIN 6 04/13/04 90 APPROVED BLD27 04/13/04 COMMENTS: REQ ADDED DUE TO A CANCEL,ROLLOVER,OR PARTIAL 16:31:47 133 (ST) WIN/DOOR BUCK 7 04/20/04 90 APPROVED BLD27 04/20/04 COMMENTS: UNIT 4 REQ ADDED DUE TO A CANCEL,ROLLOVER,OR PARTIAL 1 14:33:27 133 (ST) WIN/DOOR BUCK 7 04/20/04 91 PARTIAL,APPROVED BLD27 04/20/04 COMMENTS: UNIT 3 REQ ADDED DUE TO A CANCEL,ROLLOVER,OR PARTIAL 14:33:08 133 (ST) WIN/DOOR BUCK 7 04/20/04 91 PARTIAL,APPROVED BLD27 04/20/04 COMMENTS: UNIT 2 REQ ADDED DUE TO A CANCEL,ROLLOVER,OR PARTIAL 14:32:56 133 (ST) WIN/DOOR BUCK 7 04/20/04 91 PARTIAL,APPROVED BLD27 04/20/04 COMMENTS: UNIT 1 135 (ST) WALL SHEATHIN 7 04/20/04 90 APPROVED BLD27 04/20/04 COMMENTS: UNIT 4 REQ ADDED DUE TO A CANCEL,ROLLOVER,OR PARTIAL 14:36:32 135 (ST) WALL SHEATHIN 7 04/20/04 91 PARTIAL,APPROVED 13LD27 04/20/04 COMMENTS: UNIT 3 REQ ADDED DUE TO A CANCEL,ROLLOVER,OR PARTIAL 14:3G:23 S L U C I E C 0 U N T Y 2300 Virginia Avenue Ft. Pierce, Florida 34982 Growth Management Division PERMIT Page 5 Permit #: 23091681 Type: MULTI -FAMILY RESIDENTIAL Insp Area ST : VOX Issued: 12/09/03 Master Nbr. 23091681 Job Location: 8149-8155 CARNOUSTIE PL / PORT ST LUCIE Jurisdiction: ST LUCIE COUNTY Lot: 95 . Blk: Subdiv: Parcel: 3327-801-0000-000/2 Owner's Name: RESERVE HOMES LTD, Flood: X Elev: Project: Job Description: * CONSTRUCT MULTI -FAMILY ]BUILDING- 2 STORIES 4 UNITS - (2)3/2 & (2)3/2.5 INSPECTIONS - For Requests, Call: (561) 462-1261 REINSPECTION FEES REQUIRED: 2 REINSPECTION FEES PAID: 2 Req Description Pr Date Res Description Insp Date 135 (ST) WALL SHEATHIN 7 04/20/04 91 PARTIAL,APPROVED BLD27 04/20/04 COMMENTS: UNIT 2 REQ ADDED DUE TO A CANCEL,ROLLOVER,OR PARTIAL 14:36:14 13S (ST) WALL SHEATHIN 7 04/20/04 91 PARTIAL,APPROVED BLD27 04/20/04 COMMENTS: UNIT I 137 (ST) STRAPPING 7 04/20/04 90 APPROVED BLD27 04/20/04 COMMENTS: UNIT 4 REQ ADDED DUE TO A CANCEL,ROLLOVER,OR PARTIAL 14:34:28 137 (ST) STRAPPING 7 04/20/04 91 PARTIAL,APPROVED BLD27 04/20/04 COMMENTS: UNIT 3 REQ ADDED DUE TO A CANCEL,ROLLOVER,OR PARTIAL 14:34:12 137 (ST) STRAPPING 7 04/20/04 91 PARTIAL,APPROVED ELD27 04/20/04 COMMENTS: UNIT 2 REQ ADDED DUE TO A CANCEL,ROLLOVER,OR PARTIAL 14:34:00 137 (ST) STRAPPING 7 04/20/04 91 PARTIAL,APPROVED 13LD27 04/20/04 COMMENTS: UNIT 1 145 (*) TRUSS DRWG 7 04/20/04 90 APPROVED BLD27 04/20/04 COMMENTS: UNIT 4 REQ ADDED DUE TO A CANCEL,ROLLOVER,OR PARTIAL 14:35:14 145 (*) TRUSS DRWG 7 04/20/04 91 PARTIAL,APPROVED BLD27 04/20/04 COMMENTS: UNIT 3 REQ ADDED DUE TO A CANCEL,ROLLOVER,OR PARTIAL 14:35:04 145 (*) TRUSS DRWG 7 04/20/04 91 PARTIAL,APPROVED BLD27 04/20/04 COMMENTS: UNIT 2 REQ ADDED DUE TO A CANCEL,ROLLOVER,OR PARTIAL 14:34:50 S 1'. 'L U C I E C 0 U N T Y 2300 Virginia Avenue Ft. Pierce, Florida 34982 Growth Management Division PERMIT Page 6 Permit 4: 23091681 Type: MULTI -FAMILY RESIDENTIAL Insp Area ST : VOX Issued: 12/09/03 Master Nbr. 23091681 Job Location: 8149-8155 CARNOUSTIE PL / PORT ST LUCIE Jurisdiction: ST LUCIE COUNTY Lot: 95 Blk: Subdiv: Parcel: 3327-801-0000-000/2 Owner's Name: RESERVE HOMES LTD, Flood: X Elev: Project: Job Description: * CONSTRUCT MULTI -FAMILY BUILDING- 2 STORIES 4 UNITS - (2)3/2 & (2)3/2.5 INSPECTIONS - For Requests, Call: (561) 462-1261 REINSPECTION FEES REQUIRED: 2 REINSPECTION FEES PAID: 2 Req Description Pr Date Res Description 145 (*) TRUSS DRWG 7 04/20/04 91 PARTIAL,APPROVED COMMENTS: UNIT 1 136 (ST) DRY-IN/FLASHI 9 04/23/04 90 APPROVED COMMENTS: AUTOMATED REQUEST 16:16:15 22 APR 2004 115 (ST) SLAB 0 05/03/04 90 APPROVED COMMENTS: patio (dave 201-9776) 121 (ST) TERMITE SPRAY 0 05/03/04 90 APPROVED COMMENTS: RECD TERMITE CERT patio 140 (ST) CONR/FRAMING 9 05/26/04 90 APPROVED COMMENTS: AUTOMATED REQUEST 15:35:18 25 MAY 2004 148 (ST) DO/WIN ATTACH 9 05/2G/04 90 APPROVED 179 (ST) FIREWALL 9 05/26/04 90 APPROVED Insp Date BLD27 04/20/04 ELD18 04/23/04 BLD18 05/03/04 BLD18 05/03/04 ELD18 05/26/04 BLD18 05/26/04 BLD18 05/26/04 238 (EL) ELECTRIC ROUG 9 05/26/04 91 PARTIAL,APPROVED BLD28 05/26/04 COMMENTS: UNIT # 8149 238 (EL) ELECTRIC ROUG 9 05/26/04 91 PARTIAL,APPROVED BLD28 05/26/04 COMMENTS: UNIT # 8151 REQ ADDED DUE TO A CANCEL,ROLLOVER,OR PARTIAL 14:37:08 238 (EL) ELECTRIC ROUG 9 05/26/04 91 PARTIAL,APPROVED BLD28 05/26/04 COMMENTS: UNIT # 8153 REQ ADDED DUE TO A CANCEL,ROLLOVER,OR PARTIAL 14:37:42 238 (EL) ELECTRIC ROUG 9 05/26/04 90 APPROVED BLD28 05/26/04 COMMENTS: UNIT # 8155 REQ ADDED DUE TO A CANCEL,ROLLOVER,OR PARTIAL 14:38:00 S L U C I E C 0 U N T Y 2300 Virginia Avenue Ft. Pierce, Florida 34982 Growth Management Division PERMIT Page 7 Permit #: 23091681 Type: MULTI -FAMILY RESIDENTIAL Insp Area ST : VOX Issued: 12/09/03 Master Nbr. 23091681 Job Location: 8149-8155 CARNOUSTIE PL / PORT ST LUCIE Jurisdiction: ST LUCIE COUNTY Lot: 95 Blk: Subdiv: Parcel: 3327-801-0000-000/2 Owner's Name: RESERVE HOMES LTD, Flood: X Elev: Project: Job Description: * CONSTRUCT MULTI -FAMILY BUILDING- 2 STORIES 4 UNITS - (2)3/2 & (2)3/2.5 INSPECTIONS - For Requests, Call: (561) 462-1261 REINSPECTION FEES REQUIRED: 2 REINSPECTION FEES PAID: 2 Req Description Pr Date Res Description Insp Date 351 (ME) MECHANICAL RO 9 05/2G/04 91 PARTIAL,APPROVED BLD28 05/2G/04 COMMENTS: UNIT # 8149 351 (ME) MECHANICAL RO 9 05/2G/04 91 PARTIAL,APPROVED BLD28 05/26/04 COMMENTS: UNIT # 8151 REQ ADDED DUE TO A CANCEL,ROLLOVER,OR PARTIAL 14:38:32 351 (ME) MECHANICAL RO 9 05/26/04 91 PARTIAL,APPROVED BLD28 05/26/04 COMMENTS: UNIT # 8153 REQ ADDED DUE TO A CANCEL,ROLLOVER,OR PARTIAL 14:38:48 351 (ME) MECHANICAL RO 9 05/26/04 90 APPROVED BLD28 05/26/04 COMMENTS: UNIT # 8155 REQ ADDED DUE TO A CANCEL,ROLLOVER,OR PARTIAL 14:39:04 423 (PL) PLUMBING TOP 9 05/26/04 82 DISAPVD/REINSP FEE R ELD39 05/26/04 COMMENTS: UNIT 96***BACK PITCH ON SANITARY TO TUB & SHOWER , NEED VENT BETWEEN THE TWO TRAPS UNIT 98 BACK PITCH ON KITCHEN SINK SANITARY STUB OUT AUTOMATED REQUEST 15:36:02 25 MAY 2004 423 (PL) PLUMBING TOP 9 05/28/04 91 PARTIAL,APPROVED BLD39 05/28/04 COMMENTS: AUTOMATED REQUEST 16:15:29 27 MAY 2004 423 (PL) PLUMBING TOP 9 05/28/04 91 PARTIAL,APPROVED ELD39 05/28/04 COMMENTS: REQ ADDED DUE TO A CANCEL,ROLLOVER,OR PARTIAL 14:41:23 423 (PL) PLUMBING TOP 9 05/28/04 91 PARTIAL,APPROVED BLD39 05/28/04 COMMENTS: REQ ADDED DUE TO A CANCEL,ROLLOVER,OR PARTIAL 14:41:34 423 (PL) PLUMBING TOP 9 05/28/04 90 APPROVED BLD39 05/28/04 COMMENTS: REQ ADDED DUE TO A CANCEL,ROLLOVER,OR PARTIAL 14:41:48 S L U C I E C 0 U N T Y 2300 Virginia Avenue Ft. Pierce, Florida 34982 Growth Management Division PERMIT Page 8 Permit 9: 23091681 Type: MULTI -FAMILY RESIDENTIAL Insp Area ST : VOX Issued: 12/09/03 Master Nbr. 23091681 Job Location: 8149-8155 CARNOUSTIE PL / PORT ST LUCIE Jurisdiction: ST LUCIE COUNTY Lot: 95 Blk: Subdiv: Parcel: 3327-801-0000-000/2 Owner's Name: RESERVE HOMES LTD, Flood: X Elev: Project: Job Description: * CONSTRUCT MULTI -FAMILY BUILDING- 2 STORIES 4 UNITS - (2)3/2 & (2)3/2.5 INSPECTIONS - For Requests, Call: (561) 462-1261 REINSPECTION FEES REQUIRED: 2 REINSPECTION FEES PAID: 2 Req Description Pr Date Res Description Insp Date 144 (ST) HOT MOP 9 06/11/04 90 APPROVED BLD18 06/11/04 141 (ST) INSULATION 10 06/11/04 90 APPROVED BLD18 06/11/04 COMMENTS: COMPLETE AUTOMATED REQUEST 14:42:17 10 JUN 2004 153 (ST) INSUL CERT 10 07/02/04 90 APPROVED IBLD35 07/02/04 425 (PL) SEWER CONNECT 0 08/04/04 81 DISAPPROVED BLD39 08/04/04 COMMENTS: UNCOVER SEWERS AUTOMATED REQUEST 15:48:28 03 AUG 2004 425 (PL) SEWER CONNECT 0 08/05/04 75 CANC.INSP.PERMITEE BLD36 08/05/04 COMMENTS: john canceled 7 am REQ ADDED DUE TO FAILED INSP 15:14:59 04 AUG 2004 425 (PL) SEWER CONNECT 0 08/09/04 82 DISAPVD/REINSP FEE R BLD18 08/09/04 COMMENTS: STILL NOT UNCOVERED AUTOMATED REQUEST 11:57:44 06 AUG 2004 425 (PL) SEWER CONNECT 0 08/10/04 91 PARTIAL,APPROVED BLD39 08/10/04 COMMENTS: UNIT # 8149 REQ ADDED DUE TO FAILED INSP 11:47:03 09 AUG 2004 425 (PL) SEWER CONNECT 0 08/10/04 91 PARTIAL,APPROVED BLD39 08/10/04 COMMENTS: UNIT # 8151 REQ ADDED DUE TO A CANCEL,ROLLOVER,OR PARTIAL 14:57:36 425 (PL) SEWER CONNECT 0 08/10/04 91 PARTIAL,APPROVED BLD39 08/10/04 COMMENTS: UNIT # 8153 REQ ADDED DUE TO A CANCEL,ROLLOVER,OR PARTIAL 14:58:09 S L U C I E C 0 U N T Y 2300 Virginia Avenue Ft. Pierce, Florida 34982 Growth Management Division PERMIT Page 9 Permit #: 23091681 Type: MULTI -FAMILY RESIDENTIAL Insp Area ST : VOX Issued: 12/09/03 Master Nbr. 23091681 Job Location: 8149-8155 CARNOUSTIE PL / PORT ST LUCIE Jurisdiction: ST LUCIE COUNTY Lot: 95 Blk: Subdiv: Parcel: 3327-801-0000-000/2 Owner's Name: RESERVE HOMES LTD, Flood: X Elev: Project: Job Description: * CONSTRUCT MULTI -FAMILY BUILDING- 2 STORIES 4 UNITS - (2)3/2 & (2)3/2.5 INSPECTIONS - For Requests, Call: (561) 462-1261 REINSPECTION FEES REQUIRED: 2 REINSPECTION FEES PAID: 2 Req Description Pr Date Res Description Insp Date 425 (PL) SEWER CONNECT 0 08/10/04 90 APPROVED BLD39 08/10/04 COMMENTS: UNIT # 8155 REQ ADDED DUE TO A CANCEL,ROLLOVER,OR PARTIAL 14:59:01 259 (EL) POWER RELEASE 11 08/16/04 90 APPROVED BLD41 08/16/04 260 (EL) 30 DAY FOR TE 11 10/12/04 90 APPROVED COMMENTS: AUTOMATED REQUEST 14:31:02 11 OCT 2004 172 (ST) HURRICANE PAN 12 10/20/04 90 APPROVED 180 (ST) BUILDING FINA 12 10/20/04 90 APPROVED 280 (EL) ELECTRIC FINA 12 10/20/04 81 DISAPPROVED COMMENTS: UNIT # 8155 - ELECTRIC OUTLET NOT INSTALLED IN COUNTER BACKSPLASH 380 (ME) MECHANICAL FI 12 10/20/04 90 APPROVED 480 (PL) PLUMBING FINA 12 10/20/04 90 APPROVED 800 (ZC) ADDRESS FINAL 12 10/20/04 90 APPROVED 803 (ZC) PARKING/HANDI 12 10/20/04 93 NOT REQUIRED 808 (ZC) LANDSCAPING/T 12 10/20/04 90 APPROVED 996 (ST) FINAL TERMITE 12 10/20/04 90 APPROVED COMMENTS: RECV'D CERTIFICATE IN OUR OFFICE REQ ADDED DUE TO FAILED INSP 11:35:33 996 (ST) FINAL TERMITE 12 10/20/04 81 DISAPPROVED COMMENTS: NO TERMITE CERT ON JOBSITE BLD46 10/12/04 BLD18 10/20/04 BLD18 10/20/04 BLD28 10/20/04 BLD18 10/20/04 BLD18 10/20/04 BLD18 10/20/04 BLD18 10/20/04 BLD18 10/20/04 BLD18 10/20/04 20 OCT 2004 BLD18 10/20/04 ".Fhj-25-2004 16:30 P. 04 POrt bt. LUCIe tJUIIUlng L)5,.. "lUFirdIR THIS FORM 13 TO BE FILLED OUT BY PEST CONTROL COMPANY E 110M E 0 (0 - - i- Cerfifi.cate of Comolian [This is it parfial treatment only and not a guarantee or K PERMIT NUMBER: Z LOCATION OF PROPERTY: 8149-8155 Camoustie PL Fort Sai�t Lucie, FL LEGAL DESCRIPTION: SECTION: BLOCK: jPFzrcoRTRoLc3mPANYj Timothy M. Huletl; COM EAS9 PRINT SIGNATURE 08/25/04 PRESIDENT DATE TITLE [SOIL TREATMENT COMPANY INFORMATION 14uleft Enviro=entlill SerViCCS SOIL TREATMENT COMPANY NAME 7670 Okeechobee Blvd ADDRESS JFOOOIS86 SOIL TREATMENT/DACS LICENSE# All work was done in accordance with the manufacturer's specifications and in accordance with all State and federal laws governing pesticide application. A second treatment was done on [Date] �08126/04 as per manufacturer's reqqIcqd acopy of the pri*qqLlabel iihpll be Ln.dudeo with this rftate. rN Courtty Public Works TREATMENT INFOMRTIONI 01/19/04 DATE OF TREATMENT SGANNhU Chlarpyrifos BY CHEMICAL USED &Wdetuality .50% CONCENTRATION 635 GALLONS USED Pov6 er Spmy METHOD OF APPLICATION [Rodded, Soil ML<ed, ETCJ 6354 sqft UN —EAR FOOTAGE OF AREA TREATED 28126/04 DWIT-UFTREATMENT Chlorpyrifos CHEMICAL USED .50% CONCENTRATION 35 NMNS USED Power Spray 9ETHOD OF APPLICATION lRodded. Soil Nfixed, ETCJ 354 LINEAR FOOTAGE OF AREA TREATED Please Note: The City of Oort �t Lucia does not guarantee or warranty the preconstruction soil treatment attested to in the above. The purpose of this document Is to show that to the best of this Departments knowledge, the builder has satisfied the requirements of the Standard Building Code and the One and Two Family Dwelling Code fDr protection against termites ThlsformMustb e urniad to the Building _pLLft Department before your final inspection is scheduled REQUEST FOR 30 DAY TEmPoRARy I DATm.- SL Lucia PaRmrr NumB'ERA PROPERTY Aomse: T FnD E72 (77 E 7 u AVG 16 2994 county comm. Devel. Dept. Code Compliance Division 2300 Virginia Avenue Fort Pierce, Fl. 34982-6862 ph. (581) 462-2165 Fax (581) 482-1735 SCANNED By Lucie Colin ly UNDERSIGNED HEREBY REQUEST RELEASE OF ELECTRICAL POWER TO THEABOVE DESCRIBED PROPERTY, FOR AFERIOE) NOTTO EXCEED THIRTY (30) DAYS, FORTHE PURPOSE OFTESTING SYSTEMSAND EQUIPMENTIN PREPARA- TIPII FOR FINAL INSPECTION, IN CONSICERATION.-OF APPROVAL OF THIS WE HEREBY ACKNOWLEDGE AND AGREE AS FOLLOWS: Works r6 �- C�-' %* 9 S- I- This temporary power raleasO IN requested for the above stated purpose only, and there will be no occupancy of any type, other than that permitted by construction during this time period. . 2. As witness by our signatures, we hereby agies to abide by all terms and conditions Of this agreement Including Building Division Policy, which Is Incarpar8ted heroin by reference. S. All conditions and requfrements listed In the attached document anfilled "RequIrem onto for 3D Day Power for TeaUngw have been fulfilled and the promises Is ready for compilance Inspection. We hereby r8I and agree to hold harmless, St. Lucie County, and their employees from all liabilities and claim$ Of any type or nature which may arise now or In the future Out Of this transiaction. Including any damages which may be Incurred due to the disconnactlon Of electrical power In the event of violation of , this agreement t L--" I 11 GLE ASSOCIATES, INC. Architects - Engineers - Environmental Consultants st. Lucie February 11, 2004 TO: St. Lucie County Building Department Attention: Building Inspector RE: Kolter Homes PGA Village C Model Townhomes Permit #;>3 09 (( so-S' Dear Building Inspector: 2004 SCANNED 13Y St., LtIcie coanty Delete the three dowels noted on the attached drawing. This is a 2x4 wall under the landing. This applies to all C model townhomes under construction. If you have any questions or concerns please feel free to call us. Respectfully y6uis;-. GI/E-Xisoq4tes, Inc.. R. Quinn Tuurqer, AIA; NCARB Archiie ' ct 0011,447,.' � Director of Orlaad'o Operations Attachment 1320 N. Semoran Boulevard - Suite 203 - Orlando, FL 32807 - 407/658-4151 - Fax: 407/658-4410 Architect AA 0002369 - Engineer EB 0005483 - Asbestos ZA 0000034 - Geology GB 0000297 E)-i� 64 x-4c4*;z—ET-r**, D 30* E 5YOND BACK $TO E51 PLACED OVEF . IPACTED CLEM FILL 5% PRf CTOR DENSITY WIT14 VAFYIR $OIL �N;IER SLAB FOR �RBEFA 4 5MPLACING rp- PLC.OFq ELEVATION TO 15 STR= r0:7tT-F- MINTILM Cf=j 0.-0. R ELEVATION TO 8E Is' M(NrWM 4--L t 0 in In ElM SGANNED BY St. Lucie County 0 TERMITE PRETREATING 0 VE L )DI'LIGENT E nvironmental Services MAY 0 3 2004 Notice of Preventative Treatment for TermiteLst. Lucie CoAlosc- Works (as required by Florida Building Code (FBC) 104.2.6 and Broward County Chapter FBC 105.2.2) W 1-866-PRE-TREAT State License JB94495 ;� �-10 Project General Contractor Service Date Builder Treatment Type SCANNED I BY Development Structure Address Floating C) Monolithic El Patio A city S Lu� ---�Cnty Garage Ll Driveway LJ Stem Wall Ll Owner Addition Q Cutouts 0 Treatment/Product Detail T�pelreatment: Initial Under slab Y Retreat C3 Final Q Product: Dursban TC k Chlorpyrifos Ll Dragnet Ll Demon TC El Other Concentration: Gallons Applied: tn5 Square Footage LaUb Linear Foota e As per 104.2.6 FEC- If soil chernical barriurnethod for teraniteprvcntioa is wed, fbasl cxtcriortocatorent shall be rompletedloriar to finalbufldingapprorval. Certificate of Compliance: This building has been treated in accordartm with the rules and laws established by the Florida Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services. Further, the treatment complies with the Florida Building Code. If th' notice i's foor th ainal exterior treatment, initial and date this line. C Applicator (print) ......... 1� Oraft% 3100 Northwest Boca Raton Boulevard Suite 106 - Boca Raton, FL 33431 - 561-394411 6r AT * FAX 561- 394-3760 C RST- GR 0, NAHB "Tom ;jinsulation a IVIASCO Company Z IF*ICATION OF INSULATION R- li,.Ucie county �� �IONMTALLED ON EXTERIOR WALLS R-30 INSULATION INSTALLED IN FLAT CEILING AREA LEGAL: LOT: 98 BLOCK PERMIT#: 030?/&?t .5Z-c S U B D IV: B ��7 (-s AD DRESS- SILIq c4-r(rnou-s-b� BUILDER: )(011tf, Slcj 1-10fr6sl GALE JOB # ? 70 c/q ATTESTED BY: Date: 6N,9v SCANNED By St Lucie Couritv 3601-A CROSSROADS PARKWAY Fr. PIERCE, FL 34945 FT. PIERCE (772) 465-Dl Q1 - VERO BEACH (772) 589-1514 STUART (T72) 283-3151 - FAX (772) 489-6758 N gale -n a MASCO Company SCAPNED 11ciecolin, CERTIFICATION OF INSULATION R- INSULATION INSTALLED ON EXTERIOR WALLS R- 30 INSULATION INSTALLED IN FLAT CEILING AREA LEGAL: LOT:lt5 BLOCK: SUB DIV: PERMIT#:.;t309lLo8l SLC— ADDRESS.:.'8IS5 0-o-rr\ou,5+i0e- I'Acur-c- BUILDER: -Tnc� GALEJOB# ATrESTED BY: Date: — b /7 3601 -A CROSSROADS PARKWAY Fr. PIERCE, FL 34945 Fr. PIERCE (772) 465-1919.1 - VERO BEACH (772) 589-1514 STUART (772) 283-3151 - FAX (772) 489-6758 a 8C4S,'D 4 y CERTIFICATION OF INSULATION 0 R-4 I INSULATION INSTALLED ON EXTERIOR WALLS R-30 INSULATION INSTALLED IN FLAT CEILING AREA LEGAL: LOT: 9G BLOCK: SUB DIV: 0-cL;s+Xe- PERMIT#: a,�>oqjLo�j SLC- ADDRESS: '9 IS3-- Cox v-toL&s+ �e, BUILDER: Kok+'e-r skdrkA"Lre� \Aame-s' GALEJOB# ATTESTED BY: Date:, 3601 -XCROSSROADS PARKWAY - FT. PIERCE, FL 34945 Fr.,PIERCE (772)4G5i919.1 - VERO BEACH (772) 589-1514 - STUART (772) 283-3151 - FAX (772) 489-6758 Winsulation a MASCO Company TIFICATION OF INSULATION ,%. �_uc:ie R- -q- / INSULATION INSTALLED ON EXTERIOR WALLS - R- 30 INSULATION INSTALLED IN FLAT CEILING AREA LEGAL: LOT: q 7 BLOCK PERMIT#: c�23091&91 SZ-C SUB DIV: (fo--soe� loln'e--5 ADDRESS- 81-5-1 earfioct5�7e,- TIO-c-c- BUILDER: J—ne-- GALEJOB# ATTESTED BY: A: Date: 6 Ig-1c) V 3601-A CROSSROADS PARKWAY FT. PIERCE, FL 34945 FF PIERCE (772) 46S-919.1 - VERO BEACH (772� 5139-1514 STUART (772) 2M31 51 - FAX (772f 489-6768 A. M. ENGINEERING AN - -'ESTING9 3504 INDUSTRIAL 33" STREET Fr. PIERCE, FLORIDA 34946 LocALOFmcE: (772)461-7508 FAX: (7 RPM JAIN -12 2004 REPORT OF FOUNDATION PAD COMPA Client: Dickerson of Florida, Inc. Report Date: 12/9/03 Project No: Report No: 106 Site: Unit 98-95 Castle Pines Permit No: Pod 20C, The Reserve, St. Lucie County SCANNED c,?30 W&V Foundation Pad BY St. Lucie County Density tests and Hand Cone Penetrometer (HCP) readings were made at a minimum of three locations in the building pad. Density tests were performed in the upper one foot of fill. HCP readings were taken in hand auger boreholes at one foot intervals from slab grade through the depth of fill. The density tests were performed in general compliance with ASTM D 2922. The HCP test, in conjunction with information about the soil type, is empirically correlated to the relative density of subsurface soils. Density Test No. Date Tested Location Elevation (feet) Dry Density (pcf) Percent Compaction In Placel Proctor 106 12/2/03 SW Comer 0-1 111.8 113.9 98.2 Center 0-1 112.2 113.9 98.5 NE Comer 0-1 110.9 113.9 97.4 * All elevations are below slab grade. The depth of the fill was approximately two feet. The fill should extend at least five feet beyond the building perimeter. At the time of our testing no information was available regarding the foundation pad setbacks. In the locations and depths that were tested, the fill has been compacted to a minimum of 95 percent of the modified Proctor maximum dry density (ASTM D 1557). Distribution: Client — 1 Kolter Homes — 2 Attn: Shane, Signed & Sealed Submitted by: A; M. ENGINEERING AND TESTING, 1NC. Refec�ca G]a�t Ascoli, P.E. Florida Registration No. 51863 FAAM DATA\Dickerson of Florida. Inc\Castle PineN06- Unit 98-95.doc, SL JOANNE HOLMAN, CLERK OF TH� CIRCUIT COURT - SAINT LUCIE COUNTY File Number: 22BO996 OR BOOK 1811 PAGE 1033 Recorded:10/01/03 15:21 qSC4 NOTICE OF CONDMNCEMENT tic, z Permit No. 7- 1SOc� 16, S I Tax ED N'O,Ssz� State of Floeida County of St. Lucie THE UNDERSIGNED hereby gives notice 'that -improvement will be made to certain real property, and in accordance with Chapter 713, Florida Statutes, the following information is provided -in this Notice of Commencement. Owner Reserve ilomes LTD., LP. Address 9700 Reserve Blvd., Port St Lucia, Fl, 34986 Owner's interest in site of improvement 100% Fee Simple Title holder (if other that owner) N/A Address Contractor Address 21 E Surety hL/A Address — Amount of I Lender NIA a 772-468-4703 772-468-4603 Persons within the State of Florida designated by Owner upon whom n,)tices or other documents may be served as provided by Section 713.13 (1) (a) 7., Florida Statutes:, ; , . Address Fax In addition to himself, owner designates of '%- (Phone Fax to receive a copy of the Lienor's Notice as provided in Section 713.13 (1) F)-,Floiida Statutes. Expiration date of notice of commencement is one year from the date of recoroft-wfless a different date is specified. OWbQRS)SIGNATURE STATEPF FT -ORIDA, COUNTY OF ST. LUCIE SwomAo and subscribed be re me this .7, jut day of .2003 By &fi4AA.*- Q. roAkeig-nerSonRIlu known to —_;�h� who has —oduc A e STATE OF PLUMILIA as ST. LUCIE COUNTY 'THIS TO CERTIFY TMT THIS IS A TRUE AND CORREC's' COPY OF I HL C� ORIGINAL. RA E HO MAN, CLERK BY �=� Ddputy S ME OF NOTARY (seal) , ,f&e4� M 0 Z) ZA�' MMIMSMUMEWS NOTARY . .......................................... LYNNE MGORE A C�nw D=32asa W312007 Bwded = (SWY=-4254' Rorida Notar Am.. In- ............................... ( ............. ST LUCIE COUNTY FIRE DISTRICT BUREAU OF FIRE PREVENTION PLAN REVIEW IS? 2400 Rhode Island Avenue Telephone: 772-46�-8306 i9coi Ft Pierce, FL 34950 FAX: 772-462-8466 ��ZewConstruction )Tenant Improvement )Addition )Renovation/alterations )Shell Only Jurisdiction: SLC F.P.B.: B-03-339 Occupancy: Castle Pines Bldg. 95 Building Dept: 23091681 Address: , 8149-8155 Mulligan Circle. Number ofstories: 2 Contractor Kolter Signature Homes ' Phone # 772-468-4703 Contractor's Address: 2160 NW Reserve Park Trace City: PSL State: Florida Zip Code: 34986 ArchitectlEngineer: Turner Architects & Planners Phone # 407-658-4151 Building Owner: Review Date: 10/8/2003 Occupancy Type: Apartments Automatic sprinklers: Gross sq ft: 8,257 Net sq ft: Occupant Load: Based On: Construction Type: SBCCi Type: V urip NOTE I . All revisions must be in compliance before the final inioection. 2. The Fire Marshal requires 24 hour notice on all, inspections. 3. The respective Building Department shall schedule ali-final inspections through the Fire Marshal's Office. 4. Permit fees are required * to be pai I d in full prior to any inspections. 5. Failed inspections require payment of fee prior to rescheduling of further inspections. 6. A copy of the required revision/s have been transmitted to the Architect Contractor 7. Penetrations through rated assemblies shall be of proper UL design. 8. LIL design criteria shall be submitted with the construction plans. 9. Fire Alarm Panels shall be located indoors. THE FLORIDA FIRE PREVENTION CODE, 2001 EDITION IS CURRENTLY ENFORCED. REVISIONS REQUIRED ACCESS BOXIS REQUIRED ACCESS KEY SWITCH REQUIRED 1. Model "E" floor plan (end units): Egress windows are required although not indicated for bedroom # 3. Install egress windows. Provide a revision. 2. Model "E" Electrical'plan (end units): Smoke detectors are required both inside and outside of the sleeping rooms.. The,master bedrooms do not indicate this. Provide a revision. 3. Model "D"fl ' oo� l3lan: Si��ke deteqtors are, required both inside and outside of the sleeping room. Bedroom,# 3 does not indicate this; Provide a revision. Reviewed by;:' Date: 10/8/2003 N'l ��k )I ow AIR SCAAINSO St 4u 8y Cie C0,117t J, 0111 oo C�. u - I�j LU LU co N.LbAIR AIR CONDITIDN PAGE 03 ENERGY PEW )E-LEVEL (EPL) DISPLAY CARDI- . .... i.." ESTMA'=J� ZXEACYPEPFOP-MA.-N-c-'-X.Scopx* =.35j KOLTER SIGNATURE Homm, INC.,, PORT ST. LUCIE, FL, L New wnstrn4ou or Wdsting New 12. Cooling symeas: 2- SiE1910 filetIlY or Multi-flunity Multi4knuly 4. Central unit Cap: 36.0 kBbxfhr 3. Number of enitj;, if"hi'llet* a I 4. N;irebw Of3gedrooreg 3 b. NIA SFV.1 12,00 5. Is this a OW.'atcaw? Yes 6. Condfdoned floor am ft- c. WA 7. Ulm arem & Single Pane Daublu Pane & Clear- single Pace 0.0 V 0.0 & - 13. TI..gpg uptorte; b. CleAr-douliapano 213.512 0.003 Meallia Heat Pmnp Cap- 36.0 m 71taVothor SHOC - alngto pane 0.0 fp 0.0 ft- HSM. 7.50 d, 71trVothor SjjGC - double pane b. N/A 8. Moortypez a. Slab-on-cirade Edge lamlefion R-0.0, 195.0(p) ft 0. NIA h.'1VA c. NIA 14. Hot water *v= 9. wall r1pas - a. Meade Resiatano: Care. 40.0 Sams a. concrcbr, IntlML Entriat R--4A 1134.0 n- - Ek 0.94 b-Zonareta, TatTn=LAdjaovfft R-4a 347.0 ft' b. NIA P. Frme, W04 Adjawnt k=1 LO, 270.0 A� (L NIA c. con-rVESOTt "Oft C. "N/A OJR-Hqd recovery, Solar 10. 'Wungimm DMI-Daficated heat pump) a. Un&TAdfin R-19.0. IS30.0 fe' 15. HVAC.,cdi 'b, NIA (CF-0411138 fan, CV-Q= VenfilaboN c. W/A HF-Wbdo bcnrw flu4 11. Daeb a. Sup., Una. Ret! Con. Ali- hdcrior Sw R-6.0,125.0 ft b. NIA NZ-H-Multizaae heaft) I calilythat this hente has 001oplied y6rityl the Florida Energy EfficicAor Coda -For -Building;:' Construction through ft abm energy sarving kanucawhjch�vjll jrx this home belbrO fiJM#VHVe9ffo]L Offiarwise� a new EPL Display C . ard . will be coutplabcd based on installed, Co& coarv&sa &atnr� Date.- 9-Z.T-0-3 NL. PL &q98/, Address of Now Honte-.�tl'16LIL_5_13 F_ 1>44d7_aty/K_zi *,VOTE' ne home's 011imatedeneWperformance.ware is only available through 4WRLVAESeamFu1erprwaaL 1his is not a Building &ergy J?aftng VPyour score 1180 or gilefifer (or 86for a USFPAIDOEAnergySIOW dk4ignattan), 3�ur home may qualojor enoW efflafency morrg� (EW incent;vr-Tifwubbtain:aF7oridaEnerp Gauge Paring. Contact the Enery Gauge Hotline at 3211638-14.92 or seethe F-aergy Gauge web site atww.f5eauefedufor Information and a list of ce7fifigdRaters. For infannation about Flaridas Energy E lei _C For I Ing. Construction. r OnCy . ode. But df contact the Department of Communi;;vAffaAsmsanqwQffArsion: �LRCSB v3_30) The Torrey Pines Mod. E HVAC Load Calculations for Kolter Signature Homes, Inc. 2160 Reserve Park Trace Port St. Lucie, F1 34986 MN773--m- Prepared BY: Jose NisalrAir Co - nditioning .1501 Decker fiv�:�-'N04 Stuaft, Fl. j4j§4 772-283-0904 Friday, day 09-'20'03 I Project Report I Project Title: Project Date: Client Name: ClientAddress: Client City: Client Phone: Company Name: Company Representative: Company Address: Company City: Company Phone: The Torrey Pines Mod. E Thursday, May 08, 2003 Kolter Signature Homes, Inc. 2160 Reserve Park Trace Port St. Lucie, F1 34986 772-46114703 Nisair Air Conditioning Jose 1501 Decker Ave. - D404 Stuart, Fl. 34994 772-283-0904 Reference City: Fort Pien Daily Temperature Range: High Latitude: 27 Degrees Elevation: 25 ft. Altitude Factor: 0.999 Elevation Sensible Adj. Factor: 1.000 Elevation Total Adj. Factor: 1.000 Elevation Heating Adj. Factor: 1.000 Elevation Heating Adj. Factor: 1.000 Outdoor Outdoor Indoor DrV Bulb Wet Bulb Rel.Hum Winter: 42 0 0 Summer: 90 78 50 Square ft. of Room Area; 1531 Indoor Grains Dry Bulb Difference 72 0 75 61 Square ft. Per Ton: 527 Total Sensible Gain: 26,117 Btuh 75 % Total Latent Gain: 8,764 Btuh 25 % Total Cooling Required With Outside Air: 34,881 Btuh 2.91 Tons (Based On Sensible + Latent) RN m 19 �' � 3 Calculations are based on 8th edition of ACCA Manual J. All computed results are estimates as building use and weather may vary. Be sure to select a unit that meets both sensible and latent loads. I Miscellaneous Report I Summer: 42 0 30 72 90 78 50 75 Calculate: Yes Yes Use Schedule: Yes Yes Roughness Factor: 0.00300 0.01000 Pressure Drop: 0.1000 in.wg.11 00 ft. 0.1000 in.wgJl 00 ft. Minimum Velocity: 650 ftJmin 450 ft./min Ma)dmum Velocity: 900 ft./min 750 ftJmin Minimum Height: 0 in. 0 in. Ma)dmum Height: 0 in. 0 in. Infiltration: 0.700 AC/hr 0.400 AC/hr Volume of Conditioned Space: X 15109 Cu.ft. X 15109 Cu.ft. 10,576 Cu.ft./hr 6,04 Cu.ftJhr X 0.0167 X 0.0167 Total Building Infiltration: 176 CFM 101 CFM Total Building Ventilation: 0 CFM 0 CFM —System 1— Infiltration & Ventilation Sensible Gain Multiplier: 16.49 = (1.10 X 0.999X 15.00 Summer Temp. Difference) Infiltration & Ventilation Latent Gain Multiplier: 41.50 = (0.68XO.999X61.09 Grains Difference) Infiltration & Ventilation Sensible Loss Multiplier: 32.97 = (1.10 X 0.999 X 30.00 Winter Temp. Difference) 11 mit I Load Preview Report ;one 1 1,531 26,117 8,764 34,881 36,260 471 1,188 1,188 1 -Bdrm #2/Bth 266 7,735 2,451 10,186 7,592 99 352 352 3-6 2-Din RmlM 425 3,799 2,301 6,100 7,414 95 173 173 2-5 3-Liv Rm 360 8,164 1,072 9,236 10,188 132 371 371 3-7 4-M& Bdrm/Bth/Laund 480 6,419 2,940 9,359 11,066 144 292 292 3-6 ... . ...... ­0 . ............ . #�_Rj ...... 010 * Rasideh'a 1A U Map "U M Mffl�z� �z­,M . . ........ S. MEN Total Building Summary Loads gg .... .... .. .. .. �g ng; . 06'.'Z:�� ��M ip-- ..... ... .. . . "h*.*'%­.,*."'-*' -.�..s' -, . ': . IONIC.... M On. �§, ��' �:� M'q OEM.. - 1 A-rb-o: Glazing -Single pane, operable window, reflective, 157 5,086 0 9,106 9,106 metal frame with break, ground reflectance = 0.32, outdoor insect screen with 50% coverage, white or reflective color drapes with fight weave with 25% coverage IA-cb-cl: Glazing -Single pane, sliding glass door, clear, 104 3,370 0 3,864 3,864 metal frame with break, ground reflectance = 0.32, outdoor insect screen with 50% coverage, white or reflective color drapes with fight weave with 25% coverage 11 D: Door -Solid Core 37.6 440 0 308 308 14E-4-8c: Wall -two courses brick, brick on concrete or 8 1303 5,942 0 799 799 inches concrete, 8 inches of 140# concrete with R-4 board insulation 12B-Obw: Wall -Frame, RA 1 insulation in 2 x 4 stud cavity, 227.4 662 0 30 30 no board insulation, brick finish, wood studs 16D-1 9: Roof/Ceiling-Under attic or knee wall, Vented 1531 2,251 0 1,876 1,876 Attic, No Radiant Barrier, Dark Tile, Slate or Concrete, R-1 9 insulation 22A-prn: Floor -Slab on grade, No edge insulation, no 188 6,655 0 0 0 insulation below floor, any floor cover, passive, heavy dry or light wet soil Subtotals for structure: 24,406 0 15,983 15,983 People: 4 800 920 1,720 Equipment 3,200 3,200 6,400 Lighting: 0 0 0 Ductwork: 6,043 584 4,353 4,937 Infiltration: Winter CFM: 176, Summer CFM: 101 5,811 4,180 1,661 5,841 Ventilation: Winter CFM: 0, Summer CFM: 0 0 0 0 0 Total Building Load Totals: 36,260 8,764 26,117 34,881 Total Building Supply CFM: 1,188 (4.7 AC/hr) CFM Per Square ft.: 0.776 Square ft. of Room Area: 1,531 Square fL Per Ton: 527 UNMR&MORM- Total Heating Required With Outside Ar: 36,260 Btuh 36.260 MBH Total Sensible Gain: 26,117 Btuh 75 % Total Latent Gain: 8,764 Btuh 25 % Total Cooling Required With Outside Pic 34,881 Btuh 2.91 Tons (Based On Sensible + Latent) Calculations are based on 8th edition of ACCA Manual J. All computed results are estimates as building use and weather may vary. Be sure to select a unit that meets both sensible and latent loads. System I Torrey Pines Mod. E Summary Loads (Peak Method) IA-rb-o: Glazing -Single pane, operable window, reflective, 157 5,086 0 9,106 9,106 metal frame with break, ground reflectance = 0.32, outdoor insect screen with 50% coverage, white or reflective color drapes with tightweave with 250% coverage 1A-cb-d: Glazing -Single pane, sliding glass door, clear, 104 3,370 0 3,864 3,864 metal frame with break, ground reflectance = 0.32, outdoor insect screen with 50% coverage, white or reflective color drapes with fight weave with 25% coverage 11 D: Door -Solid Core 37.6 440 0 308 308 14E-4-8c: Wall -two courses brick, brick on concrete or 8 1303 5,942 0 799 799 inches concrete, 8 inches of 140# concrete with R-4 board insulation 12B-Obw: Wall -Frame, R-1 1 insulation in 2 x 4 stud cavity, 227.4 662 0 30 30 no board insulation, brick finish, wood studs ' 16D-19: Roof/Ceiling-Under atfic or knee wall, Vented 1531 2,251 0 1,876 1,876 Attic, No Radiant Barrier, Dark Tile, Slate or Concrete, R-1 9 insulation 22A-pm: Floor -Slab on grade, No edge insulation, no 188 6,655 0 0 0 insulation below floor, any floor cover, passive, heavy dry or light wet soil Subtotals for structure: 24,405 0 15,983 15,983 People: 4 800 920 1,720 Equipment: 3,200 3,200 6,400 Lighting: 0 0 0 DuGtwork: 6,043 584 4,353 4,937 Infiltration: Winter CFM: 176, Summer CFM: 101 5,811 4,180 1,661 5,841 Ventilation: Winter CFM: 0, Summer CFM: 0 0 0 0 0 System 1 Torrey Pines Mod. E Load Totals: 36,260 8,764 26,117 34,881 Supply CFM: 1,188 (4.7 AC/hr) CFM Per Square ft.: 0.776 Square ft. of Room Area: 1,531 Square ft. Per Ton: 527 Total Heating Required With Outside Air: 36,260 Btuh 36.260 MBH Total Sensible Gain: 26,117 Btuh 75 % Total Latent Gain: 8,764 Btuh 25 % Total Cooling Required With Outside Air: 34,81311 Btuh 2.91 Tons (Based On Sensible + Latent) Calculations are based on 8th edition of ACCA Manual J. All computed results are estimates as building use and weather may vary. Be sure to select a unit that meets both sensible and latent loads. I System 1, Zone I Summary Loads (Peak Method) -1 1A-rb-o: Glazing -Single pane, operable window, reflective, 157 5,086 0 9,106 9,106 metal frame with break, ground reflectance = 0.32, outdoor insect screen with 50% coverage, white or reflective color drapes with fight weave with 25% coverage 1A-cb-d: Glazing -Single pane, sliding glass door, clear, 104 3,370 0 3,864 3,864 metal frame with break, ground reflectance = 0.32, outdoor insect screen with 50% coverage, white or reflective color drapes with fight weave with 25% coverage 11 D: Door -Solid Core 37.6 440 a 308 308 14E-4-8c: Wall -two courses.brick, brick on concrete or 8 1303 5,942 0 799 799 inches concrete, 8 inches of 140# concrete with R-4 board insulation 12B-Obw: Wall -Frame, R-1 I insulation in 2 x 4 stud cavity, 227.4 662 0 30 30 no board insulation, brick finish, wood studs 16D-1 9: Roof/Ceiling-Under attic or knee wail, Vented 1531 2,251 0 1,876 1,876 Attic, No Radiant Barrier, Dark Tile, Slate or Concrete, R-1 9 insulation 22A-pm: Floor -Slab on grade, No edge insulation, no 188 6,655 0 0 0 insulation below floor, any floor cover, passive, heavy Subtatals for structure: 24,406 0 15,983 15,983 People: 4 800 920 1,720 Equipment: 3,200 3,200 6,400 Lighting: 0 01 0 Ductwork: 6,043 584 4,353, 4,937 Infiltration: Winter CFM: 176, Summer CFM: 101 5,811 4,180 1,661 5,841 System 1, Zone 1 Load Totals: 36,260 8,764 26,117 34,881 Supply CFM: 1,188 (4.7AC/hr) CFM Per Square ft.: 0.776 Square fL of Room Area: 1,531 Square ft Per Ton: 527 Total Heating Required: 36,260 Btuh 36.260 MBH Total Sensible Gain: 26,117 Btuh 75 % Total Latent Gain: 8,764 Btuh 25 % Total Cooling Required: 34,881 Btuh 2.91 Tons (Based On Sensible + Latent) Calculations are based on 8th edition of ACCA Manual J. All computed results are estimates as building use and weather may vary. Be sure to select a unit that meets both sensible and latent loads. I Detailed Room Loads - Room I - Bdrm #2lBth (Peak Method) Room Length: 19.0 ft. System Number I Room Width: 14.0 ft. Zone Number: 1 Area: 266.0 sq.ft. Supply Air: 352 CFM Ceiling Height 9.0 ft. Supply Air Changes: 8.8 AC/hr Volume: 2,394.0 cu.ft. Required Vent.: 0 CFM Number of Registers: 3 Actual Winter Vent.: 0 CFM Runout Air 117 CFM Percent of Supply.: 0 % Runout Duct Size: 6 in. Actual SummerVent.: 0 CFM RunoutAjrVelocity: 597 ftJmin. Percent of Supply: 0 % Design Loss: 0.100 in.wgJI 00 ft. Actual Winter Infil.: 38 CFM Actual Loss: 0.228 in.wg./l 00 ft. Actual Summer Infil.: 22 CFM E -Wall-1 4E-4-8c 16 X 9 92 0.152 4.6 420 0.3 0 25 S Mall-1 4E-4-8c 2 X 9 18 0.152 4.6 82 0.1 0 1 S Mall-1 2B-Obvi 9 X 9 81 0.097 2.9 236 0.0 0 4 E -GIs-IA-rb-o shgc-0.35 2%S 26 1.080 32.4 842 80.3 0 2,087 E -GIs-IA-rb-o shgc-0.35 2%S (2) 26 1.080 32.4 842 80.3 0 2,088 UP-Cell-1 613-19 19 X 14 266 0.049 1.5 391 1.2 0 326 Floor-22A-pm 44 ft..Per. 44 1.180 35.4 1,558 0.0 0 0 Subtotals for Structure: 5,069 0 4,626 Infil.: Win.: 38.2, Sum.: 21.8 396 3.177 1,258 0.909 905 360 Ductwork: 0.200 1,265 0.200 146 1,289 ,People: 200 lat(per, 230 sen/per 2 400, 460 Equipment: 1,000 1,000 Room Totals: 7,592 2,451 7,735 Detailed Room Loads - Room 2 - Din RmlKit (Peak Method) M�� 31 Calculation Mode: Htg. & c1g. Occurrences: I Room Length: 25.0 ft. System Number 1 Room Width: 17.0 ft. Zone Number: 1 Area: 425.0 sq.ft. SupplyAjr: 173 CFM Ceiling Height: 11.0 ft. Supply Air Changes: 2.2 A6hr Volume: 4,675.0 cu.ft. Required Vent.: 0 CFM Number of Registers: 2 Actual Winter Vent.: 0 CFM RunoutAir: 86 CFM Percent of Supply.: 0 % Runout Duct Size: 5 in. Actual SummerVent.: 0 CFM RunoutAirVelocity: 634 ft./min. Percent of Supply: 0 % Design Loss: 0.100 1n.wgJ1 00 ft. Actual Winter Infil.: 40 CFM Actual Loss: 0.330 in.wgJl 00 ft. Actual Summer Infil.: 23 CFM ............. . . . . . . N -Wall-I 4E-4-8c 25 X 11 240 0.152 4.6 1,094 0.6 0 150 S -Wall-14E-4-8c 13 X 11 143 0.152 4.6 652 0.1 0 11 N -Gls-1 A-rb-o shgc-0.35 1 00%S 15 1.080 32.4 486 25.9 0 388 N -Gls-1 A-rb-o shgc-0.35 1 00%S 20 1.080 32.4 648 25.9 0 517 UP -Cell -I 6D-1 9 25 X 17 425 0.049 1.5 625 1.2 0 521 Floor-22A-pm 38 ft..Per. 38 1.180 35.4 1,345 0.0 0 0 Subtotals for Structure: 4,850 0 1,587 Infil.: Wn.: 40.3, Sum.: 23.0 418 3.177 1,328 0.907 955 379 .Ductwork: 0.200 1,236 0.200 146 633 Equipment: 1,200 1,200 Room Totals: 7,414 2,301 3,799 .. .......... . ....... Detailed Room Loads - Room 3 - Liv Rm (Peak Method) M. Calculation Mode: Htg. & c1p. Occurrences: 1 Room Length: 20.0 ft. System Number 1 Room Width: 18.0 ft. Zone Number: I Area: 360.0 sq.ft. Supply Air: 371 CFM Ceiling Height: 9.0 ft. Supply Air Changes: 6.9 AC/hr Volume: 3,240.0 cu.ft. Required Vent.: 0 CFM Number of Registers: 3 Actual Winter Vent.: 0 CFM Runout Air: 124 CFM Percent of Supply.: 0 % Runout Duct Size: 7 in. Actual Summer Vent.: 0 CFM RunoutAjrVelocity: 463 Umin. Percent of Supply: 0 % Design Loss: 0.100 in.wg J1 00 ft. Actual Winter Infil.: 39 CFM Actual Loss: 0.112 in.wg.1100 ft. Actual Summer Infil.: 22 CFM . .... . .... N -Wall-1 4E-4-8c 21 X 9 135 0.152 4.6 616 0.6 0 84 W -Wall-1 4E-4-8c 18 X 9 122 0.152 4.6 556 1.6 0 200 S-Wall-14E-4-8c6X9 14 0.152 4.6 64 0.1 0 1 N -Door-1 I D 3 X 8 24 0.390 11.7 281 8.2 0 197 N -GIs-lA-rb-o shgc-0.35 100%S 30 1.080 32.4 972 25.9 0 776 (2) W -GIs-lA-rb-o shgc-0.35 3%S (2) 40 1.080 32.4 1,296 81.3 0 3,250 S -GIs-lA-cb-d shgc-0.75 100%S 40 1.080 32.4 1,296 37.2 0 1,486 (2) UP-Ceil-1 6D-1 9 20 X 18 360 O�049. 1.5 529 1.2 0 441 Floor-22A-pm 45 ft..Per. 45 1.180 35.4 1,593 0.0 0 .. .0 .Subtotals for Structure: 7,203 0 6,435 Infil.: Wn.: 39.0, Surn.: 22.3 405 3.178 1,287 0.909 926 368 Ductwork: 0.200 1,698 0.200 146 1,361 Room Totals: 10,188 1,072 8,164 ei� . ...... . if jo R"Walwo..'t w0i ao-;-*�'; ...... E ruswcm� Detailed Room Loads - Room 4 - Mstr BdrmlBthILaund (Peak Method) Calculation Mode: Htg. & c1g. Occurrences: Room Length: 32.0 ft. System Number Room Width- 15.0 ft. Zone Number: Area: 480.0 sq.it. SupplyAjr: 292 CFM Ceiling Height: 10.0 ft. Supply Air Changes: 3.7 AC/hr Volume: 4,800.0 cuft Required Vent.: 0 CFM Number of Registers: 3 Actual Winter Vent.: 0 CFM RunoutAir: 97 CFM Percent of Supply.: 0 % Runout Duct Size: 6 in. Actual SummerVent.: 0 CFM RunoutAirVelocity: 496 ftJmin. Percent of Supply: 0 % Design Loss: 0.100 in.wgJl 00 ft. Actual Winter Infil.: 59 CFM Actual Loss: 0.158 in.wgJIOO ft. Actual Summer Infil.: 34 CFM S-Wall-14E4-8c32XlO 256 0.152 4.6 1,167 0.1 0 19 W-Wall-14E-4-8cl3XIO 130 0.152 4.6 593 1.6 0 213 E -Wall-I 2B-Obw 16 X 10 146.4 0.097 2.9 426 0.2 0 26 E -Door-1 I D 2 X 6.8 13.6 0.390 11.7 159 8.2 0 ill 8 -Gls-1 A-cb-d shgc-0.75 1 00%S 64 1.080 32.4 2,074 37.2 0 2,378 (2) UP-Cell-1 613-19 32 X 15 480 0.049 1.5 706 1.2 0 588 Floor-22A-pm 61 ft..Per. 61 1.180 35.4 2,159 0.0 0 0 Subtotals for Structure: 7,284 0 3,335 Infil.: Win.: 58.8, Surn.: 33.6 610 3.177 1,938 0.908 1,394 554 Ductvvork: 0.200 1,844 0.200 146 1,070 .People: 200 lat/per, 230 seri/per: 2 400 460 Equipment: 1,000 1,000 Room Totals: 11,066 2,940 6,419 I ��ystem I Room Load Summary 1 Bdrm #2/Bth 266 7,592 99 3-6 597 7,735 2,451 352 352 2 Din Rm/Kft 425 7,414 96 2-5 634 3,799 2,301 173 173 3 Liv Rm 360 10,188 132 3-7 463 8,164 1,072 371 371 4 Mstr 480 11,066 144 3-6 496 6,419 2,940 292 292 Bdrm/BthfLaund System I total 1,531 36,260 471 26,117 8,764 1,188 1,188 System 1 Main Trunk Size: 16 in. Velocity: 851 ftJmin Loss per 100 fL: 0.089 in.wg Type: Model: Brand: Efficiiency: Sound: Capacity: Sensible Capacity: n/a 0 Btuh Latent Capacity: n1a 0 Btuh 09/17/2003 00:11 7722837229 NISAIR AIRCONDITION PAGE 02 FORM 60OA-2001 g FLORIDA ENER,GY�-EF,'-.Fl,'--C,--IE.NCY�C.ODE FOR BUILDING CON $'-T7RUCTtW Florida Department of Cgrnirriunity Affairs Residential Whole Building Pbt6rmance Method A Project Name: THE TORREY PINES MOD E Builder KOLTIER Address: Permitting Office: City, State- PORT ST. LUCIE, F1, PerTnft Number Owner. KOLTER SIGNATURE HOMES, INC� Jurisdiction Number Climate Zone: Central 1. New cormhuctiou or qdsting New 12. coolins *Vtema 2. Sin g1c fimily or multiolamly — multi-fimily — a- Contra] Unit CW. 36.0.kBtu/hr 3. NUMl=Vf unita, if Molti-fWay 8 SEM. 12.00 4. Number of lloclroomn 3 b. N/A 5. TZ dib a worst WN7 yes 6. Condisomed poor prop, yip) 1530 (P o. WA 7. (ilaw erm & 13W SinglePenc DoubloPano a. Cleat &xs, dafiuihlJ-A,;tor 0.0 ft, o.o R- Heaifag rpum b. Default tint 213-5 fl? 0.0 fe eL Electric Hathatup c4tlx 56.011d3w/kr 0. laboW U or SHGC O.D fS 0.0 ft- HS[i.F. 7.50 a. Flow ty;= 4� sb"A-Grade BdEe Ingulft&1k R-0,0, 195.D(p) ft b. NIA NIA C. NIA 9. Wall lypta Hotwiloroyawras CoRmto. Int bmt, Exterlor R-411134.OW a. Elechio RcsiBbmw Qqn 40.0 gallom Conclete6btlasal,Adjame R=42,347.0 W ER 0.94 c- F—% Wo4 Mijacent R-1 1A 270.0 f� 1% X/A (L N/A o. W/A o. conservadon omrm 10, Callinarym (HR-Hcgt rccovay. Solar a. UhftAtfio R-19.0.1530.0f? MiN)edicated heat pump) b. N/A U, HVAC Croft o. WA (CF-CLAng fill. CV-CMM wnbWM ii. Ducts IffIVII1010 house An. � Sup: Unc. Rct CojL Am Interior SUP. R-6.0. MO ft FT-Pr0RTWkfMh10 Thchnoslak b. NIA W'C-Multizom cooft MtrH-Mullizone heaft) Glass/Floor Area: 0.14 Total as -built points. 21528 PASS Total base points, 23244 I hereby certify that the plans and specifications covered by this Cal 'uIatIoqAMjn eompillance with t Florida r Energy Code. PREPARED DATE: I hereby certify that this buIjdlI`Jff,-Pp$esI0ned, is in compliance with the lelodd�!�C::3 OWNERIAGENT: DATE: Review. of -the -plans and specifications covered: by this calculatiori Indicates compliance with tht-Flodda Energy Code. Befbr@�conl struotlo� ls� completed th!�- bullilih-g-Wil; be Inspected for complipricavulth. Section 553.908 FloddaZtatutes. BUILDING OFFICIAL: DATE, EnergyGaugeO (Version: FLRCBB v3;30) 09h7/20M 00:11 7722837229 NISAIR AIR CONDITION rb linv000m Af tw6v )Wpbqk of IE Ap PAGE 01 9117163 SCANNED SY St LuCie Coljnty SAGW3 /PCL - srVlr 0MV r 401f4r. 09/17/2003 00:11 7722837229 NISAIR AIR CONDITION PAGE 04 FORM 60OA-2001 SUMMER CALCULATIONS Residential Whole Building Performance Method A - Details I ADDRESS:, PORT ST. LuCIE, FL, PERMIT#: I 13ASE AS -BUILT GLASS TYPES .18 X Conditioned X BSPM Points Overhang F16orArea Type/Sc Ornt Len Hgt Area X SPM X SOF Points .10 1530.0 26.7a 7wx skiya, *nm W 1.0 1.0 27.0 4t.96 0.$4 7D4.7 sIngle, rint w 1.0 10.0 45.0 47.90 0.99 2143.9 Single,-nint W 1.0 7.6 25.0 47.90 0.99 1161A Sftle, Tud N 1.0 Z5 2.25 24AS 0.88 481.0 sftTe, -nnt N 1.0 * 1.0 6.0 24AS 0.72 196.2 87mg1e, Thd s 10.0 1.0 20.0 39.84 0.40 M7 I" $ 0.0 1.0 68.0 39.84 0.48 1237.5 A�auMTbUh 213.61 WALL TYPES Area X.BSPIVI PoIrds, Type R-Yalue ��Oe X SPM Polnt� 'Ad)" 517.0 0.70 431.9 Concretp, Ird ftmW, EAulor 42 1134.0 1.16 IMS4 E)dPAW 1134.0 1.90 2MB Con - urde, Int lrgpA Adjacard 4,i 3'4'7.0 0.64 2221, WOW, AdjacaM 11.6 2M.0 (170 1894 Baselrow. 17.51.0 1761 DOOR TYPES. Area x espm points Aive X. SPM P61nts A 0.0 0.00 0. Wwd j7.6 w.0 4.86 81-.61 vis. As -bum Tow: 17p, C,E1PN.G TYPES Area X BSPM Points 30p R-Vafue Area, A _SPM X SCM Pointis t1rodwAilb 1530.6' 213 ��.b Un'de,rAttic mo isi&o iei�kii6 43.1 4. , 5 B� TotaL 1630A 32SU As4kaR Tofth 1530j) 43149 FLOOR. TYPES �Fea X BSPM Points Type R-Valup Area X SPM Points $�b 195.0(p) -31.8 .8201.0 Sb"n-Gmd, Edg, hwUlm 0.0 195,0(p -al -go id .5 Raj$W 0.0 0.0D 0.0 Bac ToWl: 4201.0 As43uja Tow: 195.0 -022U INFILTRATION Area X 13SPM Points Area X SPM Points 153D.0 14.31 21-U,94,31- 1630.0 M.31 21W43 ErmgyGmoa DCA Form 600A-Z01 EwgyG8UgMF1aRES=1 FLROSS v3.30 09/17/2003 00:11 7722837229 NISAIR AIR CONDITION PAGE 05 FORM 60OA-2001 SUMMER CALCULATIONS Residential Whole Building Performance Method A - Details I ADDRESS;, PORT ST. LUCIE, FL, PERMIT#- I BASE AS -BUILT Summer Base Points: 28720.1 Summer As -Built Points: 28121.9 Total Summer X System Cooling Total X Cap X Duct X System X Credit = Cooling Points Multiplier Poirds Component Ratio MuMplier Multiplier Multiplier Points (13MxDSMxAHU) 28121,9 1,00D (1.019x1.160x0." 0-154 two 8924,4 287 20.1 0.4266 12252.0 28121.9 1.00 1.117 0.234 1.000 8924.4 EnergyGauqe� DGA FoTm 6MA-2001 Er*WGaWvVF1aRrz9-"1 FLRGSBv3.30 69/17/2003 00:11 7722837229 NISAIR AIR CONDITION PAGE OG FORM 600A-2ooi WINTER CALCULATIONS Residential Whole Building Performance Method A - Details I ADDRESS:, PORT ST. LUCIE, F1, PERMIT #: I BASE AS -BUILT GLASS TYPES .18 X Conditioned X 13WPM Points Overhang Floor Area T)Fpe/SC Ornt Len Hgt Area X WPM X WOF Point .12 1930.0 628 1613.9 Simle, Twit w 1.0 1,0 27.0 13.80 1.08 4114.1 singla, Tint w 1.0 10.0 45.0 13.80 1.00 62D.4 s1nale. Tint w 1.0 7.5 25.0 13.801 1.00 344.9 single. Tint N AD 2-5 15.38 om 344.3 Vingle. Tim N 1.0 1.0 0.0 ISM 0-9i 91.3 Shgle, Tirit a 10.0 1.0 2D.0 10.135 229 498.6 Siav*. Tint s 8.0 1.0 68.0 10.88 Z29 1052 AS -BUM Totah 213S 391" WALL TYPES Ares X BWPM Points Type R-Value Area X WPM Points AdPcaift 6`17.0 1.50 1110.8 q�r�' Int Insix, adaw 42 1134.0 326 3M.8 Exine" Imo zoo 2288.0 C'61�. int inw. ;kpoent 42 347.0 208 714'.8 Faime. Wood'Ad'inowd 11.0 270.0 1,80 486'.0 1751.0 R Total. 1731.0 U971, DOOR TYPES Area X BWPM Points Ty�� Area X WPM Points Adocul 010 0.00 0.6, ExeylorWo'M 17.0 7.6D 1292 Exleft 17,0 5.10 W.7 Elaw ToW: 17.0 88.7 A94ho`rotal- 17.0 1292 CEILIN'G TYPESArea X BWPM Points, Type, R-Value Area X WPM,XWCM= Points- Undw Aft 16$6.6 0.64 w M''2" urw�Atiio 19.0 1630.0 0.87 X 1.00 1331.1 1630.0 97a,2 AS-Suilt Total: 1530.0 1331.1 FLOOR TYPES Area X BWPM Point s Type R-Value Area X WPM Points �iab 195.0(p) _U -370.5 islab-Or�Grade Edp Insulgrmn 0.0 19S.qp 25D 487.5 Raised 0.0 0.00 o.o Batse Total: -3n.6 A�Rujft Total: V5.0 487.6 INFILTRATION Area X BWP M Po Ints Area X WPM Points 163010 .0.28 -428A 1=0 -0.28 428.4 EnwipyGaUgM DGA Form 60DA-2DOI Eneipyraugoe/FlaRES'2001 F1,R0$Bv3.3D 69/17/2003 00:11 7722837229 NISAIR AIR CONDITION PAGE 07 FORM 60OA-2001 WINTER CALCULATIONS Residential Whole Building Performance Method A - Details I ADDRESS:, PORT ST. LUCIE, FL, PERMIT * BASE AS -BUILT Winter Base Points: 5259.4 Winter As -Built Points: 10415.9 Total Winter X System Heating Total X Cap X Duct X System X Credit Ing Points Multiplier Points Component Ratio Multiplier Multiplier Multiplier points (DMx1)SMxAHU) 525 4 0.6274 3299.8 5.9 10415.9 I.ODO 1.00 (1.06axtiffixOS2) OAS$ 1.140 0.45S 1.000 1.000 54014 5402.4 EftMYGOU90— DCA Form 60DA-MOI EnRWGQUgG0MaRESTOO1 FLROSBY3.30 '09/17/2003 00:11 7722937229 NISAIR AIR CONDITION Zrc-,"A� FORM 6COA-2001 WATER HEATING & CODE COMPLIANCE STATUS Residential Whole Building Performance Method A - Details I ADDRESS:, PORT ST. LUCIF, FL, PERMIT #. I BASE AS -BUILT wATER HE4-nNQ Number of x Multiplier Total Tank EF Number of X Tank X Multiplier X Credit = Total Bedrooms Volume Bedrooms Ratio Multiplier 3 2584.00 769ZO 40.0 0.94 a 1.00 2400.34 1.0D 7201.0 I Asaa Total; 7901.0 CODE COMPLIANCE STATUS BASE ASmBUiLT 6154ng + Heating + HotWater z Total points Points Polhts Points Cooling + H + HofWater total Points point I s Points 1?;�Z - 3300 7i92 24 10'�A W-`2 7101 �11 62 f I EnmqlGaugeft DCA Form 6MA-2DOI ErffgyGauaevF1aRES!2D01 FLRGSBv3M I 09/17/2ee3 00:11 FORM 60OA-2001 7722837229 NISAIR AIR C13NDITION PAGE 09 Code Compliance Checklist Residential Whole Building Performance Method A - Details I ADPRESS:, PORT ST. LUCIE, FI,, PERMIT ft SA-21 INFILTRATION REDUCTION COMPLIANCE CHECKLIST COMPONEWM SE011ON REMIREMENTS FOR EACH PRAcME M;Mmutw..3dWm.ft.!8�mia.k.�.cfWsq.fLdDDrwm. CaWk gaawiK weaHwembip or seal between: vdndmWdoots & Rama% sumunang yvafl; CHECK EAWaWMWM&Q=s -MBIA13C.1.1 Exterff & AdfficentWafis 6i�:IAHC.121 fowdabon & wag sole or Q plft " between aftft waH pamis at amms; u1MY peratratimr4between vmg panels & topbottom Oates; between wags aW f1w. EXCE!"11ON: Frarne, VMIa where a w. dh vmz infUtrubw bm, In Is lnst�Had ft eftdr frm. aik in aea$ed to, Vmfb�nik� to the tw plate. Fkmm 6W.1ABC.1.Z2 P6r�OP6*�JOL6iiW�n"bwkedby"o�wmw I ftm Fxckrrt6�: riime f"4�e a �ontinuaus ingure'dan b4dirr'I's ihM In z�qW to the Perimeter, WMMM and scarm, cdongr 60JAMIZ3 neNmw.waris & cegfiwjs; ovetratums or Mimi pwo Of top rdw, amum ftft' doses, ftflfl�k cWmw^'cab1mft ieeW W continuou a air Wrier. gaps In gyp I 1 1 1 1 � - � � top Aft affla m=m& EXCEPMON: Fram mignp %toe, a m-ftuoili lr� banW is VIA ls`�eaw iitkii'perw�'wtir, fit pop—ba—bMM IW-.W 'r rMW, I TywcfatfilyA�rkp 1 -1 ' - rType[Co nsialed kWda a -,L Rimmed LJoWng Foam WMA90.12-4 a L C�n m, bmc Wth"UT'clewaxii & 3", ft6m htsukHan; or 7,Am,,c raw �?o fmm--,. MiA-6iw Hmim Amwisfinmooniio 60MABUA. d" Bdiiust 16'e'V�OrMd t�uutdpon� appan,, comb=Um OOMO�v�NFOA, -GA-22.OTHER PRES" CRIPTPIE"M URES; 'IM64be COMPONENTS REQUMEMENTS I . ..... 'CHFCK braaWr�(ejwftj�br oAoff CM) must be prcrA�qd 'Gil— tmri wed. S", 'k Pao 77pt P90 S*ridro 066is a sods T at M.,jr q'P"tqnP tMOT. G9s,sPF1 PD01 M RM UM MM S6c�� heaft lmll— ni64bd`6'i1jk� 66 ini�ra than ..... .. TWEdSOPSIG; AJr Dft�b�n Systerns 610.1 DU6� [LMAC C"Dis 1 W7.4 S@Pv-* i6kia= �toa k'r aubindo thi� mostat farea�h '.1, 60.4 30, 0" 710.9"MI 'ei a", ac��'"JfiiN & flows Ft-1 1. Er1eqwGauqaw DCA Form SDOA-2001 EnaWCAU9eSftRES2ffl1 FLROSO v3.30 it Z) I - 0 SCANNED St Lucie County Ca - ­ - _. ____ — � 1 114403141� NISAIR AIR CONDITION PAGE 03 Tested sealed d4cts, mus..t.bl.a,,.eert.i.fi'O.d-i,n,�',this hC)use:,. ENIE RGV PER-F-_GR-MAN (Ep-L) DISPLAY CA"-- ESTR"M KOLTER SIGNATURE HOMES. INC-,', PORT ST. LUCIE, FL, L Newonnstrecdon o,,,dsqg 2. Sitn5ja fimily or muld-Amlly 3. Number of tmit% if mal&iamuy 4. Number ofiledroores S. lathiRawotpteak? 6. Coodl6oncd floor ere, (fp) 7- Glenn am & rype Cloar-ainglo We b. Clear. double pano r, TinYofficr S1JGC - dagle pane d. Tlatimher SHOC - double pane a. Floor typee a. Slab -On -Grade Edge losulmion b. Raised Wonci, Stam Wall a. N/A 9, Wall tyl= 1Lzonmvw,lnth=LExt;rivr - bL Coucret% Inthun), Adjacent %'Frame, Wood. Adjpocnt d. WA e� W/A 10. -bd% types a. UndarAttio b. N/A a- WA ll, D=K[.k F.) I 'L Sup: Una. Act Una. AM Me b, X/A Now 12. Coaling 3y3awo multl-flually a. Central Unit- CW. 36.0 kBnz&r SUR.� 12.00 3 b. N/A Yes 1693 Be o. X/A SinslaDun, DkyublaPnha - 0.0 w 0.0 f12 — 13. 14cathagAptems 325S FV 0.0 ft. — 16 awt.1i.eHeotpunip CW. 56.0 Phubr 0.0 V O.D W NW. 7-50 le. NIA: R-0-0, J 14.0(p) 11 a. WA R-19.0, 683.OR2 14. Hot water systems & Eleetrle Realstwee CBjx 40.0 jallow R-4.% 1645.0 fl� Eaz; 0.94 R=4,2.566.0M b. x/A R-1 1.0, 141.0 iV a. ConwYatImtoradits (HR-Hcatrowwry. Solar DIMI)e1cated heat pump) It-49.0, IDDO.Dft' t5. HVAq era%- lyr. PT-Programmabla Thcrmosaa% 3up. R-U� 125.0 fl: 1d7.CMjld=ocwjjo&, mur-mulawne beaft) I cortIfY that this home bas coraplied with the Flofi& Enery EfEdemT CodwFor Buildhig.- Comintction tbrough the abmro eneW szmg fleaftwee�which-wM�bvWtall;A(pr mtowded) In this borosbefi�m final kwfi(�ZL Offierwige, ay.;wEMD1splay.Caxd will N completed: based on fasta1led Code j Builder Signatme; i Date:* "C Address of New 110Md%—AfX6tLS LA4(= cjty/jz�, 7ip. *NOTE-* 7he homes estimated energYPerformance score is only available throughrthe FL41REScoMpulerprwaftL 7his fsn.aj a Bw1ding FJ7erV Raflng�,Vyour -more . Lv 80 or greater, (vP4� US, EP"E FnvyaQe designation), yv ur home may qual0for enerV efficiency mortgage (EW incentive$ ifyou obtain aKvrida F�ew rouge R&ft.. Contact the En eyv Gouge 11011ine at 3211638-1492 or see the Energy Gaugi-Neb Bite at www.fmr- u0f C4 for : Informah on and a list of certified Ratem. For inform offon about Florida's BnaV Efficiency Code For Buildmg Construction, contact the DePartment ofCvm7mmiV-1ffa9FWM9X�9Mff*rsi0x FLRCS)5 v3.30) The Torrey Model C HVAC Load Calculations for Koller Signature Homes, Inc. 2160 NW Reserve Park Trace Port St. Lucie, F1 34986 Prepared By: Jose Nisair Air Conditioning 1501 Decker Ave. - D404 Stuart, Ff 34994 772-283-0904 Wednesday, June 04, 2003 i-roject I itie: Project Date: Client Name: ClientAddress: Client City: Client Phone: Company Name: Company Representative: Company Address: Company City: Company Phone: The Torrey Model,C Wednesday, June 04,2003 Koller Signature Homes, Inc. 2160 NW Reserve Park Trace Port St. Lucie, F1 34986 772-468-4703 Nisair Air Conditioning Jose 1501 Decker Ave. - D404 Stuart, FI 34994 772-283-0904 Daily Temperature Range: Medium Latitude: 27 Degrees Elevation: 25 ft. Altitude Factor: 0.999 Elevation Sensible Adj. Factor: 1.000 Elevation Total Adj. Factor: 1.000 Elevation Heating Adj. Factor: 1.000 Elevation Heating Adj. Factor: 1.000 Outdoor Outdoor Indoor Indoor Grains Dry Bulb Wet Bul Rel.Hurn Dry Bulb Difference Winter: 42 0 0 72 .0 Summer: 90 78 50 75 61 Square ft. of Room Area: Total Sensible Gain: Total Latent Gain: Total Cooling Required With Outside Air. 1,1 1b (4.4 AL;/nr) 1,684 GFM Per Square ft.: 0.698 Square fL Per Ton: 577 b4,6/Z UtUh 54.872 MBH 25,853 Btuh 74 % 9,199 Btuh 26 % 35,052 Btuh 2.92 Tons (Based On Sensible + Latent) Ualculations are based on Sth edition of ACCA Manual J. All computed results are estimates as building use and weather may vary. Be sure to select a unit that meets both sensible and latent loads. �| �|.w/wc^,n«^,/^,owsReport ' | �vm/uec � Summer: 42 BO O 78 30 50 ,72` �� 75 � 3.44 51.00 Main Trunk Runouts Calculate: Yes Yes Use Schedule: Yes Yes Roughness Factor: 0.00300 0.01000 Pressure Drop: DjOOO inoygJ1OU�L U1UOO in�g}1DOf� K�nimunmVe|nc�c 650 ft/min � � 450 ft/o)io ' KAa)dnmunoVelocity: SOOft/onin 750ft/n)io � Minimum Height: Oin. Oin. ` Infiltration: 0700 AC8lr 0.400 /\C/hr Volume ofConditioned Space: X 16072 Cuft X-16072 COL 11.250 Cu.ft./hr 6,429 Cu.fi/br X 0.0167 X 0.0167 Total Building Infiltration: 188CPyN 107CFWY Total Building Ventilation: DCFM 0CF&4 —System 1— Iofi|lra§on&Ventilation Sensible Gain Multiplier- 16.4S=(1.1UXO.9BQ}{15.OD Summer Temp. Difference) Infiltration & Ventilation Latent Gain Multiplier: 41.5O=(O.00XO.9S3XG1.O9 Grains Difference) ' Infiltration & Ventilation Sensible Loss Multiplier: 32.S7=(1.1DXO.BS8}{3O.ODWinter Temp. Difference) I Load Preview Report I Zone 1 11684 25853 9,199 35,052 54,872 713 1:176 1:176 I -Foyer 95 1,736 368 2,104 3,620 47 79 79 1-5 2-KjVBrk 257 3,413 1,798 5,211 7,708 100 155 155 2-5 3-Ltv/Din 336 4,705 757 5,462 10,453 136 214 214 2-6 4-Mstr/Bth/VVIC 420 6,572 2,368 8,940 12,743 166 299 299 3-6 5-Land/Hall 184 1,878 668 2,546 5,086 66 85 85 1-5 ro,Bdrrn #3 176 2,659 1,033 3,692 5,510 72 121 121 24 7-Bdrm #2tBth 216 4,890 2,207 7,097 9,752 127 222 222 2-6 I MM &tl 0101 ' ' Total Building Summary Loads IN . . . . . . . . . . . IA-rb-o: Glazing -Single pane, operable window, reflectve, 25 810 0 727 727 metal frame with break 1 A-rb-o: Glazing -Single pane, operable window, reflective, 82 2,657 0 2,226 2,226 metal frame wfth break, ground reflectance = 0.32, outdoor insect screen wfth 50% coverage, dark color drapes with loose weave with 25% coverage 1A-rb-d: Glazing -Single pane, sliding glass door, 218.8 7,092 0 5,944 5,944 reflective, metal frame with break, ground reflectance = 0.32, outdoor insect screen with 50% coverage, dark color drapes wW1 loose weave with 25% coverage 11 D: Door -Solid Core 41 480 0 415 415 14E-4-8c: Wall -two courses brick, brick on concrete or 8 1878 8,565 0 2,910 2,910 inches concrete, 8 inches of 140# concrete with R-4 board insulation 12B-Obw: Wall -Frame, R-1 1 insulation in 2 x 4 stud cavity, 124 361 0 110 110 no board insulabon, brick finish, wood studs 18B-I 9: Roof/Ceiling-Below roof joists, White or Light 1683 2,575 0 1,803 1,803 Color Asphalt Shingle, Any Wood Shake, Dark or Medium Color Tile, Slate or Concrete, Light or Unpainted Metal, Light or Silver Membrane, Light Tar and Gravel, R-19 blanket or loose fill 20P-0c: Floor -Over open crawl space or garage, Passive, 1107.5 12,792 0 4,265 4,265 no insulation, carpet or hardwood 22A-pm: Floor -Slab on grade, No edge insulation, no 119 4,212 0 0 0 insulation below floor, any floor cover, passive, heavy dry or light wet soil Subtotals for structure: 39,544 0 18,400 18,400 People: 6 1,200 1,380 2,580 Equipment: 2,950 0 2,950 Lighting: 0 0 0 Ductwork: 9,145 602 4,308 4,910 Infiltration: Winter CFM: 188, Summer CFM: 107 6,183 4,447 1,765 6,212 Ventlation: Winter CFM: 0, Summer CFM: 0 0 0 0 0 Total Building Load Totals: 54,872 9,199 25,853 35,052 Total Build! upply 1,176 (4.4 r) er quare 0.698 Square ft. o oo rea: 1,684 Square . er on: 577 d Total Healing Required With Outside Air: 54,872 Btuh 54.872 MBH Total Sensible Gain: 25,853 Btuh 74 % Total Latent Gain: 9,199 Btuh 26 % Total Cooling Required With Outside Air: 35,052 Btuh 2.92 Tons (Based On Sensible + Latent) Calculations are based on 8th edifion of ACCA Manual J. All computed results are estimates as building use and weather may vary. Be sure to select a unit that meets both sensible and latent loads. FSYStem I Toffey Mod. C Summary Loads (Peak Method) i A-rD-o: ujazing-zjingie pane, operame window, reflective, 25 810 0 727 727 metal frame with break 1A-rb-o: Glazing -Single pane, operable window, reflective, 82 2,657 0 2,226 2,226 metal frame with break, ground reflectance = 0.32, outdoor insect screen with 50% coverage, dark color drapes with loose weave with 25% coverage 1A-rb,-d: Glazing -Single pane, sliding glass door, 218.8 7,092 0 5,944 5,944 reflective, metal frame with break, ground reflectance = 0.32, outdoor insect screen with 50% coverage, dark color drapes with loose weave with 25% coverage 11 D: Door -Solid Core 41 480 0 415 415 14E-4-8c: Wall -two courses brick, brick on concrete or 8 1878 8,565 0 2,910 2,910 inches concrete, 8 inches of 140# concrete with R-4 board insulation 12B-Obw: Wall -Frame, R-1 1 insulation in 2 x 4 stud cavity, 124 361 0 110 110 no board insulation, brick finish, wood studs 18B-1 9: Roof/Ceiling-Below roof joists, White or Light 1683 2,575 0 1,803 1,803 Color Asphalt Shingle, Any Wood Shake, Dark or Medium Color Tile, Slate or Concrete, Light or Unpainted Metal, Light or Silver Membrane, Light Tar and Gravel, R-1 9 blanket or loose fill 20P-0c: Floor -Over open crawl space or garage, Passive, 1107.5 12,792 0 4,265 4,265 no insulation, carpet or hardwood 22A-pm: Floor-Sfab on grade, No edge insulation, no 119 4,212 0 0 insulation below floor, any floor cover, passive, heavy Subtotals for structure: 39,544 0 18,400 18,400 People: 6 1,200 1,380 2,580 Equipment: 2,950 0 2,950 Lighting: 0 0 0 Ductwork: 9,145 602 4,308 4,910 Infiltration: Winter CFM: 188, Summer CFM: 107 6,183 4,447 1,765 6,212 Ventilation: Winter CFM: 0, Summer CFM: 0 0 0 0 0 System 1 Torrey Mod. C Load Totals: 54,872 9,199 25,853 35,052 Square ft. of Room Area: 1,684 Square ft. Per Ton: 577 Total Sensible Gain: 25,853 Btuh 74 % Total Latent Gain: 9,199 Btuh 26 % Total Cooling Required With Outside Air: 35,052 Btuh 2.92 Tons (Based On Sensible + Latent) Calculations are Dased on f1th edition ot ACCA Manual J. All computed results are estimates as building use and weather may vary. Be sure to select a unit that meets both sensible and latent loads. I System 1, Zone I Summary Loads (Peak Method) ___1 I A-rb-o: Glazing -Single pane, operable window, reflective, 25 810 0 727 727 metal frame with break 1A-rb-o: Glazing -Single pane, operable window, reflective, 82 2,657 0 2,226 2,226 metal frame with break, ground reflectance = 0.32, outdoor insect screen with 50% coverage, dark color drapes with loose weave with 25% coverage 1A-rb-d: Glazing -Single pane, sliding glass door, 218.8 7,092 0 5,944 5,944 reflective, metal frame with break, ground reflectance = 0.32, outdoor insect screen with 50% coverage, dark color drapes with loose weave with 25% coverage 11 D: Door -Solid Core 41 480 0 415 415 14E-4-8c: Wall -two courses brick, brick on concrete or 8 1878 8,565 0 2,910 2,910 inches concrete, 8 inches of 140# concrete with R-4 board insulation 12B-Obw: Wall -Frame, R-I 1 insulation in 2 x 4 stud cavity, 124 361 0 110 110 no board insulation, brick finish, wood studs 18B-I 9: Roof/Ceiling-Below roof joists, White or Light 1683 2,575 0 1,803 1,803 Color Asphalt Shingle, Any Wood Shake, Dark or Medium Color Tile, Slate or Concrete, Light or Unpainted Metal, Light or Silver Membrane, Light Tar and Gravel, R-1 9 blanket or loose fill 20P-0c: Floor -Over open crawl space or garage, Passive, 1107.5 12,792 0 4,265 4,265 no insulation, carpet or hardwood 22A-pm: Floor -Slab on grade, No edge insulation, no 119 4,212 0 0 0 insulation below floor, any flo6r cover, passive, heavy Subtotals for structure: 39,544 0 18,400 18,400 People: 6 1,200 1,380 2,580 Equipment: 2,950 0 2,950 Lighting: 0 0 0 Ductwork: 9,145 602 4,308 4,910 Infiltration: Winter CFM: 188, Summer CFM: 107 6,183 4,447 1,765 6,212 System 1, Zone I Load Totals: 54,872 9,199 25,853 35,052 Square ft. of Room Area: 1,684 CFM Per Square ft.: Square ft Per Ton: 577 Total Sensible Gain: 25,853 Btuh 74 % Total Latent Gain: 9,199 Btuh 26 % Total Cooling Required: 35,052 Btuh 2.92 Tons (Based On Sensible + Latent) Galculations are based on 8th edition of ACCA Manual J. All computed results are estimates as building use'and weather may vary. Be sure to select a unit that meets both sensible and latent loads. ram Detailed Room Loads - Room I - Foyer (Peak Method) Calculation Mode: Htg. & c1g. Occurrences: 1 Room Length: 10.0 ft. System Number: 1 Room Width: 9.5 ft. Zone Number: 1 Area: 95.0 sq.ft. Supply Air: 79 CFM Ceiling Height: 9.4 ft. Supply Air Changes: 5.3 AC/hr Volume: 893.0 cuft Required Vent.: 0 CFM Number of Registers: 1 Actual Writer Vent.: 0 CFM RunoutAir: 79 CFM Percent of Supply.: 0 % Runout Duct Size: 5 in. Actual Summer Vent.: 0 CFM RunoutAirVelocfty: 579 Umin. Percent of Supply; 0 % Design Loss: 0.100 in.wgJl 00 ft. Actual Winter Infil.: 12 CFM Actual Loss: 0.276 in.wgJl 00 ft. Actual Summer Infil.: 7 CFM N -Wall-14E-4-8c 6 X 9.4 31.4 0.152 4.6 143 1.4 0 43 N -Gls-1 A-rb-o shgc-0.35 1 00%S 25 1.080 32.4 810 29.1 0 727 UP-Roof-1813-1 9 10 X 9.5 95 0.051 1.5 145 1.1 0 102 Floor-20P-Oc 9.5 X 10 95 0.385 11.6 1,097 3.9 0 366 Subtotals for Structure: 2,624 0 1,335 Infil.: Win.: 11.9, Sum.: 6.8 150 2.613 393 0.745 282 112 Ductwork: 0.200 603 0.200 86 289 Room Totals: 3,620 368 1,736 Detailed Room Loads -Room 2 - MlBrk (Peak Method) L;aicuiation mode: Htg. & c1g. Occurrences-:1 Room Length: 19.0 ft. System Number. 1 Room Width: 13.5 ft. Zone Number: 1 Area: 257.0 sq.ft. Supply Air: 155 CFM Ceiling Height: 9.4 ft. Supply Air Changes: 3.9 AC/hr Volume: 2,411.0 cu.ft. Required Vent: 0 CFM Number of Registers: 2 Actual Winter Vent.: 0 CFM RunoutAir: 78 CFM Percent of Supply.: 0 % Runout Duct Size: 5 in. Actual Summer Vent.: 0 CFM RunoutAirVelocity: 569 ft./min. Percent of Supply: 0 % Design Loss: 0.100 in.wg./100 ft. Actual Winter Infil.: 22 CFM Actual Loss: 0.267 in.wgJl 00 ft. Actual Summer Infil.: 12 CFM ]z -Wall-14E-4-8c 9 X 9.4 84.6 0.152 4.6 386 1.0 0 87 N -GIs-lA-rb-o shgc-0.35 100%S 40 1.080 32.4 1,296 27.2 0 1,086 (2) UP -Roof -I 813-19 19 X 13.5 256.5 0.051 1.5 392 1 . .1 0 275 Floor-20P-Oc 13.5 X 19 256.5 0.385 11.6 2,963 3.9 0 988 Subtotals for Structure: 5,712 0 2,641 Infil.: Min.: 21.6, Sum.: 12.3 273 2.608 711 0.745 512 203 Ductwork: 0.200 1,285 0.200 86 569 Equipment: 1200 0 Room Totals: 7,708 1,798 3,4i 3 I Detailed Room Loads - Room 3 - LivIDin (Peak Method) L;aicutation mode: Htg. & c1g. Occurrences: 1 Room Length: 24.0 ft. System Number: I Room Wdth: 14.0 ft. Zone Number. I Area: 336.0 sq.ft. Supply Air: 214 CFM Ceiling Height: 9.4 ft. Supply Air Changes: 4.1 AC/hr Volume: 3,158.0 cu.ft. Required Vent.: 0 CFM Number of Registers: 2 Actual Writer Vent.: 0 CFM RunoutAir: 107 CFM Percent of Supply.: 0 % Runout Duct Size: 6 in. Actual SummerVent.: 0 CFM RunoutAirVelocfty: 545 Umin. Percent of Supply- 0 % Design Loss: 0.100 in.wg./l 00 ft. Actual Winter Infil.: 28 CFM Actual Loss: 0.190 in.wg./l 00 ft. Actual Summer Infil.: 16 CFM • -Wall-14E-4-8c 14 X 9.4 68.6 0.152 4.6 313 0.8 0 57 • -Gls-I A-rb-o shgc-0.35 I 00%S 15 1.080 32.4 486 27.1 0 407 • -GIs-IA-rb-d shgc-0.35 I 00%S 48 1.080 32.4 1,556 27.2 0 1,304 (2) UP -Roof -I 813-19 24 X 14 336 0.051 1.5 514 1.1 0 360 Floor-2013-0c 14 X 24 336 0.385 11.6 3,881 3.9 0 1,294 Subtotals for Structure: 7,779 0 3,655 Infil.: Wn.: 28.3, Sum.: 16.2 357 2.609 932 0.745 671 266 Ductworic 0.200 1,742 0.200 86 784 Room Totals: 10,453 757 4,705 I Detailed Room Loads - Room 4 - Mstr1Bth1WIC (Peak Method) I Room Length: 35.0 ft. System Number. 1 . Room Width: 12.0 ft. Zone Number: I Area: 420.0 sq.ft. Supply Air: 299 CFM Ceiling Height: 10.0 ft. Supply Air Changes: 4.3 AC/hr Volume: 4,200.0 cuft Required Vent.: 0 CFM Number of Registers: 3 Actual Winter Vent.: 0 CFM RunoutAir: 100 CFM Percent of Supply.: 0 % Runout Duct Size: 6 in. Actual Summer Vent.: 0 CFM Runout Air Velocity: 508 Umin. Percent of Supply: 0 % Design Loss: 0.100 in.wgJl 00 ft. Actual Winter Infil.: 37 CFM Actual Loss: 0.165 jn.wgJ1 00 ft. Actual Summer Infil.: 21 CFM , 'i -VVaII-14L-4-1Jc12X10 57 0.152 4.6 260 0.8 0 48 S -Gls-I A-rb-o shgc-0.35 1 00%S 15 1.080 32.4 486 27.1 0 407 S -GIs-IA-rb-d shgc-0.35 100%S 48 1.080 32.4 1,556 27.2 0 1,304 (2) UP -Roof -I 8B-1 9 35 X 12 420 0.051 1.5 643 1.1 0 450 Floor-20P-Oc 12 X 35 420 0.385 11.6 4,851 3.9 0 1,617 Subtotals for Structure: 9,392 0 4,667 Infil.: Wn.: 37.2, Sum.: 21.3 470 2.611 1,227 0.745 882 350 Ductwork: 0.200 2,124 0.200 86 1,095 People: 200 lat(per, 230 sentper 2 400 460 Equipment: 1 non 0 Room Totals: 12,743 2,368 6,572 I Detailed Room Loads - Room 5 - LandlHafl (Peak Method) --1 Room Length: 16.0 ft. System Number 1 Room Width: 11.5 ft. Zone Number: I Area: 184.0 sq.ft. Supply Air: 85 CFM Ceiling Height: 9.4 ft. Supply Air Changes: 3.0 AC/hr Volume: 1,730.0 cu.ft. Required Vent.: 0 CFM Number of Registers: 1 Actual Winter Vent.: 0 CFM RunoutAir: 85 CFM Percent of Supply.: 0 % Runout Duct Size: 5 in. Actual Summer Vent.: 0 CFM Runout Air Velocity: 627 Umin. Percent of Supply: 0 % Design Loss: 0.100 in.wgJl 00 ft. Actual Writer Infil.: 25 CFM Actual Loss: 0.322 in.wgJl 00 ft. Actual Summer Infil.: 14 CFM W -Wall-14E4-8c 10 X 9.4 94 0.152 4.6 429 2.4 0 226 • -Wall-12B-Obw 6 X 9.4 39.4 0.097 2.9 115 0.9 0 35 • -Wall-14E-4-8c 6 X 9.4 20.4 0.152 4.6 93 1.4 0 28 • -Door-1 1 D 2.5 X 6.8 17 0.390 11.7 199 10.1 01 172 • -Door-1 1 D 3 X 8 24 0.390 11.7 281 10.1 0 243 • -GIs-lA-rb--o shgc-0.35 100%S 12 1.080 32.4 389 27.2 0 326 UP-Roof-1 813-19 16 X 11.5 184 Omi 1.5 282 1.1 0 197 Floor-22A-pm 33 ft..Per. 33 1.180 35.4 1,168 0.0 0 a Subtotals for Structure: 3,428 0 1,334 Infil.: Win.: 24.6, Sum.: 14.0 310 2.611 810 0.745 582 231 DuGtwork: 0.200 848 0.200 86 313 Room Totals: 5,086 668 1,878 I Detailed Room Loads - Room 6 - Bdrm #3 (Peak Method) Calculation Mode: Htg. & c1g. Occurrences: I Room Length: 13.5 ft. System Number: I Room Width: 13.0 ft. Zone Number: I Area: 176.0 sq.ft. SupplyAjr: 121 CFM Ceiling Height: 9.4 ft. Supply Air Changes: 4.4 AC/hr Volume: 1,650.0 cu.ft. Required Vent.: 0 CFM Number of Registers: 2 Actual Winter Vent.: 0 CFM Runout Air: 60 CFM Percent of Supply.: 0 % Runout Duct Size: 4 in. Actual Summer Vent.: 0 CFM Runout Air Velocity: 693 ft./min. Percent of Supply: 0 % Design Loss: 0.100 in.wg./l 00 ft. Actual Winter Infil.: 23 CFM Actual Loss: 0.539 in.wg A 00 ft. Actual Summer Infil.: 13 CFM S -Wall-14E-4-BG 13 X 9.4 81.4 0.152 4.6 371 0.8 0 68 S -GIs-IA-rb-d shgc-0.35 I 00%S 40.8 1.080 32.4 1,322 27.2 0 1,108 (2) UP -Roof -I 813-19 13.5 X 13 175.5 0.051 1.5 269 1.1 0 188 Floor-22A-pm 31 ft..Per. 31 1.180 35.4 1,097 0.0 0 0 Subtotals for Structure: 3,831 0 1,539 Infil.: Win.: 23.1, Sum.: 13.2 291 2.612 761 0.745 547 217 Ductwork: 0.200 918 0.200 86 443 People: 200 lat(per, 230 sen/per: 2 400 460 Room Totals: 5,510 1,033 2,659 I Detailed Room Loads - Room 7 - Bdrm #21Bth (Peak Method) Room Length: 18.0 ft. System Number. I Room Width: 12.0 ft. Zone Number: 1 Area: 21U sq.ft. Supply Air: 222 CFM Ceiling Height: 9.4 ft. Supply Air Changes: 6.6 AC/hr Volume: 2,030.0 cu.ft. Required Vent: 0 CFM Number of Registers: 2 Actual Winter Vent.: 0 CFM RunoutAir: Ill CFM Percent of Supply.: 0 % Runout Duct Size: 6 in. Actual Summer Vent.: 0 CFM RunoutA!rVelocfty: 567 Umin. Percent of Supply: 0 % Design Loss: 0.100 in.wgJICO ft. Actual Winter Infil.: 41 CFM Actual Loss: 0.205 in.wgJl 00 ft. Actual Summer Infil.: 23 CFM S -Wall-I 4E-4-8c 13 X 9.4 74.2 0.152 4.6 338 0.8 0 62 E -Wall-1 4E-4-8c 6 X 9.4 22.4 0.152 4.6 102 1.0 0 23 N -Wall-12B-Obw 9 X 9.4 84.6 0.097 2.9 246 0.9 0 75 S -Gls-1 A-rb-d shgc-0.35 1 00%S 48 1.080 32.4 1,556 27.2 0 1,304 (2) E -GIs-lA-rb-d shge-0.35 1 00%S 34 1.080 32.4 1,102 27.2 0 924 (2) UP-Roof-1 BB-1 9 18 X 12 216 0.051 1.5 330 1.1 0 231 Floor-22A-pm 55 ft..Per. 55 1.180 35.4 1,947 0.0 0 0 Subtotals for Structure: 6,778 0 3,229 Infil.: Win.: 40.9, Sum.: 23.4 517 2.609 1,349 0.747 971 386 Ductwork: 0.200 1,625 0.200 B& 815 People: 200 lat1per, 230 sen/per: 2 400 460 Equipment: 750 0 Room Totals: 9,752 2,207 4,890 I System I Room Load Summary 1 Foyer 95 3,620 47 1-5 579 1,736 368 79 79 2 KittBrk 257 7,708 100 2-5 569 3,413 1,798 155 155 3 Liv/Din 336 10,453 136 2-6 545 4,705 757 214 214 4 Mstr/BthMIC 420 12,743 166 3-6 508 6,572 2,368 299 299 5 Land/liall 184 5,086 66 1-5 627 1,878 668 85 85 6 Bdrm #3 176 5,510 72 2-4 693 2,659 1,033 121 121 7 Bdrm #2/Bth 216 9,752 127 2-6 567 4,890 2,207 222 222 System 1 total 1,684 54,872 713 25,853 9,199 1,176 1,176 System 1 Main Trunk Size: 16 in. Velocity: 842 ft./min Loss per 100 ft.: 0.087 in.wg wak Type: Model: Brand: Efficiency: Sound: Capacity: Sensible Capacity: n/a 0 Btuh Latent Capacity: n/a 0 Btuh lizzuitzz�J FORM 600A.2001 T NISAIR AIR CONDITION M ''0 FLORIDA FOR BUILDING C N RUCTION Floridai Department of Community Affairs Residential Whole Building Performance Method A Project Name: THE TORREY M010, 0 Address: CRY, State: PORT ST. LUCIE, FL Owner KOLTER SIGNATURE HOMES. INC. Climate Zone: cerAral Builder Permitting Office: Permit Number Jurisdiction Number KOLTER I . N= om1buctioft or existing Now - 12. Cooling systems 2. Single family or multi -Emily multi-ffimily - P- Ccutral Unit cap: 36.0 k2hAff 3. Number of nnhs� iftnulti-bmily 8 SEEFU12.00 4. NusabcrofBodromna 3 b. X/A 5. In this a worst onn? YPS 6. Conditioned floor arca (f?) 16H3 ft- o. WA 7. CAsm area & rype Singlel'ftne DoubleParic a. clear glass. ddialtTMACtur 0.0 W 0.0 w 13. Hcatiagsystams b. DeRwIt ft 325.8 fi- 0.0 V2 a. 13jectriallemplimp, Cap; 36.0 kBtathr c. lAbcicd U or SFIGC 0.0 fV 0.0 ftz HSrF. 7.50 8- F100MM b. 7VA s- Shd�(X-Gmda Edge hasolaflop R-0.0, 114.0(p) ft b. Used Wood, Stem WA AM NIA a. N/A 9. wantym M. HotVveter.syamms a- Exterior R�4A 1645.0 W Car. 40.0 j9-11-nat b. concrete, lintIcaul; Adj=errt R-42, $66.0 ff' EP 0.94 o. PhnnC6 W�A Adjacent R-1 LD, 141.0 W h. NIA d. X/A a. N/A c. Comorvatton credits 10. ccilingtoes (TJR-R=tftooywyScIar a- UnderAtth; R-19.0.10KOV D13F-Dcdh;4ftdh=tp=p) b. NIA 15. HVAC credits FT. c. NIA (CMalling Am CV-Crm ventilation, 1). Ducts(Leakl7rce) IN -Whole house f2b, a. Sup: One, Rd- Una. AM, Atdc Sup. R-6.0,125.0 R Fr.ProgmMmablo71Vtmost4 b. N/A WC-Mulfilone C0011119, M&H-Mubizono heating) IGlass/Floor Area: 0.19 Total as -built points-.24769 Total base points: 25248 PASS I hereby certify that the plans and specifications covered by this calculation are In compliance Ronda Energy Code`,� PREPARED BY- 7 DATM. '? - I L'- AV I hereby certify that pirs-bu-1_4ng, as designed, is in compliance with the a. OVMERJAGENT., DATE: ReviemofAhe plans and specifications covered bylthLs calcufg6ri.indic,ates-cofnplianW.., vvb th6Aoridi: Energy Code..'.. Beforei:oonstruction la�completed. ' . thI6.'.I6*jng--WII,be Inspected for - compflance wift Sectlan M-908: Floridaletalutes. BUILDING OFFICIAL: DATE: FnfirgyGauge(p (Versdon! FLRCSB.. v3.30) 09416/2003 23:17 7722837229 NISAIR AIR CDNDITIDN PAGE 01 q/1 7/D I p,rTp,b JbM NACrC Coo ftmrVAX6tf A400. (D/o At&v iocL. 7wlsr PA&C 09/16/2003 23:17 7722837229 NISAIR AIR CDNDITION PACE 04 FORM 60OA-2001 Tested sealed ducts must be oertified in this house. SUMMER CALCULATIONS Residential Whole Building Performance Method A - Details I ADDRESS:, PORT ST. LUCIE, FL, PERMIT & I BASE AS -BUILT GLASS TYPES .18 X Conditioned X BSPM Points Overhang Floor Area Type/Se Ornt Len Hgt Area X SPM X SOF Points .18 1083.0 2L78 7MA S-1we, Tint N 13A 1.0 120 24.46 0.61 179A singe, Tint N 20 1.0 40.0 24.46 0.64 sm.$ Single, Thit N 9.0 1.0 25.0 24.48 0.61 373.7 alnqle� -nnt E 13.0 1.13 34.0 6327 0.36 657.4 single, Tint S 6.0 1.0 144.0 39.B4 0.48 VMS sirole, Tint S 13.0 1.0 40.0 39.84 0.48 772,5 Skvt-- Tolt s 20 1.0 30.0 39.84 0.50 s9ze 'AS-8UiltT0M- 324.0 692L& V�ALI, TYPES Area X BSPM Points type R-Value Area SPM Points'. AiilieceM 7U7.0 0.70 Ckaw; , bit Insul, Exterior 42 1545.0 1.16 lqo�2 :Exterw 1645.0 1 M 5 Aritim I Atliacent 42 5155.0 0.64. 3822 F AdjacM 11.0 141.0 0.70 98.?.- . . . . . . 3M.-A. To r tab 23ii 0 D.OPR-TYPES Area X BSPM Points Area X SPM Points Adpgenl 17.0 1.50 27.21 6jarlo'r I 4.00 1152 Exterior 24,6 4.80 111G.,2, kited 17.0, 1.6 272 142.4 �-_Aii-Mritt Tolat: '41.0 142A CEILING TYPES Arpq X BSPM piointr, R-Value AreaXS.PMXSCM= Points' U��Aft low.0 vs 2130.0 UnclarAtfiii 'i9.0 116D11.0 j8jkj.oD' 2820.0 1311twTortal. 110H.1111 2130.0 Asaulit Total, IONA 2111".0 FLOOR TYPES Area X BSPM points Type R-Value Area X SPM Points 114.0(o) 41.j -3M2 Slab -On -Wide Efte Insulallon 0.0 1`14,0(p _m3la() �m�.s RrAwd 683.0 4,43 -2342.7 R*ed Woo�, St�m Willi 19.0 68 3.0 -1.80 1�2i,4 Base Total: 79T.0 INWILTRATION Arep, X BSPM Points Area X points." 1683.0 1431 2408&7 1683.0 1421 24=7 EneFliyGeulia DCA Form 5DQA-2Wl EMVGMq8VFlaRE$L=l FLRM5 %G.30 09/16/2eO3 23:17 7722837229 NISAIR AIR CONDITION PAGE 05 FORM 60OA-2001 Tested sealed ducts must be certified in this house. WINTER CALCULATIONS Residential Whole Building Performance Method A - Details I I ADDRESS:, PORT ST. LUCIE, FL, PERMIT* I BASE AS -BUILT GLASS TYPES -18 X Conditioned X BWPM Points Overhang Floor Area Type/Sc Ornt Len Hgt Area X VVPM X WOF m Point .18 1623.0 B." 17?5.2 =ffie, Tint N 13.0 1.0 i2o ls.3a ORO 161.6 81we, Te N 2-0 1.0 40.0 15.38 099 8062 sftle, Tint N 9.0 1.0 25.0 IrL38 oaa 3782 �Ir&, Tint E 13.0 1.0 34.0 13.04 1.32 584.9, sh4e, IN S 6.0 1.0 144.0 10.88 2" am.8 Sirds, Tint S 13.0 1.0 40.8 10.88 229 1017.1 Singla,'lInt a 2.0 1'0 30.0 10.88 2.22 7243 ..As4kfflt Total: 3.0.8 7NZ2 'WALL. TYPES Area X BWPM points Type R-Value Area X WPM Po4ft Adjacerd WTO I.BO 1272-6 Cm.crehk Int Irmul, Eideflar 42 IM5.0 3.28 52!q2.7 Exteft IM10 2.00 3290.0 _ft lrA 1=4, Aciacent Ocrcn 42 W6.0 ZOO 1166.0 Fram,i, Wood, A5*!aM 11,0 14.0 1.80 253.8 Total: IN" .982.k,.� t�w:, 2342.0 ON0919t Ty PES Area X BVVPM A X, 00, $8.0 24.0 5.10 127-4 122.4', nsukdo-'d 17.0 4.06 66.0 41.0 190i, -,_A3-BWK 41.0. 190:4 1.7 CEILINGTYPESArea X BWPM Points Tipe R-Value Area X VVP Aft 000.0 0.64 6,10.0 UnftAft %n 1000.0 0,87 X I.PO 870.0 Base Total: IONIC 1000.0. FLOOR TYPES Area X BWPM Points Type R-Valije Area X WPM Polrds I l4aw 1.0 - S-1-ab-�Graie-Edge Insumen 0.0 .66� 2A3 114 2B5.0 lti)ced 663.0 -0.20 435.6 Raiwd Wood, Stun Wall 19.0 66.0 0 . .30 2D4.9 Baw Tatat -353.2 ft-Bufli ToW: 797.0 489.9 ,,!NFILTRATION Area X B Points Area X WFM Points, 103.0 .028 -4712 IB83.0 -028 .471-2 A EwrZOaugeO DCA Fwm WM-2001 EMWC4�RES'2001 FLRGS3 V3.30 09/16/2003 23:17 7722837229 NISAIR AIR CONDITION PAGE 06 FORM BOOA-2001 Tested sealed ducts must be certified in this house. WINTER CALCULATIONS Residential Whole Building Performance Method A - Details ADDRESS:, PORT ST. LUCIE, FL, PERMIT * I BASE mwmwh� AS -BUILT winter Base Points: 6343.8 Winter As-Buiit Points: 14943.7 Total Winter X System Heating Total X Cap X Duct X System X Credit = Heating Points Multiplier Points Component Ratio Multiplier Multiplier Multiplier Points (DMxDSMxAH1J) 6343.8 0.6274 3980.11 14943.7 14943.7 1.000 1.00 (1.078x1.00Cx1.11) 0.455 1,197 0.455 0'am 0.950 TMA 773�.3 j n Fn0raYGMJW- DQA FGTM BODA-20M FLRC85 v3,30 09/1612003 23:17 7722837229 NISAIR AIR CMITION PAGE 07 rORM MA-2ool Tested sealed ducIts must be certified in this house. WATER HEATING & CODE COMPLIANCE STATUS Residential Whole Building Performance Method A - Details ADDRESS:, PORT ST.-LUCIE, FL, PERMIT#. BASE AS -BUILT WATER HEATING Number of X Multiplier Total tank EF Number of X Tank X Multiplier X Credit � Total Bedrooms Volume Bedrooms Ratio MuMplier 3 2554.00 769ZC 40.0 0.94 3 1.00 2400.34 1.00 7201.0 I A943UM TOW. 7201.0 CODE COMPLIANCE STATUS BASE AS -BUILT Cooling + Hearing + Points Points Hot Water Points Total points Cooling + Heafing Hot Wat er Total Points Points Points Points 13674 3980 7692 25246 9838 . 7201 214789 PA;S' Er=gyGauge� DGA Form 6013A.2ool EneWGaugaVF1aRES2D01 FLRCSB v3.30 09/16/2003 23:17 FORM 60OA-2001 7722837229 NISAIR AIR CONDITION PAGE 08 Code Compliance Checklist Residential Whole Building Performance Method A - Details I ADDREM, PORT ST. LUCIE, FL, PERMIT 9: 1 &A-21 INFILTRATION REDUCTION COMPLIANCE CHECKLIST COMPONERM SECTON REQUIREMEM FOR EACH PRACTICE CHECK ExIeftVVIndmws&Do= WS.I.ABC.1.1 mmdm=.3 .1LvVIndowamaE.5cfr".Xdwwa=. Exterior & Adjacent Wells, 606AABC.1121 Ca* ga*d. weat& le, st. P or seat behqaan! vAndwisidom & frames, surrounclIng wd; bundabon & wag We or oil] pjft)o(rft behypen otterfor wall panels at 0onners; Wily penctraffiunsi between well ponels & top/bottorn plater bdwwn walls and floor. EXCEPTION: Frame wells where a comhous lnffff&on barrier is Installed that eXtenda from. and I 9 sealed to. the foulvdatiol to the tol) PIMP - Flom 6M.IABC.122 ' rebabonsibperifts >lM7 sealed UnIM backed bytruss orlaint members. EXCr;PTION: Frame floots whom a continuous irift n barrier K IraftHed that Is sealed to em Perimeter. parietrations ancl � Cethrqp WSAABCA.Za ...... Between vwaft & cellIngs; pwArations of calling plama, of top floor; amnd Malts, 6hases, soft, chimneys. cabinets s9led to conflnumm & barrier; gap in gyp board & top POO; attic000m. EXCEPTION: France cailinm where a conlImMus Infiftration barrier is h9w1w that h; W at the pqrlm�, at Penetw4ans 94.58wip WMAOU.1.2.4 Type 10 rated W& no papetratkM wa�nd; or Typo IC or non -IC rated, installed Inside a IjWft FmWms seWed box wRh 1M,dearanod& Yf ' rem Irmulatterr, or Type IC reled with -c 20 oft from corxftonedwwe;Wid,� MIAS ........ twen Room, AddHOnW Infiltration mqts 61)(1.11ABC.112 E)ftust fans vamed to outdoors, dampers: cmiustion space heaters comply ulth 40PA, tow combustion GA-22 (iiHi'R, 0R'1ESC'RIP'TPJ6 M0A-qUFiFft4'rin1,it4�n1'M'4 COMPONENTS, sErmw REQUMMENTS', 7= CHECK water Hafti. "til Cori* "'qO-.' 7 efliciency re jq�mems 'able 8-1 j Sitfclh or cle;irV marked drcalt - ommr( 6) or cutoff biAg4n heat b2p rM elocirl ' ' " " '' Ired. wmming P6619 $;xm 61i'l 8 - , heated " , , , , "� "MA' N' i—I - pen & We must Mwe (qwqA GDW b or�' I rmist h" pump timer. Gas qm & pw heaters m(A hm,Q m6nimurn t1romal arm - — ------- Water flmimuk b�reklciled to'hi)rn6vie than 2 5 id6i� �4 minixte at 66 081G. Air dismly�' Systems 610.1 All dL*, ftim's, ' rn ' ec L ha ', nk , a ' I u ' Onent arc! plan ' umc'harnl�yiihk attach K sealed,, Irs, i'i� hrsh�gsd Ing,ccorciance wm the afterfa of S actloil 6im . --U7.1 uncaqwfleonec! a %w. . R- . 6 , m1n. Ir=Wkn tRAR Controls. Egmft n� acceiisible maiival or automatic, thermoctat for each vistern, lnsul;" 6D4.1,602.1 CeMn0D4Aj 0_19.*C VjjI&Frarjjo FR�j 1 CW CBg R:�3 both Elde_ EnMyGauge- DCA Form 6DDA-MQ1 En&gyGaLWMRES=1 FLRCSBv3,3o 09/16/2003 23:17 7722837229 NISAIR AIR CONDITION PAGE 09 1 Energy Code Compliance Duct System Performance Report Project Name: THE TORREY MOD. C Builder. KOLTER Address: Permitting Office. - City, State: PORT ST- LUCIE, FIL Permit Number Owner KOLTER SIGNATURE HOMES. INC. Jurisdiction Number. Climate Zone: Central Total Duct System Leakage Test Resultsl CFM25 Total Duct Leakage Test Values Line System Duct Leakage Rated Air Handler Flows I Systeml OW&iut Ch 2 Systemi2 cfmMout qfm 3 sy�temzi .-cfm25out dfm 4 CfM2&ut 6 to !House Puo;System Le 6 - F&M Dupi �wkne 1-imse Air llqro �rfldw Rao" jJ:S 0A (�u.ifl firm 1-4) ifts, as deslifib6d in the c are tnitinidthat this Is the liain airtig ht duct cr edft. I hereby certify that the above duct testing performance results derrn6h�ftmte com�liance with the Florida Energy code requilremints in accordance 146'86ctlon 61 O.I.A.1 Florida Building Code, Building Volume, ChafAer I for leak free.duict system credit. Signature: Printed Name: Florida Rater Cartffication #: DATE: and ncludes all dudt;laakage of air to or from ieakit6e to diiisidd.,�Tke test must 6e The test is to include all components of more Florida Building Code "uIres that testing to confirm leek free duct - systepns be perflormed by a Class I Florida Energy Gauge Certified Energy'Rater.,'Cartified;Fli)rids", Class 1 raters can be found at http://enqTgygetugp-oomfse!brch.htp BUILDING OFFICIAL: DATE. EnargyGauges (Vesion: FLRCS8 v3.30) to 4z p VCR - vot COOP& I WDI �01 4UGi ZJ.' 013 11 ZZU3 t229 NISAIR AIR CONDITION PAGE 02 ENERGY PEWT-0 . . ' . -%' , RMAN ENTL-(EPL)' DISPLAY. CARD, ESTMUTM 1. Now construedon or existing 2. Single family or multi-fhmily 3. Numbar ofunita, if multi-famUy 4. Number of Badroonau 5, [a this a Worst "M? 6. Conditioned fear am (ft2) 7. Mw x= & ly;v a. Clear- aingla pana b. clear-doublepanc 0. TimViallier SHGC - sin* pane d. Tintlathar S14GC -double pane 8. Floortypes a. SWAN-Gradc Milo lv�aalxfioa b. WIA c, N/A 9. wpuww a. Concfetaj 15 B&A Exterior b. Concrct% Id Insul, Adjacent 0. FmmeWco�Adjacft d. N/A a. X/A 10. Ceflinstves a. Under AttFo b. NIA e- NIA ll. DOM a. Sup- Una. Ret Unc. AFL Attie h. NZA KOLTER SIGNATURE1140 MESz INC., , , New 3 yes 1847 A2 SingloPano DoubloPene.- 0.0 FF 0.offl. 227.0 ffk 0.0fF 0.0w 0.0 A - X certify that this ho�w has ownplM w Consftuction tbrough the abuve'enm-gy in this home bd= filial hl9vK1i'0A_Q1 based on in�ed Code comlifint fah Mder Signattize: R-0-0. 165,0(p) fk 12. � Cooling "ems- u. central Unk - b. NIA a. NIA 13., (L Mccirio-H"�PM p b. 141A WA 14. Hot waLT syst&aa. :a. Fleotd - cFeshionoc P-4.2� 630.0 Fl? k=42; 85D.01 W b� WA R-1 1.0, 170.0 fF a. Couservallon credits MR -HCat7cMvcFy, Solar I)HPLDedlutdod haul pump) -It-19.0,1093.0 fF 15i HVAG credtM7 (CFLCofling fin; CV-Crom vurdilation, BY -Whole hou" fim, P114�rnanumpablo Tlarazoalut Sup. R=6!D,150.0 11 ivMC.Muttizona coafl*. -M&W-Multbond hauling) Date: S 9115' &5r %_ City/171, Zip: CNX 36.0 CM;y 36.0 katutlir IiSlli 7.50 Cap', 40.0 gallons 0.94 *NOM. ne home's estimaredencigyperformance -more Is only oyallable4hroligft the fiMMEScomputerprogram i 7his is not a Building Friergy Raft. lf>vur score4i. 8 0. or greater (or.-.. 0. 6jor -,i,'W�EPAM0E&epV&Pr designation), "up h ame may qual0for enew efficiency morigagir (EEM ini:enttvei 0 ,)pw.obtoi1n.-,a Florida EngW Gouge Rating.: Contact the EnqV Gauge Hotline at 3211658-14.02 or see ihe.En Gavgi�web: site: at wwwftza. ttcf eduffir Mforination m7dahstofaertifledRaters. For Inibrination a5o.ptp7o I Hda . S . Dje?v Efficiency Code ForBtalding Construction, contact the Departmentof CommunityAff*&NSL%mMffArsim:�WSB:v3.39) The Torrey Mod D2 HVAC Load Calculations for Kotter Signature Homes, Inc. 2160 Reserve Park Trace Port St. Luciie, F1 34986 Prepared By: Jose Nisair Air Conditioning 1501 Decker Ave. - D404 Stuart, F1 34994 772-283-0904 Tuesday, June 03, 2003 Project Title: Project Date: Client Name: ClientAddress: ClientCity: Client Phone: Company Name: Company Representative: CompanyAddress: Company City: Company Phone: The Torrey Mod D Monday, June 02, 2003 Koller Signature Homes, Inc. 2160 Reserve Park Trace Port St. Lucie, F1 34986 772-468-4703 Nisair Pdr Conditioning Jose 1501 Decker Ave. - D404 Stuart, F1 34994 772-283-0904 Florida Daily Temperature Range: Medium Latitude: 27 Degrees Elevation: 25 ft. Altitude Factor: 0.999 Elevation Sensible Adj. Factor: 1.000 Elevation Total Adj. Factor: 1.000 Elevation Heating Adj. Factor: 1.000 Elevation Heating Adj. Factor: 1.000 Outdoor Outdoor Indoor Indoor Grains Dry Bulb Wet Bulb Rel.Hum Dry Bulb Difference Winter: 42 0 0 72 0 Summer: 90 78 50 75 61 Square ft. of Room Area: 1,845 Total Heating Required Wth Outside Pir. 44,037 Btuh Total Sensible Gain: 24,616 Btuh Total Latent Gain: 11,124 Btuh Total Cooling Required With Outside Pjr: 35,740 Btuh Square ft 619 69 % 31 % 2.98 Tons (Based On Sensible + Latent) gpg g gg g Calculations are based on 8th edition of ACCA Manual J. All computed results are estimates as building use and weather may vary. Be sure to select a unit that meets both sensible and latent loads. Summer: 90 78 50 75 61.09 Use Schedule: Roughness Factor: Pressure Drop: Minimum Velocity: Ma)dmum Velocity: Minimum Height: Ma)dmum Height: Yes 0.00300 0.1000 in.wgJl DO ft. 650 ft./min 900 ftJmin 0 in. 0 in. Yes 0.01000 0.1000 in.wgJIOO ft. 450 ftJmin 750 ft./min 0 in. 0 in. infiltration: 0.700 AC/hr 0.400 AC/hr Volume of Conditioned Space: X 22269 CuA X 22269 Cu.ft. 15,588 Cu.ftJhr 8,908 Cu.ftJhr X 0.0167 X 0.0167 Total Building Infiltration: 260 CFM 148 CFM Total Building Ventilation: 0 CFM 0 CFM —System 11— Infiltration & Ventilation Sensible Gain Multiplier: 16.49 = (1.10 X 0.999 X 15.00 Summer Temp. Difference) infiltration & Ventilation Latent Gain Multiplier: 41.50 = (0.68 X 0.999 X 61.09 Grains Difference) Infiltration & Ventilation Sensible Loss Multiplier. 32.97 = (1.10 X 0.999 X 30.00 Winter Temp. Difference) [Load Previow Report I System 1 1,845 24,616 11,124 35,740 44,037 572 1,120 1,120 16 Zone 1 1,845 24,616 11,124 35,740 44,037 572 1,120 1,120 1-Hall 65 424 209 633 874 11 19 19 1-4 2-Land/Strs 84 460 438 898 1,752 23 21 21 1-4 3-KtYBrk 200 3,979 2,012 5,991 5,806 75 181 181 2-6 4-Dirt/Liv 360 5,166 1,893 7,059 11,585 151 235 235 2-6 5-Bdrm #3 182 2,162 1,055 3,217 3,510 46 98 98 1-6 6-Bdrm #2/Bth/Hall 273 3,815 2,020 5,835 4,716 61 174 174 2-5 7-Office/Den 143 2,269 633 2,902 3,978 52 103 103 1-6 8-Loft 154 859 419 1,278 1,782 23 39 39 1-4 9-Mstr Bdrm/Bth 384 5,482 2,445 7,927 10,034 130 249 249 3-5 ... ........... ..... KO ** * * ft .......... ... ... .. Total Building Summary Loads ........................... 1A-rb-o: Glazing -Single pane, operable window, reflective, 100' 3,240 0 2,941 2,941 metal frame with break, ground reflectance = 0.32, outdoor insect screen with 50% coverage, dark color drapes with loose weave with 25% coverage 1A-rb-d: Glazing -Single pane, sliding glass door, 144.8 4,692 0 3,932 3,932 reflective, metal frame with break, ground reflectance = 0.32, outdoor insect Screen with 50% coverage, dark color drapes with loose weave with 25% coverage 11 D: Door -Solid Core 20 234 0 203 203 14E-4-8c: Wall -two courses brick, brick on concrete or 8 2432.4 11,091 0 4,088 4,088 inches concrete, 8 inches of 140# concrete with R-4 board insulation 18A-19: Roof/Ceiling-Below roofjoists, Dark or Bold -Color 1845 2,824 0 2,445 2,445 Asphalt Shingle, Dark Metal, Dark Membrane, Dark Tar and Gravel, R-19 blanket or loose fill 22A-pm: Floor -Slab on grade, No edge insulation, no 139 4,921 0 0 0 insulation below floor, any floor cover, passive, heavy dry or light wet soil 20P-1 9: Floor -Over open crawl space or garage, Passive, 752 1,129 0 377 377 R-1 9 blanket insulation, any cover Subtotals for structure: 28,131 0 13,986 13,986 People: 6 1,200 1,380 2,580 Equipment: 2,700 2,700 5,400 Lighting: 0 0 0 Ductwork: 7,340 1,062 4,103 5,165 infiltration: Winter CFM: 260, Summer CFM: 148 8,566 6,162 2,447 8,609 Ventilation: Winter CFM: 0, Summer CFM: 0 0 0 0 0 Total Building Load Totals: 44,037 11,124 24,616 35,740 W Total Building Supply CFM: 1,120 (3.0 AC/hr) CFM Per Square ft.: 0.607 Square ft. of Room Area: 1,845 Square fL Per Ton: 619 Total Heating Required With Outside Air: 44,037 Btuh 44.037 MBH Total Sensible Gain: 24,616 Btuh 69 % Total Latent Gain: 11,124 Btuh 31 % Total Cooling Required With Outside Air: 35,740 Btuh 2.98 Tons (Based On Sensible + Latent) 1'.." Calculations are based on 8th edition of ACCA Manual J. All computed results are estimates as building use and weather may vary. Be sure to select a unit that meets both sensible and latent loads. 1 A-rb-o: Glazing -Single pane, operable window, refleGtive, 100 3,240 0 2,941 2,941 metal frame with break, ground reflectance = 0.32, outdoor insect screen with 50% coverage, dark color drapes with loose weave with 25% coverage 1A-rb-d: Glazing -Single pane, sliding glass door, 144.8 4,692 0 3,932 3,932 reflective, metal frame with break, ground reflectance = 0.32, outdoor insect screen with 50% coverage, dark color drapes with loose weave with 25% coverage 11 D: Door -Solid Core 20 234 0 203 203 14E-4-8c: Wall -two courses brick, brick on concrete or 8 2432.4 11,091 0 4,088 4,088 inches concrete, 8 inches of 140# concrete with R-4 board insulation 1 8A-19: Roof/Ceiling-Below roof joists, Dark or Bold -Color 1845 2,824 0 2,445 2,445 Asphalt Shingle, Dark Metal, Dark Membrane, Dark Tar and Gravel, R-I 9 blanket or loose fill 22A-pm: Floor -Slab on grade, No edge insulation, no 139 4,921 0 0 0 insulation below floor, any floor cover, passive, heavy dry or light wet soil 20P-1 9: Floor -Over open crawl space or garage, Passive, 752 1,129 0 377 377 RA 9 blanket insulation, any cover Subtotals; for structure: 28,131 0 13,986 13,986 People: 6 1,200 1,380 2,580� Equipment: 2,700 2,700 5,400� Lighting: 0 0 0 Ductwork: 7,340 1,062 4,103 5,165 Infiltration: Winter CFM: 260, Summer CFM: 148 8,566 6,162 2,447 8,609 Ventilation: Winter CFM: 0, Summer CFM: 0 0 0 0 0 System I Torrey B Load Totals: 44,037 11,124 24,616 35,740 Square ft. of Room Area: 1,845 Square ft. Per Ton: 619 Total Sensible Gain: 24,616 Btuh 69 % Total Latent Gain: 11,124 Btuh 31 % Total Cooling Required With Outside Air: 35,740 Btuh 2.98 Tons (Based On Sensible + Latent) Calculations are based on 8th edition of ACCA Manual J. All computed results are estimates as building use and weather may vary Be sure to select a unit that meets both sensible and latent loads. System 1, zone I Summary Loads (Peak Method) IA-rb-o: Glazing -Single pane, operable window, reflective, 100 .3,240. 0 2,941 2,941 metal frame with break, ground reflectance = 0.32, outdoor insect screen with 50% coverage, dark color drapes with loose weave with 25% coverage 1A-rb-d: Glazing -Single pane, sliding glass door, 144.8 4,692 0 3,932 3,932 reflective, metal frame with break, ground reflectance = 0.32, outdoor insect screen with 50% coverage, dark color drapes with loose weave with 25% coverage I I D: Door -Solid Core 20 234 0 203 203 14E-"c: Wall -two courses brick, brick on concrete or 8 2432.4 11,091 0 4,088 4,088 inches concrete, 8 inches of 140# concrete with R-4 board insulation 18A-1 9: Roof/Ceiling-Below roof joists, Dark or Bold -Color 1845 2,824 0 2,445 2,445 Asphalt Shingle, Dark Metal, Dark Membrane, Dark Tar and Gravel, R-19 blanket or loose fill 22A-pm: Floor -Slab on grade, No edge insulation, no 139 4,921 0 0 0 insulation below floor, any floor cover, passive, heavy dry or light wet soil 20P-1 9: Floor -Over open crawl space or garage, Passive, 752 1,129 0 377 377 R-1 9 blanket insulation, any cover Subtotals for structure: 28,131 0 13,986 13,986 People: 6 1,200 1,380 2,580, Equipment: 2,700 2,700 5,400 Lighting: 0 0 a Ductwork: 7,340 1,062 4,103 5,165 Infiltration: Winter CFM: 260, Summer CFM: 148 8,566 6,162 2,447 8,609 System 1, Zone I Load Totals: 44,037 11,124 24,616 35,740 Supply CFM: 1,120 (3.0 AC/hr) CFM Per Square ft.: 0.607 Square ft. of Room Area: 1,845 Square ft. Per Ton: 619 Total Heating Required: 44,037 Btuh 44.037 MBH Total Sensible Gain: 24,616 Btuh 69 % Total Latent Gain: 11,124 Btuh 31 % Total Cooling Required: 35,740 Btuh 2.98 Tons (Based On Sensible + Latent) Calculations are based on 8th edition of ACCA Manual J. All computed results are estimates as building use and weather may vary. Be sure to select a unit that meets both sensible and latent loads. idl 1,11W MOO ....... ... ........... . Detailed Room Loads - Room I - H611 (Peak'Methbd) MU" Calculation Mode: Htg. & c1g. ces,!.,. Room Length: 13.0 ft. System Number. Room Width: 5.0 ft. Zone Number: 1 Area: 65.0 sq.ft. Supply Air: 19 CFM Ceiling Height: 8.0 ft. Supply Air Changes: 2.2 AC/hr Volume: 520.0 cuft Required Vent.: 0 CFM Number of Registers: 1 Actual Winter Vent.: 0 CFM RunoutAjr: 19 CFM Percent of Supply.: 0 % Runout Duct Size: 4 in. Actual SummerVent.: 0 CFM RunoutAirVeloc7ity: 221 Umin. Percent of Supply: 0 % Design Loss: 0.100 in.wg./l 00 ft. Actual Winter Infil.: 4 CFM Actual Loss: 0.057 in.wg./l 00 ft. Actual Summer Infil.: 2 CFM -;�, -.. �' *M *Ii ...... 110 ...... 1� I � mluo,110 HIM., X* E N -Wall-1 4E-4-8c 5 X 8 20 0.152 4.6 91 1.4 U N-Door-IID2.5X8 20 0.390 11.7 234 10.1 0 203 UP-Roof-1 8A-1 9 13 X 5 65 0.051 1.5 99 1.3 0 86 Floor-22A-pm 5 ft..Per. 5 1.180 35.4 177 0.0 0 0 Subtotals; for Structure: 601 0 317 Infil.: Win.: 3.9, Sum.: 2.2 40 3.175 127 0.900 91 36 Ductwork: 0.200 146 0.200 118 71 Room Totals: 874 209 424 PW . �Eft NW-0,010 41 raw, ....... Detailed Room Loads - Room 2 - LandlStrs t,',D-.ak Method) Calculation Mode: Htg. & c1g. Occurrences: Room Length: 12.0 ft. System Number: 1 Room Width: 7.0 ft. Zone Number: 1 Area: 84.0 sq.ft. Supply Air: 21 CFM Ceiling Height: 20.0 ft. Supply Air Changes: 0.7 AC/hr Volume: 1,680.0 cuft Required Vent.: 0 CFM Number of Registers: 1 Actual Winter Vent.: 0 CFM Runout Air: 21 CFM Percent of Supply.: 0 % Runout Duct Size: 4 in. ' Actual Summer Vent.: 0 CFM RunoutAirVelocity: 240 Umin. Percent of Supply: 0 % Design Loss: 0.100 in.wgJI 00 ft. Actual Writer Infil.: 13 CFM Actual Loss: 0.067 in.wg.11 00 ft. Actual Summer Infil.: 8 CFM gmu p,� �� , � ... .. . .. . .. .... OWN E-Wall-14E-4-8c7X20 140 0.152 4.6 638 1.0 0 145 UP-Roof-1 8A-1 9 12 X 7 84 0.051 1.5 129 1.3 0 111 Floor-22A-pm 7 fL.Per. 7 1.180 35.4 248 0.0 0 0 Subtotals for Structure: 1,015 0 256 Infil.: Win.: 13.5, Sum.: 7.7 140 3.179 445 0.907 320 127 Ductwork: 0.200 292 0.200 118 77 Room Totals: 1,752 438 460 Detailed Room Loads - Room 3 - KitlBrk (Peak Method) Calculation Mode: Htg. & c1g. Occurrences: 1 Room Length: 20.0 ft. System Number: 1 Room Width: 10.0 ft. Zone Number: 1 Area: 200.0 sq.ft. SupplyAir: 181 CFM Ceiling Height: 8.0 ft. Supply Air Changes: 6.8 AC/hr Volume: 1,600.0 cuft Required Vent.: 0 CFM Number of Registers: 2 Actual Winter Vent.: 0 CFM RunoutAir: 91 CFM Percent of Supply.: 0 % Runout Duct Size: 6 in. Actual Summer Vent.: 0 CFM Runout Air Velocity: 461 Umin. Percent of Supply: 0 % Design Loss: 0.100 in.wgJI 00 ft. Actual Winter Infil.: 29 CFM Actual Loss: 0.137 in.wgJIOO ft. Actual Summer Infil.: 17 CFM N -Wall-I 4E-4-8c 10 X 8 60 0.152 4.6 274 1.4 0 83 E -Wall-1 4E-4-8c 7 X 8 46 0.152 4.6 210 1.0 0 48 W-Wall-14E-4-8c21 X8 168 0.152 4.6 766 2.4 0 403 N -GIs-lA-rb-o shge-0.35 100%S 20 1.080 32.4 648 27.2 0 543 E -GIs-lA-rb-o shge-0.35 62%S 10 1.080 32.4 324 49.8 0 498 UP-Roof-1 8A-I 9 20 X 10 200 0.051 1.5 306 1.3 0 265 Floor-22A-pm 38 ft..Per. 38 1.180 35.4 1,345 0.0 0 0 Subtotals for Structure: 3,873 0 1,840 Infil.: Wn.: 29.3, Sum.: 16.7 304 3.174 965 0.908 694 276 Ductwork: 0.200 968 0.200 118 663 Equipment: 1,200 1,200 Room Totals: 5,806 2,012 3,979 Detailed Room Loads - Room 4 - DinlLiv (Peak Method) Calculation Mode: Htg. & c1g. Occurrences: Room Length: 24.0 ft. System Number: Room Width: 15.0 ft. Zone Number: 1 Area: 360.0 sq.ft. SupplyAir: 235 CFM Ceiling Height: 21.0 ft. Supply Air Changes: 1.9 AC/hr Volume: 7,560.0 cu.ft. Required Vent.: 0 CFM Number of Registers: 2 Actual Winter Vent.: 0 CFM RunoutAir 118 CFM Percent of Supply.: 0 % Runout Duct Size: 6 in. Actual Summer Vent.: 0 CFM Runout Air Velocity: 599 ftjmin. Percent of Supply: 0 % Design Loss: 0.100 in.wgJIOO ft. Actual Winter Infil.: 75 CFM Actual Loss: 0.229 in.wg./100 ft. Actual Summer Infil.: 43 CFM lZi W-Wall-14E-4-8c24X21 504 0.152 4.6 2,298 2.4 0 1,210 S -Wall-1 4E-4-8c 13 X 21 209 0.152 4.6 953 0.8 0 175 S -GIs-IA-rb-d shgr,0.35 1 00%S 64 1.080 32.4 2,074 27.2 0 1,738 (2) UP-Roof-1 BA-1 9 24 X 15 360 0.051 1.5 551 1.3 0 477 Floor-22A-pm 37 ft..Per. 37 1.180 35.4 1,310 0.0 0 0, Subtotals for Structure: 7,186 0 3,600 Infil.: Win.: 74.8, Sum.: 42.8 777 3.176 2,468 0.907 1,775 705 Ductwork: 0.200 1,931 0.200 118 861 Room Totals: 11,585 1,893 5,166 F5—etailed Room Loads - Room 5 - Bdrm #3 (Peak Method) Calculation Mode: Htg. & c1g. Occurrences: 1 Room Length: 14.0 ft. System Number. 1 Room Width: 13.0 ft. Zone Number: 1 Area: 182.0 sq.ft. Supply Air: 98 CIFM Ceiling Height: 9.4 ft. Supply Air Changes: 3.4 AC/hr Volume: 1,711.0 cu.ft. Required Vent.: 0 CFM Number of Registers: I Actual Winter Vent.: 0 CFM RunoutA!r: 98 CFM Percent of Supply.: 0 % Runout Duct Size: 6 in. Actual Summer Vent.: 0 CFM RunoutAirVelo&y: 501 ft./min. Percent of Supply: 0 % Design Loss: 0.100 in.wg./I 00 ft. Actual Winter Infil.: 23 CFM Actual Loss: 0.161 in.wg./l 00 ft. Actual Summer Infil.: 13 CFM N -Wall-1 4E-4-8c 12 X 9.4 92.8 0.152 4.6 423 1.4 0 128 N -GIs-IA-rb-o shge-0.35 I 00%S 20 1.080 32.4 648 27.2 0 543 UP-Roof-1 EIA-1 9 14 X 13 182 0.051 1.5 278 1.3 0 241 Floor-2013-19 13 X 14 182 0.050 1.5 273 0.5 0 91 Subtotals for Structure: 2,179 0 1,129 Infil.: Win.: 22.6, Sum.: 12.9 235 3.174 746 0.906 537 213 Ductwork: 0.200 585 0.200 118 360 People: 200 lat(per, 230 sen/per: 2 400 460, Room Totals: 3,510 1,055 2,162 I Detailed Room Loads - Room 6 - Bdrm #2lBthIHafl (Peak Method) i �Uiuulduun Ivioue: i-11g. & c1g. L)ccurrences, I Room Length: 21.0 ft. System Number: 1 Room Width: 13.0 ft. Zone Number: 1 Area: 273.0 sq.ft. SupplyAir: 174 CFM Ceiling Height: 9.4 ft. Supply Air Changes: 4.1 AC/hr Volume: 2,566.0 cuft Required Vent.: 0 CFM Number of Registers: 2 Actual Winter Vent: 0 CFM Runout Air 87 CFM Percent of Supply.: 0 % Runout Duct Size: 5 in. Actual Summer Vent.: 0 CFM Runout Air Velocity: 636 ftJmin. Percent of Supply. 0 % Design Loss: 0.100 in.wgJl 00 ft. Actual Winter Infil.: 32 CFM Actual Loss: 0.333 in.wg J1 00 ft. Actual Summer Infil.: 18 CFM N -Wall-I 4E4-8c 14 X 9.4 111.6 0.152 4.6 509 1.4 0 154 N -GIs-IA-rb-o shgc-0.35 1 00%S 20 1.080 32.4 648 27.2 0 543 UP -Roof -I BA-1 9 21 X 13 273 0.051 1.5 418 1.3 0 362 Floor-20P-1 9 13 X 21 273 0.050 1.5 410 0.5 0 137 Subtotals for Structure: 2,885 0 1,670 Infil.: Win.: 31.7, Sum.: 18.1 329 3.176 1,045 0.909 752 299 Ductwork: 0.200 786 0.200 118 636 People: 200 lat(per, 230 sen/per: 2 400 460 Equipment: 750 750 Room Totals: 4,716 2,020 3,815 Room Length: 13.0 ft. System Number I Room Width: 11.0 ft. Zone Number: I Area: 143.0 sq.ft. Supply Air: 103 CFM Ceiling Height: 9.4 ft. Supply Air Changes: 4.6 AC/hr Volume: 1,344.0 cu.ft. Required Vent.: 0 CFM Number of Registers: 1 Actual Winter Vent.: 0 CFM RunoutAir: 103 CFM Percent of Supply.: 0 % Runout Duct Size: 6 in. Actual Summer Vent.: 0 CFM Runout Air Velocity: 526 Umin. Percent of Supply: 0 % Design Loss: 0.100 in.wgJl 00 ft. Actual Winter Infil.: 22 CFM Actual Loss: 0.177 in.wgJl 00 ft. Actual Summer Infil.: 12 CFM S -Wall-1 4E4-8c 13 X 9.4 81.4 0.152 4.6 371 0.8 0 68 S -Gls-1 A-rb-d shgc-0.35 1 00%S 40.8 1.080 32.4 1,322 27.2 0 1,108 (2) UP-Roof-1 8A-1 9 13 X 11 143 0.051 1.5 219 1,3 0 190 Floor-20P-1 9 11 X 13 143 0.050 1.5 215 0.5 0 72 Subtotals for Structure: 2,599 0 1,686 Infil.: Win.: 21.7, Sum.: 12.4 226 3.174 716 0.909 515 205 DuGtwork: 0.200 663 0.200 118 378 Room Totals: 3,978 633 2,269 I Detailed Room Loads - Room 8 - Loft (Peak Method) 7 Ualculation Mode: Htg. & c1g. Occurrences: I Room Length: 14.0 ft. System Number: 1 Room Width: 11.0 ft. Zone Number: I Area: 154.0 sq.ft. Supply Air: 39 CFM Ceiling Height: 9.4 ft. Supply Air Changes: 1.6 AC/hr Volume: 1,448.0 cuft Required Vent.: 0 CFM Number of Registers: 1 Actual Winter Vent.: 0 CFM Runout Air: 39 CFM Percent of Supply.: 0 % Runout Duct Size: 4 in. Actual Summer Vent.: 0 CFM RunoutAirVelochy: 448 Umin. Percent of Supply: 0 % Design Loss: 0.100 in.wg J1 00 ft. Actual Winter Infil.: 13 CFM Actual Loss: 0.227 in.wg./l 00 ft. Actual Summer Infil.: 7 CFM VY -VVall-I 41=-4-13C 14 A 9.4 131.6 0.152 4.6 Boo 2.4 0 316 UP -Roof -I 8A-1 9 14 X 11 154 0.051 1.5 236 1.3 0 204 Floor-2013-1 9 11 X 14 154 0.050 1.5 231 0.5 0 77 Subtotals for Structure: 1,067 0 597 Infil.: Win.: 12.7, Sum.: 7.2 132 3.176 418 0.904 301 119 Ductwork: 0.200 297 0.200 118 143 Room Totals: 1,782 419 859 I Detailed Room Loads - Room 9 - Mstr BdrmlBth (Peak Method) Room Length: 32.0 ft. System Number: I Room Width: 12.0 ft. Zone Number: I Area: 384.0 sq.ft. Supply Air: 249 CFM Ceiling Height: 10.0 ft. Supply Air Changes: 3.9 AC/hr Volume: 3,840.0 cuft Required Vent.: 0 CFM Number of Registers: 3 Actual Winter Vent.: 0 CFM Runout Air: 83 CFM Percent of Supply.: 0 % Runout Duct Size: 5 in. Actual Summer Vent.: 0 CFM Runout Air Velocity: 610 Umin. Percent of Supply: 0 % Design Loss: 0.100 in.wg./l 00 ft. Actual Winter Infill.: 50 CFM Actual Loss: 0.306 in.wg./l 00 ft. Actual Summer Infil.: 28 CFM S -Wall-14E-"c 12.5 X 10 95 0.152 4.6 433 0.8 0 79 W-Wall-14E-4-8c7MO 30 0.152 4.6 137 2.4 0 72 S -GIs-lA-rb-o shgc-0.35 1 00%S 30 1.080 32.4 972 27.1 0 814 (2) W -Gls-1 A-rb-d shgc-0.35 1 00%S 40 1.080 32.4 1,296 27.2 0 1,086 (2) UP -Roof -I 8A-1 9 32 X 12 384 0.051 1.5 588 1.3 0 509 Floor-22A-pm 52 ft..Per. 52 1.180 35.4 1,841 0:0 0 0 Subtotals for Structure: 6,726 0 2,891 Infil.: Wn.: 49.6, Sum.: 28.3 515 3.177 1,636 0.907 1,177 467 buctwork: 0.200 1,672 0.200 118 914 People: 200 latIper, 230 sen/per: 2 400 460 Eouioment: 750 750 Room Totals: 10,034 2,445 5,482 FORM 60OA-2001 FLORIDA ENERGY EFFICIENCY CODE FOR BUILDING CONSTRUCTION Florida Department of Community Affairs Residential Whole Building Performance Method A Project Name: THE TOWNHOME MOD. D2 Builder: KOLTER Address: Permitting Office: City, State: Permit Number Owner: KOLTER SIGNATURE HOMES, INC. Jurisdiction Number: Climate Zone: Central 1. New construction or existing 2. Single family or multi -family 3. Number of units, if multi-fiLmily 4. Number of Bedrooms 5. Is this a worst case? 6. Conditioned four area (ft2) 7. Glass area. & type a- Clear - single pane b. Clear -double pane c. Tintlother SHGC - single pane d. Tintlother SHGC - double pane 8. Floor types a. Slab -On -Grade Edge Insulation b. NIA c. N/A 9. Wall types a. Concrete, Int Insul, Exterior b. Concrete, Int Insul, Adjacent c. Frame, Wood, Adjacent d. N/A c. N/A 10. Ceiling types a. Under Attic b. N/A c. NIA it. Ducts & Sup:Unc. RetUnc. AH:Attic b. N/A New — 12. Cooling systems Single fimuly — & Central Unit Cap: 36.0 kBtu/hr 1 SEER., 12.00 3 b. NIA yes 1847 IF c. N/A 0.0 W — 13. Heating systems 0.0 R2 — a. Electric Heat Pump Cap: 36.0 kBtu/hr 244.8 R2 HSPR 7.50 0.0 fL2 b. N/A R=0.0, 165.0(p) ft c. NIA 14. Hot water systems a- Electric Resistance Cap: 40.0 gallons R=4.2, 630.0 W EF: 0.94 R-42, 850.0 ft2 b. N/A R=11.0, 170.0 f? c. Conservation credits (HR-Heat recovery, Solar DBP-Dedicated beat pump) R=19.0,1093.0ft- 15. HVAC credits (CF-Ceiling fan, CV -Cross ventilation, BF -Whole house fim, PT -Programmable Thermostat; Sup.R�6.0,150.Oft W-C-Multizone cooling, MZ-H-Multizone heating) Glass/Floor Area: 0.13 Total as -built points: 24769 Total base points: 25445 PASS I hereby certify that the plans and specifications covered by this calculation are in compliance with the Florida Energy Code. PREPARED BY: �'�Oss' DATE: 6 -,Z - Z 00-3 1 hereby certify that this building, as designed, is in compliance with the Florida Energy Code. OWNERIAGENT: DATE: Review of the plans and specifications covered by this calculation indicates compliance with the Florida Energy Code. Before construction is completed this building will be inspected for compliance with Section 553.908 Florida Statutes. BUILDING OFFICIAL: DATE: FdRM 60OA-2001 SUMMER CALCULATIONS Residential Whole Building Performance Method A - Details I ADDRESS: ... PERMIT #: I BASE AS -BUILT GLASS TYPES .18 X Conditioned X BSPIVI Points Overhang FloorArea Type/SC Ornt Len Hgt Area X SPM X SOF Points .18 1847.0 26.78 8670.8 Single, Tint NVJ 2.0 1.0 60.0 31.34 0.56 1052.1 Single, rint SW 13.0 1.0 40.0 44.31 0.40 701.3 Single, T-int SE 5.0 1.0 10.0 47.60 0.411 193.6 Single, Tint SE 2.0 1.0 30.0 47.60 0.43 6111.7 Single,'nnt SE 7.0 1.0 64.0 47.60 0.41 1239.1 Single, Tint SE 7.0 1.0 40.8 47.60 0.41 789.9 As -Built Total: 2".8 4687.7 WALL TYPES Area X BSPM Points Type R-Value Area X SPM = Points Adjacent 1020.0 0.70 714.0 Concrete, Int Insul, Exterior 4.2 530.0 1.16 730.8 Exterior 630.0 1.90 1197.0 Concrete, Int Insul, Adjacent 4.2 850.0 0.64 544.0 Frame, Wood, Adjacent 11.0 170.0 0.70 119.0 Base Total: 1650.0 1911.0 As43uilt Total: 1650.0 1393.8 DOOR TYPES Area X BSPM = Points Type Area X SPM = Points Adjacent 20.0 1.60 32.0 E)derlor Insulated 20.0 4.80 96.0 Exterior 20.D 4.80 96.0 Adjacent Insulated 20.0 1.60 32.0 Base Total: 40.0 128.0 AsZuIlt Total: 40.0 128.0 CEILING TYPES Area X BSPM = Points Type R-Value Area X SPM X SCM = Points Under Attic 1093.0 2.13 2328.1 UnderAttic 19.0 1093.0 2 82 X 1.00 3082.3 Base Total: 1093.0 2328.1 As -Built Total: 1093.0 3082.3 FLOOR TYPES Area X BSPM = Points Type R-Value Area X SPM Points Slab 165.0(p) -31.8 -5247.0 Slab -On -Grade Edge Insulation 0.0 165.0(p -31.90 -5263.5 Raised 0.0 0.00 0.0 Base Total: -5247.0 As -Built Total: 166.0 -5263.6 INFILTRATION Area X BSPM = Points Area X SPM Points 1847.0 14.31 26430.6 1847.0 14.31 26430.6 FORM 60OA-2001 SUMMER CALCULATIONS Residential Whole Building Performance Method A - Details ADDRESS: ... PERMIT #. BASE AS -BUILT Summer Base Points: 34121.5 Summer As -Built Points: 30358.9 Total Summer X System Cooling Total X Cap X DuGt X System X Credit = Cooling Points Multiplier Points Component Ratio Multiplier Multiplier Multiplier Points (DMxDSMxAHU) 30358.9 1.000 (1.G87x1.150x1.10) 0.284 1.000 11862.6 1 34121.5 0.4266 14556.2 30358.9 1.00 1.375 0.284 1.000 11862.6 - 0 FORM 60OA-2001 WINTER CALCULATIONS Residential Whole Building Performance Method A - Details I ADDRESS: ... . PERMIT #: I BASE AS -BUILT GLASS TYPES .18 X Conditioned X BWPM Points Overhang FloorArea Type/SC Ornt Len Hgt Area X WPM X WOF = Point .18 1847.0 6.96 19482 Single, Tint NW 2.0 1.0 60.0 12.51 0.99 7427 Single, Tint SW 13.0 1.0 40.0 9.88 1.57 622.0 Single, Tint SE 5.0 1.0 10.0 9.12 1.94 176.8 Single, Tint SE 2.0 1.0 30.0 9.12 1.82 499.2 Single, Tint SE 7.0 1.0 64.0 9.12 1.94 1131.5 Single, Tint SE 7.0 1.0 40.8 9.12 1.94 721.3 As­Bullt Total: 2".8 3893.6 WALL TYPES Area X BWPM Points Type R-Value Area X WPM Points Adjacent 1020.0 1.80 1836.0 Concrete, Int Insul, Exterior 4.2 630.0 3.26 2053.8 Exterior 630.0 2.00 1260.0 Concrete, Int Insul, Adjacent 4.2 850.0 206 1751.0 Frame, Wood, Adjacent 11.0 170.0 1.ao 306.0 Base Total: 1660.0 3096.0 As.Sulft Total: 1660.0 4110.8 DOOR TYPES Area X BWPM Points Type Area X WPM Points Adjacent 20.0 4.00 80.0 Exterior Insulated 20.0 5.10 102.0 Exterior 20.0 5.10 1020 Adjacent Insulated 20.0 4.00 80.0 Base Total: 40.0 182.0 As -Built Total: 40.0 182.0 CEILING TYPESArea X BWPM Points Type R-Value Area X WPM X WCM Points Under Attic 1093.0 0.64 699.5 UnderAttic 19.0 1093.0 0.87 X 1.00 950.9 Base Total: 1093.0 699.6 As -Built Total: 1093.0 960.9 FLOORTYPIES; Area X BWPM Points Type R-Value Area X WPM = Points Slab 165,0(p) -1.9 -313.5 Slab -On -Grade Edge Insulation 0.0 165.0(p 250 412.5 Raised 0.0 0.00 0.0 Base Total: -313.6 As -Built Total: 166.0 412.6 INFILTRATION Area X BWPM = Points Area X WPM = Points 1847.0 -0.28 -517.2 1847.0 -0.28 -517.2 FORM 60OA-2001 WINTER CALCULATIONS Residential Whole Building Performance Method A - Details IADDRESS: ... PERMIT #: BASE AS -BUILT Winter Base Points: 5095.1 Winter As -Built Points: 9032.5 TotalWinter X System Heating Total X Cap X DuGt X System X Credit = Heating Points Multiplier Points Component Ratio Multiplier Multiplier Multiplier Points (DM x DSM x AHU) 9032.5 1.000 (1.078x1.160x1.11) 0.455 1.000 5706.4 5095.1 0.6274 3196.7 9032.5 1.00 1.388 0.455 1.000 5705.4 FORM 60DA-2001 WATER HEATING & CODE COMPLIANCE STATUS Residential Whole Building Performance Method A - Details I ADDRESS: ... PERMIT#: I BASE AS -BUILT WATER HEATING Number of X Multiplier Total Tank EF Number of X Tank X Multiplier X Credit = Total Bedrooms Volume Bedrooms Ratio Multiplier 3 2564.00 7692.0 40.0 0.94 3 1.00 2400.34 1.00 7201.0 1 1 As -Built Total: 7201.0 CODE COMPLIANCE STATUS BASE AS -BUILT Cooling + Heating + Points Points Hot Water Points Total Points Cooling Points + Heating + Hot Water Total Points Points Points 14556 3197 7692 25446 11863 5705 7201 24769 PASS_ FORM 60OA-2001 Code Compliance Checklist Residential Whole Building Performance Method A - Details I ADDRESS: ... PERMIT #: I 6A-21 INFILTRATION REDUCTION COMPLIANCE CHECKLIST COMPONENTS SECTION REQUIREMENTS FOR EACH PRACTICE CHECK Exterior Windows & Doors 6D6.1.ABC.1.1 Ma)dmum:.3 cfm1sq.fiL window area@ .5 cfm1sq.ft. door area. Exterior & Adjacent Walls 606.IABC.1.2.1 Caulk, gasket, weatherstrip or seal between: windowstdoors & frames, surrounding wall; foundation & wall sole or sill plate; joints between exterior wall panels at comers; utility penetrations; between wall panels & topfbottom plates; between walls and floor. EXCEPTION: Frame walls where a continuous infiltration barrier is installed that extends from, and is sealed to, the foundation to the top plate. Flwrs 606.1.ABC.1.2.2 Penetrationstopenings >1/8" sealed unless backed by truss orloint members. EXCEPTION: Frame floors where a continuous infiltration barrier is installed that is sealed to the perimeter, penetrations and seams. Ceilings 606.1 ABC.1.2 3 Between walls & ceilings; penetrations of ceiling plane of top floor', around shafts, chases, soffits, chimneys, cabinets sealed to continuous air barrier, gaps in gyp board & top plate; attic access. EXCEPTION: Frame callings where a continuous infiltration barrier is installed that is sealed at the perimeter, at penetrations and seams. Recessed Lighting Fixtures 606.1 ABC.1.2.4 Type IC rated with no penetrations, sealed; or Type IC or non -IC rated, installed inside a sealed box with 117clearance & &'from Insulation; or Type IC rated with < 2.0 ofm from conditioned space, tested Mufti -story Houses 606.1.ABC.1.2.5 Air barrier on perimeter of floor cavity between floors. Additional Infiltration reqts 606.1.ABC.1.3 Exhaust fans vented to outdoors, dampers; combustion space heaters comply with NFPA, have combustion air. — 6A-22 OTHER PRESCRIPTIVE MEASURES (must be mat or exceeded hu all rpqidpnrpq I COMPONENTS SECTION REQUIREMENTS CHECK Water Heaters 612.1 Comply with efficiency requirements In Table 6-12. Switch Or clearly Marked circuit breaker (electric) or cutoff (gas) must be provided. External or bufft-in heat trap required. Swimming Pools & Spas 612-1 Spas & heated pools must have covers (except solar heated). Non-commercial pools must have a pump timer. Gas spa & pool heaters must have a minimum thermal efficiency of 78%. Shower heads 612.1 Water flow must be restricted to no more than 2.5 gallons per minute at 80 PSIG. Air Distribution Systems 610.1 All ducts, fillfings, mechanical equipment and plenum chambers shall be mechanically attached, sealed, insulated, and Installed In accordance with the criteria of Section 610. " s In unconditioned attics: R-6 min. insulation. HVAG Controls 1607.1 t lie. a readily accessible manual or automatic thermostat for each system. Insulation I 604.1, 602.1 Celfings-Min. R-1 9. Common walls -Frame R-1 1 or CBS R-3 both sides. � I Common ceiling & floors R-1 1. N.IbA.IK AIR UUMIT.10N FORM BOOA-2001 PAGE 09 `000E. FLORID& ENE F3 .7 011ENCY 10 FOR BUILDAN116'C" T: N Florida Department OCCOrrimun'ity,,��ffalrs. Residen5al Whole Bulldlng�Perfdrmance'Method A Builder Project Name; THETO HOMEM�ODMZ Address: KOLTER Permitting Office: City, State: Permit Number Owner KOLTER SIGNATURE komEs, u4c: Jurisdiction Number Climate Zone: Central 1. New wn,�dvacfion or exinIng 2. Single Ihnnly M MUKAMily 3. Wotnbw ofunh Irmulti-flunify 4. N1unbora(Bq*aa= S. is this it worst ease 6. Cendifianed flaor am (fta) 7. Glaaam&vyM a. Clear glmh� daWtl�-factDr b. Dewittid c, Labeled u or suGc a. Fl�fypw IL Sla&M-0tada Edge InvuMon b. VA 0. WA 9. wall tYj= a. ConcroM Int InsuL Ezaicr b. ConcretA InthuruL Ad*mt c. Pmun. Wood, Adjacent d, X/A m NIA 10. C"s bTM � Undmmo b. VA e. N/A 1. Duate a. BuP.Uhm RetUna. AH:Atdo b. NIA New Multi-brnfly 3 YM ginglePans DoublePane 0.0 fp 0.0 fr 227.0 fF 0.0 it, 0.0 IP 0-0 IF R=0.0, 165.0(p) ft R=42,630.0 A' R-4.% $50-0 R2 R=11.0. 170-0 Am R-19.0,1093.0 ft- SUIL R-4.0. 150.0 ft 12 Conlingustms 4� CenbW Unit - b. N/A: - a. N/A 13 Heaft syst=a Freafp= P b. N/A a. W/A .14. Hotwat=vHkm% b. W/A M CCMVrvzfion CMdH3 DUP-DWicand beat pump) 15. HVAC cr.cclits (CF-Cdft fiLa;.GV-CMM venhIsfian, Br-whola houm Jan, PT-Prognaurnoble 7hosmosea4 MZw1multimme caorfflj�, M&H-Mulfizonebenting) CaIx 36.0 IiBbihr SHIM-1 12,00 CW. 36.0 1�,Btalhr CaF 40. = — a GlasstFloor Area: 0. 12 Total as-built--point.s--26.157 Tota'l base points: 25445 PASS I hereby cartify1hat the plans and specirications-6o"red. --1 vfo wplam�and; by this calculation Are in compliance with the horlda' �Au. voweredibythily-, 8 -6 Energy God l4ul'. o',rHMf 'DomplianceY, PREPARE wdh.*,. floddm'Ene M, Be lVeompleted-.; DATE: a build ng*zyh thl - "1'. 1 1 COMPIjancwwIth Sectlon-5M 908;:'- 1 hereby certify that tn- bull s &�ngped, is In compliance% the Zorlde e. - Florida.Statutes. ME. OWNERIAGENT: EA)ILDING OFFICIAL: DAM, DATE.* Energy.Gau.990 (Verslqn5.F�LRCSl3-v3.30) 09/16/2003 23:50 7722837229 NISAIR AIR CONDITION PAGE 03 FORM 60OA-2001 SUMMER CALCULATIONS Residential Whole Building Performance Method A - Details ADDRESS: ... PERMITM BASE AS -BUILT GLASS TYPES .18 X Conditioned X MPM Points Overhang FloorArea Type/Be onrit Len Hgt Area X SPM X SOF Points .18 11247.0 26.79 8570.8 single, Tint NW 2.0 1.0 54.0 33.43 0-1,6 10iD3 Single, Tint sw 13.0 1.0 36.o 47,31 OAD 674.0 single, Tat 8 . E 5.0 1.0 9.0 50.80 0.41 185.9 Single, T-Int SE 20 1.0 M 50.80 UA3 S= VrV% Tint SE 7.0 1,0 64.0 50-BO 0.41 13222 ShVle, 11nt as 7.0 1.0 40.0 50.80 0.41 MO. 4 As-Rulff Total: 4541.0. ''WALL TYPES Area X BSPMI Points Type R-Value Area X SPIM Points �'Ad*6t 1020.0 0.70 714.0 jC�Jnt Inaul, Exterior 4.2 630.0 1.18 730.8 Fidarlor 63o.0 1.90 tlo.o-� 'Comliew, ffit Wait, Adjabent 4.12.1 SP[l-o 0.64 Fripha, Wood, AdjaeW 17.0 17D.0 0.70 E6m Total: 116110.0 "al'Tow. lop., 4 iz,�, -Po POOR TYPES -Ania X BSPM Points, !"'Type nea X SPM A :6.0 11so 1 2 1 0 .0 4.811 Zo 20.0 1.60. 32.0 1211& �OEILING TYPES ANa 13SPM Poirrts-� -,-T ype.- R-Vaime Anii-X SPIVIX,BPM-�22, -I**,, 1093.13' 713 23125.1' , Under 19.0 1093,0 2.82 X 1 100 �aft Tow: 1093.0 2328.1 As -Built Total: 1093.0 3M.3 IF , ' LOO L R TYPES Area X BSPM Poliita "Type R-VaIUe Anse X SPM Pol . ift, '310 624t.b, Sial� ade'Edge ln�ulatl�n -bn-Gr 0.0 1 -go -5253.5'' Rii� -0.0 -0.00 0.0- Base, Total- .4247.0 AsZulft Total: 165.0 -5283A INFILTRATION Area X BSPM1 Points Area X SI'M points 1' 1147.0 14.il 2643�fl '180.0' 14.31 25436.5- EnergyCQuaeO DCA Form 6WA-2m Enw9YGau7WlaRES'2001 Fl-RCS8V3.30 09/16/2003 �j�50 1722837229 NISAIR AIR CONDITION PAGE 04 FORM 60OA-2001 SUMMER C'ALCULATIONS Residential Wh6le Building Performance Method A - Details ADDRESS:,, PERMIT ft BASE AS -BUILT Summer Base Points, 34121.5 Summer AS -Built Points: 30312.1 Total Summer X System Cooling Total X Cap X Duct X System X Credit Cooling Points Multiplier Points Component Rtfflo Multiplier Multiplier Multiplier Points (0MxDSMxAHU) 11, 1., (1.087xi.15OX1.1a) 0,284 1.00D 118"3 34121.5 0.4266 14556 .2 30312.1 1.00 1.375 0.284 1.000 11844.3 EnergyGauge�.DCA Form:600A-2001 ErwMyGaugaVF1aRES2WI FLRCSB v3.30 09/16/2003 23:50 7722837229 NISAIR AIR COMITIDN PAGE 06 FORM 60OA-2001 WINTER CALCULATIONS Residential Whole Building Performance Method A - Details ADDRESS: ... PERMIT 0'. BASE AS -BUILT Winter Base Points: 5096.1 Winter AS -Built Points: 9675.9 Total winter X system Heating T . otal X Cap X Duct X System X CmdIt = Heating Points MuMplier Points Component Ratio Muftiolier Multiplier Multiplier Points (DM x USM x AHLQ WMA 1.000 (1.078XI.IBO*1.11) 0,455 1.060 aiii.6 6095.1 0.6274 3198.1. 9676.9 1.00 1.388 0.455 1.000 61 EnffWG8Ua0- DCA Form 800A.2001 EmwGaUPVFIQRES200J FLRCSBV3.30 09/1612003 23:50 7722837229 NISAIR AIR CONDITION PAGE 07 FORM 60OA-2001 WATER HEATING & CODE COMPLIANCE STATUS Residential Whole Building Performance Method A - Details I ADDRESS:,,, PERMIT A I BASE AS -BUILT WATER HEATING Number of X Multiplier = Total Tank EF Number of X Tank X Multiplier X Credit � Total Bedrooms Volume Bedrooms Ratio Multiplier 3 2564.00 7692.0 �40.0 0.94 3 1,013 2400.34 1.00 7201.0 A�&M Totah. 7201.0 CODE COMPLIANCE STATUS BASE ASmSUILT Cooling + Heating Hot Water Total Points Points Points Points Cooring + Heating + Hot Water Total Points Points Points Points 14* M61 702 26"S 11844 611.2 T�ql PA : S- Er*rgrGaup� DCA Fon 600A-200l Enff9yCaU9eVFlaREV2D01 FLROSBY3.30 @9/IG/2003 23:50 7722837229 NISAIR AIR CONDITIDN PAGE 08 FORM 60OA-2001 Code Compliance Checklist Residential Whole Building Performance Method A - Details I ADDRESS:... PERMIT * j SA-21 INFILTRATION REDUC71ON COMPLIANCE CHECKLIST COMPONEM SgClg� -REQY!REMENTS FOkqNCH Modellim:3 ­A.�gndcware%Sc JIL door area. CKECK FbdoriorlNindwra& Doom- W8.IABC.1.j­— aderlar a Adjuent Walla 6WAARC.12-11 Cauk gaskak wasitierStfile Or seal betwCow. VAO=sfdms & ftrrms, mmwnTm wall; foundation & wall sole or sM pW, " Whom exteflorwall POrlefs; at comerw, WRY penetrations; between val panels & lapbalturn pla� between wells and foor. EXCEPTION: Fmma walls where a conlInuom Infiltration banter 13 Installed that WOMM ftqA_Li is �saaW tp,jtgftuWatlon to the top plate. FIwwm 6MIA80,1122 peneftediorWopenings mir sealed unleis backed bytn= orjoint members. EXCa"ON: Frame floors vdvete a contimun Infiltration barrier Is installed ft Is 98aled cainp MIAMI 2.3 Behuman i�alls & oellinp;penah-ation 6 of 06111r4 plans of top W. armed shaft, CIVROM soft citnneys, cabinels sealed'to ooffinuous air baulw gaps In gyp board & top plabg eitic a6c�, EXCEPTION: Frania Dellefis where a continuous Iniftelion banter Is getti;kon ad SMTR. Iftbtialled that Is kelih at the pirlm'der"at Farld Recessed FbdLm WSAABC.12-4 Typoc ivw witti no penetnitions, 6aalb*'o-rYype 10 or nart-IC rated, ingtoffied insidi a seww 66x vft ire-ciaofarm 8; 3'fttn ImWieflon; �r Type IC rated With 2.0 oft ftm MU64tory Hatraft SOB.IABO.12-5 Alr6rrWarip@if offlocrodylti -M Room tbchauxdiim veiiiad to cr�h".`darnpe M. cor rb I MvnsP=h0A&dc�m*wtiiNFPA, Aklknal inWhintilon malts haj* bij GX-22 OTHER PRESC PTIVE,MEASURES�jmtist�be�motdr�Oxceaded,bv DOMPONWW. AE q'Wromer, -min Table G-1?- Switth orciew markiedcIrcult , ' o', ��i�dvifi mi ii64a�ki4' ai� ' or, bull4ritmiat i, fred. 'q, swirnmird Facts a apas di?l SA'--'&1t"Q, � 'I pools must hmoq!qrs a wnp Umer. (249 spa DerminuteatOD AM dU .' ft k*r"'- Meiklimic 1 2 d eq L dpm , w 9 in of's'nuon BID. D�"I" ;66s: R-0 min' In'suk"diqn. HVAG Contn for each system. k-fi'Ciern-n-w, ��aik4 iz-fi or CBS ik-3 boified6s:' Common calling & m6m R-I 1, ErOVYGALIP" DCA Form 60OA-MOI Em!qyGaugs&+1aREV2lX)1 FILRCSB V3.30