HomeMy WebLinkAboutSUBMITTED DOCUMENTSZf25* U75- Zf25- (D PA ma CONCRETE ANCHORS (SEE saffiXW ku aEmMm =00 NNE -TYPICAL j2QXjL0ff p L a Ff14' U= W Tlf' AT= C4P - N , f ( - N I '(&D bVIU2 0 @ ETEV FANEIS W/ /.J-o - f/:T* a & R r. 7/r X JIM* Hm IM r vmo� v -02C �EADE zc�E. 4&' - I- Z 125' k�V HALF 84HEI k�) 57 ANGLE 8Qjt.p_gb y j?gA CK ET -HOORSED -��-'�ANGLF:'.LfAry XiLr: W - I- - F14' F -� SERIES S. S. STUO METED rD 9 SPACMS WSECT?aNm D Ea 2.000- A L- F- .063* ALTMVM I-W I= is . sD'-'r: J,'c - r- �ORV PAVE1. H4S BEEN a�,,,ED IN �M,,ANCE. CWMrr D� ROROK VOLDINC CODE WIN ly" D42X I I'll Thy PLED. BE DETEMIT�p AS pD? SECnW 6 Or ASCIF 7--M WIT, I To mp,�. ,ST, TOW PANELS AOEQL(4� FOR �IACAsW FADWj� RESST NCrH4S =0119 ZJ15 & Zjr4 RESpe,,,,ar �ur VETWIED Ly ACCR,,V,,, AlDi 7W AI?O�F AENDaVED CODE � pa? AW N,CW TEST I, Z'OMr At "ARES' SFkqLL "4VE SnXM&Q GUMJ7y ASM AaS3 10 ALL SMa -T�Er AlEr 4LVNQW STEEL DE17CM77ON 5ZJ J�E (AqM ROLLED) 17M �,O ALC-&UMlNUU DffFUSIONS MiL BE W65-T6 ALLOY LWLES, 07HERWISE MOTO. ALL SCW)fS TO W STNMU= STEM 3Of OR 316 SET,,,, a BOLLS TO SE Z024-r4 ACULWW ALLOT , r & ANQfOR7 70 WALL STIALL BE.,S MLa4S:. OLVANTLED OR SrAWLESS STEEEL K . IN J6 k�; UIVIYU, na.D POINT, (A) 7D 0ZTM pOLIRM CONCREM- (UNE&F OMEIMME NVTO). - t14' 11 TAFCOW & WX-SET VpCaSU MW ACTWED By EZM 7EXTRM - 114, 0! CmETE-Rzr SW ANCHORS AY AMCF FAMWWgr 4rW,/BMDa '/" Or x 716- CIVK�w AN"w"M t/")' ELM =I- k f,—k 'Mau4e OR j/. - x ELcO 'PANZELU47r PLUS^ AS WNLrACREEP Err POMDT FASTENINCS: 1 4 41D- 9 RED MAD NC. ANG ELOO TETTICK IZESP�r. HOIE�- Dm4aoLr RMF AN-zwlu As wmmcwEv By Lrw &jmx I E-LTC)0jPWAZV`( DW"ED"ENT WW PWRED CQVOX-W OF UPCON ANCHOR OR Cft7&FLEr SS4 is I jl;, MR aMTEY IS 2' FOR REV 12540 DMWgr IS F 1/�?- FDR E"CO "k 'A�rC PLUS -'LT 2' A-?) 7/6- cALK-N AWc;T� sTIALL BE Bilkiar EUBEDDED Rm pL, pOLI2fD CONOIEM no STLJXO SFI'ILL BL- FS%WM 114 - 1-2ff afflm�&�r SQW*S I= STU BE f f/2' LOW WWW SqOLp NO T UWRLW FOR WNJZ WH No == _D SRXM EXIST. A.T) Ry CqSE 7Mr FREC4ST STOVE; PRECtST �� AWLS, OR PAHWS BF FOUND W DC DaS7M OR nOQR Allaiofls STWL BE LONG ENDupi 10 JWACH DE UQW =ROUTE BMW SVCR pANELS. MLL STOLL BE AS NUCATM ON NOTES A f) & A2) A&OW- ANCHOR4GE TV - omm CmCRm BLOCK mw ' WCONS & A"-%T Vp`C"NS AT WAVFACTURED Sr Lr 0 CRLW-FUX S5!f AMCF0ZS Ag AWWFACTURED By jr/s=a ELM nxn?m 114' 0 . 7/5' CILK-N ANWORS a? 114, 0 ELM , & f.��b _pANELWTE* OR 1/.( Ml- 'PANUAWE PLUS- AS U4WlW7Ef?ED Or PDXER tAy7E?WNa% INC, AND aco R _ J: ELCO TEAT OV. RESFEC 0 REV HEW DM4BMr MIEWAVrHDRS AS UMPACTURED try LTW BUILD NO71M. 0_- & r) A&&= EWBEDA(aff Or PIPCON ANMORS. FT CO PANaUq& EECO pANUJM7E- PL I TIF DM49OLT AND C%-X-FLEX SSLI INTO TE CMaME. a., US" RED B2) 7/6- cqx-N ANC"ORs m4LL Bc pawaar LOW Lur WRLL BE W W NO EUDEMENT INTO STUCCO Wa EMBEDDED INTIT 7W CONCFaE7r Boa LW Atflvlmw SHOULD swom AXIST A BE PS?WTIM - fl'f' 0-20 SCREItS Lsa SMLL BE 1 &V N CASE 77AF PRfC45r STOA NO I'AMVWM F12R WALLS MH No Sna�a LONG MWI BC LONG DMCH 70 REW C OR ploDqSr &F FDCW 9 DE UUY sEllam ON PC Ia�Mg MU. ANCHORS ( kaOUETT ON NOTES W 17. 1) & &V A90M. SLA21 MAZES. ANai=GE �� BE AS C) ANMOR� W4U BLE INSTALLED FMLM= ALL OF 7W REOWAIENOAPOVS AND 5PMFIC4WWS OF 7TIC ANCHarS Ai"WACnWM 7. PANELS AMr ALSO BE INSTNIED, f0aZOYrALLr FOLLOWNG &T4ILS SW)W ON SECTIONS I THRd WM (my"r 2 & 3 . OF 9) ExcEpr 7H4r mcEw.4 3 & 4 &�IALL NOF BE USED, SNII17EI? IS TO CC ATTAQqEp TO pMW pRQ.W ANCHaRACE: Hmm E??C & fr SH4U BE TW Hr-WNSZBXI7r OF M CONTPWM TO )UdFr THE SOWIONEZ OF THE SDTLMW HU COMME; BLOCK OR HqF. y 7w s &114a oar BE AMAWED TIT ,,XMY ... . . ...... AWIMACIURE15 LABEL M4LL W PLACED AT BOTroV or EACH pANEL LABEL SMLL RE-10 AS FOLLO)M C45707N LEM SVPPLT WE wamt FLQJ?04 U9W WIDE COVW pRODUCr —,-� A-M�M -i L-VAgEs L STUDDED ANGLE 4EP� L�---7- -La 110t E AT PA t = Win. .065 STUD Vv DIE C45T avc �EY �W NICWa PLATED KNG NUT WA F f25' 1 1- TT L re c �GE m C;. Sl�A UhNNED LJ F St. Lucie County APPROVED AS CoypLyIN(3 VM THE SOUTHFLO DABUILDINGCODE U""LORDABU DO D D L DMSIr)N .�PRODUCT NTRoL DMSIDN BUILDING CODE COMPUANGE O'FFIGE AXEPTANCE No. 00 -(2)9 19. 1 24 CAGE C-4LVANIZED -BERTHA STEEL STORM PANELS EASTERA"WETAL SUPPLr INC COUNTY AS THOW SCALE 17/)0/00 DA rL w A OWN .1 if 17- CONCRETE AVCHORs (SEE- SCHEDULE) POURED CONCREV SCHEDULE FUR s6PAR4WN 's, To CLASS -20 �Al 1p o CONCRETE AlvcHoRs, (SEE SCHEPULO POURED CONCRETE RMIRED Cbrrt W1 ---n�� WN-L Q: W S7WCQ) CONCRETE'ANCHORS ISEE SCH&XXQ Q-4 --2 -44. A, 26M zFM UMaW SEP-AMITION Is, T 0 CLASS rF I 714'0( -20 x SS� W1 71 rae-3,1-V- AW 0 a /a r J/az- 6D MW Aw ////Z POLUREWD 7 a �C 72' 0, r POURED T14' 01-20 POURED—/ CONCRETE BOLTS COW CR casi.: OR CONCRETE BLOCK WALL OR CONCRETE BLOCK WALL =7/ 3liz 12' BLOCK WALL�-- REOURED a. r conu (SEE SCHED TRE77E PAN 6 coat CpaL �H U17� Sa4wUi�;� CONCRETE ANCHORS CONCRETE" OR - CONCRETE 119 10"', R 12 SCHEDOZO '6 -1 SEC77ON 0 MCHOR WALL h(OUNUNG -INS7AUATION BUILD'OUT INSTALLAT-lov Sc4Lr . 3/6' V-(' 0-20 x 6 J14* DOLTS v le 0. a 'oil 5SECTION a MD -EALL v , ()'uUM'ylrfll1YVG 116,13rALLA770m -LECriod f SC4LE r - D- - EDGE DST4NCE (SEE SViEDLIZE ON SHEE75 5 6 A- 7 OF 9) F YA �l C�t. POURED COACREW OR myawF BLOCK WALL REQuaw , cant 'E, PAPA770M *.5" TO CLAS5 fl'f'FF -20 5-� � W/ BOLTS j/ 7� 12- r- ss� 0 r2- 0. a L �IMS A L�IDAN. RON S�. i/e. APPRovEDAscQMpLyWGVMTH8 SOUTH FLORIDA BUILDINg CoDe DAZTE(D AD)JI C,, co BY P ODUCT, 4M ROD icT OL SION BLIJAING CODE COMPLIAnCEOFFIbe AG6EPTANCENoCD.oaLj Lb WWI DADE- COUMrr 24 (-4GE GALVANZED STEEL BER(HA STORM PdARS 7/M/00 A I ':47dWS ZM�-jVy jSn _3 ,,S13NVd nyb-- �73-US� MONS sv N:Iq ALN1100 3CvU JYM)y A/V : 3-WS ACYOS .3mluoyfy WH at 0 l3B3HWS) T zy smom md sy AL79X.3,VWM 38Y SI-1w MIS OIDW No 31�7MIVyd 0073 W NJ-"Va �m 01 'MAW wj I-- -- (OM'JydS Mad .97n 17W avwssnw w-,,. a 216 -L-Jiiq ;nVhGGIS W-,. W7d aLWMNVd aj� So &I=aj18)DW 0073 , ,ZN2 T-7 I b-jbO-(DVON33NVLdE]3OV 301JAO zlONvndWO3 EIC103 eNjellng NOIStAJ(3 108-LNpp -LonCIOUd �eA �; 0 31VM(3 �O'�� � - 2003 SNI(nirla vamol-4 KMOS 3RLRM ONVldFI03 SV(13AO�jddV 'NORYr1YjS7v7 �Nv jjnS 01 Am "w'VI a3NIgnoo 39 mv:) swal3s gNaNnon mnaoAcoulnym TVOIL13S 40 �Nouwlanoo aaj ION (6.20 1 -7 9 19 H NO -T7i]G3R)e-13Sj JOWLSIa 39a3 - a 3 - �l - gA : 3-ms N0110.3S 0 VV777 VI 0/�V7�71S Nnon. oG .-'s NOT103S 1q. :3 WHOAM awnog a I x (37 MCGROS -es), SUPPOW L:3 MNnaa :F jfw /A ixg 2AUH3M OX-if - k1l ls� cu mmin W, MMOAW 03�lncd (xnLvws --us) SWtONY ILWONOO emnows -as) -, IqAoh"lw aL3mNw 309:woo amnod O-n��Os -:Us) svopow M,�UAU� 1-5 �:' '09" a �GHSVM T inn/ 1-700 3NIWM 'S -S "-o .,�/j WOO 7.7V.M XX-R NCUYJ07 on MW&M7Y SIZ 1hl S2709 x MSGIM o dymW A�Gg 0 InN MIX .zr/c x 'SA'ST .4 1 X w-o P/I Ssm O-L A NORW-Us minvin ULU SVONONY 313WNOO W Arta 2' x .125- 319�5-H14 OR 6063-T6 ALLOY 'Coilf. Alu� ANGLE " — CASE A (Plan) SCALE, 114' 2' x 3' .0.0* j105 H-14 OR 5063�T N=C� f2� Ala, ZE a C. aw POURED CMC&qE OR CONCRETE MOCK ma REQUIRED CONCRETE ANCHORS 0 12' 0. C. .T >, (14" CASE D (Plan) SCALE. 114 1' POURED CONQTET,- OR CONCRETE SLOCIC WALL REQU(Ra? C7CK 7- t WALL OR OR OR OR OR OR f14, Bar 4r;k 1 072' 600-716 ALLOY W/ Cont Rum ANICUF CA SE 8 (Plan) SC4LE- 1/.f'= I' END CLOSURES DEFAILS POURED CONCRETE OR CONCRETE BLOW WALL REOLMED C-1 POURED CMCRETE OR CONCRETE RLOCK W:�� REQUIRED CONCRETE Ammons V 72' 0. C. --_� F Z' x 2" x -0,55- TO 2'x 5' r a55^ C,,f. Af� ANaE OR -050'3105-Ut54 SHEEr UEr& Al� REW PLATE AL7EPM7E LEC LOC4poN CASE C LPlan) SCALE-- F147 M=MUM DESTGAr PRESSURE R A TING (p.s.f AND CORRESPONDING MAXIMUM PAAM LENGTH V SCHEDUiE, 'UWUUM DESIGN uwcw IV PPZMJR- R47WG mmmw SEP/mmm (a, TO GLAZ, (SEE SECUONS). or THEM. +U5.0, -76.0 7�-U' OR LESS I? IZ3,4,,5 k .5, +60-0. -70.0 >7�-6' TO 8�-6' 3. +56.0, -76.0 7�-6' OR LE57S 3314- 6 & 7 >7�-U' TO 6�-6" 33174-5&7 L:+6::00� �w I �T T —�FLE C �Oc m c� �v APPROVED AS COMPLYING Vff"E SOUTH FLORIDA BUILDING CODE A ly. FRDDUCTCr5NTROLbivisioN BUILDING CODE COMPLIANCE OFFiCE ACCEPTANCE NO.CY) -C�q I q, I p WMI DADE CgUW 24 GAGE GALVANiZE-ig BER7pA f S7EEL S7-ORIW PAIVEZ 8-ASTERM METAL SUPPLI,, IMC W=tr&jw cwMac LEW. Iv NIA V� -%aw Uqr/I`E`� PAMMWI wxIw mAtR� TV AIAIIIIIIT� rAv"� APPLC�l 70 Jlxcl� f A To "ANATAY 12' MIA iz. WA rz, LD� U tz* Tz- 12- f2' r2' f2' 72- VA TV -1A NIA 12. MIA 92' MIA TV 12- f2- 12' T2, 12" f2' lz r2' I(IA 12' MIA rz, 12. NIA Tz. II TZ I(IA rz, 12" 12- 12' 12- 2 (gorw 12' - 12, 12" 12- f2' TV - ACIA MIA Iz. +60.0. - ef-S WA 12' MIA F2, MIA lz 12' .12- U. 12' 2 12- - 12' T2' T2- 12- 12' 12' 12' WA. 12' IVA MIA 4 (7a-) ff, -a' OR LE3� 72' WA TZ, MIA f2" I(IA Tz- 12' 12- 12, 12' 12- 4 12' 12 F2. rz, 12. 12, 12' IVIA 12. 111 tz. WA .5 (top) .12. NIA 12' 12' 41A 12, 12- 12, 72' 1.2- [2. 12' MIA 12* X/A 12 NIA 12, Ar/A 12' ICIA tz. AVA 6 ()up) 12' WA 12' HIA r2' WA Iz. NIA f2, JVIA 12' 6 11 VA IVA NIA WA 12, WA 12' 7 APJaLPX DEMM T2' 12' T2' 5 acp1solbu) r Ip�j LEK BLM= TV cmaI Tv miyawr To A -I M �M AFJWAW 12' WA mNor, A�MI rNALL LUI v ft� 12. ip, PVA 12' 12- -wr W� 12" ACIA t(IA 12. VA 12- IJIA 12. 1 ponm� 12, 12' rz, 12 12. IY14 2 rrV.-) WA 12. MIA 12' 41A TV 12- TU2 12'. IZ' Tz. 2 007701 12 IT' 72- 12' T2' NIA 2 NIA 12- MIA jr r1op) +456.0"-, 12, IVA T2. 72' 2. 12' f2' 12' 1 12- IVA 12- 12' 12' AVA Tz. WA 12' NIA 4 (Top) 6*-0' OR LESS 12- WA rz. IVA 12- IJIA 12. 12- 12- 12' 12. (90"Go '12, S. '2' 12' 12- 72' NIA r2. VA F2' 12- WA t2 NIA 12- A(IA f2- T2. 12" 12' JZ_ I L. - 4 12 WA 12" XIA f2- f2' VA 12- WA TVA N/A NIA wil MIA I,!:l 12' AVA 1 12' NIA 7 12' 5 rmpl,60EI To 2� zvm� rp TIM w jLTjE MET -FLEX =4 am Tomw MI WE NNI PDW� MSIID�&l APPLIcII to cpxj�x W W� to memor rD uusoIIITIr TO VaNvrw IT, wjawr TO cayI TV u4sa., Z=?Qw MY muI T2' WA 12. 41A 12' If (1A 12' L-vukw Yp LLTII 12' to' rz. f2' f2' 12' AVA 12' HIA f2 WA rz, tVA 12* WA 72- 12' 12' 12' 12 Iz. Pcf=9 t2. 10, t2' 12' 12' 12' TV MIA 12m NAA 12. NIA 2 12' WA 12- AVIA 12' NIA r2, 12' T2. 12- 72" 12, 2 (oI f2' to, TV f2' 12' NIA 12' 44A 12* wl, �60.0. WA rz. 12- lz . 12' 12- t2' 12, 12' ?2' To' TIT' 2. Iz. WA 12 12' NIA r2' T2' WA 72 HIA 12' WA r2. NIA 12, WA f2' 12' 12' 12' 7' 12' 12' 12' 72' KIA 12, I(IA 12' FVA f2" WA TV f2' IXIA TV I 11A r2" MIA I W I TR" 1',IA I,- AXA 12- - TZ_ WA 12' NIA Idyl 1 1 WA f2. 1 111A I - I - - I _lU4XlUlUMDANCH0R SPACINGS ARE VID AOR _T 11-2' EDGE DISIANT LESS MW j 112- . REDUCE "ULT7PL�71VG SPACING SHOWN ON SC ANCH R SPACING BY FACTORS. (NOTE . E: D HEDULE By THE FOLLOWING FOR Ms DpE7M�ON . FOR -IN ANCHORS IS 2 TO BE POSIBLG,�,ALKREDUCED SpACI 0 USING FACTOR ShALL NOT BE LESS SMIYED INDICATED FOR EACH ANCHOR TrPe TH4N A(INIMUM SPACING AT ANCHORS LEGEND. FACTOR CTUAL E D. RED na.. sLEEvt- 2 112- .75 7.00 .71 2- 1.00 .50 0.68 AMC -HORS LEGEND AINICHORS ANCHOR TYPE GEE, 7APCONIPANELU47-ES C� RE7TE' FLEx c Z ' R-Ex C4LK�IN REYRD DYWOLT 'SEE NOTES ON SHEETS 8 4- OF 9 FOR -ANCHORS TlfFE & SPACING FOR INSMILLAVONS INT? WOOD FR4UE BUTZOls6s APPROVEDAS COMPLY'"TTHTHE �OUMFLORIDA BUILDING CODE DII DUCTC TROL DMSION BU LDInG CODE COMPLIAI AOCEPTANCE tI AffAMI DA-- 24 GAGE GW-VANIZED BERTH,4 AS' SHVM, STEEL STORM PANELS SCAIX �FLT= - 0 �rm c. 7,�Falbo METAL SYPpf Y iw, A - I PAIA� POROM FAFI� AFF07MC 7D M u� to � M M� conowx uv� �a WA t2. Led= 12- NIA TZ MIA TZ, MIA or TtEv WSSURE R4 TING lz f2- r2- U, IVIA I clop) f2' f2' 2. CORRESPOPM! IMAD f AArQ VA lz- ./I Tz- 4/A TV WA 12. 1 oqottwo j M f L�& I I iftyc) CONCRETE yuR 12' VA C. 2 (MP) STR IMMESI_* iz- 12' T2- 17. lz T2' 12, rz. - iz- VA 12' 12 IVA 12, WA f2" WA 17" (VoTrw) 12- 9. Iz- 12, 12, MA 2- WA -3 (M.-) TV 12' lz_ 12' to' 12' 72- J (BOTTMO #*Ai4X[UUM ANCHOR SPACINgs ARE VAUD FOR 3 112" EDGE DI�TANCE. FOR F_ D. LESS TMN -3 112' REDUCE ANCH +66.0, -72.0 1�jl WA NIA 12' WA f2' NIA - 12" MIA 12' NIA 4 (top) '-0' TO 2'-G AIUL77PLWNG SPACING SHOWN OR SPACING BY lz- Y. rz- 1". 12' 12- 12' 12' 1Z, To' 12' 12 4 porw CTORS ON SCHEDULE By THE FOLLOWING 12- IVA r2' t(IA WA 12. FA - (NOTE - Uln E 0 FOR C4LK,- 12 NIA T2' NIA Y2* FOR MIS OPEAA�ON �0 *8j.pOSI&L -IN A'MORS IS 2 112�. 5. 12, 12* to- f2' 7. 12- 5. MIA .5 (top) USING FACTOR SH4LL NOT BE LE35& REDUCED spACIMO OBTAINED f2 _72 -Ar/ 12' 7- TH4N "INIMUM SPACING A .12. I(IA 12' KIA (wTw) 1NDIC47ED -FOR EACH ANCHOR TME AT ANCHORS f2' MIA ZZ, AIA 5 flup) 12- LEGEND. I(IA 12' AVA 12- I(IA 12' VA 12- MIA 12, MIA 6 (80EMAr) it, WA 12, WA MA 12- MA 12, IVIA it' NIA 7 (fV.-,WTW MA WA WA FACTOR WA WA WA 12' 12- 1z" ACMAL E. D. "UMM SIM FM r DTrev) - ..kir -jw. . . ------ Lrz vwD_�X. PAN S341 CALK-Ily RED M-SaEVE VA-Anl"*� rvc= M am watom 7E� 4 CRM-f= S34 1`0*� FASM= AftKt%E To mm�r IV utwmr 7, ­ .�._ u� &MISOF nis .86 75 WN UUWR - C�� pma WA 72- WA 12. 7p xcqo� to LOM I., (,V 1, WA f2' NIA .71 .50, 9. 72- 12' 12 72' TZ, IZ, f2' NIA �2- .50 12. fz_ tilA F2- 12- r parr= NIA 12" 72- MIA 12' 12, 12. L2' f2o 12' WA Crop) 12- 12- lz* 12- 12- WA 12' 2 X/A f2' WA 12- MIA 12- WA Ez. MCHORS LEGEMD 72, P. AVA rz. 12- 12' 12- 12. OV0 12' 12- to' 12' 12- 12- ANCHORS ANCHOR U, Zj� tV WA 12, NIA 12" WA rz, WA 12' NIA 12- 9. f2' MA 7YPE - 12- r2' 12' F2. tz, 12- 12' to' 4 00P) SPACING 12' 12- 72- WA f2' MIA 12' NIA f2' NIA 12, 4 (actErow) TAPCOMITAMELAIATES/ 12' F2' MIA 12' WA J. 0. I(IA 12, 7' 12' .6 12' 2- 5 (top) CRETE FLLX SS4 - (2" 1 VIA 12' -1.5 rbw7ou) NIA 12, IJIA f2' NIA rMp,) Q4LK-IN 2.5� I VIA ­AVA . . !&nmv-:� NIA Ir 41A RED HD, it' N/A 7 (7DP//Wao DYNABOLT- SLEEV��v% 12' 12' 12' MIX" LEW. EWD, var� Low uv" aco tc� ISE'� 'No N SHE75 a & 9 OF 9 In sunr FOR ANFHO& to cwQMr to MMw TV Mmw to uu� 94L� nPE & SPACING FOR to ca?=w rp W=� ram x7pwz r, M, To INSTALLA77ONS INT9 VOOD FRAME BUILDINGS 12' 0� IDE U11C, UMM L. (q T2- I(IA 12' WA IV f2' 7p "enw � in-,, 12" Ez" ACIA f Ctop) APPROVED4SCOMPL 12' Tz- NIA 12' WA Tz. 12- it, T (BOrM) YINGMHTHS 12' 11 12' 'SOLFTH FLORIDA BUILDING CODr: 12' 12" tz. 12. Y, z f2- 10' 12' to' t2' 12, MIA 12' It' 2 (BorrOM) rz" MIA 12' ;2, RIA 12" FIA t2' KIA PROD� 56.0, -70.0 t2, f2" fz" U, to' 12' 12. j (-rap) c RIOL, Dinvis-10-M 12- IVA 12. I r J (Borrw) CODECOMPLIA11r, 12" . 1. 12' 111A 12. I(IA F2' F(IA ACCEPTANcE NO nQzo 12" F2- 12' tz, 12' to' 12' 4 (70P) 71-6' To c�e �11 Izw WA I 2' IVA 12- WA 12' S. t2' if, 4 (sonw) 1 12' 4. 12" 1 f2' - r2' KIIIA 12' KIA y2m WA 5 (to) DK�E COMFY f2w fVA - f2 MIA (21 WA 12' S. Q F2.' 4. TV 6. 5 (9 2Z G4Q�l CV4.LlM1ZE9 BERTHA 'es --,qoy& STEEL STOpM pANEZ fl, WA r2" 14/4 12 NIA 12- __7 NIA 6 (to.) _S sc4fz 9' WA 12- 1 fq1A - 12' rVA WA T2' i It 112 P11A I rz. WA a (80 7/10/00 E, L F C, '�ASTERM ULTAL SUPPI-r. mr MIA W - WAIM . I I I. 12' 12' tz" 12" 12. r2" 12, f2' 12' l2* WA- TZ, 12- 12- 72' -12. 12- 12- 12- 12, to, 9. K/A LEK BLUD� PAVLWW PVaa�E VIA 12. M cc� To YV cuw�r TV uks�m NIA 12- WA 12. ru, f2' r2w 12, r2. 12. I(IA 12' MIA 12, N/ to' rz. WVIA rz. A(IA 12 NIA 72. -2 12- to' Tz. 12 12. TV f2w MIA 1z" I(IA r2- WA 12, WA 12, WA 12' T2' 12' r2' 121 12' 10, 12. 12, 12- [2. NIA - 72- f2- WA 12" RIA r-o- OR LOS WA t2' NIA T2' 41A 12" 12' 12- --- 7- 12* 12- 12' T2- 12. JV/A WA IV MIA 12' 44A T2 S. 12. To- 5 (&ORVU) tVA f2" NIA 12' WA t2" NIA 120' MIA 12- 41A 6 (top) .4/A 12" 91A T2- WA r2w NIA f2' IJIA WA 6 WA WA NIA I(IA IVA IVA 12' WA Tz. AVA 7 12. lz, 12' 12. 12' Tz. 9 LEK avc-�r rvcq& M to amw cmr-nix hVojMr APFIA� M 10 mj�cx IV wm� w OmMme 7p NKu0pwdRw Tv AVMJC.- FaS SZPXM I It YAU" PA%a WA f2' utwWr to cuwMQRM0E to ANr =&No= WA LgM.,L. (,t) 12- 44A fz- AVA 12- rz- tz. 12- 12- fz' VA I . for) WA 12- NIA 12' WA .12. to, rz. (Wnw 71 12" t2 12- 12- )VA 2 (rop) 41A FZI MIA 12- tVA 12 to' 12" to' 12 to' 2 (8077M9 7' 12, t2- f2' Q . 1XVIA 171 PPVA rz" 12, 12. f(IA 12- 1z. 10, 12' 7' 12- 12" 12' 1 '[2' 7,-6, to 6,-u 4/A f2- MIA 12- AVA (. w , .r. 12' 5'. 12. I(IA MIA IVA 12' MIA WA lz i VIA q1A tz. WA 12- - ...--12' WA ti IVA WA . -12. . -4/A WA NIA MIA NIA it- 1A 12- WA 7 00plaprM 12' 6. IZ' 12' 6. 8 ftp��,,,l ALq4iAfum AIVGHOR SPACINGS ARE VALIV FOR 3 112' EDGE Dl-S7ANCF- FOR E- D- LES, TH4N j 112', REDUCE ANCHOR SPACING By INGj A(ULRPL�?NG SPACING SHO)YN ON �H�U THE F- Oi LOW FO D . F R OS 2 FA 7H H R IS 2 1/ ACING OBTAIN M Sp Cl IT 0 BHE IN A lVG N 0 r UC op C S USING A R SMU Nor BE INDICA FOR �ACH MCM08 E rAN MRS LECIWO. FACTOR ACTU4L E D. r4peaml P VCL&Vj CAf K-IN RjD HD SLEBE j. .86 5 .75 1.00 2 11�2 .71, .50 1.00 2- 0 .50 ANCHORS TYPE 2-5- 5. C C 3.0 RET� FLEX SIS4 - /6 _0 R 3/6-V PED. HtD. 4 . 80LT S [DYNABOLT a . EEvE 'SEE NOTES ON SHEETS 8 & 9 OF 9 ,FOR ANCHORS nFE & SPACING FOR NSTALIA770VVE IN710 WOOD FPWE BUILDINGS EliE APPROVED AS COMPLYING WTETHE SOUTH FLORIDA BUILDING GobE DATE�L6 07 BY PRObucTC&4ROLDPASION 'BUILDING CODE compLIANGE OFFICE -rACCEPTANCENO.0(-)-(Dqjq,jb 24 G4GE 0�4LVAN . fZEDI 183ER, THA MbWl WE COUNTY a4 TOPIV STEEL S LS AS s/lOw TORIV FAIVELS ey �r INC 7 10/00 7110100 RIE 60 EAsrERjy METAL �co �m c sup?(_ r, INC DAM Mar 23 L I 4 'n . 3 �;.'r IMU v 2MWA Z"Z AHYdMO ONW3jftVa 0?�S:U Lrm JH/ t,(7dc//7S 7t�On HY313V3 .77raS mo"s sy 73MYd NNOIS VHIIY38 090-0 AIMOO 3CVG 1 --T- -- - 7 . I I - eo— F6'ON 33UVIA3jv Im"13 3000 a l' WIN ITIrlomd An iva 3103 Divolifln,vaull III(IOS "'I 111-M UNIAIMOO SV CltGdddV .1 - Alr -- � 37DW—Mi —Yy 107 —Q0�Ma3MVJXADJV T (19M2FNya jjfl(lo :0.61S' 7yJ3K P40LSVJ Mwd #PVO do mauca ly a7'y7d ja 7mj� 31y�l 60,4 bo X.1079 308�D ol �flv Ot - Ll 931ldO 3oNvnjWo3 aCloo oMan-a NOISIAIGIOUNOZ) �:Oo-z L o (OD Uva Nou IW 7r� I T "a id2au 0 � c V� r J-b,6) # 'Y'l vtm n3ff "O'M T70i .05""YLo A'Oayr'YJS'4. -(T7ylMZWM UMCLM 39 O.T7 d W7&V-V#M" S-baFow 3w -40 T7v -IV007XU anr�.,Aq yNm s� (0) -.C,qv (ce T ow m , , " slm�m 4=yjm sy -V TM6 _37'm� Tuy'v IOU �a ;CYW ai M-�� IW07 2e YM� S,, -V-c 30 5� l3z:� js�38d w -i'vis Immv I (ru 'c-laus ON min S� 6tv "'eff I X Tm� � svjh� oc-� -*/I TM6 03-us � oaxwra � � Na wm I 1140JR7 79 TMC S� M-X7�3 �V .9/Z (.-v Ml� awismvm�v W17 U� -S� 'Suom OynL-�� SY iiwrr*yd. 1CMU33dM 'JAMMaw do a OW -W Mjd 0073 80*SWACkW tA-X7rJ WeY Y/,C Mffl 71V %W-rw M79 INVY YU Ae (U'U'cn" S, swu�" - IKUWO,;iw - MT� 7"YZ wwa) M17 hu Us� -,U, 77M ;Oam 3L%Com -'vwv? 0i (IV .0-Y � (IV S:Ucm M 031Y-I� w ;' 7 7mT aimy mm >u hvv-v cu AOXVG RXC al�w -%Vuxwls -Wu w -Qaivd ho Ju rhw sya� jwu 'o 'm "L'�'a LSI� '.71,WS BYJ.IW j" X� " (Cy .1 &� 1TOO coyur ar4w M"'n -",07 'OX'hw � Hl;v nw'K wj �Mrf .Z/j I -V Tm4y a= symcs oz-, t2UPWX'Ad 3tg n� 033� � JJ43ML4W -'/I UL'&OY03 aluvd -vu QL� ama7a,7 0 OV v -'4'D'ow A'O� -� Th� zo� M-Y7� uw -R/z (cy --,rwz U� �' t rAT * -'.evt I m � Cllmw"" '�j "� -'3,MLV�1 W17 &a -%U� M-XW3 S, xxm� W73 20 13vwv - A:17 Ag (DWU-V fv� SY Sba�w Akj'M _P/I (CWW 2S�W_-4�10 'M71,O) -Ml�w akkw nvLmg aL (y) 7')al SY "Ift� vf yr R'W lZU-T OZW%?� -AOTYe ffOAftl7V )J-M� ]�Saf VOZX�6A 91C W PW Wl 'SS31WJS 39 01 SUac= T� S�Wn �7� - JVTW tw-tow A � r�-r� -71� T� sm� -�On a� M�w a7AA�� -UOW -�o � A��3�w f � M dx� hms SW X--J�sj& IYMYJ A3wv3v gla S�U= of 'Pe-4 W3� �A 5�7 01" WXWI 1601 A�nw 2av �mu _3�a HL� j :?Cw �Wl/ mnos aa Jo T�UON 7YY3M3j inm qmm IAI ofus :1 7IV13G ,uw -f Sze, - F-I I ma� � - limm7e F3.-v.Dy,yg Lno o7ina 3'70NV �f 37SNVr*G30(7n_L.g IF-10 �--Iwl T T. I w1w L�l ; smol A urlws .= . j 31%W at al�� Gfus T �j I -CSO -4- .I - _P/c -- '-� 5FJY.Yl 370MY ',J. G3SY3A3.Y CZ W m .oar SZ I 'd -ary _szi- xcr"y 4 -wry T3—N —VdJ 7 VH .j - -Plr -, � �30V3H �n, 73HVd T 7 w NOI.LVA373 77J/dAl —73Hyd xsojS iSzVz —I I .-Coc'l k. I 17. CONCRETE A1101ORS (5E[ SCHCCL�E) POURED CONCRETE REOUJRED ci _\ ku FOR A4INIUUA4 SEPARATION -S' To CLASS OF )Y/,Yoo)y OR S. G. 0. SEC77ON 0 ANCHOR ci POURED CONCRETE OR CONCRETE BLOCK WALL REQUIRED CO&CREZE ANCHORS (SEE SCHCD(A() N N N POURED N CONCRETE N \N N 2 C.f. Ix FOR Ailmmuw SEPARA77ON 'S' TO CLASS OF WNMW OR _'L G. D. 11-r 0-20 4* DOLTS W/ 7V _1�lr WZNC NUT 0 1 0. C_ CS POURED —/ Q CONCRETE' OR COAICRETE BLOCK PIALL L REOUIRED _F CONCRETE'ANCHORS (SEE SCHEDULE) _QD C.L WALL MOUNTING INSTALLATION SECTION 2 SCALE : .31B- = I' Y4: V70 XW 14 S /j 716' x 3132" RWG NLIT 0 12, 0. a. _T -ng c..t SECTION 0 STUD WALL MOUNTING INSTALLATION 5EC TION I -SCALE : J/5' = I' b9ff ; DETAIL OF SLrC77ON 0 57VO YAW ALSO FOR WALL MOLNMNG INSTALLATION - SECT)OH 2 (TOP) E D. - EDCE DISTANCE (SEE SCHEDULE W SHEETS 5 & 6 OF 8) CO�CRCTC (S_'r SCIfCDULC) CDrJC7?r)r NOChIORS (SEE SClcDULp N N N T—E CnL N POURED F N CONCRETE REOUIRED ci POLRED cawRor REC"RED cs N N N N (SEE S FOR U;h. SEPARATWON To (SEE SCHWULE)— GLASS a' W%NDoW OR S_ G. D. FOR "� SEPARAWN S' 70 GLASS OF KIZOW OR S. G. b=_20 �. IJ14, Yl 71. 0-20 x J14' J wm NUT 0 1�320. C. 718- x J W W7NG NUT a Ig2o. r ng C.L POURED CS CON Q OR CONCRETE BLOCK WALL OR rOACRETr X REOMED BLOCX ?yALL REOMED X 5 CmL Z CONCR M5 (SEE r CHE= BUILD OUT INSTALLATION SECTION 3 scxLE: j/a- — I - N07F MR COMBINATTON OF SECTIC&S WALL/FLOOWCEILING YOUNTINC SEC770AIS CAN BE COUBINED IN ANY WAY TO SUIT ANY WSIALLA77om BUILD OUT INSTALLATION SECTION 4 PRODUCTRENEWED ACCE"ANCE N� 00—o6o?--o E)CPMAT70N DATE_0_8 0 ��7L �Co BY ROI UN� L)LDIVISIO,,4 BLMZING CODE COMPLlANCE OFFICE z VyG"Mt0#G COWPAWY n. M,u A TXLIT J, P. r Cont. 70 Al. & a Yr 0. C. APPROVED AS COMPLYING VI;TlI INIC SOUTII FLORIDA BUILDING CODE BY PRODUCT CONIM. DIV!S'ON BUILDING CODE COMPLANCL OrfIq[ ACCEPIAI,'Cf 10 L Qo Ll - _110 DADE C6UNry 0.050- BERTHA sToRy pANEL AS SHOW SCILE 717198 EASTERN METAL SUPPLY, INC bArf �W 2� � SOM it M�7-320 98 - 172 E; DPAMHO * I- min. 2- , 4- � .125- J705-H14 OR 606J-T6 ALLOr C"L Af-M. ANCLE — CA SE A (Plan) SCALE. 114- = I- 6 r x -093' 3105 H-14 OR 06J-T6 AELOY ConL W.m. ANGLE WTH ANCHORS 0 IZ' 0. C. >- 114' POVREO CONCRETE OR C1OMCRVr BLOCK WALL REOURED CONCRETE ANCHORS Z' Q. C. -�-----CASE D (Plan) POURED CONCRETE OR CO�CRVF BLOCK WALL v wjwcs 9& <-L C 135' 2 OR( 7) OR OR OR @ OR OR Bar 4- x 4' x .072- 0 2c- 0. C. 3105-H14 OR 6063-T6 Atior W/-ACNVW ConL N� ANaE CA SE B (Plon) SCALE. 114" = r P"M CONCR OR CONCRETE U_OC7M�� RrOuRev -CONCRETE-MCN�- 0 Ir 0. 1 Z' x 2' x .0,55' To Z' . 5- x .055- C,,L Num. ANGLE OR -08T J105-HI54 Sha7 METAL Akm. Wff PLATE I I ,QTo?m7r LEC LocAhom CASE C (plan) SCALE. 114- = I - END CLOSURES DETAILS MA-YIMUM DESIGN PRESSURE RATING "W' (p.s.f CORRESPONDING MAXYMUM PANZY, LENGTH "L" MAXIMUM DEVrN lio. PANEL LDC7H PRESSORE RA77MG L (fL) w cp.-f) (SEE SEC77ONS) +65.0, -77.0 8'-G' OR I rs" +65.0, -77.0 >8�� To -9,-0- POURED CoNCRE7E OR +62.0, -7J.3 >9�0- TO 10--o' CaVCRETF BLOCK W T ALL REOUIRED PRODUCT RENEWED ACCEPTANCE N._Q2::j�o 2 WIiAMONDATF 681 07 /-too_? B, 4Z�,� FROD11fel t,UM KUL DIVISION BUILDING CODE COMPLIANCE OFFICE I L C 0,.c. TEST?HQ MALTER A 77aff j, p- r AP=Ll I'to .WkAVW SD-APA770H SE 70 GLASS Amr rm 2 114' 1 THRU 15 11116-- :#2, 1 THRu 8 J 77;16- S. 6. 7 & MPROWED AS COMPLYING MT11 711E DAT By FRO BUiLD;%'G C'31)1 CMI-PLAECE INTICE 0.050" BERTHA STORy pAkEL EASTERN METAL SUPPLY.;- IN ID 7 xQE CouNry AS SHOWN ScAtc! 7/7/� 9-8 --472 MOM H� DESIGN PRESSLIRE RATING ,jr, (P.S.f_). AND CORRESPONDING MAXTMUM ANCHOR SPAClNC SCHEDULE FOR TNSTALLATjOJVS INTO CONCRETE AND CBS STRUCTLTRES E 0. = EDGE OfSTANCE- "AYWUA4 DESIGN LOAD W (P.S.I.) JA4XlMUU ANCHORS SPACING FOR E. 0 - .3 1/1- APPLICABLE To SEC77ONS -M��—CQMGJNAPOW OF THEM MAXIMUM PANEL L6CTH- 'L' (H.) ALPCONS TO COMCREFE TO MASONRY PAK ZAJUAC /WUN TO C�NCRETE -70 MASONRY RAK CALK-W TO CONCRETE TO MASONRY- CF W-CRIP TO CONCRETE TO MASONRY PAhQa.UATES -TO­CVm­CRE`TE- TO "ASONRY NIA NIA NIA 5- NIA NIA I (TOP) 12. 8' 12" 10' 12- 12- 12' 61 11- 1 (BOTTOM) 12- - NIA MIA 12- MIA 72- NIA 2 (TOP) 72- 5 7 10- '0 72- 12- 12- 81 17' 2 (BOTTOAJ) 12' -- MIA 12' HIA 12' NIA 12- NIA 71, NIA i (TOP) 12- -- 8' 12- 10- 12^ — 12, 12- — i (BorToAl) +55.0, --65.0 12' )VIA 12- NIA 12- MIA 12 HIA 11- NIA 4 (TOP) 9.--.0. OR LESS 12' 12' 10, 12' 12' 72" 6" 11' 11' 4 (BOTTOM) 12- NIA 12, NIA 12- NIA 72- NIA NIA 5 (TOP) 72� 12' To- 12- 12- 12- 8�' I 1" 5 (&Or7oAi) 11 112- V/A 7 112- NIA 12- MIA 8 112- NIA 6" NIA 6 (7-OPIBOTToy) .10- NIA NIA IVIA 6 712' JVIA HIA NIA 10 112- 12- NIA 12, 7- 12- NIA 6- 5- 6, 'NIA 6- 7 (TOPIBOTroy) 8 Croplaonolv) 6- MIA s- NIA 6- NIA 6' MIA 6' N/A 2 (TOP) 6- 6' 6- 6- 6- 6. 6- 2 (BOTTOM) -A55.0, -65.0 5- N/A 6- MIA 6- NIA 6-- JVIA 5 I/Z- NIA 6 (7-0P/BOTTOy) 9--0" To 10, _0- 6- NIA 112, �NIAI N/Al 6- MIA 5- NIA 4 112- V/A 7 (TOP/BOj70Af) NIA 1A NIA 6- 5- 5, —6 �6'8 �(TOPIBO�TTOV) SEE SHEET 7 & a OF a FOR ANCHORS TypE & SpACING FOR INSTALLA77ONS INTO AVOO FRAWE BUILDINGS. MAX'AIUM ANCHOR SPACINGS ARE VALID FOR J IIZ- EDGE DISTANCE - FOR E. D. LESS THW 1 7/2'. REDUCE ANCHOR SPACING BY AdU4T7PL'aMG SPACINGS SHOW ON SCHEDULE BY THE FOLLOMNG FACTORS. (Alin. E D. FOR'RArL - cALK-,N ANCHORS & aco PAMELMTE 15 2 1/2-). FACTOR ACTUAL E. 0. TAPCOWIZAWAC MILIH/ IUK CALK�fi Cr r;Ap-�p P"Etwms X .75 1.00 2c, 112' -.71 .50 .80 50 Qe�ll . A71 -) / 9.2 PRODUCT RENEWED AOCEPTANCE Nm 0 0 :20 �OL - O� E:;UMAnO?4 DATZOOZ07 -LooY Byj�, PRODOE�'r CONMDL DIVISION BUMDING CODE COMPLLANCE oM- CE 11LIECO INC. .rT TrST)WG A EVaVLTRp�G COM j AP,IlvkD AS COMPLYMC, WIT11 TIIE SOU'll 11.11111A ll,,0MG CODE 9 �qY La sr Pon 'T C DUCT rot.1h DIV.S.0 .0t. U.; 1) &:': CODE Co"IT'ANCE OfF 0.050" BERTHA STORY PANEt EASTERN METAL'SU-PPLY, JNC- DADE COUNTY 7/7/joe DA rr j8 172 D"hI�� 'JY-. AfAA7YUM DESIGN PRESSURE RATING "W' (p.s.f)-APfD CORRESPOjVDI G )d rjjdU CHOR IV AA Af AN SPACING SCHEDULE FOR INSTALLATIONS INTO CojVCRETE AND C-B.S- STRUCTLrRES I C EO= EDGE :0fTT:AWNC:_E- Al"uum DESIGN LOAD W .TO "4XAR�W ANCHORS SPACING FOR E. 0. TApCOus RAK Z�C NVU, APPOC48LE To RAM C4LK-W— CF W-CRIP SECT?Oms- / & UWUUM PANEL — -io 0 —C,,,, _FO ANY COMBOATION LE%IGW -I, (te.) COhICRETE ,ASO .. T TO CONCRETE I 1 1-0 CONCRETE TO 11ASUMW TO CONCRETE To MASO�W OF �M'M I +65.0, -77.0 12-, NIA 7- NIA IT' 6- 12" NIA 10' 3 112- 12- NIA 6 112- 2 1/7- 9 112- NIA 9 112- I (TOP) I (BO770AI) 9-0- OR LESS 12' MIA NIA 12- MIA 12- NIA 9 112� iVIA 2 (TOP) 12- 7' 17, 8- 12' 10- 12- 6 112- 9 112' 9 112- 2 (BOTTOM) 12- MIA 11, NIA 12' MIA 12- MIA 9 112- NIA -3 (TOP) lz' 7- 11' 8- 12- To- 12- 6 112- 9 112- 9 112- J (BOTTOM) 12- MIA it- NIA 12' NIA 72- NIA 9 112- NIA 4 (TOP) 12' 7" 11' 6' 12- 10- 12' 6 112' 9 112' 9 112- 4 (BOrTOAf) 72- NIA NIA 12" MIA 72- MIA MIA 5 (TOP) 72- 5 112- 9 112- 6 112- 72- 10' 5- 7 112- 7 112- 5 (BOTTOM) 9 112- N/A 6 112- NIA 10' MIA 7- NIA 5- NIA 6 (TOP180rTOM) 8 112- NIA MIA __;1A 5 712- NIA NIA NIA 8 112- 12- NIA r r 72- NIA 6- 4 112- 6" MIA 6' 7 (TOP18OT7-ohl) 8 (TOP1807TOM) �62.0, -7J.J NIA 6' MIA MIA NIA 6 6- 6- 5' NIA I NIA 6' NIA NIA NIA 6' 5. 6' 6- MIA H/A MIA 6- 5 712' MIA NIA NIA :���8 61 61 5- 4' MIA 6' VIA NIA 2 (TOP) 9�0, To 10�0- 2 (BOTTON) 6 (TOPIBOTTOM) 7 (Toy�/BOTTOM) �(TOPISOT�Toy) SEE SHEET 7 & 8 OF 8 roR ANCHORS TpC & SpACINC FOR INSTALLAnONS INIO RVOO FRAWE BUILDINGS. MAXIMUM ANCHOR SPACINGS ARE VALID FOR 3 IIZ' EDGE DISTANCE. FOR E. D. LESS ntUl 3 7127, REDUCE ANCHOR SPACING By "ULT7PL)r7NG SPACINGS ShVKW ON SCHEDULE BY THE FOLLOWING ' FACTORS. Nin. E 0. FOR RAWL CALK -IN ANCHORS & ELCO 15ANELMAYE IS 2 112'). ACTUAL E. D. FACTOR TAftVMILW�C UWN1 PAVaWTES RANL CkK-4H cr W-mp 7_7_ .75 1.00 2 112- 71 .50 .80 Z" .50 PRODUCT RENEW-ED ACCEPTANCE h1m 0 — 0 6 0 Z. o E)CPRIATION DATE. 0 ? 98/4ZZ —01:1- OY4, ;ei (_ i�L zo TC, �;�rROLI Di'vnisolo- �q 8uu-0ING CODE COMPLWICE omcE APMOVED AS COMPLYDIC, WIT11 TIIE SOUTD FLTJOA DUILDRiG CODE 06, q(7 BY I-liuuuul L.Ulviltol D:v I , . j. . , I BU'LD"NG CODE rohlN,AnCF Clifir.f ICCEPTANCE rjOUm__Qb.0_, 0.050" BERTHA ST6Rv pANEL IL ECOINC. EASTERN METAL SUPPLY. INC =TWC i:Hcv&7rRHG CojjpAy F1 X�6f-�47 r� WE COUNTY -98 — 17 Niq A I AOGIHM[TDE� HA� -GULFSTREAM AdINUM '� SHOTTER (FAMPPO HUAH Jon 15 03 06:188 14 5 uj:Lj UUbjDjAcAh,ALUmjpUfi a M110 EMSL41 1. 7m 9ftmim AV AX&DAMZ Wirz CAVAMS. b E= BMW FAWM MAM= APM LOMIlm wMir" PLAN VIEW TYPICAL MUZ itra 61,10 2,- M" lcrc �n�)Laj�IqU F. UU1001 5015804720 F.1 FLMNEAl Pit&" 24 CA EGREW IMAN'—CM I GE GALV STCCL S ANQ Em. mc.. PRPAW f Y� / 02-08080 1 v� JK 71 0 -FIROPOSED LOT�; 90 19 .94 PROPOSED Pl_,�TO­F W� P.U.D. 11 �PINE_Sf' THE RESERVE, SCANNED DESCRIPTION: BY Qf I f% . uu U vull A PARCEL OF LANb LYING'IN SECTION 27, TOWNSHIP 3M SOUTH, RANGE 39 EAST, ST. LUCIE COUNTY-,. FLOkIDA,,BEING MORE PARTICULARLY DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: COMMENCE AT THE SOUTHEASTcoRNER OF TRACT 1, AS SHOWN ON THE PLAT OF POD 20B AT THE RESERVE, P.U.D. 11 - CASTLE PINES, AS RECORDED,,`h'l,'.'l" - IN PLAT BOOK 39, PAGES 3 AND 3A, PUBLIC RECORDS OF ST. LUCIE COUNTY,�-'�'_`11;0` FLORIDA: THENCENORTH 06044'40" WEST ALONG THE EAST LINE OF SAID TRACT 1 A DISTANCE OF 42.52 FEET; THENCE NORTH 83015'20" EAST, DEPARTING SAID EAST LINE, -A DISTANCE OF 224.02 FEET TO THE POINT OF BEGINNING - THENCE NORTH 54024'48" EAST, A DISTANCE OF 142.00 FEET; THENC I E I SOUT H 35-35'12" EAST, A DISTANCE OF 66.03 FEET; THENCE SOUTH 54024'4'8'.",'W'EST;.A. DISTANCE OF 142.00 FEET,- THENCE NORTH 35035'12" WEST, A D18TAN6 OF'",' 66.93 FEET TO THE POINT OF BEGINNING. SHEET 1 OF 2 , t LEGEND: I A L - DELTA ANGLE N.R. - NOT RADIAL R/W = RIGHT-OF-WAY SET 5/8" IRON ROD = ARC LENGTH O.E. = OVERHANG EASEMENT SAN. - SANITARY WITH CAP WITNESS CATV = CABLE TV O.M.E. = OVERHANG MAINTENANCE EASEMENT S.B.T. - SOUTHERN BELL TELEPHONE CORNER La #6674 C.B. = CATCH BASIN O.R.B. = OFFICIAL RECORD BOOK S.F. SQUARE FEET o I.O'OFFSETv C.B.S. (L = CONCRETE BLOCK & STUCCO CENTERLINE O/S = OFFSET T.O.B. TOP OF BANK 0 = ELECTRIC SERVICE = O.S. = OPEN SPACE TRACT TYP. TYPICAL A - CATV CONC. = CONCRETE P.B. = PLAT BOOK i U.E. UTILITY EASEMENT - LIGHT POST COV. - COVERED P.C. - POINT OF CURVATURE U.L.P. UPLAND PRESERVATION D.E. = DRAINAGE EASEMENT P.C.P. = PERMANENT CONTROL POINT 0 SET 5/8" IRON ROE) WITH CAP NO. LB 6674 = I V� PINE TO BE ELEV. = ELEVATION P.D.E.' = PRIVATE DRAINAGE EASEMENT 0 FOUND 5/8" IRON ROD WITH CAP No. LB 6674 REMOVED (TYP) E.O.P. = EDGE OF PAVEMENT P.G.E. = PRIVATE GAS EASEMENT 0 . FOUND PERMANENT CONTROL POINT 4F = 10" PINE (TYP) E.O.W. = EDGE OF WATER P.K. = PARKER KALON NAIL 7 = SET P-K NAIL WITH DISK NO. LB 6674 TO REMAIN (TYP) F.F. = FINISHED FLOOR P.O.B. - POINT OF BEGINNING A ' FOUND P-K NAIL No. LB 6674 FN6. -FOUND P.O.C. = POINT OF COMMENCEMENT 0 WATER SERVICES F.P.E. = FLOOD PLAIN EASEMENT P.P. =.POWER POLE >< - WATER VALVE F.P.L. = FLORIDA POWER & LIGHT P.R.M. = PERMANENT REFERENCE MONUMENT = SANITARY SERVICE I.E.E. = INGRESS/EGRESS EASEMENT PROP. =PROPOSED El = FOUND PERMANENT REFERENCE MONUMENT 6674 L.S.S. LANDSCAPE AND SIGNAGE EASEMENT P.T. = POINT OF TANGENCY 00 M.H. MANHOLE P.U.E. = PRIVATE UTILITY EASEMENT EXISTING ELEVATION IN FEET MON. N.G.V.D. MONUMENT NATIONAL GEODETIC VERTICAL DATUM R RAD. = RADIUS = RADIAL 0.00 > = PROPOSED ELEVATIONS IN FEET 5 = DRAINAGE FLOW INDICATOR < 'w? PROP. O.S.T. NO. 3 PROP. UPLAND PRESERVATION EASEMENT NO. 4 P O.B. 0 4� P.O.C. S.E, CORNER I TRACT 1 .!Pp PROP. O.S.T. NO. 3 TRACT 1 0'v POD 20B AT THE RESERVE 01 -CASTLE PINES P.U.D. Il P.B. 39, PAGES 3 & 3A N P C.c.,_ FIA 29.0 0. a 0, cl PROP. V, O.S.T. NO 3 q. < R�909.00' L--20:-67i SURVEYOR'SREPORT: L 1. THIS SURVEY IS PREPARED FOR RESERVE HOMES. LTD. AND IS NOT ASSIGNABLE. 2. THE LANDS SHOWN HEREON WERE NOT ABSTRACTED FOR EASEMENTS AND/OR . RIGHTS-. OF -WAY OF RECORD BY THIS OFFICE. 3. VISIBLE ENCROACHMENTS ARE AS SHOWN. 4. DESCRIPTION FURNISHED BY CLIENT. 5. NOTICE: THERE: MAY BE ADDITIONAL RESTRICTIONS THAT ARE NOT RECORDED ON I THIS SURVEY THAT MA� BE FOUND, IN THE PUBLIC RECORDS OF THIS COUNTY. 6. THIS SKETCH IS THE PROPERTY OF LAWSON, NOBLE &-WEBB, INC. AND SHALL NOT BE REPRODUCED IN WHOLE OR PART WITHOUT T HE-PERIAISSION OF LAWSON, NOBLE & WEBB. INC. IN WRITING. T. BEARINGS SHOWN HEREON ARE BASED ON THE WEST LINE OF LOT 90 WHICH BEARS A �35-35-12- W ':, �AND ALL BEARINGS ARE RELATIVE TO PLAT. B. BOUNDARY DIMENSIONS SHOWN ARE PER PLAT AND FIELD MEASUREMENT UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED. 9. ELEVATIONS SH9WN) HFREON ARE BASED ON N.G.V.D. ADJUSTMENT OF 1929. 10. LANDS SHOWN HEREON CfEl,WITHIN ZONE X ACCORDING TO THE FLOOD INSURANCE RATE MAr PANEL NOJ26285-")275F ' DATED AUGUST 19,1991 IL IMPROVP`MENT IF.49�_ARE AS SHOWN"' 12 DATE OF FfIEFD'SURVEY: SEP TEWER 24, 2003 V-4 Oo-1 1 V�k .119 i - IMPROVEMENT9.%IF"ANY. ARE AS LOCATED. NOT VA ID'yWHDUT THE SIGNATURE AND THE ORIGINAL RAISED SEAL OF A FLORIDA LICEN;�c EYOR AND MAPPER. a 9. PROP. O.S.T. NO. 2 PROP. MULLIGAN CIRCLE 24' I.E.E,, D.E. & U.E. I P-\600-699\B652\CAD\LOT SURVEYS\B652ks90.dwq 08/18/2003 11.53,10 AM EDT MAP OF BOUNDARY SURVEY' CLIENT: RESERVE HOMES, -LTD'... LB � 'I , -* � I.: N Wvmr 74 �awson., 9 N Q I N 0 El R 8 - LAN R 590 po"' '16 r� � I NW Rpd(�c� B06160r�, ulti q I )or[ a 6 (772) q�B-1700 , fox; (772) 7. - 0 �o olli st 1nw-ln6.com' wee't Palm a 7777 "24-o. t--7R-EVISION 77 DATE I 'BY I-CK'D I DATE��9-- )LODZIEJCZYK, PROFESSIONAL SURVEYOR AND MAPPER FLORIDA REGISTRATION NO. 3864 WIN LEGEND: a L = DELTA ANGLE = ARC LENGTH N.R. - NOT RADIAL R/W - RIGHT-OF-WAY SET 5/8" IRON ROD CATV - CABLE TV O.E. O.M.E. = OVERHANG EASEMENT SAN. - SANITARY WITH CAP WITNESS C.B. = CATCH BASIN d.R.B. = OVERHANG MAINTENANCE EASEMENT = OFFICIAL RECORD BOOK S.B.T. = SOUTHERN BELL TELEPHONE CORNER LB #66T4 C.B.S. = CONCRETE BLOCK 8c STUCCO O/S - OFFSET S.F. = SQUARE FEET o I.O'OFFSET CL = CENTERLINE O.S. = OPEN SPACE TRACT T.O.B. TYP. - TOP OF BANK = TYPICAL 0 = ELECTRIC SERVICE CONC. GOV. =,CONCRETE = COVERED. P.B. = PLAT BOOK U.E. = UTILITY EASEMENT A = CATV - LIGHT POST D.E. = DRAINAGE EASEMENT P.C. P.C.P. - POINT OF CURVATURE = PERMANENT CONTROL POINT U.L.P. 0 = UPLAND PRESERVATION SET 5/8" - i P PINE TO BE ELEV, = E.LEVATION' P.D.E. = PRIVATE DRAINAGE EASEMENT 0 = IRON ROD WITH CAP NO. LB 6674 = FOUND 5/6" IRON ROD WITH CAP REMOVED(TYP) E-O.PA E.O.Wi -�EDGE OF PAVEMENT! "�­EDGE OF WATER'., P.G.E. = PRIVATE GAS EASEMENT 9 No. LB 6674 = FOUND PERMANENT CONTROL POINT 4f = 10" PINE (TYP) F.FL = FINISHED FLOOR P.K. P.O.B. = PARKER KALON NAIL = POINT OF A = SET P-K NAIL WITH DISK NO. LB 6674 TO REMAIN (TYP) FND. = FOUNDi P.O.C. BEGINNING = POINT OF COMMENCEMENT A C) = FOUND P-K NAIL No. LB 6674 = WATER SERVICES F.P.E. = FLobD!PLAJN.EASEMENT_-- P.P. = POWER POLE X = WATER VALVE F.P.L'. I.E.E, FLORIDA POWER&LIGHT - INGRESS/EGRESS'EASEMENT P.R.M. PROP. = PERMANENT REFERENCE MONUMENT =PROPOSED 0 = SANITARY SERVICE L.S.S. = LANDSCAPE AND SIGNAGE EASEMENT P.T. = POINT OF TANGENCY 00 0 = FOUND PERMANENT REFERENCE, MONUMENT 6674 M.H. = MANHOLE P.U.E. = PRIVATE UTILITY EASEMENT _4�� - EXISTING ELEVATION IN FEET MON. = MONUMENT R = RADIUS -,N.G.V;D. = NATIONAL GEODETIC VERTICAL DATUM RAD. 0.00 = RADIAL > = PROPOSED ELEVATIONS IN FEET A = DRAINAGE FLOW INDICATOR TRACT 1 POD 20B AT THE RESERVE P.U.D. II -CASTLE PINES v P.B. 39, PAGES 3 & 3A SURVEYOR'S REPORT: 11, THIS SURVEY IS PREPARED FOR RESERVE HOMES, LTD. AND -IS NOT ASSIGNABLE. 2. THQ LANDS SHOWN HEREON WERE NOT ABSTRACTED FOR EASEMENTS AND/OR RIGHTS -OF -WAY OF RECORD BY THIS OFFICE. ,'5. WISIBLE ENCROACHMENTS ARE AS SHOWN. 4. DESCRIPTION FURNISHED BY CLIENT. 5. NOTICE: ff HERE MAY BE ADDITIONAL RESTRICTIONS THAT ARE NOT RECORDED ON THIS�SURVEY,NHAT MAY BE FOUND IN THE PUBLIC RECORDS OF THIS COUNTY. �6. frHIS'SKETCH 11SIETHEWROPERTY OF LAWSON, NOBLE & WEBB, INC. AND SHALL NOT 1BEREPRODUGED,411WHOLE-OR PART WITHOUT THE PERMISSION OF LAWSON, NOBLE & WEBB; 4NC. 11141WRITING., 7. BEARINGS'tHOWN HEREON�ARE BASED ON THE WEST LINE OF LOT 90 WHICH. BEARS, N.35.3512" W , AND'ALL kARiNaS ARE RELATIVE TO PLAT. 8. -, BOUNDARY DIMENSIONS SHO�VN 'ARE PER PLAT AND)FIELD MEASUREMENT UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED. 9. -ELEVATIONS SHOWN HEREOMARE BASED ON N.G.V.D. ADJUSTMENT OF 1929. 10. LANDS SHOWNMEREON� LIE WITHINZONEIX ACCORDING TO THE FLOOD INSURANCE RATE MAP,PANEL-NO.-120285-0215F DATED-AUGU3T19.1991- 11. IMPROVEMENTS'll' ANY ARE-AS-EikOWN. 12 DATE OF FIELD SURVEY: S.EPTEMBER 24,'2003 ,CERTIFICATION: I ,IMPROVEMENTS. 'IF ANY. ARE AS LOCATED. NOT VALIDWITHOUT THE SIGNATURE AND THE ORIGINAL RAISED SEAL OF A FLORIDA LICENSED SURVEYOR AND MAPPER. � zk PROP. O.S.T. NO. 2 PROP. MULLIGAN CIRCLE 24' I.E.E, D.E. & U.E. /0'-M/6 NOTE: MEASURED TO 1� r-OF-BOAR-D SHEET 2 OF P.\600-699\B652\CAD\LOT SURVEYS\P652Ls90 iwL iA"- %ajj�14E T MAP OF BOUNDARY" SURVEY CLIENT: RESERVE HOMES, LTD. LB # 6674. L N a 0 0 0 0­6 0 0 0 9%,0686, Lawson, Noble & Webby'-Ahdi.�'. 'E N a i N a a R a - PLATNNERS - SIURVEYOR8' 590 NW Peacock Boulevard, StAfe 9; Port Sf; Lucle. F1DrWa:34986'-': (7T2)'878-1700 - fox: (772) 878-1802- ed)ol 1nw-ps1o16y'-1ha.!corri West Palm Beach Port St., Lucia , I REVISION I FB/PG I DATE I BY"'ICK-D 1DAT0,,,9_"241-'n-,i --I - / 6 - c) *3 PROFESSIONAL SL rRATION NO. 4731 61L-IE B652 BP #:z0q&q15 N:Li: SECTION: TOWNSHIP: RANGE: �39 MAP NO.: ZONING: LAND USE: <S LOT CVG %: TAZ NO.: FLOOD ZONE: FIRM MAP M. 1ST FUR ELV: MAX HGT.' CST TYPE: V OCCP TYPE: R-2- MAX.00CP: I # OF FLRS: WATER: S R: SPRINKLERS ;STORMWATE LOT OF REC (befr 1/90) Loi OF REC faftr 119b) LOT SPLIT LO T S�Lrr REQ'D 'APPRV`D DECAL LIBRARY,, PARKS., PERMIT NUMBER IMPACTIFEE IMPACT F FEE%_ REPORT CODE PUBLIC BLDG IMPACTFEE I 4q HABITABALE AREA RADON 0EE (RADON) Y. N ROAD IMPACTZONE GROSS ROAD IMRA7 FEE: '1355 CREDIT TOTAL ROAD, IMPACTFEE, 3 DUE, .. SCHOOL CREDIT . ....... . ...... . I ....... . . ... TOTAL IMPACTIFEE &)L�o SCHOOL IMPACT FEE POLICE FEE FIRE FEE q4D MISC FEES: TOTAL ,POLICEtFI.RE/ MISC. FEES Y N ADDITIONAL SPECIFY: 'TOTALALL PERMITS FEES REaD REVIEWS 2 :ONING_ ..... ZONI NG PLANS ETATI ON SEA MANGROVE tDBY EXAMININ .TURTLE DATE...... I/A/A ........ VA3, 10/15J§3 COMPLETE ANITIALS PEF 0a DATE FILE15:�' E RECEIPT NO.: P�AN PERAUT NUMEBER: CONCURRENCYFEI :RECEIPT NO.: CERT. CAP. NO.: ALL INFO " OUT BE COMPLETE FILLED IN TO BE ACCEPTED ST. LUCIE COUNTY PUBLIC WORKS BUILDING &ZONING DEPARTMENT - 2300 VIRGINIA AVENUE --EL-) FORT PIERdE.-FL 34982-5652-4 .... ...... 561-462-1553 13Y 1A St. Lude Co APPLICATION for BUIL/DING PERMIT CERTIFICATE,of CAPACITY/ZONING COMPLIANCE PROJECT INFORMATION P:5L 1. LOCATION/SITE ADDRESS: 2. S/D NAME: miL"IML SITE PLAN NAME: 3. PROPERTY TAX`ID 4. LEGAL DESCRIPTION (attach extra sheets if necessary), --t fP 5. 'PLAT. 7. klelK..'Cll B.';.' LOT A' S, a A NO. 1300K �69 9. PARCEL SIZE: A AC �SE� ? LOT DIMENSIONS r2- 10. DESCRIPTION COI��TION PROJECT OR WORK ACTIVITY:, f 11. SETBACK�(ACTUAQ FRONT: BACK: RIGFIT" LEFT (C5 9_N=16M_ JX� SIDE SIDE: 12. TYPE OF CONSTRUCTION (Check all appropriate boxes) NEW CONSTRUCTION EXPANSION/ADDITION INTERIOR RENOVATION RESIDENTIAL COMMERCIAL INDUSTRIAL OTHER (SPECIFY)- 13. DESCRIPTION OF PROPOSED USE: 14. Sq. Ft./CONSTRUCTION: 103445z- 15 Sq. Ft: 1 st Floor: All 16. VALUE OF CONSTRUCTION: $ 21 0 0 The value of construction is used to determine the amount of permit fees to be assessed. St Lucia County reserves the right to question and/or modify the Indicated value of construction if it Is demonstrated that the submitted figures are not consistent Wth similar types of construction activities. If the value Is $2500 or more, a RECORDED Notice of Commencement must be submitted vAth this applic�iion. SLCCDV Form No.: 001 _o2 OWNER INFORMATIOM., NAME: 1-v7,j �v:n!n-nilqc. zidT ADDRESS: m Jsd'bnn� CITY. stsisq,q. STATIE. PHONE (DAYTIME): 7 -,Nwollot 0!: E P OLDER'(PR'0_ IS DIFFERENT FROM THE OWNER LIS IF-THEFE SIM LETITLFH BELOW.' TED ABOVE,PLEASE FILL IN.NAME ANd AD041M§T--i ,FEE SIMPL115TITLEHOLDER: /A ADDRESS: CITY: STATE: 23P PHONE (DAYTIME): CONTRACTOR INFORMATION ST'. of FL REGJCERT #: C-113-- ST. LUCIE COUNTY CERT #: BUSINES&NAME: QUALIFIERS NAME: yi, IL_ ADDRESS: K� kAJ t�>Mcmt>�] 't>� CITY: B�wr G-r L4&c w- PHONE (DAYTIME): a?.Zi q&�3- 4RCHmENGINEER: kDDRESS: .rry: 3HONE (DAYTIME): IONDING COMPANY. MDRESS: ;ITY: IORTGAGE LENDER: DDRESS: nry: iTATE: ZIP FAX NO. 61>a STATE: -'zip STATE: Zip MPORTANT NOTICE: When 3 Perfnit Is issued and it is not picked up within 60 days ifter notification it will be voided and retumed to you by.mail. CERTIFICATION: This application is hereby made to obtain a permit to do the work and in . stallations as indicated, and to obtain a certificate of capacity, if applicable, for the permitted work. I certify that no work or installation has commenced prior to the issuance of a permit and that all wo - r'k will be performed to meet the standards of all laws regulating construction in this jurisdiction. I understand that separ�t aep i ermits may be required for ELECTRICAL, PLUMBING, SIGNS, WELLS, POOLS, FURNACES, BOILERS, HEATERS, K' NR CO . NDITIONERS, ETC., not otherwise included with this building permit application. The followind,building perrnit�apllicatlons are exempt from undergoing a full concurrencY review: room additions, accessory stW._c1ure,s, (all types), swimming pools, fences, walls, signs, screen rooms, utility substations & accessory uses to another non- residential use. NOTICE TO OWNER: FAILURE TO RECORD A NOTICE OF COMMENCEMENT MAY RESULT IN YOUR PAYING TWICE FOR IMPROVEMENTS TO YOUR PROPERTY. IF YOU- INTEND TO OBTAIN FINANCING, CONSULT WITH YOUR LENDER OR AN ATTORNEY BEFORE RECORDING YOUR NOTICE OF COMMENCEMENT. NOTICE TO APPLICANT: AS THE APPLICANT FOR THIS BUILDING PERMIT, IF IT IS NOT YOUR RIGHT. TITLE, AND INTEREST THAT IS SUBJECT TO ATTACHMEN:P AS A CONDITION OF THIS, PERMIT YOU PROMISE IN GOOD FAITH TO DELIVER A COPY OF THE ATTACHED CONSTRUCTION LIEN LAW NOTICE TO THE PERSON WHOSE PROPERTY IS SUBJECT TO ATTACHMENT. I OWNER'S AFFIDAVIT: l,certify that all the foregoing information is accurate and'thdt all work will be done in c6nipliance with all applicable laws regulating construction and zoning.;' j�C OWNEkICON R 'SIGNATURE CONTRA&MA-SIGNATURE STATE OF FLORIDA STATE OF FLORIDA COUNTYOF--S:-r- !LJAC-vK COUNTY OF'S-r I LLAr-tv- 7 The foregoing instrument was kn )wled d The foregoing instrument as acknowledged — 110 y f befoge me thisq2may Of.. 9.101--3 byJg_P;kd—�e�b fore me thIS,J4!Qda 0 ZZ� 200-6 by o is personally known to meior who 9_Lyvg�=�� has pro ad as identification. rwh as produced as identification. ignature of Notary ignature of Notary -L'yMoe Ram?'e Type or Print Name of Notary Type of Print Name of Notary Nota!y Public Title ic — Title ................. _CommIssIo9.NWbeMgg,;76ORE Commission Number C.��# D00232&% (seal) 0=007 ............ N11111,160686 (seal) YNNE MOORE ....... 4Z 6,Wd MW,(W0)432-1254" Me; .... Z P, COMM DD02328sa IaO .... EN*� "WW7 NOTE: TWO (2) SIGNAT 54. -42 )432 UR;S ARE REQUIRED. EACH SIGNATURE MUST BE NOTAkdtt, BandW oft (800 ....... Z�n Nft rYA�.Inc IF APPLYING FOR THIS BUILDING PERMIT AS AN OWNERIBUILDER. THE OWNER MUST PE'*R6ff&1f*APPEAR TO SIGN THIS APPLICATION IN THE OFFICE LISTED ON THE FRONT OF THIS APPLICATION. SCANNE) St Lucie'County Eastern Metal supp—ly --3-600 23rd Ave., South , Inc. Lake worth FL 33461 =%-%A-DF T F COM PID- _.FLA 'U'LDING CO E C01V2L 2yMTRO_gAD, UNCE OFFICI - E FLAGLER BUILDINC 140 WEST FLAGLER STREET SMTE 1602 hCA-lyfl, FLOM& 33130-1563 (3 OS) 375-2901 PAX (3 05) 375-2908 CONTRACTOR LICENSjNG SECTION C305) 375-2S27 1�&X(305)37�,2558 CONTRACTORENFORCEAff,NTD -' �305)375-296,,A),(,,,)IvI81ON 375-290s PRODUCT CONTROL DIVISION Your application for Notice of Acceptance (NOA) of.- (30) 375-2902 FAX (3o,) 372-6339 0.030" GalVaniZed Steel Storm PanelSS]Lutter under'Chapter g of th e Code:iof Miami -Dade, CO'MtY governing the use of Alterriate Construction, and colnPlctel� described herein, has been recomrn Materials and Ty County Building Code Compliance 0 ended for acc�piajjee'�q ' ' � pes of tl�e' hEami-Dade ffice 03CCO) under the conditions spepij�0 herein.-�..., This NOA shall not be validafter the expiration date, stated below. B'cC product or In"teiial at any time from a jobsite or M'6j�faOturer,s-pi 0 r * eseTV6S the right to'se-cur6 this a�i fOr quality, coniroltes 6g , - Product ormater'al fails to perform ia-the approved manner, BCCb-may' revoke, modLfy; T - ; .;'If this use'Of *Such -product or,-�iLatc�ial immediately... pCC.0 re I Pr Suspend the -to, Mvoke* this approval,, if it is 'determined by..BCCO that t�is Product or material -fails. to: III etth� requirement§ of the 6outh Florida 2 s6rvds-the'�right Bu.ffdirig Code. e The 6k�-6ns:6 of Such test,g *in Ue incu- rred by the mdWaoturtr. ACCEPTANCE No.: 00_09.19.10 EXPMES. 0 610 7/20 04 Raul ' Rodriguez Chief Product Control Division CONDITIONS OD�76�jj&VIEW 13MD—ING CODE & �R COWETTEF, This aPPlication for Product Approval has been reviewed by the BCCO and approved by the Building Code and Produit Review Committee to be used in h1iami-Dade County, Florida under the conditions set forth above. APPROWD:_o6/07/2001 Francisco J. Quintana� R.A. Director Miami -Dade County Building Code Compliance OffIce VXS(1450001%QC2000%ktempl,�te�\notic& a ccepa nce Myer pagoe.dAt Internet mail address: Postm2ster@buildin.�codeonlille.com 0 Honnepa.ae: lf� 7 Easteim Metal Supply,jnc, ACCEPTANCE No. 00-0919.10 APPROVED 06/07/2qoi EXPIRES 06/07/2004. SCOPE This approves 0.030" Galvanized Steel Storm panels Shutter' as described in Section 2 of"th Notice of Aomptarice, designed to comply with the South Florida Miami -Dade County, for the locations where the Building qOde, 1994 Edition f( Pressure requirements, as determined by SFB, Chapter 23, do notexcced the Design Pressure Rating values indicated in the approved drawings. 2. PRODUCT DESCRIPTION This'0.030" Galvanized Steel Storm Panels shutter- and its components shall be conitructed in stric', complia;nce, with the foUOwl'ug.documents: Drawing No. 00-252, titled "24 (3ag(�G ed Berth: Steel Stbrm Panels" alvaaiz Prepared by Tilteco, I Inc., dated SUIY-10, 20DO, last revision #1 dated'April 33" 200 1, sheets I -through 9 Of 9, signed and scaled bcy Walter A. Tillit Jr., P,E.,.;beari4g the hdianai�-- .... . Dade_CQM�tY -Product. Control­appmval stamp%YYith---.t-he_NQtice. of Acceptanae,ilumber-and japprova date_-by_--1heMami-I)ade, County Product Control Division. Thes.e..dorumen�. referred to as the: �Pproved drawings. - - .. .1 . shg�-ller9iaafte-r. bf 3- LDMTATIONS All Permanent sot components, included but not limited -to embedded anchor b*ohs,* threaded cones, metal shields, -hBad�rs and sills, b nPst --p protected again& col-TOSIO", cOntaMinatian and damage at es. 4. INSTALLATION This 0.0301, Galvanized Steel Storm Panels Shutter and its components shall be installed in strict compliance with theiapproved drawings. S. LABELING a Each panel shall bear a Permanent label with the manufacturer,s name or logo, city, state and the following statemen6l. 'Miami -Dade County Product Control Approved", 6. BUILDING PERMIT RFQUMMINTS 6.1 Application fbr� building permit shall be accompanied b copiesofthefollo 6.1.1 This Ndtire of Acceptance. . y wing: 6.1.2 Duplicate copies of the approved drawings, as idtntified in Section 2 of this Notice of Acceptance, clearly' marked to show tht-,C-DInponents selected for the. proposed installation. 6.1.3 Any other documents required by the Building'Official or the South Florida Building Code (SFBC) in order to properly evaluate the installation of this system. He-1my A. Mak-ar, P.E. -Product Control Examiner Product Control Divis" ton C4 Z" �l al go ZVI 4�d d 43 I F-astern Metgl Supply, jnc� ACCF-PTANCE No. 00-0919.10 APPROVF,D 06/07/2001 EIKPMS 06/07/2004 NnTTC'P. (YW A f'(-V-D-V A XT�� L Renewal of this Acceptance (approval) shall be cons idered after a renewal application has been filed anc original submitted documents, including test -supporting data, eiigiiieering documents, (9) years. are no older than e 2. Any and all approv� d products shall be permanently labeled with the manufaG erisn 9 statement' "Miami -Dade Co' tur e followin am ', City, state and specific conditions 6f this Acceptance. unty P�oduct Control Approve*�'% * or spccificall� state�d in 3. Renewals of Acceptance -Arill not be considered if. There has been a change. in the South Florida Building Code affectin th ev�juation of this 'prod g p and the prochi.6f Ts not in compliance with the code changes. b. The product ig no longer the -same product (identical) as the one. origina-11 P.--.1fthe AQ.cept�.zw,.holder.basuot ppmp . _h . ith all the. rA y a�proved. correct inst6n�Uon of the product, quIremOnts of this. qcceptance,. including T-he. . . . . : . .. ... . — . . . .. . .1 engineer, -who originally PyeParocf signed and sealed th� required documentation submitted, is no longer practicing the engineering profession. iiuti 4. Any revision or Chan gc in the materials, use, and/or manufacture of the product or proc6ss shall automatica be 'cause for termination of this Acceptance, unless priorwritten approval has been requested (through f filind of a revision hpplication With appropriat'e- -fee-> -and granted by this office. 5. Any of the following shall also be grounds for removal of this Acceptance: a. Unsatisfactory performance of this product or process. b. Misuse of this Acceptance as an endorsement of any product for sales, advertising purposes. or any oth 6. The Notice of Accep'tance number preceded by the words Miam�-Dado. Con ty� Florid d fo owed by tl -displayed in adve sing literatar . e. If any portion of the Notice of Acceptance expiration date may,b6 a6 an 11 display�d, then it shall be done in its entirety. 7. A copy of this Acc6 'ptance as well as approved drawings and other documents, where it applies, shall -I provided to the user by themanufactarer or its distributors and shall be available f6r inspection at thejob sk at all time. The engmeer needs not reseal the copies. 8. Failure to comply With any section of this Acceptance, shall be cause for termination and removal c Acceptance. 9- This Notice of Acceptance consists of pages 1, 2 and this last pag6 3. END OF TBIS ACCEPTANCE Halmy A.Malar, P.E. -Product Control Examine Product COnttol Divisio'n r -due o S t Lucie. County, �Publ-i CodeCo 'he following products will b.pin.s.talle--din*'the,;S.truc�ur:ell-ocate--d:at Ulding Parrait # )wners Nairie Res,erve. Homes LTD Ommer's-A dr �ontractor Kottei: ;Si.gnat.uiP-,,HomAs qOn Ab !s- 2 tr ,Prbduct I 7111anu'fiiddi��I nd�.P 4"' Windows 435/43,'��: Ist Choice ,[I— 437/4-3,8: 2r.id Choice cif.,v"o 14 (,3. 4(- L-A-W -S 6 A �4i4A- li�� � e �'Iyed Glass A 435 /4.36 Ist Choice' ., -T ,�Iass (o ffie�) Butt Gass )-Ass Class Bloek- Argus: -�-De.t-i ;Tldlrig GfAss b-0'O­ 1st ChoiL Z� T�7- 2 n d Ch ci cc it 40-LU11 -Y, wing Type Doors Ist choice Prpm'." DonLL -��:i4A 0.- 7-P: 2nd .-T­1 7,7 FYer-headG:arag­'e-'D66is 77zm Ist CMice, [Foamcore' Wgyn d D It 6 7: -5 4�E�t�: 2nd Choic 'h ";eac -..-Br.Acke,t,,,: oofing.Material Asphalt/Fibergl asS Metal Otherr iutters. Choice have reviewed the a Po"Ve 60mPol".. rovide adequate resistance to�- 44 win A IQ OL -T U-Amw Ia-me: GLe- ASO, C- )P-sign Firm OV-10/2668! 02:215 :772��468_5505- AGE-; 04 7 1� P St. Lucie County Building and Zoning Dipartment 2300 Virginia Avenue 8C4�lv Fort Pierce, FL 34982 561462-1553 - U66 Design Certification for Wind Uad Compliance This Certincation is w be completed by the project design architect or engineer. This Certification Triust be submitted with all applications for building permits involving the construction of new residence (single of multi. family). residenti2l addition. any accessory structure requiring a building permit. and any nonresidential structure. 'Mis Certification shall not apply to interior renovations (provided that no structural wall%. columns or other similar component is being efficcred) and certain other minor building permits. For further assistance, plem contact the Building Inspection Office at 462-1553 or 462-2172. Project Name -%-mw Pike-% Off= Use only. Street Address MIXLLACAI-k C_-0,e-L-7- PermitNumber "d) Occupan YTYpe Construction Type Certification Statement: 1. 1 I certify that, to the best of my knowledge and belief, these plans -a . nd specifications have been designed to comply with the applicable stnicmral portion, I -of the Building Codes currently adopted and enforced by St. Lucie County. I also certify that structuml elements depicted on these plans providemdequate resistance to the wind loadb and forces specified by current code provisions. Design Parameters and AssumRtions Used: (Please check. or complete the appropriate box:) 1. Florida Building Code 2001 Edition ASCE 7.98 2. Building Design i[s. (check one) Enclosed _2�L"Paitially Enklosed Open Building 3.111nildingReigilit: 4. Wind Spied'Used in Building Design: 12-i!> second gust S. Wind Exposure ChissTication (refer t a exposure tables in Building Code identified in Line #1): 6. Average Wind Velocity Pressure on Exterior Faces of Structure -:51) PSF 7. Peak Wind Velocity Pressure on Exterior Faces of Structure ____M_PSF 8. Importanice/Use Factor (obtain fr6m Building Code): 9. Loads: Floor - — - — - — - - PSY Roof/dead J;87 � PISSF �Roofflive _:E9_PSF 10. Were Shear Walls Considered for Structure(chick'one): -Yes No —0f No, attach explanation) 11.1saCiortfinuous Load Path Provided (check o;n'e")'!' Yell No (if No� attach explanation) 11 Are Component and Cladding Detail Provided (check o tic ):"Yes No _(if No. attach mplanation) 13. Minimum Sail Rearing Pressure: ,SF� As witnesmil by my seal, I hereby certi�y that the Information litcluded with this certtrUccaU�bwt !$I correct, to the best of my knowledge and belief. q7 C- mc� on 184ql t. I Here Name: -C' ro aii, -re SEP 10 2003 DesignFirm: GQ Arss=.vm� I)ate: SLCCDv arm # 020-00 I -al SELI asi, TSS SEP-W-2003 14:53 OIS 2u%uciZ 2uipj!ns 7?2 469 9505 9?% ess:60 ?c BO Jew P PA A? V,_400 Rhode Island Avenue WNerce, FL 34950 ST LUCIE COUNTY FIRE DISTRICT BUREAU OF FIRE PREVENTION PLAN REVIEW SCANNED BY Telephone: 7 2-11506 St, Lucie County FAX: 772462-8466 truction ( )Tenant Improvement )Addition )Renovation/alterations ( )Shell Only Jurisdiction' Occupancy: Address: Contractor Contractor's Address: State: Architect/Engineer: Building Owner: Occupancy Type: Gross sq ft: Occupant Load' Construction Type: 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 8. 9. SLC Castle Pines Bldg. go 8117-8125 Mulligan Circle Kolter Signature Homes 2160 NW Re serve Park Trace Florida Turner Architects & Planners rtments 10,452 F.P.B.: B-03-338 Building Dept: 23091693 Number of stories: 2 Phone# 772-468-4703 City: PSL - Zip Code: 34986 Phone# 407-658-4151 Review Date: 10/8/i003 Automatic sprinklers: Net,sq ft: Based On: SBCCI:Tj�e?_�;.j Vunp -NOTE All revisions r�ust be'In c� .. , - 1 mplianbe before the final Inspection. The Fire Marshal requires 24 hour notice on all inspections. The respective Building Department shall sch6d6leall fimal. inspections through the,,Fi�e Mar"shal's Office. Permit fees are required to 66 paid ifi'full prior t aar�lnsfpectilons.- Failed inspections require payment of fee prior to rikkeduling of further lnsg�jions. -V A copy of the required eevision/s -have been transmitted to the Architect C7bfitrac"ior-(-). Penetrations through rated assemblies shall be of proper LIL deisign.. LIL design criteria shall �d submitted with the construction plans. Fire Alarm Panels shall be located indoors. THE FLORIDA FIRE PREVENT16N CODE, 2001'EDITION IS CURRENTLY ENFORCEb. REVISIONS REQUIRED Cp ACCESS BOX:jS.kEQUIRED ACCESS KEY SWITCH REQUIRED. -1. Model "E" floor plan (end units): Egress windows are required although'not i - ndicated for b . a . droorn # Install egress windows.� Pftvide a revision. 2. Model "E"Tiectrical plan (end units): Smoke detectors are required both inside and outside of the", sleeping rooms. The master bedrooms do not indicate this. Provide a revision. Reviewed by: —7. L�ork Date: 10/8/2003 219/17/2003 00:11 7722837229 NISAIR AIR CONDITION PAGE 09 ,FORM 60OA-2001 Co,de Compivin-ce C h-ockil's Residential Whole Building Performance Method A D;t& COI&, [GRESS: , PORt iT. 4UP1 PRkMIT R NFILTRATION Rkq1JqTjPNCqMF�L CHECKUST COMPOMMS le-c-tow REWIREMENTS 'CHECK ft. .j.i6ngtL dDGr ifi& Llftr[Or Ad*ed WEdis 608.1,ABC,1.Zj psiie� bAaiilm g wail 6i , F4 Utility pqp*4k��mi Out= "Is 69 d wusNbAM Installed mft s to th� Flows - eb@.,.ABC.1 22 F,41M*,­,­­,,—,-,�,, 2"W orlointmembecs. a cc nucus fnf li l��Ilid tat in sealm a WOMB. - ...... Wnj P,re W6.11ABCA-2.3 il� W'a'11'90�11p;;P�IJFMP dwes. to �61iunuouc a r gaps Iff 9)(1) k;oq�w mi;� lila6 frobtled fhot Is kawssm ppling Fft" ".1ABC. 66d MOW040 to' M AddWjjl InUmilon mqts IABC.:!A*�t )d `6Lhilcm' -77�# -RA-22 OTHER PRESCRIPTNE'M SU lrmbacm�-ftfeit, or COMPONEUM im, Wator Hosts 812A p brqswo;i�� c� &tiff am p 'ji fi;j�W" SiMmmIng Pool& Spa 612.1 r PO �iir -j,=,* j41 *qq (ex"p, muit i�410 pl;mp Men Gas spa a pool fte at minhum tkimmi: Air DbWhftn systems 1610.1 604.1, 6MI !21wt1)na'mamftn2.Sgw1lompermf .80 IG. nWl equipment wW plenum chsmbam almll be mechm** K1. and instailat Inaamr�1ancewith ftcft otSedonsil). tam ,s� Mcm walls-12mme R-1 I or CBS H-3 bc4h skim. EftWGffiWw DCA Fon SM-Mol EnwgvCW%wWl8RES2Wl FLRCS8 V3.30 09/17/2003 00:11 7722837229 NISAIR AIR CONDITION. PAGE OU FORM 60OA-2001 WATER HEATING & CODE COMPLIANCE STATUS Residential Whole guilding PerformOnod Method A - Details �DDRESS:, POIRT ST. LUCIE, FL, PERMIT#'. _P�IkSE A&BUILT WATER HEATING Number of X Multiplier Total Tank EF Number of X Tank X Multiplier X Credit Total Bedrooms Volume beckooms Ratio Multiplier 3, 2664.00 76910' 40.0 "0.94 3 1.00 2400.34 too 7201.0 As 7201.0 1 L!AkC-k 8;T�Aus CODE COMIP T L ...,AS- 'T cop I ii ng + Heatln4- Mat Water cooling HeWlng.' -+.,--'H6t.Wvter Total 9 Points Points P' -1 IM6 -136ints. P0 n -: Points 0 i'ts'- Points % 9024 21628 4 0 EnmVyftuqe� DCA Form 6MA-2001 En@rgyGauqeVFhREV2001 FLRCSB v3M I ob b -2 �,O Lrl� A_ Equipment Schedule fttf--K SEER/Z HSPI� Make,4WA)vx Tom Cond.Wrt Mod.#LZfLA63( A/H Unit:Mod#2,A,2j6f -,,C// Heater MocI.#-67C46,7--q-69 Sen I sibie Coofingg Iro ig LatentCWing . Z1.200 T- Total Coal BRft s C Al2 rb id XA I, sr ;Js Y4 ENERGY 'PERFORM,"AN E '.(EPL) DISPLAY KOLTER SIGNATUR5 HO :�INC, 1. Now construction or cdstlng Now 12., C401ino *WeMs.,, 2. Single fhmily or muld-fimily Multiibmily U. cvuftwvnq� 36,0 $P)twbr 3. Number of units. If muld-farally 8 4. Number of BodrDorns 3 b. N/A S. is this a worst Man? Yes 6. Conditioned Iloor am (11F) 184712 a. W/A -7. Glnw am SingloPano DoublePanc.— a. Clem -vinglapand 0.0 f12 0.0 f F, 13.' FT=ting"mp b. Clcar -double inum 227.0 W 0.0 fit M Mmul Been; INnip rap., kSuAr Q. Tinvoter SHOC - single pace 0.0 ifta 0.0 if, w IM". 7.50 d. 7int/officr S14GC - double panc b. X/A S. Floortypos a. Slab-On-Grado FAgo Insulation P.-O.O. 165,0(p) fk WIA b. NIA a. VA 14. Hat wakcr 631stma 9. wall tMM ra, FlectricResistanoc,: Cap: 40.0 Olons a. Concrete, let hisul, Etzrior P-4A,630.0 IF EF. 0.94 b. Concroto, lutlnsul, Adjacent IL�4.2� 85D.0 ft' 1). WA 0. Frame� W004 Adjacent R-1 TA 170.0 fF d. WA c. Conservattlon credits 0,. NIA M-Had mommy, Solar 10. Cellingrypea s. Under Attie -R-19A 1093.0 A, M HVAC widitf b. NIA (CF-C-ling f1m, CV-Cr= ventilation, c. N/A H[Wholo house Am, 11. Docks PT-Prognumnabla normoettat a. Sup- Uno. Ret Unc. AM Atkin Sup. R-64�150.0 ft Nz.C.Multizone codh4 h. NIA ht1tir%) I certify that this home has comapiled with the FlorldaMncrgy:Efficicoco��For Constritcliouffimno the abm =mV '(orexceeded) in this ho=bcfbre final lnspectiqA�MAM, awwmDisplay,Cardvnutiicompldcd� based on instaffled Code Builder Sipatuiv Date: Address of Newjiome: MULL(��Clk=LdL C1ty/FLZ,,);PS)_ FL 8C414 VOTE., 7he home's esfimatedenergyparforma7rce.,ware Is only.avallablethrough M4 7 h is Is" a B ullftg Fn erg y Rating, tfyour score: k, 8 O� or greater- I ?r 16)2�ldlasv your home may qual0for energy efficiency morigage (FMW-naOq0 W.. Jrw.uIpbtain, Contact theEnergy0augeffogling at3211638-1492,6tsee'theeEnir"�"" Information antia &ytofccrfifiedRxer&.,Por information a�outNori��,S&e.W*Effl construction, co n tact th c Depw tment of Comm up IV Aff42& VArsiop: F M-CSP',' Y3. .39), FMIR&COMPUterprogram J1DOK-MivW;SYJV designation), r FlMda Pnemv Omwize Raffne, ForBuilding isljrt The Torrey Mod D2 HVAC Load Calculations for Kolter Signature Homes, Inc. 2160 Reserve Park Trace Port St. Lucia, FI 34986 F.V71' I Pre�dir&d, . Bj6: ' J6�' : , ,, " Nisalf Air Gdhditi6h!n§'A 1501 Decker-'Aviii.i�D,404" Studit; FV'346WF� 772-2q'-3'!'0'904.'-"-'. , TUesday,466603, 2&S-' I Project Report Project Title: Project Date: Client Name: Client Address: Client City: Client Phone: Company Name: Company Representative: CompanyAddress: Company City: Company Phone: The Torrey Mod D Monday, June 02,2003 Kolter Signature Homes, Inc. 2160 Reserve Park Trace Port St. Lucie, F1 34986 772-468-4703 Nisair Air Condifioning Jose 1501 Decker Ave. - D404 Stuart, FI 34994 772-283-0904 Daily Temperature Range: Medium Latitude: 27 Degrees Elevation: 25 ft. Altitude Factor: 0,999 Elevation Sensible Adj. Factor: 1.000 Elevation Total Adj. Factor: 1.000 Elevation Heating Adj. Factor: 1.000 Elevation Heating Adj. Factor: 1.000 Outdoor Outdoor Indoor DrV Bulb Wet Bulb Rel.Hum Winter: 42 0 0 Summer: 90 78 50 Square ft. Total Sensible Gain: Total Latent Gain: Total Cooling Required VVith Outside Air: 1,845 24,616 Btuh 11,124 Btuh 35,740 Btuh Indoor Grains .Dry Bulb Difference 72 0 75 61 Square fL Per Ton: 619 ON ��A'N Is 11 ffill. 44.037 MBH 69 % 31 % 2.98 Tons (Based On Sensible + Latent) UalculaUons are based on 5th edition of ACCA Manual J. All computed results are estimates as building use and weather may vary. Be sure to select a unit that meets both sensible and latent loads. Summer: 90 78 50 75 61.09 Use Schedule: Roughness Factor: Pressure Drop: Minimum Velocity: Ma)dmum Velocity: Minimum Height: Ma)dmum Height: Yes 0.00300 0.1000 in.wg./l 00 ft. 650 ft./min 900 ft./min 0 in. 0 in. Infiltration: Volume of Conditioned Space: Total Building Infiltration: Total Building Ventilation: Yes 0.01000 0.1000 in.wgJl 00 ft. 450 ft./min 750 ft./min 0 in. 0 in. 0.700 AC/hr 0.400 AC/hr X 22269 Cu.ft. X 22269 Cu.ft. 15,588 Cu.ft./hr 8,908 Cu.ft./hr X 0.0167 X 0.0167 260 CFM 148 CFM 0 CFM 0 CFM —System 1— Infiltration & Ventilation Sensible Gain Multiplier: 16.49 = (1.10 X 0.999 X 15.00 Summer Temp. Difference) Infiltration & Ventilation Latent Gain Multiplier: 41.50 = (0.68 X 0.999 X 61.09 Grains Difference) Infiltration & Ventilation Sensible Loss Multiplier 32.97 = (1.10 X 0.999 X 30.00 Winter Temp. Difference) I Load Preview Report I System 1 1,845 24,616 11,124 35,740 44,037 572 1,120 1,120 16 Zone 1 1,845 24,616 11,124 35,740 44,037 572 1,120 1,120 1-Hall 65 424 209 633 874 11 19 19 1-4 2-Land/Strs 84 460 438 898 1,752 23 21 21 1-4 3-KR/Brk 200 3,979 2,012 5,991 5,806 75 181 181 2-6 4-Din/Liv 360 5,166 1,893 7,059 11,585 151 235 235 2-6 6-Bdrm #3 182 2,162 1,055 3,217 3,510 46 98 98 1-6 6-Bdrm #2/Bth/Hall 273 3,815 2,020 5,835 4,716 61 174 174 2-5 7-Office/Den 143 2,269 633 2,902 3,978 52 103 103 1-6 8-Loft 154 859 419 1,278 1,782 23 39 39 1-4 9-Mstr BdrmfBth 384 6,482 2,445 7,927 10,034 130 249 249 3-5 I 1W . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Total Building Summaiy Loads MINN. 1 A-rb-o: Glazing -Single pane, operable window, reflective, 100 3,240 0 2,941 2,941 metal frame with break, ground reflectance = 0.32, outdoor insect screen with 50% coverage, dark color drapes with loose weave with-25% coverage 1A-rb-d: Glazing -Single pane, sliding glass door, 144.8 4,692 0 3,932 3,932 reflective, metal frame with break, ground reflectance = 0.32, outdoor insect screen with 50% coverage, dark color drapes with loose weave with 25% coverage 11 D: Door -Solid Core 20 234 0 203 203 14E-4-8c: Wall -two courses brick, brick on concrete or 8 2432.4 11,091 0 4,088 4,088 inches concrete, 8 inches of 14G# concrete with R-4 board insulation 1 SAA 9: Roof/Ceiling-Below roof joists, Dark or Bold -Color 1845 2,824 0 2,445 2,445 Asphalt Shingle, Dark Metal, Dark Membrane, Dark Tar and Gravel, R-1 9 blanket or loose fill 22A-pm: Floor -Slab on grade, No edge insulation, no 139 4,921 0 0 0 insulation below floor, any floor cover, passive, heavy dry or light wet soil 20P-1 9: Floor -Over open crawl space or garage, Passive, 752 1,129 0 377 377 R-I 9 blanket insulation, any cover Subtotals for structure: 28,131 0 13,986 13,986 People: 6 1,200 1,380 2,580 Equipment: 2,700 2,700 5,400 Lighting: 0 0 01 Ductwork: 7,340 1,062 4,103 5,165 Infiltration: Winter CFM: 260, Summer CFM: 148 8,566 6,162 2,447 8,609 Ventilation: Winter CFM: 0, Summer CFM: 0 0 0 0 0 Total Building Load Totals: 44,037 11,124 24,616 35,740 ft�Wmmllfflffi HEM" �NNIIUMIII El's MEMOMMMIRMIM Total Building Supply CFM: 1,120 (3.0 AC/hr) CFM Per Square ft.: 0.607 Square ft. of Room Area: 1,845 Square ft. Per Ton: 619 Total Heating Required With Outside Air: 44,037 Btuh 44.037 MBH Total Sensible Gain: 24,616 Btuh 69 % Total Latent Gain: 11,124 Btuh 31 % Total Cooling Required With Outside Air: 35,740 Btuh 2.98 Tons (Based On Sensible + Latent) RUM Calculations are based on 8th edition of ACCA Manual J. All computed results are estimates as building use and weather may vary. Be sure to select a unit that meets both sensible and latent loads. Mad 0 se L .10 aursbapal c no es- % 11 son Vol 0 Tnow wou S� toll C R 051 CAT iota M� Tf.Q,:.N A, a1u)(3E! I'Vi :nuT 70q A ? �Mw A + WAYS nO bam8) as C A .Y10A, I I System 1 Torrey B Summary Loads rPeak Method) RN Bill It MA IN 1A-rb-o: Glazing -Single pane, operable window, reflective, 100 3,240 0 2,941 2,941 metal frame with break, groundreflectance =O.33/ outdoor insect screen with 5Uq&coverage, dark color drapes with loose weave with 25%coverage 1A-rb-d:Glazing-Single pane, sliding glass door, 144.8 4.692 O 3,933 3.932 reflective, metal frame with break, ground reflectance =D.32/outdoor insect screen with 5UY&coverage, dark color drapes with loose weave with 25%coverage 11D:Door-Solid Core 20 234 O 203 203 14E-4-8n:Wall-two courses brick, brick unconcrete orO 2433.4 11.081 O 4'088 4/088 inches concrete, Oinches uf14O#concrete with R`4 board insulation 1QA-1S:Ruof/Cmi|ing^Ba|Vvvroof joists, Dark urBold-Color 1845 2/824 O 2'445 2.445 Asphalt Shingle, Dark Metal, Dark Membrane, Dark Tar and Gravel, R-19blanket urloose fill 22A-pm:F|uop8|abongrade/Nuodgeinou|otion.no 139 4/921 D O O insulation below floor, any floor cover, passive, heavy dry nrlight wet soil 2OP-19:Floor-Over open crawl space orgarage, Passive, 752 1.138 O 37T 377 R-1 9 blanket insulation, any cover Subtotals for structure: 28.131 O 13.986 13.986 People: 8 1`300 1/380 2.500 Equipment: 2,700 2,700 5.400 Lighting: D O O Ductwork: 7.340 1.062 4.103 5/165 Infiltration: Winter CFWY:2GO.Summer CFM:i48 8.566 6/162 2.447 8,609 System 1Torrey BLoad Totals: 44.037 11,124 24.616' 35.740 Square ft. of Room Area: 1,845 Square fL Per Ton: 619 Total Heating Required With Outside Air: 44,037 Btuh 44.037 MBH Total Cooling Required With Outside Air: 35,740 Btuh 2.98 Tons (Based On Sensible + Latent) Calculations are based on 8th edition of ACCA Manual J. All computed results are estimates as building use and weather may vary. Besure toselect aunit that meats both sensible and latent loads. MOM P, 4� R. P, i0m," ........... . mom* �ystem 1, Zone I Summary Loads (Peak Method) ........... . WE t gg.ig"g- - "M ON@ P gN�.'U.Rffigm'� A' IA-rb-o: Glazing -Single pane, operable window, reflective, 100 3,240 0 2,941 2,941 metal frame with break, ground reflectance = 0.32, outdoor insect screen with 50% coverage, dark color drapes with loose weave with 296/a coverage I A-rb-d: Glazing -Single pane, sliding glass door, 144.8 4,692 0 3,932 3,932 reflective, metal frame with break, ground reflectance = 0.32, outdoor insect screen with 50% coverage, dark color drapes with loose weave with 25% coverage 11 D: Door -Solid Core 20 234 0 203 203 14,E-4-8c: Wall -two courses brick, brick on concrete or 8 2432.4 11,091 0 4,088 4,088 inches concrete, 8 inches of 140# concrete with R-4 board insulation 18A-19: Roof/Celling-Below roofjoists, Dark or Bold -Color 1845 2,824 0 2,445 2,445 Asphalt Shingle, Dark Metal, Dark Membrane, Dark Tar and Gravel, R-1 9 blanket or loose fill 22A-pm: Floor -Slab on grade, No edge insulation, no 139 4,921 0 0 0 insulation below floor, any floor cover, passive, heavy dry or light wet sail 20P-1 9: Floor -Over open crawl space or garage, Passive, 752 1,129 0 377 377 R-I 9 blanket insulation, any cover Subtotals for structure: 28,131 0 13,986 13,986 People: 6 1,200 1,380 2,580 Equipment: 2,700 2,700 5,400 Lighting: 0 0 0 Ductwork: 7:3.460 _11:11:2 1,103 5,165 Infiltration: Winter CFM: 260, Summer CFM: 148 '6 2 2,447 8,609 System 1, Zone I Load Totals: 44,037 11,124 24,616 35,740 ..................... IR Supply CFM: 1,120 (3.0 AC/hr) CFM Per Square ft.: 0.607 Square ft. of Room Area: 1,845 Square ft. Per Ton: 619 mo s "o'. ofng w Total Heating Required: 44,037 Btuh 44.037 MBH Total Sensible Gain: 24,616 Btuh 69 % Total Latent Gain: 11,124 Btuh 31 % Total Cooling Required: 35,740 Btuh 2.98 Tons (Based -On Sensible + Latent) W-Wom"IN 101rIffimm I "I'S' I H-WEEMN M=MWIR M, 1" N'51� Calculations are based on 8th edition of ACCA Manual J. All computed results are estimates as building use and weather may vary. Be sure to select a unit that meets both sensible and latent loads. M Detailed Room Loads - Room I - Hall (Peak Method) woftw=M�1�21 WWWRIMMME, Calculation Mode: Htg. & c1g. Occurrences: Room Length: 13.0 ft. System Number: Room Width: 5.0 ft. Zone Number: Area: 65.0 sq.ft. Supply Air: 19 CFM Ceiling Height: 8.0 ft. Supply Air Changes: 2.2 AC/hr Volume: 520.0 cu.ft. Required Vent.: 0 CFM Number of Registers: 1 Actual Winter Vent.: 0 CFM RunoutAir: 19 CFM Percent of Supply.: 0 % Runout Duct Size: 4 in. Actual SummerVent.: 0 CFM RunoutAirVelocity: 221 ft./min. Percent of Supply: 0 % Design Loss: 0.100 ln.wg./I 00 ft. Actual Winter Infil.: 4 CFM Actual Loss: 0.057 in.wg./I 00 ft. Actual Summer Infil.: 2 CFM w. .-IMM - , ., -ga, Mlggv's V I M.-'N' ".. k. II.-.IE sx,:wi ..... 9111*�,M- .......... . .. .... ..... . i" . . PROM M N -Wall-14E-4-8c 5 X 8 20 0.152 4.6 91 1.4 a 28 N -Door-1 1 D 2.5 X 8 20 0.390 11.7 234 10.1 0 203 UP-Roof-1 8A-1 9 13 X 5 65 0.051 1.5 99 1.3 0 86 'Floor-22A-pm 5 ft..Per. 5 1.180 35.4 177 0.0 0 0 Subtotals for Structure: 601 0 317 Infil.: Win.: 3.9, Sum.: 2.2 40 3.175 127 0.900 91 36 Ductwork: 0.200 146 0.200 118 71 Room Totals: 874 209 424 'n " " U!W Detailed Room Loads - Room 2 - LandlStrs (Peak Method) ww"Em I Imes MUMMORE a, Calculation Mode: Htg. & c1g. Occurrences: Room Length: 12.0 ft. System Number: Room Width: 7.0 ft. Zone Number: Area: 84.0 sq.ft. Supply Air: 21 CFM Ceiling Height: 20.0 ft. Supply Air Changes: 0.7 AC/hr Volume: 1,680.0 cuft Required Vent.: 0 CFM Number of Registers: 1 Actual Winter Vent.: 0 CFM RunoutAir: 21 CFM Percent of Supply.: 0 % Runout Duct Size: 4 in. Actual Summer Vent.: 0 CIFM Runout Air Velocity: 240 ftJmin. Percent of Supply: 0 % Design Loss: 0.100 ln.wg./l 00 ft. Actual Winter Infil.: 13 CFM Actual Loss: 0.067 in.wg./l 00 ft. Actual Summer Infil.: 8 CFM �10W�iIK Q� �4. = p1m M 110 0.01%-MI'l .5."i mma�wff OW**, VO n , . .... .... . �;XXN, M 0" WORK IINX. Mall-14E4-8c7X20 140 0.152 4.6 638 1.0 0 145 UP-Roof-1 8A-1 9 12 X 7 84 0.051 1.5 129 1.3 0 ill Floor-22A-pm 7 ft..Per. 7 1.180 35.4 248 0.0 0 0 Subtotals for Structure: 1,015 0 256 Infil.: Win.: 13.5, Sum.: 7.7 140 3.179 445 0.907 320 127 Ductwork: 0.200 292 0.200 118 77 Room Totals: 1,752 438 460 Detailed Room Loads - Room 3 - KitlBrk (Peak Method) 14"M Calculation Mode: Htg. & c1g. Occurrences: 1 Room Length: 20.0 ft. System Number: 1 Room Width: 10.0 ft. Zone Number: 1 Area: 200.0 sq.ft. Supply Air: 181 CFM Ceiling Height: 8.0 ft. Supply Air Changes: 6.8 AC/hr Volume: 1,600.0 cu.ft. Required Vent.: 0 CFM Number of Registers: 2 Actual Winter Vent.: 0 CFM RunoutAir: 91 CFM Percent of Supply.: 0 % Runout Duct Size: 6 in. Actual Summer Vent.: 0 CFM RunoutAiirVelocity: 461 ft./min. Percent of Supply: 0 % Design Loss: 0.100 in.wg./100 ft. Actual Winter Infil.: 29 CFM Actual Loss: 0.137 in.wg./l 00 ft. Actual Summer Infil.: 17 CFM WORK �g�gg Q MA 1011, IN Klg 0 Iffi-M. M". 18 IMM M 1 0,01 tp§ IM MINES I i�ffiv SIMON U N -Wall-1 4E-4-8c 10 X 8 60 0.152 4.6 274 1.4 0 83 E -Wall-1 4E-4-8c 7 X 8 46 0.152 4.6 210 1.0 0 48 W-Wall-14E-4-8c21 X8 168 0.152 4.6 766 2.4 0 403 N -GIs-lA-rb-o shgc-0.35 100%S 20 1.080 32.4 648 27.2 0 543 E -GIs-IA-rb-o shgc-0.35 62%S 10 1.080 32.4 324 49.8 0 498 UP -Roof -I 8A-I 9 20 X 10 200 0.051 1.5 306 1.3 0 265 Floor-22A-pm 38 ft..Per. 38 1.180 35.4 1,345 0.0 0 0 Subtotals for Structure: 3,873 0 1,840 Infil.: Wn.: 29.3, Sum.: 16.7 304 3.174 965 0.908 694 276 Ductwork: 0.200 968 0.200 118 663 Equipment: 1,200 1,200 Room Totals: 5,806 2,012 3,979 I Detailed Room Loads - Room 4 - DinlLiv (Peak Method) 71 Room Length: 24.0 ft. System Number: I Room Width: 15.0 ft. Zone Number: I Area: 360.0 sq.ft. Supply Air: 235 CFM Ceiling Height: 21.0 ft. Supply Air Changes: 1.9 AC/hr Volume: 7,560.0 cu.ft. Required Vent.: 0 CFM Number of Registers: 2 Actual Writer Vent.: 0 CFM Runout Air: 118 CFM Percent of Supply.: 0 % Runout Duct Size: 6 in. Actual Summer Vent.: 0 CFM RunoutAirVelocity: 599 ft./min. Percent of Supply: 0 % Design Loss: 0.100 in.wg./I 00 ft. Actual Winter Infil.: 75 CFM Actual Loss: 0.229 in.wg./l 00 ft. Actual Summer Infil.: 43 CFM S Mall-1 4E-4-8c 13 X 21 209 0.152 4.6 953 0.8 0 175 S -GIs-lA-rb-d shgc-0.35 I 00%S 64 1.080 32.4 2,074 27.2 0 1,738 (2) UP-Roof-1 BA-1 9 24 X 15 360 0.051 1.5 551 1.3 0 477 Floor-22A-pm 37 ft..Per. 37 1.180 35.4 1,310 0.0 0 0 'Subtotals for Structure: 7,186 0 3,600 Infil.: Wn.: 74.8, Sum.: 42.8 777 3.176 2,468 0.907 1,775 705 Ductwork: 0.200 1,931 0.200 118 861 Room Totals: 11,585 1,893 5,166 I Detailed Room Loads - Room 5 - Bdrm #3 (Peak Method) Room Length: 14.0 ft. System Number: I Room Width: 13.0 ft. Zone Number: 1 Area: 182.0 sq.ft. Supply Air: 98 CFM Ceiling Height: 9.4 ft. Supply Air Changes: 3.4 AC/hr Volume: 1,711.0 cu.ft. Required Vent.: 0 CFM Number of Registers: I Actual Winter Vent.: 0 CFM RunoutAjr: 98 CFM Percent of Supply.: 0 % Runout Duct Size: 6 in. Actual SummerVent.: 0 CFM Runout Air Velocity: 501 ft./min. Percent of Supply: 0 % Pesign Loss: 0.100 in.wg./I 00 ft. Actual Winter Infil.: 23 CFM Actual Loss: 0.161 in.wg./I 00 ft. Actual Summer Infil.: 13 CFM N -Wall-1 4E-4-8c 12 X 9.4 92.8 0.152 4.6 423 1.4 0 128 N -Gls-I A-rb-o shgc-0.35 1 00%S 20 1.080 32.4 648 27.2 0 543 UP-Roof-1 8A-1 9 14 X 13 182 0.051 1.5 278 1.3 0 241 Floor-20P-19 13 X 14 182 0.050 1.5 273 0.6 0 91 Subtotals for Structure: 2,179 0' 1,129 Infil.: Win.: 22.6, Sum.: 12.9 235 3.174 746 0.906 537 213 Ductwork: 0.200 585 0.200 118 360 People: 200 lat(per, 230 sen/per; 2 400 460 Room Totals: 3,510 1,055 2,162 Detailed Room Loads - Room 6 - Bdrm #2lBthIHafl (Peak Method) Calculation Mode: Htg. & c1g. Occurrences: 1 Room Length: 21.0 ft. System Number: 1 Room Width: 13.0 ft. Zone Number: 1 Area: 273.0 sq.ft. Supply Air: 174 CFM Ceiling Height: 9.4 ft. Supply Air Changes: 4.1 AC/hr Volume: 2,566.0 cu.ft. Required Vent.: 0 CFM Number of Registers: 2 Actual Winter Vent.: 0 CFM RunoutAjr: 87 CFM Percent of Supply.: 0 % Runout Duct Size: 5 in. Actual Summer Vent.: 0 CFM Runout Air Velocity: 636 ft./min. Percent of Supply: 0 % Design Loss: 0.100 ln.wgJI 00 ft. Actual Winter Infil.: 32 CFM Actual Loss: 0.333 ln.wg./I 00 ft. Actual Summer Infil.: 18 CFM Jt hj NAIVE go P. . . .... ... .... W -Wall-1 4E-4-8c 21 X 9.4 197.4 0.152 4.6 900 2.4 0 474 N -Wall-1 4E-4-8c 14 X 9.4 111.6 0.152 4.6 509 1.4 0 154 N -Gls-1 A-rb-o shgc-0.35 100%8 20 1.080 32.4 648 27.2 0 543 UP -Roof -I 8A-1 9 21 X 13 273 0.051 1.5 418 1.3 0 362 Floor-2012-1 9 13 X 21 273 0.050 1.5 410 0.5 0 137 Subtotals for Structure: 2,885 0 1,670 Infil.: Win.: 31.7, Sum.: 18.1 329 3.176 1,045 0.909 752 299 Ductwork: 0.200 786 0.200 118 636 People: 200 latfper, 230 sentper: 2 400 460 Equipment: 750 750 Room Totals: 4,716 2,020 3,815 Detailed Room Loads - Room 7 - OffidelDen (Peak Method) Calculation Mode: Htg. & c1g. Occurrences: 1 Room Length: 13.0 ft. System Number: 1 Room Width: 11.0 ft. Zone Number: I Area: 143.0 sq.ft. Supply Air: 103 CFM Ceiling Height: 9.4 ft. Supply Air Changes: 4.6 ACIhr Volume: 1,344.0 cuft Required Vent.: 0 CFM Number of Registers: I Actual Winter Vent.: 0 CFM RunoutAir: 103 CFM Percent of Supply.: 0 % Runout Duct Size: 6 in. Actual Summer Vent.: 0 CFM RunoutAirVeloc7ity: 526 Urnin. Percent of Supply: 0 % Design Loss: 0.100 in.wg./l 00 ft. Actual Winter Infil.: 22 CFM Actual Loss: 0.177 in.wg J1 00 ft. Actual Summer Infil.: 12 CFM itt, W",., Rv W -Wall-14E-4-8c 11 X 9.4 103.4 0.152 4.6 472 2.4 0 248 S -Wall-1 4E-4-8c 13 X 9.4 81.4 0.152 4.6 371 0.8 0 68 S -GIs-IA-rb-d shgc-0.35 1 00%S 40.8 1.080 32.4 1,322 27.2 0 1,108 (2) UP -Roof -I 8A-1 9 13 X 11 143 0.051 1.5 219 1,3 0 190 Floor-2013-19 11 X 13 143 0.050 1.5 215 0.5 0 72 'Subtotals for Structure: 2,599 0 1,686 Infil.: Wn.: 21.7, Sum.: 12.4 226 3.174 716 0.909 515 205 Ductwork: 0.200 663 0.200 118 378 Room Totals: 3,978 633 2,269 'I i,z pq rlw .14L AVW - A �Ijjij rjr. --mv 11 =zA I ........ . d . Detailed Room Loads - Room 8 - Loft (Peak Method) 1.1-18-----����Nmm=-�W IMMIN, Calculation Mode: Htg. & c1g. Occurrences: Room Length: 14.0 ft. System Number: Room Width: 11.0 ft. Zone Number: I Area: 154.0 sq.ft. Supply Air: 39 CFM Ceiling Height: 9.4 ft. Supply Air Changes: 1.6 AC/hr Volume: 1,448.0 cu.ft. Required Vent.: 0 CFM Number of Registers: 1 Actual Winter Vent.: 0 CFM RunoutAk: 39 CFM Percent of Supply.: 0 % Runout Duct Size: 4 in. Actual Summer Vent.: 0 CFM Runout Air Velocity: 448 ft./min. Percent of Supply: 0 % Pesign Loss: 0.100 ln.wg./1 00 ft. Actual Winter Infil.: 13 CFM Actual Loss: 0.227 in.wg./l 00 ft. Actual Summer Infil.: 7 CFM R 5 ERNST: W -Wall-1 4E-4-8c 14 X 9.4 131.6 0.152 4.6 600 2.4 0 316 UP-Roof-1 8A-1 9 14 X 11 154 0.051 1.5 236 1.3 0 204 Floor-20P-1 9 11 X 14 154 0.050 1.5 231 0.5 0 77 Subtotals for Structure: 1,067 0 597 Infil.: Win.: 12.7, Sum.: 7.2 132 3.176 418 0.904 301 119 Ductwork: 0.200 297 0.200 118 143 Room Totals: 1,782 419 859 I Detailed Room Loads - Room 9 - Mstr Bdrml8th (Peak Method) I Room Length: 32.0 ft. System Number: I Room Width: 12.0 ft. Zone Number: I Area: 384.0 sq.ft. SupplyAjr: 249 CFM Ceiling Height: 10.0 ft. Supply Air Changes: 3.9 AC/hr Volume: 3,840.0 cu.ft. Required Vent.: 0 CFM Number of Registers: 3 Actual Winter Vent.: 0 CFM RunoutAir: 83 CFM Percent of Supply.: 0 % Runout Duct Size: 5 in. Actual SummerVent.: 0 CFM Runout Air Velocity: 610 ft./min. Percent of Supply: 0 % Design Loss: 0.100 in.wg./100 ft. Actual Winter Infil.: 50 CFM Actual Loss: 0.306 ln.wg./I 00 ft. Actual Summer Infil.: 28 CFM S -Wall-1 4E-4-8c 12.5 X 10 95 0.152 4.6 433 0.8 0 79 W -Wall-1 4E-4-8c 7 X 10 30 0.152 4.6 137 2.4 0 72 -S -GIs-lA-rb-o shge-0.35 100%S 30 1.080 32.4 972 27.1 0 814 (2) W -G Is-1 A-rb-d shgc-0.35 1 00%S 40 1.080 32.4 1,296 27.2 0 1,086 (2) U P-Roof-1 BA-1 9 32 X 12 384 0.051 1.5 588 1.3 0 509 Floor-22A-pm 52 ft..Per. 52 1.180 35.4 1,841 0.0 a 0 Subtotals for Structure: 6,726 0 2,891. Infil.: Win.: 49.6, Sum.: 28.3 515 3.177 1,636 0.907 1,177 467 Ductwork: 0.200 1,672 0.200 118 914 People: 200 latIper, 230 sen/per: 2 400 460 Room Totals: 10,034 2,445 5,482 f f ll'.i Xl 'A 40 lu. -1. E" CO L-1 -I. o a, to L4 �j r.) -A. I Room Load Summafy —zone 1— I Hall 65 874 11 1-4 221 424 209 19 19 2 Land/Strs 84 1,752 23 1-4 240 460 438 21 21 3 Kit/Brk 200 5,806 75 2-6 461 3,979 2,012 181 181 4 Din/Liv 360 11,585 151 2-6 599 5,166 1,893 235 235 5 Bdrm #3 182 3,510 46 1-6 501 2,162 1,055 98 98 6 Bdrm #2/Bth/Hall 273 4,716 61 2-5 636 3,815 2,020 174 174 7 Office/Den 143 3,978 52 1-6 526 2,269 633 103 103 8 Loft 154 1,782 23 1-4 448 859 419 39 39 9 Mstr Bdrm/Bth 384 10,034 130 3-5 610 5,482 2,445 249 249 System I total 1,845 44,037 572 24,616 11,124 1,120 1,120 System I Main Trunk Size: 16 in. Velocity: 802 ft./min Loss per 100 ft.: 0.079 in.wg -! W-g. Not Required: 2.98 69%/31% 24,616 11,124 35,740 MEMO ag"UNIMMMM EM Heatina System Cooling System Type: Model: Brand: Efficiency: Sound: Capacity: Sensible Capacity: n1a 0 Btuh Latent Capacity: n/a 0 Btuh . FORM 60DA-2001 FLORIDA ENERGY EFFICIENCY CODE FOR BUILDING CONSTRUCTION Florida Depaftent of Community Affairs Residential Whole Building Performance Method A Project Name: THE TOWNHOME MOD. D2 Builder KOLTER Address: Permitting Office: City, State: Permit Number: Owner: KOLTER SIGNATURE HOMES, INC. Jurisdiction Number., Climate Zone: Central I. New construction or wristing New — 12. Cooling systems 2. Single fitmily or multi-fitmily Single liumily — a. Central Unit Cap: 36.0 kBtu/hr 3. Number of units, if multi -family 1 SEER: 12.00 4. Number of Bedrooms 3 b. N/A 5. Is this a worst case? Yes -6. Conditioned floor man. (ft) 1847 fF c. N/A 7. Glass area. & type a. Clear - single pane 0.0 f12 — 13. Heating systems b. Clear - double pane 0.0 fL2 _ a. Electric Heat Pump Cap: 36.0 kBtu/hr c. Tint/other SHGC - single pane 244.8 fL2 - HSPF: 7.50 d. Tint/other SHGC - double We 0.0 fP b. N/A 8. Floor types a. Slab -On -Grade Edge Insulation R=0.0, 165.0(p) ft c. N/A b. N/A o. NIA 14. Hot water systems 9. Wall types a. Electric Resistance Cap: 40.0 gallons a. Concrete, Int Insul, E)derior R=4.2. 630.0 ft2 EF: 0.94 b. Concrete, Ent Insul, Adjacent R�4.2, 850.0 fL2 b. N/A c. Frame, Wood, Adjacent R-11.0,170.0ft2 d..N/A c. Conservation credits a. N/A (HR-Heat recovery, Solar 10. Ceiling types I)HP-Dedicated heat pump) a. Under Attic R=19.0,1093.0 R2 15. HVAC credits b. N/A (CF-Ceiling fan, CV-Cmss ventilation, c. NIA HF-Whole house fan, 11. Ducts PT -Programmable Thermostat a. Sup: Une; Ret: Unc. AM Attic Sup. R=6.0,150.0 ft M&C-Multizone cooling, b. N/A M&H-Multizone heating) Glass/Floor Area: 0.13 Total as -built points: 24769 Total base points: 25445 PASS I hereby certify that the plans and specifications covered by this calculation are in Compliance with the Florida Energy Code. PREPARED BY: '9'q'.C6- DATE: 6 - 0z � 2 490-3 I hereby certify that this building, as designed, is in compliance with the Florida Energy Code.. OWNER/AGENT: DATE: Review of the plans and specifications covered by this calculation indicates compliance with the'Florida Energy Code. Before construction is completed this building will be inspected for compliance with Section 553.908 Florida Statutes. BUILDING OFFICIAL: DATE: . FORM 60OA-2001 SUMMER CALCULATIONS Residential Whole Building Performance Method A - Details I ADDRESS: ... PERMIT #: BASE AS -BUILT GLASS TYPES .18 X Conditioned X BSPM Points Overhang Floor Area Type/SC Ornt Len Hgt Area X SPM X SOF Points -.18 1847.0 26.78 8670.a Single, Tint NW 2.0 1.0 60.0 31.34 0.56 1052.1 Single, Tint SW 13.0 1.0 40.0 44.31 0.40 701.3 Single, Tint SE 5.0 1.0 10.0 47.60 0.41 193.6 Single, Tint SE 2.0 1.0 30.0 47.60 0.43 611.7 Single, Tint SE 7.0 1.0 64.0 47.60 0.41 1239.1 Single, Tint SE 7.0 1.0 40.8 47.60 0.41 789.9 As -Built Total: 244.8 4687.7 WALL TYPES Area X BSPM Points Type R-Value Area X SPM Points Adjacent 1020.0 0.70 714.0 Concrete, Int Insul, E)deflor 4.2 630.0 1.16 730.8 E)derfor 630.0 1.90 1197.0 Concrete, Int Insul, Adjacent 4.2 850.0 0.64 544.0 Frame, Wood, Adjacent 11.0 170.0 0.70 119.0 Base Total: 1660.0 1911.0 AsnBuilt Total: 1660.0 1393.8 DOOR TYPES Area X BSPM Points Type Area X SPM Points Adjacent 20.0 1.60 32.0 E)deflor Insulated 20.0 4.80 96.0 Exterior 20.0 4.80 96.0 Adjacent Insulated 20.0 1.60 32.0 Base Total: 40.0 128.0 As -Built Total: 40.0 128.0 CEILING TYPES Area X BSPM = Points Type R-Value Area X SPM X SCM = Points UnderAttic 1093.0 2.13 232B.1 Under Altic 19.0 1093.0 2.82 X 1.00 3082.3 Base Total: 1093.0 2328.1 As -Built Total: 1093.0 3082.3 FLOOR TYPES Area X BSPM = Points Type R-Value Area X SPM = Points Slab 165.0(p) -31.8 -5247.0 Slab -On -Grade Edge Insulation 0.0 165.0(p -31.90 -5263.5 Raised 0.0 0.00 0.0 Base Total: -6247.0 As­Bullt Total: 166.0 .6263.6 INFILTRATION Area X BSPM Area X SPM = Points 1847.0 14.31 26430.6 1847.0 14.31 26430.6 FORM 60OA-2001 SUMMER CALCULATIONS Residential Whole Building Performance Method A - Details I ADDRESS: ... PERMIT #: I BASE AS -BUILT Summer Base Points: 34121.5 Summer As -Built Points: 30358.9 Total Summer X System Cooling Total X Cap X Duct X System X credit = Cooling Points Multiplier Points Component Ratio Multiplier Multiplier Multiplier Points (DMXDSMXAHU) 30358.9 1.000 (1.087x1.160x1.10) 0.284 1,000 11862.6 1- 34121.5 0.4266 14566.2 1 30358.9 1.00 1.375 0.284 1.000 11862.6 FORM 60OA-2001 WINTER CALCULATIONS Residential Whole Building Performance Method A - Details I ADDRESS: ... . PERMIT#: BASE AS -BUILT GLASS TYPES .18 X Conditioned X BWPM Points Overhang FloorArea Type/SC Onnt Len Hgt Area X WPM X WOF = Point -.18 1847.0 6.86 1948.2 Single, Tint NW 2.0 1.0 60.0 12.51 0.99 742.7 Single, Tint SW 13.0 1.0 40.0 9.88 1.57 622.0 Single, Tint SE 5.0 1.0 10.0 9.12 1.94 176.8 Single, Tint SE 2.0 1.0 30.0 9.12 1.82 499.2 Single, Tint SE 7.0 1.0 64.0 9.12 1.94 1131.5 Single, Tint SE 7.0 1.0 40.8 9.12 1.94 721.3 As -Built Total: 244.8 3893.6 WALL TYPES Area X BWPM Points Type * R-Value Area X WPM = Points Adjacent 1020.0 1.80 1836.0 Concrete, Int Insui, Exterior 4.2 630.0 3.26 2053.8 Exterior 630.0 2.00 1260.0 Concrete, Int Insul, Adjacent 4.2 850.0 2.06 1751.0 Frame, Wood, Adjacent 11.0 170.0 1.80 306.0 Base Total: 1660.0 3099.0 As -Built Total: 1660.0 4110.8 DOOR TYPES Area X BWPM Points Type Area X WPM Points Adjacent 20.0 4.00 80.0 Exterior Insulated 20.0 5.10 102.0 Exterior 20.0 5.10 102.0 Adjacent Insulated 20.0 4.00 80.0 Base Total: 40.0 182.0 As -Built Total: 40.0 182.0 CEILING TYPESArea X BWPM = Points Type R-Value Area X WPM X WCM = Points Under Attic 1093.0 0.64 699.5 UnderAttic 19.0 1093.0 0.87 X 1.00 950.9 Base Total: 1093.0 699.6 As43u[lt Total: 1093.0 960.9 FLOOR TYPES Area X BWPM = Points Type R-Value Area X WPM = Points Slab 165.0(p) -1.9 -313.5 Slab -On -Grade Edge Insulation 0.0 165.0(P 2.50 412,5 Raised 0.0 0.00 0.0 Base Total: -313.6 As -Built Total: 165.0 412.6 INFILTRATION Area X BWPM =,Points Area X WPM = Points 1847.0 -0.28 -517.2 1847.0 -0.28 -517.2 a2i, I M., Sill FORM 60OA-2001 WINTER CALCULATIONS Residential Whole Building Performance Mdth-odA.- Details I ADDRESS: ... PERMIT 4: 1 BASE AS_ -BUILT Winter Base Points: 6095.1 Winter As -Built Points: 9032.5 Total Winter X System Heating Total X Cap X DuGt X System X Credit = Heating Points Multiplier Points Component Ratio Multiplier Multiplier Multiplier Points (DM x DSM xAHU) 9032.5 1.000 (1.078x1.160x1.11) 0.455 1.000 5705.4 1- 5095.1 0.6274 3196.7 9032.5 1.00 1.388 0.455 1.000 5705.4 1� . FORM 60OA-2001 WATER HEATING & CODE COMPLIANCE STATUS Residential Whole Building Performance Method A - Details ADDRESS: ... PERMIT#: BASE AS -BUILT WATER HEATING Number of X Multiplier Total Tank EF Number of X Tank X Multiplier X Credit = Total Bedrooms Volume Bedrooms Ratio Multiplier 3 2564.00 7692.0 40.0 0.94 3 1.00 2400.34 1.00 7201.0 1 1 As -Built Total: 7201.0 CODE COMPLIANCE STATUS BASE AS -BUILT Cooling + Heating + Points Points Hot Water Points Total Points Cooling Points + Heating + Hot Water Total Points Points Points U556 3197 7692 25445 11863 5705 7201 24769 7FPASS - I . FORM 60OA-2001 Code Compliance Checklist Residential Whole Building Performance Method A - Details I ADDRESS: ... PERMIT#: 6A-21 INFILTRATION REDUCTION COMPLIANCE CHECKLIST COMPONENTS SECTION REQUIREMENTS FOR EACH PRACTICE CHECK Exterior Windows & Doors 606.1.ABC.1.1 Ma)dmum:.3 cfm/sq.ft. window area; .5 cfmfsq.ft. door area. Exterior & Adjacent Walls 60 S.l.ABC.1.2.1 Caulk, gasket, weatherstrip or seal between: windowstdoors & frames, surrounding wall; foundation & wall sole or sill plate; joints between exterior wall panels at comers; utility penetrations; between wall panels & top/bottom plates; between walls and floor. EXCEPTION: Frame walls where a continuous infiltration barrier is Installed that extends from, and Is sealed to, the foundation to the top plate. Floors 606.1.ABC.1.2.2 Penetrationstopenings >1/8" sealed unless backed by truss or joint members. EXCEPTION: Frame floors where a continuous Infiltration barrier Is installed that Is sealed to the perimeter, penetrations and seams. Ceilings 606.1.ABC.1.2.3 Between walls & ceilings; penetrations of ceiling plane of top floor; around shafts, chases, soffits, chimneys, cabinets sealed to continuous air barrier, gaps In gyp board & top plate; attic access. EXCEPTION: Frame ceilings where a continuous Infiltration barrier Is installed that Is sealed at the perimeter, at penetrations and seams. Recessed Lighting Fixtures 606.1.ABC.1.2.4 Type IC rated with no penetrations, sealed; or Type IC or non -IC rated, installed inside a sealed box with 1/2'clearance & 3" from Insulation; or Type IC rated with < 2.0 cfm from conditioned space, tested Mufti -story Houses 606.1.ABC.1.2.5 Air barrier on perimeter of floor cavity between floors. Additional Infiltration reqts 606.1.ABC.1.3 Exhaust fans vented to outdoors, dampers; combustion space heaters comply i have combustion air. 6A-22 OTHER PRESCRIPTIVE MEASURES (must be met or exceeded bv all residences.1 COMPONENTS SECTION REQUIREMENTS CHECK Water Heaters 612.1 Comply with efficiency requirements In Table 6-12. Switch or clearly marked circuit breaker (electric) or cutoff (oas) must be provided. External or bulft-In heat trap required. Swimming Pools & Spas 612.1 Spas & heated pools must have covers (except solar heated). Non-commercial pools must have a pump timer. Gas spa & pool heaters must have a minimum thermal efficiency of 78%. Shower heads 612.1 Water flow must be restricted to no more than 2.5 gallons per minute at 80 PSIG. Air Distribution Systems 610.1 All ducts, fittings, mechanical equipment and plenum chambers shall be mechanically attached, sealed, Insulated, and Installed in accordance with the criteria of Section 610. u In unconditioned attics: R-6 min. Insulation. HVAC Controls 1607.1 D e: a readIlyaccessfible manual or automatic thermostat for each system, IF] insulation I 604.1, 602.1 Ceifings-Min. R-1 9. Common walls -Frame R-1 1 or CBS R-3 both sides. Common ceiling & floors RA 1. I FODIVI 60OA-2ool FLORtDk:.EN.F.R,Jae MW-= FOR BUJLOIN.Jd��`C, , �i, _�� NU 16.'R�� Florida DepprtMent:.of,.�C.cii�Monity,.Affairs Residenflal, Whole Build' I Ing..,P6rfdr-rnan�8?MethodA Pt�JiCt Name: THE; TOWNHOME MOD, D;Z guilder KOLTER Address: Permitting Officer ofty, state. Permit Number Owner kOLTER SIGNATURE liomm, INC. Jurisdiction Number CllmaleZone: Central 1. New wn*ucfi0h or CxWng New :M C�fiqsystqms.� 2. SinSla limily mr multi-fAmily idulti-fumuy A: Central Unit—` 3. Number of unfts� Iftnuiti-fianny 8 .4. Number eBodroams 3 b. N/A' $. is this a worst can? Yea 6. Condifitmeciftra"(fix) IS47P a. NIA 7. Gj aegam & eA%- GinglaPane DoubloPene Or Clear Rlahh� dcfzmltU-rh*r 0.0 A2 0.0 Fr 13. Hoaft ""a b. l3cramIttirtt 227.0 W O.D 112 Etc�Wa Heat Pump v, labeled U or SIROC 0.0 fix 0.0 IF 8. Ffmr *Vm b. N/A a, slab-on-arado ndsa inaulafion 11-16,165.0(p) ft b. NIA a. X/A 0. IVA 9. wan tyl= 14. HOL watur."ms a. Concrota, rat 1m;4 Ezerjur RF-42, 630.0 W b. cencrete� Inklmmi, Adiacent R-44 850.0 W v. Finwe. Wood, Adiacent R-1 1.0. 170.0 11- WIA 4. N/A a. NIA cmuwYntion cmd(b 10. Caffig lypw (HR-HedrecoveM Solar M lWarma R-19.0,1093.0 A9 DIV-Dodfoaud beat pump) b. VA 15. HVAC urvditw e. N/A I. Ducle (CF-coiji]ug 0. Sup: Uhn. Rat Una. AH: Atdo Sup. P,-*.O, 150.0 fe �Wbla hmma fan, PT-Prusraminnb1v7rh=ogK b. N/A MzIrImullizone M&H-MuTfixona hanting) I.— Glass/Floor Area: Or 12 Totali-base points. 25445 I hqreby.cortify that the plans and*speclf�=U=66 v-q .,red by this calcul2tiOn are In COMPHance with the' Fldrldai' Energy Code PREPARE X DATE:�_. 4�1 - I? - I hereby cerlify that this buii s designed. Is In rin' 'u" compliance with the Florida e. OWNERIAGENT: DATE; PASS Cap.'36.0 gBhdhr SEM1112.00 Cap: 36.0 kBhdhr Imp; 7.50 CaF. 40. ape this--- with,.446f. cmrn .1 gtwi Florida.Statutes- ME O.U.11LDING OFFICIAL: DATE- ' '_ — ' ­_' —­ '—j Energy.GapaOC(Versio:�;.FL.RCGPv3.30) � 09/16/2003 23:50 FORM 60OA-2001 7722837229 NISAIR AIR CONDITION PAGE 03 SUMMER CALCULATIONS Residential Whole Building , Performance Method A - Details I ADDRESS; 1 9 1 PFERMIT #: I BASE AS -BUILT GLASS TYPES .18 X Conditioned X SSPM Points OveFtlang Floor,Ama Typelso 01�t Len Hgt Area X SPM X SOF =Points .19 IM7.6 26.78 2670.8 Tint NW 2.0 1.0 54.0 3i.43 0M 1010.2 "l�, Tifit SW 1j.0 1.0 36.0 47,Sl 0.40 674.0 lghvl�. Tlk SE �.() 1.0 9.0 50.80 0.41 185.9 S6 li, Tini SE ZO 1.0 24,0 50.80 0,43 52Z2 ,,,g �.. �, Spele, Tirii iE 7.0 1.0 04.0 50-80 0Al 1322.2 Sh9le, rnt sE 7.0 1.0 40.0 50.80 0A1 M.4 227-0 4541.0. WALL TWIES Ar" ?(:BSP . M Points; R-Value Area X SPM Points A . d . j amnt ow. 9 1 06 �,m. -0 c6i'drio_te", l'n't`1m'uJ,'Fx6 ft'' 4.2 630.0 1.16 730.8 1.90 11!7.0, iKt 6_4 Ad�cvnt 412 8 1 50.0 0.64 544.0 11.0 170.0 0.70 119.0 "lill - 150 LIC 0 ilq 100.0 13a3A DOOR Typts Ar ea x 13 s , P M p OIM -Tip" Area X SPM Points Ad§oer� 2D.0 .1.00 32.0 Extid6r Iri"ided 20b 4,80 96.0 woriv 20.0 4.W 90.6�, 'A , O*OM 1. aWd 20.0 1.60 32.0 Base TOM ­40. i2l]h A943ull"t'Toa 1 1. 40.0 128.0 dkiLfI46 trtsAria x" A-VaWe Area x S.pM X SCM Points Lind& A* 1093.0 2-13 2328A 19.0 109310 2.82 x 1.00 3OaZ3 Base Total: 103.0 2310.1 As -Built 1: 1093.0 3002.3 FLOOR TYOES 1 1. . . Ards X ,6 I �� PM Point� T J yp'e R-Value Area X $PM Points Slib -3f.8 -60,0 sb��rido Edae Insulatm 0.0 1 6S.Q(p -31,90 -5263.5 Ralsecl 0.0 -0.00 010 Base Total: .6247A AsZulft Total: 165.0 -5283.5 INFILTRATION Area X SSPM Points Area X SPIA Points -,184 V.02, . . .. L 1847.0, .14.31, 26M433DA EmrgyCaugeO DCA Form 600A-Ml ErffZGaLqWF1RR9sW01 KRCSBV3A0 09/16/2003 23:50 7722837229 NISAIR AIR CONDITION PAGE 04 FORM 60OA-2001 I SUMMER CALCULATIONS Residential Whole Buildin 'Performance Method A - Details .1 1 9 I ADDRESS: ... PERMIT 9: 1 BASE AS -BUILT Summer. Baise Points, U121.5 Sunimer As -'Built Points: 30312.1 Total Summer X S am Cooling Total X On P X D�ct X System X Credit Cooling i I Points Mukipiier Points Component I Ratio Multiplier Multiplier Multiplier Points (0MxDSMxAHU) I LOW (1.W7x1A6Qx1.1 0,284 1.0w 11W.3 1 34121.5 0.42" 145 .2 00 3031;.1 1.00 1.375 0,284 1.000 11844.31 EnvqyGuvqe� DCA Form 600A-2D01 ErAftRGALVeVFlQRES'2001 FLRCSS v3.30 M, qMMA. k to I'll k, "0 own. 4", I 0.9/16/2003 23:50 7722837229 NISAIR AIR CONDITION PAGE 05 FORM 60OA-2001 WINTER CALCULATIONS Resid ential Whole.Building Performance Method A - Details I ADDRESS:, I I PERMIT #. I BASE A&,,B.U1LT GLASS TYPES .18 X Conditioned X BWPM Points Overhang Floor Area Typelpc Ornt Lon Mgt Area X WPM X WOF Point .12 1847.0 8.08 1"Ba 9 10; rwit Nw 20 1.0 64.0 IR30 0.99 818.0 el�, lint sw 13.0 1.0 3o.o 12.3e 1.57 699-9 da 6.0, 1.0 9.0 11.49 1.94 MDA Ali. "!A Sk 2.0 1.0 24.0 11.49 1.02 502.9 Afm�-, Ti4 6i 7.0 1.6 64.0 11.4a 1.94 142M T" 7.D 1.0 40.0 11.49 1.94 090.7 22Z.0 "35.9 WALL TYPES Area X BWPIVI T R-Vak9e Am a X WPM Points A�� I 0;jjo' 1,86 11 C 4.2 66.0 326 2053.8 bdurlor - 11 66.6 ioo cii6!6, 4.2 856.0 2.06 1751.0 Mi W Adpoeit 11.0 170.0 1.80 3od.0 Buse Tutat: q_ 1660.0 41102 DOOR iYPkS Area X B"WP-Mz; 1P161nt"f:V Area X WPM Points Adjwerd :6.6 466 80.6, 20.0 5.10 lozo bderior 2010 5.10 10ZO, Adlimt InsUMm! 2D.0 4X0 0010 182A m :4 Ar6a,X,,WP XWCM= M Points. 093.0 A 16.0, '1093.0 0.07 1.00 qw.9 Sama Toul: G29.9 A,�ftlll Tabi: 1093.0 060A FLOOR TYPOS Area.X BWPM Points Ty,' R-!Value Area X WPM Points -313. . 5 aj�b n ', Gm , de E dg L e fnsukion 0.0 ima.* 2.50 412.6 'ftd 0.0 0.00 - 0.0 Bmm Tutul: .313.6 "Ut Total: 166.0 412.6 INFILTRATION Area X BWPM1 Polio Area X WPM Points 1W.0, �0.28' -617.2 EmqTyC-2u9fl8 DCA Form OMA-20DI EfteWGcVgeVR6AES2X1 FLRCSB Y3.30 09/16/2003 23:50 7722837229 NISAIR AIR CONDITION PAGE 06 FORM 60OA-2001 WINTER CAL,CULATIONS Residential Whole Building Performance Method A - Details PERMIT 0: I P I 1§AS4 Writer 8��e 0�ini�.' 50'9'6.1 Writer AsatAlt 0IntS. 9675.9 TotalWinter X Sy6terh He Totar x Cap X Duct X SystpM X Credit = Heating Points Multiplier domp6nant Ratio M4011er MuRiplier Muhiplier Points (DM x osm x AHU) 1.000 5111.8 0.6274 31 96.7. 1, .076.0 1.00 1488, 0,455 1.000 6111.8 Enff9YC4U9e7- UGA Fann WOA-20M Sr*WG849WFIaRES2W1 FLRCSBV3.30 09/16/2003 23:50 7722837229 NISAIR AIR CONDITION PAGE 07 FORM 600A-2001 W.ATER'H EATING,& CODE COMPLIANCE STATUS Residentia : [Whole Building Performance Method A - Details ASAW ILT WATE I R kFAnh6 X MultIpIler Total Tank EF Number of X Tank X Multiplier X Credit = Total Bed,toorins Ratlo Multioller a 2564.00 769 1 Z 1 0 . 4 0.0 . 0.94 3 1.0D 2400.34 1.00 7=1.0 7201.8] FMWGaLO- DCA Form 6MA-2001 EnagyGoupfflaREV401 FLRCSB Y3.30 c`1 V 0� C ) MA p -,Z2 J5 3 All vi 09/16/2003 23:50 7722837229 NISAIR AIR CONDITION PAGE 08 C FORM GbOA-2001 P040 001m n1ce Checklist Residential Whole Building Performance Method A - Details EnegyGaugdm DCA Form 600A,72DOI EneWGa I L198WF1sRES2D01 FLRCSBV3.30 09/i7/2003 00:11 7722837229 NISAIR AIR CONDITION PAGE 04 FORM 60OA-2001 SUMMER CALCULATIONS Residential Whole Building Performance Method"A - Details I ADDRESS:, PORT ST. LUCIE, FL, PERMIT P. I GLASS TYPES .18 X Conditioned X BSPM Points Overhang Floor Area Type/SC; Ornk Len Hgt Aren X SPM X SOP Points .10 26,72 7000.8 sittle, Tint w 1.0 1.0 27.0 47.90 0.54 M.71 Single. Tint w 1.0 10.0 45.0 47.90 0.99 2143.9 Single, Tint W 1.0 7.6 25.0 47.aO 0.99 116118 ;ingia' Tint N 1.0 2.5 22.5 24AS 0.88 481.6 slingle, Tint N 1.01 1.0 6.0 24AS 0,72 106.2 Single, Tint S 10.0 1.0 20.0 39.84 0.48 378.7 sirigla, Tint s 8.0 1.0 6&0 39.84 OAS 1257.5 WALL TYPES Area X EI$PM Points - Type R-yOue Area X SPM Points AdONM 617.0 0.�o 43i.9 606�; lat lhs�i, Ediftr 42 1134.0 1.16 1315.4 SJftrbr 1134.0 1.90 2154.8 CohcreW,'Int 1 1, Adjacent 4.2 347.0 0.64 222.1i Frarine, Worki, Adjacent 11.6 i7o.0 (1.70 Iss.0 BmTotal: 1751.0 21500.6 1: 1761.0 1728.6 DOOR TYPES Area X 9SP M Points T-pe y Area X SPM Points Acilownt '6.0 0.00 6.6i: 6diiiww'o0d 17. . 0 72 1 0 122.4 17.0 4.80 Me BaseTo(al., 17.0 81.0 As -Built Total: '17.0 122A CEILING TYPES Area X bspm Points Type R-Value Area X SPM X SCM Points UndwAl& 1530.0 213 3268.9 UnderAttic 19.0 1530.0 2.82 X 1.00 4314.6 Base Total: 1530.0 326" As -Built Total: 1520.0 43%0 FLOOR TYPES Area X BSPM poinW T�pe R-Value ' Area X SPM Points Slab 195.0(0) -31.8 -8201.0 Sb"n4nacla Edge Insulation ob 195.0(p -31 ao -VM.5 ROOM 0.0 0.00 0.0 Base Total: 4201,0 As -Built Total: 195.0 -0220.6 INFILTRATION Area X ESPM = Points Area X SPM = Points 1530.0 14.31 21994,3 1 1630.0 14.31 21694.3 EftrgyGauga DGA Fonn COA-2001 EnMgyG9UgeWFlaRES'200l FLROSOV3.30 09/17/2003 00:11 7722637229 NISAIR AIR CONDITION PAGE 05 FORM 60OA-2001 SUMMER CALCULATONS, Residential Who.10- Building P��brmanqe Method A - Details I ADDRESS:, P0RT ST. LUCIE, FL, PERMIT #- I BASE AS-bUILT Sumimer Base Points- �87'2`6.1 SunimierAs4u ift ki6ti: Total Summer X System cqq�lng Total X Cap X Duct X System X Credit = Cooling Points Multiplier Polrds Component Riflo Muliflijilibe M-uftIpjWr Multiplier Points (DMx0SMxAHU) 28121,9 I.MD (1.oMx1.160xD.90) 0-134 1.000 8924.4 28720.1 0.4266 12262.0 28121.9 1.00 1.117 0.284 1.000 8924.4 EncrgyGauge� DQA Form rAM�2001 Pn"yGauge01F1aRFS2D01 FLROSO V3.30 gal Tji� - 09/17/2003 00:11 7722637229 NISAIR AIR CONDITION PAGE 06 FORM 60OA-2001 WINTER CALCULATIONS Residential Whole Building Performance, MpthQd A - Details I ADDRESS:, FORT ST. LUCIE, FL, PERMIT #: I BASE ��---UILT' GLASS TYPES I .18 X Conditioned X BWPM Points Overhang Floor Area Type/SC Ornt Len Hgt Area X WPM X WOF =Point 71a imo 6m 1613.11 Single, Tint w 1.0 1,0 27.0 13.80 1.08 4D4.1 Smore, lint w 110 1010 45.0 13.80 1.00 0120.4 strig6, Tint W 1.0 7.5 25.0 13.80 1.00 3M.0 Single. Tim N .1.0 25 22.5 16.38 0.99 3"3 Single. Tint N 1.0 1.0 6.0 1SZB 099 91.3 Single, Tint a 10.0 1.0 2010 10.03 229 496.5 Single. Tint a 8.0 1.0 88.0 10.0a 229 1695.2 WALL TYPES Area X BWPM1 Points TOP R-Value Area X WPM Points Adjacent 617.0 1.80 8 C*Wefe, I InW. Egerfor 42 113' 4.0 3.26 3M.3 ExL%iw M4.0 200 mo, C". In't Inem. A, queent 4.2 6�7,0 2.00 714. . 8 irrarn'6,vvt�cdlAciacert mo 1.80 46.6.0 am, 1791.0 we'd 1: 48".7 DOOR TYPES Area X l3wPM Polnts� T". k VVP'M Points, Ad*ent 010 0.00 0.01 ftkidrWocd i�.10 7.60 1292 Exterior 1?.o 5.10 86.7 . RMTOW: 17.0 W.7 As4mMTotal: 17.0 199.2 CEILING TYPESArea X BWPM Points Type R-Value Area X WPMXWCM= Points Under Aft 1630.0 0.64 a7ft-2 Under Attic 10.0 1631D.0 OM X 1.00 1331.1 BnmToW: Ism a7a.2 AS43uift Total: 1530.0 1331.1 FLOOR TYPES Area X BVVpM points Type R-Value Area X WPM points Slab 195.0(p) -1.0 -370.5 Slab-On4mde Eop insubition 0.0 19S.Olp 2SO 487.6 Releed 0.0 0101) 0.0 Saft-row: -370.6 As43ujlt Total: 19&0 437.6 INFILTRATION Area X SWPM Points Area X WPM Points 16M.0 .0.0 -428.4 15".0 -028 -428.4 ErAW(30L(pV DGA Form 600A.21)(11 EmWCALkP91FlaREV2D01 KROS13V3,30 E-- I-A 09/17/2003 00:11 7722837229 NISAIR AIR CONDITION PAGE 07 FORM 60OA-2001 WINTER CALCULATIONS Residential Whole Building Performance Method A - Details I ADDRESS:, PORT ST. LUCIE, FL, PERMITfP I Winter Base Points: 5259.4 Winter As-BuiltPoints: 10415.9 Total Winter X System Heating Total X Cap X Duct X System X Credit = Heating Points Multiplier Points Component Ratio - Multiplier Multiplier Multiplier Points (DMxrjSMxAHU) I 10415.9 1.00D (1.088x1.160x0.Qq OA68 1.000 S4M4 5259.4 0.6274 3289.8 10A 415.9 1.00 1.140 0.465 1.000 5402.4 EneWftiip� DCA Form BOW= RnQWGQV9e8M8REV2D01 FLROSON020 FORM 600A.2001 FLORIDA FOR B Florida Department of Cqrrkm�jnity Affairs Residential WhoW Building Per6rmanc& Method A Project Name: THE TORREY PINES MOD E Address: City, State: PORT ST. LUCIEi K Owner KOLTER SIGNATURE HOMES, INC. Climate Zone- Central Builder Permitting OfFice: Permit Number Jurisdiction Number KOLTER 1. New constractiou or cadsting New 12, Cooling wyatems 2. singlefMilyormulti-1kraily L CLAbul Unit Cap!36.QkBhdhr 3. Numbur of uxdts� if stuld�fivaily SPAIL'12.00 4. Number of Badroamn 3 b. N/A 5. Is this a worst can? yes 6. Condidemed floor exca (ft2) 1530 (P c. WA 7. Glass uca & type SinglaPano DoublePant & Clear &TUN deffialt 11-Actu 0.0 ftz o.o jF 13. Hesiing systems b. Dcffitdt�nt 2135 W 0.0 W a. litectric Hent Pump Otp: Sd.Olkft/hr 0. lAbelad U or SHOC 0.0 fo 0.0 & HOF. 7.50 R. Floor" b. NIA a. Slab-On-0tade Edge insulation R-OA 195.00) ft h. NIA a. N/A c. NIA 9, wall t�pn 14. H0tw*'"*1ftms a- concrctc� Int Insul, Exterfor R-41 1134.0 Be — Electeia Rcaistanno Cap 40.0 gallons b, concrete, rnt Tnaul, Adjacent R-4A 347.0 fl? — NIT. 0.94 a. Framc� Wood, Adjacent R-1 1.0. 270.0 IV b. X/A d. NIA a. W/A 0. conservation credits 10. Cel[Ingrypes (HR-1-1cat mcovcr)� War a. UnderAttic R-19.0.1530.0 W I)HP-Dedloated heat pump) b. X/A U. HVAC credits 0. N/A (CF-Ceilft ficn, CV-42ram ventilation, 11. Mae FIF-Whole housd A% & Sup; Una, Rcr, Con. AH: Interior Sup. R--6A 125.0 ft rr-Prognuntuabla Thcnaosi,4 b. NIA WIC-Muffizovo cooling, W�H-Muldzoae heating) Glass/Floor Area: 0.14 Total as -built points: 21528 Total base points: 23244 PASS I hereby certify that the plans and specificattlons covered by this calrule on a compliance with t Florida Energy Code. PREPARED DATE: I hereby certify that this bullelffi-g—,ftAesigned, is In compliance with the FIDHd . Ene a OWNERIAGENT:, DATE: Review, ofthe,plans and specifications covered by this calculatlori4ndicates compliance with thiFjorida Energy Code. Beford'odlistruatio6 Is'completed. th! buiiiiirig,,will be Inspected for' compli.ancewlth!SWIon 553.908 FlorldsSlitatutes. BUILDING: OFFICIAL: DATE. Enerayt]lsugeQ (Version: 09/17/2003 00:11 7722887229 NISAIR AIR CONDITION PAGE 01 SCAIVNE tu 13Y D Cie COtli7ty fl) AaewS /PCL I 7xw#/X dAJV 7 I Detailed Room Loads - Room 3 - Liv Rm (Peak MethoO) I Room Length: 20.0 ft. System Number: 1 Room Width: 18.0 ft. Zone Number: 1 Area: 360.0 sq.ft. SupplyAjr: 371 CFM Ceiling Height: 9.0 ft. Supply,A�r Changes: 6.9 AC/hr Volume: 3,240.0 cu.ft. Required Vent.: 0 CFM Number of Registers: 3 Actual Winter Vent.: 0 CFM Runout Air: 124 CFM Percent of Supply.: 0 % Runout Duct Size: 7 in. Actual Summer Vent.: 0 CFM RunoutA!rVelocfty: 463 Urnin. Percent of Supply: 0 % Design Loss: 0.100 in.wg./l 00 ft. Actual Winter Infil.: 39 CFM Actual Loss: 0.112 in.wgJl 00 ft. Actual Summer Infil.: 22 CFM W -Wall-14E-4-8c 18 X 9 122 0.152 4.6 556 1.6 0 200 S-Wall-14E-4-8c6X9 14 0.152 4.6 64 0.1 0 1 N -Door-I 1 D 3 X 8 24 0.390 11.7 281 8.2 0 197 N -GIs-1A-rb-o shgc-0.35 100%S 30 1.080 32.4 972 25.9 0 776 (2) W -GIs-1 A-rb-o shgc-0.35 3%S (2) 40 1.080 32.4 1,296 81.3 0 3,250 S -GIs-I A-cb-d shgc-0.75 I 00%S 40 1.080 32.4 1,296 37.2 0 1,486 (2) UP-Ceii-16D-1 9 20 X 18 360 0.049 1.5 529 1.2 0 441 Floor-22A-pm 45 ft..Per. 45 1.180 35.4 1,593 0.0 0 0 Subtotals for Structure: 7,203 0 6,435 Infil.: Win.: 39.0, Sum.: 22.3 405 3.178 1,287 0.909 926 368 Ductwork: 0.200 1.698 0.200 146 1.361 Room Totals: 10,188 1,072 8,164 I Detailed Room Loads - Room 4 - Mstr BdralIBMILaund (Peak Method) I Room Length: 32.0 ft. System Number I Room Width: 15.0 ft. Zone Number: I Area: 480.0 sq.ft. Supply Air: 292 CFM Ceiling Height: 10.0 ft. Supply Air,Changes: 3.7 AC/hr Volume: 4,800.0 cu.ft. Required Vent.: 0 CFM Number of Registers: 3 Actual Winter Vent.: 0 CFM Runout Air: 97 CFM Percent of Supply.: 0 % Runout Duct Size: 6 in. Actual SummerVent.: 0 CFM RunoutAlrVelocity: 496 ft./min. Percent of Supply: 0 % Design Loss: 0.100 in.wg./I 00 ft. Actual Winter Infil.: 59 CFM Actual Loss: 0.158 in.wg./l 00 ft. Actual Summer Infil.: 34 CFM W -Wall-1 4E-4-8c 13 X 10 130 0.152 4.6 593 1.6 0 213 E -Wall-1 213-Obw 16 X 10 146.4 0.097 2.9 426 0.2 0 26 E -Door-1 1 D 2 X 6.8 13.6 0.390 11.7 159 8.2 0 Ill S -GIs-lA-cb-d shgc-0.75 I 00%S 64 1.080 32.4 2,074 37.2 0 2,378 (2) UP-Ceil-16D-119 32 X 15 480 0.049 1.5 706 1.2 0 588 Floor-22A-pm 61 ft..Per. 61 1.180 35.4 2,159 0.0 0 0 Subtotals for Structure: 7,284 0 3,335 Infil.: Win.: 58.8, Sum.: 33.6 610 3.177 1,938 0.908 1,394 554 Ductwork: 0.200 1,844 0.200 146 1,070 People: 200 lat(per, 230 sen/per 2 400 460 Room Totals: 11,066 2,940 6,419 I System I Room Load Summary I I Bdrm #2/Bth 266 7,592 99 3-6 597 7,735 2,451 352 352 2 Din Rm/Kit 425 7,414 96 2-5 634 3,799 2,301 173 173 3 Liv Rm 360 10,188 132 3-7 463 8,164 1,072 371 371 4 Mstr 480 11,066 144 3-6 496 6,419 2,940 292 292 Bdrm/Bth/Laund System I total 1,531 36,260 471 26,117 8,764 1,188 1,188 System I Main Trunk Size: 16 in. Velocity: 851 ft./min Loss per 100 ft.: 0.089 in.wg Type: Model: Brand: Efficiency: Sound: capacity: Sensible Capacity: n/a 0 Btuh Latent Capacity: n/a 0 Btuh I Detailed Room Loads - Room I - Bdrm #2lBth (Peak Method) Room Length: 19.0 ft. System Number. 1 Room Width: 14.0 ft. Zone Number: I Area: 266.0 sq.ft. Supply Air: 352 CFM Ceiling Height: 9.0 ft. Supply Air Changes: 8.8 AC/hr Volume: 2,394.0 cu.ft. Required Vent.: 0 CFM Number of Registers: 3 Actual Winter Vent.: 0 CFM RunoutAir: 117 CFM Percent of Supply.: 0 % Runout Duct Size: 6 in. Actual Summer Vent.: 0 CFM Runout Air Velocity: 597 ft./min. Percent of Supply: 0 % Design Loss: 0.100 in.wg./l 00 ft. Actual Winter Infil.: 38 CFM Actual Loss: 0.228 in.wg./l 00 ft. Actual Summer Infil.: 22 CFM E -Wall-I 4E4-8c 16 X 9 92 0.152 4.6 420 0.3 0 25 S -Wall-14E-4-8c 2 X 9 18 0.152 4.6 82 0.1 0 1 S-Wall-12B-Obw9X9 81 0.097 2.9 236 0.0 0 4 E -GIs-IA-rb-o shgc-0.35 2%S 26 1.080 32.4 842 80.3 0 2,087 E -GIs-IA-rb-o shgc-0.35 2%S (2) 26 1.080 32.4 842 80.3 0 2,088 UP -Cell -I 613-19 19 X 14 266 0.049 1.5 391 1.2 0 326 Floor-22A-pm 44 ft..Per. 44 1.180 35.4 1,558 0.0 0 0 Subtotals for Structure: 5,069 0 4,626 Infil.: Win.: 38.2, Sum.: 21.8 396 3.177 .1,258 0.909 905 360 Ductwork: 0.200 1,265 0.200 146 1,289 People: 200 lattper, 230 sentper: 2 400 460 Room Totals: 7,592 2,451 7,735 Detailed Room Load$ - Room, 2 - Din RmlKit (Peak Method) Calculation Mods. Htg. & cig. Occurrences: Room Length: 25.0 ft. System Number: Room Wdth: 17.0 ft. Zone Number: Area: 425.0 sq.ft. Supply Air: 173 CFM Ceiling Height: 11.0 ft. Supply Air Changes: 2.2 ACIhr Volume: 4,675.0 cu.ft. Re ulred Vent.: q 0 CFM Number of Registers: 2 Actual Winter Vent.: 0 CFM Runout Air: 86 CFM Percent of Supply.: 0 % Runout Duct Size: 5 in. Actual SummerVent.: 0 CFM RunoutAirVelocity: 634 ft./min. Percent of Supply: 0 % Design Loss: 0.100 in.wg./I 00 ft. Actual Winter Infil.: 40 CFM Actual Loss: 0.330 in.wg./l 00 ft. Actual Summer Infil.: 23 CFM IN -vvail-I 4h-4-50 25 A 11 240 0.152 4.6 1,094 0.6 0 150 S -Wall-14E-4-8c 13 X 11 143 0.152 4.6 652 0.1 0 11 N -Gls-I A-rb-o shgc-0.35 1 00%S 15 1.080 32.4 486 25.9 0 388 N -Gls-1A-rb-o shgc-0.35 100%S 20 1.080 32.4 648 25.9 0 517 UP-Ceil-16D-19 25 X 17 425 0.049 1.5 625 1.2 0 521 Floor-22A-pm 38 ft..Per. 38 1.180 35.4 1,345 0.0 0 0 Subtotals for Structure: 4,850 0 1,587 Infil.: Wn.: 40.3, Sum.: 23.0 418 3.177 1,328 0.907 955 379 Ductwork: 0.200 1,236 0.200 146 633 Equipment: 1,200 1,200 Room Totals: 7,414 2,301 3,799 II Total Building Summary Loads ____1 IA-rb-o: Glazing -Single pane, operable window, reflective, 157 5,086 0 9,106 9,106 metal frame with break, ground reflectance = 0.32, outdoor insect screen with 50% coverage, white or reflective color drapes with fight weave with 25% coverage I A-cb-d: Glazing -Single pane, sliding glass door, clear, 104 3,370 0 3,864 3,864 metal frame with break, ground reflectance = 0.32, outdoor insect screen with 50% coverage, white or reflective color drapes with fight weave with 25% coverage 11 D: Door -Solid Core 37.6 440 0 308 308 14E-4-8c: Wall -two courses brick, brick on concrete or 8 1303 5,942 0 799 799 inches concrete, 8 inches of 140# concrete with R-4 board insulation 12B-Obw: Wall -Frame, R-1 I insulation in 2 x 4 stud cavity, 227.4 662 0 30 30 no board insulation, brick finish, wood studs 16D-1 9: Roof/Ceiling-Under attic or knee wall, Vented 1531 2,251 0 1,876 1,876 Attic, No Radiant Barrier, Dark Tile, Slate or Concrete, R-19 insulation 22A-pm: Floor -Slab on grade, No edge insulation, no 188 6,655 0 0 0 insulation below floor, any floor cover, passive, heavy dry or light wet soil Subtotals for structure: 24,406 0 15,983 15,983 People: 4 800 920 1,720 Equipment: 3,200 3,200 6,400 Lighting: 0 0 0 Ductwork: 6,043 584 4,353 4,937 Infiltration: Winter CFM: 176, Summer CFM: 101 5,811 4,180 1,661 5,841 Ventilation: Winter CFM: 0, Summer CFM: 0 0 0 0 0 Total Building Load Totals: 36,260 8,764 26,117 34,881 Total Building Supply CFM: 1,188 (4.7 AC/hr) CFM Per Square ft.: 0.776 Square ft. of Room Area: 1,531 Square ft. Per Ton: 527 Total Sensible Gain: 26,117 Btuh 75 % Total Latent Gain: 8,764 Btuh 25 % Total Cooling Required With Outside Air: 34,881 Btuh 2.91 Tons (Based On Sensible + Latent) Calculations are based on 8th edition of ACCA Manual J. All computed, results are estimates as building use and weather may vary. Be sure to select a unit that meets both sensible and latent loads. sbit . V�t . . .. ....... .0 ........ ... - 4.'R� W .......... .. .. System I Torrey Pines Mod. E Summary Loads (Peak Method) 1A-rb-o: Glazling-Single pane, operable window, reflective, 157 5,086 0 9,106 9,106 metal frame with break, ground reflectance = 0.32, outdoor insect screen with 50% coverage, white or reflective color drapes with tight weave with 25% coverage IA-cb-d: Glazing -Single pane, sliding glass door, clear, 104 3,370 0 3,864 3,864 metal frame with break, ground reflectance = 0.32, outdoor insect screen with 50% coverage, white or reflective color drapes with fight weave with 25% coverage 11 D: Door -Solid Core 37.6 440 0 308 308 14E-4-8c: Wall -two courses brick, brick on concrete or 8 1303 5,942 0 799 799 inches concrete, 8 inches of 140# concrete with R-4 board insulation 12B-Obw: Wall -Frame, R-1 1 insulation in 2 x 4 stud cavity, 227.4 662 a 30 30 no board insulation, brick finish, wood studs 16D-1 9: Roof/Celling-Under attic or knee wall, Vented 1531 2,251 0 1,876 1,876 Attic, No Radiant Barrier, Dark Tile, Slate or Concrete, R-19 insulation 22A-pm: Floor -Slab on grade, No edge insulation, no 188 6,655 0 0 0 insulation below floor, any floor cover, passive, heavy dry or light wet soil Subtotals for structure: 24,406 0 15,983 15,983 People: 4 800 920 1,720 Equipment: 3,200 3,200 6,400 Lighting: 0 0 0 Ductwork: 6,043 584 4,353 4,937 Infiltration: Winter CFM: 176, Summer CFM: 101 5,811 4,180 1,661 5,841 Ventilation: Winter CFM: 0, Summer CFM: 0 0 a 0 0 System I Torrey Pines Mod. E Load Totals: 36,260 8,764 26,117 34,881 mw*ft"WMIMI�I IMIT Iwo's I Supply CFM: 1,188 (4.7AC/hr) CFM Per Square ft.: 0.776 Square ft. of Room Area: 1,531 Square ft. Per Ton: 527 Total Heating Required With Outside Air: 36,260 Btuh 36.26Q MBH Total Sensible Gain: 26,117 Btuh 75.% Total Latent Gain: 8,764 Btuh 25 % Total Cooling Required With Outside Air: 34,881 Btuh' -2.91 Tons (Based On Sensible + Latent) d 011.0 Calculations are based on 8th edition of ACCA Manual J. All computed results are estimates as building use and weather mayvary:,,,-. Be sure to select a unit that meets both sensible and latent loads. ,,POW Nqw-14. _52 MINN. M N gag-, System 1, Zone I Summary Loads,. (�qakjWetho g * �"Rkf­ffi 'p� 1A-rb-o: Glazing -Single pane, operable window, reflective, 157 5,086 0 9,106 9,106 metal frame with break, ground reflectance = 0.32, outdoor insect screen with 50% coverage, white or reflective color drapes with tight weave with 25% coverage IA-cb-d: Glazing -Single pane, sliding glass door, clear, 104 3,370 0 3,864 3,864 metal frame with break, ground reflectance = 0.32, outdoor insect screen with 50% coverage, white or reflective color drapes with fight weave with 25% coverage 11 D: Door -Solid Core 37.6 440 0 308 308 14E-4-8c: Wall -two courses brick, brick on concrete or 8 1303 5,942 0 799 799 inches concrete, 8 inches of 140# concrete with R-4 board insulation 12B-Obw: Wall -Frame, R-I 1 insulabon in 2 x 4 stud cavity, 227.4 662 0 30 30 no board insulation, brick finish, wood studs 16D-1 9: Roof/Ceiling-Under atfic or knee wall, Vented 1531 2,251 0 1,876 1,876 Attic, No Radiant Barrier, Dark Tile, Slate or Concrete, R-19 insulation 22A-pm: Floor -Slab on grade, No edge insulation, no 188 6,655 0 0 0 insulation below floor, any floor cover, passive, heavy dry or light wet soil Subtotals for structure: 24,406 0 15,983 15,983 People: 4 800 920 1,720 Equipment: 3,200 3,200 6,400 Lighting: 0 0 0 Ductwork: 6,043 584 4,353 4,937 Infiltration: Winter CFM: 176, Summer CFM' 101 5,811 4,180 1,661 5,841 System 1, Zone 1 Load Totals: 36,260 8,764 26,117 34,881 migmfiot IONNIUMEMM M� Supply CFM: 1,188 (4.7AC/hr) CFM Per Square It.: 0.776 Square ft. of Room Area: 1,531 Square ft Per Ton: 527 Total Heating Required: 36,260 Btuh 36.260 MBH Total Sensible Gain: 26,117 Btuh 75 % Total Latent Gain: 8,764 Btuh 25 % Total Cooling Required: 34,881 Btuh 2.91 Tons (Based On Sensible + Latent) MOMMI I*,; . MEHME "1 011 Calculations are based an 8th edition of ACCA Manual J. All computed results are estimates as building use and weather may vary. Be sure to select a unit that meets both sensible and latent loads. I N Equipm,,ent Schedule, Unft# I SEER HSPF_�r Make.,45;v,v loons 3 Cond.Unit Mpd.#z�JO-A7_34 A JH Unit MW4�elzfA�";-V' 'Heater MocL#,eCO.2-f-0Jp Sensible Cooling_o�6�2190 0 Latent Cooling Total Cool BTUt 0 D 0 P, H ENERGY PERF0RMX*E`LE- (EPL) DISPLAY CARD:: FSTMAWD = 85.1 KOLTER SIGNATURE HOMES, INC.,, -PORT ST. LUCIE, r-L, 1. New ounsiruction or wdsdng NeW 12. Cwlingsystetn�-.'- 2- Single fiWIDY Or mulfi-flunity Mul&flumly _ ceemmiunit Cap: 36.0 kRhAr 3, Number of units, ifmafti4weily 8 — SEW . 1200 4. Number oflWrooms 3 b. IVA 5. rs this a %.,.t cam? Yes 6. Condfdonod floor am (W) 1530 AM a. W/A 7. Ofta am & " SinglaPnee DoubloPme a. Ckar- single pans 0.0 IV 0.0 fta 13. Rcofing qstc= b. Clee- doublo lume 213.5 AF 0.002 mentria HMt Pump Cap- 36.D iBM/hr a. TinVather $HOC - slugle pane 0.0 ft, 010 ftm Hsp�: 7.5D & TlWodw SUGC - doublo pane b. N/A S. Fluor tws R. Slub-On-Grade Mae TmniWon R-0.0, 195.0(p) fk e. N/A b.'KZA NIA 14. Hot wan syseew 0. well types — iL Meet& Resistenea Cap: 0.0 sallam a. Concrete, lat Insul, P-turlar R=4A 1134.0 2 _ ER. 0.94 b.:conereba, tftTn=L Adjacent R-4.Z 347.0 R2 b. N/A a.'Frmee� Wood, MJ2QCm R-Il.0,270.0fie d. N/A 0. conatevation crudih W/A (HR-Heat rowyery, War Io. CeilingrjM DER-Deffieuted beat pump) a. UnderAffin R-1 9.0. 1530.0 fta 15. NVACuirdits b, X/A (CF-Cang 15m, CV-Cfm ventilagm; a, X/A HF-whole hm, fiu�' 11. DdalB P1r-PMgMmm4wo 71iffmosm a. Sup: Unc, Ret Con. All: Interior Sup. R-6.0,125.0 ft MZ-C-Multiwna cooling, b. N/A W-11-mulilzone besting) I certilYthatthis horne bas couTfledwiththe Florida EnmVEfficiwkqy0odaFor-BufldIns-:; COXXOMP.ton ffimgh the above emu saving fcaftzreg k this borne befi fi WZm 11"Pegdom Offiervdse, a xtc,*33PL Display Cam--tvillbe completed. based on im features DAW 9 — 2-1�� a Address ofNowuome; M(A—MtGA44 CtW—La- CitoL Zip: �%L :PL � %.q'i S A, *MOVE.' 7he home's estimated energv performancescore 1.9 OMIY available through the FMAIALS computerprogram, - 7his ISBRf aBuf1d1hgBnergyRoH?rg Zfyour score is 80 orgrefiler (or 86jor �71USFNPAIDOEaergy&bK designation), your home mV qualt&jbr jmer:V efflotency mortgqgg (a* incentives Y,�ntqbfaiffa Florida Energy Gauge Rating. Contact the Fhergy Gauge Hotline at 3271638-1492 or seethe EizerV Gauge1web site at-www.ftecvqf.e&jar ' m/bmation and a list of carfifigdRafery, For informadon about.Plorida's-Eneriy Efflclency CodeFor Building conowalon. contact the Department of CommunityAffaMmefiAWROArdon: FLRC04.30). The Torrey Pines Mod. E HVAC Load Calculations for Kolter Signature Homes, Inc. 2160 Reserve Park Trace Port St. Lucie, F1 34986 AL' Prepared By: Jose Nisair Air Conditioning 1501 Decker Ave. - D404 Stuart, Fl. 34994 772-283-0904 Friday, May 09. 2003 I I Project Report Project Date: Client Name: ClientAddress: Client City: Client Phone: Company Name: Company Representative: CompanyAddress: Company City: Company Phone: The Torrey Pines Mod. E Thursday, May 08, 2003 Kolter Signature Homes, Inc. 2160 Reserve Park Trace Port St. Lucie, FI 34986 772-468-4703 Nisair Air Conditioning Jose 1501 Decker Ave. - D404 Stuart, Fl. 34994 772-283-0904 Daily Temperature Range: High Latitude: 27 Degrees Elevation: 25 ft. Altitude Factor: 0.999 Elevation Sensible Adj. Factor: 1.000 Elevation Total Adj. Factor: 1.000 Elevation Heating Adj. Factor: 1.000 Elevation Heating Adj. Factor: 1.000 Outdoor Outdoor Indoor Indoor Dry Bulb Wet Bulb Rel.Hurn -0 Dry Bulb Winter: 42 0 72 Summer: 90 78 50 75 Square ft. of Room Area: Total Sensible Gain: Total Latent Gain: Total Cooling Required With Outside Air: Grains Difference 0 61 .:.-- 1- -.1.1 1 531 �' IVI I �' �4U�A� 1L.. U.1 lu Square ft Per Ton: 527 36,260 Btuh 36.260 WH 26,117 Btuh 75 % 8,764 Btuh 25 % 34,881 Btuh 2.91 Tons (Based On Sensible + Latent) Loaicuiaitons are Dasea on t5tn edition of ACCA Manual J. All computed results are estimates as building use and weather may vary. Be sure to select a unit that meets both sensible and latent loads. I Miscellaneous Report Summer: 90 78 50 75 61.09 Use Schedule: Yes Yes Roughness Factor: 0.00300 0.01000 Pressure Drop: 0.1000 in.wg./I 00 ft. 0.1000 in.wgJIOO ft. Minimum Velocity: 650 ftJmIn 450 ftJrnin Ma)dmum Velocity: 900 ftJmin 750 ftJmin Minimum Height: 0 in. 0 in. Ma)dmum Height: 0 in. 0 in. Infiltration: 0.700 AC/hr 0.400 AC/hr Volume of Conditioned Space: * X 15109 Cu.ft. X 15109 Cuft 10,576 Cu.ftJhr 6,044 Cuft/hr X 0.0167 X 0.0167 Total Building Infiltration: 176 CFM 101 CFMI Total Building Ventilation: 0 CFM 0 CFM —System I — Infiltration & Ventilation Sensible Gain Multiplier: 16.49 = (1 .10 X 0.999 X 15.00 Summer Temp. Difference) Infiltration & Ventilation Latent Gain Multiplier: 41.50 = (0.68 X 0.999 X 61.09 Grains Difference) Infiltration & Ventilation Sensible Loss Multiplier: 32.97 = (1.10 X 0.999 X 30.00 Winter Temp. Difference) I Load Preview Repoit I Zone 1 1,531 26,117 8,764 34,881 36,260 471 1,188 1,188 1 -Bdrm #2/Bth 266 7,735 2,451 10,186 7,592 99 352 352 3-6 2-Din RmAQt 425 3,799 2,301 6,100 7,414 96 173 173 2-5 3-Liv Rm 360 8,164 1,072 9,236 10,188 132 371 371 3-7 4-Mstr Bdrm/Bth/Laund 480 6,419 2,940 9,359 11,066 144 292 292 3-6 09116/2003 23:17 7722837229 NISAIR AIR CONDITION PAGE 10 & RM 60OA-2001 Jested -pealed ducts-musibe cerfifiedArt thishousei.'* U. L ATT 10 N S ..SUWER-,.,.W,Q Residentiaf hold; i W., Of an; c',e' Met -hod A - Details I "AJDDRESS: jV0RTGTc.LUFIH,`f-_P=,, PERMIT -BASE AS -BUILT GLASS TYPES .16;X -Conditioned X EISPM PoInts Overhang Floor Aria TY0180 Cirnt Lon -Hgt Area - X GPM X SOF Points .W "IN&O 29.M 3.0 :1.0, 12-0. 24AG 0161 1 -M7 N 2.0 1.0 40.0, M46 0.64 =3 Afngle, Tfid N 9.0 1.0- 25.0 24.46 0.61 mi int' -r: 110 1.0-' 30 63.27 0.38 657.4 SOVID, -nm S 6.0 1.0. W.0 39;84 0.48 272B.5 sb_Vla; Tht, I S 13.0 1.0 40.8, 39.64 DAD 77ZS - 31ngk,:Tbt 8� 2.b 1.0 30.0 39.84 0.50 WZ6 WAU,TYP,ES Are*�-** R-Value Area X SPM Points 0 -494.9, 1".0 1.16 1908,2 :Exteft Amn .1-m 125.6�� bc ..... J'� 1" 42' 5 65.0 U.64 362.2 T Fiim 11.0- 141.0 0.70 90.7 POLO 2"9.1 ES Xv�, P w� DOOR!,71"T 1 0' AS M ­­ - Area X SPM Points -17.6 �iinuddcd 2dLO 4Z 116.7 mftr(w 24.0 �4,80 A irwi.2 'Ad�wmthw#gW 17.0 1.60 27.2 4 I 24� ...... 41.0 142A CEI,U'NG[�7WES,��A6reii:,X�-..BSpM I , ­ �� 1. . �_ '_.:7_0 , -Y _11IR-Value Area X GPM X SCM Points Uncip�r Aft 1000.0 -2h 3D.0 nderAtUc_,'. 19.0 1000.0 2.02 x mo 2820.0 IWO.07- T,4)tjL INO.0- 2M.0 FL,,PIDR TYPES rea X'Sa . PW=�k Pol . ftw- , R-Value Ame X GPM Poirft s lab; 6k _SW"r�greft dge lftulatl6n 0.0 114.0(p .31.90 1". 6 RaWd _W3.0 4.43 �­23a 7, �RB]sWWood 19.0 683.0 4.8a 4229.4 . ..... M.0 4W.0 INFILTRA TIO -Area X GPM Points 4 F 883.0 1101 24083.7 EnffgYQ2QX*DCALFWM,6QoA_=j DwjiGau§kiftRES`26D1FLRCSBV3.30 09/16/2003 23:17 M2837229 NISAIR AIRICONDITION PAGE 09 M" iance --Duct '0*10� 'M nqe,Re 4Y. -,P 90 ), -.1 fc!r A pqrt ....... MUL 1 r-M Address: p6rmitting Office: City, State: PORTZT. LUCIE, FL Permit Number , ', OWher. KOLTER SIGNATURErHOMES. 1NC. Jurlddiction Number: Climate Zone: Central Total�:Duct.,,S,yste�mzLeakaOO.--;�T".Oii.i,�R I OW K81" t6it-4- .,alues a Me- -6-' -" Rated Alr�Handler Flo" Line SYStpm vdtte k Systeml dm CkR259ut 2 Syst=2 ;..sdfrn2&ut dM 3 Sy$teM3 d CfM 4 Syst=4 CfM -Led e Total duct,syslemA 11 udes all duct leakqe of air to or from nel � I lealkag&Woutside." The test must be non-oundit, Oge" Ml� estealS p., .-'IM _to Include all components of ysila �gfillsiarej - Walled.-Th Ahe duct�sy.dem,�,fftd6djn -fia6dl6r,� 41 biipIj,dqctworRj,regqrdIesscf location. Pressure pntest&ma af6r46fi& &L.,ififiiiiiij �m- ore.thanfour systems, include results of otheresystems,owbac -,-SuMaII,,'CfM26.a I rW showon line five above. The total se- ndtidsystem-leaka.gObfib tb a, tive,-�rnu*ke�equalitovr lessithen 0.05 to receive airti'ght:dud cr-ed k. I herebv certIfV Code requires.that n lesk ftee duct �rrno by.alCless 1 for wax,tree4ductsystem credit. ass �Llratem 'Cl siqnaWre- j:h Printed Name; Florida Rater Cerfiffm lidan 9: "BUILDING DATE: 09/16/2003 23:17 7722B37229 NISAIR AIR CONDITIONt PAGE 08 I Is 11 FORM 60OA-2001 e-Chiecklist Residential Wb O_W'1Buildin­b.Pd.ff6rm,, anae Method N �-,Details .7, ADDRESS:, P0RTIST..LUCIE,;FL, PER I aA41 iNnL-TRA-nON-REDUt,,TlioN--COMOL,!AhttE-.CiiiECKL�ST- COMPOIdNM ECT"" -'���:'�:PM[REMEM�,FMiE=HPFtACMCE CHECK fibUMC.,CZ11, Warier Ad*ffd W316 40W, 'Per, ��"herpbri �­' ilbd�wi 101ndowildoom Urames, sunwdingwall; "0" aderi or viall parw"B'dit'ciomm, UWAY top"Nom plates; bdwM Vvgft and Hour. Exciiknb!Nli�lffriniiwi[16,ri�l" a conthmm Infiltration bamer is insialled Uit oftnds 'to iimon to too Dia ba. u Flom 606.1-ABC:1.2.2 i �R. --axt - ckL I d - by buss or;drd members. rEXC PnOW F a 06thudus: irffi�rr border Is Iniblied Itnt Is scaled Ito Man Ceilings 6XIABCA'a 8div4SidwqustkbAfn plans oftcrp fWq6ftnd Shafts, ansee, jp --- alrba,rdsr; jlalp� in'gyp' board Mop plate; T *,�tiere a coifflnubui InAftral5w baffiw is Red li'San �hf W6.1 ASMZ4 TY­Po_l_0-*'W'Wi -no- 01- or Type IC or nbn.IC raiad, inslalled inside a iei�ofmm or �ype 10 rulted with -4 2.0 cfm from �jj f . ..... b 0 &Is c ply�.NFPA, wildh paw aw om 6X42 011, ER PTrwk k -PIRESCRI 6 '6i, RESJ ust;6"�t �ex ded;bYallimaidences.) COMP10110MYS' qwfiw, 'Q'� __ — - -�_ �� __� '. - , , . I i �i I � '�11 � ­ I . CHECK We* Heirlem in -Table 6-1 Z Swfth or clarrly marked droult oreuA,( m6k or bfAlUn ha* trap rowlrod. him". Non-comm�l pools SwIniming Pools &.Spas 8121 �jgomr per mllnUte at so PSIr Air lJoIrlbuUon Syster. 610.1 AM n (M ullernent and plenum chaunitrars shall bo mactwdoally Li ofsectionslu. _;D In cwto-B mln;. hHon.,_—, al or; aizlo�c ew''Mosw for ewh vAtem. 6134.1, 61MI 1 -3 balb nicim Insulabon moweal 09/1612003 23:17 7722837229 NISAIR AIR CONDITION PAGE 05 FORM 60OA-2001 Tested sealed ducts,must be certified in this house, LCULATIONS WINTEWC-A Residential�Whole.�Building��P,.o fformance- Method A - Details APDRESS:, FORT ST.-LUCIE, FL, PERMITA BASE AS -BUILT, GLASS T�(PES -18 jC Conditioned XBWPM Points Overhang Fqoor Area 7YPe�SC Ornt Len Hgt Area X WPM X WOF Point m 7int - i. N 13.0 1.0 1ZO 15.38 om 181.6 Single, -Tint N 20 1.0 40.0 15.38 oag 808.2 Single; Tint N 9.0 1.0 25.0 15.38 om 378.3 Single, Tint E 13.0 1.0 34.0 13.04 1.32 584.9 Single, Mid S U 1.0 144.0 10.88 229 am.6 Single, Tint 8 13.0 1.0 40.6 10.88 2.29 1017.1 Single, IN 8 2.0 1.0 30.0 10.80 222 720 As-Suilt Total: 325.8 70132.2 WALLTYPES Area�X.SWpM-=,p.d1hta. _t�p R-Value Area X WPM Points Adjacent 707.0 1.80 1 on intinud, 4.2 1645.0 3.28 SM.7 Exbmiw 164510 200 32911.0. , cW" I nt Ins _ ul.�, Adj"rA '_ 4,2 SKO 2.06 1168.0 - - Or, cod, �Olment- 11.0 141.0 1.60 253.8 Bass Total: A35LI) 2352.0 SMA DOqR T1YP ES -Area X.j�wpw P Tlnts,� Type- Area X WPM Points 24.0 5.10 1227 24.0 S.10 122.4, �djawnt Invilated 17.0 4.00 68.0 ma" Total. 41A 1119A, .-As4kaltToW: 41.0 190A CEILING T[YPESArea _x;Z" %WM �Piolrits, " T RmVblue Area - X WPM X WCM Points UnclerAft 1000.0 .0.64 Un4;�_A_fflc 19.0 1000.0 0.87 X 1.00 870.0 aam.1ratal: '640.0- �AS43ulttlrotal: 1101)(1.0 970.a FLOOR TYPES Area X BWPM Points', TYPe R-Value Area X WPM Points Slab I i4�olp) .9 1-21, 6.54, 0.0 114.0(p Z50 2115.0 Raised 683.0 -0.20 , RaisedWood, - Stem Wall- 19.0 683.0 0.31) 2K9 Base Total: 4 . 539� As43WR 797.0 499.9 .4� INFILTRATION Area X BWPM points Area X WPM Points Im.0 _028 '-471.2 ism.0 .028 -471.2 EnOWOW.WO DCA I= wm-2olii ENMyGeu_9eVFIaR - - ES2D0I.FLRCSHy3.30 09116/2003 23:17 7722837229 NISAIR AIR CONDITION PAGE 06 FORM 6COA-2001 Tested sealed ducts must be certified in this house. ZA Residential WIholai'B'Oldin'' -T-nance Method A - Details g�'Petfot I AD0REss:,�P0RTST­LUClEj-FL, PERivirr v I EJ1AAE_ A&BUILT Winter ftsefoirft- 4343! -fit 14943.7 Total Winter X System Heating Total .,-,X -Cap X D'­u­c_t_X System X Credit = Heating Points Multiplier Points �Cornponent 'Ratio- Multiplier Multiplier Multiplier Points - (DMxDSMxAHU) 163418 A§274 14943.7 1.000 % 1.'W (1.076x-1.0D0x1.11) DA55 �A 197 0.455 oKjo 0.950 77W.3 7730.3 a EneMyCaeugew DCA Form =A.2M FLRC813 v3.30 k.j[;l TT jar,. it MAU A �96 Jefl A- �,!Odu flol 0911612003 23:17 7722837229 NISAIR,AIR CONDITION FORM 60DA-2001 Tested,seeledducts-,Must,be certified in this house. PAGE 07 MDEZOMPLIANCE STATUS Residential- Whole efdrmance Method A - Details ADPRkWePORTIST.:LLICIEj-,;� PERMIT #, -BASE MwBUILT T Number of x Multiplier Total Tank ---1'EF...'-Nurhberof X Tank X Multiplier X Credit Total Bwrooms Volume: dedrodm Rallo Multiplier 2564.00 769ZO .40.0- 0.94 3 im 2400.34 1.00 7201.0 7201.0 t P, A -- , -11, -.1 EnwgyGzvol�m DGA,FOFTn GMA-2001 .,EnergyGgVftfi6RES2N1 FLRCSBV3.3D 09/16/2003 23:17 7722837229 NISAIR AIR CONDITION PAGE 04 FORM 60OA-2001 -Tested seeled.ductsmust be Certified In thfiftuse. SUMMER4AL-PULATIONS Residential,�W,hiole.i�B-U-'I'Iding-:P,,6r..f6,ri�m,anide-Me't"hod A- Details I �MQQQi, VwV% 1 01. P4W%ilft, K, I . . ..,! , - � PERMITM I AASEI� 2 AS -BUILT GLAsal TYPES .18 X Conditioned X SSPM Points Overhang F1 oor Area Tylll�mc Omt, Len, Hgt Area X SPIM X SOF Points .18 N'� - 13,0 1-.0 120 24.46 0.81 179.4 sh46, Tim IN- Z01' 1.0 40.0 24.46 0.84 em.s N 9.9.1 1.0 25.0 24,48 0.61 373.7 Slnql� Tw rz 13.0 1.0 - 34.0 5$.27 0.36 657A sinsk-, Tim 3 K6": 1.0 144.0 39.54 0.48 2m.5 s*;-, rmt S; ild 1.0 40.a 39.84 0.48 77Z5 SWO, rim S, 70 -.6 30.0 39.84 0.50 S9Z6 SMA WALL TYPES Area.X�'.BSPM*-=.�. oints'! P 77. - '7-ype k-VolUe Area X SPM Points Adjoi�k 00 � I T� 42 1645.0 1.10 1W8.2 Eft-w 1645.0 1.90 125,5�w C 4.2, 585.0 0.64 3522 F 11.0 14j.0 0,70 98.7 �23520 2M.1 0ObR TYPES Area Xaspm�=,P' ointi, �-Type, Area X sPm points Adpmft �17.0 -272 ... F L W - Mar .1rW _ &W . 24.0 4.80 1152 Morior 24.0 4.80 1162, A�fn'suguted 17.0 1.60 27.2 41.0 1142*1 As4uift-Totw: 41.0 142A CEILING-TYPES,A r R-Value Area X SPM X SCM Points Un&iAft 7 19 .0 1000.0 Z82 x tou 28M.0 077-77 .1wQ.0 2130.0-A Az;Buntya w 1000.0 =20.0 moo WTYP ES Are&�-X-Bspm -Poj R-Value Area X SPM Points sm, 114.0(p) 3 1 "A" 0.0 ildt U(p -31M -M.6 ftwd 66.0 443: w2342 7,� k�lsed Wood'$ , t . um Waff 19.0 emo -1.80 -1229.4 --ma.9" AsamT . OWL 797.0 48H.0 INFILTRATION Area �X: PM Area X SPM Points 1683.0� 1683.0 14.31 240-M.7 EnMr-AL�- DCA Form 6MA-2D01 �%�mrayGm FhRES40DIr Rftsu %G.3o qFM _ L Equipment Schedule Ur*,�_Y SER ),Z HSPF 9- " I eZrwtjvx R=-3 CorAUnff MOCL#j?=H�P-.3.4. NH Unt t Mocf.#e��?-f �94— Eq e U u n ' 1p� m Sr M e 0 E n d Heater Mod.#, Semble C"ng- (0 �,900 Late& Cooling Totd Cod BTUt co C-3 I - CD*CDI? C-) 0 tv, 0 143 V I Test ENERGY DISPLAY CAIRD LSTMATED KOLTER SIGNATURE HOMESL . INC_, PORT ST.*.LUOIE,"FL;L., I. Newcanstructionore;&ting I Single fim* or muld-hmily 3. Number ofullits, if Multi -family - 4. Number offledrooms 5. In this a worpt c&en? 6. Conditioned floor mm (fL2) 7 Glaaa, am & b. Clear -double pam 0. Tinyafficr STJGC -single pane d. Tint/other SHGC - double pons, 8. Floorwas & Slab-On-Gradc Edger Easuladoo b. Raised Wood, Stem Wall a. N/A 91 w3ail tn= Q­COn=M1MInsuLE7dPfior . b. CoPvrctc� InthwA Adjacent 0. Freres, Wood. Adjamg d. NIA e. N/A 10. 'Calling "es a. UnicrAftio b. MIA a. N/A 11, Ducts(EcakFmc) OL Sam Unc. Rat line. AM Me b. X/A New 3 Yes 1693 ff- 7 SinllloPhna DoubloPato 0.0 ft. 0.0 At 325.8 ft� 0.0 ft� 0.0 ft, 0.0 fts 12. Cooling syste .me%- � Central.Unit­ b. wiA X-OA J 14.0(p) It — . R=19.0, 683.W R-42, 1645.0 & — � I R42.50.OfF R-11.0, 141.0 ft- R=19.01 1000.0iv Sup. R-6.0, 125.0 ft c. MIA 14. Hotwatersystums & Meatric Resistance b. WA a. Conservation credits (HP'-HcntTccnVc;7' Solar DIH�Dedfcatcd heat pump) 1.15. HVAC credits (CF-Cefling fim. CV -Crum verealerhon, BF -Whole, house fan, PT-Progmmmablo Thmmoutat, M&C-Mihizoac woft, W,71-Mulfinsft besides) I Carl* that tbi3 home bas coruplied vvith the Florida E=gy,Efficiwq_CodeTFbr.BuiIdirkg- Construction through the above Querlily Saving featares-whicli-will- be1wWO(i(or otacoded . ) in this borne beforre final inspOkm Othorwiso, a now M Display Card will be cumpleted. based on installed Code corrolia"taw-em Builder Sipature; - e:�� Date: Address of New Home: City/PLz'p:J'S4 I P_.) '�;(47&;; CW. 36.0 kBtu/hr CcF. 36.0 kBtwbr HSPF. 7.50 Cap. 40.0 Wons E�F; 0.94 *NOTE-' IWL home's estimated IMOVPerformanve score is only arvairlaWe through -the P7AIRES compaterprogram, MY IT_noj a Building EnerV Rating, ffyour.wore- is 80 or greater, (ar 8�� US EPAIDOE FnerVASY?" designation), >vurhome may qualifyJar eneW efficienc .yMOr f9W JEW. 4nc9afAw-rify.o%CQbfvin an'7oridkr.EneW (mugeRadV Contact the EneW Gauge 90111he a( 3211538-1492 or seethe aer -Gau': gy giWb Bite atwww.fiser-ttafedufor information anda list of cerfifiedRatery. For Information a&outF?arjdq!S'E;7eW Effldency Code ForRullding Construction, contact the DeparimentOfCOMMW7ifyAffaF$MMqA4gMq4��M F114MO-30) Fr. — 120 i D The Torrey Model C HVAC Load Calculations for Kolter Signature Homes, Inc. 2160 NW Reserve Park Trace Port St. Lucie, F1 34986 Prepared By: Jose Nisair Air Conditioning 1601 Decker Ave. - D404 Stuart, F1 34994 772-283-0904 Wednesday, J.une 04, 2003 I Project Report I Project Title: Project Date: Client Name: ClientAddress: Client City: Client Phone: Company Name: Company Representative: CompanyAddress: �Pompany CRY: Company Phone: The Torrey Model C Wednesday, June 04,2003 Kolter Signature Homes, Inc. 2160 NW Reserve Park Trace Port St. Lucie, FI 34986 772-468-4703 Nisair Air Conditioning Jose 1501 Decker Ave. - D404 Stuart, FI 34994 772-283-0904 Daily Temperature Range: Medium Latitude: 27 Degrees Elevation: 25 ft. Altitude Factor: 0.999 Elevation Sensible Adj. Factor: 1.000 Elevation Total Adj. Factor 1.000 Elevation Heating Adj. Factor: 1.000 Elevation Heating Adj. Factor: 1.000 Outdoor Outdoor Indoor Indoor Grains Dry Bul Wet Bulb Rel.Hum Dry Bulb Difference Winter: 42 0 0 72 0 Summer: 90 78 50 75 61 Square ft. of Room Area: 1,176 1,684 Square fL Per Ton: 577 Total Sensible Gain: 25,853 Btuh 74 % Total Latent Gain: 9,199 Btuh. 26 % Total Cooling Required With Outside Air- 35,052 Btuh 2.92 Tons (Based On Sensible + Latent) Calculations are DaSea on tnn edmon of AGGA Manual J. All computed results are estimates as building use and weather may vary. Be sure to select a unit that meets both sensible and latent loads. I Miscellaneous Report ____1 Summer: I I . - 1 90 78 50 75 61.09 Use Schedule: _T Roughness Factor: Pressure Drop-. Minimum Velocity: Ma)dmum Velocity: Minimum Height:.. Ma)dmum Height: .. Yes 0.00300 0.1000 in.wgJlOO ft. 650 ftJmin 900 ftJmin 0 in. 0 in. Yes 0.01000 0.1000 in.wgJl 00 ft. 450 fL/min 750 ftJmin 0 in. 0 in. infiltration: 0.700 AC/hr 0.400 AC/hr Volume of Conditioned Space: X 16072 Cuft X 16072 Cuft 11,250 Cuft/hr 6,429 Cu.ftJhr X 0.0167 X 0.0167 Total Building Infiltration: 188 CFM 107 CFM Total Building Ventilation: 0 CFM 0 CFM —System I — Infiltration & Ventilation Sensible Gain Multiplier: 16.49 = (1.10 X 0.999 X 15.00 Summer Temp. Difference) infiltration & Ventilation Latent Gain Multiplier: 41.50 = (0.68 X 0.999 X 61.09 Grains Difference) Infiltration & Ventilation Sensible Loss Multiplier 32.97 = (1.10 X 0.999 X 30.00 Winter Temp. Difference) . W- U� in 9 919 IT 9 . . . . . C� N 0 N N co co w cm U) v m tn-� C,4 CN CN ��N SN": CD co 0) In -t 0) tn � N r, 1, N Lo , 0) co cj C%J N W�.i Ce) 0 m I-. C� 0 0 0 1� -�t 0 CO CO W C-4 M., C'4 rc� 0 00 C') co CC) C� N R (CL r.. 0 LO t- q. CV) r- CD C14 U) W) 0) N N N It C3 CM r, Lo LO LO 0 v 0)0) q ­0 cL c� --: CL lw_ C) 0 w 0 Ln in m Ln Ln N 00 N Cl) f�- Ce) C,) 0) 0) CD 0) Go co r�- co Go Cl) 1� CD 0) (D 0) Ln Co w m C� G) CD 0) 1 N CO M Ce) Co Ce) En N 00 0) 0 Ln R LD gn Ce) , 0 r-. r­ W M R R 111L "It r". Lr� QCL q R Ln CV M M r 0 V CN 't Go v I* Ln P- co Q -�r (D Go co 0) 0 C9 N co I CD Cq CO N CO V (N tm E-a) 0 0 LL —j m m m C� C; (6 P�, I .... ... .... . 0 . EMMMMME., mg '92A0 ........ .. . ....... Total Building Summary Loads CBS= 1A-rb-o: Glazing -Single pane, operable vVindow, reflective, 25 810 0 72.7 727 metal frame with break 1A-rb-o: Glazing -Single pane, operable window, reflective, 82 2,657. 0 2,226 2,226 metal frame with break, ground refiectance'�_ 0.32, outdoor insect screen with 50% coverage, dark color drapes with loose weave with 25% coverage 1A-rb-d: Glazing -Single pane, sliding glass door, 218.8 7,092 0 5,944 5,944 reflective, metal frame with break, ground reflectance = 0.32, outdoor insect screen with 50% coverage, dark color drapes with loose weave with 25% coverage 1 D: Door -Solid Core 41 480 0 415 415 14E-4-8c: Wall -two courses brick, brick on concrete or 8 1878 8,565 0 2,910 2,910 inches concrete, 8 inches of 140# concrete with R-4 board insulation 12B-Obw: Wall -Frame, R-I 1 insulation in 2 x 4 stud cavity, 124 361 0 110 110 no board insulation, brick finish, wood studs 1 8B-1 9: Roof/Ceiling-Below roof joists, White or Light 1683 2,575 0 1,803 1,803 Color Asphalt Shingle, Any Wood Shake, Dark or Medium Color Tile, Slate or Concrete, Light or Unpainted Metal, Light or Silver Membrane, Light Tar and Gravel, R-19 blanket or loose fill 20P-0c: Floor -Over open crawl space or garage, Passive, 1107.5 12,792 0 4,265 4,265 no insulation, carpet or hardwood 22A-pm: Floor -Slab on grade, No edge insulation, no 119 4,212 0 0 0 insulation below floor, any floor cover, passive, heavy dry or light wet sofl Subtotals for structure: 39,544 0 1'8,400 18,400 People: 6 1,200 1,380 2,580 Equipment: 2,950 0 2,950 Lighting: 0 - 0 0 D ' uctwork: 9,145 602 4,308 4,910 Infiltraton: Winter CFM: 188, Summer CFM: 107 6,183 4,447 1,765 6,212 Ventilation: Winter CFM: 0, Summer CFM: 0 0 0 0 0 Total Building Load Totals: 54,872 9,199 25,853 35,052 ggg: I otal,Building Supply GFM: 1,176 (4.4 AC/hr) CFM Per Square ft.: 0.698 Square ft. of Room Area: 1,684 Square ft. Per Ton: 577 Ow MMI I otal-Heating Required With Outside Air: b4,572 Btuh 54.872 MSH Total Sensible Gain: 25,853 Btuh - 74 % Total Latent Gain: 9,199 Btuh 26 % �OnSe Total Cooling Required With Outside Air: 35,052 Btuh 2.92 Tons, (Based risible + Latent) Calculadons are Dased on 8th edition ot ACCA Manual J. All computed results are estimates as building use and weather may vary. Be sure to select a unit that meets both sensible and latent loads. System I Torrey Mod. C Sumalwy Loads (Peak Methq6)�_,_.,- ININ 1A-rb-o: Gla7ing-Single pane, operable window, reflective, 25 810 0 727 727 metal frame with break 1A-rb-o: Glazing -Single pane, operable window, reflective, 82 0 2,226 2,226 metal frame with -break, ground reflectance = 0.32, outdoor insect screen with 50% coverage, dark color drapes with loose weave with 25% coverage IA-rb-d: Glazing -Single pane, sliding glass door, 218.8 7j092 0 5,944 5,944 reflective, metal frame with break, ground reflectance = 0' , 32, outdoor insect screen with 50% coverage, dark - color drapes with loose weave with 25% coverage 11 D: Door -Solid Core 41 480. 0 415 415 14E-"c: Wall -two courses brick, brick on concrete or 8 1878-,, ..8,565 0 2,910 2,910 inches concrete, 8 inches of 140# concrete with R-4 board insulalon 12B-Obw: Wall -Frame, R-11 insulation in 2 x 4 stud cavityj i�4: 361 0 110 110 no board insulation, brick finish, wood studs 18B-1 9: Roof/Ceiling-Below roof joists, White or Light 1683 2,575 0 1,803 1,803 Color Asphalt Shingle, Any Wood Shake, Dark or Medium Color Tile, Slate or Concrete, Ught or Unpainted Metal, Light or Silver Membrane, Light Tar and Gravel, R-I 9 blanket or loose fill 20P-0c: Floor -Over open crawl space or garage, Passive, 1.107.5 12,192- 0 4,265 4,265 no insulation, carpet or hardwood 22A-pm: Floor -Slab on grade, No edge insulation, no. '119-1 412121. 0 0 0 insulation belowfloor, any floor cover, passive, heavy dry or light wet soil Subtotals for structure: 0 18,400 18;400 People: 6 1,,200 1,380 2,580 Equipment: 2,950 0 2,950 Lighting: 0 0 0 Ductwork: 9,145 602 4,308. 4,910 Infiltration: Winter CFM: 188, Summer CFM; 107 6,183 4,447 1,765 6,212 Ventilation: Winter CFM: 0, Summer CFM: 0 0 0 0 0 System I Torrey Mod. C Load Totals: 54,872 9,199 ��5,853 35,052 Supply CFM: 1,176 (4.4 AC/hr);'. CFM Per Square ft.: 0.698 Square ft. of Room Area: 1,684 - Square ft: Per Ton: 577 EM M I F Total Heating Required With Outside tur: .54,0772 Btun b4X (Z MUH Total Sensible Gain: 25,853 Btuh. .'74' % Total LatentGain: 9,199 Btuh. 26 0/� Total Cooling Required With Outside Air: 35,052 Btuh 21.92 'tons (Based On Sensible + Latent) Calculations are based on 8th edition or ACCA Manual J. IN All computed results are estimates as building use and weather me' y vary. - Be sure to select a unit that meets both sensible and latent loads'. MeTal Trame witn DreaK t: . 1A-rb-o: Glazing -Single pane, operable window, reflective,.'. metal frame with break, ground reflectance = 0.32, outdoor insect screen with 50% coverage, dark color drapes with loose weave with 25% coverage IA-rb-d: Glazing -Single pane, sliding glass'do'or', reflective, metal frame with break, ground�refiectance = 0.32, outdoor insect screen with 50% coverage, dark - color drapes with loose weave with 25%,coverage 11 D: Door -Solid Core 14E-4-8c: Wall -two courses brick, brick on 6oncrete Ord inches concrete, 8 inches of 140#concietewfth R-4' board insulation 12B-Obw: Wall -Frame, R-1 1 insulation in 2 x 4 stud cavity, no board insulation, brick finish, wood studs 18B-1 9: Roof/Ceiling-Below roof joists, White or Light Color Asphalt Shingle, Any Wood Shake, Dark or Medium Color Tile, Slate or Concrete, Light or Unpainted Metal, Light or Silver Membrane, Light Tar and Gravel, R-19 blanket or loose fill 20P-0c: Floor -Over open crawl space or garage, Passive, no insulation, carpet or hardwood 22A-pm: Floor -Slab on grade, No edge insulation, no insulation below floor, any floor cover, passive, heavy dry or liaht wet soil 82 2,657 0 2,226 2,226 218.8 7,092 0 5,944 5,944 41 480 0 415 415 1878 8,565 0 2,910 2,910 124 361 0 110 110 1663 2,575 0 1,803 1,803 1107.5 12,792 0 4,265 4,265 119 - 4,212 0 0 0 Subtotals for structure: 39,644. 0 18,400 18,400 People: 6 1,200 1,380. 2,580 Equipment: 2,950 0 2,950 Lighting: 0 0 0 Ductwork: 9,145- 602 4,308 4,910 Infiltration: Winter CFM: 188, Summer CFM: 107 6,183 4,447 1,765 6,212 System 1, Zone I Load Totals: 54,872- 9,199 25,853 35,052 Sqij�r6 ft. of -Room Area: 1:684 Square ft. Per Ton: 577 Total Sensible Gain: 25,853 'Btuh 74 % Total Latent Gain: 9,199 Btuh 26 % Total Cooling Required: 36,052 Btuh 2.92 Tons (Based On Sensible + Latent) Calculations are based on 8th edition of ACCA Manuel J. All computed results are estimates as building use and.weather may vary. Be sure to select a unit that meets both*sensible and litent loads. Loads - Room I - �dIUUMUUII Ivioue; MTg. & c1g. uccurrences: Room Length: 10.0 ft. System Number. Room Width: 9.5 ft. Zone Number Area: 95.0 sq.ft. SupplyAjr: 79 CPM Ceiling Height: 9.4 ft. Supply Air Change-�: 5.3 AC/hr Volume: 893.0 cuft '.Required Vent.- 0 CFM Number of Registers: Actual Winter , Vent.: 0 CFM RunoutAjr: 79 CFM Percent of Sup'ply.: 0 % Runout Duct Size: 5 in. Actual*Surnmer Vent.:-, 0 CFM RunoutAlrVelocity: 579 ftJmin. Percent of Supply: 0 % Design Loss: 0.100 in.wg'Jl 00 ft. Actudl-Writer Infil.- 12 CFM 'Actual Loss: 0.276 1n.wgJ1 00 ft.' Actual't turnmier In . fil.: 7 CFM N -Wall-14E-4-6c 6 X 9.4 31.4 - 0.152 - 4.6; 1143,: 1.4 0 43 N -GIs-lA-rb-o shgc-0.35 100%S 25 1.080 32.4 810 29.1 0 727 UP-Roof-1 8B-1 9 10 X 9.5 95 0.051 1.� - 145' 1.1 0 102 Floor-20P-Oc 9.5 X 10 95 0.385 11.6 1,097 3.9 0 366 Subtotals for Structure: 2,624 0 1,335 Infil.:. Win.: 11.9, Sum.: 6.8 150 '2.6131 393 0.745 282 112 Ductwork: 1 0.200- 603 0.200 86 289 Room Totals: . ;, I - .3,620 368 1,736 �wr I Detailed Room Loads - Ro6rrj-.2 - KWBrk, (Peak Method) % I Room Length: Room Width: Area: Ceiling Height: Volume: Number of Registers: Runout Air: Runout Duct Size: RunoutAkVelodity: Design Loss: Actual Loss: 19�0`ft. System Number. 13.5 � ft. Zone Number: -251.0 sq.ft. SupplyAlr: 9.4 Supply Air Changes: 2,411.0;. cuft, Required Vent.: ; -, , "!2 Actual WnteeVenfl -76'jCFM Percent of Supply.: 5 in. Actual SummerVent.: -:569 Uffiln., Percent of Supply: OAOO lfi:v�qJl 00 ft. Actual Winter Infil.: 0.�287 in-w-Wim �: - Actual Summer Infil.: 155 CFM 3.9 AC/hr 0 CFM 0 CFM 0 % 0 CFM 0 % 22 CFM 12 CFM E -Wall-14E-4-8c 9 X 9.4 84.6 O� 152 4.6 386 1 1.0 0 87 N -GIs-IA-rb-o shgc7O.35 1 00%s 40- 1,080 -32.4 1,296 272 0 1,086 (2) UP-Roof-1 8B-19 19 X 13.5 2565 0.051, 1.5 392 1.1 0 275 Floor-20P-Oc13.5XI9 256:5 0.385 11.6 2,963 3.9 0 988 Subtotals for Structure: 5,712 - 0 2,641 Infil.: Wn.: 21.6, Sum.: 12.3 t 273n 2.608 711 0.745 512 203 Ductwork: I 0.200 1,285 0.200 86 569 Equipment: 1,200 0 Room Totals: 7,706 1,798 3,413 I Detailed Room Loads - Room 3 - LivIDin (PeakA410thpd).. Calculation Mode: Htg. & c1g. Occurrences'.... Room Length: 24.0 fL '.System Number: 1 Room Width: 14.b ft. Z6ne Ndmber: I Area: 336.0 sq.ft., :SuoplyAjr: 214 CFM Ceiling Height 9.4 ft. Supply Air Chapg'�s:' 4.1 AC/hr Volume: 3,158.0 cuft Required Vent:, 0 CFM Number of Registers: 2 Actual. Writer Vent - 0 CFM RunoutAir: 107 CFM, 'Per6ent of Supply.:" , 0 % Runout Duct Size: 6 in. ''Adt6al Summer Verit.: 0 CFM Runout Air Velocity: 545 ftJmin.' Percerif of Supply: 0 % Design Loss: 0.100. in.wgA , 0 , Oft. Ac�ual:Wnterinfil.: 28 CIFM -Actual Loss: 0.190 iR.wO 'L 16 CFM g- gg E-Wall-14E-"c24X9.4 -225.6 0.152 -.46 1,029 1.0 0 233 S -Wall-14E-"c 14 X 9.4 68.6 6.152 Z6 313 0.8 0 57 8 -Gls-I A-rb-o shgc-0.35 1 00%S 15 11.080­ 32.4: 486, 27.1 0 407 8 -GIs-lA-rb-d shgc-0.35 1 00%S 48 1 RA'O' - #4 1,556 27.2 0 1,304 (2) UP-Roof-1 813-19 24 X 14 336 0' 051 1.5 514 1.1 01 360 Floor-20P-Ocl4X24 -,336 i.0�385 11-.6 3,881 3.9 0 1,294 Subtotals for Structure: - 7,779 0 3,655 Infil.: Win.: 28.3, Sum.: 16.2 357 - - 2.609 932 0.745 671 266 Ductwork: 01200 1,742 0.200 86 784 Room Totals: 10,453 757 4,705 LLAetafied Room Loads - Room 4 - �dI,;UIduU,n ivioue; Mtg. & c1g., Room Length: 35.0 ff. Occurrences- -o' System Ndm"be*r. Room Widtfi:. Zo6e Numbe�r-- 1 1 Area: 420.0 sq.ft. SupplyAjr- 299 CFM Ceiling Height 10.0 ft. Su I an 4.3; AC/hr Volume: 4,200.0 cu.ft. Re uir'e j, 0' CFM Number of Registers: A al int� 0 CFM RunoutAir: 100 CFM P e'r- c, e n o f 0 % Runout Duct Size: 6 in. Actual u r a 0 CFM Runout Air Velocity: 508 ff�min. Perceni-of 0 % Design Loss: 0.100 i n.wg./I 00 ft. A a] nt 16 L, 37 CFM Actual Loss: 0.165 in.wgJl 00 ft� - ActuafS66 r 21 CFM MOM. gg -1 m _0 ggp� -.1o.M."M g "'.-mg SO i�M 4.1 VV-VVall-14E-4-Bc 35X10 350 0.1.52 4.6 2.4 0 841 S-Wall-14E-4-8cl2XIO 57 0.15?.�' 4.6' 0.8 0 48 S -GIs-IA-rb-o shgc-0.35 I 00%S 15 1-0M '32 .4— 486'- 27.1 0 407 S -Gls-1 A-r" shgc-o.35 I 00%s 48 1.080 32.4 1.,65 6/,:; 27.2 0 1,304 (2) U -Roof P -1813-19 35 X 12 420 0.051 1 643� 1.1 0 450 Floor-20P-Oc 12 X 35 420 0.385 11.6--e- 4851 39 0 1 617 Subtot�ls for Structure: .,9 3 2, 0 4,667 Infil.: Win.: 37.2, Sum.: 21.3 470 2.01.1 1 _ o.745 882 350 Ductwork: People: 200 lattper, 230 sen/per: 2 -0200 2,124 0.200' 86 1,095 Equipment: 400 460 1,000 0 Room Totals: 12,743 2,368 6,572 Detailed RoohlLoads - Room 6 -.Bdrm�#�- C .R R A 121'CFM C 4.4 AC/hr 0 CFM N 0 CFM Runout Air: 60 CFM Percefilldf-SuppW 0 % Runout Duct Size: 4 in. Actual 6��rrf�rVbbt::, 0 CFM RunoutAirVelocity: 693 ftJm1n. 06rc6nt ofbqpplyi� 0 % Pesign Loss: 0.100 in.wg./lOOft.- hbivaili Winter Infil.: 23 CFM Actual Loss: 0.539 in.wgJIOOft. ActuA.'s6mmerihm' - 13 CFM ... ......... 2 1 0 0 175 f 0.8 0 68 2 27.2 0 1,108 9 1.1 0 188 -7 0.0 0 0 Subtotals for Structure: 3,831 0 1,539 Infil.: VVin.: 23.1, Sum.: 13.2 291 2.612 761 0.745 547 217 Ductwork: -b.200 918 0.200 86 443 People: 200 lattper, 230 sen/per: 2 400 460 Room Totals: 5,510 1,033 2,659 Detailed Room Loads -Room Tr..Bdrtn.1#21Bth.,(Peak Methdd) NEW Calculation Mode: Htg. & c1g.... - I Pccpi-r�nces:. . ; , .. Room Length: . , 19A � 4-' '-Wem Number. 1 .1 Room Width, 12 0, -ft Zone Number: 1 J Area: 216.6!.?sq.ft. Supply Air: 222 CFM -9 ft � - Ceiling Height: .4 Supply Air Changes: 6.6 AC/hr Volume: 2,Q36.0 cu.fti. Required Vent.: 0 CFM Number of Registers: : 2 ' : Actual Winter Vent.: 0 CFM RunoutAlr: Ill &M Percent of Supply.: 0 % Runout Duct Size: 6 in. Actual Summer Vent.: 0 CFM RunoutAlrVelocfty: 567 Umin. Percent of Supply: 0 % Pesign Loss: 0.100 in.wg Jl 00 ft. Actual Writer Infil.: 41 CFM Actual Loss: 0.205 in.wgJlOO ft. Actual Summer Infil.: 23 CFM W-Wall-14E-"c27X9.4 S -Wall-1 4E-4-8c 13 X 9.4 74.2 0.152 4.6 338 0.8 0 62 E -Wall-1 4E-4-8c 6 X 9.4 22.4 0.162 4.6 102 1.0 0 23 N-Wall-12B-Obw9X9.4 84.6 0.097 2.9 246 0.9 0 75 S -Gls-I A-rb-d shgc-0.35 I 00%S 48 1.080 32.4 1,556 27.2 0 1,304 (2) E -Gls-I A-rb-d shgc-0.35 I 00%S 34 1.080 32.4 1,102 27.2 0 924 (2) UP-Roof-18B-191BX12 216 0.051 1.5 330 1.1 0 231 Floor-22A-pm 55 ft..Per. 55 1.180 35.4 1,947 0.0 0 0 Subtotals for Structure: 6,778 0 3,229 Infil.: Wn.: 40.9, Sum.: 23.4 517 2.609 1,349 0.747 971 386 Ductvvork: 0.200 1,625 0.200 86 815 People: 200 lattper, 230 sen/per: 2 400 460 Equipment: 750 0 Room Totals: 9,752 2,207 4,890 Room Load Summ-ciry —Zone I- 1 Fo�er 95 3,620 47 579 1,736 368 79 79 2 Kit/Brk 257 7,708- 100 2-5 -569 3,41'� 1,798 155 155 3 Uv/Din 336 10,453 136 545 4,705,,,, 757 214 214 4 Mstr/BthMIC 420 12,743 3-6 508 -' 6,572 2,368 299 299 5 Land/Hall 184 5,086 '66 -�:A�5- 627 1,878 668 85 85 6 Bdrm #3 176 5,510 72* v-2-4 693 2,659 1,033 121 121 7 Bdrm #2/Bth 216 9,752 1�? ' 2-6' 567 4.890 2.207 222 222 System I total 1,684 54,872 - 713 25,853 9,199 1,176 1,176 System I Main Trunk Size: 16 in. ' Velocity: 842 Urnin Loss per 100 It.: 0.087 in.wg gimp: Type: Model: Brand: Efficiency: Sound: Capacity: Sensible Capacity: Latent Capacity: n/a n/a 0 Btuh 0 Btuh FORM 60OA-2001 Test9d: FLORIDA FORE Florida Dep , artment of-OommunityMairs Residential Wh,ole,*.'R'ui1dino;Pdr(brrnance Method A � 1 .1 - Project Name: THE TORREY MOID, C� Builder KOLTER Address; Perrnitting Office: City, state: PORT ST.-LUCIRi K Permit Number - Owner KOLTRR SIGNATURE HOMES�JNC- Jurisdiction Number. Climate Zone: cenftal -- -------- 7777- 1. NM oo�qbrucfion or ctistitig NOW 12. Cooliftgryn.=� 2. Single fimb or mulfi-fiardly Mid 6-farIffly a. ccrtirid Unit Cap; 36.0 kata/hr 3. N=ber of unh4 lfraulti-bmily 'S SEEX'112.00 4. NwnbcrdDcdrooraa 3 b. N/A 5. Is this a worst Mal �Ycs 6. Cxxadjtkraed floor aren (it-) JR3 P c. NIA 7. Glaxg aren & *W sinslapane Doublepanc, a- Mar glass. default Ti-factur b. Deault ft 0.0 fil 0.0 fe 325.8 fl.4 0.0 fk� 13. Houbagalrstaran IL FJectria.11cappenp Cap: 36.0 klilfulbf c. Labeled U or smGc 0.0 fiq 0.0 IL2 HSFF: 7.50 Floorrypes b. IVA & Slab-Oo-Grada Edge hmldgp R-0.0, 114.0(p) ft b. Raised W04 at= WMM V N/A m W/A 9. Walltypes 14, HotvPW.V.qbcma a- cofteraLo'-lat IWA, Exterior R-42,1645.0 ft' - & Electric Rwls=cc Cap; 40,0 Sell= b. Concrvtv� Inthaul. Adjacent R-4.9- 566.o ff, ElF, 0.94 9. Vvaeec� Wood, Adjacent R-11.0, 141.0 0 LL WA d. W/A a. N/A a. Conaervealon credits 10. Ccilingtyjm (BR-Rctrwaveryseter a. Under Attie R=19.0. 10DQ,0 R.2 DEP-Dodiooted beat pdrep) b. N/A 15. HVAC creft a. NIA (CF-001ft am cv-cross vanfilujim 1). DactagAsk Free) 19-Whole house ft a. Sup; Une, Rct Und. AM Attic Sup. R-6.0, 125.0 ft FT-Programamabla Therraostv b. N/A M7-r-Multites C00ft NIZ-H-MOftono healing) LGliss/Floor Area: 0.19 Total as -built points--24769 Total base points: 25246 PASS I hereby certify that the plans and specifiWions=vered RevlemofUhe-plans -and by this,calculation are In compliance wilh9e Florida ."cifl000ns.covereftythis Energy Ode. calculafl61i;indicates-corhplianW.. C with thdBefide: Energy- Code.* PREPARED BY: Beford�c - on ' s - truction hi� completed; * DATE- thisrWkimno-will-b6 lnspectW for, I hereby ce%thgat 065 bufl�lng, as designed, is in cornpji4nca with, Section 553-908: compliance t e Florida Statutes. OWNERIAGENT- l3UI LIDING OFFICIAL: DATE: DATE: EnergyGaugee (Ver$lpn:. FLRcs.BV3.30) L U C I E C 0 U N T 2300 Virginia Avenue Ft. Pierce, Florida 34982 C,A Growth Management Division ey D This is a Final Certificate of Occupancy t10119 0 0�17�V This Certificate is issued pursuant to the requirements of the Standard Building code c4rtifying—that at the -time of issuance this structure was in compliance, %,�Ith the -various ordinances of St. Lucie County regulating building construction or -use. For the following:. - - --- - - - - - Certi'ficate of. Occupancy Igo. 121309i� 937601 Building Permit No. 23091693 Lot:.go -Block: Parcel/Fol-lo Nbr: 3327-801-0000-000/2 Subdivision:, :,Occupancy: R2 MULTI -FAMILY Ma . xiraum Nbr 'of:Versons: Maximum Floor Load: ;111 uildihg,,-,Ad4� '612.5 MULLIGAN CIR eg ;27 '36�13 ',THAT' PART - LXG, -ELY --Permit* Jo'b­Des6'rip't-ion,: I *.-4CONSTRUCT MULTI -FAMILY BLDG 2'STORIES 5:UNITS (2) 3�BDRM/2tTH-'�"(3) 3BDRM/2'�5BTH Contractor:-'.�' �VAIL, ROBERT JOSEPH C.O. Description: MULTI- ' FAMILY BUILDING 5 UNITS Permit Finaled: October 19, 2004 Conditions owner of Building: RESERVE HOMES 1601 FORUM PL 130CA RATON FL DENNIS M GRIM, CBO BUILDING OFFICIAL Building official W491031 LTD, STE805 33496 19 OCT 2004 DATE PRINTED This Certificate of Occupancy is issued to the above named, for building at the above named location only upon the express provision that the applicant will abide by and comply with all the conditions of the Zoning Ordinances and all Ordinances or Building Codes of St. Lucie County pertaining to the erection, construction or remodeling of buildings or structures. This al so certifies that the electrical wiring and or equipment, and the plumbing work have been inspected and approved. The issuance of this Certificate grants permission to occupy and use the property described herein only for the use indicated. Any change in use will require a new Certificate of Occupancy. POST IN A CONSPICUOUS PLACE S L U C I E C 0 U N T Y 2300 Virginia Avenue Ft. Pierce, Florida 34982 Growth Management Division PERMIT Permit #: 23091693 Type: MULTI -FAMILY RESIDENTIAL Insp Area Issued: 12/09/03 1 . ..Master Nbr Job Location: 8117-8125 MULLIGAN CIR / PORT ST LUCIE Jurisdiction: ST LUCIE COUNTY Lot: 90 Blk: Subdiv: Parcel: 3327-801-0000-000/2 Owner's Name: RESERVE HOMES LTD, Flood: X Project: Job Description: * CONSTRUCT MULTI-FAMILY,BLDG,-2 STORIES 5 UN (2)3BDRM/2BTH (3)3BDRM/2..5BTH�'. Page I 23091693 Elev: Applicant Name: ROBERT JOSEPH VAIL Type: CONTRACTOR Contact Phone: (561) 468-4703 Double Fee: N_ Contractor Name: VAIL, ROBERT JOSEPH Business Name: KOLTER SIGNATURE HOMES INC Setbacks Left: Right: 24.00 Front Fire Marsh Nbr: Stub Out: Utility Cos: Cert Nbr: 17686 24.00 Rear: 25.00 T-Pole: Addl Information: DUPLICATE INSPECTIONS FOR FLOORS 1 & 2. WH SUB -PERMITS PERMIT # STATUS PT CERT # DBA JOB DESCRIPTION 23091693 FINL MF 1768G KOLTER SIGNATURE HOMES -IN * CONSTRUCT MULTI -FA 23091694 FINL EP 16865 CAREY & KNUTH ELECTRICAL ELECTRIC -FOR MULTI F 23091695 FINL PP 19769 AMERI-TECH PLUMBING INC PLUMBING FOR MULTI F 23091696 FINL ME 8288 COMFORT CONTROL OF ST LUC MECHANICAL/HVAC FOR 23091697 FINL RP 16856 RELIABLE ROOFING & GUTTER ROOF FOR MULTI FAMIL INSPECTIONS - For Requests, Call: (561) 462-1261 REINSPECTION FEES REQUIRED: 6 REINSPECTION FEES PAID: 6 Req Description Pr Date Res Description 105 (ST) FORM BOARD SU 1 12/29/03 90 APPROVED COMMENTS: IRVIE 420 (PL) PLUMBING ROUG 1 01/01/04 81 DISAPPROVED COMMENTS: JOB NOT READY AUTOMATED REQUEST 13:07:42 31 DEC 2003 427 (PL) TEMP.TOILET 1 01/01/04 90 APPROVED COMMENTS: AUTOMATED REQUEST 13:07:57 3-1 DEC 2003 420 (PL) PLUMBING ROUG 1 01/05/04 91 PARTIAL,APPROVED COMMENTS: UNIT # 8117 AUTOMATED REQUEST 15:36:47 02 JAN 2004 Insp Date GTM08 12/30/03 BLD39 01/02/04 BLD39 01/02/04 BLD39 01/05/04 �4 x 11 S '1'. L U C I E C 0 U N T Y 2300 Virginia Avenue Ft. Pierce, Florida 34982 Growth Management Division PERMIT Permit #: 23091693 Type: MULTI -FAMILY RESIDENTIAL Insp Area Issued: 12/09/03 Master Nbr Job Location: 8117-8125 MULLIGAN CIR / PORT ST LUCIE Jurisdiction: ST LUCIE COUNTY Lot: 90 Blk: Subdiv: Parcel: 3327-801-0000-000/2 Owner's Name: RESERVE HOMES LTD, Flood: X Project: Job Description: * CONSTRUCT MULTI -FAMILY BLDG 2 STORIES 5 UN (2)3BDRM/2BTH (3)3BDRM/2.5BTH Page 2 23091693 Elev: INSPECTIONS - For Requests, Call: (561) 462-1261 REINSPECTION FEES REQUIRED: 6 REINSPECTION FEES PAID: 6 Req Description Pr Date Res Description Insp Date 420 (PL) PLUMBING ROUG 1 01/05/04 91 PARTIAL,APPROVED BLD39 01/05/04 COMMENTS: UNIT # 8119 REQ ADDED DUE TO A CANCEL,ROLLOVER,OR PARTIAL 13:52:41 420 (PL) PLUMBING ROUG 1 01/05/04 91 PARTIAL,APPROVED BLD39 01/05/04 COMMENTS: UNIT # 8121, REQ ADDED DUE TO A CANCEL,ROLLOVER,OR PARTIAL 13:53:04 420 (PL) PLUM13ING ROUG 1 01/05/04 91 PARTIAL,APPROVED BLD39 01/05/04 COMMENTS: UNIT # 8123 REQ ADDED DUE TO A CANCEL,ROLLOVER,OR PARTIAL 13:53:30 420 (PL) PLUMBING ROUG 1 01/05/04 90 APPROVED BLD39 01/05/04 COMMENTS: UNIT # 8125 REQ ADDED DUE TO A CANCEL,ROLLOVER,OR PARTIAL 13:53:37 104 (ST) COMPACTION TE 1 01/12/04 90 APPROVED 103 (EL) EUFFER GROUND 3 01/13/04 90 APPROVED 115 (ST) SLAB 3 01/13/04 90 APPROVED 121 (ST) TERMITE SPRAY 3 01/13/04 90. APPROVED COMMENTS: RECV'D CERTIFICATE 123 (ST) STAIRS (CONCR 0 02/23/04 75 CANC.INSP.PERMITEE COMMENTS: rob 128 (ST) BOND BEAM 0 02/23/04 75 CANC.INSP.PERMITEE 123 (ST) STAIRS (CONCR 0 02/24/04 90 APPROVED COMMENTS: AUTOMATED REQUEST 18:07:45 23 FEB 2004 BLD41 01/12/04 BLD43 01/13/04 BLD43 01/13/04 BLD43 01/13/04 BLD35 02/23/04 BLD35 02/23/04 BLD18 02/24/04 a 7n ri S L U C I E C 0 U N T Y 2300 Virginia Avenue Ft. Pierce, Florida 34982 Growth Management Division PERMIT Permit #: 23091693 Type: MULTI -FAMILY RESIDENTIAL Insp Area Issued: 12/09/03 Master Nbr Job Location: 8117-8125 MULLIGAN CIR PORT ST LUCIE Jurisdiction: ST LUCIE COUNTY Lot: 90 Elk: Subdiv: Parcel: 3327-801-0000-000/2 Owner's Name: RESERVE HOMES LTD, Flood: X Project: Job Description: * CONSTRUCT MULTI -FAMILY BLDG 2 STORIES 5 UN (2)3BDRM/2BTH (3)3BDRM/2.5BTH Page 3 23091693 Elev: INSPECTIONS - For Requests, Call: (561) 462-1261 REINSPECTION FEES REQUIRED: 6 REINSPECTION FEES PAID: 6 Req Description Pr Date Res Description Insp Date 128 (ST) BOND BEAM 0 02/24/04 90 APPROVED BLD18 02/24/04 COMMENTS: ++1ST LIFT AUTOMATED REQUEST 18:08:19 23 FEB 2004 - 118 (ST) COLUMN 4 03/22/04 90 APPROVED BLD27 03/22/04 COMMENTS: 2ND LIFT 118 (ST) COLUMN 4 03/22/04 91 PARTIAL,APPROVED BLD27 03/22/04 COMMENTS: REQ ADDED DUE TO A CANCEL,ROLLOVER,OR PARTIAL 14:2-5:58 118 (ST) COLUMN 4 03/22/04 91 PARTIAL,APPROVED BLD27 03/22/04 COMMENTS: REQ ADDED DUE TO A CANCEL,ROLLOVER,OR PARTIAL 14:25:52 118 (ST) COLUMN 4 03/22/04 91 PARTIAL,APPROVED BLD27 03/22/04 COMMENTS: REQ ADDED DUE TO A CANCEL,ROLLOVER,OR PARTIAL 14:25:46 118 (ST) COLUMN 4 03/22/04 91 PARTIAL,APPROVED BLD27 03/22/04 125 (ST) TIE -BEAM 4 03/22/04 91 PARTIAL,APPROVED BLD27 03/22/04 COMMENTS: REQ ADDED DUE TO A CANCEL,ROLLOVER,OR PARTIAL 14:34:34 125 (ST) TIE -BEAM 4 03/22/04 91 PARTIAL,APPROVED BLD27 03/22/04 COMMENTS: REQ ADDED DUE TO A CANCEL,ROLLOVER,OR PARTIAL 14:34:24 125 (ST) TIE -BEAM 4 03/22/04 91 PARTIAL,APPROVED BLD27 03/22/04 COMMENTS: REQ ADDED DUE TO A CANCEL,ROLLOVER,OR PARTIAL 14:34:15 125 (ST) TIE -BEAM 4 03/22/04 91 PARTIAL,APPROVED BLD27 03/22/04 125 (ST) TIE -BEAM 4 03/22/04 90 APPROVED BLD27 03/22/04 COMMENTS: AUTOMATED REQUEST 16:02:47 19 MAR 2004 S L U C I E C 0 U N T Y 2300 Virginia Avenue Ft. Pierce, Florida 34982 Growth Management Division PERMIT Permit #: 23091693 Type: MULTI -FAMILY RESIDENTIAL Insp Area Issued: 12/09/03 Master Nbr Job Location: 8117-8125 MULLIGAN CIR PORT ST LUCIE Jurisdiction: ST LUCIE COUNTY Lot: 90 Blk: Subdiv: Parcel: 3327-801-0000-000/2 Owner's Name: RESERVE HOMES LTD, Flood: X Project: Job Description: * CONSTRUCT MULTI -FAMILY BLDG 2 STORIES 5 UN (2)3BDRM/2BTH (3)3BDRM/2.5BTH Page 4 23091693 Elev: INSPECTIONS - For Requests, Call: (561) 462-1261 REINSPECTION FEES REQUIRED: 6 REINSPECTION FEES PAID: 6 Req Description Pr Date Res Description Insp Date 134 (ST) ROOF SHEATHIN 5 03/26/04 91 PARTIAL,APPROVED BLD18 03/26/04 COMMENTS: TWO END WALL UNITS ONLY KRIS 125 (ST) TIE -BEAM 5 03/31/04 90 APPROVED BLD18 03/31/04 COMMENTS: RAKE BEAM - CHRIS.. 134 (ST) ROOF SHEATHIN 5 04/07/04 90 APPROVED BLD18 04/07/04 COMMENTS: AUTOMATED REQUEST 13:39:30 06 APR 2004 118 (ST) COLUMN 6 04/12/04 90 , APPROVED BLD27 04/12/04 133 (ST) WIN/DOOR BUCK 8 04/13/04 90 APPROVED BLD27 04/13/04 COMMENTS: REQ ADDED DUE TO A CANCEL,ROLLOVER,OR PARTIAL 16:47:48 133 (ST) WIN/DOOR BUCK 8 04/13/04 91 PARTIAL,APPROVED 13LD27 04/13/04 COMMENTS: REQ ADDED DUE TO A CANCEL,ROLLOVER,OR PARTIAL 16:47:38 133 (ST) WIN/DOOR BUCK 8 04/13/04 91 ' PARTIAL,APPROVED IBLD27 04/13/04 COMMENTS: REQ ADDED DUE TO A CANCEL,ROLLOVER,OR PARTIAL 16:47:27 133 (ST) WIN/DOOR BUCK 8 04/13/04 91 PARTIAL,APPROVED BLD27 04/13/04 COMMENTS: REQ ADDED DUE TO A CANCEL,ROLLOVER,OR PARTIAL 16:47:00 133 (ST) WIN/DOOR BUCK 8 04/13/04 91 PARTIAL,APPROVED BLD27 04/13/04 COMMENTS: REQ ADDED DUE TO A CANCEL,ROLLOVER,OR PARTIAL 16:46:52 133 (ST) WIN/DOOR BUCK 8 04/13/04 91 PARTIAL�,APPROVED BLD27 04/13/04 135 (ST) WALL SHEATHIN 8 04/13/04 90 APPROVED BLD27 04/13/04 COMMENTS: REQ ADDED DUE TO A CANCEL,ROLLOVER,OR PARTIAL 16:48:39 135 �ST) WALL SHEATHIN 8 04/13/04 91 PARTIAL,APPROVED BLD27 04/13/04 COMMENTS: REQ ADDED DUE TO A CANCEL,ROLLOVER,OR PARTIAL 16:48:23 S L U C I E C 0 U N T Y 2300 Virginia Avenue Ft. Pierce, Florida 34982 Growth Management Division PERMIT Page 5 Permit #: 23091693 Type: MULTI -FAMILY RESIDENTIAL Insp Area Issued: 12/09/03 Master Nbr. 23091693 Job Location: 8117-8125 MULLIGAN CIR / PORT ST LUCIE Jurisdiction: ST LUCIE COUNTY Lot: 90 Blk: Subdiv: Parcel: 3327-801-0000-000/2 Owner's Name: RESERVE HOMES LTD, Flood: X Elev: Project: Job Description: * CONSTRUCT MULTI -FAMILY BLDG 2 STORIES 5 UN (2)3BDRM/2BTH (3)3BDRM/2.SBTH INSPECTIONS - For Requests, Call: (561) 462-1261 REINSPECTION FEES REQUIRED: 6 REINSPECTION FEES PAID: 6 Req Description Pr Date Res Description Insp Date 135 (ST) WALL SHEATHIN 8 04/13/04 91 PARTIAL,APPROVED BLD27 04/13/04 COMMENTS: REQ ADDED DUE TO A CANCEL,ROLLOVER,OR PARTIAL 16:48:16 135 (ST) WALL SHEATHIN 8 04/13/04 91 PARTIAL,APPROVED BLD27 04/13/04 COMMENTS: REQ ADDED DUE TO A CA-NCEL,ROLLOVER,OR PARTIAL 16:48:09 135 (ST) WALL SHEATHIN 8 04/13/04 91 PARTI AL,APPROVED BLD27 04/13/04 COMMENTS: REQ ADDED DUE TO A CANCEL,ROLLOVER,OR PARTIAL 16:48:03 135 (ST) WALL SHEATHIN 8 04/13/04 91 PARTIAL,APPROVED BLD27 04/13/04 137 (ST) STRAPPING 8 04/13/04 90 APPROVED ELD27 04/13/04 COMMENTS: REQ ADDED DUE TO A CANCEL,ROLLOVER,OR PARTIAL 16:49:26 137 (ST) STRAPPING 8 04/13/04 91 PARTIAL,APPROVED BLD27 04/13/04 COMMENTS: REQ ADDED DUE TO A CA-NCEL,ROLLOVER,OR PARTIAL 16:49:17 137 (ST) STRAPPING 8 04/13/04 91 PARTIAL,APPROVED ELD27 04/13/04 COMMENTS: REQ ADDED DUE TO A CANCEL,ROLLOVER,OR PARTIAL 16:49:10 137 (ST) STRAPPING 8 04/13/04 91 PARTIAL,APPROVED BLD27 04/13/04 COMMENTS: REQ ADDED DUE TO A CANCEL,ROLLOVER,OR PARTIAL 16:49:02 137 (ST) STRAPPING '8 04/13/04 91 PARTIAL,APPROVED BLD27 04/13/04 COMMENTS: REQ ADDED DUE TO A CANCEL,ROLLOVER,OR PARTIAL 16:48:SG 137 (ST) STRAPPING 8 04/13/04 91 PARTIAL,APPROVED BLD27 04/13/04 145 (*) TRUSS DRWG 8 04/13/04 90 APPROVED BLD27 04/13/04 COMMENTS: REQ ADDED DUE TO A CANCEL,ROLLOVER,OR PARTIAL 16:50:22 145 (*) TRUSS DRWG 8 04/13/04 91 PARTIAL,APPROVED BLD27 04/13/04 COMMENTS: REQ ADDED DUE TO A CANCEL,ROLLOVER,OR PARTIAL 16:50:13 S L U C I E C 0 U N T Y 2300 Virginia Avenue Ft. Pierce, Florida 34982 Growth Management Division PERMIT Permit #: 23091693 Type: MULTI -FAMILY RESIDENTIAL Insp Area Issued: 12/09/03 Master Nbr Job Location: 8117-8125 MULLIGAN CIR / PORT ST LUCIE Jurisdiction: ST LUCIE COUNTY Lot: 90 Blk: Subdiv: Parcel: 3327-801-0000-000/2 Owner's Name: RESERVE HOMES LTD, Flood: X Project: Job Description: * CONSTRUCT MULTI -FAMILY BLDG 2 STORIES 5 UN (2)3BDRM/2BTH (3)3BDRM/2.5BTH Page 6 23091693 Elev: INSPECTIONS - For Requests, Call: (561) 462-1261 REINSPECTION FEES REQUIRED: 6 REINSPECTION FEES PAID: 6 Req Description Pr Date Res Description Insp Date 145 (*) TRUSS DRWG 8 04/13/04 91 PARTIAL,APPROVED BLD27 04/13/04 COMMENTS: REQ ADDED DUE TO A CANCEL,ROLLOVER,OR PARTIAL 16:50:06 145 (*) TRUSS DRWG - 8 04/13/04 91 PARTIAL,APPROVED BLD27 04/13/04 COMMENTS: REQ ADDED DUE TO A CANCEL,ROLLOVER,OR PARTIAL 16:50:00 145 (*) TRUSS DRWG 8 04/13/04 91 PARTIAL,APPROVED BLD27 04/13/04 COMMENTS: REQ ADDED DUE TO A CANCEL,ROLLOVER,OR PARTIAL 16:49:55 145 (*) TRUSS DRWG 8 04/13/04 91 PARTIAL,APPROVED BLD27 04/13/04 136 (ST) DRY-IN/FLASHI 8 04/23/04 90 APPROVED BLD18 04/23/04 115 (ST) SLAB 1 04/26/04 90 APPROVED BLD18 04/26/04 121 (ST) TERMITE SPRAY 1 04/26/04 90 APPROVED BLD18 04/26/04 COMMENTS: RECVID CERTIFICATE IN OUR OFFICE 140 (ST) CONR/FRAMING 9 05/17/04 81 DISAPPROVED BLD27 05/17/04 COMMENTS: MISSING FOAM IN DRAFT STOP AT CEILING LINE IN SEVERAL LOCATIONS *DRAFTSTOPPING NEEDED ON FLOOR CAVITY NOT TO EXCEED 500 SQ FT 148 (ST) DO/WIN ATTACH 9 05/17/04 91 PARTIAL,APPROVED BLD27 05/17/04 COMMENTS: UNIT 1 148 (ST) DO/WIN ATTACH 9 05/17/04 91 PARTIAL,APPROVED BLD27 05/17/04 COMMENTS: UNIT 2 .REQ ADDED DUE TO A CANCEL,ROLLOVER,OR PARTIAL 14:59:11 148 (ST) DO/WIN ATTACH 9 05/17/04 91 PARTIAL,APPROVED BLD27 05/17/04 COMMENTS: UNIT 3 REQ ADDED DUE TO A CANCEL,ROLLOVER,OR PARTIAL 14:59:17 j S 1, L U C I E C 0 U N T Y' 2300 Virginia Avenue Ft. Pierce, Florida 34982 Growth Management Division I PERMIT Permit #: 23091693 Type: MULTI -FAMILY RESIDENTIAL Insp Area Issued: 12/09/03 Master Nbr Job Location: 8117-8125 MULLIGAN CIR / PORT ST LUCIE Jurisdiction: ST LUCIE COUNTY Lot: 90 Blk: Subdiv: Parcel: 3327-801-0000-000/2 Owner's Name: RESERVE HOMES LTD, Flood: X Project: Job Description: * CONSTRUCT MULTI -FAMILY BLDG 2 STORIES 5 UN (2)3BDRM/2BTH (3)3BDRM/2.5BTH Page 7 23091693 Elev: INSPECTIONS - For Requests, Call: (561) 462-1261 REINSPECTION FEES REQUIRED: 6 REINSPECTION FEES PAID: 6 Req Description Pr Date Res. Description . Insp Date 148 (ST) DO/WIN ATTACH 9 05/17/04 91 PARTIAL,APPROVED BLD27 05/17/04 COMMENTS: UNIT 4 REQ ADDED DUE TO A CANCEL,ROLLOVER,OR PARTIAL 14:59:29 148 (ST) DO/WIN ATTACH 9 05/17/04 90 APPROVED ELD27 05/17/04 COMMENTS: UNIT 5 REQ ADDED DUE TO A CANCEL,ROLLOVER,OR PARTIAL 14:59:44 179 (ST) FIREWALL 9 05/17/04 81 DISAPPROVED 13LD27 05/17/04 COMMENTS: VOIDS IN MORTAR JOINTS MUST BE FILLED I DAVE 201-9776 238 (EL) ELECTRIC ROUG 9 05/17/04 91 PARTIAL,APPROVED BLD28 05/17/04 COMMENTS: UNIT 1 238 (EL) ELECTRIC ROUG 9 05/17/04 91, PARTIAL,APPROVED ELD28 05/17/04 COMMENTS: UNIT 2 REQ ADDED DUE TO A CANCEL,ROLLOVER,OR PARTIAL 13:51:39 238 (EL) ELECTRIC ROUG 9 05/17/04 91 PARTIAL,APPROVED BLD28 05/17/04 COMMENTS: UNIT 3 REQ ADDED DUE TO A CANCEL,RbLLOVER,OR PARTIAL 13:51:51 238 (EL) ELECTRIC ROUG 9 05/17/04 91 PARTIAL,APPROVED BLD28 05/17/04 COMMENTS: UNIT 4 REQ ADDED DUE TO A CANCEL,ROLLOVER,OR PARTIAL 13:52:17 238 (EL) ELECTRIC ROUG 9 05/17/04 90 APPROVED BLD28 05/17/04 COMMENTS: UNIT 5 REQ ADDED DUE TO A CANCEL,ROLLOVER,OR PARTIAL 13:52:34 351 (ME) MECHANICAL RO 9 05/17/04 91 PARTIAL,APPROVED BLD28 05/17/04 COMMENTS: UNIT I S L U C I E C 0 U N T Y 2300 Virginia Avenue Ft. Pierce, Florida 34982 Growth Management Division PERMIT Page 8 Permit #: 23091693 Type: MULTI -FAMILY RESIDENTIAL Insp Area Issued: 12/09/03 Master Nbr. 23091693 Job Location: 8117-8125 MULLIGAN CIR / PORT ST LUCIE Jurisdiction: ST LUCIE COUNTY Lot: 90 Blk: Subdiv: Parcel: 3327-801-0000-000/2 Owner's Name: RESERVE HOMES LTD, Flood: X Elev: Project: Job Description: * CONSTRUCT MULTI -FAMILY BLDG 2 STORIES 5 UN .(2)3BDRM/2BTH (3)3BDRM/2.5BTH INSPECTIONS - For Requests, Call: (561) 462-1261 REINSPECTION FEES REQUIRED: 6 REINSPECTION FEES PAID: 6 Req Description Pr Date Res Description Insp Date 351 (ME) MECHANICAL RO 9 05/17/04 91 PARTIAL,APPROVED BLD28 05/17/04 COMMENTS: UNIT 2 REQ ADDED DUE TO A CANCEL,ROLLOVER,OR PARTIAL 13:50:06 351 (ME) MECHANICAL RO 9 05/17/04 91 PARTIAL,APPROVED BLD28 05/17/04 COMMENTS: UNIT 3 REQ ADDED DUE TO A CANCEL,ROLLOVER,OR PARTIAL 13:50:18 351 (ME) MECHANICAL RO 9 05/17/04 91 PARTIAL,APPROVED BLD28 05/17/04 COMMENTS: UNIT 4 REQ ADDED DUE TO A CANCEL,ROLLOVER,OR PARTIAL 13:50:36 351 (ME) MECHANICAL RO 9 05/17/04 90 APPROVED BLD28 05/17/04 COMMENTS: UNIT 5 REQ ADDED DUE TO A CANCEL,ROLLOVER,OR PARTIAL 13:51:02. 423 (PL) PLUMBING TOP 9 05/17/04 81 DISAPPROVED �BLD39 05/17/04 COMMENTS: 2ND UNIT FROM LEFT NEED MORE SUPPORT FOR OVER HEAD COPPER MASTER BATH TUB OVER 6' FROM VENT LAST UNIT ON RIGHT, SLEEVES ON COPPER NEED TO BE SEALED 423 (PL) PLUMBING TOP 9 05/18/04 90 APPROVED IBLD39 05/18/04 COMMENTS: UNIT # 8125 REQ ADDED DUE TO A CANCEL,ROLLOVER,OR PARTIAL 13:12:40 423 (PL) PLUMBING TOP 9 05/18/04 91 PARTIAL,APPROVED BLD39 05/18/04 COMMENTS: UNIT # 8123 REQ ADDED DUE TO A CANCEL,ROLLOVER,OR PARTIAL 13:12:25 423 (PL) PLUMBING TOP 9 05/18/04 91 PARTIAL,APPROVED BLD39 05/18/04 COMMENTS: UNIT # 8121 REQ ADDED DUE TO A CANCEL,ROLLOVER,OR PARTIAL 13:12:09 S�­.LUCIE, COUNTY 2300 Virginia Avenue Ft. Pierce, Florida 34982 Growth Management Division PERMIT Permit #: 23091693 Type: MULTI -FAMILY RESIDENTIAL Insp Area Issued: 12/09/03 Master Nbr Job Location: 8117-8125 MULLIGAN CIR / PORT ST LUCIE Jura-s-dictiom ST LUCIE COUNTY Lot: 90 Blk: Subdiv: Parcel: 3327-801-0000-000/2 Owner's Name: RESERVE HOMES LTD, Flood: X Project: Job Description: * CONSTRUCT MULTI -FAMILY BLDG 2 STORIES 5 UN (2)3BDRM/2BTH (3)3BDRM/2.SBTH Page 9 23091693 Elev: INSPECTIONS - For Requests, Call: (561) 462-1261 REINSPECTION FEES REQUIRED: 6 REINSPECTION FEES PAID: 6 Req Description . Pr Date Res Description Insp Date 423 (PL) PLUMBING TOP 9 05/18/04 91 PARTIAL,APPROVED BLD39 05/18/04 COMMENTS: UNIT # 8119 REQ ADDED DUE TO A CANCEL,ROLLOVER,OR PARTIAL 13:11:45 423 (PL) PLUMBING TOP 9 05/18/04 91 PARTIAL,APPROVED BLD39 05/18/04 COMMENTS: UNIT # 8117 140 (ST) CONR/FRAMING 9 05/19/04 90 APPROVED COMMENTS: REQ ADDED DUE TO FAILED INSP 15:00:18 144 (ST) HOT MOP 9 05/19/04 90 APPROVED BLD05 05/19/04 17 MAY 2004 BLD05 05/19/04 179 (ST) FIREWALL 9 05/19/04 90 APPROVED BLD05 05/19/04 COMMENTS: DAVE 201-9776 REQ ADDED DUE TO FAILED INSP 15:39:36 17 MAY 2004 141 (ST) INSULATION 10 06/03/04 82 DISAPVD/REINSP FEE R BLD18 06/03/04 COMMENTS: NEED TO INSULATE ARCHES (2 CENTER UNITS) UNIT ON RIGHT END NOT COMPLETE OK TO ROCK LEFT END UNIT AND ALL BUT ARCH IN NEXT UNIT.. AUTOMATED REQUEST 15:18:54 02 JUN 2004 141 (ST) INSULATION 10 06/08/04 82 DISAPVD/REINSP FEE R BLD36 06/08/04 COMMENTS: MUST INSULATE WOOD FRAMING AROUND ARCH WINDOWS. A PIECE JUST LARGER THAN THE HOLE CUT IS NOT PROPER. OKAY TO DRYWALL ALL AREAS EXCEPT ARCH WINDOWS AUTOMATED REQUEST 15:57:45 07 JUN 2004 141 (ST) INSULATION 10 06/09/04 90 APPROVED BLD40 06/09/04 COMMENTS: WALLS ONLY AUTOMATED REQUEST 16:54:06 08 JUN 2004 S L U C I E C 0 U N T Y, 2300 Virginia Avenue Ft. Pierce, Florida 34982 Growth Management Division PERMIT Permit #: 23091693 Type: MULTI -FAMILY RESIDENTIAL Insp Area Issued: 12/09/03 Master Nbr Job Location: 8117-8125 MULLIGAN CIR PORT ST LUCIE Jurisdiction: ST LUCIE COUNTY Lot: 90 Blk: Subdiv: Parcel: 3327-801-0000-000/2 Owner's Name: RESERVE HOMES LTD, Flood: X Project: Job Description: * CONSTRUCT MULTI -FAMILY BLDG 2 STORIES 5 UN (2)3BDRM/2BTH (3)3BDRM/2.53TH Page 10 23091693 Elev: INSPECTIONS - For Requests, Call: (561) 462-1261 REINSPECTION FEES REQUIRED: 6 REINSPECTION FEES PAID: 6 Req Description Pr Date Res Description Insp Date 153 (ST) INSUL CERT 11 06/11/04 90 APPROVED BLD41 06/11/04 425 (PL) SEWER CONNECT 0 07/13/04 91 PARTIAL,APPROVED BLD39 07/13/04 COMMENTS: AUTOMATED REQUEST 08:32:03 12 JUL 2004 425 (PL) SEWER CONNECT 0 07/13/04 91 PARTIAL,APPROVED BLD39 07/13/04 COMMENTS: REQ ADDED DUE TO A CANCEL,ROLLOVER,OR PARTIAL 14:37:03 425 (PL) SEWER CONNECT 0 07/13/04 91 PARTIAL,APPROVED BLD39 07/13/04 COMMENTS: REQ ADDED DUE TO A CANCEL,ROLLOVER,OR PARTIAL 14:37:18 425 (PL) SEWER CONNECT 0 07/13/04 91 PARTIAL,APPROVED BLD39 07/13/04 COMMENTS: REQ ADDED DUE TO A CANCEL,ROLLOVER,OR PARTIAL 14:37:27 425 (PL) SEWER CONNECT 0 07/13/04 90 APPROVED BLD39 07/13/04 COMMENTS: REQ ADDED DUE TO A CANCEL,ROLLOVER,OR PARTIAL 14:37:38 259 (EL) POWER RELEASE 11 08/16/04 90 APPROVED BLD41 08/16/04 167 (ST) ROOF FINAL 11 09/23/04 90 APPROVED ELD18 09/23/04 260 (EL) 30 DAY FOR TE 11 09/23/04 90 APPROVED BLD28 09/123/04 800 (ZC) ADDRESS FINAL 11 09/23/04 90 APPROVED BLD28 09/23/04 172 (ST) HURRICANE PAN 12 10/06/04 90 APPROVED BLD05 10/06/04 180 (ST) BUILDING FINA 12 10/06/04 82 DISAPVD/REINSP FEE R BLD05 10/06/04 COMMENTS: EXTERIOR HANDRAIL SHORT OF BOTTOM TREAD 280 (EL) ELECTRIC FINA 12 10/06/04 82 DISAPVD/REINSP FEE R BLD05 10/06/04 COMMENTS: WEST UNIT - 2 COUNTERTOP RECEPTACLES NOT WORKING.. S L U C I E C 0 U N T Y 2300 Virginia Avenue Ft. Pierce, Florida 34982 Growth Management Division PERMIT Permit #: 23091693 Type: MULTI -FAMILY RESIDENTIAL Insp Area Issued: 12/09/03 Master Nbr Job Location: 8117-8125 MULLIGAN CIR / PORT ST LUCIE Jurisdiction: ST LUCIE COUNTY Lot: 90 Blk: Subdiv: Parcel: 3327-801-0000-000/2 Owner's Name: RESERVE HOMES LTD, Flood: X Project: Job Description: * CONSTRUCT MULTI -FAMILY BLDG 2 STORIES 5 UN (2)3BDRM/2BTH (3)3BDRM/2.513TH Page 11 23091693 Elev: INSPECTIONS - For Requests, Call: (561) 462-1261 REINSPECTION FEES REQUIRED: 6 REINSPECTION FEES PAID: 6 Req Description Pr Date Res Description 380 (ME) MECHANICAL F.I 12 10/06/04 90 APPROVED 480 (PL) PLUMBING FINA 12 10/06/04 81 DISAPPROVED COMMENTS: 3 TOILETS NOT GROUTED 803 (ZC) PARKING/HANDI 12 10/06/04 90 APPROVED 816 (ZC) SITE DRAINAGE 12 10/06/04 81 DISAPPROVED COMMENTS: YARD DRAIN DISASSEMBLED IN REAR YARD. 996 (ST) FINAL TERMITE 12 10/06/04 90 APPROVED COMMENTS: RECWD CERTIFICATE IN OUR OFFICE Insp Date BLD05 10/06/04 BLD05 10/06/04 BLD05 10/06/04 BLD44 10/06/04 BLD05 10/06/04 808 (ZC) LANDSCAPING/T 12 10/07/04 90 APPROVED. BLD18 10/07/04 COMMENTS: FAXED TO AMY 180 (ST) BUILDING FINA 12 10/12/04 82 DISAP VD/REINSP FEE R BLD05 10/12/04 COMMENTS: REQ ADDED DUE TO FAILED INSP 13:29:50 06 OCT 2004 280 (EL) ELECTRIC FINA 12 10/12/04 90 APPROVED BLD05 10/12/04 COMMENTS: REQ ADDED DUE TO FAILED INSP 13:30:26 06 OCT 2004 480 (PL) PLUMBING FINA 12 10/12/04 90 APPROVED BLD05 10/12/04 COMMENTS: REQ ADDED DUE TO.FAILED INSP 13:28:52 06 OCT 2004 816 (ZC) SITE DRAINAGE 12 10/12/04 82 DISAPVD/REINSP FEE R BLD44 10/12/04 COMMENTS: YARD DRAIN NOT INSTALLED REQ ADDED DUE TO FAILED INSP 13:36:41 06 OCT 2004 999 (*) FINAL INSPECTI 12 10/12/04 81 DISAPPROVED ELD05 10/12/04 COMMENTS: JOHN 180 (ST) BUILDING FINA 12 10/15/04 90 APPROVED BLD18 10/15/04 COMMENTS: REQ ADDED DUE TO FAILED INSP 14:11:30 12 OCT 2004 S L U C I E C 0 U N T Y 2300 Virginia Avenue Ft. Pierce, Florida 34982 Growth Management Division PERMIT Permit #: 23091693 Type: MULTI -FAMILY RESIDENTIAL Insp Area Issued: 12/09/03 Master Nbr Job Location: 8117-8125 MULLIGAN CIR / PORT ST LUCIE Jurisdiction: ST LUCIE COUNTY Lot: 90 Blk: Subdiv: Parcel: 3327-801-0000-000/2 Owner's Name; RESERVE HOMES LTD, Flood: X Project: Job Description: * CONSTRUCT MULTI -FAMILY BLDG 2 STORIES 5 UN (2)3BDRM/2BTH (3)3BDRM/2.5BTH Page 1� 23091693 Elev: INSPECTIONS - For Requests, Call: (561) 462-1261 REINSPECTION FEES REQUIRED: 6 REINSPECTION FEES PAID: 6 Req Description Pr Date Res Description 999 (*) FINAL INSPECTI 12 10/15/04 91 PARTIAL,APPROVED COMMENTS: PENDING FIRE DEPT, DRAINAGE & INSUL CERT 153 (ST) INSUL CERT 12 10/19/04 90 APPROVED Insp Date BLD18 10/15/04 BLD41 10/19/04 700 (FM) FIRE DEPARTME 12 10/18/04 90 APPROVED FRM12 10/.19/04 COMMENTS: CALLED LINDA 816 (ZC) SITE DRAINAGE 12 10/19/04 90 APPROVED BLD44 10/19/04 COMMENTS: REQ ADDED DUE TO FAILED INSP 13:53:00 12 OCT 2004 999 (*) FINAL INSPkCTI 12 10/19/04 99 FINAL APPROVAL BLD18 10/19/04 COMMENTS: REQ ADDED DUE TO A CANCEL,ROLLOVER,OR PARTIAL 13:38:08 10/19/2004 13..23 GALMNS"TIEIN / PAGE 02 laWn a MASCO MmwW CERTIACATION OF Oct I , - 826". __ St. LuLle Coui_. �_ WOrk. R�30INSULA_T__l O-N INSTALLED ON EXTERIOR WALLS. RA) IN' SuLA;fidh 'INSTALLED IN FLAT CEILING AREA LEGAL: LOP. 90 BLOCK:- SUB DIV- PtRmItk ADDRES§;.,'�jjq MU_[I' Cir 50 Buiwtm KoAr S,qr&tUx-p, fbf-a6 GALE JOB rlIR845 ESTED BY - Date. 5-RR-D4 SCA 0 . NNSD at.. 13 y Lucie cotm, Fr. PIERM (772) SMI-A CROSSROADS pARKWAy . Fr.,p,gR(je, FL 24M 46'r)'"t" # VERO BEACH (772) 589-1614 - MART (rM M-3151 �YAX,(Z72) 4OH758 AUG-26-2004 14:04 P.01 St Lucie County Inspection 2300 Virginia Avenue I Ft Pierce, FL 34982 OCT 0 6 200 (722) 462-2172 � I St, Lu i �c-oun p W, orks CERTMCATE OF TERMITE TREATMENT CONSTRUCTION SOIL TREATMENT PERwr# ';D369(03 JOB ADDRESS 8117-8125 Mulligan Cir, Port Saint Lucie, Fl, 9D V-110 F)TWO11 PEST CONTROL CONTRACTOR Hulett Environmental Services St. Lucie Goijntv PEST CONTROL LICENSE# JF0001886. We, the undersigned, hereby certify that we have pretreated the above-desenbed construction for subterranean termites in accordance with the standards of the National Pest Control Association. Square feet of area treated: 7520 Percentage of solution: .50% Date of treatment. 08/26/04 * Footing El i st Treatment 11 Rc-treat * Slab 0 lst Treatment 0 Re -treat El Driveway 111 st Treatment E3 Re -treat 0 Pools 111 st Treatment 0 Re -treat Chemicals used; Chlomyrifos Total gallons used* 752 Time of treatment: AM FBC104.16 Cerdficate ofProteefive Treatmentforpfevendon of fermires. A weaMer raistantjobsiteposting board shall beprovided to receive duplicate Treatment Certificates as each requiredprotective treatment is completed, providing a copyfor theperson thepoermit is iisued to and anorher copyfor the buildingpermitfiles. The Treatment Cerocate shall provide the product used, identity of the applicator, time and date of the treatment, site location, area treated, chemical use4 percent concentration and number ofgallons used, to esiablish a verifiable record ofprotective treatment. Ifthe soil chemical barrier methodfor termireprevenrion is used, final e-verior f reatm en t shall be completed prior to final building approval. St Lucie County requires for the Onal inspection for CO, a Permanent Sticker to be placed on the electrical panel box cover, listing all the treatments and dates of applications. ElOther 111 st Treatment 0 oea 11 Re -treat Fn�,Perlmeter-for-Finarins, AQ11—J, ]VOTE.- nere musibe a completedformfor each required treatment or re -treatment and thisform must be an the job site to bepicked up by the inspector at dime of each inspection or the scheduled inspection wiUfail and a re -inspection fee charged- gale - a MASCO Comparly CERTIFICATION OF%INSULA I 0 R-4.1 INSULATION INSTALLED ON EXTERIOR WALLS SGANNL-1) St. BY R-30 INSULATION INSTALLED IN CEILING AREAS ciecoa* LEGAL: Lot: 93 Block: Sub -Division: Castle Pines PERMIT #: 23091693 SLC JOB ADDRESS: 8123 Mulligan Circle BUILDER: Kolter Signature Homes, Inc.. GALE W/O: 76848 ATTESTED BY: le DATE: (r d/o c/' F A X E C OCT 112094 3601 -A CROSSROADS PARKWAY - FT. PIERCE, FL 34945 FT. PIERCE (772) 465-9191 - VERO BEACH (772) 589-1514 - STUART (772) 283-3151 - FAX (772) 489-6758 REQUEST' FOW 30JDAV.TEMIPOIRAR� poi�iiA- Y DAT.6 L AUG 16 2004 ft=%Oamwm� - St. Lucif ounty C _1719M a C Cods,-COMP112nce Division 2300 Virginia Avenue Fort Plarce, FL 34982-BS52 PERMrr Numll'KR. Ph. (581) 462-2165 Pax (501) 402-1735 C3 Works PROP*FRTY AoORa88:' CANNED &0, e. By st I t 'Ude counly THE UNDERSIGNED -HEREBY REQUEST RELEASE OF. ELECTRICAL POWER TO THE ABOVE DE,9CRI8Eb'PRdPERTY, FOR A PERIOD NOTTO EXCEED THIRTY (30) DAYS, FOR THE PURPOSE OF TESTING SYSTEMS AND EQUIPMENT IN PREPARA- TION FOR FINAL INSPECTION. IN CONSIDERATTON.-OF APPROVAL OF THIS REQUEST WE _q[�RjBy-AO I -KNOWLEDGE AND AGREE AS FOLLOWS: 1. This temporary power release Is requested lot the above stated purpose cnIY0'0d;tfiv4'wlIl be no 0=128TICY Of any type, other than that permitted by conair�&Ion during this time period. . 2. As witness by our- signatures, we hereby agi�es to abide by all terms and cdndIfi0n8:6f. this agreement, Including Building Division Policy, which Is (66brPoite"d herein by reference. 3. All condritionsand requirements listed In the attached document entitled qRsquiremOnts for 30 Day Power for Tealln2m have been fulfilled and the PrOrtiffiS Is ready forcompilance Inspection. We hereby release and agree to hold hermlees, SL Lucia County, and their employees trOm aff 114111111les, and claims Of any type or nature which may -artse now or In the future Out of this transectiorr-Induding any damages which may be incurred due to the df3connaction of alacW61 power In the event of violation of this agreement n6Q anere on, or GREGORY H. M s=M 5aa n gale - a MASCO Company L L JUN 112004 f St. LU�j� n blic Works �'�� CERTIFICATION OF INSULATION 0L'f'1V1Vtz4., St. LU ITY Cie C011m, R-4.1 INSULATION INSTALLED ON EXTERIOR WALLS R-30 INSULATION INSTALLED IN CEILING AREAS LEGAL: Lot Unit 93 Block PERMIT #: 23091693 SLC JOB ADDRESS: 8123 Mulligan Circle Sub -Division Castle Pines BUILDER: Kolter Signature Homes, Inc. GALE W/O: 76848 ATTESTED BY: DATE: �alrqloq( 3601 -A CROSSROADS PARKWAY Fr. PIERCE, FL 34945 FT. PIERCE (772) 465-9191 - VERO BEACH (772) 589-1514 STUART (772) 283-3151 - FAX (772) 489-6758 r- I pi le.__ a MASCO ERTIFICATION OF SCAMvED R-4.1 INSULATION INSTALLED ON EXTERIOR WALM. BY LOCT19 coun� R-30 INSULATION INSTALLED IN CEILING AREAS LEGAL: Lot Unit 94 Block Sub -Division Castle Pines PERMIT #: 23991693, SLQ JOB ADDRESS: 8125 Mullijzan Circle BUILDER: Kolter Signature Homes, Inc.. GALE W/O: 76849 ATTESTED BY: DATE: b /_3 /0 (-/ vj#46(02� 3601-A CROSSROADS PARKWAY - Fr. PIERCE, FL 34945 FT. PIERCE (772) 465-9191 - VERO BEACH (772) 589-1514 - STUART (772) 283-3151 - FAX (772) 489-6758 el- 3 Nonce ot Preventative Treatment fortLe (as required by Florida Building Code (FBC) 104.2.6 and Broward Court 1-866-PRE-TREAT State TERMITE PRETREATING 0403 Project Service Date 1� - 2-Z-C)�,ime— Development Builder &W, General Contractor Treatment I)rpe 2004 Pulblic Works Structure Address Floating 13 Monolithic Q Patio A City C- U-) ---Cnty Garage Ll Driveway 0 Stem Wall LJ Addition U Cutouts F-1 Tireatment/Product Detail Type T)reatment: Initial Under slab W( Retreat C3 Final L1 Product: Dursban TC4 Chlorpyrifos 0 Dragnet 0 Demon TC Other Concentration: % Gallons Applied: SquareFootag- �(00 --4� — Linear Foota e Atsper 104.2.6FBC- If soil chemical barriff method for termitepmention is useck ficalmtenorbacatencrit shall be completed prior to final building approval. Certificate of Compliance: This building has been treated in accordance with the rules and laws established by the Florida Department of Agriculture and Consumer services. Further, the treatment complies with the Florida Building Code. If this ' e i's for the final exterior treatment� initial and date this line. 70C,V'1\ (�� F ..a ........... q—zl—o Applicator (print) .� �X-* o A . %.�* 1, ? 3100 Northwest Boca Raton Boulevard Suite 106 - Boca Raton, Fl, 33431 - 561-394411 ��6re FAX 561- 394-3760 0) "IYAWIN 0 .1 ... 1. `3313`4��`B`ffmaa NAHB I -1V Ll Ael So *11 Tredt -SCAlft 8�, �SD St. tucie counill Property Treated I city VC — Lot# 10 Block Subdivision CAR40',,r\e-� Technician M9 Date Treated I I q Time Product Used I KMtU % of Concentration -I-- # of Gallons Used ?!Z11 9sabjb -------------- Ci.[�On /--'Under Slab-) Slab Abutments Perimeter Treatment Comments, t HULETT environmental services 1-800-285-7378 0 Pest Control Lawn Spraying Termite Control TERMITE PROOFED "Pest Control's Finest" ;)IBN All I A. M. ENGINEERING AN- ESTING9 INC. 3504 INDUSTRIAL 33� STREET Ff. PIERCE, FLORIDA 34946 LocALOFmcE: (772)461-7508 FAx: (772)461-88 065 'TEO REPORT OF FOUNDATION PAD Client: Dickerson of Florida, Inc. Site: Unit 90-94 Castle Pines Pod 20C, The Reserve, St. Lucie County Foundation Pad MPACTIOP -JAN 12 20N, L u 0 i te- rC,.O �ur-, m- - 1 17C ziz Report D Ite: 12/9/0 Project No: Report No: 107 Permit No: ?,3 0 � fio ?3 SCANNED BY st'huld countV Density tests and Hand Cone Penetrometer (HCP) readings were made at a minimum 0 eelocation in the building pad. Density tests were performed in the upper one foot of fill. HCP readings were taken in hand auger boreholes at one foot intervals from slab grade through the depth of fill. The density tests were performed in general compliance with ASTM D 2922. The HCP test, in conjunction with information about the soil type, is empirically correlated to the relative density of subsurface soils. Density Test No. Date Tested Location Elevation (feet) Dry e 'ty(pcf) Percent Compaction IMPlacel Proctor 107 12/2/03 SW Comer 0-1 111.4 113.9 97.8 Center 0-1 110.8 113.9 97.3 NE Comer 0-1 111.0 113.9 97.5 * All elevations are below slab grade. The depth of the fill was approximately two feet. The fill should extend at least five feet beyond the building perimeter. At the time of our testing no information was available regarding the foundation pad setbacks. In the locations and depths that were tested, the fill has been compacted to a minimum of 95 percent of the modified Proctor maximum dry density (ASTM D 1557). Distribution: Client — I Kolter Homes — 2 Attn: Shane, Signed & Sealed Submitte ' d by: A. M. ENGINEERING AND TESTING, INC. R7b J-2- Florida Registration No. 51863 F.AAM DAWDickerson of Florida, lnc\C�de PinesV07-Unir90-94.doc, SL JOANNE HOLMAN, CLERK OF THE CIV 'IT COURT — SAIN T LUCIE COUNTY File Number: 2280995 OR BOOK PAGE 1032 Recorded:10/01/03 15:21 NOTICE OF COMA� MNCEMXNT� Permit No. �—`ZO'T [.�69 3 Tax ED State of Florida County of St. Lucie THE UNDERSIGNED hereby give§ notice that-immovement will be rn�a6 to certain real property, and in accordance with Chapter 713, Florida Statutes, the following information is provided -in this Notice of Commencement. Legal Description of property and street address, if available—L&M.S 96, q 1, Gt7_, ot Owner Rqse�p Homes LTD., LP Address 9700 Rescrve�Blvd_ Port St Lucie, Fl, 34986 Owner's interest in site of improvement 100% Fee Simple Title holder (if other that owner) N/A Address Contractor Kolter Signature Homes, hic, - Phone 772-468-4703 Address 2160 NW Reserve Park Trace, Port St. Lucie, FL 34986 �Fax 772-468-4603 SuretyN/A Phone Address Pax Amount of Bond S LenderN/A Phone Address Persons within the State of Florida designated by Owner upon whom notices or other documents may be. served as provided by Section 713.13 (1) (a) 7., Florida Statutes: In addition to himself, owner designates of (Phom_________j?ax - to receive a cJp­yTpf the Lie—nor's Notice as provided in Section 713.13 (1) (b), Florida Stati, es. Expiration date of notice of commencement is one year from the date of r ess a different date is specified. "r 0 ��GNATURE STATE OF FLORIDA, COUNTY OF ST. LUCIE Sworn to,@nd subscribed' be me this day of go eA�- Q. S c Ur rLUMIUA as identification. ST. LUCIE COUNTY THIS TO CERTIFY THAT THIS IS A 'j. �, 0 U ANI TRUE AND CORRECT COPY OF THE ORIGINAL. � 2003 has produced SIGN ,��OF NOTARY YA)OJL -t-co GA,45— TYPE OR PRINT NAME OF NOTARY ...................... 4M ............ LYNNS 2 in* DOQ2328% . . . . . . 12,=007 Sorldod ftu (800)432-4254: Florida ............ .............. Voto Asw., Inc .... I I . ............ ST LUCIE COUNTY ROAD IMPACT FEE CALCULATION FORM DATE: 10 - 15 - o �3 NAME OF FEE PAYER: koa��Uh 4ft-y-ne-,s ADDRESS: gim- '�wg o/e co PERMIT #: ROAD IMPACT ZONE: omd "3 THE IMPACT FEE CALCULATED HEREIN HAS BEEN DETERMINED BASED ON THE FEE SCHEDULE ADOPTED, EFFECTIVE 10-01-03.- IMPACT FEE CALCULATIONS LAND USE TYPE: (# SQ FT (PER 1000) X FEE ROAD: PUBLIC BTLDG FIRE -EMS MULTI-FAMWUNITS) X FEE ROAD: AM SCHOOL: 15 (009 3D qc) LIBRARY: PUBLIC BLDGS: 1491) Q. PARKS; POLICE: FIRE/EMS: I --LO-5, 2 3 SGANNED., ,-By k 0 - 4a7 i2- 1112 ?o 13 -2;r J-r13,7 -Zl- 1'2- 3 r, 23k - '7 it �7 75 I LjXL-2Li,4 To,-,JVJ IJLJ V JL3]LU-N R,� _,'IDENTIAL PLAN RL .,"IEW FORM r'2' WRVb_Vt";'_�' Job Address SCANNED Permit # ATTACHMENTS St. Lucie Coun� Wind Borne Debris Protection FBC 1606.1.4 Sealed Drawings line, etc. ------ t/ Wind Load Design FBC 104.2 Lot Survey FBC 194. ___ __ 2 ./ Survey Matches Structural -'Plans FBC 104.2 Manual "J" Room by Room Cal wT T77 .._, �_A_ Product review or affidavit :j:���FBC �1606.2.2.1� FOUNDATION Footing Details FBC 1804.1 Change in Elevations FBC 1804 Area Tabulation FBC 104.2 STRUCTURAL ,Knergy Evaluation Energy Code ____FFBC 160611707.4 Design wind pressures for openings Ate�ior B aring Walls (detail) I FBC 1804 96lumn Pads F13C 186� Dimensions HIFIBC 104.2 Wall Section -CBS Interior Bearing Walls Bay Window �Detail Gable End Detail FBC 104.2 2 101 FBC 104.2 2308 FBC 104.2 2308 FBC 104.2 CH- 16 Wall Section I -Frame� Frame to Block Details Sea D t Detail ow try ils nt En 'y Details - Ext. Ceilings FBC104.2/2308 C I FBC 104.2 2309.5 C IC FBC 104.2 / 2308 FBC 104.2 / 2308 Porches - Exterior Ceilings FBC 104.2 CH 16 Knee Wills 7 FBC 104.2 2308 Butt Glas s Detail FBC 104.2 / 2405 �4 ---- Bearing Wall Header FBC 104.2 / 2308.3 Fire Place / Chimney Detail FBC 104.2 CH 28 - Window / Door Buck Details FBC 104.2/1606 L// Tic Beam Change in Heights FBC 104.2 / ACI P/eam Block -Poured Tie Beam FBC Ch 1. 16,21 _1Z Lintel Detail FB C Ch 1, i6-,21 Detail FBC 104.2 / 2112 1 13A.11%1�1 Akii,41A.L FA Truss Plan FBC Ch-l/ 16 7�jss Connector Chart FBC Ch-l/ 16 Sheathing Sizes& Nailing Detail FBCCh-23/APA nventional raming FBC Ch-23 Electrical Plan FBC104.2/NEC. /Me�ctrical Calculations, Riser, etc. FBC 104.2 /NEC AC Duct Plan FBc lo4.2/ Fm c _7 ake-Model & BTU's being used FL Energy Code Plumbing Riser FPC 104 2 Balance Retu Air FMC Ch-6 JLiN".L,hKj()R 0 Egress Windows I FBC 105.4 �T1004 V / I 17ront Door Size (36" x 6'8") FBC T-1004 Bath & Bedroom Door FBC L/ � �okc Dete�ctors�� FBC / NFPA 72 Attic Access (22"x 36" min.) FBC 2309.6 V �Oir & Handrail / Guardrail Detail FBC Ch- I / 1007 Dryer Vent Exhaust FMC 50 1.3 / 509.3 L/ I Exhaust Fan Venting - FMC 5 10.3 / 506.1 -7 stKeview Date 2nd Review Date L--L-- Final R view Plans Exan-Liner Name Signature eserve %%,,_Community Development District St. Lucie County Building Department 2300 Virginia Ave. Ft. Pierce, FL 34982 Reference: MuIti-Family Construction To Whom It May Concern: BLt>C, �tC> Address: _MtLLUQAm 8c'q�/V'� sy D St. 4UCie count J, Concerning the above referenced project, this letter will serve to notify all interested parties that water & sewer service has beer) reserved & will be provided upon request by the Builder. Payment for reservation charges, hook-up fees, and any necessary metering equipment is required at time of service, Since 0 sapo, a irmT an po' s se e 0 me erveD elopment District 2140 N.W. Reserve Park Trace + Port St. Lude, FL 34986 + Telephone: (772) 468-4604 + (772) 467-157 St. Lucie County Building & Zoning BUILDING PERMIT SUB -CONTRACTOR SUMMARY .�;('A./Vys St. z sy D Ocieco"", 1�6L'MP\ 46tAe-�S will be using the following sub -contractors for the (Company/Individual Name) project located at ZQ�.(=- go MW.LkGAM C_ L LX (Street address or Property Tax ID #) It is understood that if there is any change of status regarding the participation of any of the sub -contractors listed below, I will immediately advise the Building and Zoning Department of St. Lucie County. Trade Name of Company/Contractor St. Lucie Coun ty, State of Florida License Number Electrical Plumbing HVAC/ Mechanical CA C� C-1 I 'AS �7 Roofing GORTFSPIS Gas OFFICE USE ONLY: PERMIT ISSUE DATE: NUMBER: I UW,dbfZlJUJ UD;UJ I l�-4bd—JOUZ, KULItX HUVL'�5 PAGE U2 FAGE 132 aLLLiciscouftown rammuftfiNwrlber StM at Fbddm CWHOWn Num6w of s, W: ST. LTjaM CotWry PUBLIC WORKS RUnDINp &;pNTzIG DEPARTMENT I BUILDING PEW= SUD-CONTRACTORAGREBIONM SCANNED 1,6S&S st Lucie coanty KkjgM tm�—Tk=& has agreed to be the tELF$:::rtl KbLV-%A ilahld ,,J� OY" na) (nm (w um pm Comm" for the project located at MLu-LAGA-?.A (=4RcLX It Is understood that. (mm - arm"Rytamo) If thwe Is my change of status regardfrig oUr pardaipavom wfth 6n above mentioned projecto I Wil kmedlosly ad&A the SuHding and Zonlmg DePaft6flt of St Luole County by pamonguy fmng a Change of Comtrackor Form (SLC=V FORM NO, 00440). RUSINES8 12UALIPIER (wwkwabwma waft* w � I 1, 1. . . - 14- �MLRMT,�Vlljl "ZV I L J I -51;Mammw. � .1 e�� 091M" . — lroft MWIT 1p I I ISKS VVE 09/17/2003 04:21 772-498-9505 KOLTER HOMES PAGE 02 ST. LUCIE COUNTY PUBLIC WORKS BUILDING & ZONING DEPARTMENT BUMDING PEPAUT SUB -CONTRACTOR AGREEMENT 864'% & 49t, , SL Lucia County Contractor Certification Numben. State of Florida Certification Number (if applicable): -------------- IC? r7G13 4 006 411:411­� — , I X�r-- has agreed to be (company/individual name) the �PLMN&Use- sub -contractor for R�'MR (type of construction trade) (name of the pfirne Contractor) BLbcr, cr 6 for the project located at MLJLLkG4kW It is understood that, (street address or property tax ID if there is any change of status regarding our participafion with the above mentioned project, I mrill immediately advise the Building and Zoning Department of St. Lucia County by personally filing a Change of Contractor Form (SLCCDV FORM NO. OD"O). U19111111 signatures requlrod): M"K !6, V*11-Ea Cl—z'r, -63 Print name Date business name: A4,AF-RX kli�� �LutA��kit "tr address: 1 '7 '�Z —,� W 16 1 L--r eity,state,zip: 1>0 k-�' -6-1- "(c t �L phone: $-7a !2?a� ?FF.10E.VSEl0N1!q_- SLCCOV FORM NO,: OD2-01 06/19/2003 00:51 772-46",-'MO5 KOLTER HOMES PAGE 02 A. -We �C.L401` �a U, ST. LUCIE COUNTY PUBLIC WORKS BUILDING & ZONING DEPARTMENT BtlILDINC; PERA9T ' SUB -CONTRACTOR AGREEMENT 81411, pk St. Lucle County Conftftr Gertificaflon Number. 1015(0'S - _- I %9tate of OertMedon Number (if oWkable): CA Co 4 1 j9-9- -- -------- I—— -------------- has agreed to be rrarrm) the __ 0. V'Ac sub-coritractor for 1<6L-rmK wM of conswev" "do) ESLI:� - 90 (name of the Prim centraCtOn for the project located at MuL"1—'044 (�:4702LiE- . It is understood that, (street address or vrop4ny tAx to 0) If there is any change of status regarding our partiolpation with the above mentioned project, I vdif Immediately advise the Building and Zoning Department of St. Lucie County by personally filing a Change of Contractor Form (SLCCDV FOFkM NO. 004-00). BUSPIESS UALIFIER (adow t4natures roquirem; I 9-2-C-63 Print name Dam usinasS a t4ISAlp, Alp, C014UITIONIV415 lgl(� re Eiddress: cfty.state'zip: fl.- 3177" phone: (561yasa (ACA OFFICEVSEWLY4 SLCCDV FORM NO.: 1102-00 - — I MaS PaRivirro I 1551.1110ATE 11 ,1­21S-2000 S. !SAM FRCM I ST. LUCIIE COUNTY PUBLIC W01tKS BUILDING & ZONING DEPAJITMENT BUILDING PERMIT SUB -CONTRACTOR AGREEMENT St. Lucie% COUnty Contractor Certification -Number. State of Flerida Certification Number (it appucable); f ZSLL LP-1 R�,cptt4r_ 4 (�SCTMRS rm�) I IQ 4&vie CCC058246 has agreod to be the F ipovz Im"r. sub -contractor for Ke_�L_-raSj� Vkotwxv- of ounstruclian trade) 02"a of the P11" contrador TA -be. 9z) for the project located at NMLLLGAu C1;'CJ_F_ It is undersiood that, (strwi addre= or property t3x ID 0) if there is any change of status regarding our participation with the above ner Joned project, .1 will immediately advise the Building and Zoning Department of St. Lucie l'ounty by personally filing a Change of Contractor Form (SLCCDV FORM NO. 004-00). �Iqnavuro business name: address: city.state.zip: phone: OFFICE USE ONLY: Imignatures required): ERIC LEVINE Firint name ReliabIg goofing & Gutters,inc 1832 Wabaziso Dr Ste#5 Wp�t PAIm 11pnch. FT 11409 Date PERMrr A I I ISSUE DATE � ST. LUCIE COUNTY BUILDING &ZONING 23DO VIRGINIA AVENUE FORTPIERCF FLUS82-5652 561462-1553 FILLED LANDS AFFIDAVIT SCANNED 81.LucjeC0V,7t,, 1, the undersigned, am the owner of the following described property: 8� �2-11 - C00 - cxu::� - Cd:ko J -�. BL.1>� 910 MtXLI-u�AN C-MCL-M for which I have applied to St. Lucie County for a Final Development Permit. In accepting this Final Development Permit, BP Number , I acknowledge that as owner of the above described property, and in accordance with Section 7.04.01 (D), St. Lucie County Land Development Code, I shall be responsible for assuring adequate drainage so that the immediate community WILL NOT be adversely affected. I further acknowledge that in granting this permit for the development of this property, St. Lucie County is neither obliged nor liable to provide for, or maintain in any form, adequate drainage off my property which will not adversely affect the immediate community. Property Owner Name Property OV ature Date STATE OF FLORIDA, COUNTY OF S7 I-Ar-Irz BEFOREMETHIS a9o�' AYOF KNOWN TO MV0R WHO HAS PRODUCED AS IDENTIFICATION. ATURE OF NOTARY TYPE OR PRINT NAME OF NOTARY (SEAL) TARY PUBLIC TITLE COMMISSION NUMBER ........... ............. I ............. LYPNE MOORE Comm# DD0232858 EXPIM 9=00, 1 8�dd em (800)432 -4254:: WT z Fjonda Notafy Asm, Im I . . ................................. ...... .....