HomeMy WebLinkAboutSUBMITTED DOCUMENTSZ 125' 3.875* z f2s, PA S�Z. 4efi* - T" Az: 4'r - T. A114X . CQ'ICREF7F ANCHORS (SEEESCH�MMI� L La. . . . . . . . 3� WX CCMCRETE- AWHORS IMN G6L ELEV4,770M C`P 1/1' 11". CIP-1 Afan 'U' amo Qv @ T" Jr/ 7/,r X 31�z- Avc AWS r VMD� F WMAY .09-r r14- , JN zg� M M STUD tavrnD TO ANtXC P DN.Secram SEE ERE I �[ Enal 1 Z000- NUN UFA sc� 4M. - '. F 9-11y, 1575' .Q.0) STUDDED AN .093 - L- @ KEr HoLE AT pA SMV �,/ DtE C4ST -kVC NICKa PWW MVc Nur E�C 0 Z 125" ANGLE gUJj.Q_QLT gp,4CKff SCALC; Jtr - , - . . S�. j"T. . - I. StCR4W PMEL H� vMN D-IWNCD w �cRav�r MM ,E �, ",, M, ,,, SCUM ROR/a4 6uf!Dtw cOw. EaTIOA. DMCM XWO L040S UVU Or 7hr -VIAM Be O"EM"S" � PC? -'ZWn'W 6 OF A-'rz 7-14 M t,0 �FA S,,,C W� S"ORN PIAELS �EQU4Cr FUR iWlCr AW IADCV� &,EN SECDOfiS ZJIS & 2JrF4 REVtrn�ar A� T.0 CO� MW OQ5.01-00. ��'MENRONED CoD,� A� FU IjMVCW TeSr Z/& R�POR, 2- Ag- 57EEL 9*U UETAL PQCS -VW-L MVE sn&= rALIANUM STEEL DES1=41108 & F PV OUVffr ASW ISS3 So ,,,E 40, WH �y-- SZ.7 k� (AFTER ROLLED) .1 ALL "MINUM DR,=O� WU a- 606-�7)6 AU -Or LWLE5S OWEpWe5r H,,,ED 4- ALL TO 17C STAIMM S7M JO, OR j I a SD� 5 &OL73 TO BE 2024-r4 AUWNLW AC&Or. Cq_VANDED 07 SWNLE� STEEL MM J6 �j UJNJ�M POINT 6. ANCTIORS To WLL SH4LL BE IS FOLLOUM. (U ZELD (A) TO DZ71NG POURED COWRETE- NLL, OTHOMW NOTED). 114, f WCQ"�S & UW-S�T DIPMV AS AKWWWRED Br I T)-,/8MDjX 114' CRVE-FLIX -Wf ANCHORS AS AWCFACnq?o By ELCO lZaROX 1/1' - 7116- CALK-W ANaMS: 0-01 ELM .1, & f .. r� 'PANELUITe OR 114', ELCO W&ELUATE PtUS6 AS UQXFACrURED Br pOWEce FASTENUVC� NIC AND ELM TEDROX 112;,ECTr�ar. J/ff' I RED HFAD D17146OLT SLESE AXHORT AS ARNWACTME0 by 4r.w. 6UUM NOTEM- A. 1) AM"VW SOEOVENT' M POURED CONCRETE OF IAIMN ANWOR OR ELCO PAWLWIES & 2, FOR RED W A D*Maa_r IS SS4 314-, MR A-2) 7/a' CALK -IN ANOTORS SFMU BE ENDRELr FOR ELCO .k 'PANETMTE pLU,- LT 2.. SnACCO STWL BE PDMTTED E10WOM INTO rl-_- POURED CW�RETE NO afflMVaNT NTD 114' 0-2tT SCREX� L� SMU SE t fA- L= MMMW SqO, AND I' WNWW FVR WALLS MW so S7,CM _, STUCCO Ek� ") , c,-w Tmr PRErA� sm�& pgmtsT akagE Aw_s� OR PAvu?s BE FOUND ON.THE msaw wAL, OR "100% A&VNQRS -MV-L BE LOW VOLWI TV MW TIC UUN STRUCTU'E BE`= SUCR PIQW. ANCHORIC-1 &WL RT AS MrATED ON NOTES A 1) & A4 q&OjE 07) TO D=" CONCRETE aOW XKLL- flifm 0 TAPCONS & A&VJ-SEr DIPCOAC AS "MEAMIRED ar tr. *'/2? . U�LOEX 114 F CRETC-FLEX SW ANCHORY " MAVFACTURED ar n m, nXTRUL 114' F � 715' C41-K-N ANafORS aq 114* p ELCO plvAEZAwr PLUS- � -Wl & 'PANELUM' OR I/.(' I aC0 "4NLF'4C7E�RED Or FOYM? FA57MNC-S JNr AND Elm yMRW. RESFECTT�ar.. RED HEAD DM46MT AS UMFACTURED Sr Lr.X,. 9UJLC�y NOTE51 a- 7) 104MW &MAIENT OF TAPCON A&VM V DYNABOLT AND MEW-R-EX SS4. WD DE Rs; -C, pWaUjT& ELM m.k 'pANaUqr pL(,-. RE, HE, 8-2) MVCRETE. D, OCK VMr �� BE I V4.. UNT 7/s' r�LK-N ANCTia?s mwtL BE GaraMr aenx*D INTO Thr ca"*7r &OCK vw. M R4 NO EURMUENT MW STUCCO S,14a BC PD?Ufnm rlf' P-20 SCREhS USED SF'q4 X I ll��'LONI WIRW SHOULD STUCCO E)CST. AW 1� AMMUR FOR Wj�� WW no Snx= -C45T STO&L PAF Fyk � OR PRX'SF CONCRErE PA&ELs &� FU,,, ON W IX,,,WC MU. MCNORS S�WL BE LONG DMCH TO RE4CH TFE U4W s7RCAnw &WOM SUCH PAMEL_Z ANCH, ", L &E. INO�ATEO ON NOTE�; IN 6-1) & 84 ABOVE P,,E v- (C) AVCHDR� MWI ME NSWJM FOLL"M ALL OF 7W REWW:��TIOM AND SPEUM4WAS OF THE' MVICR-S WMIFACTURM 7 PAYELS AfAr ALSO BE RWALLED HORZQND�r MUORMC ]ASMIJAROW &7AILS ShOWN ON - a (WiEET 2 & i . OF 9) Drcfpr Tmr noan z j & 4 SNALL AvT &E. UsEa S.-CDONS f THp� r IT swu Or THE REM-ONslavir OF M CMEWWR TO VERT­r THE SOUAnNESS a, THE SMtTVRE ftLME -- - " " '- '-- - a Nt9A?F MCOM A&ViOR4GE 7ns winm wi4a oar BE ATIACRED To 9.5HUTIER AMUFAC7URE�; WEL WHI &E P14CED Ar BOTTOM Or rACH pWVL L4 FDUO)M. L ��UEZSUPPISLY. INC. AKE WRUK FLCVTJVA AlKId D40C COUW PRODUVT CONTROL AcFROvEv. t = Arm, .085' �E�l' ��WA sc� -- 314' - I' SCANNED OW E3 7 St. Lucie County APPROVED AS COMPLYING YM THE SOUTH FLOR DA BUILDING CODE 0 DATE0(o Foo BY .�PRODUCT NTROLDMS16N BUILDING CODE COMPLIANCE OFFICE ACCEPTANCE No. 00 -09 19. 1 h(Ml DADE COUN7y — A —7— T ... AS SHOW 24 C-4GE C,,ILVANIZED BERITI, STEEL sToR)v pA�VELS SC4LE Sa4LE 7110100 EASTERAF-METAL EUPPLY IRC DA 7r SUArrd NNO Mcf,m sy -ZS �2_7jS VFIL838 03ZlHVA7VZ) 35�,v �,o -UNnoo j�va-IhVjn ON MINYW303V 3.01A20 30NOldno.9 �000 SNIEdine Nolswo IOUD 3—COLO r4l tno 3MYa Voluo-N Rmag �WM ONUI rl dNO3 SV Q3AO?JddY F�NOIJXS WOO L -73s) 'o zl a Im. //j anhuAuj alwno3y, 7M 2MOMW w My -ow awn0d 'a zl UW Z*/r 9/1 -.UG aMnyoo ,)�j X Z -7 q' _q SLIWS APO 27170]nS 3.7s) xNkl�a 3-�m - -a !I g1r , neis I Y-t.,JNI 11 Nozi M, -17Y YISNI'ONI NIIU" Cn6mms ms) 7u&j 9 — z IWI W� " 0 v a JJW A ssm al Nnymm &U MEL =I. - Lmm� ,j 'a zz 9/1 F- 7u&j (A,�— TIM (C=IIS AO 7AM inUMIJ M Yd34 yog MtXGH-,S' -7-:Zy) SWHOW 3136,Jnol . A x .1 - .9/f : 7"as -- -- .- . IV � d-lo." r—N—OUO3S anis 0 NOLIJ-3s L— NOLL03S T7V hl Moo-7a MUDivoo-vo 213VONX 77M �W)s OnAroo w 171,10-1105 -wonow 30L4��) FOR Uffi%(Uy SEPAR17 I ION V 70 CIASS 114, 0-20 111CS- W1 7/8' r 3132' 114- 0;-20 if 41'r W 76 DOLTS dNGIV 3/. YZ 0 12- 0. a ALTMIA7E LEG LOC4nON— CONCRETE ANCHORS (SEF SCHEDULE2 pO;JRED CONCRETE REQUIRED -\ miRm . —/ .1�j CONCRE7r E R7 %lL9K'WWCA REQUIRED CONCRETE ANctjDRS (SEE CJX-IN OR ELCO X CONCRETE ANCHORS FKA&7-U4TE OR �le PANELW7E pLUg (SEE SCHEDULE) E. D. 161�4 -0-20 ml)EWALK so-, r OR a N mwsvi66 baf Fl N PCvJRED CONCRETE E D. (SEE SCHEDUIE FOV? SRACING) 1 7. REQUIRED IF It, POURED cava?E7F OR CONCRETE &LOCK WALL 10201RED LEG LOCA770M 4 004L "0 x 14 &XTS (SEE sct�atf) 7/e -3152 FOR layWw SEPAAAWM 'I; - TO aASs !N I/.(- F-20 Z' S`SXS� y// 7 5" 3132. 114'0-21 1 W mw NUT 0 Sam-5 / 7 ga- OM?bV 0 A470,SI-AN WZNG NUT, 0 I OMW-AP 0 AWSPAN T— Id ---L le (SEE SCHEDULE) FOR uffoum S99APATION 711� ISIOL& V TO cuss WN NLVJ L� 12' 0. a Y'Ff: IF-20 x BOLTS WNG NUT 0 12- OL a N potfimn Or7q CONCRETE OR CONCRETE L �CJKWALL RE 1.1 1111 CONCRETE ANCUORS,�l I I (SEE SCHEDULE) Li L-@ CORL POURED CONCRETC-1 E. D. v REQUIRED .... . . & -Pt6o E MOUNTING,*. RS-FALLAROM sEc7-to !�E ION SCALE 'J/8- - 8 0 " HSTALLATIOM - s�crloy 7 SCALE : 3/a' SCALE : 5/8* CoaL �[/'F' 0-20 S- S. MACHINE SOLT ly/ NUT & W457fM a 12 0. r- I' 9, #!-20 S. S. A14CHINE T WASHER 0 12 IVIO. McUr 't I CONCRETE ANCHORS (si:E SCHWCZv POURED CONCRETE REOUIRED r x (SEE I FOR =We SMAR4710M 'Z�' 70 CLASS CONCREZEANCHORS (SEE ScumuLo POUf?EO CONCRUE-1 REVNRED E D. - EDGE DISTANCE ffE DULE ON 7 OF 9) iyOTE FOR COMBIM477ON OF' SECTIONS WAUIFLOWCEIUNG MOU"NG SECTIONS cAN BE COUBINED IN NlY WAr TO SUIr ANY LAISTALIATION. APPROVED AS COMPLYING WrrH'rHE SOUTH FLORIDA BUILDING CODE DATE�0�b/2�-o BY PRODUCT WN`rROL DIVISION BUILDING CODE COMPLIANCE OFFICE ACGEPTANCENO.00 - 09 (q. I -T IT C4LK-JN OR ELCO PANEUMTE OR ml. pAmajt4TE _us B00- m HEW bVLT (SEE SCHEDULE FOR spAcwc) ALL hC0UNrlff0jR.�fAL-_L-A7Tjdff .�.L D. - SECTIOM -SCALE : J/o' 17FLTE C �Q'rmc. 9 — WOE WILK MIS ARE VL4 �Ox HEAD MCYNE SCREW WILE CKJ2-n= 'AS PIM N TES� A-2 & 19-2 AS PEI? NOTES 42 &- &,2 (SH� 1) b(L4Mt D40E C0UNrrY -- 7 24 G34GE r.4LVAfilZED j3ERTHA bl 'A SHOWN 'y STEEL S7-OPM pAA(ELS SC4Lr T___ _ �C� E,Ej_E p � T L SU 7 U'EMRAT METAL SUPPL yp INC RE A 12 f2 L12- 12' NIA 2' 72. 12' [2' 12w '2 w 12- WA T2 " T2- 12' 12, T2 w r2w -6f-5 112- WA 12 ft 12' 12' 12' 12' 12. 112�A WA r 2. 12' 12 f2- -12- WA 12- 12' NIA 12' MIA jZ" 10 WA tV WA DES" LOAD r 6�?,) � LEK M#tux 1.,.*[,-- 4 -.- M�vl&w w WA !2- 17, f2- A WA 12- 12, it' 12. 12- WA 12" 12- 12 11, 12 12' zo 12 12, WA 12- 12' J�..Wl [1' [2' 2 _ 12, 12, WA 112. a. 12- '12- MIA 12, 12. WA 12' 12* WA 12' h1A WA WA t2' 12' MIA T2- MIA 12- MIA 12' NIA WA NIA MIA f2. MIA 12- 12' WA 12- WA 12' NIA NIA NIA TD ?D CONVI M W To U� na� 12� A tz, I(IA To' T2. 12' 12' WA F2, II t2' to' 72, 12' 12 WA f2- MIA 12' 10, 12" r2, 12- P(A 12' VA to' 12, 12' rz, WA 12' FIA 72' 7' TZ, 12" 12, A(IA F2 . PIA rz, IVA 'p. RIA RIA 1 .1, 1 f2' 1 VA 11 ;1 r 92' 41A AVA Y2- Y2- 12' 12 VA rz. AVA 12. 12' lz' 12. 12' MIA 12' WA. 12' 12' Tz. 12' 12. 4/A 12- �VA 12 12, 120 12' tj1A 12' NIA NIA III AVA WA Tz. 41A 111 12- 12' to Cot� to "1 10 C� to f2- J%1A 12. AW11A 12 12. 12. rz- 12- 12 12- 11 rz, NIA U f2" 12- Tz' 12- 1.2 12. WA TI JVIA 12 12" 12- f2' 12. WA rz. AI - 12 12- 12- 12- 12 12' WA NIA f2. 12- 72- 120 it- 12- 12- MIA 12- NIA 12' 12' IVA AI - _42 12. 4/A 12 NIA 12. PIA rz. f2' am CRIM-nix ss4 "qr/1131I cwi�rtr IMO "wulawwr ?To 'co"'Ex'r To 12' WA 12- tz, rz. rz, 77- 12' 12' 12' 12' MIA 12" 12, t2' 12' 12' 12' 12' I(IA T21 MIA TI F2- rz* 12" 12. T2- 12* PJIA 12. MIA 12' f2' 12- 12. 12- 12. 12' 10A 111 12- 12' 12' rz. 9. f2' 12' RIA rz. AI 12. 12" WA TZ' AI 12" VA Q, * I i-I Iz �X IIIII PEW cQVI to "km� To Le� -L- 12- ?(1A z H-AXTHUM DESI EREssU CORR U, JF :;�-E�SPONDT�ff( RF RA"FQ f AND 12, ;VA-_ AMCF1, rz NIA y llylu UUJVZRET NIA 2 (7z)p) AAD u-u�. IDIIIQUYILRYES 12" 12, 12' 12' 2 (BOrML9 T'. 111A 12- WA i (I 1.2- 12- t2' 12, J (I **lWlUUld ANCHOR SPACINGS ARE VALID 12' P(IA 12' MIA 4 (rop) 6�0' OR LESS FOR E 0- LESS THAN J 112 -. REDUCE FOR 3 112' EDGE DISTANCE. T-7, ANCHOR SPACING BY 12' 12' 12- 4 l(ULTPLnNG SPACING 15HOWN ON SCHEoI Sy THE FOLLowING 12' NIA tz. FACTORS' (NOTE ` Min- E: D FOR Cju�-tff ANCHORS IS 2 .5 (7-0p) FOR THIS OpEI TO BE-POS111I REDUCED SPACING 0 12- USING FACTOR SH4LL NOT BE LEi:S BTAINED 12' r2, 5 (80nnk) INDICATED FOR fACH ANCHOR rtpE THAN MlI SPACING IV �A III I(IA 6 (to.-) AT ANCHORS LECEyD. f2- WA 12* JI 6 (691 Y2- 4/A 12, AI 7 D-OP180TIII FACTOR T2- f2' Y2' T2 (loplBonw) ACUL E. D. -R-a ss4 CALK -IN RE . D HD... SLEEII TES RVI aus FI III WI ID AKsaw %x-w "Vmw AgI .75 1.00 Vh-JM to nar ftj 2 7/-7- .71 WA 12- �IA (M-) 2- .50 .50 1.00 7'. W Tz- - ?KkI N14 2 12- r7. MIA 12' JVIA AAACHORS LEGEND 12' 12- J (BoI ANCHORS ANCHOR WA 12, 4 (top) riPE 6'- a' OR 1� 12- 12' 12' 4 .(1 WA 12' 5 (top). TAPICONIPANELUATES1 J.O" R- F�, CRETE FLEX SS4 IVIA 12' 6 (top) �llv WA WA 12- ED � RD. NIA 7 (roplgorim) 'OL DY& 45- 12' :2' f2- er rroplvottvd) POW-W AMMil 'SEE NOIES ON SHEETS a 9 OF 9 AlftlMLI W FOR -ANCHORS rfFE & SpACING FOR PI am 10. AKM= 1I INSTALLA77ONS INTL) WOOD FRWE BUILDINGg. to II to ANY Lom, v (a) JOA I (top) APPROVEDAS COMPLYING III 72' 1 (&dTjnLq �OLITH FLORIDA WILDING CODE NIA 12' MIA (top) D E rz" 120 12' 2 (Bar=) VA 12' NIA 3 DLlcTC TROL D1114s�ON 12' Rop) WING CODE COMPLMCEOI AOCEPTANCE No WA rz, .0c) I AI 12' 'r WA tz. WA .5 ftp) "twl DN!A cpuNTy f2- 10' 24 GAGE GALVANIZED STEEL STOW PANELS NIA 12" WA SCII VIA 12. (sorrwf :E �&Oc 711voo .1/1 IF --- it !� IA �LT _ EASrERN MEW SUPPL Y� wr ��l f2. LFX TAP� WA mzm a ma� W UQF,� A�� � PANZL�� ,M CQVDWM " "� cmo�x to � 72" .1. 12 N lz NIA T2' I(IA 12- t2, f2, WA to- 12 12, tVA 12" WA 12- WA 12' 12. 12, rz- 1.2- Y. - I(IA f2, MIA 12' NIA �66.0. -72.0 t2 WA 7z" 12- - 72, T2. 12' 12' to' 12' MIA 12' VIA 12' MIA - 12- MIA 12' 9. T2- 12, 12 12- T2 12' 12' WA r2l MIA 12' WA f2" NIA TO' 12. rl" 12' To' f2' T2- KIA T2' NIA WA -7 12 12- 5. V/A 12 IJIA N1, A 4/A WA 12, 12' NIA 12- WA WA WA 12- WA f2- l(IA WA WA IVA 12- 12' 12. 6. j W DES" LCAD Lr.z EW.D-.v EZZ T, =1=7-�-V hvoxm U� PA&ELUDE pL,, =--?-VV � wca�,x p FA 22 Aluall Tz- MIA AVA 12- f2' 12- VIA rz- WA 12. IVA Tz-KIA 12' t2. 12' 12 72' 12, NIA 12' WA 12' - WA 12' PIA 12- 12- 12. 12- 12' 9 12, - 72' XIA T2 - WA �60.0. �61, 12- WA - 12' 12- 12' 12, 12- to, 12- t2. NIA - 12' 10A - f2 AVA 12' WA y 12' 12- 12. 12* 12- '12, 72 12- WA t2, f2, NIA 12' NIA 10' T2- 12' 12' 12, f2' MIA 121 MIA 12- WA 12' IVA 12' r2, iz WA 12'.- X/A 12' VA it" MIA 12' AVA Ir 12" IVA Tz. 4.1A IVA MA IVA f2' WA TZ VA IVA WA WA lz 12* "Va" .�MAmgrwc AL - 3 o-'WN LOW LT.Jr. VVWX co WaRm r f,�j "-C= r4pc= TO C�� w ot� To fro m ao� ms��w w uu�r wLrlrowz PAAUJXW allS to aftxw to "uaw IV cmxtrx 70 12' JVA 12- uu�ffly to cavozar To Utscnr Tr 12, - I(IA 12' IVA 12" -,A f2. 'IVA a' 12- f2' 12o T2- 72" 12' I(IA 12' NIA 12, 41A fz" 12- a. 12' 1.2' NIA 12' t(IA t2' HIA t2- r2' rz, 12" to' 12' to' I(IA 12- IVA 12' WA 12' NIA '6-0. 12- 12' 12' fz, Tz. t2- 10' 12' P. WA f 2 MIA TZ, "�VA 12' NIA 12' 12' 12' f2' 12' 12' 12, WA 12' NIA f2' RIA to' 12' 12' 4. fg, 1. WA T2 NIA 12- RIA r2- 12' 5. 12- 4 it, 12- AFIA f2 . WA 12- 12' JVIA IVA t2- MIA 12- rj1A rz WA f2. W, ........ 12 J_ RIA 12' AIIA 112 PIA ----T- K/A lA Tv mu� w4w or im-, MIA I crop).. Uld RE-SVGN PRESSURE R,4T17VC COR. Ps f fz- I (60umo Lj�f�,ujp_- MR;Mffi�T�YQINNSG IN 9-0-NCRETE A I - L A 7 7 U z (Top) AtvL) C R.E STRUCTIFRas! 12, tz, 12- J (Bortow) *ftAWjUUh( ANCHOR SPACINGS ARE YALID FOR 3 12. NIA IF (top) V-0, To 2,-G 112- EDGE DISIANCE FOR E D- LESS 7H4N J 112' REDUCE AMCHog SpACING By HUMPLWNG SPACING SHOWN ON 72' TZ, 4 (BOTW SCHEDULE Br THE FOLLOWING "ACTORS- (NOTE : Uin. E D. FOR CALKL'N"ANCHORS FOR 12. NIA 5 (xv�) THIS IS 2 112�. OPEI?A77ON TO BE POSIBL& REDUCED SpACINC OB7AINED USING FACTOR SH4LL NOT BE LESS 12' 7- 5 (BOTTwj TIAN 14IN[Afum SPACING 'NOCA7ED FOR E4CH ANCHOR n`PE AT ANCHORS Ng LECE 12' JK/A 12' JKIA 6 (Bvnvv) it, JK/A 7 (7`0.-/B0!W, FACTOR Tz. rz, 9 (t0P1-B0nW) ACTUAL E. 0. rAPCONI SS41 HD.. SLE&F TES MX- w LOO &,"u"m M Locw v (a) 2 112- .71 12' AVA .50' 1.00 2. .50 rz. TZ, r (Bonn . 12. WA 2 (rVP) 12" f2- 2 (aunw) M0083 LEGEND 12- NIA t2* 12- ANCHORs A 0 H f2' WA >7*-6' to e-.5 UN S IN _ 7)PE - A J,: P Cl Z D. EDGE DISANCE- 72. 72- 4 (2=0m) rAPOONIFAMELAMTES1 t2' VA 5 (top) CRETE FL�X SS4 3.0� 12- 7' (BolTau) 12' A/A CALK -IN 2.5 318.0e REO HD, 8�e REO HD, If' I VIA 7 (f0P/tVT=i DYWOLT- SLEE1,25r. *Z No ON SHEETS a & 9 C)f-,g FOR AN% ?S TYPE & SPACING FCR uvakm Pmm INSTALLATIONS INTO WOOD FRWE- BUILDINGS mtorx Tp L=W v rm) 12' WA crop) APPROVEDAsCoMpLyInG 12' If- r (BOITOAt) SOUM FLORIDA 12. AfVA 2 BuILDING DATE GODE 12 it, 2 rz, NIA 3 (top) PblyiDt'l[!) HOLDIVISION 12o BIJILDINe COD- ACCEpTAI,.CE - COMPLIANrE OFFICE 12' IVA IV 11, 72' WA (top) W DADE COUNT)- f2' 24 GAGE GALIAN[Zj�D BERTH4 AY &qoiW STEEL STORA( PANELS r2' 5c4LE IEC'Q..� Ff. L -�r- �cq, EASFERM METAL SUppj 7110100 y, IAIC LEW XALO� w T� m su� IVA 12' to' r 12 I(IA 12. NIA f2" 10' r2' t2' 12' WA rz, AIA 12, to' 12- +66-0. -7s.o 1-2' WA AVA 12' to' 12' 12" WA t2' MIA f2' 7' 1z, 12' 12 ' 41A 12, K/A 12, ?vA f2* MIA 12' ..PVA 12" I(IA WA WA I(IA I(IA now-w Inqw ir Jm to ams TV 0�w� to utTm, 70 Cm&tcw to ut�m 12- WA f2' NIA 12' 7' 12, W 12' fVA f2' XIA T2 12' 12. WA 72. NIA . 12- . 12' 1-66-0. -7ag WA 12' MIA 7' f2w 12' WA MIA 12' 12' y. f2 I(IA 12* I MIA TO' WA 12, — I(IA WA F2. NIA N/11 ?J1A ArIA NIA PA� To cav� w W� " co� 7, ,, lz* WA Tz. MIA r2' f2' tz, TZ, f2' rz. f2' 12, 12' 12- 12" f2' 12. ?(1A 12- 12' 12, 12' T2' 12' 12, 12' f2' 12' 17, 12' rz WA 12- I(IA Tz. WA 12- 2 4/A I(IA WA I(IA aw WA r2' IVIA 12- W 2 2 A A fVA tz, ?VA 12' W J(/ A I(IA WA NIA rz 12- NO 12' 12, t2' KIA 12' 12, f2' HIA T2' 12- r2 MIA r2' MIA Q, AIFA 12- WA 12- TV To. - �3112_ �12- 2 f 2m r' MIA 0 12' '2 rz. 72- J2- 2 'Z tz- I(IA 12. Y2 12 12' 72' 12- 12 12' )J1A 12' 12 T2- Irz" 12' 12' 1,2. t(IA 12' 1z, IV - .12 MIA 12- NIA Q. 12. I(IA r2' TZ, 12. 12 12, Rkl;4� IV IVA 12- Iz- to' f2' a- Tz. 120 NIA T2. PCIA Y2' - to- F. rz. IVA 12- PIA rz, to, fz, a. 1z, rz. WA 12 . tilA rz- riv to, 12- B. 12' 12- I(IA — 'f2' rz, S. 12' 4" 12, 12' MIA f2" I(IA I t2' l(1A - T2 i' - _iVA F. it' AIA 12' FVA 12- 6. 12, 6- APPUC4�Z � �/& wVmm MAGORM, 7—F-Kov. o7n� Ln� v AVA t (-Mp) 12" (2wrw MIA 2 (TCP) 12- 2 wmv) AIA i pop) 12' 1 (80mv, NIA e'-u- OR 1� r2- 4 (Borlurp KIA 5 (mp) 10- S. (BOTM40 AVA 6 (mp) I(IA u (BOTW AFIA 7 (TOP123011W) 12- s rmplao,-M., ANr COMM�= L=W I.-(" To sksow �V" I(IA I POP) Tit- I (BOTW 2 (mp) to- 2 (Bannug K/A i (�-cp) J. ACIA 4 (top) 7,-f, To e-6 1 4 (BorXL9 5 crup) WA.- AVA 7 (r0P1j?orR) 6. Ly (ropAonvLp *tUAXIUUU ANCHOR SPACINGS ARE VAUD FOR 3 112- EDGE­.DiSrA)VC& FOR E D' LESS TH'4N -3 112' REDUCE ANCHOR 584CJN6� gy UUL77P07NG SPACING SHOWy ON SCHEDULE By THE FOLLOWING. trl- I - FOLLOWI G C Ho S 2 2 R L3 P 0 _1� :ED ACING STA �UC FA - 71 E - - F 7 '5 a D_ 7 Mi � o BE po IBL& FO C OR� (N R I P USI &C% T B JUUM NG A E IN jr R SMa No PACIM17 0 _4 VO EACH ANCHOR MMI?S LE �na. FACTOR ACTUAL E: D. 7APG-ON/ -FLEX -PANELUM C41-K-IN RED HD, SLEEVE ..86 .75 1.00 2 112- .71- -50 1.00 0.88 A S LEGEND ANCHORS rrFE G I'%-L,VN1PANELkrATES/ CREKE FLE� SS4 J. 0 C,4LK-lk - &0. W DYNABOLT SLEEVE 'SEE N07ES ON SHEETS a & 9 OF 9 FOR ANCHORS T)PE, & ScACING FOR MrALL,477ONS INFO WOOD FRWE BUILDINGS' L C APPROVED AS COMPLYING WTH THE SOUTH FLORIDA 13UILDING CObE DATE 07 EIYV�� PRODUCT C6KROL DIVISION -BUILDING CODE COMPLIANCE OFFICE .rACCEPTANCE N04aC) - 0� I C) XWI DADE COUNTY 24 GAGE GALvAN[%D BEp ""U' - NTY 7HA E' RA( P AS SFf0jw W SIZEEL STOW FANVELS ScAfE 7 7110100 -EASMMY MCFAL SUPPL), DArr DArr n 13119- (MTA ",,)— �--lz000- 4- 4 7J- Aw� Z 125- 1 (D- PANEL R 12r P-250- -,Z 125r' + .0757' 4p. ri 2.250, h- HEADER [-.'—,f---cOhlCRE7E NxyioRs (sa scwDuLQ STORM PANEL TYPICAL ELEVATION 9 T. � —3. U., 2.47 - 125- in It A ljr 7� -0 -J- MOX. -V' BUILD OUT R.250' fVLL R. .'7,r .1aer A 06Z' -09'r CENCRAt No T STV� PAYEI HU PMY DCSI;WD N ACCQRDA�j D,,,C OUay or TW SOUTH flo%rD4 GL4-fyc CODE RASc � "10 LOAOS s PCR 6 Or ASCr, 7�8. MM I a WND -�Erv_ �00b' Amas APEOCAcr MR �Acr A� ;ATAO,,C RcssTAvcr ,s Bam fp,,Lv , AccoOAcC LAS � sr� ZJ15 & �14 �CcrhiRr or TC AqOvr m,, A, TEST lon.01-StL &� M�c �2-�2 A� 04 3004-Mi ALLOT A4 �w C�VscfiS SK4ZL of �-Tv ALOr' UNLEY5 O��E noTcu. 'ALL SCRcNs To BE 5TA"x=.sTlu xf M it, SMM SOCTS 70 K 2021-Ti AtVw�,w Njby� CALW4nD CA Sraha SnIL mTH id ld xw�w � PONT. ss IVIchces To MAL S�pu BE AS FDUO*S. (L*4.= Dpcmsr HOTM) (A) TO E)UST,, poLWD oNCRat rkp= N�� AS ---*?cTLRM or Trw. &u�ff w am NMYRIEl T� AVOCRS roL'o"A STW—) AS -^LCACTIMOD ST TW-rASr Co� 114' 1 �L L-AC ~ -,,� A, ��m D, THE �n aW �Ayr. W TM AA%0ft0cR0' & f�- 'PIVIa4bAyr AS �,ACTU,,, WTES- Al) � O�THT � POLKCO C�CTC t� T� AhChC� a r 414�; � &4K ZA� �2) 71 � S I j/r.' & fo� am PA%nWTM 'S 1 718-- A�O Or TV� AhVQfiS IS 1 14-, d- AAVL C�-N *A>CRS S,,L, BE [�icLr cwWDOED 7hr p"ED Cacsfrr. HO DAXDIDff VTV SMCCO SH4LL Or PCXWMIX 114' 1-20 SCZEMS LSED SWU of 1 112' .VMA&V FOR VAUS *uH no STUCCO. to"O �W SYOU-D STWOO 005To AND I' Aj) " CASE TnAr FjrAsT SToT- PRECAST CcA?CRcTE. PACU w PAvou BC TO" �i rHC 03YINC MALL c4 nDCR AhChCRS S� SC L,,, THOLC� To )r� T,�r S7RUCTLRC BfUND a" PMaU NCHaVC-- S"t WAY ADC�TTD ON AOM3 A 1) A A_T). (8) TO EX7SnlJG CAYMET RLOCK WALL "Z5- 114- 0 TA-COM A%040RS AS uMW;Acn#tOD � 4Tw_ �cr , am r- P 1-25' Vr 0 C� PP� ANVIONS (BERTW STUD-C�). AS A.At4M"M or TW-rArF�rCO%P0M4TML ;�, 114- 0 A ' JAL ZW4C MIN -AMaCRS AS U4kLrACMWED By THE R4K PLO; CALAW. � - N h�7 0 � 7/2r RAJVL CVX-N M"DRS OR Eloo -� & f�l -PA"EU44Tr AS AdW-FAMRLD RMt ALC M AD 12CO AiDUVRETo ROMMELY0 loo' NOTES4. & MMUW rL`XD"NT Or T� ANCNDRS� PAft Mp' NTO TW CWXIE STOCK Wr SHALL BE L4uAC gtxjlc am plvdau4lm� C� JAP- 52) 7la- nAK CAUK-W ,�L or HToLr 1 V470 LW. AO OJSC� S7,,,,, EV&MDM NTO PK QOA� MOCK Lwt SMALL SC PM47;ra Oc I V�- L� �vuw M"� fOR VALS MW � Sn� S� Am 1, "J9 w c'sr 7�AT PRMA�T sTaE- OR Pkcc&sr cawjk7r Avus or Fwv` X4LL. MCIKKS SHALL BE L&C 0AOU,, 70 .09 W DISTM PAWLS. MC70?," SHALL BE AS MoCiTED af �,DTES N . svzucn,,,c.ap" sLai (2) "U- HEADER Q 5-. ANGLE BUILD OUT BRACKET (C) AAC%02S SHALL W OUD� A, 1) & AV AOME� ' 3/e . T, I/C - r OF THE AACHaIrS UQ"7CT.QM RfCQV-V,,An� �Mycrr� (TOTAL mot") f--6.oc)o- (ETTECTAE AWTH) r 1-"Or I T— ' �— Z 123---� r— Z470' —� ' & 125' + L FLAL R. zisy- HALF PANEL sc�c. j1r - r 62-") -F" TRACK (2) REVERSED -F- ANGLE TRACK SCALE. J,� J/0' I' 114- f S. S. STUD ATETED 70 AVGLE F 730 0 SPACMS SHOVN ON secroons SET DUNL i L L r 2.0-'V' STUDDED)ANGLE SCALIF: J/3�' SECT10H A R-200' FL J2S- ALTr�n LEV LOCA T�125' DETAIL i: STUD W1 WNG, NUT \@D "F" TRACK ANGLE �zjlr-r 7. PAvas wr Aso sr #z7xjxp ncRqaa�Ly Fouo� ftsTw_LA,7Av DETALs -' �a ,ww ON srcnotis I THAU 0 (14ZET 2 & i C�r PAT �%Ocqs z i & 4 9,AL nor W LISM & a -�� W THE /ZESJPQZpS�r � W ,,TpACM9 TO Vf�y D�- SOUhVNCsS0,Dc smvc�c AWr'TOA?VCiMS�TOMECRaCCREWMWBEAr=MoffD To �C P�CR AYOVC�tACC DS S%ME, -T' ,Cy? ACO FR,,E SMLD�. �V�'�Lr ac SMA7U MAhqFACTVRo?S LA6R SHALL 9C PLACED AT DOFIDU OF CjCj, p,�, MVOL RE= founnn Rn ULLTAC Y. WX WORT,( rl�134 a�- CO(Wrf AWDUCr CONTROL AFFROIM PRODUCT nim EVVED REN ACCFTTtNcEN�00—C)607_.C) EXPLR�MN DATE 0 07 ?oo3 APHOVED AS COt"LYING VI-711 THE 4y 74. SMITH FLOMDA UU!Lo;tlr CwJE 4 1)-, 1--00- � I * * PR CONTROL DMSJON 011Tr. c- - �L)rj "'j-0 BUILDING CODE COMPUANCE OFnCE Ely L D. BUi!D:f:r CODE CVNM jl'FIC L ACCEPTAKE N0.9-9-L-08LIM-1 T 2" x 5" (Mcx-) x .125- ANGLE �: �Vdr - " / --F ILTE-Co,.r. TXLrT TESTM�G & l>AAV4TRLqo CE;W, WALTD? k X?Uff J,. P. E. DADE COUNTY 0.050" BERTHA sToRm pANEL AS SHO)M sr�Lf 717198 EASTERN METAL SUPPLY, INC DATE 9B — 172 DRAMHO )& CONCRETE ANCHORS CONCRETE 4nCnORS (scr SCHCOmr) N (scr scHccuLr) FE-� POURED POURED CONCRETE N CONCRETE REOURED, Q N�TSEE (D SCHEDULE) - JH FOR AnmmVAt SEPA;U77ON -S' ro CLASS OF sOnDOW 01? S- C. D. ---------------- �ff (SEE SCHEDULE) FOR MINIMUlf 'S' SEPAqATFOH TO CLASS OF WINDOW Vr" 0-20 x 4' I /J. OR S G. D. BOLTS ?V1 71. , '132, WING Nur o I u- 0. C. 7 7. 1 POMED POURED CONCRETE CONCRETE OR COACRET OR COWCA ?�Tr BLOCK �WA BLOCK AALL P00MCD X —T —7 CONCRETE ANCHORS COMCRETE!A NCHORS' (SEF SCHEEME) (sa SCHEDULE) 9 Ccnt. CO�CRE7E ANCHCV7S wr sciffoutc) POURED CONC);rTE fiFOUARED - POUR�v CONCRETE OR COPCRE7E BLOCK WALL REO(,7,'Z-'V SEC77ON 0 ANCHOR WALL MOUNTING INSTALLATION SECTION 2 SC�LE : 3/6' = I' //Z/ / T XW/ �114 4 VIOS ci 710' , 3/37* L4 tj WING N 0 12, 0. a. POURED 'ng CONCRETE 4/1� OR CONCRETE BLOCK WALL REOUIRED _j i� __ T lCont. SEC770M o sTuo WALL MOUNTING INSTALLATION SECTION I ScqE : .318' = I- h9ff : DETAX Or SECnON a STUD VAUD ALSO FOR WALL MO&WWNG INSTAUADON - SECWH 2 (TOP) E D. - EDGE DiSTANCE (SEE SCHEDULE ON SHMS 5 & 6 OF B) (SEE 5 FOR Il;h. SEPAPAT70H To GLkSS OF MNDOW Off S. D. 20 J1J2_ WV*V NUT 0 1,- 0. C. — CONCRETE ANCHORS (SEE SCHEXI-E) T BUILD OUT INSTALLATION ��ECTION J sc�,,E : j18- - j- NOTE rOf? COMBINAnON Or SEC77ONS WALVFLOOFYCEIUNG YOWMNG SECWhS C4N BE COMBINED IN ANY WAY TO SUIT ANT hVSTALLA770N. CONCRCTE �ChIORS (SEC scifamc) ConL RECURED Z CCACRETF OR COAVCIE SLOC)c WALL REOurco COfCRE7E ANCffORS (SEE SCHEDULE) �a I ISEE 1&r SEP�C� FOR noN 22� To GIASS OF KqDOW OR S. G -20 4- W / 7�� J 1��20. IMNG NUT a I I oant. , BUILD OUT INSTALLATION SECTION 4' swt: PRODUCT RENEWED ACCErrANCE Na. 00 - 0 6 o 7- - ri EXPIRATION DATE 0 B/ 0 -L6o3 By BUIW '01 U�� OLDIVISION ING CODE compLiANcE OFFICE / IILIECO,mc. TxLfT TEST*�G fwc�� COjA =$ W�VD? A TXUT ir P. r. nmai IL 1 "167 C.nl. - 0-20 V. S HUT a ir 0. C, APPROVED AS CdiAPLYII,.'G WiTil TII[ SOUTII FL�RlLA BUILDING CODE DAILrc�_ , j, _QB. I qq -t�O�Y_C By PRODUCT CONIM. DIV!S'ON BUILDING COM COMPL.ANCL Ofil Accul"he'r NAL-20-0-- 19 DADE COUNTY 0.050" BERTHA sToRAi PA EASTERH METAL SUPPLY, 1HC DiFF L J1=47 98 172 DRAMNP_Y� CUT PANEL 2- � 4- .125' J105-H14 OR 606J-T6 ALLOY ConL Al... ANCLE POURED CONCRETE OR CONCRETE BLOCK WALL REOUREO �-v CONCRETC ANCHORS a 17, 0. C. CASE A (Plan) SCALE. 114' 6 r X J_ x -093' 3105 U-14 OR - 063-76 ALLOY COOL AID-. ANGLE WITH ANCHORS 0 12' 0. C. >_ 114' CASE D (Plan) SCALE. 114- = I' POURED CONCRETE OR R CDNC)`�FT BLOCK MLL ,,ztE5 51 COWRED M.�. I p su- < L 1< 1351, j 2 OR 'X N OR OR OR OR @) 2' OR Bar 4- x 4' x .072' 0 2 r 0. C. 3105-H14 OR 6063-TU ALLOY WIJACMUT COOL N.. AACLE CASE S ('Plcn) SCALE: 114- = I' END CLOSURES DETAIL5- PO ..... D CONCR OR CoNak-7E moc7m:_\ RCOLrRED 2.500, Cot-CRETE ANCHORS 0 u- 0. a � F Z' r 2- Y .05y- To - Z' � 5- x.055- coni. Alum. AWLE OR -05Cr JIOS-HI54 Sh(EET AIVAL Akm. BW PLATE ALTERFIArE LEC LOCAT)ON CASE C (Plan) SCALE: 114- = I- MA�UMUM DESIGN PRESSURE RATING "W' s.f- CORRESPOND,TNG MAyIMLTAf PANEL LENGTH "L" SC'VEDULE MAXIMUM DE.Sfrel kfo�. PANEL Lg,�gTH PRESSURE RA7780 L (M) W (SEr srCnCNs) +65.0. -77.0 8�0' OR LESS +65.0. -7Zo >8'-U' To 9,_0- POURED comfzE7r OR -f62.0, -7J.3 CONCRETE BLOCK WALL REOVIREV PRODUCT RENEWED ACCEPTANCE Nm_aCj�C) - �r .)4- EXPI�ATICINDATF 68 0 Z,00_? Z-2 Pp�.o,]..-,.,c,.o�c�OMPLIANCF-6�RCE =1L E� 0 INC. TXLIT MRHQ & E?0CpQEFRqG CoMpAjff �W. �A 211. 4. 'Jif MALTrR A )7Uff W, P r AD � To UPWW SERARATICtj SE='f D TO GtASS AffVf COWBMT70M Xn OF rWV 4 A' E2EI14 I THRU a 3 I V16-- I THRU a J 715- 6. a7 a 2, 6. 7 & a APPROVED AS COMPLYMIG MT11 THE '0 DAT oy FRO BLIiLD;.%'G CmE C0;'1'.PL:AfC[ OFfICE A C C f v I,- -'i,'Q q, 8 - C) 0 1 - I - I � a4.OE COUNTY 0.050- BERTHA sToRy pANEL AS SHOWN 7, '7196 NC 717196 EASTERN METAL SUPPLY, INC 98 172 DRA97HO H. 3W7"'U"f DESIGN PRESSURE RATING "Ir' (p-s.f.). AND CORRESPOJVDING MAXrMUM ANCHOR SPACL)VG SCHEDETLE FOR INSTALLATjoVS INTO CONCRETE AND C-B.S. STRUCTURES E. 0. = EDGE OiSrANCE- MAYAWLIA4 DESIGN LOAD W (P.S.I.) JAAXIAIUM ANCHORS S-ACIIA9 IDR E". 0. - j I/,- , APPLICABLE TO SECT70ns j & AVY C04491MAT20H OF THE)d AVlJJUA( PWEL LEhC)H -L' (n.) 7APCOMS 76-c6TI-cRETE To MASONRY RAK ZAMAC NVUM -jo Co,,EF, rO MASONRY R-AK G4LK-kq -T70-C, ,CRETE TO )JASIYRY - CF W-CRIP -i� CONCRET TO MASOWY PAMELLATES 8- NIA NIA - NIA 5" NIA 3 112- M/A I (TOP) 12- 10- 12- 12- 72' Ir 11- 11' 1 (BOTTOki) 12- NIA 12' NIA 12- NIA 12- INIA 11- . �IA 2 (TOP) 12- 12' 10- 72- 12- 12- 17' 2 (BOTTOW) 12- V/A 12, NIA 12- MIA 72- NIA 71, MIA i (TOP) 12- 8' iz* 10- 12' 12, 12- 5' 11, 11- 1 (BOrToA4) +55.0. -65.0 12' ---- NIA 12' NIA 12' NIA 12- MIA NIA 9'-0" OR LESS 4 (TOP) 12- --- 12' 10- 12- 12 12- 4 (BOTTOM) 12" ---- N/A 12' NIA 12" MIA 12- MIA NIA 5 (TOP) 12- a- 72, 10- 12- 12' 12- 5- 17- 11 112- ---- MIA 7 112- NIA 12" MIA 8 112- NIA MIA E5(160TTOM) 6 op IBOFTC)W 6 (7-OP180TTOM) 10' NIA MIA IVIA 6 712- NIA NIA NIA 70 712, 12- MIA 12, 7- ;2- NIA 5- NIA 6" (To M 7 (TOPIBOTTOM) 8 (TOPIBOTTOAI) 6- NIA 6' 141A 6- NIA 6' NIA 6- NIA 2 (TOP) 6- 6' 6- 6- 6- 6- 6. 6- 2 (BOTTON) ,155.0, -65.0 5- -- N/A 6- NIA 6- NIA 6" NIA 5 1 NIA 6 (7-OPIBOTTOM) 9,-0- To 10-0- 6- NIX 5 112- MIA 6- HIA 4 112- MIA 7 (TOPIBOTTOV) NIA NVA 6- 6-- 6- 5- 6' 6- 8 CTODIBOTTOM) SEE SHEET 7 & 8 OF 8 FOR ANCHORS TYPE & SPACING FOR INSrALLATIONS INTO NVOO FRAUE BUILDINGS MAX"WUM ANCHOR SPACINGS ARE VALID FOR J IIZ- EDGE DISTANCE. FOR C. D. LE5S MW 1 112-. REDUCE ANCHOR SPACING By F ULIL77PLYING SPAC'NC'5 ShVKW ON SCHEDULE By THE FOUOMMG ACTORS. (Alin. I- D. FOR RAWL CALK -IN ANCHORS & aCO PAMELMTE 15 2 1/2-). ACTUAL E 0. FACTOR TAP��M/ZW� M4JH1 PMrLJAATrs RAht �CALK�M cr W-MP .66 .75 1.00 2 112- .71 .50 .80 .50 Qer�l . W -) / q; PRODUCT RENEWED ACCErrANCEN�00-06o-L-ot,i, Euim-nON DATE08/07/7-o07 Dy -2 PRODVeTCONITOLDIVISION BULI-DING CODE COMPLIANCE OM. CE 71 L FEZ 0 �IN C. �15 WAI�A nriff.1 P r APPrtOVko AS C014PLY114C WIT11 TIIE IOUTII 11.11RIDA 11ILDIP.6 Col)E Palro jn T� P. I r, 7rR-n CI)f)l C0Ml'UAKC[ OFFICE DADE COUNTY 0.050" BERTHA STORV PANEL As shom SCALr 717196 EASTERN METAL SUPPLY, INC CA rE �w 2J� � �M *umy. a jj4s?-J.I47 98 — 172 DRA97NO M�. AJA-X7MUU DESIGN PRESSURE RATING "V' (D.s.f) AND CORRESPONDIjVG )VAA7MUM ANCHOR SPACLVG SCHEDULE FOR TNSTALLATJOJVS INTO CONCRETE AND C-B.S. STRUCTURES E 0 = EDGE DISTA14CE M"141114 DESIGN LOAD W .TO UaA&W ANCHORS SPACM4G FOR E. 0. J APPEICABLE TO SECMNS ANY C0ki&"4T?oN or 7nLu MAXIAMM PAMa LE%'Gm -c (ft.) TAPCONS McRETF TO vASOHRr RAWL Z�c NVLW To CON TO A4kSOhRr RAAl C4LK-W — �o CONCREIr TO MASONRY CF TAP-CRIP - 7-07 -GO MaWTE TO AIASa%U?Y TES -iO CONCRETE TO PASOIw 6- NIA N/A NIA J 112- NIA 2 114- Y/A I (TOP) r it' 6r 12- 10' 12' 6 112 9 112 9 112 1 (8077 -0,W) 12- MIA 77- NIA 12- MIA 72- NIA .9 112- MIA 2 (TOP) 12' 7- 77, 5� 12- 10- 12 6 112- 9 11Y 9 112- 2 (607-TOW) +65-0, -77.0 12- NIA 7- 11, 11" NIA 8- 12- 12' NIA 10- 12 12- NIA 5 712- 9 1/, 9 1/2- MIA 9 112- J (TOP) 9--0- OR LESS J (807-TOAf) 12' MIA 11- MIA 12- NIA 12' NIA 9 112- NIA 4 (TOP) 12" - 7- 71' 6' 12- 10- 12' 6 112' 9 1/7- .9 112' 4 (BOTTOM) 12- MIA 11- NIA 12- MIA 72- HIA 9 1/7- NIA 5 (TOP) 72- 5 112- 9 712- 6 112- 12- To- 5- 7 l/r 7 112' 5 (BOTTOM) 9 112- MIA 6 112- MIA 10- M/A 7- NIA 5- MIA 6 (TOPIBOTTOM) 6 112- --- NIA 5 712- NIA a 712- NIA 6' MIA 4 112' M/A 7 (TOP18OTMAf) NIA V/A NIA MIA 12' 6" 12- 6- C 6' — 6 (TOP16OTTOM) NIA 6' NIA 6' M/A 6' NIA 6' JVIA 2 (TOP) 5' 6- 6- 5- 6' 6' 6- 2 (ROTTON) �62.0, -7J.3 6- MIA 6- NIA 6' M/A MIA 5- NIA 6 CTOPIBOTTOU) 9'-0' To 10�0- 6- MIA 5' NIA 6' NIA 5 112. NIA 4 NIA 7 (TOPISOTTOAI) 1/�:j NI�A 6- 6" 6' 61 6' + 6' 18 (ToplBorrom) SEE SHM 7 & 8 OF 8 FOR ANCHORS 7ypC & SPACING FOR INSTALLATIONS M70 *DOD FRAME BUILDINGS. MAXIMUM ANCHOR SPACINGS ARE VALID FOR .3 IIZ- EDGE DISTANCE A "Ot? E. D. LESS THAN 3 112-. REDUCE ANCHOR SPACING Br JUL17PLWNG SPACINGS Sh0Wv ON SCHEOUCE BY THE FOUOMNG FACTORS. (Min. E: D. FOR RAWL CALK -IN ANCHORS & ELCO PANELMATE IS 2 112-). ACTUAL C 0. FACTOR TAPCONIZV44C MUNI PANCLUATES RA#L CAK-4W CF TAP-C&P J- .86 .75 1.00 2 112- .71 .50 .80 2" .50 PRODUCT RENEWED AOCEPTANCE No. 00 - 0 � :? 0 Z, - 0 Expo I A-no"4 DATE2V—o 7 A o,,.r By-4(K=!lr I R 0 1 lf'!V1, T � — — �MOL DMSION 'ILDING CODE CoMpLWICE OFr �,E Apr.ROVED AS COMPLY114C WITH THE SOU-111 fl�rllffi BUILDING CODE (7(7 By BUILDING GGIDE Cohipl,,�,NCf ICCEPIANCE fjo-47- Q0, 1. 0.050" BERTHA STORM PANEL ZrEASTERN METAL SUPPLY, INC M, --- - ---- - 5� 2.%� �. � �-LRM40 COMPA�r LVX J�I-xH7 DADE COUNn' 98 — 17 AHIHM�HE) lll� MHUHM fifflflg i BUTER RMMN P. MAU eArn-Auntrul Jon is 03 mism a -------------- ri L uy:0 UUMIACH ALUNIPUR a mulla EMSLW f. no 9ftmEu =40 N AD=IUARZ tv "Waffa now RLUM C= CAL F;:4M A&A=,ICACV vhw"Ll' Ahv LmiyAq �M)UfflqU 5015804790 k PLAN VIEW TYPICAL PRMM EGREM PANCL f OZ-08080 JK M ff 24 CAGE GALV STEEL STORM PAIVEL I'Minn. mc. I 2400 Rhode Island Avenue Ft Pierc 4950 ST LUCIE COUNTY FIRE DISTRICT BUREAU OF FIRE PREVENTION SCANNED PLAN REVIEW By t. Lucie cotillit, Telephone: 772-462-83 6 FAX: 772-462-8466 ction ( )Tenant Improvement Jurisdiction: SLC Occupancy: Castle Pines Bldg. 49 Address: 8940-8954 Sandshot Ct. Contractor Kolter Signature Homes Contractor's Address: 2160 Reserve Park Trace State: Florida ArchitectlEngineer: Scott D. Dyer Building Owner: Occupancy Type: Apartments - 8 Gross sq ft: 13,624 Occupant Load: Construction Type: ( )Addition ( )Renovation/alterations ( )ShellOnly F.P.B.: B-04-34 Building Dept: 24010652 Number of stories: 2 Phone # 772-468-4703 City: PSL Zip Code: 34986 Phone # 561-641-7575 Review Date: 1129/2004 Automatic sprinklers: Net sq ft: Based On: SBCCI Type: V11-hr NOTE 1 . All revisions must be in compliance before the final inspection. 2. The Fire Marshal requires 24 hour notice on all inspections. 3. The respective Building Department shall schedule all final inspections through the Fire Marshal's Office. 4. Permit fees are required to be paid in full prior to any inspections. 5. Failed inspections require payment of fee prior to rescheduling of further inspections. 6. A copy of the required revision/s have been transmitted to the Architect Contractor 7. Penetrations through rated assemblies shall be of proper LIL design. 8. UL design criteria shall be submitted with the construction plans. 9. Fire Alarm Panels shall be located indoors. THE FLORIDA FIRE PREVENTION CODE, 2001 EDITION IS CURRENTLY ENFORCED. REVISIONS REQUIRED ACCESS BOX IS REQUIRED ACCESS KEY SWITCH REQUIRED (j Reviewed by: Date: 1/29/2004 � U41 GIG St. Lucie County Building and Zoning Department 2300 Virenja Avenue Fort Pierce, FL 34982 561462-1553 %9C/q1VvV1zj�1 Desip Certffication for Wind Load Compliance This Catiticatlon Is to to completed by the pmjcct dulp arOM001 Or Ofttuur- TtliS CutifiCAdOlt m"'bc submitted with all applications for building permits Involving the construction of raw residence (single or mulfi- fkdtY)- midentil addition. any boceswvy strucan requiring a building permit, and any nonresidential structure-, This Certification Owl M Apply to interior renovations (provided that so structural waH3. columns or other Similar component is being effected) and certairt other minor building permits. FM hu*& ituimu, plewcontut he Building inspection office at462-1553 or 462-21712- f(giCCL HUM CArjTL-F' 91 NF--> UItKV Use Only Swat Address M5011.pflula ft -:,44R I Pered Number 1p.O.V. *& �L�Occupkncy Type am p5evvyl 4w, 1 construction Type 1w. Q� A - V I LLAPA V= Cierdlicatkn Statement: 1'cerrify that.: to the best of my knowledge and belief. thew plans and specifications have been designcd to =y with the applicable structuml portion of the Building Codes currently adopted and enforced by St. Lucie y. I also certify that structural elements depicted on these plans provide adequate resistance to the wind ioads- and forces speciried by current Code Provisions. Djdan ParametM and Assurnodons Uled-. (Please check or complete the appropriate box.) 1. Florida Building Code 2001 Edition ASCE 7-98 2. Building Design IS (check one) Enclosed —Y"' Partially Enclosed Open Building 1 11 3. Building Height: 3(1-?J?- 4. Wind Speed Used to Building Dwgn: --L2--03 second gust S. Wind Exposure Classification (refer to exposure tables In Building Code ldcnffled in Line #1): 6. Average Wind Velocity Pressure on Exterior Faces of Structure ZA PSF 7. Peak Wind Velocity'Pressure on Exterior Faces of Structure :3.6 SF 8. bnportance/Use Factor (obtain from Building Code); 9-Loads: Floor 4OL-' IF Roof/dead . ___2,�PSF Roofflive 10. Were Shear Walls Considered for Structure (check one): Yes _�_ fqo (if No, sivacta ianation) IL Is a Continuous Load Path Provided (check one): Yes -.Y/-- No — (if Not 2ttach exPlan"flO31) 12- Are Component and Cladding Detail Provided (check one)' YCS %/ No _(if No, attach exPl2ruition) 13. Minisnunt SoU Bearing Pressure- 2500 PSIT As witnessed by rr'iv scall, I hereby certii�y that the Informallon included with this certirtcaUon Is true-un� correct, to the best of my knowbedge rand belief. Name: Certification 00 1 Design Firm: L SL V sorm a 020-00 47 A Ar I % Y-1-7 V� (= PV ENERGY PERFORMANCE LEVEL (EPL) DISPLAY CARD ESTIMATED ENERGY PERFORMANCE SCORE* = 85.0 The higher the score, the more efficient the home. 1. New construction or existing 2. Single family or multi-fmily 3. Number of units, if muld-family 4. Number of Bedrooms 5. Is this a worst case? 6. Conditioned floor area (W) 7. Glass area & type a, Clear - single Pane b. Clear - double Pane c. Tintlother SHGC - single pane d. Tint/other SHGC - double pane 8. Floor types a. Slab -On -Grade Edge Insulation b. N/A c. N/A 9. Wall types a. Face Brick, Block, Exterior b. N/A c. N/A d. NIA e. NIA 10. Ceiling types a. Under Attic b. NIA c. NIA 11. Ducts a. Sup: Unc. Ret: Unc. AH: Interior b. N/A 002N ... FL. New 12. Cooling systems Single family a. Central Unit Cap: 20.6 kBtu/hr I SEER: 12.00 2 b. Central Unit Cap: 10.8 kBtu/hr No SEER: 11.00 1310 ft' c. NIA Single Pane Double Pane 161.5 ft' 0.0 ft2 13. Heating systems 0.0 ft2 0.0 ft' a. Electric Strip Cap: 15.0 kBtu/hr - 0.0 ft2 0.0 ft2 COP: 1.00 - b. PTHP Cap: 15.0 kBtulhr _ COP: 7.60 R--O.O, 122.0(p) R c. N/A 14. Hot water system a. Electric Resistance Cap: 40.0 gallons - R=4.1, 899.5 ft2 EF: 0.94 - b. N/A c. Conservation credits (HR-Heat recovery, Solar DHP-Dedicated heat pump) R=19.0, 1310.0 it' 15. HVAC credits MZ-C' (CF-Ceiling fan, CV -Cross ventilation, BF -Whole house fam, PT-Prograrrunable Thermostat Sup. R=6.0,75.0ft MZ-C-Multizone cooling, MZ-H-Multizone heating) I certify that this home has complied with the Florida Energy Efficiency Code For Building Consiruction through the above energy saving features which will be installed (or exceeded) in this home before final ' S, ect' on,, Otherwise, a new EPL Display Card will be completed base.d on installed Cod com i�jt eatures. Builder Signar Date: Address of New Home: Coulcv- city/FL zip: L *NOTE.- The home's estimated energy performance score is only available through the FLAIRES computerprogram. This is not a Building Energy Rating. Ifyour score is 80 or greater (or 86for a US EPAIDOE EnergyStarmdesignation), your home may quallyfor energy ' egicieng mortgage (EEM incentives ifyou obtain a Florida Energy Gauge Rating. Contact the Energy Gauge Hotline at 3211638-1492 or see the Energy Gauge web site at www.jsec. uqf edufor information and a list of certified Raters. For information about Florida's Energy Efficiency Code For Building Construction, contact the Department of Community Affairs at 8501487-1824. EnergyGaugeO (Version: FLRCSB v3.30) Job: Project Summary Date: 1106103 Entire House By: PZ COMFORT CONTROL OF SLC, INC. BLVD.. PORT ST. LUCIE, F 34983 Phone: (561) 78&9010 Fax (661) 78-W39 Prooect Information For: KOLTER GOLF VILLA IST,-.'.-FLOOR, ST. LUCIE COUNTY, FL 8CA�UED Notes: St sy 'Ocie C01J'7' Desicin Information Weather: Fort Pierce, FL, US Winter Design Conditions Summer Design Conditions Outside db 42 OF Outside db 90 OF Inside db 70 OF Inside db 75 OF Design TD 28 OF Design TD 15 OF Daily range L Relative humidity 50 % Moisture difference 61 gr/lb Heating Summary Sensible Cooling Equipment Load Sizing Building heat loss 19491 Btuh Structure 24972 Btuh Ventilation air 42 cfm Ventilation 0 Btuh Ventilation air loss 0 Btuh Design temperature swing 3.0 OF Design heat load 19491 Btuh Use mfg. data n Rate/swing multiplier 0.95 Infiltration Total sens. equip. load 23723 Btuh Method Simplified Latent Cooling Equipment Load Sizing Construction quality Average Fireplaces 0 Internal gains 600 Btuh Ventilation 0 Btuh Heatin Coo[M Infiltration 2854 Btuh Area (fl:2) 10 131 Total latent equip. load 4154 Btuh Volume (ft') 11712 11712 Air changes/hour 0.75 0.35 Total te U pment load 27878 Btuh Equiv. AVF (cfm) 146 68 Req. 0 Zli capacity at 0.70 SHR 2.8 ton Heating Equipment Summary Cooling Equipment Summary Make n1a Make n1a Trade n/a Trade n/a Model n/a Cond n1a Coil n/a Efficiency n1a Efficiency n/a Heating input Sensible cooling 0 Btuh Heating output 0 Btuh Latent cooling 0 Btuh Temperature rise 0 OF Total cooling 0 Btuh Actual air flow 0 Cfm Actual air flow 0 cfm Air flow factor 0.000 cfm/Btuh Air flow factor 0.000 cfmfBtuh Static pressure 0.00 in H20 Static pressure 0.00 in H20 Space thermostat n/a Load sensible heat ratio 0 % Printout certified by ACCA to meet all requirements of Manual J 8th Ed. �"rioht�C)ft Right-SulteResidenflaIJ85.8.23RSR21055 2003-Jan-08 08:53:29 CWY D..M.M.Wrighbi.ft HVACXKOLGOLFVILLA I.ffp Cale = MJ8 Orientation - w Page I Job: Project Summary Date: 1106103 Z0NE#1 By: PZ ot COMFORT CONTROL OF SLC, INC. D BLVD., PORT ST. LUCIE, F 34983 Phone: (561) 78&9010 Fax: (561) 785-9139 1 Proiect Information For., KOLTER GOLF VILLA IST. FLOOR, ST. LUCIE COUNTY, FL Notes: Design Information Weather: Fort Pierce, FL, US Winter Design Conditions Summer Design Conditions Outside db 42 OF Outside db 90 OF Inside db 70 OF Inside db 75 OF Design TD 28 OF Design TD 15 OF Daily range L Relative humidity 50 % Moisture difference 61 gr/lb Heating Summary Sensible Cooling Equipment Load Sizing Building heat loss 11554 Btuh Structure 13099 Btuh Ventilation air 22 cfm Ventilation 371 Btuh Ventilation air loss 692 Btuh Design temperature swing 3.0 OF Design heat load 12246 Btuh Use mfg. data n Rate/swing multiplier 0.95 Infiltration Total sens.equip. load 12796 Btuh Method Simplified Latent Cooling Equipment Load Sizing Construction quality Average Fireplaces 0 Internal gains 600 Btuh Ventilation 940 Btuh p Coolin Heattin Infiltration 1567 3457 Btuh Btuh Area (ft2) 8P Total latent equip. load Volume (ft3) 8069 8069 Air Chan es/hour 0.60 0.28 Total equ pment load 16253 Btuh Equiv. ZF (cfm) 80 38 Req. totali capacity at 0.70 SHR 1.6 ton Heating Equipment Summary Cooling Equipment Summary Make n/a Make Trane Trade Trade E. XE 1200 Model n/a Cond TTP024C Coil TWG025AI4+TAYTXV-3 Efficiency 100 EFF Efficiency 12 SEER Heating input 0 Btuh Sensible cooling 16240 Btuh Heating output 12246 Btuh Latent cooling 6960 Btuh Temperature rise 16 OF Total cooling 23200 Btuh Actual air flow 700 cfm Actual air flow 700 cfm Air flow factor 0.061 cfm/Btuh Air flow factor 0.053 cfm/Btuh Static pressure 0.00 in H20 Static pressure 0.00 in H20 Space thermostat Load sensible heat ratio 80 % Printout certified by ACCA to meet all requirements of Manual J 8th Ed. vvr-iohT--.C3ft Right-SulteRmIdentlaiJBS.B.23RSR21055 2003-Jan-00 D8:53:29 .�M CAMy DommentsWrigMsoft HVACWOLGOLFIALLA l.wp Colo = INUB Orientation = W Page 2 Project Summary Job: Date: 1106103 ZONE#2 By: PZ COMFORT CONTROL OF SLC, INC. 1601 S. MACEDO BLVD.. PORT ST LUCIE, F 34983 Phone: (561)785-9010 Fax: (561) 78&9139 Promect Information For: KOLTER GOLF VILLA 1ST. FLOOR, ST. LUCIE COUNTY, FIL Notes: Desicin Information Weather: Fort Pierce, FL, US Winter Design Conditions Summer Design Conditions Outside db 42 OF Outside db 90 OF Inside db 70 OF Inside db 75 OF Design TD 28 OF Design TD 15 OF Daily range L Relative humidity 50 % Moisture difference 61 gr/lb Heating Summary Sensible Cooling Equipment Load Sizing Building heat loss 7937 Btuh Structure 6874 Btuh Ventilation air 19 cfm Ventilation 316 Btuh Ventilation air loss 590 Btuh Design temperature swing 3.0 OF Design heat load 8528 Btuh Use mfg. data n Rate/swing multiplier 0.95 Infiltration Total sens. equip. load 6830 Btuh Method Simplified Latent Cooling Equipment Load Sizing Construction quality Average Fireplaces 0 Internal gains 0 Btuh Ventilation 802 Btuh Heating Cooling Infiltration 1287 Btuh Area (ft2) 414 414 Total latent equip. load 2439 Btuh Volume (ft?) 3643 3643 Air changes/hour 1.09 0.51 Total equipment load 9269 Btuh Equiv. AVF (cfm) 66 31 Req. total capacity at 0.70 SHR 0.8 ton Heating Equipment Summary Cooling Equipment Summary Make n/a Make FRIEDRICH AIR Trade Trade Friedrich Model n/a Cond TEC-091<35 Coil Efficiency 100 EFF Efficiency 11 SEER Heating input 0 Btuh Sensible cooling 6300 Btuh Heating output 8528 Btuh Latent cooling 2700 Btuh Temperature rise 26 OF Total cooling 9000 Btuh Actual air flow 300 cfm Actual air flow 300 dfm Air flow factor 0.038 cfm/Btuh Air flow factor 0.044 cfm/Btuh Static pressure 0.00 in H20 Static pressure 0.00 in H20 Space thermostat Load sensible heat ratio 75 % Printout certified by ACCA to meet all requirements of Manual J 8th Ed. VVr1q1htSC�ft Right-SulteResldentlaIJ85.8.23RSR21055 2003-Jan-08 08 53:29 CAMy DocwnentsWrightsoft HVACXKOLGOLFVILLA 1.ffp Cole = MJ8 Orientation = W Page 3 Short Form Job: Date: 1106103 Entire House By: PZ COMFORT CONTROL OF SLC, INC. 1691 S.MACEDO BLVD., PORT ST. LUCIE, F34983 Phone: (561)785-9010 Fax (561)785-9139 Project Information For: KOLTER GOLF VILLA IST. FLOOR, ST. LUCIE COUNTY, FL Htg cig Infiltration Outside db ('F) 42 90 Method Simplified Inside db ('F) 70 75 Construction quality Average Design TD ('F) 28 15 Fireplaces 0 Daily range - L Inside humidity 50 Moisture difference (gr/lb) 61 HEATING EQUIPMENT COOLING EQUIPMENT Make n/a Make n/a Trade n/a Trade n/a Model n/a Cond n/a Coil n/a Efficiency n/a Efficiency n/a Heating input Sensible cooling 0 Btuh Heating output 0 Btuh Latent cooling 0 Btuh Temperature rise 0 OF Total cooling 0 Btuh Actual air flow 0 cfm Actual air flow 0 Cfm Air flow factor 0,000 cfm/Btuh Airflowfactor 0.000 cfm/Btuh Static pressure 0.00 in HM Static pressure 0.00 in H20 Spacethermostat n/a Load sensible heat ratio 0 % ROOM NAME Area Htg load Cig load Htg AVF Cig AVF (ft2) (Btuh) (Btuh) (Cfm) (Cfm) ZONE#1 n d 897 11554 13099 700 700 ZONE#2 n d 414 7937 6874 300 300 Entire House p 1310 19491 24972 1000 1000 Ventilation air 0 0 Equip. @ 0.95 RSM 23723 Latent cooling 4154, �A I � 4`o�� 4nA�4 '�.Io 4 ��n Printout certified by ACCA to meet all requirements of Manual J 8th Ed. ,— wr-jght5C)ft Right-SulteResIdenfiaIJ85.8.23RSR21055 2003-Jen�08 08:53:29 ZrA CAMy DowmentsNWrightsoft FIVACNKOLGOLFVILLA 1.ffp Colo = MA Orientation = W Page 1 Short Form Job: Date: 1106103 Z0NE#1 By: PZ COMFORT CONTROL OF SLC, INC. 1691 S. MACEDO BLVD., PORT ST. LUCIE, F 34983 Phone: (561)785-9010 Far. (561)78&9139 0 Project Information - For: KOLTER GOLF VILLA IST. FLOOR, ST. LUCIE COUNTY, FL Htg Cig Infiltration Outside db (OF) 42 90 Method Simplified Inside db (OF) 70 75 Construction quality Average Design TD (OF) 28 15 Fireplaces 0 Daily range - L Inside humidity (%) 50 Moisture difference (grAb) 61 HEATING EQUIPMENT Make n/a Trade Model We Efficiency Heating input Heating output Temperature rise Actual air -flow Air flow factor Static pressure Space thermostat 100 EFF 0 Btuh 12246 Btuh 16 OF 700 cfm 0.061 cfm/Btuh 0.00 in H20 COOLING EQUIPMENT Make Trane Trade E. XE 1200 Cond TTP024C Coil TWG025AI4+TAYTXV-3 Efficiency 12 SEER Sensible cooling 16240 Latent cooling 6960 Total cooling 23200 Actual air flow 700 Air flow factor 0.053 Static pressure 0.00 Load sensible heat ratio 80 Btuh l3tuhe Btuh,. cfm dm/Btuh in H20 ROOM NAME Area Htg load Cig load Htg AVF Cig AVF (ft2) (Btuh) (Btuh) (Cfm) (CfIrn) FOYER 60 693 476 42 25 GREAT RM/KITCH 390 7436 9188 451 491 MASTER BDRM 228 2290 3102 139 166 MSTR BDRM WIC 2 35 0 0 0 0 MSTR BDRMAA1IC 52 0 0 0 0 MASTER BATH 68 454 133 27 7 POWDER RM/HALL 65 1 680 199 41 11 ZONE#1 n d 897 11554 13099 700 700 Ventilation air 692 371 Equip. @ 0.95 RSM 12796 Latent cooling 3457 �n�A 1 0 40n.� Printout certified by ACCA to meet all requirements of Manual J 8th Ed. VVr-jghtSC),ft Right-Sufte Residential .186.8.23 RSR21055 C:Wy DommentsWrIghtsoft HVAC%XOLGOLFVILLA I.ffp Cala = MJB Orientation = W 2003-.Ian�08 08:53:29 Page 2 Short Form ZONE#2 COMFORT CONTROL OF SLC, INC. !T ST. LUCE, F 34983 Phone: (561) 785-9010 Fax (561) 785-9139 For: KOLTER GOLF VILLA 1 ST. FLOOR, ST. LUCIE COUNTY, FL Job: Date: 1106103 By: PZ Htg CIg Infiltration Outside db (OF) 42 90 Method Simplified Inside db (OF) 70 75 Construction quality Average Design TO (OF) 28 15 Fireplaces 0 Daily range - L Inside humidity 50 Moisture difference (gr/lb) 61 HEATING EQUIPMENT COOLING EQUIPMENT Make n/a Make FRIEDRICH AIR Trade Trade Friedrich Model n/a Cond TEC-091<35 Efficiency Heating input Heating output Temperature rise Actual air flow Air flow factor Static pressure Space thermostat 100 EFF 0 Btuh 8528 Btuh 26 OF 300 cfm 0.038 dm/Btuh 0.00 in H20 Coil Efficiency Sensible cooling Latent cooling Total cooling Actual air flow Air flow factor Static pressure - Load sensible heat ratio 11 SEER 6300 Btuh 2700 Btuh 9000 Btuhl 300 cfm�. 0.044 cfm/Btuh 0.00 in H20 75 % ROOM NAME Area Hig load CIg load Htg AVF Cig AVIF (ft2) (Btuh) (Btuh) (Cfm) (Cfm) BATH 81 1685 472 64 21 GUEST SUITE 333 6253 6401 236 279 ZONE#2 n d 414 7937 6874 300 300 Ventilation air 590 316 Equip. @ 0.95 RSM 6830 Latent cooling 2439 �n�A 1 0 A4A orno nnon nnn nnn Printout certified by ACCA to meet all requirements of Manual J 8th Ed. VVnghtSC)jft Right -Suite Residential JS 5.8.23 RSR21055 2003�Jan�08 08:53:29 C.'Wy DocurnentsWrightsoft HVAC\KOLGOLFVILLA I.rrp Cale = MJB Orlenlation = W Page 3 Right-J8 Worksheet Job: Date: 1106103 Entire House By: PZ COMFORT CONTROL OF SLC, INC. 101 S.MACEDO BLVD.. PORT ST. LUCIE, F34983 Phone: (561)785-9010 Fax: (561)785-9139 1 Room name Entire House ZONE#1 2 Exposed viall 122.0 ft 66.0 ft 3 Ceiling height 8.9 ft p 9.0 ft d '4 Room dimensions 5 Room area 1310.3 W 896.5 ft2 Ty Construction U-value Or HTM Area (M) Load Area Load number (Btuh/Wl) (Btuh/ftj or perimeter (it) (Btuh) or perimeter (ft) (Btuh) I Cool Gross NIPIS Heat Ccol Gross N/P/S Heat Cool IHeat 6 '13AZd6s 1102't 4) tWi V BIV -,kZC �i, 3�" F 't 22A-vph. .4,b�bbd. 1.358 38.02 0.00 228 122 4639 0 112 66 2510 0 -Y . ........ ... a A 9 A�o 0 �2 j Z r5e m4 Z 13A-5ocs 0.125 a 3.50 1.19 24 0 0 0 24 0 0 0 IA-clorn .1.270 a 35.56 70.04 24 0 853 1681 24 0 853 909 "T FX�c,;TMTWI rtw� Tc 5 j �V F41 2 R�Yl`z j, �4" ft'2��k'r'-M t'3'ft�0- M�� aff�� LA _KT PP., '�Zt k� ni I MX M zJ� 0�:-WZ TRM FV� KROUR UIRP-21W, M��Z' Rim M'ZRX RZ r�q�-MW W�t� E� Lk"MaKi E'11� 1-Z1- -1kR 7 r .. .... 4 M� 1�1 U, W — Envelope lossigain 13883 17883 8427 7884 12 a) Infiltration 4505 1126 2473 618 b) Ventilation 1 0 0 0 0 13 Internal gains: Omupants Q 230 3 690 3 690 Appllanws @ 1200 2 2400 2 2400 Less external load 0 0 0 0 Less transfer 0 0 0 0 Redisbibution 0 0 0 0 14 Subtotal 1838B 22099 10900 11692 151 Duct loads 6% 13% 1103 28731 6% 13% 6541 1507 Total mom load 19491 24972 1 1155 13099 Air required (cfm) 1000 1000 1 7'0401 700 Printout certified by ACCA to meet all requirements of Manual J 8th Ed. Right-SuiteResidenUa]JBS.8.23RSR21055 2003-Jan-OB 15:29:01 AF5K C:Wy DocumentsWrIghtsolt HVAC\KOLGOLFVILLA I.ffp Cale = MJ8 Orientation = W Page I I Right-J8 Worksheet Job: Entire House Date: 1106103 COMFORT CONTROL OF SLC, INC. By: PZ 1691 S. MACEDO BLVD., PORT ST. LUCIE, F 34983 Phone: (561) 785-SOIO F=(561)785-9139 1 Room name ZONE#2 2 Exposed mil 56.0 ft 3 Ceiling height 8.8 it d -4 Room dimensions 5 Room area 413.8 fV Ty Construction U-value Or HTM Area (ft-) Load Area Load number (Btuh/fIMF) (Btuh/115 or perimeter (ft) (Stuh) or perimeter Heat Cool Gross N/PIS Heat cool Grew NIP/S Heat Cool 6 4=1566s!'�' A�m! 5 "'g-z�'439� 439, '4, A�5��11 -ilk F 22A-vph 1.358 38.02 0.00 116 56 2129 0 T15 �z oW "-G, I', Acilm '6 ��'N "40 5 A2 6-7" T—G 13A-Socs 0.125 s 3.50 1.19 0 0 0 0 1A�Iorn 1.270 s 35.56 70.04 0 0 0 0 W�. �Y A- i'v -"X"' Wk' 47 0 Eli�t;:�','�'R'7' FM—M w1l'—Z4114 QY101'WV T�A&�R RNW`� �1�2 Bff�d mg�� Tb�� k��M'R! R�1` EKia� M Nam 59� i�� nff;�� MY5� MM got" B�M�N RW, "o 4 4 �#M M�Oq 44 v 5 Z7— A M� �o—� C '�M V 422�9 1 Mt VW" § �'�OA 4 x -n Km��N zo—,"N Z"�� m kv Envelope losstgain 5456 5575 12 a) Infiltration 2032 508 b) Ventilation 0 0 13 Internal gains: Occupants Q 230 0 0 Appliances @ 1200 0 0 Less extemaT load a 0 Less transfer 0 0 Redistribution 0 0 14 Subtotal 7488 6083 15 Duct loads 6% 13% 449 791 Total mom load 7937 BB74 Air required (cfm) 300 300 Printout certified by ACCA to meet all requirements of Manual J 8th Ed. �"40111�11L�C>Vt Right-SuiteResidenUaIJ85.8.23RSR21055 2003-Jan-08 15:29:01 .CC—N C-.XMy DocumentsWrIghtsoft liVAMKOLGOLMLLA 1.ffp Cale - MJ8 Orientation = W Page 2 Job: Right -A Worksheet Date: 1106103 Z0NE#1 By: PZ COMFORT CONTROL OF SLC, INC. 1601 S.MACEDO BLVD.. PORT ST. LUCIE. F34983 Phone: (561)785-9010 Fu:(561)785-9139 1 Room name ZONE#1 FOYER 2 Exposed vvall 66.0 it 3.5 it �3 Ceiling height 9.0 It d 9.0 It heat/cool 4 Room dimensions 3.5 x 17.0 fit 5 Room area 896.5 112 59.5 ft� Ty Construction U-value Or Area (fV) Load Area (W) Load number (BtuhM-'F) or perimeter (ft) (Btuh) or pedmeter (ft) (Btuh) Gross NIP/S Heat Cool Gross N/P/S Heat I cool 6 A W'tiocs -"3;56�, 2:22, .,483 - �462 j1B17; J028 ��'32! 14 i :37 ZI 011- �':-ioteeo -In 16:46 17�4, F 22A-vph 1.358 38.02 0.00 112 66 2510 0 1 4 . 133 .... 0 �T' 63 41 6 13,270 TW� 5- -.56- 9WI 2, 41 f' — ��2� al� a, -,- 0 A "1 .. 01" _ -0 7, ...... .. .... 1-1 "tt �b Xof 45. 6, 01, t-G 13A-6ocs 0.125 a 3.50 2.22 24 0 0 0 909 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 a 1A�lom 1.270 s 35.56 37.88 24 0 853 ­6 A -,ld '0 k�---%`11270 -vv,� �1�Us Mvfi ��"'Nl 14 R, 7 4 N I:01 r 'UG 14 9H 4 "',,K r ZYW�11 i� sb M �-V�1-1�141 4wp "S Ur��01' '1 72 E�'- NII�ZWATT W MMM mff- ;Z' ':ggg �22'Tfk�' NEVW&14�'qi�. 'Z-11;I-E R EN', 51, v F Envelope losstgain 114271 7884 523 389 12 a) Infiltration 2473 618 131 33 b) Venblation 0 0 a 0 13 Internal gains: Oonupards Q 230 3 690 0 0 Appliances @ 1200 2 2400 0 0 Less external load 0 0 0 0 Less transfer 0 0 0 0 Redishibution 0 0 0 0 14 Subtotal 10900 11592 654 422 15 Duct loads 6% 13% 654 1507 6% M 39 Total mom load 1 11554 1 13099 693 Air required (dm) I 7001 700 1 1 421 __�47'6 25 2] Printout ceffified by ACCA to meet all requirements of Manual J 8th Ed. Right-SulteResldenUaIJ85.8.23RSR21055 20034an,08 15:29:01 ,45UN C.XIVIy DocumentsWrightsGilt HVAC\KOLGOLFVll-LA I.rrp Calc = MJS Orientation = W Page 3 Right-J8 Worksheet Job: Q Z0NE#1 Date: 1106/03 0 By: PZ t COMFORT CONTROL OF SLC, INC. 1691 S. MACEDO BLVD., PORT ST. LUCIE, F34983 Phone: (561)785-9010 Fax: (561)785-9139 I Room name GREAT RMIKITCH MASTER BDRM 2 -Exposedmll-- -- -- -39.5 it- - --13.0-ft- 3 Ceiling height 9.0 ft heattwol 9.0 It heat/cool -4 Room dimensions 20.0 x 19.5 It 13.0 x 17.5 it 5 Room area 390.0 It' 227.5 ft2 Ty Construction U-value or HTM Area (ft) Load Area (ftj Load number (BtuhW-'F) (Bluh/fl?) or perimeter (it) (Btuh) or perimeter (fil) (Stuh) IHeat Cool Gross NIPIS Heat Cool Gross NIP/S Heat Cool 6 33A-'56cdi�- �;4 f-�' "1W., "21-221, �W! � ...... 'M�326 ;�',--"��207- aw, ""' ifwd' �' 4 �Md 1 , , � �!;d -06 6 -6 F 22A-vpI 1,351 38*02 0,111 91 40 1102 11 11 13 494 0 -i—V -, I 01' rL ; "2 'jo "'I"' 'o 'm 1��o 0 ��Zo q 6 24 S �,,�853 Z,"- 2187 �-A387' ,U70. tN z-"3636! I K34 1V 121i _0 �o I—G� 13A-5bca 0.125 s 3.50 2.22 24 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1A-clonn- T.270 3 35.56 37.88 24 0 853 909 0 0 0 0 -�x "o -6 , - - '10 A�' "'o V-'D-0 'D ",11 2� �q n'� -�f r, '4' V- t", 't"' -T f '.Nm 01 TKU"y R�ZRIMUI E- vc- rmm T�� n-�w r, 12" �'�Mkd. �W�'-ZmM aA%;kA D'� a 44. y' 11�ig 24 a! �4-' m P MIJ W Envelope lossigain 5535 4901 1673 2394 12 a) Infiltration 1480 370 487 122 b) Ventilation 1 0 01 0 0 13 Internet gains: Occupants Q 230 2 460 1 230 Appliances @ 1200 2 2400 0 0 Less cofternal load 0 0 0 0 Less transfer 0 0 0 0 Redistribution 0 0 0 0 14 Subtotal 7016 8131 2160 2746 16 Duct loads 6%1 13% 421 1057 6% 13%1 130 357 Total room load 74361 918B 2290 31 Air required (cfm) 1 4511 491 139 A Printout certified by ACCA to meet all requirements of Manual J 8th Ed. Right-SuiteResidenVaIJ85.8.23RSR21055 2003-Jan-08 15:29:01 ZEN C:%MY DocumentsWifghtsoft HVAC\KOLGOLFVILLA l.ap Cale= MJ8 Oflentatlon = W Page 4 Right -A Worksheet Z0NE#1 COMFORT CONTROL OF SLC, INC. 1.691 S. MACEDO B L.VD., PORT ST. LUCIE, F 34983 Phone: (561) 785-9010 FW. (561) 785-9139 Job: Date: 1106103 By: PZ 1 Roomflame MSTR BDRM WIG 2 IVISTR BDRMWC -2 -�xWo 0.0 It 3 Ceiling height 9.0 ft heat(wof 9.0 It heattmot -4 Room dimensions 5.0 x 7.0 ft 13.0 x 4.0 It 5 Room aide 35.0 112 52.0 W Ty �6onstructton U-value Or, HTM Area (112) Load Area (ft� Load 'pumber (Bhuh/fe-'F) labihift-) er pedmeter (it) (Btuh) or perimeter (ft) (Btuh) Heat Cool Gross NIP/S Heat Cool Gross NfP1S Heat Cool 6 4�A .1 M4­43: 41jo AM', '0 '�%�O 0, , , " " ;" �".Iof 0. 'F 12K-jp.b 1.358 38.02 0.00 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 -J� Y 0Ivl' '-6.125 .1 "r '1�i�o --a 3.50 36.56 2.22 37.88 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 fi, 17 qt, _, "12 'Al 0 0 K?01' fff5 W �i4R9 A ��'Q� 'f, b zny -k"-- M- n! ��2 S "!0 "k 2 6 E�,' I -Y' em, lwi 9�-'u 4�0 K K'�� J� - - - - - - 'N'F'�'K�l 90 KM�s WM2�9 MOM MMIMM -Tdallpmg E*E� n&4� am�ns �-m m--11'9M10 fpMAEQTL WU UUM mwvm W;im �� mgm;Ull A MN-.109 OW MEM MEOW Emma MM� U17 �L MM ZIP 4�1 Z14 �RM'Nd"74 kWOY"�tR%' -4 R�X�rtAK guz 'i4- 5 �nvelopelo4s/gajn 0 0 0 0 �1'21-4� a): Infiltration 0 0 0 0 - b) Venlilatibn 0 0 1 0 01 I? Internal gains: Dompants @ 230 0 0 0 0 Applianoss @ 1200 0 0 0 a Less external Idad 0 0 0 0 Less transfer 0 0 0 0 Redfabibuflon 0 0 0 0 '14 Subtotal 0 0 0 0 15 Duct loads 6% 13%1 01 0 6% 131,11" Y, 0 Total room load 01 0 0 0 Air requIned,(cfm) I Printout certified by ACCA to meet all requirements of Manual J 8th Ed. kight-SuReResidenUa[JB5.8.23RSR21056 2003-Jan-08 15:29:01 14EZK CWY D—rA-nt6VVM9ht.0a HVACIKOLGOLFVILLA 1.rrp Cale = MJ8 Orientation = W Page 6 Right-J8 Worksheet Job: Z0NE#1 Date: 1106103 COMFORT CONTROL OF SLC, INC. By: PZ 1691 S. MACEDO BLVD.. PORT ST. LUCIE. F 34983 Phone: (561) 785-9010 Fm: (561) 785-913D 1 Room name MASTER RATH POWDER RM/HALL 2 Exposed wall 4.0 It 6.0 ft 3 Calling height 9.0 It heat/cool 9.0 It heallcool .4 Room dimensions 5.0 x 13.5 It 5.0 x 13.0 it 5 Room area 67.5 ft2 65.0 W Ty Construction U-value Or HTM Area ft2) Load Area (Itj Load number (Btuhlftk.9 (Btuh/ftj or perimeter (ft) (Btuh) or perimeter (ft) (Btuh) Heat I Cool Gross N/P/S Heat Cool Gross I NIP/S Heat Cool 6 W '-� : , " -a�,4 � � , _-, �' " ' ' _� �z,,-',X ' — ' -1, , � - 1� �-, - � 0 P 4' '420 ':'i0;60O n- 1-14 61& 10, w,-, -1 0, �U i, �,,,�d F, -4 '6 F 22A-vph 1.358 38.02 0.00 1 4 152 0 2 6 �28 0 14A '-' �,.,�ro I", e - ty '0 �To � Hal 00 1P 10 'd '0 "o 0 `_7 Y—G 13A-tiocs 0.125 a 3.50 2.22 0 0 0 0 0 -0 0 1A-clorn 1.270 a 35.66 37.88 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0. 1"215 72M' � ' ' ' -- - �O --- - 1 ��o -0 -0 -0 �6 --o 0 I AXcldm� ,.1, o .27. Lw-2, j� �gj�12 l V i"M .4, �z ��-'Kma�, ... ... I A zM� U 'A 5 ,�FK Z�.% 'NT uw-, w, g-, EYT.-Z2 zlumo -YN7,-�m Z-Mj-7-YV-A U i M g-2,r%�g g Z, LM"'39, H !.N- 11�4 Im PEI �0-3% Ammri m"T V;� V" P, �,�Z2 H A "a FX w! �a, y, Envelope losstgain 278 80 417 120 12 a) Infiltmilon 150 37 225 56 b) Ventllaffon 0 0 0 0 13 Internal gains: Occupants Q 230 0 0 0 0 Applianow @ 1200 0 0 0 0 Less external load 0 0 a 0 Lew transfer 0 0 0 a RedIsinbution 0 0 0 0 14 Subtotal 428 118 642 176 15 Duct loads 6% 13% 26 15 6% 13% 39 Z] Total room load 454 13731 AIr required (chn) 2, 1 1 Printout certified by ACCA to meet all requirements of Manual J 8th Ed. �"CZ)Hlt�C�ft Right-SulteResldenUaIJ85.8.23RSR21055 2003-Jan-08 15:29:01 ,456K C:Wy DocumentslWrIghtsoft HVACVOLGOLFVILLA 1.ffp Cato - MJ8 Orientation - W Page 6 Right -A Worksheet Job: ZONE#2 Date: 1106103 COMFORT CONTROL OF SLC, INC. By: PZ 1691 S. MACEDO 3LVD.. PORT ST. LUCIE, F 34983 Phone: (561) 785-9010 Fax (561) 785-9139 't rn e na me 000s ZONE#2 BATH 2 2 os.d %vall 56.0 it 16.0 It 3 3 ell ling eg ing he' ht ight 8.8 it d 8.0 It heatl000l -4 Room dimensions 8.5 x 9.5 It 5 Room area 413.8 it- 80.8 W Ty Construction U-value Or HTM Area (ft� Load Area M Load number (8tuh/ft--'F) (Btuhlft� or perimeter (it) (Btuh) or perimeter (11) (131uh) Heat Cool Gross N/PIS Heat Cool Gross NIP/S Heat Cool 6 W 13A14—Soysc 11 P. 26 ��,3�K 2J2 436 X, ',1436� 1531! ;971, 128- '128 "":0:6:06, 6.89 17,40 �10 W �cr , " 0 fe- , �:-, F 22A-vO 1.3158 38.02 0.00 116 56 2129 0 16 16 608 0 Av, ?79 270 �Q 6270 w 13A-5ocs 0.125 s 3.50 2.22 0 0 0 0 0 -.'J, 0 0 IA�lom 1.270 a 35.56 37.88 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ff",�,:OX2S NvV� 315f. -12,212 Er, �Y6 �'d - �O '640r ,1640 A A -�k r =M A �K� riQ M V M Z 7 F E �R �4�1�� 2� p-S S- "-A ��A -XM-,-2FQ =-EX !,�12 P-'Ilk�-.VA 415k,021i FM;n W-4�z �n� R-Na I'M =Ea 9W�Ez iinmm Mgm P a A 3� --7 M�,& E 010 at� 'i -; Envelope loss/gain 5456 5575 1056 285 12 3) Infiltration 2032 508 533 133 b) Ventilation 0 01 0 0 13 Internal gains: Oooupants @ 230 0 0 0 0 Appliances @ 1200 0 0 0 0 Less external load 0 0 0 0 Less transfer 0 0 0 a Redistdbution 0 0 0 0 14 Subtotal 7488 6083 1589 418 15 Duct loads 6% 13% 449 791 6% 13% 95 i4 Total room load 7937 6874 1685 47,21 1 1 Air required (cfm) 1 300 300 64 1 21 Printout certified by ACCA to meet all requirements of Manual J 8th Ed. Right-SulteResidenUaIJ85.8.23RSR21055 2003-Jan-OS 15:29.01 1455, C'.XMY D.....WWright..ft HVACXKCLGOLFVILLA 1.rrp Calc = MJB Orientation = W Page 7 Right-JIS Worksheet Job: ZONE#2 Date: 1/06103 By: PZ COMFORT CONTROL OF SLC, INC. 1691 S. MACEDO BLVD., PORT ST. LUCIE. F34983 Phone: (561�785-9010 Fm:(561)785-9139 I Room name GUESTSUITE 2 Exposed viall 40.0 ft 3 Ceiling height 9.0 ft heat1coal X Room dimensions 18.0 x 18.5 ft 5 Room area 333.0 il Ty Construction U-value Or HTIVI Area (ft� Load Area Load number (Btuh1WF) (Btuhlft� or perimeter (fl) (Btuh) or perimeter IHeat Cool Gross N/PIS Heat Cool Gross N/P/S Heat CwI 6 'A 39566S _,4.2i '3 ­ 10 . � T­ 310; - � ­fj, T., zT.'TTTT1 83 7�� �.'Z�686 IT- - I I TO fin ? 600, P-,ImtY _�!l :,Ao T%�TITI-j,, 1— 2 -VP 1.358 - 38.02 0.00 100 40 1521 0 06! �w , �-y AT" i N'2 9� ITT "'T A IT— T ��ofl, � "'i, i1hF15,96T .. . . . .... V 0 � 2 - I 2 ,IT "I T, VT, Y—G 13A-5ocs 0.125 a 3.50 2.22 0 0 0 0 1A-clorn 1.270 a 35.56 37.88 0 0 0 5 BA: j _568e� 0� 26 I�166�j r "!F pt 'M I rld !W� 640: 7— T - ',T" IT TI �F-T, rQ jW -;,Ir T T, TT f, 62 T- ...... NT� n I'A T TT. A T tTl TT I f Tv� IT - w, IT S,�NV F E ,p Z 7 T V rkII'i�ft�z P T, a%�,jTr TL 1I ""'Iti R�A_ IT TT, 14, f_ ITT __1 ­ V� 11 . 11 "I"T. IT 1 11 - , -d 1 Z�T W, VRI�WWO VURV!Ta i%10��'1�0; -T iKsl tllll�m rpewiT NPIWTO A B�Y�rlz_ T3z4z9 izg W4;t9 i��w 22mu &IRNAW EN�W_Q =WU i5xG741i � MRUE zwn�� mg�MFIF FN�, 2�ff WX �'*ZJRK MOWN- N-AN-W,5� EUTTME, U� FUE-, A :TY� I­J'i i F 54-RE 9�� Z'� IT T' IT T "T IT Envelope losstgain 4400 5290 12 a) Infiltration 1499 376 b) Ventlation 0 0 13 Internal gains: Occupants Q 2309 0 0 Appljan� @ 1200 0 0 Less external load 0 0 Less transfer 0 0 Redistdbution 0 0 14 Subtotal 5899 5665 15 Duct loads 6% 13% 3541 7361 Total room load 62531 6401 Air required (cfm) 236 279 Printout certified by ACCA to meet all requirements of Manual J Sth Ed. Right -Suite Residential J8 5.8.23 RSR21055 2003-Jan-08 15:29:01 AEUN CAMY DocumentsWrightsoff HVACXKOLGOLFVILLA I.rrp Cale = MJ8 Orientation = W Page 8 FORM 60OA-2001 FLORIDA ENERGY EFFICIENCY CODE FOR BUILDING CONSTRUCTION Florida Department of Community Affairs Residential Whole Building Performance Method A Project Name: KOLGOLFVILLA 1 Builder KOLTER Address: Permitting Office: City, State: FL Permit Number: Owner. Jurisdiction Number: Climate Zone: Central 1. New construction or existing New - 12. Cooling systems 2. Single family or multi -family Single family - a. Central Unit Cap: 20.6 kBtuithr, 3. Number of units, if multi-fiamily SEER: 12.00 4. Number of Bedrooms 2 b. Central Unit Cap: 10.8 kBtu/hr 5. Is this a worst case? No SEER: 11.00 6. Conditioned floor area (fl-) 13 10 112 c. NIA 7. Glass area & type SinglePane DoublePane a. Clear glass, default U-factor 161.5 ft' f.0 ft2 13. Heating systems b. Default tint 0.0 ftZ 0.0 ft2 a. Electric Strip Cap: 15.0 kBtuAir c. Labeled U or SHGC 0.0 ft2 0.0 IF COP: 1.00 8. Floor types b. PTHP Cap: 15.0 kBtu/hr a. - Slab -On -Grade Edge Insulation R=0.0, 122.0(p) ft COP: 7.60 b. NIA c. NIA c. N/A 9. . Wall types - 14. Hot water system a. Face Brick, Block, Exterior R=4.1, 899.5 ft- - a. Electric Resistance Cap: 40.0 gallons b. NIA EF: 0.94 c. N/A b. NIA d. N/A e. NIA c. Conservation credits 10. Ceilingtypes - (HR-Heat recovery, Solar a. Under Attic R=19.0,1310.0 ft' _ DHP-Dedicated beat pump) b. NIA - 15. NVAC credits Mz-C' c. N/A (CF-Ceiling fan, CV -Cross ventilation, 11. Ducts HF-Whole house fan, a. Sup: Unc. Ret: Unc. AH: Interior Sup. R=6.0, 75.0 ft PT-Progammable Thermostat, b. N/A MZ-C-Multizone cooling, MZ-H-Multizone heating) Glass/Floor Area: 0.12 Total as -built points: 16798 PASS Total base points: 18239 I hereby certify that the plans and specifications covered by this calculation are in compliance with the Florida Energy Code. PREPARED BY: BARRY ZIMMERMAN DATE: (7) I hereby certify that this building, as designed, is if�� compliance with the Florida Energy Code. OWNERJAGENT: DATE: I )-7joq Review of the plans and specifications covered by this calculation indicates compliance with the Florida Energy Code. Before construction is completed this building wifll be inspected for compliance with Section 553.908 Florida Statutes. BUILDING OFFICIAL: f EnergyGaugeS (Version: FLRGSB v3.30) FORM 60OA-2001 SUMMER CALCULATIONS Residential Whole Building Performance Method A - Details I ADDRESS:,, FL, PERMIT #: I BASE AS -BUILT GLASS TYPES .18 X Conditioned X BSPM Points Overhang Floor Area Type/SC Orrit Len Hgt Area X SPM X SOF Points .18 1310.0 25.78 6078.9 Single, Clear E 9.0 8.0 24.0 63.97 0.50 7647 Single, Clear S 0.0 0.0 24.0 48.22 1.00 1157.4 Single, Clear - E 9.0 10.5 39.0 63.97 0.57 1411.1 Single, Clear E 0.0 0.0 24.0 63.97 1.00 1535.3 Single, Clear w 0.0 0.0 18.0 57.68 1.00 1038.2 Single, Clear E 0.0 0.0 32.5 63.97 1.00 2079.1 As -Built Total: 161.5 7986.1 WALL TYPES Area X BSPM. Points Type R-Value Area X' SPM = Points Adjacent 0.0 0.00 0.0 Face Brick, Block. Exterior 4.1 899.5 0.55 490.2 EzIeflor 899.5 1.90 1709.0 Base Total: 899.5 1709.0 As-Bulit'rotal: 899.6 490.2 DOOR TYPES Area X BSPM Points Type Area X SPM = Points Adjacent 0.0 0.00 0.0 Exterior Insulated 21.0 4.80 100.8 Exterior 21.0 4.80 100.8 Base Total: 21.0 100.8 As -Built Total: 21.0 100.8 CEILINGTYPES Area X BSPM Points Type R-Value Area X SPMXSCM= Points Under Attic 1310.0 2.13 2790.3 Under Attic 19.0 1310.0 2.82 X 1.00 3694.2 Base Total: 1310.0 2790.3 As -Built Total: 1316.0 3694.2 FLOOR TYPES Area X BSPM Points Type R-Value Area X SPM = Points Slab 122.0(p) -31.8 -3879.6 Slab -On -Grade Edge Insulation 0.0 122.0(p -31.90 -3891.8 Raised 0.0 0.00 0.0 Base Total: -3879.6 As -Built Total: 122.0 -3891.8 INFILTRATION Area X BSPM Points 1 Area X SPM = Points d 1310.0 14.31 18746.1 1310.0 14.31 18746.1 EnergyGaugeV DCA Form BODA-2001 EnergyGaugeO/FlaRES'2001 FLRCSB v3.30 FORM 60OA-2001 SUMMER CALCULATIONS Residential Whole Building Performance Method A - Details I ADDRESS:,, FIL, PERMIT #: I BASE AS -BUILT Summer Base Points: 25545.6 Summer As -Built Points: 27125.6 Total Summer X System Cooling Total X Cap X Duct X System X Credit = Cooling Points Multiplier Points Component Ratio Multiplier Multiplier Multiplier Points (DM x DSM x AHU) 27125.6 0.656 (1.087x1.150x0.90) 0.284 0.950 6402.8 27125.6 0.344(1.00 x 1.150 x 1.00 0.310 0.950 3093.5 25545.6 0.4266 10897.7 27125.6 1.00 1.125 0.293 0.950 8481.8 EnergyGauge� DCA Form 600A.2001 EnergyGaugeOffilaRES'2001 FLRGSB v3.30 FORM 60OA-2001 WINTER CALCULATIONS Residential Whole Building Performance Method A - Details ADDRESS:,, FL, PERMIT #: BASE AS -BUILT Winter Base Points: Winter As -Built Points: 74717 Total Winter X System Heating Total X Cap X Duct X System X Credit = Heating Points Multiplier Points Component Ratio Multiplier Multiplier Multiplier Points (DM x DSM x AHU) 5401.7 0.500 (1.078x1.160x0.92) 1.000 1.000 3107.2 5401.7 0.500(1.00 x 1.160 x 1.00) 0.132 1.000 408.8 3527.7 0.6274 2213.3 5401.7 1.00 1.150 0.566 1.000 3516.0 EnergyGaugem DCA Form 60OA-2001 EnergyGaugeGIFIaRES'2001 FLRCSB v3.30 4 FORM 60OA-2001 Code Compliance Checklist Residential Whole Building Performance Method A - Details ADDRESS:,, FL, PERMIT#: 6A-21 INFILTRATION REDUCTION COMPLIANCE CHECKLIST COMPONENTS SECTION REQUIREMENTS FOR EACH PRACTICE CHECK Exterior Windows & Doors 606.1.ABC.1.1 Maximum:.3 cfmfsg.ft. window area; .5 cfim/sq.fL door area. Exterior & Adjacent Walls 606.1.ABC.1.2.1 - Caulk, gasket, weatherstrip or sea] between: windowsidoom & frames, surrounding wall; foundation & wall sole or sill plate; joints between exterior wall panels at comers; utility penetrations; between wall panels & top/bottom plates; between walls and floor. EXCEPTION: Frame walls where a continuous infiltration barrier is installed that extends from, and is sealed to, the foundation to the top plate. Floors 606.1.ABC.1.2.2 Penetrations/openings >1/8" sealed unless backed by truss orjoint members. EXCEPTION: Frame floors where a continuous infiltration barrier is installed that is sealed to the perimeterpenetrations and seams. Ceilings 606.1.ABC.1.2.3 Between walls & ceilings; penetrations of ceiling plane of top floor; around shafts, chases, soffits, chimneys, cabinets sealed to continuous air banter; gaps in gyp board & top plate; affic access. EXCEPTION: Frame ceilings where a continuous infiltration barrier is installed that is sealed at the perimeter, at penetrations and seams. Recessed Lighting Fixtures 606.1.ABC.1.2.4 Type IC rated with no penetrations, sealed; or Type IC or non -IC rated, installed inside a sealed box with 1/2" clearance & 3" from insulation; or Type IC rated with < 2.0 cfm from conditioned space, tested. Multi -story Houses 606.1-ABC.1.2.5 Air barrier on perimeter of floor cavity between floors. Acklitional Infiltration reqts 606.1.ABC.1.3 Exhaust fans vented to outdoors, dampers; combustion space heaters comply with NFPA, have combustion air. RA-22 OTHFIR PRIFSCRIPTIVIF IMIFARI IRF.R Inniint hp mof nr Pyroarfarl hu nil I COMPONENTS SECTION REQUIREMENTS CHECK Water Heatem 612.1 Comply with efficiency requirements in Table &12. Switch or clearly marked circuit breaker (electric) or cutoff (gas) must be provided. External or built-in heat trap required. Swimming Pools & Spas 612.1 Spas & heated pools must have covers (except solar heated). Non-commercial pools must have a pump timer. Gas spa & pool heaters must have a minimum thermal efficiency of 78%. Shower heads 612.1 Water flow must be restricted to no more than 2.5qallons per minute at 80 PSIG. Air Distribution Systems 610.1 All ducts, fiffings, mechanical equipment and plenum chambers shall be mechanically attached, sealed, insulated, and installed in accordance with the criteria of Section 610. Ducts in unconditioned attics: R-6 min. insulation. HVAC Controls 1607.1 SeDarate readllv accessible manual or automatic thermostat for each system. Insulation 604.1, 602.1 I Ceilings -Min. R-1 9. Common walls -Frame R-1 1 or CBS R-3 both sides. � Common ceiling & floors R-1 1. EnergyGauge� DCA Form 60OA-2001 EnergyGaugeG/FlaRES'2001 FLRCSB v3.30 I �ns r" 7j�� 5 Vq-1 I �\ ENERGY PERFORMANCE LEVEL (EPL) DISPLAYCARD ESTINiATED ENERGY PERFORMANCE SCORE* = 84.2 �4v ,qt t 13�8b The higher the score, the more efficient the home. , ljcie 1. New construction or existing 2. Single family or multi -family 3. Number of units, if multi -family 4. Nurnl:4 of Bedrooms 5. is this a worst case? 6. Conditioned floor me (ft) 7. Gins area & type a. Clear - single pane b. Clear - double parer c. Tint/other SHGC - single pane d. Tint/other SHGC - double pane 8. Floor types a.'Slab-On-Grade Edge Insulation b. NIA c. N/A 9. - Wall types a. Face Brick, Block, Exterior b. NIA c. N/A d. N/A e. N/A 10. Ceilingtypes a. Under Atfic b. NIA c. NIA 11. Ducts a. Sup: Unc. Ret: Unc. AH: Interior b. N/A ... FL, New 12. Cooling systems Single farnily a. Central Unit 1 2 b. Central Unit No 1310 fit' c. NIA Single Pane Double Pane 0.0 ft2 0.0 fl- 13. Heating system 147.0 ft2 0.0 ft, a. Electric Strip 0.0 ft, 0.0 fill b. PTHP R=0.0, 122.0(p) ft R=4.1, 869.5 ft- R=19.0,1310.0ftl Sup. R=6.0,75.0ft c. N/A 14. Hotwater system a. Electric Resistance b. N/A c. Conservation credits (HR-Heat recovery, Solar DHP-Dedicated heat pump) 15. HVAC credits (CF-Ceiling fan, CV -Cross ventilation, BF -Whole home fian, PT -Programmable Thermostat, MZ-C-Mulfizone cooling, MZ-H-Multizone heating) I certify t hat this home has complied with the Florida Energy Efficiency Code For Building Construction through the above energy saving features which will be installed (or exceeded) in this home before final igspection. Otherwise, a new EPL Display Card will be completed based on installed Codo'couniAiiant features. Builder Signature: Address of New Home: Date: L- lu��L\ city/nzip: M), ��1418(p Cap: 20.5 kBtu/hr "SEER: 12.00 -.,,,SJEER: �11100 Cip: 15.0 kBtuft COP: 4.00 tap: 1�.OkB . tu. . /hr COP-, I.QQ Cap: 40.0 gallons EF: 0.94 MZ-C, MZ-H - *NOTE: The home's estimated energy performance score is only available through the FL41RES computerprogram. 7M This is not a Building Energy Rating. Ifyour score is 80 or greater (or 86for a USEPAIDOEEnergyStar designation), your home may qualifyfor energy e)yzciency mortgage (FEM incentives ifyou obtain a Florida Energy Gauge Rating. Contact the Energy Gauge Hotline at 321)638-1492 or see the Energy Gauge web site at www.fsec. uqf edufor information and a list of certified Raters. For information about Florida's Energy Efficiency Code For Building Construction, contact the Department of Community Affairs at 8501487-1824. EnergyGaugeO (Version: FLRCSB v3.30) Project Summary Job: Date: 1106103 Entire House By: PZ COMFORT CONTROL OF SLC, INC. D BLVD., PORT ST. LUCIE, F 34983 Phone: (561) 785-9010 Fax. (561) 785-9139 Progect Information For. KOLTER GOLF VILLA 2ND FLOOR, ST. LUCIE COUNTY, FL Notes: Weather: Fort Pierce, FL, US Winter Design Conditions Summer Design Conditions Outside db 42 OF Outside db 90 OF Inside db 70 OF Inside db 75 OF Design TD 28 OF Design TO 15 OF Daily range L Relative humidity 50 % Moisture difference 61 gr4b Heating Summary Building heat loss 16807 Btuh Ventilation air 58 cfm Ventilation air loss 0 Btuh Design heat load 16807 Btuh Infiltration Sensible Cooling Equipment Load Sizing Structure 23657 Btuh Ventilation 0 Btuh Design temperature swing 3.0 OF Use mfg. data n Rate/swing multiplier 0.95 Total sens. equip. load 22474 Btuh Method Simplified Latent Cooling Equipment Load Sizing Construction quality Average Fireplaces 0 Internal gains 1200 Btuh Ventilation 0 Btuh Heatin Cooling Infiltration 3024 Btuh Area (ft2) 131g 131 Total latent equip. load 4924 Btuh Volume (ft) 12410 12410 Air changes/hour 0.75 0.35 Total equipment load 27399 Btuh Equiv. AVF (cfm) 155 72 Req. total capacity at 0.70 SHR 2.7 ton Heating Equipment Summary Cooling Equipment Summary Make n/a Make n/a Trade n/a Trade n1a Model n1a Cond n/a Coil n1a Efficiency n/a Efficiency n1a Heating input - Sensible cooling 0 Btuh Heating output 0 Btuh Latent cooling 0 Btuh Temperature rise 0 OF Total cooling 0 Btuh Actual air flow 0 Cfm Actual air flow 0 cfm Air flow factor 0.000 cfm/Btuh Air flow factor 0.000 cfm/Btuh Static pressure 0.00 in H20 Static pressure 0.00 in H20 Space thermostat n/a Load sensible heat ratio 0 % Printout certified by ACCA to meet all requirements of Manual J 8th Ed. ,,7_ %"Ir7110h'tSC:)ft Right -Suite Residential A 5.8.23 RSR21055 2003,Jan�08 08,57:29 XCIlk C.Wy Dommentskwrightsoft HVAC%XOLGOLFV[LLA2.rrp Cale = MJ8 Orientation = W Page 1 Pr "ect Summary Job: 01 Date: 1106103 Z0NE#1 By: PZ 4k COMFORT CONTROL OF SLC, INC. 0 BLVD., PORT ST. LUCIE, F 34983 Phone: (S61)785-9010 Fax(561)785-9139 Promect Information For: KOLTER GOLF VILLA 2ND FLOOR, ST. LUCIE COUNTY, FL Notes: Design Information Weather: Fort Pierce, FL, US Winter Design Conditions Summer Design Conditions Outside db 42 OF Outside db 90 OF Inside db 70 OF Inside db 75 OF Design TD 28 OF Design TD 15 OF Daily range L Relative humidity 50 % Moisture difference 61 gr/lb Heating Summary Sensible Cooling Equipment Load Sizing Building heat loss 10614 Btuh Structure 16209 Btuh Ventilation air 39 cfm Ventilation 648 Btuh Ventilation air loss 1210 Btuh Design temperature swing 3.0 OF Design heat load 11824 Btuh Use mfg. data n Rate/swing multiplier 0.95 Infiltration Total sens. equip. load 16014 Btuh Method Simplified Latent Cooling Equipment Load Sizing Construction quality Average Fireplaces 0 Internal gains 800 Btuh Ventilation 1643 Btuh Heating Coolm Infiltration 1699 Btuh Area (ft2) 897 891 Total latent equip. load 4492 Btuh Volume (ft3) 8686 8686 Air changes/hour 0.60 0.28 Total equipment load 20507 Btuh Equiv. AVF (cfm) 87 41 Req. total capacity at 0.70 SHR 1.9 ton Heating Equipment Summary Cooling Equipment Summary Make n/a Make Trane Trade Trade E. XE 1200 Model n/a Cond TTP024C Coil TWE030C14+TAYTXV-3 Efficiency 100 EFF Efficiency 12 SEER Heating input 0 Btuh Sensible cooling 16800 Btuh Heating output 11824 Btuh Latent cooling 7200 Btuh Temperature dse 13 OF Total cooling 24000 Btuh Actual air flow 850 drin Actual air flow 850 dm Air flow factor 0.080 cfm/Btuh Air flow factor 0.052 dm/Btuh Static pressure 0.00 in H20 Static pressure 0.00 in H20 Space thermostat Load sensible heat ratio 79 % Printout certified by ACCA to meet all requirements of Manual J 8th Ed. 'VVr-jGht.SC3ft Right-SuReResldenUaIJ85.8.23RSR21055 2003-Jan-08 08:67:29 ,M C:Viy D....nh;%WrIght..11 HVACIXOLGOLFMLLA2.rrp Calc = MJ8 Orientation = W Page 2 Job: Project Summary Date: 1106103 ZONE#2 By: PZ COMFORT CONTROL OF SLC, INC. BLVID.. PORT ST. LUCIE, F 34983 Phone: (561) 785-9DIO Fasc (561) 785-9139 Proiect Information For: KOLTER GOLF VILLA 2ND FLOOR, ST. LUCIE COUNTY, FL Notes: Design Information Weather: Fort Pierce, FL, US Winter DesignConditions Summer Design Conditions Outside db 42 OF Outside db 90 OF Inside db 70 OF Inside db 75 OF Design TD 28 OF Design TD 15 OF Daily range L Relative humidity 50 % Moisture difference 61 gr/lb Heating Summary Sensible Cooling Equipment Load Sizing Building heat loss 6194 Btuh Structure 8781 Btuh Ventilation air 18 dm Ventilation 301 Btuh Ventilation air loss 563 Btuh Design temperature swing 3.0 OF Design heat load 6756 Btuh Use mfg. data n Rate/swing multiplier 0.95 Infiltration Total Sens. equip. load 8628 Btuh Method Simplified Latent Cooling Equipment Load Sizing Construction quality Average Fireplaces 0 Internal gains 400 Btuh Ventilation 764 Btuh Heating Cooling Infiltration 1325 Btuh Area (ft2) 414 414 Total latent equip. load 2839 Btuh Volume (ft3) 3724 3724 Air changes/hour 1.09 0.51 Total equipment load 11467 Btuh Equiv. AVF (cfm) 68 32 Req. total capacity at 0.70 SHR 1.0 ton Heating Equipment Summary Cooling Equipment Summary Make n/a Make FRIEDRICH AIR Trade Trade Friedrich Model n/a Cond TEC09K35 Coil Efficiency 100 EFF Efficiency 11 SEER Heating input 0 Btuh Sensible cooling 8050 Btuh Heating output 6756 Btuh Latent cooling 3450 Btuh Temperature rise 16 OF Total cooling 11500 Btuh Actual air flow 383 cfm Air flow factor 0.062 cfm1Btuh Actual air flow Air flow factor 383 0.044 dm cfm/Btuh Static pressure 0.00 in H20 Static pressure 0.00 in H20 Space thermostat Load sensible heat ratio 76 % Printout certified by ACCA to meet all requirements of Manual J 8th Ed. vvr-iiQht--.C�ft Right -Suite Residential JS 5.8.23 RSR21055 2003-Jan-08 08:57:29 ,z� ,4CC4\ CAMy DommentsWrightsoft HVACXKOLGOLFVILLA2-ffp Cale = Milt Orientation = W Page 3 Short Form Job: Date: 1106103 Entire House 13y: PZ COMFORT CONTROL OF SLC, INC. 11691 S. WACEDO BLVD., PORT S-r. LUCIE, F34983 Phone: (561)7BS-9010 Fax: (561) 785-9139 0 Project Information For: KOLTER GOLF VILLA 2ND FLOOR, ST. LUCIE COUNTY, FL Design Information Htg CIg Infiltration Outside db (OF) 42 90 Method Simplified Inside db (OF) 70 75 Construction quality Average Design TD (OF) 28 15 Fireplaces 0 Daily range - L Inside humidity 1(%) 50 Moisture difference (gr/lb) 61 HEATING EQUIPMENT Make n/a Trade n/a Model n/a Efficiency Heating input Heating output Temperature rise Actual air flow Air flow factor Static pressure Space thermostat We 0 Btuh 0 OF 0 cfirn 0.000 cfm/Btuh 0.00 in H20 n/a COOLING EQUIPMENT Make n/a Trade n/a Cond n/a Coil n/a Efficiency Sensible cooling Latent cooling Total cooling Actual air flow Air flow factor Static pressure Load sensible heat ratio n/a 0 Btuh 0 Btuh 0 Btuh 0 Cfrn 0.000 cfm/Btuh 0.00 in H20 0 % ROOM NAME Area Htg load CIg load Htg AVF Cig AVF W) (Btuh) (13tuh) (Cfm) (Cfirn) ZONE#1 n d 897 10614 16209 850 850 ZONE#2 n p 414 6194 8781 383 383 Entire House d 1310 16807 23657 1233 1233 Ventilation air 0 0 Equip. @ 0.95 RSM 22474 Latent cooling 4924 TnTAi.q i%4n 4nan7 n�� -- -1 �.' 140� Printout certified by ACCA to meet all requirements of Manual J 8th Ed. VVrjghtSC:)ft Right-SulteResidenUaIJ85.8.23RSR21055 2003-Jan-08 08:57.29 CAMy DowmentsWrIghtsoft HVACWOLGOUFMLLA2.ffp Colo = MA Ofientaffon = W Page 1 Job: Short Form Date: 1106103 Z0NE#1 By: PZ COMFORT CONTROL OF SLC, INC. 3 BLVD.. PORT ST. LUCIE, F 34983 Phone: (561) 785-9010 I'm (561) 785-9139 Project Information For: KOLTER GOLF VILLA 2ND FLOOR, ST. LUCIE COUNTY, FL I Design Information Htg CIg Infiltration Outside db (OF) 42 90 Method Simplified Inside db (OF) 70 75 Construction quality Average Design TO (OF) 28 15 Fireplaces 0 Daily range - L Inside humidity 50 Moisture difference (gr1lb) 61 HEATING EQUIPMENT Make n/a Trade Model n/a Efficiency Heating input Heating output Temperature ris ' e Actual air flow Air flow factor Static pressure Space thermostat U114:190 0 Btuh 11824 Btuh 13 OF 850 cfm 0.080 cfm/Btuh 0.00 in H20 COOLING EQUIPMENT Make Trane Trade -E. XE 1200 Cond TTP024C Coil TWE030C14+TAYTXV-3 Efficiency 12 SEER Sensible cooling 16800 Latent cooling 7200 Total cooling 24000 Actual air flow 850 Air flow factor 0.052 Static pressure 0.00 Load sensible heat ratio 79 Btuh Btuhx Btuh Cfm cfm/Btuh in H20 ROOM NAME Area Htg load Cig load Htg AVF CIg AVF (ft2) (Btuh) (Btuh) (dm) (Cfm) FOYER so 638 649 51 34 GREAT RMIKITCH 390 6726 10580 539 555 MASTER BDRM 228 2200 4010 176 210 MSTR BDRM WIC 2 35 51 102 4 5 MSTR BDRM/WIC 52 76 151 6 8 MASTER BATH 68 390 329 31 17 POWDER RM/HALL 65 1 532 388 43 20 ZONE#1 n d 897 10614 16209 850 850 Ventilation air 1210 648 Equip. @ 0.95 RSM 16014 Latent cooling 4492 �n�A 1 0 4OnA nnc Dan ocn oul I U Printout certified by ACCA to meet all requirements of Manual J 8th Ed. WrIghtSaft Right-8.1t.R..Id.nU.IJBS.8.23RSR21055 C.Wy 1) . . . nt.IWight..ftHVACWOLGOLFVILLA2.ffp Calc-MJ8 Odentation=W 2003-Jan-08 08.57.29 Page 2 Short Form ZONE#2 COMFORT CONTROL OF SLC, INC. 1691 S. MACEDO BLVD., PORT ST. LUCIE, F34983 Phone: (561) 785-9010 Fax (561) 785-9139 For: KOLTER GOLF VILLA 2ND FLOOR, ST. LUCIE COUNTY, FL Job: Date: 1106103 By: PZ Design Information Ht9 CIg Infiltration Outside db (OF) 42 90 Method Simplified Inside db (OF) 70 75 Construction quality Average Design TD (OF) 28 15 Fireplaces 0 Daily range - L Inside humidity (%) 50 Moisture difference (gr/lb) 61 HEATING EQUIPMENT Make n/a Trade Model n/a Efficiency Heating input Heating output Temperature rise Actual air flow Air flow factor Static pressure Space thermostat 100 EFF 0 Btuh 6756 Btuh 16 OF 383 cim 0.062 cfm/Btuh 0.00 in H20 COOLING EQUIPMENT Make FRIEDRICH AIR Trade Friedrich Cond TEC091<35 Coil Efficiency 11 SEER Sensible cooling 8050 Latent cooling 3450 Total cooling 11500 Actual air flow 383 Air flow factor 0.044 Static pressure 0.00 Load sensible heat ratio 76 Btuh Btuh Btuh cfm cfm/Btuh in H20 ROOM NAME Area Htg load Cig load Htg AVF Clg AVF (ft2) (Btuh) (Btuh) (Cfm) (Cfm) BATH 81 1285 688 80 30 GUEST SUITE 333 4909 8092 304 353 ZONE#2 in p 414 6194 8781 383 383 Ventilation air 563 301 Equip. @ 0.95 RSM 8628 Latent cooling 2839 �'Al � A 44 �� no, 00', Printout certified by ACCA to meet all requirements of Manual J 8th Ed. WnghtS(Dft Right-SulteResidengaIJ85.8.23RSR2iO55 20133-Jan-08 08:57:29 )m C:Wy DowmentsWrightsoft HVACWOLGOLMLLA2.ffp Cato = MJ8 OfientatIon = W Page 3 Right-J8 Worksheet Job: Entire House Date: 1/06103 COMFORT CONTROL OF SLC, INC. By: PZ 1691 S. MACEDO BLVD., PORT ST. LUCIE, F 34983 Phone: (561) 785-9010 F�(561)785-9139 1 Room name Entire House ZONE#1 2 Exposed %vall 122.0 it 66.0 It 3 Ceiling height 9.5 It d 9.7 it d 4 Roorn dimensions 5 Room area 1310.3 lit' 896.5 ft2 Ty Construction U-valu a Or HTM Area (ftj Load Area M Load number (Btuhtfr- lel (Btuh/fi or penmeter (it) (Btuh) or perimeter (it) (BtUh) Heat Cool Gross N/P/S Heat Cool Gross NIP/S Heat cool 6 W"� I�A W ��WW -z, uA004 ' ' -,,xA(33 �' " - A,��,�-,3369 --,21 2,,,, `� SB9. '-- -.1801 - -- 1145 we", w, 0- c 1613-19ad 0.049 1.37 2.57 1310 1310 1798 3371 897 897 1230 2306 13A Do$', "A' T -01bV6 Vali j� !Kq 16TV , I ft, -�'- I'll.. 0111- 4.�,q 2. 4 4 Y-1-142 '-- W *u 2, ... ... 2M�-� 36 3V UNIX, R P4 art �66'3,� 'i vr—a 13A-5ocs 0.125 a 3.50 2.22 24 0 0 0 24 0 0 0 1A-clom 1.270 a 35.58 34.77 24 24 853 835 24 24 853 835 3A!Soos��:' 'o "C' 'A t'�P'z'i'00 "ZV;j6dQ "o z L t� A c'z - 2 - I 411Z"�'-"�' P5 '--4i 'K �tT -�'L-NF "'4"fA, MR- R 4 LAM 1WEM4 'i�� 0M V-M -AQ r, Zi. A�"" 1% 'Ei z� "T , &M: EMRW muf5v'k miw'u- y� ---- - ------ IV Envelope losstgain 11083 14762 7331 9164 12 a) Infiltration 4773 1193 2682 671 b) Ventilation 0 01 01 0 13 Internal gains: Occupants Q 230 4 920 3 690 Appliances 1200 3 3600 3 3600 Less external load 0 0 0 0 Less transfer 0 0 0 0 Redistribution 0 0 0 0 14 Subtotal 15856 20475 10013 14114 .151 Duct loads 6% 13%1 951 2862 6% 13%1 601 1835 Total room load 18807 1 23137 10614 1 159491 Air required (cftn) I I 1 233 1233 850 860 Pdntout certified by ACCA to meet all requirements of Manual J Efth Ed. Right-SulteResidenUaIJ85.8.23RSR21055 2003,Jan-08 15:30:17 ,0>, C:Wy DocumentsWrightsoft WACXKOLGOLFVILLA2.ffp Cate = MJ8 Orientation = W Page 1 Right-J8 Worksheet Job: Entire House Date: V06103 COMFORT CONTROL OF SLC, INC. By: PZ 16919. MACEDO BLVD.. PORT ST. LUCIE, F 34983 Phone: (561) 785-9010 Fax:(561)78&9139 1 Room name ZONE#2 2 Exposed vrall 56.0 it 3 Ceiling height 9.0 ft P 4 Room dimensions 6 Room area 413.8 ft2 Ty Construction U-value Or HTM Area (" Load Area Load number (Btuh1fV-'F) (Btuh/ftj or perimeter (it) (Bi or perimeter Heat Cool Gross N/P/S Heat C Cool Gross NIPIS Heat Cool 6 3?",�� ',70. IM 2, -�Agff , ;1 1 16%66, 4&1126, it 4 .��336 V-, � t,2418:1 C 16B-19ad 0.049 1.37 2.57 414 414 568 1064 jub! q �'S'kb 1 74' 11 8, 4, U, 3 I adid-rTA Ff�'2iti! Pre! 'N' '�P9�37 c rAo Al - 16 r, V , 0, 0 W e'P 61%, 1.21 21- 0 T—G 13A-5ocs 0.125 a 3.60 2.22 0 0 0 0 IA�lorn 1.270 a 35.56 34.77 0 0 0 0 N aX C)326 ��W, z2l'22� 16 -,,6 - 640,' -,24 QO Z� �,5,-,-F U", d 6 �=n Easm UMIEK- NZ 2=M Mr.= imm nn� -A im. " .9�4VAQ'21' IWG�A 0 :X�T n�FVI-Q All �4 1 -M,q W w� w" ?: 4��Zw R R L4 111,14 �V W i ri r �Y mb�-� WPOS ix%5� fEAK7.2 V V 'm�- FF� '-" v 16"� ml t'��gg INF, W1 �WRI TW� �"T -� 5Z'F1;1QZU RU'�P't4l F!i� Envelope losstgain 3762 6788 121 1) Infiltration 2091 523 b) Ventilation 0 0 13 Internal gains: Omupants 0 230 1 230 Appliances @ 1200 0 0 Less external load 0 0 Less transfer 0 0 Redistribution 0 0 14 Subtotal 51143 7540 15 Duct loads 1 6%1 13%1 351 9801 1 Totadm- 6194 85211 Air raq.,,T.d'(Z) I 1 1 383 383 1 Printout certified by ACCA to meet all requirements of Manual J 8th Ed. Right-SuReResldentlaIJ85.8.23RSR21055 2003-Jan-011 15:30:17 C:VVy DommentslWrlghtsoft HVACIKOLGOLFVILLA2.rrp Calc = M.18 Orientation = W Page 2 Right-J8 Worksheet Job: Z0NE#1 Date: 1106103 t COMFORT CONTROL OF SLC, INC. By: PZ 1691 S. MACEDO BLVD., PORT ST. LUCIE, F 34983 Phone: (561) 785-9010 Fax: (551) 785-9139 I 'Room name ZONE#1 FOYER 2 Exposed viall 65.0 it 3.5 it 3 Oeiling height 9.7 it it 9.0 It heat/cool -A Room dimensions 3.5 x 17.0 it 5 Room area 896.5 fF 59.5 W Ty Construction i� U-value Or HTM Area (ftl Load Area (ft2) Load number (Btuhlft�'F) (Bluh/ft� ---FHeat or perimeter (ft) (Btuh) or perimeter (it) (Btuh) Go.] Gross N/P/S Heat Coal Gross NIPIS Heat Cooi 6 Vd� 121AA6m-f, ` !�, ; , 2,0:125� ��Iri� -.22' '. . , , , I �'-Fz� V-1- � I A 14S - `1 — a 31 olddd i a i W C 16B-19ad 0.049 1.37 2.57 897 897 1230 2306 60 60 82 153 All 1�- , ��T gQ 63, �6 �-o 10 '�A�1,1 Z Z", kW4,, W �'� 1�1, I A Y-S 13A-5ocs 0.125 a 3.50 2.22 24 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1A-clonn 1.270 a 35.56 37.88 24 24 853 835 0 0 0 0 A ".6 i,- �,A ti. A'� R a A n, "EN ilUzX lnm4m ma 'IF 32§990 MRZk um�� MNU MKM fmwEg ZFLI E�� E-�� MD692 KIM= RA w -�E'fum P�� P �4� tMF Z 0 "KA3, 22M T�r� �m a wy!�� mm�A -W NYX P�� nw�� IRIPT i % 1�� Ul' r1­ -K-2 V-,iO,� EaEWNM K g Envelope loss/galn 7331 9154 471 642 12 a) Infiltration 2682 671 131 33 b) Ventilation 0 0. 0 0 13 Internal gains: O=pants @ 230 3 690 0 0 Applianoes @ 1200 3 3600 0 Less extemal load 0 0 0 0 Less transfer 0 0 0 0 Redistribution 0 a 0 0 14 Subtotal 10013 14114 802 574 151 Duct loads 6% 13% 601 1835 6% 13% 38 75 Total room load 7711 10614 15949 6"3181 634:9 Air required (cfm) 850 850 Printout certified by ACCA to meet all requirements of Manual J 8th Ed. Right-SuReResldentla]JBS.8.23RSR21055 2003-Jon-08 15:30:17 AE5, C:XMy DocumentsWrIghtsoft HVACXKOLGOLMLLA2.ffp Calc = MJ8 Orientation = W page 3 Right -A Worksheet Job: Date: 1/06103 Z0NE#1 By: PZ 4h COMFORT CONTROL OF SLC, INC. 1.691 S. MACEDO BLVD., PORT ST. LUCIE, F 34983 Phone: (561) 785-9010 Fax: (551) 785-9139 1 Room name GREAT RMIKITCH MASTER BDRM 2 Exposed %vall 139.5 it 13.0 it 3 Ceiling height 10.0 It heat/cool 10.0 ft heat1cool 4 Room dimensions 20.0 X 19.5 ft 13.0 x 17.5 ft 5 Room area 390.0 IV 227.5 ft2 Ty Constructlion U-value Or HTIM Area '(ft-) Load Area (ft) Load number (Btuh/ftk*F) (Btuh/ftj, ., pr penmeter ,,, (it) (Btuh) or pd6meter (it) (Btuh) Heat I Cool - Gross �/P/S Heat C601 Gross 14/PIS Heat Cool 6 ',1 3A-50cs �'wl"25� !?�� -3 �150," `2122� 306 106, 1 06 WA 236 - -in ��' " �' �18180 ,' " � A �t J7t40 '0 C 16B-19ad 0.049 1.37 2.57 390 390 535 1003 228 228 312 685 I A V 0.12 5, �,'e ,, f, - "b" '�jiN6 i,, 11-1 � . I, J�2:2?, I , -1 1 - -,-,�-b - , -, - A-'616 2M 11�2701 6,661 a iv 0 2433 rn, A� lorn N' 13A-50CS 0.125 a 3.50 2.22 24 a 0 0 0 0 0 Y--G 1A-clom 1.270 a 35.56 37.8B 24 24 853 835 0 0 0 0 13A�Sbds,, "'oivSTzw�i j: �'41A6 7,1; �j2,22; 711, !r�0'0 j" o A R 1,.,27,0 t0i� ',36.166� V� .66� y *,."Is T;� e '4 �ww M Kg� a6nm W W�mn ME&W9 K�� R- 4M `5 -0 41101h RZIMTM" 4'�ezi n" kl"A-z -11C u5zKffN; Q— �MK�L��-Ew �jl -I�:' F� P�4-_Z't"�g bk&i� �"z Ez, 2'1�1�'IkLJ C �-`T Envelope loss/gain 4707 4893 15371 2954 12 a) Infiltration 1639 410 539 135 b) Ventilation 0 0 0 0 13 Intemal gains: Occupants @ 230 230 2 460 Appliances @ 1200 3 . 3600 0 0 Less external load 0 0 0 0 Les, transfer 0 0 0 0 Redistrbution 0 0 0 0 14 Subtotal 6346 9133 2076 3549 151 Duct loads 6% 13%1 3B1 11871 6% 13% 125 461 To 'ro m . d 6726 1 10320 1 22 001 4010 I I Airtareq,?,red' (1.) 3 5 9 650 1 176 214 Printout certified by ACCA to meet all requirements of Manual J 8th Ed Right-SulteResldentlaIJ85.8.23RSR21055 2003�Jan-08 15:30:17 .43UN C:Vv1y DocumentsWrightsolt HVACIKOLGOLFVILLA2." Colo = MJ8 Orientation = W Page 4 Right -A Worksheet Job: Z0NE#1 Date: 1106103 6 By: PZ tk COMFORT CONTROL OF SLC, INC. 1.691 S. MACED0 BLVD., PORT ST. LUCIE, IF 34983 Phone: (561) 78&9010 F=(561)785-9139 I Room name MASTER BATH POWDER RWHALL 2 Exposed wall 4.0 ft 6.0 ft 3 Ceiling height 00, 9.0 ft heat(mol 9.0 ft heattmot 4 Room dimensions 6.0 x 13.5 ft 5.0 x 13.0 ft 5 Room area 67.5 112 65.0 ft- Ty Construction U-value Or Area (ft) Load Area Load number (BtuhtWF) or perimeter (ft) (Btuh) or perimeter (ft) (Btuh) Gross NIP/S Heat Cool Gross NIP/S Heat Cool 6 -13A"566�1� , 64WW - 1, 1- - - C 1613-19ad 0.049 1.37 2.67 68 68 93 174 65 65 89 1.67 7-6 7� '14 o 0 -c 061 IN, �10 ...... ... .. "W NO J 0 13A-5ocs 0.125 s 3.60 2.22 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Y--G IA�lom 1.270 s 35.56, 37.88 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 "a.60 2 -',2 '0 'A0, ---"10 V, �'o b IQ N�v" �B % ii'p�' D-Upa, M' n- wA 'k '94 wma 'V I- I WI 4r-" A� 0 eI, �-Z �A' �FTI M -I� a Envelope lossIgain 219 254 278 2871 12 a) Infiltration 149 37 224 56 b) Ventilation 0 0. 0 0 13 Internal gains: Occupants @ 230 0 0 Applianoes Q 1200 0 a 0 0 Less external load 0 0 0 0 Less transfer 0 0 0 0 Redistribution 0 0 0 0 14 Subtotal 368 291 502 343 151 Duct loads 6% 13%1 22 38 6% 13% 301 46 Total room load ILT 390 32: 1 1 6,321 3881 1 Air required (cfm) 31 1 13 _L11 Printout certified by ACCA to meet all requirements of Manual J 8th Ed. Right-SulteResidenHaIJBS.8.23RSR21055 2003IJan-013 15:30:17 ,455, MY D.curnentSAWrightsft HVACXKOLGOLFVILLA2.np Calc = MJ8 Orientation = W Page 6 Right -A Worksheet Job: 0 ZONE#2 Date: 1106103 6 By: PZ 10� COMFORT CONTROL OF SLC, INC. 1691 S. MACEDO BLVD., PORT St. LUCIE, F34983 Phone: (561)786-9010 Fax: (561) 785-9139 1 Room name ZONE#2 BATH 2 Exposed wall 56.0 It 16.0 It 3 Ceiling height 9.0 A p 9.0 It heatt000l 4 Room dimensions 8.5 x 9.5 it 5 Room area 413.8 ft2 80.8 W Ty Construction U-value Or Area (ft2) Load Area (" Load number (Btuhlft'-'F) or perimeter (It) (Btuh) or penmeter (it) (Btuh) Gross N/p/S Heat Cool Gross N/P/S Heat Cool 6 13A-'60m, 2t, i 3,504 A17 -,�46A 446 3' 4 SO$ -14 4 144 7 �604 262 -e6" ""lP P, it i1lff Z, 12,12, i� W C 16B-19ad 0.049 1.37 2.57 414 414 668 1064 81 81 Ill 208 �idA� Ob�t 25 111��# 1--ell-1- I . I " '0 ' 1 0 `0 "o i �X t—G 13A-5= 0:125 S 3.60 1.19 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 IA-clom 1.270 a 35.56 70.04 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 AW56.,' 1,'0 26 — ��* I : �,,. 450; ",3 ��-�,'3108 - ". "I ­-� ol -,Z. 0 'ft' :�o "�w .0 L �i4- 0- 41, 16 % Q �E"' �x �� .... . 2�' -v� Ej �"O:: ..... ..... -N v, W QN, VW t� Envelope lossigain 3752 6788 615 460 12 a) Infiltration 2091 523 5971 149 b) Ventilation 0 0 0 0 13 Internal gains: Omupants @ 230 1 230 0 0 Applianoes Q 1200 0 0 0 Less external load 0 0 0 0 Less transfer 0 0 0 0 Redistribution 0 0 0 0 14 Subtotal 51343 -7540 1212 609 '15 Duct loads 6% 13% 3511 9801 6% 13% 73 79 Total room load 6194 8r'211 1 1285 638 Air required (cftn) 383 383 80 31 Piintout certified by ACCA to meet all requirements of Manual J 8th Ed. RightSulteResidenHaIJ85.8.23RSR21055 2003-Jam-08 15:30:17 A56P, C'.Wy Docum.nWWrightsoft HVACXKDLGOLFVILLA2.rrp Calc = MUS Orientation = W Page 7 Right -A Worksheet Job: 0 ZONE#2 Date: 1/06103 By: PZ COMFORT CONTROL OF SLC, INC. 1.691 S. MACEDO BLVD.. PORT ST. LUCIE, F 34983 Phone: (561) 785-9010 Fm:(561)785.9139 1 Room name GUEST SUITE 2 Exposed wall 40.0 ft 3 Ceiling height 9.0 If heat/mol 4 Room dimensions 18.0 x 18.5 ft 5 Room area 333.0 It' Ty Construction U-value Or HTVI Area (M Load Area Load number- (Btuhiftk'F) (Btuhift') or perimeter (ft) (Btuh) or perimeter Heat Cool Gross N/PIS Heat Cool Gross NIP/S Heat Cool 6 43X-56cS' 5�b-,11'251 �_'W. 0 n, ii'i -��3ff i�,u_`:3b ZZ 2, 11jez J 4N 6' 6 V, `�"n le 2 _201 ' '�5 K� _�336, i? C 1613-19ad 0.049 1.37 2.67 333 333 457 857 A ita ie Ro W6.40 �,?2234 3 0 '4m?' 0.125 a 3.5 1.16 0 nf, 1WV, a 4�"!'_� 0 I, 0 IA�clom 1.270 a 35.56 70.04 0 0 0 0 ,13A'66&4,� .,. , .4 1 ­­., 2W ­' � 6-,l 0 -- -To � ',3.9,6 1 -, 0 s" A ­11, 1� ','o a '1X-d om,­ ­IM2 i" -i�SyQk i-"446146" Y� al s aj."Z_­'A M� W ------- �n­��' tLM Y y­ "'M "'EM WK "g'j y �z Eg .R 3 W'�W' Z%R Q, "4z _4 Fl� -4 .... .. g, Envelope loss/gain 3137 6328 12, a) Infiltration 1494 373 b) Ventilation 01 a 1 1 13 Internal gains: Owupants @ 230 230 Appliances @ 1200 0 0 Less external load 0 0 Less transfer 0 0 Redistribution 0 0 14 Subtotal 4631 6931 15 Duct loads 6% 13.1. 278 901 1 1 4909 7832 =.(:) 304 352 Printout certified by ACCA to meet all requirements of Manual J 8th Ed. PJght-SulteResldentlaIJ85.8.23RSR21055 2003-Jan-08 15:30:17 AWA CAMy DocumentsWrIghtsoft HVACXKOLGOLFVILLA2.ap Cale = MJ8 Orientation = W Page 8 FORM 60OA-2001 FLORIDA ENERGY EFFICIENCY CODE FOR BUILDING CONSTRUCTION Florida Department of Community Affairs Residential Whole Building Performance Method A Project Name: KOLGOLFVILLA2 Builder: KOLTER Adaress: Permitting Office: City, State: FIL Permit Number: Owner Jurisdiction Number: Climate Zone: Central I . New construction or existing New - 12. Cooling systems 2. Single family or multi-fiamily Single family - a. Central Unit Cap: 20.5 kBtu/hr 3. Number of units, if multi-farnily I - SEER: 12.00 4. Number of Bedroom 2 b. Central Unit Cap: 10.9 IcBtu/hr 5. Is this a worst casc7 No SEER: 11.00 6. Conditioned floor area (ft2) 1310 ft2 c. NIA 7. Glass area & type Single Pare Double Pme a. Clear glass, default U-factor 0.0 ft2 0.0 ft2 13. Heating systems b. Default fint 147.0 ft2 0.0 W a. Electric Strip Cap: 15.0 kBtu/hr c. Labeled U or SHGC 0.0 ftZ 0.0 ft2 COP: 1.00 8, Floortypes b. PTHP Cap: 15.0 kBtu/hr a. Slab -On -Grade Edge Insulation R=0.0,, 122.0(p) ft COP: 1.00 b. N/A c. N/A c. NIA 9. Wall types 14. Hot water systems I Face Brick, Block, Exterior R=4.1, 869.5 ft- a. Electric Resistance Cap: 40.0 gallons b. N/A - EF: 0.94 c. N/A b. N/A d. NIA e. N/A c. Conservation credits 10. Ceilingtypes (HR-Heat recovery, Solar a. Under Attic R=19.0,1310.0 ft' DEP-Dedicated heat pmp) b. NIA 15. ITVAC credits Mz-C' Mz-H c. NIA (CF-Ceiling fan, CV -Cross ventilation, 11. Ducts HF-Whole house fan, a. Sup: Unc. Ret: Uflc. AE: Interior Sup. R=6.0,75.0 ft PT-Prograrnmable Thernnostat, b. N/A MZ-C-Multizone cooling, MZ-H-Multizone heating) Glass/Floor Area: 0.11 Total as -built points: 18237 PASS Total base points: 18282 I hereby certify that the plans and specifications covered by this calculation are in compliance with the Florida Energy Code. PREPAREDBY: BARRYZIMMERMAN DATE: ) ! :7 117 !:1 0 1 I hereby certify that this building, as d�signed, is compliance with the Florida Energy Code. OWNER/AGENT: DATE: Review of the plans and specifications covered by this calculation indicates compliance with the Florida Energy Code. Before construction is completed this building will be inspected for compliance with Section 553.908 Florida Statutes. BUILDING OFFICIAL: DATE: 11 EnergyGauge@ (Version: FLRCSB v3.30) FORM 60OA-2001 SUMMER CALCULATIONS Residential Whole Building Performance Method A - Details I ADDRESS:,, FL, PERMIT#: BASE AS -BUILT GLASS TYPES .18 X Conditioned X BSPM Points Overhang Floor Area Type/SC Ornt Len Hgt Area X SPM X SOF Points .18 1310.0 25.78 6078.9 Single, Tint W 9.0 6.5 24.0 47.90 - 0.45 516.1 Single, Tint N 2.0 5.5 24.0 24.46 0.89 522.4 Single, Tint W 9.0 8.0 39.0 47.90 0.52 963.1 Single. Tint W 2.0 6.5 42.0 47.90 0.83 1672.2 Single, Tint E 2.0 5.5 18.0 53.27 0.83 797.8 As -Built Total: 147.0 4471.6 WALL TYPES Area X BSPM Points Type R-Value Area X SPM Points Adjacent 0.0 0.00 0.0 Face Brick, Block, Exterior 4.1 869.5 0.55 473.9 Exterior 869.5 1.90 1652.0 Base Total: 869.5 1652.0 As -Built Total; 869.5 473.9; DOOR TYPES Area X BSPM Points Type Area X SPM Points Adjacent 0.0 0.00 0.0 Exterior Insulated 41.0 4.80 2, 196.8 Exterior 41.0 4.80 196.8 Base Total: 41.0 196.8 As -Built Total: 41.0 196.8 CEILINGTYPES Area X BSPM Points Type R-Value Area X SPM X SCM = Points UnderAttic 1310.0 2.13 2790.3 Under Attic 19.0 1310.0 2.82 X 1.00 36942 Base Total: 1310.0 2790.3 As -Built Total: 1310.0 3694.2 FLOORTYPES Area X BSPM Points Type R-Value Area X SPM = Points Slab 122.0(p) -31.8 -3879.6 Slab -On -Grade Edge Insulation 0.0 122.0(p -31.90 -3871.8 Raised 0.0 0.00 0.0 Base Total: -3879.6 As-BulltTotal: 122.0 -3891.8 INFILTRATION Area X BSPM Points Area X SPM Points 1310.0 14.31 18746.1 1310.0 14.31 18746.1 EnergyGaugeQD DCA Form 60OA-2001 EnergyGaugeOFIaRES'2001 FLRCSB 0.30 FORM 60OA-2001 WINTER CALCULATIONS Residential Whole Building Performance Method A - Details I ADDRESS:,, FL, PERMIT* I BASE AS -BUILT GLASS TYPES .18 X Conditioned X BWPM Points Overhang Floor Area Type/SC Ornt Len Hgt Area X WPM X WOF = Point., .18 1310.0 5.86 1381.8 Single, Tint w 9.0 5.5 24.0 13.80 1.11 365.9 Single, Tint N 2.0 5.5 24.0 15.38 1.00 367.4 Single, Tint W 9.0 8.0 39.0 13.80 1.09 587.2 Single, Tint W 2.0 5.5 42.0 13.80 1.03 594.2 Single, Tint E 2.0 5.6 18.0 13.04 1.04 242.9 As -Built Total: 147.0 2167.5 WALL TYPES Area X BWPM = Points Type R-Value Area X WPM = Points Adjbcent 0.0 0.00 0.0 Face Brick, Block, Exterior 4.1 869.5 2.38 2069.4 Exterior 869.5 2.00 1739.0 Bise Total: 869.6 1739.0 As -Built Total: 869.5 2069.4 DOOR TYPES Area X BWPM = Points Type Area X WPM = Points Adjacent 0.0 0.00 0.0 Exterior Insulated 41.0 5.10 209.1 Exterior 41.0 5.10 209.1 Base Total: 41.0 209.1 As -Built Total: 41.0 209.1 CEILING TYPES Area X BWPM = Points Type R-Value Area X WPMXWCM= Points Under Attic 1310.0 0.64 838.4 Under Attic 19.0 1310.0 0.87 X 1.00 1139.7 Base Total: 1310.0 838.4 As -Built Total: 1310.0 1139.7 FLOOR TYPES Area X BWPM = Points Type R-Value Area X WPM Points Slab 122.0(p) -1.9 -231.8 Slab -On -Grade Edge Insulation 0.0 122.0(p 2.50 305.0 Raised 0.0 0.00 0.0 Base Total: -231.8 As-BulItTotal: 122.0 305.0 INFILTRATION Area X BWPM = Points Area X WPM Points 1310.0 -0.28 -366.8 1310.0 -0.28 -366.8 EnergyGaugeO DCA Form 60OA-2001 EnergyGauge@]FlaRES'2001 FLRCSB v3.30 FORM 60OA-2001 WINTER CALCULATIONS Residential Whole Building Performance Method A - Details I ADDRESS:,, FIL, PERMIT #: I BASE AS -BUILT Winter Base Points: 3569.7 Winter As -Built Points: 5514.0 Total Winter X System Heating Total X Cap X Duct X System X Credit = Heating Points Multiplier Points Component Ratio Multiplier Multiplier Multiplier Points (DM x DSM x AHU) 5514.0 0.500 (1.078x1.160x0.92) 1.000 0.950 3013.2 6514.0 0.500(1.00 x 1.160 x 1.00) 1.000 0.950 3013.2 3569.7 0.6274 2239.6 6514.0 1.00 1.150 1.000 0.950 6026.3 EnergyGauge� DCA Form 60OA-2001 EnergyGaugeSIFIaRES'2001 FLRCSB V3.30 I-Luuuut RLCVICW Imiluavil St Luc.ie County, Public Worim Department CodeComplianceijivision suiLt>jwG * 4jj -"OASTLF, pi OjES The following products will be installed in the structure located at 1116 eE51Me_P. ?G.A. vltj* Building. Permit # Owners Owner's Address_jj!�roo Contractor VLOL.Tee Hoftgs ntractor's Address =eo 339&;fL_ Product [Viroduct Rated PesignPressureN I Manufacturer rodd Numbel Method of Attachujit Windows FM In dio rated wind dosftn prmurey Ih*d 4 dze mmqfacturerfor each ;;�&Wd Ist Choice 48 f sr- - 44my I tAparmca.-If. �r±ies 2nd Choice 1+".5?SF -TTI3V4 r-L-k.'&TacVe=,j M ILESTOVe IWO I INWAIPLY (Alk)II10EM Fixed Glass I st Choice -70"r- THP-0 8�0c.V_Iwro 2nd Choice 11V I Te-F:o �BZF) Glass (ot�er) SCANNED Butf Glass BY Glass Block Sliding Glass Doors 1 §t Choice kgon pej -"I SEM5 cAaft JTA,c4w:� S�ving Type,Do.ors, Ist Choicc 1) f SF -10 F5* .2ndChoicctd Overhead -Garage Doors Ist Choice 2nd Choice Roofing Material Asphalt/Fiberglass Metal S-WV P-jWz c5HAI/Y- V41L-�D ew-TeGe-A A.TF__ -r I Le IMAMI-PAPE h4tters Choice VA P 091 6101 SEE ft=ucT A W�IJA 1 have reviewed the above components and cladding, and have approved provide adequate resistance to the wind loads and forces specifled by ctu Name: 56077 V, DYER- Signature - use In the structm* to code providqpL r A , A/ �_ R!!111�n Firrn-'C�' 0, VNGC- AeCA41rcr, Cert. No. Ar- 0011651 -7 103 Datq- F.ft- 1A SCANNED St Lucie - Comy PRODUCT CONTROL NOTICE OF ACCEPTANCE Eastern Metal Supply, Inc. 3600 23rd Ave., South Lake Worth,FL 33461 Your application for Notice. of Acceptance (NOA) of.. 0.03 0 " Galvanized Steel Storm Panels shutter MIAlya-DADE COUNTY, FLORIDA NMTRO-DADE FLAGLER ]BUILDING BUMI)ING CODE COPv2LIANCE OFFICE METRO-DAD�,� FLAGLER BUILDING 140 WEST FLAGLER STREFT SUITEA 6D3 ML'� FLORID� 33130-1563 (305) 375-2901 PAX (305) 375-2909 CONMRACTOR LICENS'IN(3 sEcnoN (305)375-2527 FAX (305)375-2558 CONTRAC TOR ENFORCEhjENT DIvISION �305) 375-2966 PAX (305) 375-2909 PRODUCrdONTROLDrMION (305) 375-2902 FAX (305) 372-6339 under Chapter 8 of the Codeiof lfiami-Dade County gov craing the use Of Alterliate Materials and Ty Construction, and completely described here , has be n reco e ded fo acctpt c , pcs of in e mm 11 r an t by the Mami-Dade County Building Code Compliance Office (BCCO) under the conditions specified herein. This NOA shall not be valid. after the expiration date stated below. BCCO reserves the right to secur6 this product or mateiial at any t�mc from a jobsite or miRufacturer's plaiii for q*uality control testing. If this product or material fails to 'Perform in -the approved manner, 13 C Of -such. -pro duct or CC may revoke, Modify' or suspend the mat�rial immediately.-- BGCG res&rvc�3- thcright-to. mvolm this 'approval, if it is th i de.termihed by.BCCO that 4dis product or material faiis* to: meet requiremerit� of the Son Flor da Buildiiig Code. The 6#'�ns6 of such testing �.M e incu, rred by the inknifacturer. ACCEPTANCE No.. 00-09.*19.10 EXPIRES: 06/07/2004 Ra- ul Rodriguez Chief Product Control Division THIS IS THE COVERSHEET, SEE ADDITIONAL PAGES FOR SPECIPTC AND GE CONDITIONS BUILDING CODE & PRODUCT REVIEW COYL�ffTTEE This application for Product Approval has been reviewed by,the, BCCO and approved by the Building Code and Produ�t Review Committee to.be used in Marni-Dade County, Florida under the conditions set forth above, APPROVE D:_ 06/07/2001 Francisco J. Quintana, R.A. Director Miami -Dade County Building Code Compliance off -ice Y�S(1�500() 1\PC2000%\EeMP1ntes\no6ce accepu�"c� o�e, pa.-e.dot i Internet mail address: postm2ster@buildjngcodeonline.com 0 Horneoaae: httn:/Avvnv Eastern Metal Supplyjnc. ACCEPTANCE No. -0919.10 00 APPROVED 06/07/2001 EXPIRES 06/07/2oO4 NOTICE OF ACCEPTANCE: SPECIFIC CONDITIONS I. SCOPE This approves 0.030" Galvanized Steel Storm Panels Shutter, as described in Sectio of Notice of Acceptarice, designed to comply with n 2 th the South Florida Building qode, 1994 Edition f( Miami -Dade County, for the locations where the, vressure requimments, as determined by SFB, Chapter 23, do not exceed the Design Pri-ssure Rat�g values iiadicatd in the approved dra gs. win 2. PRODUCT DESCRIPTION This'0.030" Galvanized Steel Storm Panels shutter and its components shall be, constructed in stric . ..... . ... compliance with the follow1higdoCuments: Drawing No. 001252, titled "24 Gage Galvanized Berth Steel Storm Panels", prepared by Tilteco, Inc., dated July-10, 2.000, last revision4l dated . April 3 2001, sheets I through 9 of 9, sigmed and sealed by Walter A. Tillit Jr., P,R.,:bcaring the Mami Zade_.CQI�, -Product. Control -approval 'tamp-with'ithe.Notice.of AccFptance �number. and pLpprova date�-�_Y--t4c Marm-Dade. County -Product Control. Division. -These.. do ume ts� shaH.her�in r b( referred to as the approved drawings. c n . afte. 3- LDMTATIONS All'Permaaent set components, included but not limited to embedded anchor bolts'�* threaded cones, metal shields, head�rs and sills, must be protected agai�st corrosion, c0ntanaiaation and d - all times. amagD at 4. INSTALLATION i This 0.030" Galvanized Steel Storm Panels Shutter d its components shall be ed in stri compliance with thc1approved drawina an install ct OS. S. LABELING Each panel shall bear a permanent label with the manufacturer's name or logo, city, state and the following statement:;; "hfiami-Dade County Product Control Approved". 6. BUILDING pEpMT REQUIREMENTS 6.1 Application for, building permit shall be accompanied by copies of the following: 6.1.1 This Nitice of Acceptance. 6.1.2 Duplica . te copies of the. approved drawings, as identified in Section 2 of this Notice. of Acceptance, clearly' marked to show the -,components selected for the proposed installation. 6.1.3 Any other documents required by the Building'Official or the South Florida Building Code (SFBC) in order to properly evaluate the installation of this system. 41, Helmy A. Mak-ar, P.E. -Product Control Examiner Product Control Divis" Ion Eastern Metal Supply, Inc. ACCEPTANCE No. 00-0919.10 — 06/07/2001 06/07/2004 NOTICE OF ACCEPTANCE: STANDARD COnITIONS I. Renewal of this Ac�.ceptance (approval) shall be considered after a renewal app*lication has been filed an� origirial submitted documents, including test -supporting data, env e r g docume. ts, ar no older th e (9) years- oiii 'no n e an 2. . Any and all approv�d products shall be permanently labeled with the manufaot erls name, ci following statement: 'Miami -Dade Cc* ur tY, state, and specific conditions , of this Acceptance. unty P�6ducit 'Control Approve'd'", o'r'as' specifically stated in 3- Renewals of Acceptance will not be considered i:E- a� There has bee'n a change- in the, South Florida Building Code affecting the evaluation of this 'prod and the� prodii6f Ts not in compliance withL the code changez. b. The productis� no longe;r the -same product (identical) as the One- Originally approved. j�­­­Ifjhe Acice;Pt *e-hOlder has not PQrqpliq,,d.._with all thei r.equirem6a ts. of this. w�ceptance,. including correct installation of the product,.. d... The . en'g-fficar, who 'originally prepared, signed a'nd scaled th� required documertaiion in'tia . submitted, is no longer practicing the engineering profession. 4. Amy revision or change in the materials, use, and/or manufacture of the product or process shall automatica be 'cause for termination of this Acceptance, iniless prior written approval has been requested (through t filing of a revision application with appropriate fee) and granted by this office. S. Any of the following shall also be grounds for removal of this Acceptance: a. U11satisfactory performance of this product or process. b. Misuse of this Acceptance as an endorsement Of any Product, for sales, advertising or any'oth purposes. 6� The Notice of Acceptance; number preceded by the words Miami -Dade County, Florida, and followed by tl expiration date may. be displayed in advertising literature. If any portion of the: Notice of Acceptance displaySd, then it shall be done in its entirety. 7. A copy of this Acceptance as well as approved drawings and other documents, where it applies, shall t provided to the user by the manufacturer or its distributors and shall be available f6r inspection at the job si at all time. The mgioeer needs riot reseal the copies. 8. Failure to comply With any section of this Acceptance shall be cause for termination and removal c Acceptance. ..r 9. This Notice of Acceptance consists of pages 1, 2 and this last page 3. END OF =S ACCEPTANCE .. J -a- -,-; � /J� 4 ", " - � Helmy A. L'�falcar, p.,E. -Product Control Examine Product Control DiVisi6 . n