HomeMy WebLinkAbout49 09/06/24 ST. LUCZO COUNTY - BOARD PAGE I FDaaWARK WARRANT LIST #49- 5I-AUG-2024 TO 06-SEP-2024 FUND SUMMARY FUND TITLE EXPENSES PAYROLL 001 General Fund 436,70I.34 0. 00 001001 Recreation Special Events 52,784 .55 0. 08 001599 V3 8Vo Small Cities CoBg 1, 350.00 0.00 001630 U5 Treasury Jmmzioau Rescue Plan 6I, 450. 69 0. 00 00I663 FHA Section 112 MPD Planning Grant 221 . 60 0.00 001665 D3 Dept of 8DS CSBG FY24-25 156.25 0.00 001834 TCEBos 7, 714 .79 0.00 IUl Transportation Trust Fund 86, 895.80 0.08 10I001 Transportation Trust IoLezlooals 18 .86 0.00 102 Ooioonzpozatod Services Fund 7, I11.38 0.00 I02001 Stormwatez MSTn 6I, 818 .33 0.00 I02819 ZRL Council Sheraton Plaza 7, 87O.00 0.00 I07 Fine a Forfeiture Fund 206, 7I5.31 0.00 107001 Fine a Forfeiture Fund-Wireless Sur 2, 417 .25 0.00 I07003 Fine a Forfeiture yuod-800 Mbz Oper 2, 964 .33 0.00 107005 FaF Fund-Court Related Technology 5, 479.78 0.00 107009 F&F One-Time Funding 14, 658 .00 0.00 107515 DSDOJ 2021 3CIo\P Program Grant 18, 687 .13 0.00 I30 SLC Public Transit MSTn 91, 649.33 0.00 130144 yTA FFY 5307 a 5359 Super Grant 69.93 0.00 130145 rrA 5310 - Travel Training 26,287 .04 0.00 130146 FTA 5310 8ubaooed Mobility 279.76 0.00 130147 FTA FFY23 SEC.5307/5339 DnDez Grant 577, 818 .36 0.00 130148 FTA/FD0T Sec. 5311 FFY2023-2024 31, 071.95 0.00 130246 FD0T Micro-Transit OnD. Zone 2 49, 508 .31 0.00 I30250 FDOT FI2824 BLOCK GED10T 69,47O.49 0.00 130253 yD0T Lakewood Park Transit Den. 34, 588 .47 0.00 130255 FCTD 3FY25 Trip a Equipment Grant 62,284 .37 0.00 132 Culvert M3BU 6, 000.00 0.00 I40 Airport Fund I4, 447 .34 0.00 140001 PnzL Fund 296.84 0.00 160 Plan Maintenance DAo Fund 1, 472.78 0.00 I70 Court Facilities Fund 29, 940.00 0.00 18I SLC Housing Finance Authority Fund 5, 800.00 0 .00 183 CL Adminiatratoz-19tb Judicial Cir 5,263.27 0.00 I85021 F8FC SDZ2 FI2821-2022 916.00 0.00 185023 F8FC SHIP FY2022-2023 21, 888 .00 0 .80 185024 F8FC SHIP 2023-2034 I, 125.00 0.80 187 Boating Improvement Projects 22, 500.00 0 .00 190 Sports Complex Fund 62, 635.7I 0.00 3I00I0 Impact Fees-Library "North" I, 062.1I 0 .00 310011 Impact Fees-Library "South" 3, 491.70 0 .00 5I0017 Impact Fees-Traonportatioo"Ceutral" 1, 762.56 0.00 3100I8 Impact Fees-Transportation "South" 6I, 020. 9I 0.00 316 County Capital 26, 93I.48 0.00 319 ZuIzaatzoctuze 3ozLax Capital I48, 033.56 0 .00 362 Sports Complex ImBrov Food 7, 890.00 0.00 401 Sanitary Landfill =d 276 lOO. 98 0 .00 09/06/24 ST. LUCIE COUNTY - BOARD PAGE 2 FZABWARR WARRANT LIST *49- 31-AUG-2024 TO 06-SEP-2024 FUND SUMMARY FUND TITLE EXPENSES PAYROLL 418 Golf Course Fund 219.01 0.00 471 Water & Sewer District Operations 37,714 .52 0. 00 478 Water & Sewer District R&R 21, 410.32 0.00 479 Water & Sewer Dist.-Cap Facilities 382, 196.43 0. 00 505 Health Insurance Fund 1, 328,513.45 0.00 505001 Risk Management Fund 28, 511.31 0.00 625 Law Library 13, 953. 92 0.00 630 Medical Examiner Agency Fund 8, 184 .87 0. 00 631 Victim Services Agency Fund 950.45 0.00 801 Bank Fund 39, 109.40 0.00 GRAND TOTAL: 4, 466, 485. 17 0. 00 09/06/24 ST. LUCIE COUNTY - BOARD PAGE 1 FZABWARR WARRANT LIST 449- 31-AUG-2024 TO 06-SEP-2024 FUND SUMMARY- MOSQUITO FUND TITLE EXPENSES PAYROLL 145 Mosquito Fund 31,516. 47 0. 00 GRAND TOTAL: 31, 516. 47 0. 00 09/06/24 ST. LUCIE COUNTY - BOARD PAGE 1 FZABWARR WARRANT LIST *49- 31-AUG-2024 TO 06-SEP-2024 FUND SUMMARY- EROSION FUND TITLE EXPENSES PAYROLL 184 Erosion Control Operating Fund 296.84 0.00 GRAND TOTAL: 296.84 0.00 09/06/24 ST. LUCIE COUNTY -BOARD PAGE 1 FZABWARR WARRANT LIST #49-31-AUG-2024 TO 06-SEP-2024 FUND: 001 -General Fund CHECK VENDOR PURPOSE TOTAL !0058157 Bott, Gerald GNP Programming 200.00 !0058159 Fusco, Kirk Guided Nature Programs 47.50 Guided Nature Programs 175.00 CHECK TOTAL: 222.50 !0058166 McNair, Amy McNair/Orlando/FPHRA Conferenc 282.49 !0058167 Mosher, Angel GNP programming 43.75 !0058169 Obando, Dinorath C Obando/Local Travel 46.10 !0058170 Persons, William E GNP Programming 100.00 !0058172 Ries, Irene-Eva Guided Nature Programs 85.25 !0058182 Brady Industries of Florida LL Misc. Janitorial Supplies 16.16 Janitorial Supplies-Savannas 59.51 CHECK TOTAL: 75.67 !0058188 Correctional Risk Services Inc Inmate Medical Expenses C17-10 17,236.89 !0058191 Duval Motor Company 2024 Ford Transit T-350 HD 56,879.75 !0058200 Heritage Landscape Supply Grou Chemicals and Fertilizers NOT 7,903.10 Chemicals and Fertilizers -Ou 1,225.00 CHECK TOTAL: 9,128.10 !0058203 Indian River Magazine Earth Day Advertising 500.00 !0058211 Manny's Lawn Services Inc Grounds Maintenance at Recreat 250.00 !0058213 Michelle R Miller Clerk of Ci Budget Increase Salary Study a 96,768.00 !0058214 Midwest Tape LLC A/V for Library 4.89 !0058220 Rhode Island Novelty Inc Novelties -Aquarium Gift Shop 2,803.00 !0058221 Ricoh USA Inc Operating Supplies 70.70 !0058224 Siemens Industry Inc Maintenance Improvement 14,185.00 !0058229 St Lucie Cultural Alliance Grant to Build a Sustainable L 12,500.00 Grant to Build a Sustainable L 12,500.00 CHECK TOTAL: 25,000.00 !0058231 Toshiba America Business Solut Copier Rental/Lease 11.55 09/06/24 ST. LUCIE COUNTY -BOARD PAGE 2 FZABWARR WARRANT LIST #49-31-AUG-2024 TO 06-SEP-2024 FUND: 001 -General Fund CHECK VENDOR PURPOSE TOTAL !0058232 Treasure Coast Courier Service Courier Services 500.00 09855790 Blue McNeil One LLC Rent for Bernie Belizaire 09/2 1,508.00 09855805 Florida Power & Light Company Acct# 10239-29589/Parks SF 37.77 Acct# 10199-20584/Parks SF 33.04 Acct# 31275-62381/Parks SF 30.53 CHECK TOTAL: 101.34 09855806 Florida Power & Light Company Acct# 54284-74356/Fairgrounds 7,081.22 Acct# 10032-87289/FAC 11,057.29 Acct# 05407-34167/LIB 10,271.91 Acct# 64200-50327/IT 6,083.55 Acct# 21835-79537/Parks RG 5,018.97 Acct# 76225-50502/Parks SF 2,915.60 Acct# 38017-54593/Public Safet 8,893.01 Acct# 55615-58007/ERD 956.35 Acct# 34137-92445/Ag 1,882.93 Acct# 48894-52340/FAC 271.27 CHECK TOTAL: 54,432.10 09855814 Haisley-Hobbs Funeral Home Inc Payment for disposition of Wil 750.00 09855815 Haisley-Hobbs Funeral Home Inc Payment for disposition of All 169.00 09855857 SRP Sub LLC DOH Rent/1257 SW Heather St Po 2,394.95 09855859 Treasure Coast General Contrac Maintenance Improvement 8,906.74 09855861 Valentin, Caroline C24-06-498, Professional Svcs 10,587.50 C0033469 AT&T Acct #772 429-5307 001 0451 3,627.32 C0033472 Bluetriton Brands Inc Water Delivery Service -Platt 41.94 Hot/Cold Water Cooler Rental 2.99 Water and Supplies 27.96 Cooler Rental Fees 5.98 Water Deliver Service 90.87 Water Delivery Service 2.99 Water Delivery Contract C16-12 69.90 Cooler Rental Contract C16-12- 2.99 Cooler Rent C16-12-691 5.98 Water & Cups 13.98 water cooler rental 2.99 Water, Drinking (Including Dis 27.96 CHECK TOTAL: 296.53 09/06/24 ST. LUCIE COUNTY -BOARD PAGE 3 FZABWARR WARRANT LIST #49-31-AUG-2024 TO 06-SEP-2024 FUND: 001 -General Fund CHECK VENDOR PURPOSE TOTAL C0033481 Genserve LLC Equipment Maintenance 440.00 Equipment Maintenance 440.00 Equipment Maintenance 370.00 CHECK TOTAL: 1,250.00 C0033493 SiteOne Landscape Supply Holdi Chemicals (Not Otherwise Class 2,714.04 Chemicals (Not Otherwise Class 5,371.04 CHECK TOTAL: 8,085.08 C0033494 Tiresoles of Broward Inc Light Fleet Misc. Tires & Repa 22.00 Light Fleet Misc. Tires & Repa 152.35 Light Fleet Misc. Tires & Repa 40.00 Light Fleet Misc. Tires & Repa 509.80 Light Fleet Misc. Tires & Repa 22.00 Light Fleet Misc. Tires & Repa 752.00 Light Fleet Misc. Tires & Repa 22.00 Light Fleet Misc. Tires & Repa 22.00 Light Fleet Misc. Tires & Repa 425.64 Light Fleet Misc. Tires & Repa 22.00 Light Fleet Misc. Tires & Repa 852.78 Light Fleet Misc. Tires & Repa 534.44 Light Fleet Misc. Tires & Repa 22.00 Light Fleet Misc. Tires & Repa 22.00 Light Fleet Misc. Tires & Repa 342.00 CHECK TOTAL: 3,763.01 C0033495 Toshiba Business Solutions (US Copier Rental/Lease 96.97 Copies 10.36 CHECK TOTAL: 107.33 C0033499 Verizon Wireless Services LLC Acct #842106256-00001 36.07 C0033501 Yates Funeral Home LLC Payment for disposition of Tho 750.00 H0005038 The Lincoln National Life Insu 457(b) Plan Contributions/Loan 4,999.29 H0005041 Internal Revenue Service Group #50041851 USABLE Employe 78.69 Group #50041851 USABLE Employe 336.42 CHECK TOTAL: 415.11 V0023951 DEH Kingdom Management Inc Lawn Maintenance -ADM Zone 2,730.94 Lawn Maintenance -DNT Zone 278.46 Lawn Maintenance -RR IT A-Tea 767.00 Lawn Maintenance -SLW Zone 731.90 Lawn Maintenance -TRD Zone 5,231.56 Lawn Maintenance -WAL Zone 710.86 CHECK TOTAL: 10,450.72 09/06/24 ST. LUCIE COUNTY -BOARD PAGE 4 FZABWARR WARRANT LIST #49-31-AUG-2024 TO 06-SEP-2024 FUND: 001 -General Fund CHECK VENDOR PURPOSE TOTAL V0023952 DEH Kingdom Management Inc Test Mowing Cycle ERD Preserve 4,767.00 V0023953 Gartner Inc Member Basic Consulting Servic 77,769.00 V0023956 Nelson Mullins Riley & Scarbor C20-01-004 Professional Legal 11,643.00 V0023957 No-Nonsense Training Solutions Team Building Training & Confl 2,595.00 V0023958 Pioneer Manufacturing Company Football Sideline Tarps 2,025.00 V0023964 St Lucie West Services Distric Acct #20-05788-00/560 NW Unive 878.61 FUND TOTAL: 436,701.34 09/06/24 ST. LUCIE COUNTY -BOARD PAGE 5 FZABWARR WARRANT LIST #49-31-AUG-2024 TO 06-SEP-2024 FUND: 001001-Recreation Special Events CHECK VENDOR PURPOSE TOTAL !0058174 A Great Fence LLC Additional 10' wire next to du 2,142.14 Fence Repair/Replacement at La 32,480.00 CHECK TOTAL: 34,622.14 !0058176 Allied Universal Corporation Chemicals -SLC Pools 601.10 Chemicals -SLC Pools 601.10 Chemicals -SLC Pools 450.82 Chemicals -SLC Pools 450.82 Chemicals -SLC Pools 400.73 CHECK TOTAL: 2,504.57 !0058198 Florida Coast Equipment Inc 2024 Kubota Utility Tractor 15,657.84 FUND TOTAL: 52,784.55 09/06/24 ST. LUCIE COUNTY -BOARD PAGE 6 FZABWARR WARRANT LIST #49-31-AUG-2024 TO 06-SEP-2024 FUND: 001599-US HUD Small Cities CDBG CHECK VENDOR PURPOSE TOTAL !0058206 KIB Construction Corp Remove and Install New Resista 1,250.00 FUND TOTAL: 1,250.00 09/06/24 ST. LUCIE COUNTY -BOARD PAGE 7 FZABWARR WARRANT LIST #49-31-AUG-2024 TO 06-SEP-2024 FUND: 001630-US Treasury American Rescue Plan CHECK VENDOR PURPOSE TOTAL !0058193 Eastern Pipeline Construction Infrastructure 50,391.00 Retainage 2,519.55- CHECK TOTAL: 47,871.45 !0058196 Famoso Inc Contract Labor 1,284.78 !0058204 Inwood Consulting Engineers In Engineering 12,294.46 FUND TOTAL: 61,450.69 09/06/24 ST. LUCIE COUNTY -BOARD PAGE 8 FZABWARR WARRANT LIST #49-31-AUG-2024 TO 06-SEP-2024 FUND: 001663-FHA Section 112 MPO Planning Grant CHECK VENDOR PURPOSE TOTAL !0058221 Ricoh USA Inc Equipment Rental 153.00 V0023965 T-Mobile USA Inc Acct #267033788 68.60 FUND TOTAL: 221.60 09/06/24 ST. LUCIE COUNTY -BOARD PAGE 9 FZABWARR WARRANT LIST #49-31-AUG-2024 TO 06-SEP-2024 FUND: 001665-US Dept of HHS CSBG FY24-25 CHECK VENDOR PURPOSE TOTAL !0058228 St Lucie County Tax Collector CSBG/County ID Assist program 156.25 FUND TOTAL: 156.25 09/06/24 ST. LUCIE COUNTY -BOARD PAGE 10 FZABWARR WARRANT LIST #49-31-AUG-2024 TO 06-SEP-2024 FUND: 001834-TCERDA CHECK VENDOR PURPOSE TOTAL !0058192 Dwyer Environmental Services L Ground maintenance at TCERDA 1,850.00 !0058196 Famoso Inc Sunshine Kitchen Staff Clerica 745.20 Sunshine Kitchen Staff Mainten 1,128.00 CHECK TOTAL: 1,873.20 !0058231 Toshiba America Business Solut Copier Rental Lease 55.03 Copier Rental Lease 189.37 CHECK TOTAL: 244.40 09855805 Florida Power & Light Company Acct# 43684-74575/TCERDA 26.97 Acct# 38860-51279/TCERDA 30.69 Acct# 58870-61314/TCERDA 485.49 Acct# 14678-41316/TCERDA 659.70 Acct# 92754-31311/TCERDA 414.09 Acct# 71788-10102/TCERDA 1,207.26 CHECK TOTAL: 2,824.20 C0033472 Bluetriton Brands Inc Bottler Water and cooler renta 2.99 V0023950 Extreme Cleaning Inc Kitchen Hood Cleaning 920.00 FUND TOTAL: 7,714.79 09/06/24 ST. LUCIE COUNTY -BOARD PAGE 11 FZABWARR WARRANT LIST #49-31-AUG-2024 TO 06-SEP-2024 FUND: 101 -Transportation Trust Fund CHECK VENDOR PURPOSE TOTAL !0058163 Joshi, Khooshi Joshi/Palm Beach/South Florida 148.74 !0058189 Cropland Services Inc Longline Mowing 47,165.21 !0058199 H D Industries Inc Tack 3,017.77 !0058202 Hulett Environmental Services Pest Control Services 30.00 Pest Control Services 24.00 Pest Control Services 20.00 CHECK TOTAL: 74.00 !0058219 Ranger Construction Industries Asphalt 141.30 !0058231 Toshiba America Business Solut Equipment Lease 223.74 Equipment Leae 84.71 CHECK TOTAL: 308.45 09855804 Florida East Coast Railway LLC FEC Crossing Maintenance and L 3,934.00 FEC Crossing Maintenance and L 1,967.00 FEC Crossing Maintenance and L 1,967.00 CHECK TOTAL: 7,868.00 09855806 Florida Power & Light Company Acct# 68446-36206/Road & Bridg 815.37 Acct# 32796-85253/Road & Bridg 10,611.42 Acct# 10032-87289/FAC 1,684.30 CHECK TOTAL: 13,111.09 09855856 Sole Sisters Shoes LLC Safety Boots 159.99 C0033480 Fort Pierce Alternator and Sta Alternators, Batteries and Sta 153.66 C0033484 Indian River Oxygen Inc Rental of Tank 44.00 C0033494 Tiresoles of Broward Inc Tires 2,710.00 Equipment Repairs and parts 170.00 Tires 1,555.00 CHECK TOTAL: 4,435.00 C0033495 Toshiba Business Solutions (US Copies 123.35 Copier Rental/Lease 269.02 CHECK TOTAL: 392.37 C0033496 Total Truck Parts Inc Heavy Equipment Parts / Repair 135.15 Heavy Equipment Parts / Repair 17.95 CHECK TOTAL: 153.10 C0033498 UniFirst Corporation Rental of rags for Heavy Equip 38.09 09/06/24 ST. LUCIE COUNTY -BOARD PAGE 12 FZABWARR WARRANT LIST #49-31-AUG-2024 TO 06-SEP-2024 FUND: 101 -Transportation Trust Fund CHECK VENDOR PURPOSE TOTAL C0033498 -Continued Uniform Rentals 43.67 Rental of rags for Heavy Equip 38.09 Uniform Rentals 74.07 CHECK TOTAL: 193.92 H0005038 The Lincoln National Life Insu 457(b) Plan Contributions/Loan 609.81 V0023948 EFE Inc Heavy Equipment Parts / Repair 918.39 V0023966 Temple Inc Solar powered Speed Sign 8,001.00 FUND TOTAL: 86,895.80 09/06/24 ST. LUCIE COUNTY -BOARD PAGE 13 FZABWARR WARRANT LIST #49-31-AUG-2024 TO 06-SEP-2024 FUND: 101001-Transportation Trust Interlocals CHECK VENDOR PURPOSE TOTAL H0005038 The Lincoln National Life Insu 457(b) Plan Contributions/Loan 18.86 FUND TOTAL: 18.86 09/06/24 ST. LUCIE COUNTY -BOARD PAGE 14 FZABWARR WARRANT LIST #49-31-AUG-2024 TO 06-SEP-2024 FUND: 102 -Unincorporated Services Fund CHECK VENDOR PURPOSE TOTAL !0058183 Calvin Giordano & Associates I C20-01-124 WA #12 1,740.00 C20-01-124 WA #12 2,595.00 CHECK TOTAL: 4,335.00 C0033472 Bluetriton Brands Inc Water Deliver Service 41.94 H0005038 The Lincoln National Life Insu 457(b) Plan Contributions/Loan 564.45 V0023970 Dell Marketing LP QUOTE 2407250015 370.00 QUOTE 2407250015 1,505.00 QUOTE 2407250015 230.00 QUOTE 2407250015 64.99 CHECK TOTAL: 2,169.99 FUND TOTAL: 7,111.38 09/06/24 ST. LUCIE COUNTY -BOARD PAGE 15 FZABWARR WARRANT LIST #49-31-AUG-2024 TO 06-SEP-2024 FUND: 102001-Stormwater MSTU CHECK VENDOR PURPOSE TOTAL !0058202 Hulett Environmental Services Pest Control 20.00 !0058207 Kimley Horn and Associates Inc Engineering 5,657.50 Engineering 10,272.15 CHECK TOTAL: 15,929.65 !0058222 Shenandoah General Constructio Drainage / Road Right-of-way M 42,927.00 09855806 Florida Power & Light Company Acct# 01763-63174/WQ 2,941.68 FUND TOTAL: 61,818.33 09/06/24 ST. LUCIE COUNTY -BOARD PAGE 16 FZABWARR WARRANT LIST #49-31-AUG-2024 TO 06-SEP-2024 FUND: 102819-IRL Council Sheraton Plaza CHECK VENDOR PURPOSE TOTAL !0058207 Kimley Horn and Associates Inc Engineering 7,870.00 FUND TOTAL: 7,870.00 09/06/24 ST. LUCIE COUNTY -BOARD PAGE 17 FZABWARR WARRANT LIST #49-31-AUG-2024 TO 06-SEP-2024 FUND: 107 -Fine & Forfeiture Fund CHECK VENDOR PURPOSE TOTAL !0058182 Brady Industries of Florida LL Operating Supplies 80.80 Operating Supplies 1,344.34 CHECK TOTAL: 1,425.14 !0058186 CentralSquare Technologies LLC CentralSquare OneSolution Free 6,045.00 !0058202 Hulett Environmental Services Pest Control 29.00 !0058233 Triad Security Group Maintenance-Security System 230.00 09855806 Florida Power & Light Company Acct# 10032-87289/FAC 7,485.57 Acct# 10032-87289/FAC 236.91 Acct# 10032-87289/FAC 62,171.62 Acct# 25534-00199/FAC-Sheriff 11,702.68 CHECK TOTAL: 81,596.78 C0033468 Americas Office Source Inc Misc Operating Supplies 81.07 Misc Operating Supplies 150.33 Misc Office Supplies 5.94 CHECK TOTAL: 237.34 C0033470 AT&T Acct #561 N25-0036 036 269.79 C0033481 Genserve LLC Equipment Maintenace 620.00 Equipment Maintenace 240.00 Equipment Maintenace 570.00 CHECK TOTAL: 1,430.00 C0033497 Trane U.S. Inc Maintenance Improvement 108,429.00 H0005038 The Lincoln National Life Insu 457(b) Plan Contributions/Loan 516.36 V0023951 DEH Kingdom Management Inc Lawn Maintenance -CHZ Zone 266.50 Lawn Maintenance -DNT Zone J 538.42 Lawn Maintenance -SLW Zone Ju 618.80 CHECK TOTAL: 1,423.72 V0023963 St Lucie West Services Distric Acct #14-05128-00/250 NW Count 743.20 V0023969 Dell Marketing LP Dell USB Soundbar 35.00 Dell USB Soundbar 35.00 Dell Wired Mouse and Keyboard 29.99 Dell 27" Monitor 370.00 Dell Wired Mouse and Keyboard 29.99 Docking Station -E-Port Repli 230.00 Docking Station -E-Port Repli 230.00 09/06/24 ST. LUCIE COUNTY -BOARD PAGE 18 FZABWARR WARRANT LIST #49-31-AUG-2024 TO 06-SEP-2024 FUND: 107 -Fine & Forfeiture Fund CHECK VENDOR PURPOSE TOTAL V0023969 -Continued Latitude 5550 -i7, 16g 512ssd 1,505.00 Latitude 5550 -i7, 16g 512ssd 1,505.00 Dell 27" Monitor 370.00 CHECK TOTAL: 4,339.98 FUND TOTAL: 206,715.31 09/06/24 ST. LUCIE COUNTY -BOARD PAGE 19 FZABWARR WARRANT LIST #49-31-AUG-2024 TO 06-SEP-2024 FUND: 107001-Fine & Forfeiture Fund-Wireless Sur CHECK VENDOR PURPOSE TOTAL !0058162 Hissong, Kathleen A Hissong/Orlando/APCO National 194.00 09855806 Florida Power & Light Company Acct# 38017-54593/Public Safet 2,223.25 FUND TOTAL: 2,417.25 09/06/24 ST. LUCIE COUNTY -BOARD PAGE 20 FZABWARR WARRANT LIST #49-31-AUG-2024 TO 06-SEP-2024 FUND: 107003-Fine & Forfeiture Fund-800 Mhz Oper CHECK VENDOR PURPOSE TOTAL 09855806 Florida Power & Light Company Acct# 38017-54593/Public Safet 2,964.33 FUND TOTAL: 2,964.33 09/06/24 ST. LUCIE COUNTY -BOARD PAGE 21 FZABWARR WARRANT LIST #49-31-AUG-2024 TO 06-SEP-2024 FUND: 107006-F&F Fund-Court Related Technology CHECK VENDOR PURPOSE TOTAL !0058185 CDW Government Inc Tripp Lite 1ft Cat6 Snagless M 169.00 Tripp Lite 6ft Cat6 Snagless 101.60 Tripp Lite 25ft Cat6 Gigabit S 66.06 Tripp Lite 10ft Cat6 Gigabit S 6.77 Tripp Lite Mobile TV Floor Sta 1,014.74 Netgear M4250-26G4XF-PoE+AV 3,166.78 CHECK TOTAL: 4,524.95 !0058231 Toshiba America Business Solut Copies 3.48 Copier Rental/Lease F31592 155.73 CHECK TOTAL: 159.21 09855781 Amazon Web Services Inc Overage Storage 795.62 FUND TOTAL: 5,479.78 09/06/24 ST. LUCIE COUNTY -BOARD PAGE 22 FZABWARR WARRANT LIST #49-31-AUG-2024 TO 06-SEP-2024 FUND: 107009-F&F One-Time Funding CHECK VENDOR PURPOSE TOTAL !0058217 Oracle Elevator Holdco Inc Maintenance Improvement 14,658.00 FUND TOTAL: 14,658.00 09/06/24 ST. LUCIE COUNTY -BOARD PAGE 23 FZABWARR WARRANT LIST #49-31-AUG-2024 TO 06-SEP-2024 FUND: 107515-USDOJ 2021 SCAAP Program Grant CHECK VENDOR PURPOSE TOTAL !0058223 Sheriff St Lucie County SLC Sheriff Reimburse for SCAA 18,687.13 FUND TOTAL: 18,687.13 09/06/24 ST. LUCIE COUNTY -BOARD PAGE 24 FZABWARR WARRANT LIST #49-31-AUG-2024 TO 06-SEP-2024 FUND: 130 -SLC Public Transit MSTU CHECK VENDOR PURPOSE TOTAL !0058215 MV Contract Transportation Inc Fixed Route, Microtransit & Pa 74,396.23 Vehicle Maintence 17,136.42 CHECK TOTAL: 91,532.65 H0005038 The Lincoln National Life Insu 457(b) Plan Contributions/Loan 116.57 FUND TOTAL: 91,649.22 09/06/24 ST. LUCIE COUNTY -BOARD PAGE 25 FZABWARR WARRANT LIST #49-31-AUG-2024 TO 06-SEP-2024 FUND: 130144-FTA FFY 5307 & 5339 Super Grant CHECK VENDOR PURPOSE TOTAL H0005038 The Lincoln National Life Insu 457(b) Plan Contributions/Loan 69.93 FUND TOTAL: 69.93 09/06/24 ST. LUCIE COUNTY -BOARD PAGE 26 FZABWARR WARRANT LIST #49-31-AUG-2024 TO 06-SEP-2024 FUND: 130145-FTA 5310 -Travel Training CHECK VENDOR PURPOSE TOTAL !0058215 MV Contract Transportation Inc Assist for seniors & individua 26,287.04 FUND TOTAL: 26,287.04 09/06/24 ST. LUCIE COUNTY -BOARD PAGE 27 FZABWARR WARRANT LIST #49-31-AUG-2024 TO 06-SEP-2024 FUND: 130146-FTA 5310 Enhanced Mobility CHECK VENDOR PURPOSE TOTAL H0005038 The Lincoln National Life Insu 457(b) Plan Contributions/Loan 279.76 FUND TOTAL: 279.76 09/06/24 ST. LUCIE COUNTY -BOARD PAGE 28 FZABWARR WARRANT LIST #49-31-AUG-2024 TO 06-SEP-2024 FUND: 130147-FTA FFY23 SEC.5307/5339 Super Grant CHECK VENDOR PURPOSE TOTAL !0058215 MV Contract Transportation Inc Capital Cost of Third Party 82,843.40 Non-Fixed Route ADA 38,950.24 Operating Assistance Match 228,012.36 Operating Assisance 228,012.36 CHECK TOTAL: 577,818.36 FUND TOTAL: 577,818.36 09/06/24 ST. LUCIE COUNTY -BOARD PAGE 29 FZABWARR WARRANT LIST #49-31-AUG-2024 TO 06-SEP-2024 FUND: 130148-FTA/FDOT Sec. 5311 FFY2023-2024 CHECK VENDOR PURPOSE TOTAL !0058215 MV Contract Transportation Inc 5311 31,071.95 FUND TOTAL: 31,071.95 09/06/24 ST. LUCIE COUNTY -BOARD PAGE 30 FZABWARR WARRANT LIST #49-31-AUG-2024 TO 06-SEP-2024 FUND: 130246-FDOT Micro-Transit Exp. Zone 2 CHECK VENDOR PURPOSE TOTAL !0058215 MV Contract Transportation Inc Microtransit 49,508.31 FUND TOTAL: 49,508.31 09/06/24 ST. LUCIE COUNTY -BOARD PAGE 31 FZABWARR WARRANT LIST #49-31-AUG-2024 TO 06-SEP-2024 FUND: 130250-FDOT FY2024 BLOCK GRANT CHECK VENDOR PURPOSE TOTAL !0058215 MV Contract Transportation Inc FDOT Block Grant G2V01 69,470.49 FUND TOTAL: 69,470.49 09/06/24 ST. LUCIE COUNTY -BOARD PAGE 32 FZABWARR WARRANT LIST #49-31-AUG-2024 TO 06-SEP-2024 FUND: 130253-FDOT Lakewood Park Transit Dev. CHECK VENDOR PURPOSE TOTAL !0058215 MV Contract Transportation Inc FDOT Corridor Grant G2Q06 24,588.47 FUND TOTAL: 24,588.47 09/06/24 ST. LUCIE COUNTY -BOARD PAGE 33 FZABWARR WARRANT LIST #49-31-AUG-2024 TO 06-SEP-2024 FUND: 130255-FCTD SFY25 Trip & Equipment Grant CHECK VENDOR PURPOSE TOTAL !0058215 MV Contract Transportation Inc TD Trips 62,284.37 FUND TOTAL: 62,284.37 09/06/24 ST. LUCIE COUNTY -BOARD PAGE 34 FZABWARR WARRANT LIST #49-31-AUG-2024 TO 06-SEP-2024 FUND: 132 -Culvert MSBU CHECK VENDOR PURPOSE TOTAL 09855863 Vides, Jose Contractor Payment-Goldstein 6,000.00 FUND TOTAL: 6,000.00 09/06/24 ST. LUCIE COUNTY -BOARD PAGE 35 FZABWARR WARRANT LIST #49-31-AUG-2024 TO 06-SEP-2024 FUND: 140 -Airport Fund CHECK VENDOR PURPOSE TOTAL !0058209 Lynch Fuel Company LLC Operating Supplies-Gas for Mai 505.09 Operating Supplies-Gas for Mai 511.79 CHECK TOTAL: 1,016.88 09855780 Adams Remco Inc Operating Supplies 28.96 09855789 Bio-Tech Consulting LLC Professional Services 1,200.00 09855805 Florida Power & Light Company Acct# 47143-36312/Airport 33.65 09855808 Fort Pierce Farms Water Contro Licenses & Fees -Eng. Review 1,220.55 09855855 Slack Johnston & Magenheimer Professional Services -Apprai 4,250.00 C0033467 All County Lock & Key Operating Supplies-Locks, Key 3,898.00 C0033474 Callaway & Price Inc Prof. Svcs. -Prop. Appraisal 2,200.00 C0033475 Cintas Corporation No 2 Operating Supplies -Mats, rag 55.12 C0033498 UniFirst Corporation Uniforms 55.41 H0005038 The Lincoln National Life Insu 457(b) Plan Contributions/Loan 488.77 FUND TOTAL: 14,447.34 09/06/24 ST. LUCIE COUNTY -BOARD PAGE 36 FZABWARR WARRANT LIST #49-31-AUG-2024 TO 06-SEP-2024 FUND: 140001-Port Fund CHECK VENDOR PURPOSE TOTAL H0005038 The Lincoln National Life Insu 457(b) Plan Contributions/Loan 296.84 FUND TOTAL: 296.84 09/06/24 ST. LUCIE COUNTY -BOARD PAGE 37 FZABWARR WARRANT LIST #49-31-AUG-2024 TO 06-SEP-2024 FUND: 145 -Mosquito Fund CHECK VENDOR PURPOSE TOTAL 09855806 Florida Power & Light Company Acct# 76397-09018/Mosquito 580.57 Acct# 76397-09018/Mosquito 29,914.01 Acct# 76397-09018/Mosquito 546.89 CHECK TOTAL: 31,041.47 H0005038 The Lincoln National Life Insu 457(b) Plan Contributions/Loan 475.00 FUND TOTAL: 31,516.47 09/06/24 ST. LUCIE COUNTY -BOARD PAGE 38 FZABWARR WARRANT LIST #49-31-AUG-2024 TO 06-SEP-2024 FUND: 160 -Plan Maintenance RAD Fund CHECK VENDOR PURPOSE TOTAL !0058168 Myers, Kurt Myers/Orlando/EM Mid-Level Coh 45.00 09855806 Florida Power & Light Company Acct# 38017-54593/Public Safet 741.08 C0033469 AT&T Acct #772 462-2305 001 0450 686.66 FUND TOTAL: 1,472.74 09/06/24 ST. LUCIE COUNTY -BOARD PAGE 39 FZABWARR WARRANT LIST #49-31-AUG-2024 TO 06-SEP-2024 FUND: 170 -Court Facilities Fund CHECK VENDOR PURPOSE TOTAL !0058174 A Great Fence LLC Infrastructure 29,940.00 FUND TOTAL: 29,940.00 09/06/24 ST. LUCIE COUNTY -BOARD PAGE 40 FZABWARR WARRANT LIST #49-31-AUG-2024 TO 06-SEP-2024 FUND: 181 -SLC Housing Finance Authority Fund CHECK VENDOR PURPOSE TOTAL 09855803 Florida Association of Local H Sadowski Education Effort/2025 5,000.00 FUND TOTAL: 5,000.00 09/06/24 ST. LUCIE COUNTY -BOARD PAGE 41 FZABWARR WARRANT LIST #49-31-AUG-2024 TO 06-SEP-2024 FUND: 183 -Ct Administrator-19th Judicial Cir CHECK VENDOR PURPOSE TOTAL !0058173 Sigler, Rebecca Sigler/Local travel 254.60 C0033470 AT&T Acct #561 N25-0036 036 269.79 Acct #561 N22-0062 062 852.20 CHECK TOTAL: 1,121.99 C0033472 Bluetriton Brands Inc Water Cooler Rental 2.99 Water Cooler Rental 2.99 Bottled Water & Supplies 13.98 Water Cooler Rental 2.99 Water Cooler Rental 2.99 Water Cooler Rental 898.60 Bottled Water & Supplies 146.51 CHECK TOTAL: 1,071.05 C0033476 Comcast Acct #934577712 1,555.08 C0033482 Gerelcom Inc Cabling at Indian River Courth 895.00 C0033485 Interstate Express Courier Services 365.55 FUND TOTAL: 5,263.27 09/06/24 ST. LUCIE COUNTY -BOARD PAGE 42 FZABWARR WARRANT LIST #49-31-AUG-2024 TO 06-SEP-2024 FUND: 184 -Erosion Control Operating Fund CHECK VENDOR PURPOSE TOTAL H0005038 The Lincoln National Life Insu 457(b) Plan Contributions/Loan 296.84 FUND TOTAL: 296.84 09/06/24 ST. LUCIE COUNTY -BOARD PAGE 43 FZABWARR WARRANT LIST #49-31-AUG-2024 TO 06-SEP-2024 FUND: 185021-FHFC SHIP FY2021-2022 CHECK VENDOR PURPOSE TOTAL !0058206 KIB Construction Corp Replace Roof Decking Plywood - 916.00 FUND TOTAL: 916.00 09/06/24 ST. LUCIE COUNTY -BOARD PAGE 44 FZABWARR WARRANT LIST #49-31-AUG-2024 TO 06-SEP-2024 FUND: 185023-FHFC SHIP FY2022-2023 CHECK VENDOR PURPOSE TOTAL !0058206 KIB Construction Corp Install New A/C Upstairs in At 9,820.00 Remove and Replace Roofing wit 10,493.00 Remove and Install New Garage 1,575.00 CHECK TOTAL: 21,888.00 FUND TOTAL: 21,888.00 09/06/24 ST. LUCIE COUNTY -BOARD PAGE 45 FZABWARR WARRANT LIST #49-31-AUG-2024 TO 06-SEP-2024 FUND: 185024-FHFC SHIP 2023-2024 CHECK VENDOR PURPOSE TOTAL !0058206 KIB Construction Corp Install 9 sheets of Plywood - 1,125.00 FUND TOTAL: 1,125.00 09/06/24 ST. LUCIE COUNTY -BOARD PAGE 46 FZABWARR WARRANT LIST #49-31-AUG-2024 TO 06-SEP-2024 FUND: 187 -Boating Improvement Projects CHECK VENDOR PURPOSE TOTAL !0058230 Summerlin's Marine Constructio Wesley Island Derelict Vessel 22,500.00 FUND TOTAL: 22,500.00 09/06/24 ST. LUCIE COUNTY -BOARD PAGE 47 FZABWARR WARRANT LIST #49-31-AUG-2024 TO 06-SEP-2024 FUND: 190 -Sports Complex Fund CHECK VENDOR PURPOSE TOTAL !0058187 Clean Space Inc Per Contract C24-02-128 8,916.48 !0058190 Damian's Lawn Maintenance Inc Contract C23-08-606 2,395.00 !0058223 Sheriff St Lucie County Per Inter local agreement C02- 4,175.00 !0058231 Toshiba America Business Solut Copier Rental/Lease 117.02 Copies 17.50 CHECK TOTAL: 134.52 09855806 Florida Power & Light Company Acct# 20716-99439 41,756.04 C0033472 Bluetriton Brands Inc Contract C16-12-691 107.33 Rental of Hot/Cold water coole 9.97 CHECK TOTAL: 117.30 C0033490 nexAir LLC Rental of Oxygen 20.92 V0023959 St Lucie West Services Distric Acct #20-06122-00/31 Piazza Dr 1,334.42 V0023960 St Lucie West Services Distric Acct #20-06128-00/31 Piazza Dr 1,758.79 V0023961 St Lucie West Services Distric Acct #20-06126-00/31 Piazza Dr 174.51 V0023962 St Lucie West Services Distric Acct #20-06124-00/31 Piazza Dr 1,852.73 FUND TOTAL: 62,635.71 09/06/24 ST. LUCIE COUNTY -BOARD PAGE 48 FZABWARR WARRANT LIST #49-31-AUG-2024 TO 06-SEP-2024 FUND: 310010-Impact Fees-Library "North" CHECK VENDOR PURPOSE TOTAL !0058214 Midwest Tape LLC A/V for Library 680.84 A/V for Library 172.83 A/V for Library 129.97 A/V for Library 45.48 A/V for Library 32.99 CHECK TOTAL: 1,062.11 FUND TOTAL: 1,062.11 09/06/24 ST. LUCIE COUNTY -BOARD PAGE 49 FZABWARR WARRANT LIST #49-31-AUG-2024 TO 06-SEP-2024 FUND: 310011-Impact Fees-Library "South" CHECK VENDOR PURPOSE TOTAL !0058214 Midwest Tape LLC A/V Processing Service 18.08 09855809 Gale Group Books for all branches 24.80 Books for all branches 26.39 Books for all branches 280.70 CHECK TOTAL: 331.89 C0033471 Baker & Taylor Inc Books for Libraries 363.45 VAS Processing 71.44 Books for Libraries 16.60 VAS Processing 3.76 Books for Libraries 197.30 VAS Processing 60.16 Books for Libraries 187.49 VAS Processing 41.36 CHECK TOTAL: 941.56 C0033473 Brodart Company Books for Libraries 95.43 Books for Libraries 187.38 Books for Libraries 105.51 Books for Libraries 664.58 Books for Libraries 119.12 Books for Libraries 229.10 Books for Libraries 799.05 CHECK TOTAL: 2,200.17 FUND TOTAL: 3,491.70 09/06/24 ST. LUCIE COUNTY -BOARD PAGE 50 FZABWARR WARRANT LIST #49-31-AUG-2024 TO 06-SEP-2024 FUND: 310017-Impact Fees-Transportation"Central" CHECK VENDOR PURPOSE TOTAL 09855811 Gillian Rose Lawrick PSL SQFT Issue-J2301576-04/17/ 440.64 09855838 Marjorie Zamy Ducheine PSL SQFT Issue-JU009463-09/072 440.64 09855839 Matthew Sternfeld PSL SQFT Issue-J2300931-01/13/ 440.64 09855852 Pedro De La Cruz Gonzalez PSL SQFT Issue-JU010961-09/01/ 440.64 FUND TOTAL: 1,762.56 09/06/24 ST. LUCIE COUNTY -BOARD PAGE 51 FZABWARR WARRANT LIST #49-31-AUG-2024 TO 06-SEP-2024 FUND: 310018-Impact Fees-Transportation "South" CHECK VENDOR PURPOSE TOTAL !0058204 Inwood Consulting Engineers In Engineering 25,884.25 !0058207 Kimley Horn and Associates Inc Engineering 17,692.50 09855782 Amy S Santos PSL SQFT Issue-JU009407-08/11/ 440.64 09855783 Ana Lucia Rangel Alves De Sa PSL SQFT Issue-J2300413-10/17/ 440.64 09855784 Anthony Delgado PSL SQFT Issue-JU009463-09/21/ 440.64 09855785 Ariana Marie Davi PSL SQFT Issue-JU010204-02/07/ 440.64 09855786 Arouche Demirdjian PSL SQFT Issue-J2300931-01/10/ 440.64 09855788 Belloral LLC PSL SQFT Issue-J2400543-11/06/ 440.64 09855791 Camaron Jomaine Ellis PSL SQFT Issue-JU009463-09/06/ 440.64 09855792 Charlene Michel PSL SQFT Issue-J2300413-10/11/ 440.64 09855793 Christifor Cinord PSL SQFT Issue-J2302374-07/07/ 440.64 09855794 Claude Avena De Freitas PSL SQFT Issue-JU010204-02/10/ 440.64 09855795 Clements Real Estate Investmen PSL SQFT Issue-J2201764-06/02/ 440.64 09855796 Clements Real Estate Investmen PSL SQFT Issue-J2201764-06/02/ 440.64 09855798 David Andrew Coddington PSL SQFT Issue-J2201764-06/09/ 440.64 09855799 David Joseph Zak PSL SQFT Issue-J2300931-12/29/ 440.64 09855800 Deepak Bansal PSL SQFT Issue-J2301576-04/07/ 440.64 09855801 Devin C Cruz PSL SQFT Issue-JU009211-07/19/ 43.20 09855810 Georgia A Bennett PSL SQFT Issue-J2201764-06/16/ 43.20 09855812 Griselle Troche PSL SQFT Issue-JU009211-07/14/ 440.64 09855817 James E Prince PSL SQFT Issue-J2301576-04/07/ 43.20 09855819 Jason Boop PSL SQFT Issue-J2201764-06/11/ 440.64 09855821 Joan Kattlyn Dor PSL SQFT Issue-JU009407-08/04/ 440.64 09855822 Joel Parker PSL SQFT Issue-JU009407-08/25/ 440.64 09/06/24 ST. LUCIE COUNTY -BOARD PAGE 52 FZABWARR WARRANT LIST #49-31-AUG-2024 TO 06-SEP-2024 FUND: 310018-Impact Fees-Transportation "South" CHECK VENDOR PURPOSE TOTAL 09855823 John Charles Kane PSL SQFT Issue-JU010204-02/15/ 440.64 09855824 John D Eggleston PSL SQFT Issue-JU009407-08/17/ 440.64 09855825 Joseph Richard Lopiccolo PSL SQFT Issue-J2201764-06/28/ 440.64 09855828 Karol K Chun PSL SQFT Issue-J2302584-08/30/ 483.84 09855829 Kathryn Dytko Williams PSL SQFT Issue-J2201764-06/03/ 440.64 09855831 Lenny Cruz PSL SQFT Issue-J2201764-06/07/ 440.64 09855834 Louigueur Patrick Dorvil PSL SQFT Issue-JU009463-09/13/ 440.64 09855835 Luie L Brennan PSL SQFT Issue-JU010204-02/10/ 43.20 09855836 Maria V Caceres PSL SQFT Issue-J2300413-10/24/ 440.64 09855840 Meghan Rose Stricker PSL SQFT Issue-J2300413-10/11/ 440.64 09855841 Michael Lightbourne Jr PSL SQFT Issue-J2301477-03/27/ 440.64 09855842 Michael V Dimarco PSL SQFT Issue-J2300413-10/19/ 440.64 09855843 Miranda Raylene Malcolm PSL SQFT Issue-J2302584-08/30/ 440.64 09855844 Mirielle Desamours PSL SQFT Issue-J2201764-06/23/ 440.64 09855845 Monte Dean Du Bois Jr PSL SQFT Issue-J2302374-07/05/ 440.64 09855846 Nathaniel Leonard Raber PSL SQFT Issue-J2201764-06/16/ 43.20 09855847 Norman Schibuk PSL SQFT Issue-J2301912-05/17/ 440.64 09855849 Patrick A Crooks PSL SQFT Issue-JU009463-09/12/ 440.64 09855850 Patrick Wahrmann PSL SQFT Issue-J2301912-05/26/ 440.64 09855851 Paulsen Jean PSL SQFT Issue-JU009905-12/08/ 440.64 09855853 Peter John Duddie III PSL SQFT Issue-JU009905-12/20/ 440.64 09855854 Ralph Curtis PSL SQFT Issue-J2300413-10/04/ 440.64 FUND TOTAL: 61,020.91 09/06/24 ST. LUCIE COUNTY -BOARD PAGE 53 FZABWARR WARRANT LIST #49-31-AUG-2024 TO 06-SEP-2024 FUND: 316 -County Capital CHECK VENDOR PURPOSE TOTAL !0058179 Atkins North America Inc Professional Services-Consulti 5,570.00 !0058227 St Lucie County Fire District Chemicals -Foam for ARFF Truck 21,361.48 FUND TOTAL: 26,931.48 09/06/24 ST. LUCIE COUNTY -BOARD PAGE 54 FZABWARR WARRANT LIST #49-31-AUG-2024 TO 06-SEP-2024 FUND: 319 -Infrastructure Surtax Capital CHECK VENDOR PURPOSE TOTAL !0058197 Ferreira Construction Southern Engineering 131,211.52 Retainage 6,560.58- CHECK TOTAL: 124,650.94 !0058204 Inwood Consulting Engineers In Engineering 1,395.67 !0058207 Kimley Horn and Associates Inc Engineering 1,787.50 Melville Phase II Design 2,085.00 Engineering 16,245.00 CHECK TOTAL: 20,117.50 09855807 Fort Pierce Farms Water Contro Engineering 1,869.45 FUND TOTAL: 148,033.56 09/06/24 ST. LUCIE COUNTY -BOARD PAGE 55 FZABWARR WARRANT LIST #49-31-AUG-2024 TO 06-SEP-2024 FUND: 362 -Sports Complex Improv Fund CHECK VENDOR PURPOSE TOTAL C0033483 Hartline Company Emergencry Repair for Complian 7,890.00 FUND TOTAL: 7,890.00 09/06/24 ST. LUCIE COUNTY -BOARD PAGE 56 FZABWARR WARRANT LIST #49-31-AUG-2024 TO 06-SEP-2024 FUND: 401 -Sanitary Landfill Fund CHECK VENDOR PURPOSE TOTAL !0058178 Apple Industrial Supply Co Hydraulic hoses and fittings 170.03 !0058180 AVN Industries misc parts as needed for singl 200.89 !0058182 Brady Industries of Florida LL Janitorial Supplies 295.90 !0058184 CDM Smith Inc year 5 0f 5 Task 7 33,170.00 WA 1 year 5 of 5 Task 1-6 60,723.75 Cell V design, permitting, and 91,885.00 CHECK TOTAL: 185,778.75 !0058202 Hulett Environmental Services Monthly pest control @ operati 30.00 !0058205 Kelly Tractor Co Parts and services for CAT equ 5,315.87 Parts and services for CAT equ 3,593.10 Parts and services for CAT equ 5,084.00 Parts and services for CAT equ 1,639.00 Parts and services for CAT equ 2,593.23 Parts and services for CAT equ 418.23 Parts and services for CAT equ 242.28 Parts and services for CAT equ 284.10 Parts and services for CAT equ 122.37 Parts and services for CAT equ 428.68 Parts and services for CAT equ 1,162.59 Parts and services for CAT equ 3,045.00 Parts and services for CAT equ 4,595.77 Parts and services for CAT equ 172.92 Parts and services for CAT equ 174.64 CHECK TOTAL: 28,871.78 !0058210 Machinex Technologies Inc Parts and services at single s 548.87 !0058226 St Lucie Battery & Tire Compan fleet services as needed @ ope 375.04 09855797 Conlan Tire Co LLC off road tires for CAT equipme 713.44 09855832 Lighting Resources LLC fluorescent bulb recycling 150.00 09855860 United Rentals (North America) equipment rental @ operations 1,132.94 Credit for Invoice #237308006- 421.94- equipment rental @ operations 2,395.00 CHECK TOTAL: 3,106.00 09855864 VLJ Construction Services Inc Fill dirt hauling for the SLC 32,000.00 C0033466 All Contractor Services Inc 2x weekly pump out of portable 125.00 09/06/24 ST. LUCIE COUNTY -BOARD PAGE 57 FZABWARR WARRANT LIST #49-31-AUG-2024 TO 06-SEP-2024 FUND: 401 -Sanitary Landfill Fund CHECK VENDOR PURPOSE TOTAL C0033466 -Continued 2x weekly pump out of portable 125.00 CHECK TOTAL: 250.00 C0033475 Cintas Corporation No 2 rugs/mats 198.06 rugs/mats 194.09 CHECK TOTAL: 392.15 C0033487 Liberty Tire Recycling LLC Tire removal and disposal 10,224.20 C0033488 Midwest Motor Supply Co Inc Operation misc parts and suppl 540.13 C0033491 Nextran Truck Center Parts as needed 231.17 Parts as needed 14.05 CHECK TOTAL: 245.22 C0033492 Pace Analytical Services Inc Water quality monitoring 3,500.00 C0033496 Total Truck Parts Inc parts/repairs as needed for op 243.95 parts/repairs as needed for op 37.80 1-PAI BOS-7695 11.69- parts/repairs as needed for op 138.39 CHECK TOTAL: 408.45 C0033498 UniFirst Corporation Operations Uniforms 336.18 Single Stream Uniforms 102.37 CHECK TOTAL: 438.55 H0005038 The Lincoln National Life Insu 457(b) Plan Contributions/Loan 451.97 H0005041 Internal Revenue Service Group #50041851 USABLE Employe 28.24 Group #50041851 USABLE Employe 120.76 CHECK TOTAL: 149.00 V0023949 EFE Inc parts and services as needed 86.61 V0023955 Nelson Mullins Riley & Scarbor Legal Assistance with WTE 7,074.00 V0023968 Cliff Berry Inc Truck and driver for haz waste 100.00 FUND TOTAL: 276,100.98 09/06/24 ST. LUCIE COUNTY -BOARD PAGE 58 FZABWARR WARRANT LIST #49-31-AUG-2024 TO 06-SEP-2024 FUND: 418 -Golf Course Fund CHECK VENDOR PURPOSE TOTAL C0033486 Konica Minolta Business System Monthly Maintenance and copies 70.41 Copier Rental 148.60 CHECK TOTAL: 219.01 FUND TOTAL: 219.01 09/06/24 ST. LUCIE COUNTY -BOARD PAGE 59 FZABWARR WARRANT LIST #49-31-AUG-2024 TO 06-SEP-2024 FUND: 471 -Water & Sewer District Operations CHECK VENDOR PURPOSE TOTAL !0058175 Alarm Partners Alarm Services 60.31 Alarm Services 32.59 CHECK TOTAL: 92.90 !0058182 Brady Industries of Florida LL Chemicals 166.20 Chemicals 166.20 CHECK TOTAL: 332.40 !0058194 ENCO Utility Services Florida Mailing Services (Including Co 1,222.93 !0058202 Hulett Environmental Services PEST CONTROL 18.00 RODENT MONITORING 48.00 CHECK TOTAL: 66.00 09855787 Asa Hemperly Utility Deposit Refund 77.04 09855802 Eve Michel Utility Deposit Refund 86.06 09855806 Florida Power & Light Company Acct# 28398-32546/Utilities 6,044.42 Acct# 73775-54188/Utilities 5,998.80 Acct# 40875-14180/Utilities 12,503.49 Acct# 74838-64455/Utilities 283.50 CHECK TOTAL: 24,830.21 09855813 Hach Company AS950 Basic controller for ref 4,860.00 09855816 Hunter Curnan Utility Deposit Refund 97.96 09855818 Jared Osteen Utility Deposit Refund 5.61 09855820 Jeremiah Nelson Utility Deposit Refund 58.03 09855826 K 3 Directional Drilling Utility Deposit Refund 273.15 09855827 Karl Dixon Utility Deposit Refund 121.05 09855830 Kelly McLaughlin Utility Deposit Refund 117.94 09855833 Linda McCalmont Utility Deposit Refund 119.15 09855837 Marianela Sojo Utility Deposit Refund 119.22 09855848 Odell Colon Utility Deposit Refund 31.06 09855862 VB Custom Homes, LLC Utility Deposit Refund 132.05 C0033472 Bluetriton Brands Inc Drinking Water, Delivered 41.94 09/06/24 ST. LUCIE COUNTY -BOARD PAGE 60 FZABWARR WARRANT LIST #49-31-AUG-2024 TO 06-SEP-2024 FUND: 471 -Water & Sewer District Operations CHECK VENDOR PURPOSE TOTAL C0033477 Core & Main LP Maintenance-Utilities Fieldwor 240.46 C0033478 Eurofins Environment Testing S Lab Testing Services 45.00 Lab Testing Services 120.00 CHECK TOTAL: 165.00 C0033498 UniFirst Corporation Uniform Rentals 134.34 Uniform Rentals 66.38 Uniform Rentals 149.63 CHECK TOTAL: 350.35 C0033500 Vero Chemical Dist Inc Chemicals 1,370.00 Non-Contract Items 52.50 Non-Contract Items 1,260.00 CHECK TOTAL: 2,682.50 H0005038 The Lincoln National Life Insu 457(b) Plan Contributions/Loan 112.99 V0023954 HD Supply Inc Supplies & Equipment 1,478.52 FUND TOTAL: 37,714.52 09/06/24 ST. LUCIE COUNTY -BOARD PAGE 61 FZABWARR WARRANT LIST #49-31-AUG-2024 TO 06-SEP-2024 FUND: 478 -Water & Sewer District R&R CHECK VENDOR PURPOSE TOTAL !0058181 Barney's Pumps Inc 409-RAM Blower, SD112 Bushing, 8,846.00 C0033479 Ferguson Enterprises LLC Meters & Registers 6,495.00 C0033489 Napa Auto Parts General Parts/Maintenance Truc 18.29 V0023967 Tripp Electric Motors Inc Recondition Electric motor, re 6,051.03 FUND TOTAL: 21,410.32 09/06/24 ST. LUCIE COUNTY -BOARD PAGE 62 FZABWARR WARRANT LIST #49-31-AUG-2024 TO 06-SEP-2024 FUND: 479 -Water & Sewer Dist.-Cap Facilities CHECK VENDOR PURPOSE TOTAL !0058184 CDM Smith Inc C19-08-1063 WA#4 214,886.00 C1-08-1063 Amendment 3 18,797.50 Infrastructure 9,040.00 CHECK TOTAL: 242,723.50 !0058201 Hinterland Group Inc Release Retainage 15,264.48 !0058207 Kimley Horn and Associates Inc Infrastructure 39,893.45 !0058212 Masteller & Moler Inc Infrastructure 84,315.00 FUND TOTAL: 382,196.43 09/06/24 ST. LUCIE COUNTY -BOARD PAGE 63 FZABWARR WARRANT LIST #49-31-AUG-2024 TO 06-SEP-2024 FUND: 505 -Health Insurance Fund CHECK VENDOR PURPOSE TOTAL !0058155 Abramowicz, Joyce C23-07-522 Specialist Agreemen 1,500.00 !0058177 American Family Life Assurance Cancer Indemnity Acct HQJ55 79.04 Cancer Indemnity Acct HQJ55 79.04 Cancer Indemnity Acct HQJ55 44.60 Cancer Indemnity Acct HQJ55 1,376.38 Cancer Indemnity Acct HQJ55 245.36 CHECK TOTAL: 1,824.42 !0058202 Hulett Environmental Services Pest Control for CareHere Cent 68.00 !0058208 Legal Access Consulting LLC Legal Ease Acct # 1000251 429.12 Legal Ease Acct # 1000251 53.64 Legal Ease Acct # 1000251 17.88 CHECK TOTAL: 500.64 !0058216 NortonLifeLock Inc NortonLifeLock 545.68 NortonLifeLock 100.46 NortonLifeLock 35.98 NortonLifeLock 12.00 CHECK TOTAL: 694.12 !0058218 Pet Assure Corp Pet Benefits Acct 3807 11.26 Pet Benefits Acct 3807 11.26 Pet Benefits Acct 3807 7.52 Pet Benefits Acct 3807 127.54 Pet Benefits Acct 3807 19.00 Pet Benefits Acct 3807 208.00 Pet Benefits Acct 3807 27.00 Pet Benefits Acct 3807 19.00 Pet Benefits Acct 3807 8.00 CHECK TOTAL: 438.58 !0058234 Trustmark Voluntary Benefit So Trustmark Acct BG00003979 2,684.24 Trustmark Acct BG00003979 2,447.60 Trustmark Acct BG00003979 9,034.58 Trustmark Acct BG00003979 3,300.62 CHECK TOTAL: 17,467.04 09855806 Florida Power & Light Company Acct# 10032-87289/FAC 761.24 C0033472 Bluetriton Brands Inc Water Delivery for PSL CareHer 82.87 H0005032 Aetna Behavioral Health LLC EAP $2.89 ACCT 0846079 3,190.56 H0005033 USAble Life Basic Life/Supplemental Life/R 21,214.03 09/06/24 ST. LUCIE COUNTY -BOARD PAGE 64 FZABWARR WARRANT LIST #49-31-AUG-2024 TO 06-SEP-2024 FUND: 505 -Health Insurance Fund CHECK VENDOR PURPOSE TOTAL H0005033 -Continued Basic Life/Supplemental Life/R 11,031.65 Basic Life/Supplemental Life/R 26,613.35 CHECK TOTAL: 58,859.03 H0005035 Blue Cross and Blue Shield of BCBS Inv# 1000073529 873,982.22 H0005037 Florida Blue Group Ancillary Dental: 03K728/Medical: 68060 8,619.58 Dental: 03K728/Medical: 68060 62,121.14 CHECK TOTAL: 70,740.72 H0005038 The Lincoln National Life Insu 457(b) Plan Contributions/Loan 52.54 H0005039 Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Admin Fee Group #68060 60,833.50 H0005040 Fidelity Security Life Insuran Vision Acct 9671496 841.47 Vision Acct 9671496 6,782.00 CHECK TOTAL: 7,623.47 H0005041 Internal Revenue Service Group #50041851 USABLE Employe 75.90 H0005042 Symetra Life Insurance Company Symetra Monthly Stop Loss Prem 229,818.60 FUND TOTAL: 1,328,513.45 09/06/24 ST. LUCIE COUNTY -BOARD PAGE 65 FZABWARR WARRANT LIST #49-31-AUG-2024 TO 06-SEP-2024 FUND: 505001-Risk Management Fund CHECK VENDOR PURPOSE TOTAL H0005034 USAble Life FCL LT & ST Disability Premium 28,511.31 FUND TOTAL: 28,511.31 09/06/24 ST. LUCIE COUNTY -BOARD PAGE 66 FZABWARR WARRANT LIST #49-31-AUG-2024 TO 06-SEP-2024 FUND: 625 -Law Library CHECK VENDOR PURPOSE TOTAL !0058164 Knowles, Gale M Secretarial Services for Law L 875.00 !0058195 Everlove & Associates Copy paper 30.44 Law Library Services Sept 2024 250.00 Law Library Services Sept 2024 12,598.67 CHECK TOTAL: 12,879.11 V0023947 Comcast Acct #8535 11 512 0454452 199.81 FUND TOTAL: 13,953.92 09/06/24 ST. LUCIE COUNTY -BOARD PAGE 67 FZABWARR WARRANT LIST #49-31-AUG-2024 TO 06-SEP-2024 FUND: 630 -Medical Examiner Agency Fund CHECK VENDOR PURPOSE TOTAL !0058156 Aronica, Patricia A Aronica/Ponte Vedra/MEC Meetin 286.76 !0058182 Brady Industries of Florida LL Morgue Cleaning Supplies 345.09 !0058225 Southland Medical LLC Morgue Supplies 514.96 Morgue Supplies 839.06 CHECK TOTAL: 1,354.02 09855858 State Insurance Agency Inc Office Content Coverage Insura 6,199.00 FUND TOTAL: 8,184.87 09/06/24 ST. LUCIE COUNTY -BOARD PAGE 68 FZABWARR WARRANT LIST #49-31-AUG-2024 TO 06-SEP-2024 FUND: 631 -Victim Services Agency Fund CHECK VENDOR PURPOSE TOTAL !0058158 Calderon, Stephanie Calderon/Local Travel 94.79 !0058160 Grimm, Angela Grimm/Local Travel 87.22 !0058161 Hamel, Tracy Hamel/Local Travel 16.91 Hamel/Local Travel 9.79 CHECK TOTAL: 26.70 !0058165 McGoorty, Siobhan McGoorty/Local Travel 58.74 !0058171 Reyes-Cabrera, Nancy Reyes-Cabrere/Orlando/Krimes A 683.00 FUND TOTAL: 950.45 09/06/24 ST. LUCIE COUNTY -BOARD PAGE 69 FZABWARR WARRANT LIST #49-31-AUG-2024 TO 06-SEP-2024 FUND: 801 -Bank Fund CHECK VENDOR PURPOSE TOTAL H0005036 Florida Department of State State of FL Child Support Disb 4,655.46 State of FL Child Support Disb 22.50 CHECK TOTAL: 4,677.96 H0005038 The Lincoln National Life Insu 457(b) Plan Contributions/Loan 31,404.34 457(b) Plan Contributions/Loan 3,027.10 CHECK TOTAL: 34,431.44 FUND TOTAL: 39,109.40 09/06/24 ST. LUCIE COUNTY -BOARD PAGE 1 FZABWARR WARRANT LIST #49-31-AUG-2024 TO 06-SEP-2024 FUND SUMMARY FUND TITLE EXPENSES PAYROLL 001 General Fund 436,701.34 0.00 001001 Recreation Special Events 52,784.55 0.00 001599 US HUD Small Cities CDBG 1,250.00 0.00 001630 US Treasury American Rescue Plan 61,450.69 0.00 001663 FHA Section 112 MPO Planning Grant 221.60 0.00 001665 US Dept of HHS CSBG FY24-25 156.25 0.00 001834 TCERDA 7,714.79 0.00 101 Transportation Trust Fund 86,895.80 0.00 101001 Transportation Trust Interlocals 18.86 0.00 102 Unincorporated Services Fund 7,111.38 0.00 102001 Stormwater MSTU 61,818.33 0.00 102819 IRL Council Sheraton Plaza 7,870.00 0.00 107 Fine & Forfeiture Fund 206,715.31 0.00 107001 Fine & Forfeiture Fund-Wireless Sur 2,417.25 0.00 107003 Fine & Forfeiture Fund-800 Mhz Oper 2,964.33 0.00 107006 F&F Fund-Court Related Technology 5,479.78 0.00 107009 F&F One-Time Funding 14,658.00 0.00 107515 USDOJ 2021 SCAAP Program Grant 18,687.13 0.00 130 SLC Public Transit MSTU 91,649.22 0.00 130144 FTA FFY 5307 & 5339 Super Grant 69.93 0.00 130145 FTA 5310 -Travel Training 26,287.04 0.00 130146 FTA 5310 Enhanced Mobility 279.76 0.00 130147 FTA FFY23 SEC.5307/5339 Super Grant 577,818.36 0.00 130148 FTA/FDOT Sec. 5311 FFY2023-2024 31,071.95 0.00 130246 FDOT Micro-Transit Exp. Zone 2 49,508.31 0.00 130250 FDOT FY2024 BLOCK GRANT 69,470.49 0.00 130253 FDOT Lakewood Park Transit Dev. 24,588.47 0.00 130255 FCTD SFY25 Trip & Equipment Grant 62,284.37 0.00 132 Culvert MSBU 6,000.00 0.00 140 Airport Fund 14,447.34 0.00 140001 Port Fund 296.84 0.00 160 Plan Maintenance RAD Fund 1,472.74 0.00 170 Court Facilities Fund 29,940.00 0.00 181 SLC Housing Finance Authority Fund 5,000.00 0.00 183 Ct Administrator-19th Judicial Cir 5,263.27 0.00 185021 FHFC SHIP FY2021-2022 916.00 0.00 185023 FHFC SHIP FY2022-2023 21,888.00 0.00 185024 FHFC SHIP 2023-2024 1,125.00 0.00 187 Boating Improvement Projects 22,500.00 0.00 190 Sports Complex Fund 62,635.71 0.00 310010 Impact Fees-Library "North" 1,062.11 0.00 310011 Impact Fees-Library "South" 3,491.70 0.00 310017 Impact Fees-Transportation"Central" 1,762.56 0.00 310018 Impact Fees-Transportation "South" 61,020.91 0.00 316 County Capital 26,931.48 0.00 319 Infrastructure Surtax Capital 148,033.56 0.00 362 Sports Complex Improv Fund 7,890.00 0.00 401 Sanitary Landfill Fund 276,100.98 0.00 09/06/24 ST. LUCIE COUNTY -BOARD PAGE 2 FZABWARR WARRANT LIST #49-31-AUG-2024 TO 06-SEP-2024 FUND SUMMARY FUND TITLE EXPENSES PAYROLL 418 Golf Course Fund 219.01 0.00 471 Water & Sewer District Operations 37,714.52 0.00 478 Water & Sewer District R&R 21,410.32 0.00 479 Water & Sewer Dist.-Cap Facilities 382,196.43 0.00 505 Health Insurance Fund 1,328,513.45 0.00 505001 Risk Management Fund 28,511.31 0.00 625 Law Library 13,953.92 0.00 630 Medical Examiner Agency Fund 8,184.87 0.00 631 Victim Services Agency Fund 950.45 0.00 801 Bank Fund 39,109.40 0.00 GRAND TOTAL: 4,466,485.17 0.00 09/06/24 ST. LUCIE COUNTY -BOARD PAGE 1 FZABWARR WARRANT LIST #49-31-AUG-2024 TO 06-SEP-2024 FUND SUMMARY-MOSQUITO FUND TITLE EXPENSES PAYROLL 145 Mosquito Fund 31,516.47 0.00 GRAND TOTAL: 31,516.47 0.00 09/06/24 ST. LUCIE COUNTY -BOARD PAGE 1 FZABWARR WARRANT LIST #49-31-AUG-2024 TO 06-SEP-2024 FUND SUMMARY-EROSION FUND TITLE EXPENSES PAYROLL 184 Erosion Control Operating Fund 296.84 0.00 GRAND TOTAL: 296.84 0.00