HomeMy WebLinkAboutSUBMITTED DOCUMENTSPROPOSED LOTS 127, 128, 129, 130, 131 AND 132 'y PROPOSED PLAT OF POD 20C AT THE RESERVE, P.U.D. II -''CASTLE PINES DESCRIPTION: A PARCEL OF LAND LYING IN SECTION 27, TOWNSHIP 36 SOUTH, RANGE 39 EAST, ST. LUCIE COUNTY, FLORIDA, BEING MORE PARTICULARLY DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: COMMENCE AT THE SOUTHEAST CORNER OF TRACT 1, AS SHOWN ON THE PLAT OF POD 20B AT THE RESERVE, P.U.D. II - CASTLE PINES, AS RECORDED IN PLAT BOOK 39, PAGES 3 AND 3A, PUBLIC RECORDS OF ST. LUCIE' COUNTY, FLORIDA: THENCE NORTH 06044'40" WEST ALONG THE EAST LINE OF SAID TRACT 1, A DISTANCE OF 346.61 FEET; THENCE NORTH 60°57'03" EAST, DEPARTING SAID EAST LINE, A DISTANCE OF 260.01 FEET TO THE POINT OF BEGINNING; THENCE NORTH 60016'08" EAST, A DISTANCE OF 66.93 FEET; THENCE SOUTH 29°43'52" EAST, A DISTANCE OF 168.00 FEET; THENCE SOUTH 60916'08" WEST, A DISTANCE OF 66.93 FEET; THENCE NORTH 29°4�'52";WEST, A DISTANCE OF 168.00 FEET TO THE POINT OF BEGINNING. s.r. SHEET 1 OF 2 LEGEND: A L = DELTA ANGLE = ARC LENGTH N.R. O.E. - NOT RADIAL R/W = RIGHT-OF-WAY O = SET 5/8" IRON ROD CATV =CABLE TV O.M.E. = OVERHANG EASEMENT = OVERHANG MAINTENANCE EASEMENT SAN. S.B.T. = SANITARY = SOUTHERN BELL TELEPHONE WITH CAP WITNESS CORNER LB #6674 C.B. C.B.S. = CATCH BASIN =CONCRETE BLOCK &STUCCO Q.R.B. O/S = OFFICIAL RECORD BOOK = OFFSET S.F. = SQUARE FEET / 0 1.0' OFFSET �L = CENTERLINE O.S. = OPEN SPACE TRACT T.O.B. TYP. = TOP OF BANK =TYPICAL 0 =ELECTRIC SERVICE 0 CONC. COV. =CONCRETE = COVERED R.B. - PLAT BOOK U.E. = UTILITYEASEMENT1 =. CATV = LIGHT POST D.E. = DRAINAGE EASEMENT P.C. P.C.P. - POINT OF CURVATURE = PERMANENT CONTROL POINT U.L.P. O - UPLAND PRESERVATION' = SET 5/8" IRON ROD WITH CAP NO. LB 6674 ® - 11" PINE TO BE ELEV. E.O.P. = ELEVATION = EDGE OF PAVEMENT P.D.E. = PRIVATE DRAINAGE EASEMENT O - = FOUND 5/8" IRON ROD WITH CAP No. LB 6674 REMOVED (TYP) E.O.W. = EDGE OF WATER P.G.E. = PRIVATE GAS EASEMENT = PARKER 0 = FOUND PERMANENT CONTROL POINT - 10" PINE (TYP) F.F. = FINISHED FLOOR P.K. P.O.B. KALON NAIL = POINT OF BEGINNING A A - SET P-K NAIL WITH DISK NO. LB 6674 TO REMAIN (TYP) FND. = FOUND P.O.C. - POINT OF COMMENCEMENT 0 - FOUND P-K NAIL No. LB 6674 - WATER SERVICES v F.P.E. = FLOOD PLAIN EASEMENT P.P. = POWER POLE M = WATER VALVE F.P.L. = FLORIDA POWER & LIGHT P.R.M. = PERMANENT REFERENCE MONUMENT = SANITARY SERVICE I.E.E. L.S.S. = INGRESS/EGRESS EASEMENT = LANDSCAPE AND SIGNAGE EASEMENT PROP. P.T. = PROPOSED = POINT OF TANGENCY ❑ 00 = FOUND PERMANENT REFERENCE MONUMENT 6674 M.H. = MANHOLE P.U.E. = PRIVATE UTILITY EASEMENT �` EXISTING ELEVATION IN FEET MON. N.G.V.D. =MONUMENT = NATIONAL GEODETIC VERTICAL DATUM R - RAD. = RADIUS = RADIALS 0.00 > = PROPOSED ELEVATIONS IN FEET = DRAINAGE FLOW INDICATOR n \ \ \ \ PROP. \ \ \ \ O.S.T. NO. 4 \oQ pe. \\\ \N��2 \ � Q66• 9.�Z, Lp \ �6 h� PROP• \\�t\O \\ \ \ l \ \ P.C. \ \ NOTE: * = MEASURFp TO END OF BOARD \ \ \ \ 0 C.B. DESCRIPTION: / \PROP. BEING ALL OF LOTS 127,128,129,130,131 & 132, ACCORDING TO THE PLAT OF POD 20C AT THE RESERVE, P.U.D. II — CASTLE PINES, AS RECORDED IN PLAT BOOK 43, PAGES 12, 12A THRU 12D, PUBLIC RECORDS OF ST: LUCIE COUNTY, FLORIDA. SURVEYOR'S REPORT: 1. THIS SURVEY IS PREPARED FOR RESERVE HOMES, LTD. AND IS NOT ASSIGNABLE 2. THE LANDS SHOWN HEREON WERE NOT ABSTRACTED FOR EASEMENTS AND/OR RIGHTS -OF -WAY OF RECORD BY THIS OFFICE 3. VISIBLE ENCROACHMENTS ARE AS SHOWN. 4. DESCRIPTION FURNISHED BY CLIENT. 5. NOTICE: THERE MAY BE ADDITIONAL RESTRICTIONS THAT ARE NOT RECORDED ON THIS SURVEY THAT MAY BE FOUND IN THE PUBLIC RECORDS OF THIS COUNTY. 6. THIS SKETCH IS THE PROPERTY OF LAWSON, NOBLE & WEBB. INC. AND SHALL NOT BE REPRODUCED IN WHOLE OR PART WITHOUT THE PERMISSION OF LAWSON, NOBLE & WEBB, INC. IN WRITING. 'ro P,\600-699\B652\CAD\LOT MAP OF B T. BEARINGS SHOWN HEREON ARE BASED ON THE NORTH LINE OF LOT 127 CLIENT: WHICH BEARS N 60"16'08" E AND ALL BEARINGS ARE RELATIVE TO PLAT. B. BOUNDARY DIMENSIONS SHOWN ARE PER PLAT AND FIELD MEASUREMENT UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED. MW OF CYj\B652(s127.dw9 0470/2004 d 1?,p0,40 PH EST ai• Luele Coun °I�J�N°D A--""° S,1J R V E Y HOMES, LTD. 9. ELEVATIONS SHOWN HEREON ARE BASED ON N.G.V.D. ADJUSTMENT OF 1929. ®M LB # 66'Tq. 10 RATE MAP LANDS SHOWN P NELRNO.N 0285-02 5F LIE WITHIN ONE X DATED AUGUST ACCORDING 9 099 E FLOOD INSURANCE ®Y 0 a o • a 0 0 0 0 0 s oo� 11. IMPROVEMENTS IF ANY AREAS SHOWN. . Lucie d�ioUYi$)'' 12 DATE OF FIELD SURVEY: DECEMBER 16, 2003 Lawson, - PLAN &Webb, Inc. ENeINEEae PLANNERS SURVEYORS 590 NW Peacock Boulevard, Suite 9, Pori St. Lucie, Florida 34986 (772) 878-1700 • fox: (772) 878-1802• emaJ: inw-pslohw lnc.com CERTIFICATION: West Palm Beach Port St. Lucie IMPROVEMENTS, IFOANY. LOCATENOT VALID WITHOGNATURE THE ORIGINAL RAISED'SEAL OF A FLORIDA REVISION FB/PG DATE BY CK'D DATE: 12-16-03 LICENSED SURVEYPPER. FORMBOARD TIE-IN SURVEY 3-31-04 CTL GRB BY:JDM RESERVE q- l e 0 CK'D: ZY R. 13URFORD ,15ROFESSIONAL SURVEYOR AND MP ER 1 F.B.: PG: FLORIDA REGISTRATION NO. 4981 1 JOB NO.: 8652 LEGEND: , A = DELTA ANGLE N.R. = NOT RADIAL R/W = RIGHT-OF-WAY = SET 5/8" IRON ROD L - ARC LENGTH O.E. =.OVERHANG EASEMENT • - SAN. - SANITARY WITH CAP WITNESS CATV =CABLE TV O.M.E. = OVERHANG MAINTENANCE EASEMENT S.R.T.' = SOUTHERN BELL TELEPHONE CORNER LB #6674 C.B. =CATCH BASIN O.R.B. = OFFICIAL RECORD BOOK - S.F. = SQUARE FEET o 1.O' OFFSET C.B.S. - CONCRETE BLOCK & STUCCO O/S = OFFSET T.O.B. = TOP OF BANK Q =ELECTRIC SERVICE (L = CENTERLINE O.S. = OPEN SPACE TRACT TYP. =TYPICAL 0 = CATV CONC. =CONCRETE P.B. = PLAT BOOK L.E. = UTILITY EASEMENT = LIGHT POST COV. = COVERED P.C. = POINT OF CURVATURE U.L.P. - UPLAND PRESERVATION D.E. = DRAINAGE EASEMENT P.C.P. = PERMANENT CONTROL POINT ® - 11" PINE TO BE ELEV. = ELEVATION P.D.E. = PRIVATE DRAINAGE EASEMENT ® = SET 5/8" IRON R00 WITH CAP 6674 REMOVED (TYP) • = FOUND 5/8" IRON ROD WITH CAPP No. No. LB 6674_ E.O.P. =EDGE OF PAVEMENT P.G.E. =PRIVATE GAS EASEMENT 0 =FOUND PERMANENT CONTROL POINT •If = 10" PINE (TYP) E.O.W. - EDGE OF WATER P.K. =PARKER KALON NAIL L = SET P-K NAIL WITH DISK NO. LB 6674 TO REMAIN (TYP) F.F. = FINISHED FLOOR P.O.B. = POINT OF BEGINNING ♦ = FOUND P-K NAIL No. LB 6674 FND. = FOUND P.O.C. = POINT OF COMMENCEMENT C) = WATER SERVICES F.P.E. = FLOOD PLAIN EASEMENT P.P. = POWER POLE D4 - WATER VALVE F.P.L. = FLORIDA POWER & LIGHT P.R.M. = PERMANENT REFERENCE MONUMENT = SANITARY SERVICE I.E.E. = INGRESS/EGRESS EASEMENT PROP. = PROPOSED ❑ = FOUND PERMANENT REFERENCE MONUMENT 6674 L.S.S. = LANDSCAPE AND SIGNAGE EASEMENT P.T. = POINT OF TANGENCY 00 M.H. = MANHOLE P.U.E. = PRIVATE UTILITY EASEMENT �` EXISTING ELEVATION IN FEET MON. - MONUMENT R =.RADIUS 0.00 > - PROPOSED ELEVATIONS IN FEET N.G.V.D. = NATIONAL GEODETIC VERTICAL DATUM RAD. = RADIAL o --�� =DRAINAGE FLOW INDICATOR " ) xll O (p y ntzvAm° ? \ \ \ \ PROP. Z ' 9 U1 U) \\ \ \ O.S.T. NO. 4' Tn \\\ \\ n \ \ e�O o 2__ to 8 3 �o ape. \\\ \���2 \ &669 \oe I m e \\\ N �\pGA$ \\ O \\2� �� \ P.O.B. 6O0\6 o PROP. \ $g \ N 66 ca v W.M.T. NO. 2 to,LS)� \ \ doo A, TRACT 1 POD 20B AT THE RESERVE P.U.D. II —CASTLE PINES P.B. 39, PAGES 3 & 3A SURVEYOR'S REPORT: 1. THIS SURVEY IS PREPARED FOR .RESERVE HOMES, LTD. AND IS NOT ASSIGNABLE. 2. THE LANDS SHOWN HEREON WERE NOT ABSTRACTED FOR EASEMENTS AND/OR RIGHTS -OF -WAY OF RECORD BY THIS OFFICE. 3. VISIBLE ENCROACHMENTS ARE AS SHOWN. 4. DESCRIPTION FURNISHED BY CLIENT. H 5. NOTICE: THERE MAY BE ADDITIONAL RESTRICTIONS THAT ARE NOT RECORDED ON THIS SURVEY THAT MAY BE FOUND IN THE PUBLIC RECORDS OF THIS COUNTY. 6. THIS SKETCH IS THE PROPERTY OF LAWSON, NOBLE & WEBB, INC. AND SHALL NOT BE REPRODUCED IN WHOLE OR PART WITHOUT THE PERMISSION OF LAWSON, NOBLE & WEBB, INC. IN WRITING. 7. BEARINGS SHOWN HEREON ARE BASED VN THE NORTH LINE OF LOT 127 WHICH BEARS N 60"16'08" E AND ALL.8EARINGS ARE RELATIVE TO PLAT. B. BOUNDARY DIMENSIONS SHOWN ARE�PER'PGAT AND FIELD MEASUREMENT UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED, ' ' 1 ' _ r Z. 9. ELEVATIONS SHOWN HEREON ARE BASED. OWN.G.V.D. ADJUSTMENT OF 1929. 10. LANDS SHOWN HEREON. LIE WITHIN ZONE X ACCORDING TO THE FLOOD INSURANCE RATE MAP PANEL>NO.,IW285=0275F t.,, DATED AUGUST 19, 1991 11. IMPROVEMENTS IF ANY ARE AS SHOWN. 12 DATE OF FIELD SURVEY: DECEMBER 16; 2003 I - r CERTIFICATION: IMPROVEMENTS, IF ANY, ARE AS LOCATED. NOT VALID WITHOUT THE SIGNATURE AND THE ORIGINAL RAISED SEAL OF A FLORIDA LICENSED SURVEYOR AND MAPPER. 93 / / / / / SHEET 2 OF 2 P,\600-699\8652\CAD\L0T SURVEYS\8652ts12Tdwq 12/08/2003 01,11.49 PM EST MAP OF BOUNDARY SURVEY CLIENT: RESERVE HOMES, LTD. Byp+ I�' LB # 6674 LNW st. LucieLawson, Noble '& Webb, Inc. ' ENGINEERS PLANNERS SURVEYORS 590 NW Peacock Boulevard, Suite 9, Port St. Lucie, Florida 34966 (772) B78-1700 • tax: (772) 878-1802•'emal. hw—pslolaw—inc.com West Palm Beach Part St. Lucie FB/PG DATE BY CK'D I DATE:12-16-03 BY: JDM CK'D: F,B.: PG: JOB NO,: B652 -A, --) vl--�� L2-In -v3 IAN D. MORRIS . PROFESSIONAL SURVEYOR AND MAPPER FLORIDA REGISTRATION NO. 4731 � � _ rs.rl.srnvTAL>non,) fz DOD• (uncraE WDTR) , D AS .WPLKAgE 1.500• 4.47J• 1500- 4.47J• ROCK CALYAMZED • _ _ _ - _- I 2175' I 3975• _ _ _I _ _ Z125' dA scc:,ys•. r• @ SGCF: •il6• � T• 0 3* A/OX. "U` BUILD OUT 6CVE --44r. r• • M4C CONCRETE AKClo 5 (SEE XHWEW . 3' LlAK W. lw1 v v 2TORILL PANEL MQ& FLEVATIOAF ,- f/9- Mac CAP \\\ f/4 Mac CHAP NE- ti ACK s'c9c: W,_ r- " 7ED !i4¢IS r/ 1/fY -aT+f/Z'SSL� S r/ 7/B' X J/II' MHO MI@ NMAPS @ MnsPA'L - ® 'U" HEADER t SrwLE: ,Y6'. t' Zf25- ' ` HA F- PANEL STAR: J/}•. r. :t-7, i7 ,Nrf aq I. STORM PANE. HAS BEEN. D51GNm N AtZOR(19NCE IfT11/ IHE HRGYIL (14DE GVLIHII; I994 EDIIKN: OF TEIf SOUTH FLORIDA BUILDING CODE: 0MGN 6WD LOADS SHALL BE D'TERL7RRED AS PER SECnOA' 6 OF AR.F 7-84 N7M 110 mPh BgS,C MTHD SFpa STORM PANEL'S AOEOUACY SPE WPACr AI`� C A&OE "R`S5lA Cr H45 &'C f YE MM W ACCORpyM,E Af7H SLLR07_00.ONS IS E ZJi{ RESFEL7hE2Y Lt" I(E ALIOYE M&MONED CODE AS PER Alrl"Y( TEST NAB S �, o Z ALL STEEL SHEET M'_TiIL PANELS SHALL HAYS $IRUC7V AL OUALOY •? h CALYANTGFD STEL DESH.NAROR LE Fj= SZJ k j (AFTER ROLLED) ASTM A653 S0. OME 40. *TDI G-9D h _ S ALL_AWAfMM DrTRLWONS SNAIL."BE 600"T6 AHOY UNLESS OUAVNSE MOM f. ALL SCREn TO BE STAWLLSS STEEL J0f OR J16 SERES S. BOLTS TO BE Z024-T4 AU4f/MlM ALLO[ EXPANDED OR STA/NLLS;S STEEL, M1N J6 AsE MNNUM )g7p PoUfL 6 .WCNOR$ 70 WALL SHALL BE AS FD{Laffi (UNLESS DB{kRNEE HONED). (A) TO FXLSTING POURED CONGInL 1/4- / TAPCONS A: MAA7-SET ZVICR6 As ANNUEACNRm BY LT.W../BfM.pLX 1/4- / CREW--FIIX SW ANCHORS AS AANC6'ACW= BC ELCO TE._/&n - r/s• s : 7/B- 01(K-W AKNORS //4-A aCo mule & f,.IF-PANELUA7Z OR 1/4' i ELco mak - 1/Ad ryAT#D HEAD PLUS* AS MANUFXCruqEu BY PoNER FASIEMNGS� NC AM ELL-O TEX7RLHL RapEC7U r]-Y. ^- SLEE7E'AM7ATR5 AS A6WVFAC1URm BT CT.N. Amn a: Norm e ,k rrnMamaw EMdrDMINT INTO POURED C 7E OF TAPC.V4 AHCHIXt M CFL7F-EIFX PANETAN7ES IS 2: FUR REV FEM SSf 6 I J f: FOR A2) 7/6' G LK-N mtmks SHALL BE fN(otar7 S 1 r/2 , namom v LLL1O mole YM'EEAANiE PLUS' Is 2. STUGGO SHALL BE PERWT7M ^? ry + R\ w AND T IlAOAfLPI F M! NO SRHZ'0 �� FA LO LOW STUCCO ZXSr OR)FLVQ% ANCHORS SHALL BE LONG DOUGH 7D RE iWOR M=U£ Be FOUND ON'1F E FX $lyyO M iL SHALL BE AS =04Tm ON HOLES A7) E A2) ABOW ` V� BMW NGI PAMIS AF7CUMGE (B) TO E)MM UANCR7E SLDCK WLE, . GV CCWS t MWx SEr TA COI S AS MNUFALiulzw BY LLK,/BLROEX - 1/4- f aWIE-FLEX Sf ANGKWS AS AMUFACNRED BY QLO 7g7ROM J 000- Mar male . 7AN716' PLUS• ANCHORS CR T/4' o fL O mye & Femde PA42T4E' OR 1/4- 6 ELCD - S/H- / Rm HEAD DYNABOLT 45 A5 M,WUFAC7VRFD 8Y C AND BUIXCO MTV R�tCO77VFLY. fATTE?JNCS IN 3` ANGLE BUILD OUT BRACKEN SCALE: J/6•- r• NLTEM_ 2T) AN UM EN6mMNr or "CON AA3pRS ELCO PANaJZ47[ ELCO M.I. YANUAAIE quS; RED FIRM DYWiBOLT AND CFoE-FLfX SST. NM THE CONCRE7E MOW UA6T SHALL BE 1 1/4 [L2) 7/9- c4LK-IN MvnTs SHALL Bc ammaY LT awDED Pl7T( RE cafaX E7E ROCK 11NLE .J7f • EWT. NO ELBEDMETT NM STUCCO SHALL BE FERLMM -1/{" 1 20 S'CREI15 USED _%U BE 1 1 t.788-�MNOAPRSIOULDSTUCCOEalsrAND1-Fm'6MUM FOR IM4us {LATH No sncca •LONG .3) STET PwPR sT REACE RE� C PANELS BE FOVAD ON TEE EX67N,Cw4t.ANCIORSMrATED ON NOES N B.1) a B.Z) AWvE��WSLC7R PANELS ANCHORAGE SFNLL BE AS (C) ANCIIONM SHALL BE CLST-4 0 THEFCOIlAMYc ALL C1S 7F[E RE7SMRMENOg71CYS AFO1 SPEC1`7GAlNNS DFINNVFAGNRER ALiEHH17E LEG LOGIn�` 7. PANELS WY ALSO BE NSTAUFD HOREZORMLLT. FA:LONNO WTAUARLM' DEPI S'M7MN ON 6 (SHEET 2 d J OF 9) EXCEPT MY hDaERS Z J A: f SAL.L ForBEVS'EMi'DTONS1THP4 IT SHALL BE THE TLSSlWWa Lr1. OF TIE OONLRACIORTO1JNFYTHESOUAD,NESSaFTHESRLhTVRESH(RIDR N TO BE ATTACHED TO NSL47E PIHZ'L-R AHCHD AGERILSSTATER SHKL GttY BE ArTACFIED TD d CONC>E!£ BLOCK OR NcR Fmg BUfCWYGL TRACK Auc f- _....- ® REF!ERSED r'F` • AIYrF�': �. SUA [ _ f 9S NliQ7 AARUFAGNUREY LABEL SHALL W PLACED AT BO7TOY OF EACH PARL ;n C 'LABEL SHALL RFi1D AS FDLLOM . SCALE: ;A' - I' EASTERN METAL SUPPLY, NC. r/4' r JO! SAES .S S STW METED IO o� SroIMY CN SE1:TAa'!S. SE£ O tsTAc i `' 0 Z000- �G--T' Ir_D94' LAKE MART{ FLOTCOUNTY S o• NE n MKVf TAOE LV(N7 PRODUCT L'OYITC( A°FT70YED, r.Tff riff By —i a St LuciePou* f1 DETAIL F. STU��C��/I � DIE C4Si ZWC ATCWa PLATED WWC NUT _KEY HOLE AT PANEL E a i:.�wc: L = Alin..065' KEY HOLE WASHER J,05-Nrx A� A SC4X: J/{•. r- APPROVED AS COMPLYING'MTH THE SOUTH FLOR DA BUILDING CODE DATEO(o ZOOI BY RODUGT NTROLDIVISION BUILDING CODE COMPLIANCE OFFICE ACCEPTANCENOPL:ci 1 • O 24 GAGE C4LVA IzED BERTHA STEEL STOPm PANELS ATIAAT( DADE COUNTY as SHOMH S,^„Lrr EkSTEP,AF METAL SUPPLY, fA(C I " 7TEAS, 36W MS .. Are. SOUK- . - r fl.H-HHU UE} II.:U§ GHFOR N flWH M i. SHUTTER den'17-GUUJ�QGUj U9;L7 IiULPJ1riGAll A1UAlIlUA B 0tlUI1Gf( Jan 35 03 06:16a EMSL41 y V1�LI�F1L. wV I r 1. ne Slum wIK S z n 1"m1DRD N �CGOrcu114 1@1 /:OR10� il6tOn10 OCp( 3 MCC M tlDrtMtpv MIA OPR01t9 ?; CACY/M7m stet 57EItL PAM4IIPIMlshs!Aw r.gall Uu1 5015884780 I TVIUAL ELEVATION ai=rWxFw n%v4" w" Krc 1 14� µ°coonw g�zJoz PLAN VIEW TYPICAL FLEA Pam EGRESS PANEL �+vxcr r 24 GAGE GALK ST�EI. STORM PANEL 02--08080 BHCiN6cps, INC. —��... F.I t Uri JM / JK 0 10 MAXIMUM DESIGN PRESSURE RATING ")r' (p.s.f.) AND CORRESPONDING MAXIMUM ANCHOR SPACING SCHEDULE FOR INSTALLATIONS INTO CONCRETE AND C.B.S. STRUCTURES Y Er-OMCC DISTANCE MAXLNUM DESIGN LOAD W (P.r.L) I(AXfiyM ANCIpRS SPACING FOR E 0. - J 1/2- .. AF'P(1CARLE 10 SECOONS / & OF 7HEANY T)ON Al MAXIMUM PANEL LEnC01 'L" (N.) TAPCONS TO'COIA:REIF JO MASONRY RAWI. LIMAC NVLJN TO CONCRETE TO MASONRY 'BAWL GLX-W TO CONCRETE TO MASONRY CF TAP-CRIP TO CONCRETE TO MASOIJ PAND-UATES TO CONCRETE TO MASONRY 6 N/A J- N/A 6" N/A J 1/2- N/A 2 1/2- N/A ! (70P) 12" T it' B" 12" 10" 12" 6 1/2- 9 1/2- 9 1/2 1 (BOTTOM) 12' N/A 11" N/A 11- N/A 12 N/A 9 1/2' VA 2 (TOP) 77 7- 17' 5- 12' l0- 12" 6 1/2" 9 1/2" 9 1/1 2 (BOTTOM) 12- N/A IT' N/A 12' N/A IT N/A 9 1/2- N/A 3 (TOP) 7r 7" il" 8' 12' 10' 12' 6 1/2- 9 1/2" 9 1/2" J (BOTTOM) +65.0, -770 12" N/A it- N/A 12" N/A 12" N/A 9 7/2- N/A 4 (TOP) 9'-0" OR LESS 12" 7' 11' B" 12" 10" 12' 6 1/2- 9 1/2- 9 1/2" 4 (BOTTOM) 12- N/A IT- N/A 12" N/A 12- N/A 9 1/2- N/A 5 (TOP) 12- 5 1/2 9 1/2" 6 1/2' 12' 6' TO- 5' 7 1/2- 7 1/2" 5 (80770M) 9 1/2' N/A 6 1/2- N/A 10' N/A 7- N/A 5" N/A / 6 (TOP/BOTTOM) 8 7/2 N/A N/A N/A 5 1/2-NIA N/A N/A 8 1/2- 12' N/A 6' 6" 12 N/A 6- 4 1/2" 6' N/A 6' 7 (TOP/BOTTOM) OM) ' 6" N/A 6' N/A 6" N/A 6- N/A 6' N/A 6 6 6 6- 6 6- 6' 6- 6' 6' 462.0, -7J.J 6- N/A 6' N/A 6- N/A 6" N/A 5- NIA / R(T0P1BojToA,() M) 9•-D" TO10'-0"6 N/A 5 N/A 6' N/A 5 1/1" N/A 4- N/A M)N/A M/A N/A N/A 6' (7' 6" 6' 6' 6' M) SEE SHEET 7 & 8 OF 6 FOR ANCHORS 71PE & SPACINC FOR IMSTALUDONS INTO M400 FRAME BUILO/NCS. MAXIMUM ANCHOR SPACINGS ARE VALID FOR J 1/2- EDGE DISTANCE. FOR E. 0. LESS 77WI J 7/2-. REDUCE ANCHOR SPACINC BY MULTIPLYING SPACINGS SHOWN ON SCHEDULE BY THE FOLLOWING FACTORS. (Min. E. D. FOR RAWL CALX-IN ANCHORS & ELCO PANELMATE 1S 2 1/1"). ACTUAL C D. FACTOR TAPCON/ZWW NAUNI PMaUATES RAM CALX-W Cr TAP-CMP X .B6 .75 1.00 2 1/2- .71 .50 .RO 2' .50 PRODUCT RENEWED ACCEPTANCE i\'a OD�F r EXPIRATION DATE O O Z 0 u3 BY PROD C :`TTROLDMT 1SION BLIA.DINO CODE COWLWJCE OFF',CE APPROVED AS COMPLYING WITII TIIE SOUTII EL�%11114 BUILDING CODE By "llUOUCT CON11K D;vS v, BUILDING 0001 Oi lIC1 ACCEPIANCE 1+0.gB -Q I7-/ 6 0.050" BERTHA STORM PANEL L E ®I N EASTERN METAL SUPPLY, INC 7-, TESTING a yw 2. A... sounr OAArLFJ1WG COMPANY fAYI KWnI, n J.N6t-y1T c� evav- A. lm � Pivr : (b)As�l-rSD. f LJOJ11J1-urr _ DADE COUNTY AS SNDeN SCALE 717196 98 ��T7 i' I r A CLITI PANEL 1 A" x 4- x .125- J105-H14 OR 606J-T6 ALLOY Cont. N.M. ANGLE CASE A (Plan SCALE- 114' = I- Ath Y x .T x .093' 3105 H-14 OR 6063-T6 ALLOY Cont. Alum. ANGLE %7TH ANCHORS 0 1T O. C. POURED CONCRETE OR CONCRETE BLOCK WALL REOURED �I�CONCRETE ANCHORS OIYO.C. d 114' CASE D (Plon) SCALE.- 114' = 1" CONCRETE OD CONCRETE BLOCK NULL RTFS VAREOUIRED 6 IpI I Y 0 PO ED CONCRETE COWR TE BLOCK . . ... W�- REOU RCD - N - " CONCRETE ANCHORS. 0 IT-O� � � � < c F l:is• i .. Ir �0 �� 1 OR O OR ® \� 9 OR O OR O OR ® Z• 2" lVox. \ II OR O r 2- x .055 TOLD LOCADON Alum. ANGLE OR Y r S' x .a55' C;P�WtE JJ .000' JIQ5-H154 l�f d BOLT 4' x I' x II£TAL AA,m. BENT 0 2f O. C. W/.L cmw .072' JIOJ-Hl4 OR 6063-TU ALLOY ConL Mum- ANGLE I CASE B (Plan) CASE C (Plan) SCALE.. 114" = 1' SCALE.- 1/4- = 1_ END CLOSURES DETAILS MAXIMUM DESIGN PRESSURE RATING "W ' (p.s.f) -ND CORRESPONDING MAXIMUM PANEL LENGTH ' L'T SCOED ULE POURED CONCRETE OR CONCRETE BLOCK WALL REOULRED MA:TMUM OPSIGN Mox. PANEL LITCIH PRESSURE RA77NG L (LE) W (Ps.T.) (SCE SECTIONS) +65.0. —77.0 OR LESS +65.0, —77.0 >8'—d TO 9--0- +62.0, —73.3 >9•—O' TO TO'-0" PRODUCT RE'1EVVED ACCEPTANCE Na_QO—O_ 6 O_'L CU Q- EXPIiATION DATF. OS 07 hood B %1 sty. /Gli1v__ 'RODl6ET CONTROL DIVISION WILDING CODE COMPLL4NCE OFFICE °�L EC®JF3 c. I1LLT 7TST1N0 t p♦CRgERLLLO COy� In— W'AL TER A TILL/T Jr. P. E APPLK.181E TO NND,VUM SUAW/Ooy SECRLMS / t TO CUSS ANY OOtIeM1`NTTO,V OT 1 rAl 2 1/4- 1 THRU 8 3 1 V16' 1 THRU 8 J 7/8- 2, 6, 7 dr 8 APPROVED AS COMPLYING MTII TIIE SOUTN FL RADA RU!LDIPIG CODE DAT DY FRO OUCT CLIi! IiOI DiV;6 0:1 DUiLD,N'G CODEppCOn"TUANCE 0!nCE AM I6SCE NG.7 Ei-09(I_/� L140E COUNTY 0.050"' BERTHA STORM PANEL AS SHOWN SCALE £ASTERN METAL SUPPLY, INC 7 Art n.T9 .1LW 2. . A, Sq TN uT MMTTI. R .1H6,-L]I) 98 — 172 DTLAI>7N0 No Eastern Metal SuppIy Inc t JGANNED BY St. Lucie County 9 ACCEPTANCE No. ; 00-091mo �7•�-zsi+i�i7 a• r 06/07/2001 06/07/2004 NOTICE OF ACCEPTANCE: STANDARD CONDITIONS I. Renewal of this Acceptance (approval) shall be considered after a renewal application has been filed anc original submitted documents, including test -supporting data, engineering documents, are no older than e (8) years. 2. Any and all approved products shall be permanently labeled with the manufacturer'sname, city,. state, and following statement: "Miami -Dade County Product Control Approved", or as specifically stated in specific conditions of this Acceptance. 3. Renewals of Acceptance will not be considered if: a.. There has been a change in the South Florida Building Code affecting the evaluation"of this -prod, and the prodiicf •is not in compliance with the code changes. b. The product is no longer the -same product (identical) as the.one. originally approved. c•- .If.:the Acceptance holder has not complied.:with all the requirements of this.aeeeptance,. including' correct installation of the product.....- : d. - The. engineer, .who • originally prepared; signed and sealed the required documentation initia submitted, is no longer practicing the engineering -profession. : .......... _. 4. Any revision or change in the materials, use, and/or manufacture of the product or process shall automatica be cause for termination of this Acceptance, unless prior written approval has been requested (through i filing of a revision application with appropriate fee) and granted by this office. 5. Any of the following shall also be grounds for removal of this Acceptance: a. Unsatisfactory performance of this product or process. b. Misuse of this Acceptance as an endorsement of any product, for sales, advertising or any oth purposes. 6. The Notice of Acceptance number preceded by the words IvMiam�Dade County, Florida, and followed by U expiration date maybe displayed in advertising literature. If any portion of the Notice of Acceptance displayed, then it shall be done in its entirety. 7. A copy of this Acceptance as well as approved drawings and other documents, where it applies, shall 1 provided to the user by the manufacturer or its distributors and shall be available for inspection at the job si- at all time. The engineer needs not reseal the copies. 8. Failure to comply with any section of this Acceptance shall be cause for termination and removal c Acceptance. 9. This Notice of Acceptance consists of pages 1, 2 and this last page 3. END OF THIS ACCEPTANCE Helmy A. Makax, P:E. -Product Control Examine Product Control Didision -3- Eastern MetaI Sunplp Inc SCeANNE x BY St. LudeComy ACCEPTANCE No APPROVED 00-0919.10 06/07/2001 06/07/2004 NOTICE OF ACCEPTANCE: SPECIFIC CONDITIONS I. SCOPE This approves 0.030" Galvanized Steel Storm Panels Shutter, as described in Section 2 of th Notice of Acceptance, designed to comply with the South Florida Building Code, 1994 Edition fc Miami -Dade County, for the locations where the pressure requirements, as determined by SFB. Chapter 23, do not 'exceed the Design Pressure Rating values indicated in the approvedAxalyings. 2. PRODUCT DESCRIPTION This 0.030" Galvanized Steel Storm Panels shutter audits components shall be constru9ted in ytrir compliance with the following documents: Drawing No. 00-252, titled "24 Gage Galvanized Berth. Steel Storm Panels", prepared by Tilteco, Inc., dated July-10, 2000, last revision>#1 dated April 3 2001, sheets 1-through 9 of 9, signed and sealed by Walter A. Tillit .Jr.,. P.E., :bearing the Miami Y. _ .:.. ....... .LDade;.Colurty.P.roduct.Control-appraval stam ,with.,. p the Notice.ofAcceptance,number:and'approua date- .by-the:ivliami-Dade County -Product Control Division. These, documents shall.hereinafter bE referred to as the approved drawings. - 3. LM11TA•TIONS All permanent set components, included but not limited to embedded anchor bolts, threaded cones, metal shields, headers and sills, must be all times. protected against corrosion, contamination and damage at - r �• 4. INSTALLATION This 0.030" Galvanized Steel Storm Panels Shutter and its components shall be installed in strict compliance with the?approved drawings. S. LABELING Each panel shall bear a permanent label with the manufacturer's name or logo, city, state and the following statement:; "Miami -Dade County Product Control Approved", 6. BUILDING PERMIT REQUIREMENTS 6.1 Application for -building permit shall be accompanied by copies of the following: 6.1.1 This Notice of Acceptance. 6.1.2 Duplicate copies of the approved drawings, as identified in Section 2 of this Notice of Acceptance, clearly- marked to show the -.,components selected for the proposed installation. 6.1.3 Any other documents required by the Building 'Official or the South Florida Building Code (SFBC) in order to properly evaluate the installation of this system. ,4, lvav Helmy A. vlakar, P.E. -Product Control Examiner Product Control Division �_ BTIA I-DADE'COUNTy, FLORID, METRO -DARE FLAGLER BUILDIN( BUILDING CODE COMPLIANCE OFFICI IvMTRO-DADS FLAGLER BUILDIN( 140 WEST FLAGLER STREET, SUITE 160' PRODUCT CONTROL NOTICE OF ACCEPTANCE i3os) aMI s 11, F x RIDA 3 33s-156- Eastern Metal Supply, Inc. 3600 23rd Ave., South COA'TRACrOR LICENSING SECTION Lake Worth ,FL 33461 (305) 375-2527 FAX (305) 375-2558 SGANNED CONTRACTORENFORCEMENTDrVISION BY (305)375-2966 FAX pos)375-2908 St. Lucie couniv PRODUCT CONIROLDITISION Your application for Notice of Acceptance (NOA) of (305) 375-2902 FAX (305) 372-6339 0.030" Galvanized Steel Storm Panels Shutter under Chapter 8 of the Codeof Miami Dade County governing the use of Alternate Materials and Types of Construction, and completely described herein, has been recommended for acceptance by the Miami -Dade County Building Code Compliance Office (BCCO) under the conditions specified herein. This NOA shall not be valid; after the expiration date stated below. BCCO•resetves the right to secute this product or material at any t me from a jobsite or manufacturer's plant for quality control testing, If this product or ulaterial fails to perform in -the approved manner, BCCO may revoke, modify; oY"snsperid the use •o-f such product or material immediately... BCC-() res6rvesthe rightrto revoke-t$is.approva%_if-it is determined by..BCCO that t�iis product or material ails.to meet -the requirements -of the S Outh 'Florida Buildiiig Code. _•.._ . - :. • :..... - The expense of such testing . 71' 'i)e incurred by the manufacturer. ACCEPTANCE NO.: 00-0919.10 .. EXPIRES 06/07/2004 Raul Rodriguez Chief Product Control Division THIS IS THE COVERSHEET SEE ADDITIONAL PAGES FOR SPECIFIC AND GENERAL CONDITIONS BUILDING CODES PRODUCT REVIEW COMMITTEE This application for Product Approval has been reviewed by the BCCO and approved by the Building Code and Product Review Committee to be used in Miami -Dade County, Florida under the conditions set forth above. APPROVED: 06/07/2001 Francisco J. Quintana, R.A. Director Miami -Dade County Building Code Compliance Office 1"O�S000I\oc30001%.emplx[e.Motice accepance rover page.dnC Internet mail address: postmzster@buildinecodeonline.com ffomepase: http://;pf;'i;•,buildinEcodeon[ine.com .iW is Produ•ct yrF St Lucie.Count} , Public Works Departzient ��ORI�p Code Cornpliarce Division, _ �1lCtE;pdp fhe .following.products will be installed in the s.tructureslocate d atg`n-�: 3uilding Permit # Dwners Name Reserve Homes LTD Owner's Address o.7nni Re4'ert e Blvd" lontractor KotteT Signature- Homes Cdntrlctor's Address, 2160 NW ikAETseryei PK R:raCe . r Product Design Manufacture Mod, Nuiri r , Me'thtod of*4�ftachment .' Pressures Windows 435/436 1st Choice `l �S Norand437/438 ex CON unit thru buck to TAp . 2nd Choice nr Wn� n _ Lie•3 Ali 3 iALdSet-(' SF4-irS masonry 1!`: embedment -min• Fixed Glass • 435 .4.36 1st Choice 4S ,40 oxand x 3 438 2{AP .CON. unit thru buck, 2nd Choice nr.,vn..u�� SG,." ??B:5T'6 P .; ,. , q8 4ZSc 6�tL.` masonry `l}. `embe.d' Zt min.. ' Glass (other) Butt Glass Arch Alumina zi5t t .41•Sb : 4t6,5 �S 7Raoy Glass Block 3 �Z PitEaburgh Ar us See ;Plan De,tai'1 Sliding Glass Doors Est Choice c}� _. 2nd Choice nry �n i{q,7 _t�q+� L�ulso� ob6 masonry 11: embedment min, awing Type Doors Ist Choiceepoor Doa Enter 2 ,/i1O 7" ea,- end+24!! on 2nd Choice „r ��.r { � � _ g� Gen ,product Benchmark " .._ n (2)1i10 7 es, end+24 oe • •____.-,_ Dverhead Garage Doors 1st Choice _ • 2nd Choice Foamcore 37 16xI 5/8..Laq Sc ewe at each Bracket a toofing Materlal A.sphal t/Fi berglass Metal OthercgN.&1� 6)STB��iA 1 S hutters. Choice have reviewed the above components end cIadding,.a=nd have',e�p';ROOM`irrv's, , In >sLraY. itia,ceao . -rovide adequate resistance to the wind loads anc lame: Cert )esi gn Firm I �S OG /8l Gf`bC • ST LUCIE COUNTY FIRE DISTRICT BUREAU OF FIRE PREVENTION SCANUED PLAN REVIEW 13Y �$. Cucie 2400 Rhode Island Avenue Telephone: 772-462-8306 co Unty Ft Pierce, FL 34950 FAX: 772-462-8466 — L4Kew Construction ( )Tenant Improvement ( )Addition ( )Renovation/alterations ( )Shell Only Jurisdiction: Occupancy: Address: Contractor Contractor's Address: fate: itect/Engineer: Building Owner: Occupancy Type: Gross sq ft: Occupant Load: Construction Type: SLC Castle Pines 8132-8142 Carnoustie Place Kolter Signature Homes 2160 NW Reserve Park Trace Florida Turner Architects & Planners Apartments 13,204 F.P.B.: B-04-52 Building Dept: 24010589 Number of stories: 2 Phone # 772-468-4703 City: PSL Zip Code: 34986 Phone # 407-658-4151 Review Date: 2/12/2004 Automatic sprinklers: Net sq ft: Based On: SBCCI Type: VI unp NOTE 1. All revisions must be in compliance before the final inspection. 2. The Fire Marshal requires 24 hour notice on all inspections. 3. The respective Building Department shall schedule all final inspections through the Fire Marshal's Office. 4. Permit fees are required to be paid in full prior to any inspections. 5. Failed inspections require payment of fee prior to rescheduling of further inspections. . 6. A copy of the required revision/s have been transmitted to the Architect () Contractor( 7. Penetrations through rated assemblies shall be of proper UL design. 8. UL design criteria shall be submitted with the construction ,plans. 9. Fire Alarm Panels shall be located indoors. THE FLORIDA FIRE PREVENTION CODE, 2001 EDITION IS CURRENTLY ENFORCED. i REVISIONS. REQUIRED ACCESS BOX IS REQUIRED ( ) ACCESS KEY SWITCH REQUIRED ( ) 1. Model "E" Den/Bedroom # 3: Provide an egress window. Plans do not indicate this. 2. Model "E" Master Bedroom: Smoke detectors are required both inside and outside of the sleeping area. Plans do not indicate this. 3. Model "D" Loft/Bedroom: Smoke detectors are required both inside and outside of the sleeping area. Plans do not indicate this. Reviewed by: Date: 2/12/2004 St. Lucic Countf Building and Zoning DepartmenL 2300 Virginia Avenue Fort Pierce, FL 34982 561-462-153 SGAI Neu BY St Lucie COU"tv Design Certification for Wind Load Compliance This Certification is to be completed by the project design archlrea or engineer. This C--vfication mus: be submitted �i:l x11 applications for building permits involving the construction of new residence (single or multi- family).raidcntial additiort- any =ecssory structure requiring a building permit, and any nonresidential structure. This Certification shall not eppJy to iu=or renovations (provided that no structural walls, columns or other similar component is bang effecicd) and certain other minor building permits. For further assistance, please contact the Building Inspection Office at 462-1553 or 462-2172. Prot Name Office Usc Only Sled Address ,$' Permit Number occupancy Type Construction Type Certification Statement: I certify that, to the best of my knowledge and belief, these plans and specifications have been designed to comply with the applicable structural portion of the Building Codes currently adopted and enforced by St. Lucie County. I also certify that structural elements depicted on these plans provide adequate resistance to the wind loads and forces specified by current code provisions. Desirm Parameter$ and Assumotiorns Used: (Please check or complete the appropriate box.) 1. Florida Building Code 2001 Edition �, ASCE 7-98 2- Building Design is (check one) Enclosed X Partially Enclosed Open Building 3. Building Height: 2 ` -" 7 4. Wind Speed Used in Building Design: 1 3 second gust 5_ Wind Exposure Classification (reter to exposure tables.io Building Code identified in Line 91): �l A1Jai{� 6. Average Wind Velocity Pressure on Exterior Facer of Structure 311 PSF 7- Peak Wind Velocity Pressure on Exterior Faces of Structure PSF 8. Importance/Use Fador'(obtain from Building Code): O 9. Loads: Floor 50 PSF Roof/dead PSF Roofflive S PSF I(1.. Were Shear Walls Considered for Structure (check one): Yes X No if No, attach explanation) 11- Is a Continuous Load Path Provided (check one): Yes X No _ (if No, attach explanation) 12- Are Component and Cladding Detail Provided (check one): Yes No _(if No, attach explanation) 13. Minimum Soil Bearing Pressure: 2S 60 PSF As witnessed by my seal, I hereby certify that the information included with this certitimtion is tmtt au& - correct, to the best of my knowledge and belief. `` .- .` Name: _ R. C tL%114N —1 kRy Z Certification 4: J l r f 47 � efek y Design Punt: G Ug Hate:: SLCCDV •Forth # 020-00 . - N m Lo I Equipment Sdiedule Una -e --SEER/� MKP 222'-'r M�g�C�iyl�Ok Tarx:? cand.cx�r�loa#1Z�PB-3G AM (kff 'HealeriHod.�� G'B -0P i7€!0 aoa� �, goo roll coa eras- 4D 12/23/2003 00:05 7722837229 NISAIR AIR CONDITION PAGE 03 The Torrey Model C HVAC Load Calculations for Koller Signature Homes, Inc. 2160 NW Reserve Park Trace Port St. Lucia, FI 34986 "VAC k v kc L *A Prepared By: Jose Nisair Air Conditioning 15ol Decker Ave. - 0404 Stuart, PI 34994 772-283-0904 Tuesday, December 23, 2003 12/23/2083 eo:e5 7722837229 NISAIR AIR CONDITION PAGE 04 Wednesday,, June 04, 2003 Kolter Signature Homes, Inc. 2160;NW Reserve Park Trace Port St. Lucie, FI 34986 772468=4703 Niseir Air Conditioning Jose 1501 Decker Ave. -D404 Stuart, FI 34994 772-283-0904 Deity. Temperature Range: Medium Latitude: 27 Degrees Elevation: 25 ft. AltidtdelFador7 04999 Elevation Sensible Adt Factor: 1.000 Elevation Total Adj. Factor. 1.000 Elevation Healing Adj, Factor: 1.000 Elevation Heeling Adj. Factor. 1.000 Outdoor Outdoor Indoor Indoor Grains WelrBulb Rel:Hum Dry Bulb Difference Winter: 42 0 0 72 0 Summer: 90 78 50 75 61 ft. Total Sensible Gain: 29,969 Stuh 84 % Total Latent Gain: 5,810 Btuh 16 % Total Cooling Required With Outside Air: 35,779 Stuh 2.98 Tons (Based On Sensible + Latent) .F.�.' k o.. , i n%d •:: ,g s :�}` 4,.> "` oI.p, v r SY' yFi 1. y''!:v ✓ eA ,.,ujl/• i Calculations are based on 8th edition of ACCA Manual J_ All computed results are estimates as building use and weather may vary. Be sure to select a unit that meets both sensible and latent loads. 12/23/2003 '00505 7722837229 NISAIR AIR CONDITION PAGE 05 Summer: Calculate: Use Schedule Roughness Factor. Pressure Drop: 90 Yes 0.00300 0.1000 in.wgl100 fL 050 ftlmin 900 ftJmin 0 in. 0 h Infiltration: 0:700 AC/hr Volume of Conditioned Space: K 16072 Cu.ft. 11,250 'Cu.fLfhr ` X Oi0167 Total ByiK1nb:lnfiltration: 188 CFIM total. Building -Ventilation: 0 CFM ,-System 1— 50 Yes 0.01000 0.1000 in.wgJ10o ft. 450 ft✓min 750 RJmin 0 in. 0 1n. OA00 ACRIr X 16072 Cu.ft. 0,429 Cu.ftJhr X 0.0167 107 CFM 0 CFM Infiltration & Ventilation Sensible Gain Multiplier, IGAQ = (1.10 X 0.999 X 15.00 Summer Temp_ Difference) Infiltration & Ventilation Latent Gain Multiplier: 41.50 = (0.68 X 0.999 X 61.09 Grains Difference) Infiltration & Ventilation Sensible Loss Multiplier: 32.97 = (1.10 X 0.999 X 30.00 Winter Temp, Difference) 61.09 1 3 i. w C! '9"„-kji :'.'.'¢ � a .': •_ a .. 3g- a0 � pp ey�.NJ W .t+N 4,LO cc A MM cm 12/23/2003 00:05 7722837229 NISAIR AIR CONDITION PAGE' 07 • ^f; Total 'Burldmg Summary Loads 1A-Nlro: Gltd4Single psne'operablewindow;'heat- V WIN 2,171 0 2;170 2:1Z0 absorbing; metal frame with break, ground reflectance 0,32, outdoor insect screen With50% coverage, dark color drapes with loose weave with 25% coverage 1Prhb-o: Glazing -Single pane; operable window; heat- 40 1,296 0 1260 1,268 absorbing, metal frame with break, ground reflectance 0.32, outddarinsect screen with 50% coverage, light color drapes with medium weave with 25% coverage 1A hbmd Glazing -Single pane; sliding glass door, heat 218.8 7,092 0 7.082 7,082 absorbing, metal name wifh.breek, ground reflectance 0.321 outdoor:insect screen with 50% coverage, dark color drapes wfth loose.weave with 76% coverage 1113; poor -Soled Core 41 480 0 415 415 AA2-Vapor Shield; Wall -Block,, R-4.1 rofiediire insulation Arid vapor barrier Stucco open core ptps irtedbr finish, 1878 11,324 0 5,795 5,795 12Mbw: Wall -Frame, R-11 insulation In 2 x4dud cavity, 124 361 0 110 110 no board insulation, brick finish, wood studs 16B-19; Roof/Ceiling-Under epic or knee wall; Vented 1683 2,474 0 4,123 4;123 Attic, No Radiant Barder,'park Asphalt Shingles or Dark Metal, Tar and Gravel or Membrane, R-19 insulation 20P-0c; Moor -Over open "crawl space or garage, Passive, 1107.6 12,792 0 4,265 4,265 no insulation, carpet or hardwood 22A-pm: Floor -Slab on grade, No.edge insulation, no 119 4,212 0 0 0 Insulation below floor, any floor cover, passive, heavy dryoriightwetsoll Subtotatsfor structure: 42X02 0 25,228 25,228 People: 4, 800 920 1,720 govipment: 0 6 0 Lighting: 0 0 0 Ductwork: 3,585 563 2,056 2,619 Infiltration: Winter CFM: 188, Summer CFM;107 6,183 4,447 1,765 6.212 Ventilation: Winter CFM: 0, Summer CFM: 0 0 0 0 0 Total Building Load Totals: $1,970 5,810 29,969 35,779 Total Building Supply CFM: 1,303 (5.1 AC/hr) CFM Per Square ft.: 0.816 Square tit. of Room Area: 1,684 Square ft. Per Tort: 565 Total Heating Required With Outside Air: 51,970 Btuhµ 51,970 MBH` Total Sensible Gain: 29,969 Btuh 84 % Total Latent Gain: 5,810 Btuh 16 % Total Cooling Required With Outside Air. 35,779 Btuh 2.93 Tons (Based On Sensible + Latent) Calculations ate based an Sth edition of ACCA Manual J. All computed results are estimates as building use and weather may vary. Be sure to select a unit that meets both sensible and latent loads. 12/23/2003 00:05 7722837229 NISAIR AIR CONDITION PAGE 08 absorbing, metal frame with break, ground reflectance 0.32, outdoor insect screen with 50% coverage, dark color drapes whit loose weave with 250A coverage 0 11268 1,288 1A-hb-o: Glazing -Single pane, operable window,,heat- 40 1,298 absorbing, metal frame with break; ground -reflectance = 0.32, outiloohlrhsectscreen,wdh 5p96 covetage, light color drapes,wWrnedium weave with 25% coverage IA-hb-d: GleAng-Single pane, sliding;glassdoor, heat: 218.8 7,092 0 7,082 7,082 absorbing,,metal frame with break, ground reflectanco = 0 32, outdoor insect screen wi h 50%scoverage, dark color"dre- with lowe'weave with 25% coverage 0 415 415 110: Door Solld, Core 41 450 AA2-Vapor. Shield; Wall -Block, , R4.1 reflectiim Insulation and vapor barrier stucco open ccrs � . plus intedorpnish---,- -,_.: 187.8 11,324 0 5,795 6,795 ' 12f3_-06: W611-Frarne,'R-11 insulation in 2 x 4 stud cavity, 124 361 0 110 110 no board insulation, brick finish, wood studs 18B 19:=RoaflCeiliiig-Under atfio orknea wall, Vented 1683 2,474 0 4,123 4,123 Attic, No m9umrn Ranier, DarkAspha Shmg es or Dark Metal; Tar and Gravel orMembrane, R-19 `tnsalation 20p-0c: door: . Direr open crmo space or garage, Passive, 1107.5 12,792 0 4,265 4,265 no insulation, carpet or hardwood' 22A pm: FloonElab ongrade, No edge Insulation, no 119 4,212 0 0 0 insulation below floor, any floor cover; passive, heavy d .or ht}wetsoil Subtotals for structure, 42,202 0 25,228 25,48 People: 4 800 920 1,720 Equipment 0 0 0 L!O "' 0 0 0 Ductwork: 3,685 563 2,056 2,619 Infiltration: Winter CFM' 188; Summer CW: 107 6,183 4,447 1,765 6,212 Ventilation, Whiter CFM: 0. Summer CFM: 0 0 0 . 0 0 System 1 Torrey Mod. C Load Totals: 51.970 5,810 29,969 35,779 Square It 1 CFM Per Square 1t.: Square fL Per Ton: 565 Total Sensible Gain: 29,969 Btuh 84 % Total Latent Gain: 5,810 Btuh 18 % Total Cooling Required With Outside Air: 35,779 Btuh 2.98 Tons (Based On Sensible + Latent) 11 Calcutatons are based on 8th edition ofACCA nuai J. All computed results are estimates as building use and weather may vary. Be sure to select a unit that meets both sensible and latent loads. 12/23/2003 00:05 7722837229 NISAIR AIR CONDITION PAGE 09 absorbing, metal frame with Ibreak, ground reflectance = 0.32, outdaccinsecf screen with 50% coverage; dark color drapes with loose weave with 25% coverage 1A-hb-9: Gla; ing-Singte palie, operable window, heat- absorbing; metal frame iith break, ground.retiectanoe =.0 32, eutdoor.insectscreen with 50% coverage, light color drapes with medium weave with 25% coverage 1A�hlyd: GloAng-Single.pane,.sllding glass door, he* absorbing, metal frame wito.break, ground reflectance =.0.S2,outdoor insect screen with 50% coverage, dark color drapess.with-loose weave with 28% coverage 14D Door -Solid Core AA2-Vapor Shield; Wall=Block, , R-4.1 reflective insulation and vapor barrier I -Frame, R-11 insulation in 2 x 4 stud cavity, risuladon, brick finish; wood studs Ceiling -Under attic or kneei wail, Vented taciiantSaMer, Dark Asphalt Shingles or il;'Tar and Gravel or Membrane, R-19 9veropen crawl space or garage, Passive, on; carpet or hardwood -Slab on grade, No edge Insulation, no below floor, any floor cover, passive, heavy System 1 „Zone 1 Load Totals: 40 1,296 218.8 7,092 41 480 1878 11,324 124 '361 1683 2,474 0 1,268' 1.288 0 7,082 1,082 0 415 415 0 5,795 5,795 0 110 110 0 4,123 4,123 1107.5 12,792 0 4,265 4,265 119 4,212 0 0 0 0 25,223 25,228 -T - 42,202 4 800 920 1,720 0 0 0 0 0 0 3,585 563 2,056 2,619 6,183 4.447 1,7e5 6,212 51,970 5,810 29,969 35,779 Square tt of Room Area: 1,684 Square ft. Per Ton: 565 - - iti H . 5, S M. Totai Heating Required[- 51,970 Btuh .97 510 MBHr Total Sensible Gain: 29,969 Btuh 84 % Total Latent Gain: 5,810 Btuh 16 yn Total Cooling Required: 35,779 Btuh 2.98 Tons (Based On Sensible + Laten() .Calculations are based on SHt ediflon of ACCA Manual J. All computed results are estimates as building use and weather may vary. Be sure to select a unit that meets both sensible and latent loads. 12/23/2003 00:05 7722831229 NISAIR AIR CONDITION PAGE 10 Galoulafion,Mode: Mg. & cig. occurrences: 1. Room Length: 1 OA It; System Number. 1 Room Wdth: 9.5 fL Zone Number: 1 Area: 96.0 sq.ft. Supplyy Air 85 CFM Ceiling Height: 9A it Supply Air Changes- 5.7 AClhr Volume: 893.0 cu.fL Required Vent,: 0 CFM Number ofRegisteis: 1 ActuaiWmterVent: 0 CFM RuncutAir. 85 CFM Percent of Supply.: 0 % Runout DuctSize: 5 in. Actual Summer Vent.: 0 CFM RunoutAir Velocfty: 623 Umin. Percent of Supply: 0 % Dedgn'Loss: 0.100 •ln.wgJIOO ft. Actual Winter Infil.: 12 CFM' Actuei Lass: 0.318 in:wgJ100 ft. Actual Summer lnfil 7 CFM �• E-Wa11AA2=V' rehield1OX9A 94 0.201' 6.0 507 1A 0 136. N -Wall-AA2-Vapor Shield 6 X 9.4 31 A 0.201 &0 189 2.6 0 82 N-Gis-7i9- "ah9'q-0.52'100%S 25 1.080 32A 810 32.4 0 809 UPCeil16&19,10,X,9:5 95 0.049 1>.5 140 2.5 0 233 Flaor - P Oa 9t5 X510°- ,..,._. 96 0.385 — ........ 11.6 1,097 3:9 -0- ,_..., 366 _.W Subtotals for Structure: 2,803 0 1,626 ' (nfil.: wn.:11.9 Sum.: 6.8 150 2.613 393 0.746 282 112 Ductwork: 0.074 237 0:074 32 128 Room Totals: 3A33 314 1,866 12/23/2003 00:05 7722837229 NISAIR AIR CONDI-TION PAGE 11 Room Length - Ron MWidth: of Registers: Duct Size: Air Velocity: Loss: 19.0 ft 13.6 fL 257.0 sq.ft. 9.4 fL 2,411.0 cu.ft. 2 88 CFM 5 in. 644 ftlmin. 0.100 1n.wgJ100 fL 0.341 in.wgJ100 ft. system Number: Zone Number. Supply Air. Supply Air Changes: Required Vent.: Actual Winter Vent.: Percent of Supply.: Actual Summer Vent: Percent of Supply: Actual Winter Infil.: Actual Summer Infil.: 1 1 178 CFM 4.4 AC/hr 0 CFM 0 CFM 0 % 0 CFM 0 % 22 CFM 12 CFM E-WaIMA2-Vapor Shield 9 X 9A 64.6 0.201 6.0 510 1.4 0 122 N -GIs-1A-hb-o shgc-0.52100%5 40 1.080 32A 1,296 31.7 0 1,268' UP-0e11-1eim919X13.6 ' 256:5 0;049 1.5 377 2.5 0 028 Floor-20p 0013.5 X 19 - _ 256;5 __ 6 365 11.6 2;963 3:9 _ 0 see Subtotals far Structure '' 6,038 0 3,393 Infi1:: Win 21.6; Sum 12.3 273 2.608 711 0.745 5112 263 Ductwork:' w ^„ 0.074 God 0.074 86 285 Room Totals: 7,249 $98 31861 12/23/2003 00:05 7722837225 NISAIR AIR CONDITION PAGE 12 Room Length: 24.0 ft. System Number. Room Wdth: 14.0 ft. Zone Number. Area: 336.0 sq.ft. Supply Air: Ceiling Height 9.4 fl. Supply.Alr Changes: Volume: 3,158.0 cu.ft. Required Vent: Number of Registers: 3 ActualWnter Vent: RunoutAir. 79 CFM PercerltofSupply.: Runout Duct Size: 6 In. Actual Summer Vent RunoutAir Velocir. 582 ft./min. Percent•ofSupply: Design Loss: 0.100 trimg.1100 ft Actual Winter Infil.: Actual Loss: 0,278 inxg./100 ft Actual'Summer lnfil. 1 238 CFM CS AC/hr 0 CFM 0 CFM 0 % 0 CFM 0 % 28 CFM 16 CFM S =Wall-AA2 Vapor Shield 14 X 9,4 08.6 0.201 6.0 414 1.8 0 123 S 4SAX1115-0 shgo-0:52100%S 16 1.080 32.4 486 32A 0 486 8-G1s41A-hb-dshgo4,521 00%S 48 1.080 324 1,556 32A 0 1,654 UP-Celt-16B-19 24 X 14 336 0.049 1.5 494 2.5 0 823 Floor-20P-0c 14 X 24 336 0.385 11.8 3,881 3.9' _ 0_„_ 1,294 Subtotals for Structure: 4,191 0 4,6W Infil;rWh; 28.3, Sum;:16:2 367 2409 932 0,745 671 266 Ductwork 0.074 676 0.074,.__. 112 359, Room Totals: 9,799 783 5;231 1272312003 00:05 7722837229 NISAIR AIR CONDITION PAGE 13 .. a Detailed ROgm Loads - Room 4 MstdBth1W1C (Peak Method) "�¢vu CalcylatlorrNlade: Fttg.r£dg: Occurrences: 1 am LT 35.6ft. System Number. 1 Room Vlfidth: 12.0 ft. Zone Number. 1 Area: 420.0 sq.ft. Supply Air. 368 CFM Ceilirid Height 10.0 ft Supply Air Changes: 5.2 AC4ir Volume: 4,200.0 cu.ft. Required Vent: 0 CFM Number of Registers: 3 Actual'WinterVent: 0 CFM RunoutAir. 122 CFM Percent of Supply.: 0 % Runout Duct $ize: 7 in, Actual Summer Vent: 0 CFM Runout°Air Velocity: 456 ftJmin. Percent of Supply: 0 % Design Loss: 0.100 in,wgJ100 ft. Actual Winter infil.: 31 CFM Actual oss: 0108 in.wgJ100 ft. Actual Summer lnfil.: 21 CFM n W-Wa11-A'A2-Vapor$hietd35X10 350 0201 6.0 2,111 5A 0� 1,885 S -Wall-AA2-Vapor Shield 12 X 10 57. 0201 6.0 344 1.8 0 102 8-GIs-1A-hb-oshgq-0.52100%S 15 1.080 32A 486 32.4 0 486 S-GIs=1Ahbdshgc.052IDOM' 48 1080 32.4 1,556 32.4 0 1,554 UP Coil 16B-19 35 X 12 420 0.049 1.5 817 2.5 0 1,029 Floor-20P=0d12'X,35 _— 420 0.385 11.6 3.9 0 1,017 SubtotaMbf Structure. ^_4.851 _ 9,965 0 6;673 InfL Win::'372,Sum.:pi2 470 2.611 1.227 0.745 882 350 Ductwork: ' 0.074 829 0,074 140 561 People: 200 litYper, 230 serVper. 2 _ 400 460 Room Totals: 12,021 1,422 8,034 12/23/2003 00:05 7722837229 NISAIR AIR CONDITION PAGE 14 Room:Length: 16.0 ft. System Number. 1 Room Wxlth: 11.5 ft. Zone Number. 1 Area: 184.0 sq.ft. Supply Air: 109 CFM Ceiling Height 9.4 ft Supply Air Changes: 3.8 AC/hr Volume: 1,730.0 cu.ft. Required'Ve"rrt: 0 CFM Number of Registers: 1 Actual Winter Vent.: 0 CFM RunoutAir: 109 CFM Percent of Supply.: 0 % RunoutDuct Size: a In. Actual Summer Vent_ 0 CFM RunoutAir Velcaity: 555 ftJmin. Percent of Supply: 0 % Design Loss: 0.100 iri."J100 L Actual Winter 101.: 25 CFM Actual Loss: 0.197 in.w9.1100 ft Actual Summer InfiL: 14 CFM f f E =Wgll A Vapor Shield 11 X 9A f 103.4 0,201 0.0 _ 024 1.4 0 ISO W -WAII AA22 Vapor Shield 10 X`9A 94 0.201 6:0 567 6.4 0 506 N-WaIk12B- bw 6 X 9.4 39A 0.097 2.9 115 0:9 0 35 N Wall AA2=Vipor,Shleld 6 X 9.4 20.4 0.201 6.0 123 2.6 0 53. N i7oor-11D 2:5 X.®.8 17 0.39q 11.7. 199 10,1 0 172 N=Door-i I D 3 X 8 24 0.300 11.7 281 10.1 0 243 N _-:GIs 1A=hb-o shga0.52100%S 12 1.080 32:4 389 32A 0 389 uP=CeB-188-1916X 11.5 184 0.049 1.5 - 270 2.5 0 451 Floor:22A-pm 33 R.Per, 33 1.180 35.4 1,168 0:0 0 0 Subtotals for Structure: _ _ 3,738 0 1,999 -Intil.: WIn.: 24.6, Sum.:14.0 310 2.611 810 0.745 582 231 0.074 ___337 0.074 62 164 _Ductwork: Room Totals: 4,883 644 2,394 12/23/2603 00:05 7722837229 NISAIR AIR CONDITION PAGE 15' Room Width: Area: Ceiling Height., Volume: Number of Registers: RunoutAir: Runout Duct Size; RunoutAir Velocity: DesignLoss: 13.5 ft- System,Numder- 13.0 ft. Zone Number: 176.0 sq.ft. SupplyAir: 9A ft Supply Alt Changes" 1,650.0 cu.ft. Required Vent.: 2 Actual Winter Vent: 63 CFM Percent of Supply-: 5 in. Actual'Summer Vent.: 484 ftJmin. Perceri.. - - pply. 0.100' in.wgJ100 ft Actual' Winter Infik: . 0.178 in.wgJ1GO ft. Actual Summer Infik: _ `.r_. --- _..._.- ----_I 2-Vapor $hield 13 X 9.4 81.4 0.201 6.0 491 7646690-0S2100%S 40.8 1.080 32A 1,322 8-19-13:5,X-13 1765 0.049 1.5 258 pm 31 B..Per.' 31 1.180 35.4 1,097 Dr Stucture: 4,188 23.1, Sum,', 13,2 291 2.612 761 0,074 367 n 1.,.a1— inn ..:...Iv.o.. A 1 1 128 CFM 4.6 ACmr 0 CFM 0 CFM 0 % 0 CFM 0 23 CFM 13 CFM. 1.8 0 146 32.4 0 1,320 2•5 0 430 0.0 0- ._. -� 0 0 2,141 0.745 547 217 0-074 59 191 200 23� Room Totals: __ 5,316 806 2,779 12/23/2003 00:05 7722837229 NISAIR AIR CONDITION PAGE 16 Room Length: Room Width: Area: Celling:Height Volume: Number of Registers: RunoutAir Velocity: S-WalleAA2 Vapor Shield 13 X 9.4 E -Wall WVepor Shield 8 X 9A N-Wa11,-128-013w 9x-s:a , S-GIs�1A-hh� slrgo-U:62-100°kS' E •GIs'1A-hb-d shgo-0.52100%S (2) UP-CeikiSB-1918 X 12 93n..._791k . aas 0. 18.0 ft. System Number. 12.0 ft. Zone Number. 2M0 sq.ft. Supply Air, 9A ft. Supply Air Changes: 2,030.0 cu.ft. .Required Vent: .2 Actual Winter Vent: 132 CFM. Percent of Supply.:' 7 in. Actual Summer Vent.: 494 ftJmin. Percent of Supply: 0:100. in.wgJ100ft. Actual 'Wiinter'Ing[.: 0.127 ln.wgJ1d.0ft. Actual Summerinfil:: 1 1 264 CFM 7.8 AC/hr 0 CFM 0 CFM 0 '%. 0 CFM 0 % 41 CFM' 23 CFM: 742 0201 6.0 447 1.8 0 133 22.4 0.201 6.0 135 1.4 0 32 844 0.097 2:8 246 0.9 0 75. ,48 1Ma 32.4 1,556 32A ..0 1,554 34 1.080 32A 1,102 32A 0 1,100 216 0.049 1.5 318 2.5 0 529 55 1.180 35.4 1,947 0.0 _. 0 ._0- Subtotals for Structure; 7,281 0 4,790 lnfd,: Wn.: 40:9, Sum.: 23A 517 2.609 1,349 0:747 971 386 Ductwork: 0.074 839 0.074 72 398 People: 200 Iayner. 230 son/per. 1 200 230 Room Totals: 9,269 1,243 5,804 rmc7cmmm 9$�$a� c ?�••r. m f° m m of 00 P 9 ONA WN A O V L" b,lpa-- V (AW N m`A'(A w- �mmw W W V A c N � rf1 V cn tns� N 00 t" W -� co 0 N pyf NAN-4 �0�p70 N W CC' A ip 61 w-4 m Jim, I"N O CAW V m 12/23/2003 00'05 FORM 60OA-2001 7722937229 NISAIR AIR CONDITION be.. Certified jrl,thishouse. PAGE 18 Project Name: Address: City; state: Owner. Climate Zone: THE FloridaDepartment- of Community Affairs Residential Whole Building Performance Method A KOLTER Permitting Office: Permit Number. Jurisdiction Number. Ev PORT ST. L.UCIE, FL KOLTER-1316NAi-LIRE-HOMES. INC. centmi 1. New conshwflon or eodnd"g New 12. Cooling *stcm 2. single isintly or muld-family hlow-finnity A. Cenuallidit Cap: 36.0 kl3,bft 3. Number of units, if multi -family 8 SEER: 1100 4. Nuinbm of Bodrocani 3 b. IVA 5, 13 this a want esmc7 Yes 6. Con&ttioEW floor area (HP) 16133 A2 o. N/A 7. Massarea &typo Single Paso Double Pane a- Clear slang dChultty-fitator -0.0e 0.0 W 13. Heating systems b. Ddault tint - �325.9 Et 0.0 fr 0. Electric Beat pmp CKK 16.0 wft4w c. , labeled or SHGC 6.0 R2 0.0 AQ HSPF. 7.50 flow typos b, N/A ,:o. %Ab:OTredc 64go lasuldom A=0.0, 114.0(p) A b.'Ralscd Wood, Stan Wall fil c. NIA P,q:, Wail "es 14, Hotwanersysttrus R."Concrote:Tnt 1jusul. Etclior 11=41, 2211,0 f12 o. Etbuffic Rcsux4meo Cap: 49.0gaflunk R-1 1.0, 141.0 W -FF;0.94 o. N/A b. NIA -d. N/A a N/A c. Conservation trcclibi 10. cailinswas (FrR-Ecatrocoveny, solar o. Under Attic R=19.0, 1000.0 T DEIP-Mclicalod kcat pump) b. NIA 15. HVAC credits PT, e. WA (OF-041ing fan, CV -Cross ventilation, It. Ducb<Lc*kFfee) HF-Wholo house t2q a. Sup; Unw Rea Una. AR Attic' Sup. R- 6.0f 125.0 ft PT -Programmable Tharno3tat b. NIA 1dz-r1Mu1t17=0 cooling, WM-MUItiZDn0 beating) Glass/Floor Area: 0.19 Total as -built points: 25553 PASS Total base points: 25607 I hereby certify that by this celculatWs Energy Codel' DATE: I hereby certify that this compliance with the Flo OWNER/AGENT: DATE: plans and specifications covered k compliance withigg Florida as designed, Is In Review of the plans and specifications cowered by this lndioate,.s compliance calculation with the. Florida L rgy-Code. P9 is cOmpleted' Flefort constructloij- -thistbuildiri6.vAll:e.,,,Inspected-for I _.1 conipliencewith.j8. e.cflon.653,908 Florida- Statutes.' wit BUILDING OFFICIAL. DATE: EnergyGauaedD (Version: MR08B v3.30) .12/23/2003 00:05 7722837229 NISAIR AIR CONDITION PAGE 19 Tested sealed ducts must be certified in this house. ENERGY PE : ' OR ; FIANCE LEVEL (EPL) DISPLAY CARD score, the merle eMeient the home. KOLTER SIGNATURE HOMES. INC., , PORT ST- LUCIE, FL, 1. Neurcoostruetionorexiating New 12. cooling systems 2. Single family or mull -family Multi -family _ a. Ceatml Unit Car. 36.0 kBtwbr _ 3. Number of units, ifmulti-t'emily 8 sERR:12.00 _ 4. Numbcr ofDWrooms 3 b. NIA 5. le this a worst eeee4 1. _,- _ Yes 6. Conditioned floor orac (fe) 1693 (1 e. N/A 7. Glasa area & typo Single Pace Double Pane P. Clear- single Poe 0.0 V 0.0 ft° _ 13. Heating systems b. Clear -double pane 325.8 W 0.0 IF _ a. Meeuio Heat Pump Cap: 36.0 kBtdfu _ ., . - c. Tini/other SHOC • ae,gle Pena 0.0 S' 0.0 W ,. DSPF: 7.50 .._, d. Tim/otherSRGC-double pane b. N/A _ It. Floor types - a. Slab-Dn-0tade Use Insulation - R-OA 114.0(p) ft � o. NIA b. Raisod Wood, Stem Wall R=19.0, 6S3.OJF c. N/A 14. Not water *iwats 9. Wall types _ a. Mechk Rnvatance Cap: 40.0 gallons _ • a. concretq Itd inauL aderioi R-4.1.2211.0 ftr _ EF: 094 _ b. Frame, Wood, Adjaow R=I1.0, 141.0 iN _ b. NIA _ c. N/A _ d, 141A a Conservation crcdita _ a. NIA (kHt-Hct nravoty, Solar - 10. C(i tg typos _ DIM -Dedicated heat Pump) a Under Attic R-19.0, 1000.0 W _ IS. HVAC oredita PT, _ b. N/A (CF-Cailing fan, CV4A= venaladon, c, NIA HF•Wbole boom fan, 11. Ducts(Lrak Free) `. P7'-progremmeble?hemwatat a. Sup. Uno. Rat Une. AH: Attie Sup. R-6.0, 125.0 ft _ MZ6MultbDne coullog, hN/A MZ 1Mulfamebeating) I certify that this home has complied with the Florida Energy Efficiency Code For Building Construction through the above energy saving features which will be installed (or exceeded) in this home before final ' coon. Otherwise; a new EPL Display Card will be completed based on installed Code co tfgatures. Builder Signature: Date: ( - L 4 ­6A SI�Z,-�I�Z- PorZT Sr 4,cut'z Address of New Home:C�iyadkwuslrtls `>t_ City/FL Zip: F L : r, (8 b *NOTE. The home's estimated energy performance score is only available through the FLARES computer program. This is not a Building Energy Rating. Ifyour score is 80 or greater (or 86for a US EPAIDOE Energy&&W designation), your home may qualify for energy efficiency mortgage (EEM) incentives ifyou obtain a Florida Energy Gauge Rating. Contact the Energy Gauge Hotline at 321.1638-1492 or see the Energy Gauge web site at www.fseaucfedu for information and a list of certified Raters. For information about Florida's Energy Efficiency Code For Building Construction, contact the Department of CommunityAffa A$V 0iom FLRCSB v3.30) 12/23/2003 00:05 7722837229 NISAIR AIR CONDITION PAGE 20_' FORM 600A-2001 Tested settled ducts must be certified 'in thishouse. - SUMMER CALCULATIONS Resiclentlai Whole Building P046 '-na lce1.Method A - Details I APDRESS: , PORT.ST.iLUCIE, FL, PERMIT#. I BASS AS -BUILT au►ss TYPES .18 X Conditioned X 'ESP-M '= Points dvt rtiang Floor Area Type/8C 0" Len Hgt Area X SPM X SOF = P6tnt6 -it 1a8d 0 26.70 78099 31ngb, Tkit E 13,0 5.0 12A 53.27 0.37 236.8 ishvis, Tlyd E• 2.0 6.0 40.0 63.21 0.8.5 1921,5 ' -single, Tim E 010 6.0 25.0 63.27 044 SmAl Slrlple;'TI11 S 13.6 5.5 34.0 39.84 0.50 e71.0 'Singlp_ rmt W 0.0 9.0 144.0 47.90 0.65 4485,0' . ;Sklglo, TRIP w 13.0 5.0 40.8 47.90 0.45 886.0: .. '.Sh41e, Ti Mi1t W 10 610 30.a 47,90 d.85 1227.6 _ . -'. 9911�: WALL TYPES Area X BSPM = Points Type _.. R-Value Area X SPM = Points., AdJac m - 141.0 .. _.0-70 99.7 conm"'T h Inw, B&v w 4A 2211.0 -- -1.18 - 2669.0, E46" 221110 1A0 4200.9 , Fmme, W000, Adjeeent 11.0 141:0 0." '98.7, ' op!a tow: 2362.0` - 4M.9 "iR TOM 2362.0 2707:7; DOOR TYPES Area X BSPM = Points _ Type Area X SPM _ Points. Adpowd 17.0 1,60 272 Eideft 116tiWW 24.0 4.80 1162 Edeft 24.0 4:80 115.2 Adiaoentlmapated 17.0 1.80 272 B®reTotai: 41A 147,4 . AF-Buih,ToipL• A1.0 CEILING TYPES Area X BSPM = Paints Type R-Value Area X SPM X SCM = Points, UnderAt80 1000.0 Z13 2130.0 .Under Attic 19.0 1000,0 2.02X 1.00 2620.0. am Total: 1000.0 2120.0. As4Adn Total: 1000.0 2=.0 FLOOR TYPES Area X BSPM = Points Type R-Value Area X SPM = Points Slag 114.0(p) -31.8 .3M 2 1314"D trade Edga Irn:Wdm - 0.0 114.0(p - 1l so .3636.6. Rei9ed 603.0 .3.43 .2W-7 Ralsed Wood, Stem Wag 19.0 883.0 -1.130 .1226.4 Moe Total: d807.0 Asp 0lutal: 797.0 -me.0 INFILTRATION Area X BSPM = Points Area X SPM = Points 1883.0 %31 24083.7 1683.0 14.31 240633 En6r9YG0U9e® DCA Fawn 600A-2001 En0rgyGaug@VFIaRES2W1 FLRCSD Vd.30 12/23/2003 00:05 7722837229 NISAIR AIR CONDITION PAGE 21 FORM 600A 2001 Tested sealed ducts must be certified in this house. SUMMER CALCULATIONS Residential Whole Building Performance Method A - DOWIS ADDRESS: ,,PORT'ST. LUCIE, FL PERMIT#: BASE AS -BUILT Summer Base Points: 32497.61 Summer As -Built Points: 34799.8 Total summer X .System = Cooling Total X Cap X Duct X System X Credit = Cooling Points Multiplier Points Component Ratio Multiplier Multiplier Multiplier Points (DM x DSM x AHU) 34799.8. 1.000 (1.087x 1.000 x 1.10), 0.284 0.0o, 1�1233.0 39497.6 0.4266 13863.5 347,99.8 1.00 1.196 0284 0.950 11233.0 EnergyGOUg0w DCA Form 600A-2001 ErwgyGaweVRaRES2001 FLRCSB J3.30 12/221/2003001:05 7722037229 NISAIR AIR CONDITION PAGE 22 FORM 60OA-2001 Testqd,s�qalet, ducts must be certified in this house. - ' WIN'TERCALCULATIONS Residential Whole Building Performance Method A - Details 1--ADDRESS.-, PORT ST. LUCIE, FL, PERMIT 0. 1 BASE 0-146ILT GLASS TYPES .16 X'Cdndlticined X 13WPM Points Overtiang Floor Area Type/Sc Ornt Len Mgt Area X WPM X WOF = Point AD 1883'a sm 1775.1 Slnqle, Thit E mo 6.0 12-0 13.04 1.31 2062 slnqig"Tlnt E 2.0 6,0 40.0 13.04 1.03 6247.21 Single, 1nnt E 9.0 6-0 25.0 14.64 1.24 40ZO' sftie. -rot a 13.0 34,0 10.86 2.22 6z0.3 sho, Tort W 6.0 9.0 144.0 13.80 1.06 2110.1 Singie, Tim W 13.0 8.0 417.0 13.80 1.10 6=4 skVia"rint W 2.0 b!O 30.0 13.80 1.02 422.7 WALL TYPESM 7 Area X 13WP Points lYp6 R-Value Area X WPM = Points Ad*W, 141.0 1.80 253.8 Condeba, 1110hSlul, EAMiDr 4.1 2211 M 3.31 7307.4 Edenor 2211.0 200 44220 FmM!e*,W0W. Acliaowrt 11.0 141.0 1.60 253.8 satkTato: 23620 405.9 A9491trittT0UP 22924 j "Oil DOOR TYPES Area X BWPM = Points . Type Area X WPM = Points ? scent 17.0 4.00 68.0' ExtaftlmaAtaw 24.0 5.10 =4 E*eeW 24.0 5.10 122.4 Adkoent InSUlated 17.0 too 68.0 "Base T6&1; 41M 198A AsOA TOW: 41A 190A CEIIUNGTYPESArea X BWPM = Points Type R-Value Area X WPM XWCM= Poirrts UnderAft 1000.0 0.64 040.6 UnderAttla 19.0 1000.0 0.87 x 1.00 670.0 Bne Total: 1000.0 GOO Az4W Total: 1000.0 870.0 FLOOR TYPES Area X 5WPM Points Type R-Value Area X WPM = Points Slab 114,0(r) .1.9 218.8 Slab-Url-Grade Edge InsuMon 0.0 mo(p 250 20.a Ralsed 683.0 .020 -138.6 Ralsecl Wood, Stern Wall 19.0 683.0 oz 204.9 base TOW: Wl As4uittlr0tal: 797.0 488.9 INFILTRATION Area X BWPM = Points Area X WPM = Points 16821.0 425 .471.2 1 1653.0 -0.20 -471,2 EM&C-aWO DCA Form 6MA-200i EnwgyGaWWMRES`M FLRC$Bv3.30 12h3/2803 00:05 7722837229 NISAI,R AIR CONDITION PAGE 23 FOM600A-2o01 Tested sealed ducts must be cekied.in'Ithis house. WINTER CALCULATIONS Residential Whole Building Performande Whod A - Details I ADDRESS: PORT ST. LUCIE, FL, PERMIT #.' I BASE As -BUILT Winter Base Points: 6457.0 F Winter As -Built Points: 13761.1 Total Winter X -System = Heating Total X Cap X Duct X System X credit = Heating Points Multiplier Points Component Ratio Multiplier Multiplier Multiplier Points (13Mx0$MxAHU) 137611 J 1.000, (1.078x1;000x1.11) 0.455. 9.950 7118.6 L.6"7-0 0.6274 - 40511.1 1 13761.1 '11.00 u97 o,466 0.950 7118.6 EwVyGaugem DCA Form 800A-2001 Erw9YG2LQaVFJQRE82001 FLRCSS VIM 12/2312003 00:05 7722637229 NISAIR AIR CONDITION PAGE 24 FORM 11300A-2001 Tested sealed ducts must be carted in this house. WATER HEATING & CODE"COMPLIANCE'STATUS Residential Whole building Performance" Method - Details LADDREM . PORT ST. LUCIE, FL, PERMIT Number of X Multiplier = Total Tank BWTDOMS Volume 3 2564,00 7694040.0 A943oft I TS-B EF Number of X tank X Multiplier X Credit = Total Bedrooms Ratio Multiplier . 0.94 3 1.01) 2400.34 1.00 7201.0, VA CODE COMPLIANCE STATUS M Mle MBMY BASE -A&-BuiLt Cooling Heating + Points Points Hot Water = Total 'Points Points Goofing + Heating + Hot Water Points Points Points = Total Points 13863 WSJ 7092 25407 11233 7119 - 7201 25553 FPASS EnmvGaugo- DcA Form sDuA.20o1 EnwUyGMVeVF1aRES'2001 FLRCSS v3,30 I /,z-,Zz -,zo 0 3 40 br I* dw 12/23/2003 01:41 7722837229 NISAIR AIR CONDITION PAGE 03 The Torrey -Mod D2 HVAC Load Calculations for Koller ftnature Hom0s, Inc. 21So ReservePark trace Port St. 'Lucia, FI $4986 °'� ; • Ltd ,LrIL rem Prepared 6y! Jose Nisair Air Conditioning 1501 Decker Ave. - D404 Stuart,, Fl $4994 M 283-0904 Tuesday, December 23, 2003 12/23/2003 01:41 7722837229 NISAIR AIR CDNDITION PAGE 04 Client Name: Client Address: Client &W. Client Phone: Company Name: Company Representative - Company Address: Company City_ Company Phone: Kotter Signature Homes, Inc. 2160 Reserve Park Trsce Port St Lucie, FI 34936 772-468-4703 Nisair Air Conditioning Joge 1501 Decker Ave. - D404 Stuart, FI 34994 772-283-0904 Range: M. Factor. EleMM'Heating Adj. Factor. Outdoor D Bulb VWirter 42 Summer. 90 Medium 27Degrees 25 tt. udo 1;0o1 1:000 1.D00 Outdoor Vvet+Bu ti 0. 78 27 7 Required With Outside Air. Indoor Indoor Grains Rel:Hum Dry Bulb Diffe[ence 0 72 0 SO 75 61 Btuh 76 % Btuh 22 % Btuh 2.99 Tons (Based On:Sensible + Latent) AWcomputed results are estimates as building use and weather may vary. Be sure to select a unitthatmeets bosh sensible and latent loads. 12/23/2003 01:41 7722837229 NISAIR AIR CONDITION PAGE 05 Calculate: Use Schedule: Roughness Factor. Yes 0.00300 0.1000 in.mg./1DOtL 650 ftJmin 900 ft./min 0 in- 0 in. 78 50 75 61.09 Yes 0.01 DOD 0.1DOD In.wgJ1008. 450 ftJmin 750 Umin 0 in. 0 in, Infiltration: 0.70D AG/hr 0.400 ACmr Volume of Conditioned Space: X 22269 Cu.ft. X 22269 Cu.ft. 15,688 Cu.ftJhr 8,908 Cu,ftJhr X 0:0167 X 0.0167, Total Bdilding lrfiltredon: 260 OFM 146 OFM Total Building ventilation: 0 CFM a OFM -System 1--- lnfittretionA Ventilation Sensible Gain Multiplier. 16.49 = (1.1D X 0.999X 15.DO SummerTemp. Dfffferenoo) Infiltration $ Ventilation Latent Gain Multiplier 41.50 = (0.68 X 0.999 X 61.09 Grains Difference) Infiltration 8 Ventilation Sensible Loss Multiplier. 32.07 s (1.10 X 0.90 X 30.OD Winter Temp. Difference) u W WNOcc? A N-�NW tJVW V W W CO<T-"p Vt&O p- 9 (on A� V 07 V N W a V W? " U) Cl) CW Ul: W co p'VA p°�,••� 4D Uf W +'Ws V'_ NspON V OnOO:14NI& 0: W'V .a A t0� W A W+Ufu W NONN t(�� aaOJ(�t NN W WOWt71p'WW � N W:O'.AS�N O�NN J .A Ol WT 0 4:. W A 0� 'p. D m m m 12/23/2003 01:41 7722B37229 NISAIR AIR CONDITION PAGE 07 metal frame 11 D:,Dt)or-Sdlid C AA2-Vapor.Shield 4 and Vapor bei sbucc,o open care p)6i interlorllinish ISB-19: Roof/ceil Atjo, No Kadl Pst-t-kMetal, T i 50%voyerage, dark fft 25% coverage I glim door, heat- 144.8 4,892 ik, ground reflectance 150% coverage, dark th 25% coverage 20 234 1 reflective insulation 0 4,088 4,688 0 203 203 2432.4 14,669 0 8,454 8,454 Jnder We or knee wall, Vented 1845 2,711 0 4,520 4,520 larripi, Dark Asphalt Shingles or id Gravel or R-19 i grade, No insulalion, no 139 4,021 0 0 0 ibr,'afij'fiboVCbVbr, Oas", heavy en crawl space, or garage, Passive, 752 1,129 0 377 377 awn, any-'covir 31'696 0 21,707 21,787 4 800 920 1,72Q 0 0 0 0 0 0 3,X9 BIB, 1,935 2i551 260;. S u-mmer CFM: 148 8;566 5,102 2,447 8666- 'aln: 7�578 BtUb 22] ' %e Required With Outilde All- K667 218191-Mir '10 ...... ...... On Sensible + 12/23/2003 01:41 7722837229 NISAIR AIR CONDITION PAGE 08 . •• M en U R +A �YJ a , � {�� 'fiY% y - TY ii% System 1 Torrey D2 Summary Loads (Peak Method) 1A-hb-o GlapngSingle pane, operable window, heat- 100 3,240 0 3,545 3,545 absorbing,, metal frame with break, ground reflectance = 0.32, outdoor insect screen with 50% coverage, dark color drapes with loose weave with 25% coverage 1A-hb-d: Glazing -Single pane, sliding glass door, heat- 144.8 4,692 0 4,688 4,688 absorbing, metal frame with break, grouted reflectance = 0.32, outdoor insect screen with 50% coverage, dark color drapes with loose weave with 25% coverage 11 D: Door46.rid Core 20 234 0 203 203 AA2 Vapor Shield: Well -Block, , RAI reflective insulation and vapor barrier Stucco , / open core plus interior finish 2432.4 14,669 0 8,454 8,464 16B-19: Roof/Ceiling-Under adic or knee wall, Vented 1845 2,711 0 4,520 4,520 Attic, No Radiant Barrier, Dark Asphalt Shingles or Dark Metal, Ter and Gravel or Membrane, R-19 Insulation 22A pm: Floor -Slab on grade, No edge insulation, no 139 4,921 0 00 insulation below floor, any floor cover, passive,; heavy dry or light wet W1 20P=19: Floor -Over open crawl space or garage, Passive, 752 1,129 0 377 371 R-19 blankatihsulation, any cover Subtotals for structure: 31,596 0 21.787 21,767 People: 4 800 920 1,720 Equipmerd: 0 6 D Lighting: 0 0 0 -Ductwork 3,259 616 1,935 2,551 Infittratign: WinterCFM: 260, Summer CFM:148 6;560 6,162 2,447, On VerfiJation; WinterCFM: A, Summer CFM: 0 0 0 0 0 System 1 TorreyD2 Load Totals: .T 43,421 7,518 _ 27,086 T 34,667 Supply'QFM: 11-32 (3:3 AC/nr) CFM Per Square f .. 0.668' Square'::. of Room Area: 1,845 Square ft. Per Ton: 639 "Iota) iabbng Required Wilk Outside Aic 43,421 Btuh 43A21 'MBHI Tatal,Serrslbte Gain: 27,089 Btuh 78 % Total Latent Gain: 7,5'18 Bhrh 22 % Total,Cooling Required With Outside Air: 34;667 Btuh 2.89 Tons (Based On Sensible + Latent) Celculeticns are based on 8th edition of ACCA Manual J. All computed results are estimates as building use and weather may very_ Be -sure to saleot a unifthat meets,both sensible and latent loads. 1-2/23/2003 01:41 7722B37229 NISAIR AIR CONDITION PAGE 09 . � yy��y R: r�'gAqSiXYARA�' KK`9M6�#ayMatMj�G4& eSAN'�', �GY]SS kE System 1, Zone 1 Summary Loads (Peak Method) 1A hb-0: Gle29ng single pane, operable window heat- 100 3;240 0 3545 3;545 absorbing, metal frame with break, groundreflectance - 0.32, outdoor insect screen with 60% coverage, dark color drapes with loose weave with 25% coverage 1A-hb-d: Glazing -Single pane, sliding glass door, heat- 144.8 4,692 0 4,688 4,688 absorbing, metal frame with break, ground reflectance = 0.32, outdoor insect screen with 50% coverage, dark color drapes with loose weave with 250A coverage 11D: Door -Solid Core 20 234 0 203 203 AA2 Vapor Shield: Wall -Block, , R-4,1 reflective insulation and vapor barrier Stucco open core plus interior finish 2432.4 14,669 0 8,454 8,454 16B-19: Roof/Ceiling-Under attic or knee wall, Vented 1845 2,711 0 4,520 4,520 Attic, No Radiant Bartier, Dark Asphalt Shingles or Dark Metal, Ter and Gravel OkWembrans, R=19 insulation' 22A-pm: Floor -Slab on griide, No edge insulation,'oo 139 4,921 0 0 0 Insulation below floor; any floor cover, pas", heavy dry or light-wetscil 2OP=19: Floor -Over open crawl space or garage, Passive, 752 1,129 0 371 377 R-10 blank2 iratilati-Mon,anycover Subtotaisferstruchire: 31,696 0 21,767 21,787 People: 4 800 920 1,720 Equipment 0 0 0 Lighting: 0 0 0 -Ductwork: 3,259 -816 1,935 2,551 Infikaidn: Winter CFM: 260, Summer.CFM:149 8,566 6162 : 447 8 809 System 1, Zone 1 Load totals: 43,421 7,578 27,089 34,667 Iaupp(y'CFM: _. ` _ 1,232 (3 AC1hr) CFM PerSquarett: 0:608 ,- Square tt-of Raom Area: 1,845 Square ft Per Ton: 639 Total Heating Required:_ 43 421 'Btuh' 43.421' BH Total Sensible'Gaim, 27;089 Stuh 78 % Total Latent Gain; 7,578 Btuh 22' Total Cooling Required: 34,687 Btuh 2.89 Tons (Based On Sensible + Latent) 121 Caloi lalicns are ased:on:8th edition ofACCAManuafJ. AlRcomputed results am estimates, as building use and weather may vary. Be sure to select a unit that both sensible and latent loads. 12/23/2003 01:41 7722837229 NISAIR AIR CONDITION PAGE 10 Room width: Area: Ceiling Height; Volume: Number of Registers: Runout Air, Runout Duct Size: Runout Afr Velocity: 5.0 1 Zone Number. 65,0 sq.ft. Supply Air. 8.0 tt Supply, Air Changes: 520.0 cu_R Required Vent.: 1 Actual Winter Vent: 22 CFM Percent of Supply.: 4 in. Actual Summer Vent 253 ft/min. Percent of Supply. 0.100 in.v✓gJ100.1 Actual Wr ferIn il.: 0.074 in_wgJ100 ft. Actual Summer'Infil. 1 22 CFM 2.5 AC/hr 0 CFM 0 CFM 0 % 0 CFM 0 % 4 CFM 2 CFM N-D6or-1-1D4.5X,8 . 20 0,390 11.7 234 10.1 0 203 UP,Ce111681913-X5 65 0.049 1.5 96 2.5 0 159 Fl6or.22&pm 51?Pen b 1.180 35.4 177 0.0 0 T_0 Subiotals'furStructiire- 828 0 414 Infi Win 3:9; Sum.:2.2 4D 3.175 127 0 9DO 91 36 Ductwork 0.081 61 0.077 22 35 'Room Totals: 816 713 485 12/23/2003 01:41 7722837229 NI5AIR AIR CONDITION PAGE 11 Room Length: Room Width: Area: Coiling Height: Volume: Number of Registers. Runout Air: Runout Duct Size: Runout Air Velocity -- Design Loss: Actual Loss: 12.0 8. System Number: 7.0 ft Zone Number. 84.0 sq.ft Supply Air: 20.0 It Supply Air Changes: 1,680.0 cu.ft. Required Vent.: 1 Actual Winter Vent.: 26 CFM Percent of Supply.: 4 In. Actual•SummerVent: 301 ftJmin. Percent of Supply: 0.160 In.wgJ100 ft. Actual, Winter Infil.: 0.104" ln.wgJ100 fL Actual Summer Infil.: 1" 1 26 CFM 0.9 AC/hr 0 CFM 0 CFM 0 % 0 CFM 0 % 13 CFM 8 CFM UP-Cei14 6B-1 9 12 X 7 84 0,049 1.5 123 2,5 0 206 Floor,22A-pm7R.:P_er. _,___w...... _._ . 71.180 35.4 248 0.0 0 0 Sublotals for Structure: 1,215 0 408 IafiR 13.S, SUM.: 7.7 140 3.179 445 0.907 320 127 Ductwork 0.081 135 0.077 28 41 Roam TOWS: 1,795 348 577 12/23/2003 01:41 7722837229 NISAIR AIR CONDITION PAGE 12 c Area: Ceiling Height: volume: Number.of Reglstets: 200 ft. System Number. 10.0 ft. Zone Number, 200.0 sq.fL Supply Air. 8.0 ft Supply Air Changes: 1,600.0 ou.ft. Required Vent.: 2 Actual Winter Vent.: 78 CFM Percent of Supply.: 5 in. Actual Summer Veni 570 fWmin. Percent of Supply: b t 155 CFM 5:8 AClhr 0 CFM 0 CFM 0 % 0 CFM 0 % 29 CFM E MelkW VaporShield 7,X 8 46 0.2o1 6,0 277 1,4 0 67 IN-Wall-AAZ-Vapor Shield2lXa 168 0261 6.0 1,013 5.4 D 906 N-Gls-lMbb•o shgc,0.52-100%S 20 1 Q80 32A 648 32A 0 S48 E'GI&=1A-hti-oshgo�0:5282*S 10 1080 32.4 924 UP-Cell-16b-19'2OX10 ,' 200 0,049 1.5 294. '2'S, 'o Floor 22A lftnl38 ft. Pec 31i I AO A4 1,345 0.0 '0. •0 Subtotelsifor-Structure: 4 283 -0 2,896 lefil IlVfin.: 28.3, Sum.:10.7 304 3.174 M 0:908I 694 278 buctwoik: ,,_, .. 0,081 4;24 01077._ i67 244 I#oom Totals 5,052 761 3,416 r2/23/2003 01:41 7722837229 NISAIR AIR CONDITION PAGE 13 Loads - Room 4 - Room Length: 24,0 R System Number. 1 Room Width: 15.0 ft. 7one Number 1 Area: 360.0 sq,ft. Supply Air: 331 CFM Ceiling Height 21.0 IL Supply Air Changes: 2.6 AC/hr Volume: 7,560.0 cu.ft. Required Vent.: 0 CFM Number of Registers: 3 Actual Winter Vent: 0 CFM Runout Air. 110 CFM Percent of Supply.: 0 % Runout Duct Size: 6 in. Actual Summer Vent: 0 CFM RunoutAirVelocity: 561 ft./min. Percent of Supply: 0 % De_mn Loss: 0.100 in.wgJ100 ft Actual Winter Infil : 75 CFM Actual Loss: 0201 in.wgJ100 fL AchialSummer lnftl.: 43 CFM E Ductwork Room Totals: Shield 13 X 21 209 0.201 6:0 1 260 1.8 0 374 r>,052100%S 64 1.680 32.4 2:074 32,4 0 2,072 360 0-049, 1.6 529 2 5 0 882 37 1.160 36A 1,310 _ _ 0,0 0 0 8,212 0 6,043 777 3.176 2,458 0.907 1,775 705 0.081 $67 %V? 120 519 11,547 1895 7,267 12/23/2003 01:41 7722837229 NISAIR AIR CONDITION PAGE 14 Room Length: 14.0 it System Number 1 Room Width: 13.0 tL Zone Number: 1 Area: 182.0 sq.ft. Supply Air° 100 CFM Ceiling Height 9.4 It. Supply Air Changes: 3.5 AC/hr Volume: 1,711.0 cu.ft. Required Vent.: 0 CFM Number of Registers 1 Actual Winder Vent: 0 CFM RunoutAir: 100 CFM Percent of Supply.: 0 % Runout Dud Size: 6 in. Actual Summer Vent: 0 CFM RunoutAtrVelotdty: 611 Urnin. Percent of Suppy: 0 % Design Loss: 0,100 in "J100 it Actual Winter Irifnt.: 23 CFM Actual Loss: 0.167 in.wgJ100 fL Actual Summer'Intil.: 13 -CFM r -Wall-AA2Vapor"Shield 13 X 9.4 A 122.20201 6:0 737 1.4 0 177 N -Wall AA2 VaporStdeld 12 X QA 92.8 0.201 6.0 560 2.6 0 242 N -GIs-lA-hlro shgo-o 52100%S 20 1.080 32A 648 32.4 0 648 UP-Cell-16B-19'1,4-X 13 182 0.049 1.5 288 2.5 0 446 floor 20P-1913 X 14_ - _ 182 - 0.050 1.6_:. 273 0.6 . 0 91 Sublotalsfor Structue: 2486 U 1,604'• MO.: Win.: 22.6, Sum.:12 9 235 1174 746 MOM 537 213' Ductwork OA61 262 0.077 61' -957 People 200- Wiper, 230 sen/per: 1 206 236 Room Totals: 3,494 798 21204' 12/23/2003 01:41 7722837229 NISAIR AIR CONDITION PAGE 15 m. ssw Detailed Room Loads - Room 6 - Bdcm #2/8th/Hall (Peak Method) Calculation Mode: Htg. R cig. Occurrences: 1 Room Length: 21.0 ft. System'Number. 1 Room VWMh: 13,0 ft Zone Number: 1 Area: 273.0 sq.ft Supply Air: 164 CFM Coiling Height: 9.4 ft. Supply Air Changes: 3.8 AC/hr Volume: 2,666.0 cu.ft. Required Vent: 0 CFM Number of Registers: 2 Actual Wintervent: 0 CFM Runcut Alr: 82 CFM Percent of Supply.: 0 % Runout Duct Size: 5 in, Actual Summer Vent.: 0 CFM Runout Air Velooity: 800 fUmin. Percent of Supply. 0 % Design Loss: 0.100 in.wg1100 ft. Actual Writer lnfil.: 32 CFM Actuat,Loss: 0.296 in.wg./700 ft. Actual Summer lnfil.: 18 , CFM c r W-Wall-W-Vapor Shield 21 X 9.4 197.4 0201 6,0 1,190 5.4 0 1,0153 N -Wall-AA24epor Shield 14 X 9.4 111.6 0201 6.0 673 26 0 292 N-GIs_,IA-hb•o shgc-0.52 MI/aS 20 1,080 32A w 32A 0 W. UP Cei1=18B 1921',X'13 273. 0.049 1.5 401' 2;5' 0' _ 689 Y Flo or 20P;18'.13 X21 273' moss 1.5 410 0:5' 0' Subtotals for Structure; 3,322 0 2,909 InfiL: Win.: 31.7, Sum.: 18.1 329 3.176 1,045 0.909 762 .299, Ductwork: 0.051 355 0:077 91 -257 People: 2001afL�er, 230 sen/per: 1 260 230. Room Totals: _ 4,722 1,043 3;595 12/23/2003 01:41 7722837229 NISAIR AIR CONDITION PAGE 16 12/23/2003 01:41 7722837229 NISAIR AIR CONDITION PAGE 17 12/23/2003 01:41 7722837229 NISAIR AIR CONDITION PAGE 18 ffl! MEN WE [Deta�lec! RooriiLoads =Room 9 - Mstr BdrmBth (Peak Meths CelculdHommoce: Room,Le'rj0:. Hig. &CII Occurrences,, 1_ 32.0 ft System Number. 1 Room WKW Area: 12.0 fL Zone Number. 1 Ceifing,Height: 384.0 sq.fL 10.0 ft. SupplyAlr: Supply Air Changes: 242 CFM 3.8 AClhr Volume: NUrnWrofRegisters: 3,840.0 cu.ft Required Vent:- 0 GFM Runout Air. 3 81 ActualWinterVent.: 0 CFM Runout pact Size: CFM 5 In. Petoerd of Supply.: 0 % RunouMvVelc 591 ft✓min. Actual Summer Vent: P'e'rc"erit of Supptyi= 0 CFM 0 9G., ; Destgn Loss: Actual Lass 0.100 in.wgJ100 ft Actual Winter Infila 50 OFM 0.287 1n.wgJ100 fL Actual Summer.lnfll . 28 CPM . Well-A/12cVaporShield32X'10 -rShield 320 0.201 0's0 1,930': 14 0; qg3 S -Wali AA2' Vap12:5 X 95 0.201 6.0 573 1.8 0 170 10 W Wal1,AAY Vapor Shield 7 X 16 S-G1s 30 0.201 8 0; 1ST, SA 0-. 182 1A=hb.oshgc0;5210AS, 30 1.08p ' 324'=., B 2. _ ,. , .32.4,972' W Gal 1A`hh d shgoA52106°%S` 40 T.O80 32c4, 1,298 32:4 0' 1;296` t P-0ei1 186-19 32 X 12 Floor 22A=pm 52 COO 384 0:049 1S 584 2;5 p 941 52 1.180, 35:4 1;841 0.0 0 . 0' Subtotals for; Struelure lafil Wm 496 Sum 28.3 7 357 0 4,004 Ductwork •: 515. $.177 1,836 .0A07 11TT.' , 467` . .. People 2001aNper `230 eenlper 2 -0.081 '-730 0.07 128a' 879 ROMTotals:. 9,7W 1,705 0 R� co I. `�ofj'�' � 'mco��aovt�wNs o Oa'wD m 2 2 ;8 C' N p I I ..l �N� h N -N pp Ol. iN A WW N O? N A'OpoN A V N<m710) 0>W OW C?14D Ws 9 4 C %6o 4 .—k .m s,s sy.ps O O ni N �': pppp Vt a � 1f0 -�arncoo-4ODJ0 O ->• A N A V'0� V N I V m co N W W m � � to co Umi W �9 s s s W s W O O-+UI ass pps Ws{� N 0+R 6 �{LTN v r N \ N w N m m w m A H J J N w w J N N �D W D A LD lD T2/23/2003 01:41 7722837229 FORM 600A 2001 NISAIR AIR CONDITION PAGE 20 A Project Name: THE TOWNHOME MOD: 02 1 .41wer. _ nvq t crc Address: Lot: , Sub: , Plat: Permitting Office: City, state: PORT ST. LUCIE, FL Permit Number: Owner. KOLTER SIGNATURE HOMES, INC. Jurisdiction Number, Climate Zone: Central M „_ 1. New aesnaction or QdOit)g New — 12. Cooling systems 2. Sut81c family or mu1 famtiy Muld-famay LL, a. Canunr Unit Cap: 36.0 WIAT ^, 3. Number ofunts, ifmuld-family 8 — S$ER: 12.00 A. NigDWofAedrnoma 3 — b.N/A — 5. Is this a woes[ easel Yes _ — 6. Condidondfloor ores(fly. 194711 c. NIA 7, Gran area dt type Sin&Pane Doablol? ao — — 6. Cloar Slash, de huh U factor 0.0 Ile 0.0 ft- ,_ 13. Hewdn8 sydcms b. Ikfitandat 227.0 ft- 0.0 fl' ^ a Elecuk Heat Pump Cap: 36.0 kDWhr — a tabdod U or SHGC 0.0 IV 0.0 � IiSPF: 7.50 — 8. Floortypos — h. NIA _ a. Sla�0rr{3rade Edge lasuladoa R-001 165.0(p) @ — ^ b. N/A - — a. N/A — e, N/A 9. Wall types — 14. Not water syatoms e. Concrete, Tat Iasu1, Exterior R^4-1,1480.0 JP _ a. Elochio Resismncb Cap: 40.0 phone — b. Fmma wand, Adjaoeot R-11.0. 170.0 64 F,F: 0.94 _ e. NIA — b. N/A — d. NIA — — o. N/A - o. Conservation ared'R+ — 10, Ceitiagtn" (HR-Heat recovery, Solar a Uodcr Attio R=19.o, 1093.0 f? DHP-Dedicated heat pump) b. N/A 15. HVACceodirs. Pr, — c, N/A (CF-Ceding fan, Cv-Cross vodunfi n, 11. Ducts _ HFWholoboaaefan, a. Sup: Una. Rat Urw. AIL Atria Sup. R=6.0, 150.0 ft — Pr -Programmable Thcrmostar, b. N/A W'r malirtoae Coaling, M&H-MulMmnc heating) Glass/FloorArea: D.12 I hereby certify that the plans and specific by this calculat are i compliance with Energy CodeX-4 • \F,11 fl, \rY Y . DATE: I hereby certlfythat this compliance with the Flo OWNER/AGENT: _ DATE: Total as -built points: 25591 PASS Total base points: 25987 ns covered Florida as designed, Is In Review of the p1grls and specifications covered by this calculation.indioates compliance with the. Florida:Eraergy Code: Before constructjoh is completed - this building vll'�eiinspected for compliancewRhjSection 553.908 Florida- statutes. BUILDING OFFICIAL: DATE: EnergyGauge® (Version: Fl-ROW v3.30) 12/23/2003 01:41 7722837229 NISAIR AIR CONDITION PAGE. 21 ENERGY PEWORMANCE LE VEL ,(EPL) DISPLAY CARD . 13 SCORE* = 816 KOLTER SIGNATURE HOMES, INC., Lot, Sub., Plat, PORT ST. LUCIE, FL, 1. Noweoenhuetion or esdsting New _ 12. tooling systems 2. Single fnmity or multi-larai(y MaK-1114 ly — a. CCvbal Unit Cap: 36.0 kUbL* 3. Number of units, ifmuldfomily a T 4. Number of Bedrooms 3 b, N/A SEEP--12.00 — 5. is this a worst case? _ yam, — 6. Conditioned floor Arcs (1V) "1847 &r ••• o. NIA — 7. Glia Ama & type Single Pane Double Pem— a,. dear - single Porte 0.0 ft' 0.0 iN — 13. Heating Systems Is. Ow -doublo pane .. : -. Z27.016F 0.0 fe — a Electric Rest Pump Cap 36.0 kBM/hr c. rnwether 9M - single Pam' -1kVother 0.0 &1 0.0 fit — _ HSPF- 7.50 d.SHGC - double pax b. NIA. g. Fioortypes — a. Slab -On -Grade Edge htsuletion R-0.0, 165.0(p) 8 c, N/A . b. NIA — _ - — e., N/A 14. Hot watersystems — 9. wallti,= . a Concrete, lot rnsul, Exterior _ Rr4.1, 1400.0 ft' a. Eleoblo Rwistanco Coy, 40.0.gallons b. Freese, Wood. Adjacent R=11.0, 170.0 fF — b. NIA EF: 0.94 — a N/A — d. N/A e. N/A — C. Conservation credits — 10. Ce'ung types (DWk-D _ k4tsd b plu bHRDedicated ore! pesop) a. Under AtSo R=19,0,1093.0fte — 15. HVACcrediis P7 b. NIA — (CF rAiggfaa, CV -Cron %radiation, 4. N/A HF Whole house fan.. 11, Ducts. PT-Programmshlenmwmt r< Sup: Une. Ret: Una. Aft: Attie 5,up, R=6.0, 150,0 ft MZ,C-Multizona cooling, b. NIA MZ.-H-Muliinmc h®t ng) I certify that this home has complied with the Florida Energy Efficiency Code For Building Construction through the above energy saving features which will be installed (or exceeded) in this home before final ' on. Otherwise, a new EPL Display Card will be completed based on installed Code co tares. Builder Signature: Date: g13Z — 814Z F�,PcT ls;r l.lActE Address of New Home: N c —, to t>L- City/FL Zip: F L �St i Sb *`NUTE: The home's estimated energy performance score is only available through the FLARES computer program. This is not a Building Energy Rating. Ifyour score is 80 or greater (or 86for a US EPAID OE EnergyWK designation), your home may qualify for energy efficiency mortgage (FMO incentives ifyou obtain a Florida Energy Gauge Rating. Contact the Energy Gauge Hotline at 3211638-1492 or see the Energy Gauge web site at www.fsea.ucfedu for information and a list ofcertifiedRaters. For information about Rorida'sEnergyEfficiency Code For Building Construction, contact the Department of CommunityAffm ff1ff 4g?Q ffArSiom FLRCSB v3.30) 12/23/2003 01:41 7722837229 NISAIR AIR CONDITION PAGE 22 FORM 60OA-2001 SUMMER CALCULATIONS Residential Whole Building Performance Method A - Details ADDRESS: Lot , Sub: , Plat , PORT ST. LUCIE, FL, PERMIT #: BASE AS -BUILT GLASS TYPES .18 X Conditioned X BSPM = Points Overhang Floor Area Type/SC OjW Len Mgt Area X SPM X SOF = Points 1a 1947.0 267a sam single,Tlyd W 20 7.0 54.0 47.80 OM W A Singie, TM S 13.0 7.0 30.0 39.04 0,50 716.0 SRV)e, 77nt E 5.0 4:0 9.0 53.27 0.0 M7.3 Sitlgle, Yrnt E 2.0 5.0 24.0 53Z 0.81 1030.2 Single. Tim E 7.0 9.0. 64.0 5327 0.00 2M7 Slrqo9, Tint E 7.0 6.0 40.0 5327 0.49 1039.1 -WALL TYPES Area X BSPM = Pois Type _ R Value Area X SPM. = Points -Atljederlf 170.0 -0.70 '` 119.0 COncretp, lnt Insul, EiGerloi 4.1 19eo:0 1.78: 7748:4' Eiitedor 1430.0 1.90 2812.0 'Fran*, Wood, Adjao�l. 11i0 170,0 0.70 119.0 ' 9ase Tow: 1850.0_. 2631.0 .; As4h0,Tctal:, 1800A .11784i4 DOOR TYPF� Area X:BSPM = Points Type Area, _X S_.P8 Points' Ada, 320 FxaMi9 4 1)� .`. ; r Exterior 20.0 420 98:0 '�j�en t.Irmuh ted. 20:o t.5o� .0 ; 3�.0... _ 684e tOtdi: 40,0 " 128A Aso 3,M Total: 128A� _CEILWG.TYPES Area -X-BSPM ,points Type" R-Value Area X SPMXSCM'= points ; Under Attic 1093.0 2f3 2320.1. Under Aft 19.0- 7093.02.82X1,00 3082,3ome . Tow: _ _ -1093.0 "BSPM 2328.1 "As-BOilt Total: 7DRtA _- 3pgp,3 FLOOR TYPES Area X' Poims' --- ,Type R-Value . Area X SPM _ Points -Sqb 185,9iPi . 1.8 Raised -5247.0 'Slab -On -Grade Edge'InsWstlan 0.0' 1�.0(p, -. J1.90J -5383.5 -0.0 0.00 D,O- Base Total: -047.0_ As&81tToW. 180A. �263A INFILTRATION Area X BSPM = Points Area X SPM _ Points 1847.0 74.37 25430.6 - 1847.0 14.31i-. 26430.0 1200MGM" DCA FarM MOA-2001 Ener�MESWOIFLRCSBt3.3D 12/23/2003 01:41 7722837229 NISAIR AIR CONDITION PAGE 23 FORM 60OA-2001 SUMMER CALCULATIONS Residential Whole Building Performance Method A - Details I ADDRESS: Lot, Sub:. Plat: , PORT ST. LUCIE, FL, PERMIT#: I BASE AS -BUILT Summer Base Points: 35141.6 Summer As -Built Points: 33886.2 Total Summer X System = Cooling : Total X Cap X . Duct X System X Credit = Cooling Points Multiplier Points Component Ratio Multiplier Multiplier. Multiplier Polrits (DM x DSM x'AHIJ) MM.2 1,000 (1.087xI.160x1,10) 0.2M 0.050 12487.4 35141.5 0.4266 14991.4 33596.2 1.00 1.375 04284 0.950 12467.4" Eixxormugam DCA Farm 6DDA-2DD1 EnsWGaugeWWRli3!= FLRC56v3.30 12/23/2003 01:41 7722B37229 NISAIR AIR CONDITION PAGE 24 FORM 600A-2001 WINTER CALCULATIONS Residential Whole Building Performance Method A - Details I ADDRESS: Lot , Sub:, Plat: , PORT ST. LUCIE, FL, PERMIT* I BASF. AS -BUILT GLASS TYPES .18 X COncrdl0ned X SWPM = Points Overhang FloorArea Type/SC Orrit Len Hgt Area X WPM X Point .19 1947.0 am 194a2 Single. Thd W 20 7.0 54.0 13.06 1.02 7552 6'm&-Tint S MO 7.0 30.0 10.88 220 063.6 Single, Mrd E 5.0 4.0 9.0 13.04 121 WA shrgne, Tint E 2.0 5.0 24.0 13.04 1.D4 328.D singe, TN E 7.0 9.0 64.0 13.04 1.12 934.5 Single,Tot E 7.0 6.0 40.0 13.04 1,19 882.6 As9uiR Total: 227.0 36442 WALL TYPES Area X BWPM = Points Type R Valise Area X WPM = Points Adta nt 17o.0 1.80 306.0 OorlorEte, Ins lam, 11d"im 4.1 1480.0 3.31 4891.4 E>darbr 1480.0 .2.00 2980.0 FrOW, Wood, Adpcent 11.0 170.0 1.W 300.0 Bake Toal: 1060A 3208.0. A941WR Toad; 1850A ®1B7,t DOOR TYPES Area X BWPM = Pains Type Area X WPM = Points Ad)R=M 20.0 4.00 80.0 MalorInsulffiea .. 20.o 5.10 1070. 'E]derlor 20.D 6.10 102.0 AcrpcanHnsuhtted 20.0 4.00 80:0; 4apTvle1: 40.0 ISLO As.8u11tTotal: 40.0 1820: CE{LING IYP6SArea X BWPM Pointe Type R=Value Area• X WPMX•WGM = Points,; UrAwAft 1o93.0 0.64 '609.5 UrAWA100 19.0 1093.0 0.87X 1.00 950.9: Base T0re1: 1033.0 1003.0 980.8, FLOORTYPES Area X BWPM - Points Type R-Value Area X WPM = Points' 318D 165.00) 4.9 413.6 Swop -Grade Edge Irmuhm '0.0 165.0(p 2.50 412.6 Raised 0.0 0.00 0.0 e0*1ruml: .313,5 Aa4wiltToW 106p 412,6. INFILTRATION Area X BWPM = Points Area X WPM Points 1647.0 -om 5172 1847.0 025 5172 F5nwgjGauge0 DOA Form 6WA-2001 EmwWu9eMHE320W FLRCS813.30 12/23/2003 01:41 7722837229 NISAIR AIR CONDITION PAGE 25 FORM 600A-2001 WINTER CALCULATIONS Residential Whole Building Performance Method A - Details I ADDRESS: Lot:, Sub:. Plat: , PORT ST. LUCIE, FL, PERMIT#: I BAST~ AS -BUILT Winter Base Points: 6265.1 Winter As -Built Points: 9869.9 Total Winter X System = Healing Total X Cap X Duct X ^System X Credit = Heating Points Multiplier Points Component Ratio Multiplier Multiplier Multiplier Points „ (DM x D8M x AHLJ) 6266.1 0.6274 3303.3 9869.9 9869.9 1.000 1.00 (1.07a x 1.180x 1.11) 0.456 1,388 0.465 0.950 0.960 5972;6 66!Z;6 EWWJGOUVRTM DOA Form 600A-M ErffgyGmva7dFIaRF8=1 FLRCSB v3.3D 12/23/2003 01:41 7722037229 NISAIR AIR CDNDITIDN PAGE 26 FORM 600A 2001 WATER HEATING & CODE COMPLIANCE STATUS Residential Whole Building Performance Method A - Details I ADDRESS: Lob , Sub: , Plat-, , PORT ST. LUCIE, FL, _ PERMIT#: BASE AS -BUILT WATER HEATING Numberof X Multiplier = Total Tank EF Number of X Tank X Multiplier X Credit = Total Bedrooms Volume Bedrooms Ratio MuRiplier 3 2564.D0 7692,0 40.0 0.24 3 1.00 2400.34 1.00 7201.0 AsOullt T041: 7m'.4. CODE COMPLIANCE STATUS BASE a AS BUIt7 Cooling + Heating + Mot Water = Total Points Points Points PoirNs Cooling + Heating + Hot -Water Total Points Points Points Points 14"1 3303 7692 2$987 ` 12M7 6923 7 01 265g1 ' PP` E4atgyGauge" DCA Farts 6MA•2001 Ertergy04ugcQVFmRES'20o1 FI.RC6B v3.30 12/23/2003 01:41 FORM 60OA-2001 7722837229 NISAIR AIR CONDITION PAGE 27 Code Compliance Checklist Residential Whole Building Performance Method A - Details I ADDRESS: Lot, Sub:. Plat. PORT ST. LUCIE, FL, PERMIT #: I BA-21 INFILTRATION REDUCTION COMPLIANCE CHECKLIST COMPONENTS SECT101U RE GU -- ENi'S FCR_EACN PRACTICE CHECK F,"DENN ows&Doors WSAABC1.1 Maidmum:.3 oflalea.R. window area;b%WN.R. door area. I]Cerbr & Adjacent weft 808.1 ABC.1.21 Caulk, gaeW, weaFtlelstrip of need between: windowe/doora & frames, wnwriding wef; toapdatlon & well sole or elf pW, Iolydn betweorr oft wall pan* at comars, catty per, l,47 s;.bdwean wall panels & tolo bottom prates; tretNe walla and tbor. *EP nom Franie waft WfCfe a cnrrflmrorla inte[inuan barrier is installed tht erdwrds -;arwdW_aealedto,thefoundetlontofhalopmat.. Fborn tSWAABCA22 PerietrdiurrslopardDR>w sealed unionbactoldby "orjCird nlelnhera. EXCEPTION: Prairie ftooFs wYieie a cot+lNtaeus Infldratnxi tiairiei is irreWfed that k seated to.the agdseams. C:w'ltige BD6.tABC.12.3 BetUCkrt WeA6 & oepinga; peoebaftm of ceilerg plane of (g7:8oer; around s7�fs, cltexe, suffb, chimneg3, CdblWA aealed to contlnrrwrs W Wier. gaps In gyp board & top plate; • agib,awes$. gxCgPTION: Frame cel6rge wiiara a trorltlirUotia IhlUhtlgori bairly is �,Iser�elCd:a6Ux,xllmderaaGpeiretratbrrs tlritsla9ad� aQd',aC�A.. - •�" iC rated wnli''m • .. _ .., r .,.. ,. .. , .. peneha�dht, seated or%1.ypesC argpbn-lC{retell,-hptafed.inalde'a. Reeeaeetl LIgMIrrB_Ftdwe9 8p8.1A9C,1,2A . seaifrd�hmr wthdl2' deerepCC,&'3' from Itr,.rAatloet; or Type.IC.ieled With a 20 0flMfMM - oofidtlorred :M - Hauser 808.1ABC,12.6 Ald`a'� on orfloortavR�treRMecii'fiools, Addlllorlalla0ltratbrt regfs ws.1A863 Il�iferre YllltEd to Otl(dObfa; dampera;'COfiil)I�aetl ap000 (i SE95 opnply wfh NFPA, .sieve. ........ _ _.. .__.... ......,_:...... ®A-2-2OTHER P_RESCRIPTiVE:MEF.i,RU , e iWtMiIie W-,dr_excewwl : ail . -i> " rteesf COMNGfl@Ni5 - SECTTtiN. .......7 _..-. ,;..' _ % '" P`r,,�: - R�QWREMEMi8` ... __... Wa<er Heaters . 8121 Cent ,wiM etllderwy regtrketi etds n TM11e; 812 SYMd1 pN .Qr dandymarkxd chcrrtl xv leer nlaehic brc mustbe onyvid d, rnaltbnbutRHnheatt aired, ¢pti_s:8 haatedlpools musk hav@;eovars(axCesolaz�tlOaDEKd�fNOh1.ro1YlR�rda1 pooh 'Swlmhring poote &Spas 8121 ' ml�havea ptanPttmv Gaaspa&poW treaters musthaxeehiifimtan thermal !showefrnds 8a:t ,..'.3aR .. ., aWatenfol4:mu9t;De ... ,,to.no.' ,ttiaR2.s baa��'`''mlrwle at:80 PSIG. , .. ArrDhlbbufivrr . BYatans 810.1 ., _ At�luCts, frlbttg8atrkv�0gat.eg{npl0ent and ptenufpohrMl er6 rAaa be medrand * r--; aUaClrcd. tealed,- insufetetl,'efM'uMaikd m OCCordarlCB+NMi'tl1e orRada 01 Set:8or1810, D In mrcorj¢IbgnCdsthcs RS mar. arsudebbh �. HVAC W7.1aA0109p, 0U4.1, 61)1.t la'sruedlorr l 71-on cdihrg &Boors Fall. EnergpGauaam DCA Form 800A-4001 Errr79AU ge NaRES'2001 FLRCSB ir3.30 0 a %� rl To' j Equlpment Sdeedule LkWi#.e SE- �iz HWF /•s . iNare:�iiVNyx�«,s 3 Cor4Ur* Mod#/?,�pB=,3 Ali (kW Mod.# (38:2 sl." f6j ,ice Mod:# gg!.629- o� §WWUOCooft 8 770f� lulenlCooing ipa Oo0 ^p . / Z-zz-zar)3 Z Ln D H A D A O b H H Z D m m 12/23/2003 03:09 7722837229 NISAIR AIR CONDITION PAGE 03 The Torrey Pines Mod, E HVAC Load Calculations for Kotter Signature Hornes, Inc. 2160 Reserve Parr Trace Port $t. Lucie, FI 34986 VAC.I'1tAC� 1.OAT18 Prepared By: Jose Mair Air- Conditioning 1501 Decker Ave. - D404 Stuart, FI. 34994 772 2a9-oeo4 Tuesday, December23, 2003 12/23/2003 03:09 7722837229 NISAIR AIR CONDITION PAGE 04 Project Title: Project Date: Client Name: Client Address: Client City. Client Phone: Company Name: Company Representative: Company Address: Company City. Company Phone: The Torrey Pines Mod, E Thursday, May 08, 2003 Koller Signature Homes, Inc. 2160 Reserve Park Trace Port St Lucie, FI 34986 772-4W4703 NsalrAir Conditioning Jose 1601 Decker Ave.-D404 Stuart, Ff. 34994 772 2axago4 Elevation: " uegrees Altitude Factor, 0.996 25 ft. tlevandn Sensible Adj. Factor. 1.000 Elevation Total Adj. Factor: 1.000 Elevation Heating Adj. Factor. t;000 Elevation Heating Adj, Factor: 1.060 Winter: Summer. Laterit Gain: Outdoor Outdoor Indoor Pil-Bul INet Bulb Rel.Hum 42 0 0 90 78 50 Area: 1531. computed results sure to select a ui Indoor Grains Dry -Sul b Merence 72 0 75 61 Ton: 29,173 Btuh 84_ % 5,424 Btoh 1s % with Outside Air: $4,697 Bhrh 2.88 Tons (Based On Sensible + Laten* or►r of 3eGltionACCAManualJ. ! estimates as building use And weather may vary. trat meets both sensible and latent loads. 12/23/2003 03:09 7722837229 NISAIR AIR CONDITION PAGE 05 Use Schedule: Roughness Factor: Pressure Drop: Minimum Velocity: Mabmum Velocity_ Minimum Height Mabmum Height Yes 0.00300 0.1000 in."1100 ft 850 turnin 900 fUmin 0 in. 0 in_ Infiltration: 0.700 AC/hr Volume of Conditioned Space: K 15109 Cu.ft. 10,570 Cu,. t./hr X 0;0107 Total Building infihration: 176 CFM Total:Building Ventilation: 0 CFM Yes 0.01000 0.1000 in.wgiloo tt. 450 fL/min 750 ftJmin 0 in. 0 in. 0A00 AC/hr X 15100, Cu:ft. 0,044 CuA/hr X D.D167 101 CFM 0 CFM —System 1—. Infiltration & Venfilation Sensible Gain Multiplier: 16.49 = 0.10 X 0:999 X 15:OD Summer Temp. Difference) Infiltration & Ventilation Latent Gain Multiplier. 41.50 = (0.08 X 0:999 X 61 _D9 Grains Difference) Infittration & Ventilation Sensible toss Multiplier: 32.97 = (1.10 X 0.999 X 30.00'VWnter Temp: Difference) 12/23/2003 03:09 7722837229 NISAIR AIR CONDITION PAGE 06 Zone 1 1-Bdmt #Mh 1,531. 29,173 2-Din Rm/K'd 268 425 8,816 3,538 3-Liv Rm 380 10,757 4-M* 9dmuft/Laund 480 6,062 5,424 34,597 38,560 1,266 10,082 8,057 1,116 4,854 8,089 1,087 11;844 10,668 1,955 8,017 11,748 501 1,327 1,327 105 401 401 3-7 105 161 161 2-5 130 469 489 3-8 153 276 276 3-6 12/23/2003 03:09 7722837229 NISAIR AIR CONDITION PAGE 07 -. Jul n;um 0 12,545 12,545 absorbing, metal frame v✓dh bleak, ground reflectance Q 0.32, outdoor insectscmeen.w th.50%coverage, dark color drapes with loose weave with 25% coverage IA-hb-d: Glazing -Single pane, sliding glass door, heat- 104 3,370 0 3,368 3,368 absorbing, metal fame with break, ground reflectance = 0.32, outdoor insect screen with 50% coverage, dark color drapes VVM loose weave v th 25% coverage 11D; Door -Solid Core 37.6 "0 0 308 308 AA2-Vapor Shield: Wall -Block, , R-4.1 reflective insulation and vapor bander Stucco open core Plus interior finish 12EWbw- Wall -Frame, R-11 insulation In 2 x 4 stud cavity, 1303 227.4 7,858 0 2,333 2,333 no board insulation, brick finish, woad studs 662 0 30 30 1813-19: Roof/Ceiling-Under attic or knee wall, Vented Attic, No Radiant Barrier, Dark-AsphaR Shingles or 1531 2,251 0 3,376 3,37e Dark Metal, Tar and Gravel'o -Merrilirane, R-19 insulation 22A-pm Floor -Slab on graft -No edge insulation, no 188 6,665 0 0 insulation below floor,.anyfloor 'cover, passive, heavy 0 dry or lightwat wj Subtbtalsfor structure: People: 26322 0 27,960 21,960 3 600 690 1290 LighttEquipment: D 0 0 Ductwork: 0 0 0 Infiltration: Winter CFM:176. Summer CFAA: 101 6,427 6" 4;862 5,500 , Ventilation: WIMPr CM-0, Summer GFM: 0 51811 4,180 , 1,661 5,t)47 Total Building Load Totals: 5,424 29,173 Btuh 16; % Ehuh 2,88, tons (Based On Sensible+ Latent) •.. ..y..MF1 V. All Computed results are estimates as building use and weather meyvary. Be sure to select 6 unfl that b n" oth sensible and latent foods. 12/23/2003 03:09 7722B37229 NISAIR AIR CONDITION PAGE 06 absorbing, metal, frarne with break ground!reflectance-- - = 0.32;.outdoor insect screen with 50%coverage, dark colordrapes with loose weave with 25% coverage 1A-hb-d: GlXdng4ngle pane, sliding glass door, heat - absorbing, metal frame with break, ground reflectance =0-32, Outdoor Insect screen with 50%coverage, dark colordrapes with loose weave with 25% coverage 11D: Door -solid Core AA2-Vapor Shield: Wait -Block , R-4.1 reflective insulation and vapor barrier Stucco. open core Plus interior finish 12B-0bW Wall -Frame, R-1I Insulahort in 2 x 4 stud cavity, no board insulation, brick finish, wood studs 168-10: Rdof/Ce ling -Under a0k or knee wall; Vented Atdc,.No Radiant_ Barrier, DarkAsofiAshingles or Oark'Metgl; Ter and Gravel 'or Mernbra66, 9=19 insulation 22A prim: Fioor•Sleb ongrade, No edge insulation; no msulahon,belowfloor, arty floor cover, passive, heavy Subtotals 170,SummerCFM.101 O, Summer lik'o _ ilod. E Load Tptais: Outside Air, 104 3,370 0 3,368 3,368 37.8 440 0 308 308 1303 7,858 0 2,333 2,333 227.4 662 0 30 30 1531 2,251 0 .3,376 3,376 188 6,665 0 0 0 26,322 0 21,960 21,960 3 600 690 1990 0 6 0 0 0 0 6,427 644 4,882 5,508 5,811, 4,180 1,661 . 5.841 0 -0 0 381660 6,424 29,173 34,697 Square fit P +Btuh„� �38';58�hAE Btuh 64 % Btuh 16 % Bhlh 2.88 To -^�. y vauu,n.ca.as uw'ymg-use anu weamer may vary, Et unit that meet both sensible and latent loads. On Sensible + Latent) 12/23/2003 03:09 7722B37229 NIS41R AIR CONDITION PAGE 09 0—IM19, meta'rrame.wM break, ground reflectance 0.32, outdoor insect screen with 50% coverage, -dark color drapes with loose weave with 25% coverage IA-hb-d: Glaxjng-Single pane, sliding glass door, heat absorbing, metal frame with break, ground reflectance = 0.32, outdoor insect screen with 50% coverage, dark color drapes with loose weave with 25% coverage 11D.' Door -Solid core AA2-Vapor Shield: Wall -Block, , R-4.1 reflective insu►ation and vapor barrier Stucco open core plus interior finish 12"bw: Wall -Frame, R-11 insulation in 2 x 4 stud cavity, no board insulation, brick finish, wood studs 168-19: Roof/060ing-Under a8jc or knee wall, Vented Attic, No. Radiant Barrier, Dark Asphalt Shingles or Derkhfitel, Terend•Grevel or Membrane, R-19 insulation, 22A'-pm:-Floor-Slab cn grade, No edge insulation, no insulation below floor, any floor cover, passive, heavy A-. _- r.-�.--_. .. structure, System'1, Zone 104 3,370 0 3,368 3,368 37.6 440 0 308 303 1303 7,858 0 2,333 2,333 227.4 662 0 30 30 1531 2,251 0 3,376 3,376 186 6,655 0 0 0 - 26,322 0 21,960 21,960 3 600 690 1,290. 0 0 0 0` 0 .: 0 6,427 694 4,862 5,50E 5.811 4 i An 4 aka a o..' Loaf! Totals: 38MO FT CFMiP.ersquareW rn Area: 1,531 Square it. Per Ton: 20,173 34,597 9tuh 16 % -Sigh 2.88 Tons(Based OnSenelble+LMe All computed results are estimates as building use and weather may vary. Be sure to select rink that meets both sensible and laterd loads. 12/23/2083 03:09 7722837229 NISAIR AIR CONDITION PAGE 10 C. �, IAC g TM n xu RIMEa. .r. �.,�., ..: De"tai/I Room Loads Room 7 Bdrm #2/Bth (Peak Meth d RooCalculation Mode: Hlg. 8 U ft. Zane Numbetier. Room Le 1 Room oft:a: 14.0 1 eiling Helyht. 206.0 s .ff Supply Air 401 CFM Volume: Supply Air Changes: 10.9 ACmr Number of Registers: 2 `3 cu.ft. Required Vent: 0 CFM Runout Air. Actual Winter Vent,: D CFM Runout puce Size: 134 CFM Percent of Supply.: 0 % 7 in. Actual Summer Vent: RunoutAirVel 0 CFM �Y� 50D ftJmin. Percent of Supply: 0 °,6 Design Loss: 0.100 In.wg./1 DO ft Actual Winter Infil.: 38 CFM ActuaMass: 0.130 In.w9J100 ft. Actual Summer lnfil.: 22 CFM N-Wa11=AR2-VeporShloldlTX'9 153 020 6.0 923 1.60 2qg' P -Wall AA2-Vapor Shield.lB X 9 92 0;201 6.0 555 0.4 0 41 S-IIIIa11-A92-Vapor Shield 2 X 9' 18 D2D1 6.0 109 0.8 0 14 S Wall-126 Dbw 9 X 9 81 0.097 2.9 238 0:0 0 4 E-GIs-lAfitr'oshgc,0S229¢S 26 1.080 32.4 642 112:8 :0; 2933 E GIs-liq hb c atigo 0.52 24oS (2) 26 1.080 32.4 842 112A .0 2,932 UP-Eeii-18B 1919 X 14 286 0.049 1.5 391 2.6 0 932 Floor-22q-pth441t.Per. 44 1.180 35 4 1 558 22 0 0 567 Subtotal : A2'Structure: 5,458 0 6;757 Infil n '38:2, Sum.: 21.8 396 3.177 1,258 0.909 905 360 . Ductwork Peo0.200 1,343 0,200. 161 1,469 ple ZpO.lat/pei•,230serJpes• 1 Room TZ00 230' otals: 8,057 1,266 8,816 12/23/2003 03:09 7722837229 NISAIR AIR CONDITION PAGE 11 I' Ares: Ceiling Height volume: Number of Registers: Runout Air: Runout Duct Size: 13X1, 100%S 100%8 Totals: 25.0 ft System;Number 17.0 ft Zone Number: 425.0 sgJL Supply Air:. 11.0 ft Supply Air Changes: 4,875.0 cu,ft. Required Vent,: 2 Actual Winter Vent.: 80 CFM Percent of Supply.: 5 in. ActuatSummer Vent.; 590 Rdmin. Percentof supply: 0.100 in.wgJ100 ft. Actuai ftnter Ing].: 0.287 in- vgJ100 ft. Actuai Summer infil.: 240 OM201 6.0' 1,427 143 0201 6.0 882 15 1.080 32.4 486 20 1-080 32.4 646 425 0.049 1.5 625 __ 38 1.180 B5c4 1,345 _ 6,413. 418 3.177 1,328' —... 0200 - 1,348_ 8,089 1 1 161 CFM 2-1 AC/hr 0 CFM 0 CFM 0 % 0 CFM 0 % 40 CFM 23 CFM 0:007 955 0200 187 1,1,15. 12/23/2003 03:09 7722837229 NISAIR AIR CONDITION PAGE 12 Room Length: •• K "Ia. 20.0 1 occurrences: 1 Room Vlfitlttl; System Number. 1 Area: 18.0 one ZNumber: 1 Ceiling,Height: 360.0 s R 9.0 itSu"Alr Supply 489 CFM C:Fm Volume: Number of Registers: 3240.0 cu.fL Changes: Required Vent.: 9,1 0 AVhr CFM RunoutAir, 3 Actual Winter Vent.: 0 CFM Runout Duct Size: 163 CFM Percent of Supply.: 0 Runout Air Vela 8 in. 467 ttJmin. Actual Summer Vent: Percent 0 CFM Can LPG: Actual t 0.100 in.wg.M 00 ft. f Supply: op Actual Winterinfil:: 0 96 ess: 0.095 in.w0J100 tt Actual Summej jai,: 39 22 CFM CFM N -Wall-QiA2 VapocShieW 21X'9 ME A A 135 0201 6.0' W W-VIIa11-AA2=Vapor Shield 1$ X 9 122 0:201 814' B.0 tl8 0 217 217 S-orVapor Shield 6 X 9 14 736 4.4 0 N Door-71D3X8 -11 24 0.201 0390 6,0 g4535 s2 0 1-1 N GIs 1i4Fiti o shgo-0.5210095S 30 1.ilw 117 281 32 4 •922 34 4 A 972 W Gls iq hb o 91/90452 3%8 (2) SI 40 1.080 32.41,296 114A 0 4,5Z44 3.4 9 2 2.4(2), 0 129 IC-G l.�eo}.shg-0 �- 12/23/2003 03:09 7722837229 NISAIR AIR CONDITION -PAGE 13 Room Width: Area: Calling Height Volume: Number of Registers: Runout Air: Runout Duct Size: w IS A2-Vapor Shield 13 X 10 M-0bwISXJ0 ID,2X6.8 iOOOSS 56`1 # 92 X 15 511L.Per. ion Structure: OX, Surn..' 33.6 32.0 ft, System Number. 15.0 ft.Zone Number. 480,0 sq.fL supply Air 276 CFM 10.0 fL $up - ply Air Changes: 3.4 AC/hr 4,800.0 CU.ft. Required vent-: 0 CFM 3 Actual Winter vent: 0 CFM 92 CFM Percent of Supply-: 0 % 0 in. Actual Summer Vent: 0 CFM 463 f0filn. Paroent of Supply: 0 % 0.100 in.wgil 00 ft, Actual Winter Inin.; 69 CFM 0.141 ln.wgjIoufL AIAM Summer Infil.: 34 CFM INUX 1 2 020 0.0 , i 0 201" 130 0.201 6.0 764w 4.4 0 570 146A 0.09'7 2.9 428 02 0 20 13.6 Uab 11.7 1.59 82 O 64 1Ae30 32.4 2,074 32.4 0 2,072 480 0.049 1.5 70 6 22 0 1,658 61 1.160 35A 2,I59 6.0 0 0 610 3.177 1,936 0-908 0 1,394 41,038 554 2 0.200 1,958 0.200 lei liolo 1400 460 11,748 1,956 6,062 12/23/2003 03:09 7722837229 NISAIR AIR CONDITION PAGE 14 1 Bdmi #2/ t 2 Din RmM 266 425 8,057 105 3-7 500 8,816 1,266 401 401 3 LivRm 360 8,089 10,668 105 139 2-5 3-8 690 467 3,538 10,757 1,116 1,087 101 489 161 4S9 4 Mstr _-, Bdmt/Bth/Laund 480 11,748 153 3-6 408 6,062 1,955 276 276 System 1'total 1 531 38,560„ 501 291173 5;424 1,327 1,327 System1Main Trunk Size: IW7 in. Velocity: 751 ftimin Loss Per 100.1 .: 0-060 in.wg eienitna System - - Type. - _ Coohna Svsterii Model: Brand: psiiHe %w.aps my; We 0 Btuh ent dope ft. n/a 0 Btuh 12/23/2003 03:09 FORM 6WA-2ooi 7722837229 NISAIR AIR CONDITION PAGE 15 Residential. ':1 ole Building Perfori nance Method A Project Name: THE TORREY PINES MOD E Address: City, State: PORT ST. LUCIE, FL Owner. KOLTER SIGNATURE HOMES, INC. Climate Znne: Central 1. New conahuction or mdsdng 2. Single family or multi -family 3. Number ofunil` if mu%-ffim11y 4. Number of Bedrooms 5. Is thin a Wum am? 6. Conditioned noor arca (W) 7. 'Gim area .&type a, Clan glass, default Udactor b. Default Ent c. Lttbdod U or SHGC 8. Flax types a. Slab -On -Grade Edge hlwlaticn b. N/A c. N/A 9. Wall typee n. Concratq Sat Instil, Exterior b. 1xamc, Wood. Adjacern a. NIA A. _N/A c. NIA 10. Ceiling type ' a_ Under Attic b. N/A a. WA 11. Dusts a. Sup., Una. Rat: Con. AH: Interior b. N/A New Mdti family _ S _ 3 _ Yea _ 1530 8' Single Pena Double Pana _ 0.01i° 0.0 S' - 209.5ft 0.0 fl' _ 0.0 A' 0.0 fin R=0.0, 195.0(p) it _ R-4.1, 1481.0 tl' R=11.0, 270.011' - R=19.0, 1530.0 W _ Sup, R=6.0, 125.0 & _ Permitting Office: Permit:Number. Jurisdiction Number. 12. Cooling symzmn a. Central Unit b. N/A c. N/A 13. Heating nystems a. Electric Hat Pump b. N/A a N/A 14. Hetwatcrsystems % Mectrio Ra dnJanco b. N/A a. Coneermon credits (HRYHaat recovery, Solar DHP-Dedlmted had pump) 15. HVAC credits (CF-Ceiling fan, CV -Corns =1611ttioa HF-Whola houso Sm. PT-Pmgtammab)o 73ermostat M7-6Muhizonc ocoft .61&H-Multizone hating) Glass/Floor Area: 0.14 Total as -built points! 21852 Total base points: 23465 I hereby certify by this calculatl Energy Code DATE., -7 I hereby certify that this compliance with the Flo OWNER/AGENT: _ DATE: plans and speoiticati_ons covered nompliance with Florida bylld as designed, is In PASS Cap: 36.01tHtu/hr SEER: 12.00 Cap:86.0 k13hAr _ HSpp: 7.50 Cap:40.0 gallons _ EF: 0.94 Review of the plansand 4e Specifications ORVered by this cal culation.indioates compliance with the. Flodda kr)ergyCode: QDa4. b Before construction is Winpletad- .this building-will;beilnspectad'for' ; --- ''•,R compliancewithtSection 653.908:- donwa Florida Statutes. BUILDING OFFICIAL: DATE: EnerliyGaupe® (Version: PI,RCSB vs.30) • 12/23/2003 03:09 7722837229 NISAIR AIR CONDITION PAGE 16 ENERGY PERFORMANCE. LEVEL, fvPL) DISPLAY CARD KOLTER SIGNATURE HOMES, INC.,, PORT ST. LUCIE, FL, 1. New construction or wdsfmg New _ 12. Cooling systems 2. single family or muhi4mily Mu16-CemilY _ a CeimW Unit Cep: 36.0 kHbAr 3. Number of uWg itmWti famijy 8 _ _ SEEP--12.00 4. Number of Bedrooms 3 b. NIA _ S. Is this it worst caae7 - yM _ 6. Conditioned Awr arcs (ftd) 1536 f . e. NIA 7. Giaw area dt type Single Pane Doubk Pane n. Clear -sm8le pane 0.0 fP 0.0 f12 13. Heating lyakma - b. Clear- double pane 209.5I1° 0.0 fe _ a. Fleadc Hent Pump Cap: X0 kBtu/hr o.15n*tbwSHGC-single pane 0.010 0.0fe - _ HSPF:7.50 d..Tmt/odw smc -double pane b. NIA S. Floortnm - - aSlab4hGradeEdge lnsWR&m R-0.0, 195,6(p)ft _ o. N/A b. N/A o. N/A _ 14. Hot water *%tc es 9. wall"= _ a. Flecbie Resistunoe Cap. 40.0 gallons _ a Concrew Jut maul, E*;fw RM.I, 148).0 fP _ EF: 094 b. F-eme, Wood, Adja«m I�11A. 270.(j f! b. NIA a NIA d. N/A _ a. CdowTvadon Credits - e. NIA (HR-Heat recovery, Solar - 10. Ceiling M w T DIP-Dediraied host pump) a_ Under Attic R-19.0, 1530.0Ir 15, HVACeredfis - b. NIA _ (CF-Canker; fin, CV-Croay.mWixtion. ._ a N/A HF whole house fim, 11, Duets _ pq-p�bkqont4 P. Sup: Lhx. Ret Con. AH:Inteaar sup R- ft M7, V Multimno cooling, b. N/A MZH-MWCmnebeating) I certify that this home has complied with the Florida Energy Efficiency Code For Building Construction through the above energy saving features which will be installed (or exceeded) in this home before finaltrispecfton. Otherwise, a new EPL Display Card will be completed based on installed Codelcompbant1eatares. Builder Signature: Address Date: V , VA-0`L �� j'oT�T' Si LLeGt E g L— CtyIFL zip: 1PL 3r(9 84. *NOTE.- The home's estimated energy performance score is only available through the FLARES computer program. This is not a Building Energy Rating. Ifyour score is 80 or greater (or 86 for a USEPA/DOEEnergyShP designation), your home may qualify for energy efficiency mortgage (EEC incentives ifyou obtain a Florida Energy Gauge Rating. Contact the Energy Gauge Hotline at 3211638-1492 or see the Energy Gauge web site at www; fsec.ucj edu for information and a list of certified Raters. For information aboutFYorida's Energy Efficiency Code For Building Construction, contact the Department of Community AffaFfflw MV&rsion: FLRCSB v3.30) 12/23/2003 03:09 7722837229 NISAIR AIR CONDITION PAGE 17 FORM SOOA-2001 SUMMER CALCULATIONS Residential Whole Building Performance Method A - Details I ADDRESS:, PORT ST. LUCIE, FL, PERMIT* BASE AS -BUILT GLASS TYPES .18 X Conditioned X BSPM = Points Overhang FloorArea Type/SC Omt Len Hgt Area X SPM X SOF = Points .18 - 11:3o.0 2679 T"A ':Sigle, Tint W 1.0 10.0. 27.0 47.00 0.99 1280.4 61rale, Tim w 1.0 10.0 45.0 47.90 om 2143.9 Single, Tina w 1.0 7.5 25.0 47.90 6.0 1181.8 Single, Tua N 1.0 9,5 225 24,46 on . W.6 Sude, Ttrn R 1.0 3.0 6.0 24AS 0.90 1325 :Slr4e, Tint S 10.0 6.0 20.0 39.84 0,61 404.4 ;Single, Tlnt S 8.0 9.0 84.0 39.64 0.50 1481.9 - r As-Bu tToW.- 209.6 7177.8 WALL TYPES Area X BSPM = Poll* Type R-Value Area X SPM = Points, Adjacent 270.0 0.70 180.0 Concrete, Int Irlsla, Uorlcr 4.1 1481.D 1.18 1747.6 EMelkt 1481.0 1.90 2513.9 Frame, Wood, Ad)arwrt 11.0 270.0 0,70 189.6 Base Tonal: 170.0 90029 As.$glh Totatt1761Ar 1839.6. 601R'TYPES Area X BSPM = Points Type Area X SPM' = Points, Adjacent .: 0.0 0.00 00 EiQetiOr Wood 17.0 72D, M4 'Eidedor 17.0 4.80 a1.t1-1: ..Base Total, .17:0 816 -"As•Bugt Totat: 17.0 .INA CEILING TYPES Area X BSPM = Points ' Type ' R-Value Area X SPM X SCM = Points . UnderAtllc 1530.0 213 3258 9 Urger Attio 19;o 1sko 282 X 1.OD' 4314,8 1630.0 - -326E9 ,, `-As UOTotalr FLOOR TYPES- Area X BSPM = Points Type R-Value Area X SPM Points . Slab 196.17(p) -31.8 -152010 Shb-On4rade Edge Insulation 0.0 195.0(p -31 M 4M.5 Raised 0.0 0.00 -0.0 - Baw. Tow. .6201.0 - ;� AsBurlt TGNI. 195.0. 4=0.5 1NFILTRATIQIN Area X BSPM = Points Area X SPM = Points 16M.0 1421 21894.3 1530.0 1431 21894.a EnerB10W9®®DCAForm uoM.001 Enw9yl+dtgeW1&RES2001FLRCSBY330 •,12/23/2003 03:09 7722837229 NISAIR AIR CONDITION PAGE 18 FORM BOOA-2001 SUMMER CALCULATIONS Residential Whole Building Performance Method A - Details ADDRESS:, PORT ST. LUCIE, FL, PERMIT M BASt- M-BUILT Summer Base Points: 29136.6 Summer As -Built points: 29226.1 Total Summer X System = Cooling Total X- Cap X Duat X System X Credit. = Cooling 00-IF is Multiplier Points Componept Ratio Multiplier Multiplier Multiplier Points (DM x DsM x AHu) 28136.E 0.4266 12429.6 2 :1 29225,1 1000 1.00 (1,079X 1.150XO.M 0.284 1.117 0.284 1.00a 927.4.5 1.000. 9274 5 5MIWGAUP- DCA Fam MM-2001 ••12/23/2003 03:09 7722837229 NISAIR AIR CONDITION PAGE 19 Room Width: 15.0 ft. Zone Number: 1 Area: 480.0 sq.R. Supply Air: 276 CFM Ceiling Height: 10,0 fL Supply Air Changes: 3.4 AC/hr Volume: 4,800.0 cu.ft. Required Vent.: 0 CFM Number of Registers: 3 Actual Winter Verd.: 0 CFM Runout Air. 92 CFM Percent of Supply.: 0 % Runout Duct Size: 6 in, Actual Summer Vent.: 0 ,CFM Runout Air Velocity: 468 ftJmin. Percent of Supply: 0 '% De4n.Loss: OADO in.wgJ100ft. Actual Winterinfll.: 59 CFM Actual Loss: 0.141 in.wgJ100 ft. Actual Summer lnfil.: 34 CFM W -Wall-AA2-Vapor Shield 13 X 10 130 0201 0.0 784 4.4 0 570 E -Wall-12B-Obw 16 X 10 146.4 0:097 2:9 426 0.2 0 26 E-Door-1r1D'2X-6.8 13.6 0.390 11.7 159 8.2 .0 111 S-GIs-1A-hbdsh&20.52100°/.S 64 1.080 32A 2;074 32A 0' 2.072 UP-Ceil46B-19'32 X 15 48D 0.049 1.5 706 2:2 0 1,058 Floor- 22Jl-pm 69 ft..Per. _.. 61 1.180 - 35A 2,169 0.0 0 0 SubtotalsforStr`yctare: 7,652 _ 0 . 4,088 Infil=. Win.: 58 8, Sum:: 33.6 610 3.177 1,938 0.908 1;394 554 Ductwork: 0200 1,958 0.200 16`11 1,010 Peo0le20012t(per; 230 sen/per. 2 400 460 Room Totals:.-'11,748 1,955 6,062 12/23/2003 03:09 7722837229 NISAIR AIR CONDITION PAGE 20 FORM 60OA-2001 WINTER CALCULATIONS Residential Whole Building Performance Method A - Details ADDRESS:, PORT ST. LUCIE, FL, PERMIT * BASE AS -BUILT GLASS TYPES 1.18 X Conditioned X BWPM = Points Overhang Floor _ Area TYPe/SC Omt Len Hgt Area X WPM X WOF = Poi_ _ .18 163D,0 G.BB' 181360 Single, Tint W 1.6 mo 27.0 13,00 1.00 3722 3inglo, 1Ld W 1.0 10.0 45.o mw 1.00 1i20,4 �6ftle; Tint W 1.0 7.6 25.DP 13.86 1.00 344:9. �SAgle, Thd N 1.0 9.5 22.5 15.38 1.DD 345.6 sirgg, MM N 1,0 3.0 6.0 15,38 1.00 9t:e: Slogle, Tint S 10.0 6.0 20.0 10.86 2.17 4726 Vn91e, TIM S 8.0 9.0 64.0 10.88 1.79 1217;8' To}aL. � _ ., - ZOl.B. .. �.- 39819� ,j WALL TYPES .Area X 13WPM = Points . . )YP6 R Value Area X WPM P,oglts , ' Adjacent 270.0 1.B0 486.0 CMtMfft, IM Ired4 Wedor 4:1 1481.0 3:31 4 K,7 E6dertor 1481.0 2.00 2962A: Frame: Wood. Adpmnt 11;0 270!0 1.80 4BB;0 Baas TOW, 1781A 3M80 - ; As Bufifi Total: , • 1781A - .- - 00oR TYPES Area X BWPM = Points Type _ Area X WPM Roiitts. AdJaeeiit' i0.0 0.00 :0.0 F.xterwwwd .. 17.0 760 ,. F•Extertor 17.0 5.10 86;T - , : Bag! TOtat .1iA 66.7 As$uilt Towl: CEILING TYPI:SA'rea X BOVPM - Points ' Type - R-Value Area X WFM X W,CM = Points . UadefAitic 16360. `0.64 979.2 UpdorAlsc _ .. 19.D .-� 1590,0. 0.87X4.DD 13311 ' _.7WOA ..:.__._..- -._-.-:..,� _.__:.:.ma 1030iD--.r_.• v.,> �188.7€7i�'.., �,. "FLOOR TYPES Area X BWPM Points Type -Value Kiea X WPNI Points:; ;- • 'Slab 310.5 Blab -PA -Grade Edge lnaiil3116n ,..- 2.50,- 0.0 195•`4 'Raised .0.0 0.00 0.0-, - ! �.Beae_ToWI; -370.6' :.A ilt Total: 105.0 INFILTRATION Area X SWPM = Points Area X WPM' = Polrtt§ , 153o,0 -028 128.4 -:. _02B • ,c: ,• .120.4 BwWGwVM DCA Fo M6MA- 001. [e02t9 G8U9eW13RES=l FLROSBY130 12/23/2003 03:09 7722837229 NISAIR AIR CONDITION PAGE 21 FORM 60OA-2001 WINTER CALCULATIONS Residential Whole Building Performance Method A - Details AAl7RE$S ,PORT 8T. LUCIE, flw PERMIT;. BASE AS -BUILT Winter Base Points., 6328.8 Winter As -Built Points: 10365.0 Total Winter X System = Heating Total X Cap X Duct X System X Credit = Heating Points Multiplier Points. Component Ratio Multiplier Multiplier Multiplier Points ~ (DM x DSM x AHU) 5328.8 0.8274 3342.3 10355.0 10365.0 1.0m 1.00 (1.068 X 1.100 x 0.92) 0.40 1.140 .0.455 1.000 C600 5376.0 6376.0 trmM Cauj*— DCA Form 500A-2001 ErAMYGa09eWbRE3'2001 FLRCSB v3oo '•12/23/2003 03:09 7722837229 NISAIR AIR CONDITION PAGE 22 FORM 60OA-2001 WATER HEATING & CODE COMPLIANCE STATUS Residential Whole Building Performance Method A - Details ADDRESS:, PORT ST. UICIE, FL, PERMIT 0: AS -BUILT WATER HEATING Number of X Multiplier = Total Tank EF Number of X Tank X Multiplier X Credit = Total Bedrooms Volume Bedrooms Ratio Multiplier 3-2564.00 7692.0 40.0 0.94 3 1.00 2400.34 1.00 7201.0 As&illt Total: 7k1.0 EmWCauge" DCA Form WoA.2001 EneWCau9e3VF1aRES2M1 FLRCS9 v3.30 ,4 12/23/2003 03:09 7722837229 NISAIR AIR CONDITION PACE 23 FORM 600A-2oo1 Code Compliance Checklist Residential Whole Building Performance Method A - Details ADDRESS: , PORT ST LUCI6, FL, PERMIT SA-21 INFILTRATION REDUCTION COMPLIANCE CHECKI 11.qT COMPONENTS SECTIOpf- REUUIREMENTS.FOREA CIj:PRACTiCE CHECK. a ig ... & Doors IjttEfjpr&Atgacant Wape B0 1:ABC:1.1 6N.1ABC.1.21 Mmdmuma3 Mmiso:R. Window area: ,6 CfrilleG:R. door area. - Caulk, gaskel,We**rsldpor seal b&veep:•wMduwWdoom& ftar", surrounding wall; - - Foundation & wdp we or sill plate; Jditte betwee SbWWMWI panels at comets; UIIIWp Por dratlprla; between wall panels & %Wbo tom',plelea;,6e1ween.y,rape aW.ffoor. - ExCEPTION; Frema ways whale a Corrtjnuous bi 1ba�n banter 1a installed that oftele _ Floors - - 6GB:t A9G.122 flpm'did is sealee to, thefeandepOtt fo Mie:fap-plate,. PEnehaijur openln9s i1/d° Sealed unless baedied by.truss orjah4 membel5. EXCEPTION; i7mm poa whores oatdal irlf lnilienban1er10 lnateppd M Is sealed . - ro�andWame.--. Cal nge 606,1 ABC.12 3 edweenwall8 & Ct4Tdga; penahapona Of 60" plar, of trip (bob around ahafte, c mm. • sollft, cNaara s, ablirels aeakd to cwtRfnuous ah-banter; gaps in gyp board &top:plarte; atpc Xq 008.EXCEPTION: Frame WW665,;whmea CElith111M infdCdlonbanleris . -" - -. ��tlphfing Figures ,. , . - . "- ' f306.1 J18O:72.4 .. ..�...^ _- tirsbikd 6mFis•saelmd at tlie.eBrinlG4EY edperrehatlorrs'drid 98Bnta.. TYPe IC rehti 4iph rio -= R P ar10 seated;.or Type IC a-rfM►1C rated;l hfsfapod InW, a i k-d bolt wilh`:112° alliarahce $ 3" iroin,iirs!dalloli; or Type 1C [sled w% a 20 cfm;fiom cOndRipped space, t 'meted. .. _ M Houses Addlti0t�l'.Infilhaflan regla . tp)t 1A9C.925 .,_ . 60B7aBC:1;3' Alr -On perimeter ofpodr oaviN between fl ors .. _ 6draaetfangverdedtnmAbaa d-antP9nl;; bu on - _ -. ._ 9paCe healers compy WltliNPPA, Er&M G`a1JPnr DCA Fenn 600A-7001 Errergp zU9e&VJ3RES2W1 FLRC9B v3^30