HomeMy WebLinkAboutCHANGE OF CONTRACTOR AND SUBCONTRACTORPLANNING & DEVELOPMENT SERVICES BUILDING & ZONING DIVISION 2300 VIRGINIA AVE FORT PIERCE, FL 34982 (772) 462-1553 FAX 462-1578 CHANGE OF CONTRACTOR- SUBCONTRACTOR OR CANCELLATION OF PERMIT PLEASE SELECT ONE OF THE FOLLOWING: CHANGE OF CONTRACTOR — Change of Contractor is to be signed and notarized by the property owner, and the new contractor of record for the current permit. A new permit application must also be completed with new contractor- information and signature. A new Notice of Commencement must be filed in the new contractor's name for job values greater than $2,500 ($7,500 if A/C Change -out). A recorded copy must be submitted prior to commencing any work There is a $50.00 fee for the Change of Contractor. —x—CHANGE OF SUBCONTRACTOR — Subcontractor changes are to be completed by the general contractor. The new subcontractor:must.fill out a Subcontractor Agreement Form. There is a $50.00 fee for the Change of Sub - Contractor. CANCELLATION OF PEANUT — The cancellation of a permit Is acceptable only if no work has been done. Cancellation otperinivis to be signed and notarized by both the owner and qualifier of record. There is no fee for cancellation of the permit Date: I a - I o 1906-0120-01 Permit Number: ELECTRICAL FOR POOL PMUT 1906-0120 Site Address: 7982Steeolechase Ct Port Saint Lucie FL 34986 PAYUK ELECTRIC, LLC State License EC13001275 SLC License 19849 Original OC, subcontractor or owner/builder ED'S ELECTRIC INC State License EC0001569 SLC License 10892 New GC, subcontractor Reason for Cancellation OWNER NOT HAPPY WITH.EMSTING CONTRACTOR The undersigned does hereby agree to indemmfy and hold harmless St Lucie County, its officers, agents and employees from costs, fees or damages arising from anyand all claims ofaction for any reason, which may arise as a result of this cbW of con ctor/ ubcontiactor or cancellation of permit. A permit cannot be cancelled if, wo es been pertor SI OWNER. (or osmer/builder) SIG CON7RACT R("nowGC, es applimble) P NAN6 l/Q%�//- �QG'LG///�// �RiM'NAME T Stets ofFlarida, CountyafSL Lucie County 7nef lowm, S, 71 ec dgd dris e 20 by.bye s nay to me or produce es M. SigaRM1010f Notary NOW Public Stan Of Florida Revised o - JJ'yJ Lori A Motley 1►eT.. MY Conashalss GO 280148 qp�� EXONS 11f20= State of Florida, County ofSt. Lame County 'yhyfellowing t edgedbefne me thin {i dayof�by . Lhh*STLomld wt,oispenumaaylmown to In who Hasp ducd m. Sign®mre f otary Date ?ORSO71-3IRMNGHAM �ot_r% �, -jc Stato of rionda Ccarn:issior.- GG 2=9625 Exp1resA,'E.2022 7a__C tte: ;h Ktiera -.,:2 Assn. PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT SERVICES BUILDING & ZONING DIVISION 2300 VIRGINIA AVE SCANNED FORT PIERCE, FL 34982 (772) 462-1553 FAX 462-1578 St. Lucie County CHANGE. OF CONTRACTOR SUBCONTRACTOR OR CANCELLATION OF PERMT PLEASE SELECT ONE OF THE FOLLOWING: _CHANGE OF CONTRACTOR —Change of Contractor is to be signed and notarized by the property owner, and the new contractor of record for the current permit. A new permit application must also be completed with new contractor information and signature. A new Notice of Commiencement must be filed in the new contractor's name for job values greater than $2,500 ($7,500 if A/C Change -put). A recorded copy must, be submitted prior to commencing any work There is a $50.00 fee for the Change of Contractor. CHANGE OF SUBCONTRACTOR — Subcontractor changes are to be completed by the general contractor. The new subcontractor must fill out a Subcontractor Agreement Form. There is a $50.00 fee for the Change of sub - Contractor. CANCELLATION OF PERMIT — The cancellation of a permit is acceptable only if no work has been done. Cancellation of permiHs to be signed and notarized by both the owner and qualifier of record. There Is no fee for cancellation of the permit. Date: I Permit Number: 1906-0120 Site Address: 7982Steeplechase Ct, Port Saint Lucie FL 34986 OAKMONT CUSTOM HOMES LLC State License CGC1506509 SLC License 28559 Original GC, subcontractor or owner/builder A&G CONCRETE'POOLS,INC. State License CPC1457902. SLC License 25950 New GC, subcontractor Reason for.Cancellation r au unuerstgaco.doca nercoy agree 10 Indemnity and hold harmless St Lucie County, Its officers, agents and employees froi costs, fees or damages arising fiom any and a0 claims of action for anyreason, which may arise as a result of this cbange of con ctor/subcontractor or cancellation of permit. A permit cannot be cancelled if war s been performed S ATDRE OF OWNER (or owner/builder) /�y� sic CON7RACTOa(orniw GC, as applicable) PRINT nAN6 �OH/ Fo�JLem/7/ / NAM6 T L Stew ofFloride, CoumyofSt. Lucie County The$Ilowingi net "In clgodbboibbreemthis GG �po]j �/0�V Za)gby�Ll m— 1C Al) 1 u e orwho has pmduc as m. ��aiy Signature 300tary Da State OfFlodulA, County ofSt. Lucie County Tite'falimn'n� mmmtDe"Mwas 69 efor me N'•�O r� �''llda who is petsonaayknown to m whobasp m as m. Signature Notary Dale Revised 04 /eN Notary Public Side of Florida �4F\s� A�G_;A 30k50�i-91RMItiGHAM Lai A Motley `� Notary �u.ic 5u;e o: Florida d My Carrmisaioe GG 280149 `,,.n\`F; Commissior=GG 259525 �pAC Expires 11/2&2022 '.,o. , MV Camrt:. _x_ims AL; t6. 2022 3encei thcacgh'.apar.i hatary Assn..