HomeMy WebLinkAboutINSULATION INSTALLATION CERTIFICATESOct 18 19 02:24p Hometec Cc rs Inc 2139 p.1 lax �laJl��lr�� r� DIAINi>,'NG & DEV-r:W PAfiEM-S5R /ECES, BillLDING c CODE REGULei- ?{33�i ?9JES� IvI J5 2300 Wirginia Ave, Fort Pierce, FL 3g482 772-a.52-3553 Fax 77'i4E23578 SCANNED II NSULATIO N 11NSfAUATION CEPT]I1I`AFION BY 9 / St. Lucie County Building PermitT /Sde Address: D-yL, City State .Tip The undersigned herehy certi;9esthat insulation has been installed inthe above -described property to meet the minimum requirementsfor R-Value of the Florida Energy Efficiency Code in accordance with the approved plans and specifications, asfoilows: g Exterior walls have been insulated with (check one from fist) to a thicknessa,-J5inches, which thickness,accordingtothe man efacturerwi(fyield an'R'valueos y, 1 :at per squarefeet 2_ Ceilings have been insulated with (check one from list) to a tntclmess0f p' ,tl ,inches, which thickness, according totile manufacturer will yield an`R'valueof_ 31) :at_�bogs persquarefeet /1 , Manufacturer. / p 0aa-Plu 7/-q. spray on cellulose Fiberglass bats Rock Wool Bats Aluminum Foil Polyurethane Polystyrene other — "1 s Rbefglass blankets )Z W'P'�•'z Fiberglass looseFll RockWool biankes Rock Wool loosetill — Celluloselcasefill 3_ Interior/Adjacent Tenant Walls have been insulated with Oth erg a thickness of inches which, accordingtothe man uiacture,wiityieldan`R value to Of Manufacturer 4_ Garage partition walls of conditioned living area have been insulated with E� 12�c c MAY A thicknessof.��incheswhich,accordingtothemanufacture,willyieldan`Wvalue Of_ V-, - 1 1 Manufacturer. -:L h In c DaQ n ki, ] 1-0- 'be following areas.have not been insulated: Insulation Contractor :r v c�, in 0 Company Name CCnumber Conrrcctaes Name License # Ccntracrorssian0ture Dore Genercl Corriractor/Buiiders 124 Company Name CCaumber ConbvctorsNarrre License ContractarsSignature Date Nov 27 ?_@ 08:51 p Hometec ContraO Inc 772 -2139 p.1 r , ,. 11M.51.11.141 ION The undersigned hereby certifies that it the minimum requirementsfor R-Value plans and specifications, as follows- IPMIENT SERVICES, BUILDING & CODE REGULATION DIVISION! it Pierce, FI.34S82 772462-3553 Faxi724621 WS SCANNED NSTALLATIO€ CERT€FiCA'e-iON St. Lucie hh �l a"I�n,1J 1? l`»n Y4'?✓ lnu', PIL.- Street _ City Sate Zip n has been installed in the above -described propertyto meet F€orida Energy Efficiency Code in accordance with the approved FAerior walls have been insulated wilt (check one from fist) to a thickness of Ji 14 inches, which thickness, according to the Mal ufacturerwil_vieidan'R'valueof_ u,: f ;at persquarefeet 2 Ceilings have been insulated with Thicknessof 07 -t(. iriches, which th manufacturer will yield an 'R' value of _ per square feet �, Manufacturer: _ o _. interior/AdsacentTenantWalls have a thickness of inches which, acc Of Manufacturer: i. Garage partition walls of conditioned Athickness of yL incheswhich,aca Of — 1 t Manufacturer. The following areas have not been insulated: !Insulation Contractor Company Name CCnumber ant acior's Name License ff ContractoesSignature Dote one from list) to a ;, accordingto the at J q bags spray on cellulose Fiberglass Batts Rockwool Bars _ Aluminum roll Polyunathane _ Polystyrene other r Fiberglass blankets cd GaYG•c(� Fiberglass loose FiU Root wool blankets fJ Rock wool loose fill _ cellulose loan fill Other insulated with ;to the manufacturer will yield an'R' value area have been insulated with to the manufacturer, will yield.an 'R' value General canuucWr/Bui(ders �I �el,�erzP.c ��'!A-r�6�es7r,✓%��o• Company Name ccnumber Contractors Name License:. ContraciorsSignature Date