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PERMITO il~OLiNTY It l;I) A.? �- the Forthe ISSUE DATE PLAMMG & DEVELOPMENT SERVICES llitilding & Code Compliance Division BUILDING PBRMIT SUS -CONTRACTOR AGRUMENT - R13Cv�D JUN 06 2019 ST. Lucie County, permitting SLANWD BY St. Lucie County have agreed to be Sub -contractor for, /fJ✓t[i'?c�J Cam« (Primary Contractor) It is understood that, if there is any change of status regarding our participation with the above'rnent`Ioned ptnject,-the Building and Code Regulation Division of St. Lucie County will be advised pursuant to the filing of a Change of Subcontractor notice. :A Z ,g, _ CON1TtACiOR SIGNATURE/ M"11nor) 9© 6fRT 1-) sctwlac Pit NAME 91 $gteotPlo[[6+, County of PAL LG StnleolFlaMa. Canary u( - "U�.`� � `Y Thr[oregolna lostrumchtrtms(ga�dbeib[rmelf�s�"aay o! Thrfa[glriugl�mtmudguai tietore a Wkd a! —.2011 by whokprrsvml�lmowo,or tiaspradoceddQ_.�,_Y. 1- aid ikatlon.. as idenal caaom %rtc' sTAhIP — Sigoat oftiotaryYublte sw rrrf otary Po6ae 1 A2 � i{��Sn� ��"�lll MAN) +;flXOlfi S�� o �Pdnr ry a—rUW : �o .. Print Name o[NoteryFDIme s l.aGG xR`<r'T•� ME HAROLO SE liElOTe; , , Notary Public • State of FloribaCommission fl FF 999410 ��•� ��'�xai MaRevised 11116..12016 ,•,.1 Lh,',a,oa.•• ti• Comm. Expires Kly 1. �j� U..,•.....••; i}fA STPA: :1 PERMIT: ISSUE DATE SCANNED BY PLAN TNG DEVP LOPYHM SERVICES St. Lucie COON " Building&Code•ComplianeeMvidon RECEIVES BUILDING PERIvixT SLR-CUNTIFACroHAGRF.tM1-NT JUN 06 2019 ST. Lucie County, Permitting baveagreed to be .Sub-cartractorfor�„lC'f.�tCe7Z (Primary cons aotur) Forthoprojectlocated Itis imdwstood TIM if there is any change -of status regarding our patticipationw6theabovementioned project, --the Building and CodeRegnlationDivisionof St. Lucie County will be advised pursuant to the Slog Of a Change of Sub-= ractor notice. COhTaACro$SIf•NATtiEtE(Qua]ldc) (V BI PT N 5cNER.rra Pt�.TNAi7E r.o fh94z COUNrYG'ERMCATIONNUMBER. - 22 �� r Smte ofFlarida, Cauotpo[� sz��� TontotcgolnQ9mtrnmmfuro Detorcmctfi§�$ay of M 20 by wla F;pmorbl�e.>mown_orlospsodocAoL, L. T . Y: a Y f• I' 1' . u C-'OUNry CEBI WATIONNUMER StAteofFlnrlda,CountyorS ILUC/S •� itiefa�u'vgSnstrsnctilwsss�urd ldoseme@urd� doy of LYJA Y 2012 y i/GH-0EL A RX-9M— & wLo ispasnmlyt� ✓ =basprodureaa said ttntian, a� // �� os idedadradvo. STAND Sites MNotsype6ae Sifoslnxe ofNotayPo6lit PrintAhmeotS7o�yPoDlic Pr7atNameDfNo;oryPublk IAROLO SERENOT tqa" Notary Public State of Florida J David Carl DeWitt Notary Puhlic - State of Florida K • My Commission GG 290556 RecicM 117tfiRalS es :. :. Commission # FF 993410 EsPires ovt7rzo2a fly Comm. Expires t4ay 17. 23:" y15SUE DATE, - [SUIL➢ING PER141TT Sl7SCONTRA,CIORAGREEMLNT JUN 06 2919 . Lucie County, n __ BY St. Lucie COUPIIV ii 7s understood that; if'tHeres any change of status regarding onrpartictpatirin;with the a6uve mentiorilad: project •the;$u duig and Code Regulation Division of St, tucie ;County, an11 i e6 advised"piirsuent to tlio; 3 iihng of a Chang'e'of Sub-contractorncriim, CO.NMAMRSFCNATURB CucD_1b94L COUNTY CER7YFICA'aONNUMBIRR- "•^ ., 'rGt Forrbuin„loxVumee't ivassl>;ncdEeiuru mo tUis�� `o't; MAy_ vtiohpceiooullykiiotiu'.._: ar.hu prad'oecd s r0/f. QL. - STADS.I. _ ...... _ _f..nt Name onVOtiry.PubltC' -- ``�^'""" NAHOLD SERENOT Notary Public •Stato of Florida Revised',19n6R0i6 commission a FF 993410 , My Comm. Expires May 17, 2020 5 CrORS[GNA1T1Rk Edwrar`d June PRIN'rNAMH z-- `COUMT C6Rr7ACA'rfON,NUNBG[t 8mtc ofFiurids, cauaryor'St (.ucie PII2MOT4 ISSUEDi1TE - Y St. Lucie County _ PLA1V1k1NG St= DE'VELOPMEW SERVICES .; lii01dW9 &-mde;Cojn0ance=Division RECEIV€D ' svADuvcrRinxr_ JUN 06 2019 _,__.-....._, SUB-CORTRACTOR`AGREOVIE ST. Lucie County, permitting it'sundersioodtfiat jfthrxr is anyohangeofstatusr'egaidingourpsticipahoutNrthiheabove`mentioned pcojwt--the Bu[lding and Code RegulationDivMosof SLImae County�*Mbe advised�uantto the Ming cif a Change 'of Sub -contractor notice. co[�rancroastc.!vaavRecaua7�av) Ko Gfa-r a sc4Ekre pzm3wN= r�a_(f.90 COUNlYCJQtISFf[AT[ONNU3ffiER StnteafIIar7da�.[auntpoF r�t�.,t!i tY�t`j�'7�C 1tc[orrgaloSinsCvnamtwas .,., ArtErcmetfi&�=SipnF w5okpmoaa7is:�oivn ortiaiptodccida�t, DG. avid &attaa, 5' 4K0W7FgVq pAe,qtr3 PdWhp"MatnyPubl RCAA31462oi6 cv� • j-dl-19 =106CONMACTORSIGNATURE (2msrv). TH (o ne Lie pxncr rrn�' _ _ F ova 88 ?8 COUNTY CERIMCATFUN UM= . Stateo[Fwg, C,,,r S -- Tjr-T piuSlwtru— v,— �sss76ard rem's�ta`'/ �_ilgpef M(LJ4�=aq^t gnry-A8fu lie .wLnitiP��1[S1mmm r arh�sprodoc2hp STAMP Paula S. Breler Commission # GG030843 E-gim September 15, 21120 Bmkd thm Aaron Notary